Notice of Probate of Will
Notice of Probate of Will
The HAWK-EYE 1A Burlington, Iowa I" Friday, February 19, 1371 Miscellaneous THE BURLINGTON HAWK-EYE United Fund officers set USED WASHER & DRYER CLEARANCE SALE We Need The Room! TELEPHONE 319-754-8461 OFFICE 800 SO. MAIN ST.. BURLINGTON, IOWA 52601 LOCAL CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES (10 WORDS MINIMUM) 15 FRIGIDAIRE automatic Fully reconditioned. Many Maytag Washers & Dryers UNION APPLIANCE 6< 514 Jefferson Net $281 in drive FARMINGTON —The Van Buren County Health Assn. Christmas seal drive in Farm-] ington brought $281 according! to Mrs. Gene Smith, town) chairman. j This is an increase of $25 ] over last year's drive. LEGALS 21. 22. 24. 26. 70. 71. 72. 74. 75. 76. 77. 79. SERVICES 28. Specialized Services AUCTIONS 29. Public Auctions 30. 33. 34. 35. 39. 40. 42. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 87. 86. 89. 90. »2. 93. 94. 95. 96. 99. Wanted to Buy Miscellaneous Antiques Boats, Sport Equipment Firewood Mechanical Equipment Pet Stock & Supplies AGRICULTURE IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE STATE OF IOWA IN AND FOR DES MOINES COUNTY IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF MARY B. LANGE Deceased. Probate No. 15071 NOTICE OF PROBATE OF WILL, OF APPOINTMENT OF EXECUTOR, AND NOTICE TO CREDITORS TO ALL PERSONS INTERESTED IN THE ESTATE OF MARY B. LANGE, Deceased: You are hereby notified that en the 17 day of February, 1971, 1he la:t will and testament of Mary B. Lange deceased, bearing date of 1'h« 1 day of January, 1960, was admitted to probate In the above named court and that Marvin D. Lange was appointed executor of said estate. Notice Is further given that any action to set aside sa<Id will must be brought in the district court of said county within one year from the date of the second publication of this notice, or thereafter be forever barred. Notice Is further given that all persons indebted to said estate arc requested to make Immediate payment to 1hc undersigned, and creditors having claims against said estate shall file them wilh the clerk of the above named district court, as provided by law, duly authenticated, for allowance; and unless so filed within six months from the second publication of this notice (unless otherwise allowed or paid) such claim shall ttie-reafter be forever barred. Dated this 17 day of February, 1971. Marvin D. Lange Executor of said Estate R. R. 1 Burlington, Iowa Address HiWreth and Ford Attorneys for said Executor Burlington, Iowa Address Feb. 19, 26, '71-2t. 45. Farmers Wants 46. Farmers Market INVESTMENTS 53. Business Opportunities 54. Business Property 55. Money to Loan 56. Money Wanled 57. Insurance 58. Stocks Special Notices GROVE'S MEDICATED SHAMPOO RELIEVES ITCHING FAST. REMOVES DANDRUFF, BEAUTIFIES HAIR. RELIEF FOR PSORIASIS. SOLD ONLY IN DRUG STORES. Any Size CUSTOM ENGINEERED For replacement on your original heating and refrigeration equipment. Alcoholics Anonymous Monday, Thursday, Saturday night. Sunday morning. Phone 752-1876 or 752' 5323. 215 N. Fifth St. I WILL NOT be responsible for any debts nol contracted by myself. Frederick Jr. Kinnaman. BROKEN TOYS, odds and ends wanted. Will pick up. 753-0664. Lost and Found Deceased. Probate No. 15073 NOTICE OF PROBATE OF WILL, OF APPOINTMENT OF EXECUTOR, AND NOTICE TO CREDITORS TO ALL PERSONS INTERESTED IN THE ESTATE OF RAY F. HARIMAN, Deceased: You are hereby notified 1hat on Ihe 14 day of February, 1971, the last will and testament of Ray F. Hartman, deceased, bearing date ol the 13 day ol November, 1969, was admitted to probate in the above named court and that Fred Cromwell was appointed executor of said estate. Notice Is further given that any action to set aside said wMI must be brought in the district court of said county within one year from the dato of the second publication of this notice, or thereafter be forever barred. Notice Is further given that all persons Indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned, and creditors having claims against said estate shall file them with the cleric of the above named district court, as provided by law, duly authenticated, for allowance; and unless so filed within six months from the second publication of this notice (unless otherwise allowed or paid) such claim shall thereafter be forever barred. Dated this 17 day of February, 1971. Fred Cromwell • Executor of said Estate 1st National Bank Bldg. Burlington, Iowa Address Fred Cromwell Attorney for said Executor Burlington, Iowa Address Feb. 19, 24, 71-2t 18 LOST or strayed 3 male English Pointer iups, 7 months old, spotted liver and white. 392-4235, Everett Miller, Danville, iowa. DARK prescription glasses with white rames, lost downtown area Monday 15th. all 754-5660 alter 5:30. FOR EMPLOYMENT 19 SEE- MIDWESTERN PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Stop 402 Tama Bldg. Tel. 752-1235 Schools-Instruction 20 Semi-Drivers Needed Mt. WHOLESALERS Pleasant Road Ph. 752-4458 Income Tax Preparers $344 5 year guarantee basis Our supply is limited and at this ridiculous low price it will be a sell-out. Phone 752-5444 FRANCS FURNITURE REPOSSESSED COLOR TV's PlilLCO 23" Table Model HITCHES MEYER RENTAL Scratch & Dent Store 113 So. Main .— Across from Depot New Hours to Better Serve You Open: Tuesday - Wednesday -Thursday 10 to 5 p.m. Friday 10 to 8 ... Saturday 10 to 2. 26 PAPERING, patching, paint-ing, panelIng, and block ceilings. Free estimate. Phone 752-7677. Satisfaction guaranteed. • : or the Bedroom, Living Room, Dining Room, Den and Kitchen!! • 8th & Maple Sts. What would you do if you had to compete with three of America's biggest co cream companies? We offer a gallon of Frozengold for $1.00 and you can choose from Vanilla, Chocolate, Lemon, :innamon, Egg Nog, Caramel Creme, Mocha, Creme De Menthe, Maple, Coffee sr Banana. White House Dairy, 827 Washingotn St. • avid Items want The ad. DEPRESSION glass, lamps, picture rames, original slim-gym; antique sofa; alt and peppers; knick knacks; miscelaneous items. Crowner's Antiques. 753664. PHELAN'S PAINTS KOCH'S PAINT SUPPLIES Distributor 418 N. Main Street SNOW THROWER HEADQUARTERS TORO — JACOBSEN BROWER'S EQUIPMENT CENTER MAPLE & SUMMER PHONE 752-1436 Over $260.00 Paid In Terms To Fit Your Budget EWINGER'S APPLIANCE 214 N. Main Phone 752-4521 $10.00 DOWN $10. A MONTH ALL 4 APPLIANCES For $200. BURLINGTON FARM MACHINERY CORP. Farm Equipment Service Wever, Iowa. YOUR old spreader is worth more on a NEW IDEA SPREADER now. We have buyers for used spreaders. PERMANENT PART TIME 1214 POLAND CHINA BOARS 1! FULLY equipped good going modern major brand service station. Good above average net income. Includes real estate, Duilding, and equipment, principles only. Write Box 2227 c/o Burlington Hawk-Eye. THREE station beauty salon In Macomb, Illinois. Call (217) 847-2719 afler 6. Automobiles 60 LOST YOUR LICENSE? Need an SR-22 filed NEED INSURANCE? For best In service — low rates. See PRALL INSURANCE AGENCY 111 Jefferson EXPERIENCED farm hand. Top Auctioneers LOWEST PRICES on CYCLE INSURANCE LARGE, clean 5 room unfurnished ELAND AGENCY-MEDIAPOLIS, IOWA duplex, water furnished. Phone 752-7759. Phone 394-3106 3 ROOM apartment, stove, refrigerator, Thirty three. and utilities furnished. Phone 752-3715. FOR SALE on contract. 4 rooms. 1 CHOICE 3 and 4 rooms, $60-$75. All very targe bedroom, and one medium modern, 754-4225 afternoons. size. Large llvlna room, and kitchen. NICE clean two bedroom upper. No Built-ins, modern bath, pantry, enclosed back porch. Basement. Very nice garage. pets. 753-1412 or 752-0910. Level lot at 311 S. Gunnison St. Terms. Call 2-7651 or 2-0626 to see inside. PROTECT YOUR HOME and personal Home owner's policy. Call or see Dalt ATTRACTIVE three room furnished Westfall or Chuck McSorley, 752-5122, apartment, newly carpeted, l a d l e s , Fairway Shopping Center. couples, heat, water. No children, pets. 2200 DOUGLAS AVE. Brand new 3 Phone 754-6441. Honda Shop Hwy 34, West of West Burlington Phone 752-6371 Hart MEDALLION Apts. 752-7459 or 752-4975 1 & 2 bedrooms starting at $90 Several SOOcc Triumphs Starting at semi-chop 1968 YAMAHA ISOcc Trail bike. Phone 752-5186. YAMAHA 180CC Street Leo's 1968 TRIUMPH TR6 Leo's 1965 HONDA 50 Leo's 68 Mobile Homes LARGE nicely furnished, naw kitchen, Eland at Mediapolis 394-3106 (collect) all utilities paid. Must see to appreciate. explain the Home-Guard from Des Molnes County Mutual Insurance. Adults only. No pets. Phone 754-4126. On 1970 Models & Used Units TWO bedroom furnished apartment Everything separate. Gas heat. Phone 754-6067. BUYING A HOME? SEE YOUR REALTOR 5 ROOM, bath, carpeted, draped, parSee us for FHA — Gl tially furnished. Inquire 515 N. 6th, 752or CONVENTIONAL Home Financing 7235. BURLINGTON FEDERAL Downtown furnished apartment. SAVING? 8. LOAM ASS'N. Call 752-2981. 7 ROOM DUPLEX — Separate baths, LARGE three room furnished upper furnace and utilities. Can be a four duplex. Adults, no pets. Phone 752-2060 bedroom separate family dwelling If you prefer. 6% Financing $2500 down. Full 3 ROOM apartment, privat* bath Price $15,500. 900 Franklin. Ph. 754-499*. downtown, air conditioned. Phone 754-6750 MOVING out of town, must sell! 4 2 ROOM furnished apartment, utilities bedrooms and bath up, 4 rooms down, furnished, downtown area. Phone 754-6605 full basement, close to schools and Mapli ONE, two or three rooms furnished shopping district. Phone 754-4318. apartment. Utilities furnished. 754-8185. 2 ROOM efficiency, utilities paid, p r i vate bath, private entrance. 753-0011. NEED AN SR-22? Lost Your License? Check Our Rates & Service HAZELL AGENCIES 754-7539 if * * * CLEAN, one bedroom, furnished, 233 S. 4lh, $15. weekly. 752-0405. Hwy 34, West of West Burlington Phone (319) 753-1615 3 ROOM upper, Phone 752-8917. MOBILE HOME OWNERS INSURANCE BEST IN SERVICE — LOW RATES utilities furnished Mobile Homes-Rentals 76 NEW 12x50 two bedrooms. Phone 752-6450 or. 752-2344. Mobile ^Homes Houses, Unfurnished 77 OR TRADE: Original owner — 1969 Ford Torino Cobra. 428; 4 speed; buckets, See Prall Insurance Agency console; stereo tape; chrome wheels, 111 Jefferson St. ONE bedroom, gas heat at 232 Roose Burlington 20,000 actual. 754-4145. elt. Inquire at 1315 Angular evenings. LARGE DISPLAY 12 Wides Up to 65' Long 2 and 3 Bedrooms BAUER MOBILE HOMES FOX APPLIANCE & KITCHEN CENTER MIRRORS — 15% OFF IOWA PLATE & Window Glass Co. UNION APPLIANCE BERNARD "GILLY" GILREATH INSURANCE 6 CALL 752-3425 (Bauer's) 1969 VINDALE two bedroom furnished or unfurnished. Make offer. 392-4468 Danville. 12x50 196,6 PONTIAC Chief. Two bed rooms; front kitchen. Phone 754-8026. THREE bedroom, two boths. Carpeted Consider selling. Phone 753-20*9, 69 Campers TEL-STAR CAMPER SALES See the new & used campers, trailers, caps & supplies in heated comfort. Usec 11' TEL STAR, 10' Huntsman, 10' Forrester. Hwy. 34 1 ml east of Middletown. Ph. 754-8097. BELMONT EMBASSY NORTHERN SHAR-LO ISEMAN No pets "Division of U. S. Industries" Our 50th Year In Buslnesi SEVEN room modern house. Good location. Gas heat, Phone 753-1486. 8 A.M. lo 6 P.M. Monday Thru Thursday THREE BEDROOM remodeled duplex gas heat. 752-8298 or 752-0770. 8 A.M. To 6 P.M. Friday and Saturday 1957 CHEVROLET BelAir 2 door hardEast of Fairway Shopping Center 2 BEDROOM modern half duplex, gas top, 283 power-pac, automatic, power heat, available now. 753-0627. steering, power brakes, good body and 1968 12x60 MOBILE home. Lived in runs good. 752-3882. two years. Two bedrooms; fully SMALL two bedroom house. Couple 1964 CHEVROLET Impala 2 door furnished. Can be bought with or without only. Phone 754-7420 after 5. lots or $300 down, and take over hardtop. V-8, automatic, radio, new tires, 3 BEDROOM ranch home, West Bur payments. Call Dallas City, 217-852-6691. one owner, immaculate condtlon. 821 lington, $150. Phone 752-6226. Sycamore. FOR THE BESTMOBILE HOMEOWNER INSURANCE 1967 FIAT 124 4 door sedan. A very Call 754-7539 clean economy car $695. Phone Burlington HAZELL AGENCIES 05-711 Jefferson Phone 752-2796 752-5621 nltes. Brunken Motor Co., New London. Open Monday and Friday Nites FOR MOBILE HOME DIVISION OF LITTON INDUSTRIES ?14 OSBORN ST. BURLINGTON, IOWA AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER 12' WIDES 24' WIDES THREE room furnished efficiency private bath and entrance. 752-5002. K & M SALES CO. OLDSMOBILE, Pontlac, Cadlallc — Lifetime Warranty. 100 per cent Warranty on most used cars. Leasing all-makes and models. ARCHER MOTOR 100 N. 3rd All with 100% . . . 9 0 day Guarantee LEHIGH LEOPOLD FURNITURE Burlington Area Dealer MATTHEWS CONSTRUCTION CO. Summer St. Ph. 2-3551 CALL TO SEE MODEL HOME. ONE ROOM efficiency aparlment. Mus 1969 CAMARO, light green. 250 cu. In.; 6 cylinder, automatic transmission; radio; We're Getting ready for spring business have references. Phone 752-2669. console; 8 track tape deck; four speakers; and have just a few left! Don't miss THREE room duplex — furnished good tires. In Air Force — must sell! the boat! Adults, no pets. Phone 752-2048. Call Danville 392-4475. • REFRIGERATOR 1968 DODGE Coronet 500 2'door hardtop. Vinyl top, automatic, power steering, one • RANGE • WASHER owner car, air-conditioning. Phone 385• DRYER 2900 Mt. Pleasant. shades, and tones. Similar positions are also open for upholstery trainees, these are exciting and challenging positions for proper individuals. Join us in our move lo our new facility Please contact the personnel office at Wausau Homes ONE and two room furnished apart, ments, adults. 754-5211 or 754-8261. TOP VALUES Mt. Pleasant, Iowa TWO ROOM furnished efficiency apartINEXPENSIVE HOUSES are hard to ment. Private bath and entrance. Utili- find. Building costs are up. Do you have ties furnished. $85 monthly. 1410 Grove enough Insurance protection? Let Kermit 1121 HARLEY 74" Chopper and 175cc Harley. See at 2114 So. 3rd after 5 p.m. 754-6632. 1968 bedroom home. $19,200 — $1,000 down — $128.66 per month on contract — 7'/2% Interest. Exposed beam ceiling, central air, built-in range, large sun deck, many other extras. Phone 752-3544. ONE ROOM upper furnished efficiency apartment. All utilities paid. Good location. For one person. 752-3590. $400 LEO'S TRIUMPH Bonneville, Clean. 754-6680. PRICE REDUCED TWO bedroom, Flint Hill manor, brick. 8 room home. 5 rooms down. 3 room* up. Bath. Corner lot. PLUS large homeModern. Waxless kitchen floor. 754-4131. CLEAN, furnished upper apartment, belongings against almost any risk. 3 room, bath, air conditioned, disposal, Protect yourself in case of liability too. heat and water furnished. Married couple. All with a single, low cost State FarmNo pets. Phone 752-2681. NIEHAUS 1966 look. 90 Homes BEAUTIFULLY decorated 2 bedroom, unfurnished. Carpeted. New kitchen. $125. 752-0405. Apartments, Furnished 75 . at CHRYSLER — PLYMOUTH — DODGE Low Overhead = Low Prices DELZELL BROS., INC. Morning Sun, Iowa Burlington, Iowa 29 Carl Setterberg — Phone 754-4277 WE WISH to thank all our friends, wages. References required. 754-5000 or William "Bill" Trestle relatives, neighbors, firemen, policemen, 752-2807 afler '3:30. Mediapolis 394-3749 hospital attendants. Rev. Klein and Rev. Art Burchett, Phone 752-6581 COOK WANTED Waggoner, W.S.C.S. West Hill Methodist Arion Restaurant Church and Prugh Chapel for aH their H. H. VAN SYOC AND J. R. HOYER many kindnesses, telephone calls, food, AUCTIONEERS HELP WANTED EVENINGS, «nd flowers at the time of our recent For Complete Service BOWL-INN SNACK BAR. lost. It wai deeply appreciated by the Phone New London 367-2791 Family of Jim Wllke. Mrs. Joyce Wllke, RELIABLE woman to babysit in m y 1 Hojghlon 469-2316 or Burlington, low* I "" i and Laura, Mr. «, Mr:. Lee Kelley. home days. Phone 2-8465 afler 4:30. 754-5308. Motorcycles & Bicycles 65 Business Opportunities 53 EARN WHILE YOU LEARN AT LEHIGH LEOPOLD FURNITURE Cards of Thanks MEACHAM ELECTRIC SERVICE 500 N. Main St. Phone 754-7503 PUREBRED Hamp boars, a few older boars, and July boars coming up. Reasonably priced. LeRoy Kaufman, Wayland, Iowa, 256-3758. $99.95 Public Auctions Service & Parts 64 • SPEEDOMETER • Service — Repairs POLE BUILDINGS Whirlpool Wringer Washer MOVING PH. 753-0374 62 Business Bldgs. & Lots 89 Sales, Parts and Service SIEMS FARM EQUIPMENT Agency Burlington, Iowa REPOSSESSED Parts Man Wanted Trailers-Utility Wever, Iowa. GAL. — $2 QT. — 50c PT. — 25c i/ -PT. — 15c HOSE HEADQUARTERS Miscellaneous Rentals 85 John Deere Equipment LATEX or ENAMEL CRUSHED ROCK 84 61 Trucks Farm Equipment Service PAINT SALE TRUCK OWNERS SMALL HOUSE, gas heat, nice yard, half bath, one or retired couple. Furnished or unfurnished. West Burlington. 754-7273. LARGE building and parking on RooseLOWER apartment with sunporch, n ly carpeted, good location on West Hill. velt Ave. Gas heat. 752-6462. 754-5000 or 752-2807 after 3:30. LAKE-N-SHORE truck camper, sleeps 4. Fully equipped, fold down fop, $600. ATTRACTIVE, one bedroom, unCall 752-3562. furnished, lower. Stove, refrigerator, 54 acre tract of land within 1h« city laundry. $80. 752-0405. Price a new Case Tractor before you of Burlington. Would consider subdividing buy and discover a new world of power to suit 3 or 4 buyers. Contact R. A. THREE bedrooms, Flint Hill manor and comfort in a new 70 Series Case brick. Modern; waxless kitchen floor. Reppert, phone 2-3697. Tractor. $80. 754-4131. ADDING MACHINES — RIBBONS — DRESSMAKING, alterations, coats Move up to a leader, America's largest remodeled, tailoring, button holes. Hazel UPPLIES. FRITZINGER. TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE, 521 TAMA BUILDING. ax service. Operating in major depart- Clinton, 754-6769. HONE 754-6324. ment stores. Must have background, or graduate of recent tax course. $2 SPRING CLEANING, trash hauling, RESULTS is what y^u pet when you per hour draw, and up for experienced barrels emptied, basement, garage clean- place a Hawk-Eye Want Ad. Call the jersonnel. Longevity percentages com- Ing. 754-5758. action number 754-8461 today and gat nensurate with experience. Write EBS quick results. 1962 PLYMOUTH, motor and parts, Tax Service, Inc., Box 2214 c-o Burlington BABYSITTING in my home days. motor perfect. 1957 Ford wagon, References. 1306 Brick, phone 754-5075. JUST RECEIVED, new Mattel dolls, Hawk-Eye. cylinder, runs good. Cheap. Phone 752Hot Wheels, and Hot Wheels Rumbler 7677. CAN DO babysitting in my house or set. See Western Auto before you buy. LADIES yours. Phone 752-6004. 20 Jefferson. Extra Money! Fun! Beautiful free 1968 DODGE Coronet 440. 383 4-barrel, Top Quality Glidden's clothes! All can be Yours for only INCOME Tax service. Jack Holtman. 4-speed, road wheels. Vinyl top, very PORTABLE air compressor. 22 CFM 2 Or 3 Evenings a Week wilh Beellne 715 Iowa. 754-4068. clean. Steve Watts. Danville 392-4363. horsepower gas engine with portable : ashions! You set the dates you want Discontinued Paint & Wrong Mixes sand blaster and hoses, like new. $325. 1965 OLDSMOBILE Cutlass 2 door o Show Your Fashions! No experience Call 752-3562. hardtop, V-8, automatic, ak, bucket seats, needed — We Train You. Phone and clean. Must sacrifice. 752-3882. Car necessary. Call 752-3423 — Bess BEATEN down carpet paths go when Chubb, Manager. Blue Lustre arrives. Rent electric 1970 MUSTANG, V-B; automatic; alrFor cabinets, aluminum combination ihampooer $1. Coast To Coast, 8th & conditloned; power steering; low mileage. windows and doors, carpenter work? — Maple Sts. Call 753-0820 after 5:30. BILT-RITE CABINET, 12th & South Sts., We will need many tandem tractors and 752-1966. CHILDREN'S clothes and toys, books, 2 1953 WILLYS Jeep, $725. 1957 Ford qualified drivers to haul fertilizer and dishes, miscellaneous items, baby clothes. Ranchero pickup, $375. Call Hamilton, III., other commodities. Percentage of rev- LET Glenn's in Wever do your auto 1115 All Framed So. Central. 754-6766. February 22(217) 847-2719 after 6. enue, excellent guarantee, high mileage repairing. Specializing automatic trans- 28th, 9-5. •eturn. See us now for complete program missions. Save over city prices. Guar1966 PLYMOUTH Satelite, 2 door, 383, Ft. Madison 372-5384. jnd firm lease. Phone 319-372-7415, Ruan anteed repair. 4 speed, bucket seats and console. IN THE DISTRICT COURT Glenn Fincher'. Transport Corp., Ft. Madison, Iowa. An MedSpoils 394-3785. OF THE STATE OF IOWA also Grading Work. Free estimate. :qual Opportunity employer. GUTTERS and metal roofs repaired JACK CRAWFORD IN AND FOR PHONE 754-6978 1968 CAMARO 327; 4 speed, red with and replaced. For Free Estimate call DES MOINES COUNTY white interior. Must sell. Call (217) 754-7543, K&D Co., Inc. 1104 Gnahn. IN THE MATTER 106 Jefferson Phone 752-3683 852-3381 after 5:30. Westinghouse Healing Air Conditioning OF THE ESTATE OF All types and sizes THOMAS W. TOAAKINS, MUST SELL 1964 Pontlac Tempest Men wanted to take relaii store inventory JACKSON TAILORS, 612 N. Main: al- Koch's Paint Supplies 418 N. Main Street Deceased. 2 door hardtop, immaculate, 44,000 miles, aturday evenings, Sundays, and some terations, restyling, suits made to orProbate No. 15074 Phone 752-4280. BACK PORCH sale: Yellow chrome week nights. Clean, professional employ- der. Line from Hong Kong. Phone 752NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT dinette, lamps, boys clothing, miscellanment. No experience necessary, we will 7170. 1967 PONTIAC Catalina hardtop coupe. OF ADMINISTRATOR eous. 1301 Ashmun. Phone 752-8198. rain. Write Box 2228 Burlington HawkCan finance. (217) 852-3321, 8-4, Mr. AND NOTICE TO CREDITORS HAULING — odd iobs — sidewalks Eye Williams. TO ALL PERSONS INTERESTED IN UNFINISHED Furniture, Desks, Chests shoveled — interior painting. Shepherd's THE ESTATE OF THOMAS W. and Bookcases. Derby's Furniture, 118 REGISTERED NURSES to work in the Concrete Service. Phone 752-2992. 1969 CADILLAC sedan DeVille, air, TOMKINS Deceased: Broadway, West Burlington. Home Health Program in Northern Misvinyl top, full power, priced to sell. MODERN Venelian Blind Laundry, 1117 You are hereby notified that on the ouri. Full time, permanent position, top Cannot be told from new. Has timer,752-3827. USED G.E. electric dryer — g o o d S. 6th. New Blinds, Repair and Cleaninn 17 day of February, 1971, the undersigned alary, and excellent benefits. Hours 8-5 int filter, pump. Whirlpool's best. Was condition, $40. Phone 753-1338 after 5:30 5199.95. SAVE $100. was appointed administrator of said Monday through Friday. Write or contact: Blinds. 752-8305. 1970 NOVA 350. 250 h.p., 4 speed, posip.m. estate. Notice is hereby given that all ERSONNEL traction, stereo tape. Call 754-6893 after 5. OFFICE, KIRKSVILLE GENERAL trash hauling, barrels persons Indebted to said estate are COLLEGE OF OSTEOPATHY AND SUR- emptied, MISCELLANEOUS household items: and basement cleaning. Phone 1970 GTO 2 door hardtop. 7,100 miles, requested to make immediate payment GERY, 712 West Pierce, Kirksville, Mis- 754-4929. Saturday only, 9-5. 528 So. Garfleld. excellent condition. 752-1867 afler 4. to the undersigned, end creditors having souri 63501. claims against said estate shall file BRUNSWICK pool table, slate lied. 1967 COUGAR 2B9. 17,000 original miles. them with the clerk of the above named I';x9. A-l condition. Wever 372-4109. Vinyl top - power steering. 754-5316. DENNY'S DELIVERY SERVICE district court, as provided by law, duly 514 Jefferson ' Phone 752-5444 revlous parts experience necessary. We ELECTROLUX with power nozzle. Good authenticated, tor allowance, and unless 1962 CHEVROLET Super Sport, V-R, INTERIOR-EXTERIOR PAINTING :ondition. $67.00. Phone 752-2838. so filed six months from 1h« second are an aggressive GM dealer with new automatic. 2010 S. Central. Free estimates. Call 752-0932. publication of this notice (unless acilities and are willing to pay a good REFRIGERATOR, gas stove, two bed_„ _ . T ~~~3 otherwise allowed or paid) such claims salary plus fringe benefits to the right Electrolux sales and service oom suites. Phone '752-1694. | GOLD is where you find it! You can man. Contact: Gene McWhirter, H 8. M shall thereafter be forever barred. Warren Corman, 388-2661 find a dozen Frozengotd bars for $1.20 Chevrolet-Olds, Ft. Madison, Iowa. Dated this 17 day of February, 1971. STANLEY HOME PRODUCTS at White House Dairy, 827 Washington C. D. Tomklns PHONE 754-7037 Street. EXPERIENCED Moving Van drivers: Administrator of said Estate household, long distance. Must m e e t Glenmark Drive .C.C. requirements, 21 years of age or FURNITURE auction sale located at Burlington, Iowa older. Phone Ft. Madison 372-1703 for 1200 Linden St. Burlington, Iowa on SatAddress appointment. urday, Feb. 20, 1971. Commencing at 1:00 Pryor, Riley, Jones and Walsh o'clock p.m. I've sold my home and WIDOWER wants lady tn live in and Attorneys for said Administrator moved to Autumn Heights. I'll sell all keep house. Write or call Carl Knopp, Burlington, Iowa my furniture and etc. to the highest 501 So. Main, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, 385Address bidder. Owner Mrs. Henry Weyer. AucF«o. 19, 24, '71—2t. 2788. tioneers — Jack Bishop - Dwain Bishop. Lehigh-Leopold Furniture has a trainee position available for an exceptional 753-0331 Burlington, la., or 627-2094 FULLER BRUSH. 15 hours per week Phone individual In our finishing department. The successful applicant must be Biggsville, III. and up. Write to Elmer Hergcrt, New capable of learning to formulate and co-ordinate many different colors, London. 52645 or phone 319-367-5648. Specialized Services 28 Who would you call In Person Hwyi 34, West Burlington THREE bedroom home In West Burington. Carpet, drapes and electric range Included. $100 monthly. 752-203* after 6 p.m. or 753-0223. 1964-FORD FAIRLANE 2 Door CHOICE Purebred Duroc boars for sale. Dwlght Hohl, Argyle, Iowa, 838-2541. Phone 754-7528 FULLY GUARANTEED Contact: BOB LA VEINE'S TRAILER SALES 1966 THUNDERBIRD 2 Door Hardtop Town 4 ROOM house, very clean, small ,-ard, off street parking, stove and •efrlgerator furnished, 1512 Osborn St. $85. References required. Phone Dodgevllle 388-2564. For Rent or Sale • 8 HEAD 450 pound feeder calves. Contact after 5, Holland Cornlck, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa. Frost Free. Bottom Freezer Mobile Homes and Apartments COMFORTABLE, roomy 2 story family home. Large living room, dining room» kitchen, 3 bedrooms, bath and floored attic. Full basement. Attractively decorated with new carpeting and panelng. $130 month. Call 3-0187 day* or 2-0597 evenings. Zaiss Motor Sales • $25.00 FIRESTONE 16 ft. Deluxe Phllco Refrigerator 111 Jefferson St. Phone 2-6341 Business Bldg. for Rent 80 • Large selection of all ages. Dale and Darrell Tucker, New London, Iowa. TAKE OVER PAYMENTS FOR SALE Pipe and Tubing • Threading • Cutting Coast To Coast PRALL REALTY 1963 FALCON 4 Door USED REFRIGERATOR th i Jefferson Everyday Low Prices on Furniture SELL IT! Antique lovers are want ad readers. Sell those antique or cash with a "quick acllon" ad. Phone 754-8461 or come to Burlington Hawk-Eve to place your • $2195 BURPEE FLOWER AND GARDEN SEED, PEAT POTS, PLANT STARTER FIELD SEEDS AND SOY BEANS. DEHNER'S SEEDS, 608 JEFFERSON ST. Crosley Shelvadore . FOR RENT • 251 SWEENY BURLINGTON • 1003 CHALFANT BURLINGTON SHARP 3 room Apartment for single or couple. New kitchen—new bath—carpetTHREE bedroom and two bedroom ed - $115. Stove, refrigerator, heat Includ- houses for rent. $145 and $125 monthly. ed. Canfield Realty 1020 South St. You pay utilities. Phone 754-5534. 1941 FARMALL M $650 LARGE 2 bedroom apartment in MODERN house, 6 rooms and bath, V-8, standard transmission, and good Stanhoist Loader for IH Utility 3anviMe, carpeted, private entrance and automatic heat, tool shed, garden. AvailTractor $495 tires. bath, stove, refrigerator furnished. No able now. Lomax 449-3433. pets. Danville 392-4646 or 392-4647. IHC 303 Combine with 13' platform, NEAR new, deluxe, 2 bedroom duplex, cab, 2 row corn head BEAUTIFUL two bedroom apartment. carpeted, all electric, central *ir, privatt Immediate possession. Kitchen with all basement .754-5830 after 5. 1959 Farmall 460 overhauled $1750 6 Cylinder, Automatic Transmission. conveniences. Air • conditioned. Laundry facilities. 1021 No. 5th. 752-7336. Open Monday—Wednesday—Friday John Deere 55 Combine with platform 6 ROOM unfurnished aparlment, car- SHOP, store, wholesale, manufacturing! Nites Till 9 P.M. and 2 row cornhead peted, private entrance, basement and warehousing, storage. 754-4225 after noon. garage. Close in on Ncrth Hill. Adults, 1949 FORD 8N $650 822 Columbia St. Phone 752-2073 no pets. Inquire 932 N. 4th. 1000 SQUARE feet floor space for of1950 FARMALL MD $750 fice or store, 918 Maple. SECOND FLOOR $70 monthly. Three 1955 CHEVROLET 4-door. As is, $50. rooms with range and refrigerator fur1957 FARMALL 450 with fast hitch 754-5387. nished. Carpeted. Private entrance 900 Franklin. Phone 754-4996. $55 monthly or $700 to buy. 36x1 NEWLY painted three bedroom aoart trailer. Couples, singles. 754-6115. 1959 '/a ton Chevrolet pickup. Mags, ment. Private entrance. $115 monthly buckets, and so forth. VGC. 754-6680. — you pay utilities. Phone 754-5534. • IHC 101 Combine with 2 row Corn Head PHILCO 20" USED 21" SILVERTONE $169.19 RENT OR SALE Apartments For Rent Power steering, power brakes, radio. steering, power brakes, factory air. Good tires. Runs good. for livestock, hay, machinery materials only or erected ECONOMY LUMBER CO., WEVER, IA. $251.01 1968 PONTIAC BONNEVILLE 4 Door Hardtop $1295 Power $268.74 Consolette Bumper or Permanent LIFE 13'4" Wheel Disc ... $450 Wever, Iowa. 753-1621 WE WELCOME YOU at our parts and service department for your J. I. Case and New Idea farm equipment at 1000 Roosevelt HALLGREN SCHILDKNECHT INC. Agency Ph. 754-5793 1215 USED TRACTORS FARM MACHINERY Houses, Unfurnished than 46 Farm Equipment Service In to further evaluate the above YASH1CA miniature D camera, Admiral during weekday, or phone for Saturday appointment. 209 K r e s g e building, stereo console, Wards color 23 inch one 'ear old television, Craig cassette tape Burlington, la., Ph. 754-4677 recorder model 2603. If interested call 752-0772. Situations Wanted NO LIMIT TO SIZE With no discomfort to you. Call us today. CONTACT MAN 21 But for a limited time only we will carpet ANY living room, dining room and hall, all on one level, wall-to-wall in Duponl Nylon Carpet and Pad. B. L. Robinson & Co., Inc. 2515 Farmers Market • 1957 FARMALL 450 D WE'LL BE SORRY YOUR HOUSE DOESN'T GET COLD . . . While we change your furnace. WE GUARANTEE IT! Having trouble with that old Furnace? We'll install the LENNOX FURNACE NEEDED by National firm in 1971 expansion program to Introduce credit Experience helpful but not necessary, for service to business people in Burlington ocal and over the road hauling. You area. $1,000-$1,500 monthly potential. Full can earn $10,000 lo $15,000 per year or part time. alter short training. For application and Write President, interview, call 309-788-7421, or write SafeBox 18431, ly Dept., United Systems, Inc., c/o UpTampa, Florida. land Center, Suite 12, 1465 41st St., Molinc, Illinois, 61265. Male-Female Help Burlington, lows REPRINTS AVAILABLE on pictures taken by our news staff, hat have appeared in The Hawk-Eye ins. . . 5"x7" size 50 cents each or 8"xlO" • PAST employment experience NOTsize $1.00 each. Cash with order. See important. hoto Department at Th* Burlington Hawk-Eye. ASSISTANCE, enamel finish Is factory air. Less 1970 MERCURY 4 DOOR MONTEGO MX • UNION APPLIANCE SELF STARTING DETERMINATION To succeed IS IMPORTANT! quality WITTE'S DRUG STORE 206 Jefferson St. Burlington CONTRACTORS BUILDERS "Skil Power Tools For Every Job!" 514 Jefferson • STARTING INCOME OPEN lo discussion • ANNUAL INCREASE in income • PERMANENT EMPLOYMENT • COMPLETE TRAINING program • FUTURE MANAGEMENT opportunity • 24 YEAR OLD local firm • NO TRAVELING • FREE PENSION program • FREE DISABILITY INCOME program • GROUP HOSPITAL and MAJOR MEDICAL program • UP TO $50,000 FREE group life and Now at $39.95 up ROBERT R. HUMP TON C.L.U. and Associates high 71 10,000 -ocated In Burlington across from Crapo Park. 2 bedroom apartment furnished or unfurnished, carpeted, Individually heated and air conditioned, kitchen completely equipped, plenty closet space. If Interested call 752-3123. TWO parf Beagle puppies, one male and one female, 8 weeks old. 754-7143. Radio, automatic, power steering, power EXCEPTIONAL nice five room modern brakes, air conditioning. Driven less than apartment. This is an unfurnished second 8,000 miles. Color, red with black vinyl floor apartment — all redecorated and to?. ready for Immediate occupancy. Rent ncludes heat and off street parking. You must see this one to appreciate. Call John A. Uhler at 1119 Summer, or call 754-6476 for appointment. 8 BEAUTIFUL COLORS TO SELECT FROM . . . • KEWANEE 20 in A-l Condition CONTINUED EXPANSION durable PIONEER SUPPLY CO- Salesmen-Saleswomen 24 GET A gallon of Frozengold for SI.00 and choose from Vanilla, Chocolate, Lemm. Cinnamon, Egg Nog, Caramel Creme, Wocha, Creme DeMenthe, Maple, Coffee or Banana. White House Dairy 827 Wash- M I N N E S O T A MUTUAL ngton Street. INSURANCE CO. Employment Agencies IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE STATE OF IOWA IN AND FOR DES MOINES COUNTY IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF RAY F. HARTMAN 16 drying, REFRIGERATORS Business Buildings for Rent Oflices for Rent Moving, Storage S, Rental Farm Tracts for Reitf For Rent or Sale Miscellaneous Renlali Rentals Wanted Real Estate Wanted Business Buildings & Lots Homes Lots and Tracts Farms For Sale or Trade Misc. Real Estate Real Estate Loans Classified Display very floors of wood and concrete where quick BLOWER COILS REAL ESTATE MERCHANDISE Lunt, Carthage, Illinois brakes/ miles. AKC black female toy poodle. Very affectionate, IVs years old. $45. 753-1338. beautiful l o o k on Interior and exterior USED Wanted lo Rent Rooms for Rent Room - Board Wanted Apartment, Unfurnished Apartments, Furnished Mobile Homes • Rentals Houses, Unfurnished Garages for Rent a Rooms for Rent ATTRACTIVE, girls, private, sleeping room. Carpeted, cooking, laundry. $10. Phone 752-5313. breeds. Leota 357-2620. . . . IS QUICK DRYING Steam and Hot Water RENTALS Teaching Positions Male-Female Help Salesmen-Saleswomen Situations Wanted Phone 752-544. QUALITY PAINTS DURO-KOTE FLOOR AND DECK ENAMEL produces 60 Automobiles SELECTIVE USED CARS 753-1325. Pet Stock & Supplies 42 SLEEPING rooms for employed SINCE 1936 gentlemen. No drinking. Phone 754-4089. BEAUTIFUL white American Eskimo (Spitz) pups. Registered. Ray B. Menke, 1970 MONTEGO MX Apartment, Unfurnished 74 Pilot Grove, Iowa. 2 Door Hardtop WANTED litters of AKC puppies. All Radio, heater, power steering, power PARK MADISON APTS- WITTE And Firewood 39 SEASONED FIREWOOD Delivered and stacked. desired, i9. Campers EMPLOYMENT washers 10 WHIRLPOOL automatic washers. Fully reconditioned. DANVILLE - Mrs. Monte Pockendorff has been electee PER WORD FOR 1 TIME president of the DanvilleMiddletown United Fund. Other officers are Mrs. 3 CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS 15c PER WORD Laurence Coen, vice president; 6 CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS 24c PER WORD Dean Thornton, secretary; Mrs. Wayne Williams, treasurer; and 12 CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS 45c PER WORD Ellis Bailey, director. 26 CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS 90c PER WORD Floyd Garden retired from the board after serving three years. d'a" £?.? 'han ^ "^ ""' a°' rUnn'"9 "ns«utive|V »"> The 1970-71 fund drive last in°» ^n'rSrtCOTUuNcT uA^^v^"1 ?,rt!?r' A" '-rouPed numbers and Initials counted as one word. THE HAWK-EYE will be responsible for only ONE incorrect insertion. October raised $2,544 on a goal Corrections ana cancellations accepted until 8:30 a.m. day of Publication and on Saturday 'til noon for Sunday. of $2,400. miles) rate i> — 7c per word with NO Last month, Danville and OUT OF TERRITORY (beyond Middletown residents who work C a<> KCVeJ (b ind box) advcr emenls ' "' ' Replies at the IAAP gave a check for keT'on fue^o*'30 <t° """ ' "" "" $1,483, making a total of $4,078 PLACE YOUR AD to be distributed to 15 agencies WEEKDAYS — Before 5 p.m. to run next day. in the following manner: Before Noon Saturday to Run on Sunday Boy Scouts, $121; Girl Scouts, $121; Iowa Children's Home, $286; Red Cross, $409; Crippled WANT AD INDEX Children, $299; Cerebral Palsy, AUTOMOTIVE $285; Productions, Inc., $416; 10. PoliticalNOTICES Noticei 60. Automobiles Retarded Children, $318; local 11. Lodge Notices 61. Trucks Death Notices welfare, $418; local youth, $439; 12. 62. Trailers • Utility 13. Card of Thanks In Memorlam Multiple Sclerosis, $ 3 2 1 ; 14. 63. Autos-Trailers Wanted 15. Cemetery Lots 64. Service & Parts Salvation Army, $248, USO, 14. Special Notices 65. Motorcycles & Bicycles 17. Coming Events $148; Arthritis Foundation, $231; 18. Lost & Found 66. Airplanes 19. Employment Agencies operating expenses, $16. 68. Mobile Homes 20. Schools • Instruction 33 Miscellaneous NOW OPEN SUNDAYS 1 P.M. To 5 P.M. HWY. 61 SOUTH 753-192J PUBLIC SALE As I am moving out of the state, I will sell the following described property at public auction at my farm located one mile south and V/3 miles west of Terre Haute, Illinois, or four miles north and 1% miles west of La Harpc, Illinois. We Buy Wed., Feb. 24.1971 Phone (309) 776-327B" Commencing at 11:30 a.m. USED TRAVEL TRAILERS Wanted to Rent 70 COMMERCIAL BUILDING approximately 3000 square feet In good business location. Phone 752-4491 days, evenings 7545609. NICE 2 or 3 bedroom home, preferably In West Burlington. Call 752-6074. Rooms for Rent 71 FURNISHED downstairs room, board, laundry, light care, for elderly lady. $105 per month. 1519 So. 14th. Phone 752-2455. SLEEPING rooms, $7. weekly, downtown location. Phone 753-1488. "The Tulips Are Sprouting:!" ... and Gilly has Out Of This World Deals FOR THE Car Buyers CALL 4-6518 or sec him at SERVICE MOTOR SALES Burlington's Ford Dealer Since 1948. 811 - 817 Wells St. Phone 754-6518 FARM MACHINERY Massey Harris 44 gas tractor with 4 row cultivator. John Deere No. 227 corn picker mounted on above tractor. John Deere four row rear mounted cultivator. John Deere F-145H five bottom 14" semi-mounted plow. Also mounted Midwest harrow attachment for same, John Deere Model N manure spreader with forage box and bunk feeder attachment. John Deere model 495 corn planter with fertilizer, insecticide and insecticide attachments, also spring tooth tillage attachment. John Deere model 307 Gyramor (whlrler) with extra knives. Four row rotary shields for cultivator. 14 foot Kewanee disc. Kewanee model 500, 50 foot elevator with power lift attachments. Pull type new Holland model 461 mower-conditioner and windrower. New Holland side delivery rake. Four row rotary hoe. One barge wagon. Heat Houser for 4020 John Deere tractor. 24 foot harrow, 8 foot culti-mulcher. 38 Inch dual wheels for tractor. 300 gallon gas tank on stand. 100 gallon oil tank. One Ace centrifugal power take off driven pressure pump. Several 14 and 15 Inch used tires. Extension ladder, two step ladders, wheel barrow, Vi Inch electric drill, drill press. Electric welder, hog feeder, cattle bunks. Several board feet of one and two Inch lumber. Hedge anchor and line posts. Shop tools and other articles. FURNITURE Breakfast set with drop leaf table and four chairs, desk In good condition. Two saucer chairs, rose colored davenport. Two 3 piece bedroom suites, two dressers, Rollaway bed, swivel stool, rose colored rug, 12 x 12. Grey fiber rug. 12 X 15 and pads. Two baby beds (one wooden and one Iron), wooden play pen, bassinet, wooden high chair, steel wardrobe, small table, floor lamp, pole lamp, table lamp. Lighted picture/ ping pong table. Spartan radio. Camp stove, two camp cots, dishes, rugs, curtains, drapes, fruit |ars. One pair of men's Ice skates, size 9. Two pair of roller skates with case, one pair of ladles' roller skates, size 6V4 or 7 with case. Many other Items. . ROBERT RUEBUSH OWNER J. Hughey Martin — Jim Cook Auctioneers George White, Clerk David Painter, Cashier Terms Cash — Lunch will be served'