Untraveled Worlds


Untraveled Worlds
Untraveled Worlds
Untraveled Worlds
Conspirare Youth Choirs
Nina Revering, Director
Rick Gabrillo, Assistant Director
Dr. Maimy Fong, Piano
Chris Oelkers, Piano and Organ
Laurie Young Stevens, Violin
Jou-an Hou, Violoncello
Thales Smith, Guitar
Owen Weaver, Percussion
November 21 & 22, 2008
St. Martin’s Lutheran Church, Austin
7:00 pm
Conspirare Youth Choirs
1033 La Posada Drive, Suite 130
Austin, Texas 78752
Cover photo by Cynthia Densmore, www.blackhatdigital.com
Untraveled Worlds
I cannot rest from travel
I will drink life to the lees; all times I have enjoyed greatly,
Have suffered greatly, both with those that loved me, and alone.
I am a part of all that I have met,
Yet all experience is an arch wherethrough gleams that
Untraveled world, whose margin fades
forever and forever when I move
How dull it is to pause, to make an end,
To rust unburnished,
Not to shine in use!
As though to breathe were life –
Life piled on life we’re all too little
And of one to me little remains
But every hour is saved
For that eternal silence, something more,
A bringer of new things
And vile it were for some three suns to score and hoard myself,
And this grey spirit, yearning in desire
To follow knowledge like a sinking star
Beyond the utmost bounds of human thought!
Come, come my friends,
‘Tis not too late to seek a newer world
Push off, and sitting well in order
Smite the sounding furrows!
For my purpose holds to sail beyond the sunset,
And the baths of all the western stars
Until I die!
For much is taken, much abides,
And though we are not now that strength
Which in old days moved earth and heaven,
That which we are, we are,
One equal temper of heroic hearts
Made weak by time and strength,
But strong in will –
To strive, to seek, to find,
And not to yield!
from Ulysses, Alfred Lord Tennyson
Untraveled Worlds
Please hold your applause until the end of each section, indicated by *
Prelude: Welcome to our World
* *
Chris Rice
Personent Hodie
German trad., arr. John Rutter
* * *
J.S. Bach
Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring
Suscepit Israel
* * *
Stille Nacht
Il est né, le Divin Enfant !
Franz Gruber, arr. John Rutter
French trad., arr. Nicholas Burt
* * *
La Catedral
iii. Allegro Solemne
Agustin Barrios Mangoré
Noël Nouvelet
Es ist ein Ros’entsprungen
Untraveled Worlds
French trad., arr. Howard Cable
Michael Praetorius
Paul Halley
* * *
Unaccompanied Suite no. 2
V. Minuet
J.S. Bach
I Sing of a Maiden
A Gaelic Blessing
Patrick Hadley
John Rutter
Postlude: Welcome to our World
Clare Edgar, soloist
Chris Rice/
arr. Craig Hella Johnson and Chris Oelkers
* * *
Texts & Translations
Personent Hodie
Personent hodie, Voces puerulae,
Laudates jucunde
Qui nobis est natus, summon Deo datus,
Et de virgineo ventre procreatus
In mundo nascitur, pannis involvitur,
Praesepi ponitur
Stabulo brutorum, rector supernorum,
Perditit spolia princes infernorum.
Magi tres venerunt, parvulum inquirunt,
Bethlehem aderunt
Stellulam sequendo, ipsum adorando,
Aurum thus, et myrrham ei offerendo
Omnes clericuli, Pariter pueri,
Cantent ut angeli : Advenisti mundo,
Laudes tibi fundo.
Ideo gloira in excelsis Deo
Today young voices ring out
Praising the joy
That is born unto us, given from the highest God,
and created from the womb of the Virgin.
He was born into the world and wrapped in clothes,
Put into a manger
In a stable of animals, our master.
The prince who thwarted the intrigues of hell.
Three wise men came asking after the child,
Seeking Bethlehem
Following the star, adoring the child
Offering him gold, incense and myrrh.
Let all Priests and children
Sing like the angels:
Thou didst come into the world, praises I lavish to thee.
Likewise glory to God in the highest.
Alleluia, Alleluia
Gelobet sei Gott
Singen wir all’ aus unsers Herzens Greunde
Denn Gott hat heut’
Gemacht solch’ Freud’
Der Wir vergessen soll’n zu keiner Stunde
Alleluia, alleluia, may God be praised,
let us sing from the bottom of our hearts,
for God has today
created such joy
that at no time should we ever forget it.
Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring
Jesu, joy of man’s desiring
Holy wisdom, love most bright,
Drawn by Thee, our souls aspiring,
Soar to uncreated light.
Word of God our flesh that fashioned,
With the fire of life impassioned,
Striving still to Truth unknown,
Soaring, dying, round Thy throne
Suscepit Israel
Suscepit Israel puerum suum
Recordatus misericordiae suae
He has helped his servant Israel
And remembered mercy on him
Stille Nacht
Stille Nacht! Heilige Nacht!
Alles Schlaft, einsam wacht,
Nur das traute, hochheilige Paar,
Holder Knabe im lockigen Haar,
Schlaf’ in himmlischer Ruh!
Stille Nacht! Heilige Nacht!
Gottes Sohn, O wie lacht
Lieb’ aus deinem gottlichen Mund,
Da uns schlagt die rettende Stund,
Christ, in deiner Geburt!
Silent Night, Holy night,
All is calm, all is bright,
‘Round yon virgin Mother and Child,
Holy infant so tender and mild,
Sleep in heavenly peace!
Silent night, Holy night,
Son of God, love’s pure light;
Radiance beams from thy holy face,
With the dawn of redeeming grace,
Jesus, Lord at thy birth!
Il est né, le divin Enfant!
Il est né, le divin Enfant!
Jouez hautbois, résonnez, musettes!
Il est né, le divin Enfant!
Chantons tous son avènement!
Depuis plus de quatre mille ans
Nous le promettaient les prophètes;
Nous attendions cet heureux temps.
Il est né, le divin Enfant!
He is born, the divine child
Play the oboe and pipes merrily,
He is born, the divine child
Sing we all of his arrival!
Through four thousand years,
Prophets have foretold and promised,
Now the time has come,
He is born the devine child!
Noël Nouvelet
Noël nouvelet, noël chantons ici,
Dévotes gens, crions à Dieu merci
Chanton Noël pour le Roi nouvelet,
Noël nouvele, noël chantons ici.
En Bethléhem Marie et Joseph vis,
L’âne et le boeuf, l’Enfant couché au lit,
La crêche était au lieu d’un bercelet,
Noël nouvelet, Noël chantons ici.
L’étoille y vis qui la nuit éclair cit,
Qui d’orient d’òu elle avait sorti
En Bethléhem les troi Rois amenait
Noël nouvelet, noël chantons ici.
L’un portant l’or l’autre le myrrhe aussi,
L’autre l’encens qu’il faisait bon sentir :
Du paradis semblait le jardinet
Noël nouvelet, noël chantons ici!
Quarante jours la nouvelle attendit,
Entre les bras de Siméon le mit.
Deux tourterelles de dans un Panneret
Noël nouvelet, noël chantons ici!
Sing here a new Noel!
Faithful people come, give thanks to God,
Sing Noel to the newborn King,
Sing here a new Noel!
In Bethlehem Mary and Joseph saw
Donkeys and cows near their sleeping boy,
His cradle was a midst a bed of straw,
Sing here a new Noel!
Stars saw there one whose radiance lit the night,
Guiding from the East those waiting such a sight,
To Bethlehem three Kings by it were led,
Sing here a new Noel!
One carried gold, another one myrrh,
Frankincense the last, its fragrance filled the air,
Like a garden in paradise,
Sing here a new Noel!
For forty days old Simeon kept his faith
Then between his arms the newborn Child was placed
Two turtledoves lulled him with their chants of praise
Sing here a new Noel!
Es ist ein Ro’entsprungen
Es ist ein Ros ensprungen aus einer Wurzel zart,
Was uns die Alten sungen, von Jesse kam die Art
Und hat ein Blümlein bracht
Mitten im kalten winter wohl zu der halben nacht
Das Röslein das ich meine, da von Jesaja sagt,
Hat uns gebracht alleine Marie die reine Magd:
Aus Gottes ewgem Rat
Hat sie ein Kind geboren wohl zu der halben nacht
Lo, how a rose e‘er blooming,
From tender stem hath sprung.
Of Jesse’s lineage coming,
As men of old have sung;
It came, a flow’ret bright,
Amid the cold of winter,
When halfspent was the night
Isaiah ‘twas foretold it,
The Rose I have in mind,
With Mary we behold it,
The virgin mother kind;
To show God’s love aright,
She bore to us a Savior,
When halfspent was the night
Untraveled Worlds
From “Ulysses” by Alfred Lord Tennyson
Text on inside cover page
I Sing of a Maiden
I sing of a maiden that is makeless,
King of all Kings,
To her son she chez.
He came all so still
Where His mother was,
As dew in April that falleth on the grass,
He came all so still
To His mother’s bower,
As dew in April that falleth on the flow’r
He came all so still
Where His mother lay,
As dew in April that falleth on the spray
Mother and maiden
Was never none but she:
Well may such a lady
God’s mother be.
Makeless – matchless
Chez - chose
A Gaelic Blessing
Deep peace of the running wave to you,
Deep peace of the flowing air to you,
Deep peace of the quiet earth to you,
Deep peace of the shining stars to you,
Deep peace of the gentle night to you,
Moon and stars pour their healing light on you,
Deep peace of Christ, the light of the world to you,
Deep peace of Christ to you.
Welcome to our World
Tears are falling, hearts are breaking
How we need to hear from God,
You’ve been promised, we’ve been waiting,
Welcome Holy Child.
Hope that you don’t mind our manger,
How I wish we would have known,
Long awaited holy stranger,
Make yourself at home
Bring your peace into our violence,
Bid our hungry souls be filled,
Word now breaking heaven’s silence,
Welcome to our world.
So wrap our injured flesh around you,
Breathe our air and walk our sod,
Rob our sin and make us holy,
Perfect Son of God,
Welcome to our world.
Auditions for the Conspirare Youth Choirs
The Conspirare Youth Choir is seeking the greater Austin area’s most talented young singers
from ages 9-16. Auditions for membership in the 2009-2010 season will take place in the
spring of 2009. Assistance based on financial need is available to qualified singers. To
arrange an audition or for more information, please contact Rick Gabrillo at 512.476.5775 or
2008-2009 Conspirare Youth Choirs
Brady Anderson
Miciah Auden
Grace Bassett
Carla Boerst
Sarah Briery
Noelle Brimble
Samantha Bruno
Matteo Capasso
Clare Edgar
Rachel Eidenschenk
Christian Erben
Nicole Ferrell
Claire Freeby
Balie Griffith
Isabella Haddad
Suzannah Haddad
Elisabeth LeDoux
Sophie Lillis
Eric Lu
Lauren Lym
Mikaela Manion
Olivia Martens
Gabriel Martin
Maressa Martins
Max McWitz
Sydney Merriwether
Emily Ortiz
Janetta Parker
Lucas Revering
Emily Studebaker
Maria Tangarova
Sofia Teeter
Pierce Waldrop
Conspirare Children’s Choir
Katherine Albin
Chiara Alvisi
Maria Alvisi
Lexi Anderson
Mary Barnett
Nick Behling
Stefán Bordovsky
Scott Burns
Marielle Catolos
Stephen Chao
Elenor Griffith
Trey Gurley
Allison Hall
Allegra Hastings-Martinez
Alexa Haverlah
Sam Henderson
Sophie Levy
Brennan Martinez
Julia McDonald
Sesha McMinn
Robert Mitchell
Sarah Nehring
Fancis Nieves
Carolyn Nuelle
Lauren Peak
Gracen Pizzitola
Irene Smith
Libby Smith
Alex Stapper
Elizabeth Stapper
Harper Starling-Rodgers
Nicolette Tapia
Zachary Waggoner
Duncan Waldrop
Molly Wear
Erica Weisman
Shelby Williams
Conspirare Youth Choirs Staff
Nina Revering
Ms. Revering’s choral music experience began at an early age. While
growing up in Brazil, she performed in the Coro Infantil do Teatro
Municipal under the direction of Elsa Lakschevitz. After moving to
Canada, she joined the Toronto Children’s Chorus, directed by Jean
Ashworth-Bartle, and performed with noted directors Andrew Davis and
Sir David Willcocks. Ms. Revering’s musical training included six years
of study in Toronto’s Royal Conservatory of Music in baroque recorder
as well as piano. Ms. Revering’s educational background includes work
at the Youth Performing Arts School, and Boston University. She studied baroque recorder with
John Tyson of the New England Conservatory and performed with the Tanglewood Festival Chorus
under conductors Seiji Ozawa, John Williams, and John Oliver.
Nina Revering has performed widely as a soloist and chorister throughout the region and around
the country. Soloist at St. Mary’s Cathedral from 1994-1997, she was also Victoria Bach Festival’s
New Young Artist in 1994. Ms. Revering has been a member of Conspirare since 1995 and was
a soloist in the Grammy-nominated Requiem CD, as well as the Threshold of Night CD, recently
released under the Harmonia Mundi label.
Ms. Revering taught music in Eanes schools from 1996-2003. A frequent clinician, guest
conductor, and vocal adjudicator around the state of Texas, Nina Revering was one of eight
conductors selected for participation in the International Symposium for Children’s Choir Directors
held in Toronto, Canada in May 2005. Professional affiliations include ACDA and TMEA.
Rick Gabrillo
In addition to his work with the Conspirare Youth Choirs as the Administrator
and an Assistant Conductor, Richard Gabrillo is currently the Associate
Conductor of Conspirare. After attending the New England Conservatory of
Music and Boston University, he completed his undergraduate and masters
degrees in choral music education and choral conducting at the University
of Texas at Austin in 1996 and 1999. He was the choral director at Clint
Small Middle School in Austin from 1999-2005. During his time at Clint Small Middle School,
Mr. Gabrillo was selected as the 2003-2004 CSMS Teacher of the Year, and he was a finalist for
the 2004 Austin ISD Middle School Teacher of the Year. From 2002 to 2005, he served as the
Region 18 Middle School Vocal Coordinator and UIL Contest Chair, which served the greater
Austin area. In 2005, the Clint Small Middle School Concert Choir was honored to perform for
the Texas Music Educators Association Convention in San Antonio. In addition to his current
work with Conspirare, he is also active as a singer, accompanist, clinician, and choral adjudicator
throughout Texas.
Dr. Maimy Fong
Dr. Maimy Fong, pianist & vocal coach, earned a Bachelor’s degree in piano
with a concentration in vocal accompanying from the University of the Pacific
in Stockton, California. She also completed Master’s and Doctoral degrees in
piano performance at the University of Texas at Austin School of Music. She
has worked for the Des Moines Metro Opera, Austin Lyric Opera, and was the first pianist-coach
in El Paso Opera’s Artist-in-Residence Program. In Austin, she maintains an active schedule of
playing chamber music, instrumental and voice recitals, teaching, and coaching. Dr. Fong had been
an accompanist for CYC since its inception.
Chris Oelkers
Chris was born in Winnipeg, Canada, where he studied organ and harpsichord
at the University of Manitoba. He served as organist for various churches
until being appointed Organist and Choir Director for the Cathedral Parish
of St. Mary, Winnipeg, in 1986. In 1992, Mr. Oelkers received the Dorothy
Leidig Organ Scholarship from the University of Kansas, as well as the Music
Scholarship from the St. Lawrence Catholic Campys Center at KU. He
commenced organ studies with Michael Bauer and James Higdon, and served as Liturgical Music
Intern at St. Lawrence Center from 1992-1998, while also serving as Director of Music for the First
Congregational Church of Topeka, Kansas.
In June of 2007, Mr. Oelkers was the guest of the German organ builder Herbert Hey, during which
time he toured many new installations and restorations in Bavaria and Liechtenstein, concluding his
visit with a concert at the Catholic Parish Church of St. Bartholomew, Leutershausen, Germany. He
has since been appointed American Representative and European coordinator of Hey Orgelbau.
Mr. Oelkers is active as a recitalist, and has given many performances throughout the US, Canada
and Europe. He currently serves as organist and Associate Music Director at St. Louis Catholic
Church, a position he has held since August of 2005. This is his first season as an accompanist
for Conspirare Youth Choirs.
Special Guest Artists
Laurie Young Stevens, Violin, is well known for her involvement
in and mastery of many different musical styles. She has been a professional
player and teacher for over 35 years and has performed extensively throughout
the US and Europe. Ms. Stevens is well known for her dedication to
performance of works with voices. She is also an avid proponent of historically
informed performance practice. Ms. Stevens is the leader of the Texas Early
Music Project and the Texas Bach Collegium. She is also a member of
Philharmonia Baroque Orchestra in San Francisco, Collegium Atlantis of Boston and the
Gottingen Handel Festival Orchestra in Gottingen, Germany. This spring and summer will find her
presenting concerts of English Baroque chamber music, performances with the Minnesota
Chamber Orchestra, at Lincoln Center in New York and in Sweden, Germany and the Edinburg,
Scotland Festival of Music. Ms. Stevens lives in Austin with her husband David.
Classical Guitarist Thales
Smith has been featured on NPR’s From
the Top and KMFA’s Classical Austin radio shows, and is an experienced solo
performer and ensemble player. He has received recognition in many ways for
his classical guitar abilities. His award highlights include: Texas Commission
on the Arts, 2008 Texas Young Master; Guitar Foundation of America,
International Youth Solo Competition, 2006 1st Prize Winner; Austin Young
Concert Artists winner 2006-07 and 2008-09; American String Teachers
Association, National Solo Competition, Jr. Div., 2007 Finalist; and 1st place high school trio at UT
Brownsville Guitar Fest 2006, with Austin Sonance Guitars. Thales considers himself a classical
music enthusiast and an advocate for the arts, and enjoys collaborating with a wide array of
performance artists such as dancers, singers, and all types of classical musicians.
Seventeen years old, Thales has studied classical guitar, since he was 7 years old, with Dr. Matthew
Hinsley, Classical Guitarist and Tenor, and Executive Director of the Austin Classical Guitar Society.
Thales has also had private instruction with Adam Holzman, Andrew Zohn, and Jorge Caballero, and
master classes with numerous renowned classical guitarists; including: David Russell, Eliot Fisk,
Matteo Mela, Lorenzo Micheli, William Kanengiser, and Paul Galbraith. Inspired by Thales’ guitar
playing, Mark Cruz, Texas State University-San Marcos, Professor of Guitar, composed a threemovement piece for him: Triptych No. 2: I. Esperanza, II. Vinculacion, III. Fandangillo.
Jou-an Chang
Cellist Jou-An Hou, a Doctoral Candidate at the University of Texas at Austin,
won the Gold Medal in the Kaohsiung City Cello Competition and the Silver
Medal of the Taiwan Cello Competition among many other awards. Ms. Hou was
a member of the Taipei City Symphony Orchestra, the Taipei Century Orchestra
and founded the Gabriel Chamber Orchestra during her time in Taipei. She has
performed extensively in her native Taiwan, throughout Asia, as well as South
Africa and the United States. She is principle cellist of the UT Austin Symphony orchestra.
She has studied with Paul Tobias, Bernard Greenhouse, Master Classes with Aldo Parisot and
Lawrence Lesser. She previously graduated with a Masters from the Mannes College of Music
in New York. Ms. Hou currently assistant teaches at the University of Texas at Austin and studies
with Professor Bion Tsang.
Owen Weaver
Owen Weaver began his formal percussion training at the University of
Minnesota where he earned a Bachelor of Music degree in 2006. He held
a position for two years with the Rochester Symphony and Chorale and
appeared as a solo artist in the Marimba Underground concert series in
Minneapolis. An active chamber musician, he performs with flute/percussion
duo Undertow, which was featured at the 2008 Southwestern University
Keyboard Percussion Festival. He has also performed at Houston’s annual Weekend of Modern
Dance. He recently was featured as a solo performer in the New York based Wordless Music
Series and collaborated with Austin’s Conspirare for a PBS special to be aired in March.
Currently he is pursuing a master’s degree in percussion at the University of Texas at Austin and
serves as Principal Timpanist for the Round Rock Symphony.
Conspirare Youth Choirs Highlights 2008-09
Now in its fourth season, Conspirare Youth Choirs continue their momentum of success.
Enrollment has increased from 47 singers in 2005 to the current roster of 70 singers in two
ensembles; Kantorei and the Conspirare Children’s Choir.
In August, the CYC launched its season activities with a Kick-Off Clinic. This three-day
event was a time for returning and new singers to meet and expand their musical skills, while
developing their ensemble sound. At the conclusion of the Kick-Off, the CYC had their annual
Family Dinner Night and Parent Meeting.
In September, 12 members of the Conspirare Children’s Choir were invited to perform at a
taping of an Austin City Limits show featuring the Oscar-winning band, Swell Season.
In October, the Kantorei singers were invited to perform at the Abraham Walk event held
at Congregation Agudas Achim at the Dell Jewish Center. In November, Conspirare Youth
Choirs singers were again invited to perform for the elegant Austin Children’s Shelter Gala
held at the Four Seasons Hotel.
Also in November, the CYC held the second annual “Fall into Harmony” workshop, a Saturday
filled with music-making and a fun social time
for the singers. In addition to focused ensemble
rehearsal time, the choirs rehearsed blocking
and transitions for the upcoming Winter
Looking towards the spring of 2009, the
Conspirare Youth Choirs is excited to have
been invited to perform for the prestigious Texas
Music Educator’s Association annual convention
in San Antonio in February. The Choirs will also
present community service performances in the
spring, and sing at the Austin Museum of Art.
An exceptional choir deserves exceptional
performance opportunities – as such, the CYC
singers will embark on our first International
Tour in the summer of 2010 – to Wales! We
are thrilled to be participating in an exciting
Children’s Choir festival to be led by Anton
Armstrong and Janet Galvan. Our singers will
tour the castle where the Harry Potter films
were made.
The Conspirare Youth Choirs gratefully acknowledges the contributions and generosity of the
following individuals and organizations:
Craig Hella Johnson
Fran Collmann and Conspirare Board of Directors
Erich Vollmer
Katie Apple, Monica Maher, Chuck Lutke, Tamara Blanken, Cynthia Densmore, Will
Culbertson, Melissa Eddy, and Meri Krueger
Parent volunteers of our Kick-Off/Lock-in, Family Dinner Night and Parent Meeting
Klaus Bichteler
Marianna Parnas Simpson
Nathan Wadley, American Boychoir
Wendy Lym, Patricia Mitchell,
Becky McKown, Cindy Bordovsky
Walter Stewart, Mary Smith, and Irene Alvisi
Thom Pavlechko and Yolanda Alvarez, St. Martin’s Evangelical Lutheran Church
James Brown and Jane Bassett, First Presbyterian Church
Ed Snouffer, Westlake High School
Mia Simms, Austin Children’s Shelter
Jaime Mattox
Korey Howell Photography
Will Hornaday
Singers, Parents, Volunteers, and Family Supporters of the CYC
Conspirare Performing Note
Conspirare has the privilege of performing in a variety of beautiful venues.We seek out
acoustical and aesthetic environments that can best enhance choral performances and
we are deeply grateful to our hosts. While our performing venues may represent specific
traditions and the texts of some of our repertoire may also be representative of specific
traditions, it is in no way intended to be exclusive of any individual whose experience or set of
beliefs is not represented.
Conspirare respects and celebrates the great diversity of religious, artistic, and human
experiences represented among our singers and audience members. Our shared musical
experiences are intended to bring us together as we all seek to be inspired by the power of
great choral music. The audience creates the space in which the music is held.
“Christmas at the Carillon” at the Long Center
One of Austin’s most anticipated yearly holiday traditions will be even more special this year with
Eliza Gilkyson’s debut appearance with Conspirare as Special Guest Artist and a performance at
the Long Center for the Performing Arts, with a greater range of ticket prices than ever before for
this popular series.
What remains the same is that Christmas at the Carillon is a concert experience like none other:
in equal parts, sacred and secular holiday music, art and popular music, concert hall performance
and community sing. This is a concert you will remember long after the last notes have been sung.
Eliza Gilkyson, who makes her home in Austin, is one of the most respected singer-songwriters in
folk and Americana circles. The Grammy-nominated artist has appeared on National Public Radio,
Austin City Limits and Air America Radio, and has toured with Richard Thompson, Patty Griffin
Mary Bruton
and Mary Chapin Carpenter. In February of 2003, she
was inducted into the Austin Music Hall of Fame. Her first
studio album in three years, Beautiful World, an evocative
collection of songs that explores an optimism and love for
the world, was released last May to rave reviews.
Monday, December 8, 8:00 pm
Long Center, 701 West Riverside Drive, Austin
Tickets $50, $40, $30, $20 and $16
Purchase securely online at Conspirare.org
or call 476-5775
The Carillon Gala
Eliza Gilkyson
Tony Spielberg
The annual Carillon Gala, a benefit for Conspirare, is
scheduled in tandem with this performance. In
addition to prime seating for the concert, there will
be a gala pre-performance dinner and a post-concert
champagne-dessert reception in the Kodosky Donor
Lounge. Please call 476-5775 for complete information
and to make reservations, which are limited.
The Long Center for the Performing Arts
A World Premiere
By Eric Whitacre
at the Long Center
In July of 2007, Conspirare commissioned the
American composer, Eric Whitacre, to write his
first-ever large-scale, oratorio-type work for the
2008-2009 season. Afforded free reign on the
theme and text(s) of the work and soloists, if
any, the only requests made by Conspirare of
Mr. Whitacre were that he conceive a work of
70-75 minutes for both large and small choirs
and a standard-sized symphony orchestra.
Considering the current popularity of Mr.
Whitacre’s music, it is safe to say that this new
work will generate great interest among music
lovers throughout the world, who will consider these first performances “an event” and “a real
happening.” It is, indeed, intended for Conspirare’s Symphonic Choir and Grammy-nominated
chamber choir, plus soprano soloist, the beautiful and gifted Hila Plitmann. The instrumental
forces will be a string orchestra of 55-60, plus percussion.
Immediately following the performances, the work will be recorded in the Long Center for
Harmonia Mundi, most likely the first recording for commercial release to be made in Austin’s
superb new performing arts center. Purchase your tickets now at 512.476.5775.
Marc Royce
Wednesday, May 27, 6:00pm
Chez Zee, austin
Choral Conversation: Craig Hella Johnson
previews the new work by Eric Whitacre
Friday, June 5, 8:00pm
Long Center, austin
Choral Conversation: 7:00pm
Saturday, June 6, 8:00pm
Long Center, austin
Choral Conversation: 7:00pm
Hila Plitmann
of Directors
Fran Collmann, Chair
Joe Cain, Vice Chair
Bernadette Tasher, Treasurer
Robert J. Karli, Secretary
Jack Brannon
Ray Brimble
David Clark
Larry Collmann
Tom Driscoll
Ann Fields
Robert Harlan
Carolyn Harris-Hynson
Kathleen Curran-Lavendoski
Hope Morgan
Anne Nagelkirk
E. Stuart Phillips
Hon. Bea Ann Smith
Patty Speier
Mary Stephenson
Dottie Welton
Advisory Board
Stephen Aechternacht
John Aielli
Sue Barnes
Mark Bierner
David Burger
David Claflin
Virginia Dupuy
Maydelle Fason
JoLynn Free
Billy Gammon
Vance George
Helen Hays
Dan Herd
Bill Hilgers
Wayne Holtzman
Cassandra James
Judith Jellison
Helen Lea
Bob Murphy
Lynn Murphy
Gayle Glass Roche
Nancy Scanlan
Russell Schulz
Angela Smith
Louann Temple
Eva Womack
Craig Hella Johnson
Artistic Director
Erich Vollmer
Executive Director
Katie Apple
Executive Assistant to the Artistic Director
Tamara Blanken
Ticketing Services Manager
Will Culbertson
Production Manager
Cynthia Densmore
Melissa Eddy
Development Manager
Rick Gabrillo
Administrator, Conspirare Youth Choirs
Associate Conductor, Conspirare
Meri Krueger
Artist Relations
Chuck Lutke
Marketing & Communications Manager
Monica Maher
Operations Manager
Nina Revering
Director, Conspirare Youth Choirs
Nicki Turman
House Manager
Shining Star Scholarship Program
The Scholarship Program:
The Conspirare Youth Choirs is fully committed to finding and training young musicians with
a deep focus and love for choral singing, regardless of the obstacles that may prevent their
participation. In 2006-2007, the CYC created the Shining Star Scholarship Program to
support new singers in the CYC in 2007-2008 (beginning August 2007). With generous
donations from last season, the CYC is currently supporting tuition for three singers and full
transportation costs for one singer during the current season.
During the spring of 2009, singers who are interested in being considered for this scholarship
will complete an application and participate in an audition with the Conspirare Youth Choirs.
Following the auditions, a scholarship committee will review the applications and audition
results and select the singers who best meet the criteria of the scholarship fund based upon
skill, teacher recommendations, prior musical experience, and financial need.
Support a Shining Star:
Currently, we are seeking donations of $750, which will provide tuition fees, transportation
costs, uniform costs, music, and rehearsal supplies for one singer for the entire 2009-2010
season (August 2009 to April 2010). We hope you will consider “adopting” a singer through
the Shining Star Scholarship Program. Your tax-deductible $750 contribution to Conspirare
will be a life-changing gift for one young singer who would not have this opportunity without
your generosity. If a full donation of $750 is not possible for your family at the present time,
we are always pleased to accept any donation amount you make to this fund.
Other Ways to Support a Shining Star:
It may also be possible that a scholarship recipient may need transportation assistance. If
you are passionately committed to the goal of this scholarship fund but cannot financially
contribute at the present time, we invite you to become a volunteer driver for this program.
As a volunteer driver, you would be responsible for the transportation of the singer from their
home or school to each Conspirare Youth Choirs rehearsal and performance. Volunteer
drivers are vital to the success of this program. You will ensure that our scholarship recipients
have consistent attendance, thereby receiving the highest possible musical training and vocal
We hope you will consider joining these generous families and organizations who have
already contributed to the Shining Star Scholarship Program:
Choir of the Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd
Conspirare Symphonic Choir
The Martinez Family
Lois Van Lanningham
To contribute or volunteer for the Shining Star Scholarship Program or for more information,
please contact Rick Gabrillo at 512.476.5775 or ConspirareYouthChoirs@gmail.com.
Business & Foundation Sponsors
Media Sponsors
Public Funding Agencies
Support Conspirare
Conspirare invites you to join our family of donors by supporting the exciting 2008-09 season.
Your assistance supports our gift of music through performances of the highest artistic quality and
educational outreach programs, including the Conspirare Youth Choirs.
Leadership Circle
Maestro Circle........................................ $25,000+
Impresario Circle.................. $15,000 —
­ $24,999
Benefactor Circle.................. 10,000 — $14,999
Platinum Baton Circle.............. $5,000 — $9,999
Golden Baton Circle................. $2,500 — $4,999
Silver Baton Circle.................... $1,000 — $2,499
Circle of Friends
Sponsors............................................$500 — $999
Patrons...............................................$250 — $499
Sustainers..........................................$100 — $249
Donors.................................................... Up to $99
enclosed is my tax-deductible gift in the amount of $
Payment Information:
❑ check enclosed. payable to conspirare
check number
amount of check
credit card ❑ discover ❑ mc
❑ visa
❑ amex
name on card
card number
security code
expiration date
must be signature of cardholder
daytime phone (
Mail to Conspirare, 1033 La Posada Drive, Suite 130, Austin, Texas 78752. Conspirare is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization.
Donations are tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law.
Gifts to Conspirare provide the financial support to produce our concerts, recordings, educational
programs and outreach activities in Austin and communities throughout Central Texas.
The following roster of donors includes cash and in-kind gifts received from individuals, family
and private foundations, businesses, and government agencies between January 1, 2007 and
September 25, 2008. We are grateful and wish to express our appreciation to each and every one
of our donors.
Leadership Circle
Maestro Circle
Ray & Karen Brimble
City of Austin Cultural Division
Larry & Fran Collmann
The Kodosky Foundation,
Jeff & Gail Kodosky
National Endowment for the Arts
South Texas Money Management
TesCom, Inc.
Impresario Circle
The Ken & Joyce Beck Family Fund
GE Foundation
Wendi & Brian Kushner
Gayle & Mike Roche
Still Water Foundation
Benefactor Circle
Austin Community Foundation
Joe & Cynthia Cain
John & Mildred Holmes
Family Foundation
Mary Nell Frucella
Trish & Robert Karli
Keating Family Foundation
KUT 90.5 FM
Platinum Baton Circle
Robert & Pat Brueck
Dan Bullock
Joe & Cynthia Cain
David & Catherine Clark
Clark, Thomas & Winters
Crutch & Danna Crutchfield
William R. Dickson
Thomas Driscoll & Nancy Quinn
Bruce & Gwen Flory
Cherry Gray
Lara & Robert Harlan
Mid Atlantic Arts Foundation
Louise Reeser
Cindy Taylor
Texas Commission on the Arts
Golden Baton Circle
Hayden & Lynn Brooks
David & Janis Claflin
Virginia & Robert Dupuy
The Fetzer Institute
Susan Gregerson
Beverly & Balie J. Griffith
Carolyn Harris-Hynson
KMFA 89.5 FM
Katie & John Lavendoski
Jerry Morris & Renee Speed
The Prodicus Group
Nancy Scanlan
William Schleuse
Peter Schram & Harry Ullmann
Gene Alice & Max Sherman
Shoehorn Design
Syzygy Marketing
Jeffrey & Janelle Taylor
Family Foundation
The Rachael & Ben Vaughan
Dottie Welton
Eva & Marvin Womack
Silver Baton Circle
Shannon Armstrong
Robert & Patricia Ayres
Brett Barnes
William C. Bednar & Flo Ann Randle
Jeff & Ann Bomer
Jack Brannon & Brian Miller
Amelia Bullock & Bill Krumpack
David Burger
Toni & Paul Burns
Patricia Cherico
Jerry Craft
Ed Dato & Barry Gray
Rena & Richard D’Souza
Bryan Dunkin
Gregory & JoLynn Free
Frost Bank
Jane Hilfer
Sam & Maydelle Fason
Regan & Billy Gammon
Tom Grimes & Karen Kibler
Bob & Helen Hays
Van & Jeanne Hoisington
Timothy Koock
Helen Lea
Eric Leibrock
W. Jackson & Carolyn Long
Joyce Mayer
Barbara Miller
Janet Miller
Milton D. Miller
Mary H. Montgomery
Hope Morgan
Lynn & Bob Murphy
Anne Nagelkirk & Jason Orr
William Nemir
Northern Trust
Pinnergy Ltd.
Stuart Phillips
Raymond James Endowment Fund
Sally & Andy Ritch
Michal Rosenberger
Donna & Christy Salinas
Hon. Bea Ann Smith
Charles & Angela Smith
Carol Cunningham Son
Anne Sorensen
Mary Stephenson
Mary Smith & Walter Stewart
James Stolpa
Judith & Harvey Strassman
Bernadette Tasher
Mary Thomajan
Jennifer & Scott Tiller
Ben & Daphne Vaughan
Anne & William Wagner
Royce Wells
Charles Woodruff & Patty Speier
Charles & Mariann Younger
Circle of Friends
Susan Barnes
Nancy Bowman
Marvin Burke & Joyce Zehr
Richard Campbell
Chris & J. Dennis Cavner
Carol & Dick Curran
Paula D’Arcy
Lynne Dobson
Patrick Delaune & Sadaf Khan
Paul Dlabal
Wheeler Fairman & Kelley
Ann Fields
Mary Frances Fischer
Fringe Benefit Group
Cheryl Fuller
Homer & Glenda Goehrs
Carolyn Goldston
Anna Gonzalez-Sorensen
Cynthia Gonzales
Gary Greenblum
Gerre & Judith Hancock In honor of
Craig Hella Johnson
Joan Harman & David Hume
Walter & Ann Herbst
Jane & Tony Hilfer
Robert E. Hollingsworth
Wayne & Joan Holtzman
IBM Matching Grants Program
Diane Ireson
Jane Jackson
Morris & Marge Johnson
Cindy Keever
Janie Keys & Ivan Milman
Emily Little
Robert Lucas & Suzanne Randolph
Alan Luecke
Anne & Manuel Martinez
Carol McIntosh
Kevin & Debe McKeand
Mary Milam
Michael Morrow
Tina & Mark Nowak
Mary Parse & Klaus Bichteler
Milbrey & Bev Raney
Jack & Susan Robertson In honor
& respect for our daughter,
soprano Sara Hill
Chuck Ross & Brian Hencey
David C. Smith
LaFern & Virgil Swift
Kerry Tate & Susan Rieff
Mary & Charlie Teeple
Louann & Larry Temple
Elizabeth & Kurt VanderMeulen
Lois VanLaningham
Catherine & David Wildermuth
Eva Andries
Robert & Margaret Ayres
Amy Blair
Evelyn Boyer
Samuel & Anne Byars
Janet Carlsen Campbell
Gwen & Dean Collmann
Nathasha & David Collmann
Gary Cooper & Richard Hartgrove
Sheryl Cox
Lisa & Eric Craven
Robert & Frances Cushing
Karel Dahmen
Robin & Karl Dent
Bridget Doughty
Robert Duke & Judith Jellison
R. John & Susan Fox
Mary Gifford
Jo & James Green
Jeanne & Robert Guy
Leroy & Karen Haverlah
Imogene Hill
Kit Holmes
Bobby & Nancy Inman
Steve Kahle In honor of Glenda
Mary M. Kevorkian
Betty & Bill King
Ann & Bill Kleinebecker
Cynthia & Greg Kozmetsky
Robert & Jeanne Langston
Lawrence Lawver
Katie Lewis
Arthur & Patricia McCormick In
honor of the Hon. Bea Ann Smith
Ray McLeod
Vance McMahan
Janice & Ricky McSwain
Milton D. Miller
Bonnie Mills
Suzanne Mitchell
Janice & James Moyle
Rosie & John Nieman
Richard E. Orton
James & Linda Prentice
Caren Prothro
Marie Van Roekel
Pieter & Frances Schenkkan
Nan Seiden
Kay Sherrill
Carole & Charles Sikes
Jen & Jim Templeton
Bud Twilley
Anonymous (2)
Barbara Alford
Joy Anderson
Sarah Anderson
Sue Anderson
Carl J. Arico
Matthew Bachop & Natalie Beck In
honor of the Hon. Bea Ann Smith
Ann Bahan
Janette Barlow
Tom & Sue Barnes
Chuck Barnett
Susan Bassion
Cindy & Patrick Behling
Bridgette Beinecke
Ola Bell
Mark Bierner & Cassandra James
In memory of Karen Kuykendall
Pat Black
Martha Boyd
John & Trina Braun
Judy & William Bray
John & Marian Breen
Kay Brock
Billye Jean Brown
George Brown
Frank Calhoun
James Campbell
Elisbeth Challener & Brett Bachmann
Sue Ann Chandler
Sharon Chapman
Fleur Christiansen
Beverly & Walter Colquhoun
Nancy Connolly
Rachel Conrad & Dr. Philip Wahlberg
Brian Conroy
James & Glenda Crout
Nell & Al Dale
Richard J. Davis
Anne Page DeBois
Sandra Derby
Nina & Jeffrey Di Leo
Will Dibrell
Steve & Dayna Diven
Robert M. Draper
Sharon Duboise
Lorenzo & Irene Eibenstein Alvisi
James Elrod
Pam Elrod
John Evans
David & Eve Fariss
Sylvia Fatzer
Dennis & Lori Featherstone
Sally Fly & John Nyfeler
Bart & Gayla Foster
Ginna & Merle Franke
Jessica B. Franko
Laura Furman & Joel Barna
Dana Friis-Hansen & Mark Holzbach
Lori Gainer
Anneliese & Robert Geis
David & Kay Goff
Loel Graber
Elaine & Gary Hamilton
John & Elizabeth Hansing Moon
Christi Harlan
David & Jane Higgins
Lewis Hoffacker
Jane & David Holty
Jeffrey Hudson & Robert Blodgett
Ellen Hughes
Todd Jermstad
Ellen Jockusch
Roy & Dianne Kaderli
Hugh & Marguerite Kelly
Ellen King
Elinor Kliewer
Lynn Knaupp & John Griffin
Bill & Donna Knox
Ken & Carol Koock
Wendy Kuo & Klondike Steadman
Lou & Bill Lasher
Linton & Donna Luetje
Sheila Lummis
Dell Marcoux
Mary Matus
James Mauseth & Tommy Navarre
Virginia McDermott
Charles & Dora McDonald
John & Jill McFarland
Arthur Miles
Glenn Miller
Nancy Moore
Claudia Morgan
Janice & Chip Morris
Louise Morse
William & Judith Munyon
Judy Neely
Holly Noelke
Roger M. Olien
Patty Olwell
Margaret H. & Philip J. Overbaugh
Philip Overbaugh
Jim Parrish
Cathie Parsley
Pete & Elizabeth Paul
Carlisle Pearson
Debbie Peden & Dean Perkins
Wesley & Karen Peoples
Alex & Karen Pope
Rebecca & Phil Powers
Mary Pozorski
Katherine Race
Randalls / Safeway, Inc.
Suzanne Randolph and Robert Lucas
Teresa Recar
David Reinwald
Lynn & Dick Rew
Joanne & Hamilton Richards
Martha P. Rochelle
Gerhild Rogers
Jenna Salwen
Yoichi & Toko Sato
Tracy Schiemenz & Melissa Eddy
Thomas & Claudia Schurr
Eugene Sepulveda
Lindsay & Joan Sharpe
Katharine B. & Gregory Shields
Beverly & Linward Shivers
V.C. Smart
Janice & John Spence
D. C. (Don) & Nancy Spencer
Dottie Spengel
Cindy & Bryan Sperry
Beverly Spicer
Virginia Stotts
Albert & Kay Stowell
Keith Stucky
Joe & Rose Sullivan
John C.R. Taylor III & Peter Flagg Maxson
Julie Tereshuk & Trevor Richards
Beverly Terry
Jay Thompson
Thomas & Gayle Toler
Cynthia Vanderberg
Shirley & Fred Viehweg
Carol Walker
Martha Ward
Ben Wear
Noel T. Weaver
Gretchen Weis
Valerie Wenger
Marianne & Stewart Wilkinson
Carolyn Wright
Patricia & Paul Youngdale
Conspirare wishes to thank all donors of gifts under $100
and regrets that space does not permit the listing of each
name. Your support is equally appreciated.
Dear Nina and Rick,
Deep peace of the
Shining stars to You,
Who bless our children
with the awe and beauty
of untraveled worlds.
Thank you,
The Griffith Family
Dear Balie,
Dear Elenor,
We love you as a flow’r loves the dew
that falleth in April.
We love you, seeker of a newer world
and explorer of untraveled worlds.
Leah, Kim, Elenor, Mama, Daddy
Leah, Kim, Balie, Mama, Daddy
Thank you Craig, Nina, and Rick for
your vision and dedication.
Alexa, Congratulations- keep
smiling and singing!
Your loving grandparents,
Karen and Leroy Haverlah
Dear Sarah,
Thank you for another
“swell season” of beautiful music!
Dad, Mom, and Julia
Janetta LaVelle Parker
There are some people who come into your life,
and you wonder how you lived without them,
Janetta, you are that person to this family!
You are such a giving person with a heart for
those around you.
We love your sense of humor, your smile,
and the love you show all of us uniquely.
We love you so much, and we cannot wait to see
what God has planned for your life!
Love always,
Mom, Dad, Jessica, Jennifer, and Jeremy