M:\Data\CompanySharedFolders\1 wp8\Boice\Boeing\Final Report
M:\Data\CompanySharedFolders\1 wp8\Boice\Boeing\Final Report
155 of 189 ROCKETDYNE WORKER HEALTH STUDY Appendix I Institutional Review Board and Other Human Subjects Committee Approvals July 13, 2005 156 of 189 Table of Contents - Appendix I Appendix I. Institutional Review Board and Other Human Subjects Committee Approvals Department of Energy approval for linkage with dosimetry records (Oct 2003) Nuclear Regulatory Commission approval for linkage with dosimetry records (Dec 2001) Study description (PHS 398, Page 2) Letter of support from Steve Lafflam, Division Director, Safety, Health & Environmental Affairs, Rocketdyne, The Boeing Company (Jan 2001) Institutional Review Board approval from Vanderbilt University (Dec 2002) Institutional Review Board approval from The Boeing Company (Jan 2001) Institutional Review Board approval from Oak Ridge National Laboratory (Jan 2002) National Center for Health Statistics approval for mortality linkage (Apr 2001) Social Security Administration approval for vital status linkage (Feb 2001) Health Care Financing Administration (Centers for Medicaid & Medicaid Services) approval for vital status linkage (Dec 2003) United States Air Force approval for dosimetry linkage (Feb 2004) Recent IRB Approval from Vanderbilt University (through 12 October 2005) 1 a- 157 of 189 October9,2003 CraigA. Refosco,Maj, USAF,BSC HealthPhysicist RadiationProtectionDivision USAF RadioisotopeCommitteeSecretariat Air ForceMedicalOperationsAgency Office of the SurgeonGeneral AFMSA/SGPR 1l0 Luke Avenue,Room405 Bolling AFB, DC 20032-7050 RE: Requestto MatchRosterof the RocketdyneRadiationWorkerStudywith Air ForceDosimetry Records DearMajor Refosco: We would like to sendour rosterof 55,000formerworkersat Rocketdyne(AtomicsIntemational, Roclcwell,Boeing)to the Centerfor RadiationDosimetryat BrooksAir ForceBasefor recordlinkageand wereemployedby the Air Forceandweremonitoredfor radiation' leamhow manyworkerssubsequently I thoughtit mightbe helpful to includemoredetailsaboutour studyandthe extensive Perour discussions, approvalswe havereceivedalongtheway. by both theBoeingCompanyandby the UAW. It is a mortalitystudyandwe are The studyis sponsored attemptingto obtaincompletecareer(or lifetime)historiesof radiationexposurefor the workers. Most of the exposureoccurredwhile employedin the earlyyearsof the atomiceraat Rocketdyneandsubsequent exposure,e.g., atmilitary facilities,wassmall. The InternationalEpidemiologyInstituteandVanderbilt Universityareconductingthe study. I've enclosedthe following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Approvalfrom the Departmentof Energyfor linkagewith their dosimetryrecords(Oct 2003) Approvalfrom NuclearRegulatoryCommissionfor linkagewith their dosimetryrecords (PHS398,Page2) Studydescription Letterof supportfrom SteveLafflam,Division Director,Safety,Health& EnvironmentalAffairs, Rocketdyne,The BoeingCompany InstitutionalReviewBoardapprovalfrom VanderbiltUniversity InstitutionalReviewBoardapprovalfrom The BoeingCompany InstitutionalReviewBoardapprovalfrom OakRidgeNationalLaboratory Approvalfrom theNationalCenterfor HealthStatisticsfor mortalitylinkage Approvalfrom the SocialSecurityAdminishationfor vital statuslinkage BouLpveno 1455 R-Esp^.ncH Surs 550 Rocrvtr-r-p,MenvleNo 20850 USA Trlrpxoxr 301-517-4060 Fex 301-517-4063 158 of 189 October8. 2003 Craig A. Refosco,Maj, USAF Page2 The 55,000 workers were employed between 1948-1999,and at least 6,000 worked with radiation. The non-radiation workers were in large part involved with rocket engine testing (Saturn Apollo engines, shuttle engine, SNAP, etc). Workers left Rocketdyneover the years and received occupational exposuresat different nuclear facilities, and occasionally at military installations. To make our radiation study as valid as possible, we wish to capture all the radiation dosesin a worker's career. What we've done in the past is send our entire roster of 55,000 workers to various agenciesfor record linkage with their files. We send a file with Social Security number, name, and date of birth. We have done such matching with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (REIRS files), the Department of Energy (REMS, historical and termination files), 9 different nuclear installations, the Landauer dosimetry company, and most recently the U.S. Army (RedstoneArsenal). We would like to send this file to the Center for Radiation Dosimetry at Brooks Air Force Base for similar linkage. We would not anticipate a large number of Rocketdyne/Atomic International workers to have been involved with air force activities. If the U.S. Army experienceis relevant, the number would be less than 150. Again, our interest is in being as complete as possible in characterizingthe radiation exposurehistories of theseworkers and thus would find any experiencewith the U.S. Air Force important to include. As mentioned, however, including or not including the radiation dose record of the relating small number of workers who were subsequentlyemployed by the U.S. Air Force will not affect the validity of our epidemiologic investigation, only the completenessand quality. In responseto queries raised in your e-mail of last month, unfortunately we do not know which of the 55,000 workers are the approximately 150 who joined the Air Force after employment at Rocketdyne. Further, even if we could identify theseworkers, it would be extremely difficult to locate them today and obtain any consent. Most worked at Atomics International/Rocketdynein the 1950sand 1960s,and many have also died; over 11,000of the workforce have died to date. I suspectthe Privacy Issuesmay not be relevant to those who have died, at least that is our understandingfrom the federal agenciesproviding linkages for us. We also have not had any agencyconsider exposureinformation (i.e., the dosimetry record) to be part of the medical record of an individual. In fact, our experienceat Rocketdyne and other facilities is that theserecords are physically separatedand even stored in different buildings. I look forward to hearing from you if it might be possible for the U.S. Air Force to help us out. Sincerelyyours, o ) JDB/ra Enclosures(9) JohnD. Boice,Jr.,Sc.D. ScientificDirector (phone) 301-5174021 com boicej@compuserve. (r) EXTENSION OF ARRANGEMENT FOR COLLABORATION AMONG 159 of 189 THE DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND THE BOEING COMPAI{Y AND THE INTERNATIONAL EPIDEMIOLOGY INSTITUTE (attached)hasprovisionsin SectionV (partA) to extendthe The existingagreement arrangement for additionalperiodsby mutualagreement. "This Arrangementshallbecomeeffectiveupon signatureby all Parties,and shall remainin effectfor oneyear. ThePartiesmayextendthis Arrangementfor additionalperiods." The Departmentof Energyof theUnitedStatesof America(DOE),the BoeingCompany @oeing),andthe InternationalEpidemiologyInstitute(IEI), agreeto extentthe existing arrangement for an additionalyear,effectiveuponsignatureby all Parites. FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY OF THE UNITED STATESOF AMERICA: Date:to/s/t z AssistantSecretary Environment,Safetyand Health Washington,D.C. FOR THE BOEING COMPAITI"Y: Date: lrr ? {u: SteveLafflam Division Director Safety, Health & Environmental Affairs Canoga Park, CA Page I of 2 160 of 189 FOR THE INTERNATIONAL EPIDEMIOLOGY INSTITUTE: Date:r{.4V Dr. John D. Boice,Jr. ScientificDirector Rockville, MD Attachments betweentheDepartmentof Energy,theBoeing 2002signedArrangement Companyandthe lntemationalEpidemiologyInstitute. Page 2 of 2 2aa3 ARRANGEMENT FOR COLLAS ORATI ON AMONG 161 of 189 THE DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND THE BOEING COMPAI{Y AND THE INTERNATIONAL EPIDENfl OLOGY INSTITUTE The Departmentof Energyof the United Statesof America(DOE), the Boeing Company @oeing),and the lnternationalEpidemiologyInstitute(IEf), hereafterthe "parties": Noting that iEI is conductinga study involving over 55,000workersemployedat the Rocketdynefacilitiesin California(now ownedby Boeing),to evaluatethe cancerrisk associated with occupational exposures to ionizingradiation; Noting that the IEI RocketdyneWorker Study hasa documentedprotocol that requires eachworker'sradiationdoseto be ascompleteaspossibleover the worker's entire career: Noting that the RocketdyneWorker Sfudyincludesworkerswho were alsoincludedin otherDOE worker cohortssuchas the Hanford and Oak Ridge National Laboratory cohorts;and Noting that IEI, which hasthe approvalof the U.S.NationalDeathIndex and the lnstitutionalReview Boardsof the Boeing Company,VaaderbiltUniversity and the Oak Ridge National Laboratoryto participateand conductthe RocketdyneWorker Study,is responsiblefor preparingthe vital statusand dosimetryanalysisfiles, Have agreedas follows: L Purpose A' The purposeof this Arrangementis to providea frameworkfor DOE to contribute datafrom the DOE RadiationExposureMonitoringSystem [REMS), to provideas conlpleteinformationaspossibleon the totalcareerradiationdosefor eachU.S. radiationworkerincludedin the RocketdyneWorkerStudy. B. The Partiesexpectthat a successful RocketdyneWorkerStudywill provideadditional infonnationof healthrisk at low dosesandlorv doseratesof occupationalexposure. II. ImplententingProvisions Page t of : A. Pursuantto the PrivacyAct, 5 U.S.C.552a(b)(3),andunderRoutineUse Number5 of DOE-35,PersonnelRadiationExposureRecords(whichpennitsdisclosureto collaboratingresearchers in the performanceof health-relatedstudies),DOE shall162 of 189 provide IEI and Boeing with dosimetryinformation,as recordedin REMS, for each worker identified as being includedin the RocketdyneWorker Study. B . IEI and Boeing shall usethis information only for the abovedescribedresearch purposes. C. IEI andBoeing shall maintainthe confidentialityof the subjectinformation and make no disclosureof it to third partieswithout the prior written consentof the DOE. Iq during the examination of DOE-provided data, errorsor omissions are found and corrected,thesecorrecteddatashall be provided back to DOE REMS. D. IEI andBoeing'sobligationto maintainthe confidentialityof the DOE-provided informationshallremainin effectthroughoutthetermof this Arrangementandafter its termination,unlessanduntil the saidinformationandall copiesthereofare returnedto DOE. III. Contacts Theprincipalcontactfor DOE is Ms. NirmalaRao,Offrceof WorkerProtection ProgramsandHazardsManagement.The principalcontactfor Boeingis Dr. Michael FieldStation.Theprincipalcontactfor IEI is Dr. John Sullivan,Boeing,SantaSusanna D. Boice,Jr.,ScientificDirector. IV. Management andshallassess ThePartiesshallconsulteachotherwheneverthey deemit necessary, the resultsof thework carriedout andin progress. V. GeneralProvisions A. This Anangement shall becomeeffective upon signatureby all Parties, and shall remain in effect for one year. The Partiesmay extendthis Arrangement for additionalperiods. B . The terms of this Arrangementmay be altered in writing by the Parties. If any Party wishes to ceaseits activities under this Arrangement,it shall give ninety (90) days advancewritten notice to the other Parties. C . Cooperationunder this Anangementshall be in accordance with the applicablelaws and regulationsunder which eachParty operates. D . Unlessotherwiseagreedin writing, eachParty shall assumeresponsibilityfor, and providefirnding to cover,the costsindividually incurredin participatingin the Page z ot I collaborationcontemplated by this Arrangement.The collaborativeactivitiesare subjectto theavailabilityof fundsandpersonnel. 163 of 189 FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY OF'THE UMTED STATESOF AMERICA: Date:Z/, /rt AssistantSecretary Environmenf Safetyand Health Washington,D.C. FOR THE BOEING COMPANY: Date: Lltf /"r_ Date: tA &/ Jaa-L SteveLafIIam DivisionDirector Safety,Health & Environmental Alfairs CanogaPark, CA FOR THE INTERNATIONAL EPIDEMIOLOGY INSTITUTE: Dr. John D. Boice,Jr. ScientificDirector Rockville, MD Attachments NuclearRegulatoryCommissionapprovalto accessREIRS Boeingletterregardingdosimetrysupport BoeingIRB approval VanderbiltUniversityIRB approval OakRidgeNationalLaboratoryIRB approval NationalDeathIndexapproval Page 3 of 3 (L) UNITED STATES NUCLEAR REGULATORYCOM MISSION 164 of 189 wASHtNGTON, D.C. 2055SO00t j8. 2001 December Dr.JohnD. Boice,Jr.,Sc.D. Scientific Director International Epidemiological Institute, Inc. 1455Research Boulevard Suite550 Rockville, MD20850 DearDr. Boice: This is in responseto your requestfor accessto RadiationExposurelnformationand Reporting System(REIRS)datafor an epidemiological studyof radiation-exposed workersat Rocketdynj (Atomiclnternational, Rockwell,Boeing).In youroriginalrequestof February29, ZOO1, you indicated thatthe purposeof the Studyis to determine if radiation exposuresmight be reiatedto increasedmortalityrisksof certaincancers. We understand thatThe BoeingCompanyandthe UnitedAutoworkers havecontracted with the International Epidemiological Institutelnc.(lEl)to conducta Study,involving morethan 6,000workersemployedsince1950at threeRocketdyne facilitiesin Californialnd compare themto causeof deathinformation obtainedfromthe California DeathIndex,Socialsecurity Administration, PensionBenefitInformation andthe NationalDeathIndexplusto estimate directlythe cancerriskassociated with lowdose,protractedexposureto ionizingradiation. We alsounderstand thatlEl, whichhasthe approvalof the SocialSecurity Administration, the U.S.NationalDeathIndexPlusandThe BoeingCompanyInstitutional ReviewBoardto participatein the Study,is the organization responsible for preparingthe vitalstatusand dosimetry analysisfilesfor the Rocketdyne workersto be usedin the study. Pursuantto the PrivacyAct,5 U.S.C.552a(b)(3) and underRoutineUseb, for NRC-27,REIRS Files,whichpermitsreturnof dataprovidedby a licenseeuponrequest, the NRCwillprovide Boeingwithdosimetry information it suppliedfor recording in REIRSfor eachRocketdyne workeridentified as beingincludedin the Study.The NRCwillprovideas completeiniormation as possibleon the dosefor eachworker. 165 of 189 Mr.JohnD. Boice -2- We wouldexpectBoeingand lEl to maintainthe confidentiality of the subjectinformation and makeno publicdisclosure of it to thirdpartieswithoutthe priorwrittenconsentof the NRCor the individualfrom whomthe information pertains.lf, duringtheexamination of NRC-provided data, errorsor omissionsare foundandcorrected,we requestthatthesecorrecteddata be provided backto NRCREIRS. We appreciate the opportunity to supportthisimportanthealtheffectsresearch. c r/-l ThomasL. King,Director Divisionof SystemsAnalysisand RegutatoryEffectiveness Officeof NucfearRegulatory Research U.S.NuclearRegulatory Commission cc: DerekHagemeyer, SAIC BB Principal Investigator/Program Director (t_asl/irst,middle):BOiCe, JOhn D. Jf (s) DESCRIPTION:Statethe application's broad,long-termobjectivesand specificaims, makingreferenceto the healthrelatedness project. Describe of theof 166 189 conciselythe researchdesignand methodsfor achievingthese goals. Avoid summariesof past accomplishments and the use of the firsf person. Thii descriptionismeanttoserveasasuccinctandaccuratedescriptionoftheprqposedrarorkwtrenseparatedfromtheapplication. lftheapplicationisfunded,this description, as is, willbecomepublicinformation.Therefore,do not includeproprietary/confidential information.DO HOf fXCeeO fHe'dpeCe PROV|DED. ThepossiblehealthrisksassociatedwithworkingattheRocketdynefacilities(SantaSu'u@ ConogaPark, and Desoto)have not been fully assessed.We proposea retrospectivecohort mortality study of approximately55,000 former and current Rocketdyneemployeesto addressthis issue. In addition, nested-casecontrol studiesof specific cancersites (lung, leukemia,lymphoma and, basedon the resultsof the cohort study, other sites) will be conducted to further characterizeworkplace exposures and lifestyle factors. The primary goals of this research include: to identify the entire Rocketdyne workforce employed since 1950; to update vital status information for all cohort members; to identifu and quantify exposuresto important chemicals and physical agents (such as radiation, trichloroethylene, hydrazine, and asbestos); and, to identifu appropriate control populations for comparisons with mortality ratesamongthe Rocketdyneexposedworkforce (i.e., Califomia generalpopulation, "non-exposed"Rocketdyne workforce, Lockheed Martin Burbank workforce). In addition, for workers who were potentially exposed to radiation, we will obtain and integrate complete radiation work histories for employmentperiods both before and after emplolrnent at Rocketdyne (through information from Rocketdyne, the Landauer dosimetry company, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission,and the Departmentof Energy), estimateradiation dosesto specifrc organs from all sourcesof radiation (externalgarnma,neutron, and internal radionuclide), and validate the radiation dosimetry with biological measuresof exposuresamong a sample of workers. The classification of chemical exposureswill include the development of a detailedjob matrix linking exposurepotential to specific jobs and a qualitativeexposurescore taking into account the variation of exposurepotential over calendar years, due to numbers of engine tests, lpes of engines, chemical use patterns,and introductionof protectiveequipment. The study will be conductedby the Intemational Epidemiology Institute (IEI) using rigorous epidemiologic methodsin study design, data collection, entry, and analysis, and interpretation and presentationof the study results. The research team assembled includes internationally recognized leaders in radiation epidemiology, dosimetry and occupationalstudies. SITE(S)(organization,city, state) 1. Intemational Epidemiology Institute(IEI), Rockville,MD 2. OakRidgeNationalLaboratories (ORNL),OakRidge,TN 3. Universityof Pittsburgh(UPitt),Pittsburgh,PA 4. LovelaceRespiratory Research lnstitute,Albuquerque, NM 5. Universityof SouthemCalifornia(USC),Los Angeles,CA KEY PERSONNEL.See instructionson Page 11. lJse continuationpagesas neededto providethe requiredinformationin the formatshownberow. Name Organization Roleon Project JohnD. Boice Jr, ScD IEI Primary Investigator Jon P. Fryzek, PhD IEI Field Management Donald E. Marano, CIH PE IEI Senior Indusfial Hygienist JosephK. Mclaughlin, PhD IEI Co-lnvestigator William, J. Blot, PhD IEI ORNL ORNL UPitt Lovelace USC Statistician Keith F. Eckerman,PhD Richard W. Leggett, PhD William L. Bigbee,PhD Bruce B. Boecker.PhD Brian E. Henderson,MD page2 PHS 398 (Rev.4/98) Numberpagesconsecutively at thebottomthroughout theapplication.Do!E! usesuffixessuchas 3a,3b Health Physicist Health Physicist Laboratory analyses(FISH) Consultant,RadiationDosimetry Consultant,Epidemiologist BB 167 of 189 (s) VanQerbilt University 168 of 189 D-3232Medicat CenlerNodhNashviile, T"nnessee-EZilliil $15, 3n-29't\ Fax (6i5) 343-2648 ww.mc.vanderbilt.edu/irb December 6,2OOz JohnD Boice,Jr.,Sc.D. Medicine International Epidemiology lnstitute Rockville,MD 20850 RE: IRB#010018 A Gohort MortatltyStudy of tfie Rockebdyne Wortforce. (tntemational Epiderniology Instilute,) DearDr. Boice, At its meellngon December4,2oQ2,the Institrrtional ReviewBoard reviewedthe App/icalion for Continuing Reviewldentifiedabove.The Commltteedetermined nat $restuovposesminimatrisklo partioipants' The committe".qqgg!1"! the requestfor walverof d;cum;ntaiion sf consentis approveo in acoordance with45 cFR 46-'116(d). The Commltteedetermlned tni" stuov"un be reviewedin accordanoe with45 cFR 46.1i O(FXS) and (7) for expeditedreviewIn he fulure. As.he Principallnvestigator, you are responsible for the accuratedocumentration, Investigation and followuPof all possiblestudy-relaled adverseeventsand unanticipateJ pioor"r. involvingrisksto participants' The IRBAdverseEventreportingpolicyil.F. is tocatedon the IRBwebsileat http:/Auww.mc.vanderbilt.edulvbl. Foryourconvenience, a flowcharlis attaclred. Pleasenote that approvalls for a 12'monthperlod. Accordingto federalregulations, lhis periodis calculated from the dateof the-convened meeiingas notedabovJ. Any changesto lhe iesearchstudy mustbo prcsentedto the IRBfor approvalpriorto implemenlaUon. DATEOF IRB APPROVAL: 12I4IO2 DATEOF IRB EXP|MT|ON: 1214/03 ""[l{.rhL* JamesT. Forbes,Ph.D.,Chair lnstlutionalRevlewBoard HealthSclencesGommlttee#2 JTF{o Boice,JohnD Jr. IRB# 010018 1?,06t2002 169 of 189 (r) 170 of 189 OAK FIIDGEAESOCIATEO UNIVERSITIES OakRidgeSite-wide InstitutionalReviewBoard (865)576-1725Facsimile(865) 576-9557 Telephone E-mailhawkinsb@orau. gov TO: Keith Eckerman, Ph.D.lElizabeth Ellis,Ph.D. FROM: ElizabethEllis, Ph.D. Chair,Oak RidgeSite-wideInstitutionalReviewBoard(MPA #1394) DATE: January16,2002 RE: ORNL(01)-64ROCKETDYNEwoRKXR HEALTH STUDY The subjectprojectqualifiedfor continuingreviewby the expeditedprocess(45 CFR 46; l0 CFR 745). Accordingly,I reviewedtheprotocolandtheprogressreportfor continuationfor a periodof up to 12 monthseffectiveDecember1,2001. At theBoardmeetingon November8,2001,theFull Boardof the Oak RidgeSite-wideInstitutionalReviewBoard (ORSIRB)unanimouslyconcurredwith this continuing approval. Pleasebe remindedthat asthe PrincipalInvestigatoron this project,you areresponsiblefor immediately informing the Boardof anyunplannedor unexpected project-related outcomesand/orany proposed changesin theproject'sprotocolsor consentforms. Uponbeingnotified of any sucheventsor situations the Boardwill reviewthemandinform you whetheror not the project(s)may proceed.Please understandthat in thesecircumstances you musthavethe Board'sapprovalfor continuationof the protocolbeforeproceeding. cc: Dr. R Toohey,ORAU IRB files ':k (s) Df,PARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN Sf,RVICES Centers for DiseaseControland prevention 171 of 189 NationalCenlerlor HealthStatistics 6525 BelcrestRoad Hyattsvifle, MarylandZO7BZ-2OO3 APR3 0 Ir;Ai T14pe of NDf search Routine approved NDI NDI Plu.r(wital NDI Plu.g NYC NDf (for Plu.r search ONIef status tnorn untnorn) 11-x017 decedents) 11-K017 approval J o h n D . B o i ce , Jr. International Epiderniology fnstitute 1 4 5 5 R e se a rch B Ivd ., Suite 550 R o c kvi l l e , Ma ryl a n d 2 0850 RE: Approval of NDr Plus Application #yl_ao:-? (AD Bpideniorogic Study of the Rocketdyne lrorkforce) D e a r Mr. B o i ce : Your request to use the National Death rndex (NDr) has been approved (see tabre above) on the basis of the iniormation you provided in your Form. To keep your ryDr Application application current, it is- iurportant that you notiiy'us in . writing whenever there are any planned chaiges in fil your p r o j e ct's fu n d i n g .a rra n gem ents, ( 2) your str iay pr otocoi, ( 3) y o u r co n fi d e n ti a ri ty pr ovisions, and/or ( 4) oiginizations' oi consultants receiving identifying death record-information. You also must contact us whenever you receive (or feel you night soon receive) a subpoena or court order for any identifying information obtained as a result of your use of t h e N D r. You ruay now send your records to our facility in Hyattsville, Maryrand. Please refer to the encrosed cHEcKLrsr when preparing your records for submission. The 1979-1999NDr Prus files are currentry availahle for searehes. The 2000 NDr P-lus file shou]d be avairabl-e by March 2 0 0 2. Paqe 2 - John D. Boice, 172 of 189 Jr. we rook forward to serving you. please calr ilicherre Goodier or me on 301-458-4444.if you have any guestions. you may also reach us by e-mail at MGooaierecac.gov or RBilgrad€cdc. gov Sincerely yours, Robert Bilgrad, M.A., lt.p.H. Special Assistant to the Director D i vi si on of Vital Statistics Enclosures %"fr (q) x"l{llo6 173 of 189 SOCIALSECURITY TGBA FEB 2 TariOI John D. Boice, Jx., ScD fnternational Epidemiology fnstitute, 1455 Research B1vd, Suite 550 Rockville, MD 20850 Inc. Dear Mr. Boice, we have approved your request for our assistance in obtaining epi-demiological vital status data for your study ..An Epidemiologic study of the Rocketdyne workforce." Enclosed is the documentation we need to process your request. T a b A c o n t a i n s t w o c o p i e s o f t h e M e m o r a n d u mo f u n d e r s t a n d i n g between you and SSA, whlch delineates our joint responsibilities in sharing data on your study subjects. Of particular importance are the articles covering the security of data and the need to protect the privacy of an individual-'s you vital status data. are reminded that you are not permitted to re-dj-sclose the ssA data. Tab B contains two copies of our standard Agreement covering Reimbursable Servj-ces, Form SSA-1235-U5, showing a cost of $4,500.00 for processing 55,000 records (the number you recently gave us). unit cost for processing is $.165 per record for the first 25,000 records and $.0125 for all records over 2s,ooo. As noted on the reverse side of the agreement, you must send us an advance payment of 100 percent of the stated cost. To authorize - work on this project, please provide the forrowing: One signed original Memorandumof Understanding; One original Reimbursable Services Agreement form S S A - 1 2 3 5 - U 5w i t h : - Your Employer Identificatj_on Number (EIN) entered; Signed form with your si-gnature; and signed form by your organization's authori zing officlal. Note: rf necessary, cost totals. change and initiar the record count and A check payable to the Social Security Administration, Office of Finance for the exact amount; and Your input data disk. 174 of 189 Send the above to Michael Risha at: Social Securj-ty Administration 4-C-15 Operations Building 6401 Security Boulevard Baltimore, Maryland 21235 your Tab C contaj-ns a record specification for use i-n preparing You must foll-ow the record layout exactly. input fil-e. Please note that you must put all- input data in upper case. If you have questi-ons about any of these instructions, please contact us before submitting your request. The information to be used in service is as f ol-lows: 3 - Requestor ID Code: 80041 4 - Contract SR001009 Number: 5 - Batch Number: your identifying request for 01 You must put this information in the (see record specification). data file first record of your input We look forward to working with you on this project. If you have questions or need assistance j-n preparing your submissi-on, please contact Michael- Risha at 410-966-4868. Sincerely, / - / ^ ' ifrl i/rr<- /,t'<dA Susan Grad Acting Associate Commissioner for Research, Evaluation, and Statistj-cs Enclosures 175 of 189 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES Centersfor Medicare & Medicaid Services 7500Security Boulevard, Mail Stop N1-15-03 Baltimore, Marvland 21244-1,850 cwln' tu MHrmnEa HEUAUDSEnUCE December12,2003 SarahSchweitzer Statistician lnternationalEpidemiologyInstitute Blvd. 1455Research Suite550 Rockville,MD 20850 DearMs. Schweitzer: and Therequestfor the2003Vital Statusfile createdin supportof yourstudyhasbeenprocessed The file wascreatedon CD. ASCII format. is enclosed. The file characteristicsare as follows: 2003Vital StatusFiIe: IEI-VSTAT.TXT DSN: 248 LRECL: NO. OF RECORDS:430 SSNTo HIC ConversionFile: IEI-SSNTOHIC.TXT DSN: 248 LRECL: N O .OF R E C OR D S5: 3 0 t :We ask that you validatethe media containedwithin this shipment. You shouldcheckthat the data are readableand the file specifications(recordand block sizes,volsers,and numberof recordsin eachfile agreewith the information containedin the correspondence.It is our policy that CMS will replacedefectivemedia or incompleteshipments,providing the media is returned with an explanation of the problem within 60 days following your receipt of the data. Media problemsnot reportedwithin 60 daysbecomethe responsibilityof the customer. It is my obligation to remind you that the datafiles provided are fumishedin accordancewith data agreementswhich mandatespecific requirementsfor their use, storageand return. In addition, as part of our ongoing data quality assuranceactivities, we ask that you complete and retum the enclosedquestionnaireto report any anomaliesin thesedata. Aberrations,inconsistent page2. - SchweitzerllEl 176 of 189 and/orincongruentdataultimatelyimpacton theutility of the files for decisionsupportor purposes.Your assistance research in pointingout thesedataproblemswill be appreciated. All reportedanomalieswill be reviewed,documented, andif appropriate, referredfor correctiveaction. Sincerely, { , ) I , \,1-LW,t c, ]| /ll'^Jtr{J DuaneHudson ComputerSpecialist Divisionof QualityCoordination andDataDistribution EnterpriseDatabases Group Offrceof InformationServices Enclosures DEPARTMENTOF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES Centersfor Medicare& Medicaid Services 7500SecurityBoulevard,Mail Stop N2-04-27 Baltirnore,Maryland 21244-|BSO OIS/FnG 177 of 189 CEilfEnSbr rlEDtCAnE & AED1A4OtEfrytCES PCDD October20,2003 Dr. JohnD. Boice,ScientificDirector IntemationalEpidemiologyInstitute 1455Research Blvd..Suite550 Rockville,MD 20850 DearDr. Boice: Enclosedis the officia] copy of the signedData Use Agreement(DUA) you have entered into with the Centersfor Medicare& Medicaid Services(CMS). This copy is for your recordsso that you may refer to it for informationregardingthe use of the dataand/or the dataaccessprivilegesyou have receivedfrom CMS. Pieaserefer to DUA number for the project entitled, "An Epidemiologic Study of the Rocketdyne Work 11541 Force," when addressinginquiries of any natureconcerningthis agreement. I havealsoenclosedthe CMS DUA Guidelineswhich outlinesyour responsibilities in terms of safeguardingthe confidentialityof CMS data. If you huu" any questions aboutthis DUA or the useof cMS data,you may contactme at (410) 7g6-42g5. Sincerely, Wxffi*\/ Division of PrivacyCompliance Data Development(DPCDD) EnterpriseDatabasesGroup Office of Infbrmation Services Enclosures 178 of 189 Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services(CMS) Data Use Agreement (DUA) Guidelines l. Requestoragreesto notiff CMS if project is completedsoonerthan the expiration date specifiedin the DUA. 2. Requestoragreesthat any dataprovidedby CMS will not be physicallymoved or Electronicallytransmittedin any way from the site indicatedin the DUA. 3. Upon completionof project and/orexpirationof the DUA, the datamust be returned to CMS at the requestor'sexpense,or destroyedand a statementcertiffing this action sentto tMS. Th; Requestoiagreesthat no data,copies,or partsthereof,ihall be retainedwhen the file(s) are returnedor destroyed,unlessCMS hasauthorizedin writing suchretentionof said file(s). Theseoptionsare explainedbelow: a. Return data(and any derivative files) to CMS along with a letter delineating the data setnamesand volume/serialnumbersof the files being retumed. The letter shouldreferencethe DUA numberand studyname. This letter and the data shouldbe sentto the following address: Centersfor Medicare& MedicaidServices CMS DataCenter North Building Area Attention: Data Release 7500SecurityBoulevard Baltimore,Maryland 21244-1850; or b. Destroydataand provide a letter CMS on your organization'sletterhead certifuing that this actionhastakenplace. This letter must also referencethe DUA number and studynameand delineatethe datasetnamesand volume/serialnumbersof the files beingdestroyed.Requestorshould forward to: NedBurford, Director DPCDD Centersfor Medicare& MedicaidServices Divisionof PrivacyCompliance DataDevelopment(DPCDD) EnterpriseDatabases Group 7500SecurityBoulevard Mailstop: N2-O4-27 Baltimore,Maryland 2l24/.-l8SO 4. If the projectis still activeandthe DUA hasexpired,a one (l) yearextensionmay be granted. The requestfor extensionwill only be grantedif the datawill continueto be usedfor the original project purposeand the expirationdatehasoccurredwithin the past year;otherwise,a new DUA must be negotiated.The letter of requestfor extensionshouldbe directedto the nameand addressin item 3b above. 5. Pleasevisit our new website,Privacy ProtectedData: RequestPoliciesand Proceduresat: http ://www.cms.hhs.gov/data/requests/. 179 of 189 DUA#| lsql DATA USE AGREEMENT AGREEMENT FOR USE OF CENTERS FOR MEDICARB & MEDICAID SERVICES (CMS) DATA CONTAINING INDIVIDUAL-SPE CIFIC INFORMATIOT9 ln orderto securedatathat residesin a CMS PrivacyAct Systemof Records,andin orderto ensurethe integrity,security,andconfidentialityof informationmaintainedby the CMS, andto permitappropriatedisclosureanduseof suchdataaspermittedby law, CMS andIntemational EpidemiolosyInstituteenterinto this agreement to complywith the following specific paragraphs. 1. This Agreementis by andbetweenthe Centersfor Medicare& MedicaidServices(CMS), a componentof the U.S. Departmentof HealthandHumanServices(DHHS),and IntemationalEpidemioloeyInstitute.hereinaftertermed"IJser." 2. This Agreementaddresses the conditionsunderwhich CMS will discloseandthe Userwill obtainandusethe CMS datafile(s) specifiedin section7. This Agreementsupersedes anyandall agreements betweenthepartieswith respectto the useof datafrom the files specified in section7 andpreemptsandoverridesanyinstructions,directions,agreements, or other understanding in or pertainingto anygrantawardor otherprior communicationfrom the Departmentof HealthandHumanServicesor anyof its components with respectto the data specifiedherein. Further,the termsof this Agreementcanbe changedonly by a written modificationto this Agreementor by thepartiesadoptinga new agreement.The partiesagree furtherthat instructionsor interpretations issuedto theUserconcerningthis Agreementor the dataspecifiedherein,shallnot be valid unlessissuedin writing by the CMS point-of-contact specifiedin section5 or the CMS signatoryto this Agreementshownin item 23. The partiesmutuallyagreethat CMS retainsall ownershiprightsto the datafile(s) 3. referredto in this Agreement,andthat the Userdoesnot obtainanyright, title, or interestin any of the datafurnishedby CMS. 4. The partiesmutuallyagreethat the followingnamedindividualis designatedas Custodianof the file(s) on behalfof theUserandthepersonwill be responsiblefor the observance of all conditionsof useandfor establishment andmaintenance of security arrangements asspecifiedin this Agreementto preventunauthorized use. The Useragreesto notify CMS within fifteen(15) daysof anychangeof custodianship.Thepartiesmutuallyagree thatCMS may disapprovethe appointmentof a custodianor may requirethe appointmentof a newcustodianat anvtime. N o . 0 9 3 8 -0 7 3 180 of 189 Page2 SarahSchweitzer (Name of Custodian) International Epidemiology Institute (Company/Organization) 1455ResearchBlvd. Suite 550 (StreetAddress) Rockville.MD 20850 (CitylStatelZlPCode) (301)5 17-4048.sarah@iei.ws (PhoneNo. - IncludingAreaCodeandE-Mail Address,If Applicable) 5. Thepartiesmutually agreethatthe following namedindividualwill be designated as point-of-contactfor theAgreementon behalfof CMS. 4eanni? Vluw< (Name of Contact) \\.et lib, 0"lk-tiv.,rntr *ot rt a}j\x- .,,? Rfvd kc lSDr; (StreetAddress) !1-4 '7') (Mail Stop) (City/StatelZlf_ Code) JPk'iruqr ocn"s l''ht2n $o$sssssssssssssssfu-'{}"r (PhoneNo. lncluding Area Code and E-Mail Address,If Applicable) 6. The User represents,and in furnishing the data file(s) specified in section 7 CMS relies upon suchrepresentation, that suchdatafrle(s) will be usedsolely for the following purpose(s). Our study. entitled "An Epidemiologic Study of the RocketdyneWork Force" seeksto identify the entire Rocketdynework force employedsince 1950 and to updatevital statusinformation for all cohort members. CMS data files will be used to obtain vital status(alive or dead) and. where applicable.datesof deathfor cohort members. All information will remain confidential. No individual information will be reportedin any report or manuscript. Only agereeatedata will be reported. 181 of 189 Page3 TheUserrepresents furtherthatthe factsandstatements madein anystudyor research protocolor projectplan submittedto CMS for eachpurposearecompleteandaccurate.Further, the Userrepresents that saidstudyprotocol(s)or projectplans,ashavebeenapprovedby CMS or otherappropriateentityasCMS may determine,represent the total use(s)to which the datafile(s) specifiedin section7 will be put. TheUserrepresents furtherthat,exceptasspecifiedin an Attachmentto this Agreement or exceptasCMS shallauthoize inwriting, theUsershallnot disclose,release,reveal,show, sell,rent,lease,loan,or otherwisegrantaccessto the datacoveredby this Agreementto any person.The Useragreesthat,within theUserorganization,accessto the datacoveredby this Agreementshallbe limited to theminimumnumberof individualsnecessary to achievethe purposestatedin this sectionandto thoseindividualson a need-to-knowbasisonly. 7. The following CMS datafile(s) is/arecoveredunderthis Agreement. File Vital StatusFiles File SSNConversion Year(s) Current The partiesmutually agreethatthe aforesaidfile(s) (and/orany derivativefile(s) [includes 8. anyfile thatmaintainsor continuesidentificationof individuals])maybe retainedby theUseruntil September30. 2008,hereinafterknown as the "retentiondate." The User agreesto notiff CMS within 30 daysof the completionof thepurposespecifiedin section6 if thepurposeis completed beforethe aforementioned retentiondate. Upon suchnoticeor retentiondate,whicheveroccurs sooner,CMS will notiff the Usereitherto returnall datafiles to CMS at the User'sexpenseor to destroysuchdata. If CMS electsto havethe Userdestroythe data,the User agreesto certi$rthe destructionof the files in writing within 30 daysof receivingCMS's instruction. A statement certiffing this actionmustbe sentto CMS. If CMS electsto havethedatareturned,theUseragrees to returnall files to CMS within 30 daysof receivingnoticeto that effect. The Useragreesthatno datafrom CMS records,or anypartsthereol shallbe retainedwhenthe aforementioned file(s) are returnedor destroyedunlessauthorizationin writing for the retentionof such file(s) has been in item number23 of this receivedfrom the appropriateSystemsManageror thepersondesignated thatstringentadherence Agreement.TheUseracknowledges to theaforementioned retentiondateis required,andthattheUsershallaskCMS for instructionsunderthis paragraphif instructionshave not beenreceivedafter30 daysaftertheretentiondate. The Agreementmaybe terminatedby eitherparty at anytime for anyreasonupon30 days writtennotice. Upon suchnotice,CMS will ceasereleasingdatato the Userunderthis Agreementandwill notiff the Usereitherto returnall previouslyreleaseddatafiles Page4 182 of 189 to CMS at the User's expenseor destroy such data, using the sameproceduresstatedin the above paragraphof this section. Sections3, 6, 8, II,12,13,14,16,17 and 18 shall survivetermination of this Agreement. The User agreesto establishappropriateadministrative, technical, and physical 9. safeguardsto protect the confidentiality of the data and to prevent unauthorizeduse or accessto it. The safeguardsshall provide a level and scopeof security that is not less than the level and scopeof security establishedby the Office of Managementand Budget (OlvB) in OMB Circular No. 4-130, Appendix Ill-Securitv of FederalAutomated Information Systems (http://www.whitehouse.gov/omb/circularsial30/a13O.html),which setsforth guidelines for security plans for automatedinformation systemsin Federalagencies. The User acknowledges that the use of unsecuredtelecommunications,including the Internet, to transmit individually identifiable or deducible information derived from the file(s) specified in section 7 is prohibited. Further, the User agreesthat the data must not be physically moved or transmittedin any way from the site indicated in item number 4 without written approval from CMS. The User agreesthat the authorizedrepresentativesof CMS or DHHS Office of the 10. InspectorGeneralwill be granted accessto premiseswhere the aforesaidfile(s) are kept for the purposeof inspecting security a:rangementsconfirming whether the User is in compliance with the security requirementsspecified in paragraph9. The User agreesthat no findings, listing, or information derived from the file(s) specified 11, in section 7, with or without identifiers, may be releasedif such findings, listing, or information contain any combination of data elementsthat might allow the deduction of a beneficiary's identification without first obtaining written authorization from the appropriateSystemManager or the person designatedin item number 23 of this Agreement. Examples of such data elements include but are not limited to geographicindicator, age,sex, diagnosis,procedure, admission/dischargedate(s),or date of death. The User agreesfurther that CMS shall be the sole judge as to whether any finding, listing, information, or any combination of data extractedor derived from CMS's files identifies or would, with reasonableeffort, permit one to identiff an individual or to deducethe identity of an individual to a reasonabledegreeof certainty. The User agreesthat, absentexpresswritten authorization from the appropriate System 12. Manager or the person designatedin item number 23 of this Agreement to do so, the User shall make no attempt to link records included in the file(s) specified in section 7 to any other identifiable sourceof information. This includes attemptsto link to other CMS data file(s). The inclusion of linkage of specific files in a study protocol approvedin accordancewith section6 is consideredexpresswritten authorization from CMS. The User agreesto submit to CMS a copy of all findings within 30 days of making such 13. findings. The parties mutually agreethat the User has made findings with respectto the data coveredby this Agreement when the User preparesany report or other writing for submissionto any third party (including but not limited to any manuscript to be submitted for publication) conceming any purpose specified in section 6 (regardlessof whether the report or other writing expresslyrefersto suchpurpose,to CMS, or to the files specifiedin sectionT or any dataderived from such files). The User agreesnot to submit such findings to any third party until Page5 183 of 189 recelvtngCMS's approvalto do so. CMS agreesto makedeterminationaboutapprovalandto notify theuserwithin 4 to 6 weeksafterreceiptof findings. CMS reviewof the findingsis for the solepurposeof assuringthat dataconfidentialityis maintainedandthat individual couldnot be identified. CMS may withholdapprovalfor publicationonly if it beneficiaries mayresultin identificationof individual that the formatin which dataarepresented determines The Useragreesfurtherto submitits findingsto the NationalTechnical beneficiaries. InformationService(NTIS, 5285PortRoyalRoad,Springfield,Virginia 22161)within 30 days of receivingnoticefrom CMS to do so. andagreesthat theymaynot reuseoriginalor derivativedatafile(s) 14. The Userunderstands in withoutprior written approvalfrom the appropriateSystemManageror the persondesignated section22 of this Agreement. 15. Thepartiesmutuallyagreethat the following specifiedAttachmentsarepart of this Agreement: The User agreesthat in the event CMS determinesor has a reasonablebelief that the User 16. has made or may have made disclosureof the aforesaidfile(s) that is not authorizedby this Agreementor other written authorization from the appropriateSystemManager or the person designatedin item number 23 of this Agreement, CMS in its sole discretion may require the User to: (a) promptly investigate and report to CMS the User's determinationsregarding any alleged or actual unauthorizeddisclosure,(b) promptly resolve any problems identified by the investigation; (c) if requestedby CMS, submit a formal responseto an allegation of unauthorized disclosure;(d) if requestedby CMS, submit a corrective action plan with stepsdesignedto prevent any future unauthorizeddisclosures;and (e) if requestedby CMS, return data files to CMS. The User understandsthat as a result of CMS's determinationor reasonablebelief that unauthorizeddisclosureshave taken place, CMS may refuseto releasefurther CMS data to the User for a period of time to be determinedby CMS. t7. The User herebyacknowledgesthat criminal penaltiesunder $1106(a)of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. S 1306(a)),including a fine not exceeding$10,000or imprisonmentnot exceeding5 years,or both, may apply with to disclosuresof information that are coveredby S I106 and that are not authorizedby regulation or by Federallaw. The User further acknowledgesthat criminal penaltiesunderthe Privacy Act (5 U.S.C. $ 552a(i) (3)) may apply if it is determinedthat the Requestoror Custodian,or any individual employed or affiliated therewith, knowingly and willfully obtainedthe file(s) under false pretenses. Any person found guilty under the Privacy Act shall be guilty of a misdemeanorand fined not more than $5,000. Finally, the User acknowledgesthat criminal penaltiesmay be imposedunder 18 U.S.C. S 641 if it is determinedthat the User, or any individual employed or affiliated therewith, has taken or convertedto his own use data file(s), or received the file(s) knowing that they were stolen or converted. Under such circumstances,they shall be fined under Title t8 or imprisoned not more than ten years,or both; but if the value of such property doesnot exceedthe sum of $ I ,000, they 184 of 189 Page6 shall be fined under Title l8 or imprisoned not more than one year, or both. 18. By signing this Agreement,the User agreesto abide by all provisions set out in this Agreement for protection of the data file(s) specified in section 7, and acknowledgeshaving receivednotice of potential criminal or administrative penalties for violation of the terms of the Agreement. 19. On behalf of the User the undersignedindividual hereby atteststhat he or she is authorizedto enter into this Agreement and agreesto all the terms specified herein. (NameandTitle of Individual- Typedor Printed) InternationalEpidemiolog.vInstitute (Company/Organization) 1455Research Blvd. Suite550 (StreetAddress) Rockville.MD 20850 (CitylStatelZlPCode) (301)517-4021.boice@iei.ws @honeNo. - lncludingAreaCodeandE-Mail Address,If Applicable) 7a B**a 7n s< (Date) gnature) 20. 2oa 3 his/herappointmentas Custodian,asnamedin paragraph4, herebyacknowledges Custodianof the aforesaidfile(s) on behalf of the User, and agreesto comply with all of the provisions of this Agreement on behalf of the User. SarahSchweitzer.Biostatistician (Typedor PrintedNameandTitle of Custodianof File(s) (Signature) s./ ? (Date) 185 of 189 PageT The disclosureprovision(s)thatallowsthe discretionaryreleaseof CMS datafor the 2I. purpose(s)statedin paragraph6 follow(s).(To be completedby CMS staff.) individual theundersigned 22. On behalfof herebyacknowledges that the aforesaidFederalagencysponsorsor otherwisesupportstheUser's requestfor anduseof CMS data,agreesto supportCMS in ensuringthat theUsermaintainsand with thetermsof this Agteement,andagreesfurtherto makeno usesCMS's datain accordance statementto theUserconcerningthe interpretationof the termsof this Agreementandto referall questionof suchinterpretationor compliancewith the termsof this Agteementto the CMS official namedin item number23 (or to his or her successor). (Typedor PrintedNameandTitle of FederalRepresentative) (Signature) (Date) (PhoneNo. - Including Area Code and E-Mail Address, If Applicable) individualherebyatteststhat he or she is authorized 23. On behalfof CMS the undersigned the terms specifiedherein. rp thrs this Agreement Agreementand andagrees agreesto all the termssp to enter enterinJo t fuanrutt{,Qlt,,h z( lkallh (Typed or Printed Name and Title If, crarlfi CMS Representative) According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of I 995, no personsare required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 09384734. The time required to complete this information collection is estimatedto average30 minutes per response,including the time to review instructions, search existing data resources, gather the data needed,and complete and review the information collection. If you have any comments conceming the accuracy of the time estimate(s)or suggestionsfor improving this form, pleasewrite to: CMS, 7500 Security Boulevard, N2-14-26, Baltimore, Maryland 2l24y'.1850 and to the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, Office of Management and Budget, Washington, D.C. 20503. MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING AMONG 186 of 189 THE UNITED STATES AIR FORCE AND THE BOEING COMPANY AND THE INTERNATIONAL EPIDEMIOLOGY INSTITUTE The United StatesAir Force(USAF), the BoeingCompany(Boeing),and the International "Parties": EpidemiologyInstitute(IEI), hereafterthe Noting that IEI is conductinga studyinvolvingover 55,000workersemployedat the Rocketdynefacilitiesin California(now ownedby Boeing),to evaluatethe cancerrisk with occupationalexposuresto ionizingradiation; associated Noting that the IEI RocketdyneWorker Studyhasa documentedprotocolthat requireseach worker'sradiationdoseto be as completeas possibleover the worker'sentirecareer; Noting that the RocketdyneWorker Studyincludesworkerswho subsequently wereemployed in the United Statesmilitary,includingthe USAF; and "for Noting that the USAF maintainsradiationdosimetryrecords usein epidemiological and statisticalstudiesto determinethe effectiveness of Air Forcewide radiologicalhealth programs,trendsin exposuredoses,exposureexperienceof selectedoccupationalgroupsand similar studies; Noting that the USAF radiationdosimetryrecordsarePrivacy Act protecteddatato be treated with the PrivacyAct; and in accordance Noting that IEI, which hasthe approvalof the Departmentof Energyof the United States,the NuclearRegulatoryCommission,U.S, NationalDeathIndex,andthe InstitutionalReview Boardsof the BoeingCompany,VanderbiltUniversityand the Oak RidgeNational Laboratoryto participateand conductthe RocketdyneWorker Study,is responsiblefor preparingthe vital statusand dosimetryanalysisfiles, Have agreedas follows: I. Purpose A. The purposeof this Memorandumof Understandingis to provide a frameworkfor USAF to contributedatafrom the USAF Centerfor RadiationDosimetry,to provideascomplete informationas possibleon the total careerradiationdosefor eachU.S. radiationworker includedin the RocketdyneWorker Study. Page I of 3 RocketdyneWorker Studywill provideadditional B, The Partiesexpectthat a successful 187 of 189 informationof potentialhealthrisk at low dosesand low doseratesof occupational exposure. II. Implementing Provisions A. Pursuantto the PrivacyAct, 5 U.S.C.552a(b)(3),and in accordwith the applicablesystem noticewhich permitsdisclosurefor usein epidemiologicaland statisticalstudies,the USAF shallprovideIEI and Boeingwith dosimetryinformation,as recordedin theUSAF Centerfor RadiationDosimetry,for eachworkeridentifiedas beingincludedin the RocketdyneWorker Study. with the PrivacyAct B. IEI and Boeingshalltreatthe USAF radiationrecordsin accordance and agreethat therewill be no disclosureof any PrivacyAct information. C. IEI and Boeingshall usethis informationonly for the abovedescribedresearchpurposes. D. IEI and Boeingshallmaintainthe confidentialityof the subjectinformationandmakeno disclosureof it to third partieswithout the prior writtenconsentof the USAF. If, during the examinationof USAF-provideddata,efforsor omissionsare found and corrected, thesecorrecteddatashallbe providedbackto the USAF Centerfor RadiationDosimetry. E. IEI and Boeing'sobligationto maintainthe confidentialityof the USAF-provided information shall remain in effect throughoutthe term of this Memorandumof Understanding and afterits termination,unlessand until the saidinformationand all copiesthereofare returnedto USAF. III. Contacts The principalcontactfor USAF is Lt Col ScottNichelson,Air ForceInstitutefor Operational Health(AFIOH) RadiationSurveillanceDivision. The principalcontactfor Boeingis Mr. SteveLafflam, Boeing,SantaSusannaField Station. The principalcontactfor IEI is Dr. John D. Boice,Jr., ScientificDirector. IV. Management The Partiesshallconsulteachotherwhenevertheydeemit necessary, and shallassess the resultsof the work carriedout and in progress. V. General Provisions A. This Memorandumof Understanding shallbecomeeffectiveuponsignatureby all Parties,and shall remain in effect for one year. The Partiesmay extendthis Memorandumof Understandingfor additionalperiods. B. The termsof this Memorandumof Understanding may be alteredin writing by the Parties.If any Partywishesto ceaseits activitiesunderthis Memorandumof Understanding, it shallgive ninety(90) daysadvancewrittennoticeto the other Parties. Pase2 of 3 FEB-aS O4 It=36 FROl"l:AZ?Z,276? 1818585514a TO:3at 5I7 4A63 PFGEA : A 188 of 189 C . Cooperarionunder this Memortrndumof Understandingshull be in accordancewith the applicublelaws and regulutionsunder which eachPirty opcrates. D . Unless otherwiseagreedin writing, eachParty shall assumeresponsibilityfor, and provide funclingro cover, the costsindividually incurred in participatingin the collaboration contemplutedby this Memorandumof Understanding.The collaborativeactivitiesare subjectto the availability of funds and Slersonnel. FOR THE I]NITED STA AIR T.ORCE: nate:(2 tr&0( AssistantSurgeonGenoral,Health Cure Operations Office of the SurgeonGeneral Bolling AFB, DC FOR THE IIOEING COMPANY: *'-W '' Date: Y lzd ol Stevel"afflam Division Director, Safety,Health & Environmental Affaire CanogaPark, CA I-OR THE INTERNATIONA,L EPIDEMIOLOGY INSTITUTE: ,0*>a,2,.;, Date: ;Ls 4J Jea/ Dr. John D. Boice, ScientiflrcDirector Rockville,MD Attachments Approval from the Depirrtment of Energy fbr linkage with their dosimctry records (Oct 2003) Approvul from Nuclear RegulntoryCommissionfor linkage with their dosimetry records Study description(PHS 398. Page2) Letter of supportfrom SteveLafflam, Division Director, Safety,Health & EnvironmentalAffairs. Rockctdyne, The Boeing Company InstitutionalReview Board approvalfrorn Vanderbilt University lnstitutional Review Board approvalfronr The Boeing Company InstitutionalReview Board approvaltrom Oak Ridge National Laboratory Approval from the Nntional Cent€r for Health Stutistics for mortality linkage Approval frorn the Social Security Administration for vital statuslinkage Pagc 3 of 3 189 of 189