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Narrabundah Early Childhood School Learn Develop Nurture Volume 7 Issue 18 18th November 2015 Dates to Remember End Of Year Singalong - 26 November 6pm-8pm Kindy 2016 Information Evening– 2 December 6:30pm-7:00pm Meet the Kindy Teacher - 9 December 5:30-6:30pm Preschool Information Evening - 10 December 6:00pm-6:30pm Year 2 Graduation - 16 December 9:00am-10:30am 23-27 Kootara Crescent Narrabundah 2604 Phone 6142 3828 Leadership Team Overview Last week we had a visit from acting Director General Natalie Howson. She was impressed with not only our engaging children but our strong sense of community and unity. She spent time listening and talking with children and visiting the different indoor and outdoor learning environments. The Director General was so impressed with our school she is already planning her next visit. Singalong and Community Picnic 26 November 6pm-8pm Our children have been eagerly rehearsing for our Singalong and Community Picnic to be held next Thursday 26 November in the school yard. Our end of year community event is designed to be a relaxed affair and a chance for our community to come together and join our children in a singalong. Thursday 26 November 6pm-8pm Pack a picnic, a blanket and your best singing voices P&C BBQ gold coin donation running from 6:30pm Family entertainment after initial singalong Preschool Information Evening Thursday 10 December 6:00pm-8:00pm On Thursday 10 December from 6:00pm-6:30pm we are hosting a Preschool Information Evening. Parents, Carers and children are welcome to come along to learn about Preschool 2016 and to meet the preschool teachers. Thursday 10 December 6:00pm-6:30pm (Held in the Orange/Green Preschool Room) Please let the Front Office know if you are not attending and we will provide our 2016 Preschool Handbook containing relevant and useful information relating to Preschool 2016. Children are welcome to come along and join us for the evening Kindergarten Information Evening Wednesday 2 December 6:30pm-7:00pm Wednesday 2 December we are hosting a 2016 Kindergarten Information Evening from 6:30pm-7:00pm. Held in the Kindergarten room, parents and carers will gain a sense of teaching and learning in Kindergarten, and we will share tips to prepare for Kindergarten day 1, week 1 and beyond. Time will also be provided to ask any burning questions you may have. Children are welcome to the information evening. Kindergarten Children- Meet the Teacher Afternoon Wednesday 9 December 5:30pm-6:30pm We invite our 2016 Kindergarten children and their parents along for an interactive meet and greet session with the 2016 Kindergarten teacher. Wednesday 9 December 5:30-6:30pm Kindergarten Room P&C Movie Night What a fantastic evening! We wish to thank the P&C for another successful family movie evening. Such events take many hours to organise. This year we had around 100 parents, carers and children support this annual event. Once again, thanks to our wonderful P&C. Year 2 Graduation Wednesday 16 December 9:00am-10:30am The time is coming to bid farewell to our Year 2 Students of 2016. Parents and Carers of Year 2 children please save the date to share in our Year 2 Graduation events. Invitations will soon be shared with Year 2 parents and carers and also with our Year 2 Graduates and special guests. Wednesday 16 December 9:00am-10:30am Formal Farewell Assembly 9:00am followed by a shared Morning Tea in the Library Orange and Green Room Commemorate Remembrance Day As part of our commemoration of Remembrance Day we read ‘In Flanders Fields’ by Norman Jorgensen. We learnt about the white flag that the solider used as a symbol of peace. observe a minute silence at 11am on the 11 th Then we watched ‘The Poppy Story’ and learnt why we of November. It also told about how money was raised for soldiers and their families through the sale of poppies. After group time the children reflected on what they know about Remembrance Day. We wear poppies for Remembrance Day – Amy We wear poppies – Liliana Poppies are red – Lalia My Dad fought in a war and didn’t get shot – Henry There was a white flag – Mia L Everyone in the war died – Baeyer Some people got hurt – Dax We wear poppies - Celeste The white flag means peace – Max H The soldiers are young – Kiara Some people got sick – Claire There are poppies – Mekaela Some fought and some didn’t and some died – Tullun There were lots of trees and poppies in France – Senna Some soldiers got injured – Max Some people in the war died – Harry There was a red bird caught in the wire – Evie They fought in the war – Mia T Some people got sick – Issy I am wearing a poppy for Remembrance Day – Bridget Poppies are red – Alannah Poppies bloom when the war is over – Ruby Those people were trying to fight each other – Nickolas They died sometimes - Mathew When you wear a poppy they make you remember a war when soldiers died – Anthea People fought in wars – Noel You are wearing a poppy – Lewis Everyone in the war died – Harry The soldiers were fighting – Noah When I was in France I saw a field of poppies – Evelyn Some people died – Ben They got dead – Sam The poppies grew – Michael When my daddy came back from war he wasn’t sick and he wasn’t even dead – Clancy Links to the framework: 1.4 – Children learn to interact with care, empathy and respect, 2.2 – Children respond to diversity with respect, 4.3 – Children transfer and adapt what they have learned from one context to another, 5.1 – Children interact verbally and non-verbally with others for a range of purposes, 5.3 – Children express ideas and make meaning using a range of media Orienteering Update Orienteering ACT delivered their fourth and final session of orienteering last week in the hall. The focus for this session was using electronic finger sticks. In orienteering finger sticks are used to help with timing and confirming you are locating the correct check points. Children located a series of 12 different double digit numbers and inserted their finger stick into the unit. Children then moved on to matching coloured cones on the ground to matching them up with maps and then follow a little course. Children got the idea of the activity very quickly and seemed to really enjoy it. Some children worked in pairs, while others preferred to work individually. Orienteering Workshop Orienteering ACT will also provide a session for families and staff on Tuesday 24th November 2015 at 3:15pm to explain more about orienteering and how to take the sport into the family and how to take the learning forward into other curriculum areas. Come and join us in the library! For more information about Orienteering ACT please click on the link http://act.orienteering.asn.au/ SEL SPOT No.9 Bystander behaviour- What is it and how can we encourage supportive bystander behaviour? Social and emotional learning is a part of teaching and learning programs. We explicitly teach our children what to do if they are being bullied and how to resolve conflict. We also need to support those who are witness to or bystanders to instances of bullying, or as in most cases instances of relational breakdown. For, as we know, children do engage in conflict and this is not necessarily an instance of bullying. However children do need support to restore the relationship. A bystander is someone who sees or knows about bullying that is happening to someone else. Bystanders can be either part of the bullying problem or an important part of the solution to stop bullying. To provide strength to our school based conversations here are some talking points about bystander behaviour and suggestions we have shared with our children and we welcome you to continue the conversation with your child or children. Bystanders can act in different ways when they see or know about bullying: A supportive bystander will use words that can help someone who is being bullied for example, ‘Stop hurting Sally’. Or ‘Let’s get a teacher to help’. This is rather than watching the situation play out. Or, ‘ Lets help Sally’. If bystanders are confident to take safe and effective action to support victims then there is a greater possibility that bullying can stop and the person who is bullied can recover and the bully will gain a sense of their wrongdoing. People respect those that stand up for others who are bullied but being a supportive bystander can be tough. Sometimes it is not easy to work out how to help safely because bullying happens in different ways and places such as online, at work or school. There is no one size fits all approach to being a supportive bystander. For supportive bystanders to take safe and effective action here are some suggestions: Make it clear to your friends that you won’t be involved in bullying behaviour and in the event of a problem arising between peers that you will seek to work it out; Never stand by and watch or encourage bullying behaviour; Support the person who is being bullied to ask for help e.g. ‘Let’s go and see the teacher’, let’s move to another area of the yard’. Report it to an adult or get some help from an adult. Our children are very good at getting support when they are being bullied or having problems with their friends. We encourage bystanders to support by getting the attention of an adult. If a child shares concerns at home, please share this information with the class teacher. In many cases the class teacher is not aware that there has been an incident. Once reported, together we can work on repairing the harm, solving the problem and working with our children to increase their social and emotional skillset. Comms @ Work Community Pantry Can Drive Between now and Week 10 we are asking you to support our tinned food can drive by donating canned goods. Each class will have a box to store cans in and we will be tallying each classes weekly contributions. Children in the winning class will each receive a Children’s Pass to the Canberra Reptile Zoo. We kindly ask all families to get behind this worthy cause by donating as many cans as possible. All tinned food will go to those within in our community that are suffering hardship. Thank you to everyone who made our book fair this year such a success . Principal– Bernadette Hayes Board Chair– John Norgrove P&C President— Karen Marriner Communities@Work Director– Rebecca Lester School Phone Number— 6142 3828 Childcare Phone Number— 6142 3824 P&C E mail— necspandc@gmail.com School E mail— info@necs.act.edu.au