introduces you to this year`s 20 Under 20. You`re looking good!
introduces you to this year`s 20 Under 20. You`re looking good!
20 UNDER 20 introducesyoutothis year’s20Under20. You’relookinggood! compiledbyLissaCarlson,KendraArch&HelenKirch photosbySavannaWestbrookandMeganColgan, EndlessImagesPhotography (unless otherwise credited) Meet 20 local young superstars, all under age 20 when they made our community proud by going above and beyond in very different, yet equally inspiring,ways.Theyeachgiveustheirbestparenting adviceforraisingourownsuperstars.Therecurring wisdomtheyofferisinvaluable. Coulee Parenting Connection • 11 CouleeParentingConnection•11 20UNDER20 hy, LLC Katherine Burelbach Contributed photo Advice for parents: Letkidsdowhattheyloveandsupporttheminit. o s Ph o K not h e , Ap r o p Diane Katherine spent the summer in New York City completing the Gelsey Kirkland Academy of Classical Ballet (GKA) pre-professional program. Among an impressive list of acclaimed artists, teachers, and ballerinas, Katherine even works with the famous ballerina, Gelsey Kirkland. to g r ap Senior, Central High School Namthip Nilawong Senior, Viroqua Youth Initiative High School Namthip lost most of her family in the Asian tsunami of 2004. Raised in an orphanage in Thailand, she embraced the opportunity to study in America in spite of knowing no one and very little English. Three years later, she is on the cusp of graduating and continuing with a college degree. Her strength in carving out a bright future against all odds is an inspiration to all. Advice for parents: Ithinkparentsshouldbeopenwithkids,treatthemlikeafriend, givethemgoodadvicebutdon’talwaystellthemwhattodo.Beagoodexampleforthem, and be a reasonable parent. Gavin Sowa 4th grade, North Woods Elementary School Gavin has been a tour guide at the Kane Street Community Garden for four years. He also performs nearly every job the garden offers, including helping prepare the new children’s garden. His grandmother says he is a loving and compassionate boy with a great sense of humor. Advice for parents: Parentsshouldbewiseand treattheirchildrengently…andgivelotsofchocolate! Taylor Edwards 6th grade, Onalaska Middle School Taylor is an all-around star. From coordinating her school’s annual food drive to representing her school in a fundraiser as a “Smarter than a 5th Grader” contestant, she recognizes the value of community contributions and kindness. Advice for parents: 12•BacktoSchool2013 Always remind your children how fortunate they are. Joe Vandermus Senior, Onalaska High School Not only is Joe a dedicated athlete, but an outstanding teammate on the Wave Swim Team. Head coach, Annie Ryder, says he encourages and coaches the team’s youngest swimmers, proving he’s not only an excellent swimmer, but also an excellent role model. Advice for parents: Showyourkidshowamazingandgreat Jesus’sloveisforthemandsimplyspend time with each child. My advice is to follow God’sadvicewhichHeprovidesthrough Hisword. back to school shopping needs for your aéropostale • foot locker • zumiez justice • the children’s place 3800 state road 16 • la crosse, wi 54601 608.781.4700 • A Pennsylvania Real Estate Investment Trust® Property PREIT download the MALLS PREIT®mall app CouleeParentingConnection•13 20UNDER20 John Divney Senior, Aquinas High School John started dancing when he was 6 years old. As a male dancer, he sometimes experienced ridicule of his dance talent, but took it in stride and remained dedicated. His payoff? This December, he will be the first high school student to dance the role of Nutcracker Prince in the La Crosse Dance Centre’s “Nutcracker Ballet.” Advice for parents: I would encourage all parents to not give into society’s stereotypesaboutwhatboysandgirlsaresupposedtodo.Achild’sdreamsandaspirations arethepurestformoftheirstrongestdesires,buttheirconfidenceinthesedreamsisfragile whentheyareyoung.Whenyourchildhopestobecomesomethingotherthanwhatsociety saysisnormal,nurturethathope,andwatchyourchildcomealive. Kaleb Kidd 3rd grade (transferring from Irving Pertzch to Sparta School District) Last Mother’s Day, Kaleb witnessed as a lawn mower backed into his 3-year-old brother. He helped his older brother go through the yard to find the toes. “He is such a strong and amazing boy,” his mother, Courtney Schroeder says. “He blamed himself for the accident, but we assured him that he saved his brother.” Kaitlin Volten Freshman, UW-Madison Kaitlin organized a project that offered personalized prayer shawls to hospice residents. Her efforts earned her a Girl Scout Gold Award. Advice for parents: Encourageyourkidstopursuewhatevertheywishtodo,and supportthemwhollyintheirendeavors. Ben Smith 8th grade, Lincoln Middle School Karen Solv erson, Va lley Vision s Photogra phy Worktogetherasafamily. Photo cre dit: Advice for parents: Ben tickles the ivories like no other 12 year old in the Coulee Region. He’s won his division at the Wisconsin Music Teachers Association’s State auditions multiple times. Last year, he tackled the third movement of the Haydn Concerto in D for the La Crosse Symphony Orchestra’s Symphony for Youth concert. Advice to parents: Myadvicetoparentswithchildrentakingmusiclessonsistomake practicing as much fun as possible by giving rewards, making music a family activity, and notputtingontoomuchpressure.SometimesIwasreadytoquitbecauseIdidn’tfeellike practicingorwasreallyfrustrated,andthenmyparentswouldusuallyletmetakeiteasyfora while,orthey’dturnitintogames,orjusttrytohelpmeoutalot.Thenitwouldeventuallyget betterandI’dbebacktoenjoyingit. 14•BacktoSchool2013 Contributed photo Tevy McKee 5th grade, Wyeville Elementary School, Tomah Tevy organized a fundraiser for the students of Moore, Okla., after the May tornadoes devastated the area. Tevy once lived not far from Moore, and raised $100 for the cause. Principal Marlon Mee says, “Not many 4th-grade students would undertake a task like this.” Advice for parents: Mybestadvice toparentswouldbetokeepyourkidsand family involvedinthecommunity.Projects like cleaning up parks or volunteering at ashelter.Teachyour familythat helping othersmakesyoufeelgoodinside. CouleeParentingConnection•15 20UNDER20 Janie Felton Senior, Viroqua High School For four years, Janie has been the team captain for her own Relay for Life team, which has earned her Bronze Sponsor status. She started the team for her grandfather and a late teacher, Judy Olson. In addition, Janie is an accomplished musician, playing an assortment of instruments, including violin, guitar, piano, banjo, and mandolin. Advice for parents: Contributed photo Challengeyourkidsandfostertheircuriosity.Also, empower themtoexploreandpursue whattheyarepassionateabout.Having anoutlet,whetherit’s creative,analytical, orpurely humanistic,isagreatwayto developastrongsenseofselfwhilealsohelpingothers. Tony Modtland Junior, Logan High School Tony was nominated by the Boys & Girls Club for his star attitude. In spite of losing his father and moving from home to home, he recognizes his potential as a leader and looks forward to living a life of success in spite of his past. Sophomore, Aquinas High School Efer moved to the Coulee Region from Peru when he was 7 to have surgery for a vascular malformation of his face. His adoptive parents have seen him through countless surgeries and treatments since then. They say the most amazing part of his story is that his birth parents selflessly allowed him to be adopted so that he could get the medical care he needs. He is a swimmer and a 2012 semi-pro logrolling champion. Contribute Efer Christopherson d photo Advice to parents: Neverunderestimatethepowerofthreewords…Iloveyou. Throughgoodtimesandbad,it’simportantforyourkidstoknowthatyouloveand supportthem. Advice for parents: Parentsgiveyougoodadviceandleadyoutoagreat future. From the beginning to end they are always there for you. Lindsay Schmidt 6th grade, Longfellow Middle School staystrongandlovelife! 16•BacktoSchool2013 d photo Advice for parents: te Contribu Lindsay served as a 2012-13 Hospital Hero for the Children’s Miracle Network, raising awareness and funds to support the organization. She was born more than 13 weeks early and spent 77 days in the NICU. She realizes how lucky she is to be here and cares deeply about helping other kids in need. Ifyourchildisbornwithdisabilitiesorbornearly,justrememberto La Crosse Montessori ❍ ❍ Peaceful Montessori environment Fosters independence and self-motivation Preschool ❍ For children 2 1 ⁄2 to 5 years ❍ Extended day & noon-care programs 608-782-3320 Celebrating 45 Years of Parent Involvement Non-profit, non-denominational and non-discriminatory Contributed photo 1818 Redfield • La Crosse, WI Now Registering for Fall! Luke Eber Freshman, UW-Madison In spite of breaking his foot, femur, tibia, and then his knee during his high school career at Central, Luke went on to play football his senior year. “Overcoming adversity has become quite common for me over the last few years of my life,” he says. “However, the choices that come with handling adversity are what truly define a person, and my parents have been there every step of the way, giving me the support and trust I need to make the outcome of these obstacles extremely positive.” Luke returns that support; his mother is confined to a wheelchair due to multiple sclerosis. Advice to parents: Neverrestrict your child’s choices in life. Successful parentingiswhenyouryoungadultis passionateaboutmakinghealthylife choicesanddoingtherightthing,not becausethat’swhattheirparentswant, but because that’s what they want forthemselves. CouleeParentingConnection•17 20UNDER20 Keegan Eide Senior, Blair High School Keegan’s unilateral hearing loss hasn’t stopped him from ranking in the top 25 percent of his class, as well as keeping active in football, basketball, track, theater, band, choir, and drum line. An exemplary young man, he has studied dance at the Minnesota Conservatory for the Arts for 10 years. Advice for parents: Do notenforceyourpersonalviewsonachild.Presenttothemthefactsofacertain situationandletthemcomeupwiththeirowneducatedopinions,ratherthanjustfollowtheopinionsoftheir parents or mentors. Also, to support them in everything they do, because in the end it will mean a lot to them. Contributed photo Andrew Hoeft Senior, UW-Whitewater Between his sophomore and junior years of college, Andrew took an idea he had while working at Festival Foods in La Crosse and turned it into a company, Pinpoint Software. The company, now based in Whitewater, offers Date Check Pro to help grocery stores manage expiration dates. It’s used by more than 30 grocery stores nationally. Advice for parents: Oneofthebestthingsmyparentsdidformewastoletmebe adreamer.Iconstantlyhadcrazybusinessideas,includingastrawberrypatchandanice creamshopcalledHoeftyScoops.Theyalwaysencouragedmetokeepdreamingaswellas continuallypushedmetoworkhardersosomedayIwouldbeabletoachievethosedreams.I wouldcertainlynotbewhereIamtodaywithoutthem. Sheridan McCoy Junior, Aquinas High School Sheridan was nominated by Kristina Smaby-Schoh, who says she’s known Sheridan since she was about 7. “She’s always been a charismatic, ambitious, and loyal young lady,” says Smaby-Schoh, who instructed dance to Sheridan. “She has a good heart at such a young age and I can’t wait for her to share that with the world as she ventures off to college and a career. She’s a product of what you get when you work hard and do it with passion.” Advice for parents: Contribute d photo It’shardtogiveadvicetoparentswhenI’mnotonemyself. IknowIhaveappreciated thatmyMomandDadhavealwaysaskedwhatIwantedtodoandsupportedmebyhelpingtoorganize schedules,pointingoutopportunities,andencouragingmetotrynewthings. Ashley and Alyson LaRue Freshman, Central High School Photo credit : The Studio This dynamic duo organized a Kids Against Hunger drive, which to date has brought people together to package nearly 27,000 meals for those in need. Kids Against Hunger is a humanitarian food aid organization that works to feed starving children worldwide. Advice for parents: Supportyourkidsineverything.Aswegetolder,wemakemany moreofourownchoicesanddecisions,sowewantyoutogiveyourtruthfulopinionand advice,yetsupportuswithwhatwedecide.Itisyoursupportandadvicethatmeansthemost to us. 18•BacktoSchool2013 ENCHANTED FOREST 2013 Franciscan Healthcare Contrib u te d p h o to Emily & Jessica Kupka Emily is 12 and Jessica is 10. Last year, Emily & Jessica lost their older sister, Megan, to brain cancer after a six-year battle. The sisters maintained an inspirational and heartfelt CaringBridge website throughout that time. The family took up horseback riding after her death as a way to bond. However, earlier this spring, a serious fall from a horse left their mom hospitalized with months of recovery. They are an inspiring testament to living happily and positively through life’s most difficult times. CouleeParentingConnection•19
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