Former Goderich resident to appear on television
Former Goderich resident to appear on television
Meet The Farties, a children's book series about a family of behinds, is the result of a lot of hard work and even more fun by author Sandra Van Cromvoirt. She was joined in May by daughter Rhonda-Lee McDougall Zavitz and granddaughter Skye-Blue Spinks to film a pitch for the CBC reality series, Dragon's Den. The clip will air on tonight's episode at 8 p.m. Former Goderich resident to appear on television touting. book series to judges on Dragon's Den Meet The Farties, a children's series about a family of behinds, will be featured on CBCs re.ality series tonight Dominique Milburn Goderich Signal-Star our Farties Ladies rap song. [Our pro-' Dragon's Den airs Wednesday, ductionassistant] couldn't stop laugh- November 3 at 8 p.m. on CBC ing when we did it for her over the Television. phone. She said, 'do it again!'" Locally, you can meet The Farties Meet The Farties is a jovial storyline anytime by visiting Fincher's Book about a family of behinds who, despite Shop on The Square. The book has their best efforts, some~imes letloose. been a good seller here in Goderich, Van Cromvoirt spent eight years getting Van Cromvoirt added, and more copies to know Goderich clients at her down- have been ordered. town women's fitness franchise, Learn more about the series online Curves.. by book all about behinds taken her her where the series'called Meet The Farties, idea and has inviting memorable characters 'Mr. she released the firstlike book in ~ Thenationwide, author of a popular children's In 2009, former hometown to tune in to watch. Ba'rt Fart,' 'Princess Pop,' 'Not Me creator of The ~arties, and former stage in a'story about learning the rules: Goderich business owner will appear ofnatural bodily functions. Sandra Van Cromvoirt, and 'Freddie Fartie' take alongside herJeliow 'Fartiesauthor Ladies'and on Mama; "I wanted the characters to becentre hugthis week's episode of Dragon's Den on gable, lovable, cute and adorable;' she CBC.. said. The trio, made up of Van Cromvoirt, She says the book is popular among her daughter and grand daughter, also both adults and children, who find former Goderich residents, applied in nothing funnier than the book's tradeearly 2010 to the national television mark gadget, a sound effect keychain series where aspiring entrepreneurs that brings the storyline to life. pitch their business concepts and prod"There's nothing crude about the ucts to a panel of Canadian business 'book;' Van Cromvoirt said. "The only moguls who have the cash and the direct reference is in the name of Mr. know-how make it happen. Bart Fart, and all the kids love him On May 3, the ladies traveled to because he's the loudest noise on the Toronto where they taped their pitch to sound machine:' the Dragon's Den panel, and this "I keep it cute, and w.orkreally hard Wednesday, November 3, their experi- at keeping it acceptable. We're all havence willhit television airwaves. ing a ball, the kids love it, and the "!twas a verynerve-racking, wonder- adults are really getting a charge out of ful experience;' Van Cromvoirt said last it, too:' week, adding, "Once it was over,it was Sofar,the Meet TheFarites series has wonderful:' more than 60 characters, some will The ladies pitched The Farties book make their debut in future installments series to the panel in the hopes of gar- of the planned IS-book series. nering the backing bucks for an extenThough contractually, Van Cromsive marketing campaign to roll out voirt can't reveal any of the details of across' Canada. Their spiel, Van Crom- her experience on Dragon's Den, she voirt said, included a rap song the ladies said she's excited tosee th'eepisode hit perform to children during book shop the air.More than 4,000 aspiring entrevisits, and it was a hit with both the preneurs applied to the series this seaDragon's Den production team; as well son. Van Cromvoi.rt said it's a feat in as fellowshow candidates .. itselfthat her pitch was picked up to go :'W!1en we do events, we open with to air... oc.. G') I 'I cO~ 14 8g: = m 5!2. f cg~ ~ fit g ~ •••• ~ -- CD ~ C") :::r