Ivan Wins Captain`s Award Greg Wins Sexiest Beard Alive Camp of
Ivan Wins Captain`s Award Greg Wins Sexiest Beard Alive Camp of
49TH INDIANA COMPANY F VOL 43 NO 2 | APR 2015 ESTABLISHED IN THE RE-ENACTING COMMUNITY IN 1974 Rank & File THE VOICE OF THE 49TH INDIANA VOLUNTEER INFANTRY COMPANY F Ivan Wins Captain’s Award Greg Wins Sexiest Beard Alive Camp of Instruction Sassafras Tea Festival FIND INFORMATION ON OUR WEBSITE; WWW.49THINDIANA.COM 1 Volume 42 Issue 7 Rank & File THE VOICE OF THE 49TH INDIANA VOLUNTEER INFANTRY COMPANY F A founding member of the “Army of the Wabash” A founding member of the “Cumberland Guard” V OLUME 43 | I SSUE 2 49TH INDIANA COMPANY F C/O ROBERT VAN 6085 WALNUT COURT BROWNSBURG, IN 46112 U.S.A DEPARTMENTS Rob Van, Captain T: 317.557.2244 E: ROBERT.R.VAN@GMAIL.COM THE CAPTAIN’S DESK 4 FROM THE TRENCHES 6 FINANCES 8 CALENDAR 13 Fred Leickly, Lieutenant T: 317.896.2311 E: FREDLEICKLY@YAHOO.COM NEXT EVENT Ivan G. Vargas, Editor T: 317.997.0864 E: IVARGAS21@GMAIL.COM The mission of the 49th Indiana, Company F is to preserve Indiana’s Civil War heritage and to educate the public, as living historians, about the vital role the events of the civil war played in directing the course of our nation. The 49th Indiana, Company F is Indiana’s oldest and largest nonprofit organization devoted to portraying life during the American Civil War. Since 1974, we have represented Indiana’s civil war heritage in movies and documentaries, for newspapers and TV, and at schools, museums and reenactments across the US. For more information, please contact Fred Leickly at 317-896-2311 or visit our website at http:// www.49thindiana.com. The Rank & File is the membership magazine of the 49th Indiana Company F. 2 14,16 LINKS 12 WHO WE ARE 22 RECRUITMENT POSTER 24 49TH INDIANA COMPANY F Find us on the Internet 49THINDIANA.COM THE OFFICIAL WEBSITE OF THE 49TH INDIANA CO. F COMPANY DUES M embership dues are due at the beginning of every year. If you write a check, please make it payable to “Robert Van”, NOT “49th Indiana” $15 : Membership with eNewsletter $20 : Family Membership with eNewsletter Send payment (check preferred) to : 49th Indiana C/o Rob Van 6085 Walnut Court Brownsburg, IN 46112 Questions? The Captain can be reached at: ROBERT.R.VAN@GMAIL.COM 317.557.2244 (m) YOU CAN ALSO FIND US AT: FACEBOOK.COM/GROUPS/49THINDIANA PAY YOUR DUES VIA PAYPAL SUBMIT TO ROBERT_R_VAN@YAHOO.COM 3 Volume 42 Issue 7 MESSAGE FROM HEADQUARTERS A LETTER FROM THE CAPTAIN W e are less than one week away from the start of the 2015 season. I would like to see the entire company (new folks as well as season veterans) at the Camp of Instruction this weekend. As always, if you have any issues or get lost, you can call me at 317.557.2244. I will be here Friday to direct you if needed. There is plenty of firewood in the shed, and I also have repaired the water lines in the upper and lower pasture. Seems like everyone preferred camping in the upper pasture, so we will do that again this year. It is very important you are here not only for Saturday, but almost more important the company meeting on Sunday. We cannot set an effective schedule if you are not here to voice your opinion and provide a vote as to where we will go in 2015. I am optimistic the weather will be pleasant, but as always, the barn is heated and will be available for sleeping if the weather turns bad. As always, the more hardcore of our group can sleep down in the woods and use their blankets 4 for firewood if needed. Please drive safe, and I will see you soon, Captain Van 49TH INDIANA COMPANY F 5 FROM THE TRENCHES Hamilton County Civil War Roundtable The Hamilton County Civil War Roundtable meet at the Conner Prairie Interactive History Park located at 13400 Allisonville Road. Doors open at 7:00 p.m., and the program will start at 7:30 in the Lilly Theater on the 2nd floor of their main office building. We will have plenty of free parking, and people should enter through the main entrance where the ticket office is located. Camp coffee and hardtack should be available. Meetings will be on the 3rd Wednesday of the month, September through May, excluding December. 4/15 Dave Walker - "Portraying Jeff Davis" 5/20 Margaret Hobson - "The Iron Men of Indiana's 44th Regiment" Trials & Tribulations In 1865, Lew Wallace served on two important trials: that of the Lincoln Conspirators and the war crimes trial of Henry Wirz, commandant of Andersonville Prison. Wirz was the only person to be executed for war crimes after the Civil War. Wallace also spent several months of 1865 traveling, first attempting to negotiate a Confederate surrender in Texas and then raising support for the Juaristas in Mexico as they fought the European-installed dictator Maximilian. This new exhibit at the General Lew Wallace Study and Museum, displays items on loan from the Indiana Historical Society, Lane Place, and the Wabash College Ramsey Archives, as well as from their own collection. They are open Tuesday Saturday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Lincoln Assassination Symposium April 19, 2015: Two-part lecture by noted author/ historian Robert C. Jones during the sesquicentennial of Lincoln’s death, 1:30-3:30. Hosted by Hope United Presbyterian Church, Plainfield, IN. Spaghetti dinner provided at 12:30. All events are free, with a free will offering for lunch. For more information, please contact Chris Shelton at usgrant18642002@yahoo.com "Blood and Glory: The Civil War in Color" "Blood and Glory: The Civil War in Color" is a four hour - four part mini-series that will air in two two -hour parts over two weeks. The first weeks episodes are , "The March to War" (outlining the reasons for the war and how it started) and "The Weapons of War" (which talks about the deadly technological innovations that were introduced during the war). It it's hoped that restored and colorized images -- nearly 600 of them, by the way -- would serve to make the story more immediate and more emotional. Contributors include Gen. Colin Powell, Gen. David Petraeus, Sen. Carol Moseley-Braun, Ben Stein, Richard Dreyfuss and many, many more. Kevin Burns -Executive Producer/Director Watch America's bloodiest war unfold in color. Blood and Glory: The Civil War in Color premieres Tuesdays at 9/8c on the HISTORY Channel. FOR SALE!! HAVE SOMETHING TO SAY? MUSKET CAPS & GUNPOWDER 1 lb. of Goex Powder : $15 per pound 1 Tin of 100 caps : $10 per tin See the Captain For Purchase. Want to make you voice heard? Have something to share? The newsletter wants your stuff!! We’re always looking for pictures or info of members at work, rest or play. Send a r t , p h o t o s , announcements, letters, opinions, articles or ads to the editor at: IVARGAS21@GMAIL.COM Volume 42 Issue 7 COMPANY FINANCIALS Powder Caps Cans In In Stock Stock 15 15 Debit / Credit 26 26 Balance $ 2,025.44 Date Comment Reported at January 2015 Newsletter $ 60.00 $ 2,085.44 1/17/2015 2014 Individual Dues : Greg Swank, Ian Fulford, Kip Stainbrook, Cole Bradburn, $ 180.00 $ 2,265.44 1/17/2015 2014 Family Dues : Van,Bedwell, Freiberger, Lawalin, Curtis, Benning, Best, Wyrobek, Wilson $ 35.00 $ 2,300.44 1/17/2015 Donation towards flag - Ian Fulford $ 13.00 $ 2,313.44 1/17/2015 Donation towards flag - Rich Best $ 134.00 $ 2,447.44 1/17/2015 2014 / 2015 Winter Meeting : Raffle $ 2,447.44 Reported at April 2015 Newsletter Conner Prairie Registration is Now Open!! Indiana’s Largest Civil War event is almost upon us. Please take a moment to register for Civil War Days at Conner Prairie May 16-17. http://www.connerprairie.org/Civil-War-Days-Reenactors/Registration 8 CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR 2015 OFFICIERS AND AWARD WINNERS Captain : Rob Van 1st Sgt : Ian Fulford Sgt. Nathan Malone Ranking Corporal : Dennis “Cowboy Bob” Wyrobek Corporal : Cole Bradburn Brevet Corporals : Kip Stainbrook and Greg Swank 2014 Captain's Award Recipient : Ivan Vargas Need Extra Training?? Nick Medich's Confederate group is having a spring training and invites any Federals who are looking for something to do that weekend. Battalion drill at the Huddleston house in Cambridge, IN the weekend of May 1-3. Volume 42 Issue 7 Photo m By HTTP://PHOTOMEMORIESBYRHAYS.ZENFOLIO.COM 10 R.H 49TH INDIANA COMPANY F emories HAYS 11 Volume 42 Issue 7 WEB LINKS OF INTEREST 49th Indiana Company F. Webpage: http://www.49thindiana.com 49th Indiana Company F. Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/ groups/49thIndiana Are you a Member of the 49th Indiana EGroup? Send and receive group e-mails and updates on the unit automatically. You can subscribe by sending an e-mail to 49th_Indiana-subscribe@yahoogroups.com Other Interesting Sites : http://www.10thbattalion.org/school.php Site that shows drill maneuvers http://www.rjsamp.com Civil War Bugle Calls http://www.10thbattalion.org/school.php More drill maneuvers http://www.zipcon.net/~silas/links.htm#N_17 http://www.civilwarteaser.blogspot.com Our own Corporal Swank http://www.authorsden.com/visit/viewArticle.asp? id=31792 Article on the steamer the 49th was on http://18thindependentbatteryindianalightartillery. Great article on leather care weebly.com http://thebalticforge.weebly.com/ Blacksmith—The Baltic Forge We’ve all heard about the superstition that carrying a bible or prayer book over the heart could save your life. The owner of this Prayer Book, Pvt. Edward R. Graton, Co. C, 25th Regt. Mass. Vols. believed it, lived it, and almost had that happy ending. The 25th formed around Worcester late 1861, and left for the seat of War Jan. 9, 1862, landing Feb. 7, 1862 in North Carolina. The next day, their first in action, they were engaged in the battle of Roanoke Island, N.C. In this battle, Private Graton took a bullet almost dead center in his prayer book. It stopped the bullet, and apparently saved the soldier’s life. Unfortunately, the shock was too great, even softened by the book, because he died a month later. Front paste down with inscription Edward R. Graton Private Compy. C, 25th Regt. Mass. Vol. and died at Roanoke Il. N.C. March 9th 1862 of wounds received in battle on 8th Feb. 1862. Larger caliber hole near middle and fractured pages entirely through including back cover, which has reputed bloodstain. Book is dated 1858. 12 49TH INDIANA COMPANY F CALENDAR Potential 2015 Events NAME * * * * * LOCATION DATE(S) Indiana Civilian Civil War Con- ??? ??? Army of the Wabash Meeting Conner Prairie .January 17, 2015 2:00 PM 49th Conner Prairie .January 17, 2015 6:00 PM Cumberland Guard Meeting Winter Battle Bentonville, AR Civil War Show 49th Camp of Instruction Fort Wayne, IN Spring Mill Park Bentonville, AR Beech Grove HS Brownsburg, IN .January 31, 2015 @ 10:00 EST .February 7, 8 2015 . March 20, 21, 22 2015 .March 27, 28 2015 .April 12, 13 2015 Sassafrass Tea Festival Lincoln Funeral Train Conner Prairie Vernon, IN Springfield, IL Fishers, IN .April 24, 25, 26 2015 .May 2, 3 2015 .May 15, 16, 17 2015 Crown Hill Memorial Day Ser- Indianapolis, IN .May 25, 2015 Homeschool Group Bloomington, IN LaPorte LaPorte, IN .June 1, or June 4, or June 5, 2015 .June 12, 13, 14 2015 Billie Creek Village Rockville, IN .June 12, 13, 14 2015 Wilbur Wright Festival Fort Wayne, IN Hesston Steam Museum Newburgh Raid Charlton Park Jellystone Park Hale Farm Cascades Civil War Muster Richmond, KY Huddleston Farmhouse Lincoln Days Event Battle of Belzer Hagerstown, IN Fort Wayne, IN Hesston, IN Newburgh, IN Hastings, MI Knightstown, IN .June 19, 20, 21 2015 .June 19, 20, 21 2015 .June 26, 27, 28 2015 .July 18, 2015 .July 17, 18, 19 2015 .July 31, Aug 1, 2 2015 .August 7, 8, 9 2015 .August 21, 22, 23 2015 .August 28, 29, 30 2015 .September ?? .September 25, 26, 27 2015 .October 9, 10, 11 2015 .October 23, 24, 25 2015 Winter Meeting Jackson, MI Richmond, KY Knightstown, IN Lebanon, IN Hartford City, IN Indianapolis, IN .= AOW Max Effort Event 13 Volume 42 Issue 7 NEXT EVENT INFORMATION CAMP OF INSTRUCTION Rob & Bonny’s House April 10-12, 2015 DATE AND TIME: April 10—12 LOCATION: Rob and Bonny’s 6085 Walnut Court Brownsburg, IN 46112 DIRECTIONS: See attached map. PLEASE BRING: All your traps, tent, etc. Any information on 2015 events you would like to discuss Check to renew your membership and other dues THE COMPANY WILL PROVIDE: Porta-potty, firewood, straw. The barn will be heated in case of inclement weather. SCHEDULE OF EVENTS Friday, April 10, 2015 04:00 p.m. Camps Open Saturday, April 11, 2015 09:00 a.m. Reveille and Post Colors / Breakfast 09:20 a.m. Roll Call / Camp Inspection 09:30 a.m. Post Colors 09:30 a.m. Company Drill (Emphasis on Basics / Manual of Arms / Stacking) 10:30 a.m. Bayonet Drill 11:00 p.m. Dinner (Optional, a group usually goes into town to a restaurant) 01:00 p.m. Company Drill (Emphasis on Company Evolutions and Firing) 02:30 p.m. Divide into Squads & Drill for School of Soldier 03:00 p.m. Combined Drill (49th Ind / 44th TN) 04:30 p.m. Bayonet Drill 08:00 p.m. Supper 05:30 p.m. Retire Colors 08:00 p.m. Retreat Sunday, April 13, 2014 08:00 a.m. Reveille and Post Colors / Breakfast 08:30 a.m. Roll Call / Camp Inspection 09:00 a.m. Company Drill (Emphasis on succession of command (‘magic bullet’)) 10:30 a.m. Skirmish Drill 11:30 a.m. Company Drill 12:00 Bayonet Drill 01:00 p.m. Dinner + 49th Indiana Company Meeting / Vote for Schedule (Barn) 14 49TH INDIANA COMPANY F Map to the Vans 6085 Walnut Court Brownsburg, IN 46112 317-557-2244 / Robert.r.van@gmail.com http://maps.google.com/maps/ms? msid=209400619347837342353.0004a38cb9e82dba4c6ef&msa=0 Map NOT to scale 15 Volume 42 Issue 7 NEXT EVENT INFORMATION Sassafras Tea Festival & Civil War Living History Vernon, IN April 24-26 DATE AND TIME: April 24-26 LOCATION: Jennings County Superior Courthouse 24 N Pike Vernon, IN 47282 DIRECTIONS: From Indianapolis… I-65 South State Road 50 East Turn South (Right) on State Road 3 / 7 South Go to Courthouse Square on Left in Vernon, IN (NOT in North Vernon) PLEASE BRING: Standard Gear and Traps Check to renew your membership and other dues CAMPING STYLE: Occupying Army WEBSITE: http://www.vernonindiana.org/festival.php 16 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: Event coordinators have asked that the Union and Confederate officers mixed freely outside the location where Grant/Lee are meeting, as was the case back then. Many were old friends from the pre-war days and were once again free to meet on friendly terms. In addition, troops on both sides removed their hats as Lee rode off. 49TH INDIANA COMPANY F Additional Information The Jennings County Historical Society is extending a special invitation to all sons and daughters of Civil War Veterans for April 25-26. All descendants will be invited to register each of their Civil War ancestors and will be given an appropriate blue or grey arm band for each ancestor. Descendants will also be invited to participate with Civil War reenactors in the Peace (Union Victory) parade on April 25 or the Lincoln Funeral Parade on April 26. Highlights of the two days include: Two battles Blue/Grey Ball Recreation of Lee's Surrender to Grant Peace (Union Victory) Parade Announcement of attempt on Lincoln's life All night vigil for Lincoln Conspirator reenactors Man hunt for conspirators Conspirators face Gen Lew Wallace and others Swearing in of President Johnson Lincoln Funeral parade with horse drawn hearse Recreated Lincoln Funeral train car setting on the first elevated train track in the Midwest Condolence books to sign for presentation to Lincoln Library Overnight encampment This is a long established annual reenactment, which this year will honor 1865. It will be held April 25-26 in Vernon, Indiana, an historic village of 320 founded in 1815 with the true feel of an 1865 community. Vernon is approximately one hour from Indianapolis, Cincinnati and Louisville. 17 Volume 42 Issue 7 18 49TH INDIANA COMPANY F 19 Volume 42 Issue 7 20 49TH INDIANA COMPANY F 21 Volume 42 Issue 7 49th Indian a Company F 49TH INDIANA VOLUNTEER INFANTRY, CO. F THE PREMIER CENTRAL INDIANA CIVIL WAR REENACTING UNIT ESTABLISHED IN 1974 The 49th Indiana is seeking individuals who have an interest in the Civil War and a willingness to portray the life of a Union Soldier Meet The Members - Contact us by phone or email, or simply visit us at one of our upcoming events and let us know you're interested. 49TH INDIANA COMPANY F C/O ROBERT VAN 6085 WALNUT COURT BROWNSBURG, IN 46112 U.S.A Acquiring Equipment - We do not expect new members to purchase all of their equipment at once. Start slowly, and ask other members for advice on where to purchase your basic uniform. We allow new members a year to fully equip themselves. Under some circumstances we can offer to loan gear to those wanting to test out the hobby before they spend too much money. Become a Member - Once you have attended a few events, attained all of your necessary gear, and paid your yearly dues, you will have become a full member! Rob Van, Captain T: 317.557.2244 E: ROBERT.R.VAN@GMAIL.COM If you are interested in joining, please feel free to contact us or visit us at one of our upcoming events. Fred Leickly, Lieutenant T: 317.896.2311 E: FREDLEICKLY@YAHOO.COM 2012 © Copyright 49TH Indiana Company F All rights are reserved. Any reproduction or modification, of all or part of this publication, regardless of the method of reproduction or modification used and regardless of the carrier used, is strictly prohibited, unless written authorization by 49TH Indiana Company F has been obtained beforehand. Those acting in breach of this notice expose themselves to criminal and civil prosecution, in accordance with the international conventions and copyright laws. Ivan Vargas, Editor T: 317.997.0864 E: IVARGAS21@GMAIL.COM 22 49TH INDIANA COMPANY F 23 Volume 42 Issue 7 En route from Springfield, Illinois to his first inauguration in Washington D.C., Abraham Lincoln’s train stopped in Lebanon on February 11, 1861, where he addressed the citizens of this small Boone County town from the back of his train car. LINCOLN’S LEBANON & CIVIL WAR RE-ENACTMENT WHAT IF HE HAD STAYED TO VISIT? On September 26th, that’s exactly what he will do, visiting with the citizens of Boone County who wish to meet him, enjoy a photo op, and listen to him speak. Come meet a great icon of American history. L INCOLN ’ S L EBANON & C IVIL W AR R E - ENACTMENT TWO FUN DAYS OF ACTIVITIES At noon, Saturday, the President speaks at the historical marker in front of Family Video on South Lebanon St., before traveling to Memorial Park where he will remain until 5 PM. A full encampment of both Union & Confederate troops will be present in the park 24 September 26 - 27, 2015 Memorial Park Lebanon, Indiana Several food vendors will be on hand, offering a variety of tasty items. Civil War demonstrators will be on hand Barbeque on Saturday night. Bring your own instrument to jam with the soldiers Sunday morning tent church service 49TH INDIANA COMPANY F 2015 CAMP OF INSTRUCTION BROWNSBURG, INDIANA APRIL 10-12, 2015 49th Indiana Volunteer Infantry Company F 49TH INDIANA COMPANY F C/O ROBERT VAN 6085 WALNUT COURT BROWNSBURG, IN 46112 U.S.A PLACE STAMP HERE 25