December - Modesto Ski Club
December - Modesto Ski Club
December Volume 134 December 2014 President’s Message Hello fellow MSC members, Just a few months ago I was writing, saying that the holidays would be upon us before we knew it. And I was right. Here they are! Unfortunately, the weather is not doing much to make it feel like the holidays. Pray for rain and snow! WWW.MODESTOSKICLUB.COM A couple weeks ago a number of our members got together and helped with wood for the lodge. We owe a special thanks to two of our members, Richard Ulm and Paul VanNes, who each donated a cord of wood to the lodge. We also owe a thank you to our members who organized, split, hauled, loaded and unloaded, cooked and cleaned: Ron Allen, Mark Eichman, Kathy Gibson, Randy and Denise Cook, Chuck Hennings, Jim Ambrosavage, Tim Hutton, Doug Ball, Bob Gibson and Roland Nyegaard (and I supervised). THANK YOU! To that end, when the wood closet in the lodge was checked, it was already half-empty even though it had recently been filled to the ceiling. That is a lot of wood to burn through in a short period of time. When you are at the lodge, please be aware that the wood you burn and the supplies you use cost money. Your board members and lodge trustees do everything we can to keep expenses down. This helps keep your rates down! This year we were fortunate to have members who donated the wood. Please, be respectful of their donation and mindful of what you use at the lodge. Do not build a “bonfire” in the fireplace. Do not build a fire late at night when you know you’ll be going to bed shortly thereafter. Please be judicious with how you use the wood and supplies; treat them as though the cost is coming directly out of your own pocket. Help us keep your rates down. Our last activity of 2014 was held this past weekend, the Chili Cook Off and Cornbread Bonanza! If you attended, you know a good time was had by all. If you missed it, well, plan on next year! It was a wonderful activity and we all had a great time. Oh, and congratulations to our new chili champion, Charla Baird, and our inaugural cornbread winner, Linda Hennings! Congratulations to our winners! Next up is our Christmas Party at the SOS on December 5th. RSVP! Bryan Sparks has arranged to have the party on a Friday this year. Please read his flier in this newsletter and RSVP. You need to get your reservations and checks into him right away. Also, as we have in the past couple of years, we will be collecting new, unwrapped toys, games and books for children on the Community Christmas Tree. If you find it in your heart to help a needy child experience the joy of Christmas, please bring your donation to the Christmas party. And please, RSVP. (Notice a trend there? RSVP) I hope to see you all at the Christmas Party. If I somehow miss you, I hope you have a fabulous Thanksgiving and a very Merry Christmas with your family and friends. Many blessings for a safe holiday season and a Happy New Year! ! Sincerely, Pam Shelton President MODESTO SKI CLUB LODGE NEWS ! Hope all of you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Well we’re still waiting for real snow. Some resorts are open with man-made snow as of Thanksgiving. Keep doing your SNOW dance as we can use the real snow anytime soon for sure. The Lodge is in great shape and ready for the Snow Season to get rolling. Be sure to contact me if you still have a key from last summer or year Lodge Key. The locks were changed and your Key will not work. It is also time to renew your Year Key if you have not done so. Rates for the keys are as follows: Winter Season $115.00 and Year Key $170.00. If you live out of the Modesto Area be sure to send in your request with a Self-Addressed Stamped envelope so I am able to send you your Key and paperwork to sign and send back to me. I want to take time to really THANK Ron Allen and Pam Shelton for organizing the fire wood event to cut, load, and deliver to the lodge. It is a great deal of work to make sure that we have firewood at the lodge for your comfort and warmth during the winter season. Be mindful and do not waste the wood by burning a fire after you have gone to bed. Be sure to also refill/ restock the wood pile for the next members/guests. It is not cool to leave it empty! As always be sure to TURN LIGHTS OFF when not in a room. Be sure to LOCK ALL WINDOWS when you leave and close all the blinds. DO NOT leave food to spoil in the refrigerator and DO NOT leave food sitting the garbage disposal as it will rot and smell bad. Please always dump your trash before leaving to go home. Any issues with the lodge please let me know via a phone call or email so I may address and fix them. Thanks! 209-571-8125 Thanks, Michelle Nightengale Lodge Director ! Ho, Ho, Ho! It is time for our annual Modesto Ski Club Christmas Party December 5th, 2013 (Friday night)! Sportsman of Stanislaus (SOS Club)- 819 Sunset Avenue, Modesto 6 PM to Midnight Dinner, Dancing, Wine and Games! This will be a sit down dinner. All reservations must be in by December 1st!!! You may choose one of the following dinners… Chicken Cordon Bleu Char Broiled Salmon Santa Maria Tri-Tip…….Yum! $34.00 per person or $68.00 per couple (Payable to MSC) Please mail this form to: Bryan Sparks P.O. Box 579939 Modesto, 95357 Name(s):---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dinner Selection(s)--------------------------------------------------------------------------th ****Again. Deadline is December 5 . No last minutes will be allowed! Bryan Sparks 1st Vice President 2015 Racing Schedule MSC Race Director Ed Moody Date ! Location Saturday - Alpine Jan. 3 Meadows Sunday Jan. 4 Saturday Jan. 10 Sunday Jan. 11 Saturday Jan. 24 Sunday Jan. 25 Alpine Meadows Squaw Valley Squaw Valley Alpine Meadows Sugar Bowl Race or Event Type CLINIC - contact Debi at for more information RACE - Giant Slalom and Rookie placement RACE - Giant Slalom RACE - Slalom RACE - Giant Slalom RACE - Slalom FWSA ski week & FWRA races Whistler contact Debi Jan. 31 Blackcom at Feb. 7, b B.C., 2015 Canada if you want to participate in the council challenge race. Feb. 14 Clinics sponsored by Sierra Boreal 15 League Saturday CLINIC Super G - Required for Northstar Feb. 28 first time Super G racers Sunday Northstar RACE - Super G. Tentative. Mar. 1 Saturday Northstar RACE - Slalom Mar. 14 Sunday Northstar RACE - Giant Slalom Mar. 15 Saturday - Alpine RACE - GS or SL TBD Mar. 21 Meadows Make Up RACE. If we lose too Sunday - Alpine many races during the regular Mar. 22 Meadows season. Mammoth Far West Championships Mar. 28-29 ! Mtn. Mar. 30 - Whitefish FWSA Mini Ski Week Apr. 4 Montana For more information contact Ed Moody WHISTLER 2015 JAN 31 –FEB 7, 2015 The FWSA 2015 Ski Week will be in Whistler Canada this coming year. All Modesto Ski Club members are invited to join this trip. Whistler Ski Resort is a huge resort encompassing both Blackcomb and Whistler mountains with skiing in the trees to skiing Blackcomb Glacier (awesome). I do not yet have a workable trip flyer nor estimated cost for this trip, however, I expect cost to be comparable to last year’s Beaver Creek trip. Over 30 MSC club members are already signed up and committed to go, having placed a deposit check of $200 in my hands to enable an early signup date with BAC. (These are the survivors of the FWSA 2014 Beaver Creek trip). I expect this to enable reserving nice condos, conveniently located and grouped for our common enjoyment as a club group within the FWSA group. I expect this trip to be very popular, and FWSA lodging will be spread throughout the Village. Skiers committing to this trip need to be aware that these FWSA trips are not for the weak! Skiing must be done each day, ski racing several days, and then the scheduled parties each night, will tax your endurance. There is the FWSA Welcome Party, Mountain Picnic, Awards Party, and Farewell Banquet to be attended. Also, the BAC Council Night Dinner Party and our own MSC dinner party, plus you will see several great places in the Village to have dinner or spend some spare time. I expect there will also be opportunities for additional activities such as heli-skiing, cross country skiing and perhaps the zip line will be operating. You do not have to ski well, however you do have to enjoy life, and enjoy having fun to join this trip. I am now accepting your formal BAC signup form (a $200 check per person, with email address) payable to BAC for deposit on April 14. This deposit is fully refundable until July and more details on the trip and cost are published. Please send your check to: Chuck Hennings, at 1779 Doak Blvd, Ripon Ca. 95366. My email address is: Dear Presidents, Club Reps, Newsletter editors and others, FWSA has agreed to make the Whistler amenities package available to any members who will be traveling to Whistler for the ski week but have made their own lodging accommodations. Please distribute this information to any of your members that you know of who will be up there. Attached is the sign up form. In addition, anyone who would like to attend the BAC Council Nite dinner at Buffalo Bills will be able to at the cost of $65 per person by contacting us directly. Please let us know if you have any questions. ! -- Don & Veronica Shaver BAC Travel Directors P.O. Box 579642 Modesto, CA 95357 Far West Ski Association "The Voice of the Western Skier,, F w.-,s a sKrAssoctATtoN FOUNDED PO Box 9681 Nancy Ellis Truckee, CA96162 VP North American Travel vpnorthamericantravel@fie 530-4"1 4-8261 [mob e] i I 2015 FWSA Whisfler Ski Week Parties Only Registration Form Date: Name: Contact # Club Membership: in Whisfler Council: Direct FWSA Member: or Email: FWSA will sell a p:Li9:.only.package to members staying in their own lodging in the whisger during the FWSA sl i Januarf 31*Febiu irvj, rotS. The parry package wil inctude area the following parties only: ..welcome PZrty/oanciig irdo. ana .tst); eanqueabancing (Feb. Friday Aprds (Feb. earttes will not be sori iiioividuat-ty. wJ;iu b; seling a timited number of party only- packages and they will be avaitable on a first come first served basis. No paclrages will be sold after Decembei and no tickets wii nesord atthe door. {:."f fS. *); pafi r* complete the information below and send this form along with a check made payable to ,,FWSA,,to: Nancy Ellis, P.O. Box g6g1. Truckee, CA 96162. Party Package (1crtce prtorto November Party Package (ltrtce a a a a Z*) November Z*D*ember s175.00 1*) $ 190.q, No party rcseruafions accepted after December No partles sold tndlvlduaily. No party ticlreF sotd atthe door. You will recelve an emall confirmlng recelpt your of reguest and rnformatton where to plck ap your perty ttcket i*, FWSA 10126/2014 CLUB APPRECIATION DAY AT ALPINE! Skiing, Racing, Lunch and Apres Party Alpine Meadows ! DATE: Saturday December 13, 2014 ! Cost includes a Lift Ticket and Lunch. Pass holders can purchase lunch for $12.00 $62.00 for ages 23 to 64 $52.00 for ages 13 to 22 ~ or ages 65 to 75 $38.00 for ages 12 and under ~ or ~ 76 and above ! For those who have never skied or boarded before there is a Learn to Ski / Board option available for $61 which includes equipment, lift ticket, 2 hour lesson and lunch. It does not include the Fun Race. Lessons are offered at either 10:00am or 1:00pm and must be reserved in advance. ! For more information and to Register, contact Dennis Heffley at: E-mail: E-mail: Cell: 925 - 998 - 4415 Thank You, Debi Phelps All ski club members, ! Please remember that the renewal season began on 11/1/14. If you have not paid your annual dues please submit them right away. You can mail to Modesto Ski Club, PO Box 3640, Modesto CA 95352. You can download a liability form from the website On the left hand side click on members area, enter password: skicrazy, and click on liability release form. The form shows the fees, address to mail it to, or you can email to me at New membership cards will be mailed out at the beginning of December. Thank you and enjoy the ski season Paula Tucker Membership Here is your opportunity to go heli-skiing with an FWSA organized group trip. Chuck &Q**;*df;*ffitug Join a Far West Heli-Skiing with CMH Heli-Skiing Signature Skiing S-day trip to Revelstoke, BC March 16-21, 2015 PfiCe: $5,830 (twin occ.-taxes not included) $6,480 (single occ.-taxes not included) lncludes: . . . . . . All meals, snacks, and non-alcoholic beverages All lodge accommodations and use of lodge facilities such as saunas, hot tubs, etc. (lodging located in town of Revelstoke) Use of specially designed heli-skis and poles Use of radio/shoveUprobe/guest pack Training in and use of avalanche transceivers Provides 71,000 feet of skiing of which 49,700 feet guaranteed Scfiedule.' Mar. 15, 201S*Fly to Kelowna, BC and stay overnight (not included Mar. 16-CMH Bus takes you to Revelstoke-ski that aftemoon in price) (participants may drive directly to Revelstoke-must anive in time for afternoon ski) Mar. 17-20 days of skiing -Full Mar. 21-4MH bus takes you back to Kelowna in the morning and you return home $500 non-refundable deposit due when you reserve your spot Sign up directly with CTUIH Heli-Skiing: Fred Noble, -- cc: Julie Noble, Reguesf trip # 1*R8135 March 16-21, 2015 and identify yourself as a member of Far West Skf Association Spaces ga quickly "The Voice of the Western Skier' -first come first senred-don't mrcs out! For more information contact: Nancy Ellis, VP North American Travel Far West Ski Association fwsatravel nancy@sbcq lobal. net FOUNDED 1930 530,414.8261 (cell) 530.582.0566 (home) Must be a member af a Far West Sf,iAssociation affiliated club or FWSA Direct Member FWSA CST#2036983-40 December Birthdays Mark Herring Kathy McCaskill Lisa Swatman Carol Anderson Ron Scheer Debra Clover Victor Yamamoto Victoe Vandenburg 04 07 12 20 20 21 23 27 Mark Herring (Son) Sunny Nye Josie Neely Gloria Bracco John Clark John Hoover Rudy Fulhendorf Cheryl Bonani Current MSC Board! ! President - Pam Shelton! First Vice President / Programs - Bryan Sparks! Second Vice President / Activities - Ron Allen! Secretary - Veronica Shaver! Treasurer - Jim Ambrosavage! Lodge Director - Michelle Nightengale! Membership - Paula Tucker! Newsletter Editor - Marsha Silveira! Race Director - Ed Moody! Lodge Trustee - Doug Ball! Ski Chairperson / BAC Rep - Chuck Hennings! Web Master / Public Relations - Murray Breeze! Historian - Rob Orr! Past President - Debra Clover 04 07 18 20 21 23 27 28 ! ! ! 1! ! !! 8! 9! 10! 14! 15! Board 16! Meeting Shelton/ Allen! 17! 21! 22! 7! ! Winter Solstice 28! !! !! 3! 2! 23! ! !! ! 30! ! 11! 12! 13! 18! 19! 20! 24! 31! New Years Eve MODESTO SKI CLUB WWW.MODESTOSKICLUB.COM MEMBER 5! 6! MSC Christmas Party! ! Christmas Eve! 29! ! 4! ! ! 26! ! 25! Merry Christmas ! ! !! 27! !! ! !
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