

hesapeake Cougar News
hesapeake Cougar News
Dear Chesapeake Family,
I hope this letter finds everyone enjoying the last few days of summer. Although the halls have been empty since June, we have
been hard at work preparing for what I believe will be a great year for Chesapeake High School.
Our instructional theme for the 2016-17 School Year is “Greatness Has No Endpoint.” I believe Chesapeake is evolving from a
good school into a great school. However, if we are content to just reach new levels of achievement, our achievements will stagnate and we will cease to grow as a school. We can go forward or backwards, but we cannot stand still. The faculty and staff are
eagerly awaiting the arrival of students on August 22nd (freshman only) and August 23rd (all students).
One of the biggest changes students will find when they enter the building will be a new bell schedule. CHS Hour will go live on
Tuesday, September 6, 2016. This is an academic hour built into the middle of the day for students to eat lunch and seek academic
support from their teachers. Each week during ROAR period, students will receive a grade sheet that reflects their current grades in
all of their classes. A faculty advisor will assist students in creating a CHS Hour schedule for the week that fits their individual
needs. All classroom teachers will have “office hours” 3 days a week and 2 days of academic support roles, such as club sponsorship, student leadership organizations, and academic enrichment. A Matrix of where and when assistance will be available will be
printed and hung throughout the school for student reference. Students have the choice to eat lunch during A or B block depending
on the teacher’s schedule and your child’s needs. CHS Hour give students an opportunity to seek assistance and support during the
school day and eliminates the obstacles that staying afterschool sometimes presents.
This year marks the 40th year in the history of Chesapeake. Students first walked through the front doors December 1, 1976. A lot
has changed since then, and this year will begin one of the biggest transformations to date. Contractors have begun tearing out the
old open space classrooms and will be replacing them with walls and doors that lead to state of the art interactive classrooms. We
will be living closer to one and other over the next two years, but when each phase is complete we will have rooms that are more
conducive to rigorous learning.
I am calling on all alumni to join our current Cougars in celebrating all that is great about Chesapeake. Soon you will be able to
access a link on our website ( to share your Cougar Alumni Stories. Each month throughout the
school year, we will choose different alumni stories to feature on the web page. Stay tuned for more information in the weeks to
come about other unique opportunities to share and reflect on your time at Chesapeake.
Please join us for two important events in the coming days and weeks. Freshman Orientation will be held Friday, August 19, 2016
at 8:30 am – 10:30 am in the school’s cafeteria. Incoming 9th graders will have an opportunity to hear from members of the guidance department and administration as well as be given a copy of their schedules and take a self-guided tour of the building.
Back to School Right will be held Thursday September 8, 2016, with a brief presentation beginning in the Dr William Norman Auditorium and Theater at 6:30 pm. Parents will have an opportunity to meet their child’s teachers and hear about the curriculum they
will be studying throughout the school year. Representatives from the PTSA and various booster’s organizations will be on hand to
register members for the 2016-17 school year. Also, mark your calendars now for Parent Teacher Conference days, which will be
held on October 20, 2016, December 2, 2016, and March 3, 2017.
In closing, let’s make our 40th year, the greatest ever for Chesapeake High School. I hope I have the opportunity to see each of you
at a school event in the near future.
Stephen W Gorski
Principal, Chesapeake High School
hesapeake Cougar News
The mission of the Chesapeake High School community is to promote a supportive
and stimulating environment where student individuality is embraced and students
are challenged to become self-directed problem solvers and independent thinkers in a
rigorous academic environment in a constantly changing global society.
* Every student can learn.
* All students have the right to a safe and productive learning environment.
* Quality education promotes responsibility and citizenship.
* The entire community actively participates in the educational process.
Chesapeake High School Newsletter
Our Chesapeake High Bi-monthly Newsletter can be found online through the Anne Arundel County Public School
website. To view the newsletter go to We will gladly mail a copy to anyone who does not
have the ability to read the newsletter online. Please fill out the form below and return to Mrs. Davis, Principal’s
Secretary. (return only if you want a newsletter mailed.)
CHS’s website offers additional up-to-date information and announcements between newsletters. Please check it
I would like to continue receiving the newsletter via U.S. Mail.
Student’s name______________________________________________________________
Parent’s name_______________________________________________________________
Mailing Address:_____________________________________________________________
hesapeake Cougar News
Security Information
As part of the safety and security procedures supporting your child’s safety, police dogs will be randomly utilized on school property to check the inside
of the building and the parking lot.
Video Camera System
Chesapeake High School is equipped with a video camera system. It covers selected interior and exterior public portions of the buildings and grounds. It
is NOT monitored constantly, but it is monitored during emergency situations. During certain events, when the safety or security of students may be in
question, authorized personnel from local state, or federal police or fire emergency units may be given access to view images projected on the camera
system. If you have any questions about the system, you should call the Supervisor of School Security at 410-222-5083.
Emergency Drills
During each school year, various drills are conducted at every school to ensure that staff and students are prepared in the event of an emergency. These
drills include monthly fire/evacuation drills.
In addition five drills with scenarios developed by the school system’s Office of School Security and based upon various possible emergency scenarios
are done each year. These include, but are not limited to: evacuation for natural gas emergencies; shelter for tornado and earthquake; shelter for outside
hazardous materials release; lockout for danger outside of the school building, reverse evacuation back into the school for students and staff outside;
and lockdown for a person with a weapon inside of the school.
These drills are discussed with staff prior to the drill, evaluated once the drill is complete. In some cases, the drills may be discussed with students before they take place.
All visitors to Chesapeake High School must sign in at the Greeters Desk and show Photo ID to get a visitor’s pass before
going to any area of the school building or grounds.
The safety of all students and staff in Anne Arundel County Public Schools is of utmost importance to all of us. Our school will be utilizing a new system
for checking in all visitors. The system is called V Soft by RaptorWare.
When you visit our school for the first time, you will be asked to present a government-issued photo ID to a staff person in the school office. This card will
be scanned and the following information will be collected: your photo, your name, and your date of birth. This information will be utilized to check you in,
create an ID badge, and compare your information against sexual offender databases throughout the country. If your name appears on any of the lists or
you refuse to allow the use of your ID, you will not be allowed access to the school. On future visits to a school at which you have previously registered,
you will only be asked to show your ID as your name will be selected from an existing list of previous visitors. You will also be asked to check out with the
office upon leaving the school so that we know you are no longer in the building. You will be required to check into the system even if you are only coming
to school to pick up your child. The information collected will not be shared outside of the school and is kept on a secure server. Your assistance in
keeping our students safe is appreciated.
If you are observing a class, please remember this is not the time for a teacher conference. Please make an appointment to discuss your child’s performance. Guidance can assist you with the appointment. Please park in visitors’ designated spaces. The numbered spaces are for teachers and students.
hesapeake Cougar News
Phone Calls
Parents are asked to refrain from requesting school staff to deliver personal messages to students.
Only EXTREME EMERGENCY calls will be handled by administrators.
We appreciate your cooperation.
One ear bud may be worn in the hallways and cafeteria. Music should not be loud enough for another to hear. CHS assumes no responsibility for lost or
stolen electronics in our building.
Students may not have cell phones or pagers turned on or in sight during the regular school day to receive or communicate messages. If students violate
this policy, the device will be confiscated and turned over to an administrator and returned to a parent. If these items are stolen CHS assumes no responsibility.
Students who failed to return textbooks, school equipment or clear debts have an obligation. Students will not be able to purchase parking permits,
Homecoming tickets, or prom tickets until the obligation is cleared. Also graduation guest tickets will not be given to seniors until obligations are cleared.
The school business office has information about student obligations and the financial secretary is available between 8:00-2:00 p.m.
As many of you know, we take the responsibility of your child’s safety very seriously. With this in mind, we would like to review the following school policies:
After 7:17 a.m. all individuals arriving at school must enter via the Main Lobby doors. All other exterior doors to the building are locked.
All visitors must enter through the Main Entrance and stop at the security booth before going to any area of the school building or grounds. Visitors will
be required to wear an ID badge while in the building.
If you are picking up your child early from school for medical or dental appointments, you must sign the student out in the Attendance Office. Our school
personnel will require a photo identification from anyone who comes to school to pick up your child. While this can be
inconvenient, please remember it is ultimately done to protect your child. Please make sure that all persons who have permission to pick up your child
are listed on your child’s Emergency Notification card.
Flyers, as they become available from outside agencies, groups, etc. will be placed on the counter and/or spindle in the main office. Please have students
check for items of interest.
Delivery of flowers and balloons is not permitted.
hesapeake Cougar News
OF 2017 Senior News! CLASS DUES:
20.00 per year= $80.00 Please check with Ms. Brooks and/or Ms. Warrington for inquiries regarding your child's balance. IMPORTANT DATES!!!
Senior Portrait Make‐up Dates:
August 25th & 26th: 2:30pm –7:00 pm October 10th & 13th: 2:30pm—7:00pm August 22, 2016
Meet the Coaches September 8, 2016 Senior College Information Night 5:30pm (Cafeteria) Back to School night at 6:30 pm May 17th and 18th Graduation rehearsal 10:30 am ‐ 2:00 pm May 18, 2017
Seniors’ Last Day May 20, 2017
Prom May 24th Graduation!! 10 am at CHS. 6
From the Business Department – for current juniors!
NSA – Department of Defense - Work-Based Learning Opportunities for 2016-2017
We have started the application process for current juniors who are interested in working at NSA for their Work-Based Learning position during
their senior year. The criteria include:
minimum unweighted GPA of 2.5 which must be maintained throughout the junior and senior year. (Please note: it has been my experience that due to the competitive nature of these positions, students
with less than a 3.2 GPA do not get selected. If your son/daughter
has a 2.5 now, they can apply but they MUST get that GPA up to
really be in the final group!)
self and family must be United States citizens
must be eligible for a security clearance
students are subjected to a thorough polygraph, to psychological
testing, and to a background investigation
must not have used drugs or alcohol for at least one year
must not have a police record
must be enrolled in either the Administrative Services Management
(ASM) or Computer Technology or Business Management or Accounting Completer sequences
must be willing AND able to work 20 hours per week . . . AND must
be able to report to work by 11:30 a.m.
If your son/daughter fits within this criteria, he/she must come to the
business department and see Mrs. Tibert (room 163) or Mrs. Shifflett
(room 176) to sign up for the process. The first step is to receive the instruction packet on how to apply online, and the other materials needed,
i.e., resume, two teacher recommendation forms, and transcripts. (We
will get the transcripts for the applicants rather than send a line of students in and out of guidance!)
All paperwork is due to Mrs. Tibert NO LATER than Monday, October 17th. If you have questions, please contact Mrs. Molchan, Internship Facilitator, at or 443-679-6205.
hesapeake Cougar News
hesapeake Cougar News
AmazonSmile is helping to combine your support for the
Chesapeake High School PTSA with your everyday online
shopping. It is a simple and automatic way for you to support the PTSA every time you shop, at no extra cost to you. The Chesapeake High School
PTSA will earn 0.5% on eligible purchases!
We invite you to support the PTSA at:
Note that our school will only receive credit for purchases made on, but not for purchases made on
Hello Parents, Teachers and Students and welcome to the 2016-2017 school year. We are excited to begin another sensational year here at
Chesapeake High School and we are grateful for your continued support. The purpose of our Parent Teacher Student Association (PTSA) is to
support the faculty, parents and most of all our students during their academic year here at Chesapeake High School and we need your help to
accomplish our goals.
Traditionally the PTSA has maintained the distinction of being the strongest voice for our students and teachers. We understand and appreciate
this responsibility. We are a small group of caring parents who work throughout the school year to support our driver’s education classes provided by Elite Driving School, our student lunch program and our annual scholarship program, just to name a few and we can do more with
your help.
Your support and involvement in the Chesapeake High School PTSA will ensure you are informed and engaged in your child’s education. For a
very small annual cost you have an opportunity to be a member of an organization whose primary purpose is to make every child’s potential a
reality by engaging and empowering families and communities to advocate for our children. We promise you the rewards far outweigh the onehour each month you may spend at a membership meeting. We hope you will join us today!
The Chesapeake High School PTSA & Maryland PTA
Embracing the Future for All Children!
101 Years of Advocacy for Children,
Families and Teachers
Access, Equity and Excellence
SAT Prep Classes
The PTSA is again working with "The Answer” to make available convenient and informative one-day SAT Prep classes during the 2016 -2017
academic year. The dates, locations, and costs will be disseminated to CHS students in mid-September 2016.
Reflections Arts Program
The PTSA will sponsor the National PTA Reflections Arts Program at Chesapeake High School during 2016-2017 school year. The Reflections
Program encourages students to explore their talents and express their ideas on a specific theme in any of six artistic forms: dance choreography, film productions, literature, musical composition, photography and visual arts. The theme for this year’s program is “What is your story?”
Specific rules and requirements will be available in mid-September 2016.
Driver’s Education
The PTSA is pleased to announce that ELITE Driving School will be conducting two classes during the fall semester. The dates and cost associated with these classes can be found at Please be sure to click on “Chesapeake
High School” when registering for your class. Be prepared to drive safely with ELITE Driving School.
hesapeake Cougar News
We have openings in the AVID program at Chesapeake Senior High for the 2nd semester. If you are interested in having your child apply, please click on the applica on link below. Once the applica on is complete it
should be turned into the office and placed in Mrs. Beyer's mailbox. We will also offer an informa on session to learn more about
the AVID program in mid-November. Details to follow. If you should
have any ques ons regarding the AVID program please feel free to
contact Tami Beyer via email @
Thank you,
Tami Beyer
AVID Teacher/Coordinator
*Please read through our AVID Application Checklist prior to submission of application.
Visit the AACPS AVID page or you can also fill out an application and place it in Mrs. Beyer’s mailbox in
the main office.
SADD’s mission is to empower young people to successfully
confront the risks and pressures that challenge them throughout their daily lives.
We accomplish this by creating, equipping, and sustaining a network of student-run
chapters in schools and communities focused on peer-to-peer education. SADD fosters
a sense of belonging and promotes resiliency, leadership, and advocacy skills so that
young people make positive life decisions that will carry them throughout life.
Interested in being part of the SADD club during CHS HOUR?
See Ms. Fig in FACS room 103 or email:
hesapeake Cougar News
Registered Nurse, School Health
The Anne Arundel County Department of Health is seeking registered nurses to
provide health services for students in Anne Arundel County Public Schools for
the second semester of this school year as well as for the 2016-17 school year.
A current Maryland or compact state RN license is required.
Full-time positions
Summers off
No nights or weekends
Health insurance and leave benefits
For more information or to obtain an application,
please call 410-222-6838 or visit our website: Smoke-Free Workplace. EOE.
hesapeake Cougar News
hesapeake Cougar Portraits
hesapeake Cougar News
World Language Students and Teachers Share their Love for Languages this Summer
Many of Chesapeake’s outstanding World Language students shared their talents by participating
as counselors and volunteers in Anne Arundel County’s language camps this summer.
Olivia Bailey, Katie McDermott, Alexandra Wells, Kaitlin Geiman, Sam Taylor, Donovar Dredden, Alex Hook, Alex Johnson, Carmen Estrada, and Lauren Weaver helped elementary and middle school students learn Spanish, French, Chinese and Arabic at the Summer Center for Global
Languages, held at Meade Middle School, and the Campo del Bosque Spanish Immersion Camp,
which is held yearly at Arlington Echo. Language teachers Mrs. Tabatha Brooks, Mrs. Kristen
Hudgins, and Mrs. Carol Bak served as instructors at the camp.
Katie McDermott, Senior CHS student and Junior Counselor at the Camp del Bosque commented, "I liked working with the kids and seeing them understand the language. The Campo del
Bosque is one of my favorite camps and it was a great experience."
Carol Bak
Department Chair, World and Classical Languages
Chesapeake High School
PBIS: Making A Difference at CHS
PBIS is short for Positive Behavioral Intervention and Support
which is implemented in elementary, middle and secondary schools
throughout the United States. It is based on principles of applied behavior analysis and prevention approach and values of positive behavior support. PBIS supports the success of all students. This is our fifth
year of implementation of the program.
The mission of Chesapeake High School PBIS is to provide students with clearly stated school wide expectations for a safe and positive learning environment. Through a partnership[ of students, teachers, parents, administration and other resource staff, our students are
engaged, involved, supported and successful during their high experience at Chesapeake High School
Our theme is What do Cougars do? R.O.A.R. The acronym ROAR
stands for Ready, Optimistic, Accountable, Respectful. These are our
target behaviors for success. We expect our students and staff to exhibit these in the classroom, hallways, cafeteria and wherever they are
in the building. An important part of the program is to acknowledge
students who demonstrate the targeted behaviors (ROAR) on a daily
basis. They will be eligible for incentives that include prizes or participate in special events. More information about incentives will be
If you have any questions or you would like to assist the PBIS committee, Please feel free to contact Mr. Daryl M. Watson (Assistant Principal).
“Nobody Can Do Everything, But Everyone Can Do
Thank you to each and every one of our volunteers who were integral part
of our educational team the 2015-16 school year. Chesapeake High School
is so fortunate to have parents and guardians who are willing to get involved.
Parent volunteers are an important component in the home-school connection.
Your involvement helps us provide a nurturing learning involvement for all of
our students and staff. We realize, however that each volunteer is unique with
their own priorities and time constraints so we try to provide different kinds of
opportunities for parent involvement. Some of our needs are:
Volunteer Coordinator
Assist in the media center
Copy parent (make copies of teacher assignments
Chaperone dances
Assist with ice cream social for honor roll students
Guest speaker
Campus beautification
Chaperone field trips
Volunteer forms are available on Back to School Night (9/8/16) or you or your
child can pick one up in the main office. If you need additional information,
please contact Mrs. Yeomans (Business Manager - or Mr.
Watson (Assistant Principal –
Class of 2020
Advisors: Ms. J enn Figueroa: jfigueroa@aacps.or g 410-255-9600 ext.
Mrs. Beth Bogard: 410-255-9600 ext. 237
Class Administrator: J CDennis@aacps.or g
Election information for class officers will be distributed to students at our first
class meeting.
Officer positions will be: President, Vice President, Secretary & Treasurer
*elections will be held yearly
CLASS DUES: $20 per year = $80 total
*All dues paid no later than June 2017 will receive a discount on their senior prom ticket.
DUES are to be paid to ONLY Ms. Fig or Mrs. Bogard. Cash or Check
(payable to CHS). Receipts available for proof of payment.
JOIN our FACEBOOK PAGE ASAP! CHS Class of 2020 this will keep
you updated on class news and important school related information!
“like” our page and get updates.
Register your email address with guidance (Mrs. Wilson) to receive class
emails & school news. Mrs. Wilson is the guidance secretary:
Parent involvement is KEY to having a successful class! WE will need a group
of 10-15 parents that are willing to be involved in class activities, fundraisers,
ticket sales, after prom party, and collection of dues throughout the course of
the next four years. Please email Ms. Fig or Mrs. Bogard if you can join this
Emails sent regarding THE CLASS OF 2020 will look like this in the subject
line: CLASS OF 2020 (date)
All FACEBOOK posts regarding IMPORTANT information regarding
Bonus Programs
Giant Food
Please sign up for Giant Food Rewards! Chesapeake High School’s number is 01140. You
must sign up each year and designate CHS. Sign up at your nearest Giant. Thank you for your
continuous support.
Pick up a Lauer’s Rewards card today at the Lauer’s Customer Service Counter and designate
Chesapeake High School! Each time you shop with your rewards card and have Chesapeake
listed as your designated school. Lauer’s will contribute a % of your purchases to Chesapeake
High School.
Please sign up for Safeway Rewards! Chesapeake High School’s e-scribe number is 2362070.
You must sign up each year and designate CHS. Sign up at your nearest Safeway. Thank you
for your continuous support.
Office Max/Depot
When making a purchase, please mention Chesapeake High School. The school will receive a
percentage of your purchase. CHS’s ID number is 70045992. Thank you for your support
Thank you to everyone who has designated Chesapeake High School in the Target for Education program. If you would like to join, the Chesapeake High School number is 57349. Sign
up at your nearest Target ad help our school!
Want to raise even more dollars for your school? Giant Cash for Causes is a great way to earn
money for your school simply by doing your grocery shopping. Visit www.gian
where you can learn more about Cash for Causes and how easy it is to earn more money for your
school! Or call 1-888-469-4426 op on #2 If Peapod is in your area, you can s ll earn A+
Rewards for your school with your shopping order.
alendar To accommodate our Chesapeake Family, we’ve updated our
website calendar to reflect all Holidays, school activities,
fairs, and events, including the AACPS School calendar.
Please take a moment to visit the link below, you will find it
extremely helpful in planning your daily schedules!