Stage 2 - Limanowa Cup
Stage 2 - Limanowa Cup
INTERNATIONAL ORIENTEERING COMPETITION 27th-29th July 2012. INTERNATIONAL ORIENTEERING COMPETITION 27th-29th July 2012. Honorary Patronage: Chairman of Polish Orienteering Association (PZOS) Village Mayor of Limanowa Village Mayor of Tymbark Media Patronage: „” , „TV28” Organizer: Uczniowski Klub Sportowy PATRIA MŁYNNE 34-601 Limanowa 3 NIP: 737-17-49-167 tel. +48 660 444 292 e-mail: Co-organizers: Polish Orienteering Association (PZOS) Małopolska Orienteering Association Limanowa Commune, Tymbark Commune Limanowa County Nadleśnictwo Limanowa OSP Stara Wieś, OSP Tymbark Organizing Committee: Event director – Marek Golonka Vice event director – Jarosław Bugajski General Referee – Marek Plich (S1) Start Referee – Stanisław Leśnicki (S2) Finish Referee – Katarzyna Pomorska (S1) Map makers – Jacek Kozłowski (T1 i K1) and Piotr Pietroń (T4 i K3) Course planner – Jacek Kozłowski (BT1) Head of competition office – Jolanta Kozłowska SPORT IDENT – Marcin Leśnicki Medical care – Maciej Wilk Limanowa County Limanowa Commune Tymbark Commune INTERNATIONAL ORIENTEERING COMPETITION 27th-29th July 2012. Competion: Three-day individual competition – handicap on the last day– joint classification after 3 days. Competition included in the PZOS Central Competition Schedule. 1st and 2nd stage included in the PZOS Ranking for classes KM12+. Competition office: 26.07. 18:00-21:00 – Dormitory in ZS Tymbark 27.07. 13:00-15:00 – Camping site, Stara Wieś 20:00-22:00 – Dormitory in ZS Tymbark 28.07. 8.30-9.30 – on top of Paproć mountain 15:30-16:30 – KS „Tymbark” football pitch in Tymbark 20:00-22:00 – Dormitory in ZS Tymbark 29.07. 7.30-8.30 – Dormitory in ZS Tymbark 8:30-9:30 – KS „Tymbark” football pitch in Tymbark During accreditation each team leader will be given all materials and necessary information: accommodation, food tickets, start numbers, parking cards and requested SI cards. Competition centre : 1st stage – Camping site, Stara Wieś (N49°39'17.17" E20°23'31.62") nd 2 stage – on top of Paproć mountain, next to Millennium Cross (N49°43'52.95" E20°21'14.99") rd 3 stage – KS „Tymbark” football pitch in Tymbark (N49°44'12.4" E20°19'25.72") Categories: KM10R / KM10N / KM12 / KM14 / KM16 / KM18 / KM20 / KM21 / KM35 / KM40 / KM45 / K50+ / M50 / M55 / M60 / M65+ / OPEN Checkpoint Descriptions: Checkpoints descriptions on maps and availible separately, handed out in pre-start boxes. INTERNATIONAL ORIENTEERING COMPETITION 27th-29th July 2012. Training: On 26.07.2012 between 18:00 and 21:00 and on 27.07.2012 between 10:00 and 13:00 on map „Limanowa – Miejska Góra” 1:7500 , e – 5 m. – (for access head towards cabins on Miejska Góra). The training area is similar to that of all stages. Checkpoints are marked with paper lanterns. Start Numbers: Each contestant receives a start number. The numbers (safety-pins included) will be given to the team leaders during accreditation. Numbers for the Tymbark Orienteering Show (not included in the general classification of Limanowa Cup) will be given to the team leaders during the 2nd stage on Paproć Mountain on 28th July, between 10:00 and 14:00. Contestants without their numbers will not be allowed to participate. Punching system : SPORTident punching system will be used. If the SportIdent Stadion does not work, checkpoints should be confirmed in the classic way (perforator) in the special areas [R] provided on the map. SI cards available for borrow (from organizer), 3-day fee is 10 PLN. Fine for loosing an SI cars is 120-200 PLN Organization of Individual Courses: Start of the 1st and 2nd stage interval only. Contestants wait in 3 pre-start boxes. In the last box, after the fifth and last signal they go the area where the maps will be laid out (from the youngest to the oldest class, women on the left, men on the right) and take their maps individually. 3rd stage, handicap start (up to 30 minutes loss to the leader after two stages). INTERNATIONAL ORIENTEERING COMPETITION 27th-29th July 2012. Stage 1: 27.07.2012 (Friday) start – 16:00, MIDDLE DISTANCE map „Stara Wieś - Ośrodek” (1:7 500; e-5m), author : Jacek Kozłowski (2012) Organization of the 1st stage: Start near the camping site “Pod Ostrą” – Stara Wieś (Competition Centre) Contestants must enter the embargoed area before 16:20. Car park 200 m above the camping site. No other parking place for cars and buses is available.! We ask you to strictly abide by the orders of the parking staff ( area of the Limanowa Forest Inspectorate). Contestant do not return their maps after the course. We invite everybody to the grand opening of the 10th Limanowa Cup in the competition centre (250m from the start). Intensive forest works took place recently. Old wood transportation roads are poorly visible due to dense vegetation, especially in the are marked on the map with the 404 symbol. The symbol for spruces (2-6m) in a beech forest was used on the map. In the area where the symbol 404 (sparsely growing trees in a semi-open terrain) was used, you can find dense brushwood: young trees, fern, brambles and other dense vegetation. Mountainous terrain of Beskidy – northern slopes of Ostra mountain (924 m ASL). Southern part with many ravines, some of them quite deep. Very little roads . Very good runnability in the western part, poorer in the eastern one, limited by young dense forest. Procumbent plants and brambles in few places limit runnability. Temporary wood transportation roads are marked with ‘narrow ride’ symbol. Terrain known partly from 2006 Poland Championship’s long distance and 2006 Limanowa Cup. Time limit – 90min. INTERNATIONAL ORIENTEERING COMPETITION 27th-29th July 2012. Stage 2: 28.07.2012 (Saturday) start – 10:00, LONGER MIDDLE DISTANCE WITH MOUNTAIN PROFILE map „Paproć – Krzyż Milenijny”, author : Piotr Pietroń (2012) (for categories M16, KM18-21– 1:10 000 ; for the others- 1:7 500; e-5m) Organisation of Stage 2: All contestants please assemble on a marked car park next to the church in Łososina Górna. Organizers provide free transport to the competition centre on Mount Paproć. No access by private cars is available!!! Organizer’s cars and public order services only. Contestants will be transported by 3 minibuses according to their starting minutes. We ask the team leaders for forbearance. The buses will be running every 20-25 minutes, so all contestants should make it for their start. I ride, 8:00 – minutes 00 to 15 (60 contestants) II ride, 8:25 – minutes 16 to 30 (60 contestants) III ride, 8:50 – minutes 31 to 40 (60 contestants) Rides for the remaining contestants: . 9.15 , 9.45, 10.15, 10.45, 11.15. Buses from the competition centre to the car park: 11.30, 12.00, 12.30, 13.00, 13.30 , 13.50 , 14.10, 14.30 Approach to the start from the competition centre – 740m. A warm-up map is available, handed out during accreditation or in stage 2 competition centre. No embargoed area. Maps to be returned after finishing the course. They will be handed out during the relays on the same day from 17:00 until 19:00 at the KS Tymbark football pitch. Terrain: Paproć mountain is quite steep. A few streams, some running in ravines, on the northern slopes. Dense road network. Good runnability, with a few denser patches, ferns and brambles. Terrain not previously used for any major events, apart from some editions of Tymbark Cup. Time limit – 120min. INTERNATIONAL ORIENTEERING COMPETITION 27th-29th July 2012. „TYMBARK ORIENTEERING SHOW” 28.07.2012 (Saturday) start – 17:00 SPECIAL RELAYS – 4 LEGS RALAYS WITH SPRINT map „Tymbark Stadion 2012” , (1:2 000; e-2,5m), author : Jacek Kozłowski (2012) Organization of the relays: Relays competition centre is situated at the KS Tymbark football pitch. Categories: MASTERS: – I leg (up to KM14), II leg (up to KM18), III leg (KM35+), IV leg (KM20+); start – 17:00 WOMEN: – women only, regardless of the class – start 17:30 MEN: – men only , regardless of the class – start 18:00 Leg length in all the categories will be 1.1 km. There will be 11 checkpoints. INTERNATIONAL ORIENTEERING COMPETITION 27th-29th July 2012. Stage 3: 29.07.2012 (Sunday), godz. 10.00 – MIDDLE DISTANCE - HANDICAP map „TYMBARK – Góra Zęzów 2012” (1:7 500; e-5m), author : Jacek Kozłowski (2012) Organization of the 3rd stage: Start will be ca. 1000m from the competition centre (KS Tymbark football pitch). No embargoed area. Getting to the start requires crossing a busy road, so we ask all, especially children, for caution. You can get to the start using the training map. In the last part of the course contestants cross the road again, so we ask for caution. The road will be secured by order services. Finish – In the event of contest during finish, the first contestant to cross the finish line wins. Terrain: The terrain can be divided into two parts: one big forest in the west and small patches of forest interspersed with meadows with building on some of them in the east. Mountainous terrain, the slopes a bit less steep than on Paproć mountain. Part of the terrain with less diversified relief, with a few more varied areas. Mixed forest with prevalence of deciduous trees. Very good runnability. Dense network of roads and paths. Terrain not previously used for any major events, apart from 1st Limanowa Cup (2002) and some editions of Tymbark Cup. ATTENTION ! At the end of the handicap stage we ask for caution on the hardened road leading down to the last-but-one checkpoint and while crossing the road to the last checkpoint. Time limit – 90min. INTERNATIONAL ORIENTEERING COMPETITION 27th-29th July 2012. Stage 1: Stage 2: Stage 3: INTERNATIONAL ORIENTEERING COMPETITION 27th-29th July 2012. Distances: DISTANCES STARA WIEŚ – Camping place Stage I from Młynne 13km from Limanowa 7km from Tymbark 17km DISTANCES Top of Paproć Mountain Stage II from Młynne 4km from Limanowa 8km from Tymbark 9km DISTANCES Football pitch KS Tymbark TYMBARK O-SHOW from Młynne 10km from Limanowa 12km from Tymbark 700m DISTANCES Football pitch KS Tymbark Stage III from Młynne 10km from Limanowa 12km from Tymbark 700m 27.07.2012 from Sowliny 10km 28.07.2012 from Sowliny 5km 28.07.2012 from Sowliny 10km 27.07.2012 from Sowliny 10km Approach to start: Stage Distance / climb Warm-up map I 250 m / 20 m NO II 740 m / -60 m YES III 1000 m / 70 m YES marking’s colour BLUE INTERNATIONAL ORIENTEERING COMPETITION 27th-29th July 2012. Board: Breakfast and dinner will be served at the lodgings (dormitories only). Lunch after 2nd and 3rd stage only in the competition centre (does not apply to contestants sleeping at the dormitory of ZS no.1 in Limanowa, ul. Piłsudskiego 81). Board is provided from lunch on Friday, 27th July until lunch on Sunday, 29th July. Meals will be served only on presenting food tickets given by the organizer, so please remember about them, especially on the 2nd and 3rd day. ATTENTION!! Dinner on 28th July (Saturday) for all who requested it will be served at the KS Tymbark football pitch during Music Football Show (please, remember about the food tickets. Other informations: 1. Current medical check-up is obligatory. 2. During the competition a doctor is available at the competition centre. 3. Competitors’ insurance in their own capacity – team leaders responsible. 4. Team leaders are responsible for their contestants’ behaviour during competition. 5. We ask you for special caution during the handicap race – the contestants will be crossing a street. 6. The organizer is insured against civil liability. 7. Clubs will cover all the damages caused by their contestants. INTERNATIONAL ORIENTEERING COMPETITION 27th-29th July 2012. Programme of the competition: DAY 0 – 26.07.2012 r. /Thursday/ 18.00 21.00 Competition office work hours Dormitory ZS in Tymbark Limanowa Miejska Góra 18.00 21.00 Training 10.00 13.00 Training 13.00 15.30 Competition office work hours 13.00 Lunch in dormitories 13.30 14.30 Lunch in competition centre DAY 1 – 27.07.2012r. /Friday/ Grand opening of 10th Limanowa Cup 15.30 Start of 1st stage 16.00 20.00 20.00 22.00 Dinner Competition office work hours Limanowa Miejska Góra Camping place „Pod Ostrą” Stara Wieś Only training camp Camping place „Pod Ostrą” Stara Wieś Camping place „Pod Ostrą” Stara Wieś Camping place „Pod Ostrą” Stara Wieś Accommodation place (onli Dormitory) Dormitory ZS in Tymbark INTERNATIONAL ORIENTEERING COMPETITION 27th-29th July 2012. DAY 2 – 28.07.2012 r. /Saturday/ 6.45 – 7.15 8.00 8.15 – 9.30 10.00 Breakfast Accommodation place (onli Dormitory) 1st run of the buses to the competition centre, next runs every 25 minutes Competition office work hours Top of Paproć mountain Top of Paproć mountain Start of 2st stage Top of Paproć mountain Competition centre 10.00 – 12.00 Accepting name entries for relays in the Tymbark Show 11.30 – 13.30 Lunch Competition centre Lunch in dormitories Only training camp Competition office work hours Football pitch KS Tymbark Tymbark O-Show – model relays Football pitch KS Tymbark Music Football Show – contest (not only football ones) for everybody, prize drawing Football pitch KS Tymbark Dinner (served during Music Football Show). Please remember about food tickets Football pitch KS Tymbark 14.00 -15.00 15.3016.30 17.0019.30 17.0020.30 18.30 19.30 20.30 20.00 – 22.00 Decoration of the best relays teams in the Tymbark O-Show Competition office work hours Football pitch KS Tymbark Dormitory ZS in Tymbark INTERNATIONAL ORIENTEERING COMPETITION 27th-29th July 2012. DAY 3 – 29.07.2012 r. /Sunday/ Competition office work hours 8.309.30 10.00 11.30 13.00 13.30 Start of the 3rd stage of Limanowa Cup – handicap run Lunch in competition centre Closing ceremony of the 10th Jubilee Limanowa Cup Football pitch KS Tymbark Tymbark Competition centre Football pitch KS Tymbark INTERNATIONAL ORIENTEERING COMPETITION 27th-29th July 2012. Courses’ parameters: Stage I KM10R K10N K12 K14 K16 K18 K20 K21 K35 K40 K45 K50+ OPEN M10N M12 M14 M16 M18 M20 M21 M35 M40 M45 M50 M55 M60 M65+ Stage II Stage III Len. CP Cl. Len. CP Cl. Len. CP Cl. 1,82,4 1,82,4 2,0 2,4 2,9 3,0 3,2 3,6 3,2 2,9 2,4 2,0 2,7 1,82,4 1,9 2,8 3,4 4,1 4,3 4,6 4,3 3,9 3,5 3,1 2,9 2,8 2,4 6 105 5 195 160 105 5 195 6 160 7 11 13 14 13 16 13 12 11 9 11 6 80 140 180 160 190 220 190 170 130 110 150 105 6 12 16 17 19 20 17 14 11 9 12 5 140 235 240 400 415 425 330 225 220 210 190 195 8 11 14 17 16 19 15 212 13 11 11 6 160 190 175 200 250 225 210 210 175 155 190 160 13 13 14 17 19 22 18 18 15 13 12 10 10 140 140 180 270 265 320 275 265 230 180 180 150 130 7 12 18 18 24 23 18 18 16 15 10 10 11 165 260 395 490 515 590 475 365 330 230 195 170 160 2,32,9 2,32,9 2,3 2,9 3,2 3,5 3,7 3,7 3,4 3,2 2,9 2,6 2,9 2,32,9 2,3 3,2 3,6 3,7 4,4 5,0 4,5 4,2 4,0 3,6 3,4 3,0 2,6 6 6 2,43,0 2,43,0 2,1 2,8 3,4 4,4 4,6 5,0 3,6 3,1 2,6 2,3 3,0 2,43,0 2,4 3,6 4,3 5,2 5,6 6,4 5,1 4,1 3,7 3,2 2,7 2,5 2,4 8 13 16 18 21 22 20 20 20 19 17 13 11 160 230 245 285 340 400 365 360 300 240 240 210 180 INTERNATIONAL ORIENTEERING COMPETITION 27th-29th July 2012. Situation map of „LIMANOWA CUP 2012”: INTERNATIONAL ORIENTEERING COMPETITION 27th-29th July 2012. Visit the competition website: Visit also the club’s wesite:
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