Service Agreement Performed by Atento Puerto Rico
Service Agreement Performed by Atento Puerto Rico
Cuantía: $100,000.00 Núm. de Cuenta: 01-4017-90500-550-382 2017-P00005 Service Agreement Performed by Atento Puerto R i c o , Inc. for Puerto R i c o E l e c t r i c and P o w e r Authority ( A E E ) TABLE OF CONTENTS ARTICLE ARTICLE 1 - SERVICES AND PERFORMANCE ARTICLE 2 - CONSIDERATION AND PAYMENT ARTICLE 3 - CONTRACTOR'S EMPLOYEES ARTICLE 4 - I N D E M N I T Y ARTICLE 5 - CONFIDENTIALITY ARTICLE 6 - PERIOD OF AGREEMENT/TERMINATION ARTICLE 7 - FORCE MAJEURE ARTICLE 8. - INSURANCE - T O BE EVALUATED BY RISK MANAGEMENT OFFICE ARTICLE 9 - CONTACT & NOTICES ARTICLE 10 - CHOICE OF LAW AND FORUM SELECTION ARTICLE 11 - MISCELLANEOUS ARTICLE 12 - CERTIFICATIONS ARTICLE 1 3 - T R A N S F E R OF FUNDS ARTICLE 14. - ENTIRE CONTRACT PAGE 1 8 10 13 15 17 20 21 22 23 24 27 30 31 G E N E R A L T E R M S AND CONDITIONS A P P L I C A B L E T O S E R V I C E S This Service A g r e e m e n t is entered into by and between the Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority (hereinafter referred to as "PREPA"), a public corporation and government instrumentality of the C o m m o n w e a l t h of Puerto Rico, created by Act No. 83 of May 2, 1 9 4 1 , as a m e n d e d , represented herein by its Executive Director, Javier A. Quintana Mendez, of legal age, married and resident of G u a y n a b o , Puerto Rico, a n d ; A T E N T O Puerto Rico, Inc. (hereinafter referred to as "the Contractor or A T E N T O " ) a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the C o m m o n w e a l t h of Puerto Rico, represented in this act by its Resident Agent, Rosa H Maldonado, of legal age, and resident of C a g u a s , Puerto Rico, by virtue of the Corporate Resolution dated rd December 3 , 2012. Both, P R E P A and A T E N T O will jointly be referred to as "the Parties". WITNESSETH W H E R E A S , A T E N T O desires to provide PREPA Contact Center Services as specified in of this Agreement; W H E R E A S , P R E P A desires to enter into a Service A g r e e m e n t with A T E N T O for the performance of such services. N O W , T H E R E F O R E , P R E P A and A T E N T O enter into this Service Agreement under the following: T E R M S AND C O N D I T I O N S A R T I C L E 1 - S E R V I C E S AND P E R F O R M A N C E 1.1 S c o p e of S e r v i c e s - T h e Services to be provided by A T E N T O will be: A T E N T O shall provide services for receiving and handling Inbound Calls from PREPA's customers performing payments, requesting service reconnection, Atento Puerto Rico / A E E Page 2 reporting outages, requesting maintenance such as tree trimming, public lighting, reporting emergencies related to the electric grid, following-up work requests or for any other customer service request previously coordinated by the shift supervisor. A T E N T O shall provide such services in a c c o r d a n c e with the following procedure: (i) Inbound Calls will be handled by the IVR or the system employed by A T E N T O to receive Inbound Calls, and; (ii) T h e Inbound Calls shall be received by A T E N T O and routed to the next available C u s t o m e r Service Representative (CSR). 1.2 A T E N T O ' s services will meet or exceed the following Service Levels: (a) A b a n d o n e d calls: Equal or less than 7%; (b) Average speed of answer: 9 5 % of calls responded in 3 minutes or less; (c) Other Service Levels within the Scope of this A g r e e m e n t may be added to the above at the request of PREPA, w h o will notify A T E N T O at least 10 days before the c o m m e n c e m e n t of the Service Level requested. 1.3 A T E N T O shall also provide such additional related services as set out in the A g r e e m e n t and including, without limitation, the following: (a) A T E N T O shall notify P R E P A on a daily basis of any required by A E E ' s customers. information Atento Puerto Rico / A E E Page 3 (b) ATENTO related to systems. shall provide P R E P A with such information and Services performed by A T E N T O and created reports by its A T E N T O shall provide reports for the Services on a daily basis, which must include, at a m i n i m u m , the number of Inbound Calls a n s w e r e d , abandoned and percentage of calls answered, average speed of answer, number of agents staffed in the A T E N T O Call Center at any given time interval, or any other information the A T E N T O ATENTO's systems provided as P R E P A d e e m s appropriate to performance. These by evaluate reports will be broken down in (i) 30 minutes increments with a day's total, (ii) a daily basis by w e e k and month in Puerto Rico local time in respect of the prior day's Services,(iii) a weekly basis in daily increments until 11:59 p.m. Puerto Rico local time of each Saturday, and (iv) a monthly basis in ^ daily increments until 11:59 p.m. Puerto Rico local time of the last day v of each m o n t h , and prior to the invoice of monthly fees by A T E N T O . T h e content of each report shall be mutually agreed to the Parties, (c) A T E N T O shall allow PREPA, through reasonable mechanisms to be m a d e available by A T E N T O to PREPA, to monitor A T E N T O ' s service receiving and handling of calls from clients. A T E N T O shall provide P R E P A with any and all information, reports, or feedback related to Service quality, which are created by the monitoring of the receiving and handling of calls from customers. A T E N T O a s s u m e s all expenses Atento Puerto R i c o / A E E Page 4 related to the provision of telecommunication lines and the bearing of network costs associated with routing Inbound Calls to the A T E N T O ' s facility. ATENTO is responsible for the properly equipping of A T E N T O ' s facility with the necessary hardware to receive and handle Inbound Calls as required by this Agreement. 1.4 A T E N T O shall consult with P R E P A the use of project m a n a g e m e n t tools, including productivity aids and project m a n a g e m e n t systems. A T E N T O shall use mutually acceptable project m a n a g e m e n t tools and employ a regular reporting m e c h a n i s m to identify project tasks, present current status reports and identify potential problems. 1.5 Except as otherwise established in the A g r e e m e n t , A T E N T O shall utilize its facility at Parque Industrial El T r o c h e , # 189 Street, K m . 2, Caguas, Puerto Rico (the "facility") for the performance of Services. T h e facility will be equipped with telephone systems, computer systems, and various A T E N T O ' s support and call monitoring tools to be used in the delivery services. A T E N T O shall bear all expenses of operating the Facility, including all expenses for e q u i p m e n t and systems necessary to connect to any telecommunications circuits or facilities utilized by A T E N T O to bring calls to the Facility. 1.6 T h e connection from A T E N T O to P R E P A computer systems shall be through A E E ' s server. Atento Puerto Rico / A E E Page 5 1.7 A E E shall have the right to implement an extensive monitoring program. may perform remote and on-site CSR monitoring. PREPA A T E N T O shall monitor at least 4 calls per C S R per month. 1.8 T h e following shall be considered "Deliverables" for purposes of the A g r e e m e n t (i) any and all reports prepared and/or delivered pursuant to the A g r e e m e n t , (ii) the Training and Script Manual, (iii) the Disaster Recovery Plan, and (iv) the Transition Plan. 1.9 A T E N T O shall provide adequate training to the C S R s regarding the operation of the applicable equipment and technology, assuring that such training does not interfere with A T E N T O ' s performance of the Services. In addition, A T E N T O shall provide to the C S R s the training required by P R E P A from time to time (including, without limitation, training regarding A E E ' s scripted call flows that CSRs will follow). All C S R s utilized for the services will be fully trained in AEE's procedures and call handling scripts. 1.10 In the event of the expiration or termination of all or of part of the Services being provided under the Agreement, ATENTO shall cooperate with PREPA to facilitate the transfer of the affected Services to P R E P A or a third party service provider, as applicable, or PREA's designee. Prior to the expiration or termination date, A T E N T O shall assist P R E P A in developing a plan which must specify the tasks to be performed by the parties in connection with the transfer of the affected Services for the performance of such tasks. Atento Puerto Rico / A E E Page 6 1.11 Voice Calls Volume Forecasts: P R E P A shall provide A T E N T O with a forecast of the voice calls v o l u m e expected to be received during a month period. Ten (10) days before the end of month, P R E P A shall also provide A T E N T O a voice call v o l u m e forecast, for the next three (3) months. T h e forecast submitted by PREPA, for the following month, will be considered as final. A T E N T O will provide, within seven (7) days before the end of month, the "measurement" staffing of said forecast, which will be considered as the final staffing, after the approval from P R E P A . 1.12 During the current month, a call v o l u m e forecast must be submitted for the remaining full w e e k s of the month. P R E P A and A T E N T O shall conduct weekly meetings with the purpose of coordinating the necessary adjustments, if any, in order to comply with the service level and quality required in the A g r e e m e n t . 1.13 A T E N T O shall be responsible to maintain, and not e x c e e d , the hours included in the Final Staffing, as approved by the parties. If any extension of hours is required, A T E N T O shall request in writing an authorization from P R E P A before the performance of any adjustment. Final Staffing is the official document, approved by the parties, were the hours (staff time) are established for the following m o n t h . T h e approval of the Final Staffing must be submitted via email, by the authorized representatives of the parties. the parties can a m e n d the Final Staffing, in writing. During the weekly meetings, Atento Puerto Rico / A E E Page 7 1.14 Performance - A T E N T O will perform hereunder with the care, skill, prudence and diligence that a prudent person acting in a like capacity and familiar with the subject matter would use. 1.15 Warranty of L i c e n s i n g , C o m p l i a n c e with L a w , Qualification, C o m p l i a n c e with R u l e s , Nondiscrimination - A T E N T O shall obtain and maintain during the performance of the services hereunder all permits, licenses and authorizations required by all applicable authorities to perform such services. Furthermore, ATENTO performance hereby represents, warrants, and agrees that its hereunder will c o n f o r m to all applicable laws and regulations. A T E N T O warrants that all e m p l o y e e s utilized by A T E N T O pursuant to this A g r e e m e n t will be fully trained, equipped courteous manner and competent and will work and will perform their duties in a safe, harmoniously with PREPA's personnel. A T E N T O will also c o m p l y with all applicable Laws pertaining to nondiscrimination in employment and facilities. 1.16 E q u i p m e n t - A T E N T O will be responsible for t h e acquisition, maintenance, inventory, storage, and control of all equipment, materials, supplies, and any special equipment required to perform the Services. 1.17 S e r v i c e P r o v i d e d to O t h e r s - P R E P A acknowledges and agrees that Services may be provided to P R E P A in conjunction with Services that A T E N T O may provide to third parties. Notwithstanding anything contained in any other agreement to the contrary, A T E N T O agrees that Services provided for PREPA, Atento Puerto Rico / A E E Page 8 its employees and agents, will be provided pursuant to and in accordance with the provisions of this A g r e e m e n t . A R T I C L E 2 - C O N S I D E R A T I O N AND P A Y M E N T 2.1 Limit on F e e s - In full consideration of the performance of the Services, P R E P A will pay A T E N T O in accordance with the T e r m s and Conditions set forth herein and at the rates specified in Item 3.2 of this Article, which total amount to be paid under this ($100,000). Agreement shall not exceed One Hundred Thousand Dollars All payments to be m a d e under this A g r e e m e n t will be charged to account number 01-4017-90500-550-382. 2.2 T e r m s of P a y m e n t - A T E N T O will submit a monthly invoice to P R E P A for Services provided to P R E P A during the previous m o n t h . All invoices will specify the applicable contract and the purchase or work order number(s) applicable to the Services, if any. Each invoice will also include full documentation of the \ Services performed. P R E P A will pay A T E N T O within sixty (60) days of receipt of A T E N T O ' s invoice. In the event of a dispute over the invoice, P R E P A will pay the amount of the invoice not in dispute, and withhold the disputed amount until the dispute is resolved. 2.3 C u r r e n c y - All monetary amounts specified in or payable under this A g r e e m e n t are specified in United States dollars. 2.4 A d d r e s s for Invoice - A T E N T O will submit all invoices to the address listed below or to such other addresses as P R E P A may specify in writing. It is Atento Puerto Rico / A E E Page 9 acknowledged that invoices may also be submitted via e-mail to the address listed below or to such other addresses as P R E P A may specify in writing: Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority Attn: Dwight Rodriguez Customer Service Division Head PO Box 364267 San Juan, Puerto Rico 00936-4267 2.5 Invoices must also include a written and signed certification stating that no officer or employee of PREPA, and their respective subsidiaries or affiliates, will personally derive or obtain any benefit or profit of any kind from this Agreement, with the acknowledgment that invoices which do not include this certification will not be paid. This certification must read as follows: "We certify under penalty of nullity that no public servant, officer, agent nor employee of the Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority, their respective subsidiaries or affiliates, will derive or obtain any benefit or profit of any kind from the contractual relationship w h i c h is the basis of this invoice. If such benefit or profit exists, the required waiver has been obtained prior to entering into the Agreement. T h e only consideration to be received in e x c h a n g e for the delivery of g o o d s or for services provided is the agreed-upon price that has b e e n negotiated with an authorized representative of the Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority. The total a m o u n t shown on this invoice is true and correct. T h e services have been rendered, and no p a y m e n t has been received. Authorized Representative's Signature" 2.6 T a x e s - P R E P A will deduct and withhold at t h e source to A T E N T O the equivalent of seven percent (7%) from payment for services rendered under this A g r e e m e n t in Puerto Rico, in compliance with the N e w Puerto Rico Internal Atento Puerto R i c o / A E E Page 10 Revenue Code, Law 1-2011, Section 1062.03, as a m e n d e d . Notwithstanding the aforementioned, the withholding to be done by P R E P A as herein stated could be increased to twenty percent (20%) in the event that A T E N T O is a non-resident individual, which is a U.S. citizen, as provided by the New Puerto Rico Internal Revenue Code, section 1062.08; or twenty-nine percent (29%) in the event that A T E N T O is a non-resident and non U.S. citizen individual; or a foreign corporation or partnership which is not dedicated to industry or business in Puerto Rico, as provided by the N e w Puerto Rico Internal Revenue Code, section 1062.08. P R E P A shall provide a certificate stating that such tax withholding w a s collected. If a Release Letter has been issued to A T E N T O by the Treasury Department, A T E N T O shall be responsible to submit a copy of said Release Letter to P R E P A for every calendar year; otherwise, payments under the A g r e e m e n t shall remain ^ subject to withholding at source. (services, materials, equipment, All invoices shall be segregated by concepts etc.), to identify the amounts subject to withholding and avoid undue deductions. ARTICLE 3 - CONTRACTOR'S EMPLOYEES 3.1 A T E N T O ' s status hereunder and the status of any agents, employees and subcontractors e n g a g e d by A T E N T O shall be that of an independent contractor only and not that of an employee, agent, director or officer of P R E P A nor shall they be considered a public servant of neither P R E P A nor the C o m m o n w e a l t h of Puerto Rico. ATENTO recognizes that its personnel is not entitled to Atento Puerto Rico / A E E Page 11 employment benefits such as vacations, sick leave, retirement benefits and other benefits from P R E P A because of its condition as an independent contractor. Neither A T E N T O nor its personnel shall have any power or right to enter into contracts on behalf of P R E P A . No provision of this A g r e e m e n t shall be d e e m e d to create an e m p l o y m e n t relationship between A T E N T O or his employees and PREPA. 3.2 C o n t r a c t o r ' s E m p l o y e e s - T h e employees of A T E N T O e n g a g e d in performing Services hereunder will be considered employees of A T E N T O for all purposes and will under no circumstances be d e e m e d to be e m p l o y e e s of PREPA. P R E P A will have no supervisory power or control over any such A T E N T O ' s employees and any complaint or change in procedure will be communicated by P R E P A to A T E N T O w h o will in turn promptly give any necessary instructions to its personnel. 3.3 S u p e r v i s i o n of C o n t r a c t o r ' s E m p l o y e e s - A T E N T O will be responsible for the direct supervision of its e m p l o y e e s through its designated representative and such representative will in turn, report to and confer with the designated agents of P R E P A with respect to the Services. 3.4 A s s u m p t i o n of Liability for C o n t r a c t o r ' s E m p l o y e e s - A T E N T O agrees to a s s u m e full and complete responsibility for any and all liability to its employees on account of injury, disability, and death resulting f r o m , or sustained by said employees in the performance of the Services defined herein. Atento Puerto Rico / A E E Page 12 3.5 R e m o v a l of C o n t r a c t o r ' s E m p l o y e e s - At P R E P A ' s request, A T E N T O will immediately remove from service any employee w h o s e acts or omissions will be a violation of applicable law or constitute a breach of this A g r e e m e n t . 3.6 Parties R e s p o n s i b i l i t y for Its E m p l o y e e s - Both parties agree to accept full and exclusive liability for the payment of any and all taxes, contributions, and other payments Worker's for unemployment Compensation, employers compensation liability and/or insurance pension or annuities benefits, now or hereafter imposed upon employers as applicable to t h e m with respect to its employees and each party will make such payments and will make and file any and all reports and returns and take all other actions necessary to comply with the laws imposing such taxes, contributions, or other payments. 3.7 Indemnity for Adjudication of A T E N T O E m p l o y e e s a s P R E P A ' E m p l o y e e s A T E N T O agrees to hold P R E P A harmless and to indemnify and defend P R E P A in full for any and all d a m a g e s , claims, assessments, penalties, liabilities, charges, attorney's fees or other losses incurred during or following the term of this A g r e e m e n t , which result from any assertion, claim, determination or adjudication that A T E N T O or any of its employees are e m p l o y e e s of P R E P A , including, but not limited to, any claim, determination or adjudication made pursuant to the Internal Revenue Code, any of Puerto Rico U n e m p l o y m e n t laws and regulations, compensation Law, or any other federal, state or local w a g e , employment, ordinances. insurance, labor and other laws, statutes, regulations and Atento Puerto Rico / A E E Page 13 3.8 Warranty of Qualification - ATENTO represents and warrants that the employees used in the performance of the Services hereunder will have the qualifications, skills and experience necessary to perform the Services and will have the work records as represented to PREPA. 3.9 Non-Discrimination In E m p l o y m e n t - In the performance of this Agreement, ATENTO will comply with all applicable statutes, regulations, ordinances pertaining to nondiscrimination in e m p l o y m e n t and facilities. ARTICLE 4 4.1 INDEMNITY Indemnification by P R E P A - PREPA agrees and hereby undertakes to release, indemnify, d e f e n d , and hold harmless A T E N T O , its directors, officers, employees, agents and successors from and against any and all direct liability, d a m a g e s , claims, civil penalties, suits, theft, penalties or actions of every name and description, including claims of infringement of any third party's intellectual property rights and any and all costs and expenses related thereto, including the defense thereof, reasonable attorney's fees and court costs arising out of or resulting from any act or omission of PREPA, its directors, officers, employees, agents, successors, and assigns in connection with P R E P A ' s performance under this Agreement, except to the extent caused by (a) the gross negligence, recklessness or willful misconduct of A T E N T O , its directors, officers, employees, agents, successors and/or assigns or (b) arising from or in connection with a violation of applicable law by A T E N T O , its directors, officers, employees, agents, successors or assigns. Atento Puerto R i c o / A E E Page 14 4.2 Indemnification by A T E N T O - A T E N T O agrees and hereby undertakes to release, indemnify, defend, and hold harmless PREPA, its directors, officers, employees, agents and successors from and against any and all direct liability, d a m a g e s , claims, civil penalties, suits, theft, penalties or actions of every n a m e and description, including claims of infringement of any third party's intellectual property rights and any and all costs and expenses related thereto, including the defense thereof, reasonable attorney's fees and court costs arising out of or resulting from the act or omission of A T E N T O , its directors, officers, e m p l o y e e s , agents, successors, and assigns in connection with A T E N T O ' s performance under this A g r e e m e n t , except to the extent caused by (a) the gross negligence, recklessness or willful misconduct of P R E P A , its directors, officers, e m p l o y e e s , agents, successors or assigns and/or (b) arising from or in connection with a violation of applicable law by PREPA, its directors, officers, employees, agents, successors or assigns. 4.3 E x c e p t i o n for G o v e r n m e n t Action - Notwithstanding Articles 5.1 and 5.2, in the event that a government entity brings a criminal or civil action against a Party, "\ that Party will have the right to control the m a n a g e m e n t and settlement of such matter. This does not constitute a waiver of the other Party with respect to any right it m a y have under the circumstances that gives rise to such criminal or civil action, including, but not limited to, the right to intervene in any action against a Party involving the services provided under the A g r e e m e n t or initiate any other claim, suit or action. Atento Puerto R i c o / A E E Page 15 4.4 Conflict in C l a i m s of Indemnification - In the event of a dispute a m o n g the Parties as to which Party owes the other Party a duty of indemnification under this Article 5; each Party will have the right to defend and pursue its own interest and resolve the conflict as agreed a m o n g the Parties or in the course of that dispute. 4.5 No A d m i s s i o n s - Neither Party will have the right to m a k e any admissions on behalf of the other Party. 4.6 R e a s o n a b l e A s s i s t a n c e - Notwithstanding the aforementioned, in the course of any action brought against either Party, each Party, at its own expense, will provide reasonable assistance to the other Party, including but not limited to reasonable access to documents and personnel. Prior to such access, the Parties shall take those precautionary measures including, but not limited to, the execution of any document, that may be necessary to protect and preserve as confidential any information of such nature. Such reasonable assistance will not require a Party to breach or waive any privilege or legal right, including but not limited to the attorney-client privilege applicable to communications between each Party and its respective legal counsel. ARTICLE 5 - CONFIDENTIALITY 5.1 Confidentiality - T h e Parties will presume that any information, including but not limited to, business plans, customer data, e m p l o y e e data, financial information, or contractual information, whether written, verbal or electronic, provided to or observed by the receiving party or developed in connection herewith is Atento Puerto R i c o / A E E Page 16 confidential information unless the receiving party is informed to the contrary or, by its nature, it is public or intended to be shared in the course of the Contract's performance hereunder. The Parties will take reasonable precautions, including the same precautions they take to protect their own confidential information, to ensure that no confidential information is disclosed to any third party. The Parties' obligations under this article will not apply to any of the following: (a) information in the public domain or available to the public; (b) information available from third parties without any non-disclosure obligation to the Parties; (c) or any disclosure of confidential information required by any court, regulatory order or other service of legal process, in which case the disclosing party will provide the non- disclosing party prompt notice of any such order or process and cooperate with the responding of such request. 5.2 If this Contract terminates for any reason, the Parties shall maintain in strictest confidence both; during the term of this Contract and subsequent to termination of this Contract, and shall not during the term of this Contract or thereafter disclose or divulge to any person, firm, or corporation, or use directly or indirectly, for its own benefit or the benefit of others, any information which in good faith and g o o d conscience ought to be treated as confidential information including, without limitation, information relating to P R E P A ' s customers, or any of the Parties' operations or trade secrets or relating to the business or affairs of either party m a y acquire or develop in connection with or as a result of the performance of the Services hereunder. In the event of an actual or threatened Atento Puerto R i c o / A E E Page 17 breach by any of the Parties of the provisions of this paragraph, the non-breaching party shall be entitled to injunctive relief for such breach. Nothing herein shall be construed as prohibiting the non-breaching party from pursuing any other legal remedies available, including the recovery of damages from the breaching party. 5.3 System A c c e s s - ATENTO acknowledges and agrees that in connection herewith, P R E P A may provide A T E N T O with access to various of P R E P A ' s computer and communications systems. A T E N T O acknowledges and agrees that under no circumstances will it permit the systems to be used for any purpose other than Agreement. passwords those required in connection with its performance under this A T E N T O agrees that it will maintain the confidentiality of codes, and user names required to access those systems ("Access Information") and any information accessed via t h o s e systems and will promptly report by telephone and then in writing any Information or accessed information to PREPA. compromise of the Access A T E N T O will also properly secure the e q u i p m e n t required to access the systems and will promptly report by telephone and then in writing any d a m a g e or problems therewith. ARTICLE 6 - PERIOD OF AGREEMENT/TERMINATION 6.1 Term and Termination - T h e term of this a g r e e m e n t will c o m m e n c e on the date of its signature by both parties, and will continue in effect for a period of three months. This A g r e e m e n t may be extended for one additional term of three (3) Atento Puerto Rico / A E E Page 18 months, if P R E P A notifies A T E N T O its interest on such extension within thirty (30) calendar days prior to the expiration of the original term. 6.2 Either Party shall have the right to terminate this A g r e e m e n t by providing the other Party with a thirty (30) day advance notice by registered mail, return receipt requested, or overnight express mail. This Agreement will terminate thirty (30) days after the receipt of said notice and PREPA shall pay all fees and expenses incurred up to the day of effective termination, in accordance with the Terms and Conditions of this Agreement. 6.3 B r e a c h By A T E N T O - Upon written notice to A T E N T O from P R E P A stating that A T E N T O is in breach of the Agreement, A T E N T O will immediately remedy such breach. W h e r e A T E N T O fails to remedy such breach within ten (10) days or to promptly initiate and continue in good faith to remedy a breach that cannot be reasonably remedied in ten (10) days, P R E P A will have the right to terminate the A g r e e m e n t upon five (5) days' notice to A T E N T O . A T E N T O further agrees that if it commits a substantially similar breach more than twice in any three (3) month period, regardless of remedy, P R E P A will have the right to terminate the A g r e e m e n t upon notice to A T E N T O . 6.4 B r e a c h By P R E P A - Upon written notice to P R E P A from A T E N T O stating that P R E P A is in breach of the Agreement, P R E P A will immediately remedy such breach. W h e r e P R E P A fails to remedy such breach within ten (10) days or to promptly initiate and continue in good faith to remedy a breach that cannot be Atento Puerto Rico / A E E Page 19 reasonably remedied in ten (10) days, A T E N T O will have the right to terminate the Agreement upon five (5) day notice to PREPA. In case of default in the payment obligation of P R E P A , A T E N T O is duly authorized to early terminate the Agreement with a written notice with thirty (30) days in advance. 6.5 Limitation of Liability- In no event will A T E N T O or its respective licensors or suppliers have any liability for any, indirect or consequential d a m a g e s , loss of profits or revenue, loss or corruption of data, toll f r a u d , cost of cover, or substitute goods or performance. The total aggregate liability of either party for all claims arising out of or in connection with this A g r e e m e n t will not exceed an amount equal to the total a m o u n t of all fees paid or payable under this Agreement. However, the limitations of liability in this section will not apply in cases of willful misconduct, personal injury or breaches of A T E N T O ' s license restrictions. T h e limitations of liability in this section also will apply to any liability of directors, officers, e m p l o y e e s , agents aggregate to liability will not apply and suppliers. T h e contractual limitations indemnification of obligations provided in this A g r e e m e n t . 6.6 Notwithstanding the liabilities limits established herein, A T E N T O shall save and hold harmless and indemnify P R E P A for all reasonable e x p e n s e s and costs of any nature (including reasonable attorney's fees) incurred by P R E P A and arising out of or from its fault, negligence or willful misconduct and thereby results in a claim made by any third person for physical injuries, including death, or for Atento Puerto Rico / A E E Page 20 property d a m a g e , due to the fault or negligence of A T E N T O , in the performance of its obligations under the Agreement. ARTICLE 7 - FORCE MAJEURE 7.1 The Parties shall be excused from performing their respective responsibilities and obligations under this Contract and shall not be liable in d a m a g e s or otherwise, if and only to the extent that they are unable to perform, or are prevented from performing by a force majeure event. 7.2 For purposes of this Contract, force majeure m e a n s any cause without the fault or negligence, and beyond the reasonable control of, the party claiming the occurrence of a force majeure event. 7.3 Force majeure may include, but not be limited to, the following: Acts of G o d , industrial disturbances, acts of the public enemy, war, blockages, boycotts, riots, insurrections, epidemics, earthquakes, storms, floods, civil disturbances, lockouts, fires, explosions, interruptions of services d u e to the acts or failure to act of any governmental authority; provided that these events, or any other claimed as a force majeure event, and/or its effects, are beyond the reasonable control and without the fault or negligence of the party claiming the force majeure event, and that such party, within ten (10) days after the occurrence of the alleged force majeure, gives the other party written notice describing the particulars of the occurrence and its estimated duration. T h e burden of proof as to whether a force majeure event has occurred shall be on the party claiming the force majeure. Atento Puerto R i c o / A E E Page 21 7.4 Notice of Failure - A T E N T O agrees to consult with and advise P R E P A of any anticipated delay or failure, as soon as it becomes aware of such anticipated delay or failure or the possibility thereof, whether for force majeure or not, and, w h e r e applicable, the re-establishment of applicable timetables. A R T I C L E 8. - I N S U R A N C E - T o be evaluated by R i s k M a n a g e m e n t Office A T E N T O shall secure and maintain in full force and effect, during the term of this Agreement as provided herein policies of insurance covering all operations engaged in under this Agreement as follows: (1) A T E N T O shall provide W o r k m e n ' s Compensation Insurance as required by the Workmen's ATENTO shall Compensation also be Act responsible of the for Commonwealth compliance with of Puerto said Rico. Workmen's Compensation Act by all its subcontractors, agents and invitees, if any, or shall certify that such subcontractors, agents and invitees have obtained said policies on their own behalf. ATENTO shall furnish to PREPA a certificate from the Puerto Rico's State Insurance Fund showing that all personnel employed in the work are covered by the W o r k m e n ' s Compensation Insurance, in accordance with this Agreement. (2) A T E N T O shall provide a Commercial General Liability Insurance with limits of $1,000,000 per occurrence and $1,000,000 aggregate. T h e Commercial General Liability Insurance required under this Agreement, shall be endorsed to include: (a) As additional Insured: Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority, PO Box 364267, San Juan, Puerto Rico 00936-4267; (b) A thirty (30) day Atento Puerto Rico / A E E Page 22 cancellation or nonrenewable notice to be sent to the above address by the Contractor. All required policies of insurance shall be in a form acceptable to PREPA and shall be issued only by insurance companies authorized to do business in Puerto Rico. A T E N T O shall furnish a certificate of insurance in original signed by an authorized representative of the insurer in Puerto Rico, describing the acquired coverage. ARTICLE 9 - CONTACT & NOTICES 9.1 C o n t a c t s - Each party agrees that it will designate a Contact w h o will be primarily responsible for coordinating that party's performance A g r e e m e n t and managing the relationship with the other party. under Each will have the right to specify a Backup Contact and change its Contact and Contact by notice to the other. this Each may specify Contacts for Backup particular purposes, but that will not relieve that party from its obligations under the first sentence hereof. 9.2 Notice - Except w h e r e specified elsewhere in this Agreement, any and all notices, d o c u m e n t s , records, correspondence, approvals or d e m a n d s required or permitted to be given by the parties hereto will be sufficient notice if made in writing and sent by mail, postage prepaid, overnight courier, delivered by hand, or via e-mail. W h e r e sent by mail, such notices will also be sent by facsimile. Notices to P R E P A will be addressed to: Atento Puerto R i c o / A E E Page 23 Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority Attn: Dwight Rodriguez Customer Service Division Head P O Box 364267 San Juan, Puerto Rico 00936 E-mail: and to A T E N T O addressed to: Atento Puerto Rico Inc. Attn: Rosa H. Maldonado P O Box 908 Caguas, Puerto Rico 00726-0908 E-mail: rmaldonado(a) or to such other addresses in the United States, as either party hereto may specify for itself by notice in writting to the other as provided herein. Notices will be d e e m e d served as of actual receipt. A R T I C L E 10 - C H O I C E O F L A W AND F O R U M S E L E C T I O N 10.1 T h e parties hereto acknowledge and agree that this A g r e e m e n t will be governed under the laws, of the C o m m o n w e a l t h of Puerto Rico. 10.2 Also, the Parties expressly agree that only the Courts of the C o m m o n w e a l t h of Puerto Rico will be the courts of competent and exclusive jurisdiction to decide over the judicial controversies that the appearing Parties may have a m o n g them regarding the T e r m s and Conditions of this Agreement. 10.3 During T e r m of this A g r e e m e n t , any change in law, including, but not limited to, changes in applicable tax law, which causes an increase in A T E N T O ' s costs w h e n providing the Services to be acquired by PREPA, shall be A T E N T O ' s responsibility, and P R E P A shall not be obliged to increase the Contract Price. Atento Puerto Rico / A E E Page 24 A R T I C L E 11 - M I S C E L L A N E O U S 11.1 Advertising - Neither party hereto will use the name, trademarks, or service marks of the other for any purpose without the prior written consent of the other. 11.2 Assignment - ATENTO obligations under this shall Contract, not assign except nor in the subcontract event its PREPA rights give and written authorization for such actions. Provided, that no subcontract shall be considered for P R E P A ' s approval, except w h e n the following requirements are met: (1) A T E N T O delivers to P R E P A a copy of the subcontract, not less than thirty (30) days prior to the effective date of the proposed subcontract; (2) the subcontract includes, as a condition for its legal validity and enforceability, a provision whereby P R E P A has the right to substitute, subrogate or assume A T E N T O ' s rights under the subcontract, in the event that P R E P A declares A T E N T O in breach or default of any of the Contract terms and conditions; and (3) the subcontract includes, as a condition for its validity and enforceability, a provision establishing for the subcontractor the obligation to comply with all A T E N T O ' s obligations under the Contract (mirror image clause), except for such obligations, terms and conditions which exclusively related with works or services not included under the subcontract. A request to subcontract shall specify the issues or matters that will be referred to the subcontractor. T h e s e services shall be paid as part of the m a x i m u m total amount to be paid under this Contract, as stated in Article 3 . 1 . Atento Puerto Rico / A E E Page 25 11.3 H e a d i n g s - T h e captions and headings constructed in this A g r e e m e n t have been inserted solely for convenience and are not to be considered in matters of its interpretation. 11.4 Severability - The invalidity or unenforceability of any provisions of this Agreement shall not affect the validity or enforceability of any other provision of this Agreement, which shall remain in full force and effect. 11.5 Waiver - No waiver of any breach of any portion of this Agreement will constitute a waiver of any subsequent breach of the same or any other provisions hereof, and no waiver will be effective unless made in writing. 11.6 Conflicts with Other D o c u m e n t s - In the event of any conflict between any terms and/or conditions contained on any forms or documents exchanged by the parties of this Agreement, the terms and conditions of this Agreement will govern. 11.7 A m e n d m e n t s - This Agreement or the Services rendered under it will be modified, altered or a m e n d e d , only by mutual agreement evidenced by an instrument in writing executed by both parties and their respective successors in interest. 11.8 Survival - T h e representations, warranties, indemnities, limitation of liability, and confidentiality provisions contained herein will survive the termination or expiration of the Agreement. 11.9 S w o r n Statement - Prior to the execution of this Agreement, A T E N T O shall submit a sworn statement to certify and guarantee that at the signing of this Agreement, neither A T E N T O , nor its officers, directors, m e m b e r of its board of directors or board of officials, or any person which perform similar functions for Atento Puerto Rico / A E E Page 26 the juridical person, nor any of its stockholders, partners, subsidiaries or alter egos have been convicted, and that it has no knowledge that any of t h e m is or are the subject of any investigation in either a civil or a criminal procedure in a state or federal court, for charges related to the public treasury, the public trust, a public function, or a fault that involves public funds or property, as stated in Law 458-2000, as a m e n d e d . It is expressly a c k n o w l e d g e d that this certification is an essential condition of this Agreement. If the certification is not correct in its entirety or in any of its parts, it shall constitute sufficient cause for P R E P A to terminate this A g r e e m e n t immediately, without prior notice, and A T E N T O will have to reimburse P R E P A any amount of m o n e y received under this Agreement, as required by Article 3 of Law 458-2000 as a m e n d e d . If the status of A T E N T O with regards to the charges previously mentioned should change at any time during the term of the Agreement, A T E N T O shall notify P R E P A promptly. The failure to comply with this responsibility constitutes a violation of this section, and shall result in t h e remedies mentioned previously. 11.10 C o d e of Ethics - ATENTO certifies that it shall comply with the provisions of A c t 8 4 - 2 0 0 2 , as a m e n d e d , which establishes the Code of Ethics for Contractors, Suppliers and Applicants for E c o n o m i c Incentives of the Executive Agencies of the G o v e r n m e n t of the C o m m o n w e a l t h of Puerto Rico. 11.11 E m p l o y e e s not to Benefit - The parties hereby declare that, to the best of their knowledge, no public officer or employee of the C o m m o n w e a l t h of Puerto Rico, its agencies, instrumentalities, public corporations or municipalities or employee Atento Puerto Rico / A E E Page 27 of the Legislative or Judicial branches of the G o v e r n m e n t has any direct or indirect interest in the present Agreement. A T E N T O certifies that neither he nor any of its partners, directors, executives, officers, and employees receive salary or any kind of compensation for the delivery of regular services by appointment in any agency, instrumentality, public corporation, or municipality of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. 11.12 Filing at the C o m p t r o l l e r ' s Office - T h e d e m a n d of the obligations of either Party under this A g r e e m e n t will be subject to the filing of the A g r e e m e n t at the Office of the Comptroller of the C o m m o n w e a l t h of Puerto Rico, in compliance with the Act No. 18 of October 30, 1975, as a m e n d e d . P R E P A shall notify A T E N T O as soon as such filings and certifications are m a d e . 11.13 Novation - T h e Parties expressly agree that no a m e n d m e n t or change order, which could be m a d e to the A g r e e m e n t during its term, shall be understood as a contractual novation, unless both Parties agree to the contrary, specifically and in writing. T h e previous provision shall be equally applicable in such other cases where P R E P A gives A T E N T O a time extension for the compliance of any of its obligations under this A g r e e m e n t , or w h e r e P R E P A dispenses the claim or d e m a n d of any of its credits or rights under the A g r e e m e n t . A R T I C L E 12 - C E R T I F I C A T I O N S 12.1 Prior to the execution of this A g r e e m e n t or no later than fifteen (15) days after its execution, A T E N T O shall submit the following G o v e r n m e n t issued certificates, as applicable: Atento Puerto Rico / A E E Page 28 a. Certification issued by the Treasury Department of Puerto Rico which indicates that the ATENTO does not owe taxes to the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico; or is paying such taxes by an installment plan in full compliance with its terms. b. A n Income Tax Return Filing Certificate, issued by the Treasury Department of Puerto Rico assuring that A T E N T O has filed his Income T a x Return for the last five (5) tax years. c. Certification issued by the Treasury Department of Puerto Rico which indicates that the A T E N T O does not o w e Puerto Rico Sales and Use T a x e s to the C o m m o n w e a l t h of Puerto Rico; or is paying such taxes by an installment plan and is in full compliance with its terms. d. A Puerto Rico Sales a n d Use Tax Filing Certificate, issued by the Department of Puerto Rico assuring that A T E N T O Treasury has filed his Puerto Rico Sales and Use Tax for the last sixty (60) contributory periods. e. Certification issued by the Municipal Revenues Collection Center (MRCC), assuring that A T E N T O does not o w e any tax accruing during the last five (5) years to such governmental agency. T o request such Certification, the Contractor will use the form issued by the M R C C . f. A Personal Property T a x Filing Certification, issued by the M R C C which indicates that A T E N T O has filed their Personal Property Tax Return for the last five (5) contributory terms. g. Certification, issued by the Child Support Administration, assuring that the A T E N T O Atento Puerto Rico / A E E Page 29 is in compliance with the withholdings required by law as an employer. h. Certificate, issued by the Department Puerto Rico, assuring that A T E N T O of Labor and Human Resources of has paid to the Department of Labor and H u m a n Resources of Puerto Rico its employees' contributions accruing during the last five (5) years, in accordance with the Puerto Rico E m p l o y m e n t Security Act (unemployment, temporary disability or sickness or social security for drivers/chauffeurs); or is paying such contributions by an installment plan in full compliance with its terms. T o request such Certification, A T E N T O will use the form issued by the Department of Labor and H u m a n Resources of Puerto Rico. i. Good Standing Certificate and Certificate of Authorization to do business in Puerto Rico, both issued by the Department of State of Puerto Rico. j. Copy of the Merchant's Registration Certificate. k. If the Merchant's Registration Certificate shows that A T E N T O is a retaining agent of the Sales and Use Tax (IVU), A T E N T O shall present a Certification issued by the Treasury Department of Puerto Rico stating that A T E N T O is in compliance of the Monthly Return filing. 12.2 It is expressly acknowledged that the certifications provided by A T E N T O , pursuant to this clause, are essential conditions of this A g r e e m e n t , and if these certifications are incorrect, P R E P A shall have sufficient cause to terminate this A g r e e m e n t immediately. If any of the previously required Certifications shows a debt, and A T E N T O has requested a review or adjustment of this debt, A T E N T O will certify that it has m a d e such request at the time of signing the A g r e e m e n t . If Atento Puerto Rico / A E E Page 30 the requested review or adjustment is denied and such determination is final, A T E N T O will provide, immediately, proof of payment of this debt to PREPA; otherwise, A T E N T O accepts that the owed a m o u n t will be offset by P R E P A and retained at the origin, deducted from the corresponding payments. Specifically, A T E N T O recognizes that submittal of the aforementioned certifications and documents is an essential condition of this Agreement; and even in the case that they are partially incorrect, there will be sufficient cause for P R E P A , at its option, to terminate, cancel or rescind the A g r e e m e n t and to require A T E N T O to refund all payments received. A R T I C L E 13 - T R A N S F E R O F F U N D S 13.1 If A T E N T O decides to assign or transfer an amount, due or payable, to which he is entitled for services rendered or goods provided during the term of this Contract, A T E N T O shall notify P R E P A of such transfer of f u n d s , in accordance to the provisions of A c t 21-2012. Said notice shall clearly indicate the rights granted, including a copy of the contract under which the assignment or transfer of funds is m a d e , the exact a m o u n t of funds to be assigned or transferred, and specific identification information regarding the assignee (full name of the person or company), address and any other contact information. 13.2 Contractor acknowledges and agrees that P R E P A may d e d u c t any amount, due or payable under this Contract, that A T E N T O owes; P R E P A m a y retain any said amount if A T E N T O fails to fulfill its obligations and responsibilities under this Contract, or a claim arises for warranty or defects regarding the services Atento Puerto R i c o / A E E Page 31 rendered or goods provided under this Contract. A T E N T O also acknowledges and agrees that PREPA's payment obligation under any assignment of funds will cease upon payment of the outstanding amounts under this Contract. P R E P A shall not be required to make payments or transfer any funds for an a m o u n t that exceeds the payment to which A T E N T O is entitled to under this Contract. 13.3 A T E N T O shall include with its notice of assignment of funds a cashier's check or m o n e y order for two hundred dollars ($200), payable to "Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority", to cover administrative costs in processing such assignment. ARTICLE 14. - ENTIRE CONTRACT 14.1 T h e terms and conditions contained herein constitute the entire A g r e e m e n t between P R E P A and A T E N T O with respect to the subject matter of the A g r e e m e n t , and supersede all communications, negotiations, and agreements of the Parties, whether written or oral, other than these, m a d e prior to the signing of this A g r e e m e n t . IN W I T N E S S T H E R E O F , the Parties hereto sign this A g r e e m e n t in S a n J u a n , Puerto Rico this 12 date of July of 2016. Atenfo Puerto R i c o , Inc. PREPA Pi By: I R o s a N ^ M a l d o n a d o Title: * B u s i n e s s Manager EIN: 6 6 - 0 5 7 0 3 9 9 JaytepA Q u i n t a n a M e n d e z Executive Director C£M; 6 6 - 0 4 3 3 7 4 7