Honorary Patronage: Chairman of Polish Orienteering Association (PZOS) Mayor of Limanowa Village Mayor of Limanowa Village Mayor of Trzciana Village Mayor of Laskowa Organizer: Uczniowski Klub Sportowy PATRIA MŁYNNE 34-601 Limanowa 3 NIP: 737-17-49-167 tel. +48 660 444 292 e-mail: witollds@poczta.onet.pl Acconut No.: 25 8804 0000 0000 0016 6618 0001 City of Limanowa Co-organizers: Polish Orienteering Association (PZOS) Limanowa Commune, City of Limanowa Laskowa Commune, Trzciana Commune Nadleśnictwo Limanowa Nadleśnictwo Brzesko OSP Kamionna, OSP Laskowa, OSP Łososina Górna LKS „Wierchy” Pasierbiec Media Patronage: Limanowa.in TV28 Beskid.tv Beskidwyspowy.com Limanowa Commune Laskowa Commune The realisation of the task is partially funded by the Ministry of Sport and Tourism within the framework of the Fund for Development of Physical Culture. Trzciana Commune Organizing Committee: Event director – Witold Sochacki Event vice-director – Marek Golonka General Referee – Stanisław Leśnicki (S-2) Start line manager – Joanna Papiewska Finish line manager – Maria Ziętek-Leśnicka Carto- and topography – Jacek Kozłowski and Piotr Pietroń Course planners – Jacek Kozłowski and Piotr Pietroń Competition office – Jolanta Kozłowska SPORT IDENT – Marcin Leśnicki IOF advisor – Jerzy Antonowicz Medical care – Maciej Wilk Competition: Three-day individual competition – handicap on the last day– joint classification after 3 days. Competition from the Central Competition Calendar of the Polish Orienteering Association. Stage 1 and 2 included in PZOS ranking for classed KM10+ Stage 2 (middle) on 27.07 has the World Ranking Event (WRE) rank and will be carried out in observance of IOF rules. Competition included in the Polish-Czech Euroregional Orienteering League (www.bno.jasnet.pl). Orienteering Downhill – additional run, not included in general classification. Classes: KM10NR / KM10 / KM12 / KM14 / KM16 / KM18 / KM20-34 / KM21E / KM35 / KM40 / K45-54 / M45 / M50 / K55+ / M55 / M60 / M65+ / OPEN Competition centre 1st stage – LKS ‘Wierchy’ football pitch, Pasierbiec GPS: N49°46'3" E20°22'44" nd 2 stage and Orienteering Downhill - Upper station of the ski lift in Laskowa GPS: N49°46'41" E20°24'5" rd 3 stage - a meadow, 700m from the school in Kamionna GPS: N49°47'46" E20°22'28" Competition office:, 25.07. 17:00 – 21:00 - Dormitory of ZSTiO in Limanowa – ul. Z. Augusta 8 GPS: N49°41'55" E20°25'15" 26.07. 10:00 – 12:00 - Dormitory of ZSTiO in Limanowa – ul. Z. Augusta 8 14:00 – 16:00 – LKS ‘Wierchy’ football pitch in Pasierbiec 27.07. 09:30 – 11:00 – Ski lift in Laskowa 20:00 – 21:30 - Dormitory of ZSTiO in Limanowa– ul. Z. Augusta 8 28.07. 08:30 – 10:00 – Competition centre in Kamionna During accreditation each team leader will be given all materials and necessary information: accommodation, food tickets, start numbers, parking cards and requested SI cards. Punching system: SPORTident electronic punching system will be used during the competition. In case of a SPORTident station’s failure, checkpoints should be confirmed in the classic way (perforator) in the special areas [R] provided on the map. SI cards available for borrow, 3-day fee is 10 PLN. Fine for loosing an SI card is 120-200 PLN. In classes M21E and K21E we will be using the Orientrack system for GPS tracking. Contestants chosen by the organizer will be tracked and their position will be transmitted via Internet. Each day new people will be chosen. Training: On 25.07.2012 between 18:00 and 21:00 and on 26.07.2012 between 10:00 and 13:00. Map „Sarczyn – Przełęcz” 1:10 000 , e – 5 m. (parking near the ski lift). The training area is similar to that of all stages. Checkpoints are marked with paper lanterns. Training maps available for download from the competition website: www.limanowacup.pl Start numbers: Each contestant receives a start number. The numbers (safety-pins included) will be given to the team leaders during accreditation. Contestants without their numbers will not be allowed to participate. After stage 3 contestants are asked to hand back their numbers to the finish line manager. Board: Breakfast and dinner will be served at the lodgings (dormitories only). Lunch: 1st stage – competition centre in Pasierbiec (from 14:00) 2nd stage – competition centre – upper station of the ski lift (from 13:00) 3rd stage – competition centre in Kamionna (from 12:00) Meals will be served only on presenting food tickets given by the organizer, so please remember about them, especially on the 2nd and 3rd day. Snack bar will be available at the competition centre during all stages of the competition. Organization of individual courses: Start of the 1st and 2nd stage interval only. Contestants wait in 3 prestart boxes. In the last box, after the fifth and last signal they go to the area where the maps will be laid out (from the youngest to the oldest class, women on the right, men on the left) and take their maps individually. 3rd stage, handicap start (up to 30 minutes loss to the leader after two stages). Stage 1: 26.07.2013 r. (Friday), start –16:00 Middle distance Map: „PASIERBIEC – Stara Karczma” Scale: 1:7500, e = 5m Author: Piotr Pietroń (June – July 2013) Course planner: Piotr Pietroń Car park ca. 700m from the football pitch, next to the sanctuary. We ask you to strictly observe the orders of the parking staff. Start of stage 1 ca. 700m from the football pitch in Pasierbiec. Approach to the start partly along a busy road – please be careful! During the approach there is a possibility to use warm-up maps – available in the competition office. During the run all classes will be crossing a busy road, which will be secured by order services. Contestant do not return their maps after the course. Time limit: 100 minutes. We invite everybody to the grand opening of the 11th Limanowa Cup at 15:00 in the competition centre. Stage 2: 27.07.2013 r. (Saturday), start –11:00 Middle distance, included in the World Ranking Event (WRE) Map: „MAKOWICA – Szczyt Kamionnej” Scale: 1:10000 – for classes KM18- KM35; for others: 1:7500, e = 5m Author: Piotr Pietroń (April – May 2013) Course planners: Jacek Kozłowski (KM21E), Piotr Pietroń (remaining classes) All contestants please assemble on a marked car park next to lower station of the ski lift “Laskowa – Kamionna”. Buses to he competition centre (upper station) will be running from 8:30 every 30 minutes. Approach to the finish line – 800m. Because O-Downhill in the afternoon will start from the same centre, only people who do not take part in the extra run can ride their cars up to the centre. Please arrive at the car park at the earliest and bring only the most necessary things. We do not charge for the transport, so please repay us with a moderate amount of luggage. Distance from finish line to start line is 200m, climb 35m. A warm-up map for this stage available at the competition centre during accreditation. All start zones on the last platform of the ski lift. Time limit: 100 minutes. ORIENTEERING DOWNHILL: 27.07.2013 r. (Saturday), start – 16:00 Extra run. Map: „Stacja Narciarska Laskowa-Kamionna” Scale: 1:7 500, e-5m parts of the course will be shown on fragments in bigger scale: 1:4 000 and 1:2 500. Author: Piotr Pietroń (July 2013) Course planner: Piotr Pietroń Classes for O-Downhill: K12, K14, K16-18, K20-21, K35-45, K50+, M12, M14, M16-18, M20-21, M35-45, M50-55, M60+, OPEN. World Champion title in classes K20-21 and M20-21. Start of downhill same as during stage 2, last platform of the ski lift by the upper station. Contestants will be running down the ski trail or in the forest along it. Every checkpoint will be placed below the previous one. Beginning of the course for all classes will be shown on the map in 1:4 000 scale using sprint symbols (ISSOM 2007). After that classes KM1618, KM20-21 and KM35-45 will continue on the map in 1:2500 scale. Checkpoints will not have numbers either on the map or on the stations, (they will be labeled on the map as X1, X2…), making this fragment extra difficult. Remaining classes skip this part of the map. The last part for all the classes will be shown in 1:7500 scale. Start of the first contestant at 16:00. All taking part please assemble in the starting zone by 15:30. Winner in classes K20-21 and M20-21 will be declared unofficial World Champions. Finish line near the lower station of the ski lift, by “Trawers” hotel. Time limit: 45 min. Belongings from the start and finish line will be brought down to the lower station of the ski lift after the start line crew ends its work. Stage 3: 28.07.2013 r. (Sunday), handicap start – 10:00 Long distance, shortened Map: „KAMIONNA – Podlesie” Scale: 1:10000 – for classes KM18-35; for others: 1:7500, e = 5m Author: Jacek Kozłowski (May - June 2013) Course planner: Jacek Kozłowski Car park for all contestants next to the school in Kamionna. Approach to the finish line (meadow by the forest) ca. 700m. along a busy road. Please follow the organizer’s instructions. Distance between start and finish line – 300m. Warm – up map available for the approach. Finish line – the first contestant to cross the finish line wins. Time limit: 140min. Terrain description: Terrain of the 1st and 2nd day covers the southern slopes of Kamionna Mountain (901m. a.s.l) i Pasierbiecka Mountain (764m. a.s.l.) Very good runnability for most of the part, except near the top. Steep climb for most of the terrain, more moderate near the top, which is flattened. Three big ravines cross the terrain (1 during stage 1 and 2 during stage 2). Many point objects with a few rocks, bedrock from time to time. A few marshes and streams. Clusters of small mounds on stage 1 map. Moderate network of roads and paths. Terrain known from Limanowa Cup 2006 and 2007. Large fragment of stage 1mapped for the first time. Terrain of stage 3 covers the northern slopes of Kamionna Mountain.. Mostly very good runnability in the forest, with areas of tall grass and nettles Steep climb on the course. The longest courses bring the contestants to an area with more mountainous character with small orientation. Most checkpoints placed on water objects (marshes and streams) and diversified relief. Moderate network of roads and paths. Terrain not used previously. E1 E2 E3 Programme of the competition: DAY 0 – 25.07.2013 r. /Thursday/ 17:00-21:00 18:00-21:00 Competition office work hours Training Dormitory ZSTiO in Limanowa Limanowa, Miejska Góra DAY 1 – 26.07.2013r. /Friday/ 10:00-13:00 10:00-12:00 14:00-16:30 14:00-14:30 15:00 16:00 20:00 Training Limanowa, Miejska Góra Competition office work hours Dormitory ZSTiO in Limanowa Competition office work hours LKS ‘Wierchy’ football pitch in Pasierbiec Lunch in competition centre LKS ‘Wierchy’ football pitch in Pasierbiec Grand opening of 11th Limanowa Cup LKS ‘Wierchy’ football pitch in Pasierbiec Start of 1st Stage of Limanowa Cup Pasierbiec Dormitory only Dinner DAY 2 – 27.07.2013 r. /Saturday/ 7:15-7:45 8:30 9:30 – 11:00 11:00 13:00 – 14:00 16:00 18:30 19:30-20:30 20:00 – 21:30 Dormitory only Breakfast 1st run of the buses from the car park in Laskowa (lower station) to the to the competition centre (upper station) Competition office work hours Start of 2nd Stage of Limanowa Cup Lunch in competition centre Car park near to lower ski lift, Laskowa Competition centre Upper station of ski lift, Laskowa Competition centre Start of Orienteering Downhill Upper station of ski lift, Laskowa Prize giving for winners of Orienteering Downhillu Lower station of ski lift, Laskowa Dinner Dormitory only Competition office work hours Dormitory ZSTiO in Limanowa DAY 3 – 28.07.2013 r. /Sunday/ 8:30-10:00 10:00 12:00-13:30 14:00 Competition office work hours Start of 3rd Stage of LIMANOWA CUP – handicap Lunch in competition centre Closing ceremony of 11th Limanowa Cup 2013 and prize draw (2 tablets to win) Competition centre in Kamionna Kamionna Competition centre Kamionna Courses’ parameters: Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Len. CP Cl. Len. CP Cl. Len. CP Cl. KM10NR 3,0/1,5 8 115/50 3,3/1,8 6 110 2,4-3,2 6 70 K10 1,6 6 70 2,0 7 70 2,5 7 70 K12 1,9 8 75 2,2 9 90 2,5 7 70 K14 2,5 12 125 2,5 12 140 2,5 9 110 K16 3,0 14 170 2,8 15 160 3,2 12 150 K18 3,1 13 175 2,9 14 170 4,2 15 220 K20-34 3,3 17 210 3,4 16 210 4,5 17 235 K21E 3,7 18 215 3,4 16 210 5,0 16 260 K35 3,1 17 195 2,9 14 155 4,2 15 220 K40 2,9 14 175 2,6 12 150 3,9 14 200 K45-54 2,3 13 115 2,6 12 142 3,0 13 140 K55+ 1,8 10 85 2,0 11 100 2,9 10 100 M10 1,6 7 70 2,2 7 75 2,5 7 70 M12 2,1 8 75 2,3 9 85 2,6 8 70 M14 2,9 14 140 2,7 15 155 2,8 12 125 M16 3,4 17 195 3,4 17 185 3,9 13 200 M18 3,6 19 235 3,8 19 240 5,1 18 310 M20-34 3,9 24 255 4,6 21 300 5,8 18 360 M21E 4,5 24 285 4,6 21 300 7,3 24 380 M35 3,7 18 210 3,8 19 230 5,1 18 310 M40 3,4 17 205 3,2 16 220 4,5 18 225 M45 3,1 18 195 3,0 15 165 4,2 14 190 M50 3,0 14 160 2,9 13 150 3,9 17 200 M55 2,8 14 135 2,4 14 150 3,5 15 150 M60 2,5 13 130 2,1 12 140 2,8 15 125 M65+ 2,1 8 75 1,8 12 100 2,4 12 110 OPEN 2,4 12 110 2,0 10 110 3,1 120 12 Prizes for 11th Limanowa Cup: • Diplomas for the best six competitors in classes KM10 – KM14 • Diplomas for the best three competitors in remaining classes. • Commemorative statues for the best three competitors in all classes. • Prizes for the winners in classes KM21E during stage 2 – WRE ranking. Prizes for Orienteering Downhill: • Diplomas for the best three competitors in each class. • Commemorative statues for the winners in all classes. During final prize giving ceremony there will be a lottery draw with prizes for all present competitors. Among the prizes are two tablets. Other: 1. Current medical check-up is obligatory 2. During the competition a doctor is available at the competition centre. 3. Competitors’ insurance in their own capacity – team leaders responsible 4. The organizer is insured against civil liability. 5. Team leaders are responsible for their contestants’ behaviour during competition. 6. Clubs will cover all the damages caused by their contestants. 7. We ask you for special caution during stage 1 – the contestants will be crossing a busy road. Location plan of the competition:
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Media Patronage:
„Limanowa.in” , „TV28”
Uczniowski Klub Sportowy
34-601 Limanowa 3
NIP: 737-17-49-167
tel. +48 660 444 292
e-mail: witollds@poczta.onet.pl