looking glass
looking glass
LOOKING GLASS Conspir are Yo u t h Ch o i rs 1 2 L OO K IN G G L ASS Co n s p i r a r e Yo u t h C h o i rs Nina Revering CYC A rtistic D irector Maimy Fong, P iano Brooks Whitmore, P iano Andrew Furman, V ibraphone Tom Hale, F rench H orn Paul Robertson, V iolin Friday, April 27, 2012, 7:30 pm St. Martin’s Lutheran Church, Austin, TX Saturday, April 28, 2012, 7:30 pm St. Martin’s Lutheran Church, Austin, TX Conspirare Youth Choirs 1033 La Posada Drive, Suite 130 Austin, Texas 78752 512.476.5775 www.conspirare.org 3 Program An Evening Hymn..................................................................... Henry Purcell Deanna Melder, soprano Conspirare Children’s Choir Les Petite Voix ...................................................................... Francis Poulenc text by Madeleine Ley La petite fille sage Le chien perdu Le petit garçon malade Le hérisson Live has Loveliness to Sell.....................................James Quitman Mulholland, text by Sara Teasdale Tom Hale, French horn Las Amarillas..................................traditional Mexican, arr. Stephen Hatfield Untraveled Worlds........................................................................ Paul Halley text by Alfred Lord Tennyson Paul Robertson, violin Combined Choirs Stand Together............................................................................Jim Papoulis Kantorei Two Poems of Emily Dickinson.............Neil Ginsberg, text by Emily Dickinson “There is no frigate like a book” “I never saw a moor” Kalinka..............................................traditional Russian, arr. Joan Gregoryk 4 Sing to Me................................... Andrea Ramsey, text by Ella Wheeler Wilcox Travessura.............................Eduardo Lakschevitz (written for Nina Revering) Soloists: Asha Rao, Daryl Hale, Martha Beaty, Amy McPherson, Sarah Kennedy Helmbrecht, Aislinn Yeidel Birdsong........................................................................................ Paul Read Soloists: Juliana Marshall, Lily Wendt Combined Choirs The Dream Keeper............................ Andrea Ramsey, text by Langston Hughes. Andrew Furman, Vibraphone Can You Hear?............................................................................Jim Papoulis. Elizabeth Stapper, soprano; Maria Tangarova and Carolyn Nuelle, percussion This is Home.................................................... Switchfoot, arr. Nina Revering Irene Smith, cello; Lucas Revering, Martha Beaty, Colman Butler, and Aldo Ordonez, percussion 5 From the Director Dear CYC Supporters, Family and Friends, I am honored by your presence with us tonight! The singers and I have journeyed afar in the preparation of this repertoire: tonight you will hear music from Russia, Brazil, the U.S. and France. These cultures are represented in our membership, and we have enjoyed the privilege of native speakers coaching our diction. What a gift! Many times in the last few months I have thought about the poetry in the texts of these songs and what their impact might be on our young artists. Once learned, music is not forgotten. Our art form is ephemeral in nature, but the fleeting moment lingers forever in the memory of the singer. I hope you will accompany us as you listen by reading the texts contained in this program, and search for your own reactions to the poetry as it elegantly combines with the music. Our selections are all in one way or another connected to themes of childhood - the innocence, freshness, play and wonder of childhood, and the reflective looking glass of the changes that growing up bring. My heart is filled with gratitude for the enormous generosity and love that these singers have brought to our work together. I am honored to be a part of these young lives. My hope is that they will carry this moment with them as they grow, and that this music and poetry will bring joy to you tonight and always. Nina Revering 6 Texts & Translations Les Petites Voix Francis Poulenc (1899-1963) Text by Madeleine Ley 1) La Petite Fille Sage The Good Little Girl La petite fille sage est rentrée de l’école avec son panier Elle a mis sur la table les assiettes et les verres lourds Et puis ell’ s’est lavée a la pompe de la cour sans mouiller son tablier Et si le petit frère dort dans son petit lit cage ell’ va s’asseoir Su la pierre use pour voir l’étoile du soir The good little girl came home from school with her basket. She put on the table the plates and the heavy glasses, and then she washed up at the pump in the yard without getting her apron wet! And if the little brother is sleeping in his cradle, she‘ll sit on the worn rock to watch the evening star. Ah. 2) Le Chien Perdu The Lost Dog Qui estu, inconnu? Qui estu, chien perdu? Tu rêves, tu sommeilles; peut-être voudrais tu que je te gratte la, derrière les oreilles doux chien couche sur le trottoir doux chien ve coumon che ton regard blanc et noir? Qui estu inconnu, chien perdu? Who are you, unknown one? Who are you, lost dog? You dream, you sleep, maybe you’d like it if I were to scratch you there behind your ears— sweet dog lying on the sidewalk, looking up at my eyes with your your black and white gaze Who are you, unknown one Lost dog? 3) Le Petit Graçon Malade The Little Sick Boy Le petit garçon malade Ne veut plus regarder les images il ferme ses yeux las ; Il laisse ses mains chaudes trainer sur le drap. Sa mère ouvre la fenêtre et le rideau blanc se balance sur la rue un soir de mai Il entend jouer les autres qui sautent a cloche pied en criant sur le trottoir Et pleure en silence dans son petit bras plié. Ah ah ah ah 7 The sick little boy doesn’t want to look at pictures any more. He closes his eyes; he lets his hot hands fall on the covers. His mother opens the window and the white curtain blows in and out above the street on the May evening. He hears the others playing, Jumping on one foot and shouting on the sidewalk below. Then he turns his head and cries silently into his small folded arm. 4) Le Herisson The Hedgehog Quand papa trouve un herisson il l’apporte a la maison. On lui donne du lait tiède dans le fond d’une assiette, Il ne veut pas se dérouler lorsqu’il entend parler mais si nous quittons la cuisine Il montre sa tète maligne, la la la la la la la la Et si je me tais un instant je l’entends boire doucement je l’entends boire doucement la la la la la Quand papa trouve un hérisson, Il l’apporte a la maison la maison When daddy finds a hedgehog he brings it home. We give it some warm milk In the bottom of a plate, He won’t uncurl when it hears us talking, but if we leave the kitchen, he shows his mischievous head! And if I hush an instant, I hear him softly drinking, I hear him softly drinking, When daddy finds a hedgehog he brings it home. The house! Life has Loveliness to Sell Life has loveliness to sell, All beautiful and splendid things, Blue waves whitened on a cliff, Soring fire that sways and sings, And children’s faces looking up, Holding wonder like a cup. Holding wonder like a cup. Life has loveliness to sell, Music like a curve of gold, And for your spirit’s still delight, Holy thoughts that star the night. 8 Text by Sara Teasdale (1884-1933) Music by James Quitman Mulholland (b. 1935) Life has loveliness to sell, Music like a curve of gold, Scent of pine trees in the rain, Eyes that love you, Arms that hold, arms that hold. Life has loveliness to sell, All you have for loveliness. Buy it, never count the cost; For one white singing Hour of peace, Count many’a year of strife well lost, And for a breath of ecstasy Give all you have been Or could be. Las Amarillas Volaron las amarillas calandrias de los nopales Ya no cantaran alegres los pagaros cardenales Stephen Hatfield (b. 1956) A la Tirana na na A la Tirana na no Arboles de la ladera porque no han reverdicido Pore so ccalandrias cantan o las apachurra el nido Eres Chiquita y bonita y asi como erse te quiero Paraces una Rosita de las costas de Guerrero Todas dan su despedida pero como esta ninguna Cuatro por cinco son veinte, tres por siete son veinte-uno The yellow calandras fly from the cactus No longer will the cardinals sing happily To the song na na To the song na no. Because the trees on the hillside have not come back to life For that the calandras will either sing of crush their nests 9 You are small and beautiful and I love you just the way you are. You are like a little rose from the coast of Guerrero Everybody has their own farewell, but there’s none like this one Four times five is twenty, three times seven is twenty one. Untraveled Worlds I cannot rest from travel; I will drink life to the lees. All times I have enjoyed greatly, Suffered greatly, both with those that loved me, And alone. I am a part of all that I have met; Yet all experience is an arch where through Gleams that untraveled world, That untraveled world whose margin fades Forever and forever when I move. How dull it is to pause, To make an end, To rust unburnished, not to… to shine in use, To shine in use! As though to breathe were life, Were life! Life! Life piled on life were all too little, And of one to me little remains; But every hour, every hour is saved From that eternal silence, Something more, something more, A bringer of new things; And vile it were For some three suns to store and hoard myself And this gray spirit yearning in the desire To follow knowledge like a sinking star, 10 Paul Halley (b. 1952) Text by Lord Alfred Tennyson Beyond the utmost bound of human thought. Come, come , my friends, ‘Tis not too late to seek a newer world. Push off, and sitting well in order smite the sounding furrows. For my purpose holds To sail beyond the Sunset, and the baths Stand Together Lo lay Ai lee lie lee ai lee lie lee ai lee loo. Stand alone, see the rain that’s falling down below, Where I’m reaching. Joining hands slowly takes us to a place we all can believe in. Jim Papoulis Side by side we could be growing hopes and dreams. If we stand together, we will sing forever of the dreams growing in our hearts. If we stand together, we will see forever, side by side, Hope will find a way to our hearts. One by one, we will follow with our hearts a place we can dream of. Open hearts, slowly led us to a place we all can believe in. Side by side we could be growing hopes and dreams. If we stand together, we will sing forever of the dreams growing in our hearts. If we stand together, we will see forever, side by side, Hope will find a way to our hearts. We will stand side by side, With our dreams we will sing. We will sing for freedom when we sing, With our hearts we will stand side by side and believe. If we stand together, we will sing forever of the dreams growing in our hearts. If we stand together, we will see forever, side by side, hope will find a way to our hearts, To our hearts, to our hearts, to our hearts, to our hearts. 11 Two Poems of Emily Dickinson (1830-1886) There is no frigate like a book/I never saw a moor Neil Ginsberg There is no frigate like a book There is no frigate like a book to take us lands away Nor any coarsers like a page of prancing poetry. This traverse may the poorest take without oppress of toll: How frugal is the chariot that bears the human soul! I never saw a moor I never saw a more never saw a moor. Never saw a more never saw a moor. I never I never saw the sea I never saw a moor I never saw the sea But I know how the heather looks and what a wave must be. I never saw a moor never saw a moor Never saw a moor never saw a moor I never I never saw the sea I never spoke with God Nor visited him in heaven I never spoke with God Nor visited him in heaven But certain am I of the spot as I a chart were given I never saw the sea KalinkaTraditional Russian Arranged by Joan Gregoryk Chorus Kalinka, kalinka, kalinka moya! Vsadu yagoda malinka, malinka moya! 12 Akh, pod sosnoyu, pod zelenoyu, Spat’ polozhite vy menya! Ay-lyuli, lyuli, ay-lyuli, Spat’ polozhite vy menya. Chorus Akh, sosyenushka ty zyelyenaya, Nye shumi zhe nado mnoy! Ay-lyuli, lyuli, ay-lyuli, Nye shumi zhe nado mnoy! Chorus Akh, krasavitsa, dusha-dyevitsa, Polyubi zhe ty myenya! Ay-lyuli, lyuli, ay-lyuli, Polyubi zhe ty myenya! Chorus Kalinka, kalinka, kalinka of mine in the garden, raspberry, little raspberry of mine Ah, Under the pine, the green one, Lay me down to sleep, Ah, lully lully, ah lully lully, Lay me down to sleep Chorus Ah, Little pine, little green one, Don’t rustle above me, Ah, lully lully, ah lully lully, Don’t rustle above me Chorus Ah, you beauty, pretty maiden, Fall in love with me, Ah, lully lully, ah lully lully, Fall in love with me Chorus 13 Sing to MeAndrea Ramsey Text by Ella Wheeler Wilcox Sing to me! Something of sunlight and bloom, I am so compassed with sorrow and gloom, I am so sick with the world’s noise and strife – Sing of the beauty and brightness of life – Sing to me, sing to me! Sing to me! Something that’s jubilant, glad! I am so weary, my soul so sad. All my earth riches are covered with rust, All my bright dreams are but ashes and dust. Sing to me, sing to me! Sing to the blossoms that open in spring, How the sweet flowers blow, and the long lichens cling, Say, though the winter is round about me, There are bright summers and springs yet to be. Sing to me, sing to me! Sing me a song full of hope and of truth, Brimming with all the sweet fancies of youth! Say, though my sorrow I may not forget, I have not quite done with happiness yet, Sing to me, sing to me! Lay your soft flowers just here, on my cheek; Turn the light lower – there – do, do not speak, But sing! My heart thrills at your beautiful voice; Sing till I turn from my grief and rejoice. Travessura (Written for Nina Revering) Pula daqui, cai acola Entra na roda e vem brincar Pique bandeira, correida ligeira E pula daqui, cai acola Pula daqui, cai acola Entra na roda e vem brincar Chega da escola, ja vai jogar bola E pula daquei, cai acola 14 Eduardo Lakschevitz (b. 1970) Pula daqui, cai acola Entra na roda e vem brincar Vento soprando, e pipa voando E pula daqui, cai acola Nunca deixe de sonhar (lindo sonho) Tempo que logo vai passar Craindo memorias Lembrando historias Feliz de quem aproveitar (Vamos brincar de carrossel, pessoal !) Jump over here, fall over there Join the circle, come and play Pique dandeira*, a fast run And jump over here, fall over there Jump over here, fall over there’re Join the circle, come and play Back from school, on to play ball And jump over here, fall over there. Jump over here, fall over there Join the circle, come and play Wind is blowing, the kite is flying And jump over here, fall over there. Never stop dreaming (a beautiful dream) Time will soon pass by Creating memories Remembering stories Happy is the one who enjoys it (Let’s play the carousel, everybody!) **Pique bandeira is a kind of child’s play, where two teams run around and try to ‘steal’ the other team’s flag. 15 Birdsong Paul Read (b. 1948) Text by an unknown child in the Terazin Concentration Camp in Czechoslovakia He doesn’t know the world at all Who stays in his nest and doesn’t go out He doesn’t know what birds know best Nor what I sing about Nor what I sing about, Nor what I sing about: That the world is full of loveliness When dew drops sparkle in the grass And earth is a flood with morning light A blackbird sings upon a bush To greet the dawning after night The dawning after night The dawning after night. Then I know how fine it is to live. Hey, try to open your heart to beauty Go to the woods someday And weave a wreath of memory there. Then if tears obscure your way You’ll know how wonderful it is. You’ll know how wonderful it is Oh how wonderful to be a a live He doesn’t know the world at all Who stays in the nest and doesn’t go out. He doesn’t know what birds know best. Nor what I sing about, Nor what I sing about, Nor what I sing about: That the world is full of love, and how fine it is to live Oh how wonderful to be alive. 16 Can You HearWords & Music by James Papoulis Can you hear my cries. Can you see my eyes. I am calling out to you. Arranged with Francisco J. Nunez Can you hear my cries. Can you see my eyes. I am calling out to you Calling in the distance, softly Could it be the sound of my heart? Here I am before you, reaching Could it be I’m slipping away, Can you hear my cries, Can you see my eyes. I am calling out to you Suddenly I see I’m falling Trying to find a way off the ground. Will I see the future in me. As I see it slipping away, Can you hear my cries, Can you see my eyes. I am calling out to you I know you can hear. I know you can hear. I know you can see. I know you can see, I am calling, calling out to Hear my cries, Can you see my eyes, Can you feel my cries, Can you feel my eyes, 17 Tell me can you , Yes you can hear, Yes you can hear me, Tell me can you see Can you hear Can you hear me calling out to you? The Dream Keeper Text by Langston Hughes (1902-1967) Music by Andrea Ramsey Bring me, Bring me, Bring me all of your dreams Bring me all of your dreams, You dreamer, you dreamer, you dreamer, you dreamer Bring me all your heart melodies Bring me all your heart melodies, melodies That I may wrap them, That I may wrap them in a blue cloud cloth away, Away, away, away, away From the too rough fingers of the world This is HomeSwitchfoot, arr. Nina Revering I’ve got my memories always inside of me, But I can’t go back, back to how it was. I believe you now, I’ve come too far. No, I can’t go back, back to how it was. Created for a place I’ve never known, This is home. Now I’m fin’lly where I belong, where I belong. Yeah, this is home. I’ve been searching for a place of my own; Now I’ve found it. Maybe this is home. Yeah, this is home. Belief over misery, I’ve seen the enemy, and I won’t go back, Back to how it was. 18 And I got my heart set on what happens next. I got my eyes wide; It’s not over yet. We are miracles and we’re not alone. Yeah, this is home. Now I’m fin’lly where I belong, I’ve seen the enemy, and I won’t go back, Back to how it was. And I got my heart set on what happens next. I got my eyes wide; It’s not over yet. We are miracles and we’re not alone. Yeah, this is home. Now I’m fin’lly where I belong, where I belong. Yeah, this is home. I’ve been searching for a place of my own; Now I’ve found it Maybe this is home. Yeah, this is home. And now, after all my searching, After all my questions, I’m gonna call it home. I’ve got a brand new mind set; I can fin’lly see the sunset. I’m gonna call it home. Home, this is home. Now I’m fin’lly where I belong. Where I belong Yeah, this is home. I’ve been searching for a place of my own; Now I’ve found it may be this is home. This is home. Now I know yeah, this is home. I’ve come too far, And I won’t go back. Yeah, this is home. 19 2011-12 Conspirare Youth Choirs Nina Revering, Conductor Kantorei Martha Beaty* Andrew Buller Colman Butler* Avery Davis Samantha DeVoll Elizabeth Driggers Ainsley Gamble Isabella Grossling Daryl Hale* Isabella Hansen Sarah Kennedy Helmbrecht* Kalie Jennings Abigail Johnson Elisabeth A. Klein Maya Lyles Nikhil Lyles Eva Rose Lynch Julianna Marshall* Amy McPherson* Hannah Mitchel-Gevirtz Kate Noll Aldo Ordonez* Amanda Phares Lucy Pickens Asha Rao* Veronica Ruth Shilpa Saxena Maxfield Segrest Stephen Shearer Daniel Shi Taylor Sims Molly Snodgrass Abigail Stewart Anastasia Weger Lily Wendt* Nora Abigail Windham-Waite Kevin Yang Aislinn Yeidel* Corwynn Yeidel Angela Zhan *Soloists/Instrumentalists 20 Conspirare Children’s Choir Chiara Alvisi Maria Alvisi Lexi Anderson Mary Barnett Kali Bramble Shaye Cantu Anna Grace Carey Caitlyn Diehl Care Edgar Valeria Aimee Elizondo Jonna Hardy Reilly Havranek Sarah Hollis Sophie Levy Sophie Lillis Shelby Luikart Olivia Martens Gabriel Martin Kay McAnally Julia McDonald Deanna Melder* Sarah Nehring Carolyn Nuelle* Raina Parsons Ella Pettichord Natalya Ponomoreva Galia Popov Lucas Revering* Bailey Rider Gabrielle Sanchez Irene Smith* Libby Smith Anne Marie Stapper Elizabeth Stapper* Maria Tangarova* Lucy Tiblier Elena Sophia Villalon Seren Villwock Alia Vinson Madison Whitesides Alyssa Wixson Conspirare Youth Choirs Staff Nina Revering’s choral music experience began at an early age. While growing up in Brazil, she performed in the Coro Infantil do Teatro Municipal under the direction of Elsa Lakschevitz. After moving to Canada, she joined the Toronto Children’s Chorus, directed by Jean Ashworth-Bartle, and performed with noted directors Andrew Davis and Sir David Willcocks. Ms. Revering’s musical training included six years of study in Toronto’s Royal Conservatory of Music in baroque recorder as well as piano. Ms. Revering’s educational background includes work at the Youth Performing Arts School and Boston University. She studied baroque recorder with John Tyson of the New England Conservatory and performed with the Tanglewood Festival Chorus under conductors Seiji Ozawa, John Williams, and John Oliver. Nina Revering has performed widely as a soloist and chorister throughout the region and around the country. Soloist at St. Mary’s Cathedral from 19941997, she was also Victoria Bach Festival’s New Young Artist in 1994. Ms. Revering has been a member of Conspirare since 1995 and was a soloist in the Grammy-nominated CDs Requiem and Threshold of Night, both released under the Harmonia Mundi label. Ms. Revering taught music in Eanes schools from 1996-2003 and recently returned to the elementary music classroom. A frequent clinician, guest conductor, and vocal adjudicator around the state of Texas, she was one of eight conductors selected for participation in the International Symposium for Children’s Choir Directors held in Toronto, Canada in May 2005. Nina Revering co-presented a workshop with Rick Gabrillo on children’s choirs at the 2010 Eastern Division American Choral Directors Association Convention in Philadelphia. Professional affiliations include ACDA and TMEA. 21 Accompanists Dr. Maimy Fong earned a Bachelor’s degree in piano with a concentration in vocal accompanying from the University of the Pacific in Stockton, California. She also completed Master’s and Doctoral degrees in piano performance at the University of Texas at Austin School of Music. She has worked for the Des Moines Metro Opera, Austin Lyric Opera, and was the first pianist-coach in El Paso Opera’s Artist-in-Residence Program. She has been with CYC since its inception in 2005. In 2009, she helped co-found and now assists in administering the “Feed Your Soul” Music Series at Dell Children’s Medical Center. For more information or to be added to the e-mail list, please send an inquiry to DellFeedYourSoul@yahoo.com. In Austin, she maintains an active schedule of playing chamber music, instrumental and voice recitals, teaching, and vocal coaching. Dr. Brooks Whitmore holds degrees in piano performance from the Universities of Wisconsin, Illinois, and Texas. He has accompanied and helped prepare collegiate choirs for performances in New York’s Carnegie Hall and in a European concert tour. An active teacher and church musician, he holds positions at Austin Montessori School and as organist at historic St. Mary Cathedral in downtown Austin. He also recently accompanied operatic productions for VIVA La Musica in Guadalajara, Mexico. Guest Instrumentalists Tom Hale is principal horn of the Austin Symphony and Austin Lyric Opera and performs with orchestras in Houston, San Antonio, Victoria and Laredo. Dr. Hale has been a member of the Spoleto Festival Orchestra in Charleston, South Carolina, and Spoleto, Italy, since 1987 as both performer and conductor. He has also served on the faculties of the University of Texas, Southwest Texas State University and Southwestern University in Georgetown. He is a founding member of the Pinnacle 22 Brass Quintet and the Wild Basin Winds and performs regularly with the Chamber Soloists of Austin, the Victoria Bach Festival, Bear Valley Music Festival, and A. Mozart Fest. He was educated at Texas Tech University (B.ME., M.M.) and the University of Texas (D.M.A.). Paul Robertson has been performing and teaching in the Austin area for almost 20 years. He has performed with the Austin, San Antonio and Corpus Christi Symphonies as well as many vocal groups such as Conspirare, Chorus Austin and Austin Lyric Opera. He has also played with the likes of Ray Charles, Don McLean, Luciano Pavarotti, Ray Price and Willie Nelson. Paul taught violin, viola and string ensemble at Austin Community College for 5 years, was an orchestra director in RRISD for 6 years and is currently in his 4th year as Head Orchestra Director at Murchison Middle School. Andrew Furman A native of Victoria, Texas, Andrew is currently pursuing a Master’s degree in percussion performance from the University of Texas in Austin. He also teaches and arranges for the percussion section at Stephen F. Austin High School. He has appeared as a soloist with the Eastman Wind Ensemble and Eastman Percussion Ensemble, and has recorded with the University of Texas and Eastman Wind Ensembles. Recently, he performed with the Midland-Odessa Symphony and Chorale. Andrew received his Bachelor’s degree in Music from the Eastman School of Music in Rochester, NY. His principal teachers have included Phillip Mikula, John H. Beck, Bill Cahn, Michael Burritt, and Charles Ross. 23 Conspirare Board of Directors Robert J. Karli, Chair David Clark, Vice Chair Larry Collmann, Treasurer Mary Stephenson, Secretary Doug Bain Ken Beck William C. Bednar Fran Collmann Mary Anne Connolly Patrick L. DeLaune Tom Driscoll Toya Cirica Haley Robert Harlan Lou Ann Lasher Eric Leibrock Hope Morgan Louise Morse E. Stuart Phillips Rebecca Powers Hon. Bea Ann Smith Marion Lear Swaybill Catherine Wildermuth Sheila Wojcik Sheila Youngblood Advisory Board Stephen Aechternacht John Aielli Sue Barnes Mark Bierner Ray Brimble David Burger David Claflin Virginia Dupuy Maydelle Fason JoLynn Free Billy Gammon Vance George Helen Hays Dan Herd William B. Hilgers Wayne Holtzman Cassandra James Judith Jellison Bob Murphy Lynn Murphy Gayle Glass Roche Nancy Scanlan Angela Smith Bernadette Tasher Louann Temple Eva Womack 24 Artistic & Administrative Staff Craig Hella Johnson Artistic Director Ann Hume Wilson Executive Director Katie Apple Special Projects Coordinator Tamara Blanken Online Services Manager Melissa J. Eddy Communications & Grants Manager Rick Gabrillo Associate Conductor, Production Manager Wravan Godsoe Office Manager David Hammond Director of Patron Relations Robert Harlan Stage Manager Meri Krueger Artist Relations Kristie McCune Business Manager Ann McNair Executive Assistant to the Artistic Director Nina Revering Director, Conspirare Youth Choirs Nicki Turman House Manager Jennifer Tynan Manager, Conspirare Youth Choirs Supporters Season Sustaining Underwriter Business & Foundation Supporters The Keating Family Foundation The Kodosky Foundation The Mattsson-McHale Foundation The Meadows Foundation Russell Hill Rogers Fund for the Arts The Rachael & Ben Vaughan Foundation Public Funding Agencies This project is funded and supported in part by a grant from the Texas Commission on the Arts and the City of Austin through the Cultural Arts Division, believing an investment in the arts is an investment in Austin’s future. Visit Austin at NowPlayingAustin.com. This project is also supported in part by an award from the National Endowment for the Arts. Art Works. Media Sponsors 25 2010-11 CYC Highlights In September, the Conspirare Youth Choir’s Kantorei sang with the Conspirare Symphonic Choir and the Austin Symphony in Ballet Austin’s presentation of Carmina Burana at the Long Center. Dazzling performances with La Follia Austin Baroque: “Going for Baroque with the Conspirare Children’s Choir” The CYC had six talented singers who auditioned and were selected for the National American Choral Directors’ Associations convention Honor Choirs: Kim Newcomb, Juliana Marshall, Gabriel Martin, Taylor Sims, Alyssa Wixson, and Libby Smith. Nearly sold-out winter performances at St. Martin’s Lutheran Church Festival of Children’s Voices with the Choir of St. John’s, Cambridge – the Conspirare Youth Choirs were honored to participate in the bringing together of voices from all over Austin with these acclaimed singers from England. A successful spring concert, Voices of Joy, to close the sixth concert season with a joyous celebration of spring, featuring works by Schubert, Ramsey, Henderson, and a selection of folk works from the British Isles. 26 Acknowledgements The Conspirare Youth Choirs gratefully acknowledges the contributions and generosity of the following individuals and organizations: Craig Hella Johnson Bob Karli and Conspirare Board of Directors Ann Hume Wilson Ann McNair, David Hammond, Tamara Blanken, Kristie McCune, Melissa Eddy, Wraven Godsoe, Meri Krueger, and Nicki Turman Robert Harlan, Anton Boyd, and the Conspirare Stage Crew Lois Vanlaningham James Brown and Jane Bassett, First Presbyterian Church University Presbyterian Church Howard Burkett Hornaday Design Christopher Novosad Dana Wixson and all the parent uniform volunteers Any other CYC parent who has helped out throughout the semester Singers, Parents, Volunteer Ushers, and Family Supporters of the CYC Conspirare Performing Note Conspirare has the privilege of performing in a variety of beautiful venues. We seek out acoustical and aesthetic environments that can best enhance choral performances and we are deeply grateful to our hosts. While our performing venues may represent specific traditions and the texts of some of our repertoire may also be representative of specific traditions, it is in no way intended to be exclusive of any individual whose experience or set of beliefs is not represented. Conspirare respects and celebrates the great diversity of religious, artistic, and human experiences represented among our singers and audience members. Our shared musical experiences are intended to bring us together as we all seek to be inspired by the power of great choral music. The audience creates the space in which the music is held. 27 Shining Star Scholarship Program The Scholarship Program: The Conspirare Youth Choirs is fully committed to finding and training young musicians with a deep focus and love for choral singing, regardless of the obstacles that may prevent their participation. In 20062007, the CYC created the Shining Star Scholarship Program to support singers in the CYC. With generous donations, the CYC is currently supporting full tuition and uniform costs for three singers. During the spring, singers who are interested in being considered for this scholarship will complete an application and participate in an audition with the Conspirare Youth Choirs. Following the audition, a scholarship committee will review the applications and audition results and select the singers who best meet the criteria of the scholarship fund based upon skill, teacher recommendations, prior musical experience, and financial need. Support a Shining Star: Currently, we are seeking donations of $750, which will provide tuition fees, transportation costs, uniform costs, music, and rehearsal supplies for one singer for the entire 2011-2012 season (August 2011 to May 2012). We hope you will consider “adopting” a singer through the Shining Star Scholarship Program. Your tax-deductible $750 contribution to Conspirare will be a life-changing gift for one young singer who would not have this opportunity without your generosity. If a full donation of $750 is not possible for your family at the present time, we are always pleased to accept any donation amount you make to this fund. Other Ways to Support a Shining Star: It may also be possible that a scholarship recipient may need transportation assistance. If you are passionately committed to the goal of this scholarship fund but cannot financially contribute at the present time, we invite you to become a volunteer driver for this program. As a volunteer driver, you would be responsible for the transportation of the singer from their home or school to each Conspirare Youth Choirs rehearsal and performance. Volunteer drivers are vital to the success of this program. You will ensure that our scholarship recipients have consistent attendance, thereby receiving the highest possible musical training and vocal instruction. We hope you will consider joining these generous families and organizations who have already contributed to the Shining Star Scholarship Program: Anne, Manny, and Brennan Martinez Lois VanLaningham in Memory of Todd VanLaningham Anonymous (2) To contribute or volunteer for the Shining Star Scholarship Program or for more information, please contact Rick Gabrillo at 512.476.5775 or conspirareyouthchoirs@gmail.com. 28 About Conspirare The word “conspirare” derives from the Latin “con” and “spirare” translated as “to breathe together.” Founded in 1991 to present a summer classical music festival in Austin, Texas, Conspirare has rapidly grown to become an internationally recognized, professional choral organization. Led by founder and artistic director Craig Hella Johnson, Conspirare is comprised of two performing ensembles and an educational program. A professional chamber choir (“Conspirare” or “Company of Voices”) of extraordinarily talented singers from around the country is presented in an annual concert series in Austin, other Texas communities, and locations in the U.S. and abroad. The Conspirare Symphonic Choir of both professional and volunteer singers performs one or more large choral/orchestral works annually. The Conspirare Youth Choirs is an educational program for singers ages 8-16, who learn and perform in two separate ensembles, Kantorei and the Conspirare Children’s Choir. Conspirare produced its first commercial recording, through the green fuse, in 2004 on the Clarion Records label. A second CD, Requiem, also on Clarion and since reissued by Harmonia Mundi, was released in 2006 and received two Grammy® nominations (Best Choral Performance and Best Engineered Album, Classical). Harmonia 29 Mundi also released Requiem in Europe in 2009, and it received the Netherlands’ prestigious 2010 Edison Award in the Choral Music category. The Edison is the Dutch equivalent of the U.S. Grammy. A third recording, Threshold of Night, was released worldwide in September 2008 on the Harmonia Mundi label, Conspirare’s first title for the distinguished recording company. Threshold of Night received two Grammy nominations, Best Choral Performance and Best Classical Album. In October 2008, in cooperation with Austin’s public television station KLRU, Conspirare filmed a PBS television special, “A Company of Voices: Conspirare in Concert,” that was broadcast nationally in March 2009 and is available on both CD and DVD. A Company of Voices received a Grammy nomination as Best Classical Crossover Album. Conspirare’s latest CD Sing Freedom! African American Spirituals was recorded last October and released September 13, 2011 by Harmonia Mundi. In 2005 Conspirare received the Margaret Hillis Award for Choral Excellence, given by national service organization Chorus America. In 2007, as one of the select choruses to receive a grant from the National Endowment for the Arts under its American Masterpieces initiative, Conspirare presented a four-day festival that featured a distinguished gathering of composers and conductors, performances of three world premieres, and a gala closing concert with a choir of 600 singers. In July 2008 Conspirare represented the United States at the Eighth World Symposium on Choral Music in Copenhagen, joining invited choirs from nearly forty countries. In February 2010 Conspirare was an invited, featured choir at the annual convention of the American Choral Directors Association/Eastern Division in Philadelphia. Conspirare received the 2010 Dale Warland Singers Commission Award from Chorus America to support the commission of a new work by Seattle composer Eric Banks. In February 2011 Conspirare gave three invited performances in New York City under auspices of the Weill Music Institute of Carnegie Hall. 30 Support Conspirare Conspirare invites you to join our family of donors. Your contribution supports our gift of music through performances of the highest artistic quality and through educational and outreach programs, including the Conspirare Youth Choirs. Leadership Circle Maestro Circle..................................... $25,000+ Impresario Circle................$15,000 — $24,999 Benefactor Circle................$10,000 — $14,999 Platinum Baton Circle............ $5,000 — $9,999 Golden Baton Circle............... $2,500 — $4,999 Silver Baton Circle.................. $1,000 — $2,499 Circle of Friends Sponsors....................................... $500 — $999 Patrons.......................................... $250 — $499 Sustainers...................................... $100 — $249 Donors................................................Up to $99 enclosed is my tax-deductible gift in the amount of $ -or- i pledge a gift of $ choose one: please charge my credit card $ to be paid in full by june 30, 2012. i will pay by check $ per month for # per month for # months, begininning / / date months need a different pledge plan? please call us at (512) 476-5775 to arrange. Payment Information ❑ check payable to conspirare credit card ❑ discover ❑ mc ❑ visa ❑ amex name on card card number security code expiration date signature name must be signature of cardholder as you wish to be acknowledged in conspirare publications address city state zip daytime phone ( ) e-mail employer Does your employer support the arts with matching gifts? If so, please enclose the completed form along with your payment. Mail to Conspirare, 1033 La Posada Drive, Suite 130, Austin, TX 78752. Conspirare is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization. Donations are tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law. Thank you for your generous support of Conspirare. 31 Donors Gifts to Conspirare provide financial support for concerts, recordings, educational programs, and outreach activities. The following roster of donors includes cash and in-kind gifts received from individuals, family and private foundations, businesses, and government agencies between December 1, 2010 and January 5, 2012. We express our gratitude to each and every one of our donors. Maestro Circle City of Austin Cultural Arts Division Fran & Larry Collmann The Kodosky Foundation The Mattsson-McHale Foundation National Endowment for the Arts South Texas Money Management Still Water Foundation Sheila & Ryan Youngblood Impresario Circle Crutch & Danna Crutchfield Robert & Lara Harlan Jeffrey & Gail Kodosky Gayle Glass Roche & Mike Roche Marc & Carolyn Seriff Benefactor Circle Anonymous Ken & Joyce Beck David & Catherine Clark Jeri DeAngelis Robert & Trish Karli Wendi & Brian Kushner Eric Leibrock & Ellen Justice Louise N. Reeser TesCom, Inc. Catherine & David Wildermuth Platinum Baton Circle Anonymous William C. Bednar & Flo Ann Randle Thomas Driscoll & Nancy Quinn Mary Nell Frucella Helen & Bob Hays The Keating Family Foundation Lou Ann & Bill Lasher Joyce Mayer Bob & Ruth McGregor Louise Morse Jerele & Elizabeth Neeld Russell Hill Rogers Fund for the Arts The Honorable Bea Ann Smith Mary Stephenson & David Minter Texas Commission on the Arts The Rachael & Ben F. Vaughan Foundation Jeanie & Bill Wyatt Golden Baton Circle aha! communications Robert & Pat Brueck 32 Dan Bullock & Annette Carlozzi in honor of Ann Hume Wilson & Craig Hella Johnson David & Janis Claflin Dean & Gwen Collmann Mary Ann Connolly William R. Dickson The Fetzer Institute Susanna & Richard Finnell Ann & Gordon Getty Foundation Cynthia Keever Joan & Tom Kobayashi William Nemir Stu Phillips Rebecca & Phil Powers Scott & Pam Reichardt Max & Gene Alice Sherman John & Suzanne Shore Dian & Harlan Stai Susanne Tetzlaff & Eric Tiblier Sheila Wojcik Silver Baton Circle Anonymous (2) Sandi Aitken Bain Consulting, LLC Doug & Stacy Bain Ray & Karen Brimble Dr. & Mrs. Paul Burns Ernest & Sarah Butler Joe & Cynthia Cain Pablo Cardenas Mike Chesser Mr. Jerry Craft Robert F. Dailey Virginia & Robert Dupuy Melissa Eddy & Tracy Schiemenz Lot Ensey Maydelle F. Fason Rev. Dr. Ann Fields Fischer & Wieser Specialty Foods R. John & Susan Fox Cheryl Fuller Billy & Regan Gammon Gateway Music Festivals & Tours Susan Gatlin Kim & Steve Gilbert Toya Cirica Haley & Stephen Bell Gerre & Judith Hancock in honor of Craig Hella Johnson Richard Hartgrove & Gary Cooper Walter & Ann Herbst Morris & Marge Johnson Michael & Jeanne Klein Timothy Koock Angie & Steve Larned Eva & Chris Laskaris Kati Lewis Peter Scott Lewis Thomas Lukens Sheila Lummis in honor of Craig Hella Johnson & Phil Overbaugh Janet Miller Milton D. Miller II Ivan Milman & Janie Keys Linda Monk Hope Morgan & Mike Taborn Paul Mowry Bob & Lynn Murphy Linda & Robert Ramsey Susan & Frosty Rees Dick & Lynn Rew Andy & Sally Ritch Jack & Susan Robertson Nancy Scanlan William Schleuse & Virginia McDermott Peter Schram & Harry Ullmann Angela & Charles Smith David C. Smith in honor of Craig Hella Johnson James Stolpa Marion Lear Swaybill Virgil & LaFern Swift Bernadette Tasher Ben & Daphne Vaughan William & Anne Wagner Kathleen Wicoff Ann Hume Wilson & Evan Wilson Marc Winkleman Eva & Marvin Womack Sponsors Anonymous Robert Abrams & Cynthia Vance Abrams Maureen Alexander Eva King Andries Robert & Patricia Ayres Becky Beaver & John Duncan Anne Bertholf Klaus Bichteler & Mary Parse Ann & Jeff Bomer Jack Brannon & Brian Miller Kyle Bryson Chris & J. Dennis Cavner Jo Anne Christian Jennifer Clark David & Nathasha Collmann Eric & Lisa Craven Stuart & Paula Damore Patrick DeLaune & Sadaf Khan Dorothy Drummer & Greg Eden Susan Nash Fekety Daniel Finch Gwen & Bruce Flory Tom & Kathy Cody Gallaway Barbara Gibbs & John Driggers Susan Gregerson Balie & Beverly Griffith Milton Guiberteau in honor of Claire Korioth Carolyn Harris-Hynson Jane Hilfer Jeanne & Van Hoisington Diane Ireson David Kendrick Mary M. Kevorkian Lawrence Lawver Mary Ann Lees Mark & Lauren Levy Emily Little Carolyn & W. Jackson Long Mary Matus Phil & Sue Maxwell Debe & Kevin McKeand Vance McMahan Suzanne Mitchell Janis Monger Susan Negley Douglas Nelson Jack & Karen O’Quin Leslie Oster & Daniel Rodriguez Carlisle Pearson Dan & Kim Peterson Forrest Preece & Linda Ball K.C. Ptomey Daniel Ray & Ellen Gould Smith & Sandra Ray Louis Renaud Dan & Kimberly Renner Hamilton & Joanne Richards Michal Rosenberger Henley Sims Julie & Shawn Smith Michael & Virginia Smith Dr. Anna Sorensen & Mr. Don Sorensen Lois Vanlaningham Cynthia L. & Thomas Walsh Susie Wilson Patrons Linda Aaker Dr. Jacque Angerstein Cindy & Pat Behling Ola Bell Leah Billingsley Pat Fatter Black Grace Blair in honor of Craig Hella Johnson Nancy Bowman Peggy Brunner Richard Campbell Harvey Caughey Nathaniel & Elizabeth Chapin Patricia Cherico Fran & Larry Collmann in memory of Philip J. Overbaugh Janie Cook in honor of My Healing Place Eleanor Crary Cina Crisara Richard J. Davis in honor of Charles Hill Rena & Richard D’Souza 33 Susan Duncan in honor of Sara Ann & Milton Duncan Barbara Durham Cliff & Martha Ernst Juli Fellows in honor of Sylvia Gallo Carol Flake Patricia & Fred Florence Mary Anne Flournoy Carolyn Fritz William & Marlene Glade Glenda Goehrs David & Martha Harrington Carr Hornbuckle & Jack Leifer Melissa Huebsch Morgan Hunter Craig Hella Johnson & Phil Overbaugh Tom Grimes & Karen Kibler Greg & Cynthia Kozmetsky Dina Kuntz Jon-Michael Lees Nora Lieberman L & L Investment Company Thomas & Alaire Lowry Ann McNair in honor of Jacob Permann Lynn & Tom Meredith Ann Moody Evan Morgan Chip & Jan Morris Cynthia Norvell Cathie Parsley Jim & Nicole Pizzitola Ramon Ramirez Bev & Milbrey Raney Jean G. Rather Joanne & Jerome Ravel Leilani Rose Dennis Schaffer Jackie & Bob Shapiro Joan Sharpe Kay Sheffield Cord & Anne Shiflet Carole & Charles Sikes Jeffrey & Sandra Smith Kirk Smith The Honorable Bea Ann Smith in memory of Betty S. Smith James T. Sotiros Michael & Carol Stehling Mrs. Louis Stumberg Robert & Eileen Sudela Carol Taxis Martha Faye Terry Bruce Todd & Elizabeth Christian Don & Faith Trapp Susan Trautmann Linda & Nick Van Bavel Mary Smith & Walter Stewart Steffen & Elisabeth Waltz in honor of Wendi & Brian Kushner Ben Wear Doreen Wheeler Jimmy Williams Bill Wood & Elsa Vorwerk 34 Nancy & Brown Word WR Starkey Mortgage, LLP Sustainers Anonymous (3) Stephen & Claudia Aechternacht Irene Eibenstein & Lorenzo Alvisi Hillary Anderson Joy Anderson Ernest & Jeanette Auerbach Patti Austin Bob & Marcia Bailey Janette Barlow Kevin J. & Barbara Barry Ross & Kristin Bassinger Susan Beckerman Steven Beebe Dr. & Mrs. Craig & Holly Berent Bill & Carolyn Bingham Dawn & Dusty Black Karen Blizzard Wendy Bloom Floyd Brandt Roslyn & Sean Breen in honor of James Patterson Karen Brinkmann & Fred Johnsen Billye Brown George Brown Neil Bubke Anne Busquet James Campbell Nancy Campbell Cise Hanchett Julie Carterson Tom & Marsha Caven Sandy Chase Ann Clark Rebecca Clark Michael & Kathryn Coffey Mary Ann Connolly in honor of Col. & Mrs. John M. Connolly, Jr. Ralph Coonrad Dwayne & Barbara Cooper Marie Crane Karel Dahmen Peter Bay & Mela Sarajane Dailey Mary Alice & Michael J. Debow Kay Delcher Lory & Fred Denson Karl & Robin Dent Nina & Jeffrey Di Leo Charles Dickerson Susan Doering & Dieter Wulfhorst in honor & memory of Joseph J. & Vivian N. Doering Sharon Duboise Bobby & June Dunn Sandy Dunn & Paul Harford Paul & Patricia Durham Sally Estes Jill B. Fatzer John & Barbara Fibiger Kyle Fieleke Carol Fleming Betty Sue Flowers Claire & Chris Flynn William G. Gamel Robert & Anneliese Geis Karen & Bill Gernstein Elliot Gerson Mary Gifford Vivian & Bob Glick Wravan Godsoe & Paul Baker Joan Goldfield Loel Graber Lawrence & Jane Graham Jim & Jo Green Gary Greenblum James & Mary Louise Gwynn Harmonium Choral Society Leroy & Karen Haverlah Jane Hembree Lewis Hoffacker Dr. & Mrs. Wayne Holtzman Celeste Hubert in honor of Phil Overbaugh & Craig Hella Johnson Jeffrey Hudson & Robert Blodgett Lauren Hughes Bobby & Nancy Inman Todd Jermstad Beth & Greg Judd Julie Keim Marguerite & Hugh Kelly Gary & Carol Lazarus Kathryn & Don Lougheed Linton & Donna Luetje Cynthia Lux Mike & Sue Maine Jennifer Martens Jyoti & Aditya Mathur Bradley & Elizabeth Maxim McAllister Piano Studio Dr. Marsha D. McCary Karen McLaughlin Connie McMillan Ted & Carol Middelberg Phyllis Miller Elizabeth Hansing Moon Nancy Moore Sean & Beverly Moore Luis Morales Robert Morrell Fran & Steven Moss Diana Mullin in honor of Deb Rupp Arthur & Beth Nelkin in honor of Charles & Jeanne Graves Hilary Olson Richard Orton Margaret H. Overbaugh Thomas Overbaugh Graydon Parrish Jim & Joyce Parrish Robert Patterson & Diana Sellers Thomas Pavlechko Homer Payne Ann Phipps & Michael Cannatti Ponomarev Family Karen Pope Diane Post Mary Pozorski Anne Praderas & Tony Vance Gary & Cheryl Pyle Elaine Salazar & Edwin Ramos Randalls Aimee & Greg Randle Flo Ann Randle Manohar Rao Elaine Rathgeber Ellen W. Rienstra Cynthia Ruff Deborah Rupp Paul Rutz in honor of Harold & Viola Rutz Donna & Christy Salinas Mary Sanger Judy Sargent Pete & Frances Schenkkan Paul Schraider Claudia & Thomas Schurr David Schwarz April Schweighart Marilyn Sharratt Mary Simon Donald Skirvin Jare & Jim Smith Jeffrey Smith John & Bess Sommer John Spence Don & Nancy Spencer Bryan & Cindy Sperry Barbara & Bruce Stevenson Paul & Alyson Stone Rebecca Stucky Rosera Tateosian John Taylor & Peter Flagg Maxson Ben & Barb Truskoski William Twilley John Uglum Cynthia & Mark Vanderberg Charles Vann Fred & Shirley Viehweg Karla & Augusto Villalon Willis Waldron Jeannette G. Walker in honor of Carolyn Harris-Hynson Hiroko & Max Warshauer Deborah Wattman Valerie Wenger Jay & Glaucia Vasconcelos Wilkey Geoff & Ginny Willig Roselyn Witherspoon Neile & Jan Wolfe Conspirare also thanks all donors of gifts under $100 and regrets that space does not permit the listing of each name. Your support is equally appreciated.We strive to publish an accurate donor list. If an error or omission is noticed, please let us know. 35 Conspirare Youth Choirs: Auditioning The Conspirare Youth Choirs are auditioned treble ensembles for boys and girls ages 9-17 who love to sing. A musical background is preferred, but not required. To schedule an audition, please visit our website at www.conspirare.org/CYC to submit an online audition request form. Additional information regarding audition materials and expectations can also be found on our website. If you do not have internet access, you can also contact the CYC at 512.476.5775 to schedule an audition. BIG SING! Join us for Conspirare’s next Big Sing, where the audience is the choir! Hosted by the Conspirare Symphonic Choir and led by Craig Hella Johnson, the inspirational Big Sing is open to everyone, regardless of musical background. Fun, informal, and FREE! Thursday, May 17, 6:00 pm St. Martin’s Lutheran Church, 606 West 15th Street 36 We love to hear you sing, Anna! We are very proud of you Sarah! Love, Mom and Dad Love, Mom, Dad, Miles and Maggie We are very proud of you Sarah! Love, Mom and Dad Dear Sarah, Thank you for all the beautiful music you share with me every day. I am so very proud of you! Sophie Rae, Love, Mom You are our star! Love, GJ and Eric 37 Gabriel, So Very Proud of You Sophie! Congratulations on another wonderful year with Conspirare Youth Choir. We are all so proud of you and love to hear your beautiful voice! Love Mom, G-ma, and Theresa Always keep a song in your heart! Much Love, Grandma Charlotte Proud CYC dad www.allclearinspections.com 38 39 Bravo to the Conspirare Youth Choirs! The Physicians and Staff of the South Austin Medical Clinic Mark Levy, MD Amy Easterling, MD Todd Canon, MD Ian Alward, MD Eric Weidman, MD Manuel Martin, MD Joe Malleske, MD Glenn Graves, MD DD Smith MD Welcoming patients of all ages 512-892-6600 www.southaustinmed.com 40 To Our Julia, We are so proud of your grace, beauty & commitment to your art. Love, Mamacita, Mom, Sarah, Noni, Papa, Aunt Loli & Uncle Francis, Shannon, Josh, Marshall, Gillian & Cliff “You may say I'm a dreamer But I'm not the only one. I hope someday you'll join us And the world will be as one.” Audio Recording of this CYC Concert Available on CD $15 each Orders accepted in the lobby, - OR By mail: 9100 West View Rd, Austin TX 78737 concertcds@gmail.com 512-394-9685 41 Nada te turbe; nada te espante; Todo se pasa; Dios no se muda, la pacienza todo lo alcanza. With Pride and Love. 42 43 44
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