Jan 2016
Jan 2016
January 2016 Calendar of Events Jan 7 General Meeting Buckman’s Ski Shop Jan 8 1st Tracks Trip Departs Jan 21 General Meeting Jan 22 Reading Royals Happy Hour! Jan 26 Lesson Party at Snuzzles **Don’t forget that every Friday the Dutchmen are celebrating somewhere… see inside for Happy Hour locations. REMINDER: We are now back to two meetings per month! Mark your calendars to meet us the 1st and 3rd Thursday of every month unless otherwise posted here. TRIP PARKING: First Energy Stadium - home of the Fightin’ Phils. Please park in the lot on the third base side, the edge nearest to Carpenter Technology President Paul Schwartz Check for updates www.fdsc.org We’re well into the ski season, and I hope you’re participating in many of the Club’s activities – trips, lessons, or personal skiing (using discount lift tickets from us or from EPSC). Unfortunately, due to deadlines, I’m writing this in December on a 60+ day, and it seems that we’ll never have snow! As you read this, I hope I’ve been proven wrong. Got some new equipment over the holidays? Come on out with your Club friends and put some miles on those skis or boards! A lot of us take our activities for granted, but putting together all of these programs requires a lot of time and committed people. At this point in our season, we’re already starting to think about Club officers for next year. We will need to present a slate of officers at the February meeting, and elections will be at the first meeting in April. Two of our key offices – Trips Director and Publicity Director – will be vacant, and in fact all offices are open. If you have given any thought to any Board position, please let someone on the Board know of your interest. If you’re contacted by the Nominating Committee, hope you will seriously consider running. We always need fresh ideas and different perspectives on the Board, so don’t be shy. If you can’t make that kind of commitment, we can still use your help serving on or chairing a committee for a project that interests you. Still too much? How about volunteering to help at an event that you were planning to attend anyway? That’s a great way to get your feet wet, and see where that leads. Last but not least, we have some later season Eastern trips still looking for participants. Don’t wait until the last minute (it drives the trip leaders crazy, and you could get shut out) – Smuggler’s Notch and Okemo still have space available. See you on the slopes! Paul A Special Note of Thanks to Bill Stockler for his many years of dedicated service to the Flying Dutchmen as our Shillington area ski voucher salesman. Thank you, Bill! THE DEADLINE FOR THE FEBRUARY ISSUE OF SKI TRAILS IS FRIDAY JANUARY 15, 2016 You’re invited to spend the winter with Salter’s What do Ski, Skiing and Snow Country Magazines say about Salter’s Ski Shop… “The East Coast’s Best Fitting Service” and “One of the Nation’s Top Ski Shops” WINTER SPORTS Discover our Service Pledge to you! Stop by, call or visit our website. We are the ultimate ski shop in Eastern Pennsylvania. Don’t go skiing without us! SHOP 3130 W. Ridge Pike, Eagleville, PA 19408 (610) 539-8003 2 Ski Trails www.salterski.com 2016 Trips Skimeister Dave McFarland For complete trip details, see Trips section of our website As I write this, temperatures of 65 degrees are forecast for Christmas Day. I know we got spoiled last season, but this is ridiculous. Things can turn around quickly, so we still plan to start the lesson program on January 5th, 2016. If you haven’t signed up yet, it is not too late. Email me at skimeister@fdsc.org and we’ll make room for you. The Details: Juniors: Children of FDSC members, 8 years of age or older can receive 7 weeks of lessons, taught by the Bear Creek Ski & Snowboard School on Tuesday evenings, 6:30 to 8:00 PM. Starting January 5th. Registration is through the Bear Creek website, and you must email me for the log in and password information. Pricing can be found on our website, www.fdsc.org. ADULTS: Clinic format this season for skiers. Traditional lesson format for snowboarders. Two sessions will be offered and each session goes for 3 weeks. Session one starts January 5th. Please sign in each week at our registration desk in the main lodge by 7:15, so that we can start the clinics on time. Clinic topics include the following: New to SnowSports: First time on the boards. Intro to racing gates, all levels. Race I: Chicks On Sticks: Ladies Coaching Ladies Edges from 0 – 10: Mastering movements for effective edging Breaking Through the Plateau: Take your skiing to the next level Get Down with the Blues: Keys to mastering BLUE terrain Bump Skills: Basic skills needed to make bumps easy and fun Movement Analysis: Personalized analysis to help improve your skiing experience Mastering Steeps: Successful strategies for skiing steeper terrain. Why not come out and give it a try? Registration forms can be downloaded from the website. Bring the completed form and a $35.00 check to the registration table to sign up. Discount lift tickets will be available at the registration table, or you can get season passes or 7 session passes on the Bear Creek website. Email me for the log in information. Trip Date Contact Rate per person $425 double Diane Nolfe occupanc y for 610-207-4352 Snow Lake Lodge Ja n 8-10 firsttracks14 @gmail.com $575 for 1Q (Fri Bip S med ley studio room a t Sun) 484-332-4629 Gra nd S umm it bip.smed ley@gmail.com $600 for 2Q room at Grand Summ it Fir st T rack s Mt. Snow , VT Jan Big S ky, MT 16-23 EPSC Ca rni va l (Sat Trip Sat) Karen & Rus se ll $1925 double Youngwirth occupanc y 610-775-8708 Bigsky2016@comcast.net Deposi t - $250 Sa ndy Ke ll y 610-921-8962 skdkbk850@hotmail.com $90 ($100 a fte r 12/31 /15) Pete r Ga lgano Peter.galgano@gma il.com Elk Mounta in, PA Day T rip Ja n 3 1 (Sun) Midweek Madne ss Windham & Hunte r, NY Feb 811 (Mon Thurs) Dorothy Meye r 610-944-7758 dotdash1@ptd .net Debbie Scha ntz 610-914-7354 sdafamily@aol.com $625 double occupanc y Weste rn Canada , BC Red and Kim berley Mtns (Powde r Highway) Feb 613 (Sat Sat) Kevin & Su za nne Claypoole 610-349-7190 ksclaypoo le@gmail.com $1565 Whitewate r optiona l day $110 Deposi t - $400 Smuggle r’s Notch, VT Vail, CO Oke mo, VT Famil y Trip Dory Pete rson 610-301-4935 Fe b 19dpeterson@ racc.edu 22 $595 double (Fri occupanc y Diane Re ide r Mon) dianereide r@hotmail.com Bob Fehl Mar 5- 484-995-4946 rfehl@ fehls. com 12 (Sat - Kim P rice dkimprice@comcast.net Sat) $1665 Deposi t - $400 Cra ig Leiste r 610-750-3700 Mar 11- fdscfamilytrip@gma il.com 13 (Fri - Bria n Ga llaghe r 610-914-6833 Sun) briang528@aol.com $360 double occupanc y $1130 Quad 2 adults, 2 kids We hope you’ll join us. See you Tuesday Night at Bear Creek! Dave Think Snow, Think First Tracks! Membership Meetings are now held at: the EVERGREEN COUNTRY CLUB at: 7:30 PM. 415 Hartz Road, Fleetwood, PA 610-944-7501 Come early for food and drink! KITCHEN HOURS Friday 5:30-9:00 PM Saturday 5:30-8:00 PM Sunday 3:00 p.m.-7:00 PM 2nd & 4th Sundays Brunch 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Alternate Sundays Lite Fare at the Bar BOARD POSITIONS Interested in volunteering your time to the flying Dutchmen? Board positions are annual terms and nominations are here again! If you are interested in volunteering, or nominating anyone for a board position, please contact any board member. Positions open for 2016: Publicity Director Trip Director Competition Director Ski Trails 3 Social Director Trippin’ Diane Nolfe Happy New Year! I hope that you and your family had a wonderful holiday season and are getting ready for some fantastic skiing. Between runs, please take a few minutes to consider serving on a planning committee and/or participating in one or more of our social events. Get your 2016 calendars ready! Here are some activities to get you started: January 22-Reading Royals Hockey Game January 26-Snuzzles après party 9:30 PM February-keep busy skiing! March-Tuesday night trail bike rides begin 6:00PM April-NYC bus trip-date TBD May 20-Fightin Phillies at First Energy Stadium June 11-Camelback zip line adventure, $40 per person paid by June 2 July-River Float TBD Every Friday-Happy Hour 6:30 PM* *Remember if you plan to dine at happy hours, it is best to call the venue in advance as the club does not reserve tables. As always, send me your suggestions for new/different locations. Diane Thanks. Program Director Marge Ehst Hope everyone had a good time at the Christmas Party and had a great holiday season! Mark your calendars for January 7 when Buckman’s Ski Shop will be with us. Also, mark your calendars for the second discussion of the FDSC lodge which will be held March 17. If anyone has something they would like to share with the club, please let me or another board member know and we will put it on the program calendar. Happy skiing!!! Thanks Marge NEW AND RETURNING MEMBERS Anthony Matz Patti Smith Nicole Green Bridget Taylor Suzanne Dungan Albert Beaton Lisa Leayman Sandra Wessner Jill Tordonato Mark Salen Bob Roberts Nancy Roberts 4 Ski Trails Krista Haig Brian Barnes Colette Price Mary Barnes Brett Hivner Lynn Cronomiz Frederick Blank Dave Cronomiz Mihae Blank Dave Brickel Scott Wysocki Corinne Crist Patricia Delewski David Belousov Victoria Rottler Scott Herbst John Wodenhouse Megan Lynch Brandon Lynch Jennifer Motze Kimberly Stoudt Susan Gerhart Cherylene Shollenberger Hi Skiers and Boarders, HAPPY NEW YEAR 2016 !! I am also sending you best wishes for a wonderful ski season! Please check your departure days/dates and be sure to arrive to First Energy stadium, third base side, in plenty of time, to load and depart on schedule. The First Tracks trip is up next, as well as the EPSC Carnival trip to Big Sky! Please don’t forget our day trip to Elk, and keep doing your snow dances day and night! At this writing, the snow locally is very scarce, but I trust it will be much better by the time you read this newsletter. We have three pre-trip meetings scheduled, so please try to attend this month’s general meetings early to get your latest information from your leaders. The Big Sky pre-trip meeting is January 7th, and pre-trip meetings for the Powder Highway (passport needed) and Midweek Madness Hunter, NY area, are January 21st at 6:30 p.m. One of those meetings will be held downstairs. If you cannot make these meetings, then please call or email your trip leaders for the final details. The Elk Trip is the last day of this month (1/31), so check to see if there is any space and pay your balance, please. These trips are sure to be lots of great fun! And this month is your last chance to jump onto the February trip to Smugglers Notch (2/19-2/22) and the Family Trip to Okemo (3/11-3/13). Please refer to our Trip Log in Ski Trails. My steering committee and I have met in the past months, and our destinations are set for the 2017 season. It is never too early to plan travel. I will begin to announce those destinations in the coming weeks, and some co-leaders are needed. Please let me know if you would like to lead a trip or have suggestions for the coming years of travel. As always, I will hold a meeting with our 2017 leaders in late March to train and firm up all 2017 trips, hoping to roll those out by May or June. One other thing - please mark your calendars for a social outing I will lead again this year - THE FIGHTIN PHILS 3RD BASE PICNIC WILL BE HELD FRIDAY NIGHT, MAY 20TH! Please mark your calendars! This is one way to show our appreciation for the parking we are allowed during our FDSC trips in their parking lot at no charge. Many of us enjoyed this outing last year. I hope you are considering joining us this year. I hope to see you on the slopes very soon! HAPPY SKIING AND HAPPY WINTER! Cherylene SHOP HERE FOR YOUR LIFT TICKETS! 2016 FDSC DISCOUNT SKI VOUCHERS As always, all vouchers are for the use of Flying Dutchmen members only! We are proud to offer Bear Creek, Blue Mountain and Jack Frost through our sales people at a great savings to members. BEAR CREEK Evening Weekday Weekend $22 (Regular $36, Save $14) $30 (Regular $49, Save $19) $57 (Regular $65, Save $8) BLUE MT. Jack Frost/BB Online Purchases $25 $25 adult/youth (Regular, $40, Save $15) $45* $25 evening voucher must be upgraded at resort $59* $25 evening voucher must be upgraded at resort $35 adult/ $31 youth $41 adult/ $33 youth (online) Or $37 Club Voucher (Regular $55, Save $18) Vouchers may not be used on holidays - see resort for holiday dates Additional FDSC subsidized special dates: 50% OFF Nights at Bear Creek $18 (Regular $36, Save $18) • Every Tuesday evening from January 5 through March 15, 2016 • Select Saturday Evenings: Jan 2, Jan 16, Jan 30, Feb 13, Feb 27, Mar 12 You may purchase discount vouchers or the special date vouchers at any FDSC meeting or by calling any of the salespeople listed below. A salesperson will also be available at Bear Creek, only on Tuesday lesson nights, starting at 6:00PM. Fehl’s Pool, Patio, & Stoves (Bob & Rachel Massie Dave Coffey Kurt) 5369 Allentown Pike 528 North Kemp St. 2957 Ellen Avenue West Temple, Pa. 19560 Kutztown, PA Lawn, PA 19609 Business No. 610-929-5794 19530-1231 610-683-6621 610-678-2912 REFUND POLICY Bill Stockler Gary Spatz ($1.00/voucher will charged for each voucher 409 Mifflin Blvd. 4825 Farming Ridge returned) Return to same salesperson. Shillington, PA 19607 Blvd Reading, PA19606 Include self-addressed stamped envelope 610-796-8702 610-406-0303 No later than Thursday, March 17, 2016. WAIT! THERE’S MORE……. Bear Creek: $20 Club Day All Day every Wednesday No Voucher Needed MUST show membership card at window. Bear Creek: 7-Session Pass: Valid Monday through Friday all day and after 4:00pm on weekends and holidays. More information can be found at www.fdsc.org under Vouchers->Bear Creek Passes. Jack Frost/BB: FDSC members can buy any JFBB voucher on-line, at the normal group rate, directly from JFBB. Access to the website, and additional information, can be found at www.fdsc.org under Vouchers->JFBB. EPSC Lift Ticket Discounts Did you know that as a member of the Flying Dutchmen, you are also a member of the Eastern Pennsylvania Ski Council? This entitles you to even more member benefits! Go to the EPSC Website at www.easternpaskicouncil.org to buy your discounted lift tickets for the following locations: Bear Creek, Blue Mountain, Bromley, Camelback Mountain, Elk Mountain, Gore Killington, Mount Snow, Okemo, Pico, Stowe, Sugarbush Ski Trails 5 Publicity Lodge Dominique Ulrich Craig Leister Happy New Year! Each year brings change. What changes in your life have happened since last year? What new changes are you planning this year? One of mine is to try to make more time for my family, loved ones and friends. While I am one who prefers to keep busy, this lifestyle leaves little time for the people I care about in my life. Parents, children, spouses, partners, siblings and friends are precious gifts that we all must cherish. The time has come for me to step down as Publicity Director. I have faithfully committed 6 years to the club enjoying my time on the board. Although I am stepping down as Publicity, I will still continue to be an active member of the club – and possibly join the board again in the future in some other capacity. You see, the Dutchmen are my friends – and I do not think of this service as a “job” but rather a social and fun connection with people I’ve known for years. If you are interested in learning how to fulfill this position – please email me for details at dominquej529@gmail.com . I will need to train someone for a month or two prior to elections so that whoever takes over will be comfortable in his or her new role. Hopefully, whoever you are, you come to love and enjoy serving the Dutchmen family as much as I have. Looking forward to talking with you! Peace and love, 6 Ski Trails -Dominique Thanks to every one of you who attended the Lodge Focus meeting last month – your thoughts and comments made it a very productive (albeit long) evening. The program started with a brief history of the Lodge followed by an overview of revenue/expense trends and a sampling of upcoming expenses. The floor was then opened to the group and there were a number of good points voiced that will be added to the survey, along with several comments and observations. A special Thanks goes out to Paul Kreuzberger (for invaluable historical financials and graph design), Paul Prutzman (for the large screen), Maddie Dundore (for the projector), Bob Zoppel (for “setup” ingenuity) and Diane “Vanna” Nolfe (our scribe). We have quite a few points now for the online survey and the format is being planned and may be ready by February. The next Lodge Meeting is planned for March – stay tuned… As for Lodge availability, you can still get a winter mid-week (there are many) and a weekend – four are available, 1 in Jan and 3 in Feb (including Presidents weekend). The long range forecast looks like winter will finally arrive in early January, so keep the Lodge in mind for a fun and relaxing weekend. Happy New Year!! Craig FDSC at the Reading R o y a l s - ,F r i d a y , January 22, 7:00 PM Join us for Flying Dutchmen Ski Club Night with the Reading Royals! We look forward to a great time with the Reading Royals as they battle the Brampton Beast at 7PM! This is the “Affiliation Night” which includes the National Anthem sung by Lauren Hart. Flyer’s legend, Bernie Parent will also be making an appearance. Gates open at 6PM, so arrive early--the first 2,000 fans will get a special poster! Tickets (silver section) are $14, and may be purchased by using this link. https://royals.isportstix.com/order/group/FDSC Members may bring non-member guests to this event. All effort will be made to seat our group together based upon availability. Order your tickets now! Contact Diane Nolfe at social@fdsc.org if you have any questions. We hope to see you there. TENTATIVE HAPPY HOUR SCHEDULE Jan. 8 Austin’s Restaurant & Bar (610) 678-5500 1101 Snyder Rd, West Lawn, PA 19609 Jan. 15 Pourhouse American Grille (484) 575-7097 3341 Pricetown Rd., Fleetwood, PA 19522 Jan. 22 Reading Royals 7:00 P.M. (610) 898-7825 700 Penn St., Reading, PA 19602 Use the link below to order your tickets. $14 https://royals.isportstix.com/order/group/FDSC Jan. 26 SPECIAL EVENT! All members are welcome Snuzzles 9:30 PM after Bear Creek Jan. 29 Viva at Reading Country Club (610) 779-1000 5311 Perkiomen Ave. Reading, PA 19606 Feb. 5 Willoughby’s On Park (610) 816-7473 305 N. Park Road., Wyomissing, PA 19610 Meet around 6:30 for food, spirits and conversation. Visit the FDSC at www.fdsc.org weekly in case of change. ADVERTISING RATES Black & White Full Color $150 $165 Whole Page $130 Two Thirds Page $115 Half Page $83 $92 $45 Quarter Page $40 Business Card $20 $23 IN S R SS A E YE IN S 28 BU LGL Cable Co. INC. We Do the Wiring.... • CABLE • PHONE • COMPUTERS AT AFFORDABLE PRICES! • WALL FISH • PRE WIRING • POST WIRING • BURY WIRES UNDERGROUND, EVEN UNDER DRIVEWAYS ~RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL ~ Calll Robert D. Umberger, VP/Manager (Cell) 610-587-0663 CALL OR VISIT OUR WEBSITE FOR INFORMATION 835 Berks Street Reading, PA 19605 610-372-1399 www.LGLCableColnc.com Lodge Rates - Effective August 1, 2014 Whole Lodge Whole Lodge Per Bedroom Whole Lodge Per Bedroom Whole Lodge Midweek (Sun. - Thurs. night) One night midweek One night midweek Weekend Fri. and Sat. nights Weekend Fri. and Sat. nights 7 days Summer $ 300.00 $ 75.00 $ 30.00* $ 325.00 $ 75.00** $ 575.00 Winter $ 600.00 $ 150.00 $ 50.00** $ 600.00 $ 150.00** $ 1,000.00 * You must rent at least 2 bedrooms ** You must rent at least 2 bedrooms and are subject to being bumped by a whole Lodge rental Note: Holidays weekends (Martin Luther King, President's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day) - you must rent Sunday night as well as weekend. Winter Rates begin December 15, 2014 - Summer Rates begin March 16, 2015 FLYING DUTCHMEN SKI CLUB BOX 14233 READING, PA 19612-4233 PRESORTED STANDARD US POSTAGE PAID READING, PA PERMIT NO. 119 Return Service Requested PA #5744 610.916.7070 Weed Control Bed Fertilization Turf Fertilization Plant Health Care Shrub Pruning Mowing Edge/Mulch Beds One Yard at a Time Beautifying Pennsylvania Spring/Fall Clean-Up Offering Year Round, Customizable Services: Berks’ Premier Full-Service Landscape Program A n e w a l t s L a n d s c a p e . c o m