The Heavens Unfastened
The Heavens Unfastened
The Heavens Unfastened DECEMBER 12+13, 2014 1 The Heavens Unfastened CO N S P I R A R E YO U T H C H O I RS Nina Revering, Artistic Director Maimy Fong, Kantorei Accompanist Friday, December 12, 2014 7:30pm St. Martin’s Lutheran Church, Austin, Texas Austin Haller, Allegro Accompanist Saturday December 13, 2014 7:30pm Tom Burritt, Percussion St. Martin’s Lutheran Church, Austin, Texas Charlotte Daniel, Flute Delaine Fedson, Harp Ying Zhang, Cello Conspirare Youth Choirs 505 East Huntland Drive, Suite 155 Austin, Texas 78752 512.476.5775 We love you always and unconditionally. We are very proud of the choices you make and the effort you put in. 2 3 W ELCO M E Dear Conspirare supporters, friends, & families, Ten years ago, thirty-seven children performed Conspirare’s first youth choir concert. At that time, we were only one ensemble called Conspirare Children’s Choir. The performance lasted 35 minutes, and none of the music was memorized. The singers were younger, and for many of them, it was their very first performance with a children’s choir. Ten years later, we are now over 100 singers strong in two ensembles. We have a sizable library of music, with repertoire that has gradually grown in complexity since our beginning. Thinking on those inaugural members creates a joyful song in our hearts as we observe their graduation from colleges throughout the nation and launch of their adult careers. Tonight’s program represents some beloved favorites from our past nine seasons as well as works that are new to us. As we reflect back upon our ten years, we look to the future with hope and gratitude. To be engaged in the work of sharing music with these young artists and putting this kind of beauty into our world is a gift to us at CYC. I personally thank you and want to share the splendid words of Pablo Neruda’s poem “Something Started in my Soul,” which seem so fitting for the emotion I have for this work with our singers. Enjoy your evening, and your season. Nina Revering FOUNDING ARTISTIC DIRECTOR CONSPIRARE YOUTH CHOIRS 4 And it was at that age ... Poetry arrived in search of me. I don’t know, I don’t know where it came from, from winter or a river. I don’t know how or when, no they were not voices, they were not words, nor silence, but from a street I was summoned, from the branches of night, abruptly from the others, among violent fires or returning alone, there I was without a face and it touched me. I did not know what to say, my mouth had no way with names, my eyes were blind, and something started in my soul, fever or forgotten wings, and I made my own way, deciphering that fire, and I wrote the first faint line, faint, without substance, pure nonsense, pure wisdom of someone who knows nothing, and suddenly I saw the heavens unfastened and open, planets, palpitating plantations, shadow perforated, riddled with arrows, fire and flowers, the winding night, the universe. And I, infinitesimal being, drunk with the great starry void, likeness, image of mystery, felt myself a pure part of the abyss, I wheeled with the stars, my heart broke loose on the wind. -Pablo Neruda 5 W ELCO M E PROGR A M This concert is dedicated to all present and past CYC singers and families, who have brightened our rehearsal halls and shared their passion for singing. To our dear listeners, Ten years ago, my dear friend, Nina Revering, approached me with the idea of beginning a children’s choir for Conspirare. While we were both already working as choir teachers in the Austin public schools, I wondered how this choir program might be different. That first season was a very steep learning curve imbued with many questions. Some questions were about forming a strong children’s choir program, finding the right venue in which to rehearse and perform, and most importantly, seeking families that might share the same passion for building a new community of young singers. While often times neither of us could say with full conviction that we knew the correct answers to these questions, we were always led by the unwavering belief that what we were doing was building something beautiful. COMBINED CHOIRS Sing, Sing a Song........................................................................................ Joe Raposo (1937-1989) Soloist: Lara Murray-Palma Away in a Manger................................................................................................... Trad. Normandy Stand Together............................................................................................................... Jim Papoulis KANTOREI Velvet Shoes world premiere.................................................................. Daniel Kallman (b. 1956) Gloria Tibi.......................................................................................... Leonard Bernstein (1918-1990) Soloist: Emily Mulva Mid-Winter......................................................................................................Bob Chilcott (b. 1955) Winds of Peace.................................................................................. Arr. Nancy Grundahl (b. 1946) Al Shlosha D’Varim................................................................................. Allan E. Naplan (b. 1972) Soloist: Jessie Lucas While it’s certainly difficult to name one moment or one event that clearly defined the path of the Conspirare Youth Choirs, one thing I do know with unwavering certainty is that the CYC has drawn its life’s breath from each of the hundreds of singers that have called themselves members of our choirs. As each singer moves through our program, they leave a legacy of their spirit and the imprint of their passion. Each parent that is willing to take the journey with us leaves a trail for other young families to follow. Perhaps at the end of it all, one can say that the artistry of the Conspirare Youth Choirs is driven by the strength of human beings all sharing one goal: to seek something beautiful. So ten years later, after gaining much wisdom and making beautiful music and memories, we find ourselves this evening, this moment, filled with gratitude and filled with light. ALLEGRO Sir Christëmas.............................................................................................Derek Hollman (b. 1931) I. Proface, welcome! II. Sir Christëmas III. The Wassail Soloists: Ainsley Gamble & Alyssa Wixson IV. Omnes gentes plaudite V. Here Comes Holly Soloist: Claire Dugan VI. Ivy, Chief of Trees Soloist: Gabrielle Sanchez (Friday), Seren Villwock (Saturday) VII. Nay, Ivy, Nay VIII. How have good day! Rick Gabrillo COMBINED CHOIRS Mad World/O Come Emmanuel ............................Roland Orzabal (b. 1961) & Trad. English An Irish Blessing........................................................................................... Eleanor Daley (b.1955) Welcome to Our World..................................................................................Chris Rice (b. 1970) Soloists: Keely McNab & Clare Edgar (Friday) Gracie Vogel & Sesha McMinn (Saturday) MANAGER CONSPIRARE YOUTH CHOIRS 6 7 T E X TS A N D T R A N S L AT I O N S Sing, Sing a Song Sing, sing a song, / sing out loud, / sing out strong, sing of good things, not bad, / sing of happy, not sad. Sing, sing a song, / make it simple to last your whole life long, don’t worry that it’s not good enough for anyone else to hear, just sing, sing a song. -J o e R a p o s o Away in a Manger Away in a manger, no crib for a bed, The little Lord Jesus laid down his sweet head. The stars in the bright sky looked down where he lay, The little Lord Jesus asleep on the hay. Be near me, Lord Jesus, I ask you to stay Close by me forever, and love me, I pray Bless all the dear children in thy tender care, And fit us for heaven to live with thee there. -T r a d i t i o n a l Stand Together Stand alone, see the rain that’s falling down below, where I’m reaching. Joining hands, slowly takes us to a place we all can believe in. Side by side we could be growing hopes and dreams. If we stand together we will sing forever of the dreams growing in our hearts. If we stand together we will see forever, Side by side, hope will find a way to our hearts. One by one, we will follow with our hearts a place we can dream of. Open hearts, slowly lead us to a place we all can believe in. We will stand side by side, with our dreams we will sing. We will sing for freedom when we sing, With our hearts we will stand side by side and believe. 8 Velvet Shoes Let us walk in the white snow / In a soundless space; With footsteps quiet and slow, / At a tranquil pace, Under veils of white lace, / Under veils of white lace. I shall go shod in silk, / And you in wool, White as white cow’s milk; More beautiful than the breast of a gull. We shall walk through the still town / In a windless peace; We shall step upon white down, / Upon silver fleece, Upon softer than these, / Upon softer than these. We shall walk in velvet shoes: / Wherever we go Silence will fall like dews / On white silence below. We shall walk in the snow. -E l i n o r W y l i e , 1885-1928 Gloria Tibi from Mass Gloria tibi Gloria patri Gloria filio Et spiritui sancto Laudamus te Adoramus te Glorificamus te Benedicimus te -from Liturgy of the Roman Mass Glory to You Glory to the Father Glory to the Son And to the Holy Spirit We praise You We adore You We glorify You We bless You 9 Mid-Winter In the bleak mid-winter frosty wind made moan, Earth stood hard as iron, water like a stone, Snow had fallen, snow on snow, In the bleak mid-winter, long ago. Our God, heav’n cannot hold him nor earth sustain: Heav’n and earth shall flee away when he comes to reign: In the bleak mid-winter a stable place sufficed The Lord God Almighty Jesus Christ. Angels and archangels may have gathered there, Cherubim and seraphim thronged the air; But only his mother in her maiden bliss Worshipped the beloved with a kiss. What can I give him, poor as I am? If I were a shepherd I would bring a lamb; If I were a wise man I would do my part; Yet what I can I give him - Give my heart. -C h r i s t i n a R o s s e tt i , 1 8 3 0 - 1 8 9 4 Winds of Peace Winds of peace blow gently through us, Gently now with love renew us. Blow away the world’s deep pain, Bringing peace on earth to reign. Ruach, Ruach, Ruach, Ruach, Lama lo tishkav la nuach Min haboker tishtolel Vehine k’var bahaleil Spirit, spirit, spirit, spirit, Why don’t you lay down to rest? From the morning you are agitated And now the night is coming on. Al Shlosha D’Varim Al shlosha d’varim halolam kayam Al haemet v’al hadin V’al hashalom, hashalom The world is sustained by three things: By truth, by justice, By peace. -P i r k e i A v ot Sir Christëmas I. Proface, Welcome! Proface! May it do you much good! Welcome, welcome, welcome! This time is born, a child of grace, That now for us mankind hath take Proface! A king’s son and an emperor Is come out of a maiden’s tower, With us to dwell in great honour. Proface! This holy time of Christëmas, All sorrow and sin we should release. And cast away all heaviness. Proface! The good lord of this place entire Saith welcome all that now appear Unto such fare as ye find here. Proface! Welcome be this new year! And look ye all, be of good cheer. Our Lord God be us ever near! -T r a d . H e b r e w Proface! Welcome! Proface! -P e r i o d 10 of H e n r y VII or VIII 11 II. Sir Christëmas Good day, my Lord Sir Christëmas, good day! Good day, Sir Christëmas our King, For every man both old and ying (young) Is glad of your coming! Good day! Godes Son so much of might From heaven to earth down is light, And born is of a maid so bright. The King of heaven his birth hath take, Now joy and mirth we ought to make, Say each to other for his blessed sake, I tell you with heart so free, Right welcome be ye all to me. Be glad and merry for charity! The goodman of this place in fere You to be merry he prayeth you here; And with good heart he doth to you say Heaven and earth and also hell And all that ever in them dwell Of your coming they be full snell, Good day! -15 t h -16 t h centuries III. The Wassail GIve way, give way, ye gates, and win An easy blessing to your bin And basket by your enterin, May both with manchet [loaf of fine wheat bread] stand replete; Your larders too so hung with meat That, though a thousand thousand eat, Yet ere twelve moons shall whirl about silvery spheres, There’s none may doubt but more’s sent in than was served out All manner of mirthes we will make And solace to our heartes take My seemly lorde for your sake. Good day! Let no man come into this hall, Groom, page, nor yet marshall, But that some sport he bring withal For now is the time of Christëmas. Next may your dairies prosper so As that your pans no ebb may know; But if they do, the more to flow, Like to a solemn sober stream Banked all with lilies and the cream Of sweetest cowslips filling them. If that he say he cannot sing Some other sport then let him bring, That it may please at this feasting, For now is the time of Christëmas. Then may your plants be pressed with fruit, Nor bee nor hive you have be mute, But sweetly sounding like a lute. If that he say he naught can do Then for my love ask him no more, But to the stocks then let him go, For now is the time of Christëmas. What cheer? What cheer? Good cheer! Be merry and glad this good New Year. Lift up your heartes and be glad! In Christes birth the angel bade Say each to other, if any be sad. 12 Next may your ducks and teeming hen Both to the cock’s tread say Amen, And for their two eggs render ten. Last, may your harrows, shares and ploughs, Your stacks, your stocks, your sweetest mows, All prosper by your virgin vows. Alas! We bless, but see none here That brings us neither ale nor beer: 13 In a dry house all things are near. Let’s leave a longer time to wait, When rust and cobwebs bind the gate, And all live here with needy Fate. Where chimneys do forever week For want of warmth, And stomachs keep with noise the servants’ eyes from sleep. It is in vain to sing or stay Our free feet here; but we’ll away: Yet to the Lares (household gods) this we’ll say The time will come when you’ll be sad And reckon this for fortune bad T’ have lost the good ye might have had. -R o b e rt H e rr i c k , 1 5 9 1 - 1 6 7 4 IV. Omnes Gentes Plaudite Omnes gentes plaudite (Oh clap your hands all ye people) I saw many birds sitting on a tree; They took their flight and flew away, With, ego dixi [I have said], have good day! Many white feathers hath the pie I amy no more sing, my lips are so dry. Many white feathers hath the swan The more that I drink the less good I can. Whosoever against holly call, Alleluia, Alleluia, Whosever against holly do cry, In a leap shall he hang full high, Alleluia, Alleluia. Whosever ‘gainst holly do sing, He may weep, he may weep and his handes wring. Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia, now sing we! -15 t h c e n t u ry VI. Ivy, Chief of Trees Ivy, chief of trees it is, Veni, veni coronaberis [come, you shall be crowned]. The most worthy she is in town, He that saith other doth amiss; And worthy to bear the crown; Veni coronaberis. Ivy is soft and meek of speech Against all bale she is bliss; Well is he that may her reach; Veni coronaberis. Lay sticks on the fire, well may it burn; Give us once to drink ere away we turn. Ivy is green with colour bright Of all trees best she is; And that I prove well now by right; Veni coronaberis. Omnes gentes plaudite I saw many birds sitting on a tree; They took their flight and flew away, With, ego dixi, have good day. Ivy beareth berries black; God grant us all his bliss! For there shall me nothing lack, Veni, veni coronaberis. -15 t h c e n t u ry Ivy chief of trees it is Veni, veni coronaberis. V. Here Comes Holly Alleluia, Alleluia, now sing we! -15 t h c e n t u ry Here comes holly that is so gent, to please all men is his intent, Alleluia, Alleluia, But, lord and lady of this hall, 14 15 VII. Nay, Ivy, Nay Nay, ivy, nay, / it shall not be ywis [certain]. Let holly have the mastery as the manner is. Holly stands in the hall, / fair to behold, Ivy stands without the door, / She is full sore acold. Holly and his merry men, / dancen and sing, Ivy and her maidens they / weepen and they wring. Ivy hath a kibe, / she caught it with the cold; So may they all have one that with Ivy hold: Holly hath berries, / as red as any rose. The forester, the hunters keep them from the does. Holly hath full many birds, / a full fair flock, The nightingale, the popinjay, the gentle laverock. Good Ivy, what birds hast thou? None but the owlet that cries “How, how!” -P e r i o d of H e n r y VI VIII. Now Have Good Day! Now have good day, now have good day! Now have good day, now have good day! I am Sir Christëmas, and now I go my way. Here have I dwelled with more and less From hallowtide to Candlemas, I now I must from you hence pass; That often biddeth ‘have good day;’ Now have good day! Now fare ye well, all in fere! Now fare ye well for all this year! Yet for my sake have good cheer; -B e f o r e 1536 Mad World/O Come Emmanuel All around me are familiar faces, worn out places, Bright and early for their daily races, going nowhere, O come, Emmanuel, and ransom captive Israel, Who mourns in lowly exile here, until the son of God appear. Their tears are filling up their glasses, no expression Hide my head, I wanna drown my sorrow, no tomorrow And I find it kinda funny, I find it kinda sad, That dreams in which I’m crying are the best I’ve ever had, I find it hard to tell you, I find it hard to take, When people run in circles it’s a very, very… Mad world, mad world. Oh come, thou dayspring, come and cheer Our spirits by thine advent here Disperse the gloomy clouds of night, And death’s dark shadows put to flight. I take my leave of king and knight, And baron, earl and lady bright, To wilderness I must me dight; Rejoice, rejoice, Emmanuel, And ransom captive Israel And at the good lord of this hall I take my leave of guestes all. Methinks I hear Lent doth call; An Irish Blessing May the road rise up to meet you, May the wind be always at your back, May the sun shine warm upon your face, The rain fall soft upon your fields. -R o l a n d O r z a b a l & T r a d i t i o n a l Another year I trust I shall Make merry in this goodly hall, If rest and peace in England fall; But often times I have heard say That he is loth to part away, And until we meet again, May God hold you in the palm of his hand. -T r a d i t i o n a l I r i s h 16 17 CO N S P I R A R E YO U T H C H O I RS Welcome to Our World Tears are falling, hearts are breaking; how we need to hear from God. You’ve been promised, we’ve been waiting, welcome, holy Child. Hope that You don’t mind our manger, how I wish we would’ve known. But long awaited holy Stranger, make Yourself at home. Bring your peace into our violence, bid our hungry souls be filled. Word now breaking heaven’s silence, welcome to our world. HOLLY DAWSON PHOTOGRAPHY Conspirare Youth Choirs (CYC) was formed in 2004-2005 as an educational outreach program of Conspirare. Under the direction of Founding Artistic Director Nina Revering, CYC seeks out and trains young musicians who share a love and commitment for creating music at a high level of excellence. So wrap our injured flesh around You, breathe our air and walk our sod. Rob our sin and make us holy, perfect Son of God. -C h r i s R i c e Conspirare Youth Choirs’ two ensembles, Kantorei and Allegro (previously Conspirare Children’s Choir), accommodate young singers’ varying levels of choral skill and experience. Both provide a combination of rigorous vocal training, music theory, and sight-singing instruction in a nurturing environment that allows the young singer to explore the depth and beauty of choral music. CYC has performed throughout the Austin community for high-profile events and organizations including the Round Rock Express, Greenlights Nonprofit Summit, St. John’s College Choir of Cambridge, Austin Lyric Opera, Austin Symphony, Austin Museum of Art, Austin Children’s Shelter, Abraham Walk, and Austin City Limits. The young singers have also performed nationally in Hawaii and Washington D.C. and will be taking a tour to Quebec in summer 2015. The choirs’ most recent accomplishments in the 2013-2014 season included Allegro’s invited performance at the American Choral Directors Association Southwestern Division Convention in Little Rock, Arkansas, in March 2014. Members of Kantorei recorded a track for the latest CD by Grammy® winning artist Christopher Cross, and they also sang on a nationally-televised episode of the NBC series “Revolution.” HOLLY DAWSON PHOTOGRAPHY 18 19 CO N S P I R A R E YO U T H C H O I RS Nina Revering, artistic director and conductor Austin Haller & Maimy Fong, accompanists KANTOREI Grace Aggen Madisyn Andrews-Moreno Amelia Azadi Sapna Bhatt Maya Borowicz Arden Bostwick Andrew Boyacigiller Emma Carlson Mia Chamoun Sarah Collins Clara Cooklin Eliza Fleming Ellen Gernert Paxton Gunn Alyssa Holcombe Audrey Huber Ella Jarnigan Jessie Lucas Emma Mattie Keely McNab Caleb Melville Emily Mulva Claire Murray Maximo Murray Lara Murray Palma Emanuele Olivieri Raquel Ordaz Julia Quilici Anabel Radtke Maya Ravi James Rutherford Natalie Rychlikova London Samiloglu Aurelia Schaeffer-Preston Arielle Sher MeiYin Steadman Lucy Sugawa Iliana Tangarova Sarah Traphagan Molly Van Ackeren Gracie Vogel Aniston White Sarah Whorton ALLEGRO Tara Ahuja Urvi Alamela Elena Alcala Chiara Alvisi Lexi Anderson Nolan Bader-Saye Mary Barnett Martha Beaty Lauren Datres Avery Davis Caitlyn Diehl Miles Dintzner Elizabeth Driggers Claire Dugan Clare Edgar Ainsley Gamble Isabella Grossling Daryl Hale Simone Heim Sarah Helmbrecht Sofia Hsu Eva Legge Maya Lyles Nikhil Lyles 20 Alyx Madera Juliana Marshall Kay McAnally Kate McClellan Sarah McDonald Sesha McMinn Jonathon Miller Isabel Moring Raiya Myren Jacob Ordaz Raina Parsons Ella Pettichord Ella Rutman Lucy Pickens Asha Rao Libby Rayos Rachel Rowe Gabrielle Sanchez Aditya Sankaran Lavanya Sankaran Shilpa Saxena Molly Snodgrass Sidharth Srinivasan Kathleen Stansbury Anne Marie Stapper Abigail Stewart Maria Tangarova Seren Villwock Christy Vineis Anastasia Weger Lily Wendt Alyssa Wixson Angela Zhang C YC S TA FF B I O S NINA REVERING, FOUNDING ARTISTIC DIRECTOR Nina Revering’s choral music experience began at an early age with chorister experience in the Coro Infantil do Teatro Municipal of Brazil under the direction of Elsa Lakschevitz and the Toronto Children’s Chorus, directed by Jean Ashworth-Bartle. Her musical training includes Toronto’s Royal Conservatory of Music, the Youth Performing Arts School in Louisville Kentucky, Boston University, The New England Conservatory, and studies in baroque recorder with John Tyson. Ms. Revering has performed throughout the country as both a soloist and chorister. She has sung under noted conductors Seiji Ozawa, John Williams, John Oliver, Andrew Davis, and Sir David Willcocks. Ms. Revering has also been a member of the Conspirare Chamber Choir since 1995 and was a soloist in the Grammy®-nominated CDs Requiem and Threshold of Night, both released under the Harmonia Mundi label. Ms. Revering was one of eight conductors selected for participation in the International Symposium for Children’s Choir Directors held in Toronto, Canada in May 2005. She was a clinician for the 2012 Elementary Honor Choir of the Georgia Music Educators Association, and she was recently invited to present workshops at the Dallas Chapter Choristers Guild Festival. In addition to her work with the CYC, Ms. Revering has been teaching music in Eanes schools since 1996. MAIMY FONG, KANTOREI ACCOMPANIST Maimy Fong, pianist & vocal coach, has been with CYC since its inception. She has played everywhere from Weill Hall at Carnegie Hall to Dell Hall at the Long Center. In 2009 she helped co-found and now is Artistic Director for the “Feed Your Soul” music series at Dell Children’s Medical Center. She is also pianist for Triple Take, a classical trio with violinist Javier Chaparro and cellist Jonathan Carbin. In Austin, she maintains an active schedule of playing chamber music, instrumental and voice recitals, teaching, and vocal coaching. AUSTIN HALLER, ALLEGRO ACCOMPANIST Austin Haller can be seen as an organist, pianist, conductor, and vocal coach in Texas and beyond. He serves as Organist and Associate Director of Music at St. David’s Episcopal Church, where he plays for over 140 services and concerts annually and conducts the St. David’s Singers, one of the parish’s adult choirs. As a recitalist and accompanist, 21 C YC S TA FF B I O S he has performed throughout the United States, and he has played with many Central Texas ensembles, including the Conspirare Company of Voices and Symphonic Choir, Austin Symphony, Austin Children’s Choir, Texas Choral Consort, Austin Cabaret Theatre, and Amphion Youth Choir. Austin also serves as music director of regional theatre productions; his favorite shows include TexArts’ [title of show], which received an Austin Critics Table nomination for music direction; Zilker Theatre Productions’ The Music Man and My Favorite Year; and Zach Theatre’s Present Laughter, which received a B. Iden Payne nomination for music direction. In addition, his cabaret performances with singer Kara Bliss and band have been described as “a touch of old school with a modern insouciance” and are featured at a variety of local venues. RICK GABRILLO, CYC MANAGER Rick Gabrillo has been associated with the Conspirare Youth Choirs since the beginning of the organization in both artistic and management positions. He has been a music educator for over sixteen years in the Austin area, working in Austin ISD, St. Mary Cathedral School, St. Louis Catholic School, and St. Stephen’s Episcopal School. He has been an invited lecturer on current topics of music education at regional, state, and national music conventions, including the Texas Music Educators Association and the American Choral Directors Association. Mr. Gabrillo is a published composer with Alliance Music. Most recently, in November 2014 he was the Junior High Honor Choir Conductor for the North Central Directors Association in Tulsa, OK. In the 2012-2013 season, he was a guest conductor for the Canto choral ensemble of Fredericksburg, TX, and the Crossroads Children’s Choir Festival in Nashville, TN. He was also a conducting fellow for the Chorus America Masterclass series in 2010. In addition to his work with the CYC, he is the Associate Conductor and a singer in Conspirare’s professional Company of Voices. Mr. Gabrillo is also the choral director of the Traditional Choir and Children’s Choir at St. Louis Catholic Church in Austin. CHRISTINA TANNERT, CYC ASSISTANT Christina Tannert is a native of Austin who graduated in May 2013 with a Master of Arts in Teaching Music degree from Trinity University in San Antonio. She has sung with choirs in Austin and San Antonio as well as Prague, Vienna, Beijing, and Kunming. She is a contributing author to the “Music Memory” curriculum materials that are used in many elementary schools throughout the US. Ms. Tannert is currently the music teacher at Doss Elementary School in Austin ISD. 22 AC K N OW L ED G E M EN TS Conspirare Youth Choirs gratefully acknowledges the contributions and generosity of the following individuals and organizations: CYC Singers, Parents, and all other supporters of CYC Craig Hella Johnson & Paul Melroy Camille Atkins, Wraven Godsoe, Tamara Blanken, Melissa J. Eddy Elle Mahoney, Robert Harlan, Ann McNair, and the Stage Crew Meredith Thomas, Kelly Brownlee, Meri Krueger Kathy Leighton and the Ushers Conspirare Board of Directors Hornaday Design Christopher Novosad Rev. Bobbi Kaye Jones, Jan Stovall and Tarrytown United Methodist Church Thomas Pavlechko, Steve Wager, Chris Baker & St. Martin’s Lutheran Church AU D I T I O N I N G F O R T H E C YC The Conspirare Youth Choirs are auditioned treble ensembles for boys and girls ages 9-18 who are passionate about singing. A musical background is preferred, but not required. Auditions take place in the spring semester for the following concert season. If your child is constantly singing at home, writing their own music, playing an instrument, or singing in their school or community choir and want an even deeper experience with choral music, then the CYC may be a wonderful guide in their musical journey. If you have questions about our program, please feel free to contact us at 512.476.5775. We are interested in learning more about your child. For more information and to schedule an audition, please submit an audition request at Auditions for Kantorei only for the spring 2015 semester will be held on January 12, 2015, at Tarrytown United Methodist Church. Advance applications and individual appointments are required. Please go to the link above for further information and to submit an audition request. Auditions for Allegro and Kantorei for the 2015-2016 season, beginning in fall 2015, will take place monthly from April 2015 to August 2015. Please go to the link above for further information and to submit an audition request. 23 S U P P O RT T H E C YC WHY YOUR HELP MATTERS Our work with young singers can only continue with the support of our CYC families and those who believe in what we do. A B O U T CO N S P I R A R E Sixth Grammy® nomination received December 2014! BECOME INSPIRED “We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.” -Winston Churchill “Giving of any kind…taking an action…begins the process of change and moves us to remember that we are part of a much greater universe.” -Mbali Creazzo BECOME AN ARTIST’S ADVOCATE-DONOR SHINING STAR SCHOLARSHIP (Donation of $850) The Shining Star Scholarship Program assists young singers in financial need with a full scholarship for tuition for one year in the CYC. Singers are able to build a unique bond with the donor of their scholarship, and donors are able to take pride in seeing their young singer grow and thrive in the CYC. The CYC greatly thanks our Shining Star Scholarship patrons for 2014-15: Lois VanLaningham in honor of her son, Todd VanLaningham The Saxena Family in honor and celebration of their daughter, Shilpa DISCOVERY PROGRAM (Donation of $100 or greater) This new program beginning in 2014-2015 will build relationships between CYC and school choirs in the greater Austin area. By making connections with local music teachers, voice teachers, and choir directors, we seek to identify top singers from their programs to join CYC. A donation to the Discovery Program allows CYC to immediately offer these singers an incentive scholarship of $100 to join CYC for one year. By giving to this program, you are helping build a broader base of new and talented singers who would benefit from instruction with the CYC. FINANCIAL AID PROGRAM (Any amount) Each year, CYC is able to provide a limited amount of tuition assistance for our CYC families in need. Your contribution to CYC towards our general financial aid program will help us be of even greater help to our current singers and their families. OTHER GIFTS To assist CYC with any other specific programs or to make a general contribution, please contact us at We will be happy to assist you with making your tax-deductible donation in support of our talented young artists. 24 Latin con + spirare = to breathe together Inspired by the power of music to change lives, Conspirare engages audiences in extraordinary musical experiences through world-class choral performances and recordings. Conspirare is an internationally recognized, professional choral organization now in its twenty-second season. Led by founder and artistic director Craig Hella Johnson, Conspirare includes two adult performing ensembles and an educational program. Our flagship ensemble Conspirare Company of Voices is a fully professional, multiple Grammy®-nominated chamber choir of extraordinarily talented singers from around the country. Company of Voices performs an annual concert series in Austin and other Texas communities, and also tours in the U.S. and abroad. Three other ensembles complete the Conspirare family. Conspirare Symphonic Choir, a large ensemble of both professional and volunteer singers, performs choral/ instrumental works, often in collaboration with other organizations such as the Austin Symphony Orchestra. Conspirare Youth Choirs is an educational program for singers ages 9-18, who learn and perform in two separate ensembles, Kantorei and Allegro. 25 Conspirare Company of Voices made its first commercial recording through the green fuse in 2004. Its second CD Requiem was released in 2006 and received two Grammy® nominations, followed in 2008 by Threshold of Night (Conspirare’s first recording for the distinguished international label Harmonia Mundi), which also received two Grammy nominations. Harmonia Mundi’s international re-release of Requiem in 2009 won the Netherlands’ prestigious 2010 Edison Award for choral music, the Dutch equivalent of the Grammy. Conspirare’s 2009 PBS television special “A Company of Voices: Conspirare in Concert,” available on both DVD and CD, received one Grammy nomination. Its 2014 release The Sacred Spirit of Russia just received a Grammy® nomination for Best Choral Performance. Conspirare’s complete discography to date includes nine commercial CDs as well as eleven self-produced live recordings of its popular holiday concerts. The Conspirare organization and ensembles have received numerous honors and awards. All four ensembles have received local awards from Austin Critics Table. In 2005 Conspirare received the Margaret Hillis Award for Choral Excellence from national service organization Chorus America. In 2007, as one of the select choral organizations to receive a grant from the National Endowment for the Arts under its American Masterpieces initiative, Conspirare presented a four-day festival with a distinguished gathering of composers and conductors, three world premieres, and a gala closing concert with a 600-voice choir. In July 2008 Company of Voices represented the U.S. at the Eighth World Symposium on Choral Music in Copenhagen, joining invited choirs from nearly forty countries. The choir has performed at the American Choral Directors Association annual convention and for several regional ACDA conventions. Conspirare received the 2010 Dale Warland Singers Commission Award from Chorus America to support the commission of a new work by Seattle composer Eric Banks, to be premiered in May 2015. In February 2011 Company of Voices gave three invited performances in New York City under auspices of the Weill Music Institute of Carnegie Hall, and in fall 2012 traveled to France for six invited performances at the Polyfollia Festival and a public concert in Paris. Conspirare became a Resident Company of the Long Center for the Performing Arts in 2013. CO N S P I R A R E B OA R D & S TA FF BOARD OF DIRECTORS ARTISTIC & ADVISORY BOARD Director of Marketing ADMINISTRATIVE Robert J. Karli, CHAIR Toya Cirica Bell, VICE CHAIR Craig Hella Johnson Mary Anne Connolly, SECRETARY Artistic Director Larry Collmann, TREASURER Susanna Finnell, CHAIR-ELECT Melroy Ken Beck Paul Managing Director William C. Bednar Michael Blair Camille Atkins Fran Collmann Financial Manager Robert Harlan Tamara Blanken David Rust Online Services Manager Dan Seriff David C. Smith Kelly Brownlee Marion Lear Swaybill Annual Fund & Grants Manager Patrick Willis Sheila Youngblood Melissa J. Eddy Stephen Aechternacht Rick Gabrillo Associate Conductor John Aielli Manager, Conspirare Youth Choirs Sue Barnes Mark Bierner Wravan Godsoe Ray Brimble Office Manager David Burger Ben R. King David Claflin Production Assistant Tom Driscoll Virginia Dupuy Meri Krueger Maydelle Fason Artist Relations JoLynn Free Billy Gammon Kathy Leighton Vance George House Manager Helen Hays Dan Herd Elle Mahoney William B. Hilgers Production Manager Wayne Holtzman Judith Jellison Ann McNair Bob Murphy Executive Assistant to the Artistic Director Director of Program Fulfillment & Artistic Operations Lynn Murphy Gayle Glass Roche Nina Revering Nancy Scanlan Director, Conspirare Youth Choirs Angela Smith Bernadette Tasher Christina Tannert Louann Temple Administrator, Conspirare Youth Choirs Eva Womack Meredith Thomas Director of Development 26 STAFF 27 S U P P O RT ERS Dear Jessie, Your beautiful singing has given my life so much joy. Words cannot express how proud of you I am. Your fearless confidence is inspirational. Now you can share your gift with the world! Congratulations on an exciting start to a lifelong passion! Season Sustaining Underwriter We are so proud of you Arden Blair! We know you will sing your heart out! Love you, Mom, Dad, Nona, Poppi and Hunter Love, Mom Business & Foundation Supporters Butler School of Music, University of Texas The Aaron Copland Fund for Music The Keating Family Foundation The Ann & Gordon Getty Foundation The Kodosky Foundation The Mattsson McHale Foundation The Still Water Foundation Sarah, We love to hear you sing and are so happy you have such a great group to sing with! Jenny Fleming To my wonderful grandparents-Nana, Grandpa, Meme, and Jack: Love, Thank you for all of your support. Mom, Dad, and Joshua Love, Eliza The Rachael & Ben F. Vaughan Foundation Public Funding Agencies This project is funded and supported in part by a grant from the National Endowment for the Arts, Texas Commission on the Arts, and the City of Austin through the Cultural Arts Division, believing an investment in the arts is an investment in Austin’s future. Visit -AureliaWe are so proud of your hard work and admire your determination and love of music & singing! Elena, We are proud of you! Lots of love, Mom & Pops We love you, Aurelia, Mom, Dad, and Portia Media Sponsors 28 29 Mary, Thank you for the beautiful music you have made and the amazing young lady you have become! We are so proud of you and we look forward to seeing you build on this powerful musical foundation as you continue to grow as an artist and person! Dear Tara, We love your radiant smiles and your beautiful singing voice! Be happy, reach for the stars, believe in yourself and keep singing. Love you lots, Mom, Dad, Rishi Christy, We love to hear you sing! We are so proud of you. Love, Mom, Dad, Paul, and Mike Love, Mom, Dad, Caroline, and Laura Caleb, Paxton, and Eliza invite you to visit University United Methodist Church. Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors. “The universe is big. It’s vast and complicated and ridiculous. And sometimes, very rarely, impossible things just happen and we call them miracles.” - The Doctor Your talents are nothing short of miraculous. A&F, Dad, Mom, Caroline, and Lorelei Making joyful noise together since 2003 Julia and Eliza, we are so proud of you! Your voices make our hearts sing. With love, from your families Christy, We love to hear you sing! We are so prou Love, We are so proud of your hard work and dedication. Continue to make Mom, Dad, Paul, and Mike beautiful music! With love, Mom, Dad, Connor, Nana and Poppy 30 31 Audrey, We are so proud of you and your lovely voice. You are an amazing young lady. We love you always 32 33 Congratulations to the many current and former CYC members who have studied Piano, Guitar, Violin and Voice at Orpheus Academy of Music. We are so proud of you! Like CYC, Orpheus Academy of Music draws upon the Kodaly Method for inspiration in our approach to education. At Orpheus students learn singing and solfege as the gateway into all musical understanding and the vehicle for their instrumental study. “ Teach music and singing in such a way that it is not a torture but a joy for the pupil; instill a thirst for finer music in him, a thirst which will last for a lifetime. ~ Zoltan Kodaly ” Call 512.231.8999 to Schedule a Visit & Meet a Teacher! Sesha, We love you soooo much. Chungu-Mungu 34 3918-C Far West Blvd. • • 512.231.8999 35 PARTIES AT THE ALAMO DRAFTHOUSE! CARTOON CEREAL PARTIES INTERACTIVE MOVIES NEW RELEASES VIDEO GAMES B O O K Y O U R PA R T Y T O D AY ! D R A F T H O USE .C OM /RE NTA LS/ AUSTI N C O R P E V E NT S@ DRAF T H OUSE.COM 512-861-7084 36
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