friends and sponsors - Klinikum der Universität München
friends and sponsors - Klinikum der Universität München
if you would like to support our work, we are very pleased to receive a donation from you! KLINIKUM BanK detaiLS DER UNIVERSITÄT MÜNCHEN recipient: Bank: account number: BLZ: iBan: Bic: reason for transfer: Klinikum der Universität münchen Bayerische Landesbank 20 200 40 700 500 00 de38 7005 0000 0002 0200 40 BYLademm 80246012 Plastic Surgery FRIENDS AND SPONSORS OF PLaStic SUrgerY and HandSUrgerY at tHe LUdWig-maXimiLianS UniVerSitY mUnicH donations may be tax deductible. For donations of less than € 200, the statement is issued as a donation receipt. a contribution receipt for donations over € 200 may be issued by our third-party fund management. Please send us a short letter or email announcing your donation with your address. Upon request specific projects can be funded. Please directly refer to us and contact us: Sekretariat Prof. giunta Handchirurgie, Plastische chirurgie und Ästhetische chirurgie Klinikum der Universität münchen campus innenstadt: Pettenkoferstr. 8a, 80336 münchen tel. +49/89/4400-52697, Fax -54401 campus großhadern: marchioninistr. 15, 81377 münchen tel. +49/89/4400-73502, Fax -78899 email: KUm_aH_15_088 www.plastische-chirurgie-mü www.handchirurgie-mü How will my donation be used ? Were you satisfied with your stay and treatment at Handsurgery, Plastic Surgery and Aesthetic Surgery at LudwigMaximilians University? Then we achieved our goal to treat you as a patient in the best possible way, based on current research findings and national and international networking. A large number of patients, friends and sponsors of our department support our goals of patient care, research and teaching through donations. O ur friends and sponsors aim to support our depart- Patient care Plastic Surgery and Handsurgery treatments of children with congenital deformities and injuries of the brachial plexus from countries with insufficient patient care Patients events and actions to improve understanding of diseases and the public perception of Plastic Surgery and Handsurgery Lectures and courses for patient education, family members and the interested public Optimizing the treatment of hand injuries and hand trauma prevention ment in an innovative way on top of governmental funding to better patient care, research and teaching. The government provides basic services. However, private donations allow enhancement far beyond the basic services. Academic Research Building up an own research laboratory for Plastic Surgery and Hand Surgery Support relevant research projects in Plastic Surgery and Handsurgery Academic plastic surgery also has to face the global competition. University departments will only be able Teaching to maintain their outstanding international recognition Continuing Education in Plastic Surgery and Handsurgery when peak performance can be provided on a basis of Optimization of students´ education in Plastic Surgery and Handsurgery international standards. Training courses for doctors and nurses We would very much appreciate to have you in our list of friends and sponsors of Hand- and Plastic Surgery. Training of extraordinary gifted young doctors at leading hospitals and research facilities in the world There is no bureaucracy or administrative costs. Donations of each project reach their aims 100%. We are happy to inform you about the current supported projects. How can I donate ?