30067_001_021 - Chiltern District Council
30067_001_021 - Chiltern District Council
HS2 PROPOSED DESIGN (SHOWING 3 VERTICAL ALIGNMENTS) H1:50 000 V 1:500 Gerrards Cross Gravel Shardeloes Lake Beaconsfield Gravel River Misbourne LMBE f? SNCK f? SNCK f? f? f? f? LECH/LESE f? f? f? CKR CKR f? SNCK LMBE Upper Misbourne Valley Floor River Misbourne Clay-with-Flints LMBE Possible Zone of Slope Instability Clay-with-Flints GREEN TUNNEL NPCH/HNCK f? WZCK LECH/LESE GREEN TUNNEL WZCK GLT/GUGS NPCH/HNCK f? f? GLT/GUGS WZCK MR GLT/GUGS f? f? f? f? f? f? f? f? f? f? f? POST POSA ALV HEAD ALV HEAD HEAD HEAD CWF HEAD HEAD HEAD HEAD BDGR HEAD CKR LMBE LMBE LC WIHG HEAD HEAD HEAD GCGR BDGR LC WIHG HEAD HEAD ALV HEAD CKR ALV PB RTD1 KC RTD1 CWF PB RTD1 PB HEAD LASI WIHG PL HEAD ALV ALV NPCH CWF SNCK GCGR LECH BDGR SHGR LESE CWF EXISTING GROUND PROFILE CWF CKR HNCKCKR LMBE HEAD SHGR SHGR SHGR PROPOSED VERTICAL PROFILE HEAD1 PROPOSED PORTAL LOCATION CKR GROUNDWATER PROFILE INTERPRETED FROM BGS 1984 1:100,000 HYDROGEOLOGICAL MAP OF THE AREA BETWEEN CAMBRIDGE AND MAIDENHEAD) HEAD NPCH HEAD SHGR CKR CWF CWF HNCK HNCK LMBE PLAN/SECTION KEY WZCK HNCK GCGR HEAD MR CWF TPGR GCGR GUGS CKR CWF HEAD BDGR GCGR SHGR ALV SHGR SHGR ALV ALV ALV SHGR SHGR SHGR SHGR HNCK HEAD CKR SNCK SNCK POSA HEAD1 WGGR LMBE LEC CKR HEAD GCGR WHS HEAD H LMBE LMBE TPGR HNCK PB POST HEAD GLT LESE HEAD LGS LGS ALV CWF HEAD ALV LGS HEAD RTD1 RTD1 LECH HEAD PB WHS LESE HEAD SNCK CWF WHS GLT HEAD CWF CWF KC POSA HEAD HEAD CWF KC HEAD SNCK SHGR HEAD SHGR LECH BDGR RED ROUTE TUNNEL FOR HS2 LMBE ALTERNATIVE TUNNEL OPTION GEOLOGICAL SEQUENCE- SOLID GEOLOGY GEOLOGICAL SEQUENCE- SUPERFICIAL GEOLOGY GEOHAZARD CONSIDERATIONS f? PALAEOGENE LMBE ALV CRETACEOUS SNCK LECH LESE CKR SEAFORD CHALK FORMATION LEWES NODULAR CHALK FORMATION Including CHALK ROCK MEMBER NPCH NEW PIT CHALK FORMATION HNCK HOLYWELL NODULAR CHALK FORMATION MR WZCK Including MELBOURN ROCK MEMBER ZIG ZAG CHALK FORMATION WEST MELBURY MARLY CHALK FORMATION Possible Fault Location MADE GROUND LAMBETH GROUP HEAD HEAD1 Mark Revision CWF CLAY-WITH-FLINTS WHG WINTER HILL GRAVEL GCGR GERRARDS CROSS GRAVEL Theoretical base level of chalk dissolution assuming a penetration depth of 50m below the Palaeogene/Chalk interface. BDGR BEACONSFIELD GRAVEL WGGR WESTLAND GREEN GRAVEL Mining Cavities GUGS GLT user name: david cotton UPPER GREENSAND FORMATION GAULT FORMATION HS2 CHILTERN TUNNEL ALTERNATIVES FEASIBILITY STUDY SCHEMATIC GEOLOGICAL CROSS SECTION AND PLAN FOR HS2 PROPOSED OPTIONS Theoretical base level of disturbance to the chalk resulting from periglacial weathering and dissolution along the fault planes and valley floors resulting in increased transmissivity in the chalk below valley floors (assuming up to 50m below floor level is possible). Natural Cavities Chkd Drawing Issue Status Theoretical base level of chalk dissolution assuming a penetration depth of 50m below the Clay-with-Flints/Chalk interface. Pre-Diversionary Proto-Thames River Terrace Deposits Date SCALING NOTE: Do not scale from this drawing. If in doubt, ask. UTILITIES NOTE: The position of any existing public or private sewers, utility services, plant or apparatus shown on this drawing is believed to be correct, but no warranty to this is expressed or implied. Other such plant or apparatus may also be present but not shown. The Contractor is therefore advised to undertake his own investigation where the presence of any existing sewers, services, plant or apparatus may affect his operations. ALLUVIUM HEAD DEPOSITS Drawn Client CHILTERN DISTRICT COUNCIL Data locations derived from the PBA Natural Cavities and Mining Cavities Databases Date of 1st Issue 04.04.2014 A1 Scale Drawn by davco 1:50000 CNE Drawing Number GEOLOGY BASED ON BGS 1:10 000 DIGIMAP DATA AS SUPPLIED BY EMAPSITE (2014) Offices throughout the UK and Europe Checked by 30067/001/021 www.peterbrett.com Revision 0 © Peter Brett Associates LLP READING Tel: 0118 950 0761 File Location: j:\30067 hs2 through chilterns\drawings, pdfs, gis, photos and video\cad\dwgs\geology (dc).dwg