Frank van den Bosch
Frank van den Bosch
Cosmological Constraints from a Combined Analysis of Clustering & Galaxy-Galaxy Lensing in the SDSS Frank van den Bosch Yale University In collaboration with: Marcello Cacciato (Leiden), Surhud More (IPMU), Houjun Mo (UMass), Xiaohu Yang (SHAO) Halo Occupation Modelling: Motivation & Goal Our main goal is to study the Galaxy-Dark Matter connection; i.e., what galaxy lives in what halo? To constrain the physics of Galaxy Formation To constrain cosmological parameters Four Methods to Constrain Galaxy-Dark Matter Connection: Frank van den Bosch Large Scale Structure Satellite Kinematics Galaxy-Galaxy Lensing Abundance Matching Yale University The Conditional Luminosity Function The CLF Φ(L|M ) describes the average number of galaxies of luminosity L that reside in a halo of mass M. Φ(L) = �L�M = �N �M = � � � Φ(L|M ) n(M ) dM Φ(L|M ) L dL Φ(L|M ) dL Describes occupation statistics of dark matter haloes Links galaxy luminosity function to halo mass function Holds information on average relation between light and mass see Yang, Mo & vdBosch 2003 Frank van den Bosch Yale University The CLF Model We split the CLF in a central and a satellite term: Φ(L|M ) = Φc (L|M ) + Φs (L|M ) For centrals we adopt a log-normal distribution: � � �2 � 1 ln(L/Lc ) dL √ √ Φc (L|M )dL = exp − L 2πσc 2σc For satellites we adopt a modified Schechter function: φs Φs (L|M )dL = Ls � L Ls �αs � � 2 exp −(L/Ls ) dL Note: {Lc , Ls , σc , φs , αs } all depend on halo mass Free parameters are constrained by fitting data. Frank van den Bosch Yale University CLF Constraints from Group Catalogue Yang, Mo & vdB (2008) Frank van den Bosch Yale University Clustering of Galaxy Groups Clustering of groups directly probes clustering of Dark Matter Haloes. Hierarchical Prediction: More massive haloes are more strongly clustered Galaxy-Group Cross Correlation confirms prediction! Results independent of halo-mass indicator. Wang et al., 2008, ApJ, 687, 919 Frank van den Bosch Yale University Mass Dependence of Halo Bias WMAP3 cosmology WMAP1 cosmology Inferred Halo Bias in good agreement with predictions for concordance cosmology Wang et al., 2008, ApJ, 687, 919 Frank van den Bosch Yale University Luminosity & Correlation Functions DATA: more luminous galaxies are more strongly clustered LCDM: more massive halos are more strongly clustered CONCLUSION: more luminous galaxies reside in more massive halos Frank van den Bosch Yale University Cosmology Dependence Cacciato et al. (2009) Frank van den Bosch Yale University Galaxy-Galaxy Lensing The mass associated with galaxies lenses background galaxies background sources lensing due to foreground galaxy Lensing causes correlated ellipticities, the tangential shear, γt, which is related to the excess surface density, ∆Σ , according to γt (R)Σcrit = ∆Σ(R) = Σ̄(< R) − Σ(R) ∆Σ is line-of-sight projection of galaxy-matter cross correlation � Ds Σ(R) = ρ̄ [1 + ξg,dm (r)] dχ 0 Frank van den Bosch Yale University Galaxy-Galaxy Lensing: The Data Number of background sources per lens is limited Measuring shear with sufficient S/N requires stacking of many lenses ∆Σ(R|L1 , L2 ) has been measured using the SDSS by Mandelbaum et al. (2006), using different bins in lens-luminosity Mandelbaum et al. (2006) Frank van den Bosch Yale University How to interpret the signal? Stacking Because of stacking the lensing signal is difficult to interpret In order to model the data, what is required is: Pcen (M |L) Psat (M |L) fsat (L) These can all be computed from the CLF... For a given Φ(L|M ) we can predict the lensing signal ∆Σ(R|L1 , L2 ) Frank van den Bosch Yale University Constraining Cosmology Our Version of the Halo Model P P 1h 2h 1 (k) = 2 ρ̄ � 1 (k) = 2 ρ̄ � R2 R1 R dM M 2 n(M ) |ũ(k|M )|2 dM1 M1 n(M1 ) ũ(k|M1 ) � halo exclusion � dM2 M2 n(M2 )ũ(k|M2 ) Q(k|M1 , M2 ) ∞ sin kr 2 Here Q(k|M1 , M2 ) = 4π [1 + ξhh (r|M1 , M2 )] r dr kr rmin with 1 + ξhh (r|M1 , M2 ) = [1 + bh (M1 )bh (M2 )ζ(r)ξmm (r)] Θ(r − rmin ) describes the fact that dark matter haloes are clustered, as described by the halo-halo correlation function, ξhh (r|M1 , M2 ) , and takes halo exclusion into account by having rmin = R1 + R2 Smith, Scoccimarro & Sheth (2007) Smith, Desjacques & Marian (2011) NOTE: ζ(r) = radial bias function (Tinker et al. 2005) ξmm (r) = non-linear matter auto-correlation function (Smith et al. 2003) Frank van den Bosch Yale University Towards a faster halo model... P 2h 1 (k) = 2 ρ̄ � dM1 M1 n(M1 ) ũ(k|M1 ) � dM2 M2 n(M2 )ũ(k|M2 ) Q(k|M1 , M2 ) No Halo Exclusion (speed-up: ~10x) � � �2 � 1 sin kr 2 2h P (k) = 4π dM M n(M ) bh (M ) ũ(k|M ) ζ(r) ξmm (r) r dr ρ̄ kr Use Linear Matter Power Spectrum � � �2 1 2h P (k) = dM M n(M ) bh (M ) ũ(k|M ) Plin (k) ρ̄ Frank van den Bosch Yale University ...but at the loss of accuracy Frank van den Bosch Yale University The Galaxy-Galaxy Correlation Function P P 1h 2h 1 (k) = 2 ρ̄ 1 (k) = 2 ρ̄ � � dM M 2 n(M ) |ũ(k|M )|2 dM1 M1 n(M1 ) ũ(k|M1 ) � dM2 M2 n(M2 )ũ(k|M2 ) Q(k|M1 , M2 ) The above equations describe the non-linear matter power-spectrum. It is straightforward to use same formalism to compute power spectrum of galaxies: Simply replace M �N �M → ρ̄m n̄g ũ(k|M ) → ũg (k|M ) where �N �M describes the average number of galaxies (with certain properties) in a halo of mass M . Thus, the halo model combined with a model for the halo occupation statistics, allows a computation of ξgg (r) Frank van den Bosch Yale University Comparison with Mock Catalogues Run numerical simulation of structure formation (DM only) Identify DM haloes, and populate them with galaxies using a model for the CLF. Compute galaxy-galaxy correlation functions for various luminosity bins. Use analytical model to compute the same, using the same model for the CLF. Our model is accurate to better than ~5% van den Bosch et al. (2013) Frank van den Bosch Yale University Residual Redshift Space Distortions To avoid redshift space distortions, one typically uses projected correlation function Because of limitations of data, one can only integrate out to finite radius, rmax wp = 2 �∞ ξgg (rp , rπ ) drπ = 2 rp 0 wp = 2 r�max 0 �∞ √ ξgg (rp , rπ ) drπ �= 2 r dr ξgg (r) � r2 − rp2 2 +r 2 rp max � rp ξgg (r) � r dr r2 − rp2 The resulting, residual z-space distortions easily exceed 20% at rp ~20 Mpc/h (Padmanabhan+07; Norberg+09; Baldauf+10) We correct for these residual redshift space distortions using modified Kaiser formalism. This is accurate to better than 2%. Frank van den Bosch Yale University Fiducial Model Total of 16 free parameters: - 9 parameters to describe CLF - 5 cosmological parameters; Ωm , Ωb , σ8 , ns , h - 2 nuisance parameters; ψ , η Total of 176 data points. WMAP7 priors on Ωb , ns , h Correction for residual redshift space distortions Dark matter haloes follow NFW profile Radial number density distribution of satellites follows that of dark matter particles. Halo mass function, halo bias function and radial bias function fromTinker et al. (2005, 2009, 2010). Frank van den Bosch Yale University Results: Clustering Data SDSS: Zehavi et al (2011) Cacciato et al. (2013) Frank van den Bosch Yale University Results: Lensing Data SDSS: Mandelbaum et al (2006) Cacciato et al. (2013) Frank van den Bosch Yale University Cosmological Constraints Cacciato et al. (2013) Frank van den Bosch Yale University and then there was Planck... Mandelbaum+13 (68% CL) Frank van den Bosch Yale University Cosmological Constraints from Peculiar Velocities Planck Hudson & Tumbull (2012) Frank van den Bosch Yale University Cosmological Constraints ? B M C k c n a l P . w g n o r w s i t a h w Hudson+Tumbull 2012 (68% CL) Frank van den Bosch Yale University Degeneracies usat(r|M) different from uDM(r|M) Residual Redshift Space Distortions non-Poissonian P(Nsat|M) no Sloan Great Wall Cacciato et al. (2013) Frank van den Bosch Yale University Conclusions Recent years have seen enormous progress in establishing the galaxy-dark matter connection, including its scatter! Different methods (group catalogues, satellite kinematics, galaxy-galaxy lensing, clustering & abundance matching) now all yield results in good mutual agreement. Combination of galaxy clustering and galaxy-galaxy lensing can constrain cosmological parameters. This method is complementary to and competitive with BAO, cosmic shear, SNIa & cluster abundances. Results in excellent agreement with CMB constraints from WMAP7 with similar analysis by Mandelbaum+12, and with recent peculiar velocity analysis by Hudson &Tumbull 2012... [but tension w. Planck CMB] Frank van den Bosch Yale University Halo Occupation Statistics Cacciato et al. (2013) Posterior on CLF perfectly consistent with results from Galaxy Group Catalogues by Yang, Mo & vdB (2008). Frank van den Bosch Yale University Covariance Matrix Covariance matrix has block diagonal form. cosmological parameters Little correlation between cosmological parameters, and other parameters. nuisance params Nuisance parameters are mainly correlated with the satellite CLF parameters central CLF parameters Our results are robust to our particular parameterization of the CLF. satellite CLF parameters More et al. (2013) Frank van den Bosch Yale University Cosmological Constraints Cacciato et al. (2013) Frank van den Bosch Yale University CLF parameters Frank van den Bosch Yale University Nuisance Parameters Cacciato et al. (2013) c(M, z) = (1 + η) c̄(M, z) Frank van den Bosch Non-linear (radial) halo bias Yale University Title Frank van den Bosch Yale University Galaxy Clustering: The Data different luminosity bins Wang et al. (2007) More luminous galaxies are more strongly clustered Frank van den Bosch Yale University Occupation Statistics from Clustering Galaxies occupy dark matter halos CDM: more massive halos are more strongly clustered Clustering strength of given population of galaxies indicates the characteristic halo mass Clustering strength measured by correlation length r0 CAUTION: results depend on cosmology Frank van den Bosch Yale University Results from MCMC Analysis Model fits data extremely well withχ2red � 1 Same model in excellent agreement with results from SDSS galaxy group catalogue Frank van den Bosch Cacciato, vdB et al. (2009) Yale University Galaxy-Galaxy Lensing: Results Cacciato et al. (2009) Combination NOTE: this ofisclustering not a fit, &but lensing a prediction can constrain based cosmology!!! on CLF Frank van den Bosch Yale University Fisher-Forecasting More et al. (2013) Frank van den Bosch Yale University Neutrino Mass Frank van den Bosch Yale University Dark Energy Frank van den Bosch Yale University Dark Energy Frank van den Bosch Yale University Comparison with other methods Frank van den Bosch Yale University
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