l`eau pure international
l`eau pure international
G reen investing conference 2010 water treatment and waste management L’Eau Pure overview : L’E AU PUR E is a French company that has been specializing in water treatment s ince its creation in 1966 We des ig n and build treatment plants for small and medium sized communities We bring innovative s olutions integrating automation, membrane sys tems, or fixed biomas s… S ince 2010 a new entity : L’E AU PUR E INTE R NATIONAL President Pascal GUASP 60 employees (France + Intl.) 7,9 M€ s ales in 2009 G enerated s ales over 15 M€ S UB S IDIAR IES M OR OC C O EAU PUR E AFR IQUIA C HILE AC UATIER R A VIE TNAM AR C HETYPE E NVIR ONM E NT ITALY EAUPUR E ITALIA 2 L’E au Pure – Drinking Water : M INE R ALS R E M O VAL AR S E NIC , FE R , FLUO R , M ANG ANE S E … M E M BR ANE FILTR ATIO N Ars epur® : French leader, pilots in Vietnam, B ang lades h, Hung ary and C hile… Ultrafiltration Fluor removal : L’Eau Pure is building the firs t French Fluor removal plant R everted Os mos is Iron and Mang anes e removal references (Thes e s olutions are equally us ed for indus trial applications ) Nanofiltration L’E au Pure – Drinking Water : M IC R ’E AU ® Drinking water S kids in C hile, Mali or Viet Nam… M IC R ’E AU® is a compact and prefabricated unit, able to produce drinking water from rivers or wells. M IC R ’E AU ® is particularly adapted 4 for human s ettlements up to 50.000 people equivalent P roduction : from 5 to 500 mcu/h. 4 L’Eau Pure – Was te Water : O X YB ATC H® M B B R (M oving B ed B iofilm R eactor) And also : Immerged biofilter M acrophyts bed O X YLAG ® AC TIVATE D S LUD G E M embrane B ioreactor R e-Us e 5 L’Eau Pure - an international backg round that led to the creation of L’EAU PUR E INTER NATIONAL in 2010 Acuatierra created in C hile in 2007: – 2 local partners : Infraplast (50 employees) and P artner Expansion plans : (10 employees) – C lients : agro industry, mining companies and municipalities Partnership with OSEO in Mexico Archetype Environment created in Viet Nam in 2008: – 1 local partner : Archetype Group (350 employees) – M arkets : Arsenic removal and was te water small plants L’E au Pure Afriquia, open in Morocco in 2009 : Exclusive representation agreement with 2007 entrepreneur of the year in Saudi Arabia BOT Project in Central African Republic Partnerships in Bangladesh, Canada, Egypt, India, Indonesia, Peru, Tunisia - 1 D irector, 2 engineers et 1 commercial developer based in R abat - A wide range of clients from O NE P (public service) to industrials - M arkets : urban waste water and industrial waters A dis tribution partners hip in Alg eria s ince 2004 : - Urban references (B atna, M eknem) - Industrial references (S onatrach) - R ecurrent s ales over 500.000 €/year L’E au Pure Italia, open in Italy in 2010 : - 1 commercial developer, 2 engineers based in B ologna 6 Siège/Etablissement de Lons-LeSaunier ZA les Toupes - Route de Bletterans 39570 MONTMOROT BP 90817 Lons-Le-Saunier Tél : 03 84 24 79 79 Fax : 03 84 47 32 00 Email : est@eaupure.fr Siège/Etablissement de Rennes 22 rue de la Tremblaie 35000 RENNES Tél : 02 23 30 25 25 Fax : 02 99 14 73 79 Siège/Etablissement de Nancy 1 avenue de la plaine 54522 MAXEVILLE CEDEX BP 61056 Tél : 03 83 54 57 32 Fax : 03 83 54 27 32 Etablissement de Lille 3, rue Mirabeau - BP 25 59370 MONS-EN-BAROEUL Tél : 03 28 76 93 00 Fax : 03 28 76 93 01 Email : lille@eaupure.fr Etablissement de Bordeaux 19 avenue Mondaults - ZA 33270 FLOIRAC Tél : 05 56 86 12 21 Etablissement de Paris 2 allée des Noisetiers 78100 Saint Germain en Laye Filiale Etrangères : Acuatierra (Chili) Archetype Environnement (Vietnam) L’eau Pure Afriquia (Maroc) Bureaux Etrangers : Algérie O bjectives for l eau pure for 2012 At international level 10 million euros turnover Be worldwide leader in arsenic removal I n France and more especially in Nice region get 10 plants with arsenic removal technology