Our 45 Homecoming – Wrap Up Edition December 2015


Our 45 Homecoming – Wrap Up Edition December 2015
Something Like
Our 45th Homecoming – Wrap Up Edition
December 2015
Class of ’70 Reunion Dinner: A Great Time Was Had by All!
Disclaimer from KL: With aging eyes and memory, I did my best to match names, (current) faces and hairlines, to remember maiden names and spell everyone
right. Any mistakes are on me, not Steve. Thanks for assistance to Bill Devore, Sonny Freeman, Mary Herring, Jody Glotfelty, Sandy Reback and Gwen Dean for
their help (and eyesight!). We tried to ID people by rows – a challenge, given we just sort of grouped up, so on the left side, there are actually six rows of people,
but then some rows clumped up or diverged. (Which I actually just love – so typical of our class to not follow directions or line up in rigid rows.) I tried to put in
some clues, but you’ll just have to increase your computer screen page size to 200%, get out your magnifying glass, perhaps a yearbook, and work your way across
the picture. TIP: Look straight across – don’t look at someone who is sort of behind someone else, just keep looking directly to the right. And if you get confused
or need to know for sure, email me at kathylewton@aol.com and I’ll do my best to help. THE BEST THING ABOUT THIS PICTURE . . . is the happy faces,
and the sheer numbers. This is (we think, and no one has corrected us) that this is the largest reunion dinner EVER (or at least since we’ve been around, which is,
sigh, decades).
Bless you all for coming, for caring, for sharing memories . . .
Row One, from left:
Cathy Ray Douglass, Debbie Moorehead Thorpe, Karen Zander Metzger (seated), Pam Stratton Muir; Julianne Oveson Sundin, Sue Culver Chen, Sandy Reback,
Sue Vertuno. Mary Arnold Gale, Mary Harris Melchor, Sonny Freeman, Kathy Larey Lewton
Row Two, from left:
Sheri Olson, Karla Miller, Sue Krause (pink sweater, partially hidden – sorry Sue!), Jane Gramkow, Leslie Speight Bell, Gwen Ohlendorf Dean, Jane Snell Copes,
Deni Wood Menken, Brent A. Anderson, Denny Lane, Brent D. Anderson, Laureen Mikkelson Hayes
Row Three, from left:
David Wilson, Barbara Grace Wilson, Mary Wright Herring, Linda Sheppelman Crowley, Bobbie Knoderer McDonald, Al Cooke, Anne Henningsen Cooke, Phil
Glotfelty and Jody Carlson Glotfelty right in front of Phil, Terrill Hayes, Kelly Kane, Pat McEvoy
Row Four, from left:
Gloria Timmons Neunaber (peeking over David Wilson’s shoulder), Jeannie McCall Parsons, John Hale, Karen Short Mills, Maggie Chamberlain Burmeister, Bob
Williams, Jimmy Gale, Joe Lauher, Steve Burrichter, Roy Hankins, David Morgan
Row Five, from left:
Tom Gramkow, Penny Allanson Schopp, Chris Diller Cairns, Dolores Clausen Wenzel, Sue Hoffman Rehrer, Bill Knoderer, Steve Laird, Bill Morrison, Earl Franz
Very back row, scattered, from left:
Greg Neunaber, Nels Calvert, Bill Devore, Steve Shockey, Dennis Sundin, Lynn Walker Johnson, Barry Swanson, David Petreman, Mark Sheldon
Something Like
The Class of ’70 Spirit Award
Honoring IWU faculty and staff who encourage
and inspire students
Our class has created an endowed award, which will be given
annually to a current faculty or staff member at IWU, to
recognize exceptional support for, engagement with, and
inspiration to students.
Remember all of the faculty and staff members who made an
impact on our lives at IWU? At our class memorial service during
the Reunion, classmates shared story after story about those who
helped us learn and grow as individuals.
That’s the spirit behind the Class of ’70 Spirit Award. It will be
funded as an endowment so the award can be given in perpetuity to
honor those former faculty and staff who touched OUR LIVES and
helped us become the proud alumni we are today. And YOU can
make your gift in honor of specific faculty or staff members who
helped you!
Donors to the Class of 1970 reunion gift will be invited to name
faculty or staff members, living or deceased, that that they
would like to see recognized in perpetuity. Gifts will be
recognized in our newsletter and on the Class of ’70 newsletter
section of the Titan Pride website and will build IWU’s alumni
giving participation rate!
HOW IT WILL WORK: Current students will nominate faculty
and staff using criteria developed by members of our class working
with the Provost’s office. Winners will be chosen by a committee
that will include representation from our class, and the honorees
will able to use the award for whatever purpose they want.
The Fund is Started – With a Challenge!
Before our reunion, 26 class members pitched in to create a special
fund which will be the core of our gift – to be matched by gifts
from the other 350+ classmates, with a goal of 50 for 50 – $50,000
to celebrate our big milestone reunion. These classmates pledged a
total off $20,350, and since the dinner we’ve received several more
pledges so we are now at $21,850!!!!
YOU will be hearing soon directly from the Class Gift Group
headed by Bill Devore and Earl Franz. Please think about the
faculty you remember, the staff who gave you a helping hand, and
think about what kind of a gift or pledge you’d like to make! To
honor your most admired faculty and staff, contact Bill at
billdevore13@gmail.com, Earl at franze4franz@msn.com, or
Kathy at kathylewton@aol.com or wait to get a call from a
classmate J.
Pledges can be paid during the IWU fiscal year – August 1, 2015
through July 31, 2016. Gifts can be paid online via credit card or
via check, and can be paid quarterly. More details will follow.
December 2015 Page 2
Class of ’70 Spirit Award
These are the class members who got our award fund
started, and the faculty and staff they are honoring
Brent A. Anderson
Dr. G.L. Story
Brent D. Anderson
All IWU Faculty
Patricia Armstrong
Dr. Dorthea Franzen
Stu Black
IWU Business Faculty
Steve Burrichter
Dr. Clifford Pfeltz, Dr. Emily Dale,
Neomia Lutz
Jane Snell Copes
Dr. Forrest Frank
Bill Devore
Dr. Marie J. Robinson, Jack
Horenberger, Dennie Bridges
Earl Franz
Oliver Leurssen
Sonny Freeman
Dr. John Ficca, John Bergstrom,
Dr. William White
Don Garrison
Dr. Donald P. Brown
John Hale
Dr. Robert Eckley, Lee Short, Dr.
Paul Bushnell, R. W. Burda
Roy Hankins
Dr. G. L. Story
Mary Wright Herring
Jane Gordon
Bill Knoderer and Bobbie
Knoderer McDonald
Jim Ruoti
Deni Wood Menken
Elizabeth Ogle
Steve Laird
Dr. Paul Bushnell
Kathy Larey Lewton
Lee Short, Dr. Harvey Beutner, Dr.
Robert Eckley, Dr. Wendell Hess,
Bob Keck
Joe Lauher
Dr. Forrest Frank
Colby Martin
Dr. Jerry Stone
Karen Short Mills
Lee Short
Mark Sheldon
Dr. Rupert Kilgore, Dr. Doris
Meyers, Dr. James Whitehurst
Spencer Sauter
Dr. Hal Hungerford, Dr. Larry
Dave and Barbara Grace
Don Larsen, Bob Keck, Dr. Lucille
Karen Zander
Annabelle Hartranft
Anonymous Class
Lee Short
Please contact Bill at billdevore13@gmail.com, Earl at
franze4franz@msn.com or Kathy at kathylewton@aol.com.
Or you’ll be hearing from us via letter and calls.
Something Like
December 2015 Page 3
November 14, 2015 340 East Randolph Unit 3802 Chicago, IL 60601 Class of 1970 Illinois Wesleyan University Dear Friends: The Class of 1970 had another very successful reunion during Homecoming this fall. Attendance was outstanding and the weekend was jam-­‐packed with activity. I hope everyone enjoyed being back on campus. The Class of 1970 certainly has set a high mark on the wall for other classes in terms of alumni participation and loyalty. At the reunion dinner on Saturday night, Pat and I were made honorary members of your class. We extend our thanks for this special recognition and look forward to seeing you at your 50 th, a short five years from now. Following two weeks of packing, moving, and unpacking, we are finally settled in our condo in Chicago. The easiest way to reach us is by email (rfwilson@iwu.edu) or cell phone (309-­‐530-­‐2182). Cordially, Richard F. Wilson President Emeritus Something Like
November 22015 December 015 We started our Homecoming festivities on Friday
evening, October 9, 2015, with a Class of ’70 party at Fat
Jack’s in downtown Bloomington. Through the efforts of
Karen Short Mills, who coordinated the event, and many
others, we had a wonderful evening!
Friday Night at Fat Jacks!
Conversation picked up quickly, and for many it was
as if only a short time had passed since we last enjoyed talking
to each other, even though it had been years in many cases.
For some who came, this was their first Homecoming in many
years! It was great to catch up on their lives.
Page 4
Barbara Grace Wilson, Kathy Larey Lewton, Karen Short Mills Many thanks to an anonymous classmate who donated
the dinner hors d’oeuvres for the class! The food was
delicious! We all enjoyed the many types of food, the drinks,
and conversation into the later hours of the evening!
Great conversations with many friends in our reserved rooms! We enjoyed
food and
conversation in
two rooms!
Deni Wood Menken and Pam Stratton Muir Barry and Gail Swanson, David Petreman, Earl Franz Jan and Bill Devore Gwen Ohlendorf Dean shares a hug! !
! Barbara Grace Wilson, Charlotte Bennison Donat, Gail Zumwalt Swanson, Marty Petree Schultz, Karen Short Mills A great time with friends was had by all! Something Like
December 2015 Page 5
study abroad experiences with several of these faculty.
Classmate Lana Weiss Brown shared her days as the magical
understudy of Magician and Professor James Whitehurst,
bringing great charm and laughter to the sharing. Classmates
were remembered and honored as names were read out, a
chime sounded, a candle was lit, and a litany of remembrance
for classmates and faculty mentors read.
Mark Sheldon and Lana Weiss Brown Lynn Walker Johnson Lana Weiss Brown Classmates participating in the service included Steve
Burrichter, George "Sonny" Freeman, Lana Weiss Brown,
Mark L. Sheldon, Lynn Walker Johnson, and Bill Devore.
Family members of those being honored attended and
appreciated the sharing in the service, the inspiration and
meaning of these many dedicated and committed lives to
Illinois Wesleyan and to the broader community.
In Memoriam: Honoring and Remembering Classmates,
Faculty Mentors, and University Leaders
By Mark Sheldon
During the Class of '70 45th Reunion, the class held
a Memorial Service at Evelyn Chapel to honor and
remember classmates "gone too soon" since our last reunion
in 2010. And, this year, the class Memorial Service also
honored and remembered the many significant faculty
mentors and University leaders who have died in the past five
years. (See full list of deceased classmates in this newsletter).
Steve Burrichter reads
Ecclesiastes 3 Verses 1 – 8
during the Memorial
Most inspiring and meaningful was the "Community Sharing
Time," led by Class President Bill Devore '70, when
classmates, alums and University friends shared their
remembrances and recollections of classmates and faculty
mentors. The "Chemistry corner" of classmates fondly
remembered Dr. Hess and Dr. Frank as "the giants, the
faculty who made us who we are." Many classmates spoke of
the excellent, rigorous teaching of those involved in the
Humanities Survey course, especially Dr. Doris Myers and
others. Clergy and religious studies classmates remembered
the "great four" of the Religion Department, active professors
and public intellectuals, always active on campus and in
contributing to the community: Professors White,
Whitehurst, Stone and Story. Several recalled significant
We gratefully thank University Chaplain Rev. Elyse Nelson
Winger for helping us plan the beautiful service, and our everso-talented University Organist Susan Klotzbach for the
wonderful music. The Class of '70 Homecoming Planning
Committee thanks all those who participated, attended and
helped make this Memorial Service a meaningful part of our
45th Class Reunion.
The complete list of departed classmates is on the next page.
The faculty and staff who were honored included: Rev. Dr.
Jerry Stone, Rev. Dr. James Whitehurst, Dr. Doris Meyers, Dr.
Robert S. Eckley, Mr. James Ascareggi, Dr. Wendall Hess, Dr.
Robert Harrington, Dr. Justice Pearson, Dr. James McGowan,
Dr. Dwight Drexler, Rev. Dr. G. L. Storey, Rev. Dr. William
Luther White
Something Like
December 2015 Page 6
Kelly Kane Nels Calvert Senior Class President Bill Devore led our memories
discussion during the Memorial Service.
We Remember, We Honor: Nancy L. Schaeffer Adams
Roland H. Bean
Nancy L. Benedict Boggs *
James B. Boisclair *
David P. Brown *
Joanne A. Mayer Collins
Marcia L. Dahl
Kenneth R. Deck *
Carl F. Dixon
Robert E. Dunham
Linda K. Henderson Fischer
Christine Campbell Floyd
Stephen M. Fox *
Ruth Hayden Garvin
Harriett E. Hall
Gail Fouts Hanson
Kathleen J. Anderson Hendricks *
Betty J. Kraus Hickey
Michael Kennedy
John. F. Kovalcik *
Joanne K. Kozeluh
James P. McCormick
Henry L. Medley
James P. Minnihan *
Bruce D. Nimmo *
Thomas C. Prescher
Jack B. Reeser
Tim E. Robert
Irwin J. Samec
Howard P. Schultz
Charles M. Setchell
Philip D. Shank
Hollace A. Walker Shore
Darrell D. “Grady” Skaggs
Lane F. Trueblood An * indicates names of those who died between 2010 and 2015.
Our memories and conversations
continued as we went into the Quad.
Something Like
Homecoming weekend was blessed with great weather! As we
walked the quad on this beautiful late summer early fall
weekend, we had the opportunity to have a breakfast, look at
memorabilia shown by Meg Miner from the University
Archives, listen to the Titan Pep Band, and continue our
conversations and memories with our friends.
December 2015 Page 7
The Tommy Titan uniform from our years at IWU.
University Archives display
Tom and Jane Gramkow look at old Argus stories
Off to the Alumni Lunch and game!
Something Like
December 2015 Page 8
In the afternoon, we enjoyed singing Alma Wesleyan at the
Alumni Luncheon and cheering at the Titan Football Game!
David Merritt Sonny Freeman The group below helped win
3 baseball and 2 basketball
conference championships in
our 4 years at IWU Bob Dennie Wilson Bridges Greg Neunaber, Tom Gramkow, Bill Devore, Barry Swanson, Denny Lane Jim Schultz, David Wilson, Gary Swango, Bob Williams, Steve Wannamacher, Bruce Johnson, Kelly Kane President Wilson guest directs the Titan Band for the last time Something Like
December 2015 As the afternoon went on, we enjoyed Spencer Sauter’s art
show in the gallery, and the Prose and Poetry Reading by
Class of ’70 authors.
Page 9
Here is a special poem written in the past few weeks just for
our class by David Petreman:
for Lana Weiss
Two of Spencer’s other paintings in the show were available
for sale to be a part of our class fundraiser.
Spen graciously offered
to donate one of his
works with the purchase
price to be given to the
Class Gift. Sue Hoffman
Rehrer is the proud new
owner of a Spen original,
and the Class Gift Fund
gets even larger!
A highlight of the afternoon was the Poetry and Prose
Reading by John Hale (above left), David Petreman (above
right) and Barry Swanson (below at podium) Above the glasses
Of bubbling beer,
Blood-red wine,
And lemoned water
Was a sea of gray
Hair, gently aging
Even as the night
Got younger
With old tales
From another lifetime,
In which peace and love
Was never, nor will ever be
An old hippie cliché
With this crowd
As we take it all in
As we always did then,
Down to our souls,
Our hearts still alive
With what’s next,
With what we can
Still do for others
For each other
And I remain amazed
At the faces still the same
Still pursuing what matters—
With all of this gray matter—
Still moving forward,
And dreaming about
What lies ahead.
David A. Petreman
Something Like
December 2015 Class of 70 Reunion Dinner: Embracing Tradition,
Reveling in Old Friends, Looking to the Future
By Mark Sheldon
The cornerstone event of the Class of '70 reunion was
the gala dinner on Saturday evening attended by over 120
classmates, spouses, faculty friends, current students and alums
from nearby classes. The event, organized superbly by Barbara
Grace Wilson, with program coordinated by emcee Bill
Devore, was held at the Uptown Marriott, Normal on the
Saturday evening of Homecoming weekend. It was a grand
time, filled with wonderful reunion friendships, high-spirited
tables, and delicious food, all in a wonderful setting.
Page 10
From left, dinner chair Barb Wilson, reunion leader Sonny Freeman, new IWU President Eric Jensen and his wife Elizabeth (in her honorary Class of ’70 T-­‐shirt), retiring IWU president Dick Wilson, reunion leaders Kathy Lewton and Bill Devore The Class Reunion dinner was privileged to have visits and
short presentations by two IWU Presidents - Dr. Richard
Wilson, our beloved and retiring President, and by new
President Eric Jensen and his wife, Elizabeth. "Honorary Class
of 1970 Member" T-shirts were presented to all, including to
Lee Short . . . "for letting us in to IWU!" On the back of each
T-shirt, "From Hearts Aflame. . . " It was great to see all these
old friends, former faculty and university leaders at our reunion
gala. Bill Devore addresses our classmates
Karen Short, Alan Cooke, Lee Short One of the important features of this dinner was to include and
honor faculty friends and mentors from our class' era at IWU.
Our special guests included Former First Lady Nell Eckley, Dr.
John Ficca, Dennie Bridges, Dr. Paul Bushnell, President Dick
Wilson, Dr. Paul Miller, and our very own Admissions Director
Lee Short who was inaugurated as an honorary class member.
Also with us as guests were the spouses of deceased faculty
including Ann White, Dottie Frank, Judy Stone, and Loretta
Bill, Roy Hankins,
and President Jensen
at the dinner
Dr. John Ficca
Nell Eckley
Earl Franz, Mark Sheldon, Kathy Lewton, Barb Wilson, John Hale Something Like
Skip Gilbert and Paul Bushnell talk during dinner December 2015 Page 11
Several current students were also invited to attend and to
enjoy meeting members of the Class of '70. Student Senate
President Jake Thaker attended with Senate Commissioner for
Community Engagement, Ms. Crystal Ocampo. And, three
current international students joined in the fun -- Economics
major Ms. Brigitta Jakob from Indonesia, Physics major Ms.
Zhang Ruomeng from China, and Mr. Yang Muyi, an
international studies major from Wuhan, China.
It was great to see tradition, old friends, all the familiar
classmates, and the future of IWU in the bright faces of
current students all together in the same room celebrating the
45th Reunion of the Class of '70.
Class of ’70 News and Thoughts
From Brent A. Anderson:
I enjoyed seeing classmates for the activities of the 45th
anniversary of our 1970 graduation.
Bob Williams, George Freeman, David Wilson, Pat McEvoy, Nels Calvert, Kelly Kane, Barry Swanson I graduated IWU as a Religion major and then completed a
Doctor of Religion (professional degree) from the School of
Theology at Claremont, CA. I served a total of 35 years of
ministry at 5 United Methodist Churches throughout central
Illinois & retired in 2007.
The former Julie Steele (an ISU & WIU grad) and I have been
married going on 47 years. We have 2 grown sons and 4
grandchildren (ages 4 - 8). In retirement, I have a small
computer service business (RevTech). I occasionally do
preaching and other ministerial functions. I mentor someone
entering ministry and co-lead a men's small group at our
Normal First UMC. I also enjoy volunteering in a
Kindergarten class, walking, swimming (learned how in
2009), reading, building electronic circuits, vegetable
gardening, and travel.
I hope to see many more classmates at our 50th reunion.
Susie Freeman, Margie McEvoy, Mary Harris Melchor, Pat McEvoy From Denny Lane:
Just a quick story. I saw President Wilson at the football game
on Saturday afternoon. Since I had never met him, I went up
to him to introduce myself and my wife, Stephanie. After we
exchanged pleasantries, I told him was from the "Class of
'70!" He rolled his eyes, threw his head back, and said, "Oh
no, not another one!" I didn't even get to defend myself! We
had a great time - good to see everyone again.
From John Hale:
I thought our recent reunion was terrific.
We were in good hands with 13 School of Nursing alums present:
Front row, from left: Pam Stratton Muir, Leslie Speight Bell,
Karen Zander Metzger, Debbie Moorehead Thorpe.
Back row: Suzanne Vertuno, Mary Wright Herring, Linda
Sheppleman Crowley, Delores Clausen Wenzel, Jody Carlson
Glotfelty, Sue Culver Chen, Chris Diller Cairns, Sandy Reback,
Sue Hoffman Rehrer.
The Saturday memorial service was inspiring, emotionally
satisfying and beautifully done. Including remembrances of
recently deceased professors and inviting their spouses was a
fine idea.
I also appreciate the reunion committee's continued attempts
to offer some thoughtful, liberal arts-oriented program.
Something Like
December 2015 !!
With Thanks!
Roughly a little over two months ago, we were all
enjoying the pleasure of being together at Homecoming. We
had a great time, and I hope you did too! If you were unable to
come this time, we will hope to see you in five years at our
I am so thankful to a great team for this issue! I could
not have brought together these 12 pages without the help of
many people. My extreme thanks go to Dave Wilson and Bill
Knoderer for the use of their pictures! Easily 80% of what you
have seen in the previous pages was from them. I also wish to
thank Mark Featherly and IWU for a number of pictures
including the class photograph on page one. Thanks also to
Kathy Lewton who found pictures and my wife, Debbie, who
also contributed pictures.
My special thanks to Mark Sheldon who wrote articles
about the Memorial Service and the Class Dinner that so
beautifully captured the events in words! Great thanks to Kathy
Lewton who co-edited the newsletter, organized the picture
names on page one, and contributed the Class Gift article! I
hope everyone in our class participates – there are many to
honor with this ongoing gift to the staff of IWU. I hope you
enjoyed the special poem created by David Petreman about our
Homecoming on page 9 – written recently for you, and the
comments and news by some of our class members!
And who made all this happen? A great Reunion Committee!
Leaders Kathy Lewton, Sonny Freeman and Bill Devore had an
amazing team of specialists! Karen Short Mills created Friday
at Fat Jack’s (and even got us free food!) Barbara Grace
Wilson made the Marriott dinner a memorable evening – she
and husband David even made music tracks of “our” songs!
John Hale organized the well-attended Poetry and Prose
Reading event. Bill and Earl Franz managed fund-raising for
the Class Gift Challenge – already nearly half way to our goal
of $50K for our 50th! Mark Sheldon created the very special
Memorial Service, a truly beautiful event. Sonny was our
liaison to all campus offices, emceed the reading and did about
1,000 small tasks that made it all come together. Steve
Burrichter year in, year out keeps us all informed with the Class
Newsletter so we all knew what was happening when. Roy
Hankins and Deni Wood Menken provided great ideas and
support. And Spen Sauter deserted us for London, but was
there in spirit via his gorgeous art show.
Our great appreciation goes to the Alumni Office’s
Adriane Powell and Brenda Milcik for all their help for our
class and the events we wanted you to enjoy!
AND WHERE WAS SPEN? Spencer Sauter and Mary Ann Bushman and students in Florence ! Who has more REUNION
PICTURES (with names)
for the next issue of
Something Like the Argus?
I am definitely looking for
more homecoming pictures
for the next edition. It
would be fun to do part of
that newsletter as
Reunion: The Sequel!!
Page 12
Updates: We need your information for the next issue of Something Like the Argus
Please send any news or pictures
you want to submit for possible
inclusion in the next issue
(Spring/Summer 2016). Send your
photos and/or news to
SteveBurrichter@yahoo.com. The
newsletter is much more interesting
if you contribute!
This is your e-mailed edition of
Something Like the Argus.
We are still looking for the e-mail addresses of some
class members. If you received this edition as an e-mail, you
do not need to contact the Alumni Office unless you would
rather have it by hard copy. (E-mail edition readers get color
pictures and quicker delivery!) Some of you requested this
edition as a mailed copy through the Post Office. If you would
like it by e-mail, please send us your e-mail address. You can
send it to me (your newsletter editor) at
steveburrichter@yahoo.com or on www.titanpride.org.
If you know anyone who did not get this by e-mail or
by the Post Office, please let us know. Feel free to forward the
e-mailed PDF you received of the newsletter to them!
MANY THANKS for your help!!!
I wish you all a very Merry Christmas, Holiday Season, and
a Joyous New Year! And we all hope to see you at our next
Steve for all of us
Who are the girls in the car in this photo from Dave Wilson
from 1970?