February 2012 - MetrO Series Orienteering Finale


February 2012 - MetrO Series Orienteering Finale
February 2012
February 2012
No 377
Photos from the Otago
MTBO Challenge, (courtesy of
Ian Dalton)
See Report by Ricky Thackray in
Chainbreaking News., page 13
The Australian Contingent
The big picture of MTBO in Otago.
There is a cyclist out there somewhere...
Not quite the MTBO action photo
you might expect?!
Newsletter of the Orienteering Association of Western Australia (Inc.) (ABN:63 396 228 974)
Print Post Approved No. 665002/00130
Deadline for the March 2012 issue: Sunday 26th February 2012
February 2012
Orienteering Association of Western Australia
PO BOX 234, Subiaco WA 6094,
2010-2011 OAWA Council
Other Contacts
Jennifer Binns 9228 0085
OA Councillor
John Toomey (M) 0407 519 232
Dave Pass 0428325033
Emergency: Ken Brownlie 9446 3457
Carol Brownlie 9446 3457
PO Box 234 Subiaco 6904
Map Bank
Ken Brownlie 9446 3457
O Shop
Tony Simpkins 9228 0085
O Uniforms
Sue Greig 9448 0840
OY Statistician
Penny Dufty 9299 8228
SI Contact
Ian Dalton 0411 227 392
Toivo Pedaste 9387 6658
Member Protection
Sue Dowling 9397 6024 or 0418 901 129
Edward Plummer 9304 2861
Bank account
Event Cash, Mem’ships
Bank West
Jan Fletcher 9381 1771
Paul Dowling 0417 987 859
Ricky Thackray 0459 486 739
Kirsten Richards 0425 290 955
Steve Fletcher 9244 5446
0468 733 751
Clubs and Contacts
Richard Matthews 9388 6541
Be Active Sport Development Officer
Alison McDermott
Richard Matthews 9388 6541
Rachel West 9298 9329
Craig Dufty 9298 9329
Deb Dowson
Ceri Pass 9310 4814
Graham Braid 9310 4814
Jan Candy 0403 326905
Moreen Cox 9447 6091
Richard Matthews 9388 6541
Rosemary Kullmann 9388 9928
Peter O’Loughlin 0427 993 074
Steve Sutherland 9795 8010
Michelle Whitfield 9721 6610
Valerie Mason
Results for the Web
Paul Dowling
Newsletter Production
Alan Cox 9447 6091
Penny Dufty 9299 8228
Distribution pennyd@westnet.com.au
Membership Penny & Phil Dufty 9299 8228
Joint Con- Rosalie McCauley
mccauley10@westnet.com.au and
Christine Howitt
Dan Greig 9448 0840
Position vacant
February 2012
What’s On?
Group run—Meet at Sticky Beaks Children’s Playground (formerly Hale Oval)
Kings Park 5.30 p.m.—Enter west of the Tennis Club opposite Outram Street
Sat 4th February
Coogee - Coogee Primary School Mayor Road
Sat 11th February
High Wycombe - Fleming Reserve, Sorensen Rd
Sat 18th February
Karawara - Curtin Primary School, Goss Avenue Manning
Sat 25th February
Nedlands - Dalkeith Pre-Primary School Victoria Avenue
Sat 3rd March
NavDash 1 - Joondalup Tertiary Precinct
Sat 17th March
NavDash 2 - Curtin University
Sat 31st March
NavDash 3 - University of WA
Sat 31st March
Annual General Meeting - University of WA
As soon as possible after the Nav Dash event and presentations,
approx 3:30pm
For more information about each event, check within, check the website, or contact Tony
Simpkins on 9228 0085 or via email simmo@iinet.net.au
What’s Within?
February Split Times Index
Event Notices incl. NavDash
Tech News
Annual General Meeting Date
President’s Piece
Coaching Corner
McTeam Guidance on Event Management
Chainbreaking News
Fee Schedules 2012
Non Elite Rankings 2011 for WA
February 2012
NavDash 2012
New NavDash Series starts in March!
Supported by funding from the Australian Sports Commission (ASC) and Healthway the
NavDash sprint orienteering is back in 2012 bigger and bolder than ever. The program will feature 10 events with
three new maps, and substantial revisions of some existing maps, with events from early March until mid-August on
Saturday afternoons.
Setters Required
As Series Co-ordinator I am seeking course setters for all of the events, with the most pressing need for volunteers to
set the first 3-4 events, plus for the State Championships in August.
For sprint orienteering setting, you do not need to be an experienced bush course setter, and offers are welcome from
those members who compete more frequently at NavDash and Metro Series than at bush events. Naturally, experienced setters are also very welcome to offer their services too!
I will be available to offer advice and practical help to course setters where needed, and to ensure that courses are consistent with Orienteering Australia standards for sprint events.
If you’d like to discuss it further I’m happy to explain the detail. A sprint event can be great fun to set and organise
and you often get to do it close to home, so please consider trying your hand at this newer event type. With support
available on the mapping and promotion front you’ll be able to focus on event day. You won’t have to worry about
Sportident, as I will find someone to set it up and run it on the day.
I expect to be flooded with offers from course setters as soon as this article hits the presses!
NavDash Facts
The ASC funding covers two seasons and there will be several more new sprint maps in 2013. All mapping will be
carried out by Paul Dowling (Juffy Maps). The NavDash will have a dedicated website and use Facebook for promotions which are being developed by Nicole Davis, who is also handling publicity and the series brochures.
As Co-ordinator of the 2012 NavDash, I am responsible for planning the venues, recruiting and training course setting
and organising teams, event standards, event logistics, etc. The draft program appears below (not all venues are definitely confirmed at the time of writing, but no changes are expected). These events will not be allocated to Clubs at
this stage, but I may need to do this if volunteers are not forthcoming.
I look forward to hearing from you, and to a successful NavDash 2012 series.
Tony Simpkins (ph: 9228 0085 or mob: 0400 999 003)
February 2012
NavDash 2012
Event Program (Draft)
3rd March
Joondalup Tertiary Precinct
Updated map with new area
17th March
Curtin University
2011 State Champs map (campus)
31st March
University of WA
Updated 2011, new start area
14th April
Hale School
Updated from 2010 map (campus)
28th April
John Forrest NP Tavern area
New map (granite with many paths,
dry creeks, some buildings)
23rd June
Russell’s Gully
2011 map (Open bush with granite)
7th July
John XXIII College
New map (campus)
21st July
Aquinas College
Updated from 2010 map (campus)
4th August
Murdoch University – State Sprint
Orienteering Championships
Complete remap of campus area
last used 2008
18th August
Whiteman Village
New sprint map (tourist village)
February 2012
Sunday 25th March
Organising Club:
Cake Stall:
Courses close
Mt Billy
Pre-season Easter warm-up Event
Dan Greig (9448-0840 or
Gt Eastern
Helen Post
Dan Greig/McTeam
To York
WOW members
York Rd
Yarra Rd
1:10,000 (all courses).
West Talbot
2 Hard courses (plus map allowing both
to be run as one), M and E.
How to get to
Note: Steve Fletcher is preparing
Mount Billy
a Long E, too.
( = event site)
8:00 to 9:30 am
8:15 to 10:00 am
11:30 pm
cake stall, chemical toilets
On Ball Road
Sportident, compass, whistle,
via Lakes Roadhouse and York Road. After 14 km turn right on Yarra Road and proceed
for about 6 km to turn-off to Ball Road parking/assembly area.
Please note early start and course closure, taking account of likely hot
weather and limited expected numbers.
Tech News:
I hope you are enjoying the MetrO Summer Series, in a few weeks it will time to hone the racing skills with the start
of the Nav Dash Sprint orienteering in early March, followed in late March with a return to the bush for the start of the
Winter Season. We have confirmed most of the venues and the calendar will be published soon in Split Times and on
the OAWA Web page. If you are keen to set or control an event this winter there are plenty of options and if you have
not been tapped on the shoulder by your club Technical Representative then now is the time to speak up and let them
know or if you want to control an event please let me know.
To help the setters stay up to date with their skills and to share their experience I am organizing a Setting Workshop
on Sunday 4th March, so please put it in your diary and watch out for further information on the workshop in E-News.
Richard Matthews
Technical Convenor, Orienteering WA
February 2012
The Orienteering Association of Western Australia (Inc)
Annual General Meeting
Saturday 31st March 2012
Where University of WA
When Saturday 31st March 2012,
Time (As soon as possible after the Nav Dash event and presentations,
approx 3:30pm)
Minutes of the previous AGM
Business arising from the minutes
Treasurer’s report
President’s report
Questions relating to Council Convenors’ reports
(The reports will be published in the March issue of Split Times)
Election of OAWA Council:
Technical Convenor
Coaching Convenor
Promotions Convenor
Mapping Convenor
Schools Convenor
Publications Convenor
Mountain Bike Orienteering Convener
Appointment of Auditor
General business
Please BYO chair
The OAWA AGM is an opportunity for ALL members to raise issues of concern or interest, to
contribute to discussion on these issues, and to choose who will run the Association for the
coming year.
Please be there and have your say!
February 2012
President’s Piece
I hope everyone had an enjoyable Christmas and is looking forward to a great year of orienteering in 2012. The Metro Season kicked off again after a short break, using new maps at opposite ends of the urban sprawl – Halls Head and
Joondalup Arena were enjoyed by an enthusiastic but smaller group of competitors; a combination of heat and distance perhaps.
Speaking of heat, after considerable discussion and the airing of different views Council reluctantly decided to cancel the Hillarys event on Sat 28 Jan due to the extreme weather forecast. As OAWA does not currently have a hot
weather policy we used guidelines from Sport Medicine Australia to assess the health risk – it came out very high for
all groups, but particularly competitors under 13, over 40, and women. It’s unfortunate given the time that Wil had
put into course planning and checking and disappointing for people who were keen to do the event. But Council has
a legal obligation to ensure the health and safety of volunteers and competitors. We will be developing a policy soon
to guide future decisions about cancelling an event.
Continuing the OHS theme, you may have been following coverage in the Australian claiming that new national
laws will make volunteers responsible for the health and safety of those to whom a service is provided. In case you
are concerned about this, the national laws have not been adopted in WA and the State Government remains strongly
opposed to them. So, there’s no change for sporting groups and charities in WA.
Moving onto something completely different now. After more than 10 years as our hard working Sport Development
Officer, Tony Simpkins retired on Friday 27 January. Under Tony’s watch the schools program has gone from
strength to strength. Over the decade, Tony has organised annual Schools Champs and inter school competitions, run
hundreds school sessions, conducted training and development for teachers, coordinated the Metro Series, and built
effective relationships with Heathway. OAWA wishes Tony a long and happy retirement, although we know he will
remain very much involved in all aspects of the sport he loves.
Alison McDermott has taken over the SDO role. She has already done
some Metro events and will be coming to bush events too - so please
make her welcome.
0438 808 408
9228 0085
Alison McDermott, our new
Sports Development Officer
February 2012
Coaching Corner
Plans for 2012
With the temperature in the 40’s it is hard to think seriously about orienteering but the bush season is not
all that far off and planning is well under way for coaching and training activities for the year.
At this stage there are two main events to note:
I’m delighted to be able to announce that Gareth Candy has agreed to join us as coach-in-residence from
7-15th July. Many of the long –term orienteers will remember Gareth. In the years since he lived in WA
he has, among other things, been Head Coach for OA and worked for the British Orienteering Federation
as Junior Programs Manager, and Performance Director ,so he has a lot of expertise to share with us. We
are still discussing what specific activities Gareth will undertake during this time, but he will definitely be
involved in our camp for Juniors (see below). Another possibility under discussion is conducting either a
Level 1 or Level 2 course for coaches. To help us think about this we need to know ASAP whether there
are any members who may be interested in doing either of these courses if offered. Please contact me to
indicate interest or get further information at the address/phone below.
Juniors Camp
A camp for Juniors (10 years of age to end of high school) will be held at the start of the mid year holidays: 7-9th July. Accommodation has been booked at Mundaring and Gareth and local coaches will be
planning an exciting time for you. Talk with your parents and put it in your diaries now.
Jan Fletcher (9381 1771); janet.fletcher@uwa.edu.au
Coaching Convenor
Pre paid cards are available to purchase from Helen Post – 9246 2552 kpost1@bigpond.com .
Prices are $90/adult, $45/student, junior, $225/family. This provides members with a further 10% discount on
weekly fees.
You can email or call Helen to ensure there will be one at an event for you. You can pay with a net deposit to
the OAWA account (please bring a printout of your receipt or email to me), by cheque or cash. I will need to
see your membership cards as well please.
Helen Post
February 2012
Runner's World Closing Down
“We welcome all past and new customers to come in and grab a bargain while you can”
Hi All,
The end of an era. We (Phil Ingpen, Jan and Bob Braid) wish to announce that the time has come for their retirement
from Runner’s World. The shop will cease to operate at the end of February 2012.
From the very humble beginnings in the front office of a real estate agency in Coghlan Road, Subiaco in 1979, Runner’s World has been a lifetime experience for us where we have met and developed friendships with a wide range of
people from humble souls to Supreme Court judges, athletes from Herb Elliott, Shirley Strickland to Rob de Castella,
Steve Moneghetti, Greg Welch to the present day champions. However, the most important people to us have been
our regular customers some of whom we are now serving their sons and daughters and their grandkids...our eternal
gratitude to you all.
It has been more than a business to us and we have tried hard over the years for keep Runner’s World as something
special and different, as far as possible from the sterile environment of many other shops. We preferred the warmer
and more welcoming “clutter” approach to encourage social interaction – Steve “man of steel” Barrie often refers to
the shop as an “Aladdin’s cave”. This is one of the reasons we have elected to close the shop rather than actively pursue the sale option.
We welcome all past and new customers to come in and grab a bargain while you can or simply just reminisce with
us. It is truly the end of an era.
Please feel free to pass this email onto others who may be interested.
All the best,
Tony Simpkins’ tribute…
Bob Braid and his team at Runners World have supported Orienteering Western Australia for many years,
firstly by offering a discount to all OAWA members, and for the past 10 years or more by sponsoring the
Metro Series and Nav Dash Series. Many OAWA members would also be aware of Bob’s major contribution to the WA Marathon Club as a founding member and long time committee member and Race Director
of events such as the Perth Marathon and Rottnest Marathon. I would like to thank Runners World for their
support, and take this opportunity on behalf of OAWA to wish Bob and Jan all the best for their retirement. We shall miss their friendly and knowledgeable service.
Tony Simpkins
Do you want a Sport First Aid Qualification?
The good news is that OAWA will pay for you to a Sport First Aid course run by Sport Medicine Australia.
This course covers all the usual first aid topics -including CPR, heat exhaustion and snake bite. In addition, it
focuses on sporting injuries.
Course details
Qualification: equivalent to St John’s Senior First Aid Certificate
Duration: 1 day
Cost: $160 (refundable by OAWA for full members)
Dates: on several Saturdays from Feb to Nov (see attached flyer)
Location: Charlie Gardners, Nedlands
More information – http://sma.org.au/sma-branches-new/wa/courses-workshops-and-seminars/safer-sport-program/sports-first-aid/
Contact Jennifer.binns@iinet.net.au if you are interested.
February 2012
A McCTeam ComMuniCatioN
After a year of successful management of the Sport Ident software at orienteering events, McCTeam have learnt
a lot. In order to provide the very best service to competitors in the future, McCTeam have prepared the following guide of McCTeam’s services for event Organisers and Setters.
In chronological order McCTeam:
1.Need to know if their services are needed at an event. We need to know in advance whether we are wanted to run the computer side of the event because, as lazy university students, we have the occasional assignments and exams which we, being hard working, always need to study (ie. cram) for and are therefore not
always available and other arrangements can be made for you.
2.For pre-entry events:
a.Set-up the on-line entry system for pre-entry events.
b.Once the pre-event system is set up we monitor entries and as required provide advice to the Organiser
and Setters on number of entries.
c.After the closing date, we download the entries and provide these to the Organiser for the Organiser to
prepare the Start List OR we prepare the Start List and send the Start List to the Organiser for their review and approval.
d.If the Organiser requires, we email the Start List to the competitors OR we provide the Organiser with
an email mailing list so the Organiser can email the competitors the Start Lists. We also post the Start
List to those who require the Start List by mail.
3. Collect the computer gear in the week before the event. We often are able to organise pick up as long as
we know who has the gear.
4. Set-up the events in OE2003.
a.Ideally the Setters will provide us, by email, with a .xml file exported from CORPSE. This is the easiest
method for us to program the event into the computer and we prefer this. If you are not sure how to export the .xml file them we can talk you through it.
b.For pre-entry events, we enter the competitors into the event file in accordance with the Start List.
5. Run the event on the day.
a. We arrive at the event with the computer gear at least one half an hour before the start of registration.
b. We set up the computer and printer and proceed to take registrations and money and give out maps,
compasses and the occasional whistle.
c. We also give out the string course control descriptions and the appropriate rewards to finishers of the
string course.
d. We process the finishers and print the results.
Important On-the day tips to the Organiser and Setters from McCTeam:
We prefer to work alone within the caravan.
The Organiser/Setters should tell us where the Start is and any other important event details as competitors always ask us and unless we are told, we do not know.
One member of McCTeam works in the caravan up until about 10.30 am before being replaced by the second member of McCTeam. You do not need to worry about someone being in the caravan as there will
always be someone there.
The Club organising the event must provide Instructors as we cannot do this job as well as managing the
6.Once the event is over we produce a set of final results in the appropriate format for those who need the
results, namely:
a. A .csv files for both the results and the splits.
b. A .rtf file for the newsletter.
c. A .txt file for the West Australian.
We send these files to the appropriate people on the afternoon of the event.
Continued next page
February 2012
McCTeam usually do not undertake the following jobs:
1.Reconcile the event monies or bank the monies. We understand it is very difficult for Organisers to do this work
so we try to make the Organiser’s job easy by recording the amount of money taken from each competitor on the
entry card. We also are more than happy to answer questions from the Organiser after the event about those little
mysteries which always seem to crop up in Orienteering events.
2.Instruct competitors. Organising Clubs must provide Instructors. McCTeam have noticed that some Clubs do
not provide Instructors making McCTeam’s job much more difficult because we cannot be in three places at once.
3.Prepare maps and control descriptions nor transport the maps and/or the control descriptions to the event.
4.Prepare the event notices for the caravan. Last year McCTeam noticed that most Organisers/Setters forgot to
do this job and towards the end of the year reminded all Organisers/Setters of the need to do this job. The event
notices are the tables describing which courses are available on the day, how long they are and how steep they
5.McCTeam would also like to note that the display space at the back of the caravan is meant for the results and
the tables of courses available today. If you would like to attach notices (advertising, signs etc) to the caravan
please ensure that the results, the courses available and any other serious, event related notices, remain visible.
6.Provide Setters/Organisers with permanent markers or sticky tape. The caravan does not contain these items
and Organisers/Setters of pre-entry events MUST REMEMBER to bring permanent markers to the event as competitors require the permanent markers to write their name on their map.
If you would like to contact McCTeam for any other queries or to book us during the year our contact details are:
Phone: 9407 5036
Email: mccauley10@westnet.com.au
Lastly, and on a happier note, McCTeam would like to thank everyone for their cooperation last year and to wish
you a good break until the season starts again.
See you at the caravan . . . McCTeam.
February 2012
Hi mountain bikers
Well the summer is midway over and before you know it we'll be back into the MTBO season. For some of us though
we were inclined to get our mountain biking fix over in other worldly parts, namely New Zealand, at the Otago
MTBO Challenge. The carnival consisted of two warm up events followed by four races of varying lengths and terrain. The warm up events were both held near Christchurch and consisted of courses full of bluemetal, custom designed single track (some of it one way riding) and sandy trails, with the Bottle Lake course being right next to the
After a day of travelling to the midlands of the south island, there was a sprint event held near the small township of
Roxburgh. Conditions were pleasant and courses were challenging with loads of single track to negotiate and quick
decision making required. This was followed a day later by the long distance event, held on the side of a rather steep
hill just outside of Alexandra. The day was hot and most people struggled through the course, with many not finishing.
Some of the course was unrideable, being too steep, and there was a lot of bike pushing involved.
We had another day's break after this before the middle distance event at Wanaka. This day turned out completely
different to the others and rained from start to finish, turning the tracks to mud. On this course we had to negotiate
open forest (rideable), more single track and various paddocks. The final event saw the relays run at the Snow Farm, at
1500m elevation. It was quite a cold day and the courses were run around a cross country ski course so you had to
keep an observant eye on the map to make sure you were on the right trail. Lack of attention caught me out on a couple of occasions. If we'd been one day later on this course we would have been in the snow!
Australia sent over a large contingent, with four people from WA racing in some or all events across the carnival.
West Aussies had some good results, with the best being:
Mcleans Island warmup
Ricky 3rd
Bottle Lake warmup
Ricky 5th
Ian 8th
Roxburgh Sprint
M Open
Ricky 3rd
Ian 5th
Alexandra Long
M Open
Ricky 6th
Wanaka Middle
M Open
Ricky 10th
Snow Farm Relays
M Open
Ricky & Ian 6th
W Open
Jen 5th
W Open B
Kirsten 1st
W Open
Jen 6th
W Open
Jen 8th
X Open
Jen & Chris (Qld) 1st
I personally had a great time travelling in New Zealand, despite some shortcomings in actual races, and would thoroughly recommend it. Travelling in a group with other like minded people enhanced the experience and it was great –
most of the time – to ride on some new maps. Australia ultimately lost the challenge to New Zealand 10-14 but we
gave it a shot. The next challenge should be held in Australia, probably in around two years' time. WA was due to host
the 2014 MTBO champs but we've declined the opportunity so will not get the chance to host a horde of New Zealanders.
February 2012
SWOT Remembers: It was with great sadness that as the New Year was
approaching, one of our past members was lost. Vale Jeremy Cheang died
as a result of an unlucky accident on the morning of 31 December 2011.
Jeremy was a member of SWOT during his secondary school years. He represented WA Schools in Orienteering in 2006 and was SWOT Junior Champion in 2007. A dedicated article is included in this month’s Split Times.
SWOT would like to invite: all members of OAWA, especially those who
were Jeremy’s friends, to attend a memorial event to honour Jeremy. The
Eaton ‘Urban’ Orienteering event will be held on 18 March. More information will be available on the events website. Please join us.
SWOT Events: SWOT’s first Urban Orienteering event is on February 12.
Come along and have a go. Information on all summer events for SWOT
is available on the events calendar.
SWOT Activities: SWOT began the New Year with the AGM - held on
Sunday 22 January. This passed with the usual flair, (in a relatively brief
manner), as per SWOT tradition! The meeting held no major surprises
(office bearers will be updated on the SWOT website soon). After the meeting it was then onto the social
elements of the day, with a lovely lunch and a dip in the pool (which was suitably warm and enjoyed particularly by our junior members
who resembled drowned rates
by the close of the day).
SWOT Gourmet: For those
who attended the AGM lunch –
here is the delightful recipe
from Kayleen O’Loughlin for:
Spinach & Roast Pumpkin Salad
Kent pumpkin
Bacon pieces
Pumpkin (Pepitas) seeds
Baby spinach leaves
Cherry tomatoes (cut in half)
Spring onions
Dressing: Mayonnaise, Orange juice and Curry powder (amounts as below and to taste)
Method: In a roasting dish, roast cubed pumpkin with bacon pieces until pumpkin is soft. Then add some pumpkin
seeds (pepitas) for last 5 minutes of roasting - let it go cold. The dressing is mayonnaise, orange juice from one orange and approx. 1 teaspoon of curry powder. Put these 3 ingredients into a small jar and shake. Toss all ingredients
together and add dressing just before serving... and ENJOY !!!
SWOT news:
Kellie Whitfield is set to return to Bunbury with new job prospects – we look forward to welcoming Kellie back
closer to home
Well done to Annette Wilson has completed her 4 year Bachelor of Health and Physical Education (Secondary)
and has a teaching position with the Education Department at Carnarvon Senior High School for 2012, where she
will be teaching Health and Physical Education.
Congratulations to Sarah Geare and Rachel Austin who have survived the TEE and are commencing ‘gap’ years
in Busselton and Bunbury, respectively.
Til the next edition.......Robyn Phillips
February 2012
Welcome to all our members this New Year 2012; hope you all had a safe and happy break
over the Christmas period.
Special welcome new members Lee Halliday who is a familiar face at the Metro series,
Frances Kirchner and the West Family – Damien- past member, Rebecca, Declan and Brody.
Our plans at the moment are the AGM and picnic tea (no BBQ’s at this venue) after the
last Metro series in Nedlands. We will notify our members closer to the date by email.
Rachel will also send out an email to let members browse over what events they can help with during the year (before
the AGM). Hopefully from the events list we will be able to organise more social events to encourage new and regular
members to get to know each other.
Ricky Thackray had an eventful time with MtBO in New Zealand in January and performed very well against stiff
competition. He came third in Roxburgh sprint, third in McLean Island event, fifth at Bottle Lake event, sixth at Alexandra (Long distance) and Tenth at Wanaka (Middle distance). Well done Ricky!
I noticed there are quite a few BO members doing well in the Metro series - too numerous to single out each one of
you but keep up the good work, although sometimes that is a bit hard given this hot /humid weather.
Cheers Lois
Vale Jeremy Cheang
Peter and I were privileged and humbled to be invited to
represent Jeremy’s friends in the world of Orienteering,
at his funeral Service in Bunbury.
Jeremy died as a result of an unlucky accident on the
morning of 31 December 2011.
Jeremy was a member of SWOT during his secondary
school years. He represented WA Schools in Orienteering in 2006 and was SWOT Junior Champion in 2007.
After completing Year 12 at Australind SHS where,
although 16 years old, he was Dux and achieved a TER
of 99.85, Jeremy travelled the world.
In 2009, he became a resident at St George’s College
and enrolled in the Engineering faculty at UWA. He
subsequently changed to Organic Chemistry and was
identified as a student with a precocious academic talent.
Eulogies given by the Interim Warden of St George’s
College David Platt, Jeremy’s UWA Chemistry Supervisor Matthew Piggott and the Principal of Australind
SHS Greg Slavin testified to the calibre of a truly remarkable young man – highly intelligent, a talented musician,
a keen cyclist and runner and a thoroughly decent
human being.
Jeremy will live for a very long time in the hearts and
memories of we who were honoured to have known him.
Jeremy in his WA State School Sports Orienteering uniform, discussing his map with fellow
team member Valentin Gafner
Jill Elderfield
February 2012
WOW News January 2012
Happy New Year! and bon voyage to Helen and Ken Post who are away until
15 February 2012.
Outcomes of the WOW Annual General Meeting – after a quick but thorough
meeting on 7 January 2012 the office bearers for WOW in 2012 are Rosalie
McCauley (mccauley10@westnet.com.au) and Christine Howitt
(christine.howitt@uwa.edu.au) – joint conveners, Peter Komyshan
(komyshan@iinet.net.au) – mapping, Dan Greig (dsfgreig2@bigpond.com) –
technical, Carol Brownlie (carolnken@ozemail.com.au) coaching, Helen Post
(kpost1@bigpond.com) – promotions and the Martin family
(michelle.martin67@gmail.com) - cake stall, As Anne Austin has stood down
from the Social Convener position this position is currently empty. Please
consider taking on the Social Convener role if at all possible and until we
appoint a convener Christine and are looking for suggestions for social events.
Thank you to Helen Post, Anne Austin and Jenny Komyshan who have stood down from the roles of convener, social,
and cake stall respectively. Helen actually did so much work as WOW convener that it now requires two people to make
an attempt to replace her! As noted in The History of Orienteering in Western Australia, Helen has had the “highest
profile as a contributor to WOW” over the last decade and “everybody knows Helen”. As the social organiser Anne has
organised many enjoyable social events during her four years in the role. Thank you Anne! Jenny also has done a great
job efficiently managing the cake stall which, I know from experience, isn’t as easy as it looks. Thank you Jenny!
2012 Volunteers – Dan Greig is well on the way of organising WOW members to set, control and organise the WOW
orienteering events in 2012. There is still a need for organisers so please consider organising an event. For full details
of what organisers actually do please navigate to the Event Planning Manual under the technical tab (left hand side) of
the OAWA web page. Be aware that if the organiser ‘books’ McCTeam to manage the computer side of event the organiser’s job is really very simple. Don’t hesitate to contact Dan or myself if you are considering organising and want
more information to help you make up your mind.
New Members - The Richards family of Nowergup have just joined WOW. They are Jeff (M45), Melinda (W40), Grace
(W18), Shaun (M10) and Sarah (W10). Please make them welcome and we look forward to the seeing the Richards at
events in the future. The Richards join the Martins and McCauleys as the ‘south Geraldton’ members of WOW.
Welcome to the world – long time WOW members Gary and Kim Carroll welcomed Sean William Carroll into the world
at 6:29 am on Saturday 21 January 2012. Sean weighed in at a huge 4.065 kg/8lb 15oz and Sean, Kim and Gary are
doing well.
MetrO – the MetrO is currently underway and it is great to see many WOW members attending these events to keep up
their fitness and challenge their navigation skills. The Martins are providing cold drinks at these events with all funds
raised going to the Juniors. The MetrO series is an ideal way to introduce newcomers to Orienteering so if you know
anyone who might be remotely interested let them know about the events.
Condolences to Soo and Mun – tragically Jeremy Cheang of SWOT passed away on New Years Eve after a car accident. Many WOW members knew Jeremy as an extremely pleasant and multi-talented young man and his skills at orienteering lead to him representing Western Australia in the junior state team. Condolences from all of WOW to Mun
and Soo and get well soon to Soo as well.
Congratulations to WOW school leavers – in 2011, two young WOWers, Sam and Emily finished school and achieved
their respective goals of entry to the WA Academy of Performing Arts and acceptance at the University of WA to study
computer science
Rosalie McCauley
February 2012
Kulgun Membership – don’t forget to renew your OAWA membership for
2012 to be able to get member rates at events.
KO events 2012 – A number of people have put up their hands to assist with
events for this year but we still require a few more people, in particular, setting and organising our 1st event at Calophylla. Our events are:
15th April, Standard event at Calophylla.
10th June, Relays at Curtin Uni (or other sprint map).
26th August, Standard event at Fred Jacoby Park.
16th September, Long Distance State Champs at Frazzle Rock.
14th October, late season event (probably 2 hard courses, 1 moderate
and 1 easy course) at John Forrest National Park.
Please let me know ASAP if you are able to volunteer.
KO AGM - Sunday 12th Feb at 5pm followed by a BBQ.
Where: Graham and Ceri’s house, 86 Burnett Ave Leeming
Please bring: A chair, meat, drinks and either a salad or dessert to share. Please let me know if you are bringing a
salad or dessert so that we have a mix.
1. Election of Club positions: Convenor , Technical, Social, Newsletter. Jan Candy is stepping
down from social convenor so if you would like to become our social convenor then let me know. All positions
are open for re-election.
2. Discussion of KO events for 2012
3. Cake stall
4. Ideas to assist new members
5. Other business
Please RSVP to ceriandgraham@iinet.net.au or 0433 097 027
I hope to see you all at the AGM,
Ceri Pass
KO Convenor
February 2012
Adrian and Heather Day
have announced the birth
of their first baby Matthew John Day, born Saturday, January 21st,
weighing in at 3.13kg
and measuring 50cm
Adrian writes “He is doing very well, as is Heather. Sleeping has been pretty good and he generally
sleeps for 3-4hrs between his feeds. I’m also doing well, and had the great
pleasure of actually delivering Matthew – an amazing experience that I’ll never
forget. I’ll be taking a few weeks off work to learn how to be a new Dad – I’m
learning new things every day! Matthew is looking forward to coming to his
first O event this winter, as well as watching his favourite football team play –
That's amazing. Congratulations to you both from all LOST members.
January is almost gone, and we have enjoyed a great start to a year of orienteering with MetrO Series events, and
missed one due to forecast dangerous heat. This was very disappointing for some, whilst many others thought it
only common sense not to risk serious medical problems. Council made this decision based on sound advice and
consultation, then broadcast news of the cancellation, and placed someone at the start triangle in case anyone
turned up not knowing there would be no event.
Many thanks to Steven Mansfield for updating the LOST website. Please let me know if you have any ideas as to
content, or things you would like to see there-in.
LOST AGM will be after the MetrO Series event on 25th February at about 6.30pm. Bring along your picnic dinner
to eat after our usually brief AGM.
Questions or items for discussion? Send any such items to Moreen – see email address below - so they can be voted upon on the night.
LOST colours: In recent years it has been difficult to find polo shirts in our traditional LOST colour scheme. Royal blue seems to have been lost in favour of navy blue, and recent shirts do not match with our LOST pants. Should
we change the colours? Carry on as we are in mismatched clothing? What do you think?
Voting will be held to elect LOST Club Convenor, Social Convenor and Technical Convenor. Current incumbents
Moreen, Rosemary and Noel, are all happy to continue in their roles, but there may be someone who would like to
take over these roles. Please do ask if you would like to know what these jobs entail. Feel free to nominate yourself
for a position.
LOST Events 2012
LOST requires Organisers as below The McCauleys will be happy to run the computers, which makes the organiser's job very much easier. Toilet towers, cake stall managers and control collectors will also be needed, but if you
can Organise one event I will be grateful.
1 April
20 May
4 June
22 July
19 Aug
2 Sept
15 Sept
21 Oct
Standard Pre-Easter
Autumn Classic
Badge Event
Late Season Special
Yetar Springs
Andrew Morkel
Munday Brook (Carinyah NW
Duncan Sullivan
Lover's Lane
Toivo Pedaste
Chas Lane/Steve Edwards
Jumbuck Hill, Southern End off Copley Rd --Peterdine
Tony Simpkins
Middle Champs Frazzle Rock
Noel Schoknecht
Whiteman Park
Alan Cox
Altogether LOST has been allocated 8 events – we need YOU to volunteer, please. Which job will you do?
Moreen Cox 9447 6091
LOST Convenor almocox@arach.net.au
LOST Social News—next page
February 2012
Lost Social News
The Summer social events continue – below are dates for your calendar to enjoy the Perth summer with the company
of your LOST friends.
TUESDAY 14th FEBRUARY Valentine’s Day – Matilda Bay Reserve, Crawley (just south of Cafe & 2 Jetties)
Note change of Venue from last year. For those who normally run in Kings Park on Tuesday, you still can as per
normal and come to picnic afterwards or you can start/finish from Matilda Bay.
Tuesday 14th February 2012
5.30pm onwards – for a run, walk or ride, and then
fizzyred (or any colour you like!) and enjoy dinner outside in the park by the river.
Matilda Bay Reserve, Crawley (just south of Cafe & 2 Jetties)
A picnic dinner or you can BBQ. There are BBQs nearby.
Just come along!
SATURDAY 25th FEBRUARY Metro Series Picnic and LOST AGM
Saturday 25th February
6.15-6.30pm ish (after conclusion of presentations).
Dalkeith Pre-Primary School, Victoria Ave, Dalkeith.
Picnic spot on the map for our AGM and picnic dinner!
A picnic dinner
Just come along
A short AGM - We’ll sort out office holders first, and picnic afterwards
MARCH 2012
FRIDAY 9th MARCH - Sculpture by the Sea, Cottesloe Beach
The very popular “Sculpture by the Sea” is on again so pack the picnic and head down to Cottesloe Beach to enjoy
this free 8th Annual Cottesloe Exhibition staged on the beautiful Cottesloe Beach.
Over 70 local, interstate and international artists will transform Perth's most popular beach into a stunning sculpture
park overlooking the Indian Ocean with some of the most glorious sunsets of any major city in the world. For more
information see Link below:
Friday 9th March 2012
5.00 pm for 5.45pm picnic tea – or earlier for those wishing to run or swim!
Cottesloe Beach, under the pines
A picnic dinner
Check parking signs carefully before you park and leave your car.
Just come along
0400 742 788
9388 9928
February 2012
Surplus Equipment
Following the handover of the Be Active Development Officer position from Tony Simpkins to Alison McDermott,
the following equipment is surplus to OAWA’s requirements.
We invite bids from members for any of these items. You may bid to take an item off our hands for nothing, or make a
token $ offer – it’s up to you. Bids will close on Friday 10th February 2012, and should be made to Tony
(9228 0085 or simmo@iinet.net.au ). The highest $ value bid, or the earliest zero value bid received if there are
no $ bids, will be the new, proud owner of the item.
1.Netplus Netpro Desktop Tower with ASUS P4P800S Motherboard. Hard drives have been removed. There is a
floppy drive and 2 x CD/DVD drives. (Dates from 1999).
2.Samsung SyncMaster 510n 12” Monitor (2008).
3.Logitech keyboard (2008).
4.Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition Upgrade (2008).
5.Belkin VoIP 4 Port Wired Gateway Modem (2006 – not in full working order).
6.56000BPS Fax/Modem (2000).
7.MS 692 Stereo Speaker System (2000).
8.Microtek Slimscan C3 Scanner (2000).
9.Canon LIDE 210 Scanner (2010).
10.Pentax Optio S5i Digital Camera (2002).
11.Kodak DC215 Digital Camera (1999 – not in working order).
12.Audioline 808 Digital Answering System (1999).
13.Monitor stand with slide in-out keyboard shelf (2001).
14.Adobe Acrobat 6.0 Standard (2005).
Any items not required by the closing date will be earmarked for verge collection!
Subject: Welsh
6 Days orienteering July 2012
--Original Message----From: Bill Jones [mailto:bill.j@bigpond.net.au]
Sent: Tuesday, 31 January 2012 6:49 PM
To: OACT Office; Dave Lotty; voa@netspace.net.au;
enews@sa.orienteering.asn.au; bulletin@tasorienteering.asn.au;
oawa-enquiries@wa.orienteering.asn.au; juli_giffard@yahoo.com
Cc: Eric Wainwright
Subject: Welsh 6 Days orienteering July 2012
Dear secretaries, office managers and enewsletter editors,
Could you please place the following in your weekly enewsletter?
Looking for accommodation for the Welsh 6 Days, July 2012?
Eric Wainwright and Bill Jones have a 3 bedroom cottage booked and now have
a spare bedroom. The cottage is about 16km East of Aberystwyth, the event
centre. If you are looking for accommodation and are up to camping with Red
Roos please contact Bill at bill.j@bigpond.net.au
Best Regards
Bill Jones
February 2012
1. Annual membership fees for first time members are reduced by 50% if joining after 31 July.
2. SWOT membership fees are 50% of full OAWA membership.
3. Casual members do not pay an annual membership fee but higher event entry fees apply.
4. Juniors are aged under 21 as of 31 Dec of the membership year.
5. Concessional fees are available to holders of a Centrelink Card (not a WA Seniors card) – for family concession, 1 adult must have a Centrelink card.
6. School membership is for 12 months from receipt of membership fee.
7. Casual member event fee includes map/s (up to 5 per group), and hire of 1 E tag & 1 compass.
Annual Membership Fees - Full Membership (Notes 1 - 3)
Junior(<21),full-time student, Centrelink card holder (Notes 4 & 5)
Family concession (Note 5)
Group/ School (Note 6)
Event Fees – Bush Events
Standard Public Events (Foot and Mountain Bike Orienteering)
Full Member
(Notes 3 & 7)
E Tag hire
(10 events)
Family maximum
Junior(<21),full-time student,
Centrelink card holder
(Notes 4 & 5)
Not available
All Courses
Junior(<21),full-time student, Cen
trelink card holder (Notes 4 & 5)
Included in
Group (2-5 participants)
Group (2 junior/concession)
Not available
$30 maximum
(see below)
Not available
Not available
event fee
Badge and State Championship Events (Foot and Mountain Bike Orienteering)
Official Competition Entry
Junior(<21),full-time student, Centrelink card
holder (Notes 4 & 5)
Family maximum
Junior(<21),full-time student, Centrelink card holder
(Notes 4 & 5)
(Notes 3 & 7) Adult
Pre-entry (cost per
E Tag hire
Included in
entry fee
Late fee for pre-entries received after the closing date
$5 surcharge on pre-entry fee
Competition enter on the day (EOD) is at Organiser’s discretion
$5 surcharge on pre-entry fee
Unofficial EOD – available to individuals, families and groups
As for standard public events
February 2012
Event Fees – Urban Events
Metro Series 2011/2012
Prepaid: 10 events
Casual Member (Full Members only)
Single event
Full Member
Junior (<21), full-time student,
Centrelink card holder
(Notes 4 & 5)
Group (2-5 participants)
Group (2 junior/concession)
Family maximum
$15 maximum
(see below)
$20 maximum
(see below)
Sprint Series 2012
Single event
Full Member
Junior (<21), full-time student,
Cen trelink card holder
(Notes 4 & 5)
Group (2-5 participants)
Group (2 junior/concession)
Family maximum
Casual Member
Prepaid: 10 events
(Full Members only)
$15 max.
(see below)
$20 max.
(see below)
Approved by OAWA Council November 2011
Concession Eligibility for Event Fees & Full Membership
When setting event and full membership fees, Council acknowledges that some members and participants have low incomes
and has determined that a concessional fee rate is available.
There are two ways to qualify for concessional fee rates:
1.Juniors under 21 years and full-time students over 21 years;
2.Hold a Centrelink Health Care Card, Pensioner Concession Card, or Commonwealth Seniors Health Card.
If you qualify, it is a good idea to bring your Centrelink Concession Card and/or evidence of full-time student status to events,
as you may be asked to show it when paying your event fee.
For members who help at events taking entry fees, full membership cards should show whether a member is eligible for a
concessional fee, but you should ask casual members to show their evidence for entitlement to a concessional fee.
It is not possible due to Centrelink’s own security reasons to show pictures of the various concession cards, but you can view
them at Centrelink’s website, in a document entitled ‘A Guide to Centrelink Concession Cards.
(Web link: http://www.centrelink.gov.au/internet/internet.nsf/publications/co153.htm Select the pdf version)
Card Descriptions:
Pensioner Concession Card is blue.
Health Care Card is red and yellow;
Commonwealth Seniors Health Card is green.
All should have the cardholder’s signature and an expiry date.
Full-time students over 21 may have a Centrelink Health Care Card anyway, or if not a student card from their education institution should be shown.
NB: Eligibility for the Western Australian Seniors Card is not income-based, and cardholders are therefore not eligible for
OAWA concessional fee rates unless they also hold a Centrelink Pensioner Concession Card or Commonwealth Seniors
Health Card.
Tony Simpkins
February 2012
2011 National Rankings - non-elite
Darryl Erbacher - Statistician
Class M16
4 Henry McNulty LO.W 92.23
Rankings in non-elite classes have been determined based 6 Declan McCauley WO.W 76.42
on results in the Australian 3-Days (E1,E2,E3), Australian 8 Cameron Duncan WO.W 59.07
Championships (AS, AM, AL) and the Oceania Champi- Class M35
2 Ian Dalton WO.W 96.09
onships (OS, OM, OL).
Points are awarded for each event completed on the basis 3 Tom Brownlie WO.W 88.69
Class M40
of.100 points for first place and lesser points for other
3 Patrick Walsh WO.W 95.23
competitors. An orienteer's best three events count toClass M45
wards their rankings. The first.10 orienteers ranked in
22 Andrew Martin WO.W 82.09
each class are published here. State secretaries have lists
of All orienteers ranked between 50 and.100 points inclu- 21 Peter O'Loughlin SW.W 53.04
Class M50
sive. When more than one orienteer in a class has.100
points, the first ranked orienteer is determined by the aver- 5 Duncan Sullivan LO.W 85.08
10 David McCauley WO.W 63.34
age of their three best winning margins.
Class M55
Some points of interest in the 2011 rankings:
13 Peter Komyshan WO.W 65.69
1. The winner by the largest margin was Clive Pope
16 Tony Whittaker LO.W 56.29
(UG.Q), winning by 8.52%.
2. In six classes two orienteers earned maximun points
(separated by winning margins): Noah Poland (BS.A) and Class M60
9 Ian Fletcher LO.W 87.62
Kylian Wymer (BK.V), M10; Ashley Nankervis (EV.T)
13 Chip Lundstrom WO.W 81.43
and Matt Doyle (EN.Q), M16; Bernard Walker (WR.T)
and Robert Vincent (NC.N), M50; Ross Barr (GO.N) and 14 Rob West BO.W 79.98
Tony Simpkins (LO.W), M65; Jenny Bourne (AO.A) and 17 Richard Matthews LO.W 75.44
18 Russell Candy KO.W 72.40
Anthea Feaver (LO.W), W50; Maureen Ogilvie (UR.N)
20 Ken Dalton WO.W 67.68
and Sue Mount (AL.T), W75.
Class M65
3. 28 clubs had members in the first three places of their
1 Tony Simpkins LO.W 100.00
respective classes: UG.Q (7); AL.T (6); WO.W, GO.N
7 Michael Howe LO.W 86.87
(5); PO.A, EV.T, WR.T, AOA (4); BS.A, BK.V, MF.V,
12 Ken Brownlie WO.W 78.03
RR.A, LO.W, WH.N (3); EN.Q, BF.N, NC.N, BN.N,
19 Jim Mann BO.W 65.47
OH.S, SH.N, UR.N (2); YV.V, WA.S, KO,W, RR.Q,
Class M70
GS.N, NT.N, TT.S (1). The most successful states were:
12 Peter Hamilton WO.W 63.60
NSW (20), VIC, TAS, ACT (14).
Class M75
4. Clive Pope (UG.Q) was ranked first in both M70 and
M75. Jenny Bourne was ranked first in W50 and second in 4 Don Young BO.W 58.45
Class W35
3 Ceri Pass KO.W 96.57
5. Families with two or more members in the first three
Class W50
placings were: Day (Jarrah, Inala, Jemery); Hill (Daniel,
2 Anthea Feaver LO.W 100.00
Joanna, Barbara); Wymer (Kylian, Isabelle); Hyslop
10 Helen Bailey LO.W 57.26
(Thomas, Rebecca); McIntyre (Lachlan, Tim); Doyle
(Matt, Steve); Tay (David, Su Yan); Brownlie (Tom, Car- 3 Carol Brownlie WO.W 97.88
ol); Lawford/Bourne (Geoff, Jenny); Uphill (Adrian, Rob- 10 Jennifer Binns LO.W 71.91
12 Helen Post WO.W 69.35
in); Hodsdon (John, Val); Mount (Tony, Sue); Schafer
18 Jenny Komyshan WO.W 51.34
(Neil, Christa); Dowling (Zoe, Anna).
Class W60
6. The class with the most ranked orienteers was M60
9 Rosemary Kullmann LO.W 88.10
15 Lois West BO.W 57.91
16 Jan Candy KO.W 54.44
(Here follows the Western Australians who made it onto
Class W65
the list, their ranking, club and points. My apologies if I
3 Janet Fletcher LO.W 98.86
missed anyone—Ed.)
7 Penny Dufty BO.W 83.20
.10 Toni BO.W 70.15
Class M12
15 Moreen Cox LO.W 56.52
3 Oliver Martin WO.W