February 2015: Vol 11 Issue 1


February 2015: Vol 11 Issue 1
The GEAUX BUILD Newsletter is published for
the benefit of the LSU Construction Industry
Advisory Council, the LSU Construction
Management Alumni Chapter, and the
LSU Bert S. Turner Department of CM.
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Photo courtesy of Turner Industries
Louisiana State University
Bert S. Turner Department of
Construction Management
Construction Student Association
LSU Construction Management
Alumni Chapter
February 2015  Vol 11  Issue 1
Featured Article
Inside This Issue...
CIAC Letter from the President • 4
Historical Gift of 125K • 5
ASC Student Competition • 12
Note from the Chair • 14
Accolades • 17
CSA Letter from the President • 18
Spring 2015 Schedule of Events • 19
Patrick F. Taylor Hall
Ground-Breaking Ceremony
On November 17, 2014, Governor Bobby Jindal, LSU President and
Chancellor F. King Alexander, and LSU College of Engineering Dean Rick
Koubek joined honored guests to officially break ground on the $110
million renovation of Patrick F. Taylor Hall and construction of a chemical
engineering addition. Once finished, the expanded facility will be one of
the largest free-standing engineering buildings in the U.S.
“This is a great day for LSU and for our entire state,” said Jindal. “Since
2008, we have invested more than $700 million for critical higher
education investments, including more than $150 million at LSU and in
the Baton Rouge research community. We made this commitment to
improve learning environments for students because we know our
higher education system is critical in helping us ensure that we have a
skilled workforce in Louisiana. This new engineering complex is a great
example of one of these investments because, not only will it help us
train our students for the great engineering and computer science
careers in our state, it will also meet the workforce demands of our
growing economy as more companies invest in Louisiana and create
more jobs in the years ahead.”
Scheduled for completion in fall 2017, the total amount of academic
space for the LSU College of Engineering impacted by this project will be
462,150 square feet.
“Thank you to Gov. Jindal, our state legislature, and all the donors
who believed in LSU enough to make our new Engineering Complex a
reality,” said LSU President and Chancellor F. King Alexander. “We’re
proud that the LSU College of Engineering is among the fastest growing
engineering colleges in the nation. We are expecting to see an increase
of more than 150,000 engineering jobs nationally by 2022, and this
state-of-the-art facility and our expertly trained graduates are just a few
examples of how LSU provides much-needed solutions for not only our
state, but the nation's workforce and innovation needs.”
The new and renovated engineering complex will include an
expanded, modern laboratory space for teaching and translational
research, a 250 seat auditorium, approximately 110,000 square feet of
classrooms, a new commons area, updated graduate student space, an
academic support center, a dedicated capstone project space, and new
labs, including an interactive “classlab” and a sustainable living
laboratory. The renovated facility will be connected to the chemical
engineering addition by an atrium, allowing students and visitors to
observe teaching and research projects in action.
GEAUX BUILD News • February 2015
Featured Story
“On this historic day for the LSU College of
Engineering, we break ground on the future of
education and research,” said Rick Koubek, dean, LSU
College of Engineering. “This new facility will not only
provide a contemporary environment for computer
scientists, construction managers, and engineers to
learn, it will inspire a culture of innovation among
students and researchers working to solve the world's
toughest engineering challenges. We thank the
Jindal Administration, the state legislature, and the more
than 500 alumni, donors, and companies who helped to
make this project a reality.”
Initiated by a public-private partnership, Governor
Bobby Jindal announced his administration’s support of
the College’s expansion with $50 million in capital outlay
funding for the project on October 12, 2012, provided
the College raised the remaining funds through private
In response, the Breaking New Ground capital
campaign was launched publicly on April 20, 2013, with
a $15 million gift commitment from Phyllis M. Taylor to
honor the legacy of Patrick F. Taylor.
In February 2014, LSU’s College of Engineering
announced the successful completion of the most
successful short-term fundraising effort in the history of
LSU. Finishing three months ahead of schedule,
the Breaking New Ground capital campaign exemplified
a record-breaking show of support by more than 500
individual and corporate donors who pledged $55
million in private funds to the LSU Foundation for the
effort. Twenty of the gifts received were for $1 million or
Featured Article
(Architectural firms Coleman Partners, in partnership with
Perkins+Will, were selected to design the new home for LSU's
engineering campus.)
“The renovation of Patrick F. Taylor Hall is a total
redefinition of a 1970's educational building into a
said Dale M. Songy, architect, AIA, principal, Coleman
Partners. “The exterior design references the Italian
Renaissance architecture of the Quadrangle, which will
ultimately define the architecture of the future
engineering campus.”
LSU College of Engineering fall semester 2014
enrollment numbers totaled 5,606 for undergraduate
and graduate students. Student interest is estimated
to grow ten percent annually over the next three
years, with an anticipated enrollment of 7,000
students by the fall semester of 2017. As part of a
state-led initiative to grow the number of engineering,
computer science, and construction management
professionals in Louisiana, the $110 million renovation
and expansion will meet the growing student demand
and future growth in LSU’s College of Engineering.
For more info: eng.lsu.edu
GEAUX BUILD News • February 2015
Construction Industry Advisory Council
Letter from the President
The Construction Industry Advisory Council continues to build upon the success of involvement with the LSU
Construction Management Department, College of Engineering, and most importantly the students. With the
generosity of our members, we were able to present the Construction Management Department with a $125,000
donation. This marked the largest financial contribution in our history! These funds will directly impact the
various initiatives within the Department.
In addition to the historical financial contribution, our various committees are providing exceptional support
and programs for the Construction Management Students. Please take some time to read the committee reports
in this newsletter from our Chairs. If you are currently not a member and would like to join CIAC to become
engaged in one of our outstanding committees, please contact us at 225-578-8756 or ciac@lsu.edu .
Our council has been actively involved in assisting with the recruitment and selection of top notch talent to join
the LSU Construction Management Faculty. We are striving to have a well-balanced faculty featuring diverse
areas of expertise and research interests.
With talk in the air of looming budget cuts to our universities, it is imperative that we unite and voice our
concerns about the possible impacts to the Construction Management Department and the College of
Engineering. The time is now to become involved and show your support for construction education. Please join
Geaux Tigers!
Gerrad M. Delatte
CIAC President 2014-2015
Visit our website: www.ciac-lsu.org
Join our group - LSU Construction Industry Advisory Council
GEAUX BUILD News • February 2015
Construction Industry Advisory Council
CIAC’s Historical Gift of $125,000 to LSU CM
CIAC gifts the largest donation of it’s history to LSU Construction Management
The Bert S. Turner Department of Construction Management at
Louisiana State University has received a historic $125,000 donation from
the Construction Industry Advisory Council (CIAC). The financial gift is the
largest made to the Construction Department in the history of the
“Through the generosity of our members and the construction firms
they represent, these funds were made possible to support the LSU
Construction Department, faculty, and students,” said Gerrad Delatte,
CIAC President.
“The fantastic work of the CIAC is the main reason that I came to LSU.
It is their financial support and interaction with our students that is
gaining us national attention. This historical gift gives us the leverage we
need to update labs and curriculum as well as developing and recruiting
high quality faculty. The Department’s growth can be directly attributed
to the reputation and involvement of the CIAC. Thank you!” said Dr.
Charles Berryman, LSU CM Chair.
(G .Delatte, C. Berryman)
A Brief History of the Construction Industry Advisory Council
Mission: Enhancing the Construction Industry through the LSU Construction Management Program and it’s mission of
providing high quality education.
The LSU Construction Industry Advisory Council (LSU CIAC) was established in 1997 to help build LSU’s Construction
History of CIACDepartment into the premier training ground for construction managers who are ready to begin their
careers in construction. LSU’s CM program currently has one of the largest student enrollments in the country among
universities with Construction programs.
We want to give the program the support it deserves. To do so, we need the industry’s help. The LSU CIAC was
originally organized under the umbrella of the LSU Foundation solely for the purpose of building support for the LSU
CM program. Tax-deductible annual membership dues of $1,000 are deposited into the CIAC account. In return, LSU
CIAC members provide guidance in determining how those dollars are spent and how the Department grows and
Members throughout the country are encouraged to sign up for committees that best suits their interests, concerns
and geographic locations. Committees include Curriculum & Accreditation, Department Enhancement, Finance &
Governance, Membership & Fundraising, Publicity & Promotion, and Student Enhancement.
GEAUX BUILD News • February 2015
Construction Industry Advisory Council
Gerrad Delatte - President
Turner Industries Group, LLC
Josh Rounds - President Elect
Performance Contractors, Inc.
Kathy Trahan - Treasurer
Alliance Safety Council
Rudy Comeaux - Secretary
The Lemoine Company, LLC
Scott Couper - Past President
Pala-Interstate, LLC
Theresa Jones
The Lemoine Company, LLC
Steve Fleury
Topcor Companies
Mike Barber
Cajun Constructors, Inc.
Ken Naquin
Louisiana AGC
Thom Bonner
L.S. Womack, Inc
Glen Gulino
ISC Constructors, LLC
Vic Weston
Contractors Educational Trust Fund
Travis Blair
Pala-Interstate, LLC
Kenny Freeman
Petrin Corporation
Curriculum and
Accreditation Committee
Industry professionals enhance the upcoming workforce by
participating in the CM Guest Lecture Series
The Curriculum and Accreditation Review Committee is looking
forward to another busy semester. The LSU-CIAC Guest Lecture Series is
entering into its fourth semester as of spring of 2015. The feedback
which we have received from students and industry has been positive.
These speakers from industry have brought many new perspectives
regarding the construction industry to the CM students. We have
gathered many respected industry professionals who volunteer their
time and skills to benefit the students of the Construction Management
Department. The committee is continuously searching for guest
lecturers; therefore, if you are interested, please contact the Curriculum
and Accreditation Review Chair, Ryan Day (ryand@performancecontractors.com) so we can place you into the program.
Special thanks to the participants of the 2014 Fall Guest Lecture
 Christina Botello
Center Point Energy
 Marc Bourgeois
Regal Construction LLC
 Scott Couper
Pala Group
 Phillip Crow
Titans of Industry
 Leon Foster
Lemoine Company
Dr. Charles Berryman
LSU CM Chair
 Aaron Hoffman
Stephanie Heumann
LSU CM Faculty Member
 Andy McCracken
Turner Industries
 John Manion
Broadmoor LLC
 Randy Rebowe
Turner Industries
 Brad Reese
Mapp Construction
 Ronnie Volentine
Art Favre
Performance Contractors, Inc.
Lane Grigsby
Cajun Industries, LLC
Jon Gary
TOPCOR Companies/ LSU Alumni
Josh Rounds - Personnel
Performance Contractors, Inc.
Kathy Trahan - Finance and Governance
Alliance Safety Council
Ryan Day - Curriculum & Accreditation Review
Performance Contractors, Inc.
Timmy Boudreaux - Department Enhancement
Performance Contractors, Inc.
Travis Blair - Student Enhancement
Pala-Interstate, LLC
Omer Hebert - Membership and Fundraising
Turner Industries Group, LLC
Theresa Jones - Publicity and Promotion
The Lemoine Company, LLC
GEAUX BUILD News • February 2015
Construction Industry Advisory Council
Student Enhancement
The Student Enhancement Committee worked with CSA and
LSU Facility Members to kick start the 2014-2015 year. Hosted at
Lod Cook, the Mentor/Mentee Program saw another semester of
success, with one of the largest turnouts of Industry and student
participation to date. A special thanks to Richard Drude
(Methanex), JACOBS, and the entire Methanex Corporation for
hosting a site visit at their Methanex Facility in Geismar for LSU CM
Students as well as a thank you to Kaysee Belanger (GROUP
Industries) for arranging the field trip. Students had the
opportunity to be on site and witness industrial construction first
hand, including a unit transferred from the Mississippi River to the
Methanex jobsite. We are working to organize more field trips for
the students in the spring. Our CID Interview Panel and CID Social
had tremendous student interest and participation this year.
Thank you to our CIAC Panel Members for helping prepare these
students with key items Industry looks for during the interview
process. The Student Enhancement Committee is looking forward
to rolling into the Spring 2015 semester with continued success at
preparing and encouraging students to take advantage of these
networking and educational opportunities Industry provides.
Department Enhancement
Thanks to donations from the industry, we have
several models of wire size, piping flange sizes, pipe
schedule, etc. to depict all common sizes used in
industry in the works. Our main goal for 2015 is to
acquire a 3-D BIM model of a small industrial and
commercial project with incorporated design drawings to give students a real life representation of
the design process. We are working several avenues to accomplish this.
Anyone with any contacts or leads that may be able to help contribute
please contact the Department Enhancement Chair,
Timmy Boudreaux:
(Methanex Corporation site visit)
Membership and Fundraising
The Membership and Fundraising Committee
continues to reach out to all potential new
members. We are excited to have new members
and proud of our loyal members who have been
with us over the years. Information regarding the
Golf Tournament will be sent out soon.
If you are interested in joining CIAC or becoming
involved in our committee, please contact the
Committee Chair, Omer Hebert :
GEAUX BUILD News • February 2015
CIAC Membership Roster 2014-2015
Construction Industry Advisory Council
Angela Latino-Geier
ABC New Orleans Bayou Chapter
Clay Barden
Al Bargas
ABC Pelican Chapter
Neil Rome
Donald Dement
Academic Partnerships
Ronnie Volentine
Alison Paz
Alliance Safety Council
Andy Dupuy
Duane Smith
Alliance Safety Council
Joshua Cain
Cecil Perry Improvements
Mackenzie Ricketts
Alliance Safety Council
Rita Hernandez
Center Point Energy
Dianna Braud
Alliance Safety Council
Vic Weston
Contractors Educational Trust Fund
Renee Barbier
Alliance Safety Council
John Haarala
Karen Sparks
Alliance Safety Council
Jonathan Kernion
Cycle Construction Co, LLC
Sheri Bankston
Alliance Safety Council
Michael Cascio
DR Horton, Inc
Karen Anderson
Alliance Safety Council
Jay Dykes
Dykes Electric Inc.
William Dufrene
Alliance Safety Council
Paul Friloux
Excel Maintenance Services
Kathy Trahan
Alliance Safety Council
Chase Munn
Excel Modular Scaffold
Jayme Ellender
BASF Corporation
Kevin Tabor
Fabricated Steel Products
Bo Markovic
B & K Construction Company, LLC
John Scarlato
Fluor Enterprises
Doug Barber
Barber Brothers Contracting Co LLC
Edwin Anglin
Graduate Student
Bert Wilson
Barriere Construction Co.
Trey Crawford
Grady Crawford Construction
Rene Duplantis
Barriere Construction Co.
Shane Kirkpatrick
Group Contractors
Brian Schneider
Bayou Lacombe Construction
Kaysee Belanger
Group Contractors
Anthony Jacob
Boh Bros Construction
Barry Kilpatrick
Iberia Bank
Ron Brylski
Boh Bros Construction
Stephen Miller
Insulations, Inc.
Jeff Plauche
Boh Bros Construction
Glen Gulino
ISC Constructors, LLC
Dale Biggers
Boh Bros Construction
Mario Rispone
ISC Constructors, LLC
Harold Baur III
Boh Bros Construction
Kevin Rispone
ISC Constructors, LLC
Danny Cavalier
Brand Energy & Infrastructure
Monte Bueche
ISC Constructors, LLC
Roy D. Langridge
Broadmoor, LLC
Chris Thompson
ISC Constructors, LLC
John Manion
Broadmoor, LLC
Nathan Gulino
ISC Constructors, LLC
Chris Jones
Brock Services, LLC
Jeff Luce
ISC Constructors, LLC
Thomas Bulliard
Bulliard Construction Co., Inc.
Phillip Gallego
ISC Constructors, LLC
Euclid Michel
Cajun Constructors, Inc
Jason Moak
ISC Constructors, LLC
Marty Brodnax
Cajun Constructors, Inc
Jonathan Metz
ISC Constructors, LLC
Paul Nola
Cajun Constructors, Inc
Chris Melancon
James Construction Group, LLC
Todd Grigsby
Cajun Constructors, Inc
Conrad Bourg
James Construction Group, LLC
Lee Mayeux
Cajun Constructors, Inc
Jeff James
JB James Construction
Mike Barber
Cajun Constructors, Inc
Leston Juneau
Juneau Construction Company
Chip Dupuy
Cajun Deep Foundation
John Hampton
Louisiana Agencies, LLC
Chris Usry
Cajun Industries, LLC
Arnold Rezac
La Machinery
Lane Grigsby
Cajun Industries, LLC
Chris Vaccar
Leevac Industries
Mikelyn McGuire
Leevac Industries
GEAUX BUILD News • February 2015
Construction Industry Advisory Council
Ken Naquin
Louisiana AGC
Kenny Freeman
Petrin Corporation
Thom Bonner
L.S. Womack, Inc.
Jeremy Corbett
Ratcliff Construction Company, LLC
Kirby Stumpf
M.R. Pittman Group, LLC
Marc Bourgeois
Regal Construction, LLC
Brad Reese
MAPP Construction
Josh Causey
Repcon, Inc
Mark LaHaye
MAPP Construction
Joseph Jebara
River Consulting
Brad Bowen
MBA Construction Co.
Thomas Russell
Russell Pool Company Inc
Ross Dupre
Milton J. Womack, Inc.
Ryan Gootee
Ryan Goottee General Contractors
Brent Courville
MMR Constructors, Inc
Chris Fox
Satterfield & Pontikes Construction
Matthew Cobb
MMR Constructors, Inc
Gerard Whittle
Shavers-Whittle Construction
Kevin Alexander
MMR Constructors, Inc
Michael Mayeux
Southern Delta Construction
Josh Cantu
MMR Constructors, Inc
Tim Furnish
Specialty Application Services, Inc.
Tom Welborn
MMR Constructors, Inc
Todd Foust
The Foust Group, LLC
David Miller
Moore Construction
Rudy Comeaux
The Lemoine Company, LLC
Scott Couper
Pala-Interstate, LLC
Theresa Jones
The Lemoine Company, LLC
Travis Blair
Pala-Interstate, LLC
Darren Scott
The Lemoine Company, LLC
Stephen Fertilla
Pala-Interstate, LLC
Philip Garcia
The MCC Group
Jeffrey Murray
Pala-Interstate, LLC
Stephen Scallan
The McDonnel Group
Monica Berbling
Pala-Interstate, LLC
Jeffrey Proctor
The McDonnel Group
Jace Kuhlmann
Palmisano Contractors
Steven Fleury
Jason Williams
Pat Williams Construction, Inc
Jeremiah Worthington
Triad Electric & Controls
Art Favre
Performance Contractors, Inc.
Robert Evans
Triad Electric & Controls
Josh Rounds
Performance Contractors, Inc.
Kyle Wilkinson
Triad Electric & Controls
Brent Boé
Performance Contractors, Inc.
Gerrad Delatte
Turner Industries Group, LLC
Chase Rainey
Performance Contractors, Inc.
Omer Hebert
Turner Industries Group, LLC
Ryan Day
Performance Contractors, Inc.
Randy Rebowe
Turner Industries Group, LLC
Jason Creech
Performance Contractors, Inc.
Chad Bradley
Turner Industries Group, LLC
Darren Alleman
Performance Contractors, Inc.
Carlos Guidry
Turner Industries Group, LLC
Timmy Boudreaux
Performance Contractors, Inc.
Troy Bergeron
Turner Industries Group, LLC
David Theriot
Performance Contractors, Inc.
Bruce Magee
United Rentals Trench Safety
Corey Dinkel
Performance Contractors, Inc.
Paul Neely
URS Corporation
Weylin Guidry
Performance Contractors, Inc.
Jared Graffagnino
Vaughn Construction
Adam Gordon
Performance Contractors, Inc.
Tim Thigpen
Dillon Naquin
Performance Contractors, Inc.
Kenneth Marcell
Wharton-Smith, Inc.
Sean Gahan
Performance Contractors, Inc.
Andre’ Boagni
Wharton-Smith, Inc.
Colin Bussey
Performance Contractors, Inc.
Ryan Girouard
Whitney Bank
Dylan Schroeder
Performance Contractors, Inc.
Charlie Reagin
Wright & Percy Insurance
Andrew Meschwitz
Performance Contractors, Inc.
David Koons
Chris Ieyoub
Performance Contractors, Inc.
Chris Michel
Woodward Design + Build
GEAUX BUILD News • February 2015
Construction Industry Advisory Council
itle _________________________________________________
& Accreditation
& Governance
a committee
Mail To:
GEAUX BUILD News • February 2015
Pass it on!
Please help us to develop your industry’s future leaders. If you
are an existing
give this newsletter to a
after you
it. If you
you to
join our team by
the form above.
CM Alumni Chapter
CM Alumni Chapter Pledges over $40,000 to Department
Donation supports LSU CM team for ASC Student Competition
The Construction Management Alumni Chapter has come to an agreement with the LSU Foundation through 2018
for direct support of the Construction Student Competitions. For several years the Alumni Chapter has struggled to
find the best way to support the students and the Department with the money it has raised. Recently, with the
direction of Dr. Berryman, the Alumni Chapter has pledged to donate $42,500 to the Foundation for the direct
support of the Construction Student Competitions.
One of the competitions is the Associated Schools of Construction (ASC). They host an annual student chapter
competition in Dallas, TX. This 4-day competition provides LSU Construction Management an opportunity to showcase
its strongest students and academic fervor and allows us to represent LSU on a national level against other top-tier
universities around the country. The competition problems will be generated from real projects that are good
examples of the project delivery system. A team of eight students will travel to Dallas, with 6 competing in a
15-minute final presentation in front of a panel of judges, followed by 10 minutes of questions and answers. The two
“junior” students, who are not competing, will participate in all other aspects of the competition, ensuring that they
gain experience for the following year’s presentation.
The money raised at the Annual CM Alumni Golf Tournament will be donated to the Foundation specifically for the
support of the competitions. The donation will cover the costs that include printing expenses for the final packets,
registration fees for the competition, and travel expenses.
A positive learning experience is gained from these competitions, as well as the opportunity to represent LSU CM.
The LSU Construction Management Alumni Chapter is proud to enhance our involvement to ensure the future success
of our competition teams.
GEAUX BUILD News • February 2015
CM Alumni Chapter
2014 Alumni Golf Tournament
On October 24th, the CM Alumni Chapter had its 16th annual golf tournament at Carter Plantation. This was the first
year that the tournament was held at Carter since the Lakes at Pelican had been closed. Ending a ten year run in which
the tournament was hosted at the back course at Pelican Point. The staff at Carter Plantation were gracious hosts, and
with the help of the students and faculty, this tournament operated smoothly. The course was in great shape, the
weather was perfect, and we received a lot of positive feedback. Many thanks to Bill Caldwell and his staff.
Another first for this year’s tournament was the online registration, which we hope made our tournament more
convenient for our players and sponsor companies. Special thanks to Renee Barbier with the Alliance Safety Council for
setting up the C-vent site.
Having 32 teams was a strong showing considering the relocation, and we expect to have a full turnout at the
tournament next year. This year’s first place went to the Construction Management Department. The team members
were Charles Berryman, Trey Truitt, Don Schneider, and Ryan Cooney.
The CM Alumni has signed a 5 year agreement with the LSU Foundation to support the expenses associated with
Student Competition Teams and Events. Although our sponsorships were down from previous years, we were still able to
raise over $7,000. These proceeds will be directed to the Foundation for these competitions. It is the goal of the Alumni
to better support these teams in an effort to excel among our peer CM Departments.
We would like to thank the Alumni Tournament Committee for its hard work. We are always looking for more
involvement, so if you are interested in helping next year please let us know.
Become a member of the LSU CM Alumni Chapter
Visit www.lsuconstruction.org
Create a profile to receive updates and browse through the archives of registered LSU CM Alumni
GEAUX BUILD News • February 2015
LSU Construction Management
Note from the Chair
Dr. Charles Berryman
We have learned that our online Master of Science program is now the largest in
the College of Engineering; also, our online Post-Baccalaureate Certificate in CM
recently reached an enrollment of over 50 students. Combine these two online
programs and we have the largest online CM program in the country, with more
than 90 students. In addition, with the help of industry, we recently recruited the
largest freshman undergraduate class in the history of CM. With the educational
aspect going strong, the Department is currently working with industry to
strengthen the other part of our university job responsibility —research. Comparing
our research to sports, we are always on the road playing in somebody else’s
stadium as we have no stadium of our own…this is the reason for the development
of a CM research center. It is a work in progress and very exciting; stay tuned!
Outreach and Recruitment
Representatives from the CM Department and Industry attended the 2014 Louisiana Counseling
Association Conference (LCA) on September 22 at the Intercontinental Hotel in New Orleans. An
overview of the CM program and construction employment outlook was presented to 200 middle
and high school counselors during a sponsored breakfast. Guest presenters included Curt Eysink
and Jorge Tarajano of the LA Workforce Commission, Pepper Rutland of MMR, Art Favre of Performance
Contractors, Lisa Launey of LCA, Don Schneider of the LSU CM Faculty, and Megan McCormick of the LSU
Construction Student Association.
GEAUX BUILD News • February 2015
LSU Construction Management
Fall 2014 Scholarship Recipients
We would like to acknowledge the recipients of our Fall 2014 scholarships. Selection is based on
academic classification in the College of Engineering, residency, academic ability, and association with
the construction industry.
Associated General Contractors of Louisiana:
Blake Taylor, Wesley Freeburgh, Douglas Guidry, Quentin Landry
Cajun Constructors Award for Diversity in Construction Management:
Jeremy Williams
Construction Management Miscellaneous Donors:
Bentley Colston, Thomas Kendrick, Emily Lassus, Brett Derouen
Floyd W. Womack, Sr.:
Mary O’Brien, Thomas Hymel
Online Teaching
We are pleased to announce that Kirby Hebert, Dr.
Charles Pecquet and Kimberley Williams completed an
intense year-long program through the Online
Learning Consortium (OLC) in January 2015 and earned
their Online Teaching Certification The OLC is the
leading professional online educational development
organization, and is devoted to the advancement of
online learning, as well as providing professional
development, instruction and the best practices to
online educators and learning professionals around the
world. Congratulations and thanks for dedication to
LSU Students and the CM Department!
Online Graduations!
The CM Online Program conferred its first
degrees during the December commencement ceremony. Stacey Brewer of
Austin, TX received a Post Baccalaureate
Certificate in Construction Management
and Michael Batsche of Baton Rouge, LA
received a Master of Science in Construction Management.
Stacey Brewer
GEAUX BUILD News • February 2015
LSU Construction Management
Faculty Research Update
Dr. Carol Friedland, P.E., Ph.D., C.F.M., is the Cajun Constructors Assistant Professor of
Construction Management. Dr. Friedland joined the department as a tenure-track faculty member
in 2009, although she began teaching in CM in 2005, prior to completing her Ph.D. One of Dr.
Friedland’s primary research areas is cost-effective resilient and sustainable development. She
currently mentors 4 Ph.D. and 3 M.S. students working on various topics related to this goal. Dr.
Friedland was the project manager for the 2014 State of Louisiana Hazard Mitigation Plan Update
LSU Advisory Team, and she serves on national standards committees, including ASCE-24 Flood Resistant Design and
Construction and ASCE-7 Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures Flood Load Subcommittee. Revisions
to these standards result in changes to the International Code Council (ICC) model building codes. Dr. Friedland is also
partnered with Ms. Patricia Skinner and Ms. Shandy Heil of the LSU AgCenter – Extension Service to disseminate research
findings relevant to hazard resistant construction in hurricane and flood prone areas to consumer audiences. Dr. Friedland
has received research funding from the National Science Foundation (NSF), the National Institute of Standards and
Technology (NIST), the Federal Emergency Management Agency through the Louisiana Governor’s Office of Homeland
Security and Emergency Preparedness (GOHSEP), and the Louisiana Board of Regents, among others.
Projects currently underway by Dr. Friedland’s research team include the following: Mahtab Orooji, M.S., is developing
a wind hazard loss estimation framework to quantitatively model avoided losses achieved through wind mitigation
throughout the continental U.S. that can be applied at all levels of decision making. The research also considers
benefit-cost ratios of wind-resilient construction by comparing expected loss reduction (benefit) with the cost of improved
construction components and techniques to derive conclusions about the effectiveness of mitigation methods. Elizabeth
Matthews, M.S., is developing a probability-based, life-cycle assessment model framework to optimize hazard resilience
and environmental impacts (i.e., energy consumption, carbon dioxide footprint and water consumption) for initial
construction and hazard repairs of coastal buildings. Carol Massarra, M.S., uses statistical techniques like data mining to
examine to what extent environmental and building attribute parameters can be incorporated into combined wind and
flood vulnerability models to improve damage prediction for hurricane events. Shasha Jiang, M.S., uses very highresolution satellite and aerial imagery to detect post-hurricane urban debris zones. She is currently investigating the impact
of study area selection and the use of multi-scale imagery in improving rapid damage detection techniques for hurricane
and tornado hazards.
Matthew Flynn, B.A., is developing a component-based model to
predict flood damage and shutdown times for industrial process facilities
through identification of directly/indirectly damaged quantities,
consideration of repair/replacement requirements, and application of
standard industrial construction estimating practices. Justin Estes, B.A., is
benchmarking 2014 single-family construction cost data for the Greater
Baton Rouge area through a survey of local residential contractors, which
will be compared with RS Means cost indices and national averages. Ankita
Mandhana, M.S., is conducting a comprehensive literature review to
better understand pile setup, the increase in bearing capacity of driven
piles over time. Using this information and results of a field study in Baton
Rouge and New Orleans, owners and builders can make more sustainable
choices for foundations, considering the time available to achieve
increased pile capacities through setup, thus reducing pile number and
Dr. Friedland (top) and Shandy Heil and Mahtab Orooji (bottom) at the LSU Ag Center LA House Open
House providing information about hazard-resistant construction practices
GEAUX BUILD News • February 2015
LSU Construction Management
Professorship Holdings
Dr. Marwa Hassan
Contractors Educational Trust Fund Endowed
Professorship Applied Professional Ethics
(Y. Zhu)
Dr. Carol Friedland
Cajun Constructors Professorship in Construction Management
Dr. Christopher Harper
McCollister Family Professorship
(J. Shi)
Dr. Yimin Zhu
Pulte Homes Endowed Professorship in Construction Management
Dr. Jonathan Shi
Art E. Favre Industrial Construction Chair
Dr. Charles Berryman
Chair of Contractors Educational Trust Fund
Contractors Educational Trust Fund Award
The Contractors Educational Trust Fund (CETF) has graciously provided a financial gift to establish the CETF
Construction Educator of Practice (CEP) award. Its purpose is to solidify instructor positions, provide professional
development and instructor discretionary funds. Holders of the CETF Construction Educator of Practice title are
active contributors to departmental
operations and CETF functions.
Recipients receive funding for one
academic year, and nominations are
held yearly.
This years recipients
include Stephanie Heumann, Dr.
Charles Pecquet, and Donald Schneider.
Stephanie Heumann
Dr. Charles Pecquet
Donald Schneider
GEAUX BUILD News • February 2015
Construction Student Association
Letter from the CSA President
The Construction Student Association is continuing to grow each semester (100+ members strong!).
We are looking forward to the events spring 2015. CSA has scheduled guest speakers for our meetings
this semester, including representatives from companies such as MAPP Construction, Performance
Contractors, and MMR Group, Inc. CSA strives to bring in well-known companies around the Baton
Rouge area in order present our members with what is expected in the industry. At these meetings and
socials, our members have the opportunity to meet with industry professionals and ask them questions.
This is also a great opportunity for our members to network with potential employers, such as the
speakers themselves. Being a member of CSA makes employers more familiar and interested in the students.
Construction Interview Day (CID) (March 13th) will be held in the LSU Student Union. CSA and CIAC
always host the “Best Foot Forward” panel discussion as well as a CIAC social during the week of CID.
The panel discussion is for the students to learn from different interviewers how to prepare for their
interviews and what type of questions should and shouldn’t be asked. The social is the night before CID,
and is a time for the students to get to know the interviewers in a casual environment. Attending this
social helps students to be more relaxed during the interview the next day. The 33 rd annual CSA
Banquet will be held on April 16th at Forrest Grove Plantation in Denham Springs. This is CSA’s biggest
fundraiser of the year and is always a great time.
We want to encourage and invite all CM students to get more involved. Set yourself apart from the
rest and become a member of CSA! Geaux Tigers!!!
Cade Strickland, President of CSA
Contact Info: csa@tigers.lsu.edu
GEAUX BUILD News • February 2015
Construction Student Association
Spring 2015 Schedule
February 25
2nd CSA Meeting
Guest - Performance
March 10
CID Panel for Interview Skills
March 12
Methanex Site Visit:
March 13
Construction Interview Day
CSA members were given a tour of the Methanex
industrial plant site in Geismar, Louisiana on
September 19th, 2014 set up by Kaysee Belanger of
Group Industries.
LSU Student Union
March 19
3rd CSA Meeting
Guest - MMR
March 27
AIC Exam
April 3-12
Spring Break
April 10
CIAC Golf Tournament
Carter Plantation
April 14
4th CSA Meeting
April 16
CSA Banquet
Forrest Grove Plantation,
April 24
Bowling Night:
CSA and the Institute of Industrial Engineers hosted a
college bowling night on October 29th, 2014 at All Star
Lanes in Baton Rouge.
CSA Crawfish Boil
2014-2015 CSA Officers
Students interview with potential employers at
Construction Interviewing Day, held in the Lod Cook
Convention Center.
GEAUX BUILD News • February 2015
In this issue, we would like to recognize a few of the
companies that employ our CIAC members: