Young Professionals 2016 - News
Young Professionals 2016 - News
2016 A SPECIAL SECTION OF THE NEWS-REGISTER LOCALLY OWNED SINCE 1987 We are a community oriented firm Linfield College Partners in Progress We also have provided accounting services to many non-profit organizations McMinnville School District Budget Committee Financial Statements IRS Information Reporting Services Financial Planning McMinnville Performing Arts Association McMinnville High School Extracurricular Programs Snowman Foundation Women for Charity GhanaHope Linfield Chamber Orchestra Kids on the Block Willamette Valley Cancer Foundation Vintage Voices FRONT SITTING (L TO R): Brooke Anderson, Kathleen Bernards, Elizabeth Penrose, Karen Bryan McMinnville Chamber of Commerce We Provide Attest Services Salvation Army Many CPA firms no longer provide Attest (Audit & Review) services to clients. Our firm provides these services and maintains competency in this complex area. LOVE, Inc. McMinnville Downtown Association 441 N.W. Hill Rd. 2 BACK ROW STANDING (L TO R): Stephanie Wilder, Kyle Renalds, Sandy Cutler, Kathryn Cabe McMinnville, OR 97128 Young Professionals — January 2016 503.472.2179 Kyle Renalds Your Name Here BERnARdS & ASSOCIAtES, CPAS, PC 503.472.2179 441 nW Hill Rd, McMinnville NeWs-RegisteR ADVeRtisiNg 503.687.1258 Did we miss you? Certified Public Accountant & Certified Fraud Examiner Brooke L. Anderson Certified Public Accountant BeRnARdS & ASSOCIATeS, CPAS, PC 503.472.2179 441 nW Hill Rd, McMinnville Brooke Anderson had an interest in mathematics from a very early age. This natural inclination led to a curiosity about accounting which was nurtured by her college professors. After earning her Bachelor of Science in business administration from Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo, Brooke was awarded a Master of Business Administration from the Keller Graduate School of Management. This led to Brooke’s current role as a certified public accountant for Kathleen Bernards’ well-known accounting firm. Recently Brooke received the 2014 Young Professional of the Year Award from the McMinnville Chamber of Commerce. Brooke specializes in personal and business income tax return preparation and planning, along with non-profit information return preparation. She also prepares financial statement compilations, reviews and audits. She loves the diversity of both the people and the projects she encounters in her work. Brooke lives in McMinnville, where she was raised, with her husband Ryan. In her free time, she enjoys traveling, reading, shopping and being with friends and family. Yamhill Valley, let us get to know you and your business! Call or email us today to schedule your profile in one of our Getting to Know Yamhill Valley special sections. We have four throughout the year. Which one suits you best? Young Professionals 2016 a specialty publication of the News-Register Advertising Department. Our Team Kyle Renalds returned to his hometown of McMinnville in 2012 after eight years of experience with regional and international CPA firms in the Portland area. He has been a certified public accountant since 2007 after receiving a bachelor of science degree in accounting from Oregon State University. In addition to his qualifications as a certified public accountant with experience in all aspects of accounting, auditing and taxation, Kyle brings his certification as a fraud examiner and internal auditor to Bernards & Associates CPAs, PC. In his work, Kyle enjoys meeting with people and serving as business advisor. He also likes developing meaningful relationships and friendships in the community which go beyond his job responsibilities. Kyle lives in McMinnville with his wife, Amy. In his spare time, he enjoys traveling, snowboarding, and spending time with his family and friends. Marketing Consultants Terry Conlon Kelly Hyder Rebecca Garcia Ashley McCreight Janet Pilling Publication Designer Teri Gunn Graphic Artists Teri Gunn Amber McAlary Kathey Sweeney Printed by Oregon Lithoprint, inc. ©2016 the News-Register Publishing Company PO Box 727, McMinnville, OR 97128 | 503.472.5114 Advertorial content in this special section created by News-Register advertising staff or provided by advertisers. Young Professionals — January 2016 3 Yamhill Valley’s young pros break the mold BY REBECCA QUANDT I am a young professional, but what does that actually mean? Is it a particular age range or professional group? I can only answer this question from my personal life experiences and without a doubt young professionals vary from place to place. One thing we all have in common is our high-level of creative thinking and a desire for flexibility in the workforce. Long gone are the days of negotiating retirement packages and 401Ks. Young professionals tend to seek positions with flexible work weeks and ample vacation time. Our work-life balance is very blurred, which means we don’t mind responding to work emails at 10 p.m. or on a Sunday. We will put in 65+ hours a week since we are motivated by the ability to leave work at 4 p.m. to make a yoga class, or have flex time to take longer vacations. We have diverse skill-sets and the ability to have multiple professions. We are the generation of, “if I don’t know how to do it; I’ll Google it.” No task is too complicated and we love a challenge. The ability to constantly learn and evolve is essential. That is why many do not stay in one career path. We move on and work at other positions, sometimes due to pay, sometimes due to the fact that we lack passion or feel unfulfilled. The young professionals in Yamhill County are unique in themselves. I have lived all over the United States and can easily say that the workforce here is by far the most collaborative. “Rising tides float all boats” is the motto in McMinnville. We aren’t afraid to ask for help, suggestions or guidance from our peers — in fact we prefer it. We encourage collaboration and you can see the positive impact it has made simply by walking through our downtowns. Here you will see the hard work and success of our young professionals for yourself. In McMinnville, for example, The Bitter Monk is full each night of the week with craft brew enthusiasts; Pura Vida and Community Plate are two of the busiest eateries in the area and you can’t miss the intricate hand-painted sandwich boards designed by Mitch Horning. These names are only a tiny segment of the young professional community, which is vast because we are constantly broadening our patronage, never settling for the same thing over and over. But the point I am trying to make is that we don’t fit a particular mold anymore. We can’t and shouldn’t be categorized by our age or profession, because we are so much more than that. We are creative, ambitious, openmined and, above all, collaborative. We are tiptoeing our way around in this world trying to find where we fit in. Encourage us, because we will encourage you. Like I said before, rising tides float all boats, and I truly believe that. Young Professionals — January 2016 Young Professionals — January 2016 Scott Miller Head Sensei Adam Garvin OpEn HAnd KEMpO 503.434.2707 845 nE 8th St, McMinnville XTreMe AuTO SpA 503.883.0995 1015 Ne Hwy 99W, McMinnville Founder and Owner In a world filled with increasing stress and questionable influences on children, one local business was established to teach kids respect for each other and how to solve problems without fighting. “We teach manners and morals in a structured environment,” said Scott Miller, a fourthdegree black belt with 25 years of experience. “We can help kids build confidence, deal with bullies and follow directions in an encouraging way.” Open Hand Kempo offers patient and professional instruction in the martial arts from experienced and certified instructors. “Everyone participates and encourages each other,” said Miller. As founder of McMinnville’s Open Hand Kempo, Miller knows the benefits the martial arts can provide personally. “I enjoy helping people feel good about themselves in an authentic manner,” Miller said. Currently studying under Grandmaster Jim Brassard, Miller espouses non-aggression and tolerance for others with an emphasis on character building and self-control. Miller and his wife hand-picked McMinnville as the perfect place to raise their family. The couple is active in their church and the community. “Our goal is to impact this community in a positive manner and to teach others to do the same,” said Miller. 6 Adam Garvin has always worked in the automotive industry. In fact, the McMinnville native’s love for cars pretty much predestined him to devote his life to making cars look fantastic. As founder and owner of McMinnville’s Xtreme Auto Spa, Adam spends his days making the cars of local folks look like showpieces. At age 13, Adam detailed his first automobile as an assignment from his father and grandfather. Later, a high school marketing project introduced the first business card for what would become Xtreme Auto Spa. In college, Adam helped pay his tuition by detailing cars and a career was born. Today, nothing pleases Adam more than his clients’ apprecia tion for Xtreme’s outstanding attentiontodetail. Adam lives in McMinnville with his other half, Trish, his son, Aidan, and his beloved German shepherd, Carrera. When he’s not making local cars look terrific, Adam might be found helping his son build with Legos, visiting the coast with his family or sampling great food at local restaurants. Young Professionals — January 2016 Jessica Kinion General Manager Landon Kinion NeWBeRG SteeL & FABRICAtION, INC. 503.538.3232 23995 N Hwy 99W, Newberg NEWBErg StEEL & FABrICAtION, INC. 503.538.3232 23995 N Hwy 99W, McMinnville Growing up in the family business, it was almost a sure thing that Jessica Kinion would one day head the company. As general manager at Newberg Steel & Fabrication, Inc., Jessica is following her destiny. Jessica thrives being able to use her business mind in the many facets of growing her family’s multigenerational business. She enjoys working with her husband and parents, and especially likes being able to bring her daughter to work. Born and raised in West Linn, Jessica earned a bachelor’s degree in human development and family sciences with a minor in business management from Oregon State University. Jessica is a member of Young Professionals of Yamhill Valley and is a charter member of Soroptimist International of Chehalem Valley. She has also served with the Rotary Youth Leadership awards, the Austin Family Business Program, the Ford Leadership Program and Newberg Leadership. Jessica lives on a farm in Dayton with her husband, Landon, and fourmonth-old daughter, Peyton. As a new mother with a working farm, Jessica is discovering many new interests. With previous construction and fabrication experience, things fell into place for Landon Kinion when he was offered an opportunity to help his wife and her family operate their third-generation local business, Newberg Steel & Fabrication, Inc. As fabrication project manager and estimator, Landon manages the company’s fabrication team, reviews project bids and proposals, oversees structural detailing and shop drawings and even handles customer relations. Born and raised in McMinnville, Landon attended Central Oregon Community College in Bend. Landon loves spending time in the field with the company’s installation and field welding crews. Landon says going for a drive and passing projects he’s built is tremendously rewarding. Landon lives with his wife, Jessica, and four-month-old daughter, Peyton, on a farm in the Dundee hills. A skilled firearms enthusiast, Landon enjoys working on the farm and operating equipment. Fabrication Project Manager and Estimator Equipment Event ONE FAMILY,ONE COMMUNITY, ONE PURPOSE: EXCELLENT SERVICE! OW REN TING PA RTY ITEMS N Equipment Event RENTAL EQUIPMENT TABLES & CHAIRS ! LANDSCAPING MATERIALS BARKDUST, SOIL, COMPOST, AND ROCK. 503-472-1599 | | 2800 NE Lafayette Ave, McMinnville | Open 7 Days a Week! Young Professionals — January 2016 7 Kyle Faulk Vice President, Branch Manager Katie Morris CItIzenS BAnK 503.474.9441 455 ne Baker St, McMinnville MOrriS CArPeT CleAninG 503.472.3889 1405 ne lafayette Ave, Ste e, McMinnville Office Manager Citizens Bank is well-known for its community-mindedness and its focus on building local relationships. As branch manager, Kyle Faulk takes this commitment to local residents one step further with his emphasis on partnerships. With the support of Citizens Bank behind them, Kyle enjoys watching the growth of local retailers, farmers, manufacturers and everything in between. Kyle earned a degree in mathematics and a Master of Business Administration from Portland State University. In addition to his duties at Citizens Bank, he serves as secretary of the McMinnville Lions Club. He is the current president of the McMinnville Downtown Association. Kyle also participates in the Partners in Progress program at Linfield College and is active in the McMinnville Area Chamber of Commerce. Kyle lives in McMinnville with his wife, Jodie, and their two children. In his spare time, he enjoys running, water skiing and spending time with his family. Growing up in the family business, Katie Morris had no trouble fitting in when she was old enough to contribute. Today, Katie deals with customers who remember her from when she was a little girl, darting around the company offices. As office manager at Morris Carpet Cleaning, Katie manages scheduling, accounts receivable, payroll, customer relations and community development. Katie is honored to be involved in such a wellrespected local company. With a background in banking and retail, Katie is up to the challenge of running the family business. Katie lives in McMinnville with her other half, Mike McGanty, and two children, Mikalynn, age seven, and Jaxon, age three. Katie loves the smalltown-feel and tight-knit sense of community in the Yamhill Valley. When she’s not working, Katie enjoys spending time with her family on weekend getaways or on day trips. She also likes arts and crafts, and doing fun things she finds on Pinterest. CUSTOM GUTTERS & MOSS CONTROL SERVICES RS E TT GU MOSS CONTROL BEFORE AFTER • Residential/Commercial Gutters & Downspouts • Roof/Gutter Cleaning • Siding/Driveway & Walkway Cleaning • Gutter Covers • Snow Guards Locally Ow & Oper ned at Since ed 1984 Depend on DeMoss & GutterMan LLC for all your gutter & roof cleaning needs to save you time & money. We stand behind every job. 275 W 3rd Street Yamhill, OR 97148 8 Young Professionals — January 2016 Jacob Alan Sinsel Tommy Paterson CASCAdIA LAndSCApIng 503.472.5897 WICKMAN PATERSoN CoRRIgAN 503.472.4631 Supervisor Jacob Alan Sinsel works for McMinnville’s Cascadia Landscaping. When Jacob was growing up, he remembers his father sharing interesting stories about his job at Cascadia, in a position that Jacob now holds. The elder Sinsel also taught his son about the joys of landscaping and imparted his strong work ethic. In his role at Cascadia, Jacob supervises the installation of custom irrigation systems. He also handles most of the backflow testing and irrigation repair. Jacob is a licensed landscape professional with over ten years of experience with Cascadia. Jacob enjoys the close camaraderie among the people with whom he works as he contributes to making the Yamhill Valley even more beautiful than it is. Jacob has lived in Yamhill county for 28 years and enjoys the sense of community McMinnville has to offer. Independent Sr. Wealth Adviser Although he always enjoyed the complexities of the business and financial markets, Tommy Paterson believes that forming personal relationships is what really pointed him to financial planning. An investment advisor representative for Wickman Paterson Corrigan, Tommy assists individuals, families and businesses in arranging their financial assets to best match risk profiles and objectives. The trust Tommy develops with his clients today motivates him to match individual goals to appropriate investment portfolios in a manner that provides for the longterm needs of those clients. Tommy earned a Finance degree from Linfield College, is a member of the Financial Planning Association and is a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER ™. He is also an active member in Kiwanis and Young Life. Tommy lives in McMinnville with wife Chelsea and daughters. He likes to play golf in his spare time. Keith Hanna Construction Supervisor Thomas Wicks, Jr. CASCADIA LAnDSCApIng 503.472.5897 CASCAdiA LANdSCAPiNg 503.472.5897 When Keith Hanna got tired of his old job which kept him indoors, he pursued a career with McMinnville’s Cascadia Landscaping — a job that would allow him to work outside. As construction supervisor for the popular local landscape company, Keith installs paver walls, steps, patios, pathways and irrigation systems. He also creates lush lawns, raised garden beds and beautiful water features. A Dayton High School graduate, Keith also attended Chemeketa Community College. In his work for Cascadia, Keith takes special pride in completing a project. Starting with a sketch or description from the client, Keith helps the customer select materials and follows through, creating beautiful personalized outdoor spaces. Knowing that his work requires a great measure of precision, Keith prides himself on the high quality of his efforts. Keith lives with his wife in McMinnville. When he’s not at work, Keith enjoys bass fishing and walking his poodle around the streets of McMinnville. In his spare time, Keith is learning to play the guitar. Maintenance Supervisor What started as just another job quickly turned into something much more for Thomas Wicks as he found his calling as a landscaper. Thomas fell in love with the art of landscaping and knew that he wanted to make a career out of it. As maintenance super visor for Cascadia Landscaping, Thomas makes sure that Cascadia customers get the top-notch care and service for which the company is known. He also oversees the quality and efficiency of the company’s maintenance department. Thomas is proud of all that he’s learned and experienced in his time at Cascadia. He has honed his landscaping and supervisory skills during his tenure, taking great care to do the job right the first time. Thomas loves harnessing the natural beauty of the Pacific Northwest and shaping it into unique and picturesque landscapes to the delight of the company’s clients. Thomas lives in McMinnville. When he’s not busy creating natural beauty for Cascadia, Thomas enjoys spending time with his wife and three daughters, working on household projects, being involved in church activities and strengthening his faith. Young Professionals — January 2016 9 tires | wheels | batteries | brakes | shocks | alignment | lifting | lowering Building a Greener Community One House at a Time BEST TIRE VALUE PROMISE Free with Every Passenger Car & Light Truck Tire Purchase Specializing in custom homes that are healthy for both the homeowner and the environment, Cellar Ridge Construction is committed to building a greener community, one house at a time. FREE PEACE OF MIND TIRE PROTECTION Whatever the road throws at you - from potholes to nails - if your tire is damaged from any road hazard, we will replace the value of your tire. FREE LIFETIME TIRE AND MILEAGE CARE To help you get more miles out of your tires and more miles per gallon of gas. McMinnville 503.560.2263 170 NE Highway 99W | (503) 472-4668 Store Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00am - 6:00pm | Saturday 8:00am - 5:00pm CCB#183935 10 Young Professionals — January 2016 Leslie Banke Sales Executive Norma Buchholz TiCor TiTLE 503.586.8548 105 NE 4th St, McMinnville TINA’S RESTAuRANT 503.538.8880 760 Hwy 99W, Dundee Executive Chef Born in Portland and raised in the Yamhill Valley, Norma Buchholz has always had a fiery passion for cooking and cuisine. After graduating from Sheridan High School, Norma attended Western Culinary Institute in Portland to expand on her home-grown skills. Norma’s first professional work in the culinary arts occurred under the original owners at Tina’s Restaurant. Her return several years later has been a sort of homecoming for Norma. Moving back to wine country has suited Norma just fine — she enjoys working closely with local meats and produce, keeping the menu at Tina’s fresh, seasonal and as locallysourced as possible. Norma’s eye for detail, her creativity and her work ethic are impressive. She finds great inspiration for her recipes from the bounty of the valley. Blessed with a perceptive palate, Norma enjoys pairing her food with terrific local wines. She even has future plans to open a restaurant of her own! DU ND AM EE IT NE Y W BE M CM RG CA INN RL VIL W TON LE IL LA SH MI ER NA LA IDA FA N DA YET YT TE ON You just never know what a coffee appointment will lead to. Leslie Banke found that out when she was offered a job after managing Poseyland. Now as a sales executive at Ticor Title, Leslie works with Yamhill and Polk County real estate agents and lenders to grow their businesses and help them win. A graduate of the McMinnville High School class of 2004, Leslie attended college at Seattle Pacific University and George Fox University. Living in the vibrant Yamhill Valley, Leslie loves walking down the street and seeing someone she knows, eating a bite at one of the amazing local restaurants, sipping local world-renowned wine or serving in one of the many outstanding local non-profits. Leslie also owns Flourish Events & Design, a local wedding and event planning business and serves with the well-known See Ya Later Foundation. When she’s not working, Leslie enjoys traveling, cooking, crafting and coloring. Are you looking for an awesome social & networking group? COME JOIN US! WE’D LOVE TO HAVE YOU! Motivated and dedicated to our community. Supporting local businesses • Building effective relationships • Giving back to local charities Young Professionals — January 2016 FRANCISCO NATHAN KENDRA BEN KALI KRISTIN LUKE Young Professionals of Yamhill Valley • 11 Analiese Jones Alana R. Celia AMeRiTiTle 503.554.8500 336 Ne Davis St, McMinnville APPLIed PhySICS TeChnOLOgIeS 503.434.5550 1600 ne Miller St, McMinnville Yamhill County Marketing Representative Analiese Jones didn’t choose a career in marketing, the marketing life chose her and she wants everyone to know she loves it! Her extensive experience in sales, customer service and real estate helped develop Analiese’s business-building skills, motivation and ability to create strong networking opportunities for her clients. As the Yamhill County marketing representative for AmeriTitle, Analiese helps the company’s clients maintain and grow their businesses and enables clients to create their own opportunities through effective marketing and branding. Her broad background has proven to be a great asset as she helps clients expand their customer bases and build their businesses into great success stories. Analiese and her husband have one daughter, Georgia. She enjoys spending time outdoors, and loves to re-purpose and refinish old furniture and other treasures. After Alana Celia worked on a laser physics project and completed an internship in molecular physics, she decided she wanted to combine her fascination with science and her interest in business. Alana now serves as chief operating and financial officer for Applied Physics Technologies, where she oversees company operations, focusing on customers who create their own precision equipment and the company’s strategic and financial planning. Born in St. Paul, Minnesota, Alana was raised in Woodinville, Washington. Alana earned a bachelor of science with majors in physics and business management from Linfield College. She will complete her master’s degree in business administration at Willamette University later this year. Alana lives in McMinnville with her two dogs, Bentley and Blair. When she’s not working, Alana might be found at a winery enjoying a glass of pinot noir. In her spare time, Alana volunteers for the Phi Sigma Sigma fraternity at both local and national levels. She also engages in guest speaking and lecturing at Linfield College and mentors current students. Jessi Wright Escrow Officer Vanessa Garcia AMErITITlE 503.554.8500 336 NE Davis St, McMinnville AMEriTiTLE 503.554.8500 336 NE Davis St, McMinnville Escrow Assistant Jessi Wright considers herself lucky. Already employed in the mortgage lending industry, Jessi accepted an offer from a friend to work as an escrow assistant at AmeriTitle a number of years ago. Today, Jessi is a full-fledged escrow officer for the company. Jessi acts as a neutral third party in real estate transactions like buying or selling homes, refinancing and implementing reverse mortgages. Jessi was born in Keizer and graduated from McNary High School in Salem. She attended Chemeketa Community College before starting her career with AmeriTitle. Jessi is constantly learning in the course of her duties — each day brings something new. Jessi appreciates the relationships she has built in her years at AmeriTitle. Jessi lives in Dallas with her husband, Troy, and two step-children, Sawyer and Addison. When she’s not helping clients at AmeriTitle, Jessi and her husband operate a working farm. The family enjoys traveling, camping and riding horses together. In the summer months, Jessi plays on a women’s softball team 12 Chief Operating & Financial Officer As an escrow assistant at AmeriTitle, Vanessa Garcia disburses checks when a transaction is closing, notarizes documents and sends out title reports and other critical documents. But Vanessa’s favorite part of her job is keeping in contact with clients and colleagues. She enjoys the people she works with and that her position keeps her on her toes. Vanessa says there’s always something new to learn! Born in Corvallis, Vanessa graduated from Crescent Valley High School. Vanessa lives in McMinnville with her daughter, Delilah, and son, Adrian. When she’s not working, Vanessa loves spine-tingling pursuits like trying out a new roller coaster or skydiving. But she also enjoys settling down to watch a good movie. Living in the Yamhill Valley, Vanessa especially likes the mild climate and being close to her extended family. Young Professionals — January 2016 a top performer on key quality measures three years in a row. • We are Oregon’s top hospital as measured by the U.S. government quality metrics. Giving Back • And HealthGrades has given us a 5 star rating for pneumonia, Community. respiratoryto failureour and sepsis care. What does that rating mean? NG CE • We are also the top performing hospital in BRATI Oregon by Health Research and Educational Trust/American LE Hospital Association. 20 YE It means that we are very, very good at taking care of very, very sick S patients. AR McMinnville Pastor Robert Grady needed that care. Here is his story. It was mIraclE aftEr mIraclE aftEr mIraclE Stuff the Bus 2015 YCAP received 2280 lbs of food collected in 2 days Robert Grady, pastor at McMinnville Christian at Grocery Outlet Faith Center, came to Willamette Valley and Bi-Mart. Medical Center with intense abdominal pain. While he was in our emergency department, his blood pressure started dropping. “The blood pressure just kept dropping, dropping, dropping,” explains his wife, Denise. Within minutes, he flatlined. Thanks to the quick response of our intensive care unit physicians and nurses, his heartbeat returned. But his kidneys had quit working. His liver was dying. United We knew we needed to transport himWay for PJ Drive Employees specialty care to Oregon Health & Sciences donated over 140 University, but his condition was tooofunstable pairs PJs for for a move. Yamhill County Although Robert is doing well today, because of what he went through he Foster kids. Willamette Valley has little memory of his hospital stay, so Denise speaks for him. Henderson House Toy Drive 90 individual toys accounting for $1493.13 collected during “Stuff the Bus”. Pastor Robert Grady, his wife Denise and daughter Chantal Cancer Foundation “It was miracle after miracle after miracle,” says Denise. “We prayed for WVMC Employees have donated the doctor’s decisions and we prayed for the staff. For their strength, their $18,800 to the wisdom, their insight. Everything. foundation by wearingWe jeans to so “Everything they did – every decision they made – was perfect. were work on special The care of the staff and the doctors – it was outstanding. If they Supportinggrateful. Our Troops Gave an entire had platoon not made the decisions they made, he would not bedays, here holiday today. I can basket auctions, of 27 service men (some not thank them enough.” from Yamhill County) a package filled with holiday wishes, yummy treats, and necessities like zip-loc bags, batteries, body wash and boot socks. Biggest Turkey Fundraiser, and more. you matter. amazing care every time. Valley Medical Center | 2700 SE Stratus Ave | McMinnville, Oregon | 503-472-6131 2700 SE Stratus Avenue |Willamette McMinnville, Oregon | (503) 472-6131 | DOING GOOD Young Professionals — January 2016 IN 2013 13 John Andrew, DPT Cert. MDT, CSCS Sara Hieter, DPT ANDreW PHySICAl THerAPy 503.435.1900 2025 Ne Baker St, Ste A, McMinnville ANDreW PHySIcAL THerAPy 503.435.1900 2025 Ne Baker St, Ste A, McMinnville Doctor of Physical Therapy Doctor of Physical Therapy When John Andrew, DPT, Cert. MDT, CSCS launched Andrew Physical Therapy, he wanted to provide a place where science, education and caring came together to give his patients genuine relief from pain. Today, John’s cheerful outlook and positive can-do attitude permeate the clinic. His passion for helping his patients lessen their pain and return to their favorite activities is evident in the way his clinic functions. John emphasizes a hands-on approach and encourages patient education. John holds a master’s degree and a Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) from the University of North Dakota School of Medicine and Health Sciences. He was awarded his Certified Specialist in Conditioning & Strengthening (CSCS) in 1997. In 2011 John completed his training with the McKenzie Spine Institute, becoming the first Certified McKenzie Spine practitioner in McMinnville. As a certified practitioner in mechanical diagnosis and therapy, John is trained to help find a solution to musculoskeletal problems, especially as they relate to the spine. John lives in McMinnville with his wife and daughters. In his spare time, he enjoys hiking, bicycling, weight training, surfing, stand-up paddle boarding and spending time with his family. Jordan Visser, DPT Doctor of Physical Therapy Aurora Fry, DPT ANDreW PhYsicAL TherAPY 503.435.1900 2025 Ne Baker st, ste A, McMinnville ANDreW PhySICAl TherAPy 503.435.1900 2025 Ne Baker St, Ste A, McMinnville When he was a teenager, Jordan Visser suffered a knee injury while playing high school basketball. Passionate about sports and physical fitness, Jordan hated being sidelined and was grateful when treatment by his physical therapist got him back in the game. Little did he know his own success would launch his adult career path. As a physical therapist at McMinnville’s Andrew Physical Therapy, Jordan is passionate about getting his patients back into their own games, whether it’s sports, outdoor recreation or just day-to-day living. Born in Anchorage, Alaska, Jordan earned his undergraduate degree and Doctor of Physical Therapy from George Fox University. Jordan loves the work ethic evident in the Yamhill Valley and enjoys helping his patients feel better and perform their best. Jordan lives in Newberg with his wife. When he isn’t busy helping his patients regain their strength, Jordan enjoys Pacific Northwest outdoor activities like hiking and backpacking. 14 With her lifelong interest in science and a restless desire to learn, Sara Hieter astutely chose physical therapy as her career. Sara’s academic foundation in physics, biomechanics and anatomy is put to good use helping patients return to their functional goals from competitive sport to simply walking to the mailbox. Sara especially enjoys the variety that her patients bring and knows that, as a physical therapist, she’ll never have a dull day! Sara graduated from Gaston High School and earned a Bachelor of Science degree from Oregon State University. She did postgraduate work at Pacific University, where she was awarded her Doctor of Physical Therapy. Sara has a Level 1 certification in manual therapy from the North American Institute of Orthopaedic Manual Therapy (NAIOMT) and is working toward Level 2. She is also pursuing continuing education coursework in temporomandibular joint disorders (TMJ) and is interested in working with athletes and neurological injuries in addition to traditional orthopedic patients. Sara is happily married to her middle-school sweetheart and might be found running, cooking or traveling when she’s not helping patients. Doctor of Physical Therapy When she was in high school, an automobile accident profoundly changed Aurora Fry’s life and helped her focus on physical therapy as a career. Aurora’s injuries required considerable physical therapy, which resulted in her triumphant return to volleyball, basketball and many other activities. Aurora knew then that, if she could help others as much as she was helped by her physical therapist, a career in the field was her destiny. A native Californian, Aurora spent most of her youth in southern Oregon. She majored in pre-physical therapy at Southern Oregon University, where she earned her undergraduate degree. Aurora was awarded her Doctor of Physical Therapy from A. T. Still University (ATSU) in Mesa, Arizona. At Andrew Physical Therapy, Aurora evaluates patients and provides individualized therapy for a wide range of injuries and orthopedic problems. She stays abreast of current research and therapy techniques to help each patient return to maximum capability. In her free time, Aurora enjoys the unique beauty of the Pacific Northwest and its hiking trails, ocean beaches and, locally, wine country. Young Professionals — January 2016 Uninvited guests? Competitive pricing Same day installation Veteran & Senior discounts Mole & Gopher SpecialiStS •503.487.6895• Call today for a free estimate 503.828.4888 Young Professionals — January 2016 CCB# 188678 15 Krystal Samuel, DO Cardiologist NORTHweST CARDIOvASCULAR INSTITUTe, LLP 503.435.1200 2700 Se Stratus Ave, Ste 406, McMinnville Having parents who worked in hospitals, Krystal Samuel, D.O. grew up seeing how compassionate efforts could make a profound difference in the lives of patients. This feeling matured during her teenage years when Dr. Samuel volunteered in hospitals and nursing homes. She knew a career in medicine would allow her to serve others and improve lives. As a cardiologist at Northwest Cardiovascular Institute, Dr. Samuel manages acute and chronic cardiology issues for patients of both the clinic and hospital. Dr. Samuel was awarded her undergraduate degree from the University of Illinois-Chicago before earning her medical degree at Midwestern University. She served her residency at Advocate Lutheran General Hospital in Park Ridge, Illinois followed by a fellowship at Franciscan St. James Hospital in Chicago. The partnership between patient and physician is fundamental to Dr. Samuel’s focus on a team approach during treatment. Dr. Samuel lives with her husband and two-year-old son. She is expecting a baby girl in March. Dr. Samuel loves traveling and experiencing new cultures. She also enjoys sports, especially basketball, volleyball and soccer. Joanna Zamora, MD, FAAP Pediatrician Cascade Steel Rolling Mills 503.472.4181 or 800.283.2776 3200 NE Hwy 99W, McMinnville If you’ve ever wondered where those rail cars full of scrap steel are headed, it’s almost certainly Cascade Steel Rolling Mills. Founded in 1968, Cascade Steel is a state-of-the-art steel manufacturing facility that takes scrap metal and turns it into high-quality finished steel products. The mill uses an Electric Arc Furnace (EAF) which produces a wide range of hot rolled products such as reinforcing bar (rebar), wire rod, merchant bar, and other specialty products. Working at Cascade Steel can be a unique and rewarding experience for employees, with exciting opportunities ranging from entry-level positions to executive roles. In addition to being one of Yamhill County’s largest employers, Cascade Steel is known for its commitment to employees and the community. Features like an outstanding benefits package for all fulltime employees and a demonstrated involvement in the Yamhill Valley are just two reasons why the company’s employees love their work. With a successful 40-plus-year track record, Cascade Steel is a part of a Fortune 1000 company that offers both company and job stability. In addition, Cascade Steel values and encourages diversity of all kinds. The McMinnville mill features an amazing mix of people from around the world, veterans, new hires, executives, and entry-level employees, all working together. To many, Cascade Steel feels like one big happy family! Cascade Steel is strongly committed to teamwork and providing excellent customer service. The company places a heavy emphasis on training to ensure that workers excel at their jobs. Cascade also offers tuition assistance programs! To maintain our competitive edge, we continually invest in our facilities and our people to increase our operating efficiency and the types and volume of products that we can produce and to improve the quality of our finished products. PHySICIAnS’ MeDICAl CenTer 2435 ne Cumulus Ave, McMinnville In the course of a single day, Joanna Zamora, MD, FAAP might be able to relieve the symptoms of acute illness, to help a child who is struggling, to coach children towards achieving healthier lifestyles or to provide a medical home for children with complex health issues. It is this trust that motivates Dr. Zamora to love her job. As a pediatric physician at Physicians’ Medical Center, Dr. Zamora is committed to improving the lives of children physically, mentally and socially through the practice of medicine. A native of Johannesburg, South Africa, Dr. Zamora was awarded her undergraduate degree in music from Vanderbilt University before earning her medical degree from the University of Tennessee Health Sciences Center in Memphis. Dr. Zamora then completed her residency in the department of pediatrics at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. Dr. Zamora lives in McMinnville with her husband and two dogs. When she’s not helping patients, Dr. Zamora enjoys reading, gardening, practicing Spanish or spending time with her husband. She’s also learning to play the ukulele. 16 Young Professionals — January 2016 COMMITTED TO OUR TEAM. COMMITTED TO OUR COMMUNITY. a Schnitzer Company JEFF KRAMER Plant Metallurgist MICAH CASTOR Rolling Mill Quality Engineer JENNA COOLEY Quality Systems Process Analyst AMBER KERBER Workers’ Comp & Chemical Proccess Analyst ZACH REGO Environmental Technician JOSH COUCH Process Engineer REESE IVEY Millwright Apprentice BRADY ELLIOTT Electrician MICHAEL HORGAN Millwright Apprentice ERIC BOEKHOFF Electrical Apprentice JON KERBER Transportation Foreman JUSTIN RICE Mobile Maintenance Apprentice KELLY BAILEY Electrician STEVE RUNGE Mobile Maintenance Apprentice WE PRIDE OURSELVES ON OUR COMMUNITY LEADERSHIP AND EMPLOYEE DEVELOPMENT Young Professionals — January 2016 CASCADE STEEL ROLLING MILLS, INC. IS A SUBSIDIARY OF SCHNITZER STEEL INDUSTRIES, INC., A 2015 WORLD’S MOST ETHICAL COMPANY. 17 Fed up with old-school marketing? We help businesses grow with digital marketing strategies that drive demand for your products and services. CONTACT US TODAY! 410 NE 3rd St Suite 4, McMinnville 971.264.2911 • 18 Young Professionals — January 2016 Jason Cook Christine “Daphne” Stewart Bindery Department Lead Project Manager & Customer Service Representative OregOn LiTHOprinT 503.472.5115 1315 Miller St, McMinnville The ability to create something from nothing is what attracted Jason Cook to the printing industry. The idea that he and his colleagues take a blank roll of paper and masterfully transform it into a variety of different finished publications is part of Jason’s affection for his job as bindery department lead at Oregon Lithoprint. Jason coordinates with the production manager to schedule jobs based on due dates. He also supervises all jobs run on various bindery and mailing equipment for the large commercial printing company. Jason maintains and performs repairs on all equipment in his department. Jason says Oregon Lithoprint encourages its personnel to think outside the box when it comes to new and better production techniques. A native of Sacramento, California, Jason lives in McMinnville with his fiancé and young daughter. Jason enjoys living in a beautiful area close to a major city, the Oregon coast and the rugged mountains. When he’s not at work, Jason loves spending time outdoors, hiking and camping. ORegOn LIThOPRInT 503.687.1210 1315 Miller St, McMinnville When offered her first position at a national printer, Christine Stewart says there was something about the sounds of presses, the smell of inks and the feel of the paper that was immensely appealing to her. That first position created a passion for printing and gave her considerable experience with large printing projects. When she accepted an offer from OLI, it was a natural fit. Christine’s outgoing personality allows her to empathize with clients, making sure they receive superlative customer service, as she shepherds them through the manufacturing processes. As the client’s advocate, Christine works diligently to make sure all client requirements are met. Born in Vancouver, Christine was raised all over the country but considers Spokane her hometown. After attending Spokane Community College she enrolled in University of Sedona. Christine is an ambitious bookworm who’s always looking for new ways to challenge herself, and improve her skills. Christine lives in Amity, with Lilith, her adorable black kitten. A dedicated free spirit, Christine plans on exploring the Yamhill Valley further with hikes, picnics and outdoor adventures! Fresh made. Fresh baked. Fresh pizza. Experience our: • Gourmet Pizzas • Stuffed Pizzas • Original Pizzas • Dessert Pizzas • Salads • Cookie Dough McMinnville…1049 NE HWY 99W…503-472-2536… Young Professionals — January 2016 19 When it matters most–protecting you & your family Juvenile Delinquency Dependency Ryan Arzner MLO-247157 Senior Mortgage Banker/ Area Branch Manager PACIFIC RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE 503.822.5900 | 855.231.6750 2290 SW 2nd St, Ste B, McMinnville As a senior mortgage banker and area manager for Pacific Residential Mortgage, Ryan enjoys working with many people on many levels. He attributes his success to those who have helped him get to where he is today and looks for opportunities to help others as a way to give back. In today’s complex world of mortgage financing, Ryan has established himself as a leader and top producer in the industry. As an area manager, Ryan supervises four branches from McMinnville to Portland. He is surrounded by a phenomenal team of talented people who help create the knowledge base and service levels he and his company have used to establish themselves as one of the premier mortgage companies in the state. Ryan lives in McMinnville with his wife and four children. When he isn’t helping others get into new homes, he might be found playing basketball, coaching his kids’ sports, camping with his family or just interacting with the community. NMLS-1477 / WA-CL-1477 Family Law Criminal Law Leslie Everts Wolfe MLO-295567 Loan Manager PACIFIC RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE 503.435.7161 | 971.706.2017 2290 SW 2nd St, Ste B, McMinnville Leslie Everts Wolfe went into the mortgage industry because she loved helping people realize their dreams of home ownership. As loan manager at McMinnville’s Pacific Residential Mortgage, Leslie oversees the mortgage process for the company’s Team Monagon. She takes great pride in making sure transactions run smoothly and close on time. Leslie was born in Portland and moved to Yamhill when she was seven years old. After graduating from Yamhill-Carlton High School, she attended Portland Community College and Western Oregon University. With two parents working in real estate, Leslie knew the mortgage industry would be a good fit for her. Leslie lives in Yamhill with her husband, Tony, and her handsome sons, Riley and Braden. When she’s not helping clients realize their dreams, Leslie loves watching her son play baseball! She also enjoys traveling, camping and spending time with friends and family. 328 NE DAVIS ST, STE 2 • McMINNVILLE 503.474.4511 • MCMINNVILLELAWYER.COM NMLS-1477 / WA-CL-1477 20 Young Professionals — January 2016 Dreams Approved Daily. ® RYAN ARZNER MLO-247157 Area Manager/ Sr. Mortgage Banker (503) 822-5900 Ryan.Arzner@ VAUGHN MONAGON MLO-223367 Sr. Mortgage Banker LESLIE WOLFE (971) 237-8033 Vaughn.Monagon@ MLO-295567 Loan Manager (503) 435-7161 Leslie.Wolfe@ VENESSA ECK MLO-140124 Sr. Mortgage Banker (971) 241-2001 Venessa.Eck@ LYNDEN CARNAHAN MLO-1200387 Team Banker (971) 237-9833 Lynden.Carnahan@ Home Purchases. Home Refinances. Reverse Mortgages. Commercial Lending. Exclusive Country Home Financing 2290 SW 2nd Street, Suite B | McMinnville, OR 97128 Phone: (971) 706-2011 | Toll Free: (855) 231-6750 | Fax: (503) 905-4999 | See also on pages 20, 22, & 23 for profiles Young Professionals — January 2016 21 Lynden Carnahan Venessa Eck PACIFIC RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE 971.237.9833 | 971.706.2011 2290 SW 2nd St, Ste B, McMinnville PACIFIC RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE 971.241.2001 | 855.231.6750 2290 SW 2nd St, Ste B, McMinnville MLO-1200387 Team Mortgage Banker With a lifelong affection for numbers, Lynden Carnahan knew she’d pursue a career that somehow involved the precision of mathematics. As a licensed mortgage banker at Pacific Residential Mortgage, she puts her affection for numbers and attention-to-detail to good use as she helps structure loans to best fit a client’s wants and needs. Lynden is the first point of contact for new clients served by the company’s Team Eck. Lynden was awarded her bachelor’s degree in mathematics from Linfield College before earning her master’s degree from Grand Canyon University in Phoenix, Arizona. Lynden spent nearly a decade teaching high school math before her interest in the mortgage and real estate industries sent her in a new direction. Lynden lives in McMinnville with her husband, Chris, and her two-yearold daughter, Harlow. When she’s not at work, Lynden enjoys going to the coast, playing golf, tasting wine, shopping and exploring the beautiful Willamette Valley with her family. MLO-140124 Senior Mortgage Banker After processing, management, funding, and assisting, Venessa Eck at Pacific Residential mortgage has risen to the rank of a top-producing Senior Mortgage Banker with a Team of her own. With 19 years in the Industry, Venessa has embraced the many changes over the years. To better serve her clients, she has a very highly skilled Team to assist her clients and referral partners to achieve their goals. Venessa’s passion stems from seeing her clients fulfill their dreams by becoming homeowners. She takes great delight in helping these dreams come true for the people of Willamette Valley. Because she knows the value of networking in this area, Venessa is a member of the Yamhill County Association of Realtors, Women of the Willamette, Sherwood Chamber of Commerce, and the McMinnville Area Chamber of Commerce. Venessa lives with her husband and three daughters. She enjoys spending time with her family, running, and riding horses in her spare time. NMLS-1477 / WA-CL-1477 NMLS-1477 / WA-CL-1477 FaMiLY BuSineSS iS neVer OutDateD! Mike Morris Kim Morris Katie Morris Bringing up Katie! Morris owned and operated for 27 years! Still providing reliable service and quality relationships. 22 Young Professionals — January 2016 Discover how our family can help yours! McMinnville: 503.472.3889 newberg: 503.538.6126 tigard: 503.684.0400 Vaughn Monagon Todd C. Hyder PACIFIC RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE 971.237.8033 | 971.706.2011 2290 SW 2nd St, Ste B, McMinnville HyDer FAMiLy DenTisTry 503.472.2445 MLO-223367 Senior Mortgage Banker Because he enjoys working with finance, developing business relationships and networking, it was natural that Vaughn Monagon became senior mortgage banker at Pacific Residential Mortgage. In this line of work, he is privileged to meet people from all over the Yamhill Valley. The McMinnville native takes great pride in crafting mortgage products to fit the lives and goals of his diverse clients. Vaughn is a member of the McMinnville Chamber of Commerce and LeTip of McMinnville. He is an involved member at Church on the Hill in McMinnville serving as the treasurer and board member. In addition, Vaughn is a past winner of McMinnville’s annual Biggest Turkey contest. Vaughn lives in McMinnville with his wife and family. He enjoys athletics ranging from softball to hiking and is an involved youth leader. Vaughn’s greatest joy comes when he spends time with his family. DMD When Dr. Todd Hyder was attending Villanova University, he met his future wife. Fortunately for both of them, he went on to dental school and she to medical school, both at Temple University. When it came time to set up practices and start a family, both Drs. Hyder decided that Todd’s hometown of McMinnville was a perfect fit. Dr. Hyder provides exceptional dental care for patients of all ages. He is able to do almost every dental procedure in the office, maximizing quality and convenience for his patients. Orthodontics, implants and extractions are routinely performed at the clinic in addition to many other services. Patient comfort is hugely important to Dr. Hyder. Most of the clinic’s procedures can be done without pain. Dr. Hyder and his staff do everything possible to make sure every patient is comfortable and at-ease. Dr. Hyder and his wife, Ashley, have three children, Laney, Cameron and Addison. When they’re not working, they enjoy spending time together with their kids and playing golf when the weather allows. NMLS-1477 / WA-CL-1477 CREATING BEAUTIFUL SMILES Cosmetic & Family Dentistry Our entire team is dedicated to providing you with the personalized, gentle care that you deserve. 503-472-2445 • 2080 NE Highway 99W • McMinnville • Young Professionals — January 2016 23 Bethany Brill Abeln Kristen Stoller EdWArd JOnEs InvEsTMEnTs 503.472.0444 715 nW Adams st, McMinnville 503.537.3902 & 206 NE Evans St, McMinnville Financial Advisor Growing up with both parents serving Yamhill County with Edward Jones, Bethany Brill Abeln got a front-row seat to the positive impact that sound financial planning can have on a community. Bethany is proud to be back in McMinnville to continue her parents’ tradition of service after attending Texas A&M University to receive her degree. As a financial advisor, Bethany delivers personalized investment solutions which help her clients work toward long-term financial goals including preparing for retirement, living in retirement, paying for education, estate considerations and insurance. One of Bethany’s primary focuses is in generating retirement projections to help bring a clearer picture to what a client’s retirement will look like. Bethany says there is nothing more rewarding than helping alleviate stress in her clients’ lives by building strategic plans for their individual goals. When she’s not helping clients prepare for their future, Bethany and her husband, Kyle, love to relax in Pacific City with their miniature sporting poodle, Oliver. While Kyle fishes for salmon or crab, Bethany loves to navigate the river on her stand-up paddle board. Chair, Young Professionals of Yamhill Valley Owner, Chehalem Valley Dance Academy, All Star Dancewear Kristen Stoller combined her passion for dance and her desire to develop dance and life skills in young people into the popular Chehalem Valley Dance Academy, with studios located in both McMinnville and Newberg. She loves to watch her dancers build confidence, responsibility, respect, perseverance, organization and goal-setting and -achieving skills. Now, Kristen is putting her own leadership abilities to good use as she chairs the growing Young Professionals of Yamhill Valley networking group. In addition to Young Professionals, Kristen is active in the McMinnville Area Chamber of Commerce, the McMinnville Downtown Association, Newberg Early Bird Rotary, the Chehalem Valley Chamber of Commerce and the Newberg Downtown Coalition. Kristen lives in Dundee with her husband, Francisco, and three young daughters. When she’s not working with her students or using her own leadership skills to improve the community, Kristen enjoys dining, wining and unwinding in the valley or getaways close to home. Our family serving our community since 1982. Here at Edward Jones, your goals are our priority. That’s why we will meet with you face to face to talk about what’s most important to you and your family. From there, we’ll work together to create an investment strategy to help you work toward your goals. THAD BRILL, KRISTINE BRILL & BETHANY BRILL ABELN — FINANCIAL ADVISORS 715 NW Adams St, McMinnville | 503.472.0444 24 Young Professionals — January 2016 Lisa Cameron Weis Manager PAPA MUrPHy’S PizzA 503.472.2536 1049 NE Hwy 99W, McMinnville Lisa Cameron Weis’ outgoing personality led her to customer service jobs. After graduating from Central Catholic High School in Portland and spending several years studying French and journalism at the University of Oregon, Lisa returned to her high school job at Papa Murphy’s Pizza. As general manager at Papa Murphy’s in McMinnville, Lisa supervises the company’s hiring, training, cashiering, customer service, inventory, sales reports, product ordering, filing, scheduling and payroll — in addition to creating some of McMinnville’s most delicious pizzas! Lisa likes seeing so many different people each day and loves spending time with her employees. She says her job is a lot of fun! Lisa lives in McMinnville with her husband, Brian, who is also her co-manager. Lisa loves the area’s natural beauty, restaurants and Third Street shopping. When she’s not working, Lisa enjoys reading and cooking. Jessica Payne REALTOR®, Broker, CNS, SFR COLDwELL BANkER PROFESSIONAL GROuP 503.434.2942 You want the best. You’re busy. You’re hardworking. You don’t have time to settle for anything less than that. You need a REALTOR® who is going to work for you. One who will sell your house like it’s their own or tirelessly search for your new home. You need someone to take the guesswork out of everything from process to paperwork. Someone who is going to take care of those “hiccups” that come along. You need someone to make buying a house exciting and fun. You need someone trustworthy and knowledgeable, who will not rest until you are spending your first lazy evening comfortably on your couch in your new living room. You need Jessica Payne of Coldwell Banker Professional Group. Jessica wholeheartedly believes it’s in her DNA to help others find the joy of owning a home, “Home is a big place where the small things happen — it’s the beginning to everyday and the place where you rest your head at night. Home is life, start to finish,” she explains. Jessica has already helped over a hundred people find home. It’s your turn. Young Professionals — January 2016 25 Jessi Rich Education Coordinator ChEhAlEm CUltURAl CENtER 503.487.6883 415 E Sheridan St, Newberg A NIGHT OF ART A r t | W i n e | Fo o d free admission Whether watching a film, dancing, singing along to a concert, or designing your garden space we can find art in every aspect of our lives. Come to the Cultural Center and enjoy a night of art! With a lifelong fascination of art and the stories artists relate in their work, Jessi Rich realized early on that learning the art process can help artists not only develop their work, but also to appreciate the value in one anothers’ stories. As education coordinator at the Chehalem Cultural Center, Jessi is responsible for connecting professional and teaching artists with students at the center. Jessi manages the center’s course program schedule for both youth and adults and coordinates workshops with visiting and exhibiting artists. She also heads the center’s summer art camps, helping kids discover art — and themselves. A native of Nampa, Idaho, Jessi earned a master’s degree in creative writing and fiction from St Andrews University in Fife, Scotland. An accomplished writer and playwright, Jessi is also working on learning craft skills like carving, metalwork and glasswork. When she’s not at work, Jessi enjoys traveling, writing, playing with her dog and jumping into rivers, lakes and oceans — both by choice and happy accident. Begins February 18th Best of NW Filmmakers’ Festival Thursday @ 6:00 PM Upcoming dates: February 18 April 21 June 16 August 18 October 20 Erin Padilla Arts & Public Programming Coordinator ChEhAlEm CUlTUrAl CENTEr 503.487.6883 415 E Sheridan St, Newberg 415 E Sheridan St Newberg, OR 97132 | (503) 487-6883 Erin Padilla grew up in a community of artists and discovered that she had a passion for the arts at a very young age. Throughout her scholastic career, Erin pursued knowledge about arts and culture and found she wanted to create spaces for people to interact with a variety of art forms. Today, as arts and public programming coordinator for the Chehalem Cultural Center, Erin curates the five galleries at the center and coordinates the facility’s public programs and events. Erin was raised in Newberg, earning a bachelor’s degree with a focus in studio arts from George Fox University. Erin is excited that the Yamhill Valley community has a passion for encouraging creative lifestyles through art, wine and food. Erin is a studio artist herself, with broad experience in printmaking, graphite, charcoal, ink, clay, paper and power tools. In her free time, Erin enjoys creating art, playing with dogs, wine tasting with her husband and spending time with her niece. Open Tuesday - Saturday, Hours: 9am - 6pm 26 Young Professionals — January 2016 Jobe Nash Manager Raleigh Richey LeS SCHWAB Tire CeNTer 503.472.4668 170 Ne Hwy 99W, McMinnville LES SCHWAb TiRE CENTER 503.472.4668 170 NE Hwy 99W, McMinnville Assistant Manager Jobe Nash’s father worked in management with Les Schwab Tire Centers as Jobe was growing up. As a youth, Jobe became familiar with this outstanding company that sets the standard for customer service and rewards its employees for jobs well-done. As a result, there was no question in Jobe’s mind when it came time for him to choose a career. As manager at the McMinnville Les Schwab Tire Center, Jobe is responsible for making sure that local operations meet the company’s high standards. He loves the excitement of working with people and automobiles and is proud of the local store’s well-known level of customer service. A Beaverton native, Jobe loves living and working in the Yamhill Valley. Jobe lives in McMinnville with his wife and three daughters. When he’s not hard at work, he might be found attending sports events, playing with his girls or spending quality time with his wife. A lifelong love of cars led Raleigh Richey to a job with Les Schwab Tire Centers after he finished his military service. The company’s outstanding promotion and advancement opportunities coupled with its commitment to excellent customer service convinced him to make a career of it. Today, as assistant manager at the McMinnville Les Schwab Tire Center, Raleigh is responsible for keeping his crew properly trained to meet Les Schwab’s high standards of customer service. Raleigh was born in Portland and graduated from Estacada High School. He served with the US Army’s legendary 82nd Airborne Division before a stint with the Oregon National Guard. Raleigh currently lives in Amity with his wife and five children. When he’s not working, Raleigh enjoys watching Portland Trailblazer games, archery, gardening and hanging out with his family. He also likes a good Texas Hold ‘Em tournament now and then. Young Professionals — January 2016 27 Alex Collins President Austin Bowlin GoPHeR PATRoL 503.487.6895 Po Box 3042, Newberg FlAgSmITh Pole Co. 503.828.4888 Po Box 3042, Newberg President Living in the Pacific Northwest, the beauty of an expansive green lawn might be marred by the unsightly activity of moles and gophers. That’s where Gopher Patrol comes in. Recognizing the need for a business dedicated to trapping nuisance wildlife, Alex Collins founded a company devoted to ridding homeowners of the unsightly annoyance of gopher and mole lawn activity. With great results, the business went viral. A native of the Willamette Valley, Alex is a member of the state contractors’ board and maintains a current wildlife control permit. Alex loves the outdoors and the honesty and politeness of local folks. He also enjoys interacting with his local clients and solving their wildlife problems. Alex lives in Amity. When he’s not working, Alex might be found fishing or participating in any outdoors sport. If you are experiencing mole or gopher destruction in your lawn, call Gopher Patrol today! Austin Bowlin has always been a patriot. As a result, Austin recognized the importance of properly displaying the American flag at an early age. Today, Austin helps the people of the Yamhill Valley demonstrate their patriotism in a similar fashion. As president of Flagsmith Pole Co., Austin gets great satisfaction from seeing his clients display the United States flag respectfully and appropriately. With special acknowledgement to veterans and senior citizens, Austin is committed to helping local folks demonstrate their patriotism as well. Austin’s concrete construction and carpentry skills are well-employed to this end. Austin lives in Dayton. In his free time, Austin spends as much time as he can outdoors, hunting deer and elk or fishing for salmon. If you’d like to demonstrate your own patriotism, give Austin a call today! Details matter when you hit the road! • Full Service Auto Detailing • Auto, Residential, Commercial Window Tinting • Spray In Bed Liners • 3M Paint Protection Film • NW Sealant Protection Kits • Water Leak Detection & Repair • Foul Odor Removal (Mice, Pet Urine, Vomit, Mildew, Etc.) • Complimentary Courtesy Shuttle • RV & Marine Specialist 1015 NE 99W, McMinnville (behind State Farm) | 503.883.0995 | for info & specials 28 Young Professionals — January 2016 Jose Zavala Partner Alexis Bishop DeMOss & GuTTerMAn LLC 503.662.4171 Yamhill BIshop LAW 503.474.4511 328 NE Davis st, ste 2, McMinnville Attorney Jose Zavala has always had an interest in the construction industry. After apprenticing for eight years in gutter and roof work, he’s now ready to take the lead at Yamhill’s well-known DeMoss & GutterMan LLC. At DeMoss & GutterMan LLC, Jose oversees crews as they clean the roofs and gutters of homes and businesses all over the Yamhill and Willamette Valleys. He also handles estimates in addition to manufacturing and installing custom rain gutters. Jose enjoys all aspects of his job and loves making his customers happy. A member of the Oregon Construction Contractors Board, Jose is a conscientious worker who is dedicated to doing his best on every job. Jose lives in Tigard with his wife and family. When he’s not serving customers, Jose might be found playing soccer. CCB#174358 Alexis Bishop’s mother likes to say that her daughter became a lawyer because she’s never lost an argument. But Alexis says she chose the field because the need for a strong advocate is crucial when a judge’s decision will forever impact a child and a family. As principal attorney at Bishop Law, Alexis helps children and parents navigate complex juvenile, family and criminal court matters. In addition to an active juvenile practice, Alexis also defends people accused of criminal activity. Alexis was awarded her undergraduate degree from the University of California, Davis before earning her law degree from the Willamette University College of Law. A native of Chester, California, Alexis has put down roots in the Yamhill Valley and takes great satisfaction in the strong relationships she’s built with people in the area. Alexis and her fiancé recently bought their first home in McMinnville and will be married in the fall of 2016. The couple loves the great food and the wonderful sense of community found locally. In addition, Alexis is told she’s a superb grilled-cheese sandwich-maker. Young Professionals — January 2016 29 Devon Shryock Lead Strategist Rachel Karl SUITe 4 971.264.2911 410 e 3rd St, McMinnville SuiTE 4 971.264.2911 410 E 3rd St, McMinnville CEO & Founder Knowing that marketing is a living industry, Devon Shryock wanted to be able to finesse or perfect her efforts to help her clients succeed on a daily basis. In short, Devon wanted to be challenged every day. As lead strategist for McMinnville’s full-service marketing agency Suite 4 Social, Devon oversees all of the company’s client accounts and develops marketing strategies to help them grow their businesses. Born in Southern California, Devon was raised in Salem. Devon earned a bachelor’s degree in political science and communications from the University of Oregon. She loves working on Third Street and enjoys McMinnville’s downtown life and its welcoming spirit. Devon is excited to work with such a wide variety of small businesses — she learns something new every day! She also is grateful she works with a fantastic team! In her free time, Devon is particularly fond of really good movies — and really bad ones. Growing up with parents who operated a small business, Rachel Karl got involved in marketing at a very young age. After high school, Rachel helped her father implement a marketing strategy which turned a struggling seasonal business into a year-round success — a company which the family eventually sold for $2.5 million. Rachel realized she had a knack for marketing and now offers her proven services to other business owners. Born in Denver, Colorado, Rachel spent her early years in New York. After graduating from the Delphian school in Sheridan, Rachel earned a business degree. Today, Rachel oversees business development, marketing, sales and recruiting for Suite 4. Rachel and her team consult with clients to develop and implement successful marketing strategies to maximize clients’ business potential in a digital world. Additionally, Rachel teaches marketing to hundreds of business owners and sales professionals each year. Rachel lives in McMinnville with her husband and three children. A member of American Writers & Artists, Rachel is working on her fourth young-adult novel, which she plans to publish later this year. Metal fabrication for Commercial, Industrial and Residential construction Structural - Architectural • Certified Welders • Field Welding Welding Supplies & Gases • Steel Distribution Warehouse 23995 N Hwy 99W, Newberg [Conveniently located off 99W between Newberg & Dundee] 30 503.538.3232 Young Professionals — January 2016 CCB# 202375 NORTHWEST WINE COUNTRY CUISINE OPEN NIGHTLY FOR DINNER TUESDAY—SATURDAY FOR LUNCH RESERVATIONS SUGGESTED 503.538.8880 | TINASDUNDEE.COM 760 HIGHWAY 99W, DUNDEE Local Emphasis. Superior Expertise. Industry Leading Customer Service. Young Professionals — January 2016 31 Shannon Botten President Do You Want a Beautiful Yard? • Trees, Shrubs & Flowers • Landscape Design • Sprinkler Systems • Pavers BoTTEN’S EqUIPMENT AND EVENT RENTAl 2800 NE lafayette Ave, McMinnville Growing up in the rental industry, Shannon Botten was perfectly positioned to introduce her husband, Alan, to the industry’s intricacies when the need arose and the time was right. When the couple launched Botten’s Equipment and Event Rental in McMinnville, the business opening filled a gaping need in the Yamhill Valley community. In 2015, Botten’s Equipment and Event Rental expanded its rental lines to include event and party rental supplies, allowing local folks to take full advantage of the area’s picturesque vineyards, wineries and rolling hills. Since the company already offered gardening and ground work equipment in addition to rock, soils and bark dust, Shannon knew the company was perfectly poised to fill a great number of local needs. Shannon earned a master’s degree from Pacific University and serves as a special education teacher at Duniway Middle School. Shannon and her husband live in McMinnville with their toddler daughter, Nora Mae. In her free time, Shannon coordinates the Mac Town Striders running and walking group and coaches cross country at McMinnville High School. • Water Features • Lawn Care Alan Botten Owner BOttEN’S EquiPMENt ANd EvENt RENtAl 2800 NE lafayette Ave, McMinnville y! Call us toda 503.472.5897 LCB#5285 32 When Alan Botten wanted to expand his radiator repair business, launching Botten’s Equipment Rental was the perfect solution. With a father-in-law who owned a well-known Portland rental business, Alan and his wife, Shannon, were in a great position to fill a large need in the local community. 2016 brings a new title and fresh logo to the expanding company: Botten’s Equipment and Event Rental. With a complete line of party and event rental equipment at Botten’s Equipment and Event Rental, the company can make any local event a stunning reality. But Botten’s is much more than parties! From landscaping tools to construction equipment, from tractors and loaders to welding equipment, Alan is committed to getting his customers the best equipment at the best price. Alan knows that a good reputation must be earned. Alan lives in McMinnville with his wife, Shannon, and toddler daughter, Nora Mae. When he’s not at work, Alan loves hunting, horseback riding working his border collie. Young Professionals — January 2016 Beth Black Employee Benefits Specialist HAgAn HAMilTOn inSUrAnCE SErviCES 503.472.2165 P.O. Box 847, McMinnville Beth has been working at Hagan Hamilton for 12 years as an employee benefits consultant, helping employers provide creative, sustainable and thoughtful benefit plans to their employees. The best part of Beth’s job is her continuous learning of the benefits world and she enjoys sharing that knowledge with her clients. Actively involved in the community, Beth serves on the Board of Juliette’s House, is a member of the Oregon Health and Underwriters Association, and is the Past Chair of the Board of the McMinnville Area Chamber of Commerce. Many do not know that, while working full time, Beth cares for her 5 children (ranging from 6 to 18 years) and cheering on the Beavers, Seahawks and Blazers—in that order. During her free time, she may be attending community events, enjoying a quick Thai meal or spending time with her family and husband. Effort. Etiquette. Sincerity. Self Control. Character. Sandra Fornof-Gil CISR, CIC, Hablo Español HAgAn HAMILTon InSuRAnCE SERvICES 503.472.2165 P.o. Box 847, McMinnville Sandra began her insurance career in 1999. She joined Hagan Hamilton as a Customer Service Agent in 2000 and has been with us ever since, in the Personal Lines department. Sandra is a hard worker, and enjoys helping her clients. She is one of our five Spanish-speaking agents, and has a Bachelor’s Degree in Eduation. Sandra was born and raised in Barcelona, Spain, and is a big fan of the outdoors. She roots for Barça, the Barcelona Soccer Team. Her favorite movie is Hotel Rwanda, and her favorite place to vacation is Maui. When she isn’t working or supporting her kids’ sports—soccer, basketball, cheerleading—Sandra can be found hiking with her dogs or gardening at home. We love having Sandra on our team! Something for everyone Private instruction and family discounts available Call today to schedule a FREE trial lesson McMinnville 800 NE 8th St. #100 (503) 434-2707 Hillsboro 1895-I SE TV HWY (503) 434-6349 | Young Professionals — January 2016 33 Zachary Geary Project Manager Karin Moshier CellAR RidGe COnStRUCtiOn 109 nW 5th St, McMinnville Haugeberg, rueter, gowell, Fredricks & Higgins 503.472.5141 | 503.472.4713 620 NE 5th St, McMinnville Attorney at Law When looking for a career that allowed him to grow and thrive while maintaining his personal style, Zachary Geary discovered that home building was the perfect niche. As project manager for McMinnville’s wellknown Cellar Ridge Construction, Zack gets to be himself while tackling new and intriguing challenges every day. Zack studied political science and history at the University of Oregon before coming to work for Cellar Ridge. He loves the perfect fit he’s found at the company as he makes sure that all projects are completed to the company’s high standards: energy-efficient, durable and beautiful. Zack lives in McMinnville with his wife and dogs. When he’s not working, Zack enjoys reading and hiking but he’s dismayed to say that his famous ping pong serve in college has yielded to an unfortunate habit of running. Zack has an unnatural fixation on historical figures who almost became U.S. President. Erin Taylor Office Manager Dianne Haugeberg CEllAR RidgE CONSTRuCTiON 109 NW 5th St, McMinnville Haugeberg, rueter, gowell, Fredricks & Higgins 503.472.5141 | 503.472.4713 620 NE 5th St, McMinnville Attorney at Law Cellar Ridge Construction is well-known for its pioneering spirit. The local contractor applies the art and science of building green to create high-quality structures that are as beautiful as they are healthy for their inhabitants and better for the environment. When Cellar Ridge needed an office manager, Erin Taylor was a perfect fit. A native of Boston, Massachusetts, Erin operated a contact center on the east coast for nearly a decade while helping run her husband’s environmentally-responsible cabinet company. Erin found she shared Cellar Ridge’s core values of quality, integrity and commitment to building sustainably. Erin loves the beautiful land and friendly people of the Yamhill Valley. Erin lives in McMinnville with her husband, toddler daughter and two cats. When she’s not helping Cellar Ridge exceed its clients’ expectations, Erin enjoys glasswork, gardening, photography and painting. She also likes doing anything outdoors, exploring the beauty of the Pacific Northwest. 34 An interest in providing guidance to clients facing difficult situations was motivation for Karin Moshier to study law. As an attorney at Haugeberg, Rueter, Gowell, Fredricks & Higgins, P.C., Karin is doing just that, helping her clients achieve positive resolutions in domestic relations cases. Karin assists clients with family law issues including divorce, child custody, child support, spousal support and adoption. Karin received her Bachelor of Arts in Economics from the University of the South in Sewanee, Tennessee. She moved to the Pacific Northwest to earn her Doctor of Jurisprudence at the Lewis & Clark Law School in Portland. Karin is a member of the Oregon State Bar Family Law Section and is treasurer for the Yamhill County Bar Association. She also serves on the Board of the McMinnville Downtown Association. Karin lives in McMinnville with her husband, Robert and their daughters, Claire, 3, and Louisa, 1. In her spare time, she enjoys traveling, hiking, reading and sports. Growing up, Dianne Haugeberg decided she wanted to go into a field involving taxes. With encouragement from her lawyer father, she chose tax law and ultimately came back to McMinnville to work with her father at the firm. She specializes in estate planning including wills, trusts, tax planning, probate and trust administration. Dianne earned a bachelor’s degree at Willamette University before going on for a Doctor of Jurisprudence at the University of Santa Clara, and a master’s degree in taxation from the University of San Diego. Dianne is a member of the Oregon Bar Association and the Yamhill County Bar Association. Dianne lives in McMinnville with her husband, Brian Shea and two children, Keller, 8 and Cate, 6. She invests a significant amount of time locally as Yamhill Enrichment Society board member; founder of Books for Babies; First Presbyterian Endowment Committee member; McMinnville Area Community Foundation board member; and A Family Place: an Emerging Relief Nursery Leadership Council member. Young Professionals — January 2016 The Firm OF haugeberg, rueTer, gOwell, Fredricks & higgins Our well-earned reputation and peer rating result from prompt and responsive attention to the needs of our clients and the quality legal advice we provide. Collaboration among our team members, with the benefit of the experience of two attorneys who have been in practice more that 40 years, enables us to offer quality legal representation at competitive rates. Oregon has been good to our firm through the years, and our philosophy is to give back David C. Haugeberg Gary A. Rueter areas of practice in appreciation. Our attorneys are active and visible in many organizations in McMinnville and surrounding communities. The firm of Haugeberg, Rueter, Gowell, Fredricks & Higgins is a full-service law practice based in McMinnville, Oregon. We offer diverse legal services to our clients throughout Yamhill County and in all surrounding areas. Contact us to arrange an initial consultation with an experienced and effective lawyer today. Walter R. Gowell Douglas S. Fredricks Robert G. Higgins • Business organizations and corporate counsel • General civil litigation / Personal Injury • Real estate sales, real property • Agricultural law, liens • Family law, divorce, custody, property settlements, and guardianship and conservatorship matters • Estate planning, trust administration and probate law • Tax planning • Landlord, Lessor Law • Employment law (representing employers) • Financial institution representation, foreclosure • Municipal law, city attorney Dianne L. Haugeberg Samuel R. Justice Karin A. Moshier The OldesT law Firm in The sTaTe OF OregOn 620 NE 5th Street | P.O.Box 480 McMinnville, OR 97128 Phone: (503) 472-5141 | Fax: (503) 472-4713 | Web: Young Professionals — January 2016 35 Motivation Inspiration & To geT back To The acTiviTies you love We Offer and Help With: • Back Care & Rehabilitation • Fitness & Exercise Programs • Shoulder/Rotator Cuff Rehab • Sports & Orthopedic Injuries • Joint Replacement Rehab • Work-Related Injuries • Vertigo Rehab (i.e. knee, hip & shoulder) • Neck Pain/Headaches Aurora Fry, DPT Grant Bortnem, DPT Jordan Visser, DPT Sara Heiter, DPT John Andrew, DPT Don Bailey, PTA Preferred provider for most insurance Open M–F 6am –7pm Saturday Appointments Available Doctor referral not required New patients welcome Patty HarrisTani Vanessa MuirHerdener, PTA Mollahan, PTA Petersen, PTA 2025 NW Baker St, Ste A 503-435-1900 Young Professionals — January 2016 2435 NE Cumulus Ave, Ste D 503-857-0897
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