Help Wanted - Membership Management by Memberize
Help Wanted - Membership Management by Memberize
FFeebbrruuaarryy –– E Eaarrllyy M Maarrcchh 22001144 S SK KIIB BA AC CS SN NE EW WS SLLE ETTTTE ER R Boeing Employees Ski and Snowboard Club 2013-2014 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Chris Colleran - President Keith Davis - Vice President Steve McManigal - Secretary Brandie Robinson – Treasurer Jean Fedor - Trips Chair Michael Drake – Ski School Chair Bill Haas - Marketing Chair Keith Davis – Info Sys Chair Bev Merryman – Lodge Admin. Chair Anthony Ruh - Facilities Chair Bob Weist – Retirees Chair Chris Osborn/Marc Boozer – Web IN THIS ISSUE Trips Ski School Skiing Humor Lodge Sun Peaks Trip Report A Good Cause - SPREE Hope on the Slopes Schweitzer trip form Help Wanted! Retireez Report TELUS trip form Back Page Stuff Pg Pg Pg Pg Pg Pg Pg 1 2-3 4 5-6 7 8 9 Pg10 Pg11 Pg 12 Pg 12 Pg 13-14 JJeessssee aanndd YYooddaa oouutt oonn tthhee llaasstt ddaayy ooff lleessssoonnss!! 2014 Ski/Snowboard trips! TTrriipp D Daatteess:: S 33//2200//22001144 –– 33//2233//22001144 Scchhw weeiittzzeerr S SK KIIA AC CS S TTE ELLU US S FFeessttiivvaall A Apprriill W Whhiissttlleerr TTrriipp 44//1188--22001144 FFllyyeerr eenncclloosseedd iinn tthhee bbaacckk.. FFY YII:: K Kaarraa iiss nnoott iinnvvoollvveedd w i t h t h i s t r i p . with this trip. w w w w b o g o m o u p o d p n o m o n ww ww w...ssskkkiiib baaacccsss...o orrrg g fffo orrr m mo osssttt u up p---ttto o---d daaattteee tttrrriiip p iiin nfffo orrrm maaatttiiio on n U U U U U U WOW! WINTER FINALLY DELIVERED! LESSONS HAVE COMPLETE!!! ONE MORE TRIP ON THE WAY and ONE IN PROGRESS! Hyak the day before it Opened!! YYiikkeess!! Then it Delivered!! BBiilll,, LLuulluu aanndd JJiilll oouutt ffoorr LLaapp NNiigghhtt TTrraaiinniinngg.. PPhhoottoo bbyy ffeellloow w llaappppeerr M Miikkee DDaam meenn Page 1 of 14 S SK KIIB BA AC CS SN NE EW WS SLLE ETTTTE ER R FFeebbrruuaarryy –– E Eaarrllyy M Maarrcchh 22001144 SKIBACS SKI SCHOOL NEWS By Bill Haas Lessons have wrapped up. Here’s a few photos sent to me for your enjoyment. If you have more, please send them to me! W Whhaatt hhaappppeennss w whhiillee SShhaayy’’ss ssoonn iiss w a i t i n g f o r l e s s o waiting for lessonnss ttoo ssttaarrtt?? TThhaatt’’ss hhiiss ttooootthh!! Nathan Deng’s Faceplant, Nathan is in AT’s class Page 2 of 14 FFeebbrruuaarryy –– E Eaarrllyy M Maarrcchh 22001144 S SK KIIB BA AC CS SN NE EW WS SLLE ETTTTE ER R Daria and Sophia What’s Jana doing? Caption Contest Serious Powder! Sorry, no prizes for winners Page 3 of 14 S SK KIIB BA AC CS SN NE EW WS SLLE ETTTTE ER R FFeebbrruuaarryy –– E Eaarrllyy M Maarrcchh 22001144 Skiing Humor – Sources unknown … Page 4 of 14 FFeebbrruuaarryy –– E Eaarrllyy M Maarrcchh 22001144 S SK KIIB BA AC CS SN NE EW WS SLLE ETTTTE ER R Crystal SKIBACS Lodge By Dave Hauck Cold Weather Caused Lodge problems! A team effort! Thank you! Friday the 7th - I heard that the water was out in the lodge. I didn’t get down there until after lessons, about 7:00. Tim and others had found a torch and were heating the pipes up right at the wall. There was no water coming in from the outside. We left the torch on all night (plenty of folks stayed Friday night). Saturday morning – still no water. With no help from the CMI water master, I took matters into my own hands. After disconnecting the water meter and pressure regulator leaving just a shutoff valve between me and the street connection – no water. I then crawled under the porch with a shovel and started digging out the line (it was only about a foot down at the foundation). When I reached the water line there, it was warm from the torch on the other side. Meanwhile Kara found a plumber and called to say he was on his way. By now Tim was back from work and I went home – no plumber yet. Lots more people arriving at the Lodge to stay. Sunday morning – Expecting plumber around noon. Monday morning –Tim says the plumber is now outside digging and that the CMI water master had showed up with a layout of the water lines from the street. The plumber finally got the water flowing. Tim also called me saying that the boiler would not fire up … eventually he gets that going. Friday morning the 14th – I heard news that the sewer is frozen at the lodge. I arrived about 5:00 PM and Bev was there shutting down the lodge. Apparently the sewer line had frozen somewhere along the line from the clean out at the bottom of the stairs and the pump house across the bridge. Sheila, Jenna George and I shoveled the deck while we were there. Considering the situation, I think shutting down the lodge was the best thing to do. Saturday – No flow. Tom Watson and I met up with Tim as he was gathering equipment to try and thaw the lines under the bridge. He was working with the same contractor – Josh – who helped unfreeze our water supply line. Sheila and I went to the lodge, Tom, Tim and Josh were in the process of connecting a hose from our lodge to run hot water inside the sewer line and thaw the plug. Both Tim and Tom worked relentlessly pushing and pulling that hose down the sewer line – pew what a smelly job. Josh had set up a heater and blower along the bridge where the Capital Lodge folks (also frozen) had pulled up planks and applied their own heat. Trying to thaw from both ends. Sheila, Jenna, her dad Pete, Norm Ducket and Dan Kruger helped with getting the snow off the deck so the others could concentrate on the plumbing (We were getting a lot of snow build up). Sheila and I then went out the basement door to move the plywood up. That plywood is used to block the snow shoveled from the deck from covering the exit route. While we were doing that Tom told us they had thawed the line under the bridge and were now making sure it was clear all of the way to the pump house. NO GO. It was coming out another cleanout down the line. . Sunday –Tim and Josh had finally thawed the line from the bridge to the pump house using the same approach as before – hot water and heaters. Good news is they didn’t have to cut the line anywhere. A special thanks to the following people for their efforts: Tom, Jenna, Pete, and Sheila and a commendation to Tim who went way beyond his role as caretaker to get this things working again. Thank them and Dave if you see them! Also, an apology for those folks who didn’t know the situation, coming back Saturday afternoon after skiing just to find the lodge was closed. We will be looking at ways for communication these emergency closures in the future. Page 5 of 14 S SK KIIB BA AC CS SN NE EW WS SLLE ETTTTE ER R FFeebbrruuaarryy –– E Eaarrllyy M Maarrcchh 22001144 W Wiitthh tthhaatt ffuunn llooddggee ssttuuffff bbeehhiinndd uuss,, M Maarrccii G Geeoorrggee sshhaarreedd tthhee ffoolllloow wiinngg ffrroom m hheerree 22000088 ffiilleess:: Page 6 of 14 S SK KIIB BA AC CS SN NE EW WS SLLE ETTTTE ER R Sun Peaks 2014 – A fabulous trip! FFeebbrruuaarryy –– E Eaarrllyy M Maarrcchh 22001144 By Robbi Alberts A cool UW Husky-décor bus transported 36 skiers from Oxbow to Sun Peaks Ski Resort (Kamloops, BC) on Sunday, January 19th. We arrived in time to catch the best half of the Seahawks playoff game! Go Hawks!! Sun Peaks is famous for their perfectly groomed slopes with NO CROWDS. All week long, we skied slopes often to ourselves with no lift lines (zero wait). Even on our fifth day skiing, we found wonderful powdery slopes. As a plus, we also skied in sunshine nearly every day. We have many great skiing memories of treed runs of Morrisey (Showboat … I Dunno), ego-boosting corduroy of Cahilty ... Cruiser’s roller-coaster slopes … groomed black diamonds of Crystal Bowl, Chute, Sting, Spillway … etc. etc. The night we arrived, Canadian Olympic Champion Nancy Greene hosted a welcome party and explained all the resort’s amenities. We were also able to ski with Nancy several times during our stay – a real treat! Monday evening, our group social provided lots of food/drink plus a great time to get to know each other. Our “People Bingo” game revealed such interesting ‘little known facts’ as: George H. summited Mt. Rainier in 1967… Mary Ellen (88) grew up living in national parks across the country…Kerry S. is a firewalker (twice)… Don S. plays the trumpet and celebrates the New Year with Auld Lang Syne…Avis V. was a track star in highschool… Dorothy L. was a nun for 20 years with the Sisters of Providence… Judy W-B trained for the Olympics on the 3-M springboard (ages 7-19)... Bill S. led SKIBAC’s trip to Finland in 1987 to XC above the Arctic Circle... While a teenager living in Edmonton, Alberta, Dave W. exercised thoroughbreds & entered equestrian competitions… Sharon W. parasailed at Mazatlan over a pod of dolphins in the Pacific Ocean… Patti V-A qualified for the Boston Marathon… Greg P. has no kids, but worked in a daycare... Bruce B. has a private pilot’s license… Cheryl A. has 7 chickens… Bill A. isn’t a ski instructor, but clinic’d in Austria 3 times… Mike K. celebrated his 50th wedding anniversary with his family on a cruise to the Norwegian Fiords, renewing vows with the ship’s captain at the northernmost point in Europe…Steve & Linda H. rode a tandem bicycle from Geneva, Switzerland to Nice, France… Marty G. held a 1-yr old Giant Panda on his lap while visiting China… Andrea H. scored a “hole-in-one” at Harbour Point GC… Gary H. plays clarinet, drums & accordion… Patty R. can drive a tractor… and Bill W. guided 4 blind X-C skiers to medal victories in 5&10K rallies at last 5 “Ski for Light” Week competitions in Utah, Colorado & Michigan… plus more!! Prizes at the party included discounts on tickets to Sun Peaks’ Tube Park (Paula, Andrea, George H, Cheryl, Bill A, Bill W, Patti V-A, Don S, Dave W. Bruce B, Roger & Robbi) … wine (Jeanne, Kerry, Jane) … and chocolate (Pat & Judy). Wed. afternoon, 25 of us seniors had a blast inner-tubing down the resort’s unique curved tubing lanes. John enjoyed the beautiful views, skiing in sunshine with fog drifting through the valley. George B. celebrated his birthday with another social on Friday night. Margaret L. was surprised outside her room by the large group singing Happy Birthday to her, too. Mike K. learned he could do his own “stunt” and survive! Gary H. remembers the Morrisey runs where his burning thighs were forgotten with the efficiency of the snow & slopes. Cheryl & Bill A. enjoyed skiing from top to bottom in the dark, following a wonderful fondue dinner. Sharon W. delighted in the 3-mile snowshoe hike with Robbi & Roger. After climbing uphill, Megan remembers XC skiing down Lake McGillvray Trail. Avis is thankful she did as well as she did…her daughter Patti enjoyed spending the trip with her mom, watching her mom survive a double black diamond! Others remember their delicious meals at the Steakhouse, the Powder Hounds, Oya Japanese, Bella Italia, Masa’s, Mantles, and Mountain High Pizza. Our bus returned to Seattle on Sat, January 25th, with a border crossing that was the quickest we can remember! Participants enjoyed re-connecting with old friends and meeting new ones…the great camaraderie…good snow…& great weather. Everyone agreed it was a fantastic trip that deserves repeating next year. Don’t miss it! (Submitted by Trip Leader Robbi Alberts) Page 7 of 14 S SK KIIB BA AC CS SN NE EW WS SLLE ETTTTE ER R FFeebbrruuaarryy –– E Eaarrllyy M Maarrcchh 22001144 FFoorr aa G Goooodd C Caauussee … … I wanted to invite the Skibacs to a ski and snowboard demo event at Alpental at The Summit at Snoqualmie on March 8th called Spree at Alpental. All proceeds from this event benefit Outdoors for All Foundation – supporting adaptive outdoor recreation. Right now, we have 18 ski and snowboard reps confirmed to bring their 2015 gear, Red Robin provides a BBQ lunch, Pyramid the beer garden, there is also live music and a dual race course thanks to City League Racing. There are also lots of raffles and a silent auction. Passes to this event include a lift ticket, all access and unlimited demos for $89 ($59 for Summit Season pass holders) or teams of 10 can raise a minimum of $1000. Outdoors for All Foundation is the largest provider of adaptive outdoor recreation in the northwest, providing programs in cycling, rock climbing, kayaking, cross country and downhill skiing and snowboarding to over 2,300 children, adults and wounded warriors thanks to the support of 700 volunteers. Here is an event schedule to give you an idea of what happens throughout the day: EVENT SCHEDULE 8:00AM Registration Open 8:00AM - 11:00AM Continental Breakfast 9:00AM - 3:00PM Demos Open 10:00AM - 2:00PM Race Course Open 10:00AM - 11:30PM Morning Snowshoe Tour (Meet by shuttle area at 9:40am) 11:00AM – Pro DJz start some Jams! 11:30PM - 1:00PM Lunch from Red Robin 2:15PM Last call for demos 2:30pm – Beer garden opens, The Gee Bees 3:00PM Return all demo gear 3:30PM Team & Individual Awards 4:00PM Silent Auction Closes 2:30pm - 5:00pm APRES SKI PARTY! Awards, Raffles, Silent Auction Winners, Beer Garden & Live Music! Thank you and I hope to speak with you soon! Jackie Molzhon Events and Outreach Coordinator Page 8 of 14 FFeebbrruuaarryy –– E Eaarrllyy M Maarrcchh 22001144 S SK KIIB BA AC CS SN NE EW WS SLLE ETTTTE ER R A Annootthheerr G Goooodd C Caauussee … … Hope on the Slopes, Ski & Ride for a Cure: Stevens Pass, WA March 1st & 2nd (24 hour event) White Pass, WA March 15th & 16th (24 hour event) Crystal Mountain, WA March 22nd 1. A fundraising minimum of $250 per person (average $250 per person/per team is required to qualify for prizes and awards. 2. Event T-shirts are available, to all participants, who fundraise a minimum of $100 per person. (Team averages do not apply). This is "Per Person". 3. Discounted lift tickets are available for "day of" HOTS events participants. Please check the ski area you will be participating at for more information. 4. Online donations will be recorded 1 hour prior to the Vertical Tracking end time. Though, throughout the "day of" event, you can continue collecting donations. Day of donations will be recorded, but cut-off for prizes and awards will be 1 hour after Vertical Tracking ends. All donations will then be counted towards team/individual totals. Example: Event vertical tracking 9:00am-3:00pm. On-line donations will be recorded at 2:00pm. Day of donations (off-line donations) will be added to your on-line donations, until 4:00pm. Then tallied and recorded for prizes and awards. At Hope on the Slopes, Ski & Ride for a Cure, we would like to say "Thank You" to our Military Participants. Again this year, we are offering a Military Discount to all ACTIVE military participants who form a Team (team consists of 5-15 people), at 50% off! Please contact Charlene at for more information. Thank you for your continued support. Together we will find a cure for cancer and provide more birthdays. See you on the Slopes! Sincerely, Charlene Piercy Hope on the Slopes, Ski and Ride for a Cure Page 9 of 14 FFeebbrruuaarryy –– E Eaarrllyy M Maarrcchh 22001144 S SK KIIB BA AC CS SN NE EW WS SLLE ETTTTE ER R Join SKIBACS Ski 3 days Schweitzer, ID March 20-23, 2014 Three nights lodging, three days riding at Schweitzer, an uncrowded gem of the Northwest. Price includes transportation from Seattle/Everett via chauffer driven executive motor coach, wine and cheese social, three day adult lift ticket. Schweitzer Mountain Resort (SMR) has as a summit elevation of 6,400 feet and a vertical drop of 2,400 feet. It is divided into 2 large bowls spread over 2,900 acres. Schweitzer Bowl is visible from the base village and often referred to as "South Bowl" by the locals, or just the frontside. Behind Schweitzer Bowl and out of sight from the village is Outback Bowl, which is referred to as "North Bowl" or just the backside by the locals. The Bunny Hill drops down from the base village and consists of the resort's only 2 Beginner runs. The Bunny Hill is served by a fixed-grip double-chair and a magic carpet on its upper end. Nearby is a newly installed zip-line and a tubing hill. A large network of nordic trails of varying difficulty also starts from this area. Accommodations: are slopeside and ski-in, ski-out. You can choose a hotel room for two with either two queen beds or one king. You might prefer a little more space and elect to stay in a one bedroom condo that sleeps two or a two bedroom, two bath unit that sleeps four (Q/Q=two queen beds and sofa sleeper, Q/B=two queen beds, one of which has a single bunk plus a sofa sleeper). Both condo floor plans feature full living room and kitchen areas. Hotel rooms are in the Selkirk Lodge, condos in the White Pine Lodge. Both are in the heart of the village and have access to outdoor pools and hot tubs. Package Includes: 3 nights lodging at Selkirk or White Pine Lodge, Round trip transportation via luxury motor coach beverages, munchies enroute, Group party, Use of spa, pool, Jacuzzis and fitness center, 3 day lift pass, Group bus trip to Sand Point for dinner one night Transportation: We will leave Oxbow at 4 PM on Thurs, Mar 20th, and return on Sun, Mar 23rd leaving Schweitzer 4:00 PM. PRICE OF PACKAGE Non-skiers deduct $ 179, 65+ and 13-18 deduct $5, 7-12 deduct $22 TRIP LEADER: Bill Staab Page 10 of 14 206 947 8816 FFeebbrruuaarryy –– E Eaarrllyy M Maarrcchh 22001144 S SK KIIB BA AC CS SN NE EW WS SLLE ETTTTE ER R Help Wanted Non-profit organization looking for energetic individuals to guide organization through a major transform. Required attributes include a love of skiing, willingness to work with others, a vision for how things should be, and a lot of time that you don’t have anyways. There is one issue in which the Board needs your help. Membership! The more members we have active in the Club, the more affordable our skiing opportunities become. I am, therefore, requesting that each member set a personal goal of enrolling at least one new member. If we all achieve this goal, it will have a tremendous impact on the cost of the Club’s services in the future. If you have suggestions concerning the Club or want to volunteer to help organize Club events, please feel free contact info@ SKIBACS .org U U Page 11 of 14 FFeebbrruuaarryy –– E Eaarrllyy M Maarrcchh 22001144 S SK KIIB BA AC CS SN NE EW WS SLLE ETTTTE ER R R RE ETTIIR RE EE EZZ R RE EP PO OR RTT B Byy B Boobb W Weeiisstt Retireez plans for the rest of the season: two more meetings, second Tuesday of March and April plus an overnight at the lodge on March 27. We'll probably have one summer overnight also sometime in Aug. BBoobb SKIBACs Telus Ski Trip Whistler Blackcomb - #1 Ski Resort in North America EARLY BIRD PRICE When: (If deposited before Dec 15) ________________________________________ 369 $ 449 $ April 18-20, 2014 ________________________________________ Package Includes: • Transportation from/to Seattle on deluxe bus with video • 2 night’s hotel accommodation in Whistler Village • 2 day lift ticket to Whistler Blackcomb • Evening event! • Prizes and giveaways on the bus • Free concerts & events for Telus World Ski & Board Festival • Fun Destination Snow Guide(s) • Deposit by December 15, 2013 & save $50 ______________________________________ To Register: Jean Fedor: (253) 320-5306 4/room 2/room Prices includes all tax & is in US $ 2 DAY RENTAL PKG ADD $80 2 DAY RENTAL & 1 BEGINNER LESSON ADD Payment Deadlines: $110 Deposit due December 15, 2013 Balance due March 21, 2014 Page 12 of 14 FFeebbrruuaarryy –– E Eaarrllyy M Maarrcchh 22001144 S SK KIIB BA AC CS SN NE EW WS SLLE ETTTTE ER R N NE EW WS SW WO OR RTTH HY Y IITTE EM MS SW WA AN NTTE ED D… …aanndd II’’m m ggeettttiinngg tthheem m… … lliikkee tthhiiss!! By Bill Haas If you have articles or photos you think the membership would enjoy, please send them to me! You can see I use everything … Have you renewed your membership? Have your snow buddies? It is time to make sure your membership in SKIBACS current. Renewal can be done on-line. Go to www. SKIBACS .org and follow the instructions to make sure you stay current on the club and events. U U SKIBACS Newsletter editor is Bill Haas. If you have comments on the newsletter content or format, you can reach Bill via e-mail at or leave a message at 206-225-8693. Thanks! "News items and editorial comments in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the Boeing Company or those who wrote the articles.” Reservationist: Phone: Kara Lewis 206-400-SKI 2 (7542) (Leave a message any time) e-mail: Web Site: Mail Stop: Address: info@ SKIBACS .org 4H-58 SKIBACS PO Box 3707, MS 4H-58 Seattle, WA 98124-2207 U U Winter Hours (October 1 - March 30) Mon thru Fri - 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM Off-Season Hours (April 1st - September 30) Tuesday and Thursday - 1:00 to 3:00 PM Crystal Mt. Lodge Pay Phone: 360-663-2698 Page 13 of 14 FFeebbrruuaarryy –– E Eaarrllyy M Maarrcchh 22001144 S SK KIIB BA AC CS SN NE EW WS SLLE ETTTTE ER R 22001133--22001144 B Booaarrdd ooff D Diirreeccttoorrss PPrreessiiddeenntt C Chhrriiss C Coollleerraann VViiccee PPrreessiiddeenntt K e i t h D Keith Daavviiss SSeeccrreettaarryy SStteevvee M MccM Maanniiggaall TTrreeaassuurreerr B Brraannddiiee R Roobbiinnssoonn SSkkii SScchhooooll M Miicchhaaeell D Drraakkee M B Maarrkkeettiinngg Biilll H Haaaass IInnffoo SSyyss M K Mggrr Keeiitthh D Daavviiss LLooddggee A B Addm m Beevv M Meerrrryym maann FFaacciilliittiieess A n t h o n y R Anthony Ruuhh R e t i r e e s B Retirees Boobb W Weeiisstt R e c e p t i o n i s t K a r a Receptionist Kara LLeew wiiss W C Weebb D Deessiiggnn Chhrriiss O Ossbboorrnn//M Maarrcc B Boooozzeerr 442255--996655--33009911 220066--667799--66333333 442255--335599--55225555 jjeeaannrrffeeddoorr@ @ggm maaiill..ccoom m 442255--334422--77006644 442255--222255--88669933 220066--667799--66333333 225533--886622--22330033 bbm meerrrryy113355@ @yyaahhoooo..ccoom m 220066--335511--99005599 442255--774466--33660088 220066--440000--77554422 225533--665533--00777711 Page 14 of 14