Fall 2015 - Medical Alumni Association


Fall 2015 - Medical Alumni Association
Informal Rounds
The Newsletter of the University of Alabama Medical Alumni Association
V O LU M E 1 0 , I S S U E 2 • FA L L 2 0 1 5
A New Chapter Begins for the
Class of 2019
Clockwise from above: representatives from each of the School of Medicine’s Regional Medical Campuses—in Huntsville,
Montgomery, and Tuscaloosa—help students into their white coats; students enjoy a Barons baseball game at the MS1
Welcome Event; Dean Vickers addresses the incoming class; a student proudly models her new white coat.
Created in 1993 by the Arnold P. Gold Foundation to emphasize the importance of compassion, in
addition to clinical skill, in the practice of medicine, the White Coat Ceremony has become nearly
ubiquitous at American medical schools. For the
School of Medicine, it is an opportunity to formally
welcome a new class of students in the presence of
family, friends, faculty, and alumni—the people
most invested in their success.
This year’s White Coat Weekend kicked off on
Friday, August 14 with a welcome event hosted by
the Medical Alumni Association at Regions Field,
home of the Birmingham Barons. More than 400
attendees—new students and their families as well
as MAA members and staff—enjoyed burgers and
hot dogs (and cookies in the shape of white coats) as
they watched the Barons take on the Montgomery
Biscuits (see photos on page 18).
A new awards luncheon preceded the White Coat
Ceremony on Sunday, August 16, at which the
recipients of the MAA’s Martha Myers Role Model
Award—Daniel M. Avery Jr., M.D. ’82, FACOG,
FACS; Susan D. McCollum, M.D. ’73; and the
late Henry Spira, M.D. ’50—were formally recognized (turn to page 4 to learn more about the award
recipients). Two newly created School of Medicine awards were also presented—the Sara Crews
Finley, M.D. Leadership Scholarship (see page 3
continued on next page
Inaugural Finley Scholarship
Awarded at White Coat Ceremony
p. 3
MAA Honors Martha Myers Role
Model Award Recipients
p. 4
Meet the 2015/2016
MAA Scholarship Students
p. 6
New Initiative Memorializes
Norman McSwain, M.D.
p. 8
Student Profile:
Jason Eversull
Clockwise from above: Gina McGee and ’83 alumnus Dr. Greg McGee with son and incoming medical student Andrew and his fiancée Keeley
Porter; Gold Humanism Society student inductees; Dr. James Alford Jr., 2014 Martha Myers Role Model Award recipient, and 2015 award
recipient Dr. Daniel Avery Jr.
for more details) and the Brewer-Heslin
Award for Professionalism in Medicine,
presented by former Governor Albert P.
Brewer to Martin J. Heslin, M.D. Dr.
Heslin is the James P. Hayes Endowed
Professor of Gastrointestinal Oncology, and his exceptional professionalism
inspired Brewer to establish the endowment.
The luncheon also featured the induction of 22 third- and fourth-year students into the Gold Humanism Honor
Society, whose mission is to recognize
individuals who exemplify humanistic
patient care and can serve as role models, mentors, and leaders in medicine.
Kevin J. Leon, M.D., 1999 internal
medicine resident and 2002 pulmonary
fellow, was presented with the Leonard
Tow Humanism in Medicine Award,
given to those who best demonstrate the
ideals of compassion in the delivery of
care; respect for patients, their families,
and health care colleagues; and clinical
excellence. Dr. Leon is currently associate professor of medicine in the Division
of Pulmonary, Allergy and Critical Care
Selwyn M. Vickers, M.D., FACS,
senior vice president for medicine and
dean of the School of Medicine, recognized legacy families, incoming students
whose parents, grandparents, and/or
other family members are graduates of
the school.
The White Coat Ceremony began
with remarks by Dr. Vickers, who
reminded students that, “in the years
to come, you will wear your white coat
during all patient encounters, identifying yourself as a medical student at UAB
and a member of the noble tradition of
medicine.” Nathan B. Smith, M.D.,
assistant dean for students and admissions, welcomed students on behalf of
the admissions committee and offered
some statistics that highlight what a remarkable achievement their acceptance
into the School of Medicine truly is.
According to Dr. Smith, the committee
considered 3,768 applications in selecting approximately 474 applicants to
interview. More than 4,000 individual
interviews were conducted to whittle
down the applicants to the 186 students
who comprise the incoming class of
medical students. He also noted that,
for the first time in the school’s history,
women make up more than 50 percent
of the incoming class.
MAA President Pink J. Folmar
Jr., M.D. ’72, noted the many ways
in which the MAA supports students’
training, from awarding more than
$75,000 in scholarships this year as well
as emergency assistance through the
Medical Student Assistance Fund, to
providing the white coats that students
received at the ceremony.
The ceremony’s keynote speaker was
Nicholas Van Wagoner, M.D., Ph.D.,
the newly appointed assistant dean for
students, who told the class, “Today,
your white coat is light. But it has big
pockets, and if you are like most medical
students, those pockets will become
filled with ‘stuff:’ a stethoscope that will
help you hear inside of your patient—an
apt metaphor for your role as listener
… Just as you need to be silent to hear
a beating heart, to truly understand
Meet the
Class Size: 186
Age Range: 21-39
54 Undergraduate Colleges
52 Degrees of Study
99 Female / 87 Male
19 Minority Students
8 M.D./Ph.D. Students
Average MCAT score: 30.15
Above: M.D./Ph.D. students with Dean Vickers and Dr. Robin Lorenz, associate
dean of physician/scientist development.
your patient, you have to be silent and listen. The use of your
stethoscope also requires that you touch your patient. The human touch shows concern, calms the anxious, and, although it
may not cure, it can heal.”
Students then filed across the stage to be helped into their
white coats by representatives of the School of Medicine’s three
regional campuses: Robert M. Centor, M.D., regional dean
of the Huntsville campus; Duncan McRae Jr., M.D., surgery
clerkship director of the Montgomery campus; and Richard
H. Streiffer, M.D., regional dean of the Tuscaloosa campus.
The ceremony closed with a reading of the class mission statement, composed during their Patient, Doctor, and Society
course. The statement read in part, “As we increase our knowledge in the science of medicine, we must never forget that our
true calling is to our patients as people.”
Thank you to the generous door prize donors who
helped make our MS1 Welcome Event a success:
Avondale Brewery
Good People Brewery
Barnes & Noble UAB
Heavenly Donuts
Icing on the Cookie
Chick-fil-A Five Points
Dreamland Barbecue
Newk’s Eatery
El Barrio
Taziki’s UAB
Ryan B. Khodadadi, Class of 2017, was selected as the inaugural recipient of the Sara Crews Finley, M.D. Leadership Scholarship, which
was formally presented at the 2015 White Coat Ceremony. The new
scholarship, established by the late Dr. Finley’s husband, Wayne H.
Finley, M.D. ’60, and their children, Sara J. Finley and Randall W.
Finley, M.D. ’83, supports students who demonstrate exceptional
academic and leadership abilities. It includes full tuition for the third
year of medical school and is renewable for the fourth year. Khodadadi also received a new white coat with special insignia identifying
him as the Sara Crews Finley, M.D. Leadership Scholar.
“It’s a huge honor to be named the first Finley Scholarship recipient,” Khodadadi says. “I read about Dr. Finley’s contributions to
genetics, and she had such an accomplished career. She was in the
forefront of her field, so I can see why they wanted to acknowledge
leadership qualities with the scholarship.”
“Ryan has an exemplary record of academics and service, and he
displayed leadership, candor, and a sense of humor in his interview,”
says Sara J. Finley. “We believe he is an outstanding choice for the
scholarship, and I am confident my mother would have been as impressed with Ryan as we all are.”
Khodadadi was born and raised in Auburn, where his father is a
professor in the mechanical engineering department at Auburn University. He became interested in medicine while studying biomedical
engineering at Vanderbilt University, from which he graduated magna
cum laude in 2013. He currently serves as a School of Medicine admissions ambassador, is a member of the School of Medicine Medical
Education Committee, and serves on the Research Committee and
Health Screening Committee for Equal Access Birmingham. He is a
member of the American Physician-Scientists Association UAB Chapter and the Cancer/Oncology Student Interest Group.
M a r t h a M y e r s R o l e M o d e l A w a r d Wi n n e r s H o n o r e d
The 2015 White Coat Awards Luncheon included the presentation of the MAA’s Martha Myers Role Model Awards to three
distinguished alumni. Martha C. Myers, M.D. ’71, served as a medical missionary in Yemen until her tragic death at the hands
of a Yemeni extremist in 2002. Dr. Myers’ life serves as a reminder of how physicians are integral members of a greater community that extends beyond patient care at the bedside, clinic, and hospital. It is in the spirit of service for others in all aspects of life
that the MAA recognizes the recipients of the Martha Myers Role Model Award.
Daniel M. Avery Jr., M.D., FACOG, FACS; Class of 1982
Dr. Avery serves as director of medical student admissions and professor of community and rural medicine at the College of Community Health Sciences (CCHS)
at The University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa. He is also the medical laboratory
director and medical review officer for University Medical Center and professor and
division chief of pathology. He served as the chair of obstetrics and gynecology at
the CCHS from 2006 to 2015.
Dr. Avery has held numerous teaching positions, instructing family medicine,
obstetrics and gynecology, and pathology residents since 1985 and teaching medical
students since 1979. He is the past president of the joint medical staffs and former
chief of staff of DCH Regional Medical Center in Tuscaloosa. He joined the faculty
at the CCHS in 2003 after 20 years of private practice.
Dr. Avery received a bachelor of science degree in biology from UAB in 1975 and
earned his medical degree from the School of Medicine in 1982. Following residency training in anatomical and clinical pathology at UAB, he completed an OB/GYN
residency at Carraway Methodist Medical Center and a fellowship in addiction
medicine at UAB. Dr. Avery is board certified in obstetrics and gynecology, gynecologic endoscopy, forensic medicine, forensic examination, and family medicine obstetrics. Founder of the Board of Certification in
Family Medicine Obstetrics, he serves as editor of the Journal of Family Medicine Obstetrics.
Dr. Avery and his wife, the former Kathy Tywann Thomas of Jasper, live in Tuscaloosa. They have three children and four
grandchildren. His son, Daniel M. Avery III, M.D. ’10, is an orthopedic surgeon in Connecticut. His son-in-law Justin G. Miller,
M.D., is a senior general surgery resident at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Bethesda, Md.
Susan D. McCollum, M.D.; Class of 1973
Dr. McCollum grew up in Montgomery, where her father was a pharmacist at
the Veterans Administration hospital. In the early 1950s, her father experienced extensive hospitalization suffering from systemic lupus and associated complications.
Although children were not allowed on hospital floors at that time, she remembers
the VA nurses sneaking her up the back stairs to visit him.
She lost her father at age 5, and those early hospital experiences shaped her life,
as she vowed that one day she would go into medicine to “take care of another
little girl’s daddy and not let him die.” She completed undergraduate studies at The
University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa, and entered medical school in 1969 as one
of only four women in a class of 100. She completed an internship at St. Vincent’s
Hospital and a residency in family practice at Northeast Alabama Regional Medical
As her love of medicine and caring for others grew, Dr. McCollum felt called by
her faith to practice medicine in Pakistan in 1979, where she worked for four years
caring for patients with typhoid, malaria, tuberculosis, and complicated obstructed
labor. She returned to practice in Birmingham for seven years, and then headed to rural Kenya in 1990, starting in a
40-bed hospital that she rearranged to accommodate more than 60 beds, with 10 beds for obstetric patients. Between
the hospital and clinics in the bush, she treated a wide range of illnesses ranging from cerebral malaria to a meningococcal epidemic. She also provided short-term relief work at a Zambian hospital.
In late 1994, she returned to Birmingham to be close to her aging mother while providing family practice care across
central Alabama. Over the last six years, she has returned to Pakistan eight times for eight- to 12-week stints, primarily
working to train physicians and nursing students to perform Caesarean births and how to care for premature babies.
Continuing a practice she began years ago, she presents each new mother with a New Testament.
Henry Spira, M.D.; Class of 1950
Growing up in pre-war Vienna, Dr. Spira witnessed firsthand the
harsh realities of World War II. In January 1939, he and his immediate
family left Austria for the United States; most of the family who stayed
behind died at the hands of the Nazis. He faced enormous obstacles
during the completion of his education, not only learning a new
language and settling into a new country suspicious of immigrants, but
also the sudden death of his father shortly after the family’s arrival in
the U.S.
He graduated from Mercer University in Macon, Ga., then earned
a master’s degree in chemistry from The University of Alabama in
Tuscaloosa before enrolling at the Medical College of Alabama in
Birmingham in 1946. After medical school, he completed internships
in Chicago and Boston followed by a residency at Bellevue Hospital in
New York City.
Dr. Spira returned to Birmingham in 1958 to open a private practice
in psychiatry and neurology, serving as a clinical professor of psychiatry
at the School of Medicine. He continued both roles until his death in 1981.
During his more than 20 years in Birmingham, Dr. Spira served on the staffs of eight local hospitals and played an
instrumental role in the opening of the psychiatric unit at Brookwood Medical Center. He served in various leadership roles with the Alabama Department of Education, Crippled Children’s Neurology Clinic, University of Alabama
Subcommittee for Psychiatry Service/Medical Record Committee, Division of Vocational Rehabilitation Service, the
Mental Health Clinic of Talladega County, and the Travelers Aid Society. He developed relationships with churches
and congregations to help those in need of psychiatric or neurological care. His commitment to ensuring access to
mental health services extended to Alabama prisons and to rural counties across the state.
Dr. Spira and his wife, Iris, had five daughters, two of whom became physicians. Today, two of their granddaughters are also in medical school.
The full biographies of all award recipients are hung in the Martha Myers
Gallery in Volker Hall. The Medical Alumni Association hopes that the lives
of those we recognize with this award will remind all alumni of what it truly
means to be a physician.
Meet the Medical Alumni Association Scholarship Recipients
One of the Medical Alumni
Association’s most important missions is
to foster and support the next generation
of top physicians. For the 2015/2016
academic year, we were pleased to provide
more than $75,000 in scholarships to
these 15 outstanding medical students.
Major B. Burch – MS4
Major is from Birmingham, Ala., and
earned his undergraduate degree from The
University of Alabama. “I have a natural
love of research. Medical school offers
amazing opportunities to do what I love,
and continues to foster my desire to contribute to the body of medical knowledge.
Being able to pursue my interests free of
the burden of financial debt has made this
experience unforgettable. I will be forever
grateful for The University of Alabama
Medical Alumni Association Scholarship.”
Christopher Carey – MS3
Christopher is originally from Mobile,
Ala., and completed his undergraduate degree
at Spring Hill College. “The Jimmy Beard
Medical Alumni Endowed Scholarship has
allowed me to get a world-class medical
education while supporting my family. I am
better able to focus on learning the skills
needed to become a knowledgable and
compassionate physician.”
Evan M. Harvey
Major B. Burch
Christopher Carey
Edward Chen
John T. Killian
Adam Lam
William B. Lee
future, I envision myself practicing family
medicine. The University of Alabama Medical
Alumni Association Scholarship will allow me
to put patients before financial concerns. My
goal as a doctor is to help others, and your
generosity is allowing me to do this each and
every day.”
my financial burden and allows me to focus
on school rather than the debt I will owe in
the future. I enjoy learning about the science
behind the medicine, and this generous gift
will alleviate stress and allow me to focus on
starting my career.”
Ann Elizabeth Davis – MS3
Deepa is from Madison, Ala., and earned
his undergraduate degree from UAB. “Receiving the Medical Alumni Association/Dean
of Medicine Scholarship shows me that there
are people who see enough potential in me
to invest in my medical education. This
scholarship provides me tremendous support
throughout my journey, and your generosity
will live on throughout my career as I dedicate
myself to a lifetime of service.”
Ann is originally from Birmingham, Ala.,
earned her undergraduate degree from
Edward Chen – MS3
Edward is from Anniston, Ala., and received Samford University. “I want to practice a facet
of medicine that allows for ongoing relationhis undergraduate degree from Emory Uniships with patients and their families while
versity. “The Jimmy Beard Medical Alumni
providing continuity of care. I understand the
Endowed Scholarship is allowing me to
great need in our state for qualified, commitmaster the knowledge and technical skills
ted physicians to serve in small, rural comnecessary to become a competent and wellmunities, and your generous support through
rounded physician without the constraint of
the Medical Alumni Association/Dean of
financial debt. In the future, I hope to serve
Medicine Scholarship is helping me achieve
and deliver the best possible care to patients.
my dream.”
Your gift is making this dream an obtainable
Hieu Van Duong – MS2
Son Cheng – MS2
Son completed his undergraduate degree
at Auburn University and is originally from
Oneonta, Ala. “When I think about my
Hieu completed his undergraduate degree
at UAB and is originally from Mobile, Ala.
“The University of Alabama Medical Alumni
Association Scholarship has relieved some of
Deepa M. Etikala – MS2
Evan M. Harvey – MS4
Evan is from Guntersville, Ala., and
completed his undergraduate degree atThe
University of Alabama. “Working with the
pediatric cardiothoracic surgery research team
at Children’s of Alabama has strengthened my
belief that this is a field I could find continually exciting and fulfilling. As of today, I am
Son Cheng
Ann Elizabeth Davis
Hieu Van Duong
Deepa M. Etikala
cine because it provides concrete answers
for intricate problems while exploring the
mysteries of the human body, but a medical education comes at a cost. My wife is in
pharmacy school, and we are living off student loans and a strict budget. The University
of Alabama Medical Alumni Association
Scholarship makes our lives much easier and
we would like to thank you for offering these
gifts and providing us this blessing.”
Brian S. Parker – MS4
Jonathan McCollum
Brian S. Parker
Lovepreet Singh
Daniel J. Stanley
Brian is from Cullman, Ala., and attended
Athens State University. “Currently, I am part
of the Rural Medicine Program at UAB and
plan on specializing in family medicine. Reducing the financial burden of a medical education has allowed me to pursue primary care
without additional concerns of not being able
to pay back my debt. I am forever grateful
to have been a recipient of the Jimmy Beard
Medical Alumni Endowed Scholarship.”
Lovepreet Singh – MS3
Lovepreet is from Sherwood, Ark., and
completed his undergraduate degree at the
University of Arkansas at Little Rock. “This
scholarship gives me the motivation to continue pursuing my goal of becoming a physician, knowing that my dedication to medicine
and academic excellence has been recognized.
The Jimmy Beard Medical Alumni Endowed
John T. Killian – MS4
Scholarship helps to further my overall acaJohn is from Birmingham, Ala., and
William B. Lee – MS3
demic success and fulfill my dream of becomreceived his undergraduate degree from The
William is from Marion, Ala., and coming a cardiologist. With this alumni support,
University of Alabama. “The support of the
pleted his undergraduate degree at Auburn
Medical Alumni Association/Dean of MediUniversity. “Upon graduating, I plan to return I believe I can make a positive contribution to
cine Scholarship has allowed me to pursue ex- to my hometown and serve as a family physi- the health of people all over the world.”
tracurricular work during my time in medical cian in one of the most underserved areas in
Daniel J. Stanley – MS3
school, specifically research and community
the state of Alabama. I am now able to do
Daniel completed his undergraduate degree
service. I feel very humbled and fortunate to
this without the worry of repaying substantial
Troy University and is originally from
be supported by this scholarship as it has freed student debt. I am extremely thankful for the
Ala. “In the future, I would like to
me from feeling the need to choose a specialty generosity of the alumni who have contributpractice
medicine in an underserved,
based upon compensation.”
ed to the Medical Alumni Association/Dean
of Medicine Scholarship Fund. I plan to repay rural community in Alabama. Coming from a
Adam Lam – MS3
this generosity by diligently serving my com- small town in Alabama, I have seen first-hand
the need for primary care physicians. I feel
Adam earned his undergraduate degree
munity in the future.”
that I can be the most influential and benefifrom Harvard University and is originally
cial in these rural areas, and the Jimmy Beard
from Montgomery, Ala. “The dynamic medi- Jonathan McCollum – MS2
Medical Alumni Endowed Medical Scholarcal training environment and rapidly evolving
Jonathan is from Autaugaville, Ala., and
ship is helping me achieve this goal.”
technology in medicine is why I became
earned his undergraduate degree from Troy
interested in health care. I am truly grateful
University. “I became interested in medipursuing a career in pediatric cardiology. I
know this would not be possible without the
support of generous alumni who have helped
advance my medical education through the
Jimmy Beard Medical Alumni Endowed
to receive the Jimmy Beard Medical Alumni
Endowed Scholarship as it has greatly helped
to alleviate some of the financial burden
associated with attending medical school. Ultimately, it has allowed me to immerse myself
in my passion—the field of medicine—and
grow as a developing physician.”
Letter from the President
Pink L. Folmar Jr., M.D. ’72
The Medical Alumni Association spent
the summer planning another year full of
events for students and alumni. In August, we
welcomed the entering class at a Birmingham
Barons game at Regions Field, and presented
each of the 186 new students with their
white coats at the White Coat Ceremony.
In September, we hosted a reception for
Montgomery alumni, and will host events
in Huntsville in October and Tuscaloosa in
If your class year ends in a 1 or 6, you’ll
want to save March 4-5, 2016, for our
43rd Annual Medical Alumni Weekend. In
addition to celebrating those reunion classes,
the Classes of 1950-1965 will be honored at
the Golden Reunion Dinner. Mini Medical
School will return on the morning of
March 4, offering alumni a glimpse into the
experience of today’s medical students.
Dues invitations have been mailed to all
alumni, and I encourage you to join or renew
your MAA membership, which supports the
programs we provide to students and alumni.
You will notice a change in membership
benefits this year: In partnership with the
UAB National Alumni Society, we are offering
an expanded package of MAA membership
benefits, including discounts at Barnes and
Noble, Brooks Brothers, Jos. A. Bank, and
more (visit www.AlabamaMedicalAlumni.
org for details). Based on feedback from
our members, we have discontinued the
DynaMed service, but if you need continuing
medical education credits, the School of
Medicine’s CME Department offers a range of
courses at no cost to our alumni. Visit www.
uab.edu/medicine/cme to learn more.
The School of Medicine Alumni Campaign
continues to make great things happen for
our students and faculty, surpassing $22
million toward our goal of $30 million in gifts
from SOM alumni to any UAB program.
Senior Vice President Dr. Selwyn M. Vickers
has identified five priorities for alumni
giving: scholarships; resident and fellowship
education; faculty support; research; and
enhancing education across all programs. You
may give an outright gift, a pledge up to five
years, or a gift through your estate plan.
The Medical Alumni Association has
chosen to focus our efforts on scholarships,
and I have made a personal commitment to
establish an endowed scholarship, in hopes
of lessening the debt burden for medical
students. I invite you to join me in supporting
the priority that means the most to you.
For more information on the Alumni
Campaign and how you can make a
difference, please visit www.uab.edu/
medicine/development/alumni, call the
School of Medicine Development Office at
205-975-5659, or email somgive@uab.edu.
Norman McSwain Endowed Initiative
On July 28, 2015, renowned trauma
surgeon Norman E. McSwain, M.D. ’63,
passed away after a brief hospitalization for a
cerebral bleed.
Norman made a powerful impact in the
realm of trauma surgery and emergency
medicine, serving on the staff of Tulane
University Medical Center since 1977. He
played a major role in the development
of a Pre-Hospital Trauma Life Support
program that has trained more than 500,000
people in more than 40 countries. He is
remembered for his passion for helping
people in their worst time, and for his
customary greeting: “What have you done
for the good of mankind today?”
As we consider that question, we
invite you to join us in establishing the
Norman McSwain, M.D., Endowed
Fellowship in Trauma Surgery, which will
support an outstanding trauma fellow
who demonstrates clinical excellence and
professionalism and who shares Norman’s
passion for service to others.
Our goal of $200,000 will establish the
endowed fellowship. Endowments produce
spendable earnings of 5 percent of principal,
so an endowment of $200,000 will provide
a $10,000 award to a deserving trainee.
We seek to secure the first $25,000
by December 15 so that we can ask the
University of Alabama Board of Trustees to
establish an endowed support fund as an
interim step at their February 2016 meeting.
We appreciate
your consideration
of this effort
to establish a
permanent legacy
for our colleague
and friend. Your
gift will ensure that his memory lives on
through the recipients of the Norman
McSwain, M.D., Endowed Fellowship in
Trauma Surgery.
To contribute or for more information:
Leon Ryan III
Director of Development, Departments of
Surgery and Neurosurgery
205-996-0127 or leonryan@uab.edu
Thoughts from the Dean
Caroline Harada, M.D., and Craig Hoesley, M.D.
Most of us remember vividly those
teachers and mentors who were instrumental
in making us the physicians we are today.
The importance of master teachers to medical
student training cannot be overstated, and
the School of Medicine is proud to be home
to one of the best medical school faculties in
the country.
The run-up to the current academic year
brought exciting changes to our medical
education leadership. In July, we welcomed
Craig J. Hoesley, M.D., a longtime professor
of medicine in the Division of Infectious
Diseases, as senior associate dean for medical
education and chair of the Department of
Medical Education. Dr. Hoesley completed
residency training in internal medicine
and a fellowship in infectious diseases at
UAB before joining the faculty in 1999.
He brings extensive experience to his new
position, having served as associate dean for
undergraduate medical education since 2008.
As senior associate dean, Dr. Hoesley is
tasked with overseeing all aspects of medical
education—including the offices of Medical
Student Services, Undergraduate Medical
Education, the Medical Scientist Training
Program, Graduate Medical Education, and
Continuing Medical Education—and student
services for the campuses in Birmingham,
Huntsville, Montgomery, and Tuscaloosa. He
also oversees all strategic education initiatives
and ensures the school is in compliance with
accreditation standards.
A passion for service is a quality we look
for in our applicants and encourage in our
students. In August, I was pleased to name
Caroline N. Harada, M.D., associate
professor in the Division of Geriatrics,
Gerontology and Palliative Care, as assistant
dean for community engaged scholarship.
This new, joint position in the Department of
Medical Education and the Office of Medical
Student Services was created to formalize
the integration of service learning in the
undergraduate medical education curriculum.
She also serves as a faculty mentor to the
Heersink Learning Community, which was
named this year through a generous gift from
Marnix Heersink, M.D., of Dothan and his
Dr. Harada joined the School of Medicine
faculty in 2008 from the University of
Chicago, where she was a faculty member for
two years. She completed her undergraduate
work in biology at Brown University in 1996,
and, after a year of living in Bolivia teaching
an after-school program at an orphanage,
began her medical education at the Yale
School of Medicine, graduating in 2001. She
completed an internal medicine residency and
two-year geriatrics fellowship at the University
of Chicago.
I hope you will join me in wishing
Drs. Hoesley and Harada well in their
new positions, and that you will have the
opportunity to meet them in person at an
upcoming alumni event. I am certain that
they will be remembered by future generations
of School of Medicine graduates with as
much respect and gratitude as we do our own
— Selwyn M. Vickers, M.D., FACS,
Senior Vice President for Medicine and Dean
Fun Run and 5K Benefit Service Learning and Community Care
Equal Access Birmingham (EAB) hosted
its second annual Heart + Sole Fun Run/5K
on Saturday, August 29. EAB is a medical
student-run free clinic created to serve the uninsured and underserved in the Birmingham
area and to provide meaningful, service-learning experiences to augment medical education
at the School of Medicine. Student volunteers
see approximately 400 patients per year at the
EAB Clinic at the Church of the Reconciler,
which opened in November 2012.
The family-friendly event was open to
participants of all ages, who ranged from 3 to
67 years old. This year, in the spirit of friendly
competition, UAB faculty and employees were
allowed to register as part of a team representing their departments within the School of
Medicine and/or UAB Hospital. The Department of Medicine had more than 25 participants and was awarded a trophy which will
be passed to the department with the most
participants each year following the run.
Approximately 270 people registered for the
event, which raised more than $10,000 from
sponsors, race registrations, and T-shirt sales.
The Dean’s Office also provided a matching
gift of $5,000 to EAB. Organizations such
as AIDS Alabama, Be the Match, Shelby
Dermatology, 1917 Clinic, UAB Center for
Exercise Medicine, and a number of School
of Medicine medical interest groups offered
information, health screenings, and giveaways
at a post-run health fair on the campus green.
Save the Date!
43rd Annual University of Alabama Medical Alumni Association Weekend • March 4-5, 2016
Class Dinners, Receptions, Luncheons, Tours, Awards, and Lectures
CME Focus: Neurology and the Neurosciences
Mini Medical School Returns
Discover what medical school is like for today’s students at Mini Medical
School. Learn about the current curriculum from the medical education
leadership, experience simulation and other modern learning techniques and
technologies, and hear what students themselves have to say about their
training and new education initiatives in the School of Medicine.
“Attending Mini-Medical School gave me more insight into how the medical
school application process has changed. While the average MCAT and GPA is
about the same, the emphasis on volunteerism, research, and shadowing is
much greater now.” – Jorge A. Alsip, M.D. ’85, M.B.A., FACEP
Alumni Campaign Gains on Goal
Alumni support has the power to
transform the medical school experience for
students now and in the future, whether by
funding scholarships to alleviate financial
burden, supporting the school’s Learning
Communities initiative, or helping to
increase access to simulation training and
other new training enhancements.
At the 2015 Alumni Weekend in March,
Selwyn M. Vickers, M.D., FACS, senior
vice president for medicine and dean of
the School of Medicine, announced the
largest goal for alumni giving in the school’s
history: $30 million. Alumni have risen to
the challenge: More than 3,086 School of
Medicine alumni have contributed to the
$1 billion Campaign for UAB, bringing
total SOM alumni giving to more than $21
million since October 2008. Two-thirds of
those funds were directed by alumni to the
School of Medicine, and the balance was
directed by donors to other UAB programs
for which they feel a passion. The School
of Medicine continues to lead in overall
Campaign giving, which this September
topped $617 million. To date, 65 percent of
total Campaign funds have been contributed
by supporters of the School of Medicine.
John E. Campbell, M.D. ’70, a retired
emergency physician and former State
Medical Director of Emergency Medical
Services and Trauma, recalls the gratitude and
relief he felt at receiving a scholarship, which
inspired him to make a gift to the School
of Medicine Scholarship Fund. “When I
started medical school in 1966, my parents
were not financially able to contribute to my
education,” he says. “My wife was supporting
us and paying for my medical education on
a teacher’s salary. Without the scholarship,
we would have had to borrow the money, so
I am now giving back what was given to me
He also feels that, as a physician, he has
a particular duty to support the aspirations
of young people who want to follow in his
footsteps. “As a practitioner of an art, I feel
obligated to support that art,” Dr. Campbell
says. “The Hippocratic Oath requires that
we contribute to the education of those who
follow us.”
Class Notes
Paul Mozley, M.D., FACS, FAPA ’55,
’59 resident, was appointed professor
emeritus in the College’s Department
of Obstetrics and Gynecology at The
University of Alabama.
Russell Scott Anderson, M.D. ’82 ’90
resident, published The Hard Times and
currently serves as medical director of
Anderson Cancer Center in Meridian,
William G. Moseley Jr., M.D. ’66, ’71
resident, co-authored The Journal of
Urology 2014 and The Canadian Journal
of Urology, and serves as director of
Urological Research at Genesis Healthcare
Partners, San Diego, Calif.
Michael Wayne Proctor, M.D. ’83, ’86
resident, was awarded mentor of the
year, class of 2014, Lincoln Memorial
University, College of Osteopathic
Medicine, Speaker’s Bureau – Genentech
Richard S. Wayne, M.D. ’67, ’70
resident, was named medical director at
Invictus Medical, San Antonio, Texas.
Andrew S. Lamb, M.D. ’84, has been
around the world on medical mission
trips since 2005.
Michael Joseph Torma, M.D. ’68, ’72
resident, was qualified for the “Roster”
(signature) artist through Shreveport
Regional Arts Council, and the highest
exhibition with Bossier Arts Council.
Leon Frederick Smith, M.D. ’86, ’89
resident, was appointed as full professor
at the Medical College of Georgia
Department of Family Medicine.
Michael A. Callahan, M.D. ’71, ’72
resident, has been named president
of the International Retinal Research
Susana Figarola, M.D. ’89, was named
professor and chair of the University of
South Alabama Department of Radiology.
She has served as acting chair for the
department since January.
Robert Dabney Phillips, M.D. ’71, ’77
resident, was appointed chairman of the
Board of Trustees of Sumner Regional
Medical Center.
Charles L. Newman, M.D. ’90, ’95
resident, has been appointed medical
director for Riverview Wound Care and
Hyperbaric Center.
Peter G. Pappas, M.D., FACP, ’78,
’81 resident, was appointed by Matinas
BioPharma Holdings, Inc. to the
Scientific Advisory Board.
Jim Bailey, M.D. ’90, MPH, ’92,
released The End of Healing, his debut
novel, in a trade paper edition on May 5,
Robert A. McGuire Jr., M.D. ’79, ’85
resident, was elected president of AO
North America for a three-year term.
Pamela W. Pollard, M.D. ’99, ’02
resident, was state recipient of the
NAACP Medical Achievement Award.
David Albert Smith, M.D. ’80,
’83 resident, was inducted into the
Distinguished Life Fellow of American
Psychiatric Association.
Sandeep Vaishnavi, M.D., Ph.D. ’02,
co-authored The Traumatized Brain, (John
Hopkins Press; November 2015).
Alice H. Morgan, M.D. ’82, ’87
resident, was appointed to the Board
of the University of Alabama Medical
Alumni Association.
Robert P. Zitsch III, M.D. ’82, ’88
resident, published “Stretch of the
Minimally Invasive Incision during
Thyroid and Parathyroid surgery,
Otolaryniol Head and Neck Surgery”
(2014) October and “Lymphatic
Drainage Patterns in Oral Squamous Cell
Carcinoma: f of the ACOSoG z0360 Triac
Otolayniol Head and Neck” (2015) April.
Beverly Flowers Jordan, M.D. ’02
’05 resident, was elected speaker of the
College of Counsellors and House of
Delegates of the Medical Association of
the State of Alabama.
Jonathan C. Malone, M.D. ’06,
was recently hired as a radiologist by
Radiology Associates, LLC in Baton
Rouge, La.
Jonas Abram Lichty, M.D. ’08, ’11
resident, was named president of the
Kansas Society of Oral and Maxillofacial
Surgery, 2015.
William Crum, M.D. ’44, of
Montgomery, Ala., July 30, 2015.
Gaston Owen McGinnis, M.D. ’54, of
Anniston, Ala., May 31, 2015.
Elizabeth G. Dowdy M.D. ’55, of
Attalla, Ala., May 20, 2015.
Walker Byron Stewart, M.D. ’55, of
Mobile, Ala., May 21, 2015.
James Burdick Harris, M.D. ’57, of
Atwater, Calif., May 10, 2010.
William Henry Taylor Jr., M.D. ’57,’58
resident, of Birmingham, Ala., September
21, 2015.
Francis Moore “Frank” Patton, M.D.
’60, ’65 resident, of Birmingham, Ala.,
April 19, 2015.
Joseph Garber Cocke Jr., M.D. ’61, of
Homestead, Fla., June 30, 2014.
Aubrey Thomas Baugh Jr., M.D. ’61, of
Birmingham, Ala., May 7, 2015.
Maximo G. Perez, M.D. ’67, ’74
resident, of Alva, Fla., June 20, 2015.
William J. Terry, M.D. ’79, ’84 resident,
of Mobile, Ala., August 7, 2015.
J. Clinton Shope, M.D. ’83, ’87
resident, of Boca Raton, Fla., August 8,
Bradley Lynn Limmer, M.D. ’92, ’93
resident, of San Antonio, Texas, May 24,
Daron Scherr, M.D. ’95, of Idaho Falls,
Idaho, August 7, 2015.
Have you achieved a career
milestone? Hit the headlines?
Made a move? Share the news
with your classmates in the next
issue of Informal Rounds.
Submit your news and photos
to Meredith Burns at
Active Members
Michael Hugh Brasfield, M.D.P
Adrian A. Chandler, M.D.
Maury Bert Bray III, M.D.
Steven Cecil Chandler, M.D.
James Martin Abroms, M.D.
Luvenia Wilcox Bender, M.D.
Edward T. Braye Jr., M.D.
Gregory Douglas Chapman, M.D.
Eric Arthur Adams, M.D.
Frank Charles Benesh, M.D.
Charles W. Breaux Jr., M.D.S
Lucy Gravlee Chapman, M.D.S
George Wilburn Adams Jr., M.D.
Sanders Martin Benkwith, M.D.
Donna Lee Breen, M.D.
William R. Chapman III, M.D.
Jeffrey Dean Adams, M.D.
Ann Bennett, M.D.
Gayne M. Brenneman, M.D.
Robert Willis Chappell Jr., M.D.
Jennifer Kash Adams, M.D.
Austen L. Bennett III, M.D.G
Charles B. Brentnall Jr., M.D.S
Seaborn Miller Chappell, M.D.
Rush E. Akin, M.D.
J. Claude Bennett, M.D., D.Sc
Michael Eric Brewer, M.D., Ph.D.
Stephen Lackey Chastain, M.D.
Catherine Huggins Alexander, M.D.
Rodney Paul Bensley Jr., M.D.
David Michael Brickman, M.D.
Hoyt Abner Childs Jr., M.D.
James H. Alford Jr., M.D.
Michael Paul Bentley, M.D.
William Edward Broach III, M.D.
Craig Huron Christopher, M.D.
Thomas Joseph Alford, M.D.S
Wanda K. Bernreuter, M.D.
Dana Brock, M.D.
Neil Edward Christopher, M.D.S
Lisa Pharis Allardice, M.D.
Palmer Quintard Bessey, M.D.
James Carl Brock, M.D.S
Gary Glen Allen, M.D.
D. Wayne Bickham, M.D.
James Gordon Brooks Jr., M.D.
Charles Hobart Clark III, M.D.
Jorge Antonio Alsip, M.D.S
George Marvin Bilbrey Jr., M.D.
Andrew Marion Brown, M.D.
Eugene Cliff Clark, M.D.
Steven George Alsip, M.D.
Omar R. Billano, M.D.
James Edward Brown IV, M.D.
Glenn Luther Clark, M.D.
Paul Amartey Amamoo, M.D.
Thomas Keener Billups, M.D.
Richard E. Brown, M.D.P
James Allen Clark III, M.D.
J. Noble Anderson Jr., M.D.
Elliot Sumner Bishop, M.D.
Emmett H. Broxson Jr., M.D.
Joseph William Clark, M.D.
Lawrence D. Anderson, M.D.
Vincent Michael Bivins, M.D.
J. Richard Bruhn, M.D.
Jennifer Betty Clem, M.D.
Paul J. Anderson Jr., M.D.
J. Kendall Black Jr., M.D.S
James Edward Bryant, M.D.
James A. Clemmons, M.D.
John Daniel Andress, M.D.
Judson Gregory Black, M.D.
Paty Bargeron Bryant, M.D.
Benny Ray Cleveland, M.D.
William Walton Andrews, M.D., Ph.D.
John Alexander Blackmon, M.D.
Peyton R. Bryars III, M.D.
Richard Doss Cleveland Jr., M.D.
Manuel Arias, M.D.
Elizabeth Hellums Blair, M.D.
William Carter Bryars Jr., M.D.
Patricia Ann Hill Clokey, M.D.
John Malone Ashurst Jr., M.D.
Mary Ann Blake, M.D.
Louis Edward Buettner, M.D.
Bridget A. Cobb, M.D.
Dean G. Assimos, M.D.
Kirby Isaac Bland, M.D.
Theodis Buggs Jr., M.D.
Charles Glenn Cobbs, M.D.
Robert George Atnip, M.D.
Jane McClure Blaum, M.D.
V Renee Burdett, M.D.
Elizabeth L. Cockrum, M.D.
Philip August Jr., M.D.
Michael Francis Blum, M.D.
Mark Wayne Burlingame, M.D.
John Gus Cocoris, M.D.
J. Maxwell Austin Jr., M.D.
Charles C. Boackle, M.D.
David Eugene Burnham, M.D.
Craig Louis Coe, M.D.
Joseph Patrick Austin, M.D.S
Susan Angelle Boackle, M.D.
Maida Louise Burrow, M.D.
Armand B. Cognetta Jr., M.D.
Daniel Mason Avery Jr, M.D.
Phillip Kelley Bobo, M.D.
Suzanne Yancey Bush, M.D.
Albert Victor Cohen, M.D.
Virgil Thomas Baccus, M.D.
C. Adrien Bodet III, M.D.
Anne Hearn Bussian, M.D.
Jerome Barry Cohen, M.D.
Alan Stephen Baggett, M.D.
Belin Frederick Bodie, M.D.
Charles Francis Butler, M.D.
Mark Philip Cohen, M.D.
John Doyle Bailey, M.D.
Frankie Lavon Bodie, M.D.
Ruth Murray Byram, M.D.
Stanley Bruce Cohen, M.D.
Robert Carl Baird III, M.D.
Gerhard Arnold W. Boehm, M.D.P
Rebecca Randolph Byrd, M.D.
Albert Steinhart Coker Jr., M.D.P
John Edwin Baites Jr., M.D.
John Wilson Boggess IV, M.D.
Edward Lyle Cain Jr., M.D.
Jason Haskew Cole, M.D.
Lawrence Vernon Baker, M.D.
Larry Taylor Bolton, M.D.
Richard Kermit Caldwell, M.D.
Regina N. Coleman, M.D.
Oliver Charles Baker, M.D.
Theresa Joseph Bolus, M.D.
Michael Alston Callahan, M.D.
Spencer James Coleman, M.D.
Gabrielle Godwin Baldwin, M.D.
Swaroop Reddi Bommareddi, M.D.
Paul Louis Cammack, M.D.
Robert L. Baldwin, M.D.
Jane Peek Bond, M.D.
Ernest Sheppard Campbell Jr., M.D.
Maude Diseker Collier, M.D.
Bryan Lee Balentine, M.D.
Cynthia Moore Bonner, M.D.
John Emory Campbell, M.D.
David Richard Colvard, M.D.
Thomas M. Barbour III, M.D.
James A. Bonner, M.D.
Virginia Ann Campbell, M.D.
Edward Veston Colvin, M.D.
Harry McGwinn Barnes III, M.D.
William Richard Bonner, M.D.
Harold Everett Cannon, M.D.
N. Cassandra Comer, M.D.
James Robert Barton, M.D.
Marshall N. Boone Jr., M.D., Ph.D.
Cheri L. Canon, M.D.
C. Dobbin Connor, M.D.S
Don E. Beach, M.D.
Julia Lett Boothe, M.D.G
Michael Adam Carlisle, M.D.
Katherine Vaught Considine, M.D.
Jeff Hixon Beard, M.D.
David Charles Bosshardt, M.D.
Laurence C. Carmichael, M.D.
Vincent Roy Conti, M.D.
Howard Harold Bearman, M.D.
H. Chester Boston Jr., M.D.
James Robert Carpenter, M.D.
George Nelson Cooper Jr., M.D.
Edward Stewart Beason, M.D.
Floyd Thomas Boudreau III, M.D.
P. Michael Caruso, M.D.
Katharine R. Cooper, M.D.
Hilary Hornbuckle Beason, M.D.
Stephen Robert Bowen, M.D.
Alissa Renee Carver, M.D.
Michael Glenn Cope, M.D.
Marie Elaine Beckner, M.D.
James Edward Boyle, M.D.
Carlton Edward Cash, M.D.
Robert Bodine Copeland, M.D.
John Lawrence Bell, M.D.
Brice Herald Brackin, M.D.
Thomas Gene Cash, M.D.
Sage Kinney Copeland, M.D.
Theodore Cobert Belsches, M.D.
Benjamin Sandford Brann IV, M.D.
James George Chambers III, M.D.
David Henry Cornell, M.D.
John Michael Belyeu, M.D.
Mitchell David Brantley, M.D.
Richard M. Champion, M.D.
Clement P. Cotter Jr., M.D.
William Pearson Clack , M.D.
Stephen Lanier Coleman, M.D.
Active Members
Kenneth Reese Courington, M.D.
Michael F. DeVenny, M.D.S
Dan Joseph Coyle Jr., M.D.
Fred Ferris Diegmann, M.D.S
L Gary Craddock, M.D.
Alan Robert Dimick, M.D.S
William Edwin Fann, M.D.
John Edward Godwin, M.D., M.S.
Charles Arthur Crago, M.D., D.M.D.
Thomas John Dinella, M.D.
Kenneth Lloyd Farmer Jr., M.D.
Edward L. Goldblatt, M.D.S
Daniel Andrew Craven Jr., M.D.
Joshua Franklin Dixon, M.D.
Rosemary Haynes Faust, M.D.
Warren Dale Goldstein, M.D.
Wynne Crawford, M.D.
William Herbert Dodson, M.D.S
Judith Karen Favor, M.D.
Patricia Seybert Goode, M.D.
Hilda Bernice Craze, M.D.
David Loyd Doering, M.D.
Caroline Feist, M.D.
Max Alan Goodson, M.D.
William Dodson Creighton, M.D.
Jennifer Rae Dollar, M.D.
Richard Minton Feist, M.D.
Edwin Harris Grant, M.D.S
Tyler Woodrow Crickette, M.D.
James Saunders Donahoo, M.D.
Scott Sutherland Field, M.D.
Larry Wells Grant, M.D.
Peter Albert Crisologo, M.D.
Thomas Towey Donald, M.D.
Susan LaMarsh Field, M.D.
Edwin Ronald Gray, M.D.
Marta Ann Crispens, M.D.P
Jason Hollister Dorey, M.D.
John Albert Fincher Jr., M.D.
Paul W. Gray Jr., M.D.
Henry Crommelin Jr., M.D.
Scott Edward Dorin, M.D.
Wayne House Finley, M.D., Ph.D.S
Robert Morris Gray, M.D.
DeWitte T. Cross III, M.D.
W. Daniel Doty, M.D.
Samuel Fischer III, M.D.
C. Joyce Greathouse, M.D.
M. Richard Cross, M.D.S
Kathleen B. Doughney, M.D.
James Brent Fisher, M.D.G
E. Jackson Green, M.D.P
R. Clark Cross, M.D.
Andrew Robert Dow, M.D.
William Oliver Fitzpatrick III, M.D.
Virginia L. Green, M.D.
William Archie Crotwell III, M.D.
Benjamin Charles Dowdey, M.D.
Isadore Keith Fleisher, M.D.
Mark Greenberg, M.D.
Charles Brandon Crow III, M.D.
Thomas Frank Dowling IV, M.D.
Charles Tennant Fletcher Jr., M.D.
Cathy Lynn Gresham, M.D.
R. Eric Crum, M.D.
Harry Hardy Downing, M.D.S
Robert Elliott Flowers, M.D.
Joan Bolin Griffin, M.D.G
William A. Curry, M.D.
Michael Neil Downing, M.D.
Pink Lowe Folmar Jr., M.D.P
Warren L. Griffin Jr., M.D.
Jeffrey Ross Cusmariu, M.D.
Michelle Elizabeth Downing, M.D.
William Stuart Foshee, M.D.
Ben Matthew Grimes, M.D.G
Chaitanya Krishna Dahagam, M.D.
Daveta B. Dozier, M.D.
Erica M. Frank, M.D.
Larry Dewey Grimes, M.D.
Donald Henry Dahlene Jr., M.D.
Frank Leonard Dozier, M.D.
Susan Ray Frederick, M.D.
Christopher Allen Grove, M.D.
Brad M. Dajani, M.D.
Gregory Paul Driskill, M.D.
W. Stanley French III, M.D.
Gilbert Truett Guffin, M.D.
Gary Wayne Daniel, M.D.
Lisa Ann Driskill, M.D.
William C. Friday Jr., M.D.
Drew Jeffrey Gunnells, M.D.
Larkin Jeffrey Daniels, M.D.
Lee Burnette DuBois, M.D.
William Bradley Fuqua, M.D.
Jerry Nolan Gurley, M.D.
Omar Karreim Danner, M.D.
Christopher Roger Duggar, M.D.
Steven Paul Furr, M.D.
Hasan Guven, M.D.
Julius David Davidson, M.D.
Roger Sherman Duggar, M.D.
John Charles Gallagher, M.D.
Robert Francis Guyette, M.D., D.M.D.
Thomas J. Davidson III, M.D.
R. Fred Dumas Jr., M.D.
Herbert Huey Gannon Jr., M.D.
Gerard Donald Haggstrom, M.D.
Alan Dale Davis, M.D.
William King Dunham Jr., M.D.
Timothy Hugh Gannon, M.D.
Robert Martin Hagler, M.D.
David Alan Davis, M.D.
Nancy E. Dunlap, M.D., Ph.D.
Michael Matthew Garcia, M.D.
E. David Haigler Jr., M.D.
James Grady Davis, M.D.
Rod Michael Duraski, M.D.
Sharon Foster Gardepe, M.D.
Rhonda Telette Halcomb, M.D.
James Austin Davis III, M.D.
Donald Milton Durrett, M.D.S
Summer Leigh Gardner, M.D.G
Bernard T. Hale, M.D.
Jimmy Wayne Davis, M.D.
Charles Louis Dyas Jr., M.D.
Rachel Curvin Garner, M.D.
Jason Durwood Hall, M.D.
John Christopher Davis, M.D.
John Thomas Eagan Jr., M.D.
Thomas Allen Gaskin III, M.D.
Robin Tate Hall, M.D.
Jordan Kent Davis, M.D.
David Bruce Edmonds, M.D.
George Francis Gates III, M.D.
Melanie Hamner Halvorson, M.D.
R. William Davis, M.D.
Adam Larry Edwards, M.D.
Madison Waller Gay, M.D.
Ronald Fredrick Hammett, M.D.
Stephen Alvin Davis, M.D.
Karl Emerson Egerman, M.D.
David Dunn Gayle, M.D.
D. Alan Hammond, M.D.
Brittany Nicole Dawson, M.D.
Birgit A. Ehlers-Renzi, M.D.
Francene Aretha Gayle, M.D.
George Mathews Handey, M.D.
Bruce Edward Day, M.D.
James Noah Eickholz, M.D.
Harold Eugene Gebhart, M.D.
Karen Z. Hanna, M.D.
Manuel Trevino De Los Santos, M.D.
Susan Horton Eiland, M.D.
James Howard Gentry Jr., M.D.
Robert Welch Hannahan, M.D.G
Larry Stephen Dean, M.D.
David Louis Eisenberg, M.D.
Leslie Stuart Gewin, M.D.
Kimberley J. Hansen, M.D.
Phillip Jordan Dean, M.D.
James Aubrey Ellis Jr., M.D.
Carl A. Gibson, M.D.
William D. Hardin Jr., M.D.
William Duggan DeBuys, M.D.
Allen Ark-Poy Eng, M.D.
Jill Gilbert, M.D.
William Edward Hardwick Jr., M.D.
Gary Alfred Decker, M.D.
Jack Manuel Englert, M.D.
Thomas Arthur Gillespie, M.D.
Andrew Gaines Harrell, M.D.
Carol McLaughlin Dell, M.D.
Larry W. Epperson, M.D.S
Wolfram Glaser, M.D.
Cathy Shrader Harrell, M.D.
Jeffrey V.C. DeMedicis, M.D.
Paul Campbell Erwin, M.D.
Richard David Glasgow, M.D.
Laurie Ann Harris-Ford, M.D.
Michael Sean Dempsey, M.D.
Richard Henry Esham Sr, M.D.
Leslie Earl Glenn, M.D.
Boyde Jerry Harrison, M.D.
John W. Denham, M.D.
Helen Hughes Evans, M.D.
John Jacob Gleysteen, M.D.
Celia H. Harrison, M.D.
John R. Denton Jr., M.D.
Mari A. Fahrner, M.D.
Martin Cochran Glover, M.D.
James M. Harrison Jr., M.D.
N. Frank Fain Jr., M.D.
Ronald Lee Godbold Jr., M.D.
John Harsany Jr., M.D.G
Dean Fam, M.D.
Guillermo Godoy, M.D.
Carter Sibley Harsh, M.D.
Richard D. deShazo, M.D.
Leisa Watterson DeVenny, M.D.
Active Members
Fred Dominic Hunker, M.D.
Jason Robert Hartig, M.D.S
Jason Clay Junkins, M.D.
Nicholas Markham Leonard, M.D.
Wiley Hugh Justice, M.D.S
Mark Hayden LeQuire, M.D.
Robert David Kachelhofer, M.D.
Frank Martin Lester, M.D.S
Donald Roy Kahn, M.D.
Shirley Sanders Letchman, M.D.
Joseph Jay Kaplan, M.D., M.S.
Louis E. Letson Jr., M.D.
Michael T. Hartsfield, M.D.
Robert K. Hunt, M.D., D.D.S.
Saul James Kaplan, M.D.
Arnold I. Levin, M.D.
Susan Selikoff Harvey, M.D.
James Bernhart Hunter, M.D.
Allison B. Kassels, M.D.S
Stuart Jeffrey Levin, M.D.
William R. Harvey III, M.D.
William Ward Hurd, M.D.
J. E. Keeton, M.D.
Clifton Thomas P. Lewis, M.D.
Jack Harold Hasson, M.D.
J. Milton Hutson, M.D.
Lisa Gwyn Keeton, M.D.
David Sidney Lewis, M.D.
Clifford Jackson Hataway Sr, M.D.S
Richard F. Hwang, M.D.
Christopher G. Kelley, M.D.
Joseph W. Lewis Jr., M.D.
Benjamin Frank Hatchett Jr., M.D.
Eddie Hyatt, M.D.
Stephen Joseph Kelly, M.D.
Jonas Abram Lichty, M.D.
James Rand Hayes II, M.D.
Renee Joy Hyatt, M.D.
R. Mark Kendrick, M.D.
Robert Shelton Liebeskind, M.D.
Van Buren Hayne Jr., M.D.
Patrick Anthony Hyland, M.D.
Kathleen D. Kennelly, M.D., Ph.D.
William Edward Lievens, M.D.
Brooke Taylor Haynes, M.D.
George Raymond Ikeler , M.D.
Donna Ward Kentros, M.D.
Robert D. Lightfoot, M.D.
Melvin L. Haysman, M.D.
George Bullock Inge II, M.D.
Jonathan George Kentros, M.D.
William Malcolm Lightfoot, M.D.
Cooper Green Hazelrig, M.D.
Russell Leon Ingram, M.D.
Jeffrey David Kerby, M.D.
James Mitchell Lipstate, M.D.
C. David Hearn, M.D.
Jerome Gaeton Ippolito, M.D.
Bruce Maurice Key, M.D.
Stanley Keith Lochridge, M.D.
Sherron Ruth Helms, M.D.
George Vernon Irons Jr., M.D.
Timur Ahmet Kilic, M.D.
Robert Henry Lokey, M.D.
Bret Thomas Henderson, M.D.S
John B. Isbell III, M.D.
Robert Yoon Kim, M.D.
Gary Lynn Henderson, M.D.
Steven Alan Isbell, M.D.
Michael Patton Kimball, M.D.
Christopher Scott Love, M.D.
Robert Lee Henderson, M.D.
James Hajime Isobe, M.D.
Kay Williams Kirchler, M.D.
Rozalyn Grace Farmer Love, M.D.
Ronald Earl Henderson, M.D.
Alto Loftin Jackson Jr., M.D.
Paul M. Kirschenfeld, M.D.
James Radcliff Lowrey, M.D.
Barney Jerry Henson, M.D.
Daniel F. Jackson III, M.D.
Stephen James Klemawesch, M.D.
George David Lundberg Jr., M.D.
James Richard Herring, M.D.
David Huntsman Jackson, M.D.
Nicholas Alan Knight, M.D.
Victor Entebang Lunyong, M.D.
Gary Lee Hester, M.D.
Jerry Walter Jackson, M.D.S
Patrice L. Knight, M.D.
Richard Howard Lyerly, M.D.
Chester C. Hicks Jr., M.D.
Kevin Lee Jackson, M.D.
Henry Jacob Koch, M.D.
William Scott Lynn, M.D.
R. Ross Hightower, M.D.
Kenneth Aaron Jaffe, M.D.
Warren Elliott Koffler, M.D.
Paul Damien Lyons, M.D., Ph.D.S
Jimmy Scott Hill, M.D.
Patricia Carol Jaggers, M.D.
Robert Leonard Kominek, M.D.
Lisa Speake MacBeth, M.D.
William Anderson Hill Jr., M.D.
James Q. Jardine , M.D.
George J. Kontos Jr., M.D.
Thomas Howard Maloy, M.D.
M. Bruce Hirsch, M.D.
John Arris Jebeles, M.D.
Bruce R. Korf, M.D.
Anuj Paul Manocha, M.D.
Craig John Hoesley, M.D.
John Richard Jeffers, M.D.S
Nicholas Thomas Kouchoukos, M.D. Jeff Derrick Manord, M.D.
William Edgar Holcomb III, M.D.
Todd Ralph Jenkins, M.D.
Joseph D. Kovacs Jr., M.D.
Wickliffe Joseph Many Jr., M.D.S
Charles E Hollingsworth, M.D.
George L. Joe, M.D.
David Allen Kraftsow, M.D.
Edward Russell March Jr., M.D.S
Samuel F. Hollingsworth, M.D.
Benjamin Hardy Johnson III, M.D.
Raymond Davies Kramer, M.D.
E. John Markushewski Jr., M.D.
Robert Hayne Hollis IV, M.D.
Carol Mitchell Johnson, M.D.S
Helen Krontiras, M.D.
Ellen L. Marmer, M.D.
Williams C. Holmes Jr., M.D.
Edwin Hill Johnson, M.D.
Craig Charles Kuglen, M.D.
Ben Robertson Martin III, M.D.
Jeremy Kwok-Kuen Hon, M.D.
Howard Mason Johnson Jr., M.D.
Daniel Vincent Kyle, M.D.
Edward Thomas Martin, M.D.
Lynda Burke Hon, M.D.
James Curtis Johnson, M.D.
T. Kevin Lackey, M.D.
Francis Stanford Massie Jr., M.D.
Michael Benjamin Honan, M.D.
Joseph T. Johnson Jr., M.D.
Andrew S. Lamb, M.D.
John Louis Mathews, M.D.
Glenn Scoble Hooper, M.D.
Valerie Miller Johnson, M.D.
Andrew Martin Land, M.D.
Deanah Darnell Maxwell, M.D.
Robert Lee Hopkins, M.D.
William Earle Johnson III, M.D.
Phillip Leonard Laney, M.D.
Jan Renee Mayfield, M.D.
Jay Stoness Hortenstine, M.D.
F Carden Johnston Jr., M.D.
Debra Lucas LaPrad, M.D.
Jo Ann Michalik Mays, M.D.
J. Scott Houston, M.D.p
Michael Nolen Johnston, M.D.
Brian Jay Larson, M.D.
Michael Clay Mays, M.D.
Bobby Clayton Howard, M.D.
William Henry Johnston Jr., M.D.
Joseph Bruno Larussa, M.D.
Paul Pressly McCain, M.D.
Thomas Edward Howard Jr., M.D.
C. Michael Jones, M.D.S
Jennifer W. Lassiter, M.D.
Daniel Thompson McCall III, M.D.
Julian Parker Howell Jr., M.D.
Cheryl Sandoski Jones, M.D.
Lance King Lassiter, M.D.
Charles A. McCallum Jr., M.D., D.M.D.S
Robert Louis Howland Jr., M.D.
David Earl Jones Jr., M.D.
David Edward Law, M.D.
Mark Daniel McCaslin, M.D.
Tah-Hsiung Hsu, M.D.
Dewey Hobson Jones III, M.D.
W. Dwayne Lawrence, M.D.
Joe David McClinton, M.D.
Nolan Leonard Hudson, M.D.
J. Michael Jones, M.D.
Troy Alan Layton, M.D.
Robert Cyrus Huffman Jr., M.D.
James Matthew Jones III, M.D.
Christopher John LeCroy, M.D.
Beatrice Files McConnell, M.D.G
Richetta Huffman-Parker, M.D.
Keith Anthony Jones, M.D.
William Shane Lee, M.D.
Michael Ellis McConnell, M.D.G
A. J. Hughes, M.D.
Samuel Otterson Jones IV, M.D.
William Aull Leitner, M.D.
Patricia Massengill McCoy, M.D.
Frederica Lehmann Hughey, M.D.
Beverly Flowers Jordan, M.D.
Evelyn Ann Leonard, M.D.
Thomas Harvey McCulloch, M.D.
Patrick J. Louis, M.D., D.D.S.P
Susan D. McCollum, M.D.
Lewis Hall McCurdy III, M.D.
Claud E. Morgan Jr., M.D.
Clarence E. McDanal Jr., M.D.
Monica Leigh Morman, M.D.
Mark Addison McDaniel, M.D.
Robert Edward Morris, M.D.
Millie Martha McDaniel, M.D.
David Lester Morrison, M.D.S
Ann B. McDowell, M.D.
William Gordon Moseley Jr.,
Grant Van Sicle Parr, M.D.
Michael Wayne Proctor, M.D.
Michael Anderson McEwen, M.D.
Kathleen Gage Parr, M.D.
Wallace Dale Prophet, M.D.G
William Park McGehee, M.D.
Billy R. Mosley, M.D.
David O’Neil Parrish, M.D., M.S.
Bryan Lee Pruitt, M.D.
Gaston Owen McGinnis,
Elmer Motte, M.D.
Sheela K. Parrish, M.D.S
Michael Paul Pruitt, M.D.
Elizabeth A. Mountcastle, M.D.
Rufus C. Partlow Jr., M.D.
John Barr Pugh, M.D.
Norman F. McGowin III, M.D.S
Paul David Mozley, M.D.
Edward E. Partridge Jr., M.D.
Martha Elanor Pugh, M.D.
Lynn Bernard McGrath, M.D.
Knut Erich Mueller, M.D.
Nathan William Patterson, M.D.
Edward Carr Rainey Jr., M.D.
Robert Alton McGuire Jr., M.D.
Michael James Muirhead, M.D.
William Morrow Patterson, M.D.
Michael Jeffrey Ramsey, M.D.
C. Rush McInnis Jr., M.D.
R. Bob Mullins Jr., M.D.S
David Wiley Patton, M.D.
Frank C. Randall Jr., M.D.
J. Barry McKernan, M.D., Ph.D.
Dorothy Snoddy Murphy , M.D.
Rita Faye W Patton, M.D.
James Michael Randall Jr., M.D.
William Keith McKibbin, M.D.
Jay Harton Murray, M.D.
Robert Cecil Patton, M.D.
Niel Christian Rasmussen, M.D.
James Davis McKinney, M.D.
Rhett Blake Murray, M.D.
W. Curtis Patton, M.D.
Joseph Byron Ray, M.D.
Amie Brown McLain, M.D.
Charles Monroe Myer III, M.D.
C. Ted Paulk, M.D.
Jack Duane Real, M.D.
Max Victor McLaughlin, M.D.
Paul Michael Nagrodzki, M.D.
Paul W. Paustian Jr., M.D.
David M. Reardon, M.D.
Ray Harvey McLaughlin Jr., M.D.
Denise Joseph Nakos, M.D.
Gillis Lavelle Payne Jr., M.D.
Linda Parker Reeves, M.D.
William Davis McLaughlin, M.D.
Byron L. Nelson, M.D.
Thomas J. Payne III, M.D.
Russell Chesley Reeves, M.D.
Barry Kincaid McLean, M.D.G
Robert Wood Nesbitt, M.D.
William Richard Payne, M.D.
Harry B. Register Jr., M.D.
A. Reeves McLeod, M.D.
Alfred M. Neumann Jr., M.D.
Jane Pearson, M.D.
John Martin McMahon Jr., M.D.
T. Gerald New, M.D.
Thomas Carl Pendleton, M.D.
Frank Hall Reynolds II, M.D.
Freddy Glen McMurry, M.D.
Leon Bryant Newman, M.D.
Robert Alan Pendley, M.D.v
Gregory Brian Reynolds, M.D.
Frank Leatherbury McPhillips, M.D.
Lucian Newman III, M.D.
Stewart Neal Perlman, M.D.
Kenneth Joe Richardson, M.D.
Leon Victor McVay III, M.D.S
J. Christopher Nichols, M.D.
Smitha Rao Persaud, M.D.
Lonard Clarence Rigsby III, M.D.
John L. Meade, M.D.
Michael R. Nichols, M.D., D.M.D.
Tarek Omar Persaud, M.D.
Stancel Martin Riley Jr., M.D.S
James Allen Meadows III, M.D.
Michele H. Nichols, M.D.
Glenn Eidson Peters, M.D.
William Earle Riley, M.D.
Klaus F. Medenbach, M.D.
Robert Kenneth Nichols, M.D.
Joseph Alan Peters, M.D.
Emily Sherrill Riser, M.D.
Daniel Michael Merck, M.D.
Steven R. Nichols, M.D.
Bendt P. Petersen III, M.D.
Floyd Joseph Roberts Jr., M.D.
Sarah Ann Merritt, M.D.
William Boyd Nickell, M.D.
Gerry Madison Phillips, M.D.
Gregory C. Robertson, M.D.
Michael Wallace Meshad, M.D.
Stephen H. Nightingale, M.D.
Philip Morgan Phillips Jr., M.D.
John Douglas Robertson, M.D.
Richard D. Meyer, M.D.
William Alexander Nixon, M.D.
Robert Dabney Phillips, M.D.
James Nathan Robinson, M.D.
Julius Michaelson Jr., M.D.
Gerald Paul Norris, M.D.
Luis Francisco Pineda, M.D.
Brian Edward Rogers, M.D.
Erik Hayden Middlebrooks, M.D.
Samuel S. Norvell Jr., M.D.
Leonard F. Pinkley Jr., M.D.
Douglas L. Rollins Jr., M.D.S
S. Jones Miller III, M.D.
Jimmy Blansett Nunis, M.D.
Walter Gay Pittman, M.D.
Evelyn Spira Rosemore, M.D.
Thomas Thane Miller, M.D.
George Woodward Nunn, M.D.
Michelle Miller Plagenhoef, M.D.
Samuel Howard Rosen, M.D.
Patrick Leonard Mills Sr., M.D.S
Kenneth Alvin O’Beirne, M.D.
Edward John Planz Jr., M.D.
Robert George Rosser, M.D.
Robert Byrd Mitchell, M.D.
Isabel B. Oldshue, M.D.
Peter Pluscht III, M.D.
Philip Anthony Roth Jr., M.D.
Gary David Monheit, M.D.
V. Delane O’Rear, M.D.
Sarah Stephens Polt, M.D.
Melinda Grace Rowe, M.D., M.P.H.
Kathy Wingo Monroe, M.D.
Ronald Wayne Orso, M.D.
Carol Ray Porch, M.D.
Donald Hooge Rowell, M.D.
John Richard Montgomery, M.D.
Dennis Evan Ottemiller, M.D.
Ellis Fay Porch Jr., M.D.
William Gardner Rowell, M.D.
David Charles Montiel, M.D.P
Charles Reynold Overstreet, M.D.
C. McGavock Porter, M.D.
Loring Washington Rue III, M.D.
Jon Rice Moody, M.D.
Ellen Andrews Ovson, M.D.
Robert Allen Posey, M.D.
Charles Walton Rush, M.D.
Thomas Edwin Moody, M.D.
John Skelton Owen Jr., M.D.
Angela Adams Powell, M.D.
Dallas McEver Russell, M.D.
James Owen Moon, M.D.
Dennis Praytor Owens, M.D.
Don Watson Powell, M.D.
Charles L. Rutherford Jr., M.D.
Carol S. Moore, M.D.
Ann Maurine Packard, M.D.
James B. Powell II, M.D.
Guy Leslie Rutledge III, M.D.
Ernest G. Moore Jr., M.D.
John M. Packard Jr., M.D.
John W. Poynor, M.D.P
Jarvis De Vaughn Ryals, M.D.
Marilynn Wilmette Moore, M.D.
Jason Chang Paik, M.D., Ph.D.
Steven D. Presley, M.D.
Thad Franklin Ryals, M.D.
Michael A. Moore, M.D.
M. Ray Painter, M.D.
Jeffrey Frank Price, M.D.G
Merle Meyers Salter, M.D.
Teresa Moran, M.D.
Martin Doyle Palmer, M.D.
Theolyn Nan Price, M.D.
Paul Pullen Salter Jr., M.D.
Jennifer M.G. Morcos, M.D.
Timothy D. Parish, M.D.
William Thomson Price Jr., M.D.
Jon E. Sanford, M.D.S
Alice Hardin Morgan, M.D., Ph.D.
Kim Michelle Parker, M.D.
Robert Monroe Pritchett, M.D.
M. Scott Sarrels, M.D.
Daniel Edward Reimer, M.D.
Active Members
Active Members
Mark Alan Stafford, M.D.G
Samuel F. Sawyer, M.D.
Rucker Lewis Staggers, M.D.
Sarah Boyce Sawyer, M.D.
William Rucker Staggers, M.D.
Geetha Scariya, M.D.
Richard Douglas Stahl, M.D.
Neil E. Schaffner, M.D.
Martin Wade Stallings, M.D.
Katharine N. Schull, M.D.
Michael James Stanford, M.D.
George Farned Scofield, M.D.
Roy Francis Stanton III, M.D.
Aubrey Dennis Scott, M.D.
Brad Lamont Steenwyk, M.D.
John Russell Scott, M.D.
Jerald Gregory Steiner, M.D.
Nicholas James Sears Jr., M.D.
William R. Stetler, M.D.
Alethia Baldwin Sellers, M.D.
Johnnie Wayne Stevens, M.D.
Betty McBride Sellers, M.D.
J. Patrick Stewart, M.D.
John Emanuel Semon, M.D.
Jacqueline Whitfield Stewart, M.D.
Sheldon Joel Sevinor, M.D.
Mark Lindsey Stewart, M.D.
William Burton Shadburn, M.D.
Mitchell C. Stickler, M.D.
Harold Oran Shapiro, M.D.
John Everett Stone Jr., M.D.
Sara Stewart Shashy, M.D.
Karen Elizabeth Stone, M.D.G
John Carl Shearer, M.D.G
Linda Johnson Stone, M.D.S
Bryant Neal Sheehy, M.D.
Martha Jane Strange, M.D.
R. Waid Shelton Jr., M.D.
J. Michael Straughn, M.D.
W. Elizabeth Shepard, M.D.
William Douglas Sudduth, M.D.S
Alan Myron Siegal, M.D.
Stephen Patrick Suggs, M.D.
Garry Earl Siegel, M.D.
William Jay Suggs, M.D.
Joel David Silverberg, M.D.
Percy Guin Sullivan, M.D.
A. Grayson Simmons, M.D.
Samuel W. Sullivan Jr., M.D.
David Charles Simpson, M.D.
John Phillip Summerford, M.D.
L. Clark Simpson, M.D.
Erik Christian Summers, M.D.
W. Ford Simpson Jr., M.D.
Robert Leldon Sweet, M.D.
Larry O’Neal Skelton, M.D.
Paul Byron Tabereaux, M.D.
Mark Edward Skillan, M.D.
Philip Watson Tally, M.D.
Brandon Blake Slagley, M.D.
Inge Juljana Tamm-Daniels, M.D.
Katherine LaVan Smallwood, M.D.
E. Lee Taylor Jr., M.D.
David Albert Smith, M.D.
Kelley Leah Taylor, M.D.
George Cicero Smith Sr, M.D.S
Norman Lindsay Taylor, M.D.
George Cicero Smith Jr., M.D.
Peyton Troy Taylor Jr., M.D.
James Arthur Smith III, M.D.
Aubrey Eugene Terry, M.D.
Jeffrey Kent Smith, M.D.
William Jefferson Terry Sr.,
Leon Fredrick Smith, M.D.
Nathan Bert Smith II, M.D.S
E. Lamar Thomas, M.D.
Philip Scott Smith, M.D.
F. Philip Thomas, M.D.
Theodore R. Smith Jr., M.D.
Lee Thomas, M.D.
William Earle Smith Jr., M.D.
Richard Charles Thomason Jr., M.D.S
John Warner Snead, M.D.
Paul Allen Thompson, M.D.
Robert Gordon Sorrell, M.D.
Helen Raye Thrasher, M.D.
M. Elizabeth Speeker-Cruit, M.D.
Douglas Carroll Tilt, M.D.S
Betty Ruth Speir, M.D.G
Steven David Tishler, M.D.
Homer Andrew Spencer, M.D.
John Carey Tomberlin, M.D.
Joseph Terrell Spencer, M.D.
Charles Samuel Tompkins, M.D.
Sharon Ann Spencer, M.D.G
Arthur F. Toole III, M.D.
James Watson Sawyer, M.D.
Terry Jay Toranto, M.D.
Paul Carlson Weir, M.D.
Michael Joseph Torma, M.D.
Joshua Eric Welborn, M.D.
Dale Edward Trammell Sr., M.D.G Weston James Welker, M.D.
D. Christopher Wells, M.D.
Jack Walden Trigg Jr., M.D.
Michael Cohron Trotter, M.D.
Gretchen Lois Wells, M.D., Ph.D.
Pamela Pollard Tuck, M.D.
Michael Aubrey Wells, M.D.
James Curtis Tucker, M.D.
Robert Craig Wesson, M.D.S
N. H. Tucker III, M.D.
Douglas John Wester Jr., M.D.
A. Scott Tully, M.D.
Terry Alan Westmoreland, M.D.
Albert Julian Tully Jr., M.D.P
John Ross Wheat, M.D.
Homer Lee Twigg III, M.D.
Joe Ann Luker Wheeler , M.D.
Charles Mathison Tyndal, M.D.
Marjorie Lee White, M.D.
Edward Carraway Tyndal, M.D.
Marcus Whitman Jr., M.D.
Ching-Wei David Tzeng, M.D.
Donna Ann Wiggins, M.D.S
Richard Earl Umbach, M.D.
Allan Seymour Wilensky, M.D.
William J. Urquhart, M.D.
James A. Wilkerson IV, M.D.
Timothy Walter Valk, M.D.S
Lisa Laycock Willett, M.D.
Kenneth L. Vandervoort, M.D.
C. Dent Williams Jr., M.D.S
Garrett Richard Vangelisti, M.D.
James Richard Williams, M.D.
Betty Walthall Vaughan, M.D.S
Terry Doyce Williams, M.D.
Suzanne Dudley Vaughan, M.D.
Barry Lewis Wilson, M.D.
Selwyn M. Vickers, M.D.
H. Andrew Wilson Jr., M.D.
Stewart Douglas Waddell, M.D.
John Stephen Wilson, M.D.
Merle Lindy Wade Jr., M.D.
Robert Kemp Wilson Jr., M.D.S
Stanley Allen Wade Jr., M.D.
Robert G. Wilson, M.D.
Peter Daniel Waite, M.D., D.D.S.
Gregory Scott Windham, M.D.
Ken Baker Waites, M.D.
Stanley Blakeley Winslow, M.D.
James Clinton Walker Jr., M.D.
Steven Dwayne Wise, M.D.
Tom Morrow Walker, M.D.
Joel Allen Wissing, M.D.S
William A. Walker, M.D.
Earl George Wolf Jr., M.D.
John Kenneth Wallace, M.D.
Ellen Glenn Wood, M.D.
Milton A. Wallace Jr., M.D.
John Benjamin Woods, M.D.
David Guy Walsh, M.D.
Kenneth T. Woodsides, M.D.
James Timothy Walsh, M.D.S
Thomas James Wool, M.D.
John Webb Ward, M.D.
Barbara Leiko Woolley, M.D.
Lloyd Curtis Warr, M.D.
James Orrall Wright III, M.D.
William Spurgeon Warr, M.D.
Samantha Shaw Wyatt, M.D.
Claude Morris Warren III, M.D.
Thomas Hubbard Yancey, M.D.
Eddie Bernard Warren, M.D.P
Ralph Houston Yarbrough, M.D.
Thomas Larry Warren, M.D.
James Richard Yates, M.D.
Israel Washington, M.D.
Earl Stephen Yeager, M.D.
Bradford Waters, M.D.
Wilfred Ward Yeargan Jr., M.D.
D. Shannon Waters-Hwang, M.D.
Kenneth Crawford Yohn, M.D.
James Morgan Watkins, M.D.
G. Alan Young, M.D.
Robert Dennis Watson Jr., M.D.
Christopher Joseph Yuskaitis, M.D., Ph.D.
Ray L. Watts, M.D., M.P.H.
Nerrin B. Zaharias, M.D.
Doris S. Phillips Wayman, M.D.
Solomon Glenn Zerden, M.D.
George Hiram Weaver,
Robert P. Zitsch III, M.D.S
George Luey Zorn Jr., M.D.
Jeffery Clovis Weeks, M.D.
Julia Goodall Weeks, M.D.
Elizabeth Smith Weinacker, M.D.
Peter Francis Weinheimer, M.D., Ph.D.
Tarek Abdalla
Ryan Lance Densmore
Jessica Suzanne Allaway
Amber Alexandria Dixon
Samuel Joseph Altonji
Hillary Ruhl Duenas
John Clark Alves
Corey Grant Duke
Andres Augustus Arciniegas
Quinn Alexander Dunlap, M.D.
Travis Atchley
Garrett Tyler Dunn
Kristine Ann Austriaco
Hieu V. Duong
Darcy Bramer Autry
Abigail E. Dy
Leslie C. Avant
Benjamin Scott Ervin Echols
Christopher B. Baker Jr
Elizabeth Gwen Ernstberger
Katherine Aline Barber
Robert Anthony Esposito
Lauren Taylor Beggs
Jason Eversull
Madeline Isabella Bender
Michael A. Ewing
Shelby Leigh Bergstresser
Robert C. Foster
Theresa Berry
Laura K. Freeman
Briley Copeland Black
Tiffany Lynn Freeney
Jeffrey Ryne Black
Alisa N. Fujihashi
Brandon Frederick Bodie
Megan Elizabeth Gibson
Taylor Bono
Scott Austin Gilchrist II
Hannah L. Bowers
Jacob Welsey Guin
Edmond W. Box III
Jason Durwood Hall, M.D.
Rosemary Tanner Brennan
Jordan Harper
Jacob Paul Britt
Sarah Amal Hashimi
Dewey Joseph Brooke
Spenser Saville Hayward
Andrew Carey Buie
John Stewart Herndon
Jordan Douglas Busing
Harrison Scott Hill
Grace Nicole Cain
Walter Blake Holloway II
Mary Katherine Campbell
Winston Hong
Colin Keith Cantrell
Ashley Alane Hudson
Aparajita Chakrabarty
Jinwoo Hur
Sherwin Shao-Yun Chiu
Justin Robert Ibey
Kyle Howard Cichos
Lesley Chisom Ifediba
Carly Ann Cignetti
Christopher Winthrop Ives
Chelsea Victoria Clark
Joshua Jackson
Kevin Douglas Cofer
Sarah Frances Jackson
Michael Austin Coker
Andrew Janssen
Claire Elizabeth Cordes
Qiuchen Jiang
Kathryn E. Cox
Willie Fowler Joiner Jr
Eric R. Craig
Christine Lynn Jones
Laura M. Crocker
Brantley Nicole Judah
Cole Crowson
Pegah S. Kannar
Pia Marie Cumagun
Beomjy Kim
Ellen Rose Dahl
Sanghun Kim
Rachel Alexandria Daniell
Alexandria Clare Kraus
John Angus Dasher
Asher Max Krell
Ellen Elizabeth Davies
Shenila Badruddin Lallani
Benjamin J. Davis
Adam Lam
Claire Bruce Davis
Erin Nicole Lambert
William Thomas Davis II
Nicole Wai-Ga Lau
Joshua Stephen Day
Elizabeth Doris Leader
Emma Caitlin Dean
Sung Ro Lee
Sara Beth Deas
Amie Katherine Lemley
Wilson Christopher Delaney
Justin Walton Lewis
Student Members
Kyle Haden Lewter
Crystal Skinner
Keri Anne Mallicoat
Amanda B. Smith
Steven Alexander Mann, M.D.
Mary G. Smithson
Katherine Louise Mascia
Benjamin Franklin Smood
Christian Andrew Mays
John Emanuel Snellgrove
Sarah Frances McClees
Jackson Rucker Staggers
Jonathan Charles McCollum
Amanda McDaniel Stisher
Lucas Dukes McGee
Chandler Scott Stisher
Daniel Patrick McNeill
Vanessa Sui
Haley Rebecca Medlen
Ynhi Thi Thai
Cody Lee Meyers
Melissa Kathleen Tygart
Sydney Michelle Middleton
Victoria Sue Underwood
Jason Barbour Miller
Surabhi Santosh Vinod
William A. Mitchell
Anjali A. Wagle
Patrick Axel Molina
Anne Wilson Wagstaff
Heather Elaine Moore
Dana B. Watson
Palee Lashell Myrex
Zachary Leland Chalfant Whaley
Hyun Ju Nam
Jessica D. Whitaker
Randy Craig Nelson
John Henry White III
Dylan J. Nichols
Erin Leigh Williams
Leah Rae Nixon
Katherine E. Woods
Milza Catherine Opper
Herbert Evan Zeiger III
Chelsea S. Palmer
Morgan E. Zipperly
Cameron J. Parker
Chenhang Sylvia Zou
Bhavika Nitin Patel
Dhruv Prakash Patel
Taylor Charles Payne
Jacelyn Emily Peabody
Ross Lane Pearlman
Darcy Ann Perkins
Andrea Michelle Pittman
Taylor Louise Pope
Alexia Jordan Powers
Caroline Rankin Price, M.D.
Joshua Don Price
Marshall Cleveland Pritchett
Grace Catherine Raines
Katherine L. Rainey
Tushar Ramesh
Christopher Austin Ray
Gregory Conner Reese
Elizabeth Winn Reiser
William Logan Riley
Callie Rebecca Roberts
Claire Elizabeth Sands, M.D.
Thomas Paul Sanford
Sarah Yong Schier
Emily Deanna Sheikh, M.D.
Kevin Sidharth Shrestha
Class of 2019
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Fired Up
Medical student Jason Eversull blazed a trail
f ro m t h e f i re h o u s e t o m e d i c a l s c h o o l
Like many young boys, Jason Eversull had
a fascination with firemen growing up. As a
senior in high school he began volunteering
at the fire station near his home in the Rocky
Ridge suburb of Birmingham, which is where
he got his first taste of providing medical care.
“As a volunteer, you do everything regular
firefighters do,” Eversull said, explaining
that most of the calls firefighters respond to
now are medical. “I got a lot of on-the job
training—the paramedics will teach you
simple things like how to take someone’s
blood pressure, blood glucose, and put
someone on the cardia monitor. It’s a pretty
steep learning curve.”
After graduating from high school, he
began attending UAB while continuing to
work at the Rocky Ridge Fire Department.
Then he heard about a program through the
Auburn Fire Department that would pay
for college courses if you worked there as a
firefighter. Through this program, Eversull
was able to take many classes at Auburn while
also attending a local community college
to complete a two-year associate’s degree to
become a paramedic by the time he was 23
years old.
After earning his associate’s degree, he
learned of a new bachelor’s degree program in
emergency medical services at the University
of South Alabama. “The classes were on the
weekends, so I was able to work it around my
schedule with the fire department. I drove
to Mobile from Auburn every weekend for
about a year. At that time, I was probably
working 60 to 80 hours a week as a firefighter
for the City of Auburn and also a paramedic
for the ambulance service based out of the
hospital in Lee County.”
His work as a firefighter and paramedic
gave him a new perspective on the health care
challenges that rural areas face. “When you
think of underserved areas, you don’t think of
Auburn, but at that time there was only one
ambulance service, with about four trucks
and six paramedics serving the whole county
at one time. Running calls on the ambulance
really opened my eyes—people live totally
different from anything I’d seen growing up.”
In the midst of his busy schedule, Eversull
also got married. When his wife was accepted
in to graduated school at the University
of South Alabama, the couple moved to
Mobile. Once there, he joined the Mobile
Fire Department and took advantage of
some unique training opportunities. Eversull
explained that there are less than 30 Urban
Search and Rescue Teams across the U.S.,
and the only one on the Gulf Coast is run
through the Mobile Fire Department. “I
was accepted to that team and certified in
confined space rescue, rope rescue, high
angles, hazmat, and nuclear mitigation.”
Making a difference in people’s lives as a
firefighter and paramedic spurred his decision
to attend the School of Medicine, where he is
Mark Your Calendar for
now a first-year student. He also hopes that
he can one day expand the role of paramedics
as providers of primary and preventative care
to underserved areas. “I’d eventually like to see a practitioner
level paramedic—something comparable to a
nurse practitioner or physician’s assistant,” he
explained. Eversull shared that while servicing
rural areas, he and his fellow paramedics were
doing a lot of primary and preventative care.
On many calls he found himself thinking,
“Gosh, if I’d had seen you four or five months
ago and been able to take you to the hospital,
we wouldn’t have this really serious medical
problem. I’d like to be part of an effort to
maybe redefine what it is to be a paramedic
or EMT.”
The Best Medicine Show
January 29, 2016 | Alabama Theatre
A night of original performances, short films, live music, and dance.
Presented by the School of Medicine Student Senate, proceeds benefit Equal Access Birmingham. www.bestmedicineshow.com
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