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InstaMont Page
H oliM o nt
F a milies
June/ J u ly
2 01 4
F o r
InstaMont Page
WestMont Update
B.O.D. Minutes
Check out more news and updates at
An update on the new By-Laws
On May 3rd there was a special Membership meeting held at the Chalet to vote on an assortment
of new Club By-Laws. The HoliMont Board deemed the By-Law changes necessary for a number of
reasons. While the Club is in a good financial position, it has become strikingly obvious over the
past few years that when the original By-Laws were constructed, the founders of HoliMont never
envisioned the Club demographics being what they are today. And how could they? Times have
changed drastically since 1962. Not only is the ski industry a different animal than it was then
but the world that we all coexist in is entirely different.
In the 60’s things like snowmaking, chair lift technologies, terrain parks, PistenBully groomers, and
many of the other expenditures that now go into running this ski area were not an issue. Now
they are issues but they are ones that HoliMont has prepared for. Preparation is the key. Gone
are the days where HoliMont Members walk the hills to remove rocks and debris during the off
season. Yes, HoliMont Members are very active in the Club but these days that activity manifests
itself in different ways. We have Members who donate a lot of time to the Racing Program, the
Phoenix Adaptive Program, Snowsports, Club socials, and numerous committees. That said, we
also have Members view HoliMont as a retreat from their normal, high-octane world of business
meetings, conference calls, and other real world responsibilities. To them, HoliMont is a place of
solitude where they can put all of that aside for a bit, hit the slopes, grill some lunch, attend a
Saturday apres party and recharge for the week ahead. This reality is something that wasn’t the
case in the 60’s and 70’s when the Club was in its infant stage.
HoliMont is now over 50 years old and is fortunate to be able to claim a very passionate
Membership. The foundations of the Club are strong and as we move into the future, the job
of the Board of Directors is to make sure that those foundations stay strong. Occasionally
that means amending the By-Laws. The Board does listen to and value the opinions of the
Membership. In fact some of the By-Law amendments came at the suggestion of non-boardaffiliated Members. The changes were not necessarily all financially or demographically driven.
They were a result of the Board responding to Member requests and/or concerns. Needless to
say, when something like this is taken on, it is not done lightly. A lot of time and thought was
put in to these changes.
The Board would like to thank each and every one of you who took part in the voting process.
Whether you mailed your proxy in to the office or attended the meeting in person your vote was
accounted for and appreciated. The voting process is an important one in this Club and is not
taken lightly. Some of the proposed By-Law changes passed by very high percentages. Others
were much closer. But when it was all said and done over 2/3’s of the voting Membership
agreed to make these new By-Laws part of the foundation that will help move this Club towards
a prosperous (and fun-filled) future. After all, that is why you are all have fun and
enjoy your experiences at HoliMont.
For an updated version of the Club By-Laws please visit
Al Mahar, President, Rochester/ENY
Jim Doro, Vice President, Buffalo/WNY
John Reinhold, Vice President, Buffalo/WNY
Jay Cooper, Treasurer, Canada
Judy Mason, Secretary Buffalo/WNY
Mac Biggar, Ohio
Spicer McDowell, Ohio
Al Ryan, Rochester/ENY
Rebecca Mergenhagen, Southern Tier/Pennsylvania
Rick Lohr, Southern Tier/Pennsylvania
Tom Kistler, Southern Tier/Pennsylvania
Gordon Bogden, Canada
Steven Buck, Canada
Tony Tartaglia, Canada
Peter Ashmore, Canada
Dave Riley, General Manager
Ski Report Phone Number
1-877-SKI-HOLI (754-4654)
Main Office: 716.699.2320
Fax Number: 716.699.5029
Gear Up/Ski Storage: 716.699.5582
Racing: 716.699.5306
Ski School: 716.699.8159
Slopeside Ski Shop: 716.699.4698
Dina’s at the Mont: 716.699.2007
Olean Medical Group (E-ville Office):
Northtowns Orthopedics:
Ellicottville Pharmacy:
Ellicottville Dental Group:
Springville Animal Hospital (Vet):
Fitzpatrick Security Systems:
Great Valley Builders:
Refuse & Recycling Center
Waste Management Tickets can be
purchased in the office for $3 a piece
Off Season: Sunday 1 PM - 5 PM
Monday 8 AM -12 Noon
Ski Season: Mon/Wed/Fri 1 PM - 5 PM
Sunday 1 PM - 6 PM
member news
FOR RENT OR BUY 2014/2015 ski season-spectacular view of HoliMont slopes. 4br 2b - f/p up/down -open
kitchen-living area w/beam ceiling up - living area down - 2 TV’s - deck up - no pets/no
Run indefinitely
/ Dominic Coladangelo
Dom 440-867-4865 or
COZY THREE BEDROOM: SKI-IN/SKI-OUT CHALET FOR RENT 2014/2015. Three bedrooms, sleeps
6, no pets, no smoking. Available any week during winter including: Xmas / New
till January
2015 /President’s
Linda Thorne
week and March break. Hot tub. Call: 416-417-0938 (Linda) or 416-577-5252 (Bob)
or email:
HoliMont, near Main Chalet. 2014-15 Ski Season. Stunning, new, beautifully furnished.
2,700 square feet.
Run March, April, June / Linda Kramer
Window-walls in Great Room, granite counters, 55” TV’s. Master suite, 2 more bedrooms and loft. 2 1/2 baths.
No pets or smoking. Paul 716-239-7678.
FOR RENT OR BUY 2014/2015 ski season-spectacular view of HoliMont slopes. Built 2010 - 3600sq ft. 2 car
Run indefinitely / Dominic Coladangelo
garage - 4br 3 1/2b w/Jacuzzis f/p up/down- gas grill - 3 TV’s - no pets/no smoking
Dom 440-867-4865 or
My sister, Melody McBroom, has been a part of the Phoenix Program since the year 2000. This is where she learned how to and found a love for
skiing. She joins the program every weekend as both a student and an apprentice. HoliMont is where my family learned that Melody is capable
of so much more than we thought, and also assisted us with becoming the skiing family we are today. We look forward to generating more
HoliMont memories year after year.
This past January, Melody was in an almost fatal accident. She got off the
public transit and slipped on some ice two houses away from home, followed
by getting struck by a garbage truck. Four surgeries and a month and a half
later, she is home from hospital. Eventually she will be able to walk again, and
obviously our next goal will be to ski next season. This past weekend my family
made our way to HoliMont for our first time since the accident. The Phoenix
program had just got a brand new sit ski and requested Melody to be the first to
use it (after a large round of applause when she entered the building Saturday).
This weekend was the happiest I have seen my family since Christmas.
I get weekly updates from HoliMont to my email. I was hoping a small blurb
could be included to show appreciation to the Phoenix program. The love,
time and patience they give year after year is extraordinary. We’ve always
appreciated the group and HoliMont itself, however this was over the top.
Thanks for the great years, awesome skiing and above all, family support. The
photo to the right is from Melody’s weekend
(March 22-23rd, 2014).
-Amanda McBroom
Advertise in the HoliLeaf
Black &White/Four Color
Classified Ad
$30 for 30 words
Business Card (3.75” x 2.25”)
Quarter page (3.75” x 5”)
Half Page (7.5” x 5” or 3.75” x 10”)
Full Page (8.5” x 11”)
All ads must be submitted with camera ready art.
Only Members can advertise in the HoliLeaf and payment must be included.
Deadline for next months HoliLeaf is the 15th. No Exceptions Please!
The following applicants have been approved by our Board of Directors for the waitlist and are submitted to the
membership for approval
Junior Applicants (and parents)
Junior Applicants (and parents)
Mark Shisler, Brantford, Ontario
John & Heather Shisler
Jonathan Jackman, Toronto, Ontario
Peter & Donna Jackman
In accordance with Article III, Section 3.1 (a), 3.1 (d) and 3.2 © of the By-laws, any member having reason
to object to the above applicants have fifteen days to notify the secretary in writing stating those objections.
Have You Recently Moved?
If you have recently changed your address or pertinent contact
information and have not let HoliMont know, please contact the
office at 716-699-2320 or email Bev at so
that we can update your files accordingly. Thank you!
HoliMont Family Walkway
Preserve your family name, honor the memory of a loved one, recognize a business or give a lasting gift to someone special
Inscriptions will be made in early September
12”x12” Granite Paver with Ski Logo - $600
Pavers can be inscribed with up to 3 lines and a ski logo. Please fill in your inscription below, using a max. of 15 characters per line (including punctuation and spaces).
12”x12” Granite Paver - $400
Pavers can be inscribed with up to 3 lines. Please fill in your inscription below, using a max. of 15 characters per line (including punctuation and spaces).
Total Amount $______________________________
Make your check payable to HoliMont, Inc. and mail to HoliMont, PO Box 279, Ellicottville, NY 14731
Please Charge my: Visa_____MC_____Dis_____
Card #:___________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Exp. Date:________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Name on Card:_________________________________________________________
**The committee reserves the right to refuse any wording it deems inappropriate**
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Member: Brooke Anderson-Tompkins
HoliMont Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
March 14, 2014
WestMont Report – Spicer McDowell
Phase I – Residential lots (31)
To date 21 residential lots have been sold in Phase I for a total selling price of $3,215,000. It is anticipated that infrastructure work necessary to
complete Phase I will be completed on budget before the end of summer 2014. Then we will be able to close on the sold lots. The cost of Phase I
infrastructure work is projected at $2,800,000. The delta between the revenue from the 21 lots sold and the anticipated infrastructure costs should
produce a net return from Phase I work completed this summer of approximately $415,000. The net return from Phase I does not reflect startup (sunk)
costs of $1.3 million. Start Up costs were projected in the original Canfield Plan to be recouped once the entire project is completed. The sale of the
remaining 10 lots in Phase I should add additional revenue of $1,650,000 assuming the lots are sold for $165,000+. Management is optimistic that
once Phase I roads, grading and mechanicals are completed additional buyers will be found for lots before the end of the 2014.
Phase 1 Condominiums (8 individual units)
The Board previously approved commencement of the work required to complete the infrastructure associated with Phase I of the project. The
Board’s approval also included the construction of infrastructure for Phase I Condominiums and the selection of a developer for the Condominium
Project. During the fall of 2013 and the winter of 2014 the WMR Committee studied exterior elevations and interior floor plans developed by
WeberMurphyFox our architects for the project. The exterior style of the 4 unit condominium building has been completed and the floor plan for the
center units (2,128 sf) and the end units (2,767 sf) has been resolved.
Management is currently working with the engineers to complete the engineering and site plans for the condominium project so completed plans can
be sent to the Town of Mansfield for final approval. Once approved, a permit will be issued for the Condominium project. It is anticipated that such
approval will be obtained no later than Spring 2015. Until plan approval is granted we cannot hire a developer.
New Ski Slope and lift for Ski/in-ski/out use for the Residential Lots and Condominiums
The WMR Committee requests that the Board focus on the need to develop the new ski terrain included in the original Canfield Plan approved by the
membership. In order to achieve the ski/in-ski/out provisions of the plan the new slope and chair will need to be in operation before the condominiums
and Phase II residential lots are sold. The Hill Committee has been reviewing this matter and will likely recommend that the former 4-chair Exhibition
lift be removed from storage for installation on the new slope. The WestMont Ridge Committee supports that recommendation.
The new slope will be approximately 500 feet wide - the widest slope at the club. It will service residents of private lots and condominiums with ski/
in-ski/out access. The relocated Half Pipe and Terrain Park will be installed on the slope. The Hill Committee has started to review snow making
requirements and the positioning and operation of the lift. Due to the width and length of the new slope considerable attention will be given to
incorporating tree islands and other natural features to make the slope an exciting new attraction for our members. The slope will also be lighted and
open for skiing on Friday and Saturday nights.
The WMR Committee has suggested to management that a temporary warming hut should be installed at the base of the new slope until the new day
lodge is eventually completed.
During the Canfield Plan town meetings in 2008, the number one request from members was for the Board to provide additional ski terrain and offer
night skiing. In keeping with our continued program of providing exciting new member improvements over the past several years (Main Chalet Patio,
Detachable Quad, Warming Hut, etc.) this new slope will enhance the Club’s appeal for existing and new member families.
The WMR Committee is concerned about the negative impact on Member benefits from the loss of a section of the Terrain Park on Wild Thing and
the Half Pipe from the changes affecting Sunset in 2015 due to the development of the residential lots in Phase I. The Committee hopes the Board will
work with management to move ahead with the development of the new slope and lift installation so that they will be in operation no later than the
2016-17 season.
General Manager’s Report/Hill Report – Dave Riley/Rick Lohr
It’s been a good season and things are going very well overall. The club is starting to see the winding down of skier traffic and would expect next week
to be noticeably weak. Group traffic is low, and will diminish after March break.
Continued on pg. 9
Firewood For Sale
Need firewood? HoliMont has you covered.
Purchase a Face Cord of seasoned firewood from HoliMont.
Custom Residential
Builder or Remodeler
$70 (unloaded at your residence)
$80 (unloaded and stacked -within 25 feet
of the drop off site. )
Call 716-699-2320 to place an order
Let us build your Chalet at WestMont this summer!
Personalized Builder Service to Design, Build
and Deliver your Dream Home. Call me today
at 216‑276‑8377 to begin the process.
Rick Puzzitiello
Holimont Member
The majority of the wood is Ash.
Local delivery only!
HoliMont Slope Report
Provided by Member, Scott Lyons,
Extend Communications Inc.
24/7 Telephone Answering Service
Daytime or After Hours
Call Triage and Dispatch
Serving the U.S. and Canada since 1956
Once winter is over there are still plenty of reasons to visit Ellicottville.
The spring, summer, and fall months in Ellicottville have ample
outdoor activity options to keep you entertained.
Take advantage of the wonderful hiking and biking opportunities that
the hills of Ellicottville have to offer. Enjoy the many festivals and
events that take place in town throughout the summer. Golf at one of
our Reciprocal Golf Clubs.
Springville Country Club
Contact: 716.592.2122 for more information. Please call in advance. No walk-ons. Based on times available.
Penn Hills (Bradford, Pennsylvania)
Contact: 814.368.6159 for more information. Please call in advance. No walk-ons. Based on times available.
Bartlett Country Club (Olean, NY)
Contact: 716.372.5176 for more information. Please call in advance. No walk-ons. Based on times available.
Thank you to everyone who participated in
our #holimont2014 campaign. We hope
you had as much fun with it as we did.
By: Margo Haines
It was another exciting, successful and fun filled USASA Snowboard
Nationals held at Copper Mountain, Colorado, March 29- April 3,
2014. Our HoliMont team’s successes are a true testament to
hard work, year round conditioning, great coaching and training
in “East Coast “ conditions! We garnered 11 top 10 finishes,
captured by 5 of our athletes.
Griffin Haines,16, had his best season yet. He was the
Ontario Provincial gold medalist in the Junior Men’s
Bordercross and the silver medalist in the Open Men’s
division for GS. This competition was held at Mount St. Louis
Moonstone in late February. Griffin placed 3rd overall Alpine
(U19) at the Canadian National Championships held at Mont
Tremblant over Spring Break. Griff began his USA National
Championship’s with a huge gold medal win in Junior Men’s
Bordercross (U17). He is the first HoliMont male to podium in
Bordercross in 25 National Championships. Griff then went on to win
another gold medal the next day in Junior Men’s GS and finished in 8th
place in Slalom.
Kaylie Buck, 13, also had a spectacular season. She captured the gold medal
in GS at Ontario Provincials (U14) and went on to become the gold medalist at
Canadian Nationals. Kaylie also was the bronze medalist at the Ontario Winter Games.
Kaylie swept the entire WNYSS winning all 8 of her races. She went on to blow the field
away at the US National competition holding course times in both GS and Slalom for all women’s age groups U18. She was the gold medalist in both events.
Emme Weston, 14, won the gold medal in Youth Women’s GS. This was her first podium after 5 years of competition at the US Nationals. She placed 8th in
Slalom. She also won gold at Provincials in GS in the Women’s 14-16 age category.
Katie Selhorst, 17, won a bronze in Slalom, raced to a 4th place finish in Bordercross and 5th place in GS at the US Nationals in the Junior Women’s category.
This was her best season and she was also named
Team Captain.
Zoe Fox raced her way to her first top ten finish at US
Nationals placing 7th in Slalom in the Junior Women’s
category. Zoe was Co-Captain of the team this year.
All in all, it was a great year for the entire HoliMont
Snowboard Team. Much credit must be given to the
head coaches Chris Naugle and Chris Perks for
their dedication to improving the kid’s abilities in all
areas of Snowboarding (Alpine, Bordercross and
Slopestyle). They instilled a positive approach to
competition, training and being a “good sport” in all
the athletes. The team also had a strong auxiliary
team of coaches and volunteers. The parents also
became a “highly cohesive unit” as a result…and of
course, they all had a wonderful week in Colorado!
In other racing news, Bob Armstrong (2nd from left) sent us this photo from Whistler where he met
up with 3 former HoliMont racers at the Canadian National Ski Championships in Whistler. Harry
Armstrong, Morgan Megarry and Aaron Taylor all competed well and represented HoliMont with
great pridel.
Continued from pg. 5
The DEC has responded to managements request to gasify the diesel that was filed Dec. 20th, 2013. Their response is that our application is
incomplete because our application does not address the EPA RICE Rules. They want to see Holimont proposal on how we are going to comply with
the RICE Rules and what we are going to do with the gasification together in the same application
No updates on the two lawsuits. Management is waiting on responses and/or depositions.
WestMont Ridge
Karl Northrup has informed Dave that he will be resuming construction of the roads for the 31 single family lots on April 1st. Management is getting
the inspectors and some engineering issues sorted out and ready prior to the April date. Dave is also working to get the utilities mobilized again.
Hill Report
The committee is reviewing the following topics:
Best way to fill the ponds when empty
Upgrades to equipment
WestMont Ski Hill
Racing Programs, use of hills
Grooming and Snow Making
Personnel – balance skill set : groomers vs. snow makers
Dave Riley shared with the board a detailed video presentation that outlined various topics from a ski industry meeting that took place in Austria. The
purpose was to present ideas for future planning.
Treasurers Report – Jay Cooper
Jay presented the treasurers report. Jim moved to accept the report as presented, John seconded, and all approved.
Membership Report - Al Ryan
Voted for new membership by the Board:
1 US Active
1 Reinstatement
2 Juniors (1 CAD + 1 US)
Legacy Committee – Jay Cooper
A new committee was formed to address legacy giving. Jay Cooper will be lead for the committee. A report will be provided at the April meeting.
HoliMont and Holiday Valley Ski Patrols
In Collaboration with Ellicottville Brewing is hosting the Event of the season,
World-renowned artist Michael Israel who paints larger-than-life canvasses on-stage to high-energy music can be
best described as Cirque du Soleil meets Picasso-an artist, entertainer, and humanitarian whose expression is part
David Copperfield, part Jackson Pollack, part Jackie Chan, but all Michael Israel. A leader of the newest art
renaissance, flamboyant, rock star sexy and charismatic, Michael electrifies arena - size audiences with little more
than paint and passion.
Michael believes that “great art reaches beyond the sense and sensibility to soothe the soul.” Throughout his
career he has steadfastly used his art to further humanitarian causes. His work has raised millions for over 100
charitable organizations including the Special Olympics, the All Star Children’s Foundation for the Prevention
of Child Abuse, the Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation and Ronald McDonald House. Charities are
grateful, not only for the money raised by auctioning Michael’s artwork but, moreover, the ripple effect of his
performance that increase awareness for a charity’s mission and bring new and long-term donors.
Michael dazzles with gravity-defying leaps to launch seemingly random splashes of paint that dances across
canvases in near constant motion - upside down, sideways, every which way but up. When he finally spins the
canvas, mere splashes now reveal larger-than-life images including the Beatles, Jimi Hendrix, and Elton John;
sports legends, such as Muhammad Ali and Tiger Woods; as well his own creations that tell a heartwarming
story: a firefighter cradling a child in the shadow of the Twin Towers.
Michael’s work has gone on to touch the lives of millions and he is likely to become one of the most popular artists ever. Through his humanitarian
efforts, Michael agrees to do events for Not-For-Profit Organizations with individual paintings that have sold as high as $250,000.00. This coming
summer, Michael will bring his talent to Ellicottville and will be performing “The Art of Rescue” to benefit HoliMont and Holiday Valley Ski Patrols.
Ellicottville Brewing Company has been a key component in organizing the event and will host it on August 2, 2014. During his show Michael will
perform 5 larger than life masterpieces in an action packed flurry to music. Then it will be your opportunity to “steal” a valuable artwork as his
masterpieces are auctioned at anything goes prices to benefit the HoliMont and Holiday Valley Ski Patrols.
There are sponsorship packages available if you are interested in supporting the event. It is an ideal way to reward your corporate executives or to energize
top clients as Michael is also a sought after corporate motivator. Please contact the show representative and spokesperson for both ski patrols, Mary Lyn
Boberg, HoliMont Ski Patroller at; , 716 560-5482 or Peter Kreinheder at EBC, 716699-2537 ext. #0. For more information on Michael Israel go to,
Work has begun on the new slope at WestMont Ridge. The slope is being cleared to relocate the main gas line for
Ellicottville. The balance of the work to turn this into skiable terrain will be completed at a later date.
Who Knows HoliMont
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HoliMont Members!
Ofce: 6921 Route 242 @ HoliMont & 12 Washington St., P.O. Box 780, Ellicottville, NY • 716.699.2826
Cathleen Pritchard
Licensed Associate Real Estate Broker
Melanie Pritchard
Licensed Associate Real Estate Broker
Amy DeTine,
GRI, Sales Associate
Riding the Extra Mile ...
Your Local Timberbuilt Custom Home Connection •
Ski In / Ski Out!
Slope views, stone FP, fully furn.
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Endless Views!
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ML#B450695 ... $649,000
Minutes Away, Very Affordable!
5BRs on 4 acres. Deck, sunroom.
ML#B434552 ... $135,000
Walk to Slopes or Village!
3BR, 2.5BA farmhouse.
ML#B408774 ... $315,000
Entertaining oor plan, fully furn.
ML#B443704 ... $359,000
Million Dollar View!
New granite kitchen, 2 stone FP’s.
ML#B440314 ... $1,039,000
True Ski In / Ski Out!
Base of Plum Creek chairlift.
ML#B431412 ... $275,000
Best Village Location!
A modest home on the best street!
ML#B438139 ... $175,000
Fully furn., close to HoliMont.
ML#B445920 ... $289,000
Creekside Setting!
Stone FP, guest area w/private entry.
ML#B404361 ... $549,900
Enjoy 101 Mountaintop Acres!
6900 sq. ft., 6BRs, 4.5BAs.
ML#B432772 ... $1,600,000
Top of the Line Construction!
Townhouse w/slope views!
ML#B410681 ... $300,000
Location & Style!
Deck, patio, view of the slopes.
ML#B447437 ... $364,900
Shouts ASPEN! Ski In / Ski Out!
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ML#B445398 ... $975,000
Build Your Timberbuilt Dream!
4BRs, 3.5BAs, over 3600 sq. ft.
ML#B389403 ... $595,000
Timberbuilt Building Lot!
Buy 5 acres, get access to 65!
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6921 Route 242
PO Box 279
Ellicottville, New York 14731
HoliMont Mission:
HoliMont is a unique private club centered on
the family unit, providing the highest quality,
dependable, safe, economical skiing for all its
members and guests, in an atmosphere of
social interaction, friendship, volunteerism
and based on sound financial management.