Annual Report 2014 - Shared Harvest Foodbank
Annual Report 2014 - Shared Harvest Foodbank
Annual Report 2014 A letter from our director Recently, I was interviewed as part of a storybanking project, collecting stories about local hunger from people who need food and people who work to bring them food. Having been in the business of hunger relief for 40 years, I do have some stories to tell. These annual reports, as well as our newsletters, give us a chance to tell those stories, taking a measure of where we are, what we do, as well as how to do what we do better. That’s where the data we exhaustively collect comes in, giving us a way to benchmark, watch trends, shift resources, address needs effectively. But data isn’t the be all and end all – it is only the beginning, and is necessary to measure our outcomes, but It is not the heart and soul of this work. Nor does it drive us to do better. What drives us are the stories of everyday people, doing everything they can to improve their lives. It is hard work to be poor because you are always scrambling to make ends meet. It becomes even harder when you are measured by impossible standards that drive decisions from public policy to supportive programs to education to steady sustainable employment. All of these things factor into how successful you will be in actually improving your life and your ability to strive for the dream of not having to struggle anymore. The folks we serve don’t want much – they just want what everyone wants: The ability to feed their families, pay their bills, live in safe neighborhoods and give their children a chance at a better life. But there is that dividing line, that line that no one wants to fall below, and those who are below it fight to climb above it: The poverty line. I propose that rather than divide us, this line should connect us, one to the other. And in a small way, that’s what foodbanking does. It provides a vehicle that connects us whether you donate food from your company, run food drives, write checks to support us, raise your voice or roll your sleeves up to help, you are making that connection with people who have nowhere else to turn. You are showing we can do better, we do care and there is hope for a better tomorrow for all of us. And how can you measure that? Tina Osso, Executive Director 2 Audited Trial Balance Board of Trustees Assets Gary Cornett, Chair ZOUNDS hearing Russ White, Vice Chair Community Volunteer Patricia Plavko, Secretary/Treasurer Ultimus Funds Solutions Kevin Cooney, Past Chair Frost Brown Todd LLC Food Inventory* $865,000 Cash & Receivables $210,603 Operating Reserve $503,575 Property & Equipment $866,031 Other Assets $ 37,636 Total Assets $2,482,845 Liabilities Amanda Blevins Community Volunteer Long Term Debt $299,356 Payables $ 84,523 Mike Harkrader Community Volunteer Accrued Payroll & Other Expenses Chuck Roesch Dinsmore & Shohl LP Net Assets Unrestricted $1,749,947 Steve Woody The Kroger Company Board Designated $ 149,262 Total Liabilities Temporarily Restricted Dave Sobecki Miami University Lou Colantuono Community Volunteer Bryan Cooper Woodforest Bank Debbie Jones Community Volunteer Our Mission: To find, rescue and distribute food to people living in poverty through an efficient network, uniting the public and private sectors; To raise awareness of the impact of poverty. $ 41,724 $425,603 $ 158,033 Total Net Assets Total Liabilities & Net Assets $2,057,242 $2,482,845 Revenue & Expense Statement Revenue Food Donations* $7,792,404 Government Grants $ 521,541 Partner Charities $ 501,053 United Way $ 175,389 Foundations $ 114,770 Contributions $ 484,433 Ohio Association of Foodbanks $ 118,068 Miscellaneous $ 12,266 Total $9,719,924 Expense Food Distributed* $7,435,943 Operations $1,436,512 Food/Fund Development $ 92,931 Management & Program Support Total $ 356,835 $9,322,221 *Food/grocery items are valued at $1 per pound Butler County, Warren County, Greater Cincinnati, Oxford & Vicinity 3 Meet our Agency Partners Foodbanking Program Butler County: Allison Avenue Baptist Christian Family Center Creative Center For Children F.E.E.D. Alliance Fairfield Church of God Fairfield Food Pantry Faith Community United Methodist Church Family Services Of Middletown Fellowship Christian Center Full Gospel Outreach Hamilton Living Water Ministry Inc. Holding Hands Hope House Rescue Mission Inc. Lighthouse Fellowship Pantry Love Chambers Mercy Health at St. Raphael Millville Avenue Meal Center Monroe First Church of God Mt. Zion Apostlic Temple New Life Mission Open Door Pantry Oxford Community Choice Pantry Poasttown First Church of God Princeton Pike Church of God Pantry Salvation Army-Hamilton Salvation Army-Middletown Serve City St Vincent Depaul-Holy Family The Living Word Towne Blvd Church of God Towne Learning Center Tri-County Assembly West Side Baptist Day Care Yankee Road First Church of God Darke County: Good Samaritan Home Grace Resurrection Community Center One City Food Pantry Miami County: Bethany Center Dream Builders Group Inc. Family Abuse Shelter First Place Food Pantry Needy Baskets New Path Inc. SafeHaven St. James Episcopal Church Tipp City Church of the Nazerene Victory Baptist Pantry Preble County: First Brethen Church Pantry Higher Heights Church of God Jefferson House Monroe Township Food Bank New Creations New Paris Community Food Pantry Preble County CAP- Pantry Preble County CAP-Shelter West Alexandria Day Care Center West Alexandria Food Bank Butler County Success Hamilton City School District St. Mary’s of Oxford, Friends of Nieghbors in Need Holy Family, St. Vincent DePaul Ross Local School District Richard Allen Academy Women’s Initiative, Butler County United Way Darke County: Grace Resurrection Community Center Miami County: Munch Bunch BackPack Tipp City Church of the Nazarene Warren County: Warren County: Abuse & Rape Crisis Shelter Franklin Area Community Services Hope Homes Kings Local Pantry Lebanon Food Pantry Little Miami Food Service Inc Mason Food Pantry New Housing Ohio, Inc. Salvation Army Senior Independence Adult Day Care Springboro Community Assistance Center Urbancrest Baptist Church Warren Co. Community Services Inc. Heritage Baptist Joshua’s Place Panther BackPack Springboro Community Assistance Center Emergency Food Assistance Program Darke County: Sister Foodbanks: Miami County: Second Harvest Foodbank of Clark, Champaign & Logan Counties Southeast Ohio Foodbank The Foodbank Inc West Ohio Foodbank New Path Inc. BackPack Program Warren County: Butler County: Franklin Area Community Services Kings Area Community Services Warren County Community Services Butler County Early Childhood Development CSFP Program Butler County: Family Resource Center Family Services of Middletown Middletown Area Senior Citizens Partners in Prime Community Action Partnership Preble County: Community Action Partnership Our partner agencies gather for the annual Agency Conference at Miami University’s Voice of America campus. 4 Thanks to our food donors ... Companies: Abbott Nutrition Aero Fulfillment Services Anonymous Barilla America Classic Carrier Cloverleaf Cold Storage ConAgra Covenant Food Marketing Frito-Lay Company General Mills Good Food Made Simple Hershey’s Hostess Interbake Foods LLC Interstate Warehousing J.M. Smucker Company Kellogg’s Keebler Kraft Biscuit (Mondelez) Kraft Foods Meijer Distribution Center Minute Maid Foods Ocean Spray Ohio Association of Foodbanks Ohio Deptartment of Education Ohio Department of Job & Family Service Pepperidge Farm,Inc. Quaker-Tropicana-Gatorade Schwanns Food Service Service Trucking Second Harvest Foodbank of Clark, Logan & Champaign Counties Southeast Missouri Food Bank Sugar Creek Packaging Tipp Top Canning USDA Victory Wholesale Grocers World Arise Foundation Retail Pick-up Program: Aldi’s Kroger Company Marsh’s Supermarkets Meijer Stores Target Walmart Individuals: Anjana Batra Bob Bundy John Chapman Mick Dehart Tim Marcus Connie Royse Jack Sullivan Dave Williams Left -Students and staff load food from the Hamilton School District’s Fill That Bus project. Right - A volunteer helps unload a mail truck for the NALC’s Stamp Out Hunger drive. ... and those who held food drives AK Steel-Super Bowl Drive Anonymous Atos IT Solutions Australian Sands Tanning Resort Bethany United Methodist Church: Faith Alliance Drive Brookdale Senior Living--Food Fight Butler County Educational Services Center Carmax Catalina Children R Our Future Daycare Cincinnati Colts Cincinnati Insurance Clincial Specialists Community First Solutions CSL Plasma Dayspings Montessori Delta Kappa Gamma Equifax Express Scripts FCCLA Fill That Bus - Hamilton City School District First Financial Year Round Food Drive G.E. Aviation Graphel Carbon Products Hi-Tek Humana Jesus Christ Church of Latter Day Saints Fairfield Kroger Administrative Offices Kroger Food for Friends Kroger Food from the Heart Lane Libraries Liberty Mutual Macy Inc Macy’s Bag Hunger Miami University Hamilton Miami/UC Football Game Food Fight Middletown Music Club Molar-Pickens Beauty Academy Montessori Academy of Cincinnati Ohio BMV ORS-NASCO Pacific Industries USA Pole Zero Red Bull Remington Place Apartments Renner- Boys & Girls Club of West Chester/Liberty Rez Center S & S Healthcare S.A.N.E. Schaefer Showcase Springdale 18 Society for Creative Anachronism: Miami University St. Peter in Chains Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive - NALC Sunny Spot Too Talawanda Middle School The S.M. Steller Corp ThyssenKrupp Bilstein of America, Inc United Healthcare United Metal Performance USI Verizon The Cellular Connection West Chester Hospital/UC Health West Side Eagles Wildwood Apartments Wildwood Pub 5 Programs that have an IMPACT: F o o d b a n k i n g Foodbanking: Collects, warehouses, transports and distributes contributions of wholesome food to 80+ food pantries, soup kitchens, shelters in Butler, Warren, Miami, Preble and Darke Counties. These agencies provide hot meals or bags of groceries to families in emergency need. IMPACT: 7,435,943 pounds of food. Warehouse Manager Nate Hoskins moves a delivery of canned goods via forklift. Retail Pick-Up Program: Rescues perishable, center of the plate foods from retail grocers. 2,578,483 IMPACT: pounds of food rescued. Operations Manager Rick Devine weighs a skid of retail pick-up items. Emergency Food Assistance Program: Is federally funded and provides food for our partner charities. IMPACT: 6 1,205,565 pounds of food. Feeding America: Provides donated food and other grocery items from national companies for our partner charities. IMPACT: 394,831 pounds of food Warehouse Associate Dylan Bostwick loads potatoes onto a truck. Ohio Association of Foodbanks: Provides food from Ohio vendors and surplus agricultural products from Ohio family farmers. IMPACT: 1,762,898 pounds of food. Left: Food Production Associate Terri Jacobson sorts food from a local food drive. Right: Food Production Associate Debbie Houston cleans up donated products. Food Drives: IMPACT: 142,318 pounds of food collected. RESULTS 51 partner food pantries provided groceries to 156,107 families 11 partner soup kitchens & shelters served 313,736 meals 7 Programs that have an IMPACT: C S F P Commodity Supplemental Food Program: Is a federally-funded program that provides a monthly box of nutritious supplemental food for people over the age of 60. IMPACT: 545,986 pounds of food. CSFP Administrator Holli Curry works with a volunteer in loading a CSFP box for a senior. RESULTS 1,670 seniors served each month 8 20,132 boxes of food distributed Programs that have an IMPACT: S N A P SNAP Outreach: Our partner agencies host our outreach staff, who provide information about the nutritional benefits of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), and offer assistance in completing applications online through the Ohio Benefit Bank. RESULTS 1,042 families filed applications 972,173 meals were provided by SNAP. 9 Programs that have an IMPACT: B A C K P A C K BackPack Program: Provides food to elementary students in Butler, Darke, Miami and Warren Counties to use on the weekends when other resources may not be available. IMPACT: 410,650 pounds of food P.J. is one of many elementary school students who look forward to receiving their weekly bag of BackPack snacks and ready-to-fix foods. Left: volunteers help assemble BackPacks for elementary children. Right: Direct Services Associate Nick Davidson works with volunteers on BackPack. RESULTS 2,950 children received food each week during the school year. 10 82,540 bags of food distributed during the school year Jill, Michele and Michelle are part of the ConAgra Foods team that frequently helps Shared Harvest prepare BackPacks. Thanks to our BackPack donors Business Donors: Individuals: Asset Advisory Group Inc. Concept Design Technologies EMTEC Rice Auto Body Eric & Marcee Addington David & Kathyrn Allinger Anonymous Janice Archdeacon Donald Arno Ruth H. Bailey William Barnthouse Jane Barrow Jerome & Mary Becker David & Janice Belka Richard & Karen Bell R.P. & Patsyann Biederman Pam Biederman George & Cynthia Blanton Michael Blucker Bonnie & Jerry Bollie Paul Bonner Jr. James & Vicki Brandner Charles & Izetta Brewer David & Laura Brooks Mary Kay Bruewer Rose Brune Michael Bruner Wendel & Joyce Buckner Dallas & Patty Burgess Doris Burton Jean Butterfield Edward & Dorcas Byington Ellen Campbell Clubs and Associations: Altrusa Club Chamber Alliance Leadership 21 Class Delta Kappa Gamma Chi Kiwanis Club of Oxford Ohio Middletown Women Teachers Club Opportunties fo Ohioans w/Disabilities The Welcomers Club of Northern Cincinnati Xi Lambda Pi Chapter Faith Based Groups: Reily Presbyterian Sunday School St Anne Episcopal Foundations: Butler County United Way Grainger Foundation Miriam Knoll Foundation O’Neal Industries Advised Fund Quaker Foundation Woodforest Foundation Robert & Kathryn Carmean Stephen & Karen Carr Gregory & Margaret Carson John Clements Richard & Diane Cockerham Anthony Cole Gerald & Pamela Collins Roby & Lee Ann Compton Margaret Conboy Mark Connaughton Charles & Doris Conrad Thomas & Karen Conrad David & Patricia Corfman Jack & Sandra Cotter David & Diane Cox Ruth Culpepper John Cummings Richard & Mary Daniels Sandra De la Vega Sterling & Ellen Deck Susan Ewing & Paul Decou Donald & Sherlie Delong Ruth Dickerson Andy & Sarah Dillhoff Kevin Dougherty Anthony & Cynthia Dowrey Jerry & Judy Duncan Patricia Dupps John & Bev Durkin Janet Eckerfield Dave & Mary Ann Ellerbrock EVALUATION RESULTS l 56% of teachers responded to the evaluation l 62% saw behavior, appearance & performance improve l 38% said these indicators got no worse 11 Thanks to our BackPack donors Barbara Ellison Judith Ferris S. & C. Fisher Daniel & Lynn Fleming Judy Florio Eugene & Delores Foley Daniel & Diane Foley Tracy & Wilma Fowler Grepory Franchini Willie & Calatha Frazier Judith Frederick Jerry Freimuth Michael & Tina Gabbard Vicente & Maureen Gallardo Joseph & Donna Glaab Robert & Alma Graham Daniel & Patricia Graziani James & Nancy Griffiths Richard & Mary Griss Todd & Carolyn Groeber Kenneth & Debbie Grubb Fay Gullett Lee & Jim Hamill D.P & P. T. Hanson Joan Haskins Laverne Herman Elizabeth Doriott & Derek Hindman DJ & SL Hinger Dale & Sherri Hinrichs Rich & Bev Hite Donald & Marilyn Hogan Bryan & Michelle Huddleston John & Connie Huentelman Dr. Terry & Jacqueline Hunt Dan Huss Martha Imhoff Steven & Judy Isgro Ronald & Mary Jackups Andy & Catherine Jacobs Clifford & Phyllis Johnson Linda Jung William & Clara Katenkamp Keith & Lenea Kennedy Betty Kerley Joseph & Scarllett Kilgore Warren Kimbrough Jack Kirsch Richard & Frances Kneisel F.J. Kosobud David & Holly Kozlowski James & Deborah Kramer David & Karen Kullman David & Anna Lander Robert & Lew Ann Lawhorn Dale & Virginia Layton Brian & Denise Lloyd Emily & Carolyn Loewenstein Faith & Cheryl Long David & Sarah Mabry Gary & Clinton Mansell Michael & Lois Margeson Deborah Mastandrea Jon & Carol Mauk Richard & Joellen Mayers Richard & Penny McHenry Mildred Mergy David & Sandy Metzler James & Sarah Michael Lewis & Janice Miller Charlene Minges Timothy & Barbara Mooney Ronald & Kathlyn Morgan Sandra Murawski Robert & Maria Nicolls Dorothy Nieman Isao & Barbara Noda Rodney & Patricia Oney John Osso Harry & Dorothy Otto Patricia Patrick Michael & Sherri Pedoto Jeffery & Donna Peel Bruce & Barbara Perterson Michael & Marsha Peters Ronald & Dawn Pfohl Kay Phillips Donald Pierce June Pierce Helen & Grace Plemmons Dean & Sara Porter Don & Jill Powell Joseph & Veda Powell William Pratt Harry & Shirley Pritchard Michael Pucke A great educational field trip for youth groups is a trip to Shared Harvest’s warehouse. For a tour and discussion of hunger here at home, contact Community Engagement Director Ben Powers at: or 800-352-3663. 12 What teachers say about BackPack “One little boy said: “Now I have food for the weekend! Mommy doesn’t get money until next week, and we don’t have any food.” Creekview School in Butler County “I have had students who cannot concentrate because of hunger. I appreciate this program’s attempt to help with this problem.” Washington School in Miami County “We had five families successfully get off the BackPack Program due to finding work. They have expressed gratitude for the program in helping their family get through a diffcult time.” J.F. Burns School in Warren County Thanks to our BackPack donors Charles & Nancy Raffel Amy Thompson & Tonja Randall Kay Ratliff Janet Reed Gerard & Margaret Reynolds James & Maria Ricchio Ted & Becky Richards Orville & Florence Roach Louis & Diane Robinson Pamela Rogers Richard & Sharon Rose Ronald & Janet Rudolph Peggy Sanford Gary & Kathy Scherrer John & Virginia Schlensker Vickie Schmidt Paul & Linda Scholten Anna Schulz Russell & Karen Schutte Richard Schutte Elizabeth Schutter Ed & Rosalie Schweinefuss Michael G. & Susan Schwendemann Robert & Betsy Seilheimer Ernest & Clora Shackleford Eric Sherman Mr. & Mrs. Robert Short Daniel & Sheila Siefer Harold & Clelia Simpson Robert & Linda Singer Shirley Snyder Sally Southard Laurin & Lisa Sprague Mary Joe Staarmann Mark Stachler Norman & Christine Stehlin George Stickler Ron & Sandra Stillman Kathy Stitzel Joan Stitzel John & Nelda Stoffregen Dave Strang Carolyn Straus Debbie Strawser W.R. & Lin Stutts Margarita Swigonski Becky Telgkamp Linda Thomas Mark & Kathleen Tilling Ella Mae Tucker J.M. & S.C Vachon Mark Venturella Curtis & Linda Walt Jamie & Gina Ward Michael & Evelyn Weigele Mary Sue Wentzel Jack & Patricia Wiley Margie Willer Nana Mae Williams Cletus & Janet Withrow Joan Witt Donald & Mary Jo Wootten Timothy & Kathleen Wourms Diane Yater Jimmy & Helen York Judith Young William & Deborah Zettler Online BackPack Donors Don Anderson Hosam Mawas Karen Mumy Monji Osso Mark Redmond 13 People that have an IMPACT - V o l u n t e e r s Opportunities Help Children - Assemble BackPacks full of food for elementary kids in need Retail Rescue Program - Evaluate and sort perishable donations from retail grocery stores Support Older Adults - Assemble food boxes for people in need 60 years and older Food Drive Support - Sort food donations Spread the Word - Help us assemble our mailings General Electric volunteers devote countless hours each month to assist with BackPack and other projects in the warehouse. Volunteers from Risk Source assist with a project to relabel food products. RESULTS 827 people gave 6,382 hours of their 14 valuable time to help fight hunger here at home. Whether it’s helping us prepare our mailings, sorting or repacking food, volunteers have a good time supporting our fight against hunger. Miami University’s Alpha Phi Omega brought a group of volunteers to help us with the BackPack project. 15 Thanks to our Community Food Relief donors Clubs and businesses: American Legion Post 138 Cox Ohio group Veterans Discussion Group of Partners in Prime Individuals: Ronald Acton Teresa Adams Steven & Robin Adler Edward & Deborah Alexander Joe Allen Linda Amspaugh-Corson Ellen Anderson Hugh & Monica Anderson Michael Angeline Anonymous Stephen & Carol Archdeacon Michael & Ruth Armentrout Dorothy Avery Lorraine Barkley Merle Baynes Margaret Beer Pat Benner Linda Weathers & Helen Betz Mary Lee Bisdorf Jerry & Kathleen Blattner Juanita Blevins Amand & Judith Bloch James & Jacqueline Blount Anthony Boellner Mark & Maureen Booher Keneth & Ellen Bottom James & Diana Bradford Joy Brown Gary & Karen Brown Rose Brune Alan & Mary Bruns Deborah Bryant Agnes Bryant Roselyn Bucher Lawrence & Dorothy Buer Robert & Tammie Burns Doris Burton Joyce Butler Marion Campbell Eris & Juli Cappelli Betty Carley Cherri Carpenter Clyde & Jean Carter Sylvia Cawein Donald & Aneita Chandler William & Elaine Childers Carolyn Cifuentes Bruce & Pauline Clark Carl & Inas Clarke John Collopy Daniel Compston Janet Conder Ray & Mary Conlin James & Beverly Conlin 16 Betty Conrad Lillian Constiner Ruth Cooley William Coombs Ronald & Carol Couch Cletta Cox Nick & Janice Craft Danny & Margie Crank Priscilla Cress Arron & Marilyn Curry Gloria Dalgety Keith Davidson Roslyn Davis Edwin & Mary Davis Michael & Patricia Demeter Herman Dickerscheid Rhonda Dickerscheid William & Eleanor Dinger Fannie Disney 2014 Community Food Relief Individual giving: $15,591.92 Number of contributors: 388 Meals Provided: 109,140 Patricia Downie Bart & Judy Drake Alice Dudley Roland & Mary Duerksen Mary Sue Durning Judy Durrough Merwin Eaton Harold & Betty Ebbing Miriam Ebel William & Nancy Eckstein Margie Ellerhorst Lillian Emenaker Rose Emerick Rita Enderle Audrey Erhardt Thomas & Skye Eubanks Patricia Everhart Ronald Eversole Syrilla Everson Randolph Faucett Deanna Fay Philip Fazzini David & Cheryl Ferris Sally Fiehrer Marjean Fielder Danald & Mary Fischer Pauletta Fish Marion Flynn Eugene & Delores Foley Francis & Joan Foley Robert Ford Roselyn Fortner Thomas Fox Mary Jane Fox Philip Frazzini Linda Frederick Morry & Lois Friedlander Kenneth Frye Robert & Mary Gabbard Linda Galbraith Jeffery Gambrell Mary Gardner Richard & Charlotte Gardner Edward & Helen Garrett Robert & Mary Alice Gast Louis & Cheryl Geiger Irene Geise Leo Geiser Stephen & Susan Gibson Gary Gilbert Fred Globig Richard Goodwin Michael & Georganna Gossage Joseph & Carol Gourley Mary Jo Gray Lawrence & Rita Gray Kathryn Greene Todd & Carolyn Groeber Merle Grubbs Mary Habig Ronald & Loraine Hacker Saul & Christine Hacker Robert & Helen Hackney Christopher & Jane Haight Kimberley Hamilton Jack & Patricia Hamilton Nancy Haney Robert & Alma Harmon Michael & Carol Hartman Leroy & Sue Havens Orval & Marsha Helton Thomas Herold Dale Hershey Monika Hesse Bruce & Nancy Hester Paul & Gina Hettesheimer Rebecca Hileman Edna Hilliard Rosemary Hingsbergen Richard & Marion Hixson Robyn Hobbs David & Valerie Hodge Carol Hoit Nancy Hole Theodore & Pamela Hopkins Delores Hopper Janet House Carl & Frances Houser Ron & Nancy Huffman Terry & Mary Hurst Terry & Pamela Hurst Susan Hurst Christine Ingham Richard & Suzanne Isroff Charlis & Nancy Jackson Ethel & Kay Jasbring William & Bertha Jennings Harry & Janice Jenson William & Reva Johnson Gary & Georgia Jones Maxine Jones Charles Kaufman Vera Keck Charles & Deborah Keene Donald & Mary Anne Kelley William & Cynthia Kellum Mary Kelly Marilyn Rish & Gertrude Kelly Margaret Kerby Mary Kinch Betty Kindoll Richard & Cathy Kinter Fred Kolb John Kole David & Margaret Kollstedt Philip & Rowena Koshy P. Krause John & Marian Kreke Mary Krieger Carol Kroft John & Julie Kruse Carole Kuhn Mary LaHiff Donald & Diana Lainhart Fred & Karen Lakes Phyllis Laney Roberta Lathram Frances Laycock Allen Leach Norbert & Luella Lerch Mark & Gloria Lintner Richard & Karen Luebbe John & Diana Lunsford Norma Lutes Hilda Callahan & Kathea Lykins Larry & Kathea Lykins Gary & Suzanne Mansell Joe & Betty Marak Glennn & Shirley Mason Deborah Mastandrea Anne McAdams Danny & Renee McBride Catherine McCabe David & Diane McClain Mark & Virginia McClure Carol McDaniel Sandra McDonell James & Rosemay McGoldrick Charles & Norma McKinley Jennifer McLaughlin Jacqueline McMurray James & Cathy McQueen Benjamin McRoy Earl McWhorter Gail McWilliams Robin Meiner Charles & Deborah Menche Terry & Kathleen Merz James & Joanne Meyers Richard & Marilyn Milholland Terry Miller Catherine Dyer Milligan Phyllis & Leslie Mills Norman & Jennifer Moon Richard & Sarah Morefield Jean Muskopf Stephen & Janie Napier Herman & Zereda Napier Stanton & Betty Newkirk Robert Nichols Virginia Norman Patrick Obrien Jean O’Connell Edward & Joan Opatken Ronald & Karen Osman Mary & Julia Pate Ostendorf Maggie Parks Cynthia Parrish Yvonne Parsons Douglas & Barbara Pate Helen Pater Thora Patterson Robet & Kathleen Paxton Ernest & Cynthia Pendergrass David & Norma Pennock Alice Perry Robert Pfister Robert & Sharon Piper Jean Poulemanos Jill Powell William Pratt William & Victoria Price Bobby Price William & Patricia Pyles William & Blanche Ramsey Linda Reboulet Buell & Nola Reed Patricia Renners Ola Rhodus Pamela Rice Sheila Richter Gregory & Marcia Rigling Janet Riner Orville & Florence Roach Harold & Beverly Roppel Ronald Rose Jeri Rossi Carole Rothfuss Dorothy Rouff Glendon & Judith Roush Jamie & Jackie Roy Terry & Mary Royer Frances Sack Hilbert & Mary Ann Sapp David & Lisa Schaefer Louis Schanding James & Laura Scheffler Mary Clare Schellenbach John & Virginia Schlensker Milton Schloss Richard & Judy Schlub Richard & Susan Schmerr Barbara Schmiedt Steve & Janice Schnabl Delano & Winifred Schnaie Marian Schwab Paul & Joann Scorti James & Emily Scott Robyn Scrivner Patricia Seaton Arne & Maty Seversen Mark & Marlene Shaw Carolann Sheard Ralph & Marilyn Shearer Edward & Judith Shelton Kenneth & Frances Shepherd Freida Shuler Shelby Shuppert Nancy Simkow Karen Simpson Ronald & Janice Sizemore Stephan & Carol Skinner David & Stephany Sloneker Davis Smith David & Linda Spurrier Mary St. John Donald & Nelda Joy Stadler Edward & Patricia Stang Robert & Thelma Stanger Dwight & Janice Steele Dale & Joanne Stevens K.E & S.R. Stewart Ray & Arline Stickels M. Stray Philip Stubblefield Jeffrey & Mini Sullivan Caroline Suter Betty Swartz Walter & Charlotte Taggart Lot Tan Lorraine Taylor Thomas & Marguerite Tegge Ruth Tenbusch William & Linda Tentenhorst Tami Thompson Venus Victoria Torge Beverly Torres Dolly Tucker Carolyn Tuley Frederick & Barbara Tyson William & Theresa Valerius Lynn Vereker Donald & Cherl Vidourek Thomas & Rita Vocke Thomas & Mary Vonderhaar David & Donna Waddell Gregory & Myrna Walker David Walsh 17 Thanks to our Community Food Relief donors Kathleen Walsh Lola Walters Jeff & Deborah Walters John & Joan Watson Barbara Weber Paul & Beverly Wedder Robert Weigel Carolyn Westerich Stanley & Carolyn Whalen Alwyn & Lois Wiebe Susan Wilhoit Ada Wilke Neil & Joanne Will Ralph & Myrtle Willis Noelle Wilson Mattie Winborn John Wise Warren & Marian Wohlafka Donald & Juanita Wolf Charles & Marcia Wolfe Robert & Joyce Wolke Rose Mary Wyatt Stephen & Sandra Yambrich Faye Yeakle Jimmy York Delbert & Joan Young Jack & Judith Young Jane Young Gerald & Patricia Ziegler Runners line up for the start of the annual Panerarthon at Panera Bread in Mason. Panera is a major corporate supporter of Shared Harvest Foodbank. Thanks to our donors Businesses: Arc Document Solutions AK Steel Ameriprise Assaf & David LLC Ball Corporation Buffalo Wings & Rings Butler County Education Service Center Butler Rural Electric Cooperative Inc. Butler Technology and Career Center Clinical Specialities Crum & Wilson Farms CSL Plasma Dillon Tax Service Employers Health Faurecia Exhaust Systems Inc. General Electric Hake Enterprises Ltd Hamilton High School JoJo’s Cupcakes Kiata Farms Kokosing Construction Kroger Company Lexis Nexis Macy’s Bloomingdale’s Miami University 18 Mid-American Marketing Co. Middletown License Agency Ohio Concrete Resurfacing Pole Zero Pott Ash Corporation Reffitt’s Garage & Towing S.M. Stoller Corporation SEI - Cincinnati The Miller Firm Triple H Pilot Car Village West Framing & Gallery Weas Engineering Inc. Witt Properties Zachary Imperial D.D.S. MS Inc. Fairfield Rotary Club Fraternal Order Of Eagles #3680 Greater Cincinnati UAW CAP Hamilton Lions Club Insurance Women of Greater Cincinnati Kiwanis Club Fairfield Kiwanis Club Troy Liberty Home Association Middletown Music Club Nova Caesarea Harmony Masonic Lodge #2 Ohio Education Association PRP Womens Association Butler County School Supply Coaltion: Badin High School Bethel Baptist Grace Bible Presbyterian Church Lakeview United Church of Christ St. Anne Episcopal Church St. Julie Billiart St. Mark’s United Methodist St. Matthew Lutheran Church St. Peter in Chains PTO The Presbyterian Church Trinity Episcopal Church Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church Fairfield Community Foundation Hamilton Community Foundation Middletown Community Foundation Middletown Community Response Fund West Chester Community Foundation Clubs & Associations: Amalgamated Local 863 Delta Kappa Gamma Faith Based Organizations: Thanks to our donors Foundations: American Endowment Foundation Butler County United Way Chevron Matching Gifts Community Foundation of West Chester/ Liberty Community Shares Feeding America through the Walmart Foundation GE Foundation Give With Liberty Hamilton Community Foundation Intermec Foundation Macy’s Foundation Pella Rolscreen Foundation Truist United Stationers Charitable Trust United Way of Greater Cincinnati United Way of Oxford & Vicinity United Way of Warren County Your Cause Individuals: Timothy & Peggy Abernathy Richard Accurso Ronald Acton Shirley Adams Raymond & Myrtle Adams Eric & Marcee Addington Stephen & Robin Ader Gregory Adkins Triana Adlon James Akers Gregory & Beverly Allen Lori Allen David & Kathryn Allinger Thomas & Lynne Alverson Robert & Barbara Ampulski Robert & Constance Anderson Christine Anderson David Andrews Robert Andrews Robert & Julia Angst Anonymous Lorraine Arata Janice Archdeacon Steve & Carol Archdeacon Barry & Barbara Arlinghaus Doris Ash Susan Ash Thomas & Peggy Avance Don & Dee Ayers David & Martha Bach Susan Bachmann Kimberly Bacovin William & Marilyn Bailey James & Linda Bailey Walter & Barbara Bailey Allan & Dorothy Limerick Bailey Marian Baird Andrew & Sarah Baker Ellen Baker Robert & Wanda Barger Bruce & Jane Barger Ernest & Jeanette Barnes William Barnhart Thomas & Karen Barrett Jane Barrow Robert & Cheryl Basil Carl & Jennifer Batliner Samuel & Amy Battaglia Kerri Ann Bauerle Jerry & Judith Beasley George & Irene Beckett David & Diane Beckman Richard & Barbara Begley Paul & Lori Beiser Justin& Asha Belarski Ray & Patt Belisle Robert Bellville Deborah Bennett Sherri Bennett Mark Bennett Edward Bennett David & Rhonda Benson Paul & Kathleen Berding Ronald & Ann Berg Tim Bertsch Joseph & Laura Beumer Neil & Roasann Biederman Pam Biederman Michael & Patricia Billhorn Johnny Billingsley Steven & Michelle Binkowski Tony & Lucy Biondo Shirleen Bisdorf Kennth & Ernest Blache Charles & Kimberly Blades Richard & Margaret Blair Muriel Blaisdell George & Cynthia Blanton Nicholas & Janice Blauvelt Sharon Bliss Martha Blom Michael Blucker David & Susannne Boatwright John & Ann Boehm Edward & Alice Bolger Bonnie Bollie Amy Bolton Paul Bonner Robert & Mary Boonstra Brian & Susan Botdorf Lester & Donna Bowers Winfred Bowling Ronnie Bowling Michael & Amy Bowling Judith Bowling Stephen & Amy Bowman Kathleen Merz & Earl Bowman Danny Bradley Mark Brandenburger James & Vicki Brandner Henry & Donna Brands Donald Breen Patricia Brenner Harvey Bressler Robert & Mildred Bretland Robert & Emily Brewer Charles & Izetta Brewer Dennis & Lynne Briggs Chatika Britton Jack Broering Miami University students urged Redhawks fans to donate to Shared Harvest prior to the UC-Miami football game in Cincinnati last fall. 19 Thanks to our donors Daniel & Ann Brooker David & Laura Brooks Lawrence & Mary Jane Brown Gary & Kathryn Brown James & Gloria Brown Joy Brown Brent & Ruth Brown Gary & Kathryn Brown Deborah Broyles Andy & Kate Brubaker Henry & Alida Bruewer Mary Kay Bruewer Rose Brune Michael Bruner James & Nancy Brunner Jeffery & Amy Bruns Deborah Bryant Robert & Elissa Bundy Dallas & Patty Burgess John Burley Alan & Cynthia Burley Larry & Patricia Burnett Elaine Burns Doris Burton Eleanor Butler Jean Butterfield Richard & Karan Butterfield Vickie Byers Edward & Dorcas Byington Robert Caldwell John & Sharon Calentine Mark & Michele Calvert David & Mary Cameron John & Pamela Cappella Clyde & Belinda Carman James & Christine Cartledge Frank & Karen Cartwright Charles & Vicki Carver Patricia Casagrande Timothy & Shelley Cassady Doris Castator Eleanor Celarek Robert & Pauline Chaloult John Chappell Douglas & Sharen Charavay Arthur & Terri Chatfield Nilabn & Tanuja Chaudhary Mary Chimini Donna Clark Bruce & Pauline Clark Cheryl Pfefferle & Marjorie Clark Angela Clarke James & Patricia Clear John Clemmons Ronald & Bertha Clevenger Robert & Frances Clute Nelly Cogan Mr. & Mrs. Wilbur Cohen Anthony Cole Barbara Collier Roby & Lee Ann Compton Margaret Conboy Mark Connaughton Michael & Barbara Connellan 20 Pamela Jean Connelly Charles & Doris Conrad Earl & Margaret Conrad Jack & Carolyn Cook William Coombs Wilma Coombs Deborah Coons Richard & Linda Corbett Faye Cosby Patrick & Vicki Costello Robert & Nancy Cottrell Ronald & Carol Couch Douglas & Pamela Couch Charlie Cox Steven & Cindy Cox Mark Cox Dale Cox David & Diane Cox Roxanne Welsh & Nanna Cox James Crahan Maxine Craig Joseph & Veronica Craig Stephen Crain Jack & Andrea Crain Gary & Linda Crawford Henry & Mary Craycraft William Creech Matthew Crehan Luke & Betty Crosby John & Sandra Crothers David & Mary Jayne Crow Mary Ortman & Maragaret Culkin Steven & Stephanie Cunningham Dorothy Daddabbo Anna Daddabbo Debra Dalton Nazeena Alvi & Anthony D’Ambrosio Danny & Constance Danford Dorothy Daniel Robert & Dawn Darby Keith Davidson Betty Davis Britt & Tamara Davis Allyn Gay Davis Sarah Waits & Linda Overholts Davita Ora & Iva Day Hector & Gayle De Los Santos Jeffery & Pamela Deaton Renee DeGraff David & Peggy Deisch B.L. & M.L. Delk Donna Denning Ruth Denzler Richard & Judith DePalma Kathryn Derickson Edward Devine Cecilia Dickerson Norman & Jeanenne Dickerson Kim & Rosemarie Dietrich Andy & Sarah Dillhoff Terrence & Jenny Dillion William & Nan Dillion Thomas & Melissa Dipuccio Steve & Mary Dishion Gregory & Victoria Dittrich Bill & Nancy Dolan John Dolan Susan Domonkos Majorie Donovan Patricia Doran Deborah Dorfmueller Kevin Dougherty Anthony & Cynthia Dowrey Richard Dramis Craig & Dana Dring Joyce Dudley Charles & Marianne Duerre Ruth Dumford Michael & Julie Dunn Marlyn Duppstadt John & Geraldine Dutra Ronald & Virginia Dutze Thomas Duvelius Richard & Joy Dwyer Dena Easley Eva Kessler & Thomas Eberwein Janet Eckerfield Tonda Edington Jeffery & Carol Egan Harold & Bonnie Eggers Tracy Egloff Robert Eisentrout Carl & Carolyn Elam Virgina Elam Linda Eldridge Richard & Regina Eldridge Mary Ellen Elliott Edward & Betty Emenaker Rick & Deborah Emerson W.A. & K. A. Enigk Patrick & Brenda Erb William & Camilla Erkenbrecher Ed & Sandy Estoye Marna Evans Ronald & Carol Evans Rick Everts Barbara Ewbank John & Janet Fahrnbach Jerry & Patricia Fair James & June Faller Karla & Karri Fanning Janet Fatika John & Carol Fende Debra Ferneding Judith Ferris Kathe Fesevur Kathleen Semple & Jonathan Fete Jennifer Fiedler Robert & Cora Fiehrer Gregory & Debra Fienning Marion Findley Jerry & Renee Findley Gary Finley Richard Fiorenza Charles & Susan Fisher Vaden Fitton James & Susan Fitton Dorothy Fitzgerald The Hamilton High carpentry class plays a major role each year in loading food onto trucks from the annual Fill That Bus food drive conducted by the school district. Thanks to our donors Keith Fitzpartrick Allen & Connie Fix Susan Fleisher Daniel & Lynn Fleming Rebecca Flick Donald & Roxie Flory Betsy Flowers Jane Flueckiger Ted & Phyllis Flynn Eugene & Delores Foley Richard & Eva Fornshell Michael Frankey Rosemary Frazee Linda Frederick Judith Frederick Yolanda Freeman Arthur & Martha Freeman Jerry Freimuth Jackie Freyberg Kim & Ruth Frick Huston & Lorraine Fricke Thomas & Molly Fritz Michael & Tina Gabbard Tom & Kay Gallagher Vicente & Maureen Gallardo Michael & Carol Gambrell Richard Gambrell Brenda Gant Patricia Ganz Thomas & Carolyn Gard Gloria Gardner Richard & Charlotte Gardner Edward & Helen Garrett Cecilia Shore & Andrew Garrison Elaine Garver James & Marjorie Gaskell William & Kathleen Gates Jill Gaynor Louis & Cheryl Geiger William & Connie George Patrick & Mellissa Geracitano Fearn Gerber Larry & Nancy Jo Gersbach Sharon Giani Anna Gibson Lana Gibson Steve & Jennifer Gilbert Gerald & Wanda Gildea Kathleen Gill Betty Ann Gill Marvin & Helen Gillespie Daniel & Linda Gingerich Garry & Michele Glasshagel Austin & Lois Gleason Scott & Cecilia Glickfield Wilburn & Gracie Goebel Perry Gordon Thomas & Christine Gorman Raymond & Helen Gorman Lawrence & Rita Gray Ashley Gray James Green Laura Gregory Earl & Jean Gregory Michele Gressel Paul & C.B. Grieselhuber James & Michelle Griffin Mack & Willetta Griffith James & Nancy Griffiths Richard & Mary Griss Todd & Carolyn Groeber Richard & Joan Gross Anthony Gross Ardith Grote Bill & Jackie Groth John & Lisa Grotz Timothy & Julia Grubbs Mary Guiler Bruce & Amy Guiot Arun & Renu Gupta Daniel Gurklies Dorothy Gustafson Arnold & Virginia Hacker David Haire Daniel & Patricia Haizman Michael & Wilma Haker Barbara & Laura Hale Arvel & Charlene Hall James & Patricia Hall Michael & Barbara Halstead James & Katherine Hamblin Lucia Hammons Raymond & Kay Hansen Jane Hansley Wayne Harrer Kenneth Harris Kathleen Hart James & Gail Hartoin Scott Haskell Joan Haskins Thomas & Jeanne Hayden Charles & Opal Heilman Paul Heiman Carolyn Sue Heins Otto & Margit Heissenberger George & Frances Henson Joseph Herbert Laverne Herman Zsolt & Jennifer Hertelendy Ron & Robin Herzog Monika Hesse Steven Hessler James & Anna Heyser Charles & Bea Higdon William Hillman Melvin & Marilyn Hingsbergen David & Valerie Hodge Judith Holcomb James Holder Michael & Alison Holland Michael & Charlene Holleran Harold & Susan Hollingsworth Charles & Susan Holmes 21 Thanks to our donors Dick & Becky Holtzberger Denean & Valerie Homan Barbara Homan Ruth Horn Scott & Janice Horne Randy & Kathleen Horne Melissa & Josephine House Sonya Hovis Densel & Sheila Howard Bryan & Michelle Huddleston Michael & Linda Hudson John & Connie Huentelman Kurt & Amanda Hugenberg Lois Hull Dr. Terry & Jacqueline Hunt Christine Gille & Carolyn Hunter Gene Hutzelman Anna Imhoff Donna Imsande Larry Irwin Steven Isgro Robert & Ardette Isler Joe & Cheryl Jackson Ronald & Mary Jackups Tom & Darlene Jacobs Paul & Deanna Jacquin Randall & Pamela Jamison Carl & Anne Jantzen Ethel Jasbring Randy & Ann Marie Jeffers Terry & Jacqueline Jeffers Allen & Brenda Jellison David Jewell Bruce & Louise Jewett John & Brenda Johnson Timothy & Mary Johnson Jane Johnson David & Rita Johnson Abe & Shirley Johnson Elizabeth Johnson Shirley Johnson Acie & Paulette Johnston Mathew & Liesel Jokerst Belinda Jones J & B Jones Gary & Georgia Jones Charles & Janet Jones Earl & Jane Jones Pauline Adams & Lewis Jones George & Sophia Jonson Thomas & Geneva Jordan Tina Sefton & Susan Joseph Kenneth & Bette Jungeberg John & Rae Kadle Stanley Kaleta Sherwin & Catheine Kane Daniel & Valerie Kaplan M. & L. Kaplan William & Clara Katenkamp William & Barbara Keck John & Rita Keim Peter & Sandra Keiser Helen Kellam Richard & Ruth Keller 22 Cynthia Kelley Carrie Kennedy Diane Thomas & Joseph Kennedy Keith & Lenea Kennedy Bill & Becky Kennel David & Bonnie Kernan Nandkumar Khemchandani Jerry & Jacqueline Kilps John & Gail Kimball June Kimble Warren & Roberta Kimbrough Steven King Josephine King Gary & Katrina Kinney Jack Kirsch Corrie Kline Matthew & Debora Kline Edward Knabb Steve Kneipp Robert & Sharyn Knoll Preben & Marie Ann Knudsen Beth Knueppel Lawrence & Deborah Koehne Cassondra Koelblin John Kole William Kolodzik James & Gayle Korb Timothy Korver F.J. Kosobud David & Jennifer Krabacher Linda Kraemer Charles Krause Ray & Maura Kreke Orin & Dorothy Kreyenhagen Mary Kay Krieger John Kropf John & Julie Kruse Michael Kunka Sharon Kunz John & Brenda Kurtz Richard Laatsch Karen Laboffe Tammy Laine Allen & Pamela Lake Jon & Carol Landrum William & Lindsey Lane David & Kathleen Lang Ronnie & Lillian Langford David & Jonna Langmeier Margery Larson Olive Larson Rebecca Lawson Linda Lawson Ray & Sondra Layman Allen Leach Norman & Patricia Leary Edith Lehman Donna Leipzig Cal Lemieux Glen & Marilee Lerman Garry & Lisa Lester Berenice Lewis Timothy & Michele Lichter Albert & Gaynelle Liko Michael & Kelly Lindemuth James & Susan Lipnickey Jeffery & Sandra Little Keith & Bonnie Littlepage Michael & Sally Lloyd Matthew & Felicia Loeffler Charles & Mary Loeffler Bob & Pam Long Faith Long Hoover Lopez Edward Loving Susanna Lozano Richard & Karen Luebbe James & Ruth Lutes Lawrence & Kim Lykins John & Linda Lyons Joseph & Rosemary Lyons David & Brenda MacDonald Patricia MacGregor Thomas Mack Daniel & Deborah Mader Joseph Magdich Dorothy Maggard John & Kimberly Maher John & Zina Maher Eugene & Andrea Malarsky Terrance Malone Gary & Clinton Mansell R. S. Maringer Neil Marks Cynthia Markwell Robert & Mary Marlewski Richard & Carolyn Marra James & Frances Marshall Donna Martin Roy & Rose Mary Martin Thomas & Therese Martin Susan Martin Bruce & Ann Martino Marlene Martz Susan Marvin Robert & Vickie Massie Astrid Mast Debbie Mastandrea Bruce & Lorre Matthews George & Rosemarie Matusak Charles & Russell Maxfield Ronald & Marlene May Jo Ellen Mayers Anne McAdams Deborah McCallister Nancy McCann Michael McClure Mary McConnell Doris McCoy Matt McCoy Michael & Patrice McCracken Mary Ellen McDaniel Robert & Gina McGlothin Michael McGuire Margery McIntosh Kathy McKee Nathan & Patricia McKee Randall & Shari McKinney Thanks to our donors David & Janet McKinney Bob & Darlene McLain Richard & Deborah McLane Jennifer McLaughlin Michael & Elizabeth McManus Michael & Lisa McNamara John & Anna McWilliam Jeff & Rhonda Meckstroth Gene & Eleanor Meder Joseph & Frances Meehan Dana & Martha Mehl Christopher & Nancy Meier Robert & Elizabeth Meiner Robert & Rebecca Mendenhall Michael & Sharon Menkhaus William & Lynne Mense Mildred Mergy Sandy Metzler Sandra Meyer Bari Meyer Richard & Patricia Meyer Kenneth & Sandra Miller James Miller Michelle Miller Jeanette Miller Jeff & Maria Miller Roy & Lorena Miller Ruth Engel & Zevi Miller Christopher & Kathryn Miller Stephen & Melanie Miller Charlene Minges Robert & Jane Minnicks Rajendra & Urmila Mistry Colleen Mitchell Rhonnie Molden Carol Monahan Eric & Stacy Montogomery Connie & Jane Moore David & Patricia Moore Stephen & Kristina Moore Robert & Mary Moore Scott & Kathryn Moormann Jerrold & Mary Moos James & Cheryl Morgan James & Barbara Morris Jennifer Morrison Larry & Linda Morrison Lawrence & Kay Morrissey Richard Moser Richard & Nancy Munafo Sandra Murawski Danny & Lyndall Murray Barbara Myers William & Ruby Neeley Doris Nell Steven & Kimberly Nguyen Robert & Maria Nicolls Robert & Patricia Niehaus Read & Anne Nielson Dorothy Nieman Roderick Nimtz Isao & Barbara Noda Beverly Noel Frank Noll Virginia Norman Audrey Nugent Michael Nutt Larry Oberschlake Warble & Engeline Obregon Robert & Anne Olson Darlene Onyett Larry & Marsha Orcutt Steven & Patricia Ormiston Eugene Osley John Osso Tina Osso Charles & Marilyn Ostendorf Lorretta Otto Nancy Owen Carle Palechek David Palmer Michael Palsgrove Dennis & Diana Pandl Raymond & Sylvia Paragin Warren Parker Michael & Donna Partridge Gerald & Susan Ann Pater Kevin & Kathleen Pater Zelda Patterson Scott & Sabrina Pauken Dale & Mary Paullus Stephen & Beverly Paullus Sue Paulus John Pavlik Robert & Linda Peana Norman & Deborah Pearson Mary Pedoto John & Jeri Pendergest Robin Pendergrass Andy & Sally Pepper Tracy Perdue Richard & Trisha Perry George & Belinda Peters Michael & Marsha Peters Bruce & Barb Peterson Joseph & Laural Phalon William & Suzan Phelps Davied & Helga Phillips June Pierce Rande Pierson Produce is a prime commodity at local food pantries. Warehouse associate Dylan Bostwick loads a pick-up truck for the Open Door Food Pantry in Hamilton. 23 Thanks to our donors John Pihl Lee & Mary Pike Louis & Elsa Pilder Karen Pitzer Larry & Patricia Plum Mary Ann Plunkett Barry & Catherine Pokorny Michael & Sonya Pope Ronald & Judith Porges Ann Porter Dean & Sara Porter James Pottebaum Steve & Linda Poulemanos Don & Jill Powell Joseph & Veda Powell William Pratt Donald & Jamie Pribble William & Victoria Price Robert & Sharon Primm Harry & Shirley Pritchard Jeffrey & Teresa Proffit Harriet Itkoff & Nancy Puckett Wilfred & Lois Puig Amy Puthoff William & Clarice Quarve Charles & Nancy Raffel Jane Ragazino Thomas & Karen Rains Daniel & Sherri Randall P. & C. Rape Mark Rapier Ruth Raquet Margie Ratliff Kay Ratliff Karen Redmond Diane Redwine Bart Reed Marilyn Reeves Charles & Carol Reid Philip & Janet Reid Don & Claudia Reimer John Reister Mark & Brenda Reitz William & Karen Ressler Joseph & Arletta Reumann Lillie Rhoads James & Maria Ricchio Clayton & Debbie Rice Becki Rice Ronald & Cleta Richen Sandra Ricker Jeremy & Sheila Ridge Marvin & Lorene Riegler Barney Riesbeck Janet Riner Erich & Rita Ringel Stephen & Deborah Risner Perry Roark Thomas Roberts Barbara Robertson Charles & Martha Robertson Michael & Mary Roeder Elizabeth Roesch Anthony & Sandra Rogers 24 Judy Rogers Lawrence & Carol Rook Darrell Rose Eris Rose Diana Ross Gary Rossignol Krista Roth Kenneth Rowland Kevin & Jane Rowland Naomi Rowland Carol Rubin Steve & Gloria Rudolph John & Melissa Ruffner Robert & Sharon Rusbosin Gary & Sue Russell Gerry Russell Samuel & Elizabeth Russell Nicholas & Emily Ryan Ann Rypstra Margaret Sacco Neal & Rosemary Sackenheim Gregory & Pamela Sackenheim Kay Sallee Charles & Susan Salo Ava Jean Salyer Mark & Kathy Sanders Robert & Lee Sanders Michael & Linda Sanders Mark & Jacqueline Sandlin James Sandy Barbara Santel Katherine Sarlo Steven & Sandra Sarver Charles & Mary Saunders Daniel & Maria Scarborough Nancy Schaffer Louis Schanding Lee & Jean Schechtman Ronald & Janet Schehr Mary Clare Schellenbach Johnnie Schenck Barbara Scherpenberg Gary & Kathy Scherrer Robert & Susan Schlabach Richard & Judy Schlub James Schmidt Edward & Nancy Schmidt Michael & Kathryn Schneider Waneta Schnier Richard & Deborah Schnorbus Timothy & Elizabeth Schomberg Bernard & Rebecca Schroeder John & Amy Schubert David & Carolyn Schul Roy & Carol Schumacher William & Lynne Schumacker Russell & Karen Schutte Anthony & Jo Ann Schutte Elizabeth Schutter Michael Schutter M. Schwartz Ed & Rosalie Schweinefuss Michael & Susan Schwendemann Ronald & Luann Schwieterman Gerald & Marcia Schwieterman Jim & Jackie Sefton Donna Seiple Joseph Setaro Ernest & Clora Shackleford Thomas & Mary Shannon Carl Shannon Ralph & Marilyn Shearer Angela Clarke & Michael Sheehan Mike & Connie Sherer Eric Sherman John Sherron Robert Sherwin Barbara Sheyer Robert & Laura Short Daniel & Sheila Siefer James & Pamela Siegel Marilyn Silver Martha Torrance & Jay Silver George & Michael Simonds Mollie Simpson Harold & Clelia Simpson Jack & Robin Sims Lenny & Anna Sims Susanne Sines Robert & Linda Singer Supinder & Parminder Singh Robert & Kathleen Skaggs Mary Skalkos John Skidmore Eric Slaton Nancy Sloan Gary & Vickie Sluss Lawrence & Karolyn Smith Thomas & Jane Smith Richard & Virgina Smith Thomas & Thelma Smith Susan Snead Daniel Snider Sue Ann Snodgrass Robert Snyder Alan Snyder David & Catherine Sobecki Ronald & Patricia Solinski Neal & Patricia Soll Lorna Sorrell Sally Southard Bill & Sandra Spadafora Louis & Kay Spaeth Gary & Jennifer Speck Byron Spicer Robert & Lynda Spicer Donald & Karen Spitler William Spomer Matt Spradling David & Cynthia Sprauer Connie Spurlock George & Mary Joe Staarman Dr. Dwayne & Sharon Stacy Beatrix Stafford Judy Stallman Karla Stankersley Harvey & Malena Stansell David & Kristie Stanton If your group would like to volunteer at Shared Harvest Foodbank, visit our website: Thanks to our donors Randall & Nancy Starkie Robert & Carol Steinhauer Richard Steinman John Stengel Mary Jane Gorman & Eleanor Stephens Sharon Baily & Rory Steve James & Cynthia Stever Kirk & S.R. Stewart Robert Stewart Ron & Sandra Stillman Dennis & Kathleen Stinehelfer Joan Stitzel Kathy Stitzel John & Nelda Stoffregen Michael & Catherine Stoker David & Margaret Strang Carolyn Straus Debbie Strawser Joseph & Patricia Strickley Richard & Jean Strode Muriel Strunk Walter Stubenvoll Bruce & Carolyn Studebaker Jon & Courtney Sulentic Michael & Melanie Swafford Edward Sweeney Jeffery & Kathleen Swormstedt Jill Tague Linda Taylor Barney & Beverly Taylor Mike & Sharon Tebbe James & Lisa Teepen Edgar & Janet Teets John & Kathy Teufel William Thimme Rayan & Angela Thomas Roger & Dorothy Thomas Beverly Thomas Steven Thomas Michael Thomas Franklin Thomas Harold Thomas Paul & Marion Thoms Judy Ann Thuenemann Greg & Cindy Thumberger Charles Thurman Bryan Tinker Andrea Joyce & John Toerner Tammy Cuevas & Brian Tooley William & Janet Torok Tom & Sophia Townsend L & C Traficanti Judith Trent John & Mary Trey Karl Trip Randy & Susan Tubbs Durb & Freida Tuley Sandra Tuley Jeffery & Constance Turner J.E. & E. J. Tuttle Robert Tweed Donald & Rosemary Uliano Maurice & Lois Umble Mary Beth Umbstead Tracey Urbaytis Joseph & Barbara Urell Donald & Florence Vail Thomas & Dawn Valentine Frederick & Joyce Valerius William & Theresa Valerius Scott & Susan Vallade Penelope Valmassoi Charlene Van Doren Lois Van Winkle Ronald & Betty Vanatsky Karl & Georgie Vance James & Kathleen Vanden Eynden S. & K. Varner William Vidourek William & Lee Vinnage Tim & Susan Viox Mark & Robin Volkman John & Anne Voller Richard & Frances Vordem-Thoren David & Donna Waddell Karen Wagner Delores Wagonfield James & Kathleen Walch Gregory & Myrna Walker Stanley Wallace David Walsh Curtis & Linda Walt James & Ann Walters Robert & Marjorie Warnecke Larry & Wilberta Warner Rhonda Warner Ashley Warren Jana Warren Kirby & Jana Warren Larry & Lindy Waters Danny & Phyllis Watts Robert Wearly Daniel Weber Judy Wedgewood Maj-Greth Wegener Mark & Mary Ann Weiler Howard & Nancy Weinberg Richared & Ervena Weingartner Paul & Barbara Welch Thomas Welling, Jr. Jean Wells Ernest & Carolyn Wengler Kim & Suzette Wentz Donald & Marlene Werner 25 Thanks to our donors Jack & Jean Wessler Paul & Patricia Westcott Everett & Betty Whalen Robert & Patricia Wheeler Russell & Linda White Deborah Whitehurst Harold & Dorothy Whitlock Daniel & Alyce Whitney M.S & A. H Widman Michael & Evelyn Wiegele Ada Wilke Craig & Susan Wilks Georgia Willer Margie Willer Barbara Williams Elaine Williams Jason Williams Michael & Karen Williams Richard & Regina Williams James Williams J C Williams Nana Mae Williams Steven & Terrie Williamson Kenneth & Jo Anne Willman Fred & Joan Willsey James & Barbara Wilson Lance & Jeanette Wilson Karle & Danielle Wilson Robert & Carrie Wilson Barbara Winter Tom & Holly Wissing Paul & Mary Wissman Joan Witt Gary Wolfbrandt Robert & Joyce Wolke Jennifer Wolterman Douglas & Dawn Woodrick M.Y. Wormus Albert & Jo Anne Worrell Kent Wrampelmeier Thompson & Patricia Wright Judith Wuest Arline Wuest Timothy Wurst Phyllis Wykoff Robert & Carolyn Wynn Diane Yater Robert Yeakle Ken & Jane Yelm Richard & Denise Yenser Jimmy & Helen York Jane Young Delbert & Joan Young Judith Young Richard Zettler David & Lois Ziels Lisa Ziemnik Michael & Elizabeth Zimmer Robert & Carolyn Zonar Foodbank Staff Gloria Bateman Dylan Bostwick Ann Copple Holli Curry Kathy Dart Nick Davidson Rick Devine Nate Hoskins Debbie Houston Terri Jacobsen Bob Long Jack Mairn Sarah Ormbrek Tina Osso Terry Perdue Benjamin Powers Darrell Sandlin Mike Stamper Mike Williams SNAP Outreach Driver/Warehouse Associate Administrative Assistant CSFP Administrator SNAP Outreach Direct Services Associate Operations Manager Warehouse Manager Food Production Food Production Communication Specialist Food Procurement Specialist Agency Relations Director Executive Director Chief Fiscal Officer Community Engagement Director Chief Operating Officer Retail Pickup Driver RESULTS $1 = 7 meals Hunger is not a choice... Giving is. Make your gift online todat at: or use the enclosed envelope. 26 Thanking our online donors Karen Aker Virginia Alsept Chris Anderson Don Anderson Anonymous Beth & Bob Baer Vicki Barker David Berg Stephed Berry David Bollheimer Cara Bowman Bridget Buchanan John Bull Robert Bundy Brenda Cairns Merianne Cardas Kelly Chasteen Theresa Collier Muslim Contractor Patty Corfman Patricia Corona Lisa Dunlap MaryRose Durbin Jonetta Dye Rovena Eads Kris Ector Wilbur Edwards Carolyn Estes Kyle Etter Catherine Fasano Kedzie Fernholz Randall Flora Jeffrey Gentile Adam Gleim Alan Gold Michael Goris Michael Hamilton William Harvey Christina Haven Martha Henderson William Heyser Janet Higgins Michael Jacobson Scott Johnson Moya Jones Mary Kirsch Leonard Knollman Kevin Kramb Mike Massimini Christopher Mate Russell Maxfield Michael McCarthy William McCormack Brian McGill Elizabeth McIntosh Brian McRedmond Eric Montgomery Andrea Moore Karen Mumy Michelle Niemira Linda O’Donnel Debra Ohara Deborah Perkins April Poovey Robert Puthoff Mark Redmond Shaun Reeb Jerome Rodenfels Karen Rodriguez Thomas Schaber Kenneth Schoettmer Jeffrey Silver Michael Skolnik Michael Sobzack Robin Solazzo Renzo Sparavier Lisa Staggs Herrmann William Staler Robert Steele Renate Thomas Karen Thompson Peter Trauthwein Marilyn Trelvik Tonya Walls Lynda Werre Jennifer Westerbeck Philip Wheeler Andrea Williams Thomas Wissing 27 5901 Dixie Highway Fairfield, Ohio 45014-4207 800-352-3663 Hunger is not a choice. Giving is. Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage Paid Cincinnati, OH. Permit No. 4959