maine school administrative district #57
maine school administrative district #57
MAINE MAINE SCHOOL SCHOOL ADMINISTRATIVE ADMINISTRATIVE DISTRICT DISTRICT #57 #57 ANNUAL REPORT & PROPOSED BUDGET for FISCAL YEAR 2007-2008 REPORT OF THE SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS Lynda W. Green Superintendent of Schools It is my pleasure to share with you the recommended 2007-2008 budget for MSAD #57. The budget as developed by the Finance Committee was unanimously approved by the School Board at the meeting of April 25, 2007. The Finance Committee made a commitment to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the budget process and the requested allocations in order to respond to the needs of the communities to present a conservative budget. VISION STATEMENT MSAD #57 is committed to creating an educational culture in which the Maine Learning Results can be mastered by all our students. The budget development process changed significantly this year. The 2007-2008 budget represents actual needs rather than an increased percent over the prior year. The budget is zero-based, meaning that a majority of the line items are based on need with defined back-up provided. Salary accounts were analyzed and developed based on actual scales; benefits have been aligned with salary accounts to represent the exact funds needed. Through this process, the budget is an actual reflection of projected costs. In addition, during the 2006-2007 school year, the process of allocating the budget funds changed to provide a system of checks and balances so that the district can begin to develop an accurate history of expenditures when building subsequent budgets. GUIDING PRINCIPLES a life long learner an effective communicator a responsible community contributor an effective decision maker an effective problem solver a quality worker BELIEF STATEMENTS All students must be challenged to recognize, develop, and use their individual strengths for healthy personal growth. Once again, the School Board met in October to establish budget priorities. These are: All students must be challenged individually to think critically and creatively as they solve problems, set goals, and make responsible decisions. • To maintain current programs while honoring the mandate from our communities to minimize tax increases. All students can produce quality work both as indiviuals and productive group members. • To support the district and school goals to increase student performance in reading, writing, and mathematics. All students must be encouraged to be curious, questioning, and reflective life long learners. • To maintain appropriate class size to improve instruction. • To establish 5-year plans in the area of capital improvement, transportation, curriculum, and technology. All students must be challenged to develop and use literacy skills for effective communications. • To establish a 3-year plan for special education. • To support alternative and intervention programs to address the needs of all students. (Continued) ALFRED - LIMERICK - LYMAN - NEWFIELD - SHAPLEIGH - WATERBORO MAINE MAINE SCHOOL SCHOOL ADMINISTRATIVE ADMINISTRATIVE DISTRICT DISTRICT #57 #57 BUDGET PRIORITIES AND INITIATIVES ENROLLMENT SUMMARY BY TOWN: ALFRED LIMERICK LYMAN NEWFIELD SHAPLEIGH WATERBORO NON-RESIDENT TOTAL REPORT OF THE SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS (Cont.) 380 495 636 231 403 1463 10 3618 With the proposed changes at the state level, long-range plans are partially complete pending legislative decisions. The recommended budget does contain the following initiatives: • Implementation of full day kindergarten at all elementary schools without an increase in staff. BY SCHOOL: ALFRED • The addition of one Literacy Specialist to insure adequate coverage in all elementary schools. SHAPLEIGH K 33 1 31 2 23 3 22 4 29 5 42 6 40 TOTAL 230 K 1 2 3 4 5 6 TOTAL LYMAN 26 26 31 25 26 24 33 191 • Restructuring at the high school through prioritizing staff in order to create a Freshman Academy and focus on the core curriculum. • The development of a Response to Intervention program to address student needs in reading and mathematics. LINE K 40 1 47 2 36 3 58 4 44 5 48 6 37 TOTAL 310 K 1 2 3 4 5 6 TOTAL • K-12 curriculum articulation in English/Language Arts and mathematics, including resources to insure that all children have access to the curriculum. 39 60 49 60 55 76 57 399 • Improvements to the former junior high school to address overcrowding at the high school. • Renovate the gym at Massabesic High School, including new lighting, floor refinishing, and ceiling renewal. WATERBORO WES@MMS K 76 1 99 2 111 3 109 4 88 TOTAL 483 5 115 6 106 TOTAL 221 The recommended 2007-2008 General Fund Budget is $34,000,000, which represents an increase of $13,675 or a 0.04% increase over 2006-2007. WES 704 MMS MHS 9 320 10 307 11 283 12 249 TOTAL 1159 5 6 7 8 TOTAL The Local share of this Budget is $17,195,126, which represents an increase of $1,063 or a 0.01% increase over 2006-2007 115 106 297 328 846 How did our FY06 Total Per Pupil Expenditures compare with other Districts? HIGHEST 10 DISTRICTS Per Pupil Expenditures 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) WELLS OGUNQUIT YARMOUTH KITTERY SO PORTLAND MSAD 61 MSAD 71 YORK MSAD 75 FALMOUTH FREEPORT $13,635.77 $12,331.36 $11,889.77 $11,605.13 $11,543.97 $11,237.43 $10,754.87 $10,735.03 $10,554.72 $10,456.18 MIDDLE 10 DISTRICTS Per Pupil Expenditures 11)) MSAD 51 $10,379.67 12) WESTBROOK $9,967.42 13) PORTLAND $9,934.92 14) MSAD 60 $9,567.31 15) GORHAM $9,533.64 16) CAPE ELIZABETH $9,396.00 17) WINDHAM $9,317.72 18) SCARBOROUGH $9,002.66 19) OLD ORCHARD $8,935.50 20) AUBURN $8,882.13 LOWEST 10 DISTRICTS Per Pupil Expenditures 21) 22) 23) 24) 25) 26) 27) 28) 29) 30) BIDDEFORD BRUNSWICK MSAD 35 MSAD 6 MSAD 17 MSAD 57 LEWISTON MSAD 55 SACO SANFORD $8,858.77 $8,715.39 $8,619.17 $8,583.27 $8,497.81 $8,447.96 $8,431.61 $8,372.05 $8,109.95 $7,799.92 Comparison of 30 So. Me. school systems - State Average Per Pupil Expenditures for 2005-06 was $9,356.08 ALFRED - LIMERICK - LYMAN Page 2 NEWFIELD - SHAPLEIGH - WATERBORO MAINE MAINE SCHOOL SCHOOL ADMINISTRATIVE ADMINISTRATIVE DISTRICT DISTRICT #57 #57 BUDGET HIGHLIGHTS - PROPOSED EXPENDITURES FY08 BUDGET BY COST CENTER: APPROVED BUDGET 07 MASSABESIC MIDDLE SCHOOL MASSABESIC HIGH SCHOOL ALFRED ELEMENTARY SHAPLEIGH MEMORIAL LYMAN ELEMENTARY WATERBORO ELEMENTARY LINE ELEMENTARY SPECIAL EDUCATION K-12 PROPOSED BUDGET 08 $5,435,683 $7,231,908 $1,132,364 $996,165 $1,529,385 $2,570,263 $1,882,202 $4,125,149 $ INC (0.43%) 0.86% 9.80% 14.29% 3.29% 7.51% 7.09% (3.32%) 15.85% 21.45% 3.66% 3.35% 4.65% 8.13% 5.93% 11.73% 2.04% 74.75% $993,763 $2,426,993 $3,113,346 $108,524 $26,500 $942,757 $175,000 $649,823 $646,500 $873,942 ($119,821) (12.06%) $2,409,549 ($17,444) (0.72%) $2,975,938 ($137,408) (4.41%) $76,428 ($32,096) (29.58%) $25,200 ($1,300) (4.91%) $920,105 ($22,652) (2.40%) $225,000 $50,000 28.57% $581,871 ($67,952) (10.46%) $500,000 ($146,500) (22.66%) 2.57% 7.09% 8.75% 0.22% 0.07% 2.71% 0.66% 1.71% 1.47% $9,083,206 $8,588,033 ($495,173) (5.45%) 25.25% SCHOOL COST CENTERS PROGRAM COST CENTERS $24,903,119 $9,083,206 $25,411,967 $508,848 $8,588,033 ($495,173) 2.04% (5.45%) 74.75% 25.25% TOTAL GENERAL FUND BUDGET $33,986,325 $34,000,000 0.04% 100.00% SUB TOTAL SCHOOLS $5,388,703 ($46,980) $7,294,374 $62,466 $1,243,327 $110,963 $1,138,477 $142,312 $1,579,762 $50,377 $2,763,333 $193,070 $2,015,636 $133,434 $3,988,355 ($136,794) % OF TOTL BUDGET % INC $24,903,119 SUPERINTENDENT’S OFFICE TRANSPORTATION DISTRICT-WIDE K-12 LIBRARIES K-6 CURRICULUM DISTRICT-WIDE MAINTENANCE FOOD SERVICE TECHNOLOGY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS SUB TOTAL PROGRAMS $25,411,967 $508,848 $16,675 In order to achieve this minimal increase, the following reductions were made: STAFFING CHANGES NEW POSITIONS ADDED STAFFING CHANGES & OTHER SIGNIFICANT REDUCTIONS • 4.0 FTE - TEACHING POSITIONS ELIMINATED • 1.0 FTE - LITERACY COACH POSITION ADDED • 1.0 FTE - SPECIAL ED POSITION ELIMINATED • 3.6 FTE - ED TECH POSITIONS ELIMINATED • 5.4 FTE -PART-TIME CUSTODIAL POSITIONS REASSIGNED • 0.5 FTE - SECRETARIAL POSITION ELIMINATED • 1.0 FTE - COMPUTER TECHNICIAN POSITION ELIMINATED • 18 PORTABLE CLASSROOMS ELIMINATED • IMPLEMENTATION OF DESTINY LIBRARY AUTOMATION SOFTWARE AT ELEMENTARY LEVEL DELAYED • CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET REDUCED • ATHLETIC BUDGET REDUCED • MAINTENANCE BUDGET REDUCED • 2.0 FTE - HIGH SCHOOL MATH POSITIONS ADDED • 1.0 FTE - SUPPORT CENTER TEACHER ADDED SAVINGS FROM ELIMINATED POSITIONS AND OTHER BUDGET REDUCTIONS WILL MORE THAN OFFSET THE COST OF THESE ADDITIONAL POSITIONS SAVINGS - $1,065,000 ALFRED - LIMERICK - LYMAN Page 3 NEWFIELD - SHAPLEIGH - WATERBORO MAINE MAINE SCHOOL SCHOOL ADMINISTRATIVE ADMINISTRATIVE DISTRICT DISTRICT #57 #57 BUDGET HIGHLIGHTS - PROPOSED EXPENDITURES FY08 BUDGET BY OBJECT CATEGORY: APPROVED BUDGET 07 PROPOSED BUDGET 08 SALARIES BENEFITS SERVICES SUPPLIES EQUIPMENT OTHER EXPENSES $20,022,762 $4,527,142 $3,707,738 $2,048,455 $281,942 $3,398,286 $20,068,265 0.23% $4,893,681 8.10% $3,306,503 (10.82%) $2,093,101 2.18% $253,680 (10.02%) $3,384,770 (0.40%) TOTAL BUDGET $33,986,325 $34,000,000 FY08 BUDGET BY WARRANT ARTICLE APPROVED BUDGET 07 PROPOSED BUDGET 08 ART 2 INSTRUCTION ART 3 STUDENT SUPPORT ART 4 STAFF SUPPORT ART 5 ADMINISTRATION ART 6 OPER & MAINT ART 7 TRANSPORTATION ART 8 FOOD SERVICE ART 9 DEBT SERVICE ART 10 CONSTRUCTION $13,750,648 $6,820,630 $746,215 $2,515,437 $4,265,676 $2,428,789 $175,000 $3,258,930 $25,000 $13,465,626 (2.70%) $7,397,124 8.45% $686,451 (8.01%) $2,636,065 4.80% $4,108,451 (3.69%) $2,411,349 (0.72%) $225,000 28.57% $3,054,935 (6.26%) $15,000 (40.00%) TOTAL ALL ARTICLES $33,986,325 $34,000,000 % INC 0.04% Salary and Benefit accounts have increased by only $45,503 % OF TOTL due to significant reductions in BUDGET staff. Salaries represent 59.02% of the entire FY08 budget. Employee Benefit accounts will 59.02% increase by $366,539 or 8.10% due primarily to increases in 14.39% health insurance premiums 9.73% Contracted Services accounts will decline by $401,235 or 6.15% 10.82%. Much of this decrease 0.75% is attributable to reductions in maintenance accounts, 9.96% including CIP. Supply accounts will increase by 2.18%. Equipment accounts will be 100.00% reduced by $28,262. Other Expenses, which includes the debt service for the new middle school, will decrease by $13,516. The total General Program % INC % OF TOTL Operating Budget will increase BUDGET in 2007-2008 by 0.04% or 39.61% 21.76% 2.02% 7.75% 12.08% 7.09% 0.66% 8.99% 0.04% 0.04% 100.00% $13,675, INCLUDING the funds required to operate the new Middle School, and renovate the old junior high for use as a Freshman Academy. FY08 represents the first full year of operation of the new middle school. While the state provides 96% of the funds for repayment of the debt service, additional operating costs impact this budget by more than $366,000. Obviously this increase has been covered through reductions and savings in other areas of the budget. This budget reflects the reduction of more than $1,100,000 from initial budget requests. How did our FY06 System Administration cost compare with other Districts? HIGHEST 10 DISTRICTS Per Pupil Expenditures 1) KITTERY 2) WELLS OGUNQUIT 3) MSAD 51 4) PORTLAND 5) MSAD 71 6) MSAD 55 7) BRUNSWICK 8) YORK 9 ) CAPE ELIZABETH 10) MSAD 75 $796.79 $789.58 $590.66 $569.47 $536.08 $466.68 $451.76 $451.25 $448.62 $430.91 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) 17) 18) 19) 20) MIDDLE 10 DISTRICTS Per Pupil Expenditures FALMOUTH SO PORTLAND FREEPORT AUBURN BIDDEFORD YARMOUTH MSAD 61 WINDHAM LEWISTON MSAD 6 $429.19 $428.15 $421.64 $417.06 $395.37 $393.45 $363.58 $363.16 $343.65 $333.69 21) 22) 23) 24) 25) 26) 27) 28) 29) 30) LOWEST 10 DISTRICTS Per Pupil Expenditures OLD ORCHARD WESTBROOK GORHAM MSAD 35 MSAD 57 SANFORD MSAD 17 SCARBOROUGH MSAD 60 SACO $311.59 $308.61 $284.90 $273.95 $207.76 $201.71 $200.68 $191.20 $181.72 $178.97 Comparison of 30 So. Me. school systems - State Average System Administration Cost for 2005-06 was $371.66 ALFRED - LIMERICK - LYMAN Page 4 NEWFIELD - SHAPLEIGH - WATERBORO MAINE MAINE SCHOOL SCHOOL ADMINISTRATIVE ADMINISTRATIVE DISTRICT DISTRICT #57 #57 BUDGET HIGHLIGHTS - ESTIMATED REVENUES & LOCAL TAXES STATE EPS SUBSIDY APPROVED ESTIMATED REVENUES REVENUES 2006-07 2007-08 $15,802,762 $16,068,136 LOCAL REVENUES LOCAL EPS EXPECTATION LOCAL ADDTL FUNDS NON-STATE DEBT $13,776,520 $15,821,160 $2,044,640 14.84% 46.53% $3,290,797 $1,249,593 ($2,041,204) (62.03%) 3.67% $126,746 $124,373 ($2,373) (1.87%) 0.37% FY 08 REVENUES NON-TAX REVENUES INTEREST INCOME MEDICAID REVENUES STATE AGENCY CLIENTS GATE RECEIPTS MISC INCOME BALANCE FORWARD TOTAL ESTIMATED REV $33,500 $530,000 $187,500 $13,500 $25,000 $200,000 TOTAL ASSESSMENTS $ INC $265,374 $8,500 25.37% ($119,000) (22.45%) ($69,000) (36.80%) $1,000 7.41% $738 2.95% ($75,000) (37.50%) $33,986,325 $34,000,000 $13,675 0.12% 1.21% 0.35% 0.04% 0.08% 0.37% 0.04% 100.00% The State has released preliminary subsidy figures for FY08. Based on the Governors’ “Scenario B” budget, we can expect to receive $16,068,136. In order to receive this amount, the district must raise locally the sum of $15,821,160. This is known as the local “mill rate expectation” and is based on 7.44 mills on the state valuation of each Town. Because the EPS formula is funded at only 95% of the full EPS costs, local towns are required to raise the additional 5% towards EPS costs not covered by the State. For FY08 the amount of local additional funds has been reduced by $2,041,204 or 62.03%. This reduction results in the district exceeding the State EPS model by only $16,759. LOCAL SHARE 2006-07 LOCAL SHARE PERCENT* LOCAL SHARE 2007-08 $ INC % INC $1,854,966 $2,098,389 $3,123,368 $1,437,988 $2,780,668 $5,898,684 10.7700% 12.4309% 18.0020% 8.1166% 15.7491% 34.9314% $1,851,921 $2,137,514 $3,095,468 $1,395,652 $2,708,070 $6,006,502 ($3,046) $39,125 ($27,900) ($42,336) ($72,598) $107,817 (0.16%) 1.86% (0.89%) (2.94%) (2.61%) 1.86% 7.07 8.95 7.83 6.93 6.33 9.64 $4,985 $4,318 $4,894 $5,685 $6,557 $4,078 $17,194,063 100.0000% $17,195,126 $1,063 0.01% 8.09 $4,736 LOCAL ASSESSMENTS ALFRED LIMERICK LYMAN NEWFIELD SHAPLEIGH WATERBORO $42,000 $411,000 $118,500 $14,500 $25,738 $125,000 % OF % INC TOTL REV 1.68% 47.26% LOCAL MILL PER PUPIL RATE COST * The distribution of the MSAD 57 local share is based on the average of 50% VALUATION / 50% ENROLLMENT How did our FY06 Special Ed Instruction costs compare with other Districts? HIGHEST 10 DISTRICTS Per Pupil Expenditures 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) SO PORTLAND LEWISTON MSAD 61 WELLS OGUNQUIT MSAD 75 AUBURN KITTERY FREEPORT MSAD 71 MSAD 55 MIDDLE 10 DISTRICTS Per Pupil Expenditures 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) 17) 18) 19) 20) $2,086.64 $1,942.72 $1,913.17 $1,892.25 $1,885.42 $1,853.98 $1,727.00 $1,606.44 $1,575.35 $1,538.83 YORK MSAD 60 BIDDEFORD OLD ORCHARD YARMOUTH FALMOUTH SCARBOROUGH GORHAM MSAD 6 WINDHAM $1,486.87 $1,484.20 $1,450.75 $1,446.96 $1,342.65 $1,316.13 $1,264.76 $1,257.68 $1,205.63 $1,182.82 LOWEST 10 DISTRICTS Per Pupil Expenditures 21) 22) 23) 24) 25) 26) 27) 28) 29) 30) MSAD 51 PORTLAND MSAD 57 SANFORD SACO BRUNSWICK WESTBROOK CAPE ELIZABETH MSAD 35 MSAD 17 $1,171.24 $1,156.56 $1,096.99 $1,089.93 $1,066.31 $1,037.72 $1,022.02 $1,020.45 $1,005.14 $660.76 Comparison of 30 So. Me. school systems - State Average Special Ed Cost for 2005-06 was $1,277.29 ALFRED - LIMERICK - LYMAN Page 5 NEWFIELD - SHAPLEIGH - WATERBORO MAINE MAINE SCHOOL SCHOOL ADMINISTRATIVE ADMINISTRATIVE DISTRICT DISTRICT #57 #57 WARRANT ARTICLES ARTICLE II INSTRUCTION by OBJECT CATEGORY ARTICLE III STUDENT SUPPORT ARTICLE IV STAFF SUPPORT ARTICLE V ADMINISTRATION ARTICLE VI OPERATION & MAINTENANCE ARTICLE VII PUPIL TRANSPORT SALARIES EMPLOYEE BENEFITS CONTRACTED SERVICES SUPPLIES & MATERIALS EQUIPMENT DEBT SERVICE OTHER EXPENSE $10,886,608 $4,692,398 $1,614,034 $1,717,242 $243,209 $785,049 $557,645 $117,825 $150,280 $62,690 $0 $0 $13,850 $21,920 $451,985 $1,772,783 $1,165,060 $100,526 $472,507 $465,230 $78,180 $324,915 $1,435,280 $53,025 $35,565 $1,017,621 $1,200 $9,250 $25,260 $0 $0 $0 $1,535 $21,045 $0 TOTAL BUDGET 2007-08 $13,465,626 $7,397,124 $686,451 $2,636,065 $4,108,451 $2,411,349 % OF TOTAL BUDGET 39.61% 21.76% 2.02% 7.75% 1,099,431 $524,142 $232,770 $311,420 $5,000 $0 $238,585 12.08% 7.09% ARTICLE II - INSTRUCTION 220.3 FTE 25.5 FTE Teacher salaries & benefits Instructional Educational Technician salaries & benefits K-12 Computer Lease Vocational Tech Tuition Instructional Supplies, Textbooks, A/V and Instructional Equipment TOTALS $13,465,626 - ($285,021) Decrease / 39.61% of Total Budget / $3,729 Per Pupil Decrease due to salary alignment, payoff of computer lease & reduction in equipment. ARTICLE III - STUDENT SUPPORT SERVICES Athletics and Extra Curricular Activities Summer School Special Education & G/T Teacher salaries & benefits Special Education Educational Technician salaries & benefits Special Education tuition & contracted services, supplies, equipment, computers Social Worker & Substance Abuse Counselor salaries & benefits Guidance Counselor salaries & benefits Nurses’ salaries & benefits School Psychologists salaries & benefits Speech and Language, PT, OT Special Ed Director, Resource Officer salaries & benefits 34.0 FTE 39.0 FTE 4.0 FTE 11.0 FTE 6.0 FTE 3.0 FTE 10.0 FTE TOTALS $7,397,124 - $576,494 Increase / 21.76% of Total Budget / $2,048 Per Pupil Increase due to reduction in State funding for special education, tuition increases. ARTICLE IV - STAFF SUPPORT SERVICES 10.8 FTE Curriculum Coordination, Professional Development, Assessment Technology Personnel Librarians & Library Educational Technician salaries & benefits Local TV Access TOTALS $686,451 - ($59,764) decrease / 2.02% of Total Budget / $190 Per Pupil ARTICLE V - ADMINISTRATION 4.0 FTE 12.0 FTE 11.5 FTE Superintendent and School Board Business Manager and Business Office personnel salaries & benefits Telephones, postage, advertising, printing, supplies and equipment Principals and Assistant Principals, Technology Coordinator salaries & benefits Secretaries TOTALS $2,636,065 - $120,628 Increase / 7.75% of Total Budget / $730 Per Pupil District Administration only - represents 2.32% of Total Budget / $218 Per Pupil ALFRED - LIMERICK - LYMAN Page 6 NEWFIELD - SHAPLEIGH - WATERBORO MAINE MAINE SCHOOL SCHOOL ADMINISTRATIVE ADMINISTRATIVE DISTRICT DISTRICT #57 #57 WARRANT ARTICLES by OBJECT CATEGORY ARTICLE IX DEBT SERVICE ARTICLE VIII FOOD SERVICE ARTICLE X CONSTRUCTION TOTAL GENRL FUND BDGT ART II THRU X ARTICLE XII ADULT ED SALARIES EMPLOYEE BENEFITS CONTRACTED SERVICES SUPPLIES & MATERIALS EQUIPMENT DEBT SERVICE OTHER EXPENSE $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $225,000 $0 $0 $192,100 $0 $0 $2,862,835 $0 $0 $0 $15,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $20,068,265 $4,893,681 $3,306,503 $2,093,101 $253,680 $2,862,835 $521,935 $240,000 $62,500 $45,200 $34,000 12,000 $0 $1,500 TOTAL BUDGET 2007-08 $225,000 $3,054,935 $15,000 $34,000,000 $395,200 0.66% 8.99% 0.04% 100.00% % OF TOTAL BUDGET ARTICLE VI - OPERATION & MAINTENANCE 36.7 FTE Capital Improvement, renovations Building Custodians, maintenance, grounds personnel salaries & benefits Equipment and supplies Copiers Property Insurance Rubbish removal, snow removal HVAC, water, electricity, propane, heating oil TOTALS $4,108,451 - ($157,225) decrease / 12.08% of Total Budget / $1,138 Per Pupil ARTICLE VII - TRANSPORTATION 46.0 FTE Management, bus drivers, mechanics salaries & benefits Bus leases Equipment, parts and supplies Gas and diesel Fleet insurance TOTALS $2,411,349 - ($17,441) decrease / 7.09% of Total Budget / $668 Per Pupil ARTICLE VIII - FOOD SERVICE District Contribution, in addition to state subsidy and program revenues. TOTALS $225,000 - $50,000 increase / 0.66% of Total Budget / $62 Per Pupil ARTICLE IX - DEBT SERVICES Portable leases Principal & Interest Middle School Honeywell Line Elementary TOTALS $3,054,935 - ($203,995) decrease / 8.99% of Total Budget / $846 Per Pupil ARTICLE X - CONSTRUCTION JHS renovations - enginnering services TOTALS $15,000 - ($10,000) decrease / 0.04% of Total Budget / $4 Per Pupil TOTAL FY08 BUDGET: $34,000,000 - $13,675 / 0.04% increase Per Pupil Budget - $9,415 ALFRED - LIMERICK - LYMAN Page 7 NEWFIELD - SHAPLEIGH - WATERBORO MAINE MAINE SCHOOL SCHOOL ADMINISTRATIVE ADMINISTRATIVE DISTRICT DISTRICT #57 #57 WARRANT FOR DISTRICT BUDGET MEETING REFERENDUM To JENNIFER KING a resident of School Administrative District No. 57, composed of the Towns of Alfred, Limerick, Lyman, Newfield, Shapleigh and Waterboro, in the County of York, State of Maine. In the name of the State of Maine, you are hereby ordered to serve upon the municipal clerks of each of the municipalities within said Maine School Administrative District No. 57, namely the Towns of Alfred, Limerick, Lyman, Newfield, Shapleigh and Waterboro, an attested copy of this warrant. Service shall be in hand within three (3) days of the date of this warrant. The municipal clerks of the above mentioned municipalities shall immediately notify the respective municipal officers, who shall post the following warrant York County ss. State of Maine To ____________________, a resident of ___________________: You are hereby required in the name of the State of Maine to notify the voters of _________________ of the election described in this warrant. To the voters of_____________________. You are hereby notified that a District Budget Referendum for Maine School Administrative District #57 will be held in this municipality at __________________ on Tuesday, May 29th, 2007 at 9:00 o'clock in the forenoon for the purpose of determining the following questions: ARTICLE I. To elect by ballot a Moderator to preside at said meeting. ARTICLE II. To see if the district voters will appropriate the sum of $13,465,626 for INSTRUCTION. (The Board of Directors recommends $13,465,626.) ARTICLE III. To see if the district voters will appropriate the sum of $7,397,124 for STUDENT SUPPORT SERVICES. (The Board of Directors recommends $7,397,124.) ARTICLE IV. To see if the district voters will appropriate the sum of $686,451 for STAFF SUPPORT SERVICES. (The Board of Directors recommends $686,451.) ARTICLE V. To see if the district voters will appropriate the sum of $2,636,065 for GENERAL ADMINISTRATION, SCHOOL ADMINISTRATION AND BUSINESS SUPPORT SERVICES. (The Board of Directors recommends $2,636,065.) ALFRED - LIMERICK - LYMAN Page 8 NEWFIELD - SHAPLEIGH - WATERBORO MAINE MAINE SCHOOL SCHOOL ADMINISTRATIVE ADMINISTRATIVE DISTRICT DISTRICT #57 #57 WARRANT FOR DISTRICT BUDGET MEETING REFERENDUM (Cont) ARTICLE VI. To see if the district voters will appropriate the sum of $4,108,451 for OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE. (The Board of Directors recommends $4,108,451.) ARTICLE VII. To see if the district voters will appropriate the sum of $2,411,349 for PUPIL TRANSPORTATION. (The Board of Directors recommends $2,411,349.) ARTICLE VIII. To see if the district voters will appropriate the sum of $225,000 to supplement the FOOD SERVICE Program. (The Board of Directors recommends $225,000.) ARTICLE IX. To see if the district voters will appropriate the sum of $3,054,935 for DEBT SERVICE. (The Board of Directors recommends $3,054,935.) ARTICLE X. To see if the district voters will appropriate the sum of $15,000, in CONSTRUCTION funds which shall be used to complete plans for the renovation of the Old Junior High School (The Board of Directors recommends $15,000.) ARTICLE XI. To see if the district voters will authorize the school committee to expend for school purposes in fiscal year beginning July 1, 2007 and ending June 30, 2008 such other sums as may be received from federal or state grants or programs or other sources including any unanticipated state school general purpose aid that may be received during the fiscal year, provided that such grants or programs do not require the expenditure of school funds not previously appropriated. (The Board of Directors recommends a Yes vote.) ARTICLE XII. To see if the district voters will appropriate the sum of $395,200 for the ADULT AND COMMUNITY EDUCATION PROGRAM and raise the sum of $169,500 as the local share for the year beginning July 1, 2007 and ending June 30, 2008; with authorization to expend any additional, incidental, or miscellaneous receipts in the interest and well being of the Adult Education Program. (The Board of Directors recommends a Yes vote.) ALFRED - LIMERICK - LYMAN Page 9 NEWFIELD - SHAPLEIGH - WATERBORO MAINE MAINE SCHOOL SCHOOL ADMINISTRATIVE ADMINISTRATIVE DISTRICT DISTRICT #57 #57 WARRANT FOR DISTRICT BUDGET MEETING REFERENDUM (Cont) ARTICLE XIII STATE/LOCAL EPS FUNDING ALLOCATION. Shall Maine School Administrative District No.57 appropriate $31,889,296 for the total cost of funding public education from kindergarten to grade 12 as described in the Essential Programs and Services Funding Act and shall Maine School Administrative District No. 57 raise $15,821,160 and assess the amounts set forth below as each municipality’s contribution to the total cost of funding public education from kindergarten to grade 12 as described in the Essential Programs and Services Funding Act in accordance with Maine Revised Statutes, Title 20-A, section 15688? Total appropriated by TOWN Total raised by TOWN (district assessments) ALFRED LIMERICK LYMAN NEWFIELD SHAPLEIGH WATERBORO Total Appropriated ALFRED LIMERICK LYMAN NEWFIELD SHAPLEIGH WATERBORO Total Assessed $ 3,434,477. $ 3,964,126 $ 5,740,711 $ 2,588,327 $ 5,022,277 $11,139,378 $31,889,296 $ $ $ $ $ $ 1,703,939 1,966,713 2,848,125 1,284,140 2,491,690 5,526,553 $15,821,160 (The Board of Directors recommends a Yes vote.) Explanation: MSAD #57’s contribution to the total cost of funding public education from kindergarten to grade 12 as described in the Essential Programs and Services Funding Act is the amount of money determined by state law to be the minimum amount that the district must raise and assess in order to receive the full amount of state subsidy. ARTICLE XIV. NON-STATE FUNDED SCHOOL CONSTRUCTION DEBT. Shall Maine School Administrative District No. 57 raise $124,373 for the annual debt service payments on the non-state funded portions of school construction projects, as listed below, in addition to the funds appropriated as the local share of the District's contribution to the total cost of funding public education from kindergarten to grade 12? (The Board of Directors recommends a Yes vote.) Explanation: Non-state-funded debt service is the amount of money needed for the annual payments on the District’s long-term debt for Major capital school construction that is not approved for state subsidy. The bonding of this long-term debt was approved by the voters of the District as follows: Line Elementary School – Approved by voters in 1987 Massabesic Middle School –Approved by voters in 2003 ALFRED - LIMERICK - LYMAN Page 10 NEWFIELD - SHAPLEIGH - WATERBORO MAINE MAINE SCHOOL SCHOOL ADMINISTRATIVE ADMINISTRATIVE DISTRICT DISTRICT #57 #57 WARRANT FOR DISTRICT BUDGET MEETING REFERENDUM (Cont) ARTICLE XV DOES NOT AUTHORIZE ANY ADDITIONAL LOCAL FUNDS BEYOND WHAT THE VOTERS HAVE APPROVED IN THE PREVIOUS EXPENDITURE ARTICLES II THROUGH XIV. ARTICLE XV. ADDITIONAL LOCAL FUNDS. Shall Maine School Administrative District No. 57 raise and Appropriate $1,249,593 in additional local funds which exceeds the State’s Essential Programs and Services funding model by $16,759 The Board of Directors recommends $1,249,593, which, exceeds the State’s Essential Programs funding model by $16,759 due to inequities in the EPS funding formula, including, but not limited to the regional labor market adjustment factor which penalizes MSAD #57 by over $800,000. The EPS formula, also does not take into consideration the significant increases in energy costs; Worker’s Comp premiums; and the costs associated with the full year operation of our new middle school in 2008.) Explanation: The additional local funds are those locally raised funds over and above the school administrative unit’s local contribution to the total cost of funding public education from kindergarten to grade12 as described in the Essential Programs and Services Funding Act and local amounts raised for the annual debt service payment the non-state-funded portion of school construction project that will help achieve the District’s budget for educational programs. (The Board of Directors recommends a Yes vote.) ARTICLE XVI. TOTAL SCHOOL BUDGET SUMMARY. Shall Maine School Administrative District No. 57 authorize the Board of School Directors to expend $34,000,000 for the fiscal Year beginning July 1, 2007 and ending June 30, 2008 from the District’s contribution to the total cost of funding public education from kindergarten to grade 12 as described in the Essential Programs and Services Funding Act, non-state-funded school construction projects, additional local funds for school construction projects, additional local funds for school purposes under the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 20-A, Section 15690, unexpended balances, tuition receipts, state subsidy and other receipts for support of schools? (The Board of Directors recommends a Yes vote.) As required by law voting on Articles II through XVI will be in conformity with Sections 2528 to 2532 of Title 30-A of the Maine Revised Statutes, as amended, which is the Australian or secret ballot law, so-called, and voting will be by printed ballot. The polls will be opened immediately after the election of a Moderator at 9:00 a.m. and will remain open until 8:00 p.m. on said 29th day of May, 2007. The registrar of voters or board of registration will hold office hours while the polls are open to correct any error or change a name or address on the voting list; to accept the registration of any person eligible to vote and to accept new enrollments. A person who is not registered as a voter may not vote in any election. Given under our hands this 25th day of April, 2007 at Waterboro, Maine. Allen, Doreen Bergeron, Karla Burbank, Phil Faith, Lisa Gibson, Tracy Hanson, W. David Harrison, Nancy Kehoe, Jill LaFrance, Brenda Meltzer, Kathryn Metcalfe, Harold Richardson, Lisa Ross, Mary Roux, Jennifer Shuckhart, Amy Steele, Lee Whittemore, Lori Board of Directors M.S.A.D. #57 ALFRED - LIMERICK - LYMAN Page 11 NEWFIELD - SHAPLEIGH - WATERBORO MAINE MAINE SCHOOL SCHOOL ADMINISTRATIVE ADMINISTRATIVE DISTRICT DISTRICT #57 #57 BUDGET INFORMATION PUBLIC BUDGET HEARINGS: LINE SCHOOL CAFETERIA - MAY 14th - 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm MASSABESIC MIDDLE SCHOOL CAFETERIA - MAY 16th - 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm INFORMATIONAL SESSION: CENTRAL OFFICE CONFERENCE RM - MAY 26th - 9:00 am - 12:30 pm District Budget Referendum Vote TUESDAY, May 29th, 2007 The polls will be opened immediately after the election of a Moderator at 9:00 a.m. and will remain open until 8:00 p.m. on said 29th day of May, 2007. ALFRED - LIMERICK - LYMAN Page 12 NEWFIELD - SHAPLEIGH - WATERBORO