program booklet


program booklet
DECEMBER 14 & 15, 2012
Co n s p i r a r e Yo u t h C h o i rs
Nina Revering
Friday, December 14, 2012, 7:30pm
Maimy Fong, P iano
Austin Haller, P iano & O rgan
Saturday, December 15, 2012, 7:30pm
CYC A rtistic D irector
St. Martin’s Lutheran Church, Austin, TX
St. Martin’s Lutheran Church, Austin, TX
Conspirare Youth Choirs
505 East Huntland Drive, Suite 155
Austin, Texas 78752
From the Director
Combined Choirs
Mad World............................................................................... Roland Orzabal (b. 1961)
Edited by Nina Revering
An Advent Processional.................................................................15th Century Plainsong
Arranged by Russell Schulz-Widmar (b. 1944)
Conspirare Children’s Choir
Magnificat............................................................................. Niccola Porpora (1686-1768)
Et Exultavit - Carolyn Nuelle & Elizabeth Stapper
Fecit Potentiam - Clare Edgar, Libby Smith, Asha Rao & Jordan Tenpas
Combined Choirs
Sing................................................................. Andrew Lloyd Webber (b. 1948) & Gary Barlow
Time of Snow.................................................................................Bob Chilcott (b. 1955)
This Joy..........................................................................................Bob Chilcott (b. 1955)
Gifts...............................................................................................Bob Chilcott (b. 1955)
What Sweeter Music..................................................................... Eleanor Daley (b. 1955)
Emma Atkins, Elizabeth Driggers, Daryl Hale, Sarah Helmbrecht, Maya Lyles,
Holly Mathews, Jacob Ordaz, Veronica Ruth & William Wallingford
Night of Silence...................................................................................... Daniel Kantor
Mein Freund ist Mein................................................... Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750)
Seren Villwock & Natasha Ponomareva
Walking in the Air...........................................................................Howard Blake (b. 1938)
Lucas Revering
Dear CYC Supporters, Family and Friends,
On this special night, I want to personally thank you for your listening
presence and on behalf of our singers, for sharing in this, our eighth season
of music-making!
As we enter into this time of giving and receiving, celebrating and relaxing,
I am especially mindful of the joy these singers bring to my life. The work
of teaching and learning this repertoire together has been a journey over
the last few months! With our brand new young singers or our very tall
7-year veterans, we can’t help forming a connection to each other through
the work and the music. We see from Monday to Monday the steady procession of becoming an ensemble: sharing a goal, learning a skill, finding a
friend. Our very tall veterans were once our brand new young singers, and
they now mentor and coach and work together.
As journeys go, these are some of my favorite. Watching them grow is a
unique and wonderful honor.
Enjoy your evening and your season!
Nina Revering
Founding Artistic Director
Conspirare Youth Choirs
Combined Choirs
Ave Maria......................................................................... Camille Saint-Saëns (1835-1921)
God Bless the Master................................................... Ralph Vaughn Williams (1872-1958)
Technology generously underwritten by the Tetzlaff/Tiblier & Sankaran Families. Thank you.
Texts & Translations
Mad World
Words & Music by Roland Orzabal (b. 1961)
Edited by Nina Revering
1. All around me are familiar faces, worn out places, worn out faces.
Bright and early for their daily races, going nowhere, going nowhere.
Their tears are filling up their glasses, no expression, no expression.
Hide my head, I wanna drown my sorrow, no tomorrow, no tomorrow.
Chorus: And I find it kinda funny, I find it kinda sad,
That dreams in which I’m crying are the best I’ve ever had.
I find it hard to tell you, I find it hard to take,
When people run in circles it’s a very very mad world.
Children waiting for the day they feel good.
Happy birthday, happy birthday.
Made to feel the way that every child should.
Sit and listen, sit and listen.
Went to school and I was very nervous.
No one knew me, no one knew me.
Hello teacher tell me what’s my lesson?
Look right through me, look right through me.
An Advent Processional
15th century plainsong
Arranged by Russell Schulz-Widmar (b. 1944)
1. O come, O come, Emmanuel,
and ransom captive Israel,
that mourns in lonely exile here
until the Son of God appear.
Chorus: Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel
Shall come to you, O Israel.
2. O Holy Wisdom from on high,
Come, order all things mightily;
To us the path of wisdom show,
And teach us in her ways to go.
3. O Key of David’s city, come,
And open wide or heavenly home.
Make safe the way that leads on high,
And close the path of misery.
4. O Morning star in radiance bright
Dispel the gloom of endless night.
Enlighten those who wait in fear;
Come, shed your rays of glory here.
5. O King and hope of all the earth,
Come, visit us by human birth.
Bid every da division cease;
O come and save us Prince of Peace.
Niccola Porpora (1686-1768)
1. Magnificat anima mea Magnificat anima mea Dominum.
My soul doth magnify the Lord.
2. Et exultavit
Et exultavit spiritus meus: in Deo salutari meo.Quia respexit humilitatem
ancillae suae:ecce enim ex hoc beatam me dicent omnes generationes.
And my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour. Because he hath
regarded the humility of his handmaid; for behold from henceforth all
generations shall call me blessed. Because he that is mighty,
Quia fecit mihi magna, qui potens est:
hath done great things to me;
et sanctum nomen eius.
and holy is his name.
recordatus misericordiae suae.
being mindful of his mercy:
Sicut locutus est ad patres nostros:
As he spoke to our fathers,
Abraham, et semini eius in saecula.
to Abraham and to his seed forever.
5. Gloria Patri
Gloria Patri et Filio et Spiritui Sancto, Gloria, Gloria.
Glory Be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost.
6. Sicut erat
Sicut erat in principio et nunc et semper nunc
et semper et in saecula saeculorum, Amen.
As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever
shall be, world without end. Amen.
3. Et misericordia
Et misericordia eius, a progenie et progenies: timentibus eum.
And his mercy is from generation unto generations, to them that fear him.
4. Fecit potentiam
Fecit potentiam in brachio suo:
He hath shewed might in his arm:
dispersit superbos mente cordis sui.
he hath scattered the proud in the conceit of their heart.
Deposuit potentes de sede: et exaltavit humiles.
He hath put down the mighty from their seat, and hath exalted the humble.
Esurientes implevit bonis:
He hath filled the hungry with good things;
et divites dimisit inanes.
and the rich he hath sent empty away.
Suscepit Israel puerum suum:
He hath received Israel his servant,
Andrew Lloyd Webber & Gary Barlow (b. 1948)
1. Some words they can’t be spoken only sung,
So hear a thousand voices shouting love.
There’s a place, there’s a time, in this life,
When you sing what you are feeling.
Find your feet, stand your ground,
Don’t you see right now the world is listening to what we say.
Chorus: Sing it louder, sign it clearer, knowing everyone will hear you.
Make some noise, find your voice tonight.
Sing it stronger, sing together, make this moment last forever
Old and young, shouting love tonight
2. To sing we’ve had a lifetime to wait.
And see a thousand faces celebrate.
You brought hope, You brought light, Conquered fear,
No it wasn’t always easy
Stood your ground, kept your faith,
Don’t you see, right now the world is listening to what we say.
This Joy
Bob Chilcott (b. 1955)
3. Some words they can’t be spoken only sung,
To hear a thousand voices shouting love,
And light and hope.
Just sing. Just sing. Just sing.
Bob Chilcott (b. 1955)
2. This birth is a new birth,
That will bring us peace on earth.
Be glad, it is for us he came,
Sing out, Jesus is his name,
Sing out, Jesus is his name.
1. They journey onward to find their rest,
Mary and Joseph, forever blessed.
They travel wearily as they go,
The time of winter, the time of snow.
3. This light in its majesty
Shines for all the world to see,
A light of love and giving,
A light for all the living.
2. A place for shelter they have in mind,
A simple stable is all they find.
The promise of an angel is all they know,
The time of winter, the time of snow.
4. This love is a new love,
Sent to us from heaven above.
Be glad, for the hope that springs,
Sing out for the joy it brings,
Sing out for the joy it brings,
Sing out this joy!
Hear a thousand voices shouting love.
Time of Snow
3. It may not have been winter then,
That certain night in Bethlehem,
But with the beauty of this birth
Came the renewal of the earth,
As a flower that grows
Through the melting snows.
4. There in the silence lies Mary’s son,
A source of wonder for everyone.
Within a stable so long ago,
The time of winter, the time, the time of snow.
1. This joy is a new joy,
The wondrous birth of a baby boy.
Be glad, it is for us he came,
Sing out, Jesus is his name,
sing out, Jesus is his name.
Bob Chilcott (b. 1955)
1. The gifts we share at Christmas time
our hearts together bring.
We live as one, we laugh and sing,
And pay our homage to a King.
2. The shepherds came to Bethlehem,
three wise men following,
In all humility to bring
Gifts in honour of a King.
3. And as we let the New Yea r in,
All this remembering,
We live as one, we laugh and sing,
The greatest gifts, gifts of a King.
What Sweeter Music
Eleanor Daley (b.1955)
What sweeter music can we bring
Than a carol for to sing
The birth of this our heavenly king?
Awake the voice!
Awake the string:
Dark and dull night fly hence away,
And give the honour to this day,
That sees December turn to May,
If we may ask the reason say:
We see him come,
And know him ours,
Who with his sunshine and his showers,
Turns all the patient ground to flowers,
Turns all the patient ground to flowers.
The darling of the world is come,
And fit it is we find a room
To welcome him, the nobler part
Of all the house here is the heart.
Which we will give him
And bequeath this
Holly and this ivy wreath,
To do him honour who’s our king,
And Lord of all this reveling,
What sweeter music can we bring
Than a carol for to sing
The birth of this our heavenly king
Night of Silence
Daniel Kantor
1. Cold are the people, winter of life,
We tremble in shadows this cold endless night,
Frozen in the snow lie roses sleeping,
Flowers that will echo the sun rise,
Fire of hope is our only warmth,
Weary, its flame will be dying soon.
2. Voice in the distance, call in the night,
On wind you enfold us
You speak of the light,
Gentle on the ear you whisper softly,
Rumors of a dawn so embracing,
Breathless love awaits darkened souls,
Soon will we know of the morning.
3. Spirit among us, shine life the star,
Your light that guides shepherds and kings from afar,
Shimmer in the sky so empty, lonely,
Rising in the warmth of your Son’s love,
Star unknowing of night and day,
Spirit we wait for your loving Son.
Mein Freund ist Mein
Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750)
Mein Freund is mein.
My friend is mine
Und ich bin sein.
And I am thine.
Die Liebe soll nichts schneiden.
Nothing can separate love.
Ave Maria
Camille Saint-Saens (1835-1921)
Ave Maria, gratia plena, Dominus tecum,
Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee.
Benedicta tu in mulieribus,
Blessed art thou among women,
Et benedictus fructus ventris tui, Jesus.
And blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
Sancta Maria, Mater Dei,
Holy Mary, Mother of God,
Ora pro nobis peccatoribus,
Pray for us sinners,
Nunc et in hora mortis nostrae, Now and in the hour of our death.
God Bless the Master
Ralph Vaughn Williams (1872-1958)
1. God bless the Master of this house
With happiness beside;
Where ever his body rides or walks,
Lord Jesus be his guide,
Lord Jesus be his guide.
2. God bless the mistress of this house
With gold chain round her breast,
Where ever her body sleeps or wakes,
Lord, send her soul to rest,
Lord, send her soul to rest.
3. God bless your house, your children too,
Your cattle and your store,
The Lord increase you day by day
And send you more and more,
And send you more and more.
4. The Lord increase you day by day
And send you more and more,
And send you more and more.
2012-13 Conspirare Youth Choirs
Aditya Sankaran
Ainsley Gamble
Anabelle Mahadevan
Angela Zhang
Arielle Sher
Caleb Melville
Calista Marquez
Cecilie Larcher
Daryl Hale*
David Stansbury
Daniel Shi
Elaina Hilliard
Ellen Gernert
Elizabeth Driggers*
Emma Adkins*
Holly Matthews*
Jacob Ordaz*
Mary Demas
Maya Lyles*
Maya Ravi
Maya Borowicz
Michael Chapa
Nikhil Lyles
Raiya Myren
Sarah Helmbrecht*
Sarah McDonald
Sophie Cazares
Stephen Shearer
Tara Ahuna
Tavia Waldo
Ty Revering
Veronica Ruth*
William Wallingford*
Geoff Moskowitz, Visual Engineering
Jonathan Riemer, Images
Michael Smith, Audio Recording
Conspirare Children’s Choir
Abigail Johnson
Alyssa Wixson
Anastasia Weger
Anna Carey
Anne Marie Stapper
Asha Rao*
Avery Davis
Caitlyn Diehl
Carolyn Nuelle*
Clare Edgar*
Colman Butler
Elizabeth Stapper*
Ella Pettichord
Gabriel Martin
Gabrielle Sanchez
Galia Popov
Gracen Pizzitola
Hannah Mitchel-Gevirtz
Isabella Hansen
Isabella Grossling
Jordan Tenpas*
Julia McDonald
Juliana Marshall
Kate Noll
Lexi Anderson
Libby Smith*
Lily Wendt
Lucy Pickens
Lucy Tiblier
Lucas Revering
Maria Tangarova
Martha Beatty
Nolan Bader-Saye
Mary Barnett
Natalya Ponomareva*
Olivia Martens
Rachel Rowe
Raina Parsons
Sarah Hollis
Shelby Luikart
Seren Villwock*
Sesha McMinn
Simone Heim
Taylor Sims
Conspirare Youth Choirs Staff
Nina Revering’s choral music experience began at an
early age. While growing u in Brazil, she performed
in the Coro Infantil do Teatro Municipal under
the direction of Elsa Lakschevitz. After moving to
Canada, she joined the Toronto Children’s Chorus,
directed by Jean Ashworth-Bartle, and performed
with noted directors Andrew Davis and Sir David
Willcocks. Ms. Revering’s musical training includes
six years of study in Toronto’s Royal Conservatory of
Music in baroque recorder as well as piano. Her education background also
includes work at the Youth Performing Arts School in Louisville Kentucky
and Boston University. She studied baroque recorder with John Tyson of the
New England Conservatory and performed with the Tanglewood Festival
Chorus under conductors Seiji Ozawa, John Williams, and John Oliver.
Nina Revering has performed widely as a soloist and chorister throughout
the region and around the country. Soloist at St. Cathedral from 19941997, she was also Victoria Bach Festival’s New young Artist in 1994. Ms.
Revering has been a member of the Conspirare Chamber Choir since 1995
and was a soloist in the Grammy®-nominated CDs Requiem and Threshold
of Night, both released under the harmonia mundi label.
Ms. Revering has taught music in Eanes schools since 1996. She was
one of eight conductors selected for participation in the International
Symposium for Children’s Choir Directors held in Toronto, Canada in
May 2005. Professional affiliations include ACDA and TMEA. Last season
Ms. Revering was clinician for the Elementary Honor Choir of the Georgia
Music Educators Association and was invited to present workshops at the
Dallas Chapter Choristers Guild Festival.
Dr. Maimy Fong earned a Bachelor’s degree in piano
with a concentration in vocal accompanying from
the University of the Pacific in Stockton, California.
She also completed Master’s and Doctoral degrees
in piano performance at the University of Texas at
Austin School of Music. She has worked for the Des
Moines Metro Opera, Austin Lyric Opera, and was
the first pianist-coach in El Paso Opera’s Artist-inResidence Program. She has been with CYC since its inception in 2005. In
2009, she helped co-found and now assists in administering the “Feed Your
Soul” Music Series at Dell Children’s Medical Center. For more information
or to be added to the e-mail list, please send an inquiry to DellFeedYourSoul@ In Austin, she maintains an active schedule of playing chamber
music, instrumental and voice recitals, teaching, and vocal coaching
Austin Haller is active as an organist, accompanist,
vocal coach, and conductor in Texas and beyond. He
serves as Organist and Associate Director of Music
at St. David’s Episcopal Church (in Austin), where
he plays for over 125 services and concerts annually
and conducts the St. David’s Singers, one of the
parish’s adult choirs. As a recitalist and accompanist,
he has performed throughout the United States; and he has played with
many local ensembles, including the Austin Symphony, Austin Children’s
Choir, Texas Choral Consort, Amphion Youth Choir, University of Texas
Concert Chorale, and St. Edward’s University choruses. Austin also serves
as music director of regional theatre productions – favorite shows include
TexArts’ Ain’t Misbehavin’, Golf, the Musical, & [title of show] (Austin
Critics’ Table nomination for Music Direction); Zilker Theatre Productions’
The Music Man & My Favorite Year; and Zach Theatre’s Rockin’ Christmas
Party & Present Laughter (B. Iden Payne nomination for Music Direction).
In addition, his jazz performances with singer Kara Bliss and band have been
described as “a touch of old school with a modern insouciance” and are
featured at a variety of Central Texas venues.
The Conspirare Youth Choirs gratefully acknowledges the contributions and
generosity of the following individuals and organizations:
Craig Hella Johnson
Bob Karli & the Conspirare Board of Directors
David C. Smith
Ann McNair, David Hammond, Tamara Blanken, Kristie McCune
Melissa Eddy, Wraven Godsoe, Meri Krueger and Nicki Turman
Robert Harlan and the Conspirare Stage Crew
Lois Vanlaningham
Hornaday Design
Christopher Novosad
Rev. Merrill Wade, St. Matthew’s Episcopal Church
Jean Fuller, St. Matthew’s Episcopal Church
Thomas Pavlechko, St. Martin’s Lutheran Church
The Tatzlaff-Tiblier Family
The Sankaran Family
Michael & Virginia Smith
Kathy Hatch
Singers, Parents, Volunteer Ushers and other supporters of CYC.
Conspirare Performing Note
Conspirare has the privilege of performing in a variety of beautiful venues. We
seek out acoustical and aesthetic environments that can best enhance choral
performances and we are deeply grateful to our hosts. While our performing
venues may represent specific traditions and the texts of some of our repertoire
may also be representative of specific traditions, it is in no way intended to be
exclusive of any individual whose experience or set of beliefs is not represented.
Conspirare respects and celebrates the great diversity of religious, artistic, and
human experiences represented among our singers and audience members. Our
shared musical experiences are intended to bring us together as we all seek to be
inspired by the power of great choral music. The audience creates the space in
which the music is held.
Shining Star Scholarship Program
The Scholarship Program: The Conspirare Youth Choirs is fully committed
to finding and training young musicians with a deep focus and love for choral
singing, regardless of the obstacles that may prevent their participation. In 20062007, the CYC created the Shining Star Scholarship Program to support singers
in the CYC. With generous donations, the CYC is currently supporting full
tuition and uniform costs for three singers.
During the spring, singers who are interested in being considered for this
scholarship will complete an application and participate in an audition with the
Conspirare Youth Choirs. Following the audition, a scholarship committee will
review the applications and audition results and select the singers who best meet
the criteria of the scholarship fund based upon skill, teacher recommendations,
prior musical experience, and financial need.
Support a Shining Star: Currently, we are seeking donations of $850, which
will provide tuition fees, transportation costs, uniform costs, music, and rehearsal
supplies for one singer for the entire 2013-2014 season (August 2013 to May
2014). We hope you will consider “adopting” a singer through the Shining Star
Scholarship Program. Your tax-deductible $850 contribution to Conspirare will
be a life-changing gift for one young singer who would not have this opportunity
without your generosity. If a full donation of $850 is not possible for your family
at the present time, we are always pleased to accept any donation amount you
make to this fund.
We hope you will consider joining these generous families and organizations
who have already contributed to the Shining Star Scholarship Program:
Lois VanLaningham in Memory of Todd VanLaningham
Anonymous (3)
To contribute or volunteer for the Shining Star Scholarship Program
or for more information, please call the office at 512.476.5775
About Conspirare
reissued by Harmonia Mundi, was released in 2006 and received two Grammy®
nominations. Harmonia Mundi released Requiem internationally in 2009, and
it received the Netherlands’ prestigious 2010 Edison Award in the choral music
category. The Edison is the Dutch equivalent of the U.S. Grammy.
The word “conspirare” derives from the Latin “con” and “spirare”
translated as “to breathe together.”
A third recording, Threshold of Night, was released worldwide in September
2008 on the Harmonia Mundi label, Conspirare’s first title for the distinguished
recording company. Threshold of Night received two Grammy nominations.
In October 2008, in cooperation with Austin’s public television station KLRU,
Conspirare filmed a PBS television special, “A Company of Voices: Conspirare
in Concert.” The program was broadcast nationally in March 2009, is available
on both DVD and CD, and received a Grammy nomination. Conspirare’s latest
recordings, Sing Freedom! African American Spirituals and Samuel Barber:
An American Romantic were released in September 2011 and September 2012
respectively, both on Harmonia Mundi.
In 2005 Conspirare received the Margaret Hillis Award for Choral Excellence
from national service organization Chorus America. In 2007, as one of the select choruses to receive a grant from the National Endowment for the Arts under
its American Masterpieces initiative, Conspirare presented a four-day festival
Founded in 1991 to present a summer classical music festival in Austin, Texas,
with a distinguished gathering of composers and conductors, performances of
Conspirare has grown to become an internationally recognized, professional
three world premieres, and a gala closing concert with a 600-voice choir.
choral organization now celebrating its twentieth season. Led by founder and
artistic director Craig Hella Johnson, Conspirare is comprised of two perform-
In July 2008 Conspirare represented the U.S. at the Eighth World Symposium
ing ensembles and an educational program. A professional chamber choir
on Choral Music in Copenhagen, joining invited choirs from nearly forty
(“Company of Voices”) of extraordinarily talented singers from around the
countries. The choir has performed at the American Choral Directors Associa-
country is presented in an annual concert series in Austin, other Texas com-
tion annual convention and for several regional ACDA conventions. Conspirare
munities, and locations in the U.S. and abroad. The Conspirare Symphonic
received the 2010 Dale Warland Singers Commission Award from Chorus
Choir of both professional and volunteer singers performs large choral/orches-
America to support the commission of a new work by Seattle composer Eric
tral works, often in collaboration with other organizations such as the Austin
Banks. In February 2011 Conspirare gave three invited performances in New
Symphony. The Conspirare Youth Choirs is an educational program for singers
York City under auspices of the Weill Music Institute of Carnegie Hall. In
ages 8-17, who learn and perform in two separate ensembles, Kantorei and the
March 2012 the ensemble toured several Midwestern states, and in fall 2012
Conspirare Children’s Choir.
traveled to France for six invited performances at the Polyfollia Festival and a
public concert in Paris.
Conspirare made its first commercial recording, through the green fuse, in 2004
on the Clarion Records label. A second CD, Requiem, also on Clarion and since
annual fund
Support Conspirare
Craig Hella Johnson assembles some of the finest singers in the country to form Company
of Voices, the award-winning chamber choir committed to creating dynamic choral art. The
singers typically gather in Austin shortly before each concert. Under Johnson’s direction,
the ensemble rehearses and shapes each program to world-class performance standard
within a matter of days.
Inspired by the power of music to change lives,
conspirare engages audiences in extraordinary musical experiences
through world-class choral performances and recordings.
Your Annual Fund gift will help bridge the gap between ticket sales and operating expenses.
Your contribution is a sound investment:
the reach of Conspirare: where our singers live and tour
• Over 70 cents of every dollar contributed goes directly towards programming
• Allows Conspirare to offer $10 tickets to any student
• Keeps ticket prices affordable for all lovers of choral music in our community
Conspirare’s Revenue Sources
Learn more about each singer at Turn to
page 32 in this program to read more
about Conspirare and Craig Hella Johnson.
An anonymous friend has awarded Conspirare a $40,000 challenge grant for all new, renewed,
and increased gifts received by December 31. This means when you join the Annual Fund
Music creates a living circle that links the hearts of composer, performer, conductor, and
today, your gift will count double.
listener. We invite you to be yet another important part of this dynamic circle: the supporter.
And, when you join today you could win tickets to Beethoven’s Missa Solemnis: Give $100
The music itself – and its promise to inspire and enrich lives – calls Conspirare to a bold
or more by December 31 and your name will be entered to win four premium seats at the
and courageous artistic vision, and we invite supporters to join the musical adventure.
June 9 concert at The Long Center.
We ask you to engage with us and invest in music that has the power to transform. Every
gift you share energizes and sustains us as we make music together and share it with the
broadest audience possible.
See the insert in this program or visit us online for more information about giving levels and benefits.
As we launch our third decade, we are excited and challenged by the opportunity to build
upon the successes of the past 20 years.
Conspirare now seeks to secure its future and solidify its reputation as one of the world’s
finest choral instruments with an ambitious building effort. Our “building,” however, will
not be one of bricks and mortar. Rather, we invite our friends, patrons and supporters to
join us in building A Legacy of Sound.
The goal of this initiative is $2.2 million and we are delighted to announce a total of $1.7 million already raised! A roll of donors to this special effort is listed on page 43 of this program.
This special campaign, over and above annual operating support, focuses on five priority
areas that, with your help, will take Conspirare to a new level musical excellence:
• Expanded Recording Program: $1 million to increase the number of commercial releases to two or more per year
• Fund for Artistic Innovation: $500,000 to support groundbreaking programs and new works
• Classics of the Repertoire: $125,000 for performances of choral/orchestral
masterworks, especially Baroque
• Expanded Touring Program: $375,000 to meet increased demand for the
choir’s appearances throughout Texas, nationally and internationally
• Financial Stability: $200,000 to retire debt and establish a cash reserve
If you would like to help expand the musical mission of Conspirare with a gift to the Legacy
of Sound, or learn more about this special initiative, please contact Fran Collmann, Twentieth
Anniversary Committee Chair, at 512-422-4746 or visit Thank you for
helping to expand Conspirare’s stature as an internationally-renowned local treasure.
Celebrate Conspirare’s 20th Anniversary at wondernight. All proceeds from this
Board of Directors
Robert J. Karli, Chair
Mary Anne Connolly, Secretary
Larry Collmann, Treasurer
Doug Bain
Ken Beck
William C. Bednar
Fran Collmann
Patrick DeLaune
Toya Cirica Haley
Robert Harlan
Richard Hartgrove
Eric Leibrock
Hope Morgan
E. Stuart Phillips
Marion Lear Swaybill
Sheila Wojcik
Sheila Youngblood
In memoriam: David Clark
Advisory Board
Stephen Aechternacht
John Aielli
Sue Barnes
Mark Bierner
Ray Brimble
David Burger
David Claflin
Virginia Dupuy
Maydelle Fason
JoLynn Free
Billy Gammon
Vance George
Helen Hays
Dan Herd
William B. Hilgers
Wayne Holtzman
Judith Jellison
Bob Murphy
Lynn Murphy
Gayle Glass Roche
Nancy Scanlan
Angela Smith
Bernadette Tasher
Louann Temple
Eva Womack
In memoriam: Cassandra James
Craig Hella Johnson
Artistic Director
David C. Smith
Interim Managing Director
Tamara Blanken
Online Services Manager
Melissa J. Eddy
Publications & Grants Manager
Rick Gabrillo
Associate Conductor, Production Manager
Wravan Godsoe
Office Manager
David Hammond
Director of Patron Relations
Robert Harlan
Production Coordinator
Meri Krueger
Artist Relations
Kristie McCune
Director of Finance
Ann McNair
Executive Assistant to the Artistic Director
& Director of Artistic Operations
Nina Revering
Director, Conspirare Youth Choirs
Jennifer Tynan
Director of Marketing and Public Relations
Manager, Conspirare Youth Choirs
Nicki Turman
House Manager
Ashton Wingfield
Administrator, Conspirare Youth Choirs
fundraiser benefit the Legacy of Sound initiative. See page 47 for more information.
Gifts to Conspirare provide financial support for concerts, recordings, tours, educational
programs, and outreach activities. The following roster of donors includes cash and in-kind
gifts received from individuals, family and private foundations, businesses, and government
agencies between October 1, 2011 and November 21, 2012. We express our gratitude to
each and every one of our donors.
Season Sustaining Underwriter
Maestro Circle
City of Austin Cultural Arts Division
Fran & Larry Collmann
The Kodosky Foundation,
Jeff & Gail Kodosky
The Mattsson McHale Foundation
National Endowment for the Arts
South Texas Money Management
Still Water Foundation
Sheila & Ryan Youngblood
Business & Foundation Supporters
Bain Consulting The Aaron Copland Fund for
The Ann & Gordon
Getty Foundation
The Kodosky
The Mattsson McHale
The Still Water
Public Funding Agencies
This project is funded and supported in part by a grant from the Texas
Commission on the Arts and the City of Austin through the Cultural Arts
Division, believing an investment in the arts is an investment in Austin’s
future. Visit Austin at This project is also supported
in part by an award from the National Endowment for the Arts. Art Works.
Media Sponsors
The Keating Family
Russell Hill Rogers Fund
for the Arts
The Rachael &
Ben F. Vaughan Foundation
Impresario Circle
Catherine & David Clark
The Aaron Copland Fund for Music
Robert & Lara Harlan
Richard Hartgrove & Gary Cooper
The Keating Family Foundation
Michael & Jeanne Klein
Wendi & Brian Kushner
Eric Leibrock & Ellen Justice
Gayle Glass Roche & Mike Roche
Marc & Carolyn Seriff
Benefactor Circle
Mark Bierner & Cassandra James
Helen & Bob Hays
Robert & Trish Karli
Louise Morse
Jack & Susan Robertson
Nancy Scanlan
Sheila Wojcik
Platinum Baton Circle
Bain Consulting
Ken & Joyce Beck
William C. Bednar & Flo Ann Randle
Patrick DeLaune & Sadaf Khan
The Fetzer Institute
Susanna & Richard Finnell
Charles Martin
Joyce Mayer
Jerele & Elizabeth Neeld
Louise N. Reeser
Russell Hill Rogers Fund for the Arts
Dian & Harlan Stai
Jeffrey L. Taylor & Janelle Curlin-Taylor
The Rachael & Ben F. Vaughan Foundation
Jeanie & Bill Wyatt
Golden Baton Circle
Dan Bullock & Annette Carlozzi
David & Janis Claflin
Jeri DeAngelis
William R. Dickson
Thomas Driscoll & Nancy Quinn
JoLynn & Gregory Free
Mary Nell Frucella
Ann & Gordon Getty Foundation
Cheline Jaidar
Lou Ann & Bill Lasher
Vincent Parsons
Carlisle Pearson
Stu Phillips
Rebecca & Phil Powers
Scott & Pam Reichardt
Dick & Lynn Rew
The Honorable Bea Ann Smith
Susanne Tetzlaff & Eric Tiblier
Texas Commission on the Arts
Sandi & Bob Tomlinson
William & Anne Wagner
Eva & Marvin Womack
Silver Baton Circle
Katherine Brooks
Robert & Pat Brueck
Ernest & Sarah Butler
Chris & J. Dennis Cavner
Mike Chesser
Mary Anne Connolly
Marie Crane
Crutch & Danna Crutchfield
Robert F. Dailey
Melissa Eddy & Tracy Schiemenz
Lot Ensey
Rev. Dr. Ann Fields
Fischer & Wieser Specialty Foods
R. John & Susan Fox
Rick & Evelyn Gabrillo
Susan & Jerry Gatlin
Impact Austin
Morris & Marge Johnson
Cynthia Keever
Joan & Thomas Kobayashi
Timothy Koock
Mark & Lauren Levy
Peter Scott Lewis
Thomas Lukens
Mary Matus
John & Marcy Melanson
Janet Miller
Milton D. Miller II
Hope Morgan & Mike Taborn
Andy Murphy
Doug & Suzi Nelson
William Nemir
Linda & Robert Ramsey
Forest & Susan Rees
Karin Richmond
Peter & Alice Rose
Peter Schram & Harry Ullmann
Max & Gene Alice Sherman
Angela & Charles Smith
David Smith
James Stolpa
Marion Lear Swaybill
Bernadette Tasher
Ben & Daphne Vaughan
Kathleen Wicoff
Catherine & David Wildermuth
Susie Wilson
Robert Abrams & Cynthia Vance Abrams
Robert & Patricia Ayres
Frank Bean & Carolyn Boyd
Becky Beaver & John Duncan
Klaus Bichteler & Mary Parse
Kyle Bryson
Richard Campbell
Pablo Cardenas
David & Nathasha Collmann
Stuart & Paula Damore
Dorothy Drummer & Greg Eden
Maydelle F. Fason
Gwen & Bruce Flory
Cheryl Fuller
Kim & Steve Gilbert
Susan Gregerson
Toya Haley
Janet Hendricks
Jeanne & Van Hoisington
Carr Hornbuckle & Jack Leifer
Diane Ireson
Julie Keim
David Kendrick
Ellen Key
Eva & Chris Laskaris
Karen & Paul Leeke
Kati Lewis
Carolyn & W. Jackson Long
Kelly Loudenslager & Christopher Goodpastor
Sheila Lummis
Phil & Sue Maxwell
Ivan Milman & Janie Keys
Linda Monk
Ann Moody
Jack & Karen O’Quin
Oregon Community Foundation
Graydon Parrish
Brian & Lynn Powell
Donna & Christy Salinas
Amy Shipherd
Margo Smith
Anna & Don Sorensen
Virgil & LaFern Swift
Chris & Chesney Szaniszlo
Carole Taxis
Lois VanLaningham
Marc & Suzanne Winkelman
Molly Anderson
Bob & Marcia Bailey
Cindy & Pat Behling
Brenda Berstis
Pat Fatter Black
Ann & Jeff Bomer
Casey Boyter
Patricia Cherico
Dean & Gwen Collmann
Janie Cook
Eric & Lisa Craven
Paula D’Arcy
Paul Dlabal
Sharon Duboise
Bobby & June Dunn
Carol Flake
Carolyn Fritz
Billy & Regan Gammon
Barbara Gibbs & John Driggers
Harvey & Kathleen Guion
David & Martha Harrington
Brian Hencey & Chuck Ross
Walter & Ann Herbst
Debbie Horne
Melissa Huebsch
Bobbie Kaye Jones & David Gilliam
Greg & Cynthia Kozmetsky
Lawrence Lawver
Nora Lieberman
Emily Little
Krzysztof & Teresa Lyson
Peter Martino
Debe & Kevin McKeand
Ann McNair
Bert & Phyllis McNelly
Evan Morgan
Susan Nash Fekety
Anne Praderas & Tony Vance
Flo Ann Randle
Bev & Milbrey Raney
Jean G. Rather
Louis Renaud
Hamilton & Joanne Richards
Martha Rochelle
Michal Rosenberger
Augustin Rubio
Dan Seriff
Jackie & Bob Shapiro
Marilyn Sharratt
Carole & Charles Sikes
Derald Skeen
James T. Sotiros
Elizabeth Stewart
Robert & Eileen Sudela
Don & Faith Trapp
Nicki & Scott Turman
Linda & Nick Van Bavel
Barbara Vervenne
Ben Wear
Jimmy Williams
Bill Wood & Elsa Vorwerk
William Wood
Nancy & Brown Word
Suzanne M. Mitchell & Richard A. Zansitis
Hillary Anderson
Joy Anderson
Brent Baldwin
Scott Ballew
Kevin J. & Barbara Barry
Ross & Kristin Bassinger
Susan Beckerman
Andrea Black
Billye Brown
Neil Bubke
Anne Busquet
Nancy Campbell Cise Hanchett
Janet Carlsen Campbell
Julie Carterson
Harvey Caughey
Nathaniel & Elizabeth Chapin
Sandy Chase
Terry & Barbara Collier
Dwayne & Barbara Cooper
Cina Crisara
Karel Dahmen
Peter Bay & Mela Dailey
Donald Davis
Richard J. Davis
Mary Alice & Michael J. DeBow
Peter & Carol Deninno
Lory & Fred Denson
Karl & Robin Dent
Nina & Jeffrey Di Leo
Sandy Dunn & Paul Harford
Carl & Kathryn Ehlert
Scott Elkin
Bert & Elaine Enriquez
Sally Estes
Juli Fellows
John & Barbara Fibiger
Kyle Fieleke
Carol Fleming
Claire & Chris Flynn
Christa Burns
William G. Gamel
Elliot Gerson
Mary Gifford
Vivian & Bob Glick
Glenda Goehrs
Joan Goldfield
Jim & Jo Green
James & Mary Louise Gwynn
Karen Hale & Al Lindsey
Randy & Suzie Harriman
Carolyn Harris-Hynson
Jane Hembree
Robert Hollingsworth
Celeste Hubert
Jeffrey Hudson & Robert Blodgett
Todd Jermstad
Beth & Greg Judd
James Kelly & Mariam Noland
Gary & Carol Lazarus
Michael Levy
Emily Lodine & Gary Overgaard
Steve & Diane Loeschen
Kathryn & Don Lougheed
Linton & Donna Luetje
Devra Marcus & Michael Horowitz
Jyoti & Aditya Mathur
McAllister Piano Studio
Marsha D. McCary
Karen McLaughlin
Mary McLeod
Connie McMillan
Janis McSwain
Ted & Carol Middelberg
Phyllis Miller
Susan & Jerry Mitchell
Elizabeth Hansing Moon
Nancy Moore
Sean & Beverly Moore
Susan Morgan
Robert Morrell
Chip & Jan Morris
Rebecca Muniz
Judith & William Munyon
Cynthia Norvell
Margaret H. Overbaugh
Thomas Overbaugh
Jim & Joyce Parrish
Cathie Parsley
Robert Patterson & Diana Sellers
Thomas Pavlechko
Edward Pierce
Karen Pope
Diane Post
Mary Pozorski
Anita Prewett
Gary & Cheryl Pyle
Elaine Salazar & Edwin Ramos
Elaine Rathgeber
Ellen W. Rienstra
Gerhild B. Rogers
Leilani Rose
Mary Sanger
Dennis Schaffer
April Schweighart
John & Carol Sharp
Jare & Jim Smith
Jeffrey & Sandra Smith
John Spence
Don & Karen Stabeno
Paul & Alyson Stone
Rebecca Stucky
Mrs. Louis Stumberg
John C. R. Taylor III & Peter Flagg Maxson
Emily Tracy & Berthold Haas
Susan Trautmann
Ben & Barb Truskoski
Kathryn Turpin
William Twilley
John Uglum
Carla Umlauf & Cass Cheesar
Cynthia & Mark Vanderberg
Willis Waldron
Debra Watkins
Deborah Wattman
Kendra Welton-Lipman
Valerie Wenger
Doreen Wheeler
Geoff & Ginny Willig
Martin Wojciechowski
Neile & Jan Wolfe
Conspirare also thanks all donors of gifts under $100
and regrets that space does not permit the listing of each
name. Your support is equally appreciated. We strive to
publish an accurate donor list. If an error or omission is
noticed, please let us know.
Legacy of Sound
Conspirare thanks these donors for their generous gifts
and pledges, made over and above ongoing annual
giving. For more information, please see page 40.
Bain Consulting
William C. Bednar & Flo Ann Randle
Robert & Pat Brueck
David & Catherine Clark
Fran & Larry Collmann
Patrick DeLaune & Sadaf Khan
Thomas Driscoll & Nancy Quinn
Robert & Lara Harlan
Helen & Bob Hays
Robert & Trish Karli
The Kodosky Foundation
Wendi & Brian Kushner
Lou Ann & Bill Lasher
Eric Leibrock
The Mattsson McHale Foundation
Louise Morse
E. Stuart Phillips
Rebecca & Phil Powers
Jack & Susan Robertson
Nancy Scanlan
The Hon. Bea Ann Smith
Still Water Foundation
Catherine & David Wildermuth
Sheila Wojcik
Sheila & Ryan Youngblood
Memorial Gifts
Received between August 1 & November 21, 2012
In memory of David Clark:
Christa Fuller Burns
Catherine Clark
Terry & Barbara Collier
John & Kathryn Dyer
James Kelly & Mariam Noland
Emily Lodine & Gary Overgaard
John & Carol Sharp
Don & Karen Stabeno
Chris & Chesney Szaniszlo
Kathryn Turpin
United States Rowing Association
Linda Wurzbach
In memory of Avis Jane Davis:
Donald Davis
In memory of Cassandra James:
William & Jessica Barrick
Mark Bierner
James & Toni Bruseth
Diane Burke
James Coates
Fran & Larry Collmann
Peter & Carol Deninno
Dick & Ina Eiseman
Lynn & Jerry Eisenstatt
John & Judy Hovre
Eric Leibrock & Ellen Justice
Michael Levy
Devra Marcus & Michael Horowitz
Karen Pope
Anita Prewett
Susan Rankin
Gayle Glass Roche & Mike Roche
Norton & Judith Waterman
Bill Wilson
Martin Wojciechowski
Conspirare Youth Choirs: Auditioning
The Conspirare Youth Choirs are auditioned treble ensembles for boys
and girls ages 9-18 who love to sing. A musical background is preferred,
but not required. To schedule an audition, please visit our website at to submit an online audition request form.
Additional information regarding audition materials and expectations
can also be found on our website. If you do not have internet access,
you can also contact the CYC at 512.476.5775 to schedule an audition.
Join us for Conspirare’s next Big Sing,
where the audience is the choir!
Hosted by the Conspirare Symphonic Choir
and led by Craig Hella Johnson, the inspirational
Big Sing is open to everyone, regardless of
musical background. Fun, informal, and FREE!
Sing with us on December 18 at 6pm
St. Martin’s Lutheran Church
You are dynamic
and your talents
continue to amaze
us. We are so very
proud of you.
Dad, Mom, and Christopher
Dear Sarah,
We are so proud of you and
all of your accomplishments.
Much love, Mom and Dad
We love to
hear you sing,
“You are the music
while the music lasts.”
~T.S. Eliot
We are proud of you,
Lucy, and love you so
to our songbird
Hannah Mitchel-Gevirtz!
Love, Mom,
Dad, Miles and
Sinda, Jesse
& Hazel
Love, Mom, Dad, and Lina
It is such a
delight to live
in a home
with Music.
Thank you Sarah!
Calista – “A bird doesn't sing because it has an answer,
it sings because it has a song”. And, you, sweet girl, are
quite the marvelous bird! Love you and so proud of you!
Love, Mom
Come celebrate
the wonder
that is Conspirare.
Stand with us in awe
of this authentic
expression of song.
Of humanity. Of joy.
Be part of a magical
monumental evening
of feasting, voices,
experiential delight,
immersive musical
moments and a
joining together of
those who lovingly
contribute to the
wonder of it all.
Tickets and

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