United Farmers Agents Association
United Farmers Agents Association
The A publication of the United Farmers Agents Association Voice Fall ’14 “Agents Helping Agents®” At TWFG we provide you with the markets, systems, tools, back office support and training to grow an independent agency or branch operation. We have several options available with a competitive commission structure for all lines of business. TWFG provides access to capital and can assist with book purchases and transfers. 2XUOHDGHUVKLSDQGÀHOGVXSSRUWWHDPLVH[SHULHQFHGDQGZHOOWUDLQHG,I \RXDUHORRNLQJIRU DZD\WRWUDQVLWLRQIURP\RXUFXUUHQWVLWXDWLRQFDSWLYHRULQGHSHQGHQWZHPD\EHWKH SHUIHFWÀWIRU\RX 7RÀQGRXW ZZZWZIJFRPSURIHVVLRQDODJHQWV _DJHQWLQIR#WZIJFRP Coming Events The 4th Quarter Voice Fall ’14 FEATURES Chapter Officer Elections Chapter Delegate Election Prepare for Chapter Audits February 8-10 2015 National Board Meeting Chapter President’s Meeting Golden Nugget – Las Vegas, NV UFAA sends periodical informative emails out to the Agency Force. If you are not receiving emails from UFAA National, please contact the National Office to check that we have the correct email address for you. Please send the National Office NO@UFAA.COM HUMAN BEHAVIOR & SOCIAL INTERACTION 4 RULES TO PROTECT YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS 6 THE AGM DRA IN A NUTSHELL 8 ATTENTION JEFF DAILEY, CEO 10 WE ARE UFAA, THE UNITED FARMERS AGENTS ASSOCIATION. WON’T YOU JOIN US? 14 FARMERS INSURANCE AGENT RECEIVES VETERAN OF THE YEAR AWARD 18 2014 UFAA NATIONAL CONVENTION 20 ECHOES FROM THE AGENCY FORCE 26 ANY bulletins, news articles, information, etc. that MIGHT be of interest to UFAA. We need to keep our archives up-to-date as a resource to members. United Farmers Agents Association provides The VOICE to all Farmers Agents as a source of information and communication. We invite your comments about how your “agency world” is turning and what might be done to improve that world. Article submissions for The Voice can be emailed to editor@ufaa.com. JOIN TODAY The Voice is published four times per year by The United Farmers Agents Association, a professional association committed to helping our members through education, communication, support and information and in establishing a true partnership with Farmers Group, Inc. The content of The Voice is the responsibility of the elected National Board Members who comprise The Voice Committee. Products and services advertised are not endorsed by The United Farmers Agents Association, Inc. or its affiliates. Complaints or inquiries should be forwarded directly to the advertiser. All purchases are at the complete discretion of the customer. The opinions expressed by the authors published in The Voice are not necessarily those of UFAA, its officers, directors or members, and should not be construed as legal advice. The Voice • 3 • Fall ’14 “AGENTS HELPING AGENTS®” Human Behavior & Social Interaction I must admit that for the past 40 plus years, I have long been extremely intrigued with observing human behavior, body language, critical thinking and social interaction. It probably started when I was a child and I watched the grown-ups play chess, checkers, softball and football. It was amazing to me how much time, energy and effort individuals placed on winning these games and yet remained friends and socially cohesive. For better or worse, society has a vested interest in developing rules and laws to ensure that everyone behaves appropriately and there is social order. When the rules and laws are drafted, developed and implemented, there is an understanding that if one follows the rules there is an expected outcome. In other words, there is an implied rule that if you are courteous and wait in line, eventually you will get your chance to buy popcorn at the movie theater, sports tickets, groceries, etc. If one doesn’t follow the rules, there are also ramifications that follow. The same principles and rules apply to individuals that choose to enter a business relationship. In order for two parties to conduct business there is usually a written contract that specifies the duties, compensation and performance of both parties. Additionally, a contract may be held as an invalid contract by the courts, if it is found that one party used misrepresentations and fraudulent inducement as a way to entice the other party to sign the contract. I would like to believe that the relationship between the Agency Force and Farmers is somewhat like a highly evolved wolf pack. Even though a wolf pack can be extremely aggressive and carnivorous, the wolves are all committed to a common purpose and that is the social order, welfare and survival of the wolf pack. In my personal opinion, when an Agent and The Exchanges enter into a contractual agreement (AAA) both parties are agreeing to work to the mutual benefit of both parties, the wolf packs so to speak. If one party takes it upon themselves to not honor the letter of the law (AAA) contract as well as the spirit of the contract (AAA) then the social order of the pack is threatened and it becomes chaos. Let us put our selfish interest aside and work together as a highly evolved wolf pack, as a team, before this thing we have descends into utter and complete chaos. Tom Schrader President United Farmers Agents Association Bothersome Issues The following are the five complaints or issues the Agency Force has most commonly requested UFAA address with FGI during the current quarter. 1. Why is 21st Century actively soliciting and selling homeowner’s insurance policies to current Farmers policyholders and then assigning the policies back to the agents to service at 4%? from agent’s previous quotes and running MVR’s to requote and charging the agents the $6 or $7 MVR charges that the agent never authorized. 2. Many, Many agents are wondering why they are seeing miscellaneous 28 cent charges for MVR’s on their folios that they are not being reimbursed for. Doesn’t sound like a lot, but when you figure there are 6-10 per agent times 12,000 agents, that’s a lot of money on a monthly basis. 4. Why is Calsurance informing agents that Farmers benefits department has instructed Calsurance to refuse a cancellation request when an agent sends in a request to cancel the Calsurance E&O policy? FYI, in the state of California and many other states, it is illegal for a business to continue drafting money from an individual’s account (Folio) when that individual has sent in a written request directing them to stop deducting/taking money from their account. 3. There are agents stating that 21st Century is using untaken quotes 5. In the Farmers marketing program, there are a lot of great The Voice • 4 • Fall ’14 “AGENTS HELPING AGENTS®” marketing branded items, pens, etc. However, Farmers will only cost share on many of those items that only have the Farmers name on them. So agents ask, why should I buy 1,000 pens and hand them out or leave them with businesses, if they don’t have the agents name on them and drive business to the agent. Farmers needs to understand that agents want to advertise that they are a Farmers Agent and hand out Farmers branded pens, etc. But what prudent business man would spend hundreds or thousands of dollars to hand out branded merchandise that doesn’t have the agent’s information included to drive the business to the agent. Tom Schrader President United Farmers Agents Association WATCH THE CLOCK: WAGE AND HOUR RULES FOR SMALL EMPLOYERS Dirk A. Beamer Farmers agency owners have their hands full as they work to grow their books of business, service their existing clientele, and keep up with the ever-changing from Wilshire Boulevard. In the midst of all this, you can’t lose track of your responsibilities as an employer. State and federal wage and hour laws apply to you if you have even one paid staff member, and it is up to you as the employer to make sure you are following the law. Here are just a few examples of potential problem areas. 1. Overtime Pay. Although the law has been around for a long time and in many respects is straightforward, small employers continue to struggle with the overtime requirements of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). Basically, the law requires that employers pay their workers time and a half for every hour over 40 that an employee works in a single work week. Here are a few common misconceptions about the law: “It is up to me to decide whether an employee is “exempt” from the overtime requirements;” “If I pay a salary, I don’t have to pay overtime;” “I can offer comp or flex time instead of overtime;” “If the employee works the overtime without my permission, I don’t need to pay for it.” While certain employees are “exempt” from the overtime requirements of the FLSA, the test for determining exemption is more complex and more rigid than many employers realize. Paying someone a salary to do office or “white collar” work does not guarantee that you are exempt from the law. If the law does apply to you and your employee, it is not up to the two of you to decide if you want to deviate from it in favor of some alternative form of compensation; even if the employee agrees. 2. Paid Breaks. The FLSA does not mandate that employees be given any specific breaks during the workday. It does require, however, that if you as an employer allow small (sometimes called “de minimis”) breaks during the day, you cannot dock pay for them. Longer breaks (typically 20 minutes or more) can be without pay; however, you need to completely relieve the worker from job responsibilities if they are on an unpaid break. Here are some common mistakes concerning breaks at work: Asking office staff to answer phones or run errands during an unpaid lunch break; Tacking on break time to the schedule without accounting for resulting overtime (e.g. eight and a half hour workday with a half hour paid lunch equals a forty-two and a half hour workweek). Bottom line? If you allow small breaks, you need to pay for them. Longer breaks can be without pay provided the employee is relieved of duties. 3. Withholding from Paychecks. With certain exceptions, employers generally may not withhold monies from an employee’s paycheck without prior, written authorization. Frequent mistakes include the following: The Voice • 5 • Fall ’14 “AGENTS HELPING AGENTS®” Withholding money to offset damage caused to company property or to a company car; Withholding money from a final paycheck to offset an outstanding loan obligation; Giving an employee’s paycheck to a spouse or other family member without explicit permission. Ordinarily, none of these things should happen without a prior, voluntary arrangement with the employee as reflected in writing and signed by the employee. Withholdings for payroll taxes and also for garnishments pursuant to a court order do not require the employee’s prior written consent. The last thing a busy agent needs is an inquiry from the state or federal Department of Labor looking to audit your payroll practices. Consult with your payroll service provider, your attorney, or your accountant to make sure you are complying with your payroll obligations in order to avoid the risk of costly investigations, fines, and interest. Dirk Beamer serves as General Counsel to UFAA and helps UFAA track legal issues of interest to its members. UFAA has provided this update for informational purposes only. The contents should not be construed as legal advice or an endorsement from UFAA or its attorneys, and UFAA expressly disclaims any such advice. Wage and hour laws vary from state to state. Consult your local attorney for advice applicable to your situation. Rules to Protect Your Email Address 1. Never publish your email address online. Don’t put it on your home page, your online resume, or on a contact page. There are spiders which crawl the net specifically looking for email addresses to add to spam mailing lists. I tried to use a Webmail form on my Mail Server account to have people contact me. Another option, although not as good as a form, is to create an image of your email address and post that to your web pages instead of the address. Email spiders usually cannot read images. For those people who convert their email into “john at foo dot com”, I contend that it is trivial for the mail address spiders to convert and record addresses in this form. If you do feel the need to post your true email address, then make sure to use a throwaway one or an address from your E-Mail account. 2. Never participate in an online discussion list or forum if they post your email address to their site. If you find a discussion list which does not disguise the addresses, then complain to the site administrator. Tell them that they are helping by serving email addresses to spammers. 3. Never type your true email address into a web form. Use the E-Mail account to give a temporary email address every time you buy or sign up for things. 4. Never use the “Mail this Document to a Friend” web forms. By typing a friend’s email address into those forms, you are giving their address to that company. Most browsers have a “Send This Page” or “Send this Link” commands built into them. There are many sites out there whose sole purpose is to get email addresses for spam mailing lists. Even if it is a legitimate company, there will always be some database administrator who wants to make a quick buck by selling the email dump to a spammer. This happened to AOL. Recently myself, my wife, and my brother all started receiving spam mail on our E-Mail account addresses -- addresses specifically and only given to that company. I don’t think the company sold their email list to a spammer but someone did. 5. Whenever you send mail to a large group of people, always use the Bcc (Blind Carbon Copy) address field instead of the To: field. When you use the To: field, everyone who gets the message sees the addresses of everyone else whom you sent it to. Bcc addresses are not seen in the message. This is very important for those people who forward humor email to a group of friends. Remember, it is your responsibility to protect the email addresses of your friends as well as you protect your own. 6. Make sure that you remove extraneous email addresses from forwarded mail -- especially forwarded email headers. This means that you should trim down a funny message before you forward. If person A sends you mail and you forward it to person B, then you have just distributed person A’s email address without their consent. Make sure you only forward the content of the funny message, not the headers. This also means that you do not bury the funny content and so your readers don’t have to search through all of the headers to find it. 7. Do not include your email address in the signature of your message in mail that you send. Your recipients can get your email address from the header and if it gets reposted with the headers removed, your email address will not be distributed. 8. If you run a web site, police it to make sure you have not posted anyone’s email address inadvertently. Watch for quotes you’ve collected, cool links you’ve listed, interesting facts, etc. If you need to credit a person for some content, then put a link to them instead of posting their email address. If you need to put someone’s email address, then protect it like you would your own and use a web form, javascript obfuscation, or address image. 9. Watch the address that spammers are mailing to you with. Your email provider should be able to add to the email addresses that you get which address they used. The To: address in the email headers is actually not the address which is uses to deliver the message. I’ve configured my mailer to add a X-To: header which is the inbound address that was used. If you get mail and neither the To:, CC:, or Bcc: headers contains an address for you, then call your technical support people and insist that they tell you what email address was used. If they can’t then escalate the issue until they get that important capability. 10. Never send mail to an address asking that you be removed from their list. This only helps spammers because they can take your originating email address and verify that there is a human behind it. If they give you an URL, never enter your email address into a form for the same reason. If you know the company, however, and the URL in question has your email address coded in it, then I don’t see any reason why you can’t click on it and opt out of the spam. The Voice • 6 • Fall ’14 “AGENTS HELPING AGENTS®” 11. I have heard that it is hard for a site to get your email address while you are just surfing them. There may still be javascript or java security holes however. I would make sure that your browser (Mozilla, IE, Netscape, Opera, etc.) is configured with a Mailnull or otherwise bogus email address that you can rotate to another one at will spam. You certainly should never configure your primary email address in your browser. In other words, NEVER, NEVER use you main email address to sign up for anything. If you shop online have a free email from Gmail. Yahoo, Excite etc and always use it. If you use as many of the above practices you will have a better chance of protecting your email, keeping in mind there is really no one way that is fool proof. That’s it for now give us a call or create a trouble ticket by clicking on the “UFAA HELP DESK” button on the UFAA.COM website. Alex and Reed Conger UFAA TECH 866-441-8018 UFAATECH@UFAA.COM Why I Joined UFAA I was fortunate to have become an agent when Farmers was #3 in the US in auto and home and we were only in 26 states. We used to be very competitive with State Farm, Allstate, Safeco, Farm Bureau, etc. etc. We only had a manual, calculator and paper apps. When we quoted it was based on underwriting factors and not some mysterious black box conjured up by some computer programmer who only speaks Geek. Because we had such wisdom and dealt in reality we would write 75% of what we quoted. We had good programs and a great company. That’s not to say that there were no problems because wherever you have people you have problems. Back then we not only understood the insurance industry we were aware of good common sense business practices and public relations. We could talk with the executives and we cared about our customers. Within 12 years I had built my agency from nothing to 3,300 PIF. This was a fun business to be in. Then BAT bought us out and things started to change, not drastically, but enough to start to catch my attention. One of the changes is that we were hit with “adverse selection” and most agents in two years lost 20% of their PIF. Well, with hard work, we started to come back from that. Then we were blessed with another change – Zurich. Yep, they needed a cash cow so they bought us out and then our rates really went into the toilet. We’ve never really been competitive since. Now instead of writing 75% of what we quoted it is was more like 5-10% of what we quoted. It’s tough to write business when you’re 40+% higher than the competition. Not only were the rates bad, but the attitude of management started to change and they seemed to lack respect for the Agency Force. What used to be a great fun business turned sour. Dealing with our customers was still a pleasure but now dealing with the company with all their bureaucratic bull was getting to be a real pain. Before this I’d always heard how nasty and negative the agents were that joined UFAA and for years I believed it. Well when things turned sour I finally went to a UFAA meeting. I had a real surprise. They weren’t a bunch of negative whiners and low producers. They actually cared about Farmers and their fellow agents. As a matter of fact they were more pro-Farmers than Farmers is and all those bad attitude agents I’d heard about were actually those that were not members of UFAA. The UFAA members were the more positive agents and they would try to help each other rather that stab each other in the back, like I’d seen from many non-member agents. The nonmember agents were really the more self-centered negative agents not the The Voice • 7 • Fall ’14 “AGENTS HELPING AGENTS®” UFAA members. Then I learned that this is the only Professional Agents Association that deals specifically with Farmers agents and looks out for the best interests of Farmers and its agents. If an agent gets harassed, by some executive who usually had little to no sales experience, then one could rely on UFAA to have their back and give them all the support they could. They bring many benefits to the Agency Force and it is because of UFAA and their activity that Farmers has given the Agency Force many of the benefits that we have today. UFAA watches out for the good of the Agency Force. So I figured if I didn’t join then, I’d be as selfish and self-centered as many of the back stabbing agents I’d known that would never join an Association as they don’t want to give up their time to any other agent or even their industry, forgetting that with the sneeze of some executive over their head they could be gone. There is strength in numbers. When UFAA’s concern is for the welfare of Farmers and its Agency Force trying to make this a better company and business, doesn’t it make sense to join us? Please join us. Klaas Tuininga Director of Governmental Affairs United Farmers Agents Association The AGM DRA in a Nutshell UNFAIR COMPETITION – BREACH OF CONTRACT – TORTIOUS INTERFERENCE FIG pressures its agents with quotas of quotes and new business written while at the same time using the data acquired by the agents, at the agent’s expense, to offer the same product cheaper through a subsidiary. FIG then deprives and prohibits agents from writing business away from the subsidiary. On or around 2009, FIG initiated a scheme to utilize information and data about the exclusive Agent’s policyholders to directly solicit those Agents existing policyholders with less expensive insurance policies sold through a subsidiary of the exchanges. On or around 2010, FIG unveiled a series of programs including the Agency Growth Model requiring all of its agents to meet various performance standards – most notably, unreasonable production minimums, quoting requirements, and office hours – or else face adverse action from Farmers up to and including termination. Through these programs Farmers pressures its Agents to quote new business, in part, so that Farmers can then harvest the data obtained through the Agents to solicit new customers for 21st Century. FIG has breached the contract by taking adverse action against Agents on the basis of the location, type, and nature of the offices maintained by the Agents. FGI has unilaterally dictated mandatory office hours in violation of the Agent’s independent contractor status. FIG has added the words “performance standards” and FIG has written into the appointment agreement at the company’s sole discretion the ability to unilaterally modify the agreement without the consent from the other party. Declaratory Relief Count I (Plaintiff Seeks a Ruling that Farmers’ may not Interfere With UFAA Member Agents’ Contracts And Business Expectancies by Disseminating or Using Data and Information Acquired from UFAA Member Agents to Solicit Customers for Any Competitor of that Agent.) Count II (Plaintiff Seeks a Ruling that the AGM Program, the EDGE, and Take 5 and Comparable Programs Violate the Pre2009 AAA) Count III (Plaintiff Seeks a Ruling that Taking Adverse Action against UFAA Member Agents Based On The Location, Nature, Hours, and Types of Offices Maintained By Agents Violates the pre-2009 and 2009 AAA) Count IV (Plaintiff Seeks a Ruling That the No Cause Termination Provision to the Pre-2009 and 2009 AAA is Procedurally and Substantially Unconscionable) UFAA takes the offensive, Issues Deposition Notices This past summer, UFAA Board members Allen Yerxa and Bill Phillips – along with former Legal Affairs Director Larry Tencer – faced questions from Farmers’ attorneys in Los Angeles. As predicted, Farmers seems insistent on revisiting the tired question of whether UFAA has “standing” to speak on behalf of its members. UFAA’s witnesses withstood the fire and came through in flying colors. More recently, UFAA’s attorney, Paul Mahoney, issued his deposition notices to Farmers, requiring them to produce their witnesses to testify on a host of important subjects like production quotas and sharing information with 21st Century. Expect some resistance before Paul gets them under oath, but rest assured that he won’t let them off the hook! Stay tuned for future updates, and please do your part to support this important work on behalf of you and your agency. The Voice • 8 • Fall ’14 “AGENTS HELPING AGENTS®” I wish to make a one-time donation to UFAA. Please apply my donation to… [ [ [ [ [ ] ] ] ] ] UFAA’s AGM DRA Lawsuit UFAA’s Legal Fund UFAA’s General Fund UFAA’s Recruitment Fund Wherever UFAA needs the funds the most __________________________________________________________________________ Name Non-Farmers Email Address [ ] $100 [ ] $200 [ ] My check is enclosed [ ] Please charge my credit card [ ] $300 [ Credit Card Number: ] $500 [ ] $_______ Expiration date: Signature Printed name UFAA National Office 9785 Mackenzie Road Ste 104 St. Louis, MO 63123 OR Email no@ufaa.com OR Fax 314-631-7963 WRIGHT BEAMER, Attorneys SERVING UFAA AND THE AGENTS OF FARMERS SINCE 2010 DIRK A. BEAMER, ATTORNEY THE RECOGNIZED EXPERT FOR CAPTIVE INSURANCE AGENTS AND THEIR ATTORNEYS WHEN BUYING AND SELLING BOOKS OF BUSINESS PH: 248.477.6300 WRIGHTBEAMER.COM DBEAMER@WRIGHTBEAMER.COM The Voice • 9 • Fall ’14 “AGENTS HELPING AGENTS®” Attention: Jeff Dailey, CEO Mr. Dailey, please direct your attention to the NET PROMOTER SCORE placard recently sent to all Farmers Agents nationwide. What is NPS? Why is NPS important? Simply, it is a TOOL, nothing more, nothing less. Sadly someone on your management team thinks they know more than all the tried and true methods already implemented over the last few years. They think it is acceptable to just change a name or regurgitate old ideas instead of just striving to be competitive. This letter is intended to focus attention on a quote attributed to you on the back of the NPS placard. Here it is, “We strive to be the best multiline insurer in the U.S. through a clear understanding of target customers, exceeding their expectations and having the most talented people dedicated to continuous improvements.” Longtime supporters of Farmers wish to point out just how meaningless your quote has become. First, no argument here that you BELIEVE Farmers can achieve the distinction of being the best multi-line insurer in the U.S. The problem is we already were the best until Zurich got involved. Also, there is nothing wrong with targeting groups of people for better pricing, but wait, we were already doing that based on driving record, age, etc. Why do you think it is alright to prejudge folks based on sex, income, past coverage and CREDIT? You are sadly mistaken if you think the current strategy will glorify your legacy. Mr. Dailey, you lost 1.2+ million policies on your watch just in 2013. Also in 2013, you and your management team are responsible for driving away 1,400 loyal Farmers Agents. What is sad is, you just don’t get it. Your management team continues to compound this overall tragedy by introducing FAB and Commercial Express Billing, both of which set Farmers back into the dark ages, destroying all the Premiere Service gains we worked so hard on over the years. Here is a challenge for your team. Ask any agent to write up a combination of risks you could hypothetically have. Include a personal auto policy, a commercial BOP, a boat or a motorcycle, maybe even a motor home. Add in a couple of life policies. Don’t be surprised if you are told the auto, BOP, boat, motorcycle and motor home cannot be on the same billing program. And of course the life is a “Special Breed” of its own. Don’t get angry if five, six, or even seven separate billing accounts are needed? Please don’t grumble and complain when you are told you must create your own monthly or EFT Commercial Billing account on a separate web site. Whatever you do don’t blame the agent, he or she is just the messenger for you. Mr. Dailey, where are the CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENTS? Even the most dedicated, talented people must have something to work with. On a scale of 1 to 10 how does your management team score? GOOD LUCK! UFAA National Board Make Your Personality More Pleasing You exist in a world of people. To get along in this world, you must have a pleasing personality. People do not become leaders by skill or knowledge but rather because of attitude and personality. is almost impossible for you to mask your attitude concerning yourself or others. This has been revealed by the science of kinesics, sometimes called body language or non-verbal communications. Your personality is really a reflection of your attitude. It is the way you communicate your attitude. In fact, it People respond favorably to you to the degree that you make them feel important. The Voice • 10 • Fall ’14 “AGENTS HELPING AGENTS®” My message to all is this, “Let’s get along and make this organization the best it can be and our company the best it can be.” Randy Frates Director At Large United Farmers Agents Association Legal Actions Cost Money I’m going to ask you for money. Doesn’t that just make you feel warm and fuzzy all over? Yeah, I know how it makes you feel. I’ve been there and I’ll be there again. If you can remember the #1 rule when selling life insurance, it is “ASK.” You get nothing if you don’t ask. Even your mate is much more likely to be forthcoming with connubial bliss if only asked. So, it should now be clear that I am asking. We (UFAA) currently have a legal action working its way through the court and, if you aren’t aware of it, you really need to be. Farmers gave me a contract way back when and they are always very quick to remind me that I am an independent contractor at tax time, but they want to treat me as an employee when they choose. Our legal action is asking that the court stop Farmers from imposing arbitrary requirements on agents contrary to what our contracts state. Right now it is quotes and quotas, hours of business, how many staff you employ, how your office should look and what you should hang on the walls. It comes down to control…pure and simple. Maybe I am just fed up with all the control that I am getting these days, but I don’t want anyone telling me when I have to be open. Apparently, I have figured that out on my own after 33 years. And don’t tell me to quote 20 or 30 prospects a day. Hell, after I’ve quoted 3 or 4 and find each one is 30, 40, or 50 percent higher than their current coverage, I’m ready to go home. Why would I want to continue the torture? Quoting isn’t the real problem. It’s the rate we get when we quote. Now, if Farmers wants to get out of this rut we are in, quit trying to strip our policies of desired coverages just to get a lower rate and start designing policies that have modern (21st century) benefits. Then find a rate that can be sold. Yes, I did say “sold.” We don’t mind selling if we are in the ballpark. We’ve never been the cheapest, but I’m tired of us being the most expensive. Okay, now you know what’s going on. I am the Membership Director for UFAA. I am appealing to all you agents who have never seen enough reason to join the Association. I have heard all the reasons and, honestly, I don’t buy any of them but that is not what I want to talk about here. If you haven’t joined and yet you have read the VOICE and liked some of the things that UFAA has done, now is the time for you to help UFAA. It takes money to get through the court system. Every dollar will help. This is an equal opportunity plea to both members and non-members. PLEASE, help UFAA. UFAA is working to help all Farmers Agents. Give generously. You can find a donation form on page 9 of this issue of The Voice. Bill Wise Membership Director United Farmers Agents Association I NEED HELP!!! UFAA receives numerous emails and calls from agents that are non-members that are saying; • • • • • “HELP!... my DM just told me if I don’t produce more, Farmers is going to cancel my contract?” “Another agent just moved in a block away can they do that?” “Can I take out my own yellow page ad?” “Why am I being told that I cannot work from my home?” “Can I receive your tax guide, how does the contract payment work?” The list goes on and on. As Insurance Professionals, we all know that you need protection before the loss -- not after the event. While UFAA is committed to “AGENTS HELPING AGENTS®”, we simply cannot provide the same benefits to non-members, or limited members, as we do our full paying agents that continue to support our Association. HAVING SAID THAT, PLEASE READ THE MEMBERSHIP OFFER BELOW. If you are a member, now is the perfect time to contact your fellow agents and let them know NOW IS THE TIME! DURING THESE DIFFICULT TIMES, WE NEED EVERYONE’S SUPPORT! UFAA will offer the $100 discount on FULL REGULAR MEMBERSHIP paid annually from September 1st through December 31st (total cost of $260). To qualify for these discounts you must be joining as a FULL REGULAR MEMBER of the Association and if you are rejoining you must have a membership lapse of more the 90 days. Join today!!! An application can be found in this issue of The Voice on page 25. A printable application can also be found on our website, www.ufaa.com, under Membership. You can also contact the National Office at 800-275-8668 for an application. The Voice • 11 • Fall ’14 “AGENTS HELPING AGENTS®” Informative emails UFAA sends out periodical informational emails to keep the Agency Force up to date on what is happening with UFAA, Farmers and with the insurance industry about once a month. Recently we have sent out the following emails. October Offerings (10/7/2014) September Chatter (9/3/2014) Changing Course (8/13/2014) Being part of the Whole (7/30/2014) June Tidbits (6/25/2014) Joplin, Lawsuits and Benefits (6/11/2014) May Tidbits (5/6/2014) April Tidbits (4/15/2014) If you have not received the above emails it is most likely due to the fact that we only have your @farmersagent.com email address. If you have a non-Farmers email please let the National Office know by emailing no@ufaa.com. We do occasionally send out emails for our Advertisers. If you wish to only receive the informational emails and not the advertisements please state “NO ADVERTISERS” in your email. UFAA has a Facebook Page. Check it out at https://www.facebook.com/UFAA.AgentsHelpingAgents REAL-TIME MEANS MORE THAN FAST SERVICE & SUPPORT YOU CAN RELY ON ACCESS NATIONAL CARRIERS PUBLISHED SERVICE STANDARDS (YES, OUR AGENTS ARE THAT HAPPY WITH OUR SERVICE!) VISIT OUR SITE FOR DETAILS AgentSecure.com 817.704.2287 | membership@agentsecure.com The Voice • 12 • Fall ’14 “AGENTS HELPING AGENTS®” $ CAPITAL We lend it to Farmers agents. It’s even in our name. With 80+ combined years of experience in agency lending, we know the outlook for Farmers agents is great. At Capital Resources, we’ve originated more than $225 million in insurance agency loans. It’s our specialty. We offer key benefits you won’t find from every lender. A highly efficient loan approval process. Competitive interest rates with a variety of repayment options. Solid, sizeable resources. Sound good to you? Give us a call at 866-523-6641. www.CapitalResources.com ©2013 Capital Resources. Farmers is a trademark of Farmers Insurance Group. CA Residents: Loans made pursuant to a Department of Corporations California Finance Lenders License. The Voice • 13 • Fall ’14 “AGENTS HELPING AGENTS®” We are UFAA, the United Farmers Agents Association. Won’t you join us? Why should you join? What’s in it for you? We hear almost daily from agents who have been told of mandatory meetings and minimum production quotas. It is a struggle to maintain an independent contractor status, as declared in our AAA contract. You may never receive a three month termination notice - only a small percentage will. But UFAA will be there for us, if it does. Every day UFAA members are doing something for you to make your job a little better or a little more secure. Benefits come from associating together and sharing solutions. Support your Association and your future. Many President Council, Commercial and Life Round Table winners, and Topper Clubbers know the value of united support and protection of their futures. Protect and nurture yours. The goal of UFAA is to help our fellow agents become better agents and to monitor the welfare of the Agency Force. We also want Farmers to become the Premier Insurance Company that we all desire them to be. Farmers can’t operate without the Agency Force and we can’t operate a Farmers Agency without Farmers. Who do you call for advice when you suspect that your contract is being violated or if you feel you are being treated unfairly? Do you even know what your contract says? UFAA is the only organization that is continually striving to be sure that your contract is enforced and that Farmers abides by the contract the same way they expect you to abide by the contract. Farmers has a team of lawyers that write their contracts and sometimes Farmers will selectively enforce the agency contract. If you are a seasoned agent, you are well aware of how many times things have changed and not all the changes have been good for the Agency Force. Your membership entitles you to access our very own UFAA sponsored E&O program designed to protect your agency, your agency producers and all of your employees. The anticipated E&O policy savings could very well save your agency enough to pay your annual Association dues AND put in force a far superior policy with no exclusions. For less than the cost of a cup of coffee a day ($30 a month) you can become part of the only Professional Association created by Farmers Agents for Farmers Agents. Some of the benefits of being a Member of the Association are: ❖ A tax guide that may help 3-year continuous members save taxes upon termination or retirement from the company. ❖ Availability to an extensive archive of Farmers historical documents and legal library. ❖ UFAA Technology Services, a subsidiary of UFAA, will assist members with computer hardware and software questions and problems; recommend computer programs to assist members in operating their offices and recommend hardware configurations. Members get 1 FREE hour of assistance a month. ❖ Members enjoy the benefit of our Agent Referral Program for clients needing coverage at a vacation home or for that college student out of state. ❖ UFAA holds a National Convention every year for its members to gather, meet and socialize with old acquaintances and make new friends along with offering compelling and informative discussions and presentations to attendees to help you and your business. ❖ Legislative updates. ❖ Local support from chapter members. ❖ Substantial discounts on continuing education with WebCE. ❖ Access to an advanced digital copy of The Voice publication in the Members Only section of the UFAA website. ❖ As a member of UFAA you can log onto the Members Only section of our Internet Website, www.ufaa.com, for the most up to date information available to the Agency Force. ❖ Members have access to affordable website development and free email. ❖ UFAA offers an E&O policy that may be a lower rate but more importantly it provides superior coverage. ❖ Legal Referral Assistance. ❖ An Association created by Farmers Agents for Farmers Agents. The Voice • 14 • Fall ’14 “AGENTS HELPING AGENTS®” As an agent you are only one voice. UFAA is the only voice that can speak loud enough for Farmers to hear. Together our voices can be heard, but as a single agent you do not have much of a voice. If you choose to be part of your local chapter, 25% of your dues returns to your local chapter. These funds are used for the publications of Chapter Newsletters, holding Chapter Meetings, sending Local Chapter Representation to the Annual National Convention and much more on a local level. The National Office will place you in the closest chapter unless you specify a Local Chapter. Chapter contact information can be found on the back cover of The Voice or on the contact us page of our website, http://www.ufaa.com/page/contactus.htm. You can also join UFAA as part of our Anonymous Chapter. Though UFAA DOES NOT publish or make our membership list available some agents want that extra security of being part of Chapter 99. The only difference between being part of the Anonymous Chapter and being in a Local Chapter is the Agent Referral Program. When a UFAA member contacts the National Office looking for an agent to refer a client to we WILL NOT give out an Anonymous Chapter members name or contact information. If you wish to join UFAA as part of the Anonymous Chapter all you need to do is mark the box under “Applicant Information” on the Application for Membership. UFAA is currently running a $100 off Membership Drive through December 31st. UFAA will offer the $100 discount on FULL REGULAR MEMBERSHIP paid annually (total cost of $260 for your first year). To qualify for this discount you must be joining as a FULL REGULAR MEMBER of the Association and if you are rejoining you must have a membership lapse of more the 90 days. Join today!!! An application can be found in this issue of The Voice on page 25. A printable application can also be found on our website, www.ufaa.com, under Membership. You can also contact the National Office at 800-275-8668 for an application. “CHANGE” As professionals, we all expect change and in a perfect business world, embracing change is expected. But, what do you do when changes don’t make sense or cause disruption? Over the past several years, Farmers Group Inc. (The Management Company), has initiated a multitude of changes, some good, some questionable and many ill advised. A critical area of concern is the Dashboard System and Business Express. Let’s not get confused here...it is not the idea that created the system but the continued failure of those responsible, for not developing a user friendly, simple format. Today the whole Dashboard System is in chaos and continues to make the Exchanges non-user friendly and UNCOMPETITIVE! Sad, but true, our once touted “Premiere Service” is being replaced with the new “Customer Experience” model. How can there be a good customer experience if Fire rates are out of control, coverages are removed but can be added back in for an extra premium and underwriters are not given the flexibility to apply common sense and do their job? Wake up management, adding or increasing fees is not the answer. Just fix what you and you alone broke! Stop blaming the Agency Force for losing all the PIF. Agents create REVENUE, you do not! Being a Farmers Agent needs to be FULFILLING, PROFITABLE and ENJOYABLE again! Steve Hooper Treasurer United Farmers Agents Association The Voice • 15 • Fall ’14 “AGENTS HELPING AGENTS®” Change Course Survey Results are in. Q1 Has your Agency PIF increased or decreased in 2014? (11%) Increased (89%) Decreased Q3 Have you noticed “Product Relief” in your area? (05%) Yes (95%) No Q2 Have you noticed “Rate Relief” in your area? (11%) Yes (89%) No Q4 Do you believe Farmers is “Changing Course”? (19%) Yes (81%) No Q5 What is the one thing that Farmers could do that would help “Change Course” other than rate and product relief? The number one response was for Farmers to create/implement a Customer Loyalty Discount; coming in a close second is resolving the problems with Dashboard, Billing, SIMS and ECMS. Some other top responses are below. • • • • • • • • • • Create a bonus for EVERY agent that is profitable at the end of the year. Actually make billing across ALL lines (really). Expand affinity discounts to the trades, not just doctors and lawyers. Allow Farmers Agents to use other Farmers Brands without restrictions. Change how the credit score is used, currently it hurts middle and lower income families. Take the Rate Formulas out of the Black Box. Have management spend time in the trenches with the agents and not just the big guns that have bought out other agencies and are growing by attrition. Honest and Open communication with the Agency Force. Omit automatic mileage increases. Provide programs to all agents, not just the select few. Farmers Agents We can help you build your Medicare business from scratch or enhance your existing Medicare portfolio. Ginniann Brown Licensed in over 30 states “I have been a Farmers agent for over 20 years and I have helped several other Farmers agents with our sales model.” Start earning more today! Contact Us (480) 820-8377 gbrown@gmiainc.com Offer another great service to your clients as a Medicare consultant. 10,000 people are aging into Medicare each day. 97% of them will enroll into a Medicare Advantage or Supplement plan. Put your Health Insurance license to work. Also covered by your existing E&O. Our team of Medicare experts will help you get certified. You will also have a dedicated broker manager available to assist as you begin your new line of service. You will receive the maximum commission allowable directly from each health insurance company. Paid weekly. $425 for new enrollments, $213 renewals each year If you or your staff don’t have time to certify, take advantage of our referral program. We will pay you a referral bonus up to $100 for each client you refer who enrolls with us. We are here to help you make more money! The Voice • 16 • Fall ’14 “AGENTS HELPING AGENTS®” UFAA is now on Facebook! Please find us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/ufaa.agentshelpingagents and “like” our page! FAQs: Q: Who can see that I’ve liked the UFAA Facebook page? A: Only the page administrator and any of your Facebook friends that visit the page. Q: Who can see the posts on the UFAA Facebook page? A: Anyone and everyone; the content on the page is open to the public so members, non-members, customers, and anyone else who visits the page can see anything posted on the page. Q: Who can see the comments or likes on a post on the UFAA Facebook page? A: Again, anyone and everyone; comments made on a post or people who like a post on the page can be seen by anyone. The page is open to the public. Q: What is the purpose of the UFAA Facebook page? A: UFAA is hoping to reach out to members and potential members who utilize Facebook so we can share information and interact with each other. The page should be a positive place to share ideas and tips, ask questions, and find information about UFAA. Q: Who can I contact if I have more questions or have something to contribute to the page? A: Board Secretary Cindy Scheuerman at cscheuerman@ufaa.com or the National Office. Looking for the Missing Piece of the Puzzle? The Flood Exchange is the insurance agents flood insurance resource for information, quotes and assistance from licensed flood insurance experts. The Flood Exchange was created to aid its member agents get started, grow their flood insurance business, protect and preserve their E & O without adding additional staff. If you are looking for an alternative solution for your Flood Insurance business and want: • • • • • • Superior knowledge and service To own your own book of business No production commitments Competitive commissions Flexible appointment options Ease of doing business The Flood Exchange is the missing piece of the flood insurance puzzle. We help agents grow independently. Call: 877-617-3744 Visit: FloodExchange.com We Help Agents Grow Independently! The Voice • 17 • Fall ’14 “AGENTS HELPING AGENTS®” 120 E Uwchlan Ave. Exton, PA 19341 UFAA Chapter 2 President and 35 year Farmers Insurance Agent receives “Veteran of the Year” recognition from California Assemblywoman District 6 Beth Gaines in a State Capital Assembly Floor presentation. SACRAMENTO - Assemblywoman Beth Gaines, R-Roseville, was proud to honor Army Commander Dave Ramsey of Roseville as Veteran of the Year for the 6th Assembly District at the Veterans Recognition Luncheon in Sacramento. The luncheon was hosted by the Assembly Veterans Affairs Committee and the Speaker of the Assembly, Toni Atkins. Assembly members selected a veteran from their districts who have a distinguished military career or who have demonstrated outstanding service to the community. Ramsey has a remarkable military history, enlisting in the Army in 1963 when he was only 16 years old. He subsequently served in the infantry on the Demilitarized Zone in Korea where he completed Counter-Guerrilla Warfare School. After one year in Korea, Ramsey volunteered to go to Panama where he completed Jungle Warfare School. Following completion of his schooling he was deployed to Vietnam in July of 1966. Ramsey’s military awards include the Combat Infantry Badge, Vietnam Service Medal with Bronze Service Star, Republic of Vietnam Campaign Ribbon, and Vietnam Cross of Gallantry with Palm, Korea Defense Service Medal, National Defense Service Medal, Army Good Conduct Medal, and the Expert Badge with Rifle Bar and Jungle Expert Badge. “Our service didn’t stop when we took off the uniform,” Ramsey said. “I’m twice past commander of the American Legion Roseville Post and just finished my four years with the VFW as commander, and I am currently on the Honor Guard as well.” Ramsey has also served on VFW Legislative Committee for the past five years. “I am proud to honor Commander Dave Ramsey as Veteran of the Year for my District,” Gaines said. “It is evident that he has dedicated his life, heart, and soul to our country and our community. We owe so much to our veterans, and I am overjoyed for this opportunity to express my gratitude to Commander Dave Ramsey and to those who bravely sacrificed their lives for our freedom.” Gaines presented the award on the Assembly Floor Wednesday at the Capitol. She and Ramsey also joined other Assembly members and their honorees at the annual luncheon in Sacramento. Assemblywoman Beth Gaines represents the 6th Assembly District, which includes portions of Placer, El Dorado, and Sacramento and counties. Originally printed Tuesday, July 08, 2014 - Rocklin and Roseville Today UFAA Members...Chapters hold elections for local Chapter Office in the 4th quarter. Are you interested in becoming involved on a local level? Why not run for a position on your local Chapter Board? Interested in representing your area at the National Convention? Contact your local Chapter President and get involved. Contact information for your Chapter President is on the back of The Voice. The Voice • 18 • Fall ’14 “AGENTS HELPING AGENTS®” Discretion The word discretion appears once in the 1984 AAA. It appears in section J. which states “The time to be expended by the Agent is solely within the Agent’s discretion, and the persons solicited and the area wherein solicitation shall be conducted is at the election of the Agent.” It goes on to say “The Agent shall, as an independent contractor, exercise sole right to determine the time, place and manner in which the objectives of this Agreement are carried out, provided only that the Agent conform to normal good business practice, and to all State and Federal laws governing the conduct of the Companies and their Agents.” This was definitely an inducement to sign the contract. In my opinion the 1984 AAA is truly an independent contractor agreement. Some old timers might object but only because some individual FGI employees and/or DM’s take it upon themselves, for their own gain, to make their own interpretations and rules in order to threaten or actually terminate an agent, or try (often successfully) get an agent to resign. The word discretion appears 7 times in the 2009 AAA. It appears in section a.4 (ad-aid) b.2 (office location) b.4 (bond value) b.5 (performance standards) b.6 (branding and trademarks) h. (agent bonuses) All of which reference the companies “sole discretion.” And once again in section K which references the Agent’s discretion with some new verbiage. “Among other factors, the time to be expended by the Agent and the individuals chosen by the Agent to work in the Agency, including, without limitation, such time and work to accomplish any performance standards referred to in Section B. above, are solely within the Agent’s discretion and control and the persons to be solicited and the area wherein solicitation is conducted are at the election of the Agent.” The word discretion appears 8 times in the 2013 AAA. It appears in section a.4 (advertising assistance) b.2 (agent office approval) b.6 (performance standards) b.7 (branding and trademarks) e. (trb termination date) g. (approval of parties to an agency sale) i. (agent bonuses) All “discretion” for the companies and then once again for the agent in section L. “Among other factors, the time to be expended by the Agent and the individuals chosen by the Agent to work in the Agency, including, without limitation, such time and work which may be needed to accomplish or meet Agent’s duties referred to in Section B. above, are solely within the Agent’s discretion and control, and the persons to be solicited and the area wherein solicitation is conducted are at the election of the Agent.” What section of the contract would possibly supersede another section when two sections contradict each other? UFAA believes in all cases the section which maintains the agent’s independent contractor status supersedes all others. Otherwise, if that provision is nullified, doesn’t the contract then become an employment contract and a taxable event for Farmers? There is no agent discretion regarding damages for the agent if they are terminated wrongfully or if Farmers breaches the 2013 AAA. The Companies continue to sue agents and have been granted large judgments for 5-8 or more years of lost profits and hundreds of thousands of dollars for violations of their “trade secrets” and breaking the non-compete. But, if you have signed the 2013 AAA you have agreed, up front, to settle for no more than 3 months of your lost profits if you are wrongfully terminated or Farmers breaches the contract. Why was that line added? Farmers may as well come right out and say they intend to breach the contract and terminate agents wrongfully with literally nothing to lose for doing it. And, even though you are not punching a clock, the “Agents Guide Performance Standards” and “Platform Playbook” clearly spell out the company’s expectations regarding the time and manner agents expend running their agency. Why has UFAA kept having a two-way negotiated contract as their number one objective over the years? Yes, the contracts state they are mutually agreed upon but, that is not negotiated. Why has UFAA continued to question the courts for a judicial interpretation of the AAA’s via Declaratory Relief Actions? The one point of discretion for the agent has been modified and the company’s sole discretion has been added 7-8 times! Would a two-way negotiated contract eliminate these differences? Would a two-way negotiated contract help to avoid litigation? A decision in the current legal challenge of UFAA could go either way. But, once you are into your career for 10 or 20+ years on the 2013 contract and all the current leadership of UFAA is gone, will you still have the support of an Agents Association when the livelihood you built is threatened? Will UFAA be there when the Companies begin to impose on you these new sole discretions in their favor? And ignore the one discretion given to you? The one discretion that makes you an Independent Contractor? You mutually agreed and signed, and you may have been told or think retaliation couldn’t possibly happen. You may have been promised that the Companies never terminate an agent unless they steal money. Many were told that very thing and we must assume are being told similar today. At some point, you will realize you have little control of your production and growth and you do need the resources of UFAA. Without a strong and supportive membership UFAA may not exist. Your AAA and Federal Law gives you the right to carry out the one discretion the companies have given you! Fill out the application in this issue and become a member of UFAA today! Kim Rich Director of Legal Activities United Farmers Agents Association The Voice • 19 • Fall ’14 “AGENTS HELPING AGENTS®” 2014 UFAA NATIONAL CONVENTION The National Convention was held at the beautiful and recently renovated Tropicana Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas. The National Board met on Sunday, June 8th and the Chapter Presidents meeting was held on Monday, June 9th. On Monday evening at 5:00 pm the reception room was open for the delegates and vendors. It was great to meet new attendees and reminisce with old friends, along with visiting with the vendors to see what products and services they had to offer this year. members. Kevin told the assembly how well the program has developed for UFAA members since its inception in 2009 and gave some good advice on preventing E & O claims from happening in your agency. he mainly focused on how insurance companies make claims a “profit center,” which was very informative. After lunch, Tom Sanders from Capital Resources talked to the delegation about what his company has to offer agents buying or selling an agency. This was a hot topic, since Farmers now allows you to sell your agency to qualified candidates. Day One-Tuesday, June 10, 2014 Bill Phillips, Secretary, introduced the proposed Bylaw and Standing Rules changes. Up next it was time for some National Board reports, so President Tom Schrader called on the National Board members for their annual Board reports. Randy Frates, Director at Large, Klaas Tuininga, Director of Governmental Affairs and Chuck Simpson, Director of Media Relations gave their respective reports. The meeting was called to order at 8:30 am by President Tom Schrader. After a few committee reports and introductions of the National Board members, the delegates were ready for the keynote speaker, Bruce Boguski. Bruce is the author of several books, CD’s and a professionally recognized keynote speaker. He is one of the most “indemand” speakers in the country, doing nearly 100 presentations each year. He educated, motivated and entertained all in attendance. After Bruce’s presentation, you can really understand why he is so popular. Charles Read, with Custom Payroll was our next speaker. Charles is the CEO, company owner and operator of a full service payroll processing company. He explained what his company has to offer pertaining to your agency payroll program. It is designed for the agencies with 10 or fewer employees, yet providing the expertise of CPA’s, but at a more reasonable price. Merle Johnson, Chairman of the Nominating Committee gave his report next, plus asked for any nominations from the floor. Before lunch Kevin Dahlke was introduced and gave his presentation. Kevin is the broker for the UFAA Errors and Omissions Policy, which is a major benefit offered to our Brian Walker, from Chapter 8, then gave his presentation, “Focusing on the Top.” He stressed the need to focus on the finish line and not be sidetracked by issues you have no control over. After hearing Brian give his presentation, we now know why he is so successful in running his Farmers agency. President Tom Schrader opened the floor for discussion for any New Business/Old Business before dismissal that day. Day Two-Wednesday, June 11, 2014 President Tom Schrader called the second day of the Convention to order at 8:30 am and was followed by the invocation, Pledge of Allegiance and a Credentials Committee report. The first speaker was attorney Charles Miller. Since 1990, his practice has been devoted to insurance law. Prior to 1990, he was employed in the insurance industry for 18 years where he worked as a claims representative and claims manager. He has been retained in over seventeen states and several territories, including Canada, as an expert on insurance industry practices and standards. Charles touched on many subjects dealing with Farmers and the Exchanges, but The Voice • 20 • Fall ’14 “AGENTS HELPING AGENTS®” Board nominations were reopened again from the floor. First up after the lunch break, was Ginniannn Brown who has been a Farmers Agent for over 20 years. She started selling Medicare Advantage and Supplement Plans five years ago as a way to supplement her income when most Farmers Agents started experiencing a decline in PIF and income. The remaining National Board reports were given by Steve Hooper, Treasurer, Bill Wise, Membership Director, and Allen Yerxa, Director of Legal Activities. Hearing no nominations from the floor, President Tom Schrader declared the elections closed. The results were Cindy Scheuerman, Secretary, Chuck Simpson, Director of Media Relations and Randy Frates, Director at Large. Before our last speaker of the day took the podium, President Tom Schrader accepted volunteers to fill the three committees for the next year. Then UFAA’s General Counsel, Dirk Beamer spoke on the legal issues the Association is facing and followed it up with a question and answer session. Shortly thereafter the assembly was released for the day to get ready for the evening festivities. Wednesday evening events started off with a cocktail reception at 6:00 pm, during which we continued to sell raffle tickets, as we have during the entire Convention with all proceeds going into the legal fund. Some of this year’s raffle prizes consisted of a Bose Solo TV Sound System, Waterford Crystal Collection, Southwest Airlines Gift Certificate, 70” Vizio LED Flat Screen TV and our Grand Prize a Four Night stay for two at the fantastic Fairmont Banff Springs Hotel in Banff, Alberta Canada. After our banquet dinner, but before our evening’s entertainment got underway we needed to finish up some unfinished business. We had the raffle drawings to see who the lucky winners were going to be at winning one of the ten raffle prizes. Now for the evening’s entertainment, I was fortunate enough to book The Fun Pianos by 176 Keys, www.duelingpiano.com. This dueling piano show is undisputedly the leading traveling dueling piano show in the country. Performing over 800 quality shows per year and this one was no exception. Fun was had by all in attendance and we learned we have quite a few singers among us. Day Three-Thursday, June 12, 2014 Day three of the convention started with President Tom Schrader calling the meeting to order at 8:30 am. After the usual formalities President Tom Schrader reopened the floor for unfinished New/Old Business. As your Vice President, I talked briefly about “Stepping up to the Plate.” I asked the delegation the question, “Is now the time for you to ‘step up’ to assist the only association for Farmers Agents, the United Farmers Agents Association?” President Tom Schrader introduced our UFAA Technology guru, Alex Conger. Alex talked about all the new technology available with all the pros and cons of each and the need to upgrade from Windows XP, if you haven’t already. Plans for 2014-2015 were then discussed. President Tom Schrader reintroduced the new National Board members to the assembly and that concluded the 2014 UFAA National Convention. I always look forward to each year’s National Convention. This year was no exception, coming together seeing old friends and meeting new ones. Make sure you plan now, to attend our 48th UFAA National Convention next June, because it will be here before you know it. Mike Ward Vice President United Farmers Agents Association The Voice of the Agents – Your Two Cents! We will have a new feature coming in the next edition of The Voice called “Your Two Cents” in which we will include comments from our readers. The comments should be no longer than 250 words and can be about a previous article in The Voice, what’s going on with Farmers in your area, or anything else that is of benefit to be shared with the Agency Force. Submissions must be signed but if you prefer to have it published anonymously please indicate so and we will publish it Signed as “Agent”, “Retired Agent”, or “Former Agent” along with your state. Please email your submissions to: twocents@ufaa.com. FUTURE INCOME STREAM OPPORTUNITY UFAA is currently working with one of the largest LTC providers in the United States to negotiate an opportunity for the entire agency force to 1.) Buy a LTC product for themselves, if you are a UFAA member you will receive a discount over lifetime of the policy. 2.) Obtain a license and sell the LTC product to increase your agency income stream. 3.) Receive a referral fee, if you refer to carrier and policy is written. This is an extensive process, so we ask for your patience. We will provide more information as it becomes available. Once again this opportunity will be open to the entire agency force. UFAA National Board The Voice • 21 • Fall ’14 “AGENTS HELPING AGENTS®” Complete this form for an E & O price indication Email to policyservice@groupeando.com or FAX: (619) 287-8921 Notice: this form will merely provide a cost indication. A complete application and E&O loss history is required to bind and no coverage is bound until confirmed in writing by this office. For question please contact: Kevin Dahlke Insurance Brokerage, 15396 Broad Oaks RD, El Cajon, CA 92021 619 287 8613 fax 619 287 8921 kevin@dahlkeinsurance.com Farmers agents may obtain coverage information available at http://www.groupeando.com Name __________________________________________________________________ State ____________ Email address: ________________________________________________ Office phone: ________________________Fax: _________________________Cell: _____________________ Estimated annual commissions and broker fees for all carriers: % commissions from Commercial Lines from all carriers: $_________________ ___________% Estimated Group/Individual Medical / Disability Income / LTC Annual Commissions: $__________________ Number of E&O Claims that resulted in payment to the Claimant in the last 5 years: ____________ Any complaints filed and /or disciplinary action by any state or other regulatory body? Y Number of incidents that may give rise to a claim now, such as requests for recorded statements, interviews with carrier adjusters on disputed or unpaid claims, the client has filed a complaint and or threatened to contact an attorney against the insurer or your agency: / N _______________ FARMERS AGENTS ONLY What year did you sign your most recent agency agreement with Farmers? Have you been insured in the Farmers sponsored plan since you joined Farmers? _____________ Y / N Estimated Non-Farmers Annual P&C Commissions (Do not include Bristol West or Foremost):$______________ The products/plans advertised herein are not sponsored, approved, or endorsed by, or otherwise affiliated with, Farmers Group, Inc. Licensing information available at http://www.groupeando.com 10/1/2014 The Voice • 22 • Fall ’14 “AGENTS HELPING AGENTS®” Is Farmers profiting from your participation in their sponsored E&O plan? Have you examined your E&O coverage lately? If you are insured in the Farmers sponsored plan, you may want to do that before renewing. Rates are up an average of 8.8% across the board, as high as 32% for agents in some states, and coverage has been further limited. Are you paying extra for the deductible buy-back? Pray that you have proof that you inspected every Farmers property risk in your book because if there is a claim and you can’t prove you inspected the property, the policy form allows the waiver of deductible to be voided. Had a subrogation claim by Farmers against your agency? Farmers is examining virtually every single claim for the ability to try to collect from the agent writing the policy. If you are insured in the Farmers sponsored plan, your consent to settle is not required, leaving Farmers and the plan carrier to decide if you are liable and then send you a bill for the deductible. The UFAA plan begins enrollment in October. Protect your agency; save your money; and let Farmers pay for its own coverage. Enroll now. UFAA National Board Tryton Insurance Group, LLC is part of Myron F. Steves & Company operating under the auspices of the Standard Lines Department since 1997. Tryton allows agents to access to standard national carriers and earn competitive commissions, all using our single-entry web interface. Tryton does the work to determine the right carriers to write your personal & commercial clients and provide you with quotes from multiple carriers fast. Tryton can consider both large & small accounts. Our underwriters have the experience to write all your accounts from small minimum premium policies to multi-million dollar accounts. Products and Services Homeowners including High Value Dwelling Fire Auto – Personal & Commercial Business Owners Policies Property General Liability Watercraft ATV Package Policies Auto Liability & Physical Damage Umbrella / Excess Liability Worker’s Compensation Occupational Accident Inland / Ocean Marine Motorcycle Umbrella – Personal & Commercial Commercial Lines written through: Accident Fund (WC only), America First, CNA, Hartford, Travelers, Zenith & Zurich. Personal Lines written through: Chubb, Hartford, Safeco & Travelers. Visit Us At WWW.TRYTONINSURANCE.COM Phone: 866.441.1061 A Myron Steves Company - Standard Lines The Voice • 23 • Fall ’14 “AGENTS HELPING AGENTS®” Response To Changing Course When other companies are at 1/2 the price, we have something Rotten, Let’s dig it out. Is our overhead out of control? This is not the Federal Gov’t. I read this article in the newest Voice with more than a little amusement and a fair amount of dismay. If you look at Mr. Dailey’s history he’s never been an agent. He started as a claims adjuster. He has spent his recent years before CEO of Farmers as CEO of Bristol West, a niche high-risk auto market. You have to admit, the clients in this particular market are handled quite differently than those long time customers of Farmers. But, Mr. Dailey, apparently, perceives all customers like those of Bristol West, customers who will move their policies for a $3 savings in premium. As for the 2013 financial results, you would think that someone with a Bachelor of Science degree in Economics and an MBA from the University of Wisconsin (Mr. Dailey) would have been able to discern a problem with the 2013 first quarter results. But, no, we’ll just push ahead without regard for the consequences, not because it’s the correct thing to do, but because there is a hidden underlying agenda. What that agenda is, I have no idea, but can only surmise it won’t be good for agents. With regard to marketing, they are scraping the bottom of the barrel for ideas, because we are so uncompetitive. Some of these ideas can only be born of dreams (or nightmares) that have zero sales impact at the agency level, while making more “busy work” for agents and staff. I can’t afford to buy into these “flavor of the week” schemes, but you can be assured I’ll get multiple emails on how successful they are. Take for instance, Mhayse Samalya and the road show. In February 2013, Mr. Dailey announces Mhayse as President of the Farmers Brand, and while he is out marketing the newest flavor, the road show is abruptly halted, Mhayse is called back to LA and poof, he’s gone! Read that any way you wish, but something about that whole scenario seems more than just a little odd! Now let’s talk about IT, along with FAB, commercial billing, personal lines and the rest. I’m very familiar with systems, having been an old hand in that industry, but I can only give kudos to IT management for the great job of blowing smoke up managements’ skirt. Take for instance, this past Monday where almost nothing was accessible. At 5:00 am, all was well when I logged on and did my perfunctory 21st Century leads. But by 8:00 am, it was as dead as a door nail! Any other company would have fired their head of IT by now, but in a week or two we’ll hear about what a great job they have done getting the systems back up. As for FAB, all I can say is… Whiskey Tango Foxtrot! Whatever bean-counting clown came up with this and now the “new and improved” spreader tool should have his/her bags packed for him/her and an armed escort out of the building, along with the “unique individual” that put their stamp of approval on it! And how about the new commercial billing? Funny, my work comp account transferred with the EFT intact, yet my liability account didn’t. I and my commercial customers are to go to myclbiz and input my EIGHTEEN CHARACTER ACCOUNT NUMBER to set up my EFT all over again! Holy Moly, my SSN is only 9 (NINE) characters long! Well thank you Farmers, that certainly improves “customer experience”, a term I’ve come to loathe since every email/bulletin/letter bandy this term about, without regard to the actual impact on our customers! In conclusion, I believe our “new course” will be random, based on recent history of management’s performance. I don’t believe Mr. Dailey or Mr. Smith have the necessary experience to steer a new course that is needed to make Farmers the “Great Brand” it was for the next 80 years. The term “promoted beyond their level of competence” comes to mind. Frustrated Colorado Non-Member Convention I know people have given you a blow by blow account of the National Convention and they have done this much better than I ever could. What I am hoping to do is to humbly put in my “two cents” worth. I feel that most people do not realize the effort that the National puts forth to make such a convention happen and the amount of work that your brother and sister agents put forth on your behalf. It is truly amazing! This years’ Convention rivals any Toppers I have ever attended and I have gone to 27 Toppers now. These people deserve our respect and admiration. They are a group of dedicated individuals who work tirelessly on your behalf without any pay and little or no recognition. I stand in awe and amazement of these members from our local Chapter 14 to everyone at the National level. They work so agent’s interests are protected. I have been an agent for a very long time and the past four years have been some of the hardest. Anyone who tells you any different means you The Voice • 24 • Fall ’14 “AGENTS HELPING AGENTS®” just met a liar. But maybe, just maybe, the tide is turning and we as independent business people need to rise with the tide. I can’t get back what I have lost, but maybe I can go forth and grow my business over again. God bless all of those who work so hard at the local level and the National level too. After all, we ARE “Agents Helping Agents®”. Chapter 14 Member Application for Membership United Farmers Agents Association 9785 Mackenzie Rd, Ste #104, St. Louis, MO 63123 Phone 800-275-8668 Fax 314-631-7963 Email@no@ufaa.com Mission Statement - The United Farmers Agents Association is a professional Association committed to helping our members through education, communications, support and information, and to establish a true partnership with Farmers Group, Inc. APPLICANT INFORMATION Name Agent Code Current address: City: State: Zip Code: Phone Non Farmers Email Fax Farmers Email UFAA does not publish or distribute its membership list but if you wish to be enrolled in UFAA’s Anonymous Program Please check the box to the right. By doing so you understand that you will not be part of the UFAA Agent Referral Program. FULL MEMBERSHIP BENEFITS TYPE OF MEMBERSHIP Regular Member: Farmers Insurance Agents with an in force Agent Appointment Agreement. Annual $360 Bank Draft $30 Month Attach a copy of a voided check Semi-Annual $180 Associate Member: Former agents of Farmers Insurance Group who no longer have an in force Agent Appointment Agreement and who are not employees, agents or representatives of an insurance company that offers one or more of the same lines of insurance as Farmers Insurance Group. Annual $50 Affiliate Member: Any person or organization not qualifying under Regular Membership or Associate Membership Annual $50 Career Agent: An active Farmers Agent Still in the Career Program, Renews at Regular Member rate First Year of Membership $50 Disability Agent: Limited to Disability/Business Overhead Group Membership Annual $65 E&O Agent: Limited to E&O Group Membership The E&O Limited Membership is only available through the E&O Website: www.groupeando.com Annual $120 (prorated) PAYMENT MODE – PLEASE SELECT ONE Attached is my Check for (Select One) Annual - $360 Semi-Annual - $180 Associate/Affiliate - $50 Bank Draft - $30 (First Months dues) Attach a copy of a voided check Career - $50 Limited-Disability/Business Overhead - $65 OR Charge my Credit Card (Select One) MasterCard Visa Annual - $360 Semi-Annual - $180 Associate/Affiliate - $50 Bank Draft - $30 (First Months dues) Attach a copy of a voided check Career - $50 Limited-Disability/Business Overhead - $65 Credit Card Number Expiration Date ADDITIONAL FUNDS In addition to my dues, I wish to contribute: $ to the General Fund $ to the Legal Fund $ to the AGM DRA Lawsuit BANK DRAFT AGREEMENT – PLEASE ATTACH A VOIDED CHECK WITH YOUR APPLICATION Authorization to Honor Checks Drawn by the United Farmers Agents Association, Inc. For my benefit and convenience, I hereby request and authorize the United Farmers Agents Association, Inc. to draw a check in the amount of $_________ on or about the 10th day of each month payable to its own order. This authorization will remain in effect until revoked by me in writing and until they actually receive such notice. “AGENT HELPING AGENTS®” THE GENERAL OBJECTIVES OF UFAA ARE: THE SPECIFIC SECURITY OBJECTIVES OF UFAA ARE: 1. 1. 2. 2. 3. 4. 5. To create meaningful communication between company and agent. To improve professional status in the community. To improve company-client relationship. To improve agent to agent relationships. To stand united to accomplish these objectives. 3. 4. 5. 6. A two-way negotiated contract. For rendered services contractual compensation schedules encompassing full commission of all premiums. Agent ownership of policies and expirations. Termination for just stated-cause only. Ending discrimination of agent or agent authority. To foster cooperation for mutual benefit, between other agent associations. I am a current/former Farmers Insurance agent and do hereby apply for membership in the United Farmers Agents Association, Inc., and agree to abide by the bylaws and the code of ethics. I further agree with the above stated principles. Signature of applicant: Referred By Date: The Voice • 25 • Fall ’14 “AGENTS HELPING AGENTS®” ___________________________________ 8/2013 Voice Echoes from the Agency Force Smart Office This was a total surprise. The District rep just popped into the office totally unannounced and said I was the “Lucky One.” My office is the first to be inspected and the need to see at least 5 items with the new branding (Logo) which I did. Just so happened that I had received several boxes of ordered marketing materials from Farmers distribution and I opened it in front of her. Much to both of our surprise, the materials still had the old logo brand. End of discussion. California Agent I had an appointment set for a Thursday morning and on Wednesday morning she pops into my office unannounced and started taking pictures inside and out. I was on the phone with a client for several minutes regarding a claim. She waited while I finished and said she had a doctor appointment on Thursday and decided to come Wednesday. She asked a few questions and left. I thought it all very strange. Another agent called me and asked if she had been to my office yet and I said yes. He said he was out of the office when she came by his office and his CSR was there and she said it was okay that the agent was not there. Did not know what to think? Southern State UFAA Member I’ve had two visits. Last Fall I had an audit. Someone came from the Scottsdale office who reported to Mhayse. She walked in and immediately began shooting photos of my office. When I asked what she was doing, she replied, “Mhayse is asking for photos to see what branding the agents have in their office. We want at least 5 Logos.” In February or so, an employee stopped by, chatted about platform and asked when I was replacing my signs, doormat, etc to comply with new logo. Also took notes and photos. Agent in the Beehive State Yes I had a “smart office visit” from my DM. He called made an appointment and said that if this was not a good time or I was busy we could do it at a different time. He showed up at the agreed upon time, took pictures of all the Farmers branding that was positioned all over the office walls and floor. He explained in full what he was doing and why. It took very little time, thanked me and left. Agent in the NorthWest I had my smart office visit at the end of July; I was meeting my ABC to also discuss the platform and thought we might as well do the smart office inspection at the same time. I had been planning on going platform for some time and made changes to my office and I pride myself as being a Farmers Agent, and answer the phone Farmers Insurance, my voice mail says Farmers Insurance, has the number to the after-hours, and claims and tons of Farmers stuff in the office. I thought I would pass with flying colors. This was not the case, first I was questioned about my new monument sign I had installed. Was it approved? Because it used the gray scale colors not the color logo and I would have to change it. I had to explain that the sign was approved and I received ad aid for it, the property manager didn’t allow multi-color signs to keep with the design of the building. The ABC said I have to keep proof it was approved. Then I was told my Professor Burke posters were outdated because of the old logo and I have to order the new ones (after the meeting I tried to order them only to find they have not been printed with the new logos yet!). By now I was wondering what kind of micro managing I would encounter as a platform agent. Next, I was told my auto attendant is not acceptable because a live person didn’t answer and a customer can’t get a voice mail during business hours. This was the last straw, I’ve been using an auto attendant to answer my phone since I began in 2000 and never had a complaint, only when all my staff is busy does someone get a voice mail. Furthermore, the day before I was looking into the auto attendant system Farmers is selling under their smart office technology page. The ABC left with a list of things I have to do to a “smart office” and I changed my mind about going platform. I will update my posters when Farmers gets around to printing them. West Coast Agent The Voice • 26 • Fall ’14 “AGENTS HELPING AGENTS®” Switch to Sprint for the hottest deal in wireless. The Sprint Family Share Pack is the perfect plan for your data hungry family. Get a great deal when you switch your number to Sprint. 20 GB Unlimited talk and text only $ all while on the Sprint Network data to share 75 up to 10 lines /mo. After SDP discount of 25% is applied on $100 monthly data allowance. We’re waiving monthly access charges for phones, tablets and mobile broadband devices through 2015 – how sweet is that? After 12/31/2015, pay $100 plus the monthly access charge for each device: $15/mo/phone, $10/mo/tablet, $20/mo/mobile broadband device. Plus, we’ll buy out your family’s contract – up to $350 per line. We’ll pay you up to $350 via Visa® Prepaid Card for your Early Termination Fee or Install Bill balance when you switch and sign up for this plan. Once you have received your final bill from your other carrier, register for the Visa Prepaid Card at sprint.com/jointoday by 11/30/14. Don’t delay! Offers end 10/31/14. 25 % Take this flyer to a store. Find one: sprint.com/storelocator Got questions? Email: Eddie.Y.Lai@sprint.com Agency Staff ALSO QUALIFY! WAIVED ACTIVATION FEE! Discount for agents of Farmers Insurance Applies to select regularly priced Sprint monthly data service. Use this code for the Sprint Discount Program. Corporate ID: NAFAR_ZAG_ZZZ *NAFAR_ZAG_ZZZ* Existing customers needing discount, go to: sprint.com/verify **Monthly charges exclude taxes and Sprint Surcharges [incl. USF charge of up to 15.7% (varies quarterly), up to $2.50 Admin. and 40¢ Reg./line/mo. and fees by area (approx. 5–20%)]. Surcharges are not taxes. See sprint.com/taxesandfees. Activ. Fee: $36/line. Credit approval required. Plans: Offer ends 10/31/2014. No discounts apply to access charges. Includes unlimited domestic Long Distance calling and texting. Data allowance as specified. Third-party content/downloads are add’l charge. Int’l svcs are not included. Max of 10 phone/tablet/MBB lines. Mobile Broadband devices excludes Routers, Laptops and notebook computers. Data: Includes 20GB, 32GB, 40GB or 60GB of shared on-network data usage depending on selection and 100MB off-network data usage. Add’l on-network data usage: 1.5¢/MB. Add’l Off-network data for tablets/MBBs: 25¢/ MB. If conflicting share data allowances are applied to an account, the majority on account or most recent change may be applied for all lines. Mobile Hotspot Usage pulls from your data allowances. Monthly Access Charge: After 12/31/2015, customer will be charged applicable data access charge per device in addition to data allowance charge which varies by selection. To avoid charges, customer must contact Sprint to make changes. Sprint Easy Pay obligations will still apply if applicable. Usage Limitations: Other plans may receive prioritized bandwidth availability. To improve data experience for the majority of users, throughput may be limited, varied or reduced on the network. Sprint may terminate service if off-network roaming usage in a month exceeds: (1) 800 min. or a majority of min.; or (2) 100MB or a majority of KB. Prohibited network use rules apply — see sprint.com/terms and conditions. $350 Visa® Prepaid Card Offer: Offer ends 10/31/2014. Consumer, SDP and CL (1-10) phone lines porting the new line on a Sprint Family Share Pack Plan with 20GB of data or higher. Amount based on ETF (Early Termination Fee) charged or remaining balance on install-bill device (excludes Prepaid devices). All lines must be ported from an active wireless line at another carrier and remain active and in good standing for at least 45 days to receive the prepaid card. You must submit your final bill showing your ETF or installment balance no later than 11/30/2014. Allow 12 weeks for your prepaid card to arrive. Register at sprint.com/jointoday. Excludes 11+ Corporate-liable, upgrades, replacements, and ports made between Sprint entities or providers associated with Sprint (i.e., Virgin Mobile USA, Boost Mobile, and Assurance). Cards are issued by Citibank, N.A., pursuant to a license from Visa U.S.A. Inc., and managed by Citi Prepaid Services. Cards will not have cash access and can be used everywhere Visa debit cards are accepted. Sprint Easy Pay: Req. 24-mo. installment agreement, 0% APR, and qualifying device and service plan. If you cancel wireless service, remaining balance on device becomes due. SDP Discount: Avail. for eligible company employees or org. members (ongoing verification). Discount subject to change according to the company’s agreement with Sprint and is avail. upon request for select monthly svc charges. Discount only applies to data service for Sprint Family Share Pack. Not avail. with no credit check offers or Mobile Hotspot addon. Other Terms: Offers and coverage not available everywhere or for all phones/networks. May not be combined with other offers. There is no minimum term applied on the Sprint Family Share Pack, but the Service Agreement applies and automatically continues on a month-to-month basis unless you contact us to inform us of any changes, including cancellation. There may be a minimum annual term applied or continued based on a discounted device purchase. Sprint 3G network reaches over 281 million people. Sprint 4G LTE network reaches over 250 million people. Restrictions apply. See store or sprint.com N145550 for details. ©2014 Sprint. All rights reserved. Sprint and the Sprint logo are trademarks of Sprint. Other marks are the property of their respective owners. MV1234567 9785 Mackenzie, Suite 104 St. Louis, MO 63123 Address Service Requested UNITED FARMERS AGENTS ASSOCIATION 9785 Mackenzie, Suite 104 St. Louis, MO 63123 Office Hours: 8 am to 5 pm Central Time E-mail: no@ufaa.com For Members: 800-275-8668 Phone: 314-631-7898 Fax: 314-631-7963 Executive Board President—Tom Schrader (P) 913-631-1202 (F) 913-403-8636 E-mail: tschrader@ufaa.com Vice President—Mike Ward (P) 918-258-6611 (F) 918-258-6613 E-mail: mward@ufaa.com Secretary—Cindy Scheuerman (P) 970-356-3252 (F) 970-353-6134 E-mail: cscheuerman@ufaa.com Treasurer—Steve Hooper (P) 406-752-4357 (F) 406-257-5190 E-mail: shooper@ufaa.com Membership Director—Bill Wise (P) 480-924-4070 (F) 480-924-2581 E-mail: bwise@ufaa.com Media Relations—Chuck Simpson (P) 913-205-6277 (F) 913-205-6277 E-mail: csimpson@ufaa.com Legal Activities—Kim Rich (P) 877-393-8532 (F) 952-922-6568 E-mail: krich@ufaa.com Governmental Affairs—Klaas Tuininga (P) 406-587-0765 (F) 406-586-3817 E-mail: klaast@ufaa.com Director at Large—Randy Frates (P) 208-452-4011 (F) 208-452-4480 E-mail: rfrates@ufaa.com UFAA Technology Services—Alex Conger (P) 866-441-8018 E-mail: ufaatech@ufaa.com Chapter Presidents ARKANSAS (30) Bill Miller, Little Rock 501-223-2661 chapter30@ufaa.com ARIZONA (16) Murray Fink, Tucson 520-622-6405 chapter16@ufaa.com (43) Bill Wise, Mesa 480-924-4070 chapter43@ufaa.com CALIFORNIA (01) Clair Hinton, Chico 530-895-8979 chapter01@ufaa.com (02) David Ramsey, Roseville 916-783-7267 chapter02@ufaa.com (04) Dan Nelson, Bakersfield 661-205-4474 chapter04@ufaa.com (05) Jan Neveu, Glendale 818-943-3995 chapter05@ufaa.com (08) Damien Simeone, San Diego 858-272-0234 chapter08@ufaa.com (10) John Duncan, Concord 925-825-1808 chapter10@ufaa.com COLORADO (27) Terry Beatty, Northglenn 303-457-3333 chapter27@ufaa.com (46) Cindy Scheuerman, Greeley 970-356-3252 chapter46@ufaa.com IDAHO (28) Randy Frates, Fruitland 208-452-4011 chapter28@ufaa.com ILLINOIS (21) Anil Sharma, Chicago 773-741-3549 chapter21@ufaa.com MISSOURI (41) Mel Hollandsworth, Granite City, IL 618-797-0070 chapter41@ufaa.com MONTANA - WYOMING (51) DeAnn André, Great Falls 406-453-1100 chapter51@ufaa.com NEBRASKA - IOWA (19) Tom Dahulick, Omaha 402-572-9344 chapter19@ufaa.com NEW MEXICO (24) Steve Collins, Albuquerque 505-275-2222 chapter24@ufaa.com KANSAS (13) Shawn McAllister, Kansas City 913-788-8288 chapter13@ufaa.com OHIO (44) Dennis Long, Galion 419-468-1352 chapter44@ufaa.com MICHIGAN (45) Mike Lillo, Kentwood 616-281-2888 chapter45@ufaa.com OKLAHOMA (12) Jim Meredith, Tuttle 405-226-6671 chapter12@ufaa.com (15) Glenn Johnson, Tulsa 918-252-0561 chapter15@ufaa.com MINNESOTA (17) Kim Rich, Minneapolis 952-929-8960 chapter17@ufaa.com OREGON (14) Merle Johnson, Wilsonville 503-682-1583 chapter14@ufaa.com TEXAS (33) David Barron-Rajme, El Paso 915-581-3315 chapter33@ufaa.com (34) Kent Underwood, Duncanville 972-709-0907 chapter34@ufaa.com (35) Robert Fox, Houston, 281-920-2315 chapter35@ufaa.com (36) John Hall, Temple 254-778-8087 chapter36@ufaa.com UTAH (39) Brian Lee, Herber 435-654-1911 chapter39@ufaa.com WASHINGTON (22) Ron Cook, Maple Valley 425-228-1212 chapter22@ufaa.com WISCONSIN (20) Steve Johnson, Williams Bay 262-245-0555 chapter20@ufaa.com For information, contact the Chapter President nearest you or any Board Member Visit our website — www.ufaa.com