June 2009


June 2009
Having Fun Since 1959!
Rick Auchenbach
June 2009
Calendar of Events
June 4 - General Meeting
June 6-7 - Relay for Life
June 13 - Village Greens
Golf Outing
June 21 - Historic Sports Car
Rally/Poker Run
June 26-28 - Workers Weekend
July 2 - Beer Hunt
General Meeting
July 11 - River Float
July 26 - Eat, Drink, & Remember
Golden Oaks
Membership Meetings
begin at 8PM
at the
143 Spook Lane
Reading, PA 19606
THE Deadline for the
July issue of Ski Trails
is June 7th.
Hello Skiers &
June is a transitional month for our club. This
month we welcome four new Board
members, Nancy Brandi, Lori
Hudson, Debbie Pasquale, and Ed
Soja. We also say “Thank you for a
job well done” to our outgoing
Board members Jim Dolan, Sue
Gottschall, Jeff Rapp, and Patti
Spitler. We appreciate all you've
done for the club. You certainly
made my job easier. We hope you'll
come back for an encore.
Also, I would like to thank all the
re-elected Board members who are
giving us another year of their
expertise. Along with our committees, ski school, trip leaders, and all of
you who volunteer, we are planning
another outstanding year of activities
and events. Please see other Ski Trails
articles and the 50th Anniversary
page for specifics about the events
that have been announced.
One event I would like to highlight is our 50th Anniversary Banquet
Saturday, November 14th, at the
Wyndham/Abraham Lincoln Hotel in
downtown Reading.
This event
promises to be the grand finale of
our 50th Anniversary celebration.
Please save the date and begin thinking about putting together a group
for your table. The 50th Anniversary
Committee has been planning the
banquet for over a year, so please join
us for a night to remember.
I'll also plug one additional
event, since it has just hit the calendar. On Saturday, June 13th, at 4:00
(rain date Saturday June 27th) Candy
Secor is hosting an evening of golf at
Village Greens Golf Course in Sinking
Spring. This is a par 3 course, so if
you haven't played for some time or
just need some practice with your
short irons, this is your chance to get
your game back on track before the
annual FDSC Golf Tournament in
September. The price is $15. The
après golf scene will move to the
Railroad House for food and beverages after the event. Contact Candy
or me at 610-775-3912 for more
details and to sign up.
Please also remember our June
4th meeting at the Liederkranz. At
this meeting the new Board of
Directors transitions into their respective Board positions and the outgoing Board members are honored for
their service to the club. A few special awards will also be presented, so
come out and enjoy the evening.
See you at the meetings, events,
and happy hours
It is with deep sadness that we must
report the passing of our dear friend Ed
Schappell. Ed was a vital part of the Flying
Dutchmen from the very beginning, and
we will miss him and his joy for our sport
and for this club very much. Our deepest
condolences go out to his wife and fellow
Dutchman Alice.
Be there for your 50th Anniversary Banquet on
November 14, 2009. More details coming soon!
Rick Auchenbach . . . . . . 610-775-3912
E-mail: president@fdsc.org
1st. Vice President & Membership:
Lori Hudson . . . . . . . . . 610-678-4049
E-mail: membership@fdsc.org
2nd. Vice President & Programs:
Ed Soja . . . . . . . . . . . . . 610-914-2843
E-mail: programs@fdsc.org
Paul Schwartz . . . . . . . . 610-779-8043
E-mail: treasurer@fdsc.org
Past President:
Karen Youngwirth . . . . . 610-775-8708
E-mail: pastpresident@fdsc.org
Diane Nolfe. . . . . . . . . . . 610-683-8872
E-mail: secretary@fdsc.org
Marianne van der Velde . . 610-621-1171
E-mail: skimeister@fdsc.org
Trip Director:
Kevin Claypoole . . . . . . 610-285-6945
E-mail: trips@fdsc.org
Publicity Director:
Beth Long . . . . . . . . . . 610-796-4875
E-mail: publicity@fdsc.org
Lodge Director:
Neal Kline . . . . . . . . . . 610-678-2025
E-mail: lodge@fdsc.org
Competition Director:
Nancy Brandi . . . . . . . . 610-670-0609
E-mail: competition@fdsc.org
Social Director:
Debbie Pasquale . . . . . . 610-375-3384
E-mail: social@fdsc.org
FDSC Lodge . . . . . . . 570-646-0660
(610) 370-2760
Ski Trails
Kevin Claypoole
Lori Hudson
Hey Skiers & Boarders
We have some
changes to announce
for Trips this year!
First of all, there will be early sign-ups
by mail-in postmarked no earlier
than August 7th, the day after the
Members Appreciation Picnic. Only
current members or new members as
of June1st are eligible for early mailin. Come to the meetings in June and
July for more information. Each Trip
Leader will give a small presentation
on their trip August 6th during the
Trip Night will still be
Thursday, September 3rd. This will be
open for all Members plus New
Member Sign-ups and EPSC Members.
There are plans
Instructional Trip to
Greek Peak next
season. A chance of a lifetime for
the Ski Club is Hakuba, Japan, Home
of '98 Olympic
Downhill. In
with EPSC the
club will be
going to Heavenly, somewhere you
deserve to go! We will also be going
to Snowmass, Colorado; Lake Placid,
home of the 1980
Olympics; Bolton
and Sugarbush; and
the Trappe Family
Lodge at Stowe.
Other trips will be
Mountain, the best
in PA, and we're
Okemo on the Family Trip,
family fun at your favorite
Eastern Destination! Other
announced later. The list
already sounds great!
Hope to see you at Trip Night on
September 3rd!
I truly believe we
all need to step up
and take our turn
when it comes to
helping out and sharing responsibilities in a great organization such as
FDSC. I have enjoyed the many benefits and activities of FDSC for a number of years, and I felt it was about
time I gave something back to the
So here I am, the new
Membership Director! (Have you
taken your turn?)
We owe a great deal of gratitude
to all our Board members for the
huge amount of time and effort they
devote to our organization! I've just
begun to see all that's involved in
running this group, and our Board
members have given of themselves
unselfishly to continue the traditions
of this great club we all enjoy. Many
thanks to our out-going Board members, as we say good-bye to them.
Sue Gottschall did a great job as
Membership Director, and I know I
have big shoes to fill. Those of us
who are joining the Board will hopefully bring lots of new ideas and a
fresh outlook that will continue the
successful operation of the club.
During this 50th Anniversary year
my goal as Membership Director is to
reach that elusive 1,000-member
mark. We're already at a little over
900 members, and I believe it can be
done. Will you help? Will you join
with me in promoting FDSC to people
you already know and to new people
you meet? With your help, I believe
we can make this a truly “golden”
anniversary year. We can reach that
1,000-member milestone!
Let's all
be ambassadors of the club. Tell
everyone you talk to about the benefits of club membership and about all
the fun we have and the friendships
we share. After all, we are a great
organization full of special people!
We can reach that milestone! Let's
do it together!
Goin' for 1,000!
Debbie Pasquale
Who's got the fun?
Hello Dutchmen.
Well, as you can see by the picture, I
am not Patti. Patti is on hiatus, so I
have been nominated and voted in
(by a land slide) to fill her position.
She is a tough act to follow, but I'll do
my best.
I want to thank Patti for her many
years of outstanding service to the
club. Through her hard work and
dedication she has made the club
what it is today. We are not only a
top ranked ski club in the country,
but through her efforts we have
made our mark on the local community as well. Thank you, Patti! I have
some pretty big shoes to fill. For a little girl, she sure has BIG feet!!
So, let's get started. Here's what's
happening in your neck of the
Our first annual Spring Carnival
was a huge success. We had perfect
weather, awesome food, good
friends, and a great time. For those
of you who were there I hope you
had a great time and for those of you
who were not, we'll look for you next
June 6th and 7th is our annual
Relay for Life at St Lawrence Stadium.
The event starts at 10am Saturday the
6th and ends on Sunday the 7th at
11am. I'll be there walking through
the night. Why don't you come out
and keep me company? It's never too
late to “come on down!” See Patti or
Sherry Vazquez for details.
Fore!! Golf at Village Greens,
Sinking Spring. Saturday, June 13th
(rain date Saturday, June 27th).
Gather your friends, good or bad,
(golfers, that is), and come out and
play 9 or 18 holes. The first tee time
will be at 4pm. We'll have refreshments after the game and then head
over to The RailRoad House for food
and even more fun!! The cost is $15
per person. Call Candy Secor at 610775-3912 for details or to sign up.
Thursday, July 2nd, will be yet
another fun event. Our annual Beer
Hunt! Sign-ups will be at 6:30 and we
will let “the games begin” at 6:45.
Bring your own “case” to carry your
stash. Everyone is a winner at the
beer hunt. The cost will be $8 p/p.
Appreciation Picnic August 6th
before the meeting. Everyone's invited, and volunteers will receive their
invitations by the end of June. If you
do not receive yours, please let me
know. The cost will be on your invitation. The deadline for RSVP's will be
Friday, July 17th. Please contact me
or Patti with any questions.
August will also take us out to the
ball game, FDSC night at the Reading
Phillies. See page 5 for more details.
There's so much going on that I
could write for a long time and no
one wants that. So, I'll close with the
answer to my question: We've got
the FUN!!!
Tentative Happy Hour
Schedule for June
6/5 3rd Rail
6/12 3rd & Spruce
6/19 Trooper Thorne’s
6/26 Stan Miller and
Erick Confer
66 Glenview Drive, Fleetwood
Call 610-944-3617 for directions
or information.
Bring a 6 pack or munchie.
7/3 No Happy Hour
Meet around 6:30ish for food,
spirits and conversation.
Visit FDSC website
www.fdsc.org weekly
in case of change.
Please notify your membership
director at membership@fdsc.org
of any address, email, or
phone number changes
Bowling Happy Hour Results
We had a great turnout for this year's B-O-R Happy Hour… 27 adults
were ready for some "light" competition. We ate good food, had some
refreshments, and had an all around fun night.
High Male Scores
Low Female Score
single game
John Mauger 179
3-game series
John Mauger 503
single game
Brian Mitchell 60
(Hey--they wanted to know!)
single game
Patti Spitler 181
3-game series
Patti Spitler 510
single game
Diane Centieleghe 58
1st Place Team
combined 568
Angelo Marcino
Patti Spitler
358 (2nd and 3rd game scores)
2nd Place Team
combined 554
John Mauger
Kim Price
3rd Place Team
combined 542
Candy Secor
Drew Hudson
Lowest Team Score
combined 337
Brian Mitchell
Jim Dolan
Low Male Score
High Female Scores
And a new category!
Fastest Bowler's Speed Jim Dolan
Thanks so much for coming out and having a blast with us. Looking forward to next year!
Ski Trails
Yes, folks, we've still got a small number of t-shirts and sweatshirts left. Have you worn yours
out yet? Still need a birthday present for that hard-to-please special someone? See Bill Roland
to fill that hole in your or your friends' wardrobes.
A road rally of “Historic” proportions
Sunday, June 21st
First Car off at 1:01pm from Pinnacle Sports Parking Lot at 301 E. Bellevue Avenue in Reading.
Any street legal vehicle may enter. Bring out you vintage car, motorcycle, or the family sedan.
There will be a small charge per person for post-rally refreshments.
Please contact Dave McFarland - 610 796 8884
Or Paul Prutzman - 610 374 3743
Right now if you are going to participate!
Come join us Saturday, July 11th, for a good, old-fashioned river float!
Decorate yourselves and whatever you're going to float on. Boats, inner tubes, rafts, costumes-the more, the crazier, the better! Prizes will be awarded at the picnic.
Meet at 11:30 at Berks Boating. Launch time is 12:00 noon.
BYOB to float. Don't forget a chair, mug, and an appetizer or dessert for later.
Food, beer, wine, and soda will be provided after the float.
Tickets are $15.00. Call Sheila Bunch at 610-670-9677 or Carol Weis at 610-916-6216.
Must be 21 to float.
Come out and join some friends you haven't seen for a while to share photos, stories, and memories of past Flying
Dutchmen adventures. Have brunch with us on Sunday, July 26th, at the Golden Oaks Golf Club from 11:00 to 2:00 and
bring along any memorabilia you'd like to share. Price is $21, which includes the traditional breakfast choices of eggs,
waffles, breakfast meats, hash browns, and also prime rib, chicken, fish, vegetables, desserts, coffee, and soda. Price
includes tax and gratuities plus extra surprises. Contact Fran Parzanese for reservations at 610 779-4751.
Sunday, August 9th, 2009
Meet at Whitehaven Trailhead parking lot at 8:30 a.m.
Bike 25 miles on the rail-trail (not paved) to Jim Thorpe and take the shuttle
back to White Haven. All levels of riders are welcome. It's a mostly flat, wide trail.
Picnic afterwards, directions to follow.
Reservations/payments due by July 24th. Cost is $20 for shuttle only and $25 for shuttle and picnic. Checks
only, payable to FDSC. Send checks to Diane Nolfe or Tim Schell. Members of FDSC may bring one guest.
NO REFUNDS due to the fact that we pay in advance. Vouchers may be available in an emergency situation.
Ride is rain or shine within reason.
October 10 - 17, 2009
Contact Debbie Pasquale (610-375-3384) and Sherry Vazquez (610-370-1262)
to get in on this tropical getaway!
Ski Trails
Wednesday Night Tennis
Join your fellow Dutchmen for Tennis
every Wednesday at 6:00pm at the
Governor Mifflin High School Tennis
Courts. Route 724 between the Army
Reserve facility and the Kenhorst Plaza.
The FDSC Road Rally looked like this?
This is a casual, weekly event. Talk to
your friends and try to bring a partner,
but if you are on your own, come anyway. This event has all the organization
and structure that Dave McFarland is
famous for… in other words, show up,
work it out, you're on your own!!!
Any questions, call Dave McFarland at
610-796-8884 or
610-207-4505 cell.
FDSC Night at the
Nancy Brandi
Deck Picnic & Buffet with
Friday, August 14th, 2009
vs. Binghamton Mets
Buffet served: 6:00-8:30 PM Gametime: 7:05 PM
Price: $21.00
For Tickets Contact: Ed Soja 610-914-2843
Tickets Limited. Get Your Tickets Now!
BBQ chicken, burgers, hot dogs, baked beans, pasta salad, potato salad,
lemonade, iced tea and Pepsi products.
Beer, wine, and spirits are not included in the price, but are available on a cash basis.
The Coors Light Deck Picnic offers a 2 1/2 hour all-you-can-eat buffet,
drinks and a ballgame in a festive tailgate-like atmosphere and a great view of the
game from picnic table seating right behind the left field home run wall.
Dingers Bar and the Boardwalk are also located here.
Fireworks - Carpenter Technology Corp.
Tribute to Elvis featuring Jeff Krick - Rock Hits Y102
Happy Hour: $1.00 off select beers plus pre-game concert
in the Classic Café
Post-Game Concert: Classic Café stays open following the
fireworks show for live music
Hello Racers,
I'm not quite
sure how I got
snagged for this position of Competition Director, but I do
promise to give the job my best
effort. I feel it's important to thank
Jim Dolan for all the hard work, his
fun attitude, and especially his enthusiasm that he has shared with our
club in this position the past two
I hope you foresee, like I do, an
upcoming season of fun racing with
many experienced Dutchmen and
sharing the excitement of the day or
weekend with other club members.
There should be a full schedule this
upcoming winter of different race
events between ASRA (American Ski
Racing Alliance), Nastar, and EPSC
(Eastern Penn. Ski Council) so remember to have fun over the summer
staying active through biking, hiking,
kayaking, golf, tennis--the list is endless! Smile--it's all about F U N!
If you have any ideas or
suggestions you would like to
share with me, please feel free to
catch me at a meeting or email at
competition@fdsc.org. With your
help and support we'll be sure to
have an awesome 2010 season.
Ski Trails
Beth Long
It's hard for me
to believe, but as I
send this issue to
print I'm at the start of my second
year already of working on Ski Trails.
It's a lot of work month to month,
but it's also a lot of fun--and both
things make the time fly. As I've
spent the last year gathering all of
our news that's fit to print, I've also
been listening as Dutchmen have
offered up both congratulations and
constructive criticism of our fabulous
newsletter. Now that I've got that
first, important year under my belt,
I've dug those comments out and
gotten some folks together to help
me evaluate what the Dutchmen
need of their newsletter. I also think
it's time to formally solicit your ideas
and suggestions for how we might
make the newsletter even better. So
be on the lookout for a couple of
questions related to Ski Trails which
will appear on your renewal forms
this year. Take some time, give it
some thought, and then let me
know what you think is missing,
what you don't typically take the
time to read, (surely not much!!),
what you couldn't do without--anything, everything, bring it on! Then
sit back and watch your newsletter
See you between the pages,
The May program gave our members a chance to prove that Dutchmen Got
Talent! It was one of those nights that you had to see to believe and that
will cost you a fortune in therapy to try and forget. Here's the recap from
our MC, Rick Auchenbach.
1. "Neal Diamond and Company - featuring Jeff Rapp" - Neal Kline & Jeff
Rapp. The boys sang "Sweet Caroline" by Neil Diamond, of course. Jeff
was wearing a black and white ensemble with a short, curly, blond wig. The
audience was encouraged to join in the last verse.
2. "The Little Village People" - Carol Weller, Patti Spitler, Sherry Vazquez,
Stacy Spayd, and stagehand Jim Dolan. Disclaimer: Technical difficulties
with the helium forced the pre-recording of their song. The ladies performed "YMCA" by the Village People while kneeling with shoes on their
knees, much like Tim Conway in the Dorf on Golf videos. Apparently too
much helium was consumed during rehearsal the night before. The helium
tank was emptied, but fortunately the audio had been recorded.
3. "The Cowgirls" - Darlyne Maul, Diane Lloyd, and Fran Parzanese
dressed as cowgirls and held singing Holsteins they had trained to perform
"Don't Worry, Be Happy." Technical difficulties (the lack of rehearsal)
caused the cowgirls to place their microphones by the cows' mouths, rather
than by their butts, where the speakers were actually located. No one
could hear the music, even with the sound system, and the skit ended after
a few brief moments of bewilderment. Darlyne, not to be denied, returned
for a successful encore later in the show.
4. "The Honky Tonks" - Lacey Spitler and Mike Gable. Mike sang "Honky
Tonk" while Lacey performed a country line style solo dance.
5. "Little & Poor and The Strut Company" - Jeff Rapp, Neal Kline, Carol
Weller, Sherry Vazquez, Patti Spitler, Jim Dolan. The group performed
"Save a Horse, Ride a Cowboy" by Big & Rich. Saw horses, complete with
tails, served as the horses. In addition to everyone singing, the ladies rode
the horses, danced with the cowboys, and eventually rode the cowboys.
6. Mike Gable returned to sing a strong performance of "Little White Tank
Top" by Dirks Bentley.
7. "The Love Nanny" - a.k.a. Patti Spitler The Love Nanny, a last minute
entry in the Dutchmen Got Talent event, emerged once again to thrill the
audience with her hot rendition of "I'm Too Sexy." A small riot ensued, but
we were able to convince the police that this was a one time only performance at a private club. No special permits were required.
The evening ended with a round of applause for all of the acts. Everyone
was great, so no voting took place and everyone walked away as winners.
Ski Trails
Ed Soja
Hello, All! I'm
excited to be back on
the Board and look
forward to a great year. I'd like to
take this time to thank those who
just came off the Board. They did a
great job and I want them to know
that their efforts were much appreciated. I'd especially like to thank Jeff
Rapp. I hope I can continue his
enthusiasm and humor to bring fun
and interesting programs to the club.
Maybe we can get Jeff to still come
up and tell a joke or two… or maybe
I'm working on coming up with
some new ideas for programs, while
continuing with the staples that have
been traditions of the club. If you
have any new suggestions or programs from the past that you'd like
to see again, please let me know and
we'll work them into the schedule.
Again, I'm looking forward to a
great year and teaming with the
other Board members to continue
making the Flying Dutchmen the best
ski club around.
Bye for now,
Spring Carnival
What a huge success. I ordered up warm weather and WOW did we get
it. It was the perfect day to be outdoors. We served over 140 people, keeping their bellies full and their minds and bodies busy. From adult games and
the volleyball tournament to just chatting in the breeze, we had it all. Later
in the evening, entertaining us was the band… Number Nine. Great job! If
you haven't seen them before, you should. Lots of fun and good music.
They play only Beatles music and they do it with a passion.
I want to thank everyone on the committee for another job well done!
Starting with Joe Harvan for suggesting Cacoosing Meadows Park and being
our go-between and Holly (Trout) Hess for making my tickets and doing my
sign-up sheets. The Committee: Maryann Billy - children's games, Pat
Conlon - door prize queen, Neal and Holly Kline - adult games, and Lori
Hudson, Debbie Pasquale, Carol Weller, Sherry Vazquez, and Stacy Spayd planning and work crew.
Special thanks to Stan Miller, Erick Confer, and Rick Auchenbach for
showing up early to give us a hand in setting up. To Linda and John Mauger
for all their "Grill" work and to two of the Best Men around, Jeff Rapp and
Jim Dolan. They allow me to tell them what I need
done and where it has to be. They're the Best! My
Committees are the Best!
Enough said--my job is done! Thanks for the rewards!
Relay for Life
Come out and support the Dutchmen
camp at the American Cancer
Society's Relay for Life at the Central
Catholic High School Stadium. The
Relay will open with the Survivor Lap
at 10:00am on Saturday, June 6th, and
go for the next 25 hours until Sunday,
June 7th, at 11:00am.
This is a great day for families to
share! We hope to see you there!
Contact your team representatives
Sherry Vazquez and Patti Spitler for
more information.
Your Berks County Real
Estate Professional
Not just when you want to buy or sell,
Karbon Wicking Shirts
For Sale
but whenever you have a real estate question or need,
I want to be your REALTOR for life.
FDSC and Pinnacle Sports teams are selling
shirts to raise more money for our Relay for
Life teams. Black with short sleeves and
emblazoned with a special logo honoring
both teams, these shirts are great for biking,
hiking, or Spring skiing. Only $20 each.
See Patti Spitler or Sherry Vazquez to purchase your very own.
Ski Trails
Golf Outing
50th Golf Weekend in Ocean City, MD, May 2-4
Village Green's, Sinking Spring
Saturday, June 13th
Rain Date: Saturday, June 27th
First tee time: 4pm
Refreshments on the Patio
Food and friends after at
The Rail Road House
$15 per person
Call Candy Secor at 610-775-3912
for more information and to
sign up your team.
The Lodge Rates:
Rentals are normally from 5 P.M.
until 5 P.M. the next day.
* You must rent at least two bedrooms.
** You must rent at least two bedrooms and are subject
to being bumped by a whole lodge rental.
Whole Page - $135.00 • Two Thirds Page - $100.00 • Half Page - $75.00 • Third Page - $50.00
Quarter Page - $35.00 • Business Card - $15.00
BOX 14233
READING, PA 19612-4233
Return Service Requested
Whole Lodge - Midweek (Sunday to Friday)
Whole Lodge - One night midweek
Per bedroom - One night midweek
Whole Lodge - Friday and Saturday nights
Per bedroom - Friday and Saturday nights
Whole Lodge - 7 days

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