January 2014 Newsletter


January 2014 Newsletter
A publication of First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) Richlands, NC
124 Trott Road, Richlands, NC 28574
Dr. Gary L. Edens, Sr. Minister
Volume 33
Rev. Kim Holley, Youth Minister
Office Phone: (910) 324-4690
Candy Harris, Secretary
January, 2014
Number 1
A Few Words From Gary:
Dear Friends,
Have I told you lately that you are the greatest congregation in the whole country? Well, you are!!! You are
very spiritual and dedicated to the cause of Christ. You are intelligent, rational and fair. You are Christ-like in
putting others first and loving all people. You have a history of obedience to the Holy Scriptures. You have a
spirit of generosity. You are just a wonderful family of believers in Jesus Christ. The forefathers of this
church set these standards back in 1882. You have kept them and been faithful.
Let us not forget that we are always in a spiritual battle (Ephesians 6:10-12). Satan whom the Bible says is
the great liar and the great deceiver has and will come at us in many ways. We must be on guard and put on the
whole armor of God. To maintain the high standards of Jesus we must always keep our focus on Him and not
look back (Luke 9:62). We must keep the “main thing the main thing”. That is growing the Kingdom of God!
To that end let me remind you of who we are:
*We are a Bible believing church. The Bible is the sole authority of God’s word.
*We are dedicated to preaching Christ and him alone. He is our Lord and Savior.
*Our worship style is guided by the Holy Spirit and that will never change.
*We strive to take what we hear in the Holy Place and live it in the Market Place (the world). The Bible
calls it being a witness for Christ.
*Mission/Outreach is a priority of our congregation. It starts in Richlands and extends across the country
and around the world. We touch many lives through the Samaritan Purse ministry, the Boy Scouts, the
Richlands Community Outreach Center, and Mission Trips to restore homes and churches in times of
natural disaster.
*We make our own decisions in Christ. We are self governing. Through prayer we choose who we will
partner with in ministry.
We are First Christian Church Richlands, NC! By the way have I told you lately that you are the greatest
congregation in the whole country! May the Lord continue to bless us in His service in 2014!
God loves you and me, PTL! Gary
A Very Special Thank You, to all who gave
us cards, gifts, and prayers, during the
Christmas Season.
Gary & Jacky Edens
A Few Blessings of FCC Richlands in 2013
*15 people joined the congregation. Eight were baptized.
*The Chili Cook Off and Car Show was a tremendous witness to hundreds in
the community.
*16 people went on the Mission Trip to Atlantic City, NC. We helped to
restore 4 different homes.
*Some of our people “manned” a rest stop on I-85 to hand out free coffee and
information about “Human Trafficking”.
*The number of Samaritan Purse Shoe boxes sent out was our largest ever (170).
*Through some very special gifts we were able to recover the pews, buy a
new computer for the office and a new sound board for the sound room.
*Sarah Lunceford went on a Mission Trip to Brazil. She is now enrolled in
Atlantic Christian College studying to be a missionary.
*Susan Stroud took 100 “pillowcase dresses”, made by our women, to
*Some of the men in the church put a new roof on a home on Hwy 258 that
had been damaged in Hurricane Irene.
*Our youth did an outstanding job leading our Christmas Eve Candlelight
Communion service. It was attended by 167 worshippers. Our largest at a
Christmas Eve worship.
We give glory and praise to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. He just keeps blessing us!
The CWF Executive Committee met on December 17, 2013 in the
Fellowship Hall with all 8 members in attendance. Prayer concerns
were lifted up and Kay gave the devotion. Duties for January 2014
Helen Barbee – Décor – flowers for the sanctuary if needed.
Sara Farrior – Worship & Wonder – provide a monetary
donation for snacks for W&W
Lyde Mohn – Feed – church members who are unable to
prepare meals for themselves due to illness or injury.
We then reviewed the successes of 2013.
We started the year off by donating $200 to church outreach for roof
repair for a Richlands couple who otherwise would not have been
able to have their roof fixed. We also gave out a Care Bear and
Heart Pillow made by ladies of the church to a church member and
family member.
In February, all women of the church were invited to join us on the
24th for an afternoon of fellowship while enjoying a DVD by Chonda
Pearce, a Christian Comedian who had entered at Women of Faith.
Of course, refreshments were served and fun was had by all who
On March 10th, we offered a ham dinner to raise funds for our many
service projects. On March 15th & 16th, six women from the
Executive Committee went to the Disciples Women’s Ministries
(DMF/CWF) Tri-State Retreat at Christmount where one of the
presentations was on Human Trafficking. Plans began to set up two
free coffee stations on I-85 and I-95 on Memorial Day Monday.
Who could forget the marvelous Sock Hop that we hosted on April
19th? Jeremy Holley was our DJ extraordinaire and Bob Woodard
brought over his classic blue convertible that was used for a picture
booth. Those who attended had great fun and made many memories
with their brothers and sisters in Christ.
On May 5th, we presented the Women’s Day Church Services at
which April Jones gave a wonderful sermon and women of the
church conducted all facets of each service. On Monday, May 27 th,
five church members traveled to Greensboro to hand out Emergency
Numbers, information on Human Trafficking and free coffee to
travelers at the I-85 Southbound rest stop.
On Monday June 3rd all women of the church were invited to
fellowship at Golden Corral at 6:30 PM. We had a great turn-out to
this joint CWF meeting where we had good food and fellowship. We
the recognized graduating seniors on June 9th at the 11 AM service
and all fathers on Father’s Day, June 16th.
On Saturday July 13th we held our annual Women’s Tea with guest
speaker Theresa Hinnant from Merry Hearts Ministry. Theresa’s
presentation was a blessing to all who attended. The food was
delicious and a good time was had by all. Later on that Saturday,
four members of the Sarah Farrior Circle went to the Onslow
Community Ministries Homeless Shelter where they served a meal
prepared by circle members for individuals who both stayed at the
shelter and those who were simply in need of a meal. (The soup
kitchen only operates Monday – Friday). Our women who
participated were as blessed as those to whom they ministered.
On August 9th, three members of the Executive Committee, Mary
Ann Meets, Brenda Pike and Bev Black, attended the CWF/DMW
Retreat at Christmount where our own Kim Holley was the main
speaker on Friday night. Kim did an excellent job talking about
Faith. On Saturday, August 24th, A Day Apart was held at Camp
Caroline for all women of the church. Kristy Cottle Kay Payne,
Brenda Pike, Shirley Woodard and Mary Ann Metts all attended and
had a wonderful time with their Sisters-in Christ from across the
CWF sponsored a Chicken Dinner on 9/15/13. A Cake Auction to
benefit Samaritan’s Shoebox Ministry followed the dinner at which
we earned $641. Brenda Huffman, who spearheads the project each
year, had already begun collecting items to be packed up in shoe
boxes to send to underprivileged children around the world who
benefit from this Franklin Graham ministry.
In October, CWF women helped to serve supper at the church’s
annual Golf Tournament and also verified the Hole-In-One, Longest
Drive and other special holes that carried a cash prize if the goal was
reached. We also held a Fall Craft Bazaar in the CLC & Fellowship
Hall on 10/19/13. On the 20th, we presented gifts to our ministers,
Gary, Kim and Kay as well as to Jackie Edens. The women of the
church appreciate each one of them for their contributions to the life
of the church all year round.
On Friday November 8th, at the older youth lock-in, those who spent
the night helped to pack the Samaritan’s Purse shoe boxes with the
items donated by church members and friends. On Saturday,
11/9/13, Brenda and others came together to finish packing up the
shoe boxes with all of the goodies that had been collected since
September. Then, on 11/23/13, Brenda and crew brought 150 shoe
boxes to the Baptist Men’s Center to add them to the boxes prepared
by other churches and community members. They were then sent on
their way to Charlotte and then to countries around the world. How
exciting that we were able to donate more boxes this year than last
To round out the year, the CWF/CMF Christmas Party was held on
12/2/13 at 7 PM in the Fellowship Hall. All men and women of the
church were invited and encouraged to attend this evening of food
and fellowship. The meal catered by Jamie and Elvin Bright was
delicious. To round out the year, we prepared and gave out fruit
baskets to church members to spread some Christmas Cheer.
In 2013, the CWF raised $7064.32 between our regular fundraisers
and donations from the individual Circles. We spent $7097.42
including $2552.67 in love offerings to church and community
members, the purchase of 8 tables and 24 chairs so that tables and
chairs no longer have to be transported back and forth from CLC to
Fellowship Hall, $300 to provide Christmas to a community family,
support of the American Red Cross and Relay for Life and
graduation gifts and helping an individual to purchase needed
In 2014, we hope to be just as productive and giving as in 2013.
Women of the church, please consider joining us in our efforts to
spread love, joy and hope in Onslow County in the coming year.
One group meets on the first Monday of each month at 7 PM (same
time as CMF), one meets on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 7 PM
and the third group meets quarterly at this time. Choose the date and
time that suits your schedule and come give us a try. You won’t be
sorry you did! You are sure to receive a blessing by helping with
some of our many projects and ministries that we conduct and
support throughout the year.
A Happy and Prosperous New Year is wished to all from the CWF
Executive Committee: Mary Ann Metts, President; Shirley
Woodard, Vice Chairman; Brenda Huffman, Treasurer; Bev Black,
Secretary; Kay Payne, Worship; and Circle Chairs Brenda Pike,
Kristy Cottle and Donna Muller.
Respectfully submitted by
Beverly Black, Secretary
Paul Acker
Ryan Baker
*E.W. Barbee
Kenneth Barbee
*Sandy Barbee
Roger Baysden
LaTonya Berry
*Bev and Ben Black
Brad Blanchard
Tyler Boles & Family
Chanda Britt
Gwen Bynum
*Wendy Carter
Lee Clark
Stephanie (Friend of Lee’s)
Peggy Clark
Joshua Cordts
*Ruth Divens
*Leo & Barbara Dumphy
Gary Edwards
Rita Faircloth
*Billy & Reba Farrior
*Alton & Mary Futral
Dwight Futrell
Audren & Keith Garman
Wendy Griffin
Sylvia Hall
Howard Ham
Ron & Jenny Henson
Sami Hill
Jenny Hood
Mark Houston
Ross Houston
Charles & Sue Huffman
Gregory Huffman (Nephew of
Barbara Dumphy)
Tim Huffman
Thurman Huffman
Alice and Barbara Humphrey
Jim Idol/great granddaughter Olivia
Betty Jones
Sylvia Jones (Billy J. mother)
Kathleen Jordan
*Carl & Faye Marsh
Mary Elizabeth Wilcox Martin
*Linda Maxwell
*Carl & Norma Metts
*Krystal Metts (job concerns)
Nancy Metts
*Vivian Metts
Doreen Meyers
Family of Betty Miller
Wendy Milligan
Beverly Mobley (Libby M. request)
Earl & Hazel Mobley
*Lee & Libby Mobley
Rodney Mobley
Lauren Morris
Amanda & Josh Morton
Grace Morton
Martin Page
Billy Philyaw
*Herb & Blenda Picklesimer
Lee & Brenda Pike
*Wilber & Mary Frances Rhodes
Joanna Rodriques
Paul Rogers
*Ruth Schwartz
Diane Silance
Ruth Weaver Jones Sirmon
Eadie Smither
Ann Spencer
Bessie Stencil
Ed Strange
Carol Taylor (Mary Ann M.
Michael Taylor
*Violet Taylor
John Toler
Fleeter Venable
*Margaret Vroman
Ann Waters
Tonya Weeks
*Linda Whaley
William A. Whaley
Dorothy Wheeler
William White
Jackie Wilkins
Rita Williams
David Whiteside
*Bob & Shirley Woodard
Norman Wright
All Shut Ins
Nursing / Rest Home Residents
Our Church
Unspoken Concerns
All Deployed Military
* Indicates FCC Members
“Lord, may we take
what we hear in the
Holy Place and live it
in the
Market Place”
In Christian Sympathy to the families of:
Lorraine Newbold ,Lavern Altenburg ,Betty Humphry Miller;
Collin Fitzpatrick, Shirley Green, Gene Sanders, Jerry Trott
Congregational Vote on Dec 29, 2013
A total of 79 votes were recorded.
Nominating Report
Budget Report
Confidence Vote for Sr. Min
Men’s Birthday
Saturday January 18,
7:30 am Arnold’s
During the month of December the CMF provided Christmas
gifts to ten senior men within the community, as well as, gave
a love offering to a special needs family. Also, the group
provided an educational scholarship to another graduating
The men’s group within the church ended 2013 with several
student, who will be starting college classes in January.
activities! The first event took place on Monday, December 2
when the CMF joined the CWF in sponsoring the annual
Men of God, start the New Year out with CMF on your
Christmas party. Over seventy individuals enjoyed the
agenda!! Come join us for our next monthly meeting on
festivities, which included a delicious meal and some good
Monday, January 6th at 7 p.m. Dennis Jones will provide the
Christmas singing and fellowship led by Hank Barbee. A
program and Ben Black promises to have some delicious
second fellowship event occurred on Saturday, December
refreshments! Also plan to attend our first SOUP AND
21, when thirteen men gathered at Arnold’s Family Restaurant
SANDWICH LUNCH for 2014 on Sunday, January 26th
to recognize our December birthdays with Norwood Wilson,
following the 11 a.m. worship service. The cost for all you
who turned ninety-one on the 20th, and Duwayne Divens in
can eat will be $6.00 for adults and $3.00 for children under
attendance. Birthday wishes were also extended to Lee Pike
twelve. All proceeds support the various projects for the CMF
and Ronnie Baysden. Our January Birthday Breakfast will be
throughout the coming year.
Saturday, January 18th at 7:30 a.m.! All men are invited to
Dennis E. Jones
the event!!
CMF Reporter
Greeters - 8:30
Hal Metts
12th Jennifer Fletcher
19th Donna Muller
Brian Jones
Terry Jarman (LD), Tony Bostic
Valerie Padgett
Taylor Bostic, Sarah Lunceford
12th Dennis Jones
26th Terry Jarman
Greeters -11:00
Serving At The Lord’s Table
Ben Black
Rosolyn Jones, Casey Lunceford
19th Mark Lunceford
Karen Metts (LD), Kathyrn Rogers
Cindy Lunceford
Tony & Taylor Bostic
26th Billy Jones
12th Brett & Sue Miller
Roy Metts (LD), Steve Rogers
Duane Taylor, Sammy Johnson
Kristy Cottle (LD), Brandon Rogers
Greg Jepson, Kim Metts
19th Roy & Krystal Metts
26th John & Jane Anderson
Heritage Elders
Jodi Paul
Lilly Morales
Bailey Brown
Riley Davis
Nursery - 11:00 am
Mara, Tim & Josh Adkins
Dennis Jones
Piano Early Service
Kay Payne
12th Mark Lunceford
12th Kim McGowan
19th Valerie Padgett
19th Kim McGowan
26th Kim McGowan
11:00 am Communion
Set Up
8:30 am Communion
Set Up & Pick Up
Brenda Huffman
Peggy & Elwood Jarman
11:00 am Communion Pick Up
12th Terry Jarman/Casey Lunceford
19th Brian & April Jones
12th Ben & Beverly Black
26th Shirley Woodard /Krystal Metts
19th Kristy Cottle
Terry Jarman
26th Susan & Joe Stroud
*Please Note*
If you are unable to serve on
your scheduled date, please
make arrangements to
switch with someone.
Thank you.
Sound and Multi-Media Schedule
8:30 a.m. Worship Service
11:00 a.m. Worship Service
Tom Barbee
Ben Black
Jacky Edens
Jeremy & Will Holley
Ken Brown/Cindy Lunceford
Ken Brown/Cindy Lunceford
Ken Brown/Cindy Lunceford
Ken Brown/Cindy Lunceford
January 2014 Youth News
*No Wednesday Night Youth in the month of January*
No Wednesday Night Suppers in January.
We are going to spend the month reorganizing and revamping the Youth Ministry.
Please be in prayer for us during this time. Also, please prayerfully consider joining us
as teachers, leaders, or cooks for the upcoming year. If you have any questions or are
feeling led to help with the Youth Ministry, PLEASE contact Kim Holley,
910-340-4222, or khforjc@hotmail.com
Bible Studies
If you have any Calendar info or other events that you would
like in the Newsletter, please email to:
Newsletter Articles are due the 20th of each month. Please
be sure to have your information in the office by this date.
Choir Notes
No Bell rehearsal until February
First Christian Church
(Disciples of Christ)
124 Trott Rd
Richlands, NC 28574
Wednesday Night Bible Study resumes
January 15, 6:30 pm
NEW Morning Bible Study starts February 5th
Wednesday Mornings 10:00 am
Beginning with the Gospel of Luke