IAS Gradation List
IAS Gradation List
CONTENTS SI. No. Page No. 1. IAS Cadre Ullar Pradesh 2. Pay of IAS Officers (iii) 3. Posts Carrying pay above the nme Scale of Pay (iv) 4. Pay Scales of IAS Officers with Effect from 01-01-2006 (v) 5. Posts Canying Special Allowance 6. Gradation List of the IAS Officers Batch wise (i)·(ii) (vi)-(vii) (i) 1978101983 01-07 (ii) 1984 to 1991 07-17 (iii) 1992102000 17-28 (iv) 2001 to 2003 28-39 (v) 2004102007 39-48 (vi) 2008 to 2012 48-65 (vii) 2013102015 65-72 7. List of IAS Officers on GOI Deputation 73-75 8. List of IAS Officers posted on State DeputaUon 76-77 9. List of IAS Officers on Foreign Service/Postingffraining + List at a Glance of tAS Officers allolled Ullranchat Cadre but posted in Ullar Pradesh 78 10. Retirements/Deemed Resignations/ Voluntary Retirements during 1st January, 2015 to 31st December, 2015 79-80 11. Academic Background of IAS Officers of Uttar Pradesh Cadre 81 12. Index 85-92 Back to Index Back to Index Back to Index Back to Index (vi) Back to Index POSTS CARRYING SPECIAL ALLOWANCE SI. No. Post Scale ol Pay Special Pay per Remarks Mensem w.e.t. 1-1-86 2 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 5 Special Secretary to Government Secretary Public Service Commission Aeliel Commissioner-run-SpeciaVJoilt Secretary to Government Special Officer to Agriculture Production and Ex-officio SpeciaVJoint Secretary to Government Director, Planning, Research and Action Division and Director, Evaluation and Training Division-cum-SpeciaVJoint Secretary to Government Director, lnlormaticn and SpeciaVJoint Secretary Joint Secretary to Government AdditionaVJoint Director, National Savingcum Special/Joint Secretary to Government Add1tionaVDepuly Commissioner, Food and Civil Supplies-cum-SpeciaVJoml Secretary to Government Director, Bureau of Public EnterpriseS-Cllll· SpeciaV Joint Secretary to Government Director, Panchayat Director, Training& Employment Director, Social We�are Magistrate and Collector, Lucknow & Kanpur City Senior-Time-Scale Magistrate and C.Ollector, Agra, Allahabad, Bareilly, Gorakhpur, Meerut, Varanasi, Moradabad and Aligarh Director, Local Bodies Admi'tistrator, Command Area Deve�ent (In Senior/Selection Grade) Staff Officer to Chief Secretary-cttn.Jovlt Secy. to Govt. and Director, Revenue Intelligence Enlertainmenl Tax Commissioner DitlO 800/- Dito Ditb 800/· 8001· DitlO 1,000/- Ditto 8001· Dro 00> 2,0001· 1,000/· 1,000/900 Dii> 1,000i900 DitlO 1,0001900 OilO 1,000/900 Ditto OOo 1,000/900 Ditb 1,000/900 'XX)/- 1,000/900 Ditto Ditto Ditto DitlO BOO/· 800/800/800/- SI. No. Gradation List of IAS Officers of Uttar N1mo Home oi.trtct D1teof Appointment to Date of Birth Educat.lonal !AS/Date of Qualification (ID No. UP/Got) Sourtt of RKl'Uitmlntl Conf. In IAS Allotmfflt Ynr le-mall ���� Sh. Pradeep Kumar Sinha 18/07/1955 (285/UP041400) RR-1977 sinhapk@up.nic.in ��t;r,J Sh. Alok Ranjan 09/03/1956 (305/UP042600) RR-1978 aran)an78@up.nic.in ��ll'lt Sh. Lov Verma 09/0111956 (306/UP042900) RR-1978 vermalov@up.nic.in ,!It�� Sh. Rakesh Bahadur 19/05/1956 (326/UP044600) RR-1979 s � l§ll ll'lt Sh. Kush Verma 09/01/1956 (3271UP045000) RR-1979 vermak@up.nic.in 5 ,!It ftro.r F-1' Sh. Slraj Hussain 31Al111956 (3281UP045300) . Back to Index Pradesh Cadre (as on 01/01/2016) o,te of Entry Current Appointment t Photograph Into Govt. SerJ Fixed P1y1P1y Bond+ Grade P1y Date of office In Sen. scale New Delhi B.A.(Hons.). M.A.(Hons.), M.Phil. (Soc. Sc.), Cert. in French 12/07/1977 12/0711977 12/07/1979 22/0711981 Unnao(UP) B.A.(Hons.). M.B.A.(IIMA) 12/07/1978 12/07/1978 12/07/1980 13/08/1982 Aligarh(UP) B.A.(Pol. Sc.) M.A.(Pol. Sc.), MA(R.S.), Reading U.K. 12/07/1978 12/07/1978 12/07/1980 06/08/1982 Bareilly (UP) B.A. (Hons.) 11/0711979 11/0711979 11/07/1981 18/07/1983 Aligarh(UP) BA(English lit!.) M.A.(His.). D.P.A.(IIPA), M.Phil. 11/07/1979 11/0711979 11/07/1981 20/07/1983 Moradabad(UP) M.Sc. (Bio.Chem.), M.B.A.(Hull, UK) 11/0711979 11/0711979 11/0711981 01/07/1983 11/07/1979 11/07/1979 11/07/1981 09/0ll/1983 RR-1979 hsiraj@up.nic.in Allahabad(UP) ���'Ii! Sh. Vijay Shankar Pandey M.Sc.(Maths), LLB. la12/1956 1331NP045600) �-1979 oandeyvs@up.nic.in 1 Cabinet Secretary to GOI, Cabinet Secretarial New Delhi, 13/06/2015 90000 [ii Chief Seaetary, UP, & Pl. Resident Convnissionef, UP, New Delhi & Chairman, PICUP, UP Lucknow, 31/05/2014 80000 Secretary to GOI, D/o Disability Affairs, Mio Social Justice New Delhi, 02/02/2015 80000 Investment Commissioner, U.P., New Delhi, 01104/2015 80000 Commissioner, N.C.R. Ghaziabad, 04/10/2014 80000 Secretary to GOI, Mio Agriculture 0/o Agriculture and Cooperation New Delhi 80000 Secretary to GOI, D/o Chemicals and Petrochemicals, Mio Chemicals and Fertilisers New Delhi, 01/01/2016 80000 [I] SI. (1 Gradation List of IAS Officers of Uttar Pradesh Cadre ( as on 01/01/2016) 7 Date of Photograph Name Home District Date of Entry Current Appointment I Date of Birth Educadonal Appointment to into Govt SerJ Fixed Pay/Pay Band+ Grade Pay Quallficadon IASIOate of Date of office In (ID No. UPIGOI) Back to Index Source or Reeruitmentl Cont. In IAS Sen. scale AllolmtntYear/e-mall JJft�� Sh. Sanjiv Saran 15/11/1959 !36o\lP053000) AA-1983 sarans@up.nic.in �o�ll'lf Or. Laltt Varma Q1JOOl1959 l4MJP054200) �-1984 emal@up.nic.in � ,3!"R! '§'IR � .. c Sia. Anant Kumar Singh l:>03/1959 U6r\JP054500) �-1984 saranlkr@up.nic.in Ghaziabad (UP) M.Tech. (Mgmt. & SysL) M. Phil. 21,1)811984& 21/08/1986 20/07/1983 Member(Judicial), Board of Revenue. UP 10/08/1988 Lud<.OOH, 30/05/2014 67000-79000 Saharsa (Bih.) M.Sc. (Phy. ), MA(Eco.), LLB., M.Phil. 21W1984% 07/01/1984 Addi. Secretary lo GOI, 21/08/1986 23/07/1988 Gas, New Delhi, 01/09/2015 67000-79000 21/08/1984 21/08/1984 Pl Secretary to Govt. of UP, Transport Deptt. 31/07/1988 Lucknow, 26/07/2014 67000-79000 r 5'lf ffl fltm Mau (UP) Durga Shankar Mishra B.Tech. (Elect. Engg.), • '211961 P.G.D.M., M.BA �\JP054600) (Int. Bus.), Sydney � up.nic.in =-•984 c -C-0 �«qi! Chandigarh =-.Anu p Chandra Pandey (Pun.) B.E. (Mech. �1959 Engg.), �) M.BA,Ph.D. �up.nic.in =-•984 •• \JPOSSOOO) � ..1934 i;anrals84@up.nic.in =� 29/08/1985 29/08/1983 PL Secretary to Govt of UP. Forest. Environmeni 14/0911987 N R.I., External Aided Project Deptt., Lucknow,01/05/2015 80000 Delhi B.Sc.,MA (Eco.). M.B.B.S, Dip.in Mgt. (AIMA) � \'II< � � � Pumea (Bih.) x..nar Arvind Singh Deo M.Sc. (Phy.), M.A. (Eco.) zu; 1959 �P054400) =-1984 :mia@up.nic.in �;!;pi� S...J ay Agrawal :!r.13f1962 29/08/1983 Aligarh (UP) B.Tech.& M.Tech. (Elec. Engg.) 21/08/1986 21/08/1984 21/08/1986 21/0811984 21/08/1986 21/08/1984 21/08/1986 [1] - M!o Petroleum & Natural 21/08/1984 Addi. Secretary lo GOI, Mio Urban Development 30/07/1988 New Delhi, 28/07/2014 67000- 79000 21/08/1984 Pl. Secretary to Govt. of UP, Medical Education 29/07/1988 Deptt.. Lucknow, 22/08/2015 67000-79000 Pl. Secretary to Govt. of UP, Power Deptt. & 27/07/1988 Chairman, U.P.P.C.L., Chairman, U .P. State Elec1ric Production, Paresen& Water Electric Corporation LuckOOH, 16/05/2013 67000-79000 II � 21/08/1984 � Se!vices rendered for the period 20.7.83 to 20.8.84 allowed t, ccunl for pension under Rule 8{2) of AIS {DCRB) Rules,1958. �-) services for the period 7.1.84 to 18.8.84 allowed to ccunt for pension and an intemJ plion in between two seMCeS for the period l!Om i, '20.8.84 condoned automatically under Rules 8{2) & 12(2X4) of AIS {DCRB) Rules, 1958 I lno.1911(49)87]. Back to Index SI. No. Gradation List of IAS Officers of Uttar Pradesh Cadre (as on 01/01/2016) 17 Date or Date of Entry Namt Current Appointment I Home District Photograph EducationaJ Appointment to Into Govt SerJ Fixed PayfPay Band+ Grade lASIOate of Date of office In Pay (ID No. UPIGOI) Quallflcatlon Source of RKl\lltmtnll Con!. In IAS Sen. scale Allotment Yw It-mall Date of Birth 113 'Jll�'l'f Sh. Sudhir Garg 11/02/1964 (943/UP062001) RR-1990% gargs1@up.nic.m Chandigarh (Pur.) 8.E. (Mech.). M.E. (Rotodynamics) 114 'Jll '6l'!U'I � Sh. Kamran Rizvi 24/10/1966 (933NP062100) RR-1991 nzvik@up.nic.m Lucl<now(UP) 8 Tech (Mech.). M Tech. (Design) MBA (Finance) 115 'Jll>rcft��ll'lf Jabalpur (MP) Srnt Nivedi1a Shukla Venna MA (Eng.Lil) 03/1111967 (934NP062200) RR-1991 svnivedi@up.nic.in 116 'Jll�� Sh. Laklw Venkateshwartu 01I04/1966 (935NP062400) RR-1991 venkatl@up.mc.in Prakasam(AP) 8.Tech. (Elec.), M.Tech. (Sys & Mgmt) 117 'Jll � .n.l ,ft;n Sh. Babu Lal Meena 15I04/1968 (1029NP062402) RR-1991# blmeena@up.nic.in Sawal Madhopur (Raj) B.Tech (Mech. Engg.) MA Pubf,c Policy and Management Erasmus Universi1y , Netherland Muzaffarpur (Bih.) 118 'Jll � '§'II\ !m-1 Sh. Rajesh Kumar Singh-I 8.Tech. M Tech. 01/07/1967 (1110/UP062403) RR-1991 S singhr1<7@up.nic.m 119 'Jll "IB. 'l""I Sh. Narendra Bhooshan 12/03/1969 (946/UP062600) RR-1992 bhooshan@up.nic.1n % Bhatnda(Pun.) 8 E (Electron,cs & Elec. Convnn.) MA(IDPDU, USA 20/08/1990 20/08/1990 20/08/1992 09/0911994 15/09/1991 15/0911991 15/09/1993 15/09/1995 1510911991 15/09/1991 15/09/1993 15/09/1995 15/09/1991 15/0911991 15/09/1993 15/09/1995 Pl. Secretary to Govt. of UP. Food & Civil Supplies Deptt.. Lucknow, 01/08/2015 67000-79000 D.G .. Rajya Poshan Mission, UP & Commissioner, Rural Develoj)ment, UP Lucknow, 03112/2014 67000-79000 Pl. Secretary to Govt. of UP, Horticulture & Food Processing, Lucknow, 01/01/2016 67000-79000 Divisional Commissioner Ch,trakool 22/09/2015 67000-79000 � [§] � rID .... ./' 15/09/1991 15/09/1991 15/09/1993 01I0711995 16 /12/1999 15/09/1991 II II 11/10l1992 11/10/1992 11110l1994 03112/1996 JL Secretary to GDI. Dlo Social Justice & Empowerment Mio Social Justice, Empowerment New Deihl, 05/05/2014 67000-79000 � Jl Secretary to GOI, D/o Heavy Industries New Deihl, 12/10/2012 67000-79000 Jl Secretary lo GO!, Mio Agriculture New Delhi 37400- 67000+ 10000 Transfem,d ln>m Man,pur·Tnpura cadre 10 UP cadre vide GOI Notification No.13017/14192 AIS(1) daled 27/0&92 Traosfemld ln>m TN cadre 10 UP cadre vide GOI Nob11calion No 13017129$5-AJS(I) daled · 1S-12·95 cadre Transtened fromMan,pu,·TripuralO Uttar Pradesh by>ode GOI No. 13017f.l5198.AIS(1)dated 26-11-1999. [2J Back to Index 28 SI. No. Gradation List of IAS Officers of Uttar Pradesh Cadre (as on 01/01/2016) Name Date of Birth (ID No. UP/GOf) Soutct of AKl\lltm.nd Home District Educatlon1I QuallfieatJon AllotrMnt Yeat It-mall 190 � f.m-�fm Sh. Vijai Bahadur Singh 03/07/1956 (1389) SCS-2000 191 � � ffl°(\ffil Sh. Murll Manohar Lal 15/02/1959 (1390) SCS-2000 192 �'Alai�'!! Sh. Manoj Mishra 20/11/1959 (1391) SCS-2000 193 � lffif \ffil U'I Sh. Bharat Lal Rai 28/06/1956 (1442) SCS-2000 194 ��'J.'l"T<ffil� Sh. Shuhi Bhushan Lal Susheel 01/07/1973 (1129NP) RR-2001 sushee!s@up.nic.in 195 �-'§'ITT'� Sh. Ajay Kumar Shukla 01/01/1973 (1126/UP) RR-2001 shukajay@up.nic.in 196 �� '1!'l"lt '!· Ms.Apama U. 10!11/1975 (1127/UP) RR-2001 uapama@up.nic.in Varanasi(UP) MA (Med. Hist) D1ttof Date of Entry Cuntnt Appointment I Appointment t o Into Govt. S.,J Flxtd Pay/Pay Band+ Grad, IASIDattof Pay Date of office In Cont. In IAS Sen.sc11t 28/11/2012 Photograph Secretary to Govt of UP, Basic Education Deptt., Lucknow, 01/01/2016 37400-671)()()<10000 � Gorakhpur(UP) MA Director. Cane lnstrtute, UP& M.D., Sugar Corporation, UP, Lucknow, 18/09/2015 37400-67000+10000 28/11/2012 Hardoi(UP) 28/11/2012 Secretary, AP.C. Branch, Govt of UP, Lucknow, 01/01/2016 37400-671)()()<10000 Ghazipur(UP) M.A (Ancient Hist., Culture& Archeology) 23/01/2013 Secretary 10 Govt of UP, Minor lrrigatJon Deptt. and Director& M.D.. Fisheries Development Co<poration Lucknow, 01/01/2016 37400-67000+10000 Saharanpur(UP) B.E.(Elect. Engg.) 02/09/2001 02/09/2001 02/09/2003 02/09/2003 M.A. Unar Pradesh e B.Tch. Civil Engg. Hyderabad(AP) LL.B.(H) Soc.& Leg. Subj. 02/09l2001 02/09/2001 02/09/2003 02/09/2003 02/09l2001 02/09/2001 02/09/2003 02/09/2003 m � Spl. Secretary to Govt of UP, Reorganisation& Coordination& Food& CiVll SUpplles Oeptt., Lucknow, 14/08//2014 37400-671)()()<8700 Spl. Secretary to Gov t of UP, Environment Depll. and Director, Environment. UP, Lucknow, 20l09/2015 37400-671)()()<8700 Inter Cader Deputaoon In Andhra Pradesh, 16/07/2015 37400-671)()()<8700 n Back to Index SI. No. Gradation List of IAS Officers of Uttar Pradesh Cadre (as on 01/01/2016) Name o,teof Birth po No. UPIGOI) Home Distric t Educational Quilllifiu.tlon Sourc• of RKtUit1Mn'1 AllottMfU Ytlt /e-mail 267 'Jft'l<lt - fllqra\ Smt. Kanak Tripathl 29/06/1960 (1476) SCS-2003 1npalluk.up@nic.in 268 'Jft'l<ltlllfl!� Srnt. Priti Shukla 22/04/1961 (1477) SCS-2003 shuklap2@nic.1n 269 Raibareli M.A.(Phil.) Date of Entry Current Appoint ment/ lAS/Date of Conf. in IAS Date of office in Sen. ,cale Pay 25110/2013 39 Photograph Member (Judicial), Board of Revenue. UP. Lucknow, 20/09/2015 37400-67000+8700 � Kanpur Nagar M.A.(Phil.) 25110/2013 Distt. Magisllate & Collector, Balrampur. 29101/2015 37400-67000+8700 � 'lfi�'!i'ITT"fm Soobhadra Sh. Satyendra Kumar Singh MA M.BA 14!0111961 (1478) SCS-2003 s,nghsk5.up@nic.in 'IR Date of Appointment to Into Govt. SerJ Fixed Pay/Pay Bandt Grade 25110/2013 Distt. Magistrate & Collector. Farrukhabad, 15/07/2015 0 3740().67000+870 270 'lit 'li'ITT" Sh. Mahendra Kumar 2910711960 (1479) SCS-2003 l.ali1pur BA.LLB. 25110/2013 Spl. Secretary to Govt of UP, A.P.C. Branch, Lucknow. 11102/2015 374()().67000+8700 271 'Jft'l<lt '3l'l1fll,lif Im Smt. Anamlka Singh 29103/1978 (1196) RR-2004 anamikasingh@up.nic.ln Fatehpur(UP) BA MA(Social Wori<) 06I09l2004 Deputy Secretary to GOI, School Education & Literacy Deptt., Mio Human R!!$0Urces Development New Delhi, 0110712013 15600-39100+7600 � 272 'lit� '!i'ITT"tRooi\o Sh. Ravi Kumar N.G. 03IOS/19n (1197) RR-2004 ravikumamg@up.nic.in Mandia (Kamataka) B.E. (Ci>Al Engg.) Private Secretary to the Minister of State for Civil Aviation (Shri G.M. Siddheshwara), GOI, New Delhi, 15/0712014 15600-39100+7600 � m 111.tms� Dr. Roshan Jacob 25/09/1978 (1199) RR-2004 roshanjacob@up.nic.in Tuvvaoanlal)Uram (Kerala) BA M.A.(Eng.) Ph.D. (Engl sh) 06I09l2004 06I09l2004 Spl. Secretary to Govt of UP,P.W.D., Lucknow, 21/0912015 15600-39100+7600 Back to Index 48 SI. No. Gradation Ll1Jt of IAS Officers of Uttar o,i.or Name Home Dls1lk1 01t1of8irth Educallol\ll Apj)Ol-1 IO (ID No. UP/GOI) IAS/Da11 of Qualillcolion Sowu of Rtctvhmtntl Conf.lnLt.S AllolnltntY..,Jt-maU 18/08/2007 330 <11"1"1'! Sh. Abhay 28/06/1983 11241) RR-2007# 8 E !Comp. Sc, ) 331 u<ft� ilto Ms. Chaltra V. 26i06/1981 11224) RR,2007 challr.l.v@las n,c.in Bangaluru (Kamataka ) 8 Can. MA (Pubic Pol.) 18/08/2007 332 <flffl'!j'lrtoft�o Tami/nadu Sh. Naveen Kumar G.S. B E (Electrnn,cs) 2314/1981 (1221) RR-2007 18/08/2007 333 it.�.to Dr. Muthukumarasamy 8. 09/0511975 (1223) RR-2007 18/08/2009 Tami/nadu 8.V.Sc& A.H (Vefennary Sc.) M.VS.C. 336 lJ<ftl?'fo'l!!� Ms. S. Mathu Shalini 21/02/1985 (1233) RR-2008 sm.sflaliru@ias.noe" 18/08/2009 18/08/2007 18/08/2009 Disn. Magisuate& Coleculr. Bahraich. 29/01/2015 15600-39100+7600 Spl Seaetary to Govt of UP, F,nanceDepn., Lucknow, 10/06/2014 15600-39100+7600 Spl Secretary to CM. Govt of UP, Lucknow. 06/08/2014 15600-39100•7600 Spl. Secretary to CM. Govt. of UP. Lucknow, 09/09/2014 15600-39100.7600 � Biltar 33! <ft�'IT'O'l'lfi!w Sh. Prabhu Narain Singh B.Com. U.S. 1110911979 11222) RR-2007 335 it.� ft!w Or. Adar>h Singh 13/12/1980 (1288) RR-2007 # singh.adar>h@ias.nic.in 18/08/2009 Pradesh Cadra jas on 0110112016) Current Aff,olntment I o... o1Entry Pllo!ograph Into Govt. St< Fixed Pay!Pey Band• Gred< Pay Daitof offite 11"1 Son.stall Delhi M.BBS 18/08/2007 18/08/2009 18/08/2007 18/08/2009 MD., South Electnc Dr.;tnbutioo Corporatioo Agra, 27/09/2013 15600-39100+7600 Dr.;n.Mag,strate& Colector. Pratapgam 11112/2015 15600-39100•7600 � Tariwnadu BE. (EJecUo Engg) 01!09/2008 01l09/2010 O SD Greater Nooa Gautambuddhnagar 25/07/2013 15600-39100>6600 Cadre changed from GuJrat to UP Cadre Y1de GOf NooficabOO No 13017116 2009-AIS-l-dated 27-07,2009 Back to Index Gradation List of IAS Officers of Uttar Pradesh Cadre (as on 01/01/2016) SI. No. Name Date of Birth (10 No. UPIGOI) Souret: of Retniitmtnd Home Ols�lct Educational Qualification Allocment Ytar /e-mail 449 -lfim� Sh. Sanjeev Singh 05106/1981 (1464) RR-2012 sanieev s12@ias nic 1n -lfi��-11 Jalaun (UP) B.Sc.. MA. Current Appointment I Date or Date of Entry Appolnbnent to Into Govt. Serl Fixed Pay/Pay Band+ Grade Date of office in tAS/Oate of Pay Conf. ln tAS Sen.scale Joint Magistrate, Hardoi. 13/0112015 15600-39100+6600 03/09/2012 � Ra1asthan B E (Comp Sc.) 03/09/2012 Joint Magistrate. Moradabad. 07/08/2014 15600-39100+6600 451 -if! il�o � Sh. T.K. Shibu (1469) RR-2012 Alappuiha (Kerala B.Tech. 10/12/2012 Joml Magistrale, Allahabad, 07108/2014 15600-39100+6600 452 Karur (Tarrulnadu) BE. (EEE) HDCM 03/09/2012 Rohta!<(Haryana) MBBS. 03/09/2012 450 Sh. Abhishek Singh-II (1454) RR-2012 abh1shek.s12@ias.mc.1n aft110� Sh. A. Dineshkumar 25/0711977 (1453) RR-2012 2911211999 Joint Magistrate, Agra, 07/0812014 15600-39100+6600 anna>l.-.mr@lasnu> 453 �. � 'lffl Dr. Vlbha Chahal 19/08/1983 (1467) RR-2012 VJbha.chahal@tas.nic.tn 454 ,;ft�� Sh. Anuj Singh 11/0511988 (1509) RR-2013 455 li-lfi o3!'l"I � Ms. Apurva Dubey 23/0911988 (1510) RR-2013 65 Photograph LJ Joint Magistrate, Saharanpur. 22108/2015 15600-39100+6600 � Chapra (Bihar) B.Tech. (\IT Delhi) Chem. Engg 02/09/2013 Joint Magistrate, Banda, 27/11/2015 15600-39100+5400 New Delhi BA 02109/2013 Jomt Magistrate. Kanpur Oehat, 27111/2015 15600-39100+5400 [j] � Back to Index 73 LIST OF I.A.S. OFFICERS ON GOI DEPUTATION Name S.No Sh. Pradeep Kumar Sinha 1 285 2. Sh. Lov Verma 306 Sh. Siraj Hussain 3 328 Sh. Vijay Shankar Pandey 4. 331 5. Sh. Shankar Agarwal 350 Ms. Aradhana Johri 6. 351 Sh. Rakesh Garg 7. 353 Sh. Anuj Kumar Bishnoi 8. 378 Sh. Anil Swarup 9. 380 10. ShRajive Kumar-I 384 11. Sh. Balvender Kumar 385 12. Ms. Vrinda Sarup 386 13. Sh. Devendra Chaudhary 395 14. Sh Rohit Nandan 403 15. Sh. J.S.Deepak 405 16. Sh. Neeraj Kumar Gupta 406 17. Sh. Avinash K. Srivastava 409 18. Sh. Susheel Kumar-I 412 19. Sh. Dinesh Singh 413 20. Sh. Prabhas Kumar Jha 416 21. 22. 23. 24. Sh. Rajeev Kapoor 423 Sh. Anant Kumar Singh 446 Sh. Durga Shankar Mishra 447 Sh. Pradeep Kumar Mohanty 461 Batch RR 1977 RR 1978 RR 1979 RR 1979 RR 1980 RR 1980 RR 1980 RR 1981 RR 1981 RR1981 RR 1981 RR 1981 RR 1981 RR 1982 RR 1982 RR 1982 RR 1982 RR 1982 RR 1982 RR 1982 RR 1982 RR 1984 RR 1984 RR 1985 Posting Cabmet Secretary to GOI, Cabinet Secretariat.New Delhi, 13i06i2015 Secretary to GOI, Dio Disability Affairs, Mio Social Justice New Delhi 02/02/2015 Secretary to GOI, Mio Agriculture Dio Agriculture and Cooperation, New Delhi 28i02/2015 Secretary to GOI, Dio Chemicals and Petrochemicals, Mio Chemicals and Fertilisers New Delhi; 08/11/2015 Secretary lo GOI, Mio Labour & Employment , New Delhi Chairman. National Authority Chemical Weapons Convention (NACWC), New Delhi Secretary to GOI, Dio Telecommunications, Mio Communications & I.T, New Delhi 16i07i14 Secretary lo GOI . 0/o Fertilisers, Mio Chemicals and Fertilisers New Delhi 15i06/2015 Secretary to GOI, Mio Coal, New Delhi 03i11/2014 Secretary to GOI, Mio Shipping, New Delhi 01i12/2014 Secretary to GOI, Mio Mines. New Delhi 01i07/2015 Secretary to GOI, Dio Food & Public Distribution, Mio Consumers Affairs & Public Distribution, New Delhi, 03/11/2014 Secretary to GOI, D/o Administrative Reforms and Public Grievances, New Delhi, 12/06i2015 Secretary to GOt, Mio Skill Development, New Delhi, Secretary to GOI, Dlo Information Technology, New Delhi, Secretary to GOt, Dlo Disinvestment, Mio Finance, New Delhi 26/09/2014 Spl. Secretary to GOI, Mio Agriculture, New Delhi; Spl. Secretary to GOI, Mio Environment & Forest New Delhi; 14i06/2013 Spl. Secretary to GOI, D/o Statistics &Programme Implementation, New Delhi; 01/01/2013 Spl. Secretary and Financial Advisor to GOI, Dio Food & Public Distribution. Mio Consumer Affairs Food & Public Distribution. New Delhi Director. Lat Bahadur Shastri National Academy of Administration Mussoorie Ultrakhand 19105i2014 Addi. Secretary lo GOI, Mio Petroleum & Natural Gas.New Delhi; 01/09i2015 Addi. Secretary to GOI, Mio Urban Development . New Delhi 28!07i2014 Chief Vigilance Officer, National Aluminium Co. ltd., Bhuvaneshwar, 12/08i2011 Back to Index 76 List of IAS Officers Posted In D/o State Government/on Deputation With Corporation/Other Organisation SI.No. Name Batch Posting 1. Sh. Rakesh Bahadur 326 RR 1979 lnveslment Commissioner.U P. NewDelhi 01/04/2015 2. Sh. Kush Verma 327 RR 1979 Convnissiooer, NC.R. Ghaz,abad 04/10/2014 3. Sh Rama Raman 505 RR 1987 C.E.O , Grealer Naida. Noida, Chairman NOida, Greater Noida & Yamuna Exp:ess Way Authority, GautambudhNagar, 01/07/2011 4. Sh. Manoi Singh 594 RR 1989 M.D U.P.S IDC. & M.D UPSIC Kanpur Nagar, 2515/2012 5. Sh. Amil Kumar Ghosh 988 RR 1994 6 Sh. Vipin Kumar Dwivedi 1353 scs Mission Direclo,, Ii R.H M & Execulive Director, SIFPSA,UP & Project Direclor U.P Heallh System Lucknow, 18/09/2012 1998 M.D. U.P. Land ReformCorporation and M.D PC F., U P. Lucknow, 04/09/2015 7. Sh. Deepak Agarwal 1119 RR 2000 AdditionalC.E 0. Greater NOIDA Gautambudhnagar, 22/09/2015 8. Sh. Murli Manohar Lal 1390 2000 scs Director,Cane Institute, U. P. & MD.Sugar Corporation,U.P Lucknow, 18/09/2015 9. Sh. S. V. S. Rang a Rao 1128 RR 2001 C.E 0. U.P Rural Road Development Authority, Lucknow: 22!0812015 10. Smt. Manisha Trighatia 1291 RR 2002 V,ceChairman, Agra DevelOpmenl Aulhordy Agra, 07/06/2014 11. Sh. Shiv Shyam Mishra 1397 2002 ViceChairman Gorakhpur Developmenl Aulhorlly, Gorakhpur, 03/07/2014 Sh. Pramod Kumar Agarwal 1398 2002 Sh. Ajay Kumar Singh-I I 1409 2002 Sh. PromodChandra Gupta 1422 2002 Sh. Satyendra Singh 1435 2002 V,ceChairman LucknowDevelopment Aulhonty, Lucknow, 22112/2014 Sh. Dinesh Kumar Singh-II 1487 2005 ViceChairman Varanasi Development Auth0t1tyVaranasi, 14/10/2015 Ms. Selva Kuman J. 1217 2006 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. - scs -- scs Addi.C.E.ONOIDA, Gaulambudhnagar, 15/04/2013 scs ViceChairman. AllahabadDevelopment Aulhonly, Allahabad, 05/105/2012 scs scs scs RR -- Addi. CEO GreaterNaida. Gautambudhnagar, 06/07/2015 MD. K E.S.KO and Jou,t MD. U P.S ID.C KanJ)Uf Nagar; 04/12/2014 Back to Index 78 LIST OF I.A.S. OFFICERS ON FOREIGN SERVICE I POSTING I TRAINING SI. No. 1. -· 2. Name Batch PostingfTraining Sh. Mrityunjay Kumar Narayan RR 1995 On Foreign Training 04/09/2015 Sh. Amoe! Kumar RR 1995 --- On Foreign Study Leave 26/06/2015 List at a Glance of IAS Officers transferred from UP Cadre to Uttranchal Cadre vide GOI notification dated 08-11-2000 and working in UP against the various orders of the Courts. SI. No. Name Source of Recruitment Year of Allotment 1 Sh. Chanchal Kumar Tewari IAS (RR) 1983 2 Sh. Jitendra Kumar IAS(RR) 1990 Back to Index �---SI =r- RETIRED IAS OFFICERS DURING 01.01.2015To 31.12.2015 Name Date � Birth - Batch --- 1 Sh Kishore Kumar Sinha 2 Sh Sudhir Kumar Snvastava 15.01.1955 3 Sh. Vishnu Swarup Misra 14.01.1955 4 Sh. MukeshMittal 05.01.1955 5 Sh. Badal Chatterjee 05.01.1955 scs 2003 scs 1997 scs 1998 6 Sh. Shanker Singh 27.02.1955 SGS 1999 7 Sh. Avinash Gaur 02.02.1955 8 Sh. Vidya Nand Garg 19.03.1955 9 Sh. PrabhatMilla! 03.03.1955 scs 1998 10 Sh. Ravindra Singh 20.04.1955 11 Sh. Saurabh Chandra 12 Sh. AnoopMishra 13 14 27.01 1955 Date of Retirement ---- Cause RR 1978 31.01.201ti SS 1993 31.01.2015 Retired 31.01.2015 Retired 31.01.2015 Retired 28.02.2015 Retired Retired scs 2000 28.02.2015 Retired 28.02.2015 Retired RR 1980 31.03.2015 Retired 31.03.2015 Retired RR 1979 30.04.2015 Retired 11.04.1955 RR 1978 30.04.2015 Retired 16.05.1955 RR 1978 31.05.2015 Retired Sh. Sudhir Kumar 31.05.1955 RR 1978 31.05.2015 Retired Sh. Rajeev Kher 28.06.1955 RR 1980 30.06.2015 Retired ·- 15 Sh.RajendraMohan Srivastava 17.06.1955 RR 1982 30.06.2015 Retired 16 Dr. Har Saran Das 15.06.1955 RR 1986 Retired 17 Sh. Lal Bihari 01.07.1955 scs 1999 30.06.2015 30.06.2015 Retired 18 Sh. Brij Mohan Meena 10.07.1955 RR 1982 31.07.2015 Retired 20 Sh. Rakesh Kumar Ojha 17.07.1955 31.07.2015 Retired 21 Sh. Ravi Prakash Arora 08.07.1955 31.07.2015 Retired 31.07.2015 Retired 31.08.2015 Retired 22 Dr. Bhasker Upadhyaya 04.07.1955 23 Sh. Heera Lal Gupta 15.08.1955 24 Sh. Tanveer Zafar Ali 11.08.1955 scs 1997 scs 1998 scs 1998 scs 1998 scs 1998 25 Sh.AnandMishra 05.09.1955 RR 1981 26 Sh. Devendra Nath Venma 16.10.1955 scs 1999 27 Sh. Harbhajan Singh 23.11.1955 28 Sh. Anil Kumar Singh 31.12.1955 29 Sh. Vinod Kumar Panwar 31.12.1955 scs 2000 scs 2000 30 Dr. Surya Pratap Singh 01.01.1956 RR 1982 31 Sh.MurliDharDubey 01.01.1956 32 Sh. Prem Narayan 01.01.1956 33 Sh. Ram Bahadur 34 35 RR 1983 31.08.2015 Retired 30.09.2015 Retired 31.10.2015 Retired 30.11.2015 Retired 31.12.2015 Retired 31.12.2015 Retired 31.12.2015 Retired 31.12.2015 Retired 31.12.2015 Retired 01.01.1956 scs 1997 scs 2000 scs 1997 31.12.2015 Retired Dr. Ashok Kumar Verma 01.01.1956 SS 1994 31.12.2015 Retired Sh. Arvind NarayanMishra 26.12.1955 31.12.2015 Retired scs 1997 79
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