delzell brothers
delzell brothers
4E Sunday • August 23, 2015 SALES Full Time Night RN Experience in LTC preferred Join our Team of Quality Care Givers Apply in person to Prairie Ridge Care 608 Prairie St. Mediapolis Blair House a 60-bed skilled nursing facility is looking for team members. We are looking for reliable applicants who give excellent care and can show compassion to our residents. If you have these qualities then we have a great opportunity for you. CNA positions Part Time & Full Time All Shifts Apply in person at Blair House 1212 Indian Hills Dr. Burlington, IA EOE IA Dental, PC, seeks Dentist (Managing Clinical Director) to provide quality dental care to patients in West Burlington, IA. Req.: DDS or DMD or equiv. & IA dental license. Resumes to: Code DD-MCD, Tina Bough, Aspen Dental Management, 281 Sanders Creek Parkway, E. Syracuse, NY 13057. MDS/Careplan Nurse Great Opportunity for the right candidate. Experience with MDS preferred, must be detail oriented. Competetive Wage, Medical, Dental and vision Insurance, PTO, 401K. APARTMENTS UNFURN. ROUTE SALES DRIVER Pan O Gold Baking Co (Country Hearth/Village Hearth Breads) is now accepting resumes for a Route Sales Rep. in the Burlington/Mount Pleasant/ Fairfield area. Responsibilities include ordering, loading, and selling bakery products to grocery stores, restaurants, and other businesses in the Mount Pleasant/ Burlington/ Fairfield area. Guaranteed $600 per week with excellent benefits. The successful candidate will need to pass a DOT physical and drug screen, be able to lift up to 50 pounds, and have an acceptable driving record. To be considered for this position you MUST MAIL resume to: Pan O Gold Baking Co./WI-15-017 444 E. St. Germain St. St. Cloud, MN 56304 EEO/AA Employer FAMILY & COMMUNITY MAPLE HILLS APARTMENTS ARE UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Maple Hills is low income housing that offers 2 and 3 bedroom apartments. We are currently accepting applications. For an appointment call: Millennia Housing Mgmt. LTD (319)754-5515 Mon-Fri, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. WEST BURLINGTON, 1 bedroom, application required. Stove & fridge furnished, no pets. No smoking. Lease and deposit. $500. 319-752-2252. (319)572-9212 Abbey’s Happy Kids Marc@Diamond 319-572-4567. Bringing Home Results Century 21 (319)750-1179 HOUSES RENT Burlington A va rie ty of oth e r d ogs a nd c a ts a re a va ila b le to c h oose from a t th e D e s M oine s C ou nty H u m a ne Soc ie ty, 2000 N . R oose ve lt. O u r N E W fe e s a re : $80 for c a ts a nd $100 for d ogs a nd you ge t a $40 vou c h e r th a t goe s tow a rd s th e spa y or ne u te r. If th e pe t is a lre a d y spa ye d or ne u te re d ,th e fe e is $25 for c a ts a nd $50 for d ogs. WEST BURLINGTON ranch, 3 bedroom, new kitchen & bath. $1500/mo. 1 year lease. 319-457-0044, Brian @C21. HOMES FOR SALE Stronghurst IL Home FIND AN AGENT PET O F THE W EEK Th is is Keesh a.A tan an d w h ite fem ale pitbull terrier m ix. L oves to play,very w ell socialized an d h as greatm an n ers. HOMES FOR RENT. COMMERCIAL RENT Gwen Wixom LIL CUBBIES DAYCARE MOVING & STORAGE FABULOUS UNIQUE property, 3 beds, 2.5 baths, beautiful wood floors, family/rec room with wet bar, grill and fridge. All rooms open up to the wrap around deck. Wooded setting on just over 1/2 an acre. Great new price at $149,999. 11208 143rd Ave. West Burlington. Call Cindy Miller @ C21 @ 319-750-2365 12 FT. CEILING storage available. Multiple loading docks, triple net lease 20¢ per square ft. Can build a office inside PRICE REDUCED! 1208 Lynnstorage facility to suit your 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 2900sq ft, wood. 3 bedroom, 2 bath ranch Fully Remodeled, Granite, New near schools and parks. Now needs! 35 parking spaces! Call Hardwoods, Tile, Paver Patio, $115,900. Call Judy Stevens 319-750-8200. 3 Car Garage/Shop, Etc. Sell319-759-5555 at Re/Max WESTLAND MALL OFFICE ing Well Below Appraisal 319-752-8888 SPACE available. Call Kent 309-221-8109 Muntz 319-752-5368. Choose your next career Read The Hawk Eye Classifieds CABINS FOR SALE S.E. Iowa’s #1 Advertising Source for New Jobs CABIN FOR sale on Otter Island. Completely furnished. $47,500. Serious inquries only. Call 319-754-7669 or 319-209-0808 CHILD CARE SERVICES has 1st & 2nd shift openings starting Sept. 14th. CPR, First Aid Certified. State Licensed. Lots of TLC. HOUSES RENT STRONGHURST. VERY nice 4 NORTHWESTERN Mini Warebedroom, large garage, good houses, 5x10, 10x10, 10x20, location. References required. 12x24, 20x50. (319)754-5778. NO PETS. $800 + deposit. 309-337-3590 or 309-924-1811 REALTOR LISTINGS P h o ne 753-8389 Sh e lte r H o u rs: M o nd a y-F rid a y 3-6:00 Sa tu rd a ys 1-5 Su nd a y 1-5 422727 MEDICAL Cast Them Off! Boats, Motors, Trailers Sell everyday in classifieds Try it! 319-754-8463 Shop Classified 7 Days a Week 24 Hrs. a Day We Never Close! Sell your stuff! Call Classifieds 319-754-8463 Monday-Friday 8 to 5 DANVILLE, 4 acres m/l on a hard surface road, 4600 sq. ft. 5 bedroom, 3 1/2 baths, office, custom cherry kitchen, built in 2012, 32' x 54' heated shop, underground dog fence. $514,500. 319-372-0900 BRICK RETIREMENT home, quiet location, retiree haven, nice neighbors, 2/3 Bedrooms, garage, $129,900/offer. Burl., Ia. 319-750-9880. WELL MAINTAINED ranch in West Point, IA. 3 bedroom, 2 Full time openings in Burlington. 1st shift. State Licensed. Lots Two bedrooms, New Granite bath, 2 car attached garage. and Marble bath with Custom $133,500. 319-470-5800 or of TLC. (309)737-7453 Shower, New Galley Kitchen 319-470-8091 with Granite Counters and new CEMETERY LOTS Stainless LG Appliances, New BY OWNER, 3 bedroom, 2 bath, full basement. 2400 Vineyard 2 SPACES at Memorial Park flooring through out, privacy Apply in person to Mausoleum. Eye level. $300 fenced patio, 2 car garage, St. $95,000. 319-753-5014 Prairie Ridge Care central air, washer/ gas dryer each. 319-753-2612 608 Prairie Street hookup, finished basement, MOVING & STORAGE 6 PLOTS Located in the BurlingMediapolis small pets ok, No Smokers, ton Memorial Cemetary. $950 mo. plus Deposit and one $1500 per pair. (573)397-2738 year lease required, Drive by 1501 South St, to see if this is 3 men and a truck the one for you! 319-752-8709 Licensed & Insured Dependable & Team Leave message. Highly Recommended Oriented? 5 BEDROOM, fully furnished, all Move 1 piece or a household Full Time Evenings available inclusive, 4 bedroom, fully furThe Furniture Store Competitive Wages, nished, all inclusive. 2 bed209 Harrison • Burlington Shift Differential, room, fully furnished all inclu$1000 sign on bonus Call 319-752-4123 sive, 1 bedroom, fully furnished. 15 minutes from Apply to Prairie Ridge Care Wever, IA. (217)453-6092 608 Prairie Street 2 BEDROOM on South Hill. MINI STORAGE Mediapolis Kitchen appliances & PETS/SERVICES washer/dryer included. 2 car 4 locations. garage. No pets. 9 month lease. $875 per month + utiliRESTAURANT ties + deposit. 319-759-6150 1 BEDROOM farm house. Near WILSON’S Mini Storage next to LOOKING TO WORK Days? Pet sitting! Middletown. $500 per month. Alliant, 603 S.Roosevelt, 5x10, Join the Culver’s Team. Apply Let them stay in their own Call for details. 319-572-3534 10x10, 10x20, 10x30 753-6929 online or in home! Text, call or email for person at 919 Lawrence Dr., your estimate. Tim or Jillian Burlington, IA. 319-750-6858 or Moving Service CNA’s PETS HOME TOWN The Pet Whisperer Part Time Shift Leader/Manager Big Muddy’s now hiring part time shift/leader manager. Hours vary, must be available nights, weekends and holidays. 25-30 hours per week to start. Restaurant and management experience preferred. Full time after 90 days. Wage based on experience. Apply in person 710 Front St. Looking for a caterer? You’ll FIND IT at D E S M O IN E S CO U N TY, IO W A FREE KITTENS Litter trained. 2 black with white boots, 2 peach, 1 long haired grey, 1 calico, orange tiger with white. Call (319)392-4892. Black Lab puppies AKC registered Black Labs. 4 male, 4 female. $500/male., $550/female. (319)850-2595 Doberman Pinscher Registered puppy. $425. 641-895-4504 REAL ESTATE Rentals and Sales APARTMENTS UNFURN. 2 BEDROOM in Fort Madison across from Central Park. 319-372-5660 FARM L AN D AU CTIO N S AT., AU G. 29, 2015 AT 10:00 A.M . LO C ATED ? M ILE SO U TH O F TH E C ESSFO RD G EO D E Q U ARRY, O N B RID G EPO RT RO AD , D AN VILLE,IO W A. TH IS FA RM P O S ITIV E L Y S E L L S TO TH E H IG H E S T BID D E R W /N O RE S E RV E . TO BE S O L D I N O N E TRA C T A U C TIO N TO BE H E L D AT FA RM L O C ATIO N . PRE S ALE PUBLIC S HO W IN G TO BE HELD O N THURS .AUG UST 13,2015 FRO M 4:00 PM TO 6:00 P.M .EVERYO N E W ELCO M E TO ATTEN D. L O C ATIO N A N D IN FO RM ATIO N : TH IS 98.81 AC RE FARM IS LO C ATED IN SEC TIO N S 1,6,7 & 12 D AN VILLE TO W N SH IP (69), RAN G ES 4 & 5, D ES M O IN ES C O U N TY,IO W A. D ES M O IN ES C O U N TY ASSESSO RS IN D IC ATES 98.81 TO TAL AC RES M /L, C O N SISTIN G O F 79.81 RO W C RO P AN D B U FFER STRIP AC RES, H O W EVER D ES M O IN ES C O U N TY FSA O FFIC ES IN D IC ATES 75.0 RO W C RO P AN D BU FFER STRIP AC RES. C U RREN T FARM TEN AN T RO W C RO PS 64.79 AC RES M /L AN D C U RREN T LAN D LO RD RETAIN S 12.5 AC RES O F C RP B U FFER STRIP LAN D . B ALAN C E O F 19.64 AC RES C O N SIST O F LITTLE TIM B ER AREA, G RASS W ATERW AYS AN D SO M E PASTU RE LAN D . AVERAG E C SR2 O N TH E EN TIRE FARM IS 70.73 AN D AVERAG E C SR O N TH E TILLABLE AC RES O N LY IS 81.22. TH IS FARM U N IT ALSO O FFERS A 512 SQ . FT. RIVER ED G E C ABIN W ITH N EW ER RO O F, ELEC TRIC , K ITC H EN AREA, O N E BED RO O M AN D M O D EST RE RO O M . TE RM S O F S A L E : 20% D O W N PAYM EN T O F G RO SS SALE PRIC E O N AU G U ST 29, 2015, B ALAN C ES D U E O N O R B EFO RE JAN U ARY 1, 2016, U PO N D ELIV ERY O F D EED S AN D M ERC H ATAB LE AB STRAC T O F TITLE O N 97.16 AC RES M /L, AN D A Q U IT C LAIM D EED O N 1.65 AC RES. SELLER W ILL RETAIN AN Y AN D ALL 2015 C ASH REN TS AN D U SD A C RP PAYM EN TS, N EW BU YER W ILL REC EIVE ALL IN C O M ES AFTER 2016. P O S S E S S IO N : N EW B U YER O R B U YERS C AN TAK E PO SSESSIO N O N O R BEFO RE JAN U ARY 1, 2016, SU B JEC T TO FIN AL PAYM EN T AN D EXEC U TIO N O F C LO SIN G , AN D 2015 C RO PS BEIN G H ARVESTED . RE A L E S TATE TA X E S : AN Y AN D ALL REAL ESTATE TAXES TO BE PRO RATED TO JAN U ARY 1, 2016, B ASE U PO N TH E LAST AVAILAB LE TAX STATEM EN T. K E ITH B. A N D E L IZ A BE TH M . RE N N E R O W N E RS . 423845 L A U RA K RE H BIE L O F K RE H BIE L L AW O FFIC E , 712 O RC H A RD S TRE E T, D O N N E L L S O N , IO W A . S TE FFE N S M E IE R AU CTIO N CO . P atS teffensm eier & K evin N ichols,A uctioneers 2757 H w y.16,W estPoint,Iow a 52656 (319)372-SO LD (7653)or 470-5284 cell w w w 423349 DELZELL’S 5d0& F0 FA ra $ G 000000 BIG MUDDY’S Due to college students going back to school now hiring for dishwasher, wait staff, bartender and hostess. Apply in person at 710 Front St. No phone calls! 319-209-0212 C ash IN CEN TIV ES W ILL EN D O N AU G U ST 31 , 201 5 201 5 R a m 1 500 Q u a d Ca b 4W D W hite 201 5 Chrysler 200 S Io State Fawiar C End s A ug.2ash Stop in M o 4. nd ay! 201 5 D od g e Ca ra va n SE Sto ck #64 8828 Sto ck #66871 8 Sto ck #5874 1 0 36,760 $ * $ ALM O ST 6,000 T O TA L SAV ING S 25,850 $ * M S RP $27,475 C o n s u m e r C a s h -$2,250 Ow n e r Lo ya lty** -$1,000 S ta te Fa ir C a s h -$500 DELZELL Dis c o u n t -$9 00 $ DELZELL BRO THERS 5,000 T O TA L SAV ING S 22,825 $ *Exclu d es ta x,title & licen se fees. **Lo ya lty Ca sh -n o tra d e req u ired a n d m u sto w n D o d g e o rChryslerM in iva n . All fin a n cin g su b jectto cred ita ppro va l. ALM O ST * M orn in g Sun , IA 3 19 -8 6 8 -756 3 • 8 00-23 8 -73 9 6 w w w .d e lze llb ro s .co m H o urs : Tue s ., W e d ., Th urs . 8-5 ; M o n . & Fri. 8-6; S a t. 8-4,a n ytim e b y a ppt. 424303 M S RP $39,750 C o n s u m e r C a s h -$2,500 IA S ta te Fa ir C a s h-$500 M S RP $31,510 Bo n u s C a s h -$1,500 C o n s u m e r C a s h -$1,500 S ta te Fa ir -$500 S u m m e r C le a ra n c e -$1,000 DELZELL Dis c o u n t -$1,16 0