08-08 Shofar.qxp - Beth El Synagogue
08-08 Shofar.qxp - Beth El Synagogue
BETH EL SYNAGOGUE rpua SHOFAR Going forward with our young and our old AUGUST 2008 Tammuz/Av 5768 Vol LXXXI No 9 In this issue My Lakeside Minyan..........................pg 2 Synagogue News.........pg 3 Capital Campaign Update.............................pg 4 Girls’ Rosh Hodesh begins 2nd Year............pg 5 Update on Shul Nurse program..........................pg 8 Women’s League Board Announced.........pg 9 Final Empty Nesters Dinner...........................pg 15 Honey Order Form......pg 17 Join the Men’s Club ...pg 18 Looking Inside Services..............................2 View From the Bimah........2 Calendar of Events............3 President’s Message.........4 Education and Youth.........5 Life Cycles.........................6, 11 Cantor’s Corner.................7 Gemilat Hesed...................8 Affiliates..............................9 Tributes..............................11-15 Ivdu et hashem b'simcha. Bo lifanav birnana! Serving God. Rejoicing Together! Rabbi Davis Installation & Rabbi Olitzky Welcome on Sunday, September 14 (14 Elul 5768) 7:00 p.m. at Beth El Synagogue In the 84-year history of Beth El Synagogue, we have been skillfully served by only five distinguished and dedicated Senior Rabbis: Rabbis Aronson z”l, Abelson, Herring, Gershon and Kahn. We have grown accustomed to Rabbis with immense skill and scholarship, sensitivity and intelligence, and we have taken great care to make sure that continues. The installation of our sixth rabbinic leader, Rabbi Alexander Davis, will be a joyous and festive event with klezmer music, dancing, and delicious desserts— a moving and historic evening not to be missed. Rabbi Alexander Davis has been serving Beth El for the last nine years teaching brilliantly, lovingly officiating at all life cycles, leading services with humor and scholarship, supervising staff, doing pastoral work and, with Rabbi Kahn, shepherding Beth El through its annual cycles. With his quiet and sensitive “listening ear,” he has shared in congregational moments, both of great joy and sorrow. He has infused learning into all areas of synagogue life, from minyan to study groups. Working with Cantor Audrey Abrams, they have developed a new kind of style with the n’shemah minyan, expressing joy in davening and learning. He personally arrived with lovely wife Esther, but has since added four beautiful boys to the Beth Continued on page 3 El family. Completing the Rabbinic leadership team is Beth El Annual Meeting, Installation & Dinner Thursday, August 14 • Dinner at 6:15 p.m. • Meeting at 7:25 p.m. Join us as we recognize outgoing and incoming Board Members & Officers and Staff milestones. Hear reports on the year’s accomplishments and forthcoming plans of Beth El and our affiliates. See page 16 for dinner reservation information. N OTABLE T IMES Candle Lighting • zexp zwlcd August 1 . . . . . . 8:22 p.m. August 8 . . . . . . 8:12 p.m. August 15 . . . . . 8:01 p.m. August 22 . . . . . 7:50 p.m. August 29 . . . . . 7:37 p.m. Havdalah • dlcad August 2 . . . . . . August 9 . . . . . . August 16 . . . . . August 23 . . . . . August 30 . . . . . 9:21 p.m. 9:12 p.m. 9:01 p.m. 8:49 p.m. 8:37 p.m. Services • zelitz Friday Evening • zay a xr Kabbalat Shabbat . . . 5:45 p.m. Shabbat • zay Shaharit . . . . . . . . . . .9:00 a.m. Minha . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:45 p.m. Sunday & National Holiday Minyan 9:00 a.m. and 5:45 p.m. Daily Minyan • oipn 7:00 a.m. and 5:45 p.m. BETH EL SYNAGOGUE GENERAL INFORMATION 5224 W. 26th Street Minneapolis, MN 55416-1901 952-920-3512 FAX: 952-920-8755 www.bethelsynagogue.org Office Hours Mon-Thurs....9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Fridays..........9:00 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Sundays........9:00 a.m.-Noon Aleph School: 952-920-4169 Youth Dept: 952-920-3594 2 a a view from the bimah dniadn My Lakeside Minyan by Rabbi Alexander Davis This summer I had the opportunity to go camping. I grew up participating in the Boy Scouts so camping is in my blood. And while I am still adjusting to camping with four small children, the beauty of nature did not fail to inspire. With a heavy dose of mosquito repellent, I was able to take advantage of a few pristine moments of quiet reflection. At home, I often run a few minutes late to minyan. But for some reason while camping, I found that I could not sleep past 6:00 a.m. So I got out of bed and made my way down to the shore of Lake Itasca to daven shaharit. The lake was calm, the sun was shining, birds were singing. It was, in a word, divine. When I came back to my tent, my kids asked where I had been. “I went to minyan,” I said. “Minyan? But there is no shul on Lake Itasca!” they exclaimed. I told my boys that there was indeed a minyan right down at the shore of the lake. There, the trees, the birds, the dragon flies have a minyan every morning. After all, that’s exactly what we read in the siddur’s psukei d’zimra: “mountains and hills, fruit trees and cedars, creeping creatures and winged birdsLet all praise God’s glory!” (Psalm 148). I am not sure if I convinced my boys of Lake Itasca’s minyan. But I do believe that the large heron that flew past me was signaling that I would count in the minyan. On those early, quiet mornings, I davened a little and was still. I sang out and just listened. I watched a beaver glide through the reeds and joined in with a red-winged black bird who was leading the congregational singing. It was truly an inspiring service, and I felt privileged to be there. Most of us urban dwellers are used to experiencing nature in bite-sized pieces. We go to the zoo and admire the animals. We go to an aquarium and admire the fish. We go the park and admire the trees, to the lake and admire the water. Even camping in a national park, our experience is often diluted by the crowds or the intrusion of human development. But on these few mornings, I caught a glimpse of something larger, something more whole and integrated. I was part of their minyan. Rabbi Martin Cohen, in his commentary on one of the most beautiful of the nature psalms, Psalm 104, writes, “Humankind is not merely the top of the food chain but part of an infinitely intricate and immensely elaborate complex of shared space, shared destiny and shared createdness in God.” Nature can be a conduit that leads us to experience awe and wonder which in turn leads us to the Divine. “We must,” Cohen therefore writes, “find a way to encounter creation up close and intimately, rather than being content to experience God’s world as mere onlookers... To immerse ourselves in the glories of nature- to experience a virgin forest, to know eagles and owls not as pictures in a book but as neighbors in the world, to see mountains rising in the mist- these are the tools moderns will have to gather before becoming capable of experiencing God as Creator.” I hope you get a chance in the remainder of the summer to breathe in the quite serenity of the outdoors. And if by chance you are having one of those divine moments by a lake when you suddenly hear, “give me back my marshmallow stick!” know that for little kids (and adults), s’mores can also be divine. SYNAGOGUE NEWS gel calendar of events The Beth El Young Couples Welcome Rabbi Avi & Sarah Olitzky! We will officially welcome our new Rabbi with an ice cream party at the home of Robyn and Ben Schein on Sunday, August 3rd at 3:00 p.m. It will be a great chance to meet Beth El's new Rabbi. Please RSVP to bethelyoungcouples@gmail.com by Wednesday, July 30th. Spirit of Asia to manage Beth El kitchen Beth El Synagogue is pleased to announce that Spirit of Asia Catering is now the managing caterer of the Beth El kitchen. Spirit of Asia offers full service catering, specializing in flavors from all over the world, such as Asian, Italian, Mediterranean, American, Israeli and much more! For more information and kosher options, visit www.spiritofasiacatering.com. Owners David Hill and Sue Morales are ready to assist you with all of your catering needs! Call 612-724-4056 or email spiritofasia@comcast.net. Summer Darshan Schedule Join us through August as Beth El congregants share their insights on the Torah. See speaker schedule in the calendar of events to the right. Calling All Singers If you love to sing, but are not able to commit to the full time schedule of the Beth El choir, we'd love to have you as part of our auxiliary singers. There are many times that we do special projects and like to invite additional singers. Let us know and we'll put you on a list and contact you when the opportunity arises. Email Cantor Audrey Abrams, aabrams@bethelsynagogue.org or call 952-9203512, ext. 109. If you are able to make a larger commitment, consider the high holiday choir, or the yearly choir that sings at Knollwood every month and a few times a year in services. There is always room for more! O N G O I N G W E E K LY H A P P E N I N G S Shabbat: Adult Torah Reading - 11:15 a.m. Max Shapiro Library Sundays: • Sunday Morning Minyan Hevrah - 9:00 a.m. Fiterman Chapel followed by breakfast Tuesdays: Healing service 5:45 p.m. Fridays: Kabbalat Shabbat Summer Style 5:45 p.m. (thru 8/29) AUGUST 1-AUGUST 30 Shabbat, August 2, 2008 • Guest Darshan Speaker - Beth Kissileff Perlman Sunday, August 3, 2008 • Young Couples Ice Cream Social at 5:00 p.m. • Men’s Club Golf Outing and Picnic (see page 10) Golf beginning at 12:12 p.m. Picnic beginning at 4:00 p.m. • Bethelders Lunch Cruise Cancelled Friday, August 8, 2008 • Final Empty Nesters Shabbat Dinner (See page 15 for registration information) Shabbat, August 9, 2008 Erev Tisha B’av • Guest Darshan Speaker - Shirley Desnick • Tisha B’av Minha 8:15 p.m. • Study at 8:45 p.m. with Rabbi Olitzky • Ma’ariv & Megillat Eikha at 9:15 p.m. Sunday, August 10, 2008 • Tisha B’av Minha at 1:00 p.m. Thursday, August 14, 2008 • Annual Meeting - Dinner at 6:15 p.m. (see page 16 for registration information) Shabbat, August 16, 2008 • Guest Darshan Speaker - Helen Siegel Shabbat, August 23, 2008 • Guest Darshan Speaker - Bryan Badzin Save the Date of Sunday, September 14th cont’d from cover Shabbat, August 30, 2008 Rabbi Avi Olitzky who has just arrived at Beth El and will be serving as • Guest Darshan Speaker - Steve Heifetz Assistant Rabbi. We will take the opportunity to welcome him and his wife, Sarah, to our Beth El family during the installation celebration. Shofar Deadlines Rabbi Olitzky is as delighted to be here as we are to welcome him. • August 15, 2008 for the October 08 issue. Rabbi Oliltzky has served as a student-rabbi in Canton, Ohio and as a Rabbinic Intern in Merrick, New York. He is especially interested in • September 15, 2008 for the November 08 issue. outreach and will be a wonderful complement to our clergy team. We are blessed with a brilliant and dedicated rabbinic team, who pledge to serve Beth El with integrity and energy. Please circle September 14 at 7:00 p.m. on your calendar. Mail, fax or e-mail to Danelle Cunningham. Fax: 952-920-8755 E-mail: dcunningham@bethelsynagogue.org b 3 a message from our president `iypdn My Life as President - From Caretaker to Bridgebuilder by Richard I. Diamond It seems difficult to believe, but this is my last Shofar column as president. From now on (for the next two years) you will be treated to the wisdom and wit of our incoming president, Gary Krupp. Accordingly, this seems the appropriate time to put the last two years of my life as synagogue president into some form of perspective and move forward to the time-honored status of past president. snap. I could serve two years without working up a sweat and go forward with my young and my old, secure in the knowledge that the synagogue was secure. Although we were able to keep Cantor Newman around as Cantor Emeritus and elevate Cantor Abrams to the position she was so prepared to undertake, as you know, a few unexpected things happened along the road. First, we encountered a substantial budget deficit and the necessity to make finances (which are not necessarily my strength) a priority. The biggest shock, of course, was the decision of Rabbi Kahn and his family to make aliyah (did anyone really see that coming?). Although we were pleased and proud of him, it did leave quite a hole and required a tremendous effort by the Search and Transition Team. Although I am thrilled and excited that we have selected Rabbi Davis as the lead rabbi and to have found Rabbi Olitzky to lead us into the future, it could have happened earlier or later. Initially, I firmly believed that I would be a caretaker president. Sure, I knew that Cantor Newman’s contract was expiring, but that did not faze me in the least. I was certain we could work out an arrangement to keep his familiar baritone (or bass if he had a cold) around. In addition, we had a great successor as cantor groomed and ready, a relatively young and Along the way, we also incurred a turnover in a number energetic head rabbi, a truly gifted second rabbi and a talented of other areas, again mostly Continued on page 16 and dedicated professional and support staff. It would be a L’dor Vador Capital Campaign Update From Generation To Generation L’dor Vador rusu rusk Momentum continues to build for the L’dor Vador Capital Campaign for Beth El. The campaign leadership team has been meeting weekly to plan and implement different aspects of the campaign. All leadership and staff of Beth El have been solicited in the first phase of the campaign and participation has been enthusiastic and generous. The needs addressed by the campaign will physically and financially bring Beth El strongly into the future. The five key needs being addressed are: • Education spaces • Meeting, Gathering, and Accessibility spaces (including an elevator) • Professional and Administrative Areas • Infrastructure facilities of Beth El • Fiscal Health. In future issues of the Shofar, we will be elaborating on these areas. 4 c In addition, 55 volunteers have said “count me in” and have lent their support to the campaign, working hard on many of its vital components. These volunteers include: Campaign Chair Gil Mann, Campaign Co- Chairs Wendy Lovell-Smith and Tom Sanders, Capital Campaign Founding Chairs Elliott and Marlys Badzin, Building Project Chair Ruth Usem, Building & Grounds Chair Michael Blehert, Honorary Chairs: Rabbi Kassel & Joan Abelson, Chuck & Melanie Barry, Saul & Diane Mashaal, Leonard & Fay Ribnick, Colin Smith & Wendy Lovell-Smith, Arnold & Renee Soskin, Albert z”l & Deera Tychman. On the Steering Committee: Elliott Badzin, Charles Barry, Michael Blehert, Richard Cohen, Rabbi Alexander Davis, Richard Diamond, Jack Fiterman, Howard Gilbert, Linda Goldberg, Elissa (Lisa) Heilicher, Dobra Hunegs, Rabbi Robert Kahn, Gary Krupp, Wendy Lovell-Smith, Gil Mann, Gilah Mashaal, Saul Mashaal, Leonard Ribnick, Tom Sanders, Morris Sherman, Morton Silverman, Daniel J. Spiegel, Ruth Usem, Marilyn Weisberg. On the Building Project Committee: Elliott Badzin, Mary Baumgarten, Michael Blehert, Karen Brodsky, Alexander Davis, Arthur J. Glassman, Penny J. Glassman, Linda Goldberg, Bonnie Heller, Continued on page 16 xrepe jepig education and youth “I really enjoy Rosh Hodesh! I love getting together with friends and doing crafts, telling stories and trying interesting foods! The only thing that might be a good thing to have is MORE TIME!” Girls’ Rosh Hodesh to Begin its 2nd Year at Beth El by Carly Stein What do you think of when you hear the words “Rosh Hodesh?” The first time I heard them, I thought, “What the heck is that?” Now I hear “Rosh Hodesh” and think of crafts, friendship, tradition and fun. Rosh Hodesh: It’s a Girl Thing! is a national program put forth by Moving Traditions that empowers girls to learn and share together during monthly meetings. Rosh Hodesh literally means, “Head of the month” and is celebrated in accordance with the new moon. The modern observances of this holiday allows for women to meet for a few hours each month to socialize, make crafts, nosh, and learn about contemporary issues using Jewish texts for guidance. This year Rosh Hodesh: It’s a Girl Thing! made its debut at Beth El. The inaugural group consisted of nine 6th grade girls who showed up at the first meeting hesitant to participate and left the last meeting begging for summer gatherings. No one knew what to expect but it soon became clear that this was a once a month program that the girls never wanted to miss. During our last meeting, I asked the girls what their favorite part of Rosh Hodesh was, over half replied that they loved meeting with their peers regularly to learn and were happy to have made friends with girls that they didn’t feel comfortable with before the program. We had a great time together once a month learning about body-image, female heroes in Judaism, being a good friend, risk-taking, media messages, and more through conversation, texts, and crafts. Don’t just take my word for it, here are some things our participants had to say about Rosh Hodesh: “Rosh Hodesh has been a very fun experience. I have met a lot of new friends, and learned about girl power and their rights. At first I was a little scared to join, but it has been fun and I’m so glad I joined... Every time I go to Rosh Hodesh I learn something new and become less shy. This program makes all of us feel like we’re at home with a whole bunch of friends over.” “I love this group and wish it could last forever” We invite all 5th, 6th and 7th grade girls to join this group so that they can share in this uplifting experience. To learn more about Rosh Hodesh: It’s a Girl Thing! at Beth El, contact Mary Baumgarten at 952-920-3512, ext. 116, maryb@bethelsynagogue.org. Carly Stein facilitated the Rosh Hodesh group. She is also the Healthy Youth- Healthy Communities Specialist for Healthy Youth-Healthy Communities is a program the Jewish Community Health Awareness Initiative (J-CHAI). Talmud Torah 5th grade Living Museum The Gimel (5th grade) classes at the Talmud Torah of Minneapolis embarked on an exciting project this year in conjunction with The Museum of Jewish Heritage in New York City. The museum received a grant from The Covenant Foundation to train teachers in Jewish schools to prepare a museum exhibit which would be part of The Museum of Jewish Heritage website, as well as a live exhibit at their school. In January, Mary Baumgarten and Carmella Chazin traveled to the museum to be part of the training. They worked with Tamy Kaiyalethe and all the Gimel students in preparation for the live exhibit on May 14 and 15 at the Talmud Torah. Some of the student artifacts are currently on display in the Ring Lobby cases and others are at various local synagogues as well as at the Sabes JCC. We are grateful to the Minnesota Jewish Historical Society for their help in planning for this exhibit. Religious School registration coming soon Watch your mail for Religious School registration packets to be mailed in August. For more information, please call 952-920-3512, ext. 116, or email maryb@bethelsynagogue.org d 5 life cycles miigd xefgn Celebrating a B’nai Mitzvah... August 16, 2008 • 15 AV 5768 Vaethanan Shabbat Nahamu SOPHIA ELAINE KIEFFER vrupmu rhtn ,c vbj Daughter of Valeria and Mitchell Kieffer Honoring Sophia on her bat mitzvah, her parents will be sponsoring the Kiddush and congregational lunch. Hesed Project: Sophia enjoyed preparing a traditional Friday night Shabbat dinner with her friends for their families. She also participated in packaging food for the Feed My Starving Children Program. Sophia is very caring and giving in both her personal relationships and her works toward Tikkun Olam. August 23, 2008 • 22 AV 5768 Ekev AARON RASKIN kz vbauau ohhj ic ihnhbc irvt Son of Ken Raskin, Lynn Lederman and Susan Raskin z”l Honoring Aaron on his bar mitzvah, his grandparents Pat and Bud Wiener, will be sponsoring the Kiddush, and his parents will sponsor the congregational luncheon. Hesed Project: Aaron has enjoyed volunteering at the Sholom Home. He has spent a great deal of time reading and visiting with the residents. August 30, 2008 • 29 AV 5768 R’ei ARIEL ZOE HECHTER tagpu lurc ,c tytkz kthrt SAMUEL BENJAMIN HECHTER tagpu lurc ic ihnhbc ktuna Daughter and Son of Pattye & Byron Hechter Honoring Ariel & Samuel on their b’nai mitzvah, their grandparents, Ferna & Raoul Heifetz and Samuel Hechter and parents, Pattye & Byron Hechter will be sponsoring the Kiddush and congregational luncheon. Hesed Project: Sammy & Ari participated in the "Puppy Parade" at Roitenberg Assisted Living, helping to put smiles on the faces of the residents; took part in packaging school supplies for needy Minneapolis school children and donated funds to help support the "Stuff For Schools" program, as organized by the Minneapolis branch of the National Council of Jewish Women; and participated in the Loaves and Fishes organization, assisting in helping feed those in need. Adult B’nai Mitzvah Class A new two-year cycle of study leading to a group b’nai mitzvah ceremony on the first day of Shavu’ot of the year 2010, will begin this Fall. Studies include Hebrew reading (beginning and intermediate levels); the history, structure and content of the siddur; classical rabbinic text; and the synagogue skills involved in conducting Shavuot services, including Torah reading. A minimum of twelve participants will be necessary for this program. If you are interested in registration or have questions regarding the program, please contact Cantor Abrams at 952-920-3512, ext. 109 or aabrams@bethelsynagogue.org 6 o Positions available in the B’nai Mitzvah Program • Administrative • Supervisory • Few synagogue skills required Hours are 9:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. for 29 Shabbatot during the school year. If you are interested in working for this exciting and dynamic program, contact Mary Baumgarten at 952-920-3512, ext. 116 Cantor’s Corner by Cantor Audrey Abrams B’nai Mitzvah Program Updates One of the things that drew me to Minneapolis after college was meeting Minneapolis youth on USY Pilgrimage. I was so impressed with their davening and Torah reading skills. And since I was “into that stuff”….and should have known I had the cantorate in my future…I was intrigued. Well, I must tell you, if you don’t already know, that the Twin Cities Conservative synagogues have a reputation for well-trained b’nai mitzvah students. They learn more of the service than most; while others simply memorize their Torah reading, our youth learn the life-long skill of chanting and can chant any portion. Our kids not only learn, they teach, and we are blessed to have them daven and read Torah long past their actual b’nai mitzvah. We credit the vision of the leadership over the last 40 years in developing these exceptional training programs. But, no matter how exceptional, times have changed. Families have changed, time commitments have changed, priorities of synagogue leadership has changed, educational goals have changed. Therefore, we need to review our programs with these factors in mind to make appropriate and necessary modifications. Over the past two years, the clergy team, in conjunction with our Education Director, Mary Baumgarten, our staff of TaRBuT, Haftarah, Torah, and Synagogue skills, and dedicated lay congregants, has been evaluating and revamping parts of the B’nai Mitzvah program. We believe these changes further strengthen our children’s understanding of what it is to be bar/bat mitzvah while not sacrificing the level of proficiency we require. Some of these may seem small or insignificant, but in the larger picture, we hope they provide a more integrated and cohesive program. · Streamlining the Organization: While most changes “behind the scenes,” we have streamlined the tracking and created a closer working relationship between the teachers of the different skills. · Class Cohesion: Our TaRBuT kids receive Jewish education either at a local Jewish day school or Talmud Torah. We wanted to unify these sometimes separate communities and make classes more cohesive. Therefore, kids still work on their skills on an individual schedule, but now come together for classroom activities. · Family Education: Three times each year, parents of 5th graders and parents of 6th graders get together (separately) for family education and as families for Shabbat dinners. These are not only opportunities to learn together but to grow closer as a Beth El community. · Torah/Haftarah training: Rather than being taught on Sunday mornings, Torah and Haftarah training has been moved to Shabbat and is integrated into the TaRBuT curriculum. This has eased some of the time commitment of our families. We've also arranged for those students closer to their B'nai Mitzvah date to spend more time in Sunday morning minyan. It's a great way for them to feel more comfortable and connected at Beth El. · Mitzvah Curriculum (formerly known as the Hesed program): This is perhaps the program undergoing the most revisions. With the guidance and curriculum writing skills of Debbie Mann, along side the Gemilat Hesed teacher, Sheryl Sue Warren, a new program is developing to help students “try out” different mitzvot. We are asking them over the course of their 2 -3 year training to attempt to do 18 mitzvot that fall under the categories of “between man and God,” “man and man,” and “man and the world.” The mitzvot range from attending a shiva minyan, to trying keeping kosher for a period of time, to educating peers about Judaism. We are asking families to participate in these activities and for our b’nai mitzvah to write about the experiences. What better way is there to understand what it means to become a bar/bat mitzvah then to begin doing the mitzvot for which they are now responsible? While there are more changes to come, we are phasing them in over three years. In the end, we believe, these changes will enrich not just the students but the families. Not only will they be proficient in skills as the USYers I met in my youth, they will have a deeper appreciation of what it is to become a bar/bat mitzvah and a member of Beth El’s congregation. f 7 gemilat hesed corner cqg zlinb zpit Beth El Congregational Nurse Program Updates Volunteer for Loaves and Fishes By Hadassah Zohara, Shul Nurse* The Beth El congregational nurse has been in place for two years! As the nurse, I continue to enjoy my work and all the special members I have the privilege of working with. Here is an update on how the program benefited Beth El members, as well as information on services provided. In 2007 I visited and assisted 1270 Beth El members ranging in age from 16 to 100! Even though the position remains half time, there are usually 130-140 visits per month. The visits were as close as a meeting at Beth El to as far away as Rogers, Lakeville, Wayzata, St. Paul, and in a variety of settings including our shul, private homes, hospice centers, hospitals, assisted living, memory care loss, nursing homes, clinics and specialty areas such as dialysis units. Also provided in 2007 was a luncheon/Hanukkah celebration for the seniors unable to attend services or come to Beth El events on a regular basis because of health or mobility problems. Over 40 people attended! The plan is for this to be an annual event to strengthen the connection for seniors with their shul, clergy and peers. The Beth El nurse is also involved with the community through meetings and collaboration with four other local synagogues, Park Nicollet and JFCS. Services Provided Upcoming opportunities to volunteer at Loaves and Fishes are Tuesday, September 23 and Tuesday, November 25. We provide a wonderful meal for people in need in South Minneapolis. This is a one time commitment that you will never forget. Call Diana Rosen at 952-922-7389 to reserve a spot on our serving team. Feed My Starving Children Beth El volunteers packed food for starving children on July 15. A total of 6,264 meals were packaged. Many thanks to the following volunteers: Ruth Kasdan; Pam, Jerry, Polly and Lee Lehman; Jane and Solomon Polansky; Artice Silverman, and Nechama and Shoshana Yardley. The next opportunities to pack food are September 16 and November 18 from 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. For more information or to volunteer, please call Jane Polansky at 952-544-1462. Tzedakah Centerpieces Tzedakah Centerpieces started in 1997 raising over $22,000 for various charities. Rent our centerpieces today for your special occasion and help out a charitable organization while you celebrate. Call Cookie Abramson at 952-920-4341 or Betsy Edlavitch at 612-926-9784 to order. • Assessment for members with both acute and chronic medical and mental health issues. • Health screenings. • A liaison to community and Beth El resources. • Educating in preventive health • A health advocate, assisting with admissions/discharges from hospitals or nursing homes, attending medical conferences, and care conferences. • Assisting members in adapting to lifestyle changes. • Ongoing support for members with no family available locally. • Providing member updates to Beth El clergy, reinforcing the connection to the clergy. Do you have Health Questions? Contact your Congregational Nurse, Hadassah Zohara, at 952-920-3512, ext. 120 Do you need a hand? We’re here! Call our hotline at 952-920-3512, ext 602. Can you lend a hand? We need you! Contact Midge Frailich at mfrailich@visi.com or Jo Ann Gruesner at jgruesner@gmail.com or call 952-920-3512, ext 602. * The Congregational Nurse program is made possible in part with grants from the Minneapolis Jewish Community Foundation, the Park Nicollet Foundation, and the Mt. Sinai Foundation. 8 g Committees & Affiliates Women’s League introduces New Board Dear Congregants ~ The lazy days of summer are quickly flying by but your Beth El Sisterhood has been busy planning for the new term. Our nominating committee, Linda Estrin, Phyllis Harris, Joyce Segelbaum, Ronnie Burstein, & Beverly Rockler Fine submitted the following slate for the 2008-2009 Sisterhood Board. Allow me introduce our new board. President – Marlene Bukstein Now that my 4 children are grown, I consider myself a “stay-at-home mom without children.” I earned my degree in Information Management from the College of St. Catherine in 1993. I have worked at the Beth El Aleph School, Torah Academy and Herzl Camp. I have a passion for Women’s League and will encourage you to join Sisterhood when I meet you. I live in New Hope with my husband Jim and our very spoiled cat, Maggie. Administration Vice President – Karen Rubin A dietician currently working for Endrocrin & Diabetes Associates, Karen serves on the boards of the Greater Lake County Food Bank and Jewish Family & Children Services. She is chairperson for JCFS Hag Sameach and a regional area vice president for Hadassah. You might find Karen in schools sharing her knowledge of Jewish Holidays, nutrition & Aboriginal art. She is married to Russ and they have 2 daughters who are attending college. Karen has a collection of over 1200 cookbooks. Torah Fund Vice President – Ronnie Burstein Ronnie loves to volunteer. You can find her in the Beth El office on a regular basis and anywhere else when opportunities call. She loves games, especially canasta. She has 6 grandchildren and enjoys spending time with three 9-year-olds and a 13-year-old. Her other 2 grandchildren live in New York. She also enjoys reading. Program Vice President – Marion Dorfman Marion is an avid reader and since her retirement from Beth El, she reads, reads, and reads. She loves checking out estate sales but will find time for a game of canasta. If you have a program idea please contact Marion. Ways & Means Vice President – Mickey Bernstein Mickey’s main pleasure comes from her family and 5 grandchildren. She loves to do volunteer work and is the study group co-coordinator for Henrietta Szold Hadassah. As Ways & Means Vice President, Mickey oversees our fundraising projects. Education Vice President – Shayne Brody Karasov A lover of head coverings, Shayne has an extensive collection of hats. She is a recreation therapist, working part time and volunteering in the community. She has 5 children ranging in age from 14 to 25 years old. Shayne is the co-chair of Federation’s committee for Adults with Disabilities. Membership Vice President – Marcy Pearlman Marcy and husband, Sam are natives of New Jersey who found their way to Minnesota by way of Florida. She is a retired elementary school teacher who enjoys meeting people, reading, mah jongg, and most recently, dominos. Marcy volunteers at JFCS Hag Samach and is an active Hadassah member. The Pearlmans have a son in Minneapolis and a daughter and son-in-law and 2 grandsons in Memphis. Corresponding Secretary – Elaine Cohen Elaine is a retired elementary school teacher. She worked in the Robbinsdale Schools for 32 years. She coordinates the food shelf drives for district 281. She is active in Hadassah and is the activity director for her apartment complex. Recording Secretary – Kaye Goldberg Kaye enjoys reading & traveling. She is active in Hadassah – co-president of Henrietta Szold. Worked for many years in customer service at Dayton’s. Financial Secretary – Marge Prohofsky Marge is wife of Jeffrey, mother of Tim, David & Ryan. She sings in the Beth El choir and is a Yixie Chick. Former music teacher & Aleph School Steering Committee member, Marge likes to read & garden when she gets a moment to relax. Treasurer – Barbara Gottlieb This is Barbara’s second term as Treasurer. She volunteers in the Aleph School during the school year now that she has retired as an office manager. She likes to read, cook, garden and travel. You can usually find Barbara at the daily morning minyan. 2 year board positions: Charlotte Berke, Barbara Friedman, Lisa Heilicher, Molly Karpel, Maxine Kravitz, Ellice Landy, Naomi Rotenberg & Elaine White. 1 year board positions: Rita Cook, Audrey Kaufman, Sylvia Keller, Maxine Molloy, Marcia Oleisky, Maxine Robbins, & Ione Stiegler. As you can see, Sisterhood is made up of remarkable women all ages, many professions and interesting past-times. Most of us find time for organizational work, offering our skills and experience to benefit the community at large as well as giving our time and energy to our Beth El community. Our meetings are open and we invite everyone to join our programs. No matter what your skills, how much time you have (or don’t have) Sisterhood needs your support. Watch the Shofar, or on-line Kesher (sign up at www.bethelsynagogue.org) for news of Sisterhood meetings, programs and projects. See the flyer on page 17 about our annual Rosh HaShanah Honey sale and don’t forget to stop by the newly remodeled Gift Shop. Please feel free to contact Marlene at 763-546-0355 or any of our board members with any questions or ideas about Sisterhood. We are here to serve our community and look forward to hearing from our Beth El family. Sincerely, Marlene Bukstein h 9 Beth El Gift Shop Update Although the Gift Shop has been closed for the summer, new items have been continuously arriving. We have many new Judaica items, including a large selection of Apple and Honey dishes. 50 brand new kippot have just arrived and are all priced under $10.00. We are also now carrying wire kippot for women. Plans are underway for our new Hanukkah section which will include a large selection of Dreidles and Menorahs. If you need a hostess gift, try the Gift Shop first. We have searched all over to find unique and different gifts. We have many things – mostly under $30. We continue to do special orders. Please contact us if you are interested in registering for your wedding. If you don’t see it in the shop, call us, we can usually get it for you. Call Linda at 763-545-4301. BEMA: Beth El Music & Arts Recap of our Celebration of Israel’s 60th through the Arts As Israel celebrated her 60th year, BEMA hosted a variety of cultural events to mark the occasion. We hosted an Israeli film series and book review, as well as a photography exhibit of photos taken by our congregants on past trips to Israel. It was interesting to view Israel through different lenses - through the eyes of film makers, writers and photographers – learning through these lenses about different times in Israel’s history and the political and social issues and concerns. In May, we celebrated Lag B’omer “Israel Style,” celebrating the 60th through more of the arts – music, film and, of course, culinary cuisine! We made tabouli, and hummus, and roasted potatoes and cooked pita over a fire pit in the parking lot. After we all enjoyed the fruits of our labor, we watched a humorous short film called, “The West Bank Story,” then roasted marshmallows and sang Israeli songs around the campfire. It was a first at Beth El. A campfire in the parking lot!!?? We had a great time and some of the Israelis present said that while it wasn’t exactly like it would have been in Israel, it was “close” and it was fun. Thank you to Wendy Shragg and Vic Thor, BEMA chairs, for their help in putting on these events. Special thank you to Vic for mounting the photography show and to Wendy Lulavy for making the Lag B’omer picnic a success. We also want to thank the Minneapolis Shali’ah, Shlomo Weinish, for all the help he gave us during the year. And we wish him well as he and his family travel back to Israel. Stay tuned for BEMA’s next event…coming this Fall to a synagogue near you! 10 i miigd xefgn life cycles Mazal Tov to... Sonia Ungerman who was selected as one of American Women in Radio and Television 25 Women Who “RULE” in Sales & Marketing”, a nationally recognized honor. Brandon Rabinowitz, on being the first recipient of the Maynard Katz Scholarship Fund Junior Tennis Camp Award at this year's Twin City Jewish Tennis Association Awards Ceremony. The Minneapolis Jewish Family and Children's Services(JFCS) organization holds the official scholarship fund. The fund has been set up to honor Maynard Katz for his strong personal connection to Judaism, Israel and coaching young rising tennis stars. Brandon is a freshman on the varsity tennis team at Hopkins High School as well as a TaRBuT teacher at Beth El Synagogue, Herzl camper, and instigator of the JFCS Big Brother/ Big Sister "Pal to Pal" program. Brandon is the son of Linda & Ronald Mash. Condolences To... • Sheva Sanders and family on the loss of her father, Basil Rifkin. • Helene & Gerald Bukstein, Sondra Bukstein, Stephen Bukstein, Leigh Deschamps and • • • • Anniversaries Mazal Tov Michael & Shari Rothman August 1………….15th Ronald & Natalie Saxon August 2………….55th Daniel & Jodi Rosen August 8………….15th Michael & Sandra Swirnoff August 9………….50th Elliot & Judy Wolson August 11………….40th Larry & Elayne Chiat August 12………….35th Refael & Wendy Lulavy August 15………….15th Aaron & Danya Shafton August 17………….5th Brian Bukstein and family on the loss of son and brother, Sean Morris-Bukstein. Dr. Steve & Suzann Yussen August 18………….40th Allan Stillerman and family on the loss of his father, David Stillerman. Shawn & Ella Hoffman August 22………….15th The friends and family of Rosella (Chichee) Saltzman. Dr. Julius & Betsy Edlavitch August 25………….35th Marvin Burstein and family on the loss of his sister, Marilyn Burstein. Dr. Burton & Sharon Schwartz August 25………….45th Michael Platt and family on the loss of his mother, Evelyn Platt. Members’ names are in bold S’mahot Samuel & Patricia Lichterman August 25………….40th Steven & Leslee Kollins August 26………….35th September 6 - Kiddush Sponsor In honor of their 50th Wedding Anniversary, Sandra & Mort Greenberg will be co-sponsoring the kiddush. Larry Pepper & Dana Yugend-Pepper August 28………….25th Richard & Dobra Hunegs August 30………….55th Do you have a special Mazal Tov in order? A birth? An upcoming marriage? A special award? We would love to share this news with our Beth El Family. If you would like this published in the Shofar, please call Danelle Cunningham at 952-920-3512 ext.133 or email dcunningham@bethelsynagogue.org. Leslie & Elaine Spiegel August 30………….50th Steven & Anne Burstein August 31………….5th Morton & Sandra Greenberg August 31………….50th zenexz tributes Beth El Endowments and Program Funds provide an important source of income, enabling Beth El to offer added services and programs and to make improvements to the facility. You can honor or remember family members and friends with contributions to any of the Beth El Endowment Funds or Program Funds. Send donations to: Beth El Synagogue, 5224 West 26th Street, Minneapolis, MN 55416. Indicate the fund to which you want to contribute, the purpose of the contribution, and to whom you would like an acknowledgement sent. If you would like to establish a new fund in your name or in the name of a loved one, please contact Marilyn Weisberg at Beth El, at 952-920-3512, ext.102. A complete listing of funds are available by calling the front desk at 952-920-3512 or donate online at www.bethelsynagogue.org (click on “Donate” in the upper right corner.) Beth El Gratefully Acknowledges the Following Contributions This list reflects donations made to funds from May 3-June 20, 2008. Contributions received after June 20, 2008 will be listed in the September 2008 issue of the Shofar. If you do not want your name listed, please include a note when you make your contribution. The Artice & Morton Silverman Education Fund In Honor of Rachelle Kamin and Brad Minus’s marriage In Honor of Nina Goldberg and Bruce Stillman’s marriage In Honor of Laurie Edwards and Richard Sevak’s marriage Rabbi Alexander Davis & Esther Goldberg-Davis The Barney & Gladys Applebaum Aleph School In Memory of Alan Lieberthal In Memory of Dania Felemovicius-Hermangus Stuart & Carolyn Bloom Cantor Abrams Celebrate the Arts Fund In Honor of Gabriel Nagore and Ellen Weiss’s marriage Angel Barber In Appreciation of Cantor Audrey Abrams Daniel & Elise Lieberthal In Memory of Arnold Weiss In Honor of Gabriel Nagore and Ellen Weiss’s marriage Dolly and Harold Schmidt In Memory of Deborah Sherman Dr. Harvey & Donna Leviton Congregational Nurse Fund In Memory of Leon Bongard In Memory of Cecil Newman In Memory of Jennifer Zacks’s grandmother Mazel Tov on the marriage of Nina Goldberg to Bruce Stillman In Memory of Joel Rappaport In Honor of Judge Allen Oleisky’s special birthday and retirement Edward & Joyce Prohofsky ` i 11 tributes zenexz Camp Ramah Appeal-Scholarship Camp & Israel In Appreciation of Amy Stern In Memory of Leon Bongard Elise and Daniel Lieberthal and Family In Honor of Mr. and Mrs Harold Smith’s special birthday and special anniversary In Honor of Manly Rubin’s special birthday In Honor of Nancy Garber’s special birthday Esther Milgrom In Honor of Arnold Goldberg’s 90th birthday Max and Ruby Addis In Honor of Sophie Krupp’s high school graduation In Honor of Mara Sanders’s high school graduation In Honor of Jaimee Goldish’s high school graduation In Honor of Sara Lederman’s high school graduation Rabbi Alexander Davis & Esther Goldberg-Davis In Honor of Jaimee Goldish’s high school graduation In Honor of Sara Lederman’s high school graduation In Honor of Sophie Krupp’s high school graduation In Honor of Mara Sanders’s high school graduation Rabbi Robert & Camille Kahn Feldman-Bernstein Family Fund In Honor of Mickey Bernstein’s special birthday Harvey and Lois Edelstein Kaye Goldberg Marilyn Spector Steve and Marion Sussman Gunther and Ruth Stern 50th Anniversary book cart In Memory of Leon Bongard In Memory of Edith Gottesman Gunther & Ruth Stern Hannah Bialick Yom Shalaim Fund In Honor of Hannah Bialick’s retirement Alan & Gloria Stein Alfred & Myrna Feldman Barb and Cliff Gerstenhaber David & Gail Jordani Donna and Jack Dobbs Dr. Gregory & Stephanie Snyder Elissa (Lisa) Heilicher Gary & Jennifer Berman Gayle and Paul Stein Cantor Abrams Discretionary fund In Appreciation of Cantor Audrey Abrams performing marriage of Nina Harvey Katz Goldberg and Bruce Stillman Joanne and Bruce Blindman Nina Goldberg and Bruce Stillman Judge Allen & Marcia Oleisky Linda Bialick Jacob & Ann Scherling Scholarship Fund Lois and Sam Schenfeld In Memory of Ben Fiterman Melvin & Ronita (Ronnie) Burstein Harold & Eileen Scherling Mindi & Doug McColgan Richard & Lynn Bialick The Arthur & Irene Stillman Educational Fund Robert & Estelle Stillman Mazel Tov on on the occasion of Bruce & Nina Stillman’s marriage Roger & Ellice Landy Harry & Elizabeth Fischman Sid & Roz Bearman Stephan & Anne Devitt Greater Beth El Steven & Gail Katz In Memory of Ben Fiterman Steven and Diane Bialick Alan & Bonnie Ziskin Steven and Julie Vliet The Parnes Family Tobe and Arlin Goldberg, Joshua and Noah In Memory of Irwin Mandel In Honor of Adam Griff In Memory of Saul Balick Bruce & Merrie Forstein Benton & Sara Press In Memory of Berta Vayman Brad and Addie Kaplan In Memory of Dania Felemovicius-Hermangus Deena Pitzele In Memory of Marshall Livon In Memory of Dania Felemovicius Hermangus In Memory of Deborah Sherman Dennis Leveris & Linda Goldberg In Memory of Rabbi Samuel Friedman Dr. Harry Friedman In Honor of the ordination of Rabbi Avi Olitzky Ellen and Maurice Elias In Honor of Dr. Manly Rubin’s 80th birthday Ethyl and Yale Rutzick In Memory of Alan Lieberthal In Memory of Deborah Sherman Gary & Barbara Krupp In Memory of Leon Bongard Jerry and Norma Cohen In Honor of Arnold Goldberg’s 90th birthday Joseph & Shirley Novich Mazel Tov on on Sam ‘s Bar Mitzvah Judie and Marvin Liszt and family In Honor of Sybil Wilensky’s 70th birthday Leslie, Jerad, Zachary and Anika Hahn In Honor of Sara Lederman’s graduation Michael & Nancy Schoenberger Mazel Tov on to Ari Pepper’s Bar Mitzvah Simon & Leah Temkin The Fay & Leonard Ribnick Program Fund In Honor of Leonard Ribnick Betty and Peter Jonas The Ione & Alan Stiegler and Phyllis & Sheldon Blicker Best wishes for the speedy recovery of Beth Puchtel Joe and Estelle Kane 12 ai Ivan and Karen Brodsky Presidential Fund In Memory of Edith Gottesman In Memory of Leon Bongard In Memory of Mr. Steve Newman’s father Dr. Ivan & Karen Brodsky Philip and Rivel Greenberg Family Fund for Holocaust In Memory of Leon Bongard In Memory of Edith Gottesman In Memory of Alice Weitzman Philip & Rivel Greenberg Rabbi Davis Discretionary Fund In Appreciation of Rabbi Alexander Davis performing marriage of Nina Goldberg and Bruce Stillman Nina Goldberg and Bruce Stillman In Appreciation of Rabbi Alexander Davis a beautiful Simchat bat for Jada Dahlin The Dahlin Family Rabbi Rob and Camille Kahn Legacy Fund In Honor of Rabbi Robert Kahn and Family Christopher & Meryll Page Richard & Dobra Hunegs David & Nancy Goldstein In Honor of Rabbi Rob, Camillie, Avinoam, Dalya and Elleana Dr. Aaron & Judith Nathenson In Honor of Rabbi Rob and Camille Kahn Diana Idelkope Dr. Stuart & Sue Ellen Borken In Memory of Dania Felemovicius-Hermangus Melvin & Ronita (Ronnie) Burstein In Honor of the Kahn family’s impending Aliyah Stephanie and Richard Soskin and Family In Appreciation of the wonderful Kahn family The Boing Boings (Barry, Betsy, Annie and Sam Birnberg) The Ida & Joseph Lazarus Fund for Advanced Jewish In Honor of Donna and Joseph Brochin’s 65th wedding anniversary Diana Idelkope Rose & Sol Bukstein Sukkah Fund In Honor of Nancy Garber’s birthday Mazel Tov on Ed and Maxine Molloy’s anniversary In Honor of David Chein and Reida Lazer-Chein’s anniversary In Memory of Alan Lieberthal In Memory of Ruth Singer Mazel Tov on on the birth of Mr. and Mrs. Igor Furman’s granddaughter Dr. James & Marlene Bukstein The Alvin & Audrey Kaufman Camp Ramah Fund In Memory of Richard Greengard In Honor of Nancy Garber’s special birthday In Honor of Ruth Stern’s special birthday In Memory of Edith Gottesman In Honor of Rabbi Rob and Camille Kahn and Family Alvin & Audrey Kaufman Summer Pilgram Experience in Israel Fund In Memory of Alan Lieberthal In Memory of Leon Bongard Michael Davis & Jodi Lebewitz-Davis In Honor of Solomon Raskin’s Bar Mitzvah In Honor of Benjamin Mallin’s Bar Mitzvah In Honor of Zach Brauer’s Bar Mitzvah In Honor of Sophia Temkin’s Bat Mitzvah In Honor of Joel Ratner’s Bar MItzvah In Honor of Nina Shragg’s Bat Mitzvah In Honor of Samuel Parker’s Bar Mitzvah In Honor of Ari Pepper’s Bar Mitzvah In Honor of Jonah Tapper’s Bat Mitzvah In Honor of Adam Griff’s Bar Mitzvah In Honor of Benjamin Fischman’s Bar Mitzvah Rabbi Alexander Davis & Esther Goldberg-Davis The Bernice & Ben Fiterman Jewish Studies Fund In Memory of Ben Fiterman Dr. James & Marlene Bukstein Martin & Sue Ring Scott and Brenda Burns Stanley & Carol Dobrin Tony & Alli Rubin Friends from the Class of ‘59 The Daryle Silver Aleph School Fund In Memory of Dora Kaiman David & Nancy Goldstein In Memory of Ben Fiterman In Memory of mother “Marty” Gits Jeffrey & Eileen Silver In Honor of Sally Levitan Rita Weiss In Honor of Cory and Jonna Benjamin’s anniversary In Memory of Max Zamansky In Honor of William and Myrna Schlaifer’s 28th anniversary Sally B. Levitan The David & Marla Frank USY Scholarship Fund Mazel Tov on on the engagement of Jeremy and Karla Weinblatt In Memory of loving wife, mother and grandmother Deborah Sherman In Honor of the engagement of Ali Schoenberger & Josh Berdass In Memory of Benjamin Fiterman In Memory of Avis Savitt Arthur J. & Penny J. Glassman Mazel Tov on on Kara Weinblatt and Jeremy Frank’s engagement Michael & Nancy Schoenberger In Honor of David and Nancy Goldstein’s special birthdays Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Gerstenhaber In Memory of David Frank In Memory of Ruth Abzug Penny, Art, Sarah and Devra Glassman The Maher Weinstein Mogan David USY Scholarship Fund In Memory of Howard Kahn Audrae and Jerry Rosenzweig In Memory of Ben Fiterman Sharon Posnansky The Jack and Rose Hyman Camp Ramah Scholarships For Speedy Recovery of Bess Klugman Bonnie and Gary Goldish and Family zenexz tributes The Frailich “Yad V’ Lev” Caring Community Fund In Memory of Leon Bongard Benjamin & Robyn Schein Rena Cohen and Bernie Baskin Sherri and Gordy Rutman Best wishes for the speedy recovery of Irit Vinitsky In Memory of Alan Lieberthal Bonnie and Gary Goldish and family Thank you to Midge Frailich for the luscious meal delivered. Harold & Ruth Atkin Thank you to Jo Ann Gruesner Lou Ann Bongard In memory of Joel brother of Marshall Rappaport In memory of Rose “Lu Lu” Goldberg beloved mother and grandmother Barry & Midge Frailich The Jacki & Bill Broze Israel Trips for Adults Fund In Memory of Leon Bongard Bruce & Merrie Forstein Dr. James & Marlene Bukstein Dr. Steve & Suzann Yussen Eileen Broze Estelle and Bob Baldinger, Ronnie and Mel Berstein, Lorraine & Sherman Garon, Donald GAron, Jon & Stacy Garon, Diane & Allen Kuperman, Wendy & Steve Baldinger, Arlis & Erv Grossman, Audrey & Al Kaufman, Lorraine & Harold Klane, Violet Mekler, Mark & Sara Mekler, Gregg Mekler, Sheri & Glenn Sherling, Steve Perlman, Jan Raskin, Sharon Rackner, Pauline & Barney Ratner, Ruth & Irwin Rubenstein, Joy & Danielle Sandler, Joyce & Stan Segelbaum, Leonard Sobol, Ione & Alan Stiegler, Doris Walder Harry & Shelley Jacobs Judy and Allan Elias Kenneth Raskin, Lynn Lederman and Family In Memory of Shirlee Shandler In Honor of Amir Goldman becoming president of Torah Academy of Lower Merion William & Jacalyn Fruen Broze The Julius & Mollye Segal General Scholarship Fund In Honor of Lois Berman Eve, Julia, Josi and Steve Javinsky and Ana, Etai, Isaak, Josh The Linda and David Estrin Youth Opportunity Fund In Memory of Alan Lieberthal In Honor of Sophie Pepper’s graduation In Honor of Sara Lederman’s graduation In Honor of Ari Pepper’s Bar Mitzvah In Honor of Sara Waller’s graduation In Honor of Brian Shragg’s graduation Jeremy & Jennifer Zacks In Honor of David and Linda Estrin’s special birthdays Leonard & Bonnie Zeff The Lou Ann & Leon Bongard Fund for Seniors In Memory of Leon Bongard Alan & Gloria Stein Alan and Nancy Nager Alan S. & Idell Corson Alvera and Roland Franceschi Alvin & Audrey Kaufman Arnold & Georganne Savitt Audrae and Jerry Rosenzweig Barbara Eiger Betty Benson Betty Smithberg Bob, Candee, Scott and Peggie Kaitz Bobbie and Sherm Lebewitz Bonnie Sowa and Family Byrma Paulzine Christopher & Meryll Page Cindy and Craig Greenberg and Family Cindy Hanson Debbie Glotter Diana Idelkope Diane and Jay Lovich Donna and James Tilsner Doris Rosen Dr. Dale & Lois Dobrin Dr. H. Irving & Karen Katz Dr. Harvey & Donna Leviton Dr. James & Marlene Bukstein Dr. Martin & Marilyn Weisberg Esther Burke Esther Miller Evelyn and Alan Ingber and family Gary & Stacey Bush Gerald & Marilyn Lapides Harold & Ruth Atkin Harry & Elizabeth Fischman Henry N. & Elaine Lehman Berg Irving & Teresa Victor Jack and Cynthia Seiler Jeff and Brenda Atkin Jeffrey & Eileen Silver Jerome and Yetta Simon Jerry & Carrie Gottstein Jerry & Reva Bronstien Joel & Sharon Waller Jon and Diane Rappaport Joseph & Shirley Novich Judge Allen & Marcia Oleisky Judi and Elliot Wolson and Sari Robins Judie and Marvin Liszt and Family Judy and Jerel Shapiro Kaye Goldberg Lee & Barbara Bearmon Marcia and Don Laiderman Marcy and Bruce Spector Mark and Caryn Bongard Marshall & Paula Lehman Martin & Sue Ring Martin Barke Max and Marion Rosenbaum Michael & Susan Blehert Renee and dan Segal Rivel Moses Robert & Jeanette Eisenberg Ronald & Linda Mash Roslyn Tarshish Sedelia Chase Sharon Taylor Sherman and Beverly Kaminsky Shirley and Byron Frank Sid & Roz Bearman Stephan, Anne and Jeremy Devitt Stuart & Carolyn Bloom Warren Schimunek In Memory of beloved husband, father and zayde Leon Bongard Roisen, Gary, Max and George Laskin In Memory of Edith Gottesman Barbara Eiger In Memory of Edith Gottesman In Honor of Manly Rubin’s 80th birthday Lou Ann Bongard In Honor of Benjamin Mallin’s Bar Mitzvah In Honor of Nina Shragg’s Bat Mitzvah In Honor of Sophia Temkin’s Bat Mitzvah In Honor of Zach Brauer’s Bar Mitzvah In Honor of Adam Griff’s Bar MItzvah In Honor of Samuel Parker’s Bar Mitzvah In Honor of Benjamin Fischman’s Bar Mitzvah In Honor of Jonah Tapper’s Bat Mitzvah In Honor of Solomon Raskin’s Bar Mitzvah In Honor of Ari Pepper’s Bar Mitzvah In Honor of Joel Ratner’s Bar Matzvah Rabbi Robert & Camille Kahn In Honor of Jaimee Goldish’s graduation Martin Barke Mazel Tov on Jamie Goldish’s graduation Michael & Nancy Schoenberger In memory of Bruce Blindman In memory of Toba Sudit In memory of Sara Lyons In memory of Richard Cutts In memory of Sylvia Samuels Get well wishes to Sylvia Schwartz Get well wishes to Chick Held Get well wishes to Sharon Rackner Lou Ann Bongard The Torodor-Levy Family General Scholarship Fund In Memory of Connie Clayman’s brother Bill & Sharon Torodor In Memory of Dorothy Meyer Eleanor, Sharon and Bill Torodor The Marcia & Jerry Yugend Social Justice Fund In Honor of Ari Pepper’s Bar Mitzvah Dan & Amy Weiss The Michael & Nancy Schoenberger Camp Ramah In Honor of Susan and Richard Bunin’s anniversary In Memory of Murray Koritz In Honor of Dr. and Mrs. Mark Stesin’s anniversary In Memory of Ben Fiterman Michael & Nancy Schoenberger The Max & Esther Rappaport General Scholarship Fund In Memory of Joel Rappaport Barry, Betsy, Annie and Sam Birnberg Charles & Surrie Desnick Elaine and Michael Herman Elaine and Michael Rappaport Enid and Michael Locketz Harry & Shelley Jacobs Judy and Peter Wolf Mel & Judith Cofman Myrna and Gary Bell Raleigh and Randy Kaminsky The Max & Ida Sanders Scholarship and Operation Fund In Memory of Alan Lieberthal Julie, Brian and Lauren Weisberg The Mr. & Mrs. Sol Sadoff General Scholarship Fund In Memory of Edith Gottesman Irving & Teresa Victor The Nathan Gottesman Torah Fund In Memory of Edith Gottesman Barbara Bach Bonnie and Martin Bush David Sussman Debbie, David and Rebecca Gottesman Donald and Vivian Brody Dr. H. Irving & Karen Katz Dr. Harvey & Donna Leviton Dr. James & Marlene Bukstein Dr. Martin & Marilyn Weisberg Helen and Leo Wolf Jerry & Reva Bronstien Judy and Jerel Shapiro Lee & Barbara Bearmon Michael & Susan Blehert Neal Gendler and Margie Wassweman Sid & Roz Bearman In Honor of Ari Pepper’s Bar Mitzvah David Sussman The Nemerov-Lava General Scholarship Fund In Honor of Diane and Neil Hoffman’s special birthdays Dr. H. Irving & Karen Katz Tammy and Carl Birnberg The Oleisky-Blumberg Library Supplies and Maintenance In Memory of Ruth Singer In Honor of the birth of Fay & Stephen Gold’s granddaughter Best wishes for the speedy recovery of Larry Parks In Honor of Tony and Alli Rubin’s new son In Memory of Dorothy Meyer In Honor of Nancy Garber’s birthday In Honor of the birth of Mary and Jack Baumgarten’s granddaughter Judge Allen & Marcia Oleisky In Honor of Robert Oleisky’s Spirit of JFCS Award In Honor of Judge Allen Oleisky’s retirement Rabbi Arthur R. and Betejoy Oleisky Stuart & Carolyn Bloom Continued on the next page b i 13 tributes z e n e x z Continued from page 13 The Landy Aleph School Enrichment Program In honor of the Rita & Larry Covin’s anniversary In honor of Leslie & Andy Parker’s anniversary In memory of Leon Bongard Ellice & Roger Landy and Family In memory of Max Zamansky father of Ron Zamansky In memory of Dania Esther Felemovicius-Hermagus sister of Isaac Felmovicius In honor of the birth of Ian, son and borther of Rich, Nina & Ariella Fogel In memory of Ben Fiterman Todd Amy, Zach & Ari Geller In Honor of Leslie & Andy Parker’s 15th wedding anniversary Howard and Shelly Reichert The Posnick Family Fund In honor of Noyme Blum’s 80th birthday In hone of Sorah Blumenthal’s 80th birthday In memory of Leon Bongard In memory of Edith Gottesman Michael Posnick The Rabbi’s Ramah Appeal Fund In Honor of Manly Rubin’s special birthday Estelle Weiss The Seiler-Newman BEMA Fund Happy Birthday to Nancy Garber Judy and Allan Elias The Samuel & Ann Rank General Scholarship Fund In Honor of Noyme Blum’s special birthday Hannah Rank In honor of Laurie Edwards & Richard Sevak’s marriage In Honor of Nina Goldberg & Bruce Stillman’s marriage In Honor of Rachelle Kamin & Brad Minus’s marriage Rabbi Robert & Camille Kahn The Shirley R. Abelson Aleph School Fund In Honor of the arrival of granddaughter Tess Jaye Benjamin Barry & Carolyn Gerr In Honor of Rabbi Kassel Abelson’s birthday Bernard & Pauline Ratner In Memory of Ben Fiterman Diana Idelkope In Memory of Ruth Bearman Stephan & Anne Devitt In honor of the marriage of Michael & Laurie Sevak In honor of the marriage of Nina Goldberg & Bruce Stillman Rabbi Kassel & Joan Abelson The Viola & Harry Heifetz Aleph School Scholarship Fund In Honor of Richard Locke’s 70th birthday Lou Ann Bongard For Speedy Recovery of Barbara Friedman In Memory of Sylvia Samuels In Memory of Paula Goldstein In Honor of Carrie Held’s graduation Kansas University Best wishes for the speedy recovery of Leon Bongard Raoul & Ferna Heifetz The Stanley & Joyce Segelbaum Gemilat Hesed Fund Ida and David Bach Education Fund Best wishes for the speedy recovery of Julius (Bud) Rivkin In memory of Leon Bongard Stanley & Joyce Segelbaum In memory of Edith Gottesman Pam and Ron Kaufman The Ralph Z. & Bess Yellen General Scholarship Fund In Honor of Susan & Richard Bunin’s wedding anniversary USY Scholarship Fund In Memory of Nick Ipanis Mazel Tov on on Noah Marell’s graduation Thinking of Jody Segal Mazel Tov on on Zachary Stern’s graduation In Memory of Valerie Swerling Mazel Tov on on Ariella Rotenberg’ sgraduation In Memory of Leon Bongard Mazel Tov on on Lior Shragg’s graduation In Memory of Richard and Gail Weinberg’s mother Mazel Tov on on Sara Lederman’s graduation Stuart & Dian Yellen Mazel Tov on on Sophie Krupp’s graduation The Rita Melamed Accessibility Endowment Fund In Honor of Noah Marell’s high school graduation Rabbi Alexander Davis & Esther Goldberg-Davis Rabbi Robert & Camille Kahn The Roberta Weber Congregational Nurse Fund In Memory of Rhoda kay Adam & Valerie Brodsky Barbara Drealan Andrea and Stanley Levich and Family Curtis and Betsy Hanson Margaret and James Milosevich Mark Arnold In Memory of Martin Lebo Andrea and Stan Levich, Michelle and Ben Levich In Honor of Jessica Chumsky’s Bat Mitzvah In Memory of Leon Bongard Stanley & Andrea Levich The Sally & Sam Greenberg Herzl Camp Scholarship Fund In Honor of Sharon Spector’s special birthday In Memory of Alice Weitzman In Honor of Fern & Ernest Gershone’s 25th anniversary Harley & Ellen Greenberg Happy Birthday to Alice Weitzman Happy Birthday to Sharon Specktor Judge Myron Greenberg & Shelley Kornblum Jerome Teener Arts Fund In memory of Leon Bongard In memory of Edit Gottesman In Memory of Jerome Teener Sophie Teener 14 ji Cantor Neil & Saranee Newman In Memory of Murray Koritz Jerry & Reva Bronstien In Memory of Leon Bongard Lois and Sherman Devitt Best wishes for the speedy recovery of Jody Sigal Stanley & Laura Smith For Speedy Recovery of Irit Vinitsky In Memory of Leon Bongard Wendy and Martin Shragg and Family Abelson-Aronson Endowment Fund In honor of the birth of Mayer Zis son of Michael Zis & Dr. Deborah Olkon In memory of Alan Lieberthal father of Dan Lieberthal In memory of Arnold Weiss In memory of Basil Rivkind father of Sherva Sanders In memory of Ben Fiterman husband of Bernice Fiterman In memory of Berta Vayman mother of Anna Shagalov In memory of Edith Gottesman mother of Debra Gottesman In memory of Eugene Shaller brother of Connie Clayman In memory of Leon Bongard Wife of LouAnn & Mother of Jackie, Midge, Bonnie In memory of Lloyd Milavitz brother of Seymour Milavitz In memory of Michael Stillerman son of Allan Stillerman In memory of Ruth Singer mother of Jack Singer In memory of Sean Morris-Bukstein son of Helene & Gerald Bukstein In memory of Syd Tapper father of Stuart Tapper In memory of Sylvia Prager mother of Rochelle Diamond Rabbi Kassel & Joan Abelson Continued on the next page Yahrzeit Contributions Abraham and George Goldberg Arnold Goldberg Abraham Jacob Weiner Martin & Sharon Kieffer Albert Kaplan Ellice & Roger Landy and Family Anna Brochin Joseph & Donna Brochin Anna Fishman Jerry Fishman Anna Pieser Shirley Korengold Anna Reznick Schuman Charlotte Berke Arlene Efron Gabriel Jaffe Shirley Jaffe Aron Leichihman Betty Leichihman Mony Leichihman Arthur Goldberg Kaye Goldberg Arthur Martin Jay Gendler Gary & Stacey Bush Avraham Cohen Ellen Trauven Mark Appelbaum & Yaffa Cohen-Appelbaum Ben Hackman Sarah Hakhamimi Bernard Silverberg Elise Lieberthal Bernice Hershstein Sally B. Levitan Bernice Mintz Susan Koritz Bertha Ciubata Dora Ciubata Leopold Czubata Marcus Ciubata Nelly Leichihman Bessie Ratner Max Ratner Bernard Ratner Blanche Silverman Orlin Silverman Blanche Silverman Eunice Burk Charles Pinkus Aaron Pinkus Charlotte Radow Myra Juster David Levi Rosa Liberty David Reis Mollie Dorfman Sam Kvasnik Dora Kirschner Norman Kirschner Alan & Gloria Stein Earl Weiss Estelle Weiss Eugene Freshman Phil Freshman Fannie Daniel Harolyn Rudoy Faye Krupp Mayer Krupp Gary & Barbara Krupp In loving memory of: Contributed by: Felix Kaminsky Joseph Kaminsky Florence Nisman Arthur & Sandra Lavintman Frieda Sperling Phyllis Sperling Gerald Sudit Arthur & Penny Glassman Gertrude Smith Esther Burke Harold Goldish Gary Goldish Helene Stern Gunther & Ruth Stern Herman Prager David and Karen Strauss Herschel Epstein Simon Epstein Sheldon Epstein Himie Ingber Mildred Ingber Ida Friedell Peggy Cohn Irv Kasdan Ruth Kasdan Irving Berg Diane Berg Irving Goldberg Tobe, Arlin, Joshua and Noah Goldberg Irving H. Davis Shirley Mae Nadler Dr. Aaron & Judith Nathenson Irving Kasdan Shirley Van Wie Irving Levich Stanley & Andrea Levich Isaac Ribnick Jeffrey Levy Isadore Blumenfeld Phillip Schneider Israel Brudnoy Katherine Isbin Jacob Friedman Doris Walder James Goldberg Sybil Wilensky Jennie Leff Leah Shapiro Joseph Kaplan Dr. Arnold & Shirley Kaplan Joseph Nelson Finkelstein Stanley & Marsha Finkelstein Leila Orren Shirlee Friedman Leon Drew Deena Pitzele Lil Goldfarb Dr. Mace Goldfarb Louis (Larry) Shuster Max Schuster Shirley Sussman Manfred Klein Ralph Klein Marvin Chessin Shirley Glasser Mary Desnick David Desnick Matias Berkovich Zhan Berkovich Max Sadoff Shalom Modechai Harold Sadoff Melvin Juster Myra Juster Mildred Glasband Linda Platt Mitchell Walensky Sophie Walensky Davidene Weinberg Mollie Green Elaine White Morris Rabkin Barbara Eiger Nate Winer Norman & Sally Winer Norman S. Armel DeDe Armel Pearl Juster Sue Ring Phillip Fisher Rita Fisher Renee Fruen James Fruen Robert Schwartz Lois Siegel Robert Schwartz Clare Schwartz Robert Silverstein Mr. Seymour Silverstein Rose B. Desnick David & Norma Desnick Rose Baker Sol Berezovsky Dr. Lowell Baker Rose Baker Howard & Elaine Schwimmer Rose Gutterman Jacqueline Herman Rosemarie Snyder Gerald Snyder Sam and Ethel Bell Mr. & Mrs. Martin Bell Sam Benenson Lillian Benenson Sam Klane Harold Klane Sam Phillips Stanley & Harriet Phillips Samuel Brodsky Ben Brodsky Samuel Kagantzev Anna Olshanskaya Sarah Harris Hannah Bialick Sarah Scheekman Hy & Shirley Hamburger Glasser Shirley Baker Irwin A. Baker Sid Tarshish Roslyn Tarshish Sylvia Grossman Norman Grossman Sylvia Lieb Edith Lava William and Lillian Frisch Michael Frisch William Berman Ide Schertzer Tributes Cont’d from page 14 Rabbi Kassel Abelson USY Leadership Fund In honor of the Bar Mitzvah of Adam Griff son of Mari & Michael Stein & Steve Griff In honor of the Bar Mitzvah of Ari Pepper son of Larry Pepper & Dana Yugend-Pepper In honor of the Bar Mitzvah of Sam Parker son of Leslie & Andrew Parker In honor of the Bar Mitzvah of Solomon Bleu Lew-Raskin son of Phil Raskin & Jodi Lew-Smith Phil Raskin Rabbi Kassel & Joan Abelson In Memory of Alan Lieberthal Cindy and Craig Greenberg and Family In Honor of Rabbi Kassel Abelson’s ordination at JTS Rabbi Arthur R. and Betejoy Oleisky Sam & Chick Held Seniors Fund In memory of Shirlee Shandler In memory of Leon Bongard In honor of Mickey Bernstein’s special birthday In honor of Dick Brown’s 90th birthday Chick Held Steven G. Rice Fund for Physically & Mentally Challenged Persons Speedy recovery to Dr. Markle Karlen In honor of the special birthday of Rabbi Hayim Herring Belated birthday and safe trip wishes to Joan Okrent Malka & Herman Rice You can now Donate ONLINE It’s easy! It’s about time! Pay tribute to a lost loved one • Honor a birthday or a new baby • Send wishes for a Speedy Recovery Simply log on to bethelsynagogue.org and click on “Donate” in the upper right. eh 15 BETH EL SYNAGOGUE ANNUAL MEETING & INSTALLATION Dinner Reservation for Thursday, August 14, 2008 at 6:15 p.m. Name (s) Dessert Only? (7:05 p.m. N/C) Telephone Email # Attending at $20 each Amount Enclosed $ RSVP by August 4, 2008. Detach and mail to: Beth El Synagogue, ATTN: Annual Meeting, 5224 W 26th St, St. Louis Park, MN 55416. For more information, call 952-920-3512. Check here to be added to the KESHER EMAIL list and stay current on more events and programs at Beth El. (Provide your email above) Annual Meeting Continued from cover At this year’s meeting, the following Board members have been slated to be installed to the Executive Committee: Gary Krupp-President, Jerry Ribnick-Vice President, Gil Mann-Vice President, John Orenstein-Secretary, Dan Mosow-Treasurer. Immediate Past President is Richard I. Diamond. The following Board members are nominated for their first 3-year term: Karen Brodsky, Barbara Levin Krupp, Sonia Ungerman and Michael Walstien. The following Board members have been nominated for their second 3-year term: Jim Bukstein and Wendy Shragg. The nominating committee is Gary Krupp, Marshall Lehman, John Orenstein, Reuven Rahamim and Tony Rubin. Outgoing Board members are: Carole Davidson, Sharon Fischman, Sally Forbes Friedman, Mary Koppel and Tony Rubin. Please detach and mail the above form for your resevation to dinner at 6:15 p.m. on August 14th. The meeting begins promptly at 7:25 p.m. President’s Message Continued from page 4 L’dor Vador Update Cont’d from page 4 Above all, we have assembled the proper people to move this effort forward. I take no credit other than the pleasure of viewing and presiding over the period of these accomplishments by so many dedicated and talented people, both professional and laic. My perspective is that the job of president is temporary; the legacy that can be built on the accomplishments are permanent. Gail Jordani, Rabbi Robert Kahn, Donna Leviton, Gil Mann, Barbara Parks, Amy Rotenberg, Daniel J. Spiegel, Ronald Ungerman, Ruth Usem; Inner Family Committee: Elliott Badzin, Rabbi Alexander Davis, Linda Goldberg, Phyllis Harris, Gary Krupp, Wendy Lovell-Smith, Joel Mandel, Gil Mann, Kenneth Raskin, Jerry Ribnick, Tom Sanders, Morton Silverman, Amy Stern; Building and Grounds Committee: Allen Bernard, Michael Blehert, Larry Braufman, Linda Goldberg, Dale Hillman, Dan Kristal, Craig Kupritz, Roger Landy, Daniel Lieberthal, Richard Ozer, Daniel J. Spiegel, Ronald Ungerman, James Walder. As a final comment, I wish to thank all of you for helping to preserve Beth El as the glorious institution that it has always been. I particularly thank my wife and family for their tolerance and support in allowing me the time to place my energies towards my small part in this effort. I have learned that caretaking means more than sitting still – it requires preserving the good and building a strong bridge to move forward to an exciting and fulfilling future. If you have an interest to be involved please contact, Gil Mann, manngil@aol.com, Wendy Lovell-Smith, swendy4@qwest.net; Tom Sanders, tom.sanders@leonard.com; or Linda Goldberg, lindag@bethelsynagogue.org. unexpected, including, but not limited to, our youth director, caterer, finance director, etc. As a result, the caretaker role changed dramatically. Looking back now, I see the last two years as a time of solidifying our finances and building bridges to connect our past with our future. I see this not only in terms of rabbinic leadership, but also in the restructuring of our organization as a whole. We have developed and adopted a comprehensive strategic plan and have restated by-laws for our formal governance. We have changed a $350,000 deficit in our operating budget to a balanced budget (actual) for this fiscal year and a balanced budget (projected) for the next fiscal year. We have re-jumpstarted the Capital Campaign to not only meet for our physical needs in the future, but also to provide additional endowment funds to help manage our cash flow. These are all impressive accomplishments in which I take great pride. 16 fh Here’s a honey of a way to send loving New Years wishes to your family and friends while supporting Beth El Synagogue Women’s League. Place your order now for an 8-oz jar of Pure Kosher Honey to be mailed with a Rosh Hashanah greeting. The honey is mailed in an attractive gift package directly to the names on your list, anywhere in the continental United States. Orders must be received by September 12th in order to be delivered in time for the holidays. Cost including shipping is $8.25 each or $7.75 each for 3 or more jars IT’S A TRADITION Help others celebrate the New Year with the tradition of apples dipped in honey while supporting the Beth El Women’s League at the same time. Each jar contains eight ounces of delicious, golden, certified pure kosher honey with a signed gift card. The package is an exceptional value at $8.25 each if you order one or two, and $7.75 each for three or more jars. All proceeds will benefit Beth El Women’s League. Mail the completed form to: Doe Schlaifer 1401 Louisiana Avenue North Golden Valley, MN 55427 fi 17 18 gi Rabbi Alexander Davis Assistant Rabbi Avi S. Olitzky Rabbi Emeritus Kassel E. Abelson Cantor Audrey Abrams Cantor Emeritus Neil Newman Only 13 more weeks until the Beth El Women’s Retreat 2008 Executive Director Linda Goldberg Finance Director Jerry Frick Education Director Mary Baumgarten Marketing & Communications Director Danelle Cunningham Technology Director Jessica Boyd More details coming soon...watch for it! Aleph School Director Gail Jordani President, Beth El Synagogue Richard I. Diamond President, United Synagogue Youth Josh Lieberthal President, Men's Club Steve Perlman President, Women's League Marlene Bukstein BETH EL SYNAGOGUE 5224 W. 26th Street Minneapolis, MN 55416-1901 PRSRT STD U.S. Postage PAID Permit #1998 MINNEAPOLIS, MN President, Bethelders Freada Golden IAL MATER D E T A D