C-0 - The Hawk Eye
C-0 - The Hawk Eye
www.thehawkeye.com 1C Wednesday • October 7, 2015 Tod a y’s Ad s TH E A D S IN TH IS SEC TIO N A RE C LA SSIFIED BY C A TEG O RY FO R C O N VEN IEN C E TO O U R REA D ERS 800 S .M a in S treet Bu rlin g to n ,IA 52601 Rea ch m o re cu sto m ersw hen yo u b u y The Ha w k Eye em a il:cla ssified s@ theha w keye.co m a d vertisin g @ theha w keye.co m MEDICAL OTR Driver with flat/step-deck experience. IA/IL area. 38¢ hubs miles, then 40¢ after 90 days. Call Rick 217-357-4018. GENERAL Sales Support/ Appointment Setter for family owned business. Part time 5-10 hours per week for public relations and outbound sales calls. No cold calling. Must be warm, caring, assertive, organized and like helping others. Must have computer and printer. Sales experience helpful. Training provided. Work from home. Must be available flexible hours. $12/hour. Call 508-527-2272 to leave a message regarding interest and qualifications. AUTOMOTIVE Roberts Tire Center Complete Auto Service Available! Pulse Auto Salvage Computerized Inventory National Parts Locating Dependable & Team Oriented? Full Time Evenings available Competitive Wages, Shift Differential, $1500 sign on bonus Apply to Prairie Ridge Care 608 Prairie Street Mediapolis FULL-TIME RN $1,000 Bonus: must interview by Oct. 21. Monday – Friday, 10PM – 6AM Looking for RN who wants to be a LEADER in a TEAM environment. Come join our FIVE star facility! Sunrise Terrace Nursing & Rehab 706 W. Central Ave Winfield, Iowa 1220 Mt. Pleasant St. Burl. (319)753-6586 402 N. 2nd St. • Rome, IA 800-292-0095 & APPR AISALS D ickie G off,B roker-O w ner B iggsville IL, 309-627-2446 C ell319-768-8891 http://goff-realestate.com / AGRICULTURE ONE THE best cars you can buy! 2001 Buick Century - Excellent shape. One owner. Everything new. $2500. Call (319)750-7256. www.robertstirecenter.com 1998 Buick Lesabre 725 S. Roosevelt, Burlington 319-754-8759 Complete auto, truck & van repair services 166K miles. Good shape. Good rubber. New battery. Reduced from $2400 to $2000. Call (319)316-3499. 1993 BUICK Park Ave. Ultra super charged, high mileage, well maintained. Many new parts. New rubber. May trade for a Pick up truck. $2000. Call 319-750-6356 See Paul Boles for your next car deal!!! 319-385-7614 Boles Auto Sales ! FARM EQUIPMENT PETS/SERVICES The Pet Whisperer Cleaning Specialists FBG Service Corporation is looking for Cleaning Specialists for Burlington – 16.5 hrs a week and/or Keokuk – 8 hrs a week. Days are Mon-Wed-Fri. Start times are after 5pm. Pay is $9 an hour. No experience necessary! Will train! $250 sign on bonus after 90 days of employment. Must pass background and drug screening. Please apply at the IowaWorks in Burlington, IA or apply online at our Careers page at www.fbgservices.com. EOE Pet sitting! Let them stay in their own home! Text, call or email for your estimate. Tim or Jillian 319-750-6858 or timtoadwilson@gmail.com APARTMENTS UNFURN. $99 Move In Special Chesapeake Apartments *2 bedroom: $500/month *3 bedroom: $680/month 1987 John Deere 7720 Titan 2 Combine, needs some repair. $8900. 319-937-6463 or 319-759-2292 AUCTIONS Sales and Services AUCTIONEERS We accept Section 8 and 1 small pet. All Day Everyday Local Weather All the Time BURLINGTON BUSINESS DIRECTORY AUTOS CNA’s TRUCKS ACCEPTING SEALED bids on a 1999 Dodge Ram until 10/12/15. May be seen at Casebine Community Credit Union. 319-752-3476. 3 mi. E. of Mt. Pleasant on Hwy. 34. www.bolesautosales.com BJ’s Performance Center 2514 Ave. L Fort Madison, IA 319-372-8595 Absolute Transportation Inc. All Tires Available! •Truck •Light Truck •Light Passenger •Agriculture Bauer Built Tire TAXIDERMY 2014 & 2015 Iowa Taxidermist Award Winner Taxidermy, Sporting Goods and more! Let Us Earn Your Buck$! 1207 Broadway West Burlington (319) 753-2895 Deery Brothers is look ing for ex cep tiona l p eop le w ith a w inning sm ile a nd w elcom ing p ersona lity to w ork in ou r serv ice office. DAN JOE JIM 844.847.2161 www.sullivanauctioneers.com W e need you to b e d ep end a b le, a tru e tea m p la yer, a nd rea d y to sta rt a rew a rd ing ca reer. Pa id holid a ys, p a id v a ca tion, m ed ica l a nd d enta l insu ra nce a v a ila b le a s w ell a s 4 01 k . Delta Service Center & MR. T’s TRANSMISSION Family Owned since 1979 •Transmissions• •Brakes• •General Repair• •Foreign + Domestic• 319-752-0101 or 800-972-6263 600 S. Main St., Burlington www.deltaservicecenter.com FOOD/ HAPPENINGS 2000 Camero Convertible, auto, white, V6. $6,995 1995 Buick Regal, V6, auto, red. $1995 2007 HHR Panel, 4 Cyl., auto, ENTERTAINMENT white. $4495 SUVS 2004 Cadillac Deville, 4 door, GUN SHOW ! Open to the auto, V8, tan. $3995 public. October 16, 17, 18. 2000 Ford Windstar, V6, auto, 2006 FORD Explorer, leather, sunroof, excellent condition, Dubuque County Fairgrounds, blue. $3500 Dubuque, IA. 5-9 pm Friday, 9 2002 Ford Ranger Edge, V6, 73k miles, 4x4. $10,000. 319-372-1810 am-5 pm Saturday, 9 am-3 pm yellow, 5 speed, 2wd. $5000 Sunday. Www.bigboreenter2002 Ford Explorer, V8, auto, prise.com Buy/Sell/Trade! TRUCKS blue, 4x4, 4 door. $3995 (INCN) 2001 Chrysler 300M, V6, auto, ACCEPTING SEALED bids on a loaded, gold. $3995 2004 Chevy Silverado until 1989 Pontiac Formula Firebird, 10/12/15. May be seen at V8, auto, white, new tires. Casebine Communtiy Credit $4995 union. 319-752-3476. 1992 RED Topaz, good shape, 4 cyl. 155k miles. 38mpg or 2001 DODGE 1500, 4x4, 5.9L, new engine, newer transmisbetter, good rubber on tires. sion, $5500 or best offer. Call $1700. (319)750-7256. Brad at 319-750-9457 SERVICE FOR ALL WHEELS 8 FOOT GM pickup bed. Good Condition. 87-95. Will consider any reasonable offer. Call SET OF Cooper tires. 265/75/R16. Good tread. $200 (319)470-8921 Thurs. 4:30-6:30pm, Fri. 8-11am for all. (319)371-8585 There are lots of Great Buys Toddler clothes sizes 4-7, house in today’s Classifieds decor, vintage school desk, Find a New Job outdoor table, bar, lots of misc. Check Them Out! Read The Hawk Eye Classifieds Join a W INNING tea m ! 2 AUT O M O T IV E LUBE SPEC IALIST S You w ill p erform v ehicle m a intena nce a s a ssig ned in a ccord a nce w ith d ea ler a nd m a nu fa ctu rer sta nd a rd s. AUCTIONS By Smith, L.C. “Your Extra Service Auctioneers” 319-753-2579 www.auctionsbysmith.com RIVER TOWN AUCTIONS SUNDAY - 1 p.m. 3017 Flint Hills Dr., 759-7963 www.rivertownauctions.com AUCTIONS 425175 Deery Brothers,Iow a ’s La rg est Au tom otiv e G rou p need s LARGE PUBLIC AUCTION OF REAL ESTATE AND HOUSEHOLD: Saturday, October 10, 9:00 a.m. at 706 Pine, Burlington, Iowa. Public Showing Sunday, Sept. 27, 1:00-3:00 p.m. Running two auction rings all day. DORIS LAWSON, OWNER. David Beckman, Attorney. www.auctionsbysmith.com Get Results FAST! Call to place your classified today 754-8463 W e offer: *Ind u stry’s Best Pa y Pla n *Hea lth Insu ra nce *Denta l Insu ra nce *Life Insu ra nce *Disa b ility Insu ra nce *Sa fe a nd C lea n W ork Env ironm ent *4 01 K Retirem ent Pa ck a g e w ith Percenta g e M a tch *Pa id Holid a ys *Pa id V a ca tion *Fa m ily O w ned *Em p loyee Au to Pu rcha se Prog ra m *5 Da y W ork W eek *Flex ib le W ork Hou rs C a ll or em a il Ju lie Da niels 31 9 -237 -3228 jd a niels@ d eeryb rothers.com Deery Brothers 200 S.G ea r Av e.,W est Bu rling ton,IA 526 55 w w w .d eeryb rothers.com 425917 Em a il you r resu m e to AUT O M O T IV E T EC HNIC IAN All G M ,Nissa n,M a zd a ,Toyota *Ex cellent C om p ensa tion Pla n *Pa id Holid a ys & V a ca tion *Hea lth Insu ra nce *Denta l Insu ra nce *Life Insu ra nce *Disa b ility Insu ra nce *4 01 k a nd Percenta g e M a tch *Em p loyee Au to Pu rcha se Prog ra m *Fa m ily O w ned a nd O p era ted *C lea n,Sa fe W ork Env ironm ent *Reloca tion Assista nce *Fa ctory Tra ining *M od ern Shop & Eq u ip m ent *Fla t Ra te Incentiv es a nd Bonu s C a ll or em a il Ju lie Da niels 31 9 -237 -3228 jd a niels@ d eeryb rothers.com Deery Brothers,200 S.G ea r Av e., W est Bu rling ton,IA 526 55 w w w .d eeryb rothers.com www.oldbarntaxidermy.com 833 Hayes St. jd a niels@ d eeryb rothers.com Got a service to sell? Advertise in The Hawk Eye Classifieds Service Directory EARN EXTRA $$$ D E L IV E R T H E H AW K EY E! M o to r R o utes A v ailab le G et $200 S ign-on B onus P reviou s a pplica n ts en cou ra ged to a pply M O NTRO S E V 267 - 109 custom ers, 2 hr. 15 m in. $1,025/m o. And Other Sales Mt Pleasant, IA 319-385-8076 T his is a v ery fa st p a ced , ex citing p osition for the rig ht ca nd id a tes. Pa rt tim e a nd fu ll tim e p ositions a re a v a ila b le, M ond a y thru Frid a y w ith a n occa siona l Sa tu rd a y. Thurs. & Fri., 8 a.m.-?. Big Garage Sale. 2722 County Rd. 103, Fort Madison Call 319-470-7035 or 319-470-8117 GARAGE SALES For video tours & additional info, visit www.national-management.com 800 Palm Ave. BURLINGTON 304 Emmett C a ll Trisha or D w a yne 319 -754-846 1 or the C ircu la tion D ept. 319 -754-846 2 or 1-800-39 7-1708 426131 Great Mileage Pay & Great Home Time SERVICE FOR ALL WHEELS Anything with Wheels 419145 DRIVERS 363634 NEW TODAY Brand New Ads O u rm edia com pa n y offers: rea d o u r p rin ted itio n rea d u so n lin e – w eb a n d m o b ile ed itio n s rea d the FREE Tu esd a y ed itio n receive b rea kin g n ew sa n d em a ila d b la sts 425918 •Cu sto m ersw ho •Cu sto m ersw ho •Cu sto m ersw ho •Cu sto m ersw ho 425175 3 19-75 4 -84 6 3 fa x:3 19-75 4 -6 824 P A C KA G ING D EP A R TM ENT The H a w k E ye ha s a pa rt-tim e po sitio n o pen in o u r pa cka ging depa rtm ent.The qu a lified a pplica ntm u stbe dependa ble,a ble to w o rk u nsu pervised in a fa st-pa ced enviro nm enta nd a ble to co nsistently lift40 lbs.H o u rs a re 7 p.m .to 4 a .m . P lea se co m plete a n a pplica tio n fo r em plo ym enta t The H a w k E ye o r send resu m e to the a ddress belo w . D ea dline fo r a pplica tio ns is Frida y,O ct.16,2015. S teve D eggendo rf,P ro ductio n M a na ger T he H a w k E ye 800 S . M a in S treet P .O . B o x 10 B urlingto n,IA 52601 sdeggendo rf@ theha w keye.co m The H a w k E ye is a n E qu a lO ppo rtu nity E m plo yer. C allto subscribe 319-754-8461 •1-800-397-1708 426049 P R ESS O P ER A TO R V a rio u s du ties inclu de w o rking o n a G o ss U rba nite w eb press printing o u r da ily new spa per a nd co m m ercia ljo bs, press m a intena nce / clea ning a nd new sprintha ndling,ju st to na m e a few . A pplica nts m u stha ve a m inim u m o f a G E D ,ha ve a po sitive a ppro a ch to their ca reer,sta ble a nd pro ven w o rk histo ry, w o rk w ellw ith o thers in a tea m enviro nm ent,be m echa nica lly inclined a nd ha ve the a bility to lea rn qu ickly a nd a da ptto cha nges in the indu stry.M u stbe a ble to lift80100 lbs.o n a co nsistentba sis. This is a fu ll-tim e po sitio n w ith a so lid benefitpa cka ge. N ightshift6:30 p.m .to 2:30 a .m .five shifts a w eek inclu ding w eekends a nd ho lida ys.N o experience needed to a pply.P revio u s o ffsetw eb printing is a plu s,bu tw e a re w illing to tra in the rightindividu a l.P a y ba sed o n qu a lifica tio ns. S teve D eggendo rf,P ro ductio n M a na ger T he H a w k E ye 800 S . M a in S treet P .O . B o x 10 B urlingto n,IA 52601 sdeggendo rf@ theha w keye.co m The H a w k E ye is a n E qu a lO ppo rtu nity E m plo yer. C allto subscribe 319-754-8461 •1-800-397-1708 426028 www.thehawkeye.com Wednesday • October 7, 2015 Wellness Services HEALTH/MEDICAL GENERAL Great Mileage Pay & Great Home Time 1701 Osborn St., Burlington Iowa Targeted Small Business Employee Owned & Operated JOBS AUTOMOTIVE MIKE CAMPBELL’S Body Shop and Towing is hiring for the following positions: Full or Part time wrecker driver AND body technician and detailer. Apply in person at 223 Angular or send resume to mikecampbellsbodyshopinc@gmail.com. No phone calls! CONSTRUCTION Can You Dig It? Heavy Equipment Operator Career! We Offer Training and Certifications Running Bulldozers, Backhoes & Excavators. Lifetime Job Placement. VA Benefits Eligible! 1-866-362-6497 (INCN) ROOFERS Area’s largest commercial mechanical and roofing contractor is currently accepting applications for experienced and entrylevel roofing laborers. Join our “Performance Driven” team of construction professionals today! Requirements: Current Driver’s license, pass a pre-employment drug screen and pass criminal background check, trade hand tools required, dependable and excellent work ethic. Benefits: Excellent wage package - health/life insurance, 401K retirement plan, paid vacation and holiday pay. EOE Apply in person at Brockway Mechanical and Roofing Company, Inc. 1025 Osborn St. Burlington, IA 52601 No phone calls accepted. DRIVERS Hiring Company Drivers and Owner Operators for Flatbed or Dry Van. TanTara Transportation offers excellent equipment, pay, benefits, home weekly. Call 800-650-0292 or apply www.tantara.us (INCN) Butler Transport Your Partner in Excellence. CDL Class A Drivers Needed. Sign on Bonus. All miles paid. 1-800-528-7825 or www.butlertransport.com (INCN) $2500 SIGN ON! Experienced CDL A Drivers Wanted! $55-$60K Annually! Regional Running Lanes, Home Every Week and Great Benefits Package. CALL (844) 339-5444 Apply Online www.DriveForRed.com (INCN) DRIVERS NEEDED IMMEDIATELY! All new equipment. Home Every Week! Full Time/Part Time, Weekends/ Seasonal. Packwood, IA. DRIVERS STAY AT DICKEY TRANSPORT – LOWEST INDUSTRY TURNOVER RATE! 1-800-247-1081 www.dickeytransport.com Must have Class A or B commercial license. Experience necessary. Competitive pay. Email resume to office@fourseasonsburlington.com Mediapolis Community School Needs •Substitute Bus Drivers •$19.60/Hour Requirements: CDL with P, S, and Air Brake Endorsements Pre-Employment and Random Drug Testing Ability to Pass D.O.T. Physical New School Bus Driver course must be completed within 6 months of employment. Contact Transportation Director - Ed Arnold (319) 394-3700 725 N. Northfield St. Mediapolis, IA 52637 AA/EOE NAVAJO Hiring CDL-A Truck Drivers Earn up to .43 cents per mile. New Equipment, Great Benefits! 6 months recent tractor/trailer experience in last 3 years. Navajo Recruiting 866-874-3162 (INCN) Call Classifieds 319-754-8463 Monday-Friday 8 to 5 Apply in person at New London Specialty Care 100 Care Circle St. New London, IA EOE/AAP Disability and Vets Receptionists Now hiring friendly, energetic front desk clerks for Fairfield Inn. Competitive wages, insurance, paid vacation and personal leave and 401(k) plan with company contributions. Pre-employment drug testing required. Apply in person 1213 N Roosevelt Burlington, IA BURKE CLEANERS is looking for part time customer service. Hours will vary between 7am-7pm and Saturday 8-4pm. Apply within, no phone calls please. 106 S. Roosevelt, Burlington. Front Office Assistance Busy medical office in Mt. Pleasant seeking part time front office assistance. Computer and billing skills are helpful. Please send Curriculum Vitae to: PO Box 5387 Coralville, IA. 52241 GENERAL WANTED: NAIL Techs at Classic Nails. Call Moung 319-572-0774. Cleaning Specialists FBG Service Corporation is looking for Cleaning Specialists for Burlington – 16.5 hrs a week and/or Keokuk – 8 hrs a week. Days are Mon-Wed-Fri. Start times are after 5pm. Pay is $9 an hour. No experience necessary! Will train! $250 sign on bonus after 90 days of employment. Must pass background and drug screening. Please apply at the IowaWorks in Burlington, IA or apply online at our Careers page at www.fbgservices.com. EOE Manufacturing Support Tech Methode Electronics Inc. in Carthage, IL is seeking a dynamic individual for a position as Manufacturing Support Tech. Responsibilities: Programming AB controls, designing / building electrical controls needed for assembly equipment, Electrical schematic layout, trouble shooting of equipment and implementation of Lean Manufacturing / 5S principles. Must be able to travel to supporting Methode locations when needed. Qualifications: Strong AB programming skills, Electrical Schematic layout, Knowledge of Robotics programming, programming of inspection camera systems, assembly tooling setup / debug, Principles of Lean Manufacturing / 5S. 2 to 4 yrs AB programming, knowledge of Robotics and camera systems 2 yr. Degree in related field Methode Electronics, Inc is an Equal Opportunity Employer To apply: Sell your stuff! Cook needed OTR Driver with flat/step-deck experience. IA/IL area. 38¢ hubs miles, then 40¢ after 90 days. Call Rick 217-357-4018. TRUCK DRIVER First Medical Equipment Full Time https://ats.navicus.com/careers/job. aspx?CompanyID=METHODE&Website=Careers&RequisitionID=587&C urrentCompany=1 For More information please call: Helen Despotopoulos 708-457-3246 Part Time Laundry/Housekeeper Days. Inquire at Danville Care Center 401 S. Birch, Danville or email mjohnson@cardinalcarecorp.com Cleaning Specialist FBG Service Corporation is looking for a Cleaning Specialist for Middletown, IA. The days are Mon-Fri and the hours are 5:30am-2:15pm. The pay is $10.05 per hr. Must pass a criminal background and drug screening. Must have personal vehicle and clean driving record to drive between buildings on the property. Apply in person at the IowaWorks in Burlington, IA or online at www.fbgservices.com careers – Quad Cities District. EOE Dietary Supervisor/Cook Now taking applications for full time dietary supervisor/cook for a local Burlington area nursing facility. Dietary certification preferred, but not necessary. Experience of 2-5 years, preferred but not necessary. Send resume or email inquires to: mjohnson@cardinalcarecorp.com Front Desk Clerks Join the hospitality industry with Comfort Suites. Competitive wages and great benefits. Pre-employment drug testing required. Apply in person 1780 Stonegate Center Drive Burlington, IA Sales Support/ Appointment Setter for family owned business. Part time 5-10 hours per week for public relations and outbound sales calls. No cold calling. Must be warm, caring, assertive, organized and like helping others. Must have computer and printer. Sales experience helpful. Training provided. Work from home. Must be available flexible hours. $12/hour. Call 508-527-2272 to leave a message regarding interest and qualifications. Animal Lover / Enthusiast Wanted Seeking energetic, responsible, and caring person to fill kennel attendant position in our animal hospital. Previous animal handling experience a plus. Must be available weekends, holidays, and mornings or evenings approx. 15 hours per week. Job duties include feeding and watering pets, cleaning kennels and office cleaning. Send letter of interest to: Allgood Animal Hospital, 3106 Johannsen Dr., Burlington. GENERAL GENERAL Lamont Ltd. is a light Industrial Manufacturing company located in Burlington, IA seeking an Ask about our $200 Engineer that possesses a solid engineering foundation, established through education or experience, with a fundamental understanding of the basic manufacturing process from start to finish. This candidate will be involved in all of the various engineering duties. Must have excellent computer skills; with a solid understanding of Microsoft office, database concepts, CAD and outlook and the ability to effectively read schematics and CAD drawings. Email resume or fill out application online bsnyder@fauselco.com www.lamontlimited.com Housekeepers Apply today $8.00 per hour + benefits. Day shift and must be able to work weekends. Pre-employment drug testing required. Apply at Holiday Inn Express 1605 N. Roosevelt Ave. Burlington, IA 52601 Housekeeping Day shift positions. Great benefits. Applicants must be willing to work most weekends. Pre-employment drug testing required. Apply at Comfort Suites 1780 Stonegate Center Dr. Burlington, IA 52601 Test Engineer Methode Electronics Inc. in Carthage, IL is seeking a dynamic individual for a position as Test Engineer. Responsibilities: • Designs software/hardware tests to minimize test times and maximize throughput. • Develops tests for verification of design and specification requirements. • Works with automotive customers, design engineers, and regulatory requirements to diagnose performance and failure mode problems. • Training of maintenance personnel on advanced equipment repair. • Leads and/or supports TS and ISO 14001 Roles, Responsibilities, and Authorities. Qualifications: • Bachelor's degree (B.S.) from four-year college or university in electrical, engineering, or computer science; or two years related experience and/or training; or equivalent combination of education and experience in electrical, engineering, or computer science. • Must be fluent in Lab View and at least one of the following – C, C++, Visual Basic. • Must be able to program PLCs. • Must have a strong experience in designing test fixtures using mechanical, analog, digital, and microprocessor-based circuits. • Must possess a working knowledge of QS9000. To apply: https://ats.navicus.com/careers/job.as px?CompanyID=METHODE&Website=Careers&RequisitionID=588&C urrentCompany=1 For More information please call: Helen Despotopoulos 708-457-3246 EOE Breakfast Hostess Seeking two friendly hostesses to interact with our customers during breakfast hours 6a-10a. Hostess is responsible for keeping breakfast area clean and items stocked. Applicants must be willing to alternate working weekends and holidays. EOE Apply today at Holiday Inn Express 1605 N. Roosevelt Ave Burlington, IA To Place Your Ad in The Hawk Eye Classifieds Call 754-8463 GENERAL Sign-On-Bonus!! DELIVER THE HAWK EYE HyVee on Angular J113 - 68 customers, 1 hr., $214.40 per month. J102 - 45 customers, 50 min., $143.60/mo. Around Buffalo J335 - 57 customers, 1 hr., $171/mo. Cascade Terrace J339 - 54 customers, 45 min., $169.84/mo. Around Crapo J674 - 56 customers, 1 hr., $201.60/mo. Must be able to deliver 7 days a week. Contact Michelle Zart The Hawk Eye 319-754-8461, ext. 112 The Hawk Eye Circulation Dept. (319)754-8462 or 1-800-397-1708 Dietary Aide Arbor Court is accepting applications for part-time day and part-time evening dietary aide. Call 319 385-1400 or apply in person at 701 E. Mapleleaf Drive Mt Pleasant, IA. Front Desk Clerk Catfish Bend Inn and The Pzazz hotel are accepting applications for desk clerks. Applicants must have superior people skills and be confident speaking and serving a variety of guests. Great benefits package. Shifts are mostly nights and weekends. Pre-employment drug testing required. Apply at Human Resources on the second floor above Catfish Bend Casino MondayFriday, 8:30am-4:00pm. 3001 Winegard Drive. EOE The Hawk Eye is accepting applications for a Press Operator GENERAL GENERAL WANTED: Local agronomy retail facility looking for Seasonal Part Time Employees Numerous Openings! Administrative Assistant Assemblers Bakery Laborers General Laborers Machine Operators Maintenance Paint Line Operators Press Assistants Production Line Workers Class B CDL and able to pass DOT physical is preferred but not required for all positions. Please apply in person at CPS Mt. Union (formerly known as Golden Furrow) 22641 220th Ave. Mt. Union, IA Call 319-865-1400 Crop Production Services is an equal opportunity employer. Apply Today For Our Openings in Burlington & Surrounding Areas! Team Staffing Solutions 552 South Roosevelt Burlington, IA 319-753-9844 www.teamssi.com EOE Sell your stuff! Place an ad in Classifieds 319-754-8463 Lead Lab Technician Methode Electronics Inc. in Carthage, IL is seeking a dynamic individual for a position as a Lead Lab Technician. Description: Assists design engineers in developing new products and conducts validation testing Responsibilities: • Assists in scheduling test equipment and testing priorities. • Oversees testing performed by Laboratory Technicians • Assists Engineers, and other personnel in troubleshooting problems • Performs routine maintenance and verification checks on test equipment • Assists the Quality Officer in ensuring implementation and compliance of the Management and Quality Systems to the ISO 17025 standard Qualifications: • Excellent Communication skills • Self -learning, task oriented, outstanding interpersonal and communication skills. • Knowledge in automotive electronic and electrical systems • Ability to define problems and draw valid conclusions. • Ability to read and understand electrical schematics. • Ability to read, analyze, and interpret general business periodicals, technical procedures, or governmental regulations. To apply: https://ats.navicus.com/careers/job. aspx?CompanyID=METHODE&Web site=Careers&RequisitionID=609& CurrentCompany=1 For More information please call: Helen Despotopoulos 708-457-3246 EOE Various duties include working on a Goss Urbanite web press printing our daily newspaper and commercial jobs, press maintenance / cleaning and newsprint handling, just to LOCAL ELECTRICAL company has a full time position availname a few. able for an apprentice/journeyApplicants must have a minimum of a GED, have a positive man. Some experience preapproach to their career, stable ferred, but not required. Local and proven work history, work work, no travel. Email resume to gibbarelectric@live.com well with others in a team environment, be mechanically inclined and have the ability to learn quickly and adapt to changes in the industry. Must be able to lift 80-100 lbs. on a potential employees consistent basis. advertise your This is a full-time position with a job openings solid benefit package. Night shift 6:30 p.m. to 2:30 a.m. five in Classifieds shifts a week including weekends and holidays. No experience needed to apply. Previous offset web printing is a plus, but we are willing to train the right individual. Pay based on qualifications. Please complete an application or Send Resume to Steve Deggendorf, Production Manager The Hawk Eye 800 S. main Street PO BOX 10 Burlington, IA Reach Iowa’s Best More effective than the Yellow Pages! If you offer a service your ad needs to be in the daily Service Directory *Reach 50,000 potential customers daily *80,000 unique visitors online Call Classifieds for economical advertising rates today 319-754-8463 37th Annua l SW AP M EET Ha w k eye Do w n s , Ced a r Ra pid s , IA Oct. 17 - 8 a .m .-5 p .m ., Oct. 18 - 6 a .m .-3 p .m . Ced a r Ra p id s Regio n o fthe AACA Clu b 319-436-05 67 Jo hn M a xw ell (In s id e regis tra tio n 9 a .m .-9 p .m .) local.aaca.org/ ced arrap id s 425946 Life Skills Site M anager FullTim e W e have an opening for a fulltim e team leader in M t. Pleasant. • M onthly profit sharing or health insurance package • S alary increase after 90 days, Starting w age one year and tw o years $11.75 hour. • A nnualbonuses To be considered for this opportunity, pick up an application at 2205 E. W ashington, M t. Pleasant. Inquiries can be sent to sw ilson@ ipgiow a.com sdeggendorf@thehawkeye.com $39,60 0 to $50 ,0 0 0 P e r Ye a r! Au to B od y Te c hn ic ia n D eery Co llis io n Center is lo o k ing fo rb eginner, m id -level, a nd ex perienc ed tec hnic ia ns to jo in o u rw inning tea m . Pa y b a s ed o n ex perienc e. W o rld c la s s b enefits . Send em a il to Ju lie D a niels a t: jd a niels @ d eeryb ro thers .c o m 425412 L E GAL S L E GAL S 424677 HEALTH/ MEDICAL DRIVERS QLF Transportation Class A CDL Drivers/Tankers. Great Pay, Home Weekends, and Benefits! Potential of $60,000 plus per year! Contact Tony 608-935-0915 Ext. 16 www.qlf.com (INCN) L E GAL S 426205 2C www.thehawkeye.com GENERAL MANAGEMENT Lab Technician Temporary Assignment IMMEDIATE OPENING Jet Stop Burlington on Mt. Pleasant Street is now taking applications for part time & full time overnights and weekends. Hours will be from 10 pm – 6 am and/or 2 pm – 10 pm during the weeknights and weekends. Starting pay for full time is $9.50 plus shift differential for those working 10 pm - 6 pm shifts. Full time benefits include medical, dental, vision, Flex spending, IRA, Paid time off and bonus potential. To apply please visit the Jet Stop location at 901 south St. in Burlington You may also email your resume to brookelilley@jetgasco.com For more information call Brooke Lilley at 319-469-4321 ext. 227. Methode Electronics Inc. in Carthage, IL is seeking a dynamic individual for a position as a Lab Technician. Description: Technician will be performing Validation testing that is designed to verify the functionality, physical degradation and operation of electronic devices. Responsibilities: • Performs testing as instructed • Records critical test observations as per test requirements. • Performs routine maintenance and verification checks on test equipment • Responsible for updating test documentation as required for tracking purposes. • Assists the Quality Officer in ensuring implementation and compliance of the Management and Quality Systems to the ISO 17025 standard. MEDICAL NOW TAKING applications for Management position for nights and weekends for Maid Rite in Westland Mall. Apply in person at Maid Rite Westland Mall., 550 Gear Ave. W. Burlington. Earn Extra Cash! Deliver The Hawk Eye Keep your evenings free A few hours per morning Contact Circulation 1-800-397-1708 MEDICAL CNA or CMA Night Shift Full Time Apply in person Bickford Cottage 3301 Sterling Dr. Burlington, IA EOE There are lots of Great Buys in today’s Classifieds Check Them Out! MEDICAL FULL-TIME RN $1,000 Bonus: must interview by Oct. 21. Monday – Friday, 10PM – 6AM Looking for RN who wants to be a LEADER in a TEAM environment. Come join our FIVE star facility! Sunrise Terrace Nursing & Rehab 706 W. Central Ave Winfield, Iowa Got a service to sell? Advertise in The Hawk Eye Classifieds Service Directory Immediate Openings for Assemblers & Material Handlers for 1st & 2nd Shift at Wed., Oct. 7th 1pm-4pm Accepting NEW applications and conducting on-the-spot interviews/tours. Full time, Part Time, & Seasonal Positions available. www.teamssi.com WORK FOR THE BEST Reliable Pest Solutions has a positions open in the Mt. Pleasant and Southern Iowa area for a Route technician. We will train you to solve problems, think independently, be a self-starter, and protect people’s health and property. We are a 60-year young, progressive company looking for individuals who meet our standards to continue to grow with us. First year earning potential depends on your commitment to learning. We prefer to train candidates with a solid work history, prior experience dealing with the public and a proven record of working on their own and a good driving record. Outstanding benefits including 401K with match, plus participating health, life, vacation, vehicle and holiday pay. Apply at the reliablepestsolutions.com Or call Garry 888-777-3542 E.O.E. D.F.E. New Inventory. Every Day. To apply for this position please call: Helen Despotopoulos 708-457-3246 Program Manager Methode Electronics Inc. in Carthage, IL is seeking a dynamic individual for a position as a Program Manager. Responsibilities: The ad content and more features are FREE !" thehawkeye.com Factory Authorized Service Center ---------------------------------- Parts & Service on Most Brands ---------------------------------2825 Mt. Pleasant St. Suite #4, Burlington 319-754-7777 a-1appliancerepairandparts.com BECKMAN TV & APPLIANCE Sales & Service 319-752-4448 11194 Twin Ponds Dr., W.B. BASEMENT REPAIR CONSTRUCTION DRY IN 1 HOUR! 319-372-5374 or 1-800-264-5041 Roofing • Siding • Decks • Drywall • Windows Fully Insured Free Estimates Todd Piper 515-443-0943 (319)573-8506 Large or small jobs! Drive ways • patios • sidewalks steps • retaining walls removal, replacement, and repair Senior discount-free estimates Bonded. 319-931-2559 ELECTRICIANS - Commercial - Residential Whole House Generators Locally Owned & Operated 319-752-9655 Keeping Our Customers Wired. FURNITURE REST. We Can Repair Farmer’s Wife Antiques -217-659-3898Terre Haute/Lomax, IL Locally Owned & Operated Serving Southeast Iowa Serving SE Iowa 35 Years Bonded-Licensed-Insured Remodeling • Roofs Siding • Windows • Doors Garages • Pole Buildings Additions • Decks All Phases Concrete Work www.iowabasement.com 752-4216 or 601-9711 -FREE ESTIMATES- Lifetime Transferable Warranty 319-752-7333 “WE DO IT ALL” CARPET CLEANING Crushed Limestone Sand • Gravel DuraClean By Curt & Renee Ridinger • Carpets • Furniture • • Water Damage Restoration • 319-931-0230 Serving the surrounding area. Got a service to sell? Advertise daily in the Classifieds Service Directory GARAGE DOORS Southeast Iowa Call today to get rates on FALL TUNE-UP SPECIALS Backed By Unbeatable Service We Service Most Brands 1445 320th Ave. Wever, IA (319)528-4065 or toll free at OFFICE: New Inventory. Every Day. Looking for a great deal? Turn to The Hawk Eye Classifieds. A.G. Services !"#$%&&%'#($)%*+%,-)*+#)) HANDYMAN HANDYMAN Remodeling baths & kitchens, decks, carpentry, drywall, custom cabinets, & hardwood furniture. - INSURED - REFERENCES Reasonable Rates Call Greg 319-931-6892 HANDYMAN Storm Doors Install & Repair Ceiling Fans • Faucets Small Carpentry Call Everett today! (319) 752-2046 Garage Door Specialists HERITAGE QUARRY 1444 320th Ave. Wever, IA 52658 (319)528-4065 (319)758-7695 319-752-8199 or 850-2607 We Refinish & Restore All Types of Furniture & Trunks! WATER CONTROL AND FOUNDATION REPAIR Garage Door Installation Service-Repair Most Brands Construction Gutter & Spout Repair Hand/Power Wash Siding Tree & Brush Trimming Hauling & Other Odd Jobs Wet, Leaky Basements? A.J. & Sons Construction HAULING ALL HAULING POWER WASHING - Siding, etc. CONCRETE WORK Concrete Work Monday-Friday 8 to 5 If you’ve been looking for a hom e w ith plenty of room w e have the hom e for you. Four bedroom s and tw o baths on the second floor and large living room , dining room , eat-in kitchen, sitting room and foyer on the m ain floor. The hom e also features a full basem ent w ith gas forced air furnaces, gas hot w ater heaters, w alkin attic w ith plenty of storage. This large hom e can be yours for a very reasonable price. This hom e has historic significance having once belonged to G overnor G rim es ofIow a. Ifyou have an interestin the past your future needs to be here. H O M E S E L L S AT N O O N TERM S O F SALE: 15 percent dow n day of sale w ith balance due w ithin 30 days. BEAU TIFU L W ALN U T D RESSER W /K ERC H IEF BO XES AN D W ISH BO N E M IRRO R; 6’ BU RLED W ALN U T D RESSER W / M ARB LE IN SERTS; W ALN U T D RESSER W /K ERC H IEF BO XES AN D FRU IT PU LLS; w alnut chairs; oak folding table w /w hite casters; W ALN U T FO U R D RAW ER C H EST W / TEARD RO P PU LLS; pine w ardrobe; w alnut parlor table; cherry platform rocker;old pine built-in cabinet;w alnut dropleaf table; three cushion sofa; new er loveseat; w ing back chair; M O D ERN AM AN A C H ERRY D IN IN G RO O M TABLE, 4 C H AIRS,C H IN A C ABIN ET AN D BU FFET;glider rocker;8’tall bookcase; w alnut w hat-not stand; G randfather clock (no hands);freestanding fireplace;new gam e table;FO U R PIEC E C H ERRY B ED RO O M SU ITE includes poster bed, triple dresser w /m irror, gentlem an’s chest & night stand; cherry bed fram e; electric single bed; painted 3 draw er chest; pine w ardrobe; m odern w hite w ardrobe; cedar chests; 3 draw er pine night stand; dressing m irror; w all display cases; large w all m irrors; dining room chairs; m odern barrister’s cabinet; 5 m odern w hite cabinets; drop-leaf sew ing table; oak folding chair; painted desk; m etal file cabinet; W H IRLPO O L REFRIG ERATO R FREEZER; K enm ore electric stove; G E w asher & gas dryer; apt. size freezer; dehum idifier; hum idifier; m etal patio table; patio w hite cast iron settee sets and other pieces. TO YS include O VER 200 1980’S-90’S BARBIE D O LLS, Federal M ogul train sets, Pepsi trucks and Tonka; C O LLEC TIBLES: C ast iron dog foot scraper; iron rabbit; m iniature item s; Belleek; H ARM O N Y H O U SE “W EM BLY” C H IN A FO R 12; silver service set; collector’s/hand painted plates; m ilkglass; iron skillets; m any cookbooks;Steam boatbeltbuckles;costum e jew elry;FU LL LEN G TH M IN K C O AT; Seth Thom as m antle clock; M &M item s; arm y foot locker; w ood drying racks; w icker sew ing basket; w ood boxes/barrels; Beam bottles; Sunshine D airy m ilk box and m any other collectible item s. C O IN S TO SELL AT 1:00pm : N um erous proof sets from 1964-’75; Eisenhow er 1971 uncirculated silver dollars & proof dollars; Liberty silver dollars & halves; assorted silver coins;$1 silver certificate;rolls of w heat pennies and book Lincoln cents. H O U SEH O LD AN D TO O LS: N U STYLE Q U ILTIN G M AC H IN E; SIN G ER #331-K 4 C O M M ERC IAL SEW IN G M AC H IN E O N STAN D ; cookw are; C orning W are; assorted kitchen item s; folding tables; plastic draw ers; vacuum s; totes; rugs; luggage racks; BO XES M ATERIAL/C RAFTS; rolls batting; new w allpaper; N EW SAVAN N AH PRE-FIN ISH ED FLO O RIN G ; fans; florals; EN O RM O U S C H RISTM AS C O LLEC TIO N includes over 200 lighted houses,new m otion item s include M erryG o-Round, Ferris W heel & Bear Band, lighted angels, new lights, H allm ark ornam ents, fiber optic villages, D ept. 56, outdoor nativity set and m uch m ore; m any H allow een item s; gam es; card tables/chairs; cam p tables; dog cage; m etal shelving; C raftsm an table grinder, sander & router-crafter; Rockw ell table saw on stand, drill press on stand and 10” band saw on stand; B&D router table; M akita grinder; new 16” scroll saw ; C H ERRY RO U G H C U T LU M BER; plyw ood; squirrel cage fans; utility boxes hardw are; hand/yard tools; diam ond plated truck tool box; hitch hauler; Jacobsen snow blow er w /electric start; Little G iant ladder; step/ extension ladders; saw horses;30 am p extension cords;hand truck;LP tanks;gas edger;electric hedge trim m er;bird baths;patio bricks/edging & m uch m ore!! Any statem entm ade day ofsale takes precedence over any other printed m atter. Clean basements, garages, old houses and yard waste. Move one piece or a whole house full. Call Tad (319)750-9371 KITCHENS 319-752-7147 888-824-DOOR Visit Our Showroom: 208 Harrison Ave. Burlington, IA 26 Years Ross Hartman, OWNER Choose your next career Read The Hawk Eye Classifieds S.E. Iowa’s #1 Advertising Source for New Jobs ! Those Jobs/Repairs Off Your Honey-Do List With One Single Call! Lead Safe Renovator Insured • 30 Yrs. Experience Burlington Area Home Improvement Co. All Home Repair-Interior/Exterior Roof Repair • Gutter Cleaning Carpentry • Hauling • Cleaning Painting • Tree Trimming 319-752-6073 • 750-6733 HAULING Hawkeye Hauling HAUL trash, yard waste. Clean attics, basements, garages and yards. One item or truck full. 319-752-5801 A U C TIO N E E R’S N O TE : W e w ill b e run n in g tw o rin gs a ll d a y w ith th e exc ep tion ofw h en w e s ell th e h ous e. LAWN & GARDEN Low Key Lawn Care Victor Tate, Owner/Operator 319-631-0328 Mowing * Edging Weed Eating * Leaf Removal Shrub/Tree Trimming Residential & Commercial MASONRY M&M Masonry TUCK POINTING Gutter Cleaning Doctor John makes House-calls I can make your old computer run like a new one in no time. Weekends, pickup & delivery no extra charge. Call Classifieds 319-754-8463 “Your Extra Service Auctioneers” w w w .auctionsbysm ith.com GUTTERS COMPUTER SERVICES CONSTRUCTION • Cracked Walls • Bowing Walls • Wet Basements • Foundations GARAGE DOORS P&H Construction Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning * Tile & Grout Sell your stuff! AUCTIONS BY SM ITH,L.C. Check into area Child Care 000000 A-1 Appliance Repair Choose your next career Read The Hawk Eye Classifieds S.E. Iowa’s #1 Advertising Source for New Jobs D avid Beckm an ofBeckm an Law Firm — 314 N .4th,Burlington,Iow a. For more information please call: Helen Despotopoulos 708-457-3246 CARPET CLEANING Read Hawk Eye Happenings for Places To Go and Things To Do! GATOR’S GRILL & SPIRITS 3313 Agency St. Burlington, IA DORIS LAW SON ,OW N ER To apply: https://ats.navicus.com/careers/jo b.aspx?CompanyID=METHODE& Website=Careers&RequisitionID= 584&CurrentCompany=1 Looking for a great deal? Turn to The Hawk Eye Classifieds. APPLIANCE REPAIR Apply to Prairie Ridge Care 608 Prairie Street Mediapolis NOW ACCEPTING applications for Host/Hostess and Servers. Must be available weekends. Apply in person 2-5pm daily at S ATU RD AY, O C TO BE R 10 – *9:00 A .M .* 706 P IN E – BU RL IN G TO N , IO W A • Technical Degree in Electronics. • Minimum 2 years’ experience. • Competent with Microsoft Office, emphasis on Excel and Project. • Oversees Laboratory Testing • Responsible for testing quotes. • Assists with identifying training needs and implementing training programs • Responsible for reviewing all pertinent specifications, test plans, and data to assure that testing is performed according to customer and ISO 17025 requirements. • Schedules and verifies availability of test equipment • Responsible to ensure customers are notified of test issues as required. Qualifications: • Bachelor's degree (B.S.) from four-year college or university in engineering, electronics, or computer science; and a minimum of five years related experience and/or training • Ability to read, analyze, and interpret general business periodicals, professional journals, technical procedures, or governmental regulations. Ability to effectively present information and respond to questions from groups of managers, clients, customers, and the general public. • Ability to solve practical problems • Ability to solve practical problems Methode Electronics, Inc is an Equal Opportunity Employer Dependable & Team Oriented? Full Time Evenings available Competitive Wages, Shift Differential, $1500 sign on bonus O F REAL ESTATE AN D H O U SEH O LD EOE Job Fair located at Hearth & Home Technologies 1915 W. Saunders St. Mt. Pleasant, IA CNA’s RESTAURANT CULVER’S OF Burlington is looking to add daytime crew members. Apply online www.culvers.com or in person at Culver’s 919 Lawrence Dr., Burlington, IA. FUN 50’s STYLE DINER looking for individuals willing to train as linecooks and wait staff. No prior experience necessary will train. Cooks $8-$10/hour with experience. Waitstaff $4.35 plus tips (average $10-$12/hr.) Apply in person All-Star Maid-Rite Diner, 112 W. Division St., West Burl. LARGE PUBLIC AUCTION Qualifications: JOB FAIR RESTAURANT 425338 GENERAL 3C Wednesday • October 7, 2015 Cabinet Refacing New & Custom Built Cabinets Custom Built Laminate and Solid Surface Countertops Professional Installation Serving Burlington & Surrounding Areas 319-753-2131 www.kitchensolvers.com LANDSCAPING FALL SPECIAL 20% off Labor Fall clean-up, retaining walls, paved patios & sidewalks, interlock edging, rock and mulch removal, shrub removal, seeding and sod. Call Larry at U-Design 319-753-6314 Falls Here Yard Going Bald Grow Grass Now Seeding, fertilize, raking, mowing, mulch and rock removal. We repair retaining walls and brick patios. Larry 319-750-0395 Insured LAWN & GARDEN Waterproofing Chimney & Foundation Repair Mark 217-257-0497 (cell) or 217-223-2250 MISCELLANEOUS Expert Clock Repair PAINT & WALLCOVERING M&N Painting Interior/Exterior • Insured Quality Work • Reasonable Rates Textured Walls & Ceilings New Construction Painting Special Faux Finishes Staining & Varnishing Deck Sealing Epoxy Floor Coatings Power Washing & Cleaning FREE ESTIMATES 753-1984 PLUMBING Lane Plumbing & Heating “A Name You Can Trust” Service & Remodeling 2 Master Licensed Plumbers 319-865-4511 Toll Free: 877-751-5777 Ralls County Clock Company Located at 207 N. Main. Hannibal, MO. Service Tech Available on Fridays Call 319-385-4515 TOP SOIL FOR SALE CLEAN, fine. workable top soil. Delivered. Lumber Jack LLC Pro Plumbing Inc. 705 Maple St. Plumbing • Septic Systems Water Service • Sewer Repair 40 Yrs Exp*Licensed*Insured www.apexanswers.com Jeff George Plumbing All Your Plumbing Needs Residential & Commercial Insured. 32 Yrs. Experience 319-752-8554 • 572-1461 TOWING Residential, Commercial and Industrial Design/Build-Licensed/Insured Burlington 319-758-7576 Ft. Madison 319-372-8156 VISA, MC, DISC, AMEX PRESSURE WASHING POWERCLEAN Dethatching Aerating Leaf Removal Gutter Cleaning AFFORDABLE RATES 40 YEARS PULLIN’ FOR BURLINGTON Decks • Siding • Etc. • Insured • Free Estimates PAINT & WALLCOVERING 319-750-9227 HENKENS LAWN CARE Call Kevin 850-2903 319-754-8424 ROBERT’S PAINTING Sell your stuff! Starting at Only $75 a room! Painting • Drywall Subfloors • Carpentry Call Classifieds 319-754-8463 Find a New Job Monday-Friday 8 to 5 Read The Hawk Eye Classifieds Call 319-572-1003 * Remodeling * ROOFING * Siding & Windows * Concrete Licensed & Insured 319-750-0263 319-850-6581 Credit Cards Accepted LCK ROOFING & REPAIR You called the rest, now call the best! Senior/Military Discounts Manufacture Warranties Licensed & Insured Credit Cards Accepted 319-457-5705 A.J. & Sons Construction Serving SE Iowa 35 Years Bonded-Licensed-Insured 752-4216 or 601-9711 SOLAR (319)457-1367 319-523-4617 Brian (319)750-2046 JM Enterprises * New Construction Randy VanNiewaal Contact Jeff Jack Home Inspections for your peace of mind. ROOFING Pressure Washing Staining & Repairs Mold Removal PLASTERING & DRYWALL Wall & Ceiling Rx Plaster-Drywall-Painting Repairs-Handyman-Remodel 20+ Y.ears • References Licensed • Insured No Job too small!! 319-750-0507 Solar Design & Installation 319-750-2144 roger@geodeenergy.com TREE SERVICE All American Tree Service Tim Myers, Owner/Operator Spring Storms are here to stay, Call to Trim Your Trees Today!! Tree Removal • Trimming Stump Grinding • Spraying Transplanting • INSURED Ph: 319-367-2059 Cell: 319-931-0769 aatreeservice2009@hotmail.com WINDOW WASHING Timernic Professional Window Cleaning Affordable rates, Call for a quote! John Champagne 319-750-8028 Career Move? Find your next career in The Hawk Eye Classifieds 4C www.thehawkeye.com Wednesday • October 7, 2015 (Solution to today’s puzzle on H aw k Eye H appenings page) Level: Easy M edium H ard S olu tion tips a n d C om pu terProg ra m : w w w.su d oku .com Fillin the grid so thatevery row ,every colum n and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 through 9. That’s allthere is to it! There’s no m ath involved.The grid has num bers,but nothing has to add up to anything else.You solve the puzzle w ith reasoning and logic. It’s fun.It’s challenging.It’s addictive! Solving tim e is typically from 10 to 30 m inutes, depending on your skilland experience. select TV 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 The Middle “The The Goldbergs Shirt” (HDTV) (N) Murray builds a robot with Adam. (DVS) (N) (DVS) 3 KTVO News ABC at 6 (N) 3 KTVO 8 WQAD News 8 8 WQAD at 6PM (N) 3 Wheel of Fortune “Weekend Getaways” (HDTV) (N) 4 Local 4 News at 6pm (N) 4 WHBF 7 KHQA News at 7 KHQA Six (N) 4 Entertainment Survivor “We Got a Rat” (HDTV) The castaways switch to three Tonight (N) 7 Wheel of For- tribes. (N) tune (N) CBS 8:00 Modern Family Mitch works for Jay’s rival. (N) (DVS) 8:30 (8:31) blackish “Dr. Hell No” (HDTV) (N) (DVS) 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 Nashville “How Can I Help You Say 3 KTVO News at (10:35) Jimmy Kimmel Live (HDTV) Goodbye” (HDTV) Avery is forced to 10 (N) Keanu Reeves; Guillermo del Toro. file for divorce. (N) (DVS) 8 WQAD News 8 (N) at 10PM (N) Code Black “We Plug Holes” Criminal Minds “The Witness” (HDTV) A sarin gas attack on a Los (HDTV) A patient fights with Mario. (N) Angeles bus. (N) (DVS) 4 Local 4 News (10:35) The Late Show With Steat 10pm (N) phen Colbert (HDTV) Gina Rodri7 KHQA News at guez; Ben Bernanke. (N) 10 (N) 6 Wheel of For- The Mysteries of Laura “The Mys- Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Chicago PD “Natural Born Story“Institutional Fail” (HDTV) Children in teller” (HDTV) A young boy is found tery of the Locked Box” (HDTV) A tune (N) technology prodigy is murdered. (N) grave condition. (N) (DVS) dead. (N) (DVS) 10 Entertainment Tonight (N) (10:34) The Tonight Show Starring 6 KWQC TV6 News at 10PM Jimmy Fallon (HDTV) Kate Winslet; 10 WGEM News Norman Reedus. (N) at 10 12 (5:30) PBS New- This Old House Nature (HDTV) Lives and histories of NOVA A new version of biblical flood Secrets of the Dead Hanging GarsHour (N) flightless birds. (N) story. (N) (DVS) dens of Babylon. (DVS) Nightly Business The Vintage Red Austin City LimReport (N) Green Show its (N) 15 The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Rosewood A young genius is accused of murder. (N) (DVS) Empire “Fires of Heaven” (HDTV) A Crime Watch Daily Missing woman TMZ (HDTV) (N) Entertainment surprise performance. (N) had appeared on a TV show. Tonight (N) The Middle (HDTV) 18 The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Rosewood A young genius is accused of murder. (N) (DVS) Empire “Fires of Heaven” (HDTV) A FOX 18 Nine surprise performance. (N) O’Clock News TMZ (HDTV) (N) Modern Family (HDTV) Modern Family (HDTV) 2 Broke Girls (HDTV) Family Guy The Simpsons Arrow Diggle doesn’t want to work with Oliver. (N) Supernatural Dean and Sam face their biggest threat. (N) Two and a Half Men American Dad (HDTV) American Dad 6 KWQC TV6 NBC News at 6PM (N) 6 KWQC 10 WGEM News 10 WGEM at 6 (N) 26 Two and a Half Men Family Guy (HDTV) news CNBC CNN CNN2 CSPAN CSPAN2 FOXN MSNBC Shark Tank Erin Burnett OutFront (N) The Situation Room (N) (5) U.S. House of Representatives (5) U.S. Senate On Record, Greta Van Susteren Hardball With Chris Matthews (N) Shark Tank Anderson Cooper 360 (N) Erin Burnett OutFront (N) Shark Tank This Is Life With Lisa Ling (N) Anderson Cooper 360 (N) Landmark Cases Key Capitol Hill Hearings Speeches. The O’Reilly Factor (N) The Kelly File (N) All In With Chris Hayes (N) The Rachel Maddow Show (N) Jay Leno’s Garage (N) Shark Tank CNN Tonight With Don Lemon (N) Anderson Cooper 360 This Is Life With Lisa Ling (N) Forensic Files Forensic Files Key Capitol Hill Hearings Speeches. Hannity (N) Blood Lions (N) The O’Reilly Factor Blood Lions Shark Tank This Is Life Forensic Files Landmark Cases Capitol Hill The Kelly File Rachel Maddow sports BIGTEN ESPN ESPN2 FOXS B1G Football & Beyond Women’s College Volleyball Michigan State at Nebraska. (N) (Live) B1G Close Up 2015 (5) SportsCenter (N) E:60 (N) SEC Storied (N) SEC Storied (N) NFL Live (N) Summer Chall. Summer Chall. Summer Chall. Summer Chall. E:60 (N) Women’s College Volleyball Kansas at Texas Tech. (N) (Live) Women’s College Volleyball Oklahoma at Texas Christian. (N) (Live) BTN Live SportsCenter (N) (Live) SEC Storied (N) Big 12 Shwcse Big 12 Replay B1G Football SportsCenter (N) Baseball Tonight ACC Gridiron Zookeeper › (2011, Comedy) Kevin James, Voices of Rosario Dawson. Talking animals teach their shy caretaker how to woo a woman. The 700 Club (HDTV) Putin’s end game in the Middle East. Varsity Blues ›› (1999) (R) Girl Meets World Dog With a Blog That’s So Raven family (5) Mr. Deeds › (2002, Comedy) ABCFAM Adam Sandler, Winona Ryder. Kevin From Work (N) Kevin From Work (N) DISN The Smurfs › (2011, Comedy) Hank Azaria, Neil Pat- (7:40) Bunk’d rick Harris, Jayma Mays. (PG) (8:05) Bunk’d NICK WITS Academy (N) The Thundermans (N) Game Shakers Full House (Part Full House (Part Full House Jesse Full House 1 of 2) 2 of 2) plays Elvis. Friends Friends (Part 1 of 2) Friends (Part 2 of 2) TOON Be Cool, Scooby-Doo! (N) Total Drama: King of the Hill Ridonculous Race Bob’s Burgers Bob’s Burgers The Cleveland Show American Dad American Dad Family Guy Family Guy Robot Chicken Duck Dynasty Duck Dynasty (9:01) Duck Dynasty (9:31) Duck Dynasty (10:02) Storage Wars: Miami “Bien- (11:01) Duck venido a Miami!” Dynasty Bella and the Bulldogs (8:35) Liv and Maddie (9:05) Jessie Austin & Ally Top Picks WEDNESDAY 1 The Middle 2 The Goldbergs 3 Empire 4 Code Black 7 p.m. on 3 8 Mike (Neil Flynn) picks an inopportune time to change his usual sort of attire in the new episode “The Shirt,” as he trades his usual flannel wear for a Hawaiian-styled garment — just as he and Frankie (Patricia Heaton) are heading out to dinner with others. 7:30 p.m. on 3 8 Intending their building of a robot to be a bonding experience, Murray (Jeff Garlin) finds a wedge driven between himself and Adam (Sean Giambrone) instead in the new episode “Jimmy 5 Is Alive.” They have such different ideas of how to go about the project, they end up at odds with each other. 8 p.m. on 15 18 Music star Pitbull plays himself in the new episode “Fires of Heaven,” taking a professional interest in Cookie and Anika (Taraji P. Henson, Grace Gealey) after they secretly arrange an attention-grabbing performance. Lucious (Terrence Howard) tries to make a deal with Young Ma (Bre-Z Murray), while Hakeem (Bryshere “Yazz” Gray) tries to make strides with his girl group. cable variety A&E Duck Dynasty The entire family va- Duck Dynasty cations in Hawaii. ANIM BET CMT (2) To Be Announced (5:58) Martin (6:28) Martin Last-Standing Last-Standing To Be Announced (6:59) The BET Life of Reba Reba South Park South Park COM DSC E! FOOD FX South Park ION INSP LIFE MTV OXYG SCIENCE SPIKE (8:01) To Be Announced Punk’d Husbands- Ho. Reba Reba South Park “Cat South Park Orgy” South Park (9:02) To Be Announced (10:03) To Be Announced TBA O.J. Simpson Trial 20 Years Roomie Lover Friends (N) Wendy Williams Doc Hollywood ››› (1991, Romance-Comedy) Michael J. Fox, Julie Warner. South Park Moonbeam City The Daily Show The Nightly Show Surviving the Cut: American Dual Survival Chrisley Knows Chrisley Knows E! News (N) Mystery Diners Mystery Diners Mystery Diners American Horror Story: Hotel “Checking In” (N) The Waltons (Part 2 of 2) The En- The Middle “The The Middle “The The Golden Girls The Golden Girls The Golden Girls Concert” Sit Down” The Waltons “The Milestone” Olivia The Middle struggles with menopause. Property Brothers The Middle Hunters Int’l Surviving-Cut Kardashian Mystery Diners Worst Cooks American Horror Story: Hotel Property Brothers House Hunters Property Brothers American Pickers An eccentric man American Pickers A motorcycle commands the guys. legend; a rare item. American Pickers Personal Evel Knievel items. (DVS) American Pickers Rehabbing a ’33 (10:03) American Pickers “Grin and (11:01) American Ford Coupe. (DVS) Bear It” Pickers Law & Order “Vendetta” Law & Order “Gaijin” Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman The Waltons “The Quilting” Little Women: LA Little Women: LA (5:40) Catfish: The TV Show Teen Mom 2 (Part 1 of 2) Snapped Snapped “Rennie Pratt” Outrageous Acts of Science Outrageous Acts of Science (4:30) GoodFellas ›››› (1990, Crime Drama) Robert De Niro. Law & Order (HDTV) Law & Order “C.O.D.” Law & Order “Paradigm” JAG “Florida Straits” Walker, Texas Ranger Matlock “The Getaway” Little Women: LA (N) (9:02) Little Women: LA (10:02) Little Women: LA Teen Mom 2 (Part 2 of 2) (N) (9:01) Are You the One? (N) (10:02) Finding Carter Snapped Snapped: She Made Me Do It (N) Snapped “Nicole Abusharif” Outrageous Acts of Science Race to Escape Outrageous Acts of Science Scarface ››› (1983, Crime Drama) Al Pacino, Michelle Pfeiffer, Steven Bauer. (R) SYFY Ghost Hunters The Burlingame & Chaffee Opera House. Ghost Hunters A haunted estate in Ghost Hunters “The Plot Thickens” Paranormal Witness A couple disJoplin, Mo. A spike in activity. (N) covers satanic symbols. (N) TBS Seinfeld “The Tape” MLB Baseball Jake Arrieta and the Cubs take on Gerrit Cole and the Pirates in the National League Wild Card game. (N) (Live) TLC My Big Fat Fabu- My Big Fat Fabu- My Big Fat Fabulous Life: Extra lous Life lous Life Fabulous Podcast Edition TNT Castle Strange murder scene. (DVS) MLB on TBS TRAV Expedition Unknown TRUTV Carbonaro Eff. Carbonaro Eff. Facts of Life TVLND Facts of Life USA At Midnight With Chris Hardwick Dual Survival Dual Survival: Untamed (N) Dual Survival (N) E! News (N) Chrisley Knows Chrisley Knows Chrisley Knows Chrisley Knows Cutthroat Kitchen Worst Cooks in America Worst Cooks in America (N) Man of Steel ›› (2013, Action) Henry Cavill, Amy Adams, Michael Shannon. Premiere. (PG-13) HALLMK glish children stow away. HGTV Property Brothers HIST Duck Dynasty NCIS (Part 1 of 2) A Navy lieutenant NCIS Capt. Wescott helps track a is murdered. (DVS) terrorist. (DVS) Law & Order Dr. Quinn Little Women Teen Mom 2 She Made Me Acts of Science Ghost Hunters “The Plot Thickens” Paranormal WitA spike in activity. ness Inside MLB Conan (N) Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief ›› (2010, Adventure) Logan Lerman, Brandon T. Jackson. (PG) (DVS) Expedition Unknown (N) Carbonaro Eff. Carbonaro Eff. Everybody Loves Raymond Expedition Unknown Carbonaro Eff. Road Spill (N) Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Bizarre Foods/Zimmern Expedition Un. Carbonaro Eff. Road Spill Carbonaro Eff. King of Queens King of Queens King of Queens NCIS Tony’s father visits for Christmas. (DVS) NCIS The team investigates a car accident. (DVS) Modern Family Modern Family White Chicks ›› (2004, Comedy) Shawn Wayans, Marlon Wayans. Couples Therapy (N) Couples Therapy (N) VH1 (5) B.A.P.S › (1997, Comedy) How I Met WGN-A America’s Funniest Home Videos America’s Funniest Home Videos America’s Funniest Home Videos America’s Funniest Home Videos How I Met NCIS: Los Angeles (DVS) Couples Therapy How I Met movies AMC The Walking Dead Rick and Shane The Walking Dead Someone may share sides. be loose near the farm. ENCO (4:55) Eight Below ››› (2006, Ad- High Plains Drifter ››› (1973, Western) Clint Eastventure) (PG) wood, Verna Bloom. iTV. (R) (8:45) 22 Jump Street ››› (2014, Comedy) Jonah Hill, Channing Tatum, (10:40) Pompeii ›› (2014, AdvenPeter Stormare. iTV. (R) ture) Kit Harington. HBO (5:15) X-Men: Days of Future Past ››› (2014, Action) The Leftovers Kevin, Nora and Jill Hugh Jackman, James McAvoy. arrive in Miracle. Road to Golovkin/ REAL Sports With Bryant Gumbel The Fight Game Doll & Em Lemieux With Jim HBO2 (5:50) This Is Where I Leave You ›› (2014, Comedy-Drama) Jason Bateman. (R) MAX (6:15) Snatch ››› (2000, Comedy-Drama) Benicio Del Toro, Dennis Fari- Strike Back Locke thinks that the na. Criminals and con artists fight over a jewel. U.N. is a target. Van Helsing ›› (2004, Fantasy) Hugh Jackman, Kate Beckinsale, Richard Roxburgh. Premiere. (PG-13) (11:15) Strike Back (5:45) Frank Miller’s Sin City: A Dame to Kill For ›› A Season With (2014, Action) Mickey Rourke. (R) Notre Dame Homeland “Separation Anxiety” A new life in Berlin. The Affair High hopes for an amica- Inside the NFL ble divorce. A Season With Notre Dame (4) Foxcatcher Survivor’s Remorse SHOW STARZ (R) The Walking Dead Rick and Carl find the farm in jeopardy. The Walking Dead “Seed” Lori’s pregnancy advances. (7:40) Unbroken ›› (2014, Biography) Jack O’Connell, Domhnall Gleeson. The story of Olympian and World War II hero Louie Zamperini. (PG-13) (6:20) Reach Me (2014, Drama) Sylvester Stallone, Tom Berenger. iTV. (PG-13) 9 p.m. on 4 7 Saving a patient is only the first step for Christa (Bonnie Somerville) in the new episode “We Plug Holes.” She then wants to ensure the woman still can bear children, and she seeks Neal’s (Raza Jaffrey) surgical help to that end. Mario’s (Benjamin Hollingsworth) forecast of a hockey player’s future isn’t received well ... to the degree that fisticuffs are thrown. My Big Fat Fabu- My Big Fat Fabu- Suddenly Royal Drew acts up on a My Big Fat Fabu- My Big Fat Fabu- Suddenly Royal lous Life lous Life radio show. (N) lous Life lous Life Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief ›› (2010, Adventure) Logan Lerman, Brandon T. Jackson, Alexandra Daddario. (PG) (DVS) Expedition Unknown Carbonaro Eff. Carbonaro Eff. Old Christine Old Christine Property Bro The Walking Dead “Sick” A life hangs in the balance. The Knick Thackery worries about his reputation. Be Cool ›› (2005, Comedy) John Travolta, Uma Thurman. iTV. Chili Palmer runs afoul of record-industry players. (PG-13) TCM (5:30) Too Young to Kiss ›› (1951, Comedy-Drama) (NR) The Good Earth ›››› (1937, Drama) Paul Muni, Luise Rainer, Walter Connolly. A spoiled Chinese peasant loses touch with the land and with his wife. (NR) (DVS) TMC (5:20) Madison ›› (2001, Drama) Jim Caviezel. (PG) Sleepover ›› (2004, Comedy) Alexa Vega, Mika Boorem. Premiere. (PG) Survivor’s Remorse The Walking Dead Real Time With Bill Maher Shallow Hal ›› (2001) Hoodlum ›› (1997) (R) Citizen Kane ›››› (1941, Drama) Orson Welles, Joseph Cotten, Ruth Warrick. (PG) (DVS) Whatever It Takes › (2000, Comedy) Shane West, Marla Sokoloff. (PG-13) (10:05) The Trip ››› (2010, Comedy) Steve Coogan, Rob Brydon. (NR) 5 American Horror Story: Hotel 9 p.m. on FX Stephen King unforgettably scared the wits out of readers against a hotel backdrop in “The Shining,” but the fifth season of this horror anthology series promises to dish plenty of fright fare as well. In the season premiere, “Checking In,” Los Angeles Police Detective John Lowe’s (Wes Bentley) pursuit of a serial killer leads him to the eerie Hotel Cortez. Returnees from previous seasons include Kathy Bates, Sarah Paulson and Finn Wittrock; Lady Gaga and Cheyenne Jackson are among the newcomers. www.thehawkeye.com THE HAWK EYE !" BURLINGTON, IOWA Wednesday • October 7, 2015 5C FUN & ADVICE Stepson and his sister are too close for wife’s comfort DEAR ABBY: I am happily married to a great man. Dear Abby I have a young daughter from a previous marriage, and my husband has two teenagers, a boy and girl, from a prior marriage. Like many blended families, we have our struggles, but one is becoming increasingly difficult to deal with. I don’t know how to put this tastefully, but I’ll state it this way: My stepchil- By JEANNE PHILLIPS Universal Press dren are “too close,” if you Syndicate know what I mean. They flirt, constantly touch each other and playfully tease each other. (A few people even have mistaken them for a couple.) My husband doesn’t seem to notice this unhealthy behavior. How can I get through to my husband or deal with this? — REPULSED IN PENNSYLVANIA People Dilbert Kennedy memoir creates rift among his family Non Sequitur Associated Press For Better or for Worse DEAR REPULSED: Was the relationship between your husband’s children making you uncomfortable before you married their father? If so, did you bring it to his attention at that time? Family relationships can vary, and because I haven’t witnessed what you have observed, I can’t advise you other than to suggest family counseling might be in order to determine whether the children have a normal sibling relationship or if it has gone over the line. DEAR ABBY: Last spring, we helped our daughter’s longtime friend move out of the college dorm room she shared with our daughter. Her parents are divorced and weren’t available to help her move or give us money to help her, and she had just broken up with her boyfriend. We rented a van and offered to let her stay at our home as long as she helped pay for groceries and got a job. She got the job but never helped pay for food or did anything around the house, including keeping her room clean. After two weeks, she and her boyfriend got back together, and she was spending every night with him at his parents’ house. She would return to our home to eat, wash clothes, shower and use the Internet. I finally had to tell her this was not acceptable, and she needed to decide to either live here or move in with her boyfriend. She moved out. Now, it is uncomfortable when she comes around. I don’t feel I did anything wrong, but my daughter thinks I shouldn’t have made a big deal out of her sleeping at her boyfriend’s house and using our house as a place to park her stuff, eat and wash her clothes. What do you think? — NO TIME FOR FREELOADERS DEAR NO TIME: You were generous to be as supportive as you were of your daughter’s former roommate. This has nothing to do with her sleeping at her boyfriend’s. You asked only she behave like an adult and contribute by paying for her food and keeping her room clean. She didn’t keep her part of the bargain. You shouldn’t feel uncomfortable. She should, for not behaving responsibly. ARIES (March 21-April 19) ####" You could get Horoscopes more than you bargained for. Don’t worry — you can handle whatever comes up. Tonight: Say “yes.” TAURUS (April 20-May 20) ####" Someone you meet could have a lot of depth. This person might be different from your usual type of acquaintance. Don’t jump into a relationship or friendship with this person By JACQUELINE too fast, as he or she seems BIGAR to be judgmental. Tonight: King Features Share a vision. Stars Show the Kind GEMINI (May 21-June The of Day You’ll Have: 20) ####" Your ability to #####"- Dynamic get past a problem increases ####"- Positive Average because of a willingness to ###"##"- So-so walk away from someone #"- Difficult who is being unreasonable. Tonight: Stand up for yourself. CANCER (June 21-July 22) ####" You will want to open up to a new possibility you have not yet considered. You initially might have eliminated some ideas, but why not test out a suggestion now? Tonight: Visit with friends. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) ####" Your sense of direction will take you down a new path. Others might be reluctant to follow, but eventually, some will join you. Tonight: Time for some midweek fun. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) ##"Continue down a more thoughtful path and try to be less involved with the chaos of the moment. As a result, you will gain a more complete understanding. Tonight: Expect the unexpected. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) ####"Take charge of your schedule by focusing on what you want. You won’t be happy if you defer to others too often. This tendency could create problems where there should be none. Tonight: In a flurry of activity. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) ####"You could be at the point where you don’t know in which direction you should head. Social and professional pressure might persuade you to follow the conventional mode. Tonight: Out late. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) ####"Your ability to come to terms with a challenging situation benefits you. Someone else might see a situation differently, but that is OK. Tonight: Choose something exotic. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) ####" You often get mixed messages. However, today, a partner will make his or her requests clear. Acquiesce to this person but only if you feel his or her ideas are on the right path. Tonight: Follow your instincts. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) ####" Don’t worry about what others think you should do. You might care a little, as some people seem to have good ideas you hadn’t considered. Tonight: Allow someone else to take the lead. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20) ####"You might have difficulty with a friend. This person continues to demand a personal matter goes the way he or she desires. You could opt to play this game, but there will be ramifications needing to be considered. Tonight: Relax. The Lockhorns Garfield Blondie The Family Circus A memoir by former U.S. Rep. Patrick Kennedy has created a rift with family members upset about his portrayal of family secrecy, substance abuse and mental illness, including that of his father, late Massachusetts Sen. Edward Ken- Patrick nedy. Kennedy Kennedy on Tuesday defended his book, “A Common Struggle: A Personal Journey Through the Past And Future of Mental Illness and Addiction.” He said he loves his family, but he feels it is important for him to talk openly about the mental illness and addiction he and relatives have suffered. “My family does not want to be identified with a medical illness. That should tell you something about the shame and stigma that still surrounds these issues,” he said on MSNBC Tuesday. His mother, Joan, and brother, Ted. Jr., have distanced themselves from the book. His mother released her reaction through a friend, attorney Margo Nash. “I had no knowledge that Patrick was writing a book and did not assist him in the project in any way. I was not given a copy of the book and have still not seen it or read it,” Nash quoted Joan Kennedy as telling her. In the memoir, the former congressman from Rhode Island discusses in detail his diagnoses with bipolar and anxiety disorders and his own abuse of substances from alcohol to cocaine to prescription drugs. He also details his mother’s alcoholism and his belief his father was an alcoholic who struggled with post-traumatic stress disorder after the assassination of his brothers, President John F. Kennedy and Sen. Robert Kennedy. Ted Jr. said Sunday he was heartbroken Patrick had written what he called “an inaccurate and unfair portrayal” of their family and said the narrative was “misleading and hurtful.” His father’s second wife, Vicki Kennedy, has not publicly commented on the book. Attempts to reach her for comment through multiple sources were not successful. Bridge Solving a mystery By FRANK STEWART Tribune Content Agency Zits Beetle Bailey Baby Blues I used to enjoy Ellery Queen mysteries: complex edifices giving the reader the clues he needed to solve a crime — provided he was a genius. Problem-solving is the essence of bridge. Try today’s deal as a defensive problem. Cover the East and South cards. Against three hearts, you lead the king of diamonds: deuce, three, nine. What do you lead at the second trick? You can see four defensive tricks: two diamonds, a heart and a spade. But on the bidding, East can have no useful honors. Your only chance for a fifth trick is to give him a spade ruff, but you must do that without sacrificing your spade trick. Lead the king of spades, hoping South has A-x-x. He takes the ace and leads a trump, and you grab your ace and lead the jack of spades. As you hope, East ruffs dummy’s queen and returns a diamond, and you win and cash the 10 of spades. If you think North’s bidding was questionable, I agree. NorthSouth could have made 3NT. Did you beat three hearts? South dealer Neither side vulnerable 6C www.thehawkeye.com Wednesday • October 7, 2015 The “Go To” place for info YOU need today! read Happs online at livelocalseia.com/todaysads THE CRAZY COYOTE Oct. 10-11 at 2pm. Raffle and auctions. $10 gate fee, $5 for Veterans and Current Military, Children 12 & under are Free. Call Audra Turner at 319-850-8593 with questions. Proceeds go to the Wounded Warrior Project. 8328 Bridgeport Rd. Danville, IA - Adv COMMERCIAL RENT 12 FT. CEILING storage available. Multiple loading docks, triple net lease 20¢ per square ft. Can build a office inside storage facility to suit your needs! 35 parking spaces! Call 319-750-8200. VERY LARGE, very nice, 1115 S. Central Ave., 2 bedroom, newer appliances, central air, dish washer, garbage disposal, washer and dryer hook-up. Water and trash paid. $700/mo for 1 year lease. 6 month lease available. No pets. 319-750-0836 RECREATION Time For Fun! Pet sitting! Let them stay in their own home! Text, call or email for your estimate. Tim or Jillian 319-750-6858 or timtoadwilson@gmail.com Mini Dachshund Puppies Purebred. AKC. Wirehair. Red piebald. 1 male, 1 female. Up to date on all shots. $375. Call/text 319-931-0226 REAL ESTATE Rentals and Sales APARTMENTS UNFURN. $99 Move In Special Chesapeake Apartments *2 bedroom: $500/month *3 bedroom: $680/month We accept Section 8 and 1 small pet. For video tours & additional info, visit www.national-management.com 800 Palm Ave. Mt Pleasant, IA 319-385-8076 MAPLE HILLS APARTMENTS ARE UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Maple Hills is low income housing that offers 2 and 3 bedroom apartments. We are currently accepting applications. For an appointment call: Millennia Housing Mgmt. LTD (319)754-5515 Mon-Fri, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. MOHAWK APARTMENTS, Clean – Quiet – Secure, Two bedroom, GREAT AREA, Close to Parks on Mohawk St. All appliances plus Washer/Dryer, $775. One Year Lease Required. Call 319-759-7889 B Y A SH LEY reg. $ 559 • sa le $ 7 colors to 509 choose from ! E&S FIREWOOD 2 Frymaster Fryers Back Pack with built in filter machine and fry dump station. Originally $10,000, Asking $1000. In good working condition. Contact Dave Schnicker at The Maid Rite All Star Diner 319-758-7948. New Marmot, Price tag says $99.99, selling for $40. Call 319-754-8574 Clean Top Soil All Amounts 8-10 Plastic barrels. $15 each. (319)316-3499 (319)759-2151 Weight Bench with weights. Like new for $100. 319-750-9853 Now Open - All split firewood starting at $45 per load. You haul. Eric 319-457-4626. Kern Mattress Outlet Mattress Sets KING: $199 QUEEN: $159 FULL: $129 TWIN: $99 Will Deliver 309-452-7477 Hills Used Furniture & Appliance Open Tues.-Sat., 10-5 p.m. We Sell Quality Used Furniture We buy estate items. Call 319-392-4877 Located in Danville, IA Bedroom Set 3 piece ornate waterfall bedroom set. Large wardrobe, dresser w/ large beveled and etched mirror. Needs alittle TLC. $150. 319-750-0525 The Furniture Store For Sale Furniture a nd M o v ing S erv ices 2 0 9 HAR R ISO N , B UR LIN G TO N , IA 319-752-4123 M o n.-Sa t. 10 -5 w w w.burlingto nfurniture.net 425850 EEK The Pet Whisperer Leather Top table, $40 and Twin box spring and mattress, $20. 319-759-7028 For Sale ROOMY 2 BEDROOM, full bath. Trash & water paid. $600 month. (319)572-0570. BLACK DIRT Retaining Walls • Landscaping For Sale 32” Exterior Wooden Door. Small Lawn tractor trailer. Weed Sprayer. Portable Air Pig. Call (319)752-6427 Kerosine Heater Thermoheat 170,000 or 210,000 BTUs, programmable. Excellent condition. $250. Phone 319-752-4588 or 309-3370022. SALONS GET IN SHAPE!! Total Gym Exercise Equipment, used very little, like new. (319)754-8777. Plastic Barrels Head into fall with a NEW Cut or Color! All over Color starting at $20. Highlights or all over foils $40 Cuts only $8. Call Now 319-219-6248 American Hair Academy 304 S. Iris St. Mt. Pleasant, IA For Sale Girls Bike All work done by supervised students 16”, only $15. 319-754-8574 Table Jig Saw $50. (319)316-3499 SELLING “Little Guy” luggage trailer. 319-528-4430. MUSICAL For Sale Suzuki 220 3/4 size violin with bow and case. $450. Yamaha flute 225SII with case $100. 21 speed Shimano-Magna, Levi Fisher violin w/bow and Brand new, never used. Paid case $100. 319-759-3328 or over $100. Selling for $75. 319-470-9506 319-754-854 Ladies Bike SPORTING GOODS FREE Two compost barrels. Call Longboard skateboard (319)752-2499 to see or make Sector9 Bamboo 46" Uluwatu, arrangements to pick up. complete. New. $100 firm. 319-470-9506 Tree Stand Golf Clubs Large, Metal Xmas tree holder with water bowl. $ 8 . Dunlop golf clubs with bag and hand cart. (319)754-8777. (319)754-5279 For Sale Slot Machine for $325. 12’ Wooden Step Ladder for $50.(309)867-2357 Bird Feeder All Day Everyday Local Weather All the Time For Sale: Chest freezer, 3 HOUSES FOR RENT!!!! 3 CAMPERS & TRAILERS 13.3 cu.ft., good condition, bedroom home, new kitchen. 1 $150. Burl. Ia. 319-750-9880 bedroom downtown condo. 2 bedroom riverfront home. HUNTING $1000-$1500 per month. Call 2010 Jayco Eagle Super Brian Hopkins at C21 at Mike’s Bow Shop Lite 30’, camper in excellent 319-457-0044 condition. One large slide, & Jacolyn’s Taxidermy IN MEDIAPOLIS, 3 bedroom, and power awning. central air, gas forced air, 3027 Old Hwy. 218, Salem, IA 319-986-6685 or freshly painted, nice yard. Phone: 319-986-5355 319-217-0201 Newer flooring. 1 year lease, 1 Hours: Tues.-Fri. 1-9 p.m. car garage. Good schools, 1993 36’ Rambler, sleeps 6, Sat. 10 a.m.-6 p.m. quiet neighborhood. $925/mo. queen size bed, new awning, Closed Sunday + Monday 630-989-8800 selling AS IS. Parked out at www.mikesbowshop.com Holtkamp on Highway 34. AskHOMES FOR RENT. Clay Pigeon Thrower ing $8,000. Call if interested at Marc@Diamond 3/4 cock clay pigeon thrower (319)750-9020 319-572-4567. with seat. Dunlop golf clubs 2011 AVALANCHE 5th wheel, www.marcgillette.com with bag and hand cart. (319)754-8777. 1225 MADISON, 2 bedroom, 29’, 3 slides, fireplace, free standing dinette, island with fenced in back yard. No big dogs. $675 month plus deposit. sink counter top, 2 recliners, self inflating sofa. $29,000/of- tree stand with chain. Only $10. 319-850-6294. fer. 319-523-4525 319-754-8574 MEDIAPOLIS 3 bedroom, central air, shed, NO pets. $701. 1 JEWELRY & CLOTHING year lease. Call (319)985-2598 2 BEDROOM and a 5 Bedroom. Call 319-572-5279 Mens, $300 + suits. Never worn, $100 each. Coat 44, Pants HOMES FOR SALE 34-30. 319-759-7028 AT AUCTION: 4 bedroom home sitting on corner lot sells SaturConnect quartz, green dial, day, Oct. 10, noon at 706 Pine, leather band, factory refurBurlington, Iowa. Public Showbished. $225. (319)601-1662 ing Sunday, Sept. 27, 1:00-3:00 p.m. LAWN & GARDEN www.auctionsbysmith.com ANTIQUES BY OWNER 3 bedroom, 2 bath ranch in West Point, 2 car attached garage, family room, full 18” Large Push AcornPickerUpbath in basement, nice loca- the eighties! Never worn. All per made by Bag-A-nut. Used tion. Will consider contract with sizes. Excellent condition. Budone season. Asking $350 and $20,000 down. $127,500. weiser, Busch, Michelob, Jolt i s negotiable. Call 319-470-5800 or 319-470-8091 Cola. $19.99 each. RARE! 319-752-8386 BRICK RETIREMENT home, (319)753-1031. Lawn Tractor & Spreader quiet location, retiree haven, 18 horse diesel Kubota lawn nice neighbors, 2/3 Bedrooms, tractor with 54” mower deck, garage, $129,900/offer. Burl., Original Leopold bed, wood, excellent condition. $400. Call $3999. Scotts edge guard DLX Ia. 319-750-9880. spreader, $30. (319)752-5070. 319-750-5685 For sale Deer Hunters Stand SHOP From The Region Vintage Sweatshirts, For Sale Seiko Watch For Sale Antique Youth Bed MOVING & STORAGE Old Pottery For Sale MTD Lawn Tractor 2 BEDROOM 1 bath mobile home, 3.5 yrs. old, in Western Pines, West Burlington. Phone (319)217-3584. REALTOR LISTINGS FREE FREE Hauling of all air conditioners, campers appliances & metals. Cash For Junk Cars Buying batteries Open 7 days a week til 9pm. Split level home with 1736 sq. 319-850-7536 ft. of living space. Home has a new roof in 2014! New carpet, newer kitchen and more! Spacious and open floor plan with washer (extra large capacity) and gas dryer, $200. Call a terrific backyard for enter319-371-9052 or 319-237-5497 taining or for your 4 legged friend to play. 2173 Meadowbrook Dr. $149,900. Call Gwen ELECTRONICS Wixom at 319-750-1179 at C21. SPECTACULAR 8 bedroom, 5 Fuji S3 Pro and Tamron, 18-250 bath Mississippi River Front millimeter zoom lense. Takes Home! Over 4800 sq.ft. of livgreat photos. Good condition. ing space! Reduced from Call for more info. $250. $319,000 to $175,000. Moti(319)371-6362 vated seller “Make an Offer”!! To Place Your Ad in Western Illinois Realty The Hawk Eye 309-867-3165 Find a New Job Read The Hawk Eye Classifieds Classifieds Call 754-8463 Be Someone Who Gets It! Our print, web and mobile editions offer local, state, and world news, ads, area events, coupons, sports, photos, obits, happenings, contests, giveaways, fun news, and classifieds - with automotive, real estate and more jobs than any other media. Read us in print or online! All for only pennies per day! * and we will give you a $ 15.00 voucher to use to change your oil during National Car Care Month. *New subscribers only (have not subscribed in the past 6 months). Not valid with any other offer. Please allow up to 7 business days for delivery to start. A minimum 12 month subscription required. Choose one of our great advertisers in your city. Have your oil change on us! Call one of our customer service reps NOW! Work Stools Padded work stools: (5) 21" w/wheels, (1) 22" stationary, (1) 27" w/wheels, (3) 25" stationary. $5 each. All 10 for $40. 750-2565 dkalip@yahoo.com Donna WHIRLPOOL For Sale thehawkeye.com LAWN TRACTOR Moving Service Outstanding! Today’s Sudoku Solution MISC. Whirlpool Duet Washer and dryer. Nice condition. $500 for Tall bird feeder stand to hold thistle seed for birds. $25. the pair. (319)371-8585 UPDATED 2 bedroom with ap- SEACREST V Boat, trailer, 25 319-750-0525 pliances, garage. $725/mo. + hp Mercury motor, 15 feet, deposit. Call Judy Stevens at $3400. Call (319)750-7256 Nice Glider Rocker Very Com319-759-5555, Agent Owned. 15’ JON Boat. 25hp motor, evefortable - Neutral Upholstery. rything new comes with trailer. $75.00. Call 319-208-1036. $1500/offer. (641)895-4504 HOUSES RENT Large jug and assorted crocks. CRAFTSMAN lawn tractor, 24 HP, 42” mower, electric start, Best offer for all or will sell indiautomatic transmission, 485 vidually. (319)754-5279 hours, includes rear bagger, 3 men and a truck $1,000. 319-457-0210. Licensed & Insured Oak Antique China Hutch. $200. Highly Recommended 319-750-9853 Move 1 piece or a household 13hp, 38” cut, Good condition. ORNATE WALNUT BED The Furniture Store $350 or best offer. 1015 HIGH ST. Original finish. $400. 209 Harrison • Burlington 319-753-0465 *Perfect efficiency. Newly (319)752-1928 Call 319-752-4123 painted, bright/clean. $435 inAntique Lincoln rocking chair for MISC. cludes fridge, stove, heat & wa- HOME TOWN MINI STORAGE sale. 319-528-4430. 4 locations. ter/trash. Coin laundry. Large SELLING antique humpback 319-209-0212 bath. No pets. (319)752-2877. trunk. 319-528-4430. 3 BEDROOM in Fort Madison, 5 NORTHWESTERN Mini Ware- SELLING antique Lincoln houses, 5x10, 10x10, 10x20, mins from Wever includes rocker. 319-528-4430. 12x24, 20x50. (319)754-5778. fridge, stove, washer and dryer and water, electric and heat. APPLIANCES MOBILE HOMES $1200/mo. 319-470-8711 1 BEDROOM. Convenient Location. Call 9-6pm 319-752-2074. Psychic Readings and Channeling MISC. DIAMOND STEEL STRUCTURES - Fall close out - Prices slashed. Archwall & straight BOATS & MOTORS wall steel buildings 40í X 62í starting at $10,900. Factory diTRACKER PRO Guide V16SC r ect pricing. Call Boat with 25 ELPT Four stroke 1.844.297.8335 (INCN) Mercury motor with trailer. Boat has live wells, trolling motor, 3 HOME FURNISHINGS swivel seats and storage. Bought new, used once. Must sell due to health. Call 319-752-7021 D ARCY SO FA C H AISE SOFA tof he W PETS/SERVICES Big Muddy’s Serving Sushi - Wed. and Fri. Also serving tonight all you can eat ribs 710 N. Front, Burl. 319-753-1699 - Adv. FIREWOOD FARM AND HOME FOUND THURS., Oct. 1. Found in the 400 & 500 Block of S. Main St. in Danville 2 black & white dogs, 1 male, 1 female. Male has some brown on his face. Wearing a collar with no tags. She is very friendly. To claim, contact Danville City Hall LOVELY DUPLEX at 319-392-4685. 2 bedrooms, 2 baths, familly FOUND: ADULT Male solid room. All appliances furnished. PADDLE BOAT gray, fixed. Missing an ear in Attached garage. No pets. the S. Main area. Call Sun Dolphin 5 person paddle 319-752-3494. 319-753-2780 boat with canopy and cushions, Find a New Job $500. Minn Kota trolling motor FOUND: 7” Tablet on Spring Read The Hawk Eye Classifieds $100. (319)752-5070. and Central. Call to identify, 319-752-2985. FOUND IN Burlington, Garmin Vivofit. Call to identify 319-470-9509 PETS 99¢ Soft Shell Tacos 119 S. Roosevelt, Burlington -Adv. Oct. Happenings @ HOT TODDIES Vel’s Amigos LOST & FOUND Mon, Tues & Wed. HUGE TAG SALE Will be closed on Sat. Oct. 10th. We will reopen on Sun. Oct. 11th at 11am. Hwy. 61S, Ft. Madison, IA - Adv DUPLEXES/RENT BOOK SIGNING Ruth Skeens, author of The Molding of Me, Sat. Oct. 10, 11am-2pm at The Bookmark, 802 Ave. G, Ft. Madison. - Adv. Ronna Boyd, Spirituality Guide is booking apSARDUCCI’S Wapello Celebration, downtown Wapello, pointments for Oct. 17th appearance at Sleipnir. Iowa. Vendors for shopping, food & fun! Big red Call 319-754-5440 to reserve appointment/pric- All you can eat Goulash, $4.99 and Family Dinner starting at $11.79, feeds 4. 337 N. Roosevelt. wagon rides, jumping house & face painting for ing. - Adv -Adv. kids! Janet Beik cookies & Lonna's home made food wagon. Ribbon cutting ceremony at 12pm Live @ The Washington by Mayor Shawn Maine for the new downtown street & sidewalks. Festivities on Sat. Oct. 11th, Thurs. - Comedy Night featuring Sonya White. 1816 DEHN, 8AM-6PM 9-3pm. - Adv W/ special guests Jeff Alexander & Dave John- OCT 8, 9 & 10. seiatagsales.net 850-1179 - Adv son. Fri. - David Gans (one man grateful dead LUNCH AT THE TOP of Snake Alley, First show). 306 Washington - Adv United Church of Christ, 611 Columbia, Thurs., Oct. 8, 11-1 p.m. Meatloaf or Grilled Chicken Caramel Apples $2 all month, (Stick not inSandwich, sides, desserts & drink. $6. - Adv. cluded). Don’t miss the Halloween Party on Oct. DORIS’ TAVERN 31. The hunt starts at 7pm, DJ Shane at 8pm. SOMBURGER WEDNESDAY Anniversary Hog Roast Sat., Oct. 10th Drink Specials, Come party with the Witch. 1500 Bean Bag Tournament at 1 p.m.-sign-up at noon $6.50 basket special, 11 a.m.-1:30 p.m. and 5-9 Agency St. - Adv DJ at 9 p.m. 733 S. Roosevelt Ave. - Adv. p.m. Sombrero, 863 Jefferson, Burlington. - Adv. The 93rd annual Hetta Gilbert Resale will be held Friday, Oct. 16th, from 9:00 a.m.-7:00 p.m.; Saturday, Oct. 17th, from 9:00 a.m.- 3:00 p.m.; and Sunday, Oct. 18th, from 1:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. with everything 50% off and from 4:45 - 6:30 p.m. with a $5 bag sale. Sale will be held at the Perkin’s Park Shelter House on Dill Street in Burlington, IA. Proceeds from the resale are used for the DMC children’s health and medical needs. Adv. FAMILY & COMMUNITY TACO SALE Smok’N Guns Country Weekend Benefit Rodeo Wed. A.Y.C.E. Chicken 5-9 Thurs. Blue Moon Girl’s, 6-8pm, Buy a pint, get a free glass! Steve’s Steak Night, 5-9. Fri. Karaoke Conspiracy 8-1am, Prime Rib, 5-9. Sat. Double Play 9-1am, Homemade Tacos 11-8. Sign-up for “Coyote Cash” & watch for new nightly specials! 2505 Mt. Pleasant St. - Adv Tina Julie 319-754-8462 or 800-397-1708 Mention promo code: 1015 Vinyl Sheds Order Yours Today! Visit: www.bluejaybarns.com Blue Jay Barns Smithshire, IL • 309-337-7666 TOP SOIL Clean, fine, workable top soil. Delivered. Lumber Jack LLC Jeff Jack 319-523-4617 thehawkeye.com
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