census 2014 - Child Protection Hub
census 2014 - Child Protection Hub
CENSUS 2014 ROMA HOUSEHOLDS AND POPULATION IN ALBANIA OPEN SOCIETY FOUNDATION FOR ALBANIA, SOROS – TIRANA 2014 Rr. Qemal Stafa, Pallati 120/2, Tiranë, Shqipëri Tel: +355 4 22 34 621/ 22 34 223/ 22 35 856 Fax: +355 4 22 35 855 E-mail: info@soros.al Web-page: www.soros.al INFOGRAPHICS – DESIGN AND LAYOUT HENRIK LEZI A GREETING The Open Society Foundation for Albania has sibility to check collected data. Through this publica- engaged from the first day of its exist- tion, I have the pleasure to share with you the findings ence in the protection of human rights and minor- of the census of the Roma population in Albania. The ity rights. Efforts to include the Roma and Egyptian findings will help central and local public institutions communities in social activities and in public services to plan programs and financial resources to carry out cannot be complete without first understanding the the policies for the inclusion of the Roma community; conditions of these communities and their potential. they will enable civil society organizations to monitor Based on the need for credible and complete data on the work of public institutions and influence the pro- the Roma community, the Open Society Foundation cess for drafting legislation, programs and budgets in for Albania carried out during the end of 2013 and support of the Roma community, as well as donors for the first months of 2014, the census of Roma house- planning the different kinds of interventions in Alba- holds and population in Albania. About 60 interview- nia. I also wish that the data from the census will help ers were engaged in carrying out this important and generate reflection and constructive debate with the massive undertaking. 15 field coordinators and some purpose of improving the work of every actor engaged experts were part of the central team for coordina- in this field. tion and planning. For the first time in such a massive undertaking, technology (tablets) was utilized in full Andi Dobrushi capacity; together with the special application for data Executive Director collection, they enabled the collection and real time Open Society Foundation for Albania transfer of data from the field to the central system. They allowed for checking the work of interviewers in real time; geographic coordinates ensured the pos- Through this publication, I have the pleasure to share with you the findings of the census of the Roma population in Albania. The findings will help central and local public institutions to plan programs and financial resources to carry out the policies for the inclusion of the Roma community PERSONS INVOLVED IN THE CONDUCT OF THE CENSUS AURON PASHA (Expert for the methodology and drafting the questionnaire) BESNIK BALA (Expert for technology and logistics management) BRISILDA TAÇO (Human resources coordinator) DRITAN NELAJ (Description and analysis of results) INTERVIEWERS 1. ALBANA NUREDINI 2. ALBANA RAMAZANI 3. ALESION ÇELA 4. ANI ZEQIRI 5. ANJEZA LLANI 6. ANTONIO AVDI 7. ANXHELA SELIMAJ 8. ARDITA ÇELA 9. ASIJE ALI 10. AURORA KOÇI 11. BEHIJE KODRA 12. BESMIR DALIPI 13. BESMIR KURTI 14. BLERIM VELIU 15. BRISELDA REME 16. BRIXHILDA FETAH 17. BUJAR SHPENDI 18. DANJEL HYSENI 19. DENADA KOÇI 20. EDMIR DOBRENJI 21. EDUART KOÇI COORDINATORS 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. EGLANTINA ALIU ELONA VELIU ELTON BRAZHDI ELVIS GATALI EMILIANO ALIU EMILIANO ELMAZI ESMERALDA ALIU FATJON YMERI FATMIRA DAJLANI FERDIOLA TARE FLORIDA FETAH GENTIAN SEJRANI GENTJAN SHEKO GJERGJ MYRTELI ISMAIL JAKUPI KASTRIOT DULLA KLAUDJA HAMITI KLAUDJO TAHO KLODIAN LAZE KRISTI MEJDANI MAKELIAN HAXHIA 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. MARCELINO LATIFAJ MARJUS VEIZI MIRELA ÇELA NAILE SERJANI NIKOLLAQ ALUSHI OLSI SHERIFI ORIANA SERANI ORMELA JANI PERPARIM XHEPA POLINA MAJKO PRINC MUSTAFAJ RAXHI RAKIPI REDION MALLKUQI SEBASTJAN HAMZAI SHKELQIM FETAH SILVANA QORRI TEUTA SHIJAKU XHEKSON ÇELA XHEVAHIRE FAZLIJA YRMIZE AJDINI 1. ARBEN RUSHITI 2. ARTAN MAJKO 3. BUJAR BERISHA 4. BUJAR TAHIRI 5. EDUART KOÇI 6. ENVER MUSTAFAJ 7. ERION XHAIBRA 8. FATMIRA DAJLANI 9. FERIT MILANJ 10. IBRAHIM LIKZELIA 11. LULZIME PILAFI 12. MAJKO MAJKO 13. MANJOLA VEIZI 14. RAMAZAN KURTESHI 15. THANAS AJDINI METHODOLOGY PURSUED DURING WORK ON THE ROMA CENSUS The interviews were conducted during the period October 4, 2013 until February 18, 2014, divided into 5 phases. In the course of field work, there was a recess period from December 19, 2013, until February 4, 2014. The study involved 70 interviewers and 15 local coordinators who were trained on the work methodology and on using technology. Geographically, the questionnaire reached 115 areas with Roma population, spread around 11 Counties, 23 Districts, 36 Municipalities, and 34 Communes. A total of 4828 Economic Family Units (EFU) and households were visited. Full interviewing was conducted with 4363 EFUs. It was not possible to conduct any phase of the interviewing in 465 households (the number of EFUs in these households may be higher than then number of households). The census interviewed economic family units that had at least one member of the Roma ethnicity and data was obtained solely on those family members who lived for at least 6 months uninterruptedly during the period of the conduct of interviews. Also, before the conduct of interviews, families were asked about where they lived during the period of the conduct of the census in the field (in some cases, such as in Shkodër, some families were not included in interviews because they had been interviewed in October 2013 in Fushë-Krujë; the same happened with the case of the Zinxhira neighborhood in Gjirokastër where inhabitants had been interviewed by interviewers in Elbasan previously. The identification of the ethnic-cultural affiliation was conducted through the self-declaration of interviewees. Several resources were used to determine areas inhabited by Roma community members; these included the UNICEF research study “Mapping of services for Roma children in Albania,” the 2011 Census organized by INSTAT, Roma organizations, as well as meetings between local coordinators and key community members. On the basis of these resources, we built the map of field interventions and, in the process of work, new locations were added after being identified by the interviewer in cooperation with the local coordinator. Relying on the map drafted by the central census team, the local coordinator realized the division of areas for every interviewer within his area and also facilitated cases when EFUs hesitated to engage in the census. Several resources were used to determine areas inhabited by Roma community members; these included the UNICEF research study “Mapping of services for Roma children in Albaniathe 2011 Census organized by INSTAT, Roma organizations, as well as meetings between local coordinators and key community members In cases when no family members were found in the household, 2 to 3 other visits were made at later hours or different days. The last visit determined whether the interview was considered completed; refused; or failure to find persons in the household. The collection of data relied on an electronically built questionnaire that was integrated in touch screen tablets, which preserved data collected from every interview and were sent in real time to a dedicated database through the 3G or EDGE network. The questions of the electronic questionnaire were built in such a way as to not allow jumping over questions until the response for every question was inserted. Furthermore, logic jump questions were done automatically, which made it possible to avoid human error. Integrated into the electronic questionnaire was also the section of documentation through photos and voices, such as, front photos of buildings, roofs, doors, windows, etc. The equipment (tablet) had a GSP system built in and this ensures information about the geographic location for the conduct of every interview. The equipment also provides data about the time the interview begins, the time taken to fill in the responses for every question, etc. All this helps check on interviewers in real time and prevent errors or deviations during fieldwork. Data was monitored in real time and any technical problem with the functioning of tablets or cases of interviews not meeting required standards were met with immediate interventions that involved direct communication with the interviewer. In cases when the number of EFUs per household was greater than the area average, there were field inspections by controllers and through geographic coordinates and front photos of the households, it was possible to locate the household and ask inhabitants about the number of EFUs. Two phases of training for every group of interviewers were conducted for the organization of the Census. The first training session focused on the theoretical aspects, the methodology, and assimilation of the questionnaire; the second session focused on technical aspects regarding the use of the tablets. During the first phase, interviewers were equipped with the manual for the determination of evaluation criteria for the condition of the household accompanied by illustrating photos.1 1 Data were collected by interviewers through the observation process, which was based on technical guidelines that established the scaling of the situation of every indicator: scaling began with “in good condition,” “Shows signs of amortization,” “Requires minor repairs,” “Requires serious and immediate interventions,” “Danger.” The Census was unable to visit about 16 settlements of Roma population or to cover separated Roma families or spread among majority population settlements due to technical difficulties.2 Furthermore, there were cases when contacted families communicated in the Roma language but said they were not Roma and, as a result, did not participate in the interviews. The Census only covered those settlements characterized by a certain concentration of the Roma population. Two phases of training for every group of interviewers were conducted for the organization of the Census. The first training session focused on the theoretical aspects, the methodology, and assimilation of the questionnaire; the second 2 Progër commune; Commune Qendër Bilisht, Tren village; Fier Municipality; Patos Municipality; Odrie Commune, Andon Poçi village; Odrie Commune, Hundëkuq village; Ersekë Municipality; Milot Municipality; Prrenjas Municipality; Tërbuf Commune; Sulzotaj village; Përmet Municipality; Kamëz Municipality, Valias village; Tiranë Municipality, Municipal Unit no. 10; Qendër Commune, Vlorë, Nartë village; Kotë Commune, Kotë village. session focused on technical aspects regarding the use of the tablets CENSUS data and results censusI ka mbLeDhur InformacIon per 18276 persona PERSONS INVOLVED IN THE CONDUCT OF THE CENSUS • për 464 banesa (të konfirmuara si banesa të zotëruara nga familje rome) nuk janë përfshirë në rezultatet e censusit për shkak të mos gjetjes në banesë të asnjë anëtari familje paçka • • • • • vizitave të njëpasnjeshme ose për shkak të refuzimit të familjarëve për tu përfshirë në intervistë në 335 raste nuk është gjetur askush në banesë ndërsa në 128 raste familjët kanë refuzuar të përfshihen në intervistë në 1 rast personi i kontaktuar ka qenë me aftësi të kufizuara dhe për rrjedhojë nuk ka mundur të japë informacion 1 464 households as households owned by Roma wereku not included in the Census results due to failure to find any family member in spite gjithashtu censusi(confirmed nuk ka mbuluar 15 vendbanime të cilat njihen families) si vendbanime jetojnë familje rome of repeated visits gjithësej or because refusal by(njësi family to lagje be included in the interviews cesusi ka mbuluar 115 of vendbanime të members vogla banimi, brenda qytetit, fshatra brenda komunës) • • • • In 335 cases, interviewers found nobody in the households; in 128 cases, families refused to be included in the interviews. In 1 case, the contacted person was disabled and therefore unable to provide information Also, the Census did not manage to cover 15 settlements known as settlements inhabited by Roma families3 The Census covered a total of 115 settlements (small inhabitation units, neighborhoods inside cities, villages inside communes) u zhvillua interviste Qarku berat Durres elbasan fier gjirokaster korce Lezhe tirane vlore shkoder Diber arsyeja e moszhvillimit po jo nuk gjendej ne shtepi personi qe do intervistohej refuzon te japi interviste ne menyre kategorike me aftesi te kufizuar 300 279 539 811 143 860 128 922 235 117 29 56 46 27 119 0 94 15 76 22 10 0 51 38 15 99 0 48 15 46 22 1 0 4 8 12 20 0 46 0 29 0 9 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1. komuna proger; komuna Qender bilisht, fshati tren; bashkia fier; bashkia patos; komuna odrie, fshati andon poci; komuna odrie, fshati hundekuq; bashkia erseke; bashkia milot; bashkia prenjas; komuna terbuf, fshati sulzotaj; bashkia permet; bashkia kamez, fshati valias; njesia bashkiake nr.10, tirane; komuna Qender, fshati narte; komuna kote, fshati kote 3 Progër Commune; Qendër Bilisht Commune, Tren village; Fier Municipality; Patos Municipality; Odrie Commune, Andon Poçi village; Odrie Commune, Hundëkuq village; Ersekë Municipality; Milot Municipality; Prrenjas Municipality, Tërbuf Commune, Sulzotaj village; Përmet Municipality; Kamëz Municipality, Valias village; Municipal Unit no. 10, Tiranë; Qendër Commune, Nartë village; Kote Commune, Kote village. ROMA FAMILIES NOT INTERVIEWED BY COUNTY = 5 families Couldn’t find person to be interviewed at home Categorically refuses to give interview Disabled 10 1 9 15 0 15 0 8 0 46 38 0 0 0 0 0 27 15 76 46 29 119 99 465 0 1 20 0 94 48 56 TOTAL FAMILIES 12 22 22 51 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 1 46 0 INTERVIEWED ROMA FAMILIES BY COUNTY = 25 families FAMILJET ROME TE INTERVISTUARA NE BAZE QARKU The graphic indicates that the largest population is = 25 familje located in the bigger counties and has more opportunities to ensure incomes. Tirana features the largest nga grafikuwith vërehet se popullata e madhe është e vendosur population about 21% of theme Roma population, në qarqetby mëthe të mëdha dhe mewith më tepër për të siguruar followed Korçë county aboutmundësi 20% of the të ardhura. tirana renditet me popullsinë më të madhe me rreth population, then Fier with about 19% of the Roma 21% të popullatës rome e ndjekur nga qarku i korçës me afro 20% population; the Elbasan county ranks fourth with about të popullsisë më tej nga ai i fierit me rreth 19% të popullisë rome almost of the Romarenditet population in itsmeterrindërsa 13% në vend të katërt qarkulocated i elbasanit pothuajse 13% tory. të popullsisë rome të vendosur në këtë territor. County Qarku berat Durres elbasan fier gjirokaster korce Lezhe tirane vlore shkoder Diber total Value vlera Percentage perqindja 300 279 539 811 143 860 128 922 235 117 29 4363 6.9 6.4 12.4 18.6 3.3 19.7 2.9 21.1 5.4 2.7 .7 100.0 117 117 128 128 279 29 29 539 922 279 539 922 811 811 TOTAL FAMILIES 4363 TOTAL FAMILJE 300 235 143 300 235 143 860 860 shpernDarja e popuLLates sIpas bashkIve DISTRIBUTION OF THE POPULATION BY MUNICIPALITY nëse do ti referoheshim shpërndarjes së popullsisë When referring to the distribution of the Roma popularome sipas bashkive vihet re se popullsia më e madhe tion by municipality, notices that the popuështë e vendosurone në qytetin e tiranës melargest rreth 26% e lationndjekur is located in the city of Tiranë with about 26%, nga qyteti i elbasanit me rreth 17% ndërkohë që nëbyvend tretë 11% 17%, të popullsisë. followed the tëcity of renditet Elbasankorça withme about with kanëwith numrin të popullatës Korçëbashkitë rankingqëthird 11%më of të thevogël population. Municirome janë ajo e burrelit, kavajës, himarës, sarandës palities with the smallest number of Roma population dhe e vlorës. nga krahasimi i popullsisë së vendosur are those of Burrel, Kavajë, Himarë, Sarandë, and në zonat urbane dhe rurale kuptojmë se rreth 68% e Vlorë.popullatës A comparison between the population located rome është e vendosur në zonat urbane in urban areas areas në shows about 68% ndërsa 32% and ështërural e vendosur zonatthat rurale. krahasuar shpërndarjen e popullsisë sipas of theme Roma population is locatedsëinpërgjithshme urban areas and censusit 2011 rezulton se 53.5% popullsisë jeton në 32% is located in rural areas. Compared against the zonat urbane ndërsa 46.5% në zonat rurale, ndërkohë që distribution of the general population, on the basis of ky raport sa i përket popullsisë rome rezulton edhe më i the 2011 Census, 53.5% of the population thellë në favorittëresults zonave that urbane. lives in urban areas while 46.5% lives in rural areas; the rapport appears much more tilted toward urban popuLLates sIpas komunave areasshpernDarja for the Roma epopulation. nëse do ti referoheshim shpërndarjes së popullsisë rome sipas komunave vihet re se popullsia më e madhe DISTRIBUTION OF THE POPULATION BY COMMUNES është e vendosur në komunën Levan (fier) me rreth 16% Whentëreferring the distribution of Roma population popullsisëtobanuese në zonat rurale, komuna Qëndër by commune, one notices that the largest population is (fier) me rreth 12% e ndjekur nga komuna grabian (Lushnje) me 8% dhe komuna (Fier) pojan (korçë) me 6%. located in the Levan commune with about 16% of përgjithësisht popullata rurale rome duket e vendosur the population living in rural areas, the Qendër com- në zona rurale ku pjelloria e tokës është e lartë. mune (Fier), with about 12%, followed by the Grabian commune (Lushnje) with 8%, and the Pojan commune (Korçë) with 6%. In general, the Roma rural population appears to have settled in rural areas with fertile lands. vlera Value Municipalities bashkite ura vajgurore berat kuroce sukth Durres fushe kruje elbasan peqin roskovec Lushnje gjirokaster bilisht maliq korce pogradec mamuras Lac Lezhe rrogozhine njesia bashkiake nr. 1 njesia bashkiake nr. 4 njesia bashkiake nr. 5 njesia bashkiake nr. 6 njesia bashkiake nr. 7 njesia bashkiake nr. 8 njesia bashkiake nr. 9 njesia bashkiake nr. 11 Delvine burrel cerrik himare kavaje peshkopi sarande shkoder vlore total 28 82 52 18 145 94 489 35 44 40 143 145 17 330 153 40 6 69 31 46 290 175 48 6 55 32 111 60 4 15 3 9 11 7 117 4 2954 perqindja Percentage .9 2.8 1.8 .6 4.9 3.2 16.6 1.2 1.5 1.4 4.8 4.9 .6 11.2 5.2 1.4 .2 2.3 1.0 1.6 9.8 5.9 1.6 .2 1.9 1.1 3.8 2.0 .1 .5 .1 .3 .4 .2 4.0 .1 100.0 vlera Value Commune komuna otllak rashbull Levan mbrostar Qender (clirim) topoje Dermenas Dushk golem - Lushnje grabian Qender (bilisht) Libonik pirg pojan cerrave hudenisht fushe-kuqe Dajt farke kashar novosele-vlore shushice-vlore aliko finiq fushe-cidhen golem-kavaje gose katund I ri paskuqan shupenze terbuf vaqar xare total 138 11 229 49 175 14 90 20 19 115 18 42 21 103 22 9 13 49 16 20 53 80 6 17 7 3 15 11 9 7 16 7 5 1409 perqindja Percentage 9.8 .8 16.3 3.5 12.4 1.0 6.4 1.4 1.3 8.2 1.3 3.0 1.5 7.3 1.6 .6 .9 3.5 1.1 1.4 3.8 5.7 .4 1.2 .5 .2 1.1 .8 .6 .5 1.1 .5 .4 100.0 PERCENTAGE OF SUBGROUPS WITHIN THE ROMA POPULATION 9.1 0.8 PERCENT PERCENT Meckar Erli Cergar Kallbuxhi Bamill Nuk e di Mix The Roma population in Albania consists of a number of subgroups/sub-cultures that generally distinguish themselves from their dialects, the period of their arrival in Albania, and the trajectory of their movement. According to data from the Roma census that rely on self-declaration, the subgroup with the largest population appears Erli with about 50% of the population compared to the overall Roma population. The second after this subgroup is the Meckar subgroup with almost 35% of the population compared to the general Roma population, followed by the Cergar with 9% and the Bamill with about 5%. The rest declares that they are not aware of their subgroup, declare themselves mixed, or Kallbuxhi. 0.8 0.7 PERCENT PERCENT 49.8 PERCENT TOTAL FAMILIES 4363 33.5 PERCENT 5.3 PERCENT NDARJADIVISION GJINOREOF E POPULLATES ROME GENDER THE ROMA POPULATION Male mashkull Female femer total Number numri Percentage perqindja 9211 9065 18276 50.4 49.6 100.0 50.4 PËRQIND PERCENT 49.6 49.6 PËRQIND PERCENT TOTAL INDIVIDE TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 18276 18276 SUBGROUP – NUMBER OF CHILDREN AND SEX According to data from the Roma Census, the subgroup with the largest percentage of children (0-17 years old) within the population of the respective subgroup is the Cergar one with 40% of the population within the subgroup in the age group 0-17 years old, followed by the Erli subgroup with 39%, and then Meckar with 35%. In total, the percentage of children against the general Roma population is 37%, which is evidently higher than 26%, which is the percentage of children in the general population Census of 2011. With regard to the gender ratio within the Roma population, there appear to be 50.4% males and 49.6% females. Age group of family membert Younger than 6 years old Between 6 and Between 11 and Total of children 18 years and above Total 10 years old 17 years old Meckar 795 13%563 9% 845 13% 2203 35%4095 65% 6298 Erli 1272 14%890 10% 1254 14% 3416 39%5435 61% 8851 Cergar 253 15%175 10% 267 16% 695 40%1027 60% 1722 Kallbuxhi 20 13%15 10% 26 17% 61 39%96 61% 157 Bamill 92 10%75 8% 120 13% 287 30%661 70% 948 Nuk e di 24 14% 11 7% 26 16% 61 37% 105 63% 166 Mix 21 16%13 10% 22 16% 56 42%78 58% 134 Total 2477 14%1742 10% 2560 14% 6779 37%11497 63% 18276 SUBGROUP – NUMBER OF CHILDREN 14% YOUNGER THAN 6 YEARS OLD 100 90 80 70 Meckar Erli 10% BETWEEN 6 AND 10 YEARS OLD 60 50 40 30 Cergar Kallbuxhi Bamill 63% Të tjera 20 10 18 YEARS AND ABOVE TOTAL CHILDREN 6779 14% BETWEEN 11 AND 17 YEARS OLD AGE OF ROMA POPULATION 600 AGE OF ROMA POPULATION Based on the collected data, the average age of roma population is 27 years old, almost 10 years younger compared wih the general population average age leaving in Albania which according to the 2011 Census is 35.5 years old. 500 400 300 200 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 90 93 94 95 100 100 TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 18276 ValuePercentage ValuePercentage Age0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 71.39 5262.88 4692.57 4602.52 4172.28 4272.34 4022.20 4192.29 3541.94 3291.80 4082.23 2941.61 4072.23 4072.23 3682.01 3752.05 3892.13 4062.22 5152.82 3251.78 5212.85 3151.72 3972.17 3952.16 3431.88 3842.10 2881.58 2961.62 3031.66 2161.18 4112.25 1841.01 2541.39 2461.35 2281.25 2941.61 1961.07 2291.25 2311.26 1901.04 3251.78 134.73 1901.04 2051.12 142.78 2631.44 135.74 Age 166 .91 170.93 122.67 2881.58 87.48 143.78 159.87 133.73 164.90 115.63 124.68 117.64 60.33 2151.18 40.22 61.33 116.63 74.40 127.69 44.24 59.32 56.31 22.12 118.65 20.11 40.22 54.30 40.22 65.36 19.10 25.14 15.08 7.04 33.18 2.01 11.06 6.03 5.03 16.09 7.04 4.02 2.01 6.03 1.01 2.01 4.02 1.01 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 90 93 94 95 100 gjuha Qe fLItet meseshumtI neFAMILIES famILje LANGUAGE MOST USED IN të pyetur lidhur me gjuhën kryesore që përdorin nëhome, Asked about the main language they use at familje pothuajse e familjeve rome shprehen almost 80%80% of the Roma families say they speak Romani se flasim romisht ndërsa 20% shqip. nga dhënat and 20% say they speak Albanian.të Data clearly indicate duket qartë romishtja mbetet gjuhaused më language at that se Romani remains stillende the most e përdorur brenda familjes dhe kjoan përbën një element for the home and this represents important elementpreservation të rëndësishëm nëidentity ruajtenand e identitetit of the cultural dhe values of this vlerave kulturore të këtij komuniteti por nga ana community; on the other hand, in circumstances in which tjetër nëintegrating rrethana tëpolicies tilla ku appear politikatweak integruese while the respect for shfaqenmulticulturalism të dobta sikundërremains dhe qasja e respektimit just a topic of round tables të shumëkulturalizmit mbetet ende subjektof a special or academic discussions, thethjesht preservation tryezashlanguage apo diskutimesh akademike ruajtja e gjuhës may unjustly turn into an obstacle in accessing së veçantë mund të kthehet padrejtësisht në pengesë society common resources. për të aksesuar burimet e përbashkëta të zotëruara nga shoqëria. MAIN LANGUAGE IN FAMILIES BY SUBGROUPS Referring to data by subgroups, we notice that the Bamill subgroup represents the subgroup that uses overwhelmingly Romani as a main language at home gjuha kryesore ne famILje sIpas with nengrupeve with 94%, followed by Meckars 89%, and then Cergars nëse i referohemi të dhënave sipas nëngrupeve with 75%, and Erlis with 73%. vihet re se nëngrupi bamill përfaqëson nëngrupin që përdor në shumicën dërrmuese romishten si gjuhën kryesore në familje me 94% i ndjekur nga meçkarët me 89% dhe më pas rradhiten çergarët me 75% dhe erlitë me 73%. ValuesPercentages vlera perqindja LanguagesRomani 3465 79.4 gjuhet romisht 3465 Albanian898 20.6 shqip 898 Total 4363100.0 total 4363 100.0 Whichcila is the main language youqe use mostly your family members? eshte gjuha kryesore flisni me with se shumti ne familjen tuaj? romisht Romani bamill meckar cergar erli kallbuxhi Don’t nuk eKnow di mix total vlera Values 217 1305 297 1596 25 17 8 3465 shqip Albanian tjeter Other perqindja Values vlera Percentage perqindja Values vlera Percentage perqindja Percentage 94% 15 6% 0 0% 89% 156 11% 0 0% 75% 99 25% 0 0% 73% 576 27% 0 0% 68% 12 32% 0 0% 47% 19 53% 0 0% 28% 21 72% 0 0% 79% 898 21% 0 0% Dondonje you speak other language apart of the main language? a flisni gjuheany tjeter pervec gjuhes kryesore? shqip romisht Albanian Romani bamill cergar meckar erli kallbuxhi Don’t nuk eKnow di mix total 70% 66% 66% 64% 59% 33% 28% 65% 0% 10% 6% 21% 22% 19% 7% 14% greqisht shqip dhe Greek Albanian greqisht and Greek 4% 1% 1% % 5% 0% 0% 1% 6% 1% 3% 1% 0% 11% 0% 2% tjeter nuk flas Other I don’t speak any gjuhe tjeter other language % 1% % % 0% 0% 0% % 19% 21% 23% 14% 14% 36% 66% 19% SECOND LANGUAGE USED IN FAMILIES Albanian Romani Albanian Greek and Greek Bamill Don’t know Asked about the main second language they mostly use in their homes, 70% of the Bamill subgroup say they speak Albanian, followed by precisely 66% of the Meckar and Cergar subgroup that use Albanian as the second most used language within their families. The table below indicates that about 24% of Bamills and 23% of Meckars don’t have Albanian as the second most used language within their homes. Cergar Meckar Erli Kallbuxhi Don’t Know TOTAL FAMILIES 4363 Mix SIZE OF ROMA FAMILIES AVERAGE SIZE OF THE ROMA FAMILY The graphic indicates that the average size of the Roma family (household) has been shrinking through the years; data from the Census show that it is almost 4.4 members, which is nevertheless higher than the average of the general population family, which Census 2011 data show at 3.9 members. A number of factors may have impacted the shrinkage of the average size of the Roma family, such as increased poverty, emigration of family members (this has been particularly notable in the Korçë county) as well as the penetration of family planning methods. The table below shows a more detailed segmentation of the size of Roma families by respective percentages. Number of members per family 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Total Number Percentage 2205.0 74517.1 72116.5 96522.1 75717.4 47210.8 2475.7 1112.5 481.1 35.8 15.3 10.2 5.1 3.1 9.2 4363100.0 TOTAL FAMILIES 4363 UP TO 4 MEMBERS 60.8 PERCENT 5 TO 8 MEMBERS 37.5 PERCENT MORE THAN 8 MEMBERS 1.8 PERCENT PERCENTAGE OF ROMA FAMILIES WITH NON-ROMA MEMBERS 88.6 PERCENT ZERO MEMBERS 9.7 0.6 PERCENT THREE MEMBERS 0.2 PERCENT 0.8 PERCENT FOUR MEMBERS PERCENT 0.2 PERCENT TOTAL FAMILIES 496 1 MEMBER FIVE MEMBERS TWO MEMBERS MONTHLY FAMILY INCOME According to self-declaration by respondents, monthly family incomes appear very low compared even to the minimal wage, which in 2014 is at 19.000 Lekë per month. Thus, about 48% of Roma families state they earn less than 10.000 Lekë of monthly incomes, followed by 35% of the families that state they earn less than 20.000 Lekë per month. Results show that less than 1% of Roma families state they earn incomes of up to 50.000 Lekë per month. Although such data relies on self-declaration, they still represent an indicator that shows the difficult economic situation of the majority of Roma families that also feature a larger average size than that of the general population, which further aggravates their financial situation. NumberPercentage Refuses Under 5 000 Lekë 5 001 – 10 000 Lekë 10 001 – 15 000 Lekë 15 001 – 20 000 Lekë 20 001 – 30 000 Lekë 30 001 – 50 000 Lekë 50 001 – 70 000 Lekë 70 001 – 100 000 Lekë More than 100 000 Lekë Total 1282.9 1002 23.0 1102 25.3 906 20.8 623 14.3 395 9.1 142 3.3 39 .9 15 .3 11 .3 4363100.0 MONTHLY FAMILY INCOME AREAS WITH HIGHEST POVERTY = 5 families Under 5 000 lek 5 001 - 10 000 lek 10 001 - 15 000 lek GEOGRAPHIC SPREAD OF MONTHLY FAMILY INCOME Areas featuring a high density of poverty are some communes in the district of Korçë, Ura Vajgurore, Berat, Otllak Commune, Gjirokastër, Topojë Commune (Fier), and some communes in the district of Lushnje, some communes in the district of Tiranë and municipal unit no. 6 in Tiranë. The table attached provides more detailed information. TOTAL FAMILIES 1900 FAMILY INCOME VIS-À-VIS EDUCATION In order to better understand the correlation between the level of monthly income and the level of education, the two lines have been crossed and result in the graphic below. Although it is clear that the education level of the family does not represent the sole factor in determining family income, nevertheless the findings of the crosschecked results are meaningful. The table shows that the less school years the family has, the lower the self-declared monthly income is. This result is evident and growing from the lowest education level to the highest. No education Elementary education 4 years Refuses3% 0% Under 5 000 27% 14% 5 000 – 10 000 Lekë 27% 35% 10 001 – 15 000 Lekë 20% 28% 15 001 – 20 000 Lekë 14% 9% 20 001 – 30 000 Lekë 7% 9% 30 001 – 50 000 Lekë 2% 4% 50 001 – 70 000 Lekë 1% 1% 70 000 – 100 000 Lekë 0% 0% Over 100 000 Lekë 0% 0% 8-9 year education High school University/master Total 4% 18% 22% 22% 15% 13% 4% 1% 1% 0% 2%4%3% 10% 3% 23% 21% 7% 25% 24% 7% 21% 19% 28% 14% 14% 21% 9% 6% 19% 3% 2% 4% 1% 1% 3% 0% 0% 4% 0% FAMILY INCOME VIS-À-VIS FAMILY AVERAGE EDUCATION LEVEL No Response Under10.000 leke University/ Master 10.001-20.000 leke No Education 20.001 - 50.000 leke Over 50.000 leke Elementary education 4-year High school TOTAL FAMILIES 4363 8-9 year education TYPE OF HOUSEHOLD From the graphic, we understand that the majority of Roma families live in separate or partially separate private buildings at almost 67%, followed by 13 % of families living in apartment buildings. 5% live in adjusted households (former warehouses, military bases, etc.) and almost 15% of the families live in shacks/barracks, which is a very high number of families living in completely unacceptable conditions. Value Percentage Private house (with bricks, blocks or concrete) Apartment in building Household adjusted in a shared building (former school, former day-care, former military base, former warehouse etc.) Shack (surrounded by wood, tin or plastic sheets) Demolished Total 4363 2916 567 66.8 13 241 5.5 637 14.6 2.0 100.0 SUBGROUP AND TYPE OF HOUSEHOLDS Data indicate that compared to distribution within the subgroup in the main category of households, the Bamills are the subgroup that mostly faces living in shacks/barracks with 37% of the population living in barracks, followed by Cergars with 20%, and then by the Erli subgroup with 17% of families within the subgroup living in barracks. The Meckars appear to be the least affected group by living in barracks in terms of percentage within the group. Private house (with bricks, Apartment in building blocks or concrete) Household adjusted in a shared building (former warehouse etc.) former school, former day-care, former military base, Shack (surrounded by wood, tin or plastic sheets) Demolished Don’t know 30 2 Meckar 1145171 Mix 222 Kallbuxhi25 3 Cergar24948 Erli 1328321 Bamil 11720 Total 2916567 3 47 0 4 20 158 9 241 1 98 5 5 79 363 86 637 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 2 5.5 TYPE OF HOUSEHOLDS WHERE ROMA FAMILIES LIVE PERCENT Adjusted household in a shared building (former schools, daycare centers, military bases, warehouses, etc.) 66.8 PERCENT Private households (bricks, blocks, or concrete) 13 PERCENT Apartment in apartment building TOTAL FAMILIES 4363 14.6 PERCENT Shacks (surrounded by wood, tin, or plastic sheets) LEGAL STATUS OF THE HOUSEHOLD Asked about the legal status and ownership title of the household, 32% of the Roma families responded that they live in a household owned by them, through regular papers, 29% live in households that have no papers (and are not included in the legalization process), 6% live in households owned by local government units, almost 18% live in households belonging to others, and 15% state they live in buildings that are in the legalization process. A simple analysis shows that if we add together the categories of families living in households that are not owned by the said families or their legal status is not clear, we conclude that 68% of Roma families have insecurity of household access. This high percentage shows that the overwhelming majority of Roma families suffer from insecure shelter, which has a serious impact on the psychological, economic, and social circumstances of the Roma population. ValuePercentage Owned through documents Owned without documents Owned by municipality / commune / state – No rent Owned by municipality / commune / state – Rented Privately owned – No rent Privately owned – Rented Not owned/ no rent In legalization process Don’t know Total 1415 1263 217 39 179 338 252 654 5 4362 32.4 29.0 5.0 .9 4.1 7.7 5.8 15.0 .1 100.0 LEGAL STATUS/ OWNERSHIP OF HOUSEHOLD WHERE ROMA FAMILIES LIVE 5.8 7.7 15 32.4 0.1 PERCENT PERCENT Owned through documents Don’t know In legalization process PERCENT Not owned/ no rent PERCENT Privately owned Rented 4.1 PERCENT Privately owned No rent TOTAL FAMILIES 4362 5 PERCENT Owned by municipality/ commune/ state – No rent 0.9 PERCENT PERCENT Owned by municipality/ commune/ state – Rented 28.9 PERCENT Owned without documents TYPE OF HOUSEHOLD AND GEOGRAPHIC SPREAD The collected data shows that the highest number of Roma families living in shacks/barracks compared to the general Roma population in the respective area is found in Gjirokastër with 5% of Roma families living in barracks, Peshkopi with 100% of the families, followed by Shkodër with 70%, some municipal units in Tirana, some communes around the city of Tiranë, and some communes in the Sarandë district. County Municipality/ Commune Berat Ura Vajgurore BeratBerat BeratKucove DurresSukth GjirokasterDurres Durres Fushe Kruje ElbasanElbasan ElbasanPeqin FierRoskovec FierLushnje GjirokasterGjirokaster KorceBilisht KorceMaliq KorceKorce KorcePogradec LezheMamuras LezheLac LezheLezhe TiraneRrogozhine Tirane Municipal Unit no.9 Tirane Municipal Unit no.8 Tirane Municipal Unit no.6 Tirane Municipal Unit no.5 Tirane Municipal Unit no.4 Tirane Municipal Unit no.11 Tirane Municipal Unit no.1 VloreDelvine DiberBurrel ElbasanCerrik VloreHimare TiraneKavaje Tirane Municipal Unit no.7 DiberPeshkopi VloreSarande ShkoderShkoder VloreVlore Berat Otllak Commune Durres Rashbull Commune Fier Levan Commune Fier Mbrostar Commune Fier Qender (Clirim) Commune Fier Topoje Commune Fier Dermenas Commune Fier Dushk Commune Fier Golem-Lushnje Commune Fier Grabian Commune Korce Qender (Bilisht) Commune Korce Libonik Commune Korce Pirg Commune Korce Pojan Commune Korce Cerrave Commune Korce Hudenisht Commune Lezhe Fushe-Kuqe Commune Tirane Dajt Commune Tirane Farke Commune Tirane Kashar Commune Vlore Novosele-Vlore Commune Vlore Shushice-Vlore Commune Vlore Aliko Commune Shkoder Berdice Commune Vlore Finiq Commune Diber Fushe-Cidhen Commune Tirane Golem-Kavaje Commune Tirane Gose Commune Durres Katund I Ri Commune Tirane Paskuqan Commune Diber Shupenze Commune Fier Terbuf Commune Tirane Vaqar Commune Vlore Xare Commune Private house (with bricks, blocks or concrete) 21 72 34 4 112 79 443 33 34 31 48 108 11 115 61 18 6 35 28 16 45 42 78 221 98 0 35 0 15 0 2 3 0 2 33 1 133 6 170 43 136 13 84 19 17 54 18 28 21 103 9 1 10 0 1 18 42 68 3 0 0 0 2 11 8 1 0 9 0 4 Apartment in building Household adjusted in a shared building (former school, former day-care, former military base, former warehouse etc) 7 1 3 3 8 1 24 0 8 6 2 26 3 108 83 20 0 29 0 3 0 0 41 27 2 0 17 2 0 0 0 2 0 2 2 0 0 0 19 0 6 0 1 0 2 51 0 10 0 0 13 7 1 0 0 0 5 7 0 0 0 0 1 4 3 0 0 7 0 0 0 1 11 10 1 5 3 0 0 1 0 6 3 87 2 0 0 5 0 8 0 0 2 11 1 0 5 2 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 49 4 0 0 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 1 Shack (surrounded by wood, tin or plastic sheets) Demolished 0 8 4 1 24 9 17 2 2 2 93 5 0 20 7 2 0 0 3 5 10 6 54 31 10 46 3 0 0 3 7 1 11 0 82 3 5 0 40 6 33 1 5 1 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 11 2 6 4 0 0 17 7 0 0 0 6 7 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 LEGAL STATUS/ OWNERSHIP OF HOUSEHOLD MOST PROBLEMATIC AREAS = 5 families your ownership, no papers not your ownership / no rent in legalization process LEGAL STATUS OF HOUSEHOLD AND GEOGRAHPIC SPREAD When referring to the areas that appear as most problematic in terms of housing insecurity where over 50% of the Roma population lives in households without papers (nor included in the legalization process), we encounter cities and communes such as: Fushë-Krujë, Roskovec, Lushnje, Gjirokastër, Rrogozhinë, Tiranë, Kavajë, and some communes in the district of Fier, Lushnje, and Vlorë TOTAL FAMILIES 1529 BUILDING LIVABILITY AND GEOGRAPHIC SPREAD In order to evaluate the physical condition of the household and the degree of risk for families included in the Census, we collected information about physical features of the household such as: roof, ceiling, outer walls, inner walls, doors, and windows. To build an index of livability, three main indicators were used that carried a different weight compared to the overall condition of the household. The indicators used were the condition of walls with 60% of the overall condition, the roof with 30% of the condition, and doors and windows that represent 10% of the total weight of the household condition. Upon processing of collected data, it results that the areas with the highest number of Roma families living in unlivable or almost unlivable households are as follows: Municipal unit no. 4 with 160 families; municipal unit no. 5 with 131 families, Elbasan with 186 families, Korçë with 160 families; Levan commune with 130 families; Gjirokastër with 121 families; Shkodër with 114 families; Qendër commune (Fier) with 104 families, Durrës (Nishtulla) with 88 families, Pogradec with 81 families, Otllak commune with 77 families, Grabian commune with 69 families, Fushë-Krujë with 64 families, Lezhë with 63 families, and Shushicë commune with 57 families. Livable Berat15% Durres13% Elbasan29% Fier 11% Gjirokaster7% Korce21% Lezhe2% Tirane18% Vlore10% Shkoder0% Diber0% Total 16% Almost livable Almost Unlivable Unlivable 25% 28% 31% 32% 8% 35% 5% 20% 30% 3% 14% 27% 34% 26% 21% 32% 19% 31% 27% 20% 35% 14% 0% 26% 26% 33% 18% 25% 66% 14% 66% 43% 26% 84% 86% 31% Private house (with Apartment bricks, blocks or in building concrete) Livable Almost livable Almost unlivable unlivable Household adjusted in a shared building (former school, former day-care, former military base, former warehouse etc) 659 100 854 252 935 168 468 47 20 48 98 75 Shack (surrounded by wood, tin or plastic sheets) Demolished 00 0 0 0 0 6372 LIVABILITY OF HOUSEHOLDS WHERE ROMA FAMILIES LIVE IN PERCENTAGES Livable Almost livable Almost unlivable 25 27 66 Unlivable 3 14 84 14 13 26 24 86 33 29 18 TOTAL FAMILIES 4363 11 20 32 20 15 43 32 25 34 25 30 35 21 18 26 7 8 19 10 31 26 66 21 35 31 14 TYPE OF HOUSEHOLD AND AVERAGE SURFACE OF HOUSEHOLD 28 SQUARE METERS Adjusted household in a shared building TYPE OF HOUSEHOLD AND SURFACE Data indicate that the households where Roma families live that have the largest average space are separate private houses with 53 m2, followed by apartment type of households with 43 m2; households of spaces adjusted for living that had a different purpose in the past feature an average surface of about 28 m2, which is a little bigger compared to the average surface of barrack-type households that have an average of 24 m2, which is a very low figure when referring to official housing norms. (former schools, daycare centers, military bases, warehouses, etc.) 53 SQUARE METERS Private households (bricks, blocks, or concrete) 43 SQUARE METERS Apartment in apartment building TOTAL FAMILIES 4363 24 SQUARE METERS Shacks (surrounded by wood, tin, or plastic sheets) NUMBER OF ROOMS IN HOUSEHOLDS WHERE ROMA FAMILIES LIVE Asked about the number of rooms used by the family, which was verified by the interviewer, 46% of Roma families or about 2000 families live in a one-room household, 33% live in 2-room households, and about 16% live in three-room households. These data show that the space in which the majority of Roma families live is very small, considering the average size of the family, which is bigger than that of the general population. 46.1 PERCENT 1 ROOM 33.1 PERCENT 2 ROOMS ValuePercentage 1 Room 2 Rooms 3 Rooms 4 Rooms 5 Rooms or more Total 2013 1445 710 147 47 4362 46.1 33.1 16.3 3.4 1.1 100.0 16.3 PERCENT 3 ROOMS TOTAL FAMILIES 4363 3.4 PERCENT 4 ROOMS 1.1 PERCENT FIVE ROOMS OR MORE LIVING SPACE PER FAMILY In order to better understand about living space used by Roma families, a question was asked to obtain information about space used exclusively by the family, adding also the common space usable by other families that could live in the same house. Data shows that 40% of Roma families live in a house whereby the usable space is less than 26 m2, followed by 30% of the families living in a space up to 50%. Living space represents an important aspect of living standards, regulated also by Council of Ministers Decision no. 814, dated 3.12.2004 “On housing norms,” which stipulates that, “The minimal living space for one single person, according to letter ‘a’ of item 1 of this decision, is 12.5 m2. Every other person in addition to the first, of over 10 years old, is entitled to 7.5 m2 of living space, and any other additional person of the age 5 to 10 years old, is entitled to 3.75 m2 living space.” When referring to housing norms per family member, the situation appears very difficult. According to a simple estimate, based on the decision of the council of ministers, it results that in order to meet the minimal norms of living space for a family of four members, two of which are adults (parents), with one child more than 10 years old and another under 10 years old, there must be a housing norm of about 31 m2 with an average of about 7.8 m2 per person. This norm is not fulfilled for at least 40% of Roma families. ValuePercentage Under 10 m2 10 – 25 m2 26 – 50 m2 51 – 100 m2 101 – 150 m2 Over 150 m2 Total 179 1570 1323 994 216 80 4362 4.1 36.0 30.3 22.8 5.0 1.8 100.0 SPACE OF HOUSEHOLDS WHERE ROMA FAMILIES LIVE 1 PERCENT Under 10 m2 10 - 25 m2 26 - 50 m2 51 - 100 m2 101 - 150 m2 Over 150 m2 TOTAL FAMILIES 4363 ACCESS TO WATER AND HOT WATER The graphic shows that 16% of Roma families do not have access to running drinkable water, neither in outer premises or inside households, while only 31% of families have access to water supply inside the household. Data also show that 84% of Roma families at the national level do not have access to running hot water inside the household. Data collected through the Census indicate that about 28% of Roma families live in households that are not connected to the sewage system, which represents a threat to the hygiene and health of family members. Value Percentage Water inside and outside the living premises 751 17% Water only inside the living premises 623 14% Water only outside the living premises 2284 52% There is no water both inside and outside the living premises 705 16% Total 4363100% Access to hot water running water inside the household Value Percentage No 366284% Yes 70116% Total 4363100% Connection of the household with the sewage system Value Percentage No 157636% Yes 278764% Total 4363100% RUNNING HOT WATER SUPPLY INSIDE THE HOUSEHOLD – CONNECTION TO SEWAGE SYSTEM 40.9% NO 84% 16% YES TOTAL FAMILIES 4363 bathroom not connected to sewage system 59.1% bathroom connected to sewage system ELECTRICITY Access to electricity also represents an indicator of basic wellbeing of a family. Census data shows that about 12% of Roma families do not have access to electricity. Areas most affected by this phenomenon are Tiranë, Korçë, Elbasan, Durrës, and Qendër Commune in Fier. Also, interviewers worked to observe the condition of electric infrastructure within household premises. Based on collected data, it results that in 31% of the households, electrical wires were exposed and often had defects; in almost 5% of the cases, wires were live and the metal was exposed; meanwhile, most of the sockets did not function at all in about 10% of the households. Connection of the household with the electrical supply network Value Percentage Yes 386389% Jo 50011% Total 4363100% Electrical supply infrastructure within the household Value Percentage In good condition 1829 49% Installed, but wires are out and often get damaged 1173 31% The metal inside the wires is exposed 171 5% Majority of the sockets do not work 352 9% No electrical system 201 5% Total 3726100% CONNECTION TO ELECTRICITY SYSTEM AND QUALITY OF ELECTRICITY INFRASTRUCTURE 31.5% Installed, but wires are out and often get damaged 49.1% In good condition gjendje te mire 88.5 PERCENT 4.6% The metal inside the wires is exposed YES 9.4% 11.5 PERCENT NO 5.4% TOTAL FAMILIES 4363 No electrical system Majority of the sockets do not work HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCES In order to understand more about the level of living standards of Roma families, information was collected about the possession of household appliances. Results show that 17% of Roma families do not have a TV set compared to 8% of the general population that is in the same condition according to the 2011 Census. Also, 72% of Roma families do not possess a washing machine, which is a very high figure when compared to only 20% of the general population that do not possess a washing machine. Likewise, it appears that 52% of Roma families do not possess a refrigerator compared to only 7% of families of the general population that face a similar situation. Data also shows that only 16% of Roma families possess a cooking stove. Television set ValuePercentage Yes 362083.0 Jo 74317.0 Total 4363100.0 Washing machine ValuePercentage Yes 120827.7 Jo 315572.3 Total 4363100.0 Cooking Stove ValuePercentage Yes 70416.1 Jo 365983.9 Total 4363100.0 Computer/Laptop ValuePercentage Yes 1774.1 Jo 418695.9 Total 4363100.0 Refrigerator ValuePercentage Yes 208847.9 Jo 227552.1 Total 4363100.0 POSSESSION OF HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCES YES 52.1% TOTAL FAMILIES 4363 NO 47.9% 27.7% 72.3% 16.1% 95.9% 83.9% 4.1% 83% 17% EMPLOYMENT Employment is one of the instruments to take certain families or entire communities out of poverty. According to the results of the Roma census, 74% of adults at a working age are declared jobless. That is a very high figure compared to the official unemployment figure in the general population, which appears at about 15% according to INSTAT. The high level of unemployment, accompanied by a poor level of qualification, shrinkage of space in the informal market economy and uncertain or inappropriate housing seriously threat the wellbeing and physical safety of most Roma families. Also, it results from the census that 4% of children from 6 to 17 years old, according to self-declaration by the families, engage in work that helps families but in many cases harms the physical safety and perspective of the child. No information was collected for children under 6 years old (2477 persons) for this variable of the research study. The most affected districts by Roma unemployment are those of Elbasan, Berat, Fier, Gjirokastër, Vlorë, and Lezhë. Age and employment status Work Does not Work 6 - 17 Years old 170 4% 4126 96% 18 - 65 Years old 2794 26% 7876 74% Total 296420% 12002 80% Age group of family member and employment status 6 - 17 Years old Work Does not Work 18 - 65 Years old Work Does not Work Berat 31% 32399% 14717% 71383% Durres 134% 33696% 18224% 57776% Elbasan 14 2% 610 98% 145 11% 112089% Fier 14 2% 794 98% 358 17% 174883% Gjirokaster 00% 98 100% 9 3% 34297% Korce 18 3% 504 97% 511 28% 132072% Lezhe 22% 12898% 34 12% 24988% Tirane 90 9% 931 91% 113449% 1193 51% Vlore 10% 219100% 12422% 44278% Shkoder 32% 16698% 10942% 14958% Diber 12 41% 1759% 2164% 2336% Total 1704% 277426% 787674% 412696% Education level and employment status Work Does not Work No Education 1560 22% 5649 78% Elementary Education (4 years) 506 27% 1361 73% 8-9 year Education 635 32% 1367 68% High School 120 36% 212 64% 34 39% 53 61% University / Master Total 2855 25% 864275% 75% EMPLOYMENT OF CHILDREN AND OF THE 18 AND ABOVE AGE GROUP YES DOES NOT WORK NO 18 - 65 YEARS OLD 19.8% 4% WORK 6-17 YEARS OLD TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 14966 80.2% Competence on Writing and Reading The census collected information about knowledge of writing and reading of Roma family members above 6 years old. Based on collected data, it appears that almost 49% of Roma children above 6 years old do not have writing and reading knowledge, a very high percentage that would go up to 80% if we refer to informal settlements in shacks and barracks. The age group most affected by illiteracy is the one 18 years or more with 51% of the illiterate population. Females appear most affected by illiteracy with 52% compared to males with 45%. Competence on Writing and Reading (persons under 6 years were not asked) ValuePercentage Yes 813551.6 Jo 764448.4 Total 15779100.0 Competence on Writing and Reading per age group (persons under 6 years not asked) From 6 years old to 10 years old Yes No 968 56% 774 44% From 11 years old to 17 years old 1528 60% 1032 40% 18 years old and above 5639 49% 5858 51% Competence on Writing and Reading and gender Male Female Total Yes 4371 55% 3764 48% 8135 51% No 359545% 406952% 766449% COMPETENCE ON WRITING AND READING PERCENTAGE FOR ENTIRE ROMA POPULATION OVER 18 YEARS OLD 48.5% 51% 51.5% NO YES 11-17 YEARS OLD DON’T WRITE AND READ 52% OF FEMALES ILLITERATE 60% WRITE AND READ TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 18276 45% OF MALES ILLITERATE Competence on Writing and Reading per household type Yes IndividualsPercentage No IndividualsPercentage Private house (with bricks, blocks or concrete) 5903 54% 4959 46% Apartment in building 1335 67% 648 33% former day-care, former military base, former warehouse, etc.) 453 58% 323 42% Shack (surrounded by wood, tin or plastic sheets) 444 20% 1725 80% Household adjusted in a shared building (former school, Demolished Total 0 0% 9100% 813551% 766449% TYPE OF HOUSE AND ILLITERACY 42 Adjusted household in a shared building PERCENT Private households (bricks, blocks, or concrete) Apartment in apartment building TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 7655 33 PERCENT (former schools, daycare centers, military bases, warehouses, etc.) 46 PERCENT Shacks (surrounded by wood, tin, or plastic sheets) 80 PERCENT Education of Roma population member (Figures indicate abandonment of relevant class) LEVEL OF EDUCATION AND HIGHEST EDUCATION LEVEL COMPLETED Asked about the level of education, 48% say they never went to school and 21% said they abandoned school before completing compulsory education. Asked about the highest education level completed, 59% of respondents said they had no education or had not managed to go through 4 years of school, 19% say they completed 4 years of school, almost the same percentage completed 8-9 year education, and only 3% completed high school. Counties most affected by abandonment of compulsory education are Tiranë, Korçë, Elbasan, Fier, Durrës, and Berat. ClassIndividuals 08 1131 2348 3498 4720 5619 6428 7393 8174 919 1011 119 124 141 Attend school 1922 Finished school 2895 Have not attended school 7618 Total15798 Education level of Roma population member Individuals No education (no education or has not finished elementary school) 9323 Elementary Education (4 years) 2987 8-9 year Education 2965 High School 435 University / Master 88 Total15798 EDUCATION AND SCHOOL ABANDONMENT 0 1 0.1% 0.8% 2.2% 2 3.2% 3 4.6% 4 3.9% 5 6 2.7% 7 2.5% 8 9 1.1% 0.1% ATTEND SCHOOL 12.2% FINISHED SCHOOL 18.3% HAVE NOT ATTENDED SCHOOL 48.2% TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 18276 Education of Roma population member per gender type Age group and education level (Figures indicate years of education) (Figures indicate years of education) Class MaleFemale Total 0 53 8 Class 1 71 60131 2 185 163348 3 253 245498 4 378 342720 5 From 6 years old to 10 years old From 11 years old to 17 years old 18 years old and above Total 0 51 2 8 1 2434 73 131 2 1987 242 348 3 12108 378 498 319 300619 4 5116599 720 6 240 188428 5 588 526 619 7 225 168393 6 088 340 428 8 90 84174 7 155 337 393 9 9 1019 8 018 156 174 10 7 411 9 06 13 19 10 02 9 11 11 45 9 11 03 6 9 12 22 4 12 00 4 4 14 01 1 14 01 0 1 Attend school 1026 896 1922 Attend school 941 816 165 1922 Finished school 1591 1304 2895 Finished school 7 156 2732 2895 Have not attended school 3560 4058 7618 Have not attended school 723 980 5915 7618 SCHOOL ABANDONMENT BRAKTISJA UP TO E SHKOLLES NINTH GRADE DERI NE KLASEN E NENTE = 10 individuals = 10 individe Education of Roma population member - Geographic Spread (Figures indicate abandonment of relevant class) County 0 1 23456789 Berat 0 2 212873383939132 Durres 4 9 202450522120630 Elbasan 0 32 567388536336183 Fier 1 24 591221571257782123 Gjirokaster 0 0 22610000 Korce 0 4 60941221669089303 Lezhe 0 2 1513232721200 1 Tirane 0 49 10011017413297 83 28 6 Vlore 3 8 1130271917199 1 Shkoder 0 0 01031300 Diber 0 1 41032210 Total 8 34849872061942839317419 131 TOTAL INDIVIDUALS TOTAL INDIVIDE 3338 3338 LEVEL OF EDUCATION AND SUBGROUP Data indicate that 1462 individuals from the Meckar subgroup dropped out of school during 8-9 year education, followed by 1456 persons from the Erli subgroup. When referring to the percentage of persons who attended no year of education within their subgroup, we notice that 72% of the Bamill subgroup population above 6 years old attended no year of school, followed by 60% of the population above 6 years old from the Cergar subgroup, 54% from the Erli subgroup, and 33% of the population within the Meckar subgroup. Such data indicate that the subgroups Bamill, Cergar, and Erli are the most affected by lack of education as the percentage of the uneducated population goes beyond the average percentage of uneducated persons within the general Roma population. Roma subgroup and education Class Meckar 0 7 1 44 2 124 3 207 4 341 5 277 6 186 7 181 8 95 9 7 10 5 11 6 12 2 14 0 Attend school 828 Finished school 1364 Have not attended school 1828 Erli Cergar Kallbuxhi Bamill Don’t know Mix 1 0 0000 64172211 172431701 2323911513 2856661174 275509521 192394421 166293842 69 4 0501 10 2 0000 3 3 0000 3 0 0000 0 1 1000 1 0 0000 830127 26731919 1148 172 161165821 4128 877 58 620 48 59 Roma sub-group and education level completed No education (no education or has not finished elementary school) Meckar Erli Cergar Kallbuxhi Bamill Don’t know Mixed 2551 46% 4882 64% 1042 71% 78 57% 645 75% 57 40% 68 60% Elementary Education (4 years) 130124% 136518% 19513% 3324% 51 6% 31 22% 1110% 8-9 year Education 1380 25% 1161 15% 201 14% 24 18% 12414% 46 32% 29 26% High School 215 151 26 1 29 8 5 4% 2% 2% 1% 3% 6% 4% University/ Master 55 20 5 1 7 0 0 1% % % 1% 1% 0% 0% NO EDUCATION BY SUBGROUP Meckar Erli Cergar 33% Kallbuxhi Bamill 54% 60% 42% TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 18276 72% ANNEXES Population Distribution by Commune County Municipality/Commune Berat Berat Berat Durres Gjirokaster Durres Elbasan Elbasan Fier Fier Gjirokaster Korce Korce Korce Korce Lezhe Lezhe Lezhe Tirane Tirane Tirane Tirane Tirane Tirane Tirane Tirane Vlore Diber Elbasan Vlore Tirane Tirane Diber Vlore Shkoder Vlore Berat Durres Fier Fier Fier Fier Fier Fier Fier Fier Korce Korce Korce Korce Korce Korce Lezhe Tirane Tirane Tirane Vlore Vlore Vlore Shkoder Vlore Diber Tirane Tirane Durres Tirane Diber Fier Tirane Vlore Ura Vajgurore 26 00 000 Berat 768 0 1 0 6 Kucove 52 00 000 Sukth 50 13 0 0 0 Durres 12713 5 0 0 0 Fushe Kruje 7 87 0 0 0 0 Elbasan 8465 11 5 0 0 Peqin 00 32 0 0 2 Roskovec 44 00 000 Lushnje 40 00 000 Gjirokaster 041 25 0 71 6 Bilisht 0145 0 0 0 0 Maliq 116 0 0 0 0 Korce 0328 1 0 0 1 Pogradec 0152 0 0 0 0 Mamuras 00 40 0 0 0 Lac 0 06 000 Lezhe 18 051000 Rrogozhine 00 31 0 0 0 Municipal Unit no.9 17 13 1 2 0 1 Municipal Unit no.8 4 47 0 0 0 0 Municipal Unit no.6 1 3 44 1 0 0 Municipal Unit no.5 9 160 3 18 1 1 Municipal Unit no.4 101 141 10 0 0 16 Municipal Unit no.11 82 13 15 10 0 0 Municipal Unit no.1 11 11 24 0 0 0 Delvine 3 00 047 0 Burrel 0 40 000 Cerrik 015 0 0 0 0 Himare 0 21 000 Kavaje 9 00 000 Municipal Unit no.7 1 2 3 0 0 0 Peshkopi 0 82 001 Sarande 0 30 040 Shkoder 980 10 0 0 1 Vlore 4 00 000 Otllak Commune 138 00 000 Rashbull Commune 11 00 000 Levan Commune 176 10 052 0 Mbrostar Commune 49 00 000 Qender (Clirim) Commune 39 40 46 0 49 0 Topoje Commune 14 00 000 Dermenas Commune 90 00 000 Dushk Commune 20 00 000 Golem-Lushnje Commune17 20 000 Grabian Commune 115 00 000 Qender (Bilisht) Commune 0 18 0 0 0 0 Libonik Commune 0 42 0 0 0 0 Pirg Commune 0 21 0 0 0 0 Pojan Commune 0 103 0 0 0 0 Cerrave Commune 0 22 0 0 0 0 Hudenisht Commune 0 90 000 Fushe-Kuqe Commune 0 0 13 0 0 0 Dajt Commune 5 40 4 0 0 0 Farke Commune 0 12 4 0 0 0 Kashar Commune 19 00 001 Novosele-Vlore Commune53 00 000 Shushice-Vlore Commune80 00 000 Aliko Commune 3 00 030 Berdice Commune 0 00 000 Finiq Commune 0 17 0 0 0 0 Fushe-Cidhen Commune 0 70 000 Golem-Kavaje Commune 3 00 000 Gose Commune 15 00 000 Katund I Ri Commune 11 0 0 0 0 0 Paskuqan Commune 1 80 000 Shupenze Commune 0 70 000 Terbuf Commune 16 00 000 Vaqar Commune 0 61 000 Xare Commune 0 00 050 Meckar Erli Cergar Kallbuxhi Bamill Don’t Know Mix 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 4 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 17 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Geographic spread of monthly family income County Municipality/ Commune Refuses Under 5,000 Leke 5,000 - 10,000 Leke 10,001 - 15,000 Leke 15,001 - 20,000 Leke 20,001 - 30,000 Leke 30,001 - 50,000 Leke 50,001 - 70,000 Leke 70,001 - 100,000 Leke Over 100,000 Leke Berat Ura Vajgurore 4 11 7311100 Berat Berat 0 42 23 923300 Berat Kucove 1 13 14 911 4000 Durres Sukth 0 28800000 Gjirokaster Durres 41 272528 9 12 3 0 0 Durres Fushe Kruje 0 222720 11 9 5 0 0 Elbasan Elbasan 0 809475 13690 10 1 1 Elbasan Peqin 0 049 11101 0 0 Fier Roskovec 22 310 513000 Fier Lushnje 0 419 11 24000 Gjirokaster Gjirokaster 2 111 22 620000 Korce Bilisht 0 615315 13 3 0 0 0 Korce Maliq 0 11 3201000 Korce Korce 2 60105 7751269 0 0 Korce Pogradec 0 3326736150 0 0 Lezhe Mamuras 0 10 11 873100 Lezhe Lac 0 12020100 Lezhe Lezhe 0 624 19 12 7100 Tirane Rrogozhine 0 86625120 Tirane Municipal Unit no.9 0 31611 7310 Tirane Municipal Unit no.8 0 7 15 17 10 6 0 0 0 Tirane Municipal Unit no.6 0 16 13 973000 Tirane Municipal Unit no.5 0 15 57 40 21 16 23 2 1 Tirane Municipal Unit no.4 3 2126483963512710 Tirane Municipal Unit no.11 5 14 34 26 14 12 4 2 0 Tirane Municipal Unit no.1 0 0 7 22 14 3 0 0 0 Vlore Delvine 0 617 12 12 5013 Diber Burrel 0 03100000 Elbasan Cerrik 0 00681000 Vlore Himare 0 30000000 Tirane Kavaje 0 52200000 Tirane Municipal Unit no.7 1 21002000 Diber Peshkopi 0 33500000 Vlore Sarande 0 01231000 Shkoder Shkoder 2 848 51 80000 Vlore Vlore 0 31000000 Berat Otllak Commune2 375129 8 5 3 2 0 Durres Rashbull Commune 0 05510000 Fier Levan Commune33 532644 40 21 12 0 0 Fier Mbrostar Commune 1 14 913 83000 Fier Qender (Clirim) Commune 3 54 36 34 35 10 2 1 0 Fier Topoje Commune 2 65100000 Fier Dermenas Commune 1 252216 10 11 5 0 0 Fier Dushk Commune 0 66800000 Fier Golem-Lushnje Commune 0 11 5210000 Fier Grabian Commune 0 424523 3 2 0 0 0 Korce Qender (Bilisht) Commune 0 18 0000000 Korce Libonik Commune 0 14 21 700000 Korce Pirg Commune 0 08112 0 0 0 0 Korce Pojan Commune 0 52 43 800000 Korce Cerrave Commune 0 14 8000000 Korce Hudenisht Commune 0 00351000 Lezhe Fushe-Kuqe Commune 0 35230000 Tirane Dajt Commune0 612 8 11 1110 0 Tirane Farke Commune 0 65500000 Tirane Kashar Commune 0 58241000 Vlore Novosele-Vlore Commune 3 201112 5 2 0 0 0 Vlore Shushice-Vlore Commune 0 241721 14 3 1 0 0 Vlore Aliko Commune 0 41000100 Shkoder Berdice Commune 0 00000000 Vlore Finiq Commune 0 16730000 Diber Fushe-Cidhen Commune 0 01330000 Tirane Golem-Kavaje Commune 0 01200000 Tirane Gose Commune 0 07413000 Durres Katund I Ri Commune 0 0 3 2 4 2 0 0 0 Tirane Paskuqan Commune 0 26100000 Diber Shupenze Commune 0 24100000 Fier Terbuf Commune 0 16621000 Tirane Vaqar Commune 0 11131000 Vlore Xare Commune0 00113000 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Legal status of the household and geographic spread County Municipality/ Commune Berat Ura Vajgurore BeratBerat BeratKucove DurresSukth GjirokasterDurres Durres Fushe Kruje ElbasanElbasan ElbasanPeqin Fier Roskovec Fier Lushnje GjirokasterGjirokaster KorceBilisht KorceMaliq KorceKorce KorcePogradec LezheMamuras LezheLac LezheLezhe TiraneRrogozhine Tirane Municipal Unit no.9 Tirane Municipal Unit no.8 Tirane Municipal Unit no.6 Tirane Municipal Unit no.5 Tirane Municipal Unit no.4 Tirane Municipal Unit no.11 Tirane Municipal Unit no.1 VloreDelvine DiberBurrel ElbasanCerrik VloreHimare TiraneKavaje Tirane Municipal Unit no.7 DiberPeshkopi VloreSarande ShkoderShkoder VloreVlore Berat Otllak Commune Durres Rashbull Commune Fier Levan Commune Fier Mbrostar Commune Fier Qender (Clirim) Commune Fier Topoje Commune Fier Dermenas Commune Fier Dushk Commune Fier Golem-Lushnje Commune Fier Grabian Commune Korce Qender (Bilisht) Commune Korce Libonik Commune Korce Pirg Commune Korce Pojan Commune Korce Cerrave Commune Korce Hudenisht Commune Lezhe Fushe-Kuqe Commune Tirane Dajt Commune Tirane Farke Commune Tirane Kashar Commune Vlore Novosele-Vlore Commune Vlore Shushice-Vlore Commune Vlore Aliko Commune Shkoder Berdice Commune Vlore Finiq Commune Diber Fushe-Cidhen Commune Tirane Golem-Kavaje Commune Tirane Gose Commune Durres Katund I Ri Commune Tirane Paskuqan Commune Diber Shupenze Commune Fier Terbuf Commune Tirane Vaqar Commune Vlore Xare Commune Ownership with papers Ownership without papers 19 29 15 2 29 6 118 4 14 3 18 110 9 172 74 11 1 19 7 3 3 7 57 78 36 0 43 2 7 0 0 1 0 2 5 0 97 1 34 1 17 6 12 12 4 85 18 31 21 89 17 0 6 0 0 6 20 14 2 0 0 0 1 1 5 0 0 7 0 4 Owned by Municipality / Space Commune / Space State - No rent 3 30 7 2 31 69 23 16 26 23 78 13 0 5 20 5 3 19 24 4 17 2 39 81 20 44 3 1 4 3 9 3 0 0 16 4 36 0 170 43 128 5 74 7 6 23 0 1 0 2 1 2 3 0 1 3 31 47 1 0 0 0 0 13 0 9 0 3 7 0 0 1 8 4 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 3 65 24 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 2 1 5 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 4 0 2 2 7 0 49 0 0 0 0 3 0 17 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Owned by Municipality / Space Commune / Space State - Rented Private Private Ownership -Ownership No rent Rented 0 0 3 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 4 0 15 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Not owned No rent 0 0 1 3 2 4 2 3 13 2 3 11 3 34 3 1 04 74 1 0 4 8 0 1 16 28 5 26 11 13 1 1 6 12 0 0 3 4 0 9 0 4 45 12 10 38 7 6 0 0 3 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 84 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 3 0 0 1 1 5 2 2 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 4 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 5 1 0 0 0 0 In legalisation process 1 1 2 0 12 2 19 9 0 2 42 1 3 23 3 0 0 5 0 1 1 10 6 10 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 11 0 1 0 0 0 19 3 24 2 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 17 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 7 0 0 0 Don’t Know 5 17 11 5 57 3 289 2 0 1 4 0 1 6 1 0 0 7 0 14 25 22 12 71 37 0 4 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 4 10 4 2 3 1 0 0 2 3 0 2 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 10 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Livability of the household and the geographic spread County Municipality/ Commune Livable Berat Ura Vajgurore 8 BeratBerat 10 BeratKucove 6 DurresSukth 2 GjirokasterDurres 15 Durres Fushe Kruje 13 ElbasanElbasan 154 ElbasanPeqin 4 FierRoskovec 1 FierLushnje 7 GjirokasterGjirokaster 17 KorceBilisht 23 KorceMaliq 2 KorceKorce 72 KorcePogradec 25 LezheMamuras 0 LezheLac 1 LezheLezhe 1 TiraneRrogozhine 3 Tirane Municipal Unit no.9 2 Tirane Municipal Unit no.8 15 Tirane Municipal Unit no.6 11 Tirane Municipal Unit no.5 25 Tirane Municipal Unit no.4 59 Tirane Municipal Unit no.11 23 Tirane Municipal Unit no.1 0 VloreDelvine 11 DiberBurrel 0 ElbasanCerrik 1 VloreHimare 0 TiraneKavaje 0 Tirane Municipal Unit no.7 2 DiberPeshkopi 0 VloreSarande 1 ShkoderShkoder 0 VloreVlore 0 Berat Otllak Commune 20 Durres Rashbull Commune 6 Fier Levan Commune 21 Fier Mbrostar Commune 7 Fier Qender (Clirim) Commune 19 Fier Topoje Commune 0 Fier Dermenas Commune 18 Fier Dushk Commune 0 Fier Golem-Lushnje Commune 2 Fier Grabian Commune 12 Korce Qender (Bilisht) Commune 0 Korce Libonik Commune 14 Korce Pirg Commune 8 Korce Pojan Commune 34 Korce Cerrave Commune 0 Korce Hudenisht Commune 1 Lezhe Fushe-Kuqe Commune 0 Tirane Dajt Commune 13 Tirane Farke Commune 0 Tirane Kashar Commune 3 Vlore Novosele-Vlore Commune 4 Vlore Shushice-Vlore Commune 4 Vlore Aliko Commune 0 Shkoder Berdice Commune 0 Vlore Finiq Commune 0 Diber Fushe-Cidhen Commune 0 Tirane Golem-Kavaje Commune 1 Tirane Gose Commune 5 Durres Katund I Ri Commune 1 Tirane Paskuqan Commune 0 Diber Shupenze Commune 0 Fier Terbuf Commune 3 Tirane Vaqar Commune 0 Vlore Xare Commune 3 Electricity - Condition of Infrastructure Almost Almost livableunlivable 8 4 19 28 8 21 9 5 42 41 17 22 149 96 7 15 16 12 7 14 12 27 65 23 6 8 92 118 47 60 0 11 0 1 5 19 14 10 5 10 11 10 14 6 19 38 71 60 24 28 0 0 32 12 4 0 12 2 0 0 1 1 0 2 0 0 3 3 3 16 1 0 41 48 5 0 78 72 19 12 52 47 0 8 30 27 4 8 7 9 34 48 10 7 12 13 8 5 40 20 18 4 1 5 1 4 13 7 0 0 7 5 14 20 19 40 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 4 4 4 4 1 0 0 0 11 2 0 0 1 1 Unlivable County 8 25 17 2 47 42 90 9 15 12 94 34 1 48 21 29 4 44 4 15 19 17 93 100 36 46 5 0 0 3 7 2 11 0 98 3 29 0 58 11 57 6 15 8 1 21 1 3 0 9 0 2 8 16 16 5 15 17 0 0 17 7 0 2 2 8 7 0 7 0 Berat Ura Vajgurore Berat Berat BeratKucove DurresSukth GjirokasterDurres Durres Fushe Kruje ElbasanElbasan ElbasanPeqin Fier Roskovec Fier Lushnje GjirokasterGjirokaster Korce Bilisht KorceMaliq Korce Korce KorcePogradec LezheMamuras LezheLac LezheLezhe TiraneRrogozhine Tirane Municipal Unit no.9 Tirane Municipal Unit no.8 Tirane Municipal Unit no.6 Tirane Municipal Unit no.5 Tirane Municipal Unit no.4 Tirane Municipal Unit no.11 Tirane Municipal Unit no.1 VloreDelvine DiberBurrel ElbasanCerrik VloreHimare TiraneKavaje Tirane Municipal Unit no.7 DiberPeshkopi VloreSarande ShkoderShkoder VloreVlore Berat Otllak Commune Durres Rashbull Commune Fier Levan Commune Fier Mbrostar Commune Fier Qender (Clirim) Commune Fier Topoje Commune Fier Dermenas Commune Fier Dushk Commune Fier Golem-Lushnje Commune Fier Grabian Commune Korce Qender (Bilisht) Commune Korce Libonik Commune Korce Pirg Commune Korce Pojan Commune Korce Cerrave Commune Korce Hudenisht Commune Lezhe Fushe-Kuqe Commune Tirane Dajt Commune Tirane Farke Commune Tirane Kashar Commune Vlore Novosele-Vlore Commune Vlore Shushice-Vlore Commune Vlore Aliko Commune Shkoder Berdice Commune Vlore Finiq Commune Diber Fushe-Cidhen Commune Tirane Golem-Kavaje Commune Tirane Gose Commune Durres Katund I Ri Commune Tirane Paskuqan Commune Diber Shupenze Commune Fier Terbuf Commune Tirane Vaqar Commune Vlore Xare Commune Municipality/ Commune Yes 24 72 46 17 112 77 436 32 41 34 91 134 13 309 148 34 5 68 25 32 44 48 123 283 87 46 58 4 15 0 8 5 9 6 117 4 121 10 202 45 148 13 84 17 19 105 18 39 21 102 21 7 8 49 1 20 50 75 6 0 0 7 3 13 11 6 7 16 7 5 No 86% 88% 88% 94% 77% 82% 89% 91% 93% 85% 64% 92% 76% 94% 97% 85% 83% 99% 81% 100% 80% 100% 70% 98% 78% 100% 97% 100% 100% 0% 89% 83% 82% 86% 100% 100% 88% 91% 88% 92% 85% 93% 93% 85% 100% 91% 100% 93% 100% 99% 95% 78% 62% 100% 6% 100% 94% 94% 100% 0% 0% 100% 100% 87% 100% 67% 100% 100% 100% 100% 4 14% 1012% 612% 1 6% 33 23% 17 18% 53 11% 3 9% 37% 615% 52 36% 118% 4 24% 216% 5 3% 6 15% 1 17% 1 1% 6 19% 0 0% 11 20% 0 0% 52 30% 7 2% 24 22% 0 0% 23% 00% 0 0% 3100% 1 11% 1 17% 218% 114% 0 0% 00% 17 12% 1 9% 27 12% 4 8% 27 15% 1 7% 6 7% 3 15% 0 0% 10 9% 0 0% 3 7% 0 0% 1 1% 1 5% 2 22% 5 38% 0 0% 15 94% 0 0% 3 6% 5 6% 0 0% 0 100% 17 100% 0 0% 0 0% 2 13% 0 0% 3 33% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% OPEN SOCIETY FOUNDATION FOR ALBANIA, SOROS – TIRANA 2014 Rr. Qemal Stafa, Pallati 120/2, Tiranë, Shqipëri Tel: +355 4 22 34 621/ 22 34 223/ 22 35 856 Fax: +355 4 22 35 855 E-mail: info@soros.al Web-page: www.soros.al