inside - City of Upper Arlington, Ohio


inside - City of Upper Arlington, Ohio
FALL 2013
on view:
The Concourse Gallery is a place for work that is challenging,
thought provoking and dynamic. Through the variety of arts
programming provided, the Concourse Gallery acts as a vital
and active resource for the community, raising awareness,
accessibility and advancement of the arts.
the artis
Aimee Lee
(New York)
Woods (Oh
io), Ann Ale , Ann Alaia
xander (Ari
Ann Silverm
an (Ohio),
Edward Ba
nia), Georg
ette Veeder
Gibby Wait
zkin (Virgin
ia), Greetje
van den Ak
ds), Helene
dwards (Fra hacher (Germany), J
nce), Jorge
(Ohio), Juli
lina Alesan
e Abijanac
(Iowa), Ka
(Ohio), Juli
tya Reka, L
e McLaugh
aurie Lebre
Hass (Penn
ton (Illinois
), Lesley
Mabi Ponce
de Leon (O
Magda Sob
on (Poland
), Sandee
Johnson (N
orth Carolin
Marie Schir
Trans-Fiber & Paper
AUGUST 27 - OCTOBER 25, 2013
Trans-fiber & Paper is an exploration of
the medium of paper. Paper, by definition,
is a “thin material produced by pressing
together moist fibers, typically cellulose
pulp derived from wood, rags or grasses
and drying them into flexible sheets.”
Paper, and the pulp papermaking process,
was said to be developed in China during
the early 2nd century AD, possibly as
early as the year 105 A.D. by the Han court
eunuch Cai Lun, although the earliest
archaeological fragments of paper derive
from the 2nd century BC in China.
The curators for this show, Elena
Osterwalder and Char Norman were asked
to share their vision with the Concourse
Gallery because of their commitment to the
arts. Char and Elena have worked in fiber
for many years and are well-respected in
the field. Their combined knowledge and
passion for the arts gives this exhibit a
unique voice and we are grateful for their
up next:
Installation: A S
November 1-29 | Reception Novem
Char Norman is an accomplished fiber
artist specializing in papermaking
and fiber sculpture. She received a
Master of Fine Art from Claremont
Graduate University and a Bachelor
of Art from Scripps College. She has
lectured and exhibited extensively
both nationally and internationally.
She has developed and conducted
workshops for all ages, worked as
a consultant to area schools and
community arts organizations and
now holds the position of Dean of
Faculty at Columbus College of Art &
Design. Char writes, “The conception
and development of this project has
engendered an important dialog
between artists, arts agencies, and
the Concourse Gallery. We were
fortunate to garner the attention
of and to include the work of local,
national and international artists.”
Elena Osterwalder has been working
with handmade paper, fibers and
natural colors for over 14 years. She
studied at Columbus College of Art
and is the recipient of the 2007 NALAC
(National Latino Arts Association)
FINE ARTS GRANT for her work using
amate paper and pre-Hispanic colors.
Her work has been exhibited both
internationally and nationally and
has curated several Latino exhibits.
Currently she works in her studio.
Elena writes, “We are very lucky to
have the Upper Arlington Concourse
Gallery. In the past I have worked
with them curating Latino shows,
which included visual arts, poetry
and music. There is an international
movement that is using old methods
of making paper, using all types of
fibers and organic colors and bringing
to the forefront the history, culture
and ways of working with them. To
accomplish this artists are creating
data banks and organizations that are
sharing information on techniques
that foster creativity. This exhibition
which is bringing to Columbus
internationally-known artists opens
new windows to artists but it also
brings a knowledge of current
international work and provides
libraries, and schools with a way
to learn about the history of Hanji,
Amate, Chinese, Japanese and new
methods of making paper.”
Join us for our annual installation
show. Each year the space and viewers’
experiences are transformed during
this show. Installation Arts is an artistic
genre of site-specific, three-dimensional
works designed to transform the
perception of a space. The genre
incorporates a very broad range of
everyday and natural materials, which
are often chosen for their evocative
qualities, as well as new media such as
video, sound, performance, immersive
virtual reality and the internet. Many
installations are site-specific in that they
are designed to exist only in the space
for which they were created.
A Spiral of Life, created by artist Ginny
Baughman, is a narrative about life and
family. Baughman wants to represent
life and how we grow from birth to
death. We begin very small and then
quickly grow to adulthood. It seems like
we never really grow up, we are always
someone’s child or someone’s parent.
[celebrating UA]
Each year the Ohio State Fair celebrates
Ohio’s creativity by hosting a fine arts
exhibition in the Cox Fine Art Building.
Artists from all over the state apply and
their work is juried for inclusion in the
show. The artists are divided into two
[in touch with the cultural arts commission]
Spiral of Life
mber 8, 5-7pm
Baughman shares, “My plan is to create
an installation of a spiral form in the
center of the Concourse Gallery that
radiates out into the room. This spiral
will be filled with small objects that
represent childhood through adulthood.
The center, or beginning, of the spiral
will have tiny non-descript objects such
as buttons or pieces of wood. Then as
the spiral grows outward the objects will
become more descript, such as small
childhood toys like dolls and cars and
then work its way into adult objects such
as sports and office equipment. I want
to use a spiral to explore this theme,
because it has a variety of symbolic
meanings all of which fit with my theme:
from rebirth, to the cycles of life, to a
spiritual journey. The spiral will continue
until it becomes almost nothing again
which will represent death.” The walls
will be filled with images of family from
her own experiences and those of the
community sharing their experiences.
categories: Professional and Amateur
and in recent years a Film Exhibition
and Youth Arts Exhibition has also been
added. It has been my pleasure over the
years to jury the submissions of UA artists
whose work is on exhibit and bestow
I’m writing on behalf of all the
people who believe art can make the
community a better place to live. I
made the Choice to submit my name
for application to the UA Cultural Arts
Commission back in 2002 and have
remained on the commission for
eleven years. Some people might think
this was out of duty or familiarity but
really it was by Choice.
Art experienced at a community level
can change lives and bring meaning,
pleasure, enlightenment and beauty
to us as individuals and groups. When
you go on a walk in one of our parks
and come upon an unexpected art
installation, or experience a new type
of music at a summer concert, or stop
by the MSC to do some city business
and discover an exceptional visual arts
exhibition, you are experiencing the
value arts play in our community by
Many people believe art is a
destination – I went to the Louvre’ or
to Florence - but I believe by making
a Choice to support the arts in my
community it has made my home
(UA) an art destination. It is easy to
a $100 award. This year’s recipient
of the City of Upper Arlington Award
is Dawson Kellogg’s Forest Tendrils.
Congratulations Dawson, your creativity
is something we celebrate in UA.
disregard all the ways arts can bring
meaning and satisfaction to our lives
when we are faced with the day-to-day
operations necessary to make the City
of UA function. It is obvious we need
good infrastructure and services like
police and fire, but if that is all we have
than we don’t really have a community
we just have a place to live safely.
I hope you will make the Choice to
value the less tangible aspects of a
community such as art in the parks,
the pleasant sound of a concert, or
a visual arts exhibition that asks you
a challenging question. I made the
Choice to stand up and support Art
in UA because I believe it makes this
community different, special, and
valuable… I will continue to serve as a
Cultural Arts Commissioner as long I’m
asked – how about you? I hope you will
join me in making the Choice to be a
patron of the arts in Upper Arlington.
Duncan Snyder is currently chair of the
UACAC visual arts committee and has
served on the Cultural Arts Commission
for over eleven years. He is a Professor
of Photography at CCAD and has three
daughters at UAHS all involved in the arts.
[at the festival]
upper arlington labor day arts festival
Credit: Rick Reiger, The Focus Group
Festival Host:
City of Upper Arlington’s
Cultural Arts Division
Credit: Rick Reiger, The Focus Group
Presenting Sponsor:
Farmers Citizens Bank
Artists’ Sponsor:
Argo & Lehne, Giant Eagle,
The Ohio Arts Council
Art Activities Supporter:
Columbus Alive!
Credit: Debbie Knight, The Focus Group
“I wanted to send you a
whole-hearted thank-you
for all the work you put
into this year’s UA Labor
Day Arts Festival. We
had great fun and look
forward to applying to
next year’s event.”
-festival artist
“It is art events like yours that make it possible
for us to continue to make our living as
artists. You bring art, artists and art buyers
together in a very fun, friendly and supportive
atmosphere. And we appreciate it. “
-festival artist
Credit: Michael Johnson, The Focus Group
“It was a beautiful show this year. The layout
was great & the kids section looked like FUN!
Bravo to the many volunteers. Many Thanks
for ALL that you do”
-festival patron
“This was my first year as an exhibitor and
I was extremely impressed with the whole
organization of the show. I had a FANTASTIC
show, found lots of new customers and had a
wonderful time. This was by far the best one
day show I have ever been involved with. I am
looking forward to next year and hope I’ll be
invited back. Thank you so much for all you
hard work and obvious efforts!”
-festival artist
Performance Sponsor:
90.5 WCBE, CD102.5
Media Sponsor:
The Columbus Dispatch
Festival Sponsor:
Columbus Coach, Prestige Event
Rental, State Farm,
Tanger Outlets, Verizon
Festival Supporters:
Chase Bank, Columbus Arts Festival
Golf Car Co., Kroger, Porta Kleen,
St. Agatha
Thank you to all of our wonderful 2013
Volunteers! Your energy and time was
appreciated immensely. Thank you for
being a part of the art at Upper Arlington’s
Labor Day Arts Festival!
3600 Tremont Road, Upper Arlington, Ohio 43221
phone: 614.583.5310, fax: 614.437.8656, email:
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Columbus, OH
PI # 758
Will Kenworthy, Chair
Michele Hoyle, Vice-Chair
Melissa Baldwin
Missy Donovan
Sharon Hershey
Karen Hutchko
Andy Laux
Duncan Snyder
Jerry Weekly
Lynette Santoro-Au, Arts Manager
Amy McQuillin, Arts Coordinator
The mission of the Upper Arlington Cultural
Arts Commission is to provide and promote a
diverse, lively, accessible arts environment
that advances the cultural assets and enriches
the quality of life of the community.
The City of Upper Arlington
Parks & Recreation
Follow @ CityofUAPR
In an effort to be greener and trim the costs of printing and mailing in 2013,
we’re going to be using more e-communications. Please send your email
address to so you can keep up with all that’s going on in the
arts. We’ll be mailing gallery postcards twice a year instead of eight times
per year and they will be 4” x 6” rather than 8.5” x 5.5”. By doing this we’ll
save $2,000 in printing and $6,000 in mailing costs. We’ll still be printing
ArtsLink quarterly.
Cover Image: Marie Schirrmacher-Meitz, Portraits
To receive email updates on upcoming exhibits, programs and events
please send your email address to Be a part of the art
by becoming a fan of the City of Upper Arlington on Facebook.