Olympic Games
Olympic Games
**"**•* ••Uiw*«( ••»«.*•*•• ••jt.4.N. •*^'U'*'|y.'"*'-~*'^"' ,.*> . - ^ • - v " .*.^*_m*,r.^.'^»* »••• •«i««^>«»»l XOb.^ sxUxB'f •tlttlg^ VOCCMB 80, NOrzT .—a—•••e«»iHMe————*•«>*——>—*————•—>—a* COMING EVENTS The Hillsboro League of Women "Voters will hold ita regular meetin ji with Mrs. Shem Barnes, Bible "Hill, at 2 P. M.. on Tuesday, July 13. Miss Charlotte Holmes will give a report of her visit to the United Nations. TEE2~?~Cffl«i' Thnndiy, July 8, 1948 PROTESTANT CHURCEES PLAN UNITED SUMMER SERVICES ^ Olympic Games/ Protestant Church Services will be held throughout the month of July in the Smith Memorial Church, Dr. Whitney S. K. Yeaple preaching, and during the month of August in the Methodist Church, the preacher to be annoimced later., Separate services will be resumed in each church on the first Sunday in September. Next Sunday July l l t h the ordinance of communion will be observed. Dr. Yeaple will speak on the theme "God Has No Favorttes". News Items From Antrim Marietta S . Lang Antrun Correspondent Tel. Antrim 90-11 News Items From Bennington Mrs. Mastriee C. Newttm xjonea^ttnttiwitw The silver tea at the home of Mrs. Edward Black, p r e t e s t of Mr, and Mrs. John Thomton and the local Woman's Club, was a huge daughters, Mary Ellen and Betsy success. are vacationing at Long Pond, There was a fine program of Stoddard. vocal and Instnunental music after Norman. Wallace is attending which cards were enjbyed by those Boys State at Durham, as repre- who (lesuvd to play. The shower FARKER-AVERY sentative of Myers-Prescott Post, came at a most opportune moodent A very pretty home wedduig A. L. as everyone was ixiside listening to -took place last Saturday evening at Antrim Girl Scouts will go tothe excellent musie| •i o'clock at the Boyd home, Central Camp Byron Caughey July 12, for' The supper was bountiful and at, which was gaily decorated.witii the week. Mrs. Andrew Fuglestad very good. It consisted of ham.'Cut flowers, when Miss Joyce £lnd Miss Jane Pratt will accompany burgers, hot dogs, salads, beans, 'Elizabeth Avery, daughter of Mrs. them. pickles, rolls, pies, coffee and tonic. Tiank Boyd, and Mr. Lawrence H. Mrs. Jessie Rutherford had* her Quite a spread for seventy-five Events H e l d July 3 , 4 , 3 •Parker, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lawthree children with her over the cents. It is reported that a very rence J. Parker pf Bennington, holiday, Jerome and two sons substantial sum was realized for Even the weather cooperated to •were united in marriage by Rev. from Hartford, Conn., Mrs. Jane the Woman's d u b fund. FL L. Packard of Ahtrim in themake the Hillsboro, -Rifle Club's Markham from Boston, and Dr. Miss Lorenia Kimball Of Mt Ver.presence of about forty relatives Second Annual Toumament a most and Mrs. M. M. Halpemson of non, N. Y.i is at her summer home. successful event Shooters particand friends. Brookline, Mass. There was a big limb of a tree The couple was attended by the ipated' from Mabie, Massachusetts, Harold Muzzey of London has Struck down in front of the Judge Vermont, and Rhode Island along bride's sister, Mrs.^ Rajrmond Plant, been in town helping his father, Wilson home at the Sunday storm. CMifMr latOtala tae tkmatkaa ttamatins. 1^ of Orange, Vt, and Mr. Clarence with many New Hompshire shooters J. L. Muzzey with his haying. Mr, and Mrs, Edwin Sawyer of Udnmnds of Henniker. The bride who acquitted themselves successNelson Maine, of Hillsboro with 96-, Mrs, Fred Proctor entertained Lawrence, Mass,, and Mr. and Mis. fully. -was lovely in a white suit with Miss Frederica Vose Nay friends at a Dessert Bridge on Arthur Sawyer visited their brother Ora Smith of Keene, N. H. fotmd 94-94-284 was third with scope. corsage of talisman roses. Thei Wednesday. Harry Sawyer, and wife in Woods^ matron of honor also was gowned himself a groove, and with teles- Albert Krapf, of Fitchburg, Mass., Dies in Boston Ho^ntal Mrs. G. yi. Hunt, Mr, and Mrs. viUe, N. H,, oyer the week-end. In white and wore a similar cor- cope sights, fired 300-28X to win was third with iron sights with 95Miss Barbara Griswold and Miss ANTRIM, July 2—Miss Frederi- H. L. Packard, Mrs, Frances Herthe prone match any sights. Arvo 93-91-279. sage. rick, Mrs. B. F. Tenney, and Mrs. Anna Yakovakis and George Wesca Vose Nay^ 44, died late yesterJohnson of Keene, N. H., was Leslie Randall of West Hanover, Following the ceremony a recep"tion was held dvu-ing which punch second with telescope sights, and Mass., was out in .front all theday in the Massachusetts General Albert Thomton attended the ton, honor winners of the Peterand assorted cookies were served was second in the any sight match way in the pistol match with 96- hospital in Boston after a long ill- monthly meeting of the Hancock boro High School, are all working, Historical Society, Thursday. Mrs. Barbara and Anna in Peterboro and the yoimg couple made valient with 300-26X. Lester Pease of 93-91-2801^ Leslie is a protege of ness. attempts to cut 'the big wedding Somerset, Mass., was first with iron 'Phil" Brooks, and as such gave a She was a former resident here, Tenney was guest soloist, with Mrs. and George on his father's chicken sights, and third in the any sight good account of himself in a brief cake of three tiers. but had been making her home in Thomton, accompanist and '.Mrs. farm. Mr, and Mrs, Prentis WesThe couple left amid a deluge of match with 300-25X(8XB). William appearance on the . offhand firing Boston in recent years. She was a Packard and Mrs. Herrick were on ton are on vacation at Keyser Lake, We understand that Miss Marguerconfetti and much tooting of homs Kems, of Cambridge, Mass., was line. Walter Grinnell of Danvers, native of Antrim, daughter of Mau- the refreshment committee. The Antrim Garden Club meets ite Smith is also working, but we second in the iron sight prone Mass., was second in the 20 yd. rice and Mary Agnes (Ash) Nay. and jolly laughter. But ihey soon Monday, July 12, wilh Mrs, G, D. do not knowi where, eluded their discouraged pursuers. match with 300-25X(2-7XB) to pistol with 94-92-90-276. Dave Fair Miss Nay was a member of the After a brief honeymoon in barely nose out Hope Crombie of of Springfield, Vt., was third with Antrim lodge of Rebekahs. Sur- Tibbetts. A quiet fourth of July holiday Mr. and Mrs. Harold Winslow of in town, Montreal the couple will live in Beverly, Mass., who scored 300- 93-91-90-274. Scuttlebutt has itvivors include a sister, Miss'EckIndianapolis are guests of Mr. Lieut. E. Black, son of Col. and -their own house in Bennington which 25X(1-7XB) to take third place in that Leslie Menzies has a propen- less Nay of Boston, Ralph G. Winslow at Alabama Mrs. E, Black, had a short leave is all ready for their return. Mr. the Scope prone contest, Emest sity for losing this and that by one Survivors are her sister, Eckless Farm. Taylor of New Bedford got hot point. In any event, using borrowed Parker will continue his meat and enjoyed it at his home here. Nay of Boston, Mass., and several Stanley Canfield, Master of Anbusiness at the same place on West near the end of the shoot to take guns and all kinds of ammunition cousins. Funeral services were held Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wilson are third in the iron sight prone. Lewis including hollow point high speed trim Grange attended a banquet in entertaining Mr, -WOsen's brother' "Main st, Hillsboro. from the Presbyterian Church in Horton, of Southboro, Mass., with bullets, he was but ONE POINT aMilford for the committee of the Antrim, N. H., on Monday, July 5, United Nations Appeal for Children. from Northampton, MaSs. highest scores from both iron and way from the winners. With the right BIRD AND GARDEN CLUB with Rev. Reese Henderson, pastor July 21, at 8 o'clock there will be JUNE HAD NEARLY Three Centre members, Mrs. scope sight efforts took the 10th kind of business in his right hand and Dr. Whitney S. K. Yeaple of place money with 300-15X(3XB). he can be bad news on the pistol a public meeting in Antrim Grange NORMAL RAINFALL Agnes Kuhn, Mrs. Bertha Hadley, the Smith Memorial Church of Hall to organize the work for this and Miss Frances Bames. enter- Genial Elmer Gibbs of Manchester firing line. Hillsboro officiating, assisted by community. A house-to-houseThe month of June had nearly tained the Caroline A. Fox Bird placed in the money in 18th place Lady Shooten Mrs. Gertrude Thomton as organ- canvass will be conducted during normal rainfall with 3.85 inches. with 291-2X. and Garden Club at the Kuhn home Hope Crombie of Beverly, Mass., ist and Mrs. Elizabeth Tenney who Hot Offhand Match last Thursday. The trip to Fitzwas High Lady in the offhand with sang "In The Garden," and "Abide the last two weeks of July. Rev. The average for Concord is 3.66. On The Offhand Match was well 92-91-90-273, an accomplishment With Me." Hand in Hand Rebekah Philip Giles of Concord is expected 19 days it rained from a trace to •william tb visit the Rhododendron Reservation was discussed and de- participated in and was the hot- which left some of the men gasping. Lodge attended in a body and per- to speak at this meeting and there .84 of an inch on June 5. The hotcision made to go on Friday, July test kind of a dog fight all the way. Hope maintains that women are formed the Rebekah services with will be moving pictures. No quota test days of the month were June •9, leaving at 9 A. M. and each To the final relay, a hot score better shooters than men anyway, Mrs. Sylvia Ashford. Noble Grand; has been set for Antrim. N. H. is 24, 29, 30, with- 89 degrees. The taking her own lunch. Any non- could have won this match for any all they need is equipment and Mrs. Evelyn Ellison, Vice Grand; expected, to raise $210,000, or 45c lowest temperature was on June 6 with 38 degrees. There were only members if interested may join the of four or five of New England's practice. Hope was High Lady and Mrs. Marion Grant, Chaplain. per capita. Herbert Bailey, ' and daughter, 4 clear days, 16 were partly cloudy caravan by consulting Miss Isabel finest offhand riflemen. It is rumor- prone with a fine 300-25X. Bea Funeral services were held in Mildred, and Mrs. Walter Knapp and 10 cloudy. 4 days had heavy Bowers, committee in charge who ed that the eventual winner, Len Moakler of Cambridge,' Mass., with has been advised that by the last Maine, along with the'Old Master 300-23X needed an elusive "One the Presbyterian church Mon- were luncheon guests of Ralph G. fogs and two had sharp thunderof this week the rhododendrons will "Phil" Brooks is writing a book More" good score to put her well day aftemoon at 2 o'clock, with Winslow at Alabama Farm on storms. June was 10 degrees warmer than May during the day, and be at their best. If Friday is a real entitled, "The Art of Offhand among the winners. Rita Yeaton burial in Maplewood cemetery. The Wednesday. rainy day they will go the follow- Match Shooting." Maine, eventually gave a fine initial performance in Woodbury Funeral home of HillsAntrim was well represented at only 5 warmer during the night— scored 97-96-96-289 with Iron both Offhand and Prone shooting. borough was in charge. ing Monday. the Bennington Woman's Club Sil- reported by Rev. Charles E. Reidt Bearers were Harold and Donald ver Tea. Mrs. Isabel Butterfield sights to win the Any Sight money Vivky Nash of Keene, pluckily Mrs. Hene Parker read an inMcBrine of Medford, Mass., Leon teresting paper on "Qround Nest- and first place with iron sights. Arvo fough a heavy 37 for some credita- and Robert Nay of Stoneham, Mass- j McLean pla>%d several piano solos. Funeral Services for Johnson won first place with scope Others attending were, Mrs. G. W. ble offhand scores. ing Birds" including the nighthawk Archie Nay and Earl Cutter of Nylander. Pres. of the Antrim Mrs. Katie M. Goodall sights and second witH any sights that builds no nfest but lays its We like to see the gals on the Antrim. N. H. Interment was in Woman's Club, Mrs. Frank E. with scores of 96-96-95-287. Rudolf eggs on a flat rock hereabouts. HILLSBORO, July 6—Mrs. Katie firing line and with experience Maplewood Cemetery at Antrim, The tree subject about the birch Kamila, using both iron and score they will give the men real trouble. N. H.. under the direction of the Wheeler. Mrs. G. D. Tibbetts, Mrs. May Goodall,' 66, widow of Arthur W. A, Nichols, Mrs. Arthur Amiott E, Goodall, died at a Concord and beech families was well treated sights, placed third in the anyKeep at it girls. Woodbury Funeral Home. Mrs. Frank Seaver, Mrs. Kenneth hospital Wednesday, June 30. A by Miss Shedd and Mrs. Evans sight match with 96;:95-95-286; he and illustrated by several speci- placEfd second in the scope, and M. A. Howe of Pittsfield, Mass., Antrim Elementary School Roeder, Mrs. Wallace George, Mrs. native of Deering, she was the Albert Thornton, Mrs. B. F. Ten- daughter of Henry and Haimah mens. Brief flower and bird reports second in the iron sight contest placed 10th and in the money in the offhand match. S. H. Smith of Building Program Advanced ney, Mrs. Alwyn Young. were given. The purple lilac New (Davis) Ashby. In recent years she Hillsboro placed 10th and 'in the Hampshire state flower, was the had lived in Deering. 1 INVITE SUMMER RESIDENTS money in the pistol match. Edgar subject of interest to all. Mrs. Survivors include a son, Emest ANTRIM, July 7—Stewart VTO BUSINESSMEN'S DINNER Allen, Vermont offhand champion, Georgianna Gile read a fine deGoodall of West Rindge; a brother Superintendent made his first appearance and gave McCormack, u^l scription of a park in Rochester, Myron Ashby of Deering; and two Schools, has disclosed that tne j The regular Hillsboro business. evidence of being a fine rifleman N. Y., which contains over 400 the grandsons, and cousins. and competitor; more from him Antrim School District has acquired : ^gn's monthly dinner meeting will Funeral services were held at varieties. There were several cliplater. Deerslayer Alvin Yeaton, Sr.. ^'*'^ ^-..l!"^-* ".t^f^^Z -?L-1?^;^® ^®^^ Monday, July 12. at the the Woodbury Funeral home, Satpings on the same subject. For of Hillbsoro, had on his special construction of the new elemen- .^^^j^^ Hotel. Summer residents are urday at 2 P. M. Rev, Dr, Whitney this interesting infonnation the especially invited to attend this ventilated trousers but was still tary school. club is indebted to Miss Clara S. K. Yeaple, pastor of the ConThe major part of the land has meeting to present their views for hot enough to shoot 300-24X with Webber, a resident of Rochester. gregational church, officiated. been deeded to the School District the good and welfare of Hillsboro. scope sights to place 6th amohg the Burial was in the East Deering Delicious home made cookies and by trustees of the James Tuttle Following the dinner at 7 o'clock Master riflemen. cemetery. punch were served. Conditions around, and, on, the Library: Mrs. Helen Johnson, Mrs. > Lester C. Stratton, guest of Francis Bearers were Arthur Goodall of Hillsboro range are conducive to Miriam Roberts. and Arthur ^ J. Rigney, Sr., will give a brief Leominster, Mass., James Ashby The members of the Sewing Club the firing of fine scores. The match English. This involved the former j address. Mr. Stratton is an expert of Lexington, Mass., Benson Davis, and their husbands, gave the (old) committee have worked carefully Cochran field at the West end of I in the public relations field and is Jessie Griffin, Charles and Andrew newly weds, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Summer Street. A small triangular I a former newspaper editor. towards this end. Dennison, a surprise party on WedGee. There was a profusion of portion in the rear of the Cochran If you wish to attend this meetAl Lamond of New Bedford, nesday evening. beautiful floral tributes.. field has been deeded to the Dising . please notify the Messenger Mass., and Elmer Gibbs of ManThey brought two wonderful chester, N. H., acted as officUl trict by Mrs. Adelaide Elliott to- Office, 145-2. BALDWIN — RICHARDSON cakes decorated with flowers from scorers. "Gracie" Taylor of New gether with sewage disposal rights WOMAN. 91. HURT their gardens, also ice cream. Mrs. Bedford, Mass., assisted by Mrs. V. to another area of the former IN CAR COLLISION Miss Marion A. Richardson, a Favor, read an original poem that W. Maine, of Keene, N. H., took Nesmith land. summer resident of Hillsboro, and was very fitting for the occasion. Negotiations for these lots have charge of the registration and the They received a beautiful gift HILLSBORO, July 3 — Mrs. Allan Baldwin of Orange, Mass., sale of targets. The efforts of these taken over two months. Attomey Florence Pierce. 91, of East Wash- were Inarried June 20 at ihe First from the club, and on leaving workers contributed much to a fine James Hines of the Robert Upton ington, suffered a fractured left Universalist Church of Orange. A wished the couple many years of Law firm of Concord represented arm in a head-on automobile candlelight service at 4 P. M., with and fair match. good luck and happiness. A spinning frame, at Joanna the Antrim District and members collision here at 3:30 this aftemoon. Rev. Charles H. -Emmons reading Beginnen Attend Cotton Mills, Goldville, S. C e<|uipped with new aluminum of the School Board; Myrtie K, the wedding vows was attended by Many new shooters were observIt's good to know Hillsboro is to | adapter spindles and alnminum friends and relatives of the young ed on the firing line. There is noBrooks, Carroll M. Johnson and disposal for the new plant. have an Old Home Day this sum- j bobbins, being operated by Miss Members of the School Board Ex- couple. better way to gain experience and William K. Glen, in these prolonged mer. It's also gratifying to know Alice Stevens, fhe alnminum spinning bobbins ride easier, confidence than to get on the firing negotiations. Acquisition of this pect to advertise' the building there are public spirited leaders at Following a wedding trip and a handle better, and reduce spinline against the tough guys. Actual extra land was made necessary by proposals for bid within a week, vacation period in Hillsboro, they large. Mr. Dumais should have ning eosts, according to Walter firing line experience with care- recommendations of the State since the plans have been ready Iwill be at homevto their friends at plenty of assistance and I wish I Regnery,' Joanna vlee-presi< Board of Health regarding sewage for some time now. dent inventor-of the device. (Continued on Page 5) 168 East Main St, Orange, Mass. (Continued on Page 2) HUlsboro Rifle Club Holds Annaal Shoot ..•tfiis is the American Way EVERY i>^~IVERY YEAR Device Cuts Costs RICHARD W. WITHINGTON AGENT far New Bngbnd M g j - U £ j l « u « n « Company H i l l s b o r O , C e n t C r , T e l . 1 7 - 1 2 riiMlrattiw PAGE 9 T h i AdvvrtWDg Media of tiie Coatoeeeofc VaHey Tawaa-Antiba, per we had sometimes "old maid's toast" which was stale brown bread warmed up in milk which tasted much better than it sounds, pancakes, plate size seven or eight' in a pile with butter and dry m a ple sugar between each one. Doughnuts were made by the pecH and always served at breakfast as was meat and potatoes. We had hasty pudding, rye pudding, oatmeal and sometimes whole k e r - i nels of steamed wheat which took a long time to cook. Raised biscuits, gems baked in iron gem pans and PidntmgSI' Johnny cake were served and in' Interitnr Decorating winter boiled cider apple sauce. ALSO CONTRACTING Supper was not complete without apple sauce, other canned fruits or All Workmen iTisured maple syrup. ANTRIM, N. H. TEL. 35-13 If in summer meat was ever lacking, there was codfish, salt pork and eggs on hand. We always had ice cream on Sundays. These are just outstanding samples of my mother's cooking. PLUMBING « HEATING MORE AND MORE PEOPLE ARE USING THE CLASSIFIED ADS fiJjjjjj^jjlJWW*W*l'^<M*'*"*^"'**^^ TtautdaTf Jair 9, 1948 BaBeOtet, YOUR , ^ ''^-- \ HOME TOWN NOTICE nLASSIFlED ADVERTISEMENTn I, Catherine M. Harrington, Clerk of the Hill.sboro Guaranty Savings Bank, hereby certify that at a meeting of said • corporation held W charge 20 cents. PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. W April 14, 1948 the following Trustees were elected for the ensuing E. D. HUTCmNSOM year: John S, Childs, J, Arthur 7500 PEOPLE READ THESE CLASSIFIED Towle, Charles N. Goodnow, Ira ADVERrnSEMENTS EVERY WEEK — IF OUR ADS C, Roach and Catherine M. Harrington; and I certify that all have CANT SELL IT—IT CANT BE SOLD Caatem Work — MBhirerk taken the oath of office required X.VMBEB FOB SAI.Z by law. Qaarified advectisemcats axe ' Pfa^ied or B«a(h BUNGALOW - 1|2 ACRE — $3900! Catherine M. Harrington, Clerk p a y a U e i n advance. A billing Bargain offer near Hillsboro; 5 Lower Tillage . TeL 17t c h a i s e o f t e n cents ( 1 0 c ) vnHrms., bath, steam heat, water and FOR SALE—Girl's bicycle. • Needs b e m a d e for charged dassified elec., shaded lawn; garage; small tir^s. Excellent buy for $5.00. Call E. C & W. L. HOPKINS 28» adveet&ements if n o t paid before i)oultry house; gd, garden plot; Hillsboro 97-3. GiAKRE STATE AHB mondhly statements are rendered. taxes only $21; quick possession! LISABEL GAY'S COLUMN 21,949, West's Farm Agency, H. B. WntTBiioiB (Continued from Page 1 ) . FOR RENT—To quiet, respecta- Eaton, R. F, D , 3, Hillsboro, N. H„ . FEEDS ble folks. Lone cottage on small PH: Upper Valley 10-11, could do more than just wish him HILLSBORO - GREENFIELD islazid in Millen Lake, two rooms, success and hope he gets all the ATTRACTIVE HOME — $7800! lliooe 92 Pheoe 2401 Donald S. Baker has purchased fireplace, screened porch, boat One' of prettiest residences in help h e can use. Some bf t h e 75 the Beryl Black house on Wyman Simple housekeeping, swinmung, PLUMBING SUPPLIES fishing. Two weeks $60, month $110, commimity, ideal for retirement youngsters in the parade of ' 1925 s t , and in due time his family will t^aemmma*a***aamam*mi '****am*ammmmt FREE ESTIMATES move in to it frpm their present Lura Bruce, Washington. 28 handy buses, business district; 7 ought to be good material. Hillsboro Feed Cocnpaay rms,, bath, oil-steam heat, all Myrtle st.,- apartment. WANTED — Children to b o a r i utjlitites, tastefully landscaped; r e Some time ago I wrote about the HusKMo .» T E L 5i The local florist, I'm told, sent Mis. Joseph Sferlazza, Phone HiUs- placement value —$14,000, price supply of food stuffs to be found out flowers for four weddings in Hillaboto, N. R Baiky's 'Vamat Brand" boro, 18-15. 26-29* reduced for quick sale! 21,947, in our pantry and cellar when I town last Saturday. Romance still TeL 111—3 was a ch^d on the farm. Many goes on regardless of the high TESTED FEEDSWest's Farm Agency, H. B. Eaton, FOR SALE—Solid Mahogany GovJDaiiy Ration], Stedk Feed, Poultry times since I have thought of the ernor Winthrop desk; nwiple four R. F. D . 3, Hillsboro, N. H., PH^ good things my mother made of cost of livings Feeds, Seed Grain,.Fidd Seed aad Floor Mr,' A, M, Granger of Cold post modem bed, box spring; 6 Upper Valley 10-11. them, the wonderful bread and Spring, N. Y., is visiting his sister, D U T T O N S A L E S C O . 'immmm**************************** mahagany finish dbiing room "raised biscuit" made with potato Mrs. Charles Whittle, this week. Phone your Want Ads, to chairs; breakfast set; electric fan; yeast, boiled dinners with our own Auctioneers Siace 1 8 9 8 ' the Messenger Office, 145-2 Mrs, Franklin Guild ^ and son, girls bicycle; lawn mower. Tel. 180, JOHN H. immJ^ com beef, salt pork and vegetables Mrs. Fred S, GUe. 28-29 WANTED — Carpenter work, r e - (except beets) cooked together in Elliott, of School St., is spending a CAPT. CHISTER F. DUTTON MUTUAL DjSURANCE month with her parents in Ogunmodeling,, repairiig and inside Auctiojieer our biggest iron kettle. We ate it BEAL ESTAIX -GREETING CARDS for all occa« work. Roofs shingled. hot for dinner, cold for supper and quit, Me. Her husband will spend sions.. Come in and look them over. finishing Faxm—^nOage P*vpeiliy a week of his vacation with them. ' Prterborough, N. H. Tel. tOOt "iFor sale btr Lisabel Gay. T h e Card- Herbert Gray, No. Main s t , Tel. hash for breakfast. Baked beans and Summer Homes Mrs. Almeda Joyce, South 26-29» and brown bread for Saturday ni^ht eteria, 47 School S t . Hillsboro. SStf 129,. Antrim, N, H, . ' Washington, N . H . TeL 9-22 Royalton, Vt., is spending a few ahd Sunday. My mother refused L^SED FURNITURE—Bought and FOR SALE—Beauty parlor equip- to cook much on Sunday. We had days with her daughter, Mrs. Frank Boyd, after attending the ARCADE DUVAL Sold, Will call for or deliver, Rich- ment—pemoanent waving machine, crackers and milk for supper. two dryers, two facial chairs, all wedding of her gra^^ddaughter, ard McLeod, TeL Henniker 108-11 has repaired s h o e s i n HillsSaturday was baking day and or 28-22, 26-36» in excellent condition; one 9x12 several pies were made, apple, Joyce Avery, b o r o for 3 5 years. ozite rug pad—used very little. BUILDERS' SUPPLIES Mr, and Mrs, Charles Weaver FOR SALE—8 room house on Hol- Price reasonable, Mrs. William mince, custard and in spring when of Manchester called on Walter You can now leave shoes for Lumber, RoQ Roofing, man Street, 100 feet off main high- Roach, Hillsboro, N. H 27-28* eggs were plentiful and hardly Gay on Sunday, repairing at Proctor's L G. A., worth selling, we had cream pie v;ay. Excellent location. Garden Fred Porter left Hillsboro 17 ShiBgles, Doort, Wmdowt, space and lawn. George Barrett, WANTED—Capable, neat appear- with two crusts if t promised to years ago. With his wife and two Store and w e will retum them ing girl or woman for general help. wash the spider without making a as good as new. Hillsboro, N, H, 28tf Hardwaco, Et& Smitholm — Antrim, North Branch. fuss (we had no double boiler daughters he is now visiting his mother for two weeks and is havMARINE—Paints, hardware and 28* then). That pie was the best pie My Pledge—A Fair Gkimg — Shopwork ing a wonderful time meeting his accessories. Old Town, Aero-Craft ever made. We had raspberry, Deal to the Public old friends and hopes to see them Phone your Want Ads. to Prieet Reatonabk and Plasticraft boats. Arey's, 132 rhubarb, and currant pies, blueall the while he is here. the Messenger Office, 145-2 Loudon Rd,, Concord. Open daily berry and blackberry pies also. In The Fourth was blissfully quiet PHONE 195 HILLSBORO to 9:00 p, m, expect Sunday eventhe fall squash and pumpkin pies DR. A. A. MUIR FOR SALE—80 acres pasture, around here, but I prefer small ings, TeL 1760, 21 tf were made by the wholesale quantimber and wood, situated on Colboys and popguns to thunder CHIROPRACTOR WANTED.— Evening sitting. Call by HiU, Henniker, N. H. For tities. I sifted barrels of pumpkins storms. Frank came home from E. K U R T Z N E R through a homemade colander, a H o u s e a n d Office v i s i t s a t before 7 P. M, Sewing of all kinds, particulars write: M. R. Newdorf, New Boston in the worst part of Watchmaker & Jeweler Mrs. A. L. Broadley, 8 Qiurch 98 Mountfort S t , Boston 15, Mass. milk pan with holes punched in the the downpour. 71 Main Street HilUboro, N. H. bottom of it. Mother put eggs in OFFICE AT HOME street Tel. 29, Hillsboro, N, H, 4tf 28-29. Phene 171 'squash pies but used cracker Tel. 90 Hillsboro, N. H. TO PROSPER — ADVERTISE FOR SALE — Wolverine carbon crummbs for pumpkin pies. Of PtHFECnY BtAUWULI coated and single carbon salesbooks course there was always plenty of W e s t M a m Street FARMERS FEED AND BUSINESS SERVICES made by America's largest manu- good milk and 20 or more pies SUPPLY GO. facturer. S e e us for your salesbook were often made at once. There Q P n C E MACHINES - SOLD HILLSBORO DAIRY needs. Messenger Office, Hillsboro, were not real pie plates enough Rented and Repaired PARK & POLLARD FBEDS HENRY a B4ARTIN N. H, 5tf and so tin cake pans were used. "Our machine Loaned While Yours RAW AKD PASTEUUZES COAL—FARM SUPPLIES is Repaired" We had puddings made of milk WANTED—Slaughter horses for MILK Aim CREAM CHASE'S and eggs like our so called plum Mink Farm. TeL 256. Inquire BUTTEB — CorrAcs CBEESE Tel. 160 Hillsboro, N. H. 22 West S t , Keene, N , H , TeL 1300 MAINE'S SHOE REPAIR 27*tf pudding made of Keene crackers, milk, eggs, and sugar and plenty of BUTLER ST. HILLSBORO WE REPAIR TO PROSPER - ADVERTISE raisins. Then there was rice pudPBONB «T-4 All makes of sewing machines. ding made of milk, sugar, rice and A.lse buy used machines for cash. raisins, and baked a long 'time, DR. W. F. MANSFIELD In tfiis victaity every- Wednesday. THE GOLDEN RULE IS OUR MOHO apple tapioca with cream, steamed VENETIAN BLINDS OPTOMETRIST, NEWPORT, N. H. Drop a card or telephone 2286, **0**0*0***0*****00*0***0******** suet pudding with maple sugar will be at 48 Henniker St., Hilljboro, Concord, Singer Sewing Machine Light..'. Lovely,.. Longer Last' HARMONY LODGE, NO. 38, alternate Wednodays, to examine sauce, blanc mange made with ing,,.Easy to clean,,,made of Co., 22 School S t , Concord, N, H, eyes. Leave appointment* with Mn. Irish moss, custards and floating F. & A. M. flexible aluminum allojr for loag Mary Soucey. Next vijittjuly 14th. Stated communications, Srd Wed' island, and Indian pudding with life, Sun-proof plastic finisli won't MAtTHBWS chip, crack or peel. Custom-made to nesday evening of each month. sweet apple. Up-to-Date Equipment BARBER SHOP fit Come in for our estimate today. IN RUMRILL'S BLOCK Cream was used for gingerbread, Under the Post Offiee Our Mrvica extends to any New OiBcers: cookies and cake, made fresh each Englattd St»t« open clo—d W. M.—Walter Sterling. time. Marble cake, ribbon cake EAST WASHINGTON, N. H. Moa., Tu**., Than. 8 a.m. 5>30 pan. Where quality and eoeta meet your owo S. W.—Hamilton RumrilL and sponge cakes and Washington ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING figure Wadaaaday 8 sjn. Neon J. W.—Raymond Bennett pies were old stand-bys. For s u p FURNITURE CO. Indtutrial and Domestic Friday 8 a.m. 8 pJn. Telephone Hilltboro 71 Sec.—Philip Woodbiuy. FIXTURES AND MOTORS Depot St. — Tcl. 250-2 Sattttday 8 • "• 10 p.m. Day or Nigbt Installed and Repaired Textile Worker's U n i o n of TEL. Hn.LSBORO U P . Vc. 11-7 , Open Saturday Night America—^Local 4 0 1 ^00****0000*00000000000000000*00, Meetings: Third Sunday of the Bird a n d Ruberoid Products month in Municipal Hall, at 2:30 H. L. HOLMES & SON (35 YEARS REGISTERED) p. m. ; COMPLBTB FUNBRAL BBJS7I0B Pres., Victor Bondar ROOFING COMPANY AMBULANCB BBRVIOB Vice-pres., Scott Nelson D e c k chairs, folding t y p e , Rec.-Sec., Ted Wescott General Contractors AnyvOtere — Day or Night •'OB (he S q n a n " Henniker Fin.-Sec., E. Erskine Broadley comfortable a n d c o m p a c t . Fliflsboro, N. H. Tel. 229 B D n n s x a — PHONB 4»-3 Sgt. of Arms, Mose Robertson ^ TELEPHONE 26 Colorful ^ O C PLASTIC TILB AND Trustees, Charles Weber, Harry covers ^ f | Cote, Warren Cole ASPHALT TILB HXX3RING I AB advertlsemenct appearing under this bead 2 \ .1 .. cents a .word; imaimum charge 35 oenta. Extra \ I I tngerttons otaame adr. 1 oent a word; minimum • 1 BUSINESS GUIDE Fred C Greene Bl Cotailt Wm^lLMarchand BUSTER DAVIS OODBURY FUNERAL HOME ASHTON'S Electric Service EATON Siiminer Chairs CARPENTER OPTICIAN AT THE Business Guide HENNIKER Town Directory iiyiiibjimiJii.ii.imii>.wp^FgTr BLUE STAR TAXI 24 HOUR K. TeL 111 c. H e o n i k e r I^iarmacy The Rexall Store SERVICE Sniilii Henniker, N JL High back folding chairs for porch or lawn. Folding, ^ adjustable ^ 25 ^ Adirondack lawn chairs, unfinished, adO 5 0 justable back Sm Big comfortable porch rock- Compfete Prescription Department ers with w o o d slat seat h i g h Siac ROOK S u m o s — SUNDUES Cosusncs — FOUNTAIN SE«VICE . NlWSPAPCKS — PniODtCALS back 9J5 HENNIKER, -N. H. S. A. ROWE AUCTIONEER REALESTATE If Y«tt Deslreto Boy or Sefl Call - r yr^Aie.ar Flteaa BMMMaee: Bcatukar, T«L IS Oeeeaei Oflea: 77 N. M d * S t TaL 2SS» ACME PLANT SALE CA<ts TKOCKS A r m y cots special at HEAVY E^THPHSNT A u t o m o t i v e Electric C o . CarfwiPMer fTleniii,*! Speri*l{«n Trade Disc. Te Dealen Tiara Jl* R. MASOK Snana CoMMmcxAx, S T . ' HnnnszR 46 - EATON'S of HILLSBORO Roadside Gardens VALLEY LODGE, NO. 43, L O. O. F. CELERY P L A N T S Uettinci flnt md third ICoaday at 7:41 p. n . 4 5 c d o z N, G.—Paul S. Scruton V. G.—Louis Cutter 4 0 c doz Sec.—THenry Martin Treas.—James L. Ellnrorth 25c doz EGGPLANT PLANTS 35c doz BROCCOLI P L A N T S 25c doz TOMATO PLANTS PEPPER P L A N T S 40c doz Potted Geraniums Potted A n n u a l s 25c eadi Linwood Grant "On Route NORTH 9" BRANCH H o n n s z a , N. H. eeglAtll£ttt£mcotmi£tSttt£tt£^^ MASON AND GENERAL CONTRACTING NORTH STAR ENCAMP. MBNT, NO. 11 I. O. O. F. Meetings first and third Monday at 7:45 p. m. 2 0 c - 3 5 c C. J.—James L. Ellsworth S. W.—Paul S. Scmton 4 5 c each J. W.—Donald E. Gove 1 0 c - 1 5 c Scrihe—Bert L. Crane A l l kinds of A n n u a l s F. H. A. Payments Arranged Free Estimates HILLSBORO FISH AND GAME CLUB, INC. HILLSBORO RIFLE CLUB Meeitings Srd Sxmday 7 p. tn. Pres.—^Roger Connor Vice Pres.—Olio York Treas.—R. Wajme .Crosby Sec.—Emory E. Phelps ^ f - 1 — - - r r * r r * * T r r f rrrrtf Jg < jwj j j j Stephen Chase BENNIXOTOK, K. S . Tel. Antrim 48-4 O. L. HAgELTON R. 8. SPiemtk, rre*. Dtplar in GtAHTR AKD MfJtSLl MevDMSMTS AKB" Miaaaaa Comet Elm aad kahatn Streets ifANCfigEgr^ N.H. \ on aeoan^>anied by Miss Doxa.^dler of Somerville, Mass. Miss Mildred Nelson had with J.W.Cobb The Hillsboro Fire Di^partment Correspondent her at the "Parting of the Ways" was called to two out of the pre- p u siAv puB q^aqezna sasstw exft cinct fires the past several days, Mr. and Mrs. James G. Bames of son and their bromer, Mr. Hemy arriving in time to check what Rockville Center, Long Island,. N. Nelson. mij^t bave been disastrous fires in Y., spent the week-end at the Mr. Thomas Speidel is spending both cases. a few days in Boston on business. Last Fiiday a lumber pile near Bames "Homestead" here. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Smfth of a bam attached to the 1830 House Miss Florence Lincoln has re-* West Roxbury, Mass., is with Mr. Dining Room caught fire. Residents turned from Chariestown, Mfas., Smith's mother and aimt, Mrs. Of the area formed a bucket squad had been gone an hour. Upon Joseph Smith and Mrs. Millie Valand the flames were alreadjr 10 feet retuming they found the house entine. ' high when depart' full of smoke. The fire was eonMr. W. W. Grayson of this vil. , the _ -Hillsboro , , ment arrived The only loss was " f j ^ ^ ^ ^^ wood trim and to an lage is in Amherst with his planing machine and part of the empty closet near the chimney on lumber. the second floor. A drapery near The other call was to the Her- the chimney had apparently .man Schnieder summer home on smothered the fire to some extent the Beard Brook Road Sunday but was bumed with only two morning. The Schnieders were a- metal pins remaining. A cane seat way visiting a neighbor and on a chair nearby was also biumed. Now that school is over until September, die old % pt, pt, qt, and 2 qt swimming hole is the mqtn attraction for your children. FntEJDEPARTMENT SAVES TWO HILLSBORO BUILDINGS Mrs. Byron Biitterfield 1« em* ployed as par( time clerk in the Antrim Post Office. Mr. iand Mrs. Ralph Little and daughter, Mrs. Lmie's father, Mr. McGovan of Medford, Mass., suid John Boyle of Weymouth, Mass., spent the week-end at the\ Little's cottage, Gregg Lake. George Sawyer has retumed from a visit with his daughter Mrs. Cecil Ayer, in Manchester. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wamer and daughter Barbara of Melrose were week-end visitors of Mrs. Wamer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Holt Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Raices of New York City were guests at "The Wauniback". last week. Mr: Raices is employed by the Columbia Broaddsting Co. as sound engineer, and news reel photographer. Mrs. Raices is a receptionist for the company. Mrs. Edith Mac Brine is at her Gregg Lake Cottage for the siunmer. • . Mr. and Mrs. George Rawlings of Medford, Mass., were in town Stmday. Mrs. Fred Little, Mrs. 5 0 SQUARE Rawling's mother, who has been at YARD NOT her son's camp for a month returned home with them , LAID Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Reed are visiting their three sons in NanClioice of five good martucket this week. They will go belle patterns. from there to Mattawamkeag, Maine to visit their daughter, retuming to Antrim about Aug. 1st. Mrs. Bertram Bames of Cambridge, Mass., is the guest of her sister Mrs. George Sawyer. Sixty boys arrived July* 4 for a of H I L L S B O R O two weeks' stay at Camp Sachem. Armstrong Inlaid Linoleum 1 EATON'S CALL BERT ANY TIME Canning Jars 8 CUBIC FOOT Frigidaire Deep Freeze READY FOR DELIVERY HILLSBORO GENERAL STORE brother.-kirlaw over the holiday. will preecii Vt fbe Congregatiohal Mr. Max Jaffe has returned Church .^at the Centre service at ixoBt New York where he has been u A. M. '_'•,.' ': with a sick, brother. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Steeves of Miss Mary G. Hearty is wUh Desvt9is,..M8a8.> jue-tbe guests ox her brother, K W. J. Hearty in Mrs. Joseph Smith and Mrs. Millie New Rodielle, N. Y. • Mr. Henry Bames and daughter Valentine. Helen of Lowell, Mass., are at tbe SEND IN YOUR NEWS "Brick House" with Miss Catherine Faulkner as guest Phone yotu: Want Ads. to Mr. Max Jaffe is entertaining a the Messenger Office, 145-2 party of New York friends. Mr. J. Albert Clark of Concord | PYROFAX GAS Botded Gas ft Electrical DON'T DENY ITI Appliances You saw THIS ad—others will FlenaeB, GI«nroed, Magie Cbef see YOUR ad, even in space ^s^ Raafaa — SaerA Gaa Sefrigwaton — Rudd Watar Haatara — FrickUirc small as this. Small ads, run PKOdUCtB often, can be very profitable. For details phone 145-2 and otir adJohn H . Hollis vertishig representative will calL 2tonj^»i^jHjlta^7-14o8K WE JUST TELEPHONE ALSO WIDE MOUTH JARS • Frigidaire ELECTRIC STOVE ••^:i7:^':p>--':'^:---^^^f^;^-?^^^^^ Valkr Timiw AnWm, PiibUcitlani The AdywtMay Media ><l Use Tbmaday, July 9, 1M« • BERTLANE to take them up and bring them home again. The cost is slight and you may pick your own time for them to go and t^turn. TELEPHONE 53-3 JULY 12 Ft>r Business As Usual PICK-UP SERVICE: Antrim aad Beanington—Monday and Thunday; Henniket—Tnciday and Friday; Hillsboro—Maa> day thiu Friday and SatunUy mpming. y, •/.••'•^*'- FOLKS, OURS ^ I § A GREAT COUNTRY! We will be back from our vacation ^refreshed and ready , ^ „. ^ . _ j , .^^ *** ^^. y ° " °** '»** possible. , deanmg CLEANERS & DYERS Hillsboro, N . H . DOLLAR DAY AT EATON'S IN HILLSBORO ALL DAY SATURDAY, JULY 10 'Armstrong Quaker rugs Novelty plaid curtains, One yard square red, green, or blue. QoseFour patterns ^ 1 out, limited Jl PER THREE For $ 1 quantity special PAIR Pussy willow dot cottage sets; red and white, blue and white, black and white. Limited $^ quantity X It^s ahout time to QUIT APOLOGIZING for AMERICAN WAY! T DO many so-called Americoni ore going around on tiptoe thete days, ready to bluih and stert apologizing when someone storts sneering et our Free Enterprise System. # Juit who ore these people who would M "ism" for our true Democracy? ^ A 'Vhy should we apologize or exploin? With only 7 pcr cent of the world's population, we hare .79 pcr cent of the world's automobiles—56 per cent of tho world's telephones—92 per cent of the world's bath* tubs—39 per cent of the world's electricity I Is that bad? #LET'S defend our Free Enterprise System I TWO for * 1 for • *1 $1 Good paper window shades with rollers, green, cream or ecru ^H TWO for ^ 1 0 geed time to ttart? Cotton rugs, 24 by 45, choice of patterns, regular pnce only 98c^ you pay 2c extra. Dollar Day, J J, ONE for PUBLIC aa mw ii«M»iMiti felt hat rugs only 12 in ^ ^^^^^ ^ ^ J^ ^^ values ^1.98 ^ to S^i eadr. Spedal ^ I O I ^ for i message from i i s v i e t taaaama Dish towels, good size and good quality—a Dollar Day Spedal at Eaton's. FOUR A1 Clopay paper window shades without rollers, green or ivory. Spedal 0 ^ FIVE for * 1 as we hove? Will any other country ever catch up with us? Would you swap any other country's situation and ideas for ours? I know you wouldn't! aaawe PER PAIR 36 inch plastic or 46 inch oil cloth—plenty of it and good choice bf patterns. TWO yards ^l LET'S stop scrapping among ourselves! And isn't this Independence Day Week Jl Cannon, 20 by 40 towels regular 59c grade, choice of four colors. Special D<^lar for f~ plenty on hand Armstrong Quaker Migs, size 36 by 54 inches, choice of three good patterns. Spedal TWO dj-j rugs for • A LET'S make this country even better! • 'Vhot other country has prospered and advanced A -omf Figured marquissette dbttage se^, narrow blue braid trim. Original price ^3.00, $1 On Sale Saturday 9:00 A. M. Nothing sold or reserved in advance, all Dollar Day Spedals cash and carry. Eaton Furniture Co. In The Old Baker Blodc Open Saturday, Night Hillsboro • • • » AdeettUBg atrs. Xariv n, ^remS Uedle ai tta COB toeeeok Vailej preparation.- '' . . 1 }s*vie niiiuei CUnette M M M B ' et Mr. and VMrs. Hunter who have Rbdms, France. Mr. and l i m Alpurchased the former Gingrass bert Holden of PMeiooco'' ete the baby's godparents. Otfaeis prsemt Farm in Deering are opening Ste were Mrs.- W. B» Steveas and B£Dbr summer there. Mrs. Hunter is a Stevens and Walter H o U c n . e f teacher in the New York schools. Wear^ and Mr. and lbs.-Ediaiaali On Saturday evening at a family Holden of Presque Isle^ Me. gathering held at the home of Mxs. Mr. and Mn. Carlton Sherwooid A. A. Holden, Dr. Daniel A. Poof White Plains, N. Y., havt arrivqd Ung baptized the seven-wedcs-old son of Mr. and Mrs. John W. Hold- at t h ^ summer home. Mr. Slict> en of Milford. The baby's mother wood u chaiiman of tbe Old Home Day committee for this year, and il meeting of tbe committee is to ,lje held at an early date.' ,. '' r;jj*M|j^W« Notth Branch Mrs. n'atten ^r heeler Corre^wnoent Mrs. Baibaxa vUted Montzeal,. <7tr^^ tfae fiat of Istst wetk and-'spent fte rest oC Uta wetk am Long Pond in. Waaingtsn. ^ Mxa. S i d a i d G. Cox, wife of tfae praddent of Gulf Pbrk College, ICasiss^pi has heen visiting Uta. E: S, Ifatdo, a fonner teadier oT the eoli^e. Mrs. Cox retumed home this wedc Ann Cmnire has gone to Lake* Wixmipe^ukee for two weeks, tovisit faer aunt. Mr. and Mrs. Emest Mcduie Paul Lawrence Damoor aon of spent tiie pest wedc at Sbadow- Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Z>Bmour Iscmn- Tbey entertained over the former residents ol Henniker waa i|PCidc-end Mr jmd Mn. Donald soloist on "The Breaikhat at BampCSoIe of Worcester, Mass. ton Beadi Prpgram, Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. Bobert Bell oi morning, originating from tfae CasNewport, R. L, are visiting their ino Dining Room act JSaxaptaa dau^tter, l b s . Mark Asbiey and Beach." It was Isoadcast over stahusband. tion WHEB. Miss Mildred Bailey of South CSeorge Fisher, Richard French, Dtartipoatii, Mass., and her father, Mike MeVill^ John Kxapp' and Well, we're in sunny Califomia, but haven't found gokl yet The Herbert Bailey, also Mrs. W^. T. Arthur Kendrick ,Jr., attended the May I. Hadtoek Took a side trip to Tia Juana, and spent many houn on the Knapp of Milford visited us last belTgamf in Boston on lliuzBday beach at La Jolla. Then ui> the coast to Los Angeks and San wedc. evening. Francisco. Beautiful country out 'hete, and we're soaking up ' CongratuIatioDs and best wishes Bhram Twiss, and Baymond Davis VT. and Mrs. Stubbe are enterare extended to Mr. and Mrs. Den- picked peas ont of tiieir garden on taining their son, Dr. Stubbe sadl every minute^of stmshine. Probably you're all busy putting nison. W e d n e ^ y , June 30. J. Albert family from Ohio. fresh garden vegetables in the Locker. If you're not, youll miss HOMEMADE ' We understand that B r e e ^ Several from here attended the Norton picked tbem from his garthem next winter. Hope you've xised all of last year's crop. Guess Pies, Cakes, Cupcakes, Dou^i- Point accomodated eighty guests Fourth of July cdebration at Goffsden on July 2. that's all'til next week. nuts. Cream Pu&, Cooldes, BoBs, over the holiday week-end. town on Monday, Weare Ban£ Mr. and Mrs. Carrol Lorick and Brownies, Bread, Baked Beans: Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Deeming MIS. Julia FowDces of Coltunbia, fumishing music for the day. and son are guests of her father, S. C , have been visiting Mr. and Reg Hollis and family, Mr. an<£ Btftooay, waddinf ano 'Mr. George Barrett Mrs. Charles Philbrick and family, Tdepboae 30 Anniwnacy GUBM. Mrs. Louis Damour. and Mr. and Mrs. Nolan enjoyed Deer are visiting the gardens and Mrs. Lillie Flanders and Miss an outing at the Morse camp. helping themselves to garden "sass". We'believe the farmen should be Evelyn Damour have gone to Brown Pond, on Monday. better protected. The deer are ^ood Yellowstone Park. 'Riey wiH be Several friends met at Old Elmeating, but ,not worth $100 when i gone two weeks and are making Farm Sunday night for a song serjthe trip by car. taken out of season: vicel Mrs. Lois Kamp was pianist Mrs. Arthur Coyle is stopping - Mrs. Alasada Hoffman has been Lunch was served by the hostess, with her mother, Mrs. Mazie Cook. at her home here for several dasrs. Mrs. May Hadlock. The same Mr. and Mrs. John Mollica of I Mr. and BIrs. Roger Coombs group will meet with Mr. and Mrs. Belmont, Mass., are occupying .observed their 25th wedding an- Alfred Flanders next Sunday night Mountain View bimgalow for the nijcersary on Friday. Open house at 8 P. M. Was hdd in the aftemoon and About 20 members of Weare CTimnier. Fred Twiss of Lawrence, Mass., evening, when friends came to con- Community Club enjoyed a motor his sister, Mrs. William Russell and gratulate fhem. •• Hjey received trip to Lake Winnipesaukee last lady friend, made nei^borhood many cards and gifts. Refreshments Wednesday for the day. They took were served. a trip on the Lake in the steamer calls on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Diamond Maxwell Mt. Washington. A fine time was were jn Peterhoro Friday evening reported. ^ to attend the wedding of a rdative. The Misses Kamp are home Miss Phyllis Stewart has been from their* respective schools and" visiting at Woodbme Cottage at colleges and enjoying their vacaMariettk S. Lang Lake Sunapee. tion at Rev. and Mrs. Kamp's on Ajitrim Correspondent Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Holmes and Quaker S t daughters are spending the sumGuests at George Dodge's over Mr. and Mrs. Edson Tuttle have mer at their cottage at Lake Massathe holiday were Mrs. Dana Dodge moyed into their new home, the seciun. and two sisters, Wilma and Marfonner Center School House. ExMiss Evelyn Twiss is working at ylin from Massachusetts, Lois fronr tensive repairs and alterations have been made by the Tuttles and the Stony Brook, L. L, for the summer. j Red Wing, Minn., and Donald SaltMr. and Mrs. Melvin Hathaway marsh from Concord, results have produced a most atvisited friends at their cottage on ing. A fine music and literary protractive dwelling. Columbia Lake in Manchester, Weare Grange held regular meetThe Public Service Co., is exten- Conn., recently.: jing Friday night July 2. II was ding their electric light service up Miss Dorothy Ryan has been i Presiding Lecturers' Night and the "Pound Road" to "Ella Robin- \-isiting in Lowell, Mass. I several lecturers from surrounding son" and Cyrus Whitney farms, Phyllis Mozrall, Lois Davis and now owned by Roy W. Baker to Constance Beane are training to Granges filled th»-chairs during Craig Farm, Margaret Clark's, the be telephone operators at the local the regular meeting. A fine music and literary program was given by Simonds Place and Adolph Ander- excl|pnge. the visitors and lunch in the upper son's. The Women's Society of the David Dudley from Belvoir. Congregational Church \rill hold hall was served of sandwiches cake Virginia, paid his parents, Capt their fair on Friday, July 16 in and iced tea with Blanche Gunn as RESHER SANDVVICHES and Mrs. Roy Dudley, a brief visit the aftemoon on the lawn of the chairman. White Granulated All Turpose July 4.' church. The fair will be followed by Phone your Want Ads. to FIHAST SOAP ^§ 29c Public Supper, Center Church, a supper. There will be apron, gift the Messenger Office, 145-2 Highly Refined Friday, July 9, 6 P. M. food and candy tables, a grab bag " '^" EN.';i:;!SD W H i i e SLICED PKG * ' * PUKi: LARD Mr. and Mrs. Marshall S>Tnmes etc. Clovtrdale • Enriched are on a week's vacation to RockMr. and Mrs. Ducan Noyes have LB 3 J j MAiiGARIN£ PKS land, Maine. retumed from Dansville. Mich., LARGE With E-Z Color Pak Mary Anne Wallace of Claremont, where they visited their daughter, 1 8 OS I ^ G « < N. Y., is at the home of Miss Edna Mrs. Earle Osbome. They were Di.LklCH LOAVES, Ryder for an extended stay. Miss gone about a month. Wallace will study ceramics with • Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Noyes and FINAST FRESH Mi^ Rycftr, and assist in the Gift child of Bellows Falls, Vt, spent PICNIC ROLLS Shop. the week-end with. Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Noyes. ' N o n e Finer HILLSBORO SHOOTERS TOP The misse^ Henrietta and Anne WILTON RIFLE CLUB 8 ot JAR pr JAR Grosback are spending t^^'o weeks at Booth Bay Harbor, Me. Results oi Hillsboro-Wilton shoot. Mrs. Gertrude Jones of Wausau. June 25th. This shoot was a 50 Wis., is visiting her daughter and jyard match, 40 shots—20 prone, I family, Mrs. Francis Brown. Mrs. I 20 offhand. Pure Marthmallow Topping ' Brown's sister and her husband. FLUFF Y^ 19c , HILLSBORO OH P T HF 'Rev. and Mrs. K C. Parker and RCA-Victor Ady Yeaton 84-83 100-97 364 364 j daughters, Ruth and Eimice of For Detieioui Cakei Portable N. Maine 89-90 97-98 374 374 iTarytown, N. Y., also visited them DUFr» ""'^,f*" ^^ 33c BATTERY OR CURRENT 76-81 100-99 Alvin Yeaton 356 356 I while they are staying in Deering All Purpose r a v o r i t c 85-86 96-98 R. Norton 365 365 SUNSHINE cA'A<J„ p^o «9c I where Mr. Parker is a teacher at 90-87 96-98 371 371 the Deering Commimity Center. S. Hom Finast I ure Coneord TOTAL 1830 ' Chester Parmenter and his oldGRAP£JUEC£ ^ » c WILTON T HF '. est son of Newark^ N- J., have OH P CtKfwiria VtUMcl* • Jirie* Six* 1 Jaier flip* - I tif BROOKSIDE E. Wright 77-68 98-96 339 339 been visiting relatives and friends Oranges DOZ 2 9 C Cantaloupe ^ 19c E. Elliott 64-27 96-93 280 'in town. Paaey Rip* Biag ' G I M A SwMt K. Pollock 63-81 100-95 339 339 Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Craw and G. Gibbons Cherries u 35c ; Peppers 8 us 29c 323 ' son of Norwalk, Conn., are visit57-76 95-95 Rich, Creamy, Smooth J. Sheldon 81-62 95-94 ing Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Craw. 332 PtMh Nati** Icabvrg Hetn* Fira Haada MACAROON with Center ef R. Johnson 79-80 98-99 356 356 Mrs. Donald Alger was in Dover Lettuce H E A D 17C ; Cabbage u 5c i Pj^^pp'' PT Q C ^ R. La Ponsee 65-83 99-99 346 346 Sunday to attend the wedding of Sh»ib«k p|^0 Cnip Natfva Paiea' I Yoong. S w a t , Taadar A. Abbott 89-86 98-100 373 373 a friend. Celery BUNCH 2 3 C [ Carrots S BCHS 1 9 C TOTAL Mr. and Mrs. Lester Cames and 1753 Timothy Ti DeiwvlU, M B fli Sr. smd Mrs. 2S. Taylor Bercovitz, has entered New Hampton Summer School, New Hanq>ton. The summer session is planned to help the boys accelerate their college "FROSTY FOODNOTES" Weare Hillsboro Food Bank/ Inc. Antrim Center Betty Alden EATON'S BREAD MAYONNAISE 15c 27* • 49* mMfkui^^^Ui] ORANGES "lirsS- «>09e ICE CREAM 39 SayingsW Smitl, fen e'er, Sweet Finast Peas JCo- 43c Medium Site • Younj; Richmond Feas A&B- Luncheon M e a t A&B. 2 CANS 3 3 c Largr, Luscinu* Heat aod Eat Complete With • Battery Deliciout Corned Beef Hash Cloverc'ak, Light Solid Meat Yor G a r d e n Peas 2 |°ANs 3 5 C Tuna Fish linast Re ' K i d n e \ or ?ca Baked Becns rinast 2 C'A^'S 4 5 C N e w rnglnnd Brown Bread Fi.-..ist Pure Florida .Vaiural or Sweetrnrd 2 CANS 3 5 c Uft Tomato Ketchup "K Msnrs wcr O r a n g e Juice Complete line qf G r a p e f r u i t Juice 2 ^AU^ 3 5 C . Florida, Orange and Grapefruit Bor 19C RCA.VICTOR Blended Juice EATON All Pricef F.ffectiT* at Finit National Self.S?erTle» Super .MarkeU in Thia Vicinity Snbieet to .Market Changea .rw" •*• .: '•• y.,-:f • ^'i IMCLANDS L A H C E S T PETAILER OF FINE FOODS w o r t h t w i c e a^ m u c h but ONLY^ ON SALE AT A l l OUR STURES HILLSBORO Store-Main FURNITURE CO. I N T H E OLD BAKER BLOCK St-HENNIKER STORE-35 Main Sl-ANTRIM Store—Main S t ^^ Hillsboto Phooe 250-2 TbaaMl^,.Jdr 8, 1948 PAGE S Messente.* PubUcatSoBe—TlM Advertisiag Media of the CoaMeeeok VaDey Towns Antrim. Henalkef, .misbefe. r «*f HILLSEIGRO RIFLE CLUB may.«cpe?t.the^brM» baits to'try QiiArt^ of-Eagings HOLDS ANNUAL SHOOT to rem^y by renewed demands for THB ANTRIM JffiPORTBR (Continued from Page 1) universal .mUitery training and for *rrhe Fricad^jr'Towoi^ an ever larger army, always at ful practice is what makes the winPobliilMd TlM»dij« enormotis esipease to the people. ning shooter. By Norman Thomas Bittif xtetxy By the McMcnger PuUishmg Coinpany ' Much conjecture is present aIt is the bitterest o£ ironies Eatered ltt the Peat OCflee, Billtbw*, K, H., M aaeotta mong the New Hampshire shooters The day that peacetime mili- that this' adoption of conscription as to the relative effectiveness of tary conscription became law in in so widely hailed as i triumph Iron and Scope sights. Whichever America sbould be observed as over' "reactionaries" and "isolaPUBLISHER JOHN VAN HAZINGA iight is used must be RIGHT. An a day of tnouming. Mourning tionists" who opposed i t It is Hillsboro, N. H. ChUds' Bldg. Telephone 145-2 -Examination of the winning scores for a dream of freedom that is true that some oppon«its of conth these Hillsboro matches might lost; mouming for the bright scription, like most of its friends, Subscription Price one year. $3.00 payable in advance; give the students of the rifle shoothope that men might live out have shown an inadequate un6 months $1.50; 3 months $.75. ing game something to think about their lives on other .terms than de^tanding of the intemational ••(How about it boys?? an investment -o>f years xmder a situation. It is true that isolaClassified advertising, 2c per word, maximum charge drill sergeant in preparation for tionism is bad, indeed impossible, PRONE SCORES 35c. Extra inaertions of same adv. l c per word when the mass murder of war. in the modem w6rld. Morally 1; Ora Smith, Keene, N. H., Scope, ordered at the same: time; minimum charge 20c. The man who says that mili- American militarism and imX 300-28X Gold Medal, $16.11. tary conscription, especially in perialism, to the strengthening PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. BilBng cha^e 10c. 2. Arvo Johnson, Keene, N. H., peacetime, is' consistent with civil of which conscription inevitably ERE are four pretty edgings for t Scope, 300-26X SUver Medal, liberty or is analagous to the tends, are even more dangerous. your handleerchiefc. In assorted $11.28. N. H. WEZXI.T rVBUSHZBS ASSOCIATION compulsions of jury duty, is The only possible justification colors and crochet cottons of iiC 3, Les Pease, Somerset, Mass.; 300playing with words and betrays for peacetime conscription would ferent tisea thete four designs will NATIONAl. EDITOBIAX, ASSOCIATION trinj a wide variety of.periontl and ., 2SX(8XB Iron, Gold Medal, $6.44. his own ignorance of the mean- be its certain contribution to a houtehold articles. Direetiont for 4 Wm. Kems, Cambridge Mass., —Nattosuil BepreientatlT»— ing of ihe word liberty. national seciurity otherwise ter- HANDKERCHIEF EDGINGS ton, 300-25X(2-7XB), SUver ' AMSBICAN X>BESS ASSOCIATION The XTnited States has adopted ribly jeopardized. It is for that may be obtained 'by tending a telf-addretted envelope to Medal. a system which in Europe never reason that some good men tem- stamped, the Needlework Department ot thit 5. Hope Crombie, Beverly, Mass., prevented war or guaranteed vic- porarily accept it No case, how- paper, requesting Leaflet No. 8265. '300-25X(1-7XB) Scope, Bronze tory in war but was a" major ever, has been made for this jMedal (2). factor in conditioning men for military necessity. The argue] A. A. Yeaton, HUlsboro, N. H., the acceptance of the totalitarian ments to the contrary have never |300-24X Scope. state. It has adopted a system been answered by proponents of cause of its quarrel with the West7ji Emest Taylor, New Bedford, IN HILLSBORO'S FAVOR which will impair a sense of na- the draft ern^ powers, and its determination, Mrs. Clara Rich I Mass., Iron, 300-23X (7XB) tional unity because the law by any means within its power, to We have the draft because Correspondent. If thiS' were 1947 instead of establish a Communist Germany? i Bronze Medal. makers who have given us con- President Tnunan and Congress scription have not even provided find it easier to substitute fojice The Deering Women's GuUd wUl '^j Beatrice MoaWer Cambridge, 1948, readers of the Messenger about this time of the year would be TOO MANY REPUBLICANS Mass., 300-23X(6XB Iron. for equality in slavery to a mili- for a sound policy and the brass meet Wednesday, July 14, at the tary state but have countenanced hats have found in hysterical ex- Cpmmunity^ Center and the 1948 9\ Waino Aro, Troy,' N. H., 300- seeing that familiar water shortage notice in the Messenger columns. the continuance of racial segre- aggeration of present dangers a Camp FamUy will have charge •|20X, Scope. • In last week's Messenger HillsUnless we are way off base we boro people and our neighbors in gation. 10. Lewis Horton, Southboiro, Mass., chance to obtain that power of the program. Plans will be made !'300-15X(3XB) Scope and Iron don't think we wiU ever nm such surroimding towns leamed of the There is no system and there which has long been their heart's for a riimmage sale this month. an advertisement again. "Biggest and Best Ever Old Home ;$480. are no d i ^ boards which can desire. It is easier for military Mr. and Mrs. Forte and Bill and 11. Archie Cantlin, Keene, N. H., fairly select one or two or three bureaucrats to conscript men If this means anything it is that Day Coming." All of -as should out of every four yotmg men than to ad(^pt a soimd recruiting Beth sB»nt the week-end at Bart- i300-15X(99-5XB) Scope. Hillsboro, since the construction of join with Bill Dtunais, Paul Scrueligible for the draft while others policy and to clear up abuses in lett Farm. 12. Al Lamond, New Bedford, a second pipeline to Loon Lake ton and their committee to make Mr. and Mrs. Norris and Peter of :Mass., 300-14X, Iron. go free. This latter situation we the army. We pay the price. >from the reservoir, has and will this hope come true. Jamaica Plain were with Mrs. 13. Carleton Kibbee, Keene, N. H., continue to have an adequate supPrice It High Since this' announcement we ply 6f pure drinking water not ex- have leamed that Senator Slyles •298-17X, Scope. That price is not only in terms Jacques this week, of loss of liberty but of greater j Ray Bigwood and Andrew Law- 14. Harry McClintock, ffillsboro, N. celled anywhere. Though the sup- Bridges and Congressman Norris ply is adequate it shoiUd not be Cotton have been invited to be H., 296-17X, Scope. jeopardy to the peace. Conscrip- son are having a good time at the boys' camp at Meredith on Lake wasted just because it is a good the speakers. We have no criticism 15. Kenneth Pollack, WUton, N. H., tion marks a climax 6f a vastly Furmshed by tfae Pastors of Winnisquam. thing and ahnost as free aS' the air to make of the above two gentle296-8X, Scope. expensive militarism. which the the DifFerent Churches people will only support if they men except to say that the speakers' Mrs. Juliaette Whitkare is re- 16. Robert Johnson, WUton, N. H., we breathe. 293-9X, Iron. are kept drunk with fear and covering from a.-cold she recently Yes, aU of ui in Hillsboro shoiUd platform is loaded with too many METHODIST CHURCH NOTES hate. Hence come wars. We do 17. Merle Cook, So. Portland, Me., feel good that our town officials Republicans. contracted. not deny the dangers of a cold I Charles Savage, who is having 292-9X, Iron and our forefathers had the good •We think it wotUd be fairer to Joint services at Smith Memorial war when we say that conscrip18. Elmer Gibbs, Manchester, N. H., sense to establjsh a community have the other parties represented \ treatments at the Veteran's Hospichurch for month of July. tion is not the way to meet ; tal in Vermont is at home for a few 291-2X, Scope, $4.80. water supply system. also—Democratic, Socialist, Prothem. 19. Ady Yeaton, HUlsboro, N. H., In the years to come it will be gressive, or whatever WaUace wUl days. SMITH MEMORIAL CHURCH 288-llX Iron. one good talking point in Hills- caU his party. Such an old fashioned This same armament race Many from East Deering attendRev. Whitaey S. K. Yeaple, D D . which brings us conscription is 20. Frank Paris, Manchester, N. H., boro's favor. political debate would be more in ed the wedding of Edith J6hnson 278-3X, Scope. giving us an inflationary arms keeping with the democratic idea 3,0:30 A. M. Service of Worship economy which can lead only to ahd Edward Brown on Simday. HENRY WALLACE, 21. Edgar Allen, Essex Junction, Vt. of a conmiunity Old Home Day, Miss Barbara Weaver and Mr. "God Has No Favorites" 100-.7X and__100-7X. . . depression and war. No President especially in this an election "^ear. and no Congress can honestly Donald Stevens were married by 22. Cliarles 'Crocker, Abington, Henry WaUace recently made a We hope the committee wiU repromise to meet the needs of the Rev. Charles Reidt on July 3rd. Mass,, 99-5X and 98-2X. tour of the state. It would be in- consider this oversight in the.'.St. Mary's Church American people for homes and They will reside at Hob Nob Farm teresting to know where he stands plans. OFFHAND SCORES Rev. Lancelot Quinn, Pastor schools and hospitals so long as in FrancestowTi*. on the Soviet dictatorship's plan to 1. Len (Iron Sight) Maine, New- starve the whole city of Berlin be- A D V E R T I S I N G IS N E W S ^ Simday they are committed to a program STOP—LOOK—LISTEN port R. I., 289, Iron Gold Medal Mass, 7:30 and 9 a. m. which includes conscription of S12.53. Vespers, 6 p. m. by Jeanne Eccles men and involves a financial bur• Holy days 2. Arvo Johnson. Keene. N. H., 287 den which is likely to reach Mass, 5:30 and 7 a. m. Mrs. Edgar Fuller, the wife of; Scope, Silver Medal S8.87. twenty-five billion dollars by the Commissioner of the State De- 3. Rudolph Kamila, Newport, R. L 1952. DEERING COMMUNITY Scope and Iron 286 Silver MedWe Socialists shall continue to partment of Education, was a guest We are pleased to announce our appointment as exclusive rep: of Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Bruce at ^ $S.01. CHURCH oppose conscription and to seek resentative of the Charles E. Reidt, Pastor its repeal. We do not expect to ithe CeUar Studio last Wednesday 4. Nelson Maine, Hillsboro, N. H.. i Evening. She has dane some very j Scope 284. Bronze Medal. win by negatives. We are supThe service .will be at the Church porting a program fit for peace : fine ceramic work and that being 5. Edggr Allen, Essex Junction, Vt., REGENCY THERMOGRAPHERS at 11:00 o'clock and the Church and we are continually struggl- her particular forte she felt a bit | 283 Scope. School at the To%vn Hall at the ing for that^universal disarma- , uncertain handling charcoal and a g. Albert Krapf, Fitchburg, Mass., eame hour. Manufacturers of Thermograph Invitations ment under effective interna- big sheet of white paper, but, in | 2?9, Iron, Bronze Medal. (RAISED PRINTING) tional controls which is the only spite of that, she did a very eredi 7. Vemon Maine, Keene, N. H.. I table head of Emest Poland our 277. Iron. WASHINGTON hope for peace. . ' model for that evening. CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH 8. Leslie Randall. West Hanover, 4 STYLES OF INVITATIONS I Mr. Ordway of Antrim did a SUTTON EDGES OUT Mass., 275, Iron. 4 TYPES OF ENGRAVERS TYPE TO CHOOSE FROM splendid head, also in charcoal, Mr. 9. Hope Crombie, Beverly, Mass., 11:00 A. M. Sunday Service HILLSBORO TEAM 10-9 , Poland's staight features and even 273, Scope, Bronze Medal, High ADVENTIST SERVICES In a uphUI battle that saw the coloring inspired an Indianish inLady. The Price Will Please You ; Seventh Day Adventist Church HUlsboroites have the tying run on terpretation in several of the 10. M, A. Howe, Pittsfield, Mass., meeting wiU be held at Harold first base and only one out, a drawings done that evening. 271. Scone. $3.75. Samples on Display at Francis Rigney, Jr., blew in over 11. Ady Yeaton, Hillsboro, N. H.. Famsworth's home, Center Wash- terrific downpour came and snufington. Sabbath School Saturday at fed out their chances of winning the the Fourth of July week end and 262. Iron. two o'clock. Preaching at three. game. Page and Bosse led the at- is looking forward to the month of 12. Richard Maine, Keene, N. H., tack for the town team with 3 August when he will be free of 256, Iron. HILLSBORO CENTRE , medical studies and can relax with 13. Robert Norton, Marlboro, N, H., hits apiece. TEL. 145-2 HILLSBORO CONGREGATIONAL CIUECH The next game is at Bradford paints and pastels. 254, Scooe. ' We are all getting to look forward Sunday and anyone interested in PISTOL SCORES JULY 11, 1948 going be at the Post Office at 1 to that third week when Mr. Rowan 1. Leslie Randall. West Hanover, 11:00 A. M. Moming worship. of Boston turns up and joins us. o'clock. Mass.. 280, Gold Medal $7.16 Rev. J. Albert Clark of Concord i Somehow, he always brings that 2. Walter Grinnell, Danvers, MaSs.. wUl preach. Potatoes should be quick-cooked flavor of the great big world a 276, Silver Medal $5.01. and served steaming hot to retain round us and peps us up with all lg ^ave Frir. Springfield. Vt., 274 EAST WASHINGTON CHURCH the most of the valuable Vitamin C. sorts of fme compliments and en- | g^^^^^ y^^^^^ $2.86. couragmg words. * * * « 4. Leslie Menzies, Concord, N. H., 3:00 P. M. Worship Service Mr. and Mrs. Philip of Pearson Milk does more for the body 273. Rev. Gardner Andersen wUl than any other food. It provides of Westport Conn., friends of the preach at the first season's service, high quality protein, calcium and Eccles in Florida, are staying at 5. H. E. Merrick, Springfield. Vt.. SHOULD BE OUR REPORTER! 270. Sunday, July lltb. the Valley Hotel this week, and vitamins A and G cheaply. Gus Barbato, Stoughton, Mass., ! Mrs, Pearson is an anthusiastic 6. 262 . . . Every now and then someone tells us "Why, So and So BENNINGTON , landscape sketcher, all in all it - •n'y, ^ • , . -, ,, „ ANTRIM CHURCH NOTES from Somewhere visited us all last week and you didn't have a CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH looks like a big Wednesday night:''.J',!f H;'^^^°'^' Buz2^rAs Bay. thing about it in the paper!" Rev. C. W. Tumer, Pastor . for the Hillsboro Art Club. « '^ ' f,\. ., „ , „ BAPTIST CHURCH i Remember the place. The CeUa:-'^-gf"" ^'^^^''' ^'''''^y^ ^^"•' Or perhaps we neglected a wedding—or a death, even—or a Moming Service 10:45 : Studio: the.every time."Wednesday; 8 to 10 F the M.; ,;,^; ^^^^^^^ Manchester, N H.. j Rev, DONALD PERRON. Pastor 'The Day, club meeting. You want these items in the Messenger—and we Church School 11:45 ! 250, instructor, Mr, Stuart Bruce of 1 July llth want them there, too. Washington. N. H.; The fact: you . 10. S. H. Smith, Hillsboro, N. H., 11:00 A. M. Moming Worship HENNIKER i 219, $2.14. I Rev. Mr. Shaw, Brattleboro, are welcome either as a guest or But—We simply can't keep up with all of you, all the time. Not , 11. Lewis Horton, Southboro, Mass., a worker. I Vermont guest Preacher. without help from YOU. I 196. ? ' CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH HILLSBORO ROUTS BRADFORD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH The Match Committee, in keopRev. Robert H. Le^vis. P.-istor If you have a news item—from a two line local to a head story ,HEN?raCER 19—11 , ing with its policy to promote —TELL US. We appreciate your efforts'to help make The Mes; shooting rather than making monev. 10:30 A. M. Service of worship Rev. REECE HENDERSON, Pastor senger a better NEWSpaper. July llth I Led by the hard hitting of George \ DOUBLED ALL MONEY PAYSermon: "The Unknown". 11:00 A. M. Moming Worship . Stafford who acquired 6 hits in 7 OFFS TO THE WINNING SHOOTThere will be special music. times at the plate, Hillsboro won its ; ERS, over the percentages guarANTRIM CENTER second game of the season. The first | anteed in the flyers. We want this METHODIST CHURCH NOTES two pitchers for Hillsboro. Cuddihv to be a SHOOTING MATCH, and CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH and Stafford, were hit fairly hard, i intend to be fair in all ways with Rev. Earle Y. Fellows. Pa.stor but Jack Rafuse cooled off the in- the shooters. The church will be closed this Rev. H. L, PACKARD. Pastor vaders in the 9th inning in rare Thanks for coming. Bring some Telephone 145-2 next Sunday as the pastor is havJuly llth form to get his second victory of one with you next year, ing his vacation. 9:45 A, M, Moming Worship, the season. The HUlsboro, N. H. Rifle Club. Draft laW Pa^isage MeaDi Freedom Losf H SUXDBI&l East Deering Qllptrrlj NnteH .Ui Messenger Office YOU MESSENGER OFFICE Tkatadar, Jtdy Aft94e. AOeestlttog Mate ef Ih* eentooeook YaBcr •:- • > , ' - - • y S - . PATRONIZE THESE FRIENDLY BUSINESS FOBNITOBE KEAL ESTATE — FAKMS WAMTEO _ We H M * CMb Bmta Wttta er Cdl a ^ Let Us Knew . irbat Tea Bare to S d I BeOerSC Sleeper C o ^ Redtors f M. Main Street Coaewd SstiBlsei FOBNITOEE Vuiukswe Co., Inc. COMPLETE HOUSE FURNISHERS . 12 S. UAIH S B B B ; Comsa*. N. H. Pbooe 113 •^^^^^##tf^^^#^^»^»P^»P»»#»^^^^ MAGNETOS f***mamm*m********** N. C NELSON GO. M. E. BAazs. Prop. ,j[EWELERS i^Boe 1872 B H. MADI S'''*"'''I CmKOUh N. S . |l»i»»0»>»»»»—»| |^M^^^^»^<1#«««>»«I1»>10»«>«X»0«>»«>»«| W. L. KdcettftCo. Maptetos Repaired MERRILL 8i COTB ssxNkiCMH Bteam Wa. 3TT9 — SITt BUICK GABACS JEfFELER DlAMOHPS — WAICHES jEWEunr Gifu For M Oeeationt N.llADrSsBR — COVOM i^mammmmma******************* MOYER GONGORD BUIOC GO. PjtBXB — BVHJK — Banxe Generd Amto Repairs fXH> PRICSS FOR VBBr> CARS 4 BBikooMT BnaR — PBcna 27Si ammmmmmm*amamm*mmamm************t. TONY LAMY LOCAL AISED INTERSTATE UOYEK We Maiwm Safe*. Office Emilyaa) « ^ HoMaboid Gooda _ Gooda laattrmi la Traaah — '• 16 Badger St., Coneord Td. 2174 ' "^^^^^^^^Wtf^^^^^^^^W PLYMOUTH GARAGE MacArdmr's Garage, Inc. Filed Beck, if gi«. CHRTSiER — FIiTMSnTH SAIES AMD'Sa(\[ICS DBPBNDABLB VBBD OABB We Pay OefUng Pftoea for Uae* Cara — Atty Make or Tear 238 No. State — Phaoe 3S6 BODY REPAIRS Hoagland's Auto Body Body and Faadar Repair* "Complete Collision Service" PAimiNG DURGIN LANE — CONCORD BHOSE 1354 OPTOMETRISTS SPOBT SHOP Dexter Holbreok 8C Jones — Opttmietrists — S. W. JONES, e p t D. P. E. HOLBROOK, Opt D. 8 No. State S t , TeL 421 CONCORD, N. H. DR. H. H. VOLKEL. O. D. BILL DUNN'S Sport Shop A Compute Line af SPORTING GOODS Fot EvoY SFOBT Office H o o r t Open all day Wednesday Cle««d Satardayt at Noon Braainct Cy Appointment Only 35 N . NCAI:* STJIEET. COXCOW, 904 PHOTOGRAPHER WALLPAPER PHOTOGRAPHER 43 PLEASANT ST.. CONCORD FkAMEs AKD LEATHES CASES REFRIGERATION H. E. HUMPHREYS CO. Refritreratinx Engineers and COUMEIiaAL REFIUGERATORSt Contractors Mn.K COOI.EIIS — FREEZEXS 57 S a M A I N STSEET Phon* J34 5-W CONCORD EXPRESS ^y (^ORGS s. PRbcroR KENT'S CONCORD TROPICAL WORSTED SUITS 100% WOOL Write Your Ad -- Mail It Today If you have something to sell, DlstrSbutora of Dutch Boy ff B. P. S. PAINTS for Coaeord aad Vicinity trade or rent. If you want a 79 S. State Street Concord, P H O N E 3277 ^i#S^>^'^|>^.^l^i^^i^N»^^^^^^»*^S»^^»»^»^i^l^i^ Atherton's Radio Shop PHILCO — CROSLEY — RCA ZENITH — MOTOROLA And Otbar Popnlar Maicea PtoaMTt in FraqoMcy Modalatioa aad TairriaiaB 123 N . Maio Opp. Bridge job or good help take advantage of this low price and ^"^ ^ PER ^''Py deadline noon on Tues- M WORD day. This paper reserves the | INSERTION "S^t to classify advertisements . and to revise or retect any , . advertisement objectionable eidier in subject matter or D,*- := R^o^ «., reach die combined reader- ^ ^^''^ "^ ^ " ^ ° " - ship of the Hiiisboro Messen. Cash with Order TT 1 ^ . . .... ^1 ,ger, Henniker Couner, and Minmium Charge 35c The Antrim Reporter. Additional week 20c minimum P^^^^^SY- $27.50 YEAR 'ROUND HARD WORSTED 3-PIECE SUITS $37.50 Sizes 35-50 WRITE ONE WORD IN EACH SPACE 1 Coacord Telephona 2 6 0 ! 1 1 GLASS AUWool , ! ADAMS SPORT COATS Plain Colors—Plaids I 0000.000.000000***0.***************0 ^iQSo CLASS COMPANY "Nn. Harap«hlr«'i OldMl Glaaa Firm" Plate — Window — A n t o Glaat Fine Quality Miraort Bri-mar Painu • Pilltburgh paper* 5 Odd Fellowg Avenue Concord, 352 **0000*0*000*00*00*0*000*0*00000,. MOSLEY'S EXPRESS .-.---.«««»»»« SPORTSMEN'S GOLUMN C F. Mudgett & Son RADIO REPAIRS GEORGE W. PERRY jjLfIJ Jl Jjjrrr rrrri 10 PtEASAST S i l M l — C050e«» Optometrist 9:00 A. M. to 5 : 3 0 P. M. (he groundhogs br woodchucks on his place are much wiser thai heHe has put out traps and they fill A N GE L O•S them with dirt He piit out a bomb Hanraid Shoe Repairiiig C x and found the bomb outside t h e AMBOOUr AMD IXAIUH hole the next day, and' the family Complete CAFE ate still living off his garden. Spedal Lunches* aod Dinners We SaeoaAtiea Rabban and I have here at my home some Plan to Meet and Eat Here OrenboM tar paper to put around your 'garWhen Sxjpping in Gencord 18 N. Main Street Conoord dens, alio something in tin cans that would drive a dog out of a f********. >******* mmmam*ammma*****************m***\ tannery. Boy, what a smell! This I e r v Y P r u Of RABDR fiaANTTR SHCffi REPAIR SCOTCH ft BAKREGSANm is for deer in your gardens. MONUMENTS Ever hear of an educated doe Compteta Liae of Muble Haggett's ^ort Shop Finest SHOE Reptamg deer? Well,, a man in one of my Mofumcnts SC Mexicets O. A. X0B8X towns has a doe deer that travels Waa tlaa at Waei'a , Cfumifiy Lettering wox.TEBnns WOBX SHOES AWD aU through his gardenns and never AratEnc GOODS — BICYCLES Cummiogs Bros. BAKLBOlOf DBESS SHOES REFAIBSP — GUNS — Auutntmon 0£Elee « Sbowtoom ' TeL 1467 touches a thing. Tracks aplenty, BABY CAWAOS RE-TIXED United Shoe Repaititig Co. 274 No. Stale St. Concord, N. H, but no damage to date. Nice deer! SroBTiRC GOODS y . oa T M c U e K . «niil»wliliiim t Elt. 1852 On my day off last week I got 140 N. Mam Sx. PBOHE 4207 & t 1905 Concord, N. H. time ago, a .22 cal, rifle was a boy's a ride with Mr. Robbins of Richgun. No power to speak of. A boy's mond ,who was carting all the fish yeeeeegreuUMUsMseeeteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeMSJMMMJMMMMMegjje* plaything. But today its a real from that station to the new one gun, and can kill at half a mile. at Merrimack. You want to run High power, and not a fit play- down and look this one over—the thtog for a boy, or man. Several latest thing in a reazdng station for near accidents in the past week trout It was dedicated one day has put the police departments on last week. Harold Dickinso^ fortheir toes, in a united effort to mer Supt at ilichniond is Supt, stop this reckless shooting. Parents of the new one. This is 9 iniles NEW HAMPSHIRE OMISERVATION OFFICER are warned to see that their boys from Nashua, same from ManPfaoiie 104 Wikon, N. H. are instructed in the proper use of chester, right on the Daniel Webster highway. A swell outfit if yoir firearms. One night last week I was rout- ask me. A credit to the Dept fjgg^^j^^^fff^f^f^ff^000.0***^******mmm^***********0*******0************ Those white trout at the Fish ed out of bed at 11:45—which is Last week was turtle wedc Bay out leave. Several have been reand Game exhibit at the big show nothing imusual—to let in "HapCoulette took four big snappers ported in to the Dept and we get at Gilford last week were a big out of Osgood pond in Milford. the broadcast A new outboard py" Day, the manager of the cafe attraction. I heard one man say in Greenville. Happy had two live Arthur Hazen of Mont Vemon motor was stolen from a car just Fake, No such animal. Must have lobsters and all that went with picked up a big one in that town an hour after it had been piurthem. Did we enjoy that midnight been whitewashed. and Sunday moming I fotmd a big chased. Saw a party one day last week feed! feniale laying her eggs on the banks Many fishing licenses were lost The weather man was good to on the Souhegan river, busy catchof my pond. She had laid 32 when I picked her up. This is the season over the weekend. Just see yoxir the N. H. Sportsman's Clubs, by ing helgrimites. They had several of the year when ihe big females agent, get the niunber of the oldgiving them three nice days for pails full. These are used after leave the water and find a sand one and send sixty cents to the their big show at Gilford. It was July 1 to catch bass. They tell me bank to deposit their eggs. The Dept and they will issue a new a good show. Only one handicap^ that many bass were caught last little black aild white woods pussies one. Nine times out of ten theyou had to walk so much to see week in the Contoocook river near do love these eggs and destroy original one will show up after a the attractions. Boy, did our dogs the Greenfield-Benningtpn line, (Continued on Page 7) bark before we got around. many nests in the sand. But forfew days. Not "rats in the garret" but their fondness for them we would Two large hounds have been Gobe overrun with these big turtles. snakes! Had an SOS from one ofing a lot of, deer chasing in nearCheever says to line up on themy towns that a rattle snake was by towns. Some of the farmers in sleeping in a box in the attic. He that section are fed up on the idea right for turtle soup. The other night I saw a manmust have lived there all winter as and ybu had better check up on JN fishing on the Southegan river and the house has just been opened. your big dogs, if they are in the I stopped to say "Howdy." As he They love mice, and that's the habit of being absent from home came up the bank I thought it was reason no doubt he was there. My for several hours a day. They may Gov. Dewey, but when he got close opinion being that it was a water turn up missing for some meal. I found it was Dr. .Richards of snake and not a rattler. They are No one to blame but the owner. Nashua, an old friend of my fam- harmless, but can give one a mean About forty young mallard ducks bite. ily. They sure do look alike. showed up last week all along the When we were in school — some Souhegan river and Stoney brook. Yes, they are taking boats witlfThey have many enemies—stray RADIO REPAIRS OFFICE SUPPLIES MEN'S cats and some not so strayed, mink, owls, hawks .snakes. We hope they FRENCH'S RADIO SHOP escape these dangers. Brown 8C Saltmarsh, Inc. They say a cat has nme lives T O W N AND O m c E SUPPLIES Radio Repedrs but I know of a lot of lives that have been taken the past week. Office Machines Overhauled Toys — Records — Books People living near the ponds and Picture Franung rivers, pick off a lot of lhem while 10 N. STATE ST. CONCORD 61 N o . Maia St. TeL 88 chasing small birds and animals. Here is a fellow who says that mm*****************************0% DRUG STORE RESTAURANT SHOE REPAIB —Daily Service— PATRONIZE CCWCORO MANCHESTER 26S7-M 4S«0 PHONE 182-3 -AFTER 4 HILLSBORO MESSENGER ADVERTISERS NAME . . ADDRESS TEL. Clip Today And Mail To Miessenger Office HILLSBORO TEL. 145-2 KENT'S CLOTHES 138 No. Main Street CONCORD, N. H. "Factory Store" 'm^, M l I ll III ll I i M O t Tbimdar, Jdr 8, 1948 PROCTOR'S COLDMN (Coattnued from Tkge 6) C5ie would' have gdne. 4 pounds If -tbey had kept i t One' lady told TDA last week that bass made wonderful chowder. The Goyette musemn at Peterboro is now open to the public. Its a most wonderful museum. The New Ipswich F i ^ and Game club are planning on buying a lot of large trout to stock one of their ponds. President Koski reports that his club is still growing. A New York tourist, stranger to me, stopped me on the street and told me that he had just had dinner at a place on the hill, and he was all enthused over it. I foimd out later that it was the Fountain House. **************** Peterborough I Marble & Grtmite Works EttabUihw. 1849 CHAHT.KS J. WAKREN. Pxep. MONUMENTS AND MAKXEBS QI GBANHB AND MASBLE SLATC AND BBONZE ; NBW LOCATION - Depot Sq. \ ********************************* ...t- .:r <i£Sl Hobnes, tbe misses EUen Doon, BRIDAL SHOWER GIVEN FOR MISS MARILYN CLEMENT Marie Gardner, Mary Eunice Patch, Ruth Garland,.. Lavona Meadei Mrs. Myron Hazen, Mrs. HENNIKER, July 8—A miscellean- Richard Schacht, Miss Beverly eous bridal shower was held for Clement, and Mrs.Harold Clement Miss Marilyn Clement on ThursGifts were sent by Mrs. Robert day evening at tbe home of her Goss, Mi^ Christine Goss, Mrs. sister,'- Mrs. George Goodrich. Louis Gardner, Mrs. Philip McLeod, Guests were Mrs. Bemice Richards, Mrs. Harold Ayer, Jr., Mrs. Wilbur Mrs.' Thelma Richards, the misses Parmenter, Mrs. Harold Davis, Miss Janet and Mary Jane Richards, and Lois Davis, Miss PhylUs Colby, Mrs. Joanne Dugan all of Concord; Mrs. Minnie Smith, Mrs. George Mrs. Gertrude Briackett of Lynn, Hatch, Miss Shirley Holmes and Mass., Mrs. Evelyn Lampson of Mrs. Alice Clement, Refreshments Gof&town; Mrs. Harold Ayer, Mrs. were served. R Benjamin Ayer, Mrs. Alfred Colby, Mrs. Doris Clement, Mrs. Phone your Want Ads. to Wayne Holmes, the misses Jean the Messenger Office, 145-2 and Janet Holmes, Mrs. Harry JUNIOR FORNIGBXLY CLUB - A picnic meeting of the Junior Fortnightly Qub will be held Tuesday evening the 13th at the cBpip of Mrs. Stella Martin on The members. ofT'the;'elnb will — Phone 484 Cataful Ceiutaens BElKT LAN£ TAXI At An Timet Tel. 33-3 HiUiboro BILL'S T A X I SERVICE Margaret and WiUiam Rasmussen ANYTIME — ANYWHERE TEL. 216 HnxsaoRO, N. E. PACKARD INC. 28 Grove Street HARSWAKE — CARMOTE PAINTS SFOKTING GOODS House AND KrrcHEN WARES PETERBOROUGH — TEL. 320 LAUNDRIES 5c to ^1.00 and up LADIES' Damty Dot NYLON HOSE fl.SO Opan Friday 8: Saturday Nights WALL BAY PAPER STATB PAINT moreBgbt •more air more privacy •more beauty in Brookline, N. H., (Near Teoya oti Brookline—Mason Road) . Saturday, July 10 1:00 p.m. Sale Pwitive Par Order MISS BLANCHE LA MONTAGNE CHESTER F. lAJTTON, AttcHoneer Patasbopougii, N. H. CLEARANCE SALE PUBLIC AtlCTION PETERBORO, Ni H,. SATURDAY, JULY 10,1948 at 12:30 P . M . The subscriber will sell from the Hafeli warehoiise situated at 46 Concord Street in Peterborough Village the property described in part as follows: ANTIQUES: Empire mirror, marbletop oval stands, biireaus and commodes, 1 tumleg and one taperleg one-drawer lamp stands, black walnut bed, bureau and commode, old Steven's shotgun, sap yoke, sewing horse, wrought iron hinges and blind fasteners, iron kettles, brass top fire tongs, pie shovel, spool and other stands, snuff box, ladderback and other chairs, comer whatnot 2 nice sets of string bells, cow and sleigh bells, candle molds, powder cannisters, etc. Teardrop walnut chest knife trays, leather bound cedar chest lap writing desk, 2 apothecary scales. FURNISHINGS: Tilt-top drafting table, drafting set cash drawer, lot of religious and other books, 3 foot-locker tnmk, large lot of photographic equipment including enlarging equipment 4 acid containers, sap sled, davenport settee, dining, kitchen and other chairs, davenport and other tables and stands, Englander folding day bed, twin and full si:^beds, 4 coil bed springs—like new, two drawer card file, miter box frame, good baby stroller. Chase carriage robe, adze, saw, axes, etc. Hand driven horse clippers, screw clamps, good pung sleigh, lot of pictures, walnut and gilded frames, many other items and box lots, which could not be seen at time of listing. Terms Cash Shelter if Raining Sale Positive I Widths 2 9 to 36-lneh«s By 64-lnehes Long • .• • • • • compare with blindls selling ebewiiefe for mere! durable tteel slots ore flexible . . . eoay to clean! smooth, even baked-on enam^ finish resists chipping! neat open head blends with window frome! ivory color slots with strong cotton duck topes! ready to take home immediotely! easy to install, brackets included! Fine quaiity Venetian blinds at prices so sensationally low! Take advantage of them to modernize and refresh your windows. Hurry and choose yours while they last. REPAIR ITEMS FOR BLINDS— Tassels, Cords, Tope Carried in the Venetian Blind Dept. SEARS NOW INSTALLS VENETIAN BLINDS Use Coupon Below For Estimole On Our Better Quality Made To Meoiure Blinds I MAIL COUPON TO At no obligation on my port, pleose hove yow VonsHaa letfcM 1 Blind expert caH ot my homo oiid quote a Soars p t k e em . I Venetioo BUadK f SEARS, ROEBUCK & CO. I N « ^ 19 SO. MAIN ST. 1^,,^^ CONCORD, N.H. , p,^^ | \ |j | EASY TERMS ON PURCHASES Of $10.00 OR MOIS t GEORCS P. HAFELI 0«m«t 19 SOUTH MAIN TEL.3330 CONCOftD. N. N. PLEASE POST p. BaUantine & Sons, Newark, N J Some words fool you YOU CAN HAVE AN ALL-GAS KiTCHEN Let us modernize your kitchen with Rural Gas... economical... clean.... fast — perfect for cooking, refrigeration and hot water. CRANK means CRANK means James Ellsworth RURAL GAS — FUEL OIL a Ttl. 35-2 ...but BALLANTINE always means: PU FLOOR SANDER Edger & Polisher AVAILABLE HtUsboro General Store 1% AUCTION SALE of FurnitureHousehold goods-Poultry equipment — LUMSfER — Peterborough meet at the Poat Office at 6:00 FJL i» ^ hospiteL Also tkaaJ^ to ^ for. transportation to the ean^. Mooee. Lod^e members far their tfiaita and to "Victor Bondttr who CARD OFTHANKS notified my reZotivet of 'my iUness; Jos^h J. Bisife I toish to thank my friends for the carda aent fo me tohile I toas Milford, N . H. Tel. 586M Bit. 1912 D. B. ROBINSON Sc SONS Auctioaeer*—Sales Managen 9—30 Elm Street r . . Monadnock Lumber Go. BaUdara' SappUaa — BaUdara' Hardwara — DaPent Paiata MiH Werk — laaolatfaa OBPOT SQUABE PAC8T .PuUteatkma—The AdvertWag Media ef O e Cqatopeoo^ 7 * 9 ^ Tosmt-Antrim, B n n i k w , HOibora.. There's the crank you use when the battery's dead . . . the crank who got out on the wrong side of bed. Clearly, crank's one of those words with more than one meaning. It can fool yovu But not Ballantine! BaUantine never fooled anybody; it always meana PURITY, BODY, FLAVOR . . . the qualities symbolized by Petar Ballantine's famous 3-ring trade mark. So, always look for the 3 rings; always call for Ballantine. FLAVOR America's laxgest selling ALE "•"."'''7i'"",' V''^. '-* . . . f-^^t.. 'j^8i^l'J>lC';*;.v^'i"a'''•'*.''•. •','-'V'-- ''^"'" t^ i Thiawfay, July jB. 194e UTiii I mil I Pablkatk»»-Tbe Advertisine Media, of the ConbMeook ViJIey Towwe-AntrfaB. Henniker. HUbbow. PAOi 8 HiHsboro 7 ,: .'-I HTT.T.SBORO ** The ^Wthfagtwi Wdl Sweep Antiique^Bhop is njoyiag one'of its X,ester Landon, Jr. of New York best' yean with many travelers City visited with bis parents over ' and snmsier 'residents as customers.' tbe past week-end retuming Tuesday. On July 2 he received a 20 year service button from the N. Y. Telephone and Telegraph Co. Tbe Windsor Mountain Camps SPECIALS THURS., FRI., a»d SAT. This Week Oovetbloom ot Clearbtook Creamery BUTTER 79c lb HTOEAWAY RANCH SUNDAY 43clb Chunk BACON Pig's LIVER 39c lb FRANKFORTS 45c lb Honeycomb TRIPE 35c lb TEK and Tba TtaH Biaaata Slim Marion (dw (wy ftom niinmi, fomwriy guMt on WLS Home Talant Shem) Toei ChampagM And ocfaar fcatnn attnetions Picnic grounds, for the whole family's enjoyment Refreshments available. Beautiful pine grove. Continuous show from 2 to 10 P.M. 85c 10 I ^ SUGAR Spedd for Satttrday Only l c Sale on Dade Ci^w, Fudge* sides dc Popndes. 1 for 5c — 2 for 6c Dunbarton. .Just off Rt. 13 Starting Sat., July 10, 8 pan. OUTDOOR MOVIES owned by Tbomas Hines <0f Brook- and Mrs. Lillian McGuire were in bt Chdnttford, Mass., and ftandline, Blass.,* h*ve opiened for the Winchester; N. H, last week to daugfater, Jo Ellen Thompson cdE^ attend 'die bridal shower for Miss Bristol Conn., have been recent ^linmer. seasosL .. guests of Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Winners at St. Mary's whist party Shirley Whitney. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald H Sweet Parker of Skyfarm. They sbent the were highest scorer, A. L. Rush; entertained Mr. and Mrs. Clifford week-end at the Parker camp on Ladies H i ^ Eveyln Damour, Henniker; Ladies Second, EUen LaBier, N. Murdough and family at their Deering Lake. David, Donald, and Henniker; Ladies Low,' Mrs. N. camp on Pierce Lake for Sunday James Wood also spent the week Sipprelle; Men's High, Manuel dinner. On Tuesday evening the with their grandmoher at camp. Beverly Phelps is a counselor at Teixeira; Men's Second, Wendall same family group gathered at the 4-H Camp in Allenstown this week. Murdough home to help Mr. MurPutnam; Men's Low, Chellis Edwards. Refreshments of cake^ cof- dough and his dau^ter, Alice, The following girls are also in camp: Barbara Dumais, Barbara celebrate their birthdays. fee and sandwiches were served. Fowle, Martha Marchand, Carole James and Dean Jordan spent Miss B. L. Adams of Manchester Grimes, Joyce is at her home on Myrtle st, for tbe week-end in Rockport with Fogg, Shirley their grandmother Mrs. Chester Wheeler, Rita Nickerson, Alice the summer months. Robinson. I Dutton, Joan and Dellene Devlin, Mr. and Mrs JVank Proctor Christine Jordan is spending a Virginia and Kathleen Johnson, spent the week-end with her parweek at 4-H Camp Allenstown, Sandra Bonnett, Anna Sands, Paents in Swanzey. tricia Yeaton, Beatrice Chase, and N. H Mr. and Mrs. Herman Schneider Christine Jordan. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fowle and and family of New York City are Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Smith and at their summer home on Beard family of Medford, Mass. and Mrs. Edith Phelps called on. Mrs. friends from New York City are at Brook road. Juliaette "Whitaker on Sunday. the Fowle camp at Long Fond Kevin Sterling, young" grandson Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Phelps, Paof Mr. and Mis. Weldon Sterling, this week and next tricia, Roger and George Auclair Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ott,.their visited with them over the weekdaughter Dorothy and Ralph Van were in Andover and Danbury on end. Kathryn Hill and Marvis Cooper Hazinga of Kenosha, Wisconsin are Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Nichols of have rented an apartment in Con- visiting the John Van Hazingas East Templeton, Mass., called on cord where both are employed at this week. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Buttrick Cyrus Phelps and family recently. the Telephone Company. The Rev. Gardner Andersen will spent the holiday week-end at the Mr. and. Mrs. Ronald Buttrick preach the first of the summer Cape. and family were in Massachusetts services at the East Washington The La Cross camival is opera- over .the hoUday week-end. Church Sunday July 11, at 3 o'- ting at Grimes Field this week. Mr. and Mrs. Bamard Jones and clock in the after-noon. Mrs. Emily Whitney, Mrs. Harriett Whitney, Mrs. Mary Flanders, cently Whitney. Mrs. Harry Whitney, Mrs. Mary Mr. and Mrs. AUan Baldwin have Flanders, Mrs. Lillian McGuire, been spending several days at their Miss Pauline Sherwin and Mr. Rocottage on Beard Brook Road after bert Whitney attended the candlea two weeks wedding trip through light wedding of Miss Shirley Vermont, New York, and Canada. Maxine Whitney to Mr. Leon StanSUMMER MASSES Mrs. Baldwin is the former Marion ley Aimsdon at the Congregational A. Richardson. She has spent several Church in Winchester on July 3. weeks each summer at her cottage June 27tfa on near the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. ANTRIM W. Carter. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gerini of Mrs. Fred B. Elliott and daughChicago, HI., are visiting his ter, Barbara Jo, have retumed from father, Henri Gerini this week. a month's Visit with Mrs. Elliott's Mrs. Roy Gordon and son Bruce parents in Houston, Texas. George Turner is visiting his parents. Rev. and Mrs. C. W. Tumer. FRIDAX K SATURDAY SPiciALS AT BOYNTON'S SUPER—MARKET SOAP POWDER SPECIALS Oxydol, Rinso, Duz, Ivory Flakes, Ivory Snow, Lux 33c pkg. Campbell'f Tomato Soup OUTSIDE THE HIGH PRICE DISTRICT Specials This Week-end PEACH MELBA FRUIT LUSCIOUS FRESH STRAWBERRY SUNDAES OTHER KINDS ON REQUEST 7:30-9:00-11:00 DANCING Friday 2^ Saturday Lake Massasecum Ballroom Hardy's Village Barn OPEN WEEKDAYS 9 A.M.—10:00 PJVl S U N D A Y 1 P.M.—9:30 P.M. DINING R O O M NO. MAIN STREET Woodbvty't Fadal Sacdii Drip Giind ROUTE 31 ANTRIM, N. H. Spedal Parties CAPITOL MATINEE:'Weekdays at 1:1S E V E N I N G : Monday thru Thunda? 6:30 ac 8:30 Friday and Saturday 6:15 ac 8:30 S U N D A Y : coatinuoua from 3 PM. U a n Smoked, Shott Siiaak Shoulders HILLSBORO FRIDAY—SATURDAY TWO SMASH HITS PLUS SERIAL Jimmy ROGERS Noah BEERY, JR. Marjorie WOODWORTH in a fast moving Laugh Riot! "t)UDES ARE PRETTY PEOPLE" Sliced "TEX GRANGER" SUNDAY—MONDAY LAUGH! LAUGH! LAUGH! " ' ^ * " * " * " * - * * - - r f f r f r r r r f r J JJJJ ******^^^-------^**0000000000*J-0^ RzcoRDs — SHEET MUSIC — BAND IKSTSUUBNTS — Routes 10S4 Sim Streat TS Uain StrMt CaU HiUiboro Upper VUlage 4-12 Saturday and Sunday 12 to 8 "HE MIRACLE ^VBELLS' FRANK MacMURRAY-K^/I/-SINATRA w m LEE ).COBB^ HAROLD VERMILYEA • \m\n tr imic FKBU • som it\ w lu tm wi mtKiiii umtiu ENJOY THE MOVIES IN AIR COOLED COMFORT ICECREAM THIS MONTH'S SPECIAL — Delicious HOOD'S Red Raspberry Supreme Open Daily 9 a.m.—10 p.m. Sundays S£ Thursdays 1 p.m.—9:30 p.m. 00,^ ^*0*00000*,m0*0S^ M. A. NOURY Feafuring model VORNADO for every MULTI-FACET DIAMONDS BAIXMARK JZWtUER 824 demonstration. ELM STREET — MANCBEsra *****00*00000**00» 000*0 **************0000**000000^,,0.f,^,^ 00*0^.000^. Established 1895 WORLD'S riNIST AIR CIRCULATOR « « A rr*4»<l •( Ih* e. A. S«ll«M CetaetaHae WItkltc, Kemet MODC/ P.X. HOOD'S ——— There's a desk or pedestal ute. See us TODAY for a fret paa. Has«h«itar Naihoa — **********-------rrr0000000,r,f ' ********^-^^^*^ tiome, cfRce, store or shop HOURS: - Fverything in Music and keeps you evenjy warm. 9 and 31 ^NOS Wm. L. Nuttmg, Inc. air re-circulates heat, saves fuel, YOU WILL ENJOY RUSSELL JANNEVS RUIM ttatu 29 HANOVER STSEET, MANCBESTIK ever there'* a VOR^^ LAUGH! itm L Unky PrMKliMt, h t F<«« tunsaiimiu It's always cooler wher. •— moves more air than 3 Monday thru Friday 12—2:30; 3:30— 8 YOUR SWRTTS WILL SOAR WITH rrs ROMANTIC ENCHANTMENT! i & CUT FEOWEM — POTIZD PLANTI Weddmg Bouquets Funeral DcMni Flower Novelties Dish Cardons "Flowers Telegraphed Anywhere" ordinary fonsl In winter, it HILLSBORO LOWER VILLAGE TUESDAY—WEDNESDAY—THURSDAY KID •^O^k/WiVitc^. quietly, without drafts, safely 31 tU<rw| FLORALIA FLOWERS V O R N A D O moves all the ENJOY THE FRIENDLY ATMOSPHERE AND THE BEST OF ICE CREAM At The ft Mrs. Charles Prentiss sxiffered a bad fall on Sunday. She was taken by ambulance to Monadnock Community Hospital where doctors found she had broken her hip, Mrs. Carl Muzzey is with Mr. Prentiss. Mrs. Fletcher Forehand and daughter Patty from Harrisonburg, Va., are with Mrs. Forehand's parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Ashford for the summer. Miss Ethel Muzzey is entertaining a friend, Miss Ella Smith of Dorchester, Mass., this week. Mrs. Mary Downs of Burlington, N. J., and daughter, Miss Betty Downs of New York City are guests of G. W. Hastings. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur English and children are spending the week at Sebago Lake, Maine. Beatrice Wallace is employed at Ocean Park, Maine. woff away hot, sticky air and AT 83c lb Pot Roast ,ttir up a refreshing breeze. FOR RESERVATIONS Chapter 11 of tbe action packed Serial BondeM "All Types of Floral Designs" NADO Air Circulator te c=UJ)uti.(tlj /<Cl>(am 69c lb Bacon TO PROSPER — ADVERTISE ^ ^ J-Lc 1830 J-l-citu 69c lb Hamburg MANCHESTER DIRECTORY Guest Room* NOW OPEN 63c lb Lean Invited For Reservatioiu Phone 37 51c 1 lb. jar MEAT SPECIALS IF YOU OWN A BREAKFAST—LUNCHES—DINNERS 2 ioe 3Sc .Soap 4 foe 39c A Red Buy in Coffee OPEN FOR THE SEASON READY PACKAGED ICE CREAM QUARTS 60c PINTS 30c 54 PINTS 20c 3 cani 29c Laixe Ivory Soap St. Mary's Church ACROSS THE BRIDGE pagBH^^PPjjW^^!^ iJ.'aw*«««W!iia«»r^'W''»>«w .f" LEMAY BROS. J S W E L £ B S aad OPTOMETBISTS Three State Registered Optometrists Expert Bepair Work Jewelry Modernization ition 1217 a a e h M (•r, i N. H- : 1 «»!« cElof m S at.,L . Mmanebatl **********,' ^^^tftftfV^ Trade With Confidenee at I I I US roR A FREE VORNADO O'iMONSTRATiON PRICES START AT CHASE'S 24,^^ New Hampshire's Largest Fumitufe Store BCST SINCB ****************000000000., Itet ******** EATON Cobban Wallpaper & Pamt Store FURNITURE CO. Hillsboro Phone 250-2 PAINTS AND WALLPAPER Open Saturday Night A Complete Line-of PAnnERs' SUPPLIES MANCHESTER, N. H.