2016 March MSC Inside Edge


2016 March MSC Inside Edge
Volume 149
March 2016
President’s Message
Hello fellow club members:
Winter is ALMOST OVER! This is not possible so soon in the year but, it is
occurring and I am not ready for the end of WINTER. I attempted to ski
every day at Telluride(our annual FWSA trip)and the elevation (9600 Ft) got
to me in midweek leaving me to miss a day of skiing. Telluride was a great
experience but it is not my place to ski a full week. Linda did ski every day
and we enjoyed the trip and ate very well in our condo, with a great group
of fellow MSC skiers.
Reminder: Our Ski Lodge in Truckee is ready for you to use. as are the ski
slopes with all resorts fully open. You have to email or text Michelle
Nightengale to get a bed assignment if you are going to use the Lodge.
The Open League races are occurring and we have had a great turnout of
skiers. I enjoyed the courses, except at Sugar Bowl it was rather icy.
Visit the “Open League Racing” site for further info and results:
“www.sites.google.com/site/openleagueracing.”I do encourage all
skiers to consider this racing program as a way to enjoy skiing more,
meet fellow skiers of similar abilities, and improve your skiing ability.
Note the better, more proficient a skier you are, the more you will
enjoy skiing, the more you enjoy skiing the better you will ski. This is
a self-fulfilling prophesy. I encourage all MSC skiers to join me at the
Lodge and on the ski slopes on our race weekends for the camaraderie
and joy of skiing with friends.
Please note that the club elections are coming in May and we welcome new
faces into the leadership ranks. If interested, talk to Randy or Roy,
our election committee co-chairmen.
Please note the coming ski trips: These trips are usually a bargain and you
are joining a fun group of skiers for the whole trip. (This means
the party starts when the trip starts.)
Park City Utah, Mar 10-15, 2016, Sponsor BAC; Linda and I will be there.
Crested Butte, Co, Mar 21-26 Spring Fling by FWSA (Mini Ski
Chuck Hennings
Greetings! Wow, can’t believe it is almost spring. Sure hope we are
still going to get some more snow for two reasons. One: We need to get some
more skiing in; Two: We need the water the snow provides so all the lakes fill
Just some housekeeping…Please try and help out with the following when you
and guests are visiting the Lodge. Please turn off lights when not in the room or
there is plenty of light from the windows. Please do not use the vacuum to
clean out the ashes in the fireplace. The vacuum will not function with all
that really fine ash so please use a broom and dust pan when cleaning out
the fireplace. Do not leave any food in the refrigerators that can spoil.
THROW It Away or bring it home with you. Do not leave any food that has not
been ground in the garbage disposals…it rots then starts to smell. UGH!!! Please
do your part in cleaning the lodge after your stay. Yes this means the RACE
TEAM needs to clean too. Be sure to write down your initials and date what you
have done to do your part in cleaning on the list by the sign in book. Please fill
free to tell me if you see someone that is not helping out by doing their part to
April 22-24, 2016 is the Lodge Spring Work Weekend. Please let me know if you
are interested in helping out at this very fun, productive weekend. The Fall
Work Weekend is September 23-25, 2016. When making reservations, just a
reminder; Please provide your arrival date and departure date. That is very
helpful for me to determine exactly how many and which nights you are
wanting to reserve. Please include first and last names of guests on your very
first inquiry for a reservation. Please do this so I can have their name spelled
correctly and know if your guests need a single bed or a double/queen because
they may be a couple. It is just nice to have their name spelled correctly for
the bed list as well.
To make a reservation for the lodge, you can call my home phone 209-571-8125
or mnighte@aol.com. Email is preferred and quicker for me to
respond to. Thanks to all that have helped me get some supplies to
the Lodge this winter too. I really appreciate everyone’s help.
Michelle Nightengale, Lodge Chairperson
Modesto Ski Club Activities 2016
February: Sun Peaks, British Columbia Ski Trip
Feb. 27-March-4-2016
March: Park City Ski Trip
March -10 to March-15-2016
March: Crested Butte Colorado
March 21st to March 26th 2016
BBQ & Lodi Wine Tasting Bike Ride.
May-21st-2016 (Hosted by Doug and Tasha Ball)
June: North Beach/Little Italy Walking Tour in
San Francisco June 25th-2016 (Hosted by Cheryl Kelly)
July: Camping at Hat Creek Ranch R.V. & Camp
Grounds July 18-24-2016 (Hosted by Debra Clover)
August: Oakland A's Game August 13th -2016
(Hosted by Norm Azevedo)
September: Bike ride in the Napa valley, Place and
date to be determined (hosted by Jim sylvia)
October: Tomales Bay Kayaking Trip, October 14-152016 (hosted by patrick kelly)
November: annual chili cook-off, at the man
cave, Date to be determined (hosted by randy and denise
December: Modesto ski club Christmas party and
dinner, date and time to be determined
Welcome Spring and Beautiful March!!! Hopefully
everyone is taking advantage of the great “2016 Winter Snow Skiing” while getting
ready for Spring Skiing so you won’t want to miss our March Meeting at Fuzio’s on the
8th. I will be raffling off lift tickets for Alpine at this meeting which will be your last
chance to win some free ski tickets on the club. Our guest speaker will be Chris from
World of Wheels in Modesto, to keep our club members up to date on the newest biking
equipment as well as local bike rides…
March 8th Fuzio’s 6:30 Dinner, 7:00 Meeting Speaker: Chris
April 12th Fuzio’s 6:30 Dinner, 7:00 Meeting Speaker TBA
April 26th Fuzio’s 6:30 Dinner, 7:00 Meeting Speaker TBA
May 10th Jack McDermott’s Bowling Night at
McHenry Bowl 3700 McHenry Avenue RSVP: Jack (209) 629-1465
Email retiredj2008@hotmail.com
June 14th First Summer BBQ & Pot Luck Hosted by Cheryl Bonani &
Dave Garcez Burgers & Bangers Pot Luck 508 Bellwood Lane
Modesto 95356 RSVP: (209) 521-8349 Email garcez@pacbell.net
July 12th Second Summer BBQ & Pot Luck Hosted by Bob & Eileen
Riedel 9812 Pellerin Road Modesto 95357 RSVP: (209) 343-3306
Email b.riedel@sbcglobal.net
August 9th Third Summer BBQ & Pot Luck Hosted by Randy &
Denise Cook 5719 Chenault Drive Modesto 95356 RSVP: (209)
526-3772 Email drjenks56@yahoo.com
September 13th Fourth Summer BBQ & Pot Luck Hosted by Angela
Bogetti 754 McCracken Road Vernalis 95385 RSVP: (209)
839-7700 Email angb@cv-access.com
September 27th Fifth & Final Summer BBQ & Pot Luck Hosted by
Bill & Judy Hamre 9808 Foxborough Drive Oakdale 95361
RSVP: (209) 844-6341 Email hamrejudy@comcast.net
October 11th Annual Membership Drive Dinner at Johns Incredible
Pizza Company 2225 Central Valley Plaza Parkway Modesto 95350
Free Dinner No Host Wine & Beer
October 25th Membership Drive Part 2 at Fuzio’s Dinner 6:30
Meeting 7:00
November 8th Fuzio’s Dinner 6:30 Meeting 7:00 Speaker TBA
December 7th General Meeting & Christmas Party: SOS Club
… March is an extremely busy month…
March 13th is the beginning of Daylight
Savings Time; March 17th is Saint Patrick’s
Day; March 20th ushers in the First Day of
Spring; and March 27th is Easter Sunday.
I hope you’re all having a “Wonderful
Winter” and hope to see everyone at our
March 8th meeting!!!
Cheryl Kelly 1st VP & Jim Sylvia 2nd VP
Hat Creek Hereford Ranch RV Park and Campgrounds
2016 ~ Annual Camping Trip
July 18 through 24
Spend the week or the weekend,
Burney Falls
Grass Tent Sites & Dry Tent Sites
Full & Partial Hookups
Swimming & Fishing
Pavilion and Kids Games & Activities
Burney Falls Waterfall / Lake & Mt. Lassen
Lake / Pond
Saturday Night Club Joint Dinner
Note: To make reservations contact the
park directly and then let Debra Clover
know your sight number @
dlbrace@aol.com or 209.613.3410.
Sites Currently Reserved by Modesto Ski Club
93, 94, 95, 96, 96b, 50, 51 and 52.
Note: This area books out way before the summer, it is
suggested to call and make reservations as soon as
possible, even if you are not sure.
Mention Modesto Ski Club when Reserving.
Hat Creek-Creek fishing
on site
MSC Race Team
The February report from your race team:
We have four more races under our belt. The conditions have been very difficult, from very icy
conditions at Sugarbowl for two Slalom races to very soft snow and deep ruts for two GS races
at Alpine Meadows. But your MSC race team came out with very good efforts.
Here are some of the results:
Jim Ambrosavage had some excellent results He had one first place in the very tough 4 vet men
division in Slalom at Sugarbowl and a third place at Alpine Meadows in Giant Slalom. This is
Jim’s first year as a four and is as fast as anyone. A few more complete races and he will be
competing for a champion ship.
Michelle scored a first and two second place finishes in 5VW division collecting 56 points. Tim
Hutton came in first two days in a row at Alpine in 6VM.
Linda Hennings racked up two first and one second place in 7VW.
Christina Huffman had one second place finish in 7OW.
Our great president Charles Hennings came in first four times in8SVM.
In the legend class, Richard Shawkey collected a maximum 100 point with four first place
Emily Gahn joined us at Sugarbowl for the fastest MSC time in her first run in Slalom but
crashed in her second attempt, reinjuring her knee. She has been struggling with knee problems
since the beginning of the winter. Rehab once again.
In the junior division Kyle Gahn crashed in his first race at Sugarbowl injuring his back. Hope
to see him back soon (He is also our ski tech so now I have to do all the work. Love you Kyle.).
Lauren Gahn finished in first place in all three of her starts. Great job Lauren.
Nathan Gahn has been chasing a very fast young man from Alpineers club: Ian McCue. Nate
came in second three times and third once. Go get him Nathan.
I finished all my races but came in last or close to it in every race. I need more training.
Next weekend (March5th and 6 ) we will be at Northstar for a Slalom race on Saturday and a
Giant Slalom run on Sunday. Let’s hope we have nice weather and good snow conditions. And
we will finish our race season at Alpine Meadows March 19th and 20 for the Far West Finals.
Come join us if there is room at the lodge. If the weather cooperates I hope to have a barbeque
at the lodge the nineteenth.
See you on the slopes. Maarten Vandermeer 209-482-2056 mavdmeer@comcast.net
BAC Telluride 2016 MSC Trip
Pictures provided by Bill Silveira BAC Rep
List of MSC Members attending provided by
Don &Veronica Shaver BAC Travel Reps
Angela Bogetti, Coby Doornenbal, Bill
Silveira, Diane McGinnis, Kathy Gibson,
Jack McDermott, Norm Azevedo, Chuck &
Linda Hennings, Randy & Denise Cook,
Maarten & Camille Vandermeer, Don &
Veronica Shaver, Bill & Judy Hamre, Walt &
Donna Kawecki, Roy & Michelle Nightengale,
Kent During, Robert & Linda Martelli
Spring is literally “just around the corner!” From what I’ve been told, the Telluride
trip was enjoyed by everyone. The locals said it was the best snow in years …. We
will wait to hear how the last of the winter snow conditions were on the trips to Sun
Peaks and Park City, then the "Spring Snow Skiing" at Crested Butte stacks up.
This Wednesday is National Read Across America Day celebrating Dr. Seuss’s
Birthday so think of it as D.E.A.R. Day: Drop Everything And Read Day. Reading is
the greatest gift you can give yourself and reading to your child, grandchild, niece or
nephew is a gift beyond measure. On Beyond Zebra and The Lorax are two of my
favorites. Remember that books are gifts that can be opened again and again and
you’re never too old to read to a child!
March Trivia Questions
1. If your birthday is on the 5th of March, what is your zodiac sign? 2. What is your
birthstone if you were born in March? 3. Which US President was born on the 29th
of March? 4. The holiday of Nowruz is celebrated in March; what is this celebration?
5. Which country celebrates Martisor?
February Trivia Answers: 1. South Africa 2. China 3. New Mexico
4. Bangladesh 5. Lasha, Tibet
Marsha Silveira Editor
March Birthdays
Anne Camarena
Rachel Sparks
William Nimocks
Coby Doornenbal
Mike Kauffman
Debra Budding
Ron Posey
Norman Wm Azevedo 24
Sally Carmody
Susan Lukito
Current MSC Board
President - Chuck Hennings
First Vice President / Programs - Cheryl Kelly
Second Vice President / Activities - Jim Sylvia
Secretary - Denise Cook
Treasurer - Debra Clover
Lodge Director - Michelle Nightengale
Membership - Paula Tucker
Newsletter Editor - Marsha Silveira
Race Director - Maarten Vadermeer
Lodge Trustee - Doug Ball
Ski Chairperson / BAC Rep - Bill Silveira
Web Master / Public Relations - Murray Breeze
Historian - Rob Orr
Past President - Pam Shelton
Dr. Seuss’s
Saving Time
First Day of
BAC Park
City Trip
MSC Board
Palm Sunday
Butte Trip