Spring 2012
Spring 2012
Spring 2012 February 2012 CIAC Board of Directors Steve Fleury, President Theresa Jones, President Elect Thom Bonner, Past President Scott Couper, Treasurer Gerrad Delatte, Secretary Mike Barber Josh Rounds Conrad Bourg Randy Rebowe Glen Gulino Ken Naquin Vic Weston Paul Friloux Kenny Freeman Art Favre Lane Grigsby Jon Gary, LSU Alumni Dean Richard Koubek, LSU Dr. Leslie Rosso, LSU Jeff Crow, LSU Foundation Committee Chairs Theresa Jones - Personnel Scott Couper - Finance and Governance Marc Bourgeois, Curriculum and Accreditation Gerrad Delatte, Department Enhancement Rudy Comeaux, Student Enhancement www.ciac-lsu.org CIAC Linkedin www.linkedin.com go to groups CIAC Page 1 Department update Page 2 Committee news Page 3 2011 social recap, 2012 Annual Golf Tourn Page 4-5 CIAC Members Page 5 New Construction Industry Trade Show CM Department News Volume 9 - Issue 1 CM to be Standalone Department - Your CIAC is proud to announce the split of the Construction Management / Industrial Engineering Department effective July 1, 2012. This is an attempt to grow Construction Management and is supported by the Council. This has been approved the Board of Supervisors as well as the Board of Regents. This will leave Construction Management as a standalone department and is a big step forward in becoming a premier program in the country. New CM Chair - After a National search three candidates have been picked by the search committee and have been brought in for interviews, meet with faculty, and meet with CIAC board members. We will keep you informed of progress and introduce you to the new Chair in the near future. Fundraising for CM Department gaining momentum-2011 saw many successes for the Construction Management department thanks to the generosity of its alumni and industry supporters. The Department of Construction Management at LSU took a lead role for the University by receiving a state match for the Art E. Favre Industrial Chair in Construction Management. This match in the amount of $800,000 was a competitive selection process and was the only chair match received by Louisiana State University. The College of Engineering received space for two new laboratories in the engineering complex: a materials and methods lab and an industrial safety lab. The Safety lab was made possible by a gift from Fluor will be the focal point of all industrial safety education for the entire college. The materials and methods lab, made possible by joint gifts from CIAC ($100,000) and MMR Group through James “Pepper” Rutland ($150,000) will house the department’s first hands on technical teaching laboratory. Future LSU Construction Managers will receive education not just from classes and books, but be able to become “hands-on” through laboratory experiences which mimic the environments and technology they use upon graduation. Donations received have covered the cost of renovating these spaces. Plans are being made to outfit these labs and we are still seeking industry support to make this a reality. As part of our drive to help the industry through technology, plans are in place to create a state-of-the-art Building Information Modeling (BIM) studio that will teach not only our students next generation technology and processes but also allow the department to reeducate our local industry through distance learning and after-hours courses. We do not have sufficient funding to complete the labs, however, we have received significant commitments to make it a reality. 2011 also saw the establishment of three new scholarships in Construction Management. Arkel International Inc. created the John deMarsche Memorial Scholarship. LSU Construction Management Alumni Association created a scholarship that awards two recipients a year and the Pile Driving Contractors Association created a scholarship to be awarded to a student from the newly established driven pilings course. It is only through the generosity of LSU Construction Management alumni and industry support that this growth is possible. If you would like more information on how you can support the Department of Construction Management at LSU, please contact Jeff Crow, Page 2 Get involved in a Committee If you or someone in your organization has some time to give to one of our committees below is the list of Committee Chairs. This is a great way to give back a little more with your time as we help not only our students develop into great CM Graduates and future Managers, but also helps our CM Program work towards being the top program in the country. Student Enhancement Committee - Rudy Comeaux 225/383-3710 rudy.comeaux@lemoinecompany.com Well, the Fall 2011 semester has come and gone leaving behind many great accomplishments by the Student Enhancement committee. Our group worked hard to bring about great measures within the Construction Student Association (CSA). The ball began to roll with Monty Bueche, ISC, conducting a "Panel Discussion on Interview Skills" in September prior to the Construction Interview Day (CID). This panel initiated tons of student involvement, much more than previous panels. The involvement can be credited to the increased effort in advertising the event by CIAC and CSA. Not moving far, our group successfully completed the Social prior to CID hosted by CIAC at the Belle of Baton Rouge. Special thanks to our major sponsors being Cajun Constructors and the Safety Council. Other accomplishments include the Mentor Program led by Bo Markovic, B&K, and Travis Blair, Pala, NAHB & ABC Student Competition help led by Chris Usry, Cajun, and Chris Jaubert, Stuart & Company, Homecoming Tailgate and attending CSA meetings. Moving forward, we plan to foster and maintain the Mentor program, assist the student competitions and help the CSA students any way possible. Please feel free to contact me via email if you are interested in joining our group rudy.comeaux@lemoinecompany.com. Thanks again to all of our committee members for their dedication to CIAC and CSA; let's keep getting it!!! " Curriculum & Accreditation - Marc Bourgeois 985/359-1970 marc@regalconstructionllc.com The Curriculum & Accreditation committee will continue its mission as the voice of industry for the CM department. Our goal is to ensure LSU CM graduates are well prepared to enter the dynamic world of the construction industry. With that goal in mind, the C&A committee has focused our attention this year on addressing the weaknesses noted in the recent ACCE report released last spring. The committee will review how the department and the curriculum is currently addressing these areas and make recommendations on how improvements can be made. Our recommendations will focus on current industry trends. Department Enhancement - Josh Rounds 225/215-8206 joshr@performance-br.com The past few months have been very eventful for the Department Enhancement Committee. The Department Enhancement Committee worked with CIAC members by coordinating their attendance during the Enterprise Course (CM 4202) presentations given by the students in an effort to provide the students with the best Industry constructive criticism possible. This was also a great first hand look at our future industry professionals. Thanks to all those that represented Industry! The students were very appreciative. The committee has also sent a letter to the Board of Regents from the CIAC in favor of a “Technology-Enabled Communication, Collaboration and Creation (C3D) in Construction Education” classroom enhancement proposal back in October. This classroom enhancement will provide a work space for students to work collaboratively and independently to improve their technological skills in construction. The creation of the C3D studio and the BIM course modules will have a direct and tangible impact on the construction industry as CM graduates leave LSU with the ability to apply cutting edge technology in construction practice. In addition to the above, the Department Enhancement Committee is beginning to work on securing technological based equipment, training equipment, down to chairs, desks, etc. for two additional future labs that will support the CM department. These other two future labs consist of Methods/Materials lab and an Industrial Safety lab. Membership & Fundraising - Brent Vaughn 225/578-8756 ciac@lsu.edu Recruit new members on a peer to peer basis, and assist in organizing networking and fundraising events. Publicity & Promotion - Brent Vaughn 225/578-8756 ciac@lsu.edu Oversee content of CIAC publications and website, assist in planning of CIAC marketing activities, inform membership on an ongoing basis of events, and help develop speaker / guest lecturer at networking events. You can visit our website for more information on each of these committees. www.ciac-lsu.org Kenner Reception Fall 2011 On October 20, 2011 in Kenner, La we held our annual networking social with guest speakers; Dr. Craig Harvey Interim Chair of the LSU CM Department, Corp of Engineers, and Nucor. This event was well attended with more than 50 industry leaders. Thank you to all who attended and for your continued support of the CM Department. Fall 2011 & Spring 2012 CID and CIAC Social At Fall 2011 CID (Construction Interview Day) CIAC presented Dr. Harvey and the CM Department a check for $47, 525. This is only a small part of what CIAC is able to do for the CM Department. Thank you members for making this happen. Spring 2012 social will be held March 15th at Lod Cook on the LSU campus from 6 to 8 pm. This is an opportunity to network with others in the construction industry and meet some of our great students. CID Spring 2012 will also be held at Lod Cook on March 16th. If you are interested in interviewing CM Students please contact Career Services - Jesse Downs jdowns@lsu.edu. New Afternoon Golf Tournament Shotgun Start ! 2012 CIAC Annual Golf Tournament will be April 20 with a 1:30 Shot Gun start. We will be back at Carter Plantation and looking for another great Tournament. If you have any questions please contact Brent at ciac@lsu.edu. Page 3 Page 4 Recommend a new CIAC Member ! Please take 2 minutes to recommend a new member to our group. It can be another CM person or construction company. Or it can be someone from a different industry that supports your business and would want to network with our members. Please forward Name, Company, phone number, and email address. CIAC Members Al Bargas ABC Pelican Chapter Derek Grieff La Rents / La Machinery Allan McDonnel The McDonnel Group Donald Ponder Moody-Price, LLC Andrew Lopez Bennett Builders, LLC Duane Mizell Stuart & Company General Contractors Andy Boniol MAPP Construction Euclid Michel Cajun Constructors, Inc Andy Dupuy Shaw Environmental and Infrastructure Gerald Whittle Shavers-Whittle Construction Angela Latino-Geier ABC New Orleans Bayou Chapter Gerrad Delatte Turner Industries Group, LLC Anthony Jacob Boh Bros Construction Glen Gulino ISC Constructors, LLC Art Favre Performance Contractors, Inc. Guy Schexnaydre Shaw Constructors Inc. Barry Kilpatrick Iberia Bank Harold Baur III Boh Brothers Construction LLC Benjamin Andre James Construction Group, LLC Ian Foster Moreno Group Bert Wilson Barriere Construction Co. Jarvis Green First Millennium Construction Bill Carmouche Specialty Industrial LLC Jason Williams Pat Williams Construction Bo Markovic B & K Construction Company, LLC Jay Dykes Dykes Electric Inc. Brad Reese MAPP Construction Jayme Ellender BASF Brent Boé Performance Contractors, Inc. Jeff Crow LSU Foundation Brian Bordelon Triad Electric and Controls Jeff James JB James Construction Brian Reine Omni Pinnacle, LLC Jeff Plauche Boh Bros. Construction Brian Schneider Bayou Lacombe Construction Jim R. Alexander Jack Alexander, LTD Bruce Magee United Rentals Trench Safety Joel Boé Performance Contractors, Inc. Bryan Vollmer Shaw Environmental John Haarala CSRS Bryan Williams Ron Williams Construction Inc Jon Gary LSU Construction Alumni Charles Reagin, III Wright & Percy Insurance Jonathan Kernion Cycle Construction Co, LLC Chase Rainey Performance Contractors, Inc. Josh Rounds Performance Contractors, Inc. Chris Clement Cajun Constructors, Inc Joshua Cain Cecil Perry Improvements Chris Fox Satterfield & Pontikes Construction Justin Mannina Kiewit Texas Construction L.P. Chris Jaubert Stuart and Company Kathy Trahan Safety Council LCA Chris Michel Carl E. Woodward, LLC Ken Naquin Louisiana AGC Chris Usry Cajun Industries, LLC Kenneth Marcell Wharton-Smith Christian Generes Landis Construction Co. LLC Kenny Freeman Petrin Corporation Clay Barden Industrial Design & Construction, Inc Kevin Alexander MMR Constructors Conrad Bourg James Construction Group, LLC Kevin Courville Performance Contractors, Inc. Craig Harvey Interim Chair CM/IE Kevin Tabor Fabricated Steel Products Dale Biggers Boh Brothers Construction LLC Kirby Stumpf M.R. Pittman Group, LLC Dale Brehm Ardent Services LLC L. Leslie Rosso LSU Dept. of Construction Management/ Ass Dale Phillips Milton J. Womack, Inc. Lane Grigsby Cajun Industries, LLC Danny Carvalier Brand Energy & Infrastructure Lawrence Gibbs Gibbs Construction LLC Dare Powers Didier Consultants Lee Mayeux Cajun Industries, LLC David Miller Moore Construction Leston Juneau Juneau Construction Company Dean Richard Koubek Dean of Engineering /Dept. of Constructio Louis Abshire Unified Recovery Group Derek Fife Arkel Constructors M.J. Wolfe Circle, LLC Page 5 Marc Bourgeois Regal Construction, LLC Rudy Comeaux The Lemoine Company, LLC Mario Rispone ISC Constructors, LLC Ryan Day Jacobs Field Services North America Mark LaHaye MAPP Construction Ryan Girouard Whitney National Bank Marty Brodnax Cajun Constructors, Inc Ryan Gootee Ryan Gottee General Contractors Michael Jacob National Development Builders Scott Couper Pala-Interstate, LLC Michael Mayeux Southern Delta Construction Scott Zeringue Shaw Constructors Inc. Michael Oniell Bennett Builders, LLC Sean Beard ISC Constructors, LLC Mike Barber Cajun Industries, LLC Shane Kirkpatrick Group Contractors Mike Gillard LEEVAC Shane Wilkinson Regal Construction LLC Mike Polito MAPP Construction Stephen Miller Insulations, Inc. Mikelyn Woodlock Leevac Industries Stephen Scallan Satterfield & Pontikes Construction Monte Bueche ISC Constructors, LLC. Steve Smith A J Gallagher & Company Neil Rome Cajun Constructors, Inc Steven Fleury Topcor Nicole Favalora Gibbs Construction LLC Thad Rispone ISC Constructors, LLC Paul Friloux Excel Contractors Inc. Theresa Jones The Lemoine Company, LLC Paul Miano Triad Electric & Controls Thom Bonner Merit Electrical Inc. Paul Neely Shaw Group Thomas Bulliard Bulliard Construction Co., Inc. Paul Nola Cajun Constructors, Inc Thomas Russell Russell Pool Company Inc Philip Crow Barriere Construction Tim Furnish Specialty Application Services, Inc. Quinn Guidry Turner Industries Group, LLC Todd Foust Coating & Application Services Randy Rebowe Turner Industries Group, LLC Todd Grigsby Cajun Constructors, Inc Rene Duplantis Barriere Construction Co. Tom Welborn MMR Group, Inc. Richard Rise Doggett Machinery Services Travis Blair Pala-Interstate, LLC Rick Johnson J.Ray McDermott, Inc. Trey Crawford Grady Crawford Construction Ron Brylski Boh Bros Construction Vic Weston Contractors Educational Trust Fund Ronnie Volentine Shaw Constructors Inc. Wes Mincin Triad Electric & Controls Ross Dupre Milton J. Womack, Inc. William Seling Magnolia Construction Co. LLC Roy D. Langridge Broadmoor, LLC CIAC Upcoming Events February 28 - CSA Meeting March 27 - CSA Meeting March 8 - Student Enhancement Committee Meeting April 5 - Student Enhancement Meeting March 13 - Put your best foot forward Seminar for students April 17 - CSA Meeting (Seminar to help students prepare for construction interviews) April 19 - CSA Banquet March 15 - CIAC Industry / Student networking social April 20 - CIAC Annual Golf Tournament, Carter Plantation March 16 - Construction Interview Day at LSU (CID) April 23—27 - ABC Student Competition March 20 - CIAC Board Meeting May 10 - CIAC Annual Meeting Fall 2012 Construction Industry Trade Show The idea of a Construction Industry Trade Show has been discussed several times and we are considering putting one on in the Baton Rouge - Gonzales area during the Fall 2012. This will be an event for CIAC Members. Vendors who support the Construction Industry would have this opportunity to get involved with CIAC and have a chance to show you what they have to offer. We are hoping to have between 50 to 75 vendors from suppliers, to rental companies, accounting firms, as well as banking institutions who want to be involved with our industry. If you would like to be involved with the show or give us some input on setting this event up please call Brent Vaughn @ 225/5788756 or email ciac@lsu.edu .
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