valley voice - Valley of Detroit
valley voice - Valley of Detroit
Scottish Rite Masons and their Families VALLEY VOICE May 2015 SPRING REUNION MAY 30th Details Inside Valley of Detroit VALLEYVOICE May, 2015 Valley Voice is the official publication of Detroit Scottish Rite. The Bodies of the Scottish Rite, sitting in the Valley of Detroit, State of Michigan, acknowledge and yield allegiance to the Supreme Council, 33o, Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry for the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction of the United States of America whose Grand East is in Lexington, Massachusetts. On the Cover: As many of you know, the Valley of Detroit owns a beautiful painting by Emanuel Leutze (1816-1868) of George Washington as a Master Mason. This painting once hung in the Scottish Rite Lodge Room on the 6th floor of the Detroit Masonic Temple. It is currently on loan to the Scottish Rite Masonic Museum and Library at Supreme Council Headquarters in Lexington, Massachusetts, where it now hangs in the Maxwell Auditorium. A photocopy has been made and a full-size print is now framed and hanging in the stairwell of our Masonic Center. Here ye, Hear ye 2015 Annual Meeting Election & Installation of Officers & Clubs Ill. John Wm. McNaughton, 33o Sovereign Grand Commander Ill. David R. Bedwell, 33o Deputy for Michigan Ill. William J. Dover, 33o, MSA Active Member for Michigan Ill. Walter F. Wheeler, 33o Active Member for Michigan Tuesday, May 12, 2015 7:30 p.m. Ill. Erwin W. O’Dell, 33o, MSA Active Member Emeritus Ill. Gerald F. Thorp, 33o, MSA Active Member Emeritus Refreshments Following All correspondence concerning Publication should be directed to Executive Secretary of the Valley Detroit, Timothey S. Marshbanks, this the of 33o Mailing Address 907 Monroe St. Dearborn, MI 48124-2309 313.724.1907 Fax 313.724.1996 Toll Free 877.320.6432 Email Editor Ill. David R. Bedwell, 33o Permission to reprint original articles in the Valley Voice is granted to all recognized Masonic publications with credit to the author and this publication. Copyright © 2015 Board of Trustees of the Scottish Rite Bodies of the Valley of Detroit lable for Pre-O i a v A rder Now The Badge of a Freemason Masonic Aprons from the Scottish Rite Masonic Museum & Library By Aimee E. Newell, Director of Collections Special Discount for Scottish Rite Northern Masonic Jurisdiction members and Museum & Library members $33 (plus sales tax, if applicable, and shipping) (membership must be current) C alled “the badge of a Freemason” in Masonic ritual, the fraternity’s apron was adapted from the protective aprons worn by working stonemasons during the 1600s and 1700s. Still worn by members today, the apron remains one of the iconic symbols of Freemasonry. This catalogue presents more than 100 aprons from the Scottish Rite Masonic Museum & Library collection with full-color photographs and new research. The aprons are organized chronologically to help demonstrate their evolution in shape, style and materials from the eighteenth century through the twentieth century. This lavishly illustrated volume offers stories to be enjoyed by Freemasons around the world, as well as new ways to understand these aprons for scholars, researchers and museum curators. The Badge of a Freemason is the first in-depth study of American Masonic aprons published in recent decades and is a fascinating resource for collectors, enthusiasts and Freemasons. Name: Address: Email: Phone: Membership Number: Book: $33 + S&H: $9.95 + 6.25% Sales tax (for Massachusetts addresses only): $2.06 Total Amount Enclosed: $42.95 or $45.01 (MA addresses) Mail this form by May 31, 2015 along with your check payable to: Scottish Rite Masonic Museum & Library, Attn: Aimee E. Newell, 33 Marrett Road, Lexington, MA 02421 Questions? Call 781-457-4144 Available June 2015 for $39.95 (plus shipping and tax, if applicable), Spring Reunion SCOTTISH RITE: Inspirat 2015 Spring Reunion Saturday, May 30, 2015 Scottish Rite Masonic Center Free Parking available One block North at Ford Field Park. Complimentary Shuttle Service from the Park to the Front Door Honoring Illustrious Elbert N. Taylor, 33o Schedule of Activities Candidate Registration: 8:00 A.M. 8:30 A.M. - 4° Master Traveler - Here is the introduction to Scottish Rite Masonry. This degree provides us with a preview of the moral truths we shall witness on our journey through the Scottish Rite. 9:00 A.M. - 6° Master of the Brazen Serpent - We learn from this degree that we must have faith in ourselves, faith in each other, and faith in God. 9:45 A.M. - 15° Knight of the East - The lesson of this degree emphasizes the importance of loyalty to our beliefs and fidelity to our obligations. 11:00 A.M. - 31° My Brother’s Keeper - This degree vividly illustrates both the acceptance and avoidance of our Masonic obligation to care for our Brothers. **This is a NEW Degree** 11:30 A.M. - LUNCH - Complimentary - Reservations Required - No Exceptions. 12:30 P.M. - 18° Knight of the Rose Croix of H.R.D.M. - The message of this degree reveals the new law of love. We should prepare a Temple in our heart, where God is worshiped. 2:00 P.M. - 32° Sublime Prince of the Royal Secret - As the culmination of Scottish Rite Masonry, this degree celebrates the triumph of individual integrity and our obligation to serve humanity. Reception following the 32° - Reservations Required For petition information or to make reservations for lunch and the reception, please contact the Valley office toll free at 877.320.6432 or online tion * Convenience * Enjoyment! Faces of Scottish Rite ~ Class Honoree Illustrious Elbert N. Taylor, 33o, PTPM Illustrious Brother Taylor was born July 9, 1959, in Detroit, MI. Elbert (affectionately known as ET) attended Fordson High School and Henry Ford Community College. He spent the majority of his working years at the City of Dearborn. He married Julia Johnson on 8-28-98. ET has three children with his first wife, Irene, James and Guy. There are two grandchildren, Davis and Sophia. Elbert passed away on September 3, 2014, after a very brave battle. Elbert became a Master Mason on November 27, 1980, at Olive Branch Lodge #542. In 1993, Elbert was Wolverine Lodge #484 Mason of the Year. He served two terms as Master for Wolverine Lodge. In 2004, Elbert was Mason of the Year in Dearborn Lodge #172 for which he served as Master for two years. In 2005, Elbert was District #5 Mason of the Year and Michigan State Mason of the Year. Elbert also served as the Regional Grand Lecturer from 1994-2000. In the spring of 1981, Elbert joined the Scottish Rite Valley of Detroit. Elbert was Thrice Potent Master for the Detroit Lodge of Perfection in 2005, and served on the Valley of Detroit Board of Trustees from 2006-2012. Elbert joined Dearborn Chapter #172 Royal Arch Masons in 1982. He was also a member of York Rite College and Detroit Commandery #1. Elbert was very involved with Masonic Youth Groups throughout his lifetime. As a young man, he was Master Councilor for Dearborn DeMolay, and he became its Dad Advisor as an adult. After Dearborn DeMolay Chapter closed, Elbert became a Dad Advisor for Clifford C. Reeves Chapter in Lincoln Park. He also served as an advisor for Dearborn Bethel of Job’s Daughters. Elbert received the Legion of Honor from the Order of DeMolay in 1990 and was a Past Commander of the Marquis de Lafayette Court of Chevaliers, having received his Chevalier in 1979. Elbert worked for the City of Dearborn for over 25 years. He was originally hired as a part-time city mail carrier and also worked for the library system distributing books among the various library branches. He later applied for and was hired full-time as an ordinance enforcement officer and animal control officer. In 2001, Elbert transferred to the City Clerk’s office where he worked as a Vital Records Specialist. Elbert retired in 2011 from the City of Dearborn after 25 years of full-time service. For his dedicated service to the Valley of Detroit and his many contributions to Freemasonry, the Valley of Detroit is proud to name the 361st Reunion Class in his honor. Kalamazoo Regalia will have a display set-up during the Valley of Detroit Spring Reunion Saturday, May 30 Be sure to stop by, say Hi and check us out! We will be taking orders for Shirts and Jackets for spring & summer. 728 West Michigan Ave., Kalamazoo, MI 49007 Phone: 269-344-4299 Toll free: 888-344-4299 Fax: 269-344-2227 Tour the Labatt Brewery London, Ontario Friday, July 31, 2015 Depart Ford Field Park in Dearborn at 8:30 a.m. Return 7:00 p.m. Valid Passport or Enhanced Drivers License Required Have you ever wondered how that bottle, can or keg made its way to your favorite restaurant or perhaps into your refrigerator? If so, then you will enjoy our Valley tour of Labatt’s state-of-the-art brew house. The Labatt Company has been brewing beer in London, Ontario, since 1847. Our walking tour of the production and packaging facility will begin and end in the Labatt Beer Institute located in the John Kinder Labatt Room, complete with a spectacular bar and interesting displays of beer memorabilia. Sampling will occur at the conclusion of the tour, when each participant can taste five freshly tapped beers. Put side by side, you can really taste, smell and see the difference. We will travel by deluxe motor coach, tour the brewery, then have lunch at East Side Mario’s. This event is only open to Scottish Rite members, prospective members and significant others. A copy of your valid passport or enhanced drivers license must be submitted to the Valley office no later than June 24, 2015. $55.00 per person. Your prepaid reservation is required no later than July 20, 2015. 877.320.6432 Headsets and safety glasses are provided. Age of majority required. Everyone on the tour must wear closed toe, closed heel and flat footwear (running shoes preferred). Also, following Labatt’s food safety policies, no earrings, necklaces, bracelets or watches are permitted. Rings with jewels must be taped with medical tape, which will be provided. Medic alert necklaces or bracelets can be worn under clothing. No photography is permitted in the brewery. In anticipation of his election at the Annual Communication, Northwood Ancient Craft Lodge No. 551 F & AM invites you to a Reception and Dinner to honor Richard D. Wisley as Most Worshipful Grand Master of Masons in Michigan. Ukrainian Cultural Center 26601 Ryan Road, Warren, Michigan 48091 Saturday, June 20, 2015 Reception at 6:00 PM * Dinner at 7:00 PM Entertainment by Dr. Tom Dennis Ensemble Semi-Formal Cost is $50.00 per person Cash Bar Available Reservations with remittance no later than June 13, 2015 to: Northwood Ancient Craft No. 551 James M. Sparks, PM, Secretary 848 Venoy Ave., Madison Heights, MI 48071 248-544-4613 * 19 th Annual G to benefit the “Children’s Dyslexia Center of Southeast Michigan, Inc.” MONDAYUGUST Golf Cart 2014 MONDAYSGolT 18f C2014 MONDAY, AUGUST 17, 18, 2015 2014 MONDAY, AUGUST Cracklewood GolfCClub TPC Michigan Golf 18215Nicklaus 24 Mile Road Michigan One Drive• Macomb, * Dearborn, Michigan (1/2Rotunda Mile EastDrive of Romeo Plank Road) (on East of Southfield) Form a foursome & join us! 8:00 Format: Four Person Scramble 9:00 18 Holes of Golf Golf Cart 18 Holes of Golf Continental Breakfast Golf Cart Lunch (5) Food/Beverage Tickets Steak Dinner Gifts, Games, Fun & Fellowship Hole-In-One Contest Win $10,000! (on par 3 hole #8, professionals excluded) 9:00 a.m. Registration • 10:00 8:00 9:00 a.m. Shot Gun Start $175.00 All This For Only $85.00 Make checks payable to: Children’s Dyslexia Centers of S.E. Michigan, Inc. Cutoff Date: Date: August August 11, 11, 2014 734-759-7090 Cutoff 2015 •* John John Muntz, Corbin, Chairman, 313-477-1183 Valley of"Teddy Detroit "Teddy Bear Classic" * August 17, 2015 * TPC Dearborn Valley of Detroit Bear Classic" • August 18, 2014 • Cracklewood Golf Course Check all applicable boxes. Complete, detach and mail this form to: 907 Monroe St. Dearborn, MI 48124 Join the Valley of Detroit in our I will sponsor a hole at $250.00, which I Suite understand is tax deductible. Private at Comerica Park to watch the I will sponsor a hole and would like to have a foursome in the tournament, Detroit Tigers take on the following: all for $550.00. $900.00. Names are listed below. I will sponsor a sand trap at $50.00, which I understand is tax deductible. Saturday, July 18 ~ Tigers vs the Baltimore Orioles I will make a cash or merchandise donation with a retail value of $ __________, which I understand is tax deductible. Saturday, August 8 ~ Tigers vs the Boston Red Sox I plan on Dinner Only. I am enclosing a check for $35.00. $25.00. Sorry, I cannot attend, but please accept my tax deductible donation in the amount of $ _____. Saturday, September 5 ~ Tigers vs the Cleveland Indians Yes! I will play in the Tournament. I am enclosing $175.00 $85.00 for for each each golfer. golfer. Please assign me (us) to a foursome To be fair to our entire Scottish Rite Membership, the following guidelines apply: Captain: Name ____________________________________ Phone No. ______________________________ Address __________________________________________ City _____________________ Zip __________ $85.00 per Ticket ~ A $200.00 Value No. 2: Name ______________________________________ Phone No. ______________________________ Scottish Rite Members Only may purchase Tickets Address _________________________________________ City _____________________ Zip __________ Limit 2 Tickets per Scottish Rite Member ONLY No. 3: Name ______________________________________ Phone No. ______________________________ Limit 2 GamesCity Per_____________________ Scottish Rite Member ONLY Address _________________________________________ Zip __________ Prepaid Tickets Required ~ Call 877.320.6432 to purchase tickets. No. 4: Name ______________________________________ Phone No. _____________________________ Please charge my American Express, Visa, MasterCard or Discover credit card for the payment marked above. Amount: _________Name: ___________________________Number: _____________________Exp Date:____ The Board of Trustees of the Scottish Rite Bodies of the Valley of Detroit o 32 Masons and Their Families 907 Monroe Street Dearborn, MI 48124-2309 Dated Material - Please Do Not Delay Support Your Club Club of the Lakes Blue Water Club Bernie Kirchoff 810.364.9702 Voyager Restaurant 525 Riverside Dr St Clair 3rd Monday, 6:30 P.M. Macomb Club Chris Fildes 313.885.1500 Ram’s Horn Restaurant 23815 Jefferson St. Clair Shores Last Saturday- Sept., Nov., Jan, Feb., March, & May- 9:00 A.M. Sajo’s Restaurant 36470 Moravian Dr. Clinton Twp. Last Tuesday- April & October6:00 P.M. Oakland Club Dennis McWilliams 248.435.4107 Jimi’s Restaurant 714 S. Washington Royal Oak 2nd Monday, 6:15 P.M. Calendar Les Ferguson 313.414.1792 Pinckney Masonic Center 210 Mann St. in Pinckney 3rd Sunday, 11:00 A.M. Downriver/Monroe Club Michael J. Stetz, 33o 313.271.8018 Leon’s Family Dining 23830 Michigan Ave. in Dearborn 2nd Saturday, 9:00 A.M. Jackson Club Ken Strobel 517.787.2680 The Groto Club 120 E. Washington Ave. Jackson 517.782.4934 2nd Sunday, 8:30 A.M. S.E.M. Club Royd Buchele 517.270.1340 The Clinton Inn 104 West Michigan Ave. Clinton 1st Thursday, 6:00 P.M. May 2015 12 Annual Meeting / Elections / Installation 14 Board of Trustees 30 SPRING REUNION June 2015 13 MI Council of Deliberation - Alma 20 Grand Master’s Reception July 2015 18 Tigers vs Baltimore - Suite 31 Labatt Brewery Tour - London, Ontario August 2015 8 Tigers vs Boston - Suite 17 Teddy Bear Classic Golf Outing - TPC 30 - 9/1 Supreme Council Session - Indianapolis September 2015 5 Tigers vs Cleveland - Suite 8 Valley Meeting
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