Cookie Handbook
Cookie Handbook
Troop Cookie Coordinator Cookie Handbook 2016 Girl Scout Cookie Program Calendar Checklist.......................... 2 Program Goals................................... 3 Troop Meeting Agenda................... 4 Selling Tips and Goal Setting........ 5 COCO................................................... 5 Using SNAP......................................... 6 Estimating Initial Orders................ 7 Placing Initial Orders........................ 7 Planned Orders................................. 8 Return Guidelines............................. 8 Transfers in SNAP............................. 9 Money Collection........................... 10 Gluten-Free Cookies..................... 10 How the Cookie Crumbles.......... 10 Direct Sale...........................................11 Order-Taking ......................................11 Cookie Share Program...................12 Digital Cookie Sales........................12 Cookie Booths..................................13 Request a Booth..............................14 Credit Card Readers.......................15 Cookie Cupboards..........................16 Creating the Reward Order..........17 Troop Proceeds...............................17 Girl Rewards......................................18 When You Have Questions: COOKIE HOTLINE 800.236.2710 COOKIE TEAM Sally Egan 608.433.2900 Terri Graffin 608.237.1142 Under your Cookie Program leadership, Girl Scouts will learn to achieve success and reach their goals. When a girl sells a box of cookies, she’s setting goals, making decisions,interacting with customers, handling money and learning the ins and outs of business ethics. Powerful skills for anyone to acquire! Thank you for helping build girls of courage, confidence and character who make the world a better place by participating in the Cookie Program. At a Glance • Cookie sale starts February 13 • March 6-7 return dates to Service Centers • Digital Cookie Program features direct shipping to customers • Gluten-free cookie pilot returns with girls earning rewards for sales • Improved distribution and cookie inventory management • New troop rewards • All new Adventure Point rewards • Cookie Sheet emails • Cookie Hotline-24 hour response: 800.236.2710 Use this handbook as your guide through cookie season. Review it carefully and make sure all steps are followed and deadline dates are met without exception. Troop Cookie Coordinator COOKIE HANDBOOK Cookie Calendar Checklist a Dates What to Do Before January 11 Attend Cookie Sale Program Training. If you need a refresher once cookie season gets going, watch it again at Also check out SNAP trainings at Before January 25 Complete the Troop Product Sale Coordinator Agreement and return to your Community Product Sale Manager (PMS). Before January 25 Conduct troop meetings to discuss the troop’s Cookie Program with your girls and parents. At the girl meeting: establish troop goals, safety procedures and due dates. At the parent meeting: collect signed Parent Permission Slips and ask for volunteers to help you! Before January 25 Update troop information and enter/edit girl information in SNAP. (page 6) Starting January 12 at 2 am CST Is your troop holding a Booth Sale? If yes, request a Booth Sale in SNAP. (page 14) January 25 Direct Sale Troops and Order Taking Troops doing Booth Sales • Initial cookie order due in SNAP by 11:00pm. (page 7) • If you are doing Booth Sales in February, you must include these cookies with the initial order to receive your cookies the week of February 8. • Print a copy of the Detail Summary Report and turn in to your PSM. February 8-12 Direct Sale Troops and Order Taking Troops doing Booth Sales Pick up cookies and order cards from community delivery station. Bring a copy of the troop Detail Summary Report. Make sure you count your order before signing the receipt. February 8-12 Direct Sales Troops • Distribute the cookies, order cards and collection envelopes to each girl. • Provide a receipt for the parent/guardian to sign AFTER they count their girl’s order. You keep the white copy for your records. • Complete transfers in SNAP assigning cookies picked up to the girl who received them. Order Taking Troops - Distribute order cards to each girl. February 13 Badgerland Girl Scout Cookie Sale Begins! February 13 to March 20 Cookie booth sales. If additional cookies are needed, make a Planned Order in SNAP at least one week before booth sale. (page 8) March 1 First ACH Withdrawal: 30% of troop’s balance as of February 23 is withdrawn from Troop Checking Account. Make sure there is enough money in the account to cover the withdrawal. March 6 by 8pm Order Taking Troops - First PLANNED order due in SNAP for delivery March 11-12. (page 8) Choose a Cookie Cupboard near you where you would like to get your cookies from. March 6-7 Direct Sales Troops may return any UNOPENED, UNDAMAGED, CLEAN CASES of cookies to any Girl Scout Service Center, if needed. (page 8) March 11-12 Order Taking Troops • Cookie pick-up from cupboard nearest you. • Distribute the cookies and collection envelopes to each girl. • Provide a receipt for the parent/guardian to sign AFTER they count their girl’s order. You keep the white copy for your records. • Complete Transfers in SNAP assigning cookies picked up to the girl who received them. March 18 Second ACH Withdrawal: 40% of troop’s balance, as of March 10, will be withdrawn. Make sure there is enough money in the account to cover the withdrawal. March 20 • Official end of Cookie Sales for all troops. If you still have cookies, keep selling! • Deposit all cookie money into troop checking account. March 21-28 Turn in Delinquent Parent Forms to Girl Scout Service Center, if applicable. (page 10) March 23 Girl Rewards Order due in SNAP. Be sure ALL transfers are done so girls get credit for all the cookies she sold. (page 9) April 4 Final ACH withdrawal from troop’s checking account for troop’s balance as of March 30. May 10-23 • Pickup Girl Rewards from Product Sale Manager and distribute to girls. • Report any discrepancies to Community Product Sale Manager. 2 Troop Cookie Coordinator COOKIE HANDBOOK Cookies Are Just the Beginning... Girls learn these five important skills by participating in the cookie program, which will help them grow into leaders of courage, confidence and character. Goal Setting: A Girl Scout sets cookie sales goals then creates a plan to achieve those goals all while developing cooperation and team building skills along the way. Money Management: A Girl Scout takes cookie orders, handles customers’ money and gains valuable and practical financial skills and know-how. Business Ethics: A Girl Scout is honest and responsible at every step of the cookie sale. Her business ethics here reinforce the positive values she is developing as a Girl Scout. Decision Making: A Girl Scout helps decide how she (and her troop) will spend cookie money, furthering critical thinking and problemsolving skills. People Skills: A Girl Scout learns how to talk to, listen to and work with all kinds of people while selling cookies. These experiences help her develop healthy relationships and conflict resolution skills. My Notes 3 Troop Cookie Coordinator COOKIE HANDBOOK Family and Troop Cookie Meeting Hold a Troop and Family Cookie Meeting Before January 25 It’s important that girls and their families attend the Cookie Program meeting to understand how it works and why it’s important. Review the program outcomes on page 3. Troop and Family Cookie Program Training Outline Do this at your meeting: • Collect the signed permission slips from each family. • Make sure their Girl Scout has selected her reward choices! • Distribute the Cookie Family Guide. Topics to cover at the meeting: Distribute the Troop Cookie Coordinator’s contact information. Review safety guidelines Talk about Goal Setting - What is the troop’s goal? - What is each individual Girl Scout’s personal goal? What reward is she working toward? - What is the troop working toward? What does the troop want to do with the proceeds? 4. The 5 Skills Goal Setting | Decision Making | Money Management | People Skills | Business Ethics 5. Ordering Guidelines - How much a family should order - remember selling cookies directly is easier than taking orders. Families are financially responsible for the cookies they order. - There is no expected maximum or minimum amount for girls to sell. - The average Badgerland Girl Scout sells 214 boxes of cookies. 6. Girl Scouts are honest and fair and don’t begin taking orders before February 13 7. Review the Digital Cookie Program - Online Selling! - Girls send eCards and invite customers to order from her digital cookie store. See details on page 12. 8. Cookie Share - What cause will the troop support through the Cookie Share program? 9. Picking-Up Cookies - Have parents write down the time, date and place in their Family Guide. You tell them when to pick-up! 10. Money Collection - Remind girls and parents to collect money when the cookies are delivered (checks made out to the troop). - Remind girls and parents to turn in money to you weekly. Give them specific dates if you want! 11. Cookie Booths - Plan the dates and locations of your troop’s cookie booths. 12. ASK FOR VOLUNTEER HELP NOW! - Remember: This is the troop’s Cookie Program. Make sure parents help you. Be specific about what you need and your expectations. 1. 2. 3. 4 Troop Cookie Coordinator COOKIE HANDBOOK Training Your Troop Selling Tips for Your Girls • Identify yourself, your troop and the reason you are trying to raise money. Explain your troop goals, where you are going and what service project you are planning. • Be proud. Wear your Girl Scout uniform or pin. • Be cheerful and courteous. Always say thank you. • Collect money as you give the cookies to your customer. Do not leave cookies with customers without receiving payment. • Is the potential customer on a diet and reluctant to buy? Remind them of Cookie Share - a charitable donation to a good cause. • Make sure the girls know the cookies. Have them taste test the cookies and be able to name their own favorites. • Have girls practice selling to their families first. Making those first cookie sales builds their self-esteem and helps them feel more comfortable when selling to other people. • Remind girls to tell customers that Girl Scout Cookies are not available in stores and that the cookies freeze well and make good gifts. • Use last year’s order card to get repeat customers! Goal Setting Use a Troop Goal Setting chart available at Let the girls figure out what they want to do with their cookie proceeds. Start a discussion. Let them lead the way. Once they’ve settled on some ideas, estimate the projected cost and decide how many boxes of cookies the troop will need to sell to be able to do their activity. Use COCO online and the COCOmobile app • Log on to Select the COCO Cookie Command button where the girls set goals and send eCards. • Girls can set and track their individual goals, and follow along to see how they are doing and what rewards they’ve reached. • Download the COCOmobile app for Apple or Android. • The girl’s entire cookie business is right at her fingertips. She can enter, view and edit orders; check to see if orders have been paid and delivered; track her reward program progress and text order confirmations directly to customers! Adults can find out how to share in the Cookie Program experience. On the Families tab, select how to support your Girl Scout. ACTIVATE COCO TO WIN February 8 - February 12 Girl Scouts who activate a COCO account and set a cookie goal will be entered to win! Random drawings for fun goodies every day that week! 5 Troop Cookie Coordinator COOKIE HANDBOOK Online Cookie Ordering System TIP! SNAP runs best on Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome web browsers. Getting Started • Visit • Enter your username (your email) and password: gswibcXXXX (XXXX=your troop number) - If you have more than one SNAP user for your troop, we can provide each with a login and password. - If your troop is not yet set up on SNAP, contact either your Community Product Sale Manager or Check Out SNAP’s Home Page (aka Cookie Sheet) • Messages: Click on the message and read it. • Calendar/Tasks: Place the cursor over the task or date on the calendar to view more information. Verify Your Contact Information • Select “My Account” (top right). • Click “Edit My Profile” and update all your contact information. • You will need to log out and log in again to complete the changes. Set Up Your Troop • Click the “MY TROOP” icon at the top, then “Edit Troop Information.” • Update your troop level and all information using the drop down menus. • Update all contact information, including your email. Important! We use this to send lots of important updates - make sure it’s correct! • Enter/Edit Troop Bank Account Number and Routing Number. • Alternate contact information should be an assistant cookie coordinator or troop leader. Click “Save.” Set Up Girls in Your Troop • Click the “MY TROOP” icon, then “Troop Girls.” • If you have new girls in your troop who are not listed, click “Add New Girl” at the top to enter each girl’s first and last name. Select the reward plan she is participating in. If it is Traditional rewards, enter her hoodie size in case she earns it. • Double click on a girl already listed and indicate which reward plan she is choosing. If Traditional, enter her hoodie size in case she earns it. • If a girl is not participating but is a member of your troop, leave her name. Your “per girl selling average” will not be affected. 6 Troop Cookie Coordinator COOKIE HANDBOOK Placing the Initial Cookie Order in SNAP Place order no later than January 25 • Select the “COOKIES” icon, then “Initial Order.” • Enter the total number of CASES per variety. One case=12 boxes of cookies. SNAP will total everything for you. Remember your Cookie Booth extras. If you are doing booth sales, order them now. • Save the order. You will be able to modify the totals before January 25. • Do not enter an order for Gluten Free cookies. If your troop did order them, the council will add the number you ordered to your initial order. How much and what kinds of cookies should I order? • The average Badgerland Council Girl Scout sold 214 cookie boxes during the last sale. That’s about 18 cases of cookies per girl selling. • Thin Mints, Peanut Butter Patties and Caramel deLites are the best sellers. • Below is the Badgerland Council recommended order, by case and variety, for each girl selling. You may want to change quantities. You do not have to order all varieties. NOTE: Ordering the correct amount is not an exact science. Each troop is different. We are the experts so let us guide you. Use the formula below. Badgerland retains the right to modify your troop’s initial order if it appears excessive for the number of girls selling. Badgerland Council Recommended Order Per Girl Selling REMEMBER : Each parent may choose to order more or less than 17 cases 5 Cases: Thin Mints 3 Cases: Caramel deLites 3 Cases: Peanut Butter Patties 1-1 1/2 Cases: Peanut Butter Sandwich 1-1 1/2 Cases: Shortbread 1-1 1/2 Cases: Thanks-A-Lot 1-1 1/2 Cases: Lemonades 1/2 Case: Cranberry Citrus Crisps Estimating the Initial Order Existing Troops How much did your troop sell in 2015? Use that data to guide this year’s first order. Retrieve your troop’s archived 2015 sales numbers: - Login to - Hold the curser on the “Report” icon at the top, click on “Archive Reports,” select the 2014-2015 cookie sale, click “Next.” - Select Summary Reports in the Report Categories box and Total Sales Summary in the Reports box. –Click “Go to Report” then “View Report.” If you want to see boxes instead of cases, change the Unit of Measure. Need more help with the initial order? Check out the Troop Initial Order Estimate worksheet at Fill out the Order Estimate Worksheet and it will automatically calculate 105% of your troop’s last year’s order; you can increase or decrease the numbers. Remember all orders are placed in cases (12 boxes of cookies per case). Factors to determine your troop’s order: • Troop Sales Goals • Number of Planned Cookie Booth Sales • Number of Girls Selling • The per-girl selling average in Badgerland Council is about 18 cases. Review your archived data to see your troop’s per girl average. Let that be your guide. Initial Order Deadline Placed in SNAP by January 25 If you miss this deadline, you MUST contact your area Product Sale Manager and then place a Planned Order in SNAP by 8:00pm on Sunday, February 14. You can select the Cupboard or Service Center where you plan to pick up your order by Friday, February 19. New Troops On average, each Badgerland Girl Scout sells about 18 cases of cookies during the Cookie Program. That is the average. Your troop may sell more or less. How to Get Started Estimating Your First Order • At the troop cookie meeting, discuss the troop goals for the cookie program. Consider these factors when establishing the troop sales goal: - What activities and programs are the girls planning for the year? Cookie money can pay for those events and outings. - Are the girls working on an award or bridging? - Do they have a special community service project to achieve? • Each Girl Scout, with her family, should set a sales goal. • The troop will use the girl sales goals to help finalize the troop’s goal. Need more help with the initial order? Check out the New Troop Initial Order Estimate worksheet on The worksheet will calculate an order based on overall 2015 Badgerland troop cookie sales. You may increase or decrease your estimate by changing the percentage in the gray box. Remember all orders are placed in cases (12 boxes of cookies per case). New Troop Initial Order placed in SNAP by January 25 If you miss this deadline a Planned Order can be placed on SNAP by 8:00pm on Sunday, February 14 for pick-up at your Cookie Cupboard or Service Center by Friday, February 19. 7 Troop Cookie Coordinator COOKIE HANDBOOK Order Management Changing, Viewing and Committing Orders To view all of the different order types for cookies and rewards, the Manage Orders tab MUST be used. • Hold cursor on the “COOKIE” icon and click on “Manage Orders.” • Select the type of order you would like to view. • Click “Apply Filter.” TIP: Roll your cursor over the order line for a “quick-view” of the order. This is helpful when viewing transfers. Planned Orders How to Get More Cookies As your troop sells through the initial order of cookies, you may run out and need more. Before creating a Planned Order, communicate with families in your troop! Are families holding cookies they aren’t selling? If yes, transfer cookies among families first. If more cookies are needed, create a Planned Order in SNAP. These planned orders will be picked up at the cookie cupboard convenient to you. All Planned Orders MUST be placed in SNAP by 8:00pm the Sunday prior to your planned pick- up date. Troop Cookie Coordinators can choose the pick up date and time from those available for the cupboard, but still need to arrange pick up with the Cupboard Manager by phone or email. How to Place a Planned Order in SNAP • Log on to SNAP using your email address and password. • Click on the Cookie icon, then “Planned Order.” • Select the cupboard from the drop down box. • Choose a pick-up date from the drop down box. • Enter the number of cases for each variety and click “Submit.” Note: You will be asked to confirm the order. Once you commit, the order is finalized. After the Planned Order cookies are picked up from the cupboard, the Planned Order will become a “cupboard-to-troop” transfer that is viewable on SNAP’S Order Management Page. When the transfer is complete, the cases will be available for you to transfer to girls for additional sales or booth sale credit to girls. Returns to Council Service Centers | March 6-7* Troops conducting a Direct Sale may return unopened, clean, undamaged full cases of cookies to the Badgerland Council Service Center near them between March 6-7.* Gluten free cookies are not allowed to be returned. As Troop Cookie Coordinator, communicate with your troop families before this date and find out if they are holding too many cookies. Before returning them, shuffle the cookies among troop families as needed. If the troop still needs to return cookies, have your families get them to you before March 6. If a troop returns cases, the troop may continue selling and ordering additional cookies, as needed. The return policy is designed as a safety net. Sometimes unexpected things happen: Girls may opt out of the cookie sale, people may get sick and be unable to sell...whatever the reasons, this policy is in place to help troops make sound financial cookie decisions. RETURN GUIDELINES • A troop must have placed an initial order by January 25. • Troops may return unopened, clean (no writing on the cartons!), undamaged cases. (No gluten-free) • Returns are accepted at Madison, La Crosse and Janesville Service Centers on these dates only: Sunday, March 6: 2-8pm Monday, March 7: 9am-8pm *Platteville Service Center will only be accepting returns on Monday, March 7 from 1-7pm 8 Troop Cookie Coordinator COOKIE HANDBOOK Transferring Cookies Troops needing more cookies to fulfill additional orders or cookie booth sales will receive them from a cookie cupboard (see Planned Orders on page 8). These transfers are entered by the Cupboard Manager. It is the responsibility of the Troop Cookie Coordinator to transfer the cookies to the girls so they receive credit when creating the reward order. Transfers also need to be completed so that SNAP can accurately figure your per girl selling average which is directly related to your troop proceeds. Girl to Girl Cookie Transfers • Click the “COOKIES” icon then “Transfer Order.” • Choose “Girl To Girl” in the ‘Type’ box. Select girl’s name in the ‘From’ box. You will be prompted to enter the number of boxes to be transferred. • Select the name in the ‘To’ box. • Save. Girl to Troop • Follow directions above except choose “Girl To Troop” in the ‘Type’ box. Troop to Girl (T2G) This will be your most common transfer. • Click the “COOKIES” icon, then “Transfer Order.” • Your troop will automatically default to the ‘From’ field. Note the inventory quantity will display in the Available Quantity column. • Select the girl you are transferring to in the drop-down. Note the inventory quantity will display in the Available Quantity column. • Enter the quantities to be transferred. Pay close attention to the Unit of Measure so that your transfer amounts are correct. • Click the “Save and Go To Manage Orders” button and “Save” the Transfer Order. What about Girls Getting Cookie Credit for Cookie Booth Sales? If you are giving a girl credit for additional boxes sold to a customer from whom she will need to collect money, enter the number of boxes for each variety. She is financially responsible for these cookies AND they help her achieve more rewards! If you are giving a girl credit for boxes sold at a Booth Sale, enter the number in the Booth Box. The girl is NOT financially responsible for these cookies. They simply help her achieve more rewards! Troop to Troop Complete a troop to troop transfer if you give cookies to another troop. No funds are exchanged when cookies are given to another troop. The troop giving away cookies will make the transfer in SNAP. • Select “Troop to Troop” in the Type box. • Click on your troop in the ‘From’ box. • Enter the number of boxes you are transferring to the other troop. Note: If you are transferring to a troop in a different Service Unit select the proper name of the Service Unit. • Select the troop in the ‘To’ box. Click “Save.” Transferring Cookies to Girls Using the Smart Booth You may divide up cookies to girls from any booth that you scheduled in SNAP. This will help maintain your proper “On Hand” inventory as exact boxes are transferred to girls through this process. • Hover over COOKIES. Click on “Booth Scheduler” then click on “Smart Divider.” • Double click on the Booth Location. • Enter the number of PACKAGES of each variety sold at that location. This is the 2nd box under each name. Click on the girls that sold at the Booth and click “Divide.” This will evenly divide the cookies to each girl. If there are any remaining cookies to allocate, you can give them to whichever girl earned them. • You may choose to modify the numbers to distribute the cookies based on the number of hours worked by each girl. After cookies have been divided, click “SAVE.” 9 Troop Cookie Coordinator COOKIE HANDBOOK Money Collection Payments from Girls •Girls collect payment from customers at the time of delivery. Customers pay for their cookies by cash or check written to the troop account; not to the parent personally. •Cookie money should be turned in weekly to the troop. Money should always be turned in when girls pickup additional cookies from their Troop Cookie Coordinator. •Troop cookie money should be deposited into the troop account promptly and frequently. •Deposit all cookie money into the troop account by March 24. •If any parent did not turn in their cookie money, DO NOT wait for them to turn it in. Complete the Delinquent Parent form and turn into the council ASAP, no later than March 28. The form is available on •Checks to the troop account that are returned for insufficient funds should be submitted to the council. Complete the Returned Check Reimbursement form with the necessary documentation and the council will reimburse the troop account for the amount of the check and any related fees. The form is available on Trios Gluten-Free Cookie Made with real chocolate chips, real peanut butter and certified gluten free whole grain oats, the cookie is baked in a gluten-free facility and is 100% delicious. Trios are bite-sized and come in a resealable pouch. It will cost more than our regular cookie menu - each pouch retails for $5.00. Troops were invited to pre-order these cookies and supply is very limited. Glutenfree cookie sales count towards girl rewards and are tracked in SNAP! Gluten-free cookies may not be returned. Payments to Badgerland Council Troops pay the council for all cookies received through the ACH (automated clearing house) process. To ensure your troop account is ready for ACH, you must enter the troop’s account number and routing number into SNAP. See page 6. March 1: 30% withdrawal The debit from your troop account will reflect 30% of what is owed according to reports on SNAP as of February 23. Make sure you have Troop to Girl transfers completed by February 20 so that SNAP can correctly figure your troop proceeds. Payment is recorded in the Finances section of SNAP. March 18: 40% withdrawal The debit will reflect 40% of what is owed according to reports on SNAP as of March 10. April 4: balance due as of March 30. The debit will withdraw the final balance. Any Delinquent Parent forms received by the council will be entered into SNAP prior to this date as your troop is no longer responsible for the payment of these cookies or the collection of the funds from the parent. The council will retain the troop profits on any delinquent parent cookies until the balance is paid in full. Trouble Collecting Cookie Money From a Parent? When cookie money is due to the council but you have not been able to collect from a troop parent, DO NOT WAIT FOR THEIR MONEY! Complete the Delinquent Parent Report form and Badgerland Council will contact the person directly. Document any communication you have had in your attempt to collect the funds and include the signed Product Sale Permission Slip and the signed receipt(s) by parent/guardian for cookies received. Do NOT collect funds from parents AFTER turning them in as Delinquent. The parents must work with the Council directly. How the Cookie Crumbles What happens to the profits from selling a box of cookies? Cost of cookies $1.01 Reward cost $ .19 Troop proceeds* $ .63—$.75 Girl & Volunteer $2.05—$2.17 Services $4.00 total *The cost breakdown is different for Girl Scouts not in a Troop and selling as Individually Registered Members. See the cookie page at for details. 10 Troop Cookie Coordinator COOKIE HANDBOOK How to Sell Girl Scout Cookies Direct Sale What’s a direct cookie sale? Simplicity! Order and delivery are combined in one simple transaction: knock on the door, sell the cookies, collect the money, hand off the cookies. With a direct sale, Badgerland Girl Scouts have boxes of cookies in-hand to sell door-to-door to family, friends and neighbors. In addition to direct sale, troops can also hold Booth Sales throughout cookie season. Managing a Successful Direct Sale • Discuss the quantity of troop cookies with girls and parents, then submit the initial troop order no later than January 25. • Troops and girls can always get more cookies if they run out. • Troops and girls can exchange cookies with other troops and individual girls. • The Troop Cookie Coordinator must check in with families WEEKLY to see who may need more cookies and who needs less. Exchanges can be coordinated among the troop members. • Troop Cookie Coordinators can also place a Planned Order by Sunday night at 8pm to receive cookies on Friday or Saturday of the same week. Actual pick-up date will depend on availability at the cupboard. • Troops have the opportunity to return unopened, clean cases (with no writing or damage, not gluten-free) between March 6-7 at a Service Center near them. The sale finalizes on March 20. With a direct sale, it’s all one transaction: knock on the door, sell the cookies, collect the money and hand off the cookies. Direct Sale Tips from People who Know...Last Year’s Veterans! Get Organized. This is critical! Keep all paperwork filed by date, track all girls’ sales and transfers in SNAP, keep the girls’ cookie money organized and be mindful of all the cookie deadlines. Hold a Parent Cookie Meeting. Get them involved to work with the girls, help set goals and plan a troop event to work towards. Ask For HELP! Do this at the parent cookie meeting. This is a Troop Sale...get parents involved! Share Your Contact Information. Make sure your parents know how to contact you and/or the Troop Leader. Set Boundaries! Set aside one evening or chunk of time that works for you...this time period can be dedicated to cookies. That’s when parents can come to you to pick-up cookies, drop-off money, make exchanges, etc. Remember: you’re in charge and you get to set the Troop Cookie Rules! Communicate. Communicate. Communicate. Have a telephone tree, email group or Facebook page so families can help out families who are struggling with sales. Make sure they are WELL informed on where and how to pick up more cookies. Think Ahead. Plan your cookie sale season. How many cookie booths will your troop hold? Where and how are you going to sell your cookies? Be Creative! This is a girl-led program so make sure they’re involved. Let the girls help strategize and think of fun, inventive ways to sell cookies. Traditional Order-Taking Sale All Badgerland troops have the option of conducting the traditional method of selling Girl Scout cookies using an order card. All Girl Scouts will receive an order card. Just like direct sales, girls may begin taking cookie orders from customers starting February 13 – all cookie sales begin on this date. Cookie orders are due to the troop leader on March 2. Your troop will place a Planned Order by March 6 at 8pm and you will receive these cookies either March 11 or 12 for girls to deliver and collect money from customers by March 20. Doing Order-Taking and Planning a Booth Sale? If your troop is doing traditional order-taking and plans to hold booth sales in February, you’ll need to get some cookies! Place an order for Booth Sale cookies on January 25 so that you’ll have cookies for booth sales beginning February 13. 11 Troop Cookie Coordinator COOKIE HANDBOOK How to Sell Girl Scout Cookies We’re Going Digital! Customers can now order their cookies online from their favorite Girl Scout. Here’s how it works: Using COCO Direct, girls will send a special eCard to her customers with a link to her digital store. Her customer can order, pay for and have cookies shipped directly to their house. The Girl Scout sending the eCard will receive credit for the cookies ordered but will not have to deliver the cookies or collect money. As an extra online safety feature, the link to the digital cookie store is specific to the email address it was sent to, so it’s not possible for people to forward the eCard and place orders. How else can Girl Scouts use the Internet to market her cookie program? Girls, with parental permission, can log into COCO and send cookie eCards to family and friends to remind them she’s selling cookies. Girls 13 and older, with parental permission, may market their Cookie Program on their social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. Girls must followup with the people she contacted and deliver the cookies personally. Girl Scout Cookies may not be advertised or sold on online auction or sales websites, including eBay and Craigslist. Marketing Girl Scout Cookies on community buy/sell/trade sites is not encouraged. If a cookie sale is promised from a buy/sell/trade site, girls, along with her parent/guardian, should meet the potential customers in a public place. Reminder: Just like all cookie sales, digital cookie sales begin February 13. Digital Cookie Sale Instructions 1. Log on to - Click on the ‘Girl’ tab and select her age level. - Click ‘COCO Cookie Command.’ - Click ‘Register’ to create an account. 2. Click the ‘Online Marketing’ tab to get started. 3. Click the ‘My Contacts’ tab to add your contacts. 4. Select the ‘Send an eCard’ tab. Choose the COCOdirect design and select the contacts you would like to receive this card. 6. Click ‘See Preview.’ You can edit the list of contacts if needed. 7. Click ‘Send eCard.’ Cookie Share: A Gift of Caring Cookie Share allows customers to purchase cookies to be donated to a cause chosen by a girl’s troop. Customers pay for the cookies but do not receive them, as the troop will coordinate delivery to a chosen cause, such as a food pantry. The girl will set aside the number of boxes a customer purchases through the Cookie Share program and give them to the Troop Cookie Coordinator when her money is turned in. Cookie Share orders are written in the Cookie Share column on the order card. All Cookie Share money and cookies must be turned in to the Troop Leader or Troop Cookie Coordinator. At the end of the sale, the troop will coordinate delivery to the chosen cause. These cookies are included in the girls’ totals and will count toward her rewards. To make sure they count toward her rewards, complete a Troop to Girl transfer and in order reference type cookie share cookies. For more info on how to do transfers, see page 9. Every Girl Scout who promotes the Cookie Share Program will earn the Cookie Share patch. SALES TIP: Pre-Written Thank You Notes. At a troop meeting, have the girls create thank you notes to carry with them to give to Share customers. This is used as a receipt to the customer for tax purposes. Include an area to indicate how many boxes the customer purchased. Find cookie clip-art for the notes at; click on the pink and blue dot icon at the top of the page. The purchase of Girl Scout cookies for consumption is not a charitable gift for tax purposes, but purchasing for donation is a charitable gift and tax-deductible. 12 Troop Cookie Coordinator COOKIE HANDBOOK February 13-March 20 All girls who help at a booth sale will earn the Booth Sale patch. A booth sale is the Girl Scout Cookie Program version of a lemonade stand. It allows girls to set up, run and manage their own cookie store! Plus the troop will earn additional proceeds by selling cookies directly to the public at area businesses. The booth sale is a troop activity and all girls should be given the opportunity to participate. Estimating How Many Cookies for Your Booth Sale This is a tricky one! The number of cookies needed depends on lots of factors: location, the weather and many other variables. For instance, if your Cookie Booth is held at a grocery store during a March Madness playoff game, you won’t sell as many during the game as before the game. Be strategic as you plan when and where to hold your troop Booth Sales. While there’s no sure-fire way to know how many cookies you’ll need, here’s a rough estimate based on an average 3-4 hour Booth Sale in a busy location: 1 Case: Thanks-A-Lot 4-5 Cases: Thin Mints 1 Case: Lemonades 3-4 Cases: Peanut Butter Patties 1 Case: Shortbread 3-4 Cases: Caramel deLites ½ Case: Cranberry Citrus Crisps 1 Case: Peanut Butter Sandwich HINT: If your troop participated in Booth Sales last year, pull out your sales data and use it as a guide. New to Booth Sales? Track the sales this year so you’ll be able to use that data in 2017. Ordering Booth Sale Cookies Order your troop’s Cookie Booth cookies with the initial order or as a Planned Order at least one week prior to the Booth Sale. See Planned Orders on page 8 for more information on how to order additional cookies. Plan PLAN Plan for Successful Booth Sales • Booths at Walmart, Copps, Pick ‘n Save Schnucks, Canoecopia, Kids Expo, Fishing Expo and East Towne, West Towne, Janesville and Valley View malls have already been secured and are available though the SNAP Booth Scheduler. • The following Walmarts are not allowing Troops to sell cookies at their location: Delevan, Madison @ Nakoosa Trl and Monona. • The following Walmarts request troops to contact them directly to reserve a booth date/time: Baraboo: No booths in February. Troops may begin contacting store on March 1. Lake Geneva: Troops are allowed 1 day during the entire sale. Troops choose how long they want to be there on that day. • Having a booth at a different location? Schedule your booth with the location manager first then schedule your booth sale on SNAP. Once approved, it will be posted on our website to direct customers to your booth. • How about setting up a Badgerland Council trailer booth? We have one. You can use it. Email for details on using the trailer. No charge! The trailer is located at the Madison Service Center. Some Ideas for Booth Sale Locations The number one location? Grocery stores! According to ABC Bakers, Girl Scout Cookie Booths held at grocery stores sell a national average of 40 boxes per hour! Some other ideas: Car wash. Convenience stores. Banks. Post office. Choose a site that has a lot of foot traffic. The following companies do not allow Girl Scout Cookie Booth sales: Costco, Hy-Vee, Menards, Target and Woodman’s. 13 Troop Cookie Coordinator COOKIE HANDBOOK Request a Booth Location – First Come, First Serve If you would like to conduct a Booth Sale at Copp’s, Pick-n-Save, Walmart*, Sam’s Club, Schnucks (Janesville area), Canoecopia, Kids Expo, Fishing Expo (Madison area), Valley View Mall (La Crosse area), Janesville Mall (Janesville area), and East Towne & West Towne Malls (Madison area), starting January 12 at 2am, you can select up to 3 locations where you would like to have cookie booths between February 13 – March 20. On January 17 at 9am (and all Sundays from this point forward) you may sign up for an additional 3 cookie booth times if you’d like. The booth locations above that are BOLD are considered Premium Sites and you are allowed to sign up for 1 of them during each sign up week. They are considered 1 of your 3 spots for the week. *Walmart Exceptions: No sales at Delavan, Madison (Nakoosa Trl), Monona; Baraboo-Troops can contact the store starting March 1; Lake Geneva-Troops are allowed 1 day during the cookie sale Here are the step by step instructions of how you complete that process: • Log into • Select the “Cookie” icon then “Booth Scheduler” • Select “Request Lottery” or “Schedule Booth Location” • Use the Search field to find booth locations by chain name/location, city, or contact name for the booth sale. You can also sort by Chain/Store name using the up/down arrows within the column. • Search by zip code and/or mileage radius to locate a booth sale. • Double click on the booth row for which you would like to secure for your troop. A calendar view will display with available dates marked in blue. • Single click on any date(s) that are marked “Available.” A schedule pop-up window will appear. Click on “FCFS Reserve” • Click “OK” when asked if you are sure you wish to reserve this booth. Click “Cancel” to return to the schedule pop-up window • If you wish to cancel a booth request AFTER clicking OK, click the “Cancel” button within the reservation pop-up window. • At the bottom of the Schedule Booth Sale page, the reserved booth will be reflected within the section titled, “FCFS” • If your troop no longer wants a booth they had chosen, click on the “X” next to it and it will open up for other troops to select. Request a Troop Secured Cookie Booth on SNAP If you are interested in conducting a cookie booth at a location other than the places detailed in the lottery system, you need to secure the location on your own. Once you’ve secured a location, it’s important to add that information to SNAP so we can help market your cookie booth location. A customer coming to our website or GSUSA’s website can put in their zip code and find where Girl Scouts are selling cookies in their area. To enter your booth information into SNAP, do the following: • Log into • Under the “Cookie” icon , click on “Booth Scheduler” then “Troop Secured Booths” then fill in the * fields • Click in the “Sale Date” cell to bring up a calendar then click the date of your booth. • Enter the booth’s “Start Time” and “End Time” • Click “Add Time” If you don’t do this step and you click save, it will not actually save your request. You must click “Add Time.” • Click “Save” after all your booth times are entered • Once your booth is approved, you will receive an email stating you are approved for the specific cookie booth. 14 Troop Cookie Coordinator COOKIE HANDBOOK Credit Card Readers Lots of folks want to buy cookies but don’t carry cash. Having a troop credit card reader is a great way to get those sales! Below are some common credit card reader companies with their fees per transaction. Troops must cover the transaction fee out of their troop funds, and are not allowed to charge more than $4 for a box of cookies or $5 for gluten free cookies to cover the transaction fees. To help reduce transaction fee costs, a good plan is to require a minimum number of boxes purchased for a customer to use their credit card. PayPal Free Reader to the Troop Sign up at Need Council Tax ID# to start up account Fees: 2.7% per transaction if swiped 3.5% + $0.15 per transaction if keyed in Sage Reader cost $20 Sign up at The Troop will need to use the Sign Up Guide Provided by Sage. Fees: 2.1% + $0.08 per transaction if swiped 3.5% + $0.10 per transaction if keyed Square Free reader online to the Troop Sign up at Fees: 2.75% per transaction if swiped 3.5% + $0.15 per transaction if keyed PayAnywhere Free reader online to the Troop at Fees: 2.69% per transaction if swiped 3.49% + $0.19 per transaction if keyed If you purchase the reader from Menards for $9.97, there is currently a promotion that allows no Transaction Fees on the first $2000 of sales. Our Council Federal Tax ID # is 39-0806331 15 Troop Cookie Coordinator COOKIE HANDBOOK 2016 Cookie Cupboards What’s a cookie cupboard? It’s where troops pick up cookies for additional orders or cookie booths. There is no money transacted. The cookies received are transferred to the troop through SNAP. The troop is financially responsible for all additional cookies picked up. Cookie Cupboard Dates | February 19 – March 13 (Service Center Cupboards open until March 20) Contact the cupboard manager to schedule a time for pick up. Beaver Dam Area Cheryl Levandoski Cashton Area Sheryl Barker Cross Plains Area Sandy Buss Dodge County Area Barb May East Madison Sandy Bennett Fountain City Area Peggy Duellman Independence Jennifer Perry Janesville Area Girl Scout Center La Crosse Area Girl Scout Center Lake Geneva Area Tracy Schroeder Madison Area Girl Scout Center McFarland Area Terri Graffin Muscoda Area JoAnn Wiederholt North-East Madison Platteville Area Girl Scout Center Portage Area Brenda Smith Sauk Prairie Area Connie Henry Spring Green Area Pam Gauger Sun Prairie Dannelle Gay Tomah Area Trempealeau Area Rose Vanderbloemen Tiffany Kinser Viola Area Charlene Hamilton Watertown Area Rebecca Hartmann West Madison Area Mary Clare Murphy and Claire Kircher Sally Egan Linda Van Buskirk Joan Hare Dee Stojan Mandy Albrecht N7516 Burns Rd. Beaver Dam, WI 53916 NEW LOCATION 920.356.0460 608.487.4865 2310 Lewis St. Cross Plains, WI 53528 430 Sandy Lane Hustisford, WI 53034 2102 Anvil Lane Madison, WI 53716 733 Fountain St. Fountain City, WI 54629 N41433 Bolstad Rd Independence, WI 54747 3000 Milton Avenue Janesville, WI 53545 2710 Quarry Road La Crosse, WI 54601 288 S Stonefield Rd Elkhorn, WI 53121 2710 Ski Lane Madison, WI 53713 5109 Leanne Lane McFarland, WI 53558 216 N. Iowa St. Muscoda, WI 53573 6081 Rattman Rd Madison, WI 53718 305 East Highway 151, Suite D Platteville, WI 53818 630 E Conant St Portage, WI 53901 1225 Fairview Dr. Prairie du Sac, WI 53578 7742 Helena Rd. Arena, WI 53503 316 E Klubertanz Rd Sun Prairie, WI 53590 520 Pearl St. Tomah, WI 54660 17391 N. Main St. Galesville, WI 54630 425 S. Commercial St. Viola, WI 54665 518 Oak Park Ave. Watertown, WI 53098 602 South Shore Dr. Madison, WI 53715 608.798.3771 262.370.8375 608-262-9928 608.687.3419 715.985.4664 608.313.6255 608.276.9160 (f) 608.433.2900 608.276.9160 (f) 262.249.0738 608.237.1142 608.276.9160 (f) 608.838.6525 608.739.4307 608.333.8891 608.230.8375 608.276.9160 (f) 608.742.6343 608.434.2278 608.574.8686 608.825.3847 608.372.3545 or 608.343.1850 608.799.2453 608.627.1422 920.988.7448 608.235.4281 16 Troop Cookie Coordinator COOKIE HANDBOOK All About Rewards Girl Scouts earn rewards based on their total number of cookie boxes sold. Make sure all troop-to-girl transfers are done and that the sales total for each girl is correct BEFORE ordering final rewards. The automated reward feature will calculate the quantities for each girl. Also make sure that you have selected the Reward plan each girl wants. To do this click on “My Troop > Troop Girls.” Where there is a choice in reward, a drop down menu will appear so you will need to choose the correct reward. Reward orders are due in SNAP by March 23. Creating the Girl Rewards Order • Select the “Recognitions” icon. • Hold curser on “Create Recognition Order” and click “Main.” The system will automatically calculate the troop’s reward order. • Each girl will be listed with the total number of boxes she is getting credit for. Wherever there is a choice, click on the button under the reward she chose. • If a girl earned the Cookie Share Patch or Cookie Booth Patch the number “1” needs to be physically inserted in the Quantity box. • The number bar patches will be sent automatically, you do not need to select them. • After all rewards for all girls are selected click “Save” at the bottom. Creating the Troop Rewards Order • Select the “Recognitions” icon. • Hold curser on “Create Recognition Order” and click “Troop”. The system will automatically calculate if your troop earned the reward. • If not earned, click “Save.” • If earned, choose the reward your troop will be participating in. If you are unsure, click on “Troop Rewards - Not Sure.” How Rewards Works For Girls Girl Scouts earn rewards based on all regular cookies sold during cookie time, including Cookie Share cookies, e-card online cookie sales and booth sales. Rewards are cumulative (except achievement bars). Each girl will receive an achievement bar representing the highest level boxes sold starting at 100+ boxes. See the girl order card for pictures of rewards. Badgerland Bucks may be redeemed for lots of great things including experiences and stuff! Redeem your Badgerland Bucks for merchandise at the Badgerland Council Shops, all Badgerland sponsored programs and resident camps, camp trading posts, membership registration dues and community events. NOTE: Badgerland Bucks are only for girl use and are not to be used by troop leaders unless authorized by the girl and her parent. Badgerland Bucks expire September 30, 2016. For Troops All troops earn 63¢ per box on all cookies sold. The higher the troop’s per-girl selling average, the more the troop earns. Remember that troop proceeds belong to the Girl Scout troop and not to the individual members of the troop. Decisions about spending troop proceeds must reflect the wishes and interests of all the girls. This is their girl-led business! Troop Per-Girl Selling Average of Boxes Sold 1-203 boxes 204- 299 boxes 300+ boxes Troop Profits 63¢ per box 69¢ per box 75¢ per box Troop Rewards Troops that sell an average of 204 cookie boxes per girl will earn the Troop Reward. And, this year, girls get to choose which trip their troop will take together. In 2015, 438 troops earned this reward. Will your troop earn a trip this year? 2016 Troop Reward Choices • Kalahari Resort at Wisconsin Dells > (three dates available) Sunday May, 15 | Sunday, May 22 | Sunday, June 12 • Milwaukee Zoo Trip > Saturday, May 14 • Nickelodeon Universe at Mall of America > Saturday, May 21 17 Troop Cookie Coordinator COOKIE HANDBOOK All About Rewards Girl Rewards 36—59 boxes 60—95 boxes 96—131 boxes 132—167 boxes 168—203 boxes 204—251 boxes 252—299 boxes 300—347 boxes 348—407 boxes 408—599 boxes 600+ boxes 600—803 boxes 804—1007 boxes 1008—1211 boxes 1212-1415 boxes 1416-1619 boxes 1620-1823 boxes 1824-2015 boxes 2016+ boxes Theme Patch Notepad and Pen Door Hanger Bracelet Kit OR $5 Badgerland Bucks Lip Gloss OR $5 Badgerland Bucks Optic Light OR 6-in-1 Scarf OR $5 Badgerland Bucks Cross Body Bag OR Small Hedgehog OR $10 Badgerland Bucks Large Hedgehog OR Stamp Textile Kit OR $15 Badgerland Bucks Beach Towel OR Hoodie OR 2017 Membership OR $15 Badgerland Bucks 1 Adventure Point Official Badgerland Top Cookie Seller! Recognition at Annual Meeting in September. 1 Adventure Point 1 Adventure Point 2 Adventure Points 2 Adventure Points 3 Adventure Points 3 Adventure Points 3 Adventure Points 3 Adventure Points You will earn 1 more Adventure Point for every 8 additional cases (96 boxes) sold over 2016 boxes. Rewards are cumulative. For example, if you sell 2016 boxes you will earn 19 Adventure Points as well as all the rewards earned between 36-407 boxes. ADVENTURE Points 1 Point yy $25 Badgerland Bucks yy Hammock yy Snap Circuits Motion Detector yy Spa Science Kit yy Wisconsin State Park Car Pass 2 Points yy $75 Badgerland Bucks yy $50 Donation to one of four listed non-profit organizations yy Children’s Museum of La Crosse “Explore” Membership yy Henry Vilas Zoo Family Membership yy PlasmaCar Ride On 3 Points yy $125 Badgerland Bucks yy American Girl of the Year Doll yy Dubuque River Museum Family Pass yy Hiking Daypack w/Hydration System yy Madison Children’s Museum Pass (4 person) 5 Points yy $250 Badgerland Bucks yy GoPro Hero3 w/Front Helmet Mount yy Great Wolf One-night Stay for Four yy Discover Minneapolis Overnight 7 Points yy $400 Badgerland Bucks yy Kayak yy Camp Session of Your Choice (max one week) yy Olympus TG-4 Waterproof Camera 10 Points yy $600 Badgerland Bucks yy Little Free Library Kit yy Trek Bike 13 Points yy $800 Badgerland Bucks yy Door County Adventure Weekend yy Apple® iPad® Air 16GB yy Two Camp Sessions of Your Choice (max two weeks) 16 Points yy $1000 Badgerland Bucks yy Chicago Three-night Adventure yy Mall of America Adventure Three-night Stay 19 Points yy $1200 Badgerland Bucks yy Walt Disney World® for Two! Five-day/Four-night yy Microsoft® Surface Pro3® 128GB w/type cover yy Unlimited Camp Sessions for 2016 Summer Season yy Washington D.C. for Two! Five-day/Four-night New Philanthropist Reward Girls will choose to either earn the rewards from 60-407 boxes or to donate her earnings instead. If she chooses the donation option she will earn a special patch, and Badgerland Council will make a donation, in her name, to one of these amazing non-profit organizations: yy Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation yy Girl Scouts of Wisconsin - Badgerland yy National Park Foundation yy World Wildlife Fund Boxes 96-167 168-251 252-299 Donation $5 $5 $10 300-347 $10 348-407 $10 THE FINE PRINT: Like rewards, donations are cumulative. Only one organization can be named per girl. Girls will still receive any cookie program patches or bars she earned. 18 2016 COOKIE CALENDAR at a glance January 25 Initial Order (including cookie booth sales) Due February Pick-up Cookies and Order 8-12 Cards February 13 Sales begin! March 1 ACH Pull - 30% March 2 Parents return clean, unopened cases to you they do not want to be financially responsible for. March 6 by Order-taking troops order 8pm due March 6-7 Cookie Returns to Council March 11-12 Order-taking troops pick-up cookies to deliver March 18 ACH Pull - 40% March 20 Sale Ends March 23 Girl Rewards Order Due April 4 Final ACH Pull - Balance May 10-23 Distribute Girl Rewards Badgerland Cookie Program Fast Facts Who can participate in the Cookie Program? Any registered Girl Scout at any grade level. How much does a box of cookies cost? $4.00 per box except gluten-free, which cost $5 per pouch. Cookies must be sold at prices stated. How many boxes are in a case of cookies? Twelve boxes per case. What are the cookies? There are eight varieties: Thin Mints, Caramel deLites, Peanut Butter Sandwich, Peanut Butter Patties, Lemonades, Shortbread, Thanks-A-Lot and Cranberry Citrus Crisps. The gluten-free Trio is available as a pilot cookie. It will sell for $5 per pouch and is up to the troop whether to order. When You Need Help 800.236.2710 Your question will be answered by a cookie expert within 24 hours QUICK REFERENCE GUIDE INFO Cookie Program materials, trainings, information COCO, eCards, cookie clip-art, activities for girls SNAP 24 Hour Support RESOURCE 800.236.2710 1.800.853.3730 My Important Information My Community Product Sale Manager Address Email Phone
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