making hope bloom - Didi Hirsch Mental Health Services


making hope bloom - Didi Hirsch Mental Health Services
making hope bloom
Mission Statement
Didi Hirsch transforms lives by providing
quality mental health and substance abuse
services in communities where stigma
or poverty limit access.
We offer services at our centers and in neighborhood settings that are
welcoming, culturally respectful and responsive to underserved communities.
We provide a continuum of prevention, early intervention and treatment
services for individuals, families and the community.
We partner with clients, families and community groups to set goals, identify
priorities and evaluate results.
We train staff and future professionals to use state-of-the-art principles in a
culture of learning and team excellence.
We produce measurable clinical and fiscal outcomes, seek opportunities for
growth, and evolve as needs change to ensure our long-term viability and value.
We are dedicated to erasing the stigma and discrimination associated with
mental illness and substance abuse and advocating for access to care.
Where flowers bloom, so does hope
- Lady Bird Johnson
Dear Friends,
As you may remember, our old logo was a stylized rendering of
our initials—static letters that represented our name but not what
we do. We transform lives.
So a few years ago we created an image that evokes growth and
hope, like the future in the seeds of a dandelion.
Growth is just as important to Didi Hirsch as it is to our
clients. In 2010, a dream we had nurtured for several years
took root. We were awarded Mental Health Services Act
funds to expand our suicide prevention services to Orange
Now, families grieving a loved one’s suicide won’t have
to travel to L.A. for a support group. And, with the help
of our community partners, we are training counselors
who speak Arabic, Farsi, Korean and Vietnamese. This also
was the year that our suicide hotline expanded its Spanish
language coverage to 24-hours a day.
We are growing in Los Angeles County, too. From MacArthur
Park to South Los Angeles to Venice, we now have therapists
in 45 schools. It’s an ideal collaboration. On campus, we can
advise teachers, while also helping students cope with their
impulses and fears. With half of all mental illnesses emerging
by the age of 14, nurturing healthy minds can make all the
When it comes to disseminating knowledge, the media reaches
farthest and fastest. With study after study confirming that
Americans—young and old—are more stressed since the
economy bottomed out, interest in mental health has burgeoned.
Because our mission includes erasing stigma, reporters
frequently turn to us for tips on recognizing and coping with
anxiety and depression. From the Los Angeles Times and
The Wall Street Journal to Aol.News and the E! Channel, in
2010 Didi Hirsch staff and volunteers joined me in giving 50
interviews—the most ever.
Hope is so vital to good health. We have plenty of that at Didi
Hirsch because of friends like you. Whether you volunteered
time, donated supplies or contributed money, thank you for
helping our garden grow.
Kita S. Curry, Ph.D.
Bringing Hope
Dr. Kristine Santoro knows firsthand about fragile families. When Kristine was a child, her
mother opened their home to abused and neglected children who had been removed from their
family’s care.
Today, the Didi Hirsch psychologist is part of a team that works with families and children who
have been placed in foster care.
“Because my mother cared for children in need, my family often included foster siblings,” says
Kristine, who has been with Didi Hirsch for nearly a decade. “That’s why working with foster
children is a particular interest of mine.”
Emotions runs high when children are removed from their
home. The future feels uncertain and children and their
families experience enormous stress.
When a child arrives at a foster home, Kristine travels
to meet them in their new home – from Inglewood
to as far as Riverside County. She goes there to listen
to the child’s and family’s concerns and to figure out
what everyone needs. Later, she sits down with social
workers, foster parents, mental health experts, other
family members and even probation officers to
work out a plan for the child’s future while
linking family members to resources that can
get them back on track. With intervention
and support, many families can be
successfully reunited with their children.
Kristine finds the work deeply
gratifying: “I feel like we are
having a strong positive impact
on the outcome of these
children’s lives.”
Sowing Seeds
When a family enters her toy-filled office in our Inglewood Center, child psychologist
Terry Nestel asks the parents to join her on the floor, so they can be at eye-level with
their children, who are often under the age of five.
The Didi Hirsch therapist acts as the parents’ “guide by the side,” coaching them in the
art of giving firm directions while offering praise to sons and daughters bent intently
over puzzle pieces or toy trucks.
With many years of playtime behind her, Terry says these sessions are a “game changer”
for children: “Many parents don’t realize how much time they spend scolding and how
little they spend reading and playing with their children. If you start early, you can help
create a different future for a child.”
And many more children are getting a chance at a better future now that our Inglewood
Center is partnering with Venice Family Clinic’s Early Head Start program, which
recently moved into the building.
Early Head Start helps toddlers develop age-appropriate skills, but sometimes children
and families need more. Because we are neighbors, when teachers uncover significant
challenges in family dynamics, such as mental illness in an older sibling or difficult
relationships between parents and children, they have a direct link with Didi Hirsch’s
therapists. Families almost always follow through, because someone they trust made the
“Head Start is an early education program while we address emotional issues,” Terry says.
“Working together as a team, we can help keep families strong.”
Giving Again
As a child in Guadalajara, Jose Martin Medina dreamed of leaving the tin roofed building he
called home and creating a bright future for himself in the United States.
The first in his family to graduate from high school, Jose moved to Los Angeles, married and
started a family. Eventually, he found so much success working in the booming real estate
market that he was able to buy a home for his wife and their four children.
But the economic downturn hit Jose’s family especially hard. After he lost his job, he was unable
to make his mortgage payments and soon lost his home, too. Hopeless and overwhelmed by the
pressures of trying to support a family, Jose sank into a deep depression—until he found his way
to Didi Hirsch.
Using an effective therapy known as “mindful awareness,” counselor Rachel Plasencia helped
Jose develop new coping skills to rebuild his self-esteem. Soon, his depression lifted. He enrolled
in a college program to earn an advanced degree in counseling and is back to work.
With Didi Hirsch’s support Jose is using what he has learned to benefit others: he has spoken
to dozens of men and women in his community who are also suffering from depression,
hopelessness and despair and has been honored for his efforts by a community group and his
local church.
“I remember what it was like to feel hopeless–before Didi Hirsch helped me get back on my
feet,” Jose says. “I have found my purpose in life and now I can pay forward their support by
helping others.”
Doing the Cupid Shuffle
Payroll Administrator Patti Alexander literally comes to work with her dancing shoes on.
The longtime Didi Hirsch employee volunteers once a week to teach dance at one of our two
Wellness Centers, where adult clients with serious mental illnesses connect with others in the
The Wellness Centers in our Inglewood and Sepulveda offices offer a wide range of peer support
and recreational activities aimed at strengthening the physical and mental health of our clients.
Patti’s popular dance classes started fourteen years ago, during a Wellness Center Valentine’s Day
party, when she agreed to teach a group of clients the Cupid Shuffle line dance. Teaching dance
was so rewarding that she found another way to volunteer for the Wellness Centers: she now
serves on a committee that helps develop new programs for the centers.
And just as Patti has found gratification through volunteering, so have many of the Wellness
Centers’ clients. Many of them read to older adults in convalescent homes while others walk
dogs for an animal shelter or help pick up beach trash for Heal the Bay.
By volunteering in these ways, our clients not only develop a sense of pride and dignity for their
efforts but also demonstrate that they too have something valuable to contribute to the larger
community—which helps erase the stigma of mental illness.
Krista Carpenter
Patti Alexander
Sara Licon
Growing Between the
Cracks in the Pavement
It’s not uncommon these days for several generations to live under one roof–especially when
families are struggling to make ends meet. Nor is it uncommon for more than one family
member to need help.
Maria, a single mother, was already overwhelmed trying to work and raise four kids when life
got even tougher. Her teenage daughter became pregnant and soon Maria was also caring for
her grandchild.
When Maria’s usually studious and helpful son, Jaime, started disrespecting her and getting
in fights at school, Maria felt so overwhelmed that she started spending long stretches of time
in bed.
Luckily, Jaime’s teacher told Maria about Didi Hirsch’s Metro Center, which is walking
distance from their apartment.
Maria enrolled in a parenting class that helped her give Jaime the structure and attention he
needed, but that was only part of the family’s solution. For the first time in their lives, Maria
and her son began receiving treatment for serious depression, a condition they both share.
With therapy and medication, Maria is interacting more with her family and Jaime is back
on track at school.
“I am very grateful to the counselors for the help they are giving me and my son,” Maria says.
“I only wish I knew about Didi Hirsch when my daughter was younger.”
Making a Journey
When Jacob, 12, started coming to Didi Hirsch, he was failing at school and was the
target of bullies. As he grew comfortable with his therapist, he revealed home was not
safe either.
Jacob was placed in his grandmother’s care and, with his therapist’s guidance, began
making art that expressed his feelings. With time, images of pain were replaced by
hope. He made a collage of magazine pictures that showed people traveling, happy
families and schools that reminded him of the neighborhood magnet school where he
set his sights on transferring to.
With cast off materials, Jacob also crafted a boat and painted the words “The Saver” on
its side, which he said represented himself and how he felt about his future.
“The boat is me,” Jacob said, “because I know I have to save myself.”
With the help of a loving grandmother and caring therapist, Jacob has begun to
recover the sense of safety and security that growing children need to thrive. And he is
going places. He was accepted at the magnet school, where he received a report card
brimming with A’s and recently enjoyed his first trip to the Los Angeles Zoo.
Adult Services
Crisis Residential Care
Jump Street and Excelsior House are crisis
residential treatment programs, providing
a 28-day program for adults experiencing
serious problems due to mental illnesses.
Residents may have been homeless or at
risk of homelessness. The program helps
them stabilize, provides treatment for their
mental illnesses, finds long-term housing
and connects them to on-going treatment
Employment Services
Our employment services help adults with
chronic mental illness find a job. Clients
learn computer skills, resume preparation,
and interview strategies, such as how to
dress appropriately for job interviews. After
finding employment, clients continue to
receive supportive services to help them be
successful in the work place.
With greater confidence and improved
physical and mental health, they develop
relationships outside the Agency, including
volunteering for local community groups
and returning to work. The program also
partners with the Urban L.A. Chapter of the
National Alliance on Mental Illness, whose
peer advocates are onsite providing support
and inspiration.
Intensive Services for Adults
The Full Service Partnerships Programs
(FSP) address intensive mental health
needs of adults, older adults (60+), and
transitional age youth (16-25) suffering from
serious mental illnesses which have led to
frequent hospitalizations, incarcerations or
The programs provide wraparound
services wherever and whenever needed
by a multidisciplinary team including
psychiatrists and other medical personnel,
a care coordinator, program coordinator,
consumers, and therapists. Staff members
work with clients in community settings
such as work, home, hospitals, and court
to help clients significantly reduce their
symptoms and live full and healthy lives.
Outpatient Treatment for Adults
Programs at our Headquarters and
Inglewood Center provide outpatient mental
health services to adults with serious mental
illnesses, including schizophrenia, bipolar
disorder, and severe depression. Our trained
mental health staff provides individual
and group therapy, case management, and
psychiatric medication management. Clients
who need intensive service receive care at
home and in their community.
Wellness Centers
Wellness Centers at the Culver City and
Inglewood sites offer an array of classes,
groups and projects, which foster physical,
mental, and spiritual well-being. Members
regain old skills and develop new ones,
breaking down the barriers that have isolated
them from the community.
Child and Family Services
Assistance to Abducted Children
and their Families
Didi Hirsch is a founding member of the
Los Angeles Child Abduction Task Force, a
multidisciplinary team that includes the Los
Angeles County Department of Children
and Family Services, the Los Angeles
City District Attorney’s Office, local law
enforcement bureaus, and the Federal Bureau
of Investigation. The task force works to find,
reunite, and counsel children and families
that have been affected by abduction.
We provide assessment and mental health
treatment for people on public assistance,
through a state program that helps reduce
the barriers to employment and increase
Child Alert
The Child Alert program offers specialized
mental health services for children who have
experienced or are at risk of physical, sexual,
or emotional abuse or neglect. It helps
children and families cope with the resulting
problems, and also helps prevent further
instances of abuse.
Intensive Mental Health Services ​
for Children
We provide in-home and community based
services to children and families who have
demonstrated a need for temporary, intensive
mental health services. A therapist/case
manager team works closely with families to
develop their strengths, identify new ways
of functioning as a family, and connect with
needed resources to provide stability to the
Outpatient Mental Health Services for
Children and Families
Programs at our Metro, Inglewood, Mar
Vista and S. Mark Taper Foundation
Centers provide outpatient mental health
services to children and youth experiencing
depression, anxiety, psychosis, attention
deficit/hyperactivity disorder, delinquency
and/or other issues. We provide individual,
group, and family therapy, as well as case
management and medication management.
Parenting Education
We offer parenting classes to the community,
particularly to monolingual Spanish-speaking
parents, that incorporate information on
positive and effective discipline techniques,
child development, anger management, and
supportive resources.
School-based Services
We provide mental health services to
children and teens in 45 schools. Therapists
work closely with teachers to prevent the
development of further emotional and
behavioral problems, and help increase a
child’s chance of success in the classroom.
Short-term Crisis Counseling
and Crisis Intervention
We provide immediate short-term counseling
for individuals and families experiencing a
crisis following a life-changing event, such
as the death of a loved one, loss of a job,
assault, or life-threatening illness. We also
provide short-term counseling for those
overcome with thoughts, feelings, or habits
that were once manageable and now seem
out of control. These thoughts or feelings can
range from excessive worry, to phobias, to an
inability to cope with a loss.
Substance Abuse Services
Alternative Sentencing Programs
The ‘First Offender’ Program at our Metro
Center is designed for those mandated to
participate in a Driving Under the Influence
(DUI) program. It focuses on heightening
awareness of the consequences of alcohol
and other drug impairment, and preventing
further incidents. The Drug Diversion
Program, also at our Metro Center, serves
court-referred individuals with a substance
abuse problem, who gain awareness about
the negative effects of substance abuse as
well as healthy coping skills to prevent
future arrest and incarceration.
substance abuse counseling at our CulverPalms, Mar Vista, and Metro Centers. At
Mar Vista, specialized services are provided
to adolescents, with a particular focus on
family intervention. At our Culver-Palms
and Metro Centers, we provide drug and
alcohol treatment for adults.
The Community Assessment and
Services Center (CASC)
The CASC assesses the mental health and
substance abuse treatment needs of adults
receiving general relief and other public
assistance. It connects clients to local
treatment providers and serves as a resource
center for alcohol and drug abuse treatment
programs in the western area of Los Angeles
Residential Treatment
(Via Avanta)
We offer long-term substance abuse, mental
health, and domestic violence treatment
to women in a safe, supportive, communal
living environment. Children up to age
six can live with their mothers while the
women are in treatment.The children
participate in developmentally appropriate
activities, while mothers attend gender
specific alcohol and drug abuse counseling
sessions, parenting classes, and other
activities to improve life and job skills, as
well as overall health.
Community Prevention Programs
Using a broad range of public education,
skill-building and community intervention
activities, this program seeks to increase
individual, family and community resiliency
that will help prevent alcohol and drug
related problems in young people and
their families. One of the strategies used
is Beyond Bias: Think Peace, a program
which teaches prejudice reduction, conflict
resolution, and peer mediation.
Drug and Alcohol Treatment for
Adolescents and Adults
We provide individual, family, and group
outpatient drug, alcohol, and other
At Berendo Middle School in Los Angeles,
we offer after-school treatment and
prevention education. Social skills coaching,
anger management, and goal setting are
just some of the tools used to help students
address their substance abuse problems.
Project 50
As part of a multi-agency team, we provide
substance abuse outreach and treatment
to vulnerable adults living on Skid Row.
Project 50 focuses on those who are at high
risk of dying due to chronic and severe
physical illnesses, mental disorders and
Best Practices
To assure that our services remain on
the forefront of the mental health and
substance abuse fields, our Outcomes
Department continually reviews current
treatment models and developments.
It gathers outcome data, which is
used to evaluate our effectiveness,
adjust our practices, and set future
goals. Additionally, in the face of our
ever-changing society, it assures that
our programs are culturally sensitive,
providing the best care to our diverse
Trainingof Services
Each year, we train approximately 25
future social workers, psychologists,
marriage and family therapists, nurses,
and psychiatrists with practicum and
work experience opportunities through
our comprehensive training program.
Our pre-doctoral psychology internship
program is accredited by the American
Psychological Association and our master’s
level internships follow regulations and
standards set forth by the California Board
of Behavioral Sciences.
Our commitment to quality mental
health and substance abuse services is
supported by an excellent continuing
education seminar series. Mental health
professionals within the agency and
from the community present a variety of
topics, such as suicide risk assessment,
crisis counseling, professional ethics, and
handling special challenges when working
with culturally diverse populations.
Quality Assurance
Because we believe that the quality of
clinical documentation reflects the quality
of treatment, our Quality Assurance
Department trains staff to write effective
treatment plans and progress notes. We
also audit our clinical documentation to
ensure that we comply with all legal and
contractual requirements and that our
programs provide cost-effective treatment.
All the flowers of all the tomorrows
are in the seeds of today
- Indian Proverb
Suicide Prevention Services
Driven by pain, despair and mental illness, about 95 people in the United States die
by suicide every day—the equivalent of one suicide every 15 minutes.
That’s why our Suicide Prevention Hotline operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week,
with intensively trained phone counselors providing comfort and support—in
English and Spanish—to people in crisis.
And while we have used sophisticated phone technology for some time to help
callers who speak other languages, we are now hiring staff in our new Orange
County office who can talk to callers in Arabic, Korean, Farsi and Vietnamese.
But the support doesn’t stop there. For decades, Didi Hirsch has run survivor groups
facilitated by staff members and trained survivors to provide a safe place for people
to talk about the pain of losing a loved one by suicide.
Members of our outreach program also speak to schools, churches and community
organizations to teach people how to recognize the warning signs of suicide in
themselves and their loved ones.
Didi Hirsch’s Suicide Prevention Center is dedicated to ending the stigma of suicide
because lives can be saved when people talk about their suicidal feelings and friends
and loved ones know how to respond.
Service Numbers
5,808 Mental Health and Substance Abuse Clients
24,931 Prevention and Education Services
41,325 Calls to our Hotline
Ethnicity of People Helped
41% Latino
38% African American
17% Caucasian
4% Other
Age of People Helped
53% Adults (18-64 years of age)
28% Youth (under 18 years of age)
2% Older Adults (65 years of age or older)
Gender of People Helped
50% Female
50% Male
No creature is fully itself till it is,
like the dandelion, opened...
- D. H. Lawrence
We Offer Service At
4760 South Sepulveda
Culver City, CA 90230
(310) 390-6612
Jump Street
1233 South La Cienega
Los Angeles, CA 90035
(310) 855-0031
Didi Hirsch
Orange County Center
2021 E. 4th St. Ste 204
Santa Ana, CA 92705
Phone: (714) 547-8096
Culver-Palms Center
11133 Washington Boulevard
Culver City, CA 90232
(310) 895-2300
Mar Vista Center
12420 Venice Boulevard
Suite 200
Los Angeles, CA 90066
(310) 751-1200
S. Mark Taper
Foundation Center
1328 West Manchester Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90044
(323) 778-9593
Excelsior House
1007 Myrtle Avenue
Inglewood, CA 90301
(310) 412-4191
Inglewood Center
111 North La Brea Avenue
5th and 7th Floors
Inglewood, CA 90301
(310) 846-2100 5th Floor
(310) 677-7808 7th Floor
Metro Center
Via Avanta
672 South La Fayette Park Place Pacoima, CA
Suite 6
(818) 897-2609
Los Angeles, CA 90057
(213) 381-3626
We Are Funded By
California Department of Rehabilitation:
Employment Services
County of Orange Health Care Agency
L.A. County Department of Mental Health
L.A. County Department of Public Health:
Substance Abuse Prevention and Control
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
Federal Emergency Management Agency:
Emergency Food and Shelter Program
United Way of Greater Los Angeles
Employment Services
Predoctoral Psychology Internship Program
by the American Psychological Association
Suicide Prevention Center
by the American Association of Suicidology
Summary Financial Information
Statement of Activities
Government Contracts $21,822,330
$ 21,650,000
Contributions and Grants
United Way
Special Events (Net)
Patient Fees
Donated Goods and Services
Total Revenue
Personnel $ 18,099,278
$ 17,813,000
Operating 2,312,056
Occupancy 1,800,056
Depreciation 533,479
Total Expenses
Donated Goods and Services
$ 23,465,052
$ 23,038,000
Excess of Revenue over Expenses
$ 78,774 $ 88,000
Cash and Cash Equivalents
$ 4,688,969
$ 5,137,000
Accounts Receivable/Prepaid
Statement of Financial Position
5,256,919 4,304,000
Total Assets
Property and Equipment (Net)
$ 11,442,249
$ 10,409,000
Accounts Payable/Accrued
$ 4,324,604
$ 4,093,000
Capital Lease Obligation
$ 836,203
Total Liabilities
$ 5,985,222
$ 5,030,000
$ 5,457,027
$ 5,379,000
Total Liabilities & Net Assets
$ 11,442,249
$ 10,409,000
Notes Payable
Net Assets
audited financial information available on request
George Segal
Madison Carney
Russ Tamblyn Dr. Kita S. Curry Gary E. Knell
Margaret Loesch Alison Malmon Jennifer Rennick
Our 14th Annual Erasing the Stigma Leadership Awards focused on promoting mental health
awareness among youth. With 50% of mental disorders emerging by the age of 14 and 75% by
the age of 24, early intervention is key to helping people with mental illness lead healthy and
normal lives. Sadly, many suffer for years before seeking help.
Leadership Awards honored Ross Szabo and Alison Malmon—two young advocates whose efforts
have helped raise awareness among teens and college students about mental illness. Gary Knell,
chief executive officer of Sesame Street/Sesame Workshop, received The Beatrice Stern Erasing the
Stigma Media Award.
Discharged from a psychiatric hospital at the age of 16, Ross Szabo was so shaken by his
classmates’ disparaging attitudes toward mental illness that he decided to stand up and share his
story. As a spokesman for the National Mental Health Awareness Campaign, Ross reached more
than half a million youth. He also co-authored Behind Happy Faces: What Adults Need to Know
About Mental Health and currently serves in the Peace Corps.
While Alison Malmon was an undergraduate at the University of Pennsylvania, her brother
took his life. Because she felt stigma had contributed to his despair and reluctance to stick with
treatment, she started a campus group dedicated to ending shame and encouraging students to
seek help. Its success inspired her to found the non-profit Active Minds, which now has 311
college chapters in the United States.
Before Gary Knell received the Beatrice Stern Media Award, 12 year-old Madison Carney
sang Sesame Street’s theme song, creating the same hopeful tone that has helped children and
families pull together since the show’s inception. Under Knell’s leadership, Sesame Street/
Sesame Workshop has addressed every major stressor of the last decade including September
11, Hurricane Katrina, unemployment and war. An ongoing project since 2006, “Talk, Listen,
Connect” has helped millions of military families cope with the trauma of deployment and the
often invisible wounds that warriors bring home with them.
Actor George Segal delighted the audience —singing and playing the banjo—before he stepped
forward as emcee. Award presenters included Academy Award nominee Russ Tamblyn, Jennifer
Renick, teen founder of Generation Hopeful, and Margaret Loesch, chief executive officer of The
Hub, a new Hasbro-Discovery Communications network.
Under the leadership of Cheri Renfroe Yousem and Beatrice Stern, the event brought together
nearly 500 guests and raised $330,000 for services at Didi Hirsch. “This year, we had more
teens and young adults than ever before,” said CEO Kita Curry. “It’s inspiring to think that their
generation and those that follow may finally be free of the stigma of mental illness.”
Alison Malmon
Cherie Renfroe Yousem
Margaret Loesch
Peter Curry
Gary E. Knell
Rob Menapace
Ron Dziubla
Ross Szabo
George Segal
Russ Tamblyn
Dr. Kita S. Curry
Wow, today was extremely intense… I sang @ a Suicide prevention
fundraiser….& met so many people who lost their family members to
this…. – Caitlin,
On a beautiful Sunday morning, more than 1,000 friends and family members gathered under
sunny skies for the 12th Annual Alive & Running 5K Run/Walk for Suicide Prevention. Whether
they came to run, walk or just cheer on their companions, everyone who came to support the lifesaving services of the 24-hour suicide prevention hotline shared in the spirit of hope.
Under the leadership of Event Chairs Janine Lichstein and Todd Rubin, Didi Hirsch raised more
than $160,000 for the Suicide Prevention Center’s crisis hotline and survivor support groups, and
for suicide prevention services at our new center in Orange County.
Certified personal trainer Dan Mann warmed the crowd with stretching exercises and L.A.’s own
singer/songwriter Caitlin Crosby set the tone for the day with songs that spoke to our themes of
loss and healing. Bearing photos and names of loved ones on their t-shirts, walkers and runners
crossed the finish line to the beat of Taiko drummers and the cheers of family and friends. Dozens
of children participated in a kid-friendly 1K race before joining the expo that featured made-toorder balloon animals and treats.
Throughout the morning, runners and walkers traded stories about the loved ones they lost to
suicide and in whose names they helped sponsor the event. Offering a new take on sponsorship
were the friends and family of Jeff Laughrey, who donated proceeds from the Jeff Laughrey
Memorial Golf Tournament to help sponsor Alive & Running.
Especially touching was the support we received from clients of our Wellness Centers, which offer
peer counseling and recreational activities designed to integrate people with mental illness into
the larger community. The clients not only formed their own walking team, but also mobilized
themselves as a super fundraising force, bringing in $5,300 for the event--tripling last year’s
Dr. Kita S. Curry
Marilyn Nobori
Janinie Lichstein
Dr. Curley Bonds and Special Friends
Julianne Grossman
Mike Baker
Todd Rubin
April and Keith Kubachka
Laying the Groundwork
The beautiful photograph below is a blooming field of
California Poppies. They grow wild throughout the state,
turning its vast rolling hills golden. Once an important
resource for the indigenous people of California, who used
it for both food and oil, they still herald spring.
Perhaps that is why the words growth, renewal, and
blooming kept coming to mind as I began to write about
the importance of our donors and volunteers. What I
had in mind was not a horticultural article but rather the
idea that our friends are a vital resource. They sustain us.
Those that have included us in their estate plans lay the
groundwork for many springs to come.
Because of your generosity, Didi Hirsch Mental Health Services is helping more clients
(growing), providing the most current and effective treatments (renewing), and, yes,
transforming lives (blooming).
On behalf of the Board, staff, and clients, I am extremely grateful for your support and
ongoing confidence in this tremendous agency.
Martin J. Frank
Chair, Board of Directors
Legacy Society
(Honoring those who have included Didi Hirsch in their estate plans.)
Cynthia Chaillie
Kita S. Curry, Ph.D. and Peter Curry
The Estate of Robert E. Emerson
Linda and Martin J. Frank
Todd Hays
The Larkin Trust
Mary and Stanley D. Lelewer
The Judith Anne Phillips Trust
Francine Chandler Righter and Guy B. Righter
Andrew E. Rubin
Terrence V. Scott
Lisa and Michael C. Wierwille
Zimmermann-Geismar Family Trust
President’s Circle
($10,000 and above)
Beacon Capital Partners, LLC
Catholic Healthcare West
Mavis and Chuck Chan
Barry Diller/Diller-Von Furstenberg Family Foundation/IAC
Charlotte W. Fletcher, Ph.D. and Jeremy Fletcher
Linda and Martin J. Frank
Joan Ganz Cooney and Peter G. Peterson
Jami and Nikolaus Heidegger
Conrad N. Hilton Foundation
Maria Kivel and Daniel Kivel
Metromedia Company
Miles Electric Vehicles Inc.
The Morrison & Foerster Foundation
Merle and Peter Mullin
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
Laura Ornest/Ornest Family Foundation
Myrna Claire Oshrin
DEAR ABBY/Jay and Rose Phillips Foundation
Andrew E. Rubin
Nancy and Miles Rubin
Todd M. Rubin
Lucille Ellis Simon Foundation
Susan Goran Sobel
Beatrice S. Stern
United Way of Greater Los Angeles
Warner Bros. Entertainment, Inc.
Ruth/Allen Ziegler Foundation
Platinum Circle
Stanley Bogen
Kita S. Curry, Ph.D. and Peter Curry
East West Bank
Patrice Hirsch Feinstein
Brian Ferrera
Mimi and Carlos E. Garcia
Charlotte Hughes and Christopher Combs
Mary and Stanley D. Lelewer
Lets Erase the Stigma
Janine and Henry Lichstein
Gail Kamer Lieberfarb and Warren Lieberfarb
Barbara Trent Lindemann
Susan B. and Howard M. Loeb
Wendy and Barry Meyer
Francis and Sherman Teller/Modestus Bauer Foundation
Jay and Rose Phillips Foundation
Quadriga Art
Sharon and Nelson Rising
Vicki and Peter Sant
Mark Schulhof
Diana Singleton
United Hostesses’ Charities
Weingart Foundation
Lisa and Michael C. Wierwille
“I knew the Didi Hirsch when I was going to college.
She was warm, giving and full of energy and zest.
It is a privilege to be a Board member who was
personally inspired by her.” – Andrew E. Rubin
Gold Circle
Aaroe Associates Charitable Foundation
Judith and Lionel Fortin
Betty and Jerome Abeles/Kahn-Abeles Foundation
Freeman Med Towers
Richard Abeles
Carlos L. Garcia
Anonymous Donations
Richard and Jennifer Geller
Eloise C. Goodhew Barnett
Mae Goodson
Alice Becker
Louise and Paul Greenberg
Jacqueline Berz Panter
Thomas J. Han, DDS, FACD
Ambassador and Mrs. Alan Blinken
Harman Family Foundation
Rita and Ernest Bogen
Grafton Harper
Brakke Schafnitz Insurance Brokers
Ed Harris
Judy and Bernard Briskin
Michelle Hirschman
Carolyn and Kenneth D. Brody Foundation
Lisa and Dustin Hoffman
Steve Capp
William Isacoff, M.D.
Leslie and Steven Carlson
Flora Ito and David Davis
Cedars-Sinai Medical Center
Judy G. Jackson and Douglas H. Gaither
Shirley Chami
Sunmee Jang
Warren Chang
Janssen, L.P.
John Clair
Jolie and Jon J. Jashni
Karen and Ted Coyne
Vera Jashni, Ed.D.
Crenshaw Christian Center/Dr. Betty Price and
Frederick K.C. Price, DD
Warren Jason
Stephen Davis
Vicki and Stephen Davis
Cal State University Long Beach
Disabled Student Services
Disney VoluntEARS Community Fund
Damien Doss
Kris and Bob Dworkoski, Ph.D.
Charlie Eddington
Margaret Adams and Joel Edstrom
Phyllis and Sam Feder
Philippe Fontilea
Suzanne and Richard Kayne
Key Drug Pharmacy
The Kleiner Cohen Foundation
Supervisor Don Knabe/District 4
Kendall and Douglas A Knaus
Means-Knaus Partners
Cynthia Kolodny
Nancy Koven and Carter Omens
Monty Lawton
Dai Lee
Lefkowitz Family Foundation
Gold Circle
Lee Leibman
Shirley and Ralph Shapiro
Mel Levine
Robert E. Sharples
Lincoln Financial Group
Shout! Factory/Shari and Richard Foos
Dede and William Mandel, M.D.
Alan Sieroty
Maple Drive Investments, LLC
Shana and Scott Silveri
Walter N. Marks, III
Nancy Lelewer Sonnabend
MattMan Surf Kids Foundation
Sony Pictures Entertainment
Judith and John Menne
Gillian Sorensen
Merrill Lynch Matching Gifts Program
Bley Stein Foundation
The Milken Family Foundation
Sidney Stern Memorial Trust/Betty
and Marvin Hoffenberg
Inki Min and Ke Kim
Sandra Moss
NAMI Westside L.A.
Thomas Neerken
Patricia and John Nickoll
Ogilvy & Mather
Jane and Ronald Olson
Cathryn Connors Palmieri and Victor Palmieri
Young and Tony Park
Marilyn and Jeffrey Stern
Strauss Foundation
Bonnie Strauss and Dr. Roger Gould
Streisand Foundation
Melissa Thomas
Patty and Mike Tracy
Claire and D. Michael Van Konynenburg
Sherry J. Unmack and Eileen J.Vogt
Susan and Alan Patricof
David and Sylvia Weisz Family
Philanthropic Fund
Janet Dreisen Rappaport
Beth Whitehead and John Roger
Andrew Rosen
Connie and Graham Yost
J. Gordon Rubin, D.D.S.
Cheri Renfroe Yousem
Jon M. Rubin
Harriet Zaretsky and Steve Henry
Kim Rubin and Jim Kaye
Mary and Jeffery Zients
Richard E. Rubin
Robert Zigman/Jensen/Zigman Construction
Thomas L. Safran
Joel Safranek
Anthony Sanfilippo
Janie Schulman and John Caragozian
William Schwartz
Silver Circle
Aileen Adams and Geoffrey Cowan
Kathleen Drummy
Antelope Valley Hospital District
Stephen Erhart
Beatrice Barbakow
Marjory Feldman
Briony and Simon Bax
Patricia Finkel
Sarah and Tyler Bensinger
Monica Heeren/Flanigan Farms, Inc.
Joan G. Berkley
Bitsey Folger
Vivi-Ann and Harold Blankstein
Charles Geer
Stanley Boganey
Harriet and Richard Gold
Curley L. Bonds, M.D.
Donna and Russ Goodman
Matthew R. Brigham
Valerie Green
Robert and Madeline Brockish
Cordelia Grimm and Darren McGregor
Theodore Brockish
Julianne Grossman
Nancy J. Broderick
Nancy and Michael Harahan
Cynthia and Thomas Bryan
Pastor L. Craig Hays/Crenshaw Christian Center
Marilyn and Joe Cahn
Rebecca Metzger Hirsch and R. David Hirsch
Cars 4 Causes
Lorinda and Peter Hohenbrink
Dolores and Joseph Casey and Family
Stephanie Johnson
Stephen Cha
Terry Kasuyama
Harold C. Chancellor
Kyunga Kim
Rebecca Danelski, LCSW and Dan Hyslop, M.D.
The Kubachka Family
Beth and Ronald I. Dozoretz, M.D.
Jin Woo Lee
Silver Circle
Jacqueline and Joseph Leimbach
Heidi Schulman and Mickey Kantor
Peggy and Bernard Lewak
Alvin Segel
Paula and Barry Litt
Abby Sher
Nico March
Judy and Allan Sher
Terry and Mark Markowitz
Mary Sherman, D.V.M. and Jeff Sherman
Bernice and James McCombie
Syvia B. Sherwood
Katherine K. McTaggart
Lynne Goldman Silbert
Karen and Tom Miller
Alejandro Soschin
Toni and Grant Milleret
Audrey and Barry Sterling/Iron Horse Vineyards
Carol and Jerome Muchin
Deborah and Ellis (and Jared) Stern
Miki M Nam and David Y. Lee
Jacqueline and Arnold Stern
Geoffrey Nathanson
TimeWarner Employee Grant Programs
Anne L. Peters
Carolyn and Asao Tokunaga
Margaret Phelps
Russel Tyner
Centinela Hospital Medical
Center Prime Healthcare
Universal City Studios
Wendy and Jonathan Resin
Vicki Reynolds-Pepper
Francine and Guy Righter
Ernie and Betty Jane Rivera
Alison and Jonathan Roth
Denise Sacks
Susann and Butch Ventzke
Watson Land Company
Amy and Brian Weitman
Jenny Wolpert
Bronze Circle
Linda and Cecil Abner
Judy and Manuel Acuna
AD RX Pharmacy
Aetna Foundation
Karen Alinauskus
Jim Allan
Laura Almodovar
Joan and Paul Almond
Andrew Alongi
Amgen Foundation
Shawn Amos
Donald and Patty Andrews
Judith Angius
Julie Arinsberg
Naresh Arya
Nadine Asin
Estelle Atney
Rachelle Attie
Shuna Awong
Miriam Baer and Arthur Hoyle
Wendy Bailey
Diana Ball
Jennifer Ball
Rene Balleras
Daniel Barbakow
Martha Barber
Donald Barnett, Ph.D.
Winnie Barrett
Anne Barry
Olivia Barry
Marion and Bernard Barsky
Davinder Basran
Noreen and Alan Baum
Robert Baxter
Alan Baylis
Carol and Terry Becker
Lorraine and John Becker
Rick Becker
Dennis Beechler
Andrea and Boyd Bell
Jennifer McLaughlin and
Aaron Bell
John Beman
Joyce and Tom Berger
Alice Berk
Joan Berkeley
Andrew Berman
Ruth and Michael Berry
Michele Biagioni
John Bibb
Jennifer Bieber
Bernard Bierman
David E. Birney
Barbara Bishop
Ann D. Blanchard
Lois and Sam Bloom
Regena Booze
Arthur Borgquist
Anne and Steve Bosma
David Botfeld
Michele Boudreau
Dorothy and
R. William Bowdon
Robert Bowdon
Brian Brandstetter
Christopher Braun
Barbara Breger
James Brewer
Brian Y. Hong
Dental Corporation
Margaret Briggs
Mary Ann and Robert Brigham
Milissa Brockish
Timothy Brockish
Renee and Harold Brook
Karen and Michael Bruckner
Mary Lou and David Bryan
Ester Bryant
Laurence Bryant
Maria and Michael Buhbe
Dan Burd
Kathy Bush
Ed Butorac
Laura Campbell and
Michael D. Abzug
The Capital Group Companies
Randi Caplan
Joan Caplis
Andi Carnick
Krista Carpenter
Sr. Bernadette Carroll and
Mary G. Gonzalez
Joan and Doug Carter
Joel Cassel
Jennifer Cataldo
Susan Celentano, M.F.T.
Christian Chae
Audrey and Dick Chaiclin
Isabella and Aaron Chaiclin
Cynthia Chaillie
Chapman & Associates
Charitable Foundation
Carole and Allan Chasin
Jorge Chavez
Connie Chein, M.D.
Serena Chen
Margaret Chih
Judy Child
Rebekah and Dan Child
Caroline Choe
Mike Choi
Debra and Reggie Christensen
Catherine Chung and
Richard Rabin
Pauline Chusid, M.D.
and Jerry Williamson, M.D.
Clark Adams Company
Madelaine Cobb
Alan J. Cohen
Jill Cohen
Joseph Cohen
Roxana and Rafael Cohen
Sharleen and Martin Cohen
Barbara and Melvin Cole
Robert E. Cole, M.D.
Irma and Lou Colen
Anne Reddington Conrad and
Jacob F. Conrad
Linda Contreras
Ellen and Ronald Cooper
Molly Cornwell
Sheryll and Herman Corteza
Ann Costello
Benita Council and
Mary Jane Crandell
John Cox
Birgit Crable
Esther and Mike Craitenberger
Irving Cramer
Brian Crawford
Crenshaw Dental Group
Areta Crowell, Ph.D.
Valerie Curtis
Jennifer R. Dabagia
Leslie and John DaCorsi
Jeff Danis
Ken Danziger
Eileen Dardick
David Davis
Tina Davis
Alycia Degen and
Leslie Wootton
Kelli and Rick Delaney
Regina Dell’Oro
Jack P. Delson
Clemence Delutz
Jean and Bob Di Paola
Kim Diaz
Luis Diaz
Kip Dickie
Katrina Dipple
Gene Dockins
Susan L. Donner
Frances Doughty
Jason Dravis
Gary Duboff
Susan DuBrin
Catherine Dudman
Constance Duncan
David Duncan
Ruth W. Dunn
Daniel Eckman
Ian Eisenberg
Bobbi Elliott
Fredda Ellis
Sue and Jerry Ellison
Virginia & Hamilin Emery
Dr. and Mrs. Hamlin Emory
Elizabeth and Joseph Empen
Andrew Erman
Debra Estes
Keith Evans
Evergreen Cleaning
Systems, Inc.
Dvora Ezralow
Carolyn Fank
Kathy Lee Farkas
Pamela and
Jordan Farkas, M.D.
Alice Farmanian
Paul Farmanian
Phyllis and Gault Farrell
Nancy Fellows
Matt Ferriolo
Maria and Joel Fink
Betty Fletcher
Christopher Fletcher
Angela Ford
Beverly A. Foster
Vivian Fountain
Joseph Franzetti
Gretchen A. Frey, M.D. and​
J. Kern Buckner, M.D.
Friday Morning Book Club
Susan Friedman
Joanne and Edward Froelich
Nancy Fujishige
Gloria Fujita-O’Brien
Wendy Fukuda and
Joyce Nishioka
Edmond Fung
Rebecca Gaba, Ph.D.
Tony Galecki
Jacqueline and
Julian Galperson
Marilyn Gantz
GE Foundation
Matching Gifts Program
Nancy Gettelman
Rochelle Ginsburg
Judy Gold
Diane Goldman
Rosemary and
Robert Goldstine
Mary Gomez
Michelle Goodlett
Lynn Goodloe
Linda Goodman, Ph.D.
Madeline R. Goodwin
Debbie Goon
Ellen Gordon
Marcia and Saul Gordon
Barbara Grahn
Jacob and Heidi Grahn
Barbara and David Gralnek
Alison and Jerry Greenberg
Norma Greenberg
Marcia and Howard Grey
Joseph Griesedieck
John Griffin
Dann Grindeman, M.F.T.
Lynn Winter Gross
Stephen Gross
Claudia and Paul Grossman
Jim and Ingrid Grubb
Jennifer and Bud Gruenberg
Donna and Bernard Gudvi
Bertin Guillory
Daniel Gutierrez
Judy Gutierrez
Nick Gutierrez, M.D.
Richard Guttler
Renee and Paul Haas
Caroline and
Michael Hackman
Linda Rafael Hadley
Karen Haigh
Kristian Hall
Mary Halligan
Sue and Mike Halligan
Susan and Lawrence Halpern
Patel Hamant
Barbara and Blaine Handell
Elliot Handler
Angela Hanglow, Ph.D. and
Han Gunn
Ethel Hansen and
Noble M. Nerheim
Asta Hansen-Nelson
Becky Harper
Cherie Harper
Harrington Group, CPA, LLC
Scott Harris
Susan Hartman
Kathleen Hartwick
Jan and Steve Haruta
Elizabeth and
David Hasbrouck
Karen Haskett
Dr. Elizabeth Toole and
Dr. Mark Hassan, Ph.D.
Flora Haus
Patricia Hause
Kelly Havlin
Stan and Jeanne Hayashi
Elizabeth and Mervyn Hecht
Elaine Mende and
Elliot Hechtman
Allison Heckl
Lacine Held
Richard Held
Jessica Helderman
Georgeanne Henshaw
Youmans and
Kenwood Youmans
Marcia and Paul Herman
Cheri Hernandez
Edilia Hernandez and
Yvette Hernandez
Sandra and Donald Hibbard
Jacqueline R. Hill
Leslie Hill and
Emilie Hill-Smith
Bruce Hinckley
Bessie Ho
Elaine Hoffman and
Jack Cherbo
Darryn Holder
Darin Hornbaker
Adrienne and Elliott Horwitch
Lucy Horwitz
Susan Houck-Strom
Jeanne Hsia
Jeannie and Mike Hughes
Jim Huynh
Carol Hyman, M.D.
Faith and Leroy Ichida
Tamar Igoyan
Bruce Ino
Mark Ivener
Cindy and Rob Izenberg
Craig Jablin
Candace and John Jackson
Thomas W. Jackson
Lynda and Mitch Jacobs
Doris S. Jacobson, Ph.D.
Debbie and
Dave Jacobs-Robinson
Phyllis Jaffe
John James
Linda and Jerry Janger
Marney and Lawrence Janss
Frank Javier
Jasmin Jenkins
Evelyn B. Johnson
Jeff Johnson
Pamela Johnson
Eleanor and Harry Jones
Kristine Jones
Teri Jones
Diana and Aaron Judovits
Gerald and Andrea Justin
Debra Kahlie
Shannon Kakuda
Csilla Kalnay
Emily and Scott Kalt
Cheryel Kanan
Daniel Kanan
Sue and John Kanno
Cindy and Denis Karpeles
Eliza Katz
Jean Katz
Karen Kay
Clifford Kaylin
Vivian and Jerry Kelley
Amy Kenney
Paul Kent and Richard Perez
Ara Ketenjian, M.D., Ph.D.
Jeffrey Khteian, C.I.D.
Stephen Khwarg
Larry C. Kidwell, D.V.M.
Dana Kiesel, Ph.D. and
Paul Kiesel
Signe Kiesel
Julie Kim
Paul King
Richard D. Kirshberg
George Kitamura
Jean Kitamura
Linda Klein and
Robert Johnson
Joanne Klein
Sally Klinke
Dottie Knott
Barbara and Ben Kohn
Katherine Kolodziejski, Ph.D.
Cynthia and John Kondon, Jr.
Charlene Kong
Sharon M. Kopman and
Jason Kay
Patricia and Eric Krafft
Daniel Kravitz
Ira W. Krinsky, Ph.D.
Annalisa Krol
Mandy Kronbuck
Roger Krost
Qiana R. La Croix
Oliver La Plant
Ilona Lacina
Theo Lacy
Dana Landis
Marcene and
Bruce Landres, M.D.
Miriam and Howard Landres
Mary Jane Landrock
Jean Lauricella, M.D.
Brooke Lauter and
Randall DeLave
Georgeann H. Lawton
Bradley Layton
Elaine Leader, Ph.D.
Virginia Leary-Madja
Jennie Lee
Young Sun Lee
Steve L. Leighton
Barbara and
Stanley Leiken, M.D.
Robb Leiken
Robert Leist
Victoria Leon
Lizz Leonard
Alexandra Leung
Dr. Michael Corben and
Ms. Suzan R. Levin
Wendy Levine
Anita and Burt Levinson
The Levy Living Trust
Eric Lew
Jennifer Lewis
Mark and Jan Lipschutz
Judith Lipton
Connie Litman, MSW, LCSW
Larry and Lori Liu
Susan and Jonathan Loring
Los Angeles Child
Guidance Clinic
James Loveman
Barbara and
Roger Lowenstein
Christina Lufti
B.J. Luhrs
Marie Lynch
Michael Lynch
Kate Lyon Osher
Patricia and Will Mackenzie
Bill Macomber
Stacey and Julian Maimin
Pauline Mak
Vinnie Mandzak
Richard and Mimi Manners
The Marcus Kids
Richard Marcus
Andrea and Lawrence Marks
Paula Marsden
Donna Martinez
Vickie Martinez
Nino Mascolo
Renee Masi
Pamela Masters
Joanne Masuda
Terri Matera
Colleen and
Frank Mattoon, Jr.
Roberta and
Frank Mattoon, Sr.
Sue and Thomas McCabe
Sharon McDaniel, P.M.H.N.P.
Larry McEwen
John P. McGann, Sr.
Charlene McGrue
Gail L. McInnes
Albert McKay
Elaine and James McStravick
Gary Meade
Donald Meland, M.D.
Linda Melendez
Donald Mellman, M.D.
Bronze Circle
Carol and Lanning Melville
Memorial Medical
Center Pharmacy
Joan Merritt
Matthew Meyer
Angela and Brian Miller
Charles Miller
Lee Miller
Eric Millstein, M.D.
Nancy and David Milstein
Annie and Albert Mintz
Barbara and Ruben Miras
Kristin Missakian
Michael Modjallal
Mrs. Shirley Modjallal and
Dr. Jack Modjallal
Deborah and Adam Mogil
Denise and Scott Mogil
Maggie and Rick Mogil
Wendell Monello
Mahshid Moosavieh
James Moreland
Kathleen Moreno, M.D.
Mayumi and Wilson Morishita
Vivien and Allen Morita
Sharon Morrill
Brittani Morris
Lyn Morris
Amy Morrison
Ron Mossler
Elaine Mui
Grace Mui
Ashok Mukhey
Roberta Muller
Maureen Muranaka
Donna L. Murray
Virginia Musich
Caroline Nahas
Douglas Nakagawa
Susan and Meghan Naslund
Sharona R. Nazarian
Nancy Nebenzahl
David Nelson
Lynne and Paul Nelson
Nona and Carl Newe
Antram Nguyen
Ken and Shari Nishi
Kimberly Nishi
Shari and Kenneth Nishi
Gail and Robert Nishinaka
Mark Nishinaka
Linda and Dean Nobori
Marilyn and Alan Nobori
Employees Charity Organization
of Northrop Grumman
Beverly and Emilio Nunez
Magdalena and Vincent O’Carroll
Kristine Olsen
Marco Olvera
Andrew Orenstein
Marti and Mike Ornest
Marcela Ortiz
Jeff Ortwein
Heidi Oshin
Patrick O’Sullivan
Joan Otomo-Corgel
Alice and Bruce Paddy
Lynda Palevsky
Anh and David Palmer
William Palmer
Cindy Panza
Andrew Pappalau
Susan Parker
Thomas C. Parnell
Michelle Parrella
Emilia G. Parrish
Virginia J. Parrish
Vinita Parsons
Bradley Part
Steve Patrino
Robin Paule
Hal Pauly
Joanne Pena
Ellen Perlmutter, Ph.D.
and Edward Jones, Ph.D.
L.P. Perrett
Linda Peterson and Eugene White
Lisa and Roger Peterson
Emilie Petrone
Jim Petrone
Carol Phillips
Nancy and
Edward H. Phillips, M.D.
Desiree Pierce
Kim Pierce
Samantha Pietsch
Louise A. Pilati
Donald F. Pitts
Chris Plant
John Pong
Lisa Power and Mike Benson
Debora and Sheldon Presser
Barbara Price
Michael Propper, M.D.
Betty Quon
Eden and Gerald Rafshoon
Elisa Ramirez
Felicita Ramirez
Karen and Darryl Ramos-Young
Barbara W. Ravitz
Winnie and Lynn Reitnouer
Daniel Relles
Elyse Resch, M.D.
Edith and Marshall Reznick
Mildred Rivo
Cynthia and David Roberts
Lori and Gregory Robinson
Marie Rodriguez
Rebekah Rodriguez-Lynn
Marlene Rognlien
Marsha V. Rood
Dale K. Rose
Jean Rosenbaum
Paul Rosenberg
Patricia Rosenburg and
Bud Heumann
Barbara Rosenfeld
Helen Rosin
Darren Ross
Samuel P. Ross
William Rothbard
Erika Rothenberg
Dinah Rowley
Philippa and Paul Rubell
Herb Rubinstein
Steven Ruckdashel
Connie Ryan and Jon Fletcher
Kathy Sadamitsu
Mark Sadamitsu
Kathy and Edgar Saenz
Candice Saito
Michael Salem
Dorothy and Abe Salkin
Bruce Saltzer
Amy Baker Sandback
Patricia Sandberg
Carol Sanders
Joy Sanderson
Greg Santilli
Susan and Morris Savin
Gloria Savinar
Lorraine D. Sax
Fran Shagan Schenkel
Jilliene F. Schenkel
Jill Schiff
Krista Schipp
Brenda and William Schneider
Nancy and Donald Schort
Ruth and Robert Schriebman
Charlotte and Paul Schwartz
Kathy Schwartz
Charlotte Schwatrz
Jerry Schweitzer
Ingrid Scott Berreyes
Evan Scott
Ingrid Reininga Scott
Debbie and Bill Sean
Barbara and Brian Seery
Sonia and George Segal
Elizabeth Seltzer-Lang
Denise Senzaki
Sue and Steve Shackelford
Nancy Shadrick
Linda Shaffer
Linda Shahinian and Herb Schiff
Monica Shambra
Michael Shapiro
Joel Sherard
Neil Sherman
Sylvia and Walter Sherwood
Leigh Shindo
Harvey Shore
Dianna and Brian Shufelt
Birdi Sierra
Lee Simmons
Jennifer Simms
Robyn Ritter Simon
Neda Sinboonyok
Camden Singer
Shari Sinwelski
Miriam Siyam
Susan Skarda
Diane Sherman Smith
Donnie and Joe Smith
Lynne Smith
Miriam and Dale Smith
Ruthie and Bud Smoot
Brian Soden
Trudy Sokol
Seung Cheon and Rayoung Son
Merrill Sparago
Don Spetner
Marjorie Spiegel and
Thomas Lesser
Richard M Standke
Nancy Stanislawski
Kathy and Steven Stanton
Allison Stayton
Patricia and Jim Steele
Jennifer Stefanisko
Louis A. Stern, Jr.
Sydney and Jon Stern
Elizabeth and George Stevens/
Bessemer Trust
Jamie Stevens
Jana Stewart
Sharon and Doug Stewart
Marilyn and Ronald Stillwell
Noah Stratton
Chris Sullivan
Angela Sumser
Juliet Szegedi
Margery Tabankin and Earl Katz
Ethel and Eric Takahashi
Emi Takashima
Harriet Takashima
June and Henry Takei
Mary Ann Takemoto
Ron Tapia
Temple Beth El of
South Orange County
Karen Thomas
Frances Tibbits
Carmen Ting
Brandon Toh
Jason Tokunaga
Sandy Toshiyuki
Margaret and Jim Townsend
Kathy Tran
Susie and Ralph Treiman
Aviva Truesdell
Sarah Tucker
Patricia Tyro
United Way California
Capital Region
Steve and Kimberly Uyemura
Irma and Henri Van Dam
Andrea and John Van de Kamp
Dixie Vanderloop
Kelley Vandewalle
Kay Vanzant-Bradney
V.S. and Veda Varadarajan
Christy Vargas
Eric Vilain
Catherine Villagran
Rocio Villaseór and
Paul F. Rosenbaum
Mark Voss
Donna and Nobert Wabnig
Spencer Walch
Katherine Wall
Janice and Daniel Wallace
Gary Waller
Hope Landis Warner/
Lee Warner Family Trust
Audrey and Charles Warren
Ethel Wayland
Bradley Weber
Camille Wedbush
Kelly Wedbush
Roberta Weintraub
Jeri Weiss and Walter S. Baer
Stephen Weiss, Ph.D.
Sheryl Weissberg
Roberta K. Weissman
Sharon Wells
Marty Welsh
Katharine Werber
Irena Westmoreland
Debra White, Esq.
Lisa Marie White
Gayle Whittemore
Richard Whittington
Cynthia and Michael Wichman
Barbara and James Wickline
Harriet Wilburne, M.D. and
Rick Curcio
Scott Wilkins
Michele and David Corvo Willens
Cheryl Williams
Jeanne Williams
Cecile and Richard Willis, D.D.S.
Nancy Winfield
Patrick Wolfe
Wenise Wong and Eric Barron
Patricia Wong
Warren Woo
Carol Wood
Drucilla Wood-Beckwith
Laurie Woodrow
Nina Woodrow
Wendy Wu
Chris Yetman
Pauline Yoshihashi
Young Choi Dental Group, Inc.
Bradley Young
Doreen Yu
Helen Yu
Neil Yu
Lisa M. Zakar
Cheron Zekavat
Alice Zulli
Ann and Paul Abe
Eric Abner
Jasmin Acevedo
Kenia Acosta
Belinda Adams
Nancy Meyer-Adams
Robin Adams
Sam Alongi
Melissa Alsoszatai-Petheo
Carolyn Eddy Anders
Debbie Andorka-Aceves
Francesca M. Anello
Deborah and Ron Antone
Eileen Archibald
Gabe Arias
Miguel Arias
Robert Armer
Ceshaun Armstrong
Toni Arredondo
Terese Atallah
Giselle Schultz and Matt Austin
Wally Baer
Priscila Bajarin
Kim and Bruce Baker
Arash Bakhtari
Diane Balisy
Bank of America Matching Gifts
Jillian Barba
Danielle Barlow
Javier Barraza
Barrett Family Foundation
Kathryn Barrett
Evon Barros
Brian Batchelder
Will Baum
Susan Bazarsky
Regina Beatus
Jamie Becker
Sandy Becker
“I am supporting Didi Hirsch because their
survivor program allows me to become
the optimist I once was, instead of the
pessimist I became after my son took his
own life.” – April Kubachka
Diane Adamson
Lois and Joe Agosta
Esperanza and Manuel Aguilar
AIG Matching Grants Program
Gerry Albright
Anna Alcala
Linda and Mel Alexander
All Cities Resource Group
Jennifer Alongi
Wesley and Zena Begin
Amy Bekier
Elaine Beliakoff
Andee and Nikki Berlowitz
Eunice and Jack Berman
Jacqueline K. Berry
Sandra and James Bishop
Hortencia and Elmer Blanco
Marilyn and Len Bloom
Paul Blumenfeld
Jim Borgardt
Kathy Boyett
Julien James Bozung
James Braden
Tina Brady
Jacqueline and
Michael Brand
Florence Braun
Lonnie and
Michael Bravman
Patricia Brienzo
Diane C. Brinegar
Lori Brody
Inna Brogan
Rachel Brookhart
Elle Brooks
Paula Brown
Jerome Bulavsky
Jackie Bulkley
Sharyll Bundies
Scott Burau
Luis Burgos
Christine Burke
Bernard Bush
Cheryl Buxton
Stacey and Mike Calcagno
Lauren and Wayne Cameron
Douglas Campbell
Lori Campbell
Norma Canals
John and Kia Canning
Kim Cao
Joshua Carlson
Dora Carmona
Janie A. and
Kenneth D. Carpenter
Tony Carrasco
Leslie Carroll
Jarrell Carter
Matthew Carter
Chip Cassady
John Chai
Amy Chaiclin
Amy and Leland Chan
Kathy and Don Chappelear
Nanette Chastain
Belinda Chen
Alex Cheng
Bi Jeng Cheng
Sandra Cheng
Chevron Humankind
Matching Gifts Program
Deborah Child
Darryl Christian
Im and Yung Chung, M.D.
Barbara and John Coanda
Yaneli Cobb
Cornelia Coffey
Michael Cohen
Mark Collinson
Ellen Comiskey
California Council
Community Mental
Health Agencies
Bram Conley
Rita Contreras
Roslyn and Jack Cook
Sharon and Richard Cook
Martin M. Cooper, A.P.R.
Mervyn Cooper
Andrew Coscarelli
Costco Employee Match
Alex Couchman
Margaret Cox
Margaret and John Cox
Jessica Crawford
Jim Crawford
Rebecca Crecraft
Lani Crescenzi
Migdalia Cruz
Sari Cuervo
Donald Culton
Miranda and
John-Michael Czerwiec
Maximo Damm
Khanh and Berneice Dang
Sharon, Adam and
Eric Danko
Chelsea Davenport
Dexter Davis
Jean-Paul De Guzman
Becky De Marie
Frank De Simone
Jacqueline Decano
Travis Delgado
Lucille Deligencia
Nick Deligencia
Carolyn DeMers
Betty Denitz
Nora Dennis
Descrescenzo Family
Michael DiGregorio
L.S. Dixon
Anne Dougherty
Laura Douglas
Lisa Downs
Downtown Women’s Center
Andy Doyle
Isabelle Drake
Lee Draper, Ph.D.
Draper Consulting
Mary Dravis-Parrish
Maureen Drew
Philip Drummond
Laura Duffy
Tracy Dupree
Lupe Duron and
David Gonzalez
Raymond Eason
Lisa Edwards
Marlene and
Donald Edwards
Suzie Edwards
Todd Engle
Lorin Engquist
Sandra Escobar, Ph.D.
Sari and Aaron Eshman
Mr. and Mrs. Estrada
Barbara and Edward Evans
Neill Evans
Martina Fahrer and
James Jackson
Carol K. Fainer
Kevin Farrell
Rachel Farrell
Barbara Fasulo
Vivian Feintech and
Allen Greenfield
Anita Feldman
Nancy Ferrin
Rich Festa
Kevin Fichtner
Dayna Finniff
Gary Finniff
Maureen and John Fisher
Barbara and
Patrick Fitzgerald
Mary Fitzgerald
Cindy Flagg
Cheryl Fong
John and Virginia Fong
Marlene Fong
Emma Ford-Panek
Barry Foster
Ellen and Andrew Frank
Lecy Fredo
Monica and Ryan Freeland
Wayne French
Kristin Fresquez
John Friberg
Dorothy M. Fujita and
Nancy R. Remolino
Jean Fujiwara Woo
Wendy Fukuda
Wendy Galdwin
Kathy Gann
Ismael and Anita Garay
Adriana Garcia
Diana Garcia
Rose Garcia
Susana Garcia
Edy Gerety
Sharyn and Walter Gertz
Phyliss Gibson
Miriam Girma
Doris Given
Wendy and John Gladwin
Jane Glanzer
Wendy Glatt
Lin Glen
Carol A. Glenn
David Gold
Linda Goldman
Ethan Goldstine
Patty Gomez
William Goodin
Jacqueline Gordon
Lance Gordon
Monique and Jim Govostes
Steve Grant
Jennifer Grasso
Candace Green
Emily and Robert Green
JoAnn and Terry Green
Richard J. Greenberg
Frank Greene
Richard Greene
Sarah and Erik Greenlee
Audrey Greenwood
Ruth Grey
Cynthia Griffin
Robert Grimes
Ruth and Marvin Grossman
Ingrid Justine Grubb
Aaron Guggenheim
Melissa Gurule
Peter Gust
Chelsea Hadley and
Justin Reinhardt
Greg Hannahs
Linda and Forrest Hannon
Peri Hansen
Mary Harenburg
Joanne Harpel
Rosalind Harrison
Madeline and
Sidney Hart, M.D.
Jennie Hasegawa
Willie and
Felicia Everett-Hatter
Steven Hayashi
Katie Hedberg
Julie Herrera
Veronica Herrera-Lynch
David Heslop
Erin Leigh and
Doni Heyman
Thomas Hill
Suzette Hodnett
Heather Holden
Vanessa Holder
Jonathan Holiday
Autumn Holmes
Shelley Holmes
Julie Hong
Amber Hood
Jacquelyn Horwitz
Laurie Houlihan
Rika and Lina Houze
Calvin Wang-Ching Hsi
Noguchi Pekcan Huma
Sherry Hunt
Lynn Scott Hurst
Mathew Hurst
ICAS Liberty Foundation
Theresa Ihara
Ruth T. Inatomi
Julie Inouye
Parviz Iryami
Denise Ishitani
Alexander Israel
Ziv Israeli
Kristy Issak
Eva Ivener
Omeed Izadyar
Anthony Jackson
Tanya Jacobs
Evan Jacobson
Jeanne and Ira Jacoves
Cory and Robert Jacques
Lisa Jamner
Rosemarie Jeanpierre
Johnson & Johnson
Matching Gifts Program
James Jordan
Isabel and Steve Justin
Sharon Kanan
Shirley Kawachi
Michael Keesely
Keller Media, Inc.
Matthew Keller
Wendy and Asher Kelman
James Kennedy
Nicola Kennedy
Jeannine Kerr
Jill Kershaw
Lina Khudadatova-Robles
Mark Killion
Lani King
Stephen Kirsch
Towner Kitchell
Christa Kleiner
Gail and Grant Klemann
Andrew Knox
Clifford and Mui Koike
John Kolfschoten
Jennifer Kong
Susie Koo
Faye Kouimelis
Alicia Koval
Kim Kowsky
Sandri Kramer-Roll
Ashley Kubachka
Lynne Kubachka
Ellen Kuchta
June and Kenneth Kumagai
Dora Y. Kunishige
Kathy Kuniyoshi
Brian Kurushima
Sara Jisun Lee Kwak
Kris LaBar
Carol and Richard LaBrie
Gloria Lakin
Theresa and Kevin Landry
Mary Langbehn
Clarissa Langham
Patricia LaPlace
Donna Lassman
Ginger Lassy
Jose LaTorre
Tamara LaTorre
Jay Laughrey
Sue Lavey
Jerome Law
Leah Leavy and
Edward Ron Leavy
Dinael and
Esmeralda Ledesma
Helen Lee
Michael Lee
Robert Lee
Dianne Leever
Richard Lefkowitz
Monica and Marcos Lemor
Loreen Leo
Marley Wong Leonard
Gloria LeRoy
Rita and Charles Levin
Karen S. Lewicki
Denise Lewis
Carol and Donald Liess
Fawn Kimura and
Ron Lindsey
Matt Lipschutz
Bonnie Lisle and Roy Weitz
Carla H. Litto and
Samy Belga
Susan and Marshall Lloyd
Tamineca Lollis
Alfred Lopez
Mary Ellen Lord
Lily Loubriel
Mabel Love
Marne Loveman
Sandy Luboviski
Kate Lucas-Falk
Steven Lucero
Omar Lugones
Jennifer Luna
Patrick Lynch
Karla Lysdal-Moffitt
Alexander Mackenzie
Cary MacMiller
Linda Madrid
Kayoko Maekawa
Rafael and Austin Magana
EJ Malloys
Joan Maltese, Ph.D.
and Dan Maltese
Hatayama Mami
Charla Mandzak
Linda Mann
Shirley Marcum
Paul Marks
Elizabeth Marlow
Candice Marti
Maureen Martineau
Anthony Martinez
Jacob Martinez
Bobbie Mathers
Kurt Matthews
Emanuel Maxwell
Deborah McCarthy
Jessica McCormick
LouAnn McCune
Mary McEldowney
Patricia McGarry
Alicia McManaman
Michal McTaggart
Leigh and Jason Medina
Alicia Melero
Marisela Mendoza Brakebill
Christine and Lee Merry
Stephen Meyers
Ann and O’Malley Miller
Deborah Miller
Heather Miller
Monica Mills
Barbara Minkoff
Jaleh Modjallal
Nancy Molina
Dorothy Montanio
Ida Leona and
Michael Montelongo
Angelita and Frank Montes
Heyleenken Montminy
Anahi Montoya
Sylvia and
Raymond Monzon
Joeck Morgan
Nicki Morishita
Ming Mui
Monica Muller
Rita and Mike Murphy
Janet Mcfarland
and Lawrence Myers
Robert Myers
Michele Nagata
Gregg Nahass
Mitch Nahass
Pamela and Mark Nakagawa
Kelly Nardoni
Teri Neilson
Tamra and Norman Nelson
Jim Newman
Sabrina Nichols
Morten Nielsen
Marcia and David Nimmer
Janet Nippell
Martha Nishinaka
Ana Nogen
Pieter Noomen
David Nowell
David O’Brien
Shanna O’Brien
May Okazaki
Elizabeth O’Keefe
Roger Olsen
Renee Opell
Christina Orlossy
Christina Ortiz
Candace and Thomas Oshita
Greg Oshita
Angela O’Sullivan
Rose Ota
Sylvia Paccecho
Balt (Baltimore) Padron
Margie Padron
Edward Pak
Thomas Parnell
Daniel Parrish
Virginia Pascoe
Karen Patterson
Denise Paz
Melanie Pedrick
Icela Pelayo
Adam Peltzman
Sal Pena
Vicki Perrigo
Janine Perron
Michael Peters
Ariel Peterson
Steve Pham
Nancy Phear
Dorothea and Edward Pikul
Brian Pinkowski
Rosemary and Ron Plue
Andrew Popinski
Laurin Porter
Joseph and Elaine Porzucki
Eva and Kevin Potter
Rissa and Chuck Potter
Judith Pottle
Yoko Prentice
Nadine Muchin Prosperi
Michelle Pulford
Becky Pynoos
Mary and Joseph Pyzik
Susana Quintero
Wendy Sue Raksin
Elizabeth Ramirez
Sarah Ramirez
Debra Rannalli
Gitty and Freydoon Rassouli
Pamela Rayburn
Pamela Rector
Ron Reigle
Stacy Jorgensen-Reilly and
Mark Reilly
Dana Reinhardt
Michelle and Jaime Reveles
Richard Rice
Bridgette Richard
Judie and Ronald Rieder
Iya K. Ritchie
Marc Rivo
Michele Roberge
Regina Robinson
Maja Roble
Olga Robles
Kelly Rockwell
Catalina Rodriguez
Cristina Roman
Claudia Rosa-Bienenfeld
Catherine Rosenthal
Judy Ross
Elizabeth Roth
Jennifer Roth
Holly Rothermel
Jared Roush
Timothy Rowe
Lisa K. Rowlett
Helena and Brian Royer-Curtis
Marlene M. Rubin
Joanne Lee and
Sacha Rubinstein
JoAnne Ruchinskas
Ginger Rudisill
Maurice Rudisill
Michelle Ruff
Michael Rusling
Yvonne and Jerry Russell
George Ryan
Danielle Sablik
Talal Sadeh
Marion Sakima
Bessie Salguero
Ruth and Don Salk
Ilona Salmons
Dominica Salvatore
Alma Sanchez
Jacqueline Sanchez
Jan Sanderson
Ida Sands
Akira and Carole Sasaki
Dave Savel
Kimberly Saxon
Patrick Scallon
Lisa Schaub
Linda Schimizzi
John Schneider
Penelope Schopflin
Mandy Schort
Barry Schulman
Kenneth Scott
Mary Senzaki
Julie Ser
Forum Shah
Miriam and Henry Shapiro
Juno Shaye
Anna Sheklow
Thomas Shoner
Jay Shore
Kathryn Shotzbarger
Moshe Shram
Sara Sidhu
Jim Sierra
Dottie and Sid Simmons
Amy Simon
Patricia Simpson
Bernadette Singian
Charlotte and Brent Sippel
Debra Skelton
Kevin Skyler
Jean and Robert Smith
Jill Smith
Marilyn Smith
Sharon Smith
Marvin D. Snyder
Shelly Soderman
Michelle Soisson-Smith
David Soloway
Christopher Sommers
James and Cheryl Soper
Caroline Soria
Robert Soria
Teresa Soria
Gianna Sotelo
Narf Sotsub
Catarina Souza
William Spina
Anne Staudhammer
Jeanne Stein
Dorothy Steiner
Regina Steiner
Step Up On Second
Jason Stephens
Adam Sternberg
Gloria Stewart
Leonor Stewman
Alex Stojanovski
Bill and Linda Straky
William J. Strauss
Gary Swisher
Kaye and Javier Talamantes
Pei Pei Tan
Juan Carlos Tapias
Christine Tarallo
Janice Tarumoto
Mary Taylor
Jeff Teglas
George Thierjung
Melissa A. Thomas
Peter Thompson
John Toal
Loretta Toggenburger
Allison Tokunaga
Yvette Townsend, L.C.S.W.
Jacqueline Traeger-Rado
Brenna Trim
Felix Troung
Raymundo Trueba
Lara C. K. Tucci
Christopher Tuffli
Tyco Employee Matching
Gift Program
Janet and Carlos Uribe
Gary and Myra Uyemura
Kristen and
John Van Denburgh, III
Debs Van Der Veen
Jacki Van Every
David Varvaro
Nicole Velarde
Lisa Villalobos
Maria Wade
Randall Wakamoto
Jay Walker
Merri and Cory Walles
Kathryn Walters
Christine Walton
Sau Cindy Wan
Sharey Wang
Robin C. Ward, LCSW
Ellen and John Wardlaw, Jr.
Kosho Watanabe
Scott Watson
Wendy Watson
Nancy and Bradley Weeks
Mikki Weightman
Pamela Weisberg
Ruth Weisberg
Laura Weisman
Ara Weiss
Steven Weiss
Richard Weisskopf
Orly Weltfreid
Anne Marie Westmoreland
Linda Wheeler
Jeff Wierichs
John and Jackie Wileman
Nancy Wileman
Cecil Willard
Monica and David Willard
Debbie Williams
Jenny Williams
Richard Williams and
Jery Bryant
Bill Winkelmann
Barry Wolf
Melissa Wolff
Scott and Lynne Wolford
Kelli Wong
Roger Wood
Randi Woodrow
Diane Wright
Julie Wright
Kevin and Jeanine Wright
Stephanie Yamaguchi
Brian Yanowski
Edward Yanowski
Cecelia Ybarra
Joji Yi
Elaine Yim
Carole Zaima
Jennifer Arelis Zelaya
Robert and Deborah Pikul Zent
Tanya Zhuk
Mary Kate Denny Ziesmer
Sally Zinman
Vivienne Adams
Barry Agovino
Alondra Aguayo
Keith Anyon
Joyce Arakaki
Armstrong Garden Center
Alice Avery
Donald Baker
Evelina Baras
Carol and Tom Baum
Beach Cities Breakfast Club
Dana and Mike Bermant
Marlene Blake
Joan Borinstein
Elisabeth Boucher
Joyce Boylan
Tonishia Boyle
Virginia Brown
Angela Brown-Myers
Cynthia and Thomas Bryan
Carmen and Kevin Butler
Kevin Butler
Stacey and Mike Calcagno
Tracy Caldeira
Lori Campbell
Dana Cannon
Lizzie Carlson
Cynthia Chaillie
Mavis and Chuck Chan
Tony Chen
Weslie Ching
Maureen Clavin
A. Cohen Cohen
Natalie Cole
Bram Conley
Cissie Cooper
Alana M. Cortes
Brenda Cowen
Lani Crescenzi
Roberta Cummings
Kita S. Curry, Ph.D. and
Peter Curry
Walter DeLorrell
Lynne and Irwin Deutch
Rhonda Diamond
William Dombrowski
Karey Dosamantes
Jeanie Druebert
Bonnie Engle
Brandy Ervin
Chris and Joe Evelyn
Wayne French
Dorothy and Paul Maier
Jennifer Galloway
Joel Safranek
C.B. Malle
Carlos L. Garcia
Kristine Santoro, Ph.D.
Judith and Marvin Maltzman
Rosalee Garcia
Linda Schacht
Lelia and B. Robert Maltzman
David Gonzales
Elizabeth Seltzer-Lang
Delphine Mann
Marla Gonzalez
Sheila Stern
Susan Mann
Debra Gordon
Anne Jane Stone
Kelly and Kristina Marchbanks
Elisabeth Goth
Sharon Stone
Lisa A. Marquis
Emily Gradess-Hartman
Toni L. Stutson
Marc Marrero
Faye Griffith
Tenisha Taylor
Kathy and Lee Marston
Nick Gutierrez, M.D.
Alicia Teichman
Matthew Marston
Paula Haber
Deborah Thompson-Garcia
Penny Marston
Chad A. Hagobian
Joyce Trebulous
Marjorie McNabb
Mary Halligan
Alan Trevor
Duane E. McWaine, M.D. and
Thomas J. Han, DDS, FACD
Cody Tucker and Will Baum
David Huebner
Aaron Hankins
Kelly Underdown
Carole Meiners
Toby and Manon Hayward
Anibal Valdez
Jairo Mejia
Martha Hernandez
Patsy Van Utt
Allison Mellon
Christina Maria Herrera
Volunteer Center of Los Angeles
Ruth Mervis
Margaret Hersh
Jermaine Waters
Matthew Meyer
Nikki Holbert
Adrienne and Chris Webb
Judy Miller
Michelle Hori
Zina Welch
Nasrin Moghadasian, D.C.
Dr. and Mrs. Hudosh
Helen Whitaker
Mahshid Moosavieh
Angelica Huston
Susan Whitmore
Lyn Morris
Marcia Isaacs
Lisa and Michael C. Wierwille
Merle and Peter Mullin
Jamba Juice
Donna Williams
Valerie Naify
Jongewaard’s Bake-N-Broil
LaTasha K. Wilson
Helene Norstadt
Colleen Karpeles
Leslie Wilson
Laura Ornest
Nancy Katayama
Lucille and Edmond Wright
Elyse Ortiz
Tracy Katayama
Suzanne Zemer
Pascha Perkins
Mickey Gershon Kavanau
Vicki Perrigo
Margie Keyes
Vivian B. Quiroga
Sheldon Klee
Leticia Reyes
Rikki Klieman
Vicki Reynolds-Pepper
Sharon M. Kopman and
Jennifer Rima
Jason Kay
Kathleen and
Carolbeth and Lester Korn
Carlos Rivera
Allison Krol
Lacie Rivera
Annalisa Krol
Maja Roble
Ellen Kuchta
Paul Romey
Dey Young Ladd
Sharon and Rick Rosas
Jerri Lamb
Andrew E. Rubin
Rodger Landau
Norma Ruiz
Daryl Lasky
Gloria Ruth
Dan Lawton
Meg Ryan
Monty Lawton
Thomas Ryan
Mary and Stanley D. Lelewer
Laurie Lenormand
Marianne Lewis
“Didi Hirsch saved my life. I’m looking forward
Tommy Lewis
to becoming a peer advocate so I can help
Sara Licon
others with my story” – Julie Hererra
Walt Lorrell
Officers of the Board
Martin J. Frank
Executive Vice Chair
Michael C. Wierwille
Carlos Garcia
Vice Chairs
Andrew E. Rubin
Cheri Renfroe Yousem
Janine B. Lichstein
Immediate Past Chair
Stanley D. Lelewer
Board Members
Charlotte W. Fletcher, Ph.D.
Gail Kamer Lieberfarb
Thomas J. Han, D.D.S, FACD
Howard M. Loeb
Vera Jashni, Ed.D.
Sharon M. Kopman
Lee Leibman
Laura Ornest
Todd M. Rubin
Beatrice S. Stern
Executive Staff
Kita S. Curry, Ph.D.
Medical Director
Curley L. Bonds, M.D.
Vice President of Finance
and Administration
John P. McGann, C.P.A.
Vice President of Human Resources
Cynthia Bryan, S.P.H.R.
Vice President ofBest Practices
Matthew Meyer, Ph.D.
Vice President of Clinical Operations
Rebecca J. Gaba, Ph.D., L.M.F.T.
Vice President of Development
Joel Safranek
Dr. Nathaniel Jackson
Dr. Jackson became an integral part of the Didi Hirsch Board in 1994
when Inglewood’s Centinela Family and Child Guidance Clinic merged
with Didi Hirsch.
Dr. Jackson strongly believed in helping others. After serving as an Air
Force psychologist, he became a community activist for organizations like
the NAACP and Urban League. Later, as an educator and administrator at
El Camino College, he mentored several generations, encouraging them to
tap into the best parts of themselves in the face of adversity.
With his help, Didi Hirsch was able to form critical alliances with key
leaders in South Los Angeles and Inglewood. Through these relationships,
we have been able to bring much needed services to underserved
communities. It has been an honor to have such a wise and gentle man
serve our agency for so many years.
With almost 70 years of experience, Didi Hirsch Mental
Health Services provides mental health and substance
abuse services at ten sites in Los Angeles and Orange
County. A member of the National Suicide Prevention
Lifeline network, its Suicide Prevention Center was the
first in the nation. Each year, Didi Hirsch helps over
70,000 youth and adults—from Pacoima to Venice
to South Los Angeles to downtown Los Angeles to
Santa Ana, and many points in between. Didi Hirsch
transforms lives by providing quality mental health and
substance abuse services in communities where stigma or
poverty limit access.
Didi Hirsch Mental Health Services is a 501(c)(3) not-for profit organization.
For information on contributions or estate planned giving, please call
Vice President of Development at (310) 751-5425
or email