You`re Invited! - Houma-Terrebonne Chamber of Commerce
You`re Invited! - Houma-Terrebonne Chamber of Commerce
Fo us A monthly publication of the Houma-Terrebonne Chamber of Commerce Volume 9 | Number 1 | January 2016 87th Annual Banquet January 20, 2016 6-9 PM Houma Terrebonne Civic Center Welcome New Members 7 One on One with Harry Bourg Corporation 8 Photo Gallery 10 Houma-Terrebonne Chamber of Commerce You’re Invited! When Life’s Challenges Call for Solutions… Counseling Services Outpatient Intensive Treatment Program Inpatient Medical Geriatric Psychiatric Care Mental health is essential to overall health. We are pleased to offer customized treatment programs for individuals with varying degrees of: • Depression • Bipolar Disorder • Anxiety • Dementia • Other Cognitive, Emotional and Behavioral Disorders Meeting the Needs of the Region with Care Delivered by Compassionate Professionals in a Safe, Comfortable Setting. For more information on any of these services, please call: Inpatient Services: Outpatient Services: 985-493-4040 985-493-4437 SPECIAL THANKS TO OUR SPONSORS: (as of December 18) SAPPHIRE SPONSORS GARNET SPONSORS OPAL SPONSORS Commerce Focus/December 27, 2015 KEE Environmental Services, LLC Chairman-Elect Kathleen “Kate” Theriot Coaching for Change, LLC Treasurer Jason Bergeron Technology Professionals Vice Chairman-Chamber Development Division Paul Labat Foundation for Terrebonne General Medical Center Vice Chairman-Infrastructure & Economic Develop. Div. Mitchell Marmande Delta Coast Consultants, LLC Vice Chairman-Government Activities Division Chad Hebert Workforce Logistics Immediate Past Chairman Stephanie Hebert Stephanie Hebert Insurance Agency BOARD MEMBERS: Ann Barker Terrebonne Ford Joseph Boudreaux Blackhawk Specialty Tools Natalie Campbell 3 Doug Gregory Morrison Terrebonne Lumber Cindy Landeche Baymont Inn & Suites Mike Lewis Campbell Technology Consultants, LLC Big Mike’s BBQ Smokehouse Roslyn Chauvin Terrebonne Port Commission Mona Martin Christen Houma-Terrebonne Civic Center Southdown Mini Storage Bluewater Rubber & Gasket Company, Inc. Bourgeois & Associates, Inc. Flow Line Valve & Controls, LLC Holiday Inn Latter & Blum Co. Inc. / REALTORS Raising Cane’s-MLK Location Terrebonne Place Watkins, Walker & Eroche, APLC of Officers: Chairman of the Board Earl J. Eues, Jr. HTV 10 KFOL/KJUN Terrebonne Ford and Barker Automotive Family Terrebonne General Medical Center Thibodaux Regional Medical Center Acadian Ambulance Service Bourgeois Bennett, LLC Business First Bank Buquet Distributing Company, Inc. Christen & Rhymes Coastal Commerce Bank Cypress Bayou Casino Hotel J. P. Morgan Chase Bank Morris P. Hebert, Inc. Nicholls Alumni Federation South Louisiana Bank South Louisiana Medical Associates Synergy Bank Technology Professionals, LLC Terminix Pest Control, Inc. The Courier Workforce Logistics, LLC H o u m a - Te r r e b o n n e C h a m b e r Contact Us! Mona & Company, Inc. Reggie Dupre Terrebonne Levee & Conservation District William Eroche Watkins, Walker & Eroche, APLC Michael J. Garcia, M.D. South LA Medical Associates David Rabalais Janel Ricca Darlene Rodrigue The Courier John Rogers Coastal Commerce Bank Brian Rushing Rushing Media Chuck Weaver Jr. South LA Financial Services, LLC w w w. H o u m a C h a m b e r. c o m Chairman’s Happy New Year! It is such an honor to serve the business community of the Houma-Terrebonne area as your Chairman for 2016 and I am looking forward to working with the business community to go above and beyond the services you expect from the Houma-Terrebonne Chamber of Commerce. The theme of the Chamber’s 2016 Board of Director’s planning retreat was “The Service Culture Movement through Service Leadership!” The retreat focused on providing service to you, our membership, with leaders who understand the importance of service. We also updated the Chamber’s mission statement to better reflect the current actions of the Chamber. The new mission statement is, Uniting Community, Building a Stronger Terrebonne – Chamber Connected. You will be seeing the new mission statement on all Chamber correspondence, posted at all Chamber events, and on our website. Uniting Community. It is you, the businesses of this community, that have united together to provide for our community and make the Houma-Terrebonne area the 2nd happiest city in America, one of the most exciting cities in Louisiana and the 18th best performing small cities. The Community Development division of the Chamber will continue to promote quality of life issues in the Houma-Terrebonne area by supporting the education systems that provide a quality education for our families and an educated workforce. The Chamber is also interested in partnering with our healthcare businesses to promote a healthy lifestyle for the community by looking into child healthcare issues, mental health and substance abuse. Building a Stronger Terrebonne. We Message look forward to building a stronger Terrebonne through the following divisions: Economic Development/Infrastructure and Government Activities. Both of these divisions have worked to promote good government, coastal restoration, infrastructure improvements, and workforce development. We will continue to keep our members updated on legislative issues, fight to make sure we have adequate hurricane protection through the Morganza to the Gulf levee system, and protect our coast and natural resources without putting unnecessary constraints on business. Chamber Connected. In order to unite the community and build a stronger Terrebonne, it is important that the Chamber continue to grow its partnerships with other organizations that have supported the business community such as the South Central Industrial Association (SCIA), Terrebonne Economic Development Authority (TEDA), the Port of Terrebonne, and South Louisiana Economic Council. It is important that we have continued communication with these and other organizations to show our local, state and federal legislative delegations that we can work together to the benefit of the entire region. The monthly General Membership Luncheon, Business 2 Business Luncheon, and the Business After Hours are great networking activities to promote your business, connect with other members, and find out what is happening within the Chamber and the community. In order for us to complete our mission of being “Chamber Connected”, we need participation from our most important assets: you and your business. We encourage you to actively participate in one of our committees: Chamber Development, Diplomats, Education, Healthcare, Government Activities, or Economic Development & Infrastructure. So which one are you joining? Your input is important to us, so contact the Chamber office and sign up for a committee. We invite you and your employees to join us at our monthly membership luncheons, Business After Hours, or our Lunch and Learn events. I would like to thank Stephanie Hebert, our Chairperson for 2015, her board of directors and the Chamber staff for an awesome job in continuing to make our chamber a five star Accredited Chamber of Commerce by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. I look forward to working with you and Earl Eues your business this coming year and en2016 Board Chair courage you to contact me with suggestions and recommendations to improve KEE Environmental Services, LLC our Chamber. If you are not a member, I encourage you to join us in “Uniting Community, Building a Stronger Terrebonne – Chamber Connected!” Develop new business contacts Recognition opportunity in the monthly Chamber Focus Distinguished Diplomat of the Year recognition opportunity Contact the Chamber at 876-5600 to sign-up or email for more information. staff: Suzanne Nolfo Carlos President and CEO Chantell Pepper Administrative Assistant Betsy Breerwood Events Coordinator Kay Thibodeaux Membership Account Executive Heidi Ohmer Communications Specialist 6133 Hwy.311 | Houma, LA 70360 | 985.876.5600 | 985.876.5611 fax H o u m a - Te r r e b o n n e C h a m b e r of Commerce Focus/December 27, 2015 4 w w w. H o u m a C h a m b e r. c o m notes from the President Tasks for the New Year Suzanne Nolfo Carlos President/CEO H o u m a - Te r r e b o n n e C h a m b e r Here we are again, at the end of another year wondering where did it go. It’s the time of year when we can take a moment, look back at our accomplishments, and be proud of what we’ve done. Then we can begin to look forward to the coming year to reassess and plan what our focus will be for 2016. It’s difficult to remain focused on any goal while people and circumstances constantly pull you in dozens of directions at once. The tasks and challenges of everyday life can drain our energy and muddle our concentration. Where do you want to be in one year, three years, and five years? Here are six points to guide you in setting and achieving your goals: 1. Write them down. This is important. There is power in writing your goals down. It’s a great way to bring clarity to that general desire and turn it into an achievable reality. Writing down your goals forces you to focus and to identify the specific objective that you are working to achieve. 2. Keep them few in number. Productivity studies show that you really can’t focus on more than 5–7 items at any one time. Focus on a handful of goals that you can repeat almost from memory. 3. Make them “smart.” You’ve probably heard of this acronym. Smart goals must meet five criteria. They must be: • Specific—your goals must identify exactly what you want to accomplish. Be as specific as you can. • Measurable— Try to quantify the result. You want to know, by the numbers, if you have hit your goal. • Actionable—start each goal of with an action verb (e.g., “stop,” “recruit,” “finish,” “eliminate,” etc.) rather than a to-be verb (e.g., “be,” “have,” etc.) • Realistic—A good goal should challenge you, but be sensible. • Time-bound—set up a timeline for when you plan to achieve the goal. It could be in one week, month, by the end of the year. Each goal needs a date associated with it otherwise, it’s just a dream. 4. Review them frequently. Writing your goals down are a powerful exercise, however the key is in reviewing them on a regular basis. This is what can turn them into reality. Every time you review your goals, ask yourself what’s the next step you need to take to move toward this goal. You can review them daily, weekly, or monthly. Displaying your goals can remind you to take action. Our brains work subconsciously to help us accomplish our mission when we can keep our goals top-of-mind. Let them inspire and fill your daily task list. 5. Visualize them. Visualization is one of the most powerful mind exercises you can do. Olympic athletes have been using it for decades to improve performance. A positive attitude and a sense of humor are also important in working to achieve your goals. 6. Share them selectively. Share them with those who are on your side and willing to help you achieve them. Support and encouragement are gold. Broadcasting your goals can bring out those that might sabotage your efforts. We’ve learned that people who make consistent progress toward meaningful goals live happier more satisfied lives than those who don’t. The Commerce Focus/December 27, 2015 5 practice of goal setting is not just helpful; it is a prerequisite for happiness. Goal setting is an important method of deciding what you want to achieve in your life, separating what’s important from what’s irrelevant or a distraction, motivating yourself, and building your selfconfidence, based on successful achievement of goals. If you don’t already set goals, get started now even if it’s just one. Your written goals can work wonders towards keeping your mind focused on your goal, your attention on your intentions, and your life headed in the direction you choose. Happy New Year! May all the joys and opportunities for a wonderful year come your way. Special thanks to our 2015 Chamber Board Chair, Stephanie Hebert, Stephanie Hebert Insurance Agency w w w. H o u m a C h a m b e r. c o m Focus on Economic Development Local Economic Development Agency Re-Launches As of Nov. 1, 2015, Terrebonne Economic Development Authority (TEDA) has restaffed and is moving forward with its Patrick Gordon mission to grow the parish’s economic base. “I look forward to developing a sustained approach to economic diversity, business recruitment, business expansion/retention and entrepreneurship,” said Patrick Gordon, TEDA CEO and former parish planning director. “My previous experience of working with commercial/industrial developments in regard to building codes, subdivision regulations and best practices in floodplain management will be valuable when engaging with potential growth opportunities for the future of a resilient Terrebonne Parish,” he said. Gordon is joined by Katherine GilbertTheriot, former Katherine Gilbert-Theriot parish economic development marketing manager, who heads up the agency’s business retention and expansion activities. Gilbert-Theriot also was a former TEDA employee from 2006 through 2011. “I’m so very pleased to work with businesses in our community,” GilbertTheriot said. “Terrebonne Parish is my home, and leveraging information and programs in an effort to aid my community is fulfilling.” Her business-retention and expansion efforts include reaching out to build and maintain relationships with companies operating within Terrebonne Parish in an effort to provide information about business-assistance programs, business matchmaking opportunities and training programs. One example is a program currently available through the Southwest Trade Adjustment Assistance Center, which offers federal matching grant dollars to manufacturers and service companies that have experienced a decrease in sales and employment within the last 12 to 24 months. The program matches company expenditures – as much as a 50/50 cost share – on such consultant services as marketing, trade show preparations, operations, engineering, new product development, information management, employee training and certifications. Another aspect of business retention and expansion is supporting entrepreneurship through training seminars and one-on-one business assistance. Those services are available to existing small businesses as well as individuals who wish to start businesses in Terrebonne Parish. In 2015, TEDA’s state legislation was amended to shrink the board from 14 members to nine. Filling those seats are Kerry Chauvin of KJC Properties, president; Robert LeBlanc of Manson Gulf LLC, vice president; Chad Hebert of Workforce Logistics, secretary; Christian Lapeyre of Alford, Staples, Lapeyre & Robichaux LLC, treasurer; Tommy Guarisco of TNT Thatcher; Nicholas Hebert of Mitchell Hebert Insurance Agency; Mike Lewis of Big Mike’s BBQ and Smokehouse; Clarence Williams of Clarence Williams, LLC; and Ivan Hayes Williams of Baller’s Sports Grill & Chill. To discuss opportunities to aid your business enterprise, contact Terrebonne Economic Development Authority at 985-873-6890, Patrick Gordon at or Katherine Gilbert-Theriot at Points Giveaway DRAWINGS EVERY FRIDAY & SATURDAY IN JANUARY | 5:00PM - 10:00PM 2 WINNERS EVERY HOUR! Every Friday & Saturday, lucky winners will draw up to 5 million points per weekend! Earn entries starting December 28, 2015 - January 30, 2016. Must swipe at the kiosk starting at 4:00pm the day of the drawing to activate your entries. Earn 1 entry for every 100 slot points earned. Earn 1 entry for every 100 table game points earned. Must be present to win. Management reserves all rights. See B Connected club for full details. HWY 90 EXIT 181 | GAMBLING PROBLEM? CALL 1.877.770.STOP H o u m a - Te r r e b o n n e C h a m b e r of Commerce Focus/December 27, 2015 6 w w w. H o u m a C h a m b e r. c o m Welcome New Members BOARD SPOTLIGHT Ava Anderson Non-Toxic by Anjele Borne Anjele Borne (985) 804-2121 125 Saxony Drive Houma, Louisiana 70360 Categories: Health & Wellness Athenos Brian Rushing Billy Hasan (662) 242-7322 6285 West Park Avenue Houma, Louisiana 70360 Publisher/Owner Rushing Media Categories: Restaurants Bio Protection Systems, Inc./Bio Pro Mold Inspections A.J. Vesich (985) 665-7706 513 Edgewood Drive Thibodaux, Louisiana 70301 Areas of Expertise: Publishing, marketing Other interests: Fishing, skiing, travel off the beaten path in the Rockies Categories: Environmental Services, Mold Inspection Service Root 2 Rise Why did you join the Chamber? The network of businesses that the Chamber provides is a resource that is unmatched in our area. Shantelle Abshire (985) 346-6399 605 Barrow Street Houma, Louisiana 70360 Why do you serve on the Board of Directors? With my experience and knowledge of our community gained through the publications we produce I feel like I can bring a unique point of view to the chamber, and add to the discussions and decisions made by the board. Categories: Juice Bar, Yoga Instruction PM Production Concert Systems Norris Comeaux (504) 201-6478 4067 Highway 1 Raceland, Louisiana 70394 Categories: Event Services, Production Company What is the Chamber’s role in the business community? The role of the Chamber in our business community is to work with the public and other agencies toward enhancing our larger community to make it a more prosperous place to live and do business. Neo Nail Spa, LLC Aaron Nguyen (985) 262-0206 1795 Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard, Suite J Houma, Louisiana 703630 Categories: Nail Salons & Services The Houma-Terrebonne Chamber of Commerce Invites You To Join! Internal Medicine Group Alain Chestnut, M.D. Craig Wade, M.D. 8120 Main Street, Suite 403 Houma, Louisiana 70360 We would love to have you join our team and become a member of the Chamber. There are many benefits to take advantage of and we would be happy to answer any questions you might have. Give us a call at (985) 876-5600, Visit our website for more info or to fill out an application. Categories: Physicians, Physicians-Internal Medicine Comeaux Plumbing & Repair, LLC Norris Comeaux, Jr. (985) 537-5698 4067 Highway 1 Raceland, Louisiana 70394 Categories: Plumbing-Contractor, Sewage Treatment Systems, Supplies & Services Cameron Isles (985) 851-4753 100 Cameron isles Court Houma, Louisiana 70360 6133 Hwy 311, Houma, Louisiana 70360 Email: Categories: Apartments, Housing H o u m a - Te r r e b o n n e C h a m b e r of Commerce Focus/December 27, 2015 7 w w w. H o u m a C h a m b e r. c o m One on One with Harry Bourg Corporation The Chamber selects member businesses, organizations and individuals to highlight in this monthly publication. The Harry Bourg Corporation was selected at a recent General Membership Luncheon to be featured. Earlier this month we interviewed Cyrus Theriot, Jr. to learn more about him and Harry Bourg Corporation. Tell us a little about the history of Harry Bourg Corporation. How long has it been in business? Is it locally owned and operated. The Harry Bourg Corporation, founded in 1955, is a privately owned and operated Louisiana Corporation. We are located in Terrebonne Parish, about 60 miles southwest of New Orleans in Houma. The Harry Bourg Corporation currently manages approximately 17,000 acres of property in Dulac, mostly wetlands, which we lease for fishing, hunting, residential campsites, commercial dock space, cattle and oil & gas exploration. The marshlands were acquired by Harry Bourg in the 1920’s and 1930’s. His love of trapping, hunting and fishing along with his continuous hard work allowed him to build his business. In 1938, his land was leased by Fohs Oil Company. The company dug a six mile long canal named the Fohs Canal from the Bayou Grand Caillou to the middle of Harry’s marsh where the company drilled an oil well 13,300 feet deep. The well was named the Harry Bourg Number One, and it was prolific and led to additional wells being drilled on the property. The oil and gas companies caused significant damage to the property from 1938-2003, and after refusing to clean it up; a suit was filed in 2003 against twelve oil and gas companies. After a three year battle, a favorable settlement resulted to the Harry Bourg Corporation. The funds were utilized to restore the H o u m a - Te r r e b o n n e C h a m b e r of property to a similar state as before the time of the lease. Harry Bourg Corporation has also since branched out to subdivision development, finding a way to utilize its soil to help protect Terrebonne Parish. It plays a leading role in supplying dirt and materials to contractors constructing levees being built by the Terrebonne Levee and Conservation. Where is the office located? Our office is located at 619 Point Street in Houma. What is the company’s specialty? Land leases and estuary management are our specialty. How many people are employed by Harry Bourg Corporation? We have 6 employees. In what ways has the industry changed the most over the years? Land loss due to coastal erosion and the decline in the oil and gas industry has caused the greatest change. What do your clients like best about Harry Bourg Corporation? Our clients like the usage of private land to hunt and fish, and the availability of commercial fishing. What is the one experience you want for the clients of Harry Bourg Corporation? To enjoy nature. Tell us about you. Where were you born and raised? Tell us about your family. I was born and raised in Houma. My mother was Gertie Bourg Theriot, the daughter of Harry Bourg, and my father was Cyrus Theriot, Sr., who owned Theriot Lumber Company from 1940-1950’s. Did you attend/graduate from college? School? Commerce Focus/December 27, 2015 8 Years? I attended University of South Louisiana (USL) for 2 years. What is your title? President What are your primary responsibilities? Manage 17,000 acres located in the Dulac area. How long have you been with Harry Bourg Corporation? Since 1999 What do you like best about Harry Bourg Corporation? The opportunity to continue the legacy of Harry Bourg. What is most challenging about your job? To continue generating income for family shareholders. Tell us about the relationship between Harry Bourg Corporation and the Houma-Terrebonne Chamber of Commerce. Why does Harry Bourg Corporation invest in the Houma-Terrebonne Chamber of Commerce? We have been a member for over 30 years to help our Parish grow. Can you share any of your company’s involvement or your personal involvement with the Chamber over the years? I have served on the Advisory Committee for the Coast Zone Levee issues. Why should other businesses invest in the HoumaTerrebonne Chamber of Commerce? The Chamber is a great resource to gain wisdom and knowledge of the economics of our parish. w w w. H o u m a C h a m b e r. c o m Join Us ! Paul Danos Named to NOIA Board Paul Danos, executive vice president of Danos, has been chosen to serve on the board of directors for the National Ocean Industries Association (NOIA). The appointment was announced at NOIA’s annual meeting in Washington, D.C. Paul Danos is experienced in a variety of industry segments, having previously worked in operations, disaster response and recovery, and offshore construction and fabrication for the company. He also served as a senior consultant for Plains All Ameri- can and Arthur Andersen (Protiviti Consulting). As executive vice president, Paul leads the company’s strategic planning, business development, and sales and marketing efforts. “NOIA plays an important role in ensuring that America has access to the safe development of offshore energy,” said Danos. “It is an honor for me to join NOIA as a board member and to help further this mission.” NOIA is a national trade association representing all segments Houma-Terrebonne Chamber of Commerce Annual Chamber Banquet Wednesday, January 20, 2016 6 p.m. – Cocktails • 7 p.m. - 9 p.m. – Banquet Houma-Terrebonne Civic Center of the offshore industry with an interest in the exploration and production of both traditional and renewable energy resources on the nation’s outer continental shelf. Keynote Speaker – Sandy Davis Mr. Davis is a retired fire chief from Shreveport, LA, a published author and an internationally recognized motivational speaker dedicated to advancing the development of teambuilding, leadership, and management skills in public and private industry. Tickets and Sponsorships may be purchased by calling the Chamber office at 985-876-5600. Attendees enjoy a plated dinner, drinks and entertainment. General public is invited to attend. TGMC Surgeon Among 1,679 Initiated Into American College Of Surgeons Dr. Eric J. Jukes was among 1,679 Initiates from around the world who became Fellows of the American College of Surgeons (FACS) during the Convocation ceremony at the College’s 2015 annual Clinical Congress in Chicago, Ill., last month. This year’s class of Initiates was among one of the largest ever admitted into the College. Dr. Jukes received a medical doctorate in 2006 from LSU Health Sciences Center- Shreveport and is currently practicing at Terrebonne General Medical Center (TGMC). In 2012, Dr. Jukes attained board certification from the American Board of Surgery. Dr. Jukes has a strong professional interest in General Surgery and holds membership in other professional societies, including the Terrebonne Parish Medical Society and the Louisiana State Medical Society. By meeting the College’s stringent membership requirements, Fellows of the College have earned the distinguished right to use the designation of “FACS” (Fellow, American College of Surgeons) after their names. An applicant for Fellowship must be a graduate of an approved medical school; must have completed advanced training in one of the 14 surgical specialties recognized by the College; must possess certification by an American surgical specialty board or appropriate certification by the Royal College of Physicians H o u m a - Te r r e b o n n e C h a m b e r of and Surgeons of Canada; and must have been in practice for at least one year at the time of his or her application. Before admission into Fellowship, the surgeon must further demonstrate ethical fitness and professional proficiency, and his or her acceptance as a Fellow of the College must be approved by three-fourths of its Board of Regents. Commerce Focus/December 27, 2015 BUSINESS AFTER H URS Networking at its best! Business After Hours is held each month for Chamber members and their employees to network and enjoy food, drinks and door prizes. Thursday, January 28 • 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. Sponsored by: Women’s Business Alliance Chamber Office — 6133 Highway 311 Charlotte Grace Agency Owner Allstate Insurance Company 1208 Louise St. Thibodaux, LA 70301 Office 985-492-1579/Cell 985-665-3585 Fax 985-492-1264 9 Your trusted Allstate advisor w w w. H o u m a C h a m b e r. c o m Photo Gallery Chantell Pepper with the Houma-Terrebonne Chamber of Commerce attends a CPR training facilitated by Marie Chaisson with Workforce Logistics. The training was held for Chamber staff members. Volunteers from the Woodman of the World donated and installed an American flag at the Chamber office. Crystal Crosby and Madonna Scurlock with Designs By Two hosted the Business After Hours at their store located at 240 Barrow Street in Houma. Both interior designers were on-hand to answer questions about their design services, and their beautiful inventory of specialty gift items, home décor, furniture and much more. Chad Parr, Coastal Commerce Bank, Molly Blakely, Latter & Blum Co. Inc. / REALTORS, Kay Thibodeaux, HoumaTerrebonne Chamber of Commerce and Cheri Blanchard, Business and Career Solutions/Work Connection attend the Business After-Hours at Designs By Two. Coleman Cormier, D.C., Flynn-Manceaux-Arcement-Pizzolato-Thompson Chiropractic Clinic, Tyler Blanchard, Classic Business Products, Greg Berthelot, MidSouth Bank attend the Business After-Hours at Designs By Two. H o u m a - Te r r e b o n n e C h a m b e r of Commerce Focus/December 27, 2015 Annette Turner, Shane Golmon and Clyve Smith of Coastal Commerce Bank attend the Business After-Hours at Designs By Two located at 240 Barrow Street in Houma. 10 w w w. H o u m a C h a m b e r. c o m Photo Gallery Karen Schilling, Leadership Terrebonne, Stephanie Hebert, Stephanie Hebert Insurance Agency and Chamber Board Chair, Nancy Boudreaux, Louisiana Office of Financial Institutions and luncheon speaker, Kate Theriot, CFC, LLC and Chamber Board Treasurer, and Suzanne Nolfo Carlos, Chamber President/CEO attend the General Membership Luncheon in November. Special thanks to Ms. Boudreaux for her presentation and to Ms. Schilling and Leadership Terrebonne for sponsoring the event. Clyde Hamner visits with A.J. Vesich of Bio Protection Systems, Inc./Bio Pro Mold Inspections at the Business After-Hours at Designs By Two. The Houma-Terrebonne Chamber of Commerce announced 5 honorees for the 2015 Terrebonne’s Young Achievers awards. Stephanie Hebert, Stephanie Hebert Insurance Agency and Chamber Board Chair presented the awards at the membership luncheon in November. Pictured above are Ms. Hebert, Paul Danos, 38 year old Executive Vice President at Danos; Jeff Bordelon, 33 year old Vice President of Marine Purchasing at EMR; Natalie Campbell, 34 year old owner of Campbell Technology Consultants, LLC; Tanner Magee, 35 year old attorney with Magee Law, LLC and Kate Theriot, CFC, LLC and Chamber Board Treasurer. Mike Lewis, 39 year old owner of Big Mike’s BBQ Smoke House was unable to attend the event. Mike Lewis, 39 year old owner of Big Mike’s BBQ Smoke House was recognized as a 2015 Terrebonne Young Achiever at a November Chamber Board meeting by Board Chair Stephanie Hebert, Stephanie Hebert Insurance Agency. Chamber Board members Ann Barker, Terrebonne Ford, Janel Ricca, Houma-Terrebonne Civic Center, Earl Eues, KEE Environmental Services, LLC and Board Chairman-Elect and Kimi Walker, Chauvin Brothers participate in a break-out session during a Board retreat. Board Members met in November to set goals for 2016. Kay Thibodeaux, Houma-Terrebonne Chamber of Commerce, Stevie Smith, All South Consulting Engineers, LLC, and John Rogers, Coastal Commerce Bank meet to set goals for the Government Activities Committee during the Chamber Board Retreat in November. H o u m a - Te r r e b o n n e C h a m b e r of Commerce Focus/December 27, 2015 11 w w w. H o u m a C h a m b e r. c o m Photo Gallery David Dupre’, DonahueFavret Contractors, Inc.; John Yochum, Capital One Financial Corp.; Aron Weisner, Enterprise Community Investment, Inc.; Patrick Forbes, LA Office of Community Development; Leonard D. Simmons, Jr., Renaissance Neighborhood Development Corp.; Michelle Thomas, LA Housing Corp.; Michel H. Claudet, Terrebonne Parish President; Victor Smeltz, Renaissance Neighborhood Development Corp.; Mike King, Volunteers of America, Inc.; James LeBlanc, Volunteers of America Greater New Orleans; Wayne M. Baquet Jr., Volunteers of America Greater New Orleans and Michael Hunley, MSH Architects participate in the ribbon cutting for the new affordable living community, Bayou Cane Apartments located at 137 Synergy Center Blvd. in Houma. Envy Boutique celebrates a ribbon cutting ceremony during their Grand Opening celebration at 1795 Martin Luther King Blvd., Suite M in Houma. Participants include Ashley Ellis, model (face of Envy) Gabrielle Bonvillian, store manager, Dawn Baker, owner, Sara Rhodes, owner, Alyssa Ross, sales associate and Stacie Theriot. Stop by Envy Boutique today for the latest fashions and accessories! Ginger & Bee celebrates a ribbon cutting ceremony at its new location at 1795 Martin Luther King Blvd., Suite L in Houma. Participants include Heather Pulley, Shelley Robichaux, owner, Brie Robichaux, owner, Caroline Chafin and Kyrsten Medine. Ginger & Bee offers handcrafted bath, body, and home products that cleanses and soothes skin, body and mind. Visit there location today or call (985) 402-1660 for more information. Tim and Paula Domangue, owners of Greenwood Gator Farm & Swamp Boat Tours participate in a ribbon cutting ceremony celebrating the addition of Swamp Boat Tours with Captains Black Guidry and Mike Colee to their Gator Farm Tours. The Domangues are joined with their children Brad & Ashley, friends, staff and Chamber members. Make plans to visit their farm at 125 Gator Ct. (off of HWY 182) in Gibson. Call 985-804-0744 or visit their website at for more information. Nicole Nobles Ditch, center with ceremonial scissors, is joined by Wraparound Services of SCLA staff, volunteers and Chamber members at a ribbon cutting ceremony celebrating their first anniversary. Wraparound is a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing services and support to help at-risk youth and families. For more information visit their website at, call (985)232-3930 or visit their office at 279 South Hollywood Road in Houma. Shantelle Abshire and Leah Porche, RDN, LDN, center holding the ceremonial scissors, participate in a ribbon cutting ceremony celebrating the opening of Root 2 Rise featuring yoga, Pilates and a smoothie and juice bar. Stop by there location at 605 Barrow St. in Houma to pick up a schedule of classes and try some of their healthy fast food options. H o u m a - Te r r e b o n n e C h a m b e r of Commerce Focus/December 27, 2015 12 w w w. H o u m a C h a m b e r. c o m Nicholls State University Earns State’s ‘Military and Veteran Friendly’ Designation Nicholls State University has recently been designated as a “Governor’s Military and Veteran Friendly Campus” by Gov. Bobby Jindal and has been recognized for the seventh consecutive year as a “Military Friendly School” by G.I. Jobs magazine. Jindal’s military friendly designation was created this year to assist veterans in selecting which Louisiana school best fits their needs. This year’s recognition identifies 24 schools that offer tailored veteran admissions policies and support services, application fee waivers, priority class scheduling, career workshops and veteran-specific courses like the veteransonly freshman seminar class instructed by Nicholls President Dr. Bruce Murphy, a retired lieutenant colonel who served 23 years in the U.S. Army. “Earning military friendly designations year after year validates the effort Nicholls has already made — and continues to make — to accommodate our nation’s veterans who are seeking a quality education,” said Gilberto Burbante, Nicholls coordinator of veterans services. Burbante, a former U.S. Marine and Army National Guard officer, is a three-time Iraq War infantry veteran and 2011 Nicholls graduate. “The Nicholls Office of Veteran Affairs acts like a military unit,” Burbante said. “We take care of our own here, and that’s how we are able to make an impression and lasting connections with fellow veterans on campus.” Currently, 198 veterans are enrolled and receiving benefits at Nicholls. The Office of Veterans Affairs acts as a one-stop shop, helping veterans to register for classes, navigate financial aid processes, receive military or transfer credits and even find jobs during the summer break or after graduation. Nicholls also operates a veterans’ lounge in Shaver Gym to help build community among student veterans and assist in their transition to college life. “Nicholls is committed to supporting our veterans as they work toward earning a college degree,” Murphy said. “We are proud of our military and veteran friendly designation and enjoy helping these individuals achieve continued success.” For more information about Nicholls’ services for veterans and active service members, call Burbante at 985.448.4208, or go to Terrebonne Parish Library Receives National Grant for Robotics Programming The Terrebonne Parish Library System announces its newest initiative: MoboRobo: Robots on the Go! MoboRobo is made possible through a Sparks! Ignition Grant for Libraries, administered by the Institute of Museum and Library Services. This highly competitive grant vetted various libraries across the nation with the purpose of providing free, highly merited STEM programming to the public through original and inventive yet highly effective means. The Terrebonne Library received $18,143 for supplies and training to provide library patrons, educators, and outreach leaders of Terrebonne Parish with MoboRobo Labs, Kits, and @ the Library programming. MoboRobo is both an in-library program for children, as well as a lending program consisting of circulating robotics kits for use in H o u m a - Te r r e b o n n e C h a m b e r of homes, schools, and after school groups such as Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, 4-H, and outreach programs for youth in the community. The kits provide educators, parents, or group leaders with the educational materials and physical teaching tools (robots and cubelets) to enhance elementary to middle school-aged kids’ understanding of and participation in STEM activities. STEM stands for any learning system focusing on science, technology, engineering, and/or math. MoboRobo will be broken down into three types of library programming and circulating materials for external programming. With MoboRobo @ the Library, all libraries throughout the Terrebonne Parish system will have ready-made library programming for up to 20 children at a time, free and open to the public. With Mo- Commerce Focus/December 27, 2015 boRobo Kits, parents and children will have the opportunity to check out robotics to play and learn through STEM-based activities at home. Finally, MoboRobo Labs offer schools and after school groups a way to check out enough equipment for up to 30 children to work together in pairs, exploring new concepts and developing critical academic skills within and outside classroom settings. Teacher and after school group leader training will be provided free of cost for those wishing to implement STEM programming with robotics in their learning environments. For more information about MoboRobo, the Sparks! Ignition Grant through IMLS, or upcoming programming and training schedules, please contact Lauren at 8505301. 13 w w w. H o u m a C h a m b e r. c o m Greater Lafourche Port Commission Recognizes Nicholls State University for Fourchon Beach Restoration, Protection Efforts The Greater Lafourche Port Commission recognized Nicholls State University for its fundamental contributions to Fourchon Beach coastal restoration and protection efforts at a commission board meeting in Galliano. Nicholls biology faculty and students have grown and planted over 16,500 dune grass stems to help protect Fourchon Beach from environmental factors like storm surges and coastal erosion since July 2014. The Port Commission was awarded the 2015 Environmental Enhancement Award by the American Association of Port Authorities (AAPA) for its Beach and Dune Restoration Geotube Project, which restored approximately one mile of beach and dune habitat at Port Fourchon. “Having an environmentally conscious organization like the Greater Lafourche Port Commission collaborate with Nicholls students on service-learning opportunities encourages them to connect with their community and gain a firsthand understanding of the impact they can make as future biologists,” said Nicholls President Dr. Bruce Murphy. “Nicholls is very proud of its biology faculty and students for becoming leaders in preserving and protecting Louisiana’s vulnerable coastline.” Fourchon Beach is the first line of defense for Port Fourchon, which services over 90 percent of all deepwater Gulf of Mexico oil and gas production, accounting for approximately 20 percent of the U.S. energy supply. This beach area sustained extensive damages from Hurricanes Katrina, Rita, Gustav and Isaac. “While it’s great to build this beach and dune back, we understood that the project wouldn’t be able to last long in that environment without plants to help hold it together,” said Chett Chiasson, executive director of the Greater Lafourche Port Commission. “That’s when we approached Nicholls State University about helping us protect this investment with a series of plantings, and we are very grateful that they A WORLD OF EXPERIENCE IN YOUR HOME TOWN. have done so much to help us keep our beach intact.” Pictured (from left to right) Dr. Neal Weaver, Nicholls vice president for university advancement; Dr. Allyse Ferrara, Nicholls professor of biological sciences; Nicholls President Dr. Bruce Murphy; Chett Chiasson, executive director of the Greater Lafourche Port Commission; Dr. Quenton Fontenot, Nicholls professor and head of biological sciences; and Dr. Lynn Gillette, Nicholls provost and vice president for academic affairs. Photo courtesy of Greater Lafourche Port Commission You don’t have to search far and wide for professionals that can handle your most complicated accounting needs. Bourgeois Bennett brings the power of the industry’s leading staff right to your neighborhood. We are one of the state’s top accounting and consulting firms offering a myriad of services from tax planning for businesses and individuals and audit and assurance to litigation and forensic accounting. We are also your neighbors and eager to share our years of accumulated knowledge to help you reach your goals or prepare for the unexpected. Call us today and let us show you how we can help you thrive without leaving home. New Orleans 504.831.4949 | North Shore 985.246.3022 | Houma 985.868.0139 | Thibodaux 985.447.5243 H o u m a - Te r r e b o n n e C h a m b e r of Commerce Focus/December 27, 2015 14 w w w. H o u m a C h a m b e r. c o m Oncale Named Rookie of the Year TGMC Honors Long Term Employees and Retirees H o u m a - Te r r e b o n n e C h a m b e r of 50 year employee CJ Breaux. Ann Dupre, Teddy Dupre, Jr., Jacqueline Eberling, Dwayne Hornsby, Dana James, Lynn Ledet, Amber Luke, Theresa McGuire, Betty Nash, Kristi Robert, Constance Robinson, Latasha Robinson, Dana Rogers, Claudia Ryder, Amy Savoie, Penella Scott, Melanie Soignet, Michael Verdin, and James Whitney III. Seventeen employees were honored for 10 years of service. Heidi Acosta, Rhonda Alfred, Justin Chaisson, Consuella Darjean, Dennis Dillard, Magen Dufrene, Billie Evans, Jenny Hawkins, Amy Naquin, Ryan Orillion, Jessica Quick, Dawn Richard, Susan Schexnaildre, Katherine Sims, Patricia Stanley, Stacie Tastet, and Abby Toups. Eight TGMC retirees were honored for their many years of service. Gayle Bourgeois, 20 years of service, Corine Coleman, 41 years of service, Kenneth Foret, 34 years of service, Carol May, 38 years of service, Pamela Pellegrin, 34 years of service, Spicy Pryne, 29 years of service, Sheila Rhodes, 20 years of service, and Beverly Rutledge, 53 years of service. TGMC is proud of each and every one of our team members who make miracles happen every day! Commerce Focus/December 27, 2015 is all about” said Tiffany Rabalais, broker/owner of Premiere Properties of the South in Houma, LA. “In the 2 years she has been an agent, she truly understands what it means to be a real estate professional and a community volunteer and is an example from which we can all learn something.” “It is a great honor to be recognized among such a talented and dedicated group of real estate professionals,” said Joni. “The unwavering support of my broker and real estate family at Premiere Properties of the South undoubtedly helped to make receiving this award possible. Doing what you love makes even the most challenging days enjoyable. “ Joni, who grew up in Houma, LA is very familiar with all of the benefits the Tri-Parish area has to offer and is a member of the Bayou Board of Realtors®. She is known to give the utmost dedication to her clients by providing them with the most information possible enabling them to make the best decision about their real estate investment. Memorable Events 157 TOURIST DRIVE, GRAY, LA 70359 985.580.1500 | WWW.CYPRESSCOLUMNS.COM 985-746-4747 LA Lic #46925 Plb#1666 15 Unforgettable Moments Serving Customers Since 1988 Mold Certified Mech. Engineer on Staff 24/7 Service all brands LA Bryant Dealer of the Year Residential and Commercial Serving Houma and Thibodaux Daily Comet Readers Choice 2014 Now Offering Plumbing Service w w w. H o u m a C h a m b e r. c o m x055cc16 Over 150 Terrebonne General Medical Center (TGMC) employees were honored at the Annual Employee Service Awards Banquet. Sixty-Nine employees were long term employees recognized for providing over 20 years of service or more to TGMC. Clifford Breaux, Jr. was recognized for an outstanding 50 years of service and Keith Matherne was recognized for 40 years of service at TGMC. Honored for 35 years of service were, Wilson Freeman, Cathy Kohmann, and Barbara Hogenstad. Employees recognized for 30 years of service were, Christine Cantrelle, Sandee Ellender, Teresita McNabb, Mary Miller, Dana Olivier, Elizabeth Rousseve, Linda Savoie, Lucetta Sweet, and Terry Wallace, Jr. Twenty-one employees were honored for 25 years of service. Karen Billiot, Carol Burt, Urtz Cheramie, Lorraine Coleman, Simone Corley, Elsie Dabney, Kathleen Diggs, Patricia Domangue, Wendy Durocher, Gail Hamilton, Jeanne Hamner, Cynthia Harris, Donna Jackson, Charlene Josey, Denise Lajaunie, Leslie Levron, Deborah Marcel, Laura Melancon, Trudy Ordoyne, Nadeline Riley, and Diane Yeates. Thirty-four employees were honored for 20 years of service. Tracie Achee, Edna Anderson, Donald Austin, Harold Benoit, D’lyn Bollinger, Sonda Brown, Philip Bueche, Pamela Bundy, Thomas Champagne, Gail Denson, Wayne Deroche, James Devillier, Carole Duplantis, Angela Fontenot, Henry Franklin, Victoria Grey, Angela Guillory, Kimberly Harrison, Nichol Ledet, Desaire Lirette, Harriet Lyons, Kathy McClendon, Veronica McEachern, Phyllis Peoples, Cherie Pierre- Miller, Rebecca Pizzo, Kerrie Redmond, Pamela Spearman, Mark Spence, Tommy Tabor, Troy Tabor, Nancy Theriot, Danyel VanMatre, Dean Verret, and Randy Williams. Twenty-four employees were honored for 15 years of service. Terry Babin, Rebecca Blanchard, James Charpentier, Jean Dove, Jennifer Dufrene, Premiere Properties of the South, LLC member of the Bayou Board of Realtors®, is proud to announce Joni Oncale has been awarded the prestigious “Rookie of the Year” award by the Bayou Board of Realtors®. The Rookie of the Year award recognizes excellent professional performance by a Realtor® with up to 2 years experience within the local real estate community. The Bayou Board of Realtors® recently presented the award to Joni during a special ceremony at the Annual Installation Banquet. “Joni possesses a tireless dedication to helping home buyers and sellers make informed real estate decisions and that is what the honor Manning Passing Academy Makes Nicholls State University Its Home Through 2021 Nicholls State University and the Manning Passing Academy have signed a six-year contract extension to host the popular football skills camp on the Thibodaux campus through 2021. “We are very excited to enter into a long-term agreement with Nicholls State University,” said Archie Manning, founder and executive director of the Manning Passing Academy. “The past 10 years have been terrific. Our staff, the campers and their families get to experience the true Southern hospitality that Louisiana and Lafourche Parish are famous for. We feel that Thibodaux is the home of the Manning Passing Academy.” Nicholls has hosted the four-day summer football camp since 2005, annually attracting more than 1,000 high school athletes and over 100 coaches and counselors from the NFL, colleges and high schools across the country. Previously held each July, the 2016 Manning Passing Academy and future MPA camps will welcome campers June 23-26 to comply with NCAA recruiting regulations. “The ongoing partnership between Nicholls and the Manning Passing Academy is a winwin-win for Nicholls, the Mannings and the City of Thibodaux,” said Nicholls President Dr. Bruce Murphy. “Nicholls, along with our community partners, are committed to delivering the best experience possible, and we are grateful to the Mannings for choosing our university to help educate and inspire young athletes each summer.” High school quarterbacks, receivers, running backs and tight ends travel from all 50 states and around the world to learn football fundamentals from retired NFL quarterback Archie Manning and his three sons, Nicholls Marketing Students Place Third at International Fox Sports host Cooper and Super Bowl MVPs Peyton Collegiate Sales Competition and Eli. Counselors, campers and their families travel to Thi Two Nicholls State University marketing seniors the Russ Berrie Institute for Professional Sales at Wilbodaux and annually contribute more than $2 million placed third out of 60 collegiate sales teams at the liam Paterson University’s Cotsakos College of Busito the local economy by staying at local hotels, eating three-day International Collegiate Sales Competition ness in Wayne, New Jersey. at local restaurants and shopping at local retailers. hosted by Florida State University in Orlando, Flori- The National Sales Challenge, an intense series of For some businesses, the week the Mannings are in da. selling competitions and workshops, brings together town is the busiest week of the year. Nicholls marketing seniors Kaitlin Beier and Sara more than 100 students from 36 universities as well For more information on the Manning Passing AcadTrax outscored teams from 57 of the 60 participat- as 90 business executives who will host workshops emy, including eligibility and registration, visit maning schools including Louisiana State University, Au- and judge the sales competitions. burn University, Texas A&M University, Kansas State The Nicholls College of Business Administration University and Indiana University. Beier also finished fourth overall in the individual sales competition. “For Nicholls College of Business students to compete at this high level of competition showcases the quality of our professional sales concentration in marketing,” said Dr. Marilyn Macik-Frey, interim dean of the Nicholls College of Business Administration. “These students are performing at the highest levels and are getting noticed by top businesses. In the professional sales field, certain universities have a reputation for turning out the best in the country. Finishing third overall, Nicholls now shares that notoriety as a top-tier university in the area of professional sales.” The International Collegiate Sales Competition combines challenges in the three most sought-after selling skills: business to business, direct to consumer and using the latest video conferencing technology to present solutions to international decision-makers. The event also includes a job fair sponsored by over 25 Fortune 500 companies along with mini educational seminars. Beier and Trax hope to achieve similar success at the National Sales Challenge currently being held at H o u m a - Te r r e b o n n e C h a m b e r of hosts its own sales competition — the Bayou Sales Challenge — in the spring. The Bayou Sales Challenge is open to all Louisiana college students and features individual and team competitions held in the university’s Sales and Interactive Training Laboratory. We treat eeryone like family. People you know. A name you trust. By Decision Health and National Research Corporation Kaitlin Beier and Sara Trax placed third at the International Collegiate Sales Competition in Orlando, Florida, outscoring sales teams from 57 of the 60 participating schools. Pictured (from left) are Trax; Dr. Chuck Viosca, Nicholls professor of marketing; and Beier. Commerce Focus/December 27, 2015 16 Skilled Nursing Therapy Services Certified Nurse’s Aid Medical Social Worker 200 E. 6th Street | Thibodaux | 985.262.0445 w w w. H o u m a C h a m b e r. c o m DDG Wins Top Social Media Award Duplantis Design Group (DDG) won the Society of Marketing Professional Services (SMPS) Southeast Louisiana Chapter Communication Award for the Best Social Media Campaign with the “Get to Know DDG” campaign. The “Get to Know DDG” social media campaign targets DDG’s Facebook followers which include clients, employees, family and friends. This campaign gives people outside of the office an opportunity to get to know each employee on a more personal level. When reading the “Get to Know DDG”, the readers become more familiar with the employees, and it helps them feel they are part of the DDG team. Each week a new employee is featured. David Duplantis, CEO said, “DDG’s Facebook followers really enjoy seeing our employee spotlights, especially proud moms! Clients enjoy the campaign because they can better relate to our employees on a personal level knowing more about their family and the hobbies outside of our firm.” “I am very proud of our marketing team for their efforts,” continues Duplantis. Nicholls State University to Host National Bassmaster Tournament February 25 - 27 in Houma Nicholls State University will attract over 100 collegiate bass fishing teams to the Bayou Region community when it hosts the Carhartt Bassmaster College Series Central Regional Feb. 25-27 in Houma. The three-day Central Regional tournament is the second in a series of five regional qualifiers leading up to the 2016 Carhartt Bassmaster College Series National Championship. The Central Regional will be the first Bassmaster tournament hosted by Nicholls, whose bass fishing team formed in 2013. Nicholls student anglers Tyler Rivet and Allyson Marcel placed third out of 81 schools in the 2015 national championship held in Stevens Point, Wisconsin. “Participating in a qualifier like the Central Regional is how our bass fishing team was able to represent Nicholls on the national stage in Wisconsin,” said Alyson Theriot, faculty sponsor of the Nicholls Bass Fishing Team. “Having Nicholls host one of the five regionals means more people and prospective students will be introduced to all that we offer here, and it supports the local economy because visiting anglers and their families will be eating at our restaurants and staying at our hotels.” Bob’s Bayou Black Marina, located about 30 minutes from Nicholls, will serve as the Central Regional’s official launch and weigh-in station. The final tournament weigh-in, which is streamed online and televised nationally, will take place on the Nicholls campus. The Nicholls Foundation is offering sponsorship opportunities and welcoming corporate and private donations for the 2016 Carhartt Bassmaster College Series Central Regional. Those interested in supportH o u m a - Te r r e b o n n e C h a m b e r of ing the Nicholls-hosted event are invited to contact the Nicholls Foundation at 985.448.4134. “We always strive to select great venues for our college anglers. We look for venues and fisheries that can handle the growing field size, as well as provide great fishing and dramatic competition,” said Hank Weldon, B.A.S.S. College Series tournament manager. “Each year, we get to see a young, aspiring angler’s dream come true — and that’s always an unforgettable moment.” Chad Danos Elected as ASLA President At the culmination of this year’s Annual Meeting & EXPO in Chicago on November 9, Chad D. Danos, FASLA was installed as the 71st president of the American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA). Danos is Director of Landscape Architecture at Duplantis Design Group, PC in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, creating value-added outdoor environments that create a sense of place and reflect the rich cultural heritage of Louisiana. For the past twentyfive years, Chad has guided the planning, design and implementation of prominent community projects such as: North Boulevard Town Square (Baton Rouge), Forest Community Park (Baton Rouge), Woman’s Hospital (Baton Rouge), Thibodaux Regional Medical Center (Thibodaux), Terrebonne Main Library (Houma), North Tangipahoa Parish Park (Kentwood), Louisiana Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan, the Louisiana Speaks Regional Plan, and the Downtown Strategic Plan (Abbeville) to name a few. Chad D. Danos, FASLA He has served ASLA in many capacities: as Louisiana Chapter President and Trustee, ASLA Vice President of Government Affairs, and chair of numerous committees. In 2011, Danos was inducted into the ASLA Council of Fellows, among the highest honor the ASLA may bestow on its members in recognition of exceptional accomplishments over a sustained period of time. “Landscape architects offer significant value to projects in an ever changing world where safe, sustainable, and unifying public spaces are critical to the viability of our communities. I am eager to represent my profession in the coming year as its President.” says Danos. Nicholls Bass Fishing Team members Allyson Marcel and Tyler Rivet cast their lines in the Mandalay National Wildlife Refuge near Bayou Black. Photo by Misty Leigh McElroy/Nicholls State University Commerce Focus/December 27, 2015 17 w w w. H o u m a C h a m b e r. c o m Danos Names Four Vice Presidents Local Cardiologist is First in the World to Use New Technology to Treat PAD Dr. Craig Walker, founder, president and medical director of Cardiovascular Institute of the South, was the first in the world to use the Turbo-Power laser atherectomy catheter by Spectranetics for in-stent restenosis in peripheral arteries. The Turbo-Power laser atherectomy catheter is the latest technology in treatment for in-stent restenosis, which refers to the narrowing of a previously-stented vessel with restricted blood flow. The catheter allows for better directional control and a larger opening in the blood vessel. The tip rotates by the use of an external remote and uses radiofrequency ablation to open the vessel. The procedure took place in the cath lab at Terrebonne General Medical Center. This is the fourth “first” in-man procedure done by Dr. Walker, the others being: • First in the world to place a stent in a patient having a heart attack (1989) • First in the world to place IDEV Nitinol Stent in a human in Germany (2006) • First in the world to Danos has added to its leadership team by promoting James Callahan, Mark Danos, Stacey Gisclair and Reed Peré to executive roles within the company. “These four outstanding individuals bring a wealth of talent and more than 70 years of industry experience to our executive leadership team,” said CEO and President Hank Danos. “I am confident that James, Mark, Stacey and Reed will enhance the strategic direction of Danos.” As vice president of finance, James Callahan is responsible for overseeing the company’s domestic and international administration, finance and accounting activities. Prior to joining Danos in 2013, Callahan served as chief executive officer for Superior Shipyard and Fabrication, as well as chief operating officer for SJI LLC, a privately held telecommunications company. Mark Danos serves as vice president of project services, supervising the company’s project management, construction and fabrication divisions. He is responsible for all domestic and international deepwater, subsea, shelf and onshore projects. Prior to joining the company, he worked in project management for ExxonMobil, supporting large capital projects use the Turbo-Booster Laser System in Germany (2006) “The purpose is to clear out the vessel and make a bigger channel,” explained Dr. Walker. “This is a major advancement over prior devices. We had a great result with a great flow in a big channel.” Pictured (from left to right) Brandon Hendrick, Project Leader at Spectranetics, Dr. Craig Walker and Claude Lafont, Account Manager at Spectranetics Women’s Business Alliance Sets Plan for 2016 The Women’s Business Alliance of Houma will launch its 2016 program year with a networking event January 28 to engage current and future members. The Women’s Business Alliance works to empower women in their professional and personal endeavors, thereby enriching their quality of life, through networking, education, community involvement, and mentoring. The 2016 launch will be a Business After-Hours event at the Houma-Terrebonne Chamber of Commerce, 6133 Hwy. 311 in Houma from 5-7pm. The event will feature a discussion and familiarization of the organization, as well as announcement of the WBA’s activities for the year. All women in business careers – or seeking to enter into a business career – are encouraged to H o u m a - Te r r e b o n n e C h a m b e r of attend to join in creating a strong network of female business leaders in the community. In 2015, the organization’s activities included networking/educational luncheons, the Athena Awards Banquet (with Natalie Bergeron honored for her assistance in the community) and the awarding of three scholarships to college-bound high-school graduates. New for 2016 is the creation of a $100 corporate membership, which entitles all of a company’s employees to be WBA members, a corporate listing in the membership directory and on the WBA web site and other promotional mentions. Individual memberships cost $30. For information on joining WBA, visit: or email: Commerce Focus/December 27, 2015 James Callahan Mark Danos Reed Pere Stacey Gisclair around the world. Mark Danos is a third-generation owner of the company and member of its board of directors. Stacy Gisclair brings over two decades of human resources experience to her position as vice president of human resources. Through her oversight and management of the company’s human resources and recruiting activities, Gisclair ensures that Danos continues its commitment to a high-performance culture. In 2015, she received the company’s “Quality Person of the Year.” Gisclair worked for Edison Chouest Offshore prior to joining Danos in 1999. Vice President of Production Services Reed Peré is responsible for the quality of work and adherence to safety policies of the company’s global production workforce. He has been with Danos since 2006, and in 2012 received the “Quality Person of the Year” award. His background in secondary education and 10 years in the energy industry make Peré well suited to managing Danos employees in locations around the world. Visit for more Chamber information. 18 w w w. H o u m a C h a m b e r. c o m Nicholls to Help Freshmen Prepare for Math Courses with $25,000 from AT&T An innovative program specially designed to spur Nicholls University freshman toward mathematical success will be funded by a $25,000 contribution from the AT&T Aspire initiative. The funding will provide 80 first-time freshmen students an opportunity to participate in an intensive, 12-day preparatory program in mathematics. “Over the past 40 years, we’ve seen many jobs in the oil and gas industry shift to a higher demand for trained mathematicians and engineers as the use of computers and automation has spread to almost all sectors of our economy,” stated State Senator Norby Chabert. “We are fortunate to have Nicholls State University recognize that our state will need thousands of workers to fill both skilled and STEMrelated jobs to meet the demands of the billions of dollars in new projects which will continue to diversity our economy.” “We greatly appreciate the support from policy makers and education advocates like State Senator Norby Chabert who understand that the value of education goes beyond a paper diploma,” said Dr. Neal Weaver, Vice President of Advancement. “These days, technological, engineering and business problems now require a high level of mathematical understanding and management due to the complexity of these skills in today’s global environment, and our graduates must be prepared to understand how to solve these issues.” “The more than two million non-farm employees created in Louisiana range from skilled workers to STEM-related jobs,” said Leo Marsh, AT&T Regional Manager. “There is an ever growing demand for mathematical expertise in the software engineering, biological and social sciences, as well as in finance and business management, and this demand will continue to grow and evolve. It’s imperative we prepare our 21st century workforce to problemsolve and identify emerging trends that will transform our global society and marketplace.” Spread the Good News! Share the news about your business’ or organization’s success! Submit your press releases to H o u m a - Te r r e b o n n e C h a m b e r of Commerce Focus/December 27, 2015 19 w w w. H o u m a C h a m b e r. c o m There’s A Reason We Sell More King Cakes Than Any Other Bakery. Over 350,000 last year! We’ve been baking real Louisiana king cakes for over 56 years. Our bakers start with our exclusive gourmet cinnamon dough — it’s a Rouses original — and hand decorate every king cake we sell. Rouses Mini Muffaletta Party Tray FEEDING YOUR WHOLE KREWE IS A PIECE OF (KING) Cake! KING CAKE HOTLINE: 1-800-688-5998 We ship anywhere in the continental U.S. Order Online at We’ve got Mardi Gras covered, from the food and drinks, to the ice chests you put them in. Our kitchen krewe is frying chicken and making our famous St. Louis-style ribs to eat on the route or at the house. And check out our great selection of party trays and sandwiches. Stay in Touch with Rouses • @RousesMarkets • •
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