Helvar News 1/2007 English


Helvar News 1/2007 English
Helvar News
H e l v a r
N e w s
2 0 0 7
Contents of the magazine
Editorial by Asko Kallonen
Text: Tanja Sundhall /
Münz Ålenius Nordic PR
Text: Sigi Riedelbauch /
Text: Juhana Päivärinta
Text: Juhana Päivärinta
Ritva Lakkonen
To m m i
With the coming of spring, the amount of natural light increases as the
dark winter days become history. Light gives us energy and increases
our activity. The right type of artificial lighting affects us the same way
as natural light, improving our mental agility and performance. The
intensity, colour temperature and colours of lighting have a profound
effect on people’s working efficiency, thinking and emotional state.
The effects of lighting on people have been studied for decades. The
latest research projects concentrate, among other things, on the
effects of lighting in learning environments. The therapeutic effect of
light can be utilised in institutions where the calming effect of light and
colour is used as a means of treatment. These issues can be more
efficiently studied and the results utilised thanks to modern digital
lighting control systems.
We spend much of our time in our working environment. Individual
lighting requirements become increasingly important as a tool to
maintain efficiency and workforce mental agility throughout the day.
The new digital lighting control systems allow versatile lighting control
to be implemented for a whole building without compromising individual preferences or the possibility to adjust lighting separately for
each work area. Significant energy savings are achieved at the same
time by using presence detectors, daylight sensors and timed lighting
scenes. By utilising all possibilities afforded by digital technology, the
energy consumption of office environment lighting can be reduced by
over 70%.
Helvar Digidim lighting control systems have provided these comfortenhancing and energy-saving solutions for years. Now we have made
a quantum leap by launching the Digidim Router, which utilises an
Ethernet bus to connect separate DALI networks into large systems
with almost no size limitations. Thanks to the “distributed intelligence”
principle used in the system,
it can operate independently
of a computer, which makes
it reliable to use.
The topics above will be
covered in more detail
throughout this issue.
Asko Kallonen
Managing Director
Text: Tanja Sundhall / Münz Ålenius Nordic PR
Jernhusen in the very centre of Stockholm is the first in the world to invest in Helvar’s new Digidim Router 910.
Electrical consultants PQR EL and architects Strategisk Arkitektur made the decision to invest in Helvar’s new
Router in conjunction with the total refurbishment of the old headquarters building of the Swedish Post Office,
which takes DALI to a new level. A flexible and user friendly system that helps optimise the energy consumption
of the entire building.
The Blekholmen premises, a building spanning eight
floors and more than 30,000 square metres, is a landmark by Stockholm Central Station, adjacent to the
World Trade Center. The Swedish Post Office has for
many years had its headquarters right here in the most
central location of Stockholm, where the underground,
high-speed trains, buses, airport buses, train connection to Arlanda Airport and taxi station are all just a few
minutes’ walk away. The Blekholmen property has now
undergone a total renovation into leased premises with
a more open facade, open entrance
level, concrete beams, large glazed
planes and terraces. During the renovation project, electrical consultants PQR
EL and Jernhusen’s Project Manager
Bo Ericsson contacted Helvar as they
saw the potential of the new Digidim
Router at an early stage. A totally new
type of overall solution where high-tech
excellence goes hand in hand with user
friendliness and a possibility to optimise
the energy efficiency which will accrue
attractive energy savings over time.
“We were looking for a total lighting
solution with great flexibility for the
entire premises”, says Bo Ericsson,
Jernhusen’s Project Manager for the
Blekholmen property. Since the Finnish
Helvar is the market leader and drives
the development of both the manufacture of ballasts and lighting electronics,
the electrical consultant had an easy
choice to make. “Because the new
Router had actually not been launched
on the market at the time of this installation, this has been both a rewarding
process and a case of learning for all
parties. The investment is still too fresh
to be able to assess all the possibilities
it offers in the long run. However, we
are already seeing many advantages;
for example, we will not have to replace
the lighting control system with possible
future renovations.”
A flexible installation adapted to
The new feature is that with the Digidim Router 910, two
DALI networks can be connected to each Router, with
the result that only one control unit is required both for the
lighting components such as fluorescent tubes, dimmers,
relays and for function units, such as keypads, occupancy
sensors and alike. This means that up to 4,000 Routers
can be connected to the same network which
in turn means that up to half a million addresses
can be connected to one single system. The new
system does not require a PC connection.
“To implement our first ever installation of the
new Router in Blekholmen was truly a dream
project while it also was a considerable challenge”, says Lars Wilsson, Managing Director of
Helvar Sweden. “Today’s installations definitely
require more flexibility and solutions adapted to
specific needs. With the installation, we had to
consider the existing ceiling height and the need
to maintain the spaciousness in the premises in
order to create open and fresh office environments. Thanks to the ability of the new Router
to communicate individually with each fitting, we
have been able to meet the property developer’s
every requirement”.
Two DALI subnets can be
connected to one DIGIDIM
ROUTER. In one network
almost unlimited amount
of Routers can be linked
together through standard
Ethernet communication.
Lars Wilsson comments on the unique advantages of
the installation with the new Digidim Router 910 in the
Blekholmen property:
• The system is very flexible: Since the Router communicates individually with each luminaire, there is no need
to re-rout cables when the building surfaces and planes
are rearranged.
Jernhusen, the first Digidim Router installation in the world; over 30.000 square metres
of office space in the centre of Stockholm.
• No PC connection: No need for electrical re-installations when renovating. You
can simply re-group the lighting equipment using the visualisation function
included in the software. The floor plans
are imported to the software, and the
location of all the components is easy
to identify. DALI is considered to be the
most flexible protocol available for lighting control.
• Energy optimisation and savings
through daylight-dependent adjustments: By controlling lighting with
daylight and adapting it to the ambient
daylight available, the energy consumption can be reduced by up to 50 percent.
It is also possible to make the adjustments centrally, measure the operating
time and monitor the entire system.
• Energy optimisation and savings
through presence detectors: Lighting
can be adapted to actual needs by
connecting it to presence detectors.
This can potentially save a lot of energy.
Deploying both daylight sensors and
presence detectors, savings of up to 70
per cent are possible as the heat dissipation of luminaires decreases which
in turn results in indirect savings in air
• User friendly: The Router does require
some installation work but offers a user
friendly operating panel in exchange.
News • 1 / 2007
11 // 2007
2007 ••
Text: Juhana Päivärinta
Helvar is involved in a unique research project to establish the effects of light on people’s mental agility and the
importance of lighting control for energy efficiency. The research project is headed by Professor Liisa Halonen
of the Helsinki University of Technology.
The Lighting Laboratory of the Helsinki University of Technology (TKK) started,
in partnership with Senate Properties, Helvar and the luminaire manufacturer
Philips, a research project entitled “The non-visual properties of light and the
optimal use and maintenance of lighting”. The object of the study is the main
auditorium of the Department of Electrical and Communications Engineering
of the TKK with its refurbished lighting arrangements, and the human study
objects consist of the chosen students and lecturers.
“The research project is unique in
the whole world”, says Professor
Liisa Halonen of the Helsinki
University of Technology.
The solution: lighting control and
new luminaires
The core of the system is Helvar’s Digidim system
deploying the digital DALI protocol. It allows the auditorium lighting to be adjusted as required. The new system
also makes it possible to collect data on lighting usage
and optimise energy efficiency.
Lighting refurbishment reduced energy
Helvar supplied the main lighting components to the auditorium of the TKK as
far back as the 1960s. When the refurbishment work started, the original lighting equipment had been in use for almost 40 years. The objective of re-fitting
the auditorium was to bring the lighting properties up to current standard. The
maintenance of the TKK’s properties is the responsibility of the state-owned
enterprise Senate Properties who was of the opinion that the running costs of
the existing lighting equipment were too high.
The objective
of the study
is to optimise
lighting and
energy usage.
“We tried to optimise the energy efficiency of the lighting solution at the TKK while honouring the architectural values of the building. The renovation allowed us
to reduce the lighting maintenance costs. The lamps
will have a longer life span and fewer luminaires are
required”, says M.Sc. (Tech.) Pasi Hyyppä, a building
utilities technology expert with Senate Properties.
The purpose of the two-year study is to establish how lighting conditions
affect learning and what practical effects lighting control can have on energy
consumption and energy savings.
“The objective of the study is to optimise lighting and energy usage. We are
studying the effects of lighting on the mental alertness of students and lecturers. We use a questionnaire to collect information on people’s state of mental
agility and study how the lecturers use lighting in different situations. The
research project is unique in the whole world”, says D.Sc. (Tech), Professor
Liisa Halonen of the TKK who is in charge of the project.
The luminaires in the auditorium were
replaced and the lighting control
system was brought up to date in
order to be able to adjust the lighting
for different situations. It is now possible to select pre-programmed lighting
functions for lectures, presentations
of doctoral thesis, video shows, etc.
As a result of the refurbishment, the
luminous intensity in the auditorium
more than doubled while the number
of luminaires reduced by more than
20% and the energy consumption
decreased by 30% with full light level.
The lighting of the auditorium
was totally refurbished to bring it
up to current standard.
The light sources are fluorescent tubes of two different
colour temperatures, 4,000 and 17,000 °K. By combining the different colour temperatures, the lighting quality
can be optimised using lighting control.
“For different lighting situations, the lighting in the entire
40 years old luminaires
• 87 luminaires, T12 lamps 2 x 40 W
• Preheat transformers
• Nominal voltage of the ballast 220 V
New luminaires
• 69 luminaires, Philips Office NOVA 240TCS 2xTL549W
• Digital electronic ballasts, Helvar EL2x49si
• DALI control system, Helvar Digidim system with
LCD Touch Panel and push button control panels
• Double lighting, Philips T5 lamps, 4200 K and
17 000 K
• Energy savings
• Lighting quality improvements
News • 1 / 2007
auditorium can be controlled separately for each luminaire. “Helvar’s
lighting control system is the best on
the market. It has proven itself as a
well-functioning solution”, Mr. Hyyppä
Research produces
information on the
effects of lighting and
energy consumption
Research-based data on the non-visual properties of
light and optimisation of the use and maintenance of
lighting will be utilised in lighting and lighting control
design in future lighting refurbishment projects of Senate
“The DALI control system is used to collect research
data on lighting usage, maintenance and the replacement intervals of lamps and luminaires, and the energysaving effects of lighting control. We are studying if it
is possible to achieve an optimal learning result with
lower illumination levels by selecting the correct quality
of light”, says Professor Halonen.
The research project will also provide useful information
on energy efficiency that can be utilised for developing
lighting components and in lighting system refurbishment projects.
Helvar actively involved in the
research project
The results of the TKK’s research are of interest to manufacturers of lighting components and luminaires, as well
as owners of buildings. Helvar has a wealth of experience on lighting and lighting control, and the company
is actively involved in the research project started by the
“We are equipment suppliers to the project and provide
consultancy on the use of the lighting control system. We
implemented the TKK lighting control system in partnership with Electrosonic Lightinen, the Finnish distributor
of Helvar lighting control products.”
“In this research project, we are particularly interested
in finding out how lighting control will affect power
consumption and learning, given that we here in the
Nordic Countries live with scant natural resources. From
our point of view, it is interesting to gain research-based
knowledge on the effects of lighting controlled and
optimised lighting using the Digidim system on people’s
state of mental agility in the actual working environment”,
says Product Development Director Max Björkgren of
1 / 2007 •
Text: Sigi Riedelbauch / PublicTouch
The rehabilitation centre project in Hradec Králové received the ‘Special Mention DALI
Award’ at the 2007 DALI Awards. This special project was made possible by DNA Central
Europe s.r.o., representative for Helvar products in Czech Republic.
Some children need a great deal of attention
and assistance, as their sensory abilities are
extremely limited. Children with mental and
physical disabilities in the Czech city of Hradec
Králové are receiving a very special form of
treatment, in which disruptive stimuli that we
perceive to be normal are actively suppressed
in order to focus on just a few stimuli: sound,
touch – and sight. As light plays an extremely
important role in “Snoezelen”, Helvar has
installed a lighting control panel, which can be
controlled by the young patients themselves.
A therapy for relaxation
Children with severe mental and physical
disabilities have a completely different perception of the world from healthy people. Taking
this principle, Jan Hulsegge and Ad Verheul
developed “snoezelen” (a neologism coming
from the Dutch words “snuffelen” [to sniff,
snuffle] and “doezelen” [to rest, doze] and
pronounced “snoozeln”) during their national
service as community workers back in the
70s. “Snoezelen” is a form of therapy which
combines relaxation with light, sounds and
tactile stimuli.
The Dutch treatment is based on the theory
that the senses respond very easily if the
patient is in an environment that they find
comfortable. As any form of disruptive stimuli
is either removed as completely as possible
or at least considerably reduced, architecture
and interior design enjoy a considerable share
in the success of the treatment. Bundles of
cables, the edges of the lighting units and
control panels should be as invisible as
possible – and if this is unavoidable, shapes
and edges should be very simple. The ovalshaped treatment room features light, friendly
colours, while various light installations, airconditioning and a Helvar Solo dimmer are all
located above the suspended ceiling.
News • 1 / 2007
Minimising disturbances
As the design of the therapy room plays
a particularly important role, the centre in
Hradec Králové at the foot of the Karkonosze
Mountains has selected lighting controls
from Helvar. These control the yellow, red,
green and blue groups of lights which can be
adjusted by the young patients themselves
via an operating panel with inset switches.
In this environment, where sensory aspects
have been deliberately reduced, the children
appreciate the stimuli provided in a more
noticeable way and can relax away from the
flood of stimuli they receive in their day-to-day
The therapist can create and store desired
colour combinations as scenes via their own
Helvar operating panel. These can then be
retrieved later in the therapy and can be set
as the basic mood for the start of the next
treatment. The entire system is controlled
by potential-free switches, electrical ballasts
and dimmers via a DALI bus, to ensure that
all colour changes and switching on and off
happens smoothly and without any disturbing bright flashes. Thanks to the ballasts from
Helvar the colours and light levels can be
seamlessly dimmed from maximum brightness to complete darkness.
Easing anxiety
The therapy proves to have a clear and swift
effect on many patients: after a short while
most children become very quiet, relaxed and
feel safe. They can explore their environment
as they want and are able to, without being
under any pressure to succeed. They control
the type and amount of optical, acoustic and
tactical stimuli themselves. Likewise, children
suffering from spastic paralysis often respond
successfully to the treatment - as they play
with the touch-sensitive lamps positioned
next to the waterbed, their spasticity reduces
and their limbs can ease and relax. Hyperactive children become noticeably quieter and
quickly learn to concentrate on the acoustic
and visual stimuli.
1 / 2007 •
Text: Juhana Päivärinta
Lighting projects are implemented in intensive cooperation between several parties. Architects, designers, luminaire manufacturers, contractors and property
owners need up-to-date information and expert guidance for selecting the lighting equipment that meet their
objectives. New official regulations, such as energysaving directives, set new demands for the implementing lighting solutions and require special knowledge and
Helvar’s strong competence and up-to-date know-how
are highlighted through the supply of modern lighting
solutions, and in reliable partnerships with luminaire
manufacturers. Our aim is to continue to be the leading lighting solution supplier to all our customers and
strategic partners.
Helvar’s professionals listen to the needs of different
parties and provide advice on building the right lighting
control system. Our special expertise in lighting projects
and active co-operation with all project participants
guarantees a high-quality total solution that best serves
the customer.
Our close co-operation with luminaire manufacturers
helps us understand both the technical and commercial
challenges of luminaire manufacture. Our Key Account
Managers contribute to the interactive customer relationship by bringing the strong know-how, extensive
experience and active support of the entire Helvar
organisation into the equation.
We are strongly developing our organisation, which
is why we have recruited new sales professionals.
Our regular training programme ensures that all our
staff keep up to date and are capable of serving each
customer using their strong competences and the latest
Sales Director Olli Heinonen is pleased
with the results. “We are developing our
customer service and have recruited
new professionals to our sales team.”
Digidim Router, new heart for the
Digidim system
New from Helvar is the Digidim Router system which
uses standard Ethernet communication to combine
DALI networks seamlessly together. This modularity
allows users to create a fully scaleable system suitable
for a range of applications - from a single office room to
a large office building.
Basic system functionality is available “out-of-box” with
no programming required. Advanced functionality is
achieved with Windows based programming software.
Each individual router can operate two DALI subnets
containing up to 64 control devices and load interfaces
on each.
Router 910
to system for diagnostics, maintenance and logging
purposes if required.
The system delivers energy saving features via presence
detection and constant light functionality. Further automation can be achieved through the programming of
scheduled events. OPC server software enables interfacing to the building management systems.
The system is programmed using the Helvar Designer
software running on a Windows based computer, either
locally or remotely. After programming, the computer
can be disconnected as it is not required for normal day
to day functionality of the system. The computer can
also be used to monitor and report system status. All
data is stored in the flash memory of the Digidim routers,
avoiding the need for cumbersome databases, system
can be saved to pc as a backup.
Data is stored within the system to eliminate the need
for PC control in daily operation. The elimination of a
central controller ensures no single point of failure can
cause a total system shutdown. A PC can be connected
To create larger systems routers can be networked
together using standard Ethernet switches. This allows
the system expansion by linking multiple routers and is
also used for system programming and monitoring.
E 250 SE
L 26 5S-100
Perfect ballast range
Helvar is extending the range of electronic ballasts for
HID lamps with new versions for 20 and 35W twin lamp
operation. These OP2x20bs and OP2x35bs ballasts
are low-weight and very small in size. The system
losses remain at far lower levels than with conventional
magnetic ballasts due to electronic lamp operation and
a power factor of close to 1. Because of the enhanced
immunity properties, the lamp leads can be kept long,
and remote operation of both lamps is problem-free.
The ballasts are available both for built-in applications
and fitted with cable clamp strain-relief for independent
News • 1 / 2007
Helvar is continuously improving and updating the
ranges of magnetic ballasts. The latest product
launches have been the new SE and S ballasts.
The new SE series is introduced to complete the HID
offering. The new products are for 150 and 250 W.
The ballast range for compact lamps has been
completed with new L 26 S products. Now the product offering covers various temperature alternatives
for high volume lamps from 8 to 26 W.
1 / 2007 •
Helvar Offices
Helvar has representatives all over the world.
For additional information, please visit www.helvar.com
Head Office, Finland
Helvar Oy Ab
Yrittäjäntie 23
FI-03600 Karkkila
Helvar S.r.l.
Via W-Tobagi 26/1
IT-20068 Peschiera Borromeo (MI)
Tel: +358 9 5654 1
Fax: +358 9 5654 9600
Tel: +39 02 5530 1033
Fax: +39 02 5530 1032
United Kingdom
Helvar Ltd
Hawley Mill
Hawley Road
Kent, DA2 7SY
Helvar Kft.
Lomb u. 31/b.
HU-1139 Budapest
Tel: +44 1322 2222 11
Fax: +44 1322 2822 16
Tel: +36 1 2393 136
or +36 1 2380 948
Fax: +36 1 2393 145
Helvar GmbH
Carl-Zeiss-Strasse 12
DE-63322 Rödermark
Helvar Bureau France
12 Allée Joséphine de Beauharnais
FR-95320 Saint-Leu-la-Forêt
Tel: +49 6074 9209 0
Fax: +49 6074 9209 23
Tel: +33 1 3418 1281
Fax: +33 1 3418 0880
Helvar AB
Åsögatan 155
SE-116 32 Stockholm
Tel: +46 8 5452 3970
Fax: +46 8 2231 81