An Easy Button to Change Your IP Address!
An Easy Button to Change Your IP Address!
An Easy Button to Change Your IP Address! By Vitad Pradith Almost every seasoned HYPACK® user has gone through the rite of passage mastering the task of setting your IP address (Static IP), but some of you have taken it to the next level and can even recite the cursor placement and what links to click in Windows® to reach the infamous "Internet Protocol Version v4 (TCP/IP v4)" option. But given the array of sonar systems that utilize an Ethernet connection and computers/laptops that come with only one Ethernet (RJ45) port, someone is going to end up with Carpal Tunnel from all that button clicking. So, if you're like me and love little hacks that will save you a little time and physical aggravation then this is for you. In this article, I'm going to show you how to use the Microsoft command line tool Netsh that is well known to IT Network Administrators, convert it into a batch file that will allow you to quickly swap your IP address by clicking on a desktop shortcut. NOTE: You must have administrator privileges to do this!! The batch file allows you to configure several executables to adjust your IP address based on your sensor du jour (e.g. side scan, multibeam, magnetometers, or really anything with an IP address). 1. Find the name of your Network Port. Select CONTROL PANEL > NETWORK AND SHARING CENTER > CHANGE ADAPTER SETTINGS. FIGURE 1. Found Under the Network Connections Folder 2. Note the name. In my example, my on board Ethernet port is named "Widget". May / 2015 1 Currently, this Ethernet port is set to obtain an IP address automatically. This is known as DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol). FIGURE 2. 3. Ethernet port is set to obtain an IP address automatically Take an inventory of the sensors and respective IP addresses between which you want to switch. For example, I have two separate sensors with the following IP characteristics: Sensor1 IP: Subnet: Sensor2 IP: Subnet: 4. In a text editor such as NotePad, type or copy/paste the following code, changing the name of the port and IP address to reflect your network port name and IP address: netsh int ip set address "Widget" static netsh interface ip dump pause exit Example: netsh int ip set address "My Network Port" static netsh interface ip dump pause exit 5. 2 Name and save the file as a *.bat file. (Set your Save As Type to All Files(*.*).) FIGURE 3. Saving the Batch File 6. 7. Save your file to the desktop (or somewhere convenient). Test the batch file. Right-click on the file and select Run as Administrator. FIGURE 4. Test Running the Batch If you haven't disabled the Windows UAC, you will see a Windows® Warning message. Click OK to execute the batch file. A Windows® command line window should appear confirming that your IP address for that particular port has changed! FIGURE 5. Windows® Confirms the Address Change May / 2015 3 If you really need a warm and fuzzy, you can confirm that the IP address changed through the usual button clicking method. FIGURE 6. After Executing Sensor 1 8. Repeat the above steps for your other sensors! FIGURE 7. After Executing Sensor 2 RESETTING YOUR PORT TO DHCP To reset the port back to DHCP, use the following code replacing "Widget" with the name of your port. Save this file to something obvious such as "DHCP.bat" netsh interface ip set address "Widget" dhcp pause exit Carpal tunnel be gone! 4 SOME MORE TROUBLESHOOTING TIPS & TRICKS • Incorrectly Referenced Port Name. If the Command window looks like Figure 8, you probably forgot to right-click and run as an administrator (or you're not an administrator). If you “make nice” with your local IT help, they may be able to permanently give you this file administrator privileges. FIGURE 8. Running the Batch Without Administrative Permissions • • Batch File Shortcuts: If right-clicking to "Run as administrator" is really annoying, you can put the files into a folder and make shortcut icons to the batch files: a. Right-click on the batch file shortcut and select Properties. b. Click on the Shortcut tab. c. Click [Advanced]. d. Select the "Run as administrator" option. This is a Windows quirk to run the batch file as an administrator all the time. For more information: May / 2015 5