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Optimized File Version. NOVEMBER 2007 Z i N E TM M a s t e r Premiere Issue In this issue: BNI’s Dr. Ivan Misner Victor Donselaar MOVIAL @ Lyn Mettler Dr. Drew Stevens VistaPrint’s Chris Kenney Gold Lasso’s Elie Ashery Beth Shaw Yoga Fit from Ponn Sabra Raj Khera Introducing: The Geek Girls Lauree Ostrofsky: Grounded in Potential Marketing Strategies for the Online Guru in You ht 2007. All rights reserved. Premium Web-Based Networking Quarterly Magazine www.NetworkAbundance.com Published by Sensitive Pie Productions, a division of Tribeca Optimized File Version. NOVEMBER 2007 TM SHARE YOUR LIFE’S SACRED ART. © Copyright 2007 Designed by Sensitive Pie Productions ZiNE Master O N S A L E N O W. D O W N L O A D O N LY. Intelligent. E c o - F r i e n d l i e r. Copyright 2007. All rights reserved. www.NetworkAbundance.com Published by Sensitive Pie Productions, a division of Tribeca Nine, Inc Optimized File Version. ZiNE Master NOVEMBER 2007 TM Fo r t h e O n l i n e G u r u i n Yo u . Marketing Strategies. 5 6 Editor’s Indulgence 29 18 Innovative Ways to Web PR Success 7 7 Online Strategies from a Yogi Guru 33 20 Top 5 Internet Branding Techniques 13 10 M a k i n g S o c i a l N e t w o r k i n g : Social. 35 21 Create Spam Free E-Commerce Mail 17 12 Dr. Drew’s Marketing Strategies 41 24 Geek Girls’ Clockwork Tactics 19 13 Trends in Professional Networking 45 26 25 16 27 3 Search Marketing For Dummies Inner Work: Grounded in Potential We are All Seeking Balance, Harmony, Peace & Abundance on the Path of Wonder. 17 Getting the Most for Your Money RE: PAGE NUMBERS. BIG numbers denote the publication page #, exponentially placed numbers denote PDF reader PG # using an Adobe PDF reader. Copyright 2007. All rights reserved. www.NetworkAbundance.com When viewing our magazine, remember that perception isn’t always ‘reality’. In PDF- mode we publish in a twopage spread. This issue does not have a “back cover”; only a front “cover”. Your PDF reader is likely to tell you there are less pages than there really are. Think of it as a 2:1 ratio of PDF pages:) Enjoy your journey! Published by Sensitive Pie Productions, a division of Tribeca Nine, Inc 4 Optimized File Version. ZiNE Master NOVEMBER 2007 TM Web-Based Attitude. Heart-Centered Gratitude. NOVEMBER 2007 I DON’T KNOW ABOUT YOU, BUT IT FREQUENTLY OCCURS TO ME THAT IT IS ESSENTIAL THAT WE, AS INDIVIDUALS, WORK A LITTLE HARDER TO ALIGN TO OUR TRUE MISSION IN LIFE. FOR YEARS I’VE WATCHED THE INTERNET GROW UP. IN THE EARLY 90’S MY EX-HUSBAND WAS WORKING FOR A UNIVERSITY COMPUTER LAB AND WOULD COME HOME EVERYDAY TELLING ME, “WE NEED TO BUY A BUNCH OF DOMAINS!”. AS THE FAMILY FINANCE DEPARTMENT & A SENSIBLE CORPORATE CREDIT MANAGER, I WOULD GIVE HIM ALL OF THE REASONS WHY HIS IDEA WAS “UNSOUND” & WOULD REMIND HIM THAT “DOMAINS” JUST WEREN’T IN MY BUDGET, NOR WERE “DOMAINS” IN MY PLAN FOR OUR FAMILY’S FINANCIAL FUTURE & WELFARE. SOMEWHERE BETWEEN THE MID-90’S AND “9/11”, AS A SENIOR NETWORK MANAGER FOR A MAJOR UTILITY, MY EX-SPOUSE WOULD COME HOME AND URGE ME TO INVEST IN “DOT.COM” STOCK. MY REPLY, “ARE YOU CRAZY? — HOW WILL THEY EVER PRODUCE A DIVIDEND?” TODAY, I OWN MORE THAN 100 DOMAIN NAMES. GO FIGURE. BY 2002, DURING A 3 MONTH RESPITE ALONE IN SEDONA, ARIZONA, I SAT FOR AN ENTIRE WEEK IN MY LITTLE CONDO WORKING ON MY OWN “WEBSITE”, IT WAS MAGNIFICENT— AT LEAST TO ME. THE PROBLEM BACK THEN WAS…. ONE COULD BUILD IT, BUT NOBODY WOULD COME TO SEE IT. AS A SEASONED ADVERTISING GURU, I TOOK THE USUAL STEPS IN PROMOTING MY 2002 WEBSITE. I TRADED “AFFILIATIONS”, WHICH WERE STILL RATHER INFORMAL BACK THEN —- “I’LL GIVE YOU MY BANNER IN EXCHANGE FOR YOURS”. 5 WHEN I RETURNED HOME TO NAPA IN 2002, I ABANDONED MY LITTLE WEBSITE AND IT FELL INTO THE ETHER-ABYSS. EASILY FORGOTTEN BY ME & EVERYONE ELSE:) Copyright 2007. All rights reserved. www.NetworkAbundance.com THIS IS WHAT I KNOW. THE WORK THAT GOES INTO BUILDING A SITE COMES FROM THE DESIGNER’S SOUL. IT’S ABOUT MORE THAN PRETTY PICTURES AND IDEAS AND BUTTONS AND “BUY NOW” SLOGANS. A REAL WEBSITE IS DIFFERENT THAN THE OVERNIGHT “I GOTTA SECRET & A USED CAR TO SELL TO YOU” TYPES. KNOW WHAT I MEAN? A REAL WEBSITE IS A CREATIVE EXPRESSION THAT GOES FAR BEYOND MAKING A QUICK BUCK. IN FACT, IF YOU LOOK AROUND AT WHAT SUCCEEDS & ENDURES IN THIS WORLD VS. WHAT DOESN’T, ONLINE OR OFFLINE, I THINK YOU’LL FIND THAT A SUCCESSFUL ENTERPRISE DOES MORE THAN FILL A CONSUMER “NEED”. SOMEWHERE IN THE PROCESS A CONSUMER’S DREAM IS BEING REALIZED. YES, EVEN IN A CAN OF SODA, THE DREAM OF ‘CONVENIENCE’ & ‘INSTANT GRATIFICATION’ IS BEING REALIZED. I COULD BE WRONG, OF COURSE—BUT COMING FROM AN ONLINE PERSPECTIVE, AS AN AVID CONSUMER AND PRODUCER, I THINK I’M CORRECT IN MY ASSUMPTION. NO SURPRISE THAT ALL MAJOR MEDIA IS ALL ABOUT “EMOTION” … RIGHT? IT’S THE “DREAM” THAT KEEPS THE PRODUCER AND THE CONSUMER COMING BACK FOR MORE. FOR SOME THE DREAM IS “GETTING RICH”, FOR OTHERS THE DREAM IS “BEING FAMOUS” AND FOR SOME THE DREAM IS SURVIVING THROUGH THE NEXT MONTH TO GET TO THE NEXT “DREAM-GROWTH-STAGE”. FOR ME, THE DREAM IS ABOUT FREEDOM, SELF-EXPRESSION & A STRONG DESIRE TO HELP OTHER PEOPLE REALIZE THEIR OWN DREAMS. AFTER YEARS OF MANAGING & CONSULTING, I LIKE THE “QUIET FREEDOM OF LIFE ONLINE”. IF YOU’D LIKE TO SHARE YOUR THOUGHTS & DREAMS WITH OTHERS IN A MEANINGFUL WAY, EMAIL US & TELL US WHAT YOU LIKE MOST ABOUT LIFE ONLINE: LifeOnline@Tribeca9.com Our Best Wishes to You & Yours for a Safe, Happy, Healthy & Abundant Holiday Season! M. Joyce McMenamin, author of The Integrity Channel ®and President/CEO of Tribeca Nine, Inc, Publisher & Senior Editor of NoNicheTM remains the creative catalyst of the corporation she founded in 2006, after 25 years as a corporate finance manager, small business owner and consultant. She writes under the name, m.j.m. estrada & blogs at www.sedonagypsy.com; Joyce is a regional advocate for Asperger Young Adults. She is married, has one adult child & resides in the San Francisco Bay Area. She is a person on a mission. Published by Sensitive Pie Productions, a division of Tribeca Nine, Inc 6 Optimized File Version. ZiNE Master TM Online Marketing Strategies from a Yoga Guru Insights from Beth Shaw The practice of yoga has certainly made a comeback as it is the 6,000 year old secret to health and vitality . In a society of high tech, fast paced overachievers we all need to reconnect with ourselves: Body, Mind and Spirit. But how does one take an ancient practice and combine it with the modern technology of today in order to increase business and profit without losing its’ authenticity? My Passion. My Business. Beth Shaw explains it simply: “Yoga became my passion, and my passion became my business.” Since its inception in 1997, her business, YogaFit, has revolutionized the fitness industry and brought yoga into the mainstream. Born as an instructor-training program, the company has trained more than 50,000 yoga instructors in the United States and several thousand more in Europe, Asia, Australia, and South America, YogaFit teaches a unique, dynamic style of yoga that combines traditional fitness training, focused breathing, and strength building. While she attributes much of her company’s success to reputation and word of mouth, the creation of her website www.yogafit.com was a key element in successfully establishing her business and creating opportunities for company growth. Accessibility. By creating an online presence, Beth also increased YogaFit’s presence in the fitness industry and the business world. By forming www.yogafit.com, Beth made YogaFit accessible to the rest of the world, and she found herself with new devotees and customers from Japan to Germany that wanted to purchase YogaFit merchandise in bulk quantities. Her website also offered YogaFit enthusiasts the opportunity to sign up and register for trainings via the website as opposed to making that expensive overseas call or having to deal with the instability and unreliability of regular mail. Accommodating Client’s Needs. As YogaFit grew in popularity, so did the client’s demands for it’s’ merchandise and trainings. Beth had originally sold her YogaFit clothing out of the trunk of her car, but as her line of clothing and the demands for it grew, she knew that she needed to find another way to make her products available to the general public. By creating an online website, YogaFit can “come to the customer’, instead of the other way around. In addition, she wanted to make her products available to all other individuals that wanted to buy YogaFit merchandise but weren’t quite ready to commit to a full-time yoga practice. Continued on next page 7 8 Copyright 2007. All rights reserved. www.NetworkAbundance.com Published by Sensitive Pie Productions, a division of Tribeca Nine, Inc Optimized File Version. ZiNE Master NOVEMBER 2007 TM Instant Gratification. Establishing YogaFit’s website allowed the customer to obtain that instant gratification they desire. The website offers the individual one-on-one attention without delay, and there is no wait time or other inconvenience that would put the client on hold. Registration and purchases are simply a click away, and in the course of a few minutes, the customer can place their order and sign up for trainings without any obstacles. Their requests are processed more quickly and efficiently, and their satisfaction level is further increased. Keeping Track of What Works... and What Doesn’t. Another benefit of having an online data- base is the ability to keep track and monitor every move that is made. After a thorough analysis of what products sold the most and what products weren’t, Beth was able to make several tentative decisions in discontinuing part of her YogaFit clothing line, and also made the decision to expand her clothing line into an environmentally-friendly division as well. This was economically helpful in that it saved YogaFit thousands of dollars and also increased profit. Sampling For Satisfaction. Another method that Beth incorporated into her website was the opportunity to view and sample merchandise before purchasing. YogaFit sells an array of musical cds and accompaniment for workouts and customers now have the option to sample and preview the music before they buy it. This saves them the risk of an unsatisfactory purchase, and the possibility of return. It also saves YogaFit the cost of having to ship the item and then having it sent back. Friendly Links. One great way of getting free advertising is offering it. YogaFit has relationships with numerous companies and high profile organizations, and when Beth receives press or recognition on one company’s website, she then recognizes them on hers, often by providing mutual links on each other’s web pages. One link can lead to thousands of hits a day, which adds to the company’s financial growth. Incentives. YogaFit always offers monthly specials and other bonus incentives, such as a free CD valued at $15.95 with an online order of over $50. Certain incentives such as these serve as reward bonuses for the dedicated customer, and they also promote YogaFit’s business. Keeping It Personal. YogaFit prides itself on its’ personal relationship with its clients and trainees. Despite being thousands of miles away from a client, YogaFit strives to maintain that sense of connection with each individual. If someone has questions or concerns, YogaFit representatives are available over the phone or via email and are easily accessible. Customers know that when they’re making a purchase through the website, they’re not just dealing with a compute - they’re dealing with real people that care about their needs and satisfaction. Beth Shaw is the President of YogaFit® Inc., The Leader in Mind Body Fitness Education. 10 9 Copyright 2007. All rights reserved. www.NetworkAbundance.com Published by Sensitive Pie Productions, a division of Tribeca Nine, Inc Optimized File Version. ZiNE Master TM NOVEMBER 2007 “Modern life is a life full of choices, for good or for ill. Those who make conscious choices live richer and more purposeful lives.” YogaFit YogaFit uses its’ online presence to promote the company and spread the word, but by no means does that take the place of quality of service. Nor does it affect the authenticity of the ancient practice of YogaFit teachings. © Copyright 2007 Designed by Sensitive Pie Productions is committed to serving its client’s and trainee’s needs. Customer satisfaction is the number one objective. Rob Bennett. A u t h o r. By putting more emphasis on service quality and customer satisfaction, all else will follow and the good business comes naturally. w w w . Yo g a F i t . c o m 11 Copyright 2007. All rights reserved. www.NetworkAbundance.com "Passion Saving: The Path to Plentiful F r e e Ti m e a n d S o u l - S a t i s f y i n g Wo r k . " A p p e a r i n g In N ove m b e r ’s NoNiche CLICK TM TO DOWNLOAD NOW! Published by Sensitive Pie Productions, a division of Tribeca Nine, Inc 12 Optimized File Version. ZiNE Master NOVEMBER 2007 TM Uploading a video to YouTube and hoping someone will bump into it, isn’t exactly social behavior as much as it is "broadcast(ing) yourself" (YouTube's slogan). Real social media includes the element of sharing. If I send a link to you -- my friend, and the content is interesting, social media sharing would enable us to easily talk about it instantly. We’d share watching a video, invite other friends to join us, watch it, chat about it, send SMS and place voice calls about it, enabling all of us to have a much richer experience. This kind of real social media sharing is soon becoming a reality. There’s a second Internet wave that’s about to hit and operators are standing by to ride the crest. Operators are in a key position to use their fixed and mobile assets to bring the REAL social part to media by enabling people to easily share social media content to anyone, at any time, enabling users to instantly share the moment. In order to make social media really social, operators will be utilizing Internet content to facilitate person to person communication, bringing online and offline users closer by enabling them not only to look at content, but also share content experiences. Today, FMC operators have an enormous opportunity to expand their existing assets to enable Internet users and content to be shared instantly and in ways that are truly social. Making Social Media. .. “Social” with Victor Donselaar President Movial Sending, receiving, consuming, and sharing of social media content won’t just be an "online" experience where the user has to go to an Internet browser, but rather a ubiquitous experience where media is delivered instantly, personally, to a user, anywhere and anytime. Continued on page 15 13 14 Copyright 2007. All rights reserved. www.NetworkAbundance.com Published by Sensitive Pie Productions, a division of Tribeca Nine, Inc Optimized File Version. ZiNE Master NOVEMBER 2007 TM With the emergence of mobile web technologies, fixed and mobile operators are now finally seeing new opportunities to remove some of the “walled garden” aspect of their business and pursue new revenue opportunities. The key to their success will be predicated on their ability to focus on the end-user needs and their ability to abandon silo’d services. A good example of the kind of silo’d thinking that the industry needs to move away from is availability of certain services in one device environment (e.g., the PC) but not in another device environment (e.g., the mobile). This is exactly the case with video calling, which can be done on the PC but not the mobile device . . . yet! But with new web technologies and mobile bandwidth, these capabilities will be available on next generation handsets and offered by the more progressive operator networks. “ To d a y p e o p l e t a l k a b o u t social media as being truly social. But, in fact it's really anti-social.” - Victor Donselaar President, Movial The key to making this converged environment truly social is the industry’s ability to understand end-user needs on each device. Yes, the service set needs to be available across devices -- PCs, mobile, tablets, cars and even Set-Top-Boxes but the priority of the service set will change dramatically based on the device and the environment in which that device is used. If done properly, the user experience on each device will be complementary to a larger, more pervasive social experience. Carpe Diem – operators and marketers alike have a tremendous opportunity to capitalize on the exploding user generated content on the Internet by making social media really social, and delivering the shared content easily, instantly to any device and more importantly, by making it very easy to start communicating about shared content. Movial inspires rich, intuitive Internet ex- periences for companies embracing transformational technologies. Leveraging its deep expertise in Internet, Linux and m obile devices, Movial seamlessly enables its customers to deliver richer user experiences to millions of people on PCs and on mobile devices. Movial's device creation, Internet communications applications and design for digital services are generating revenue for industry leaders like ARM, Ericss on, Nokia, Telefònica and O range. By delivering highly intuitive and compelling user experiences, Movial has become the trusted source for enriching the way people interact everyday. For more information visit: www.movial.com . 15 Copyright 2007. All rights reserved. www.NetworkAbundance.com Published by Sensitive Pie Productions, a division of Tribeca Nine, Inc 16 Optimized File Version. ZiNE Master NOVEMBER 2007 TM Drew Stevens Ph.D. Many mentees and clients call me each day seeking methods to increase their marketing success. Eventually, fundamentals contribute to success, yet there are motives that one can take to address concerns in the vast enterprise of the Internet. Search Engine Optimization – Search engines such as Google and Alta Vista contain numerous methods that discover websites. While there is much banter on the subject and typically much ado about technology, SEO as it is technically named is an organic method based on algorithms created in searches for people to find you on the Internet. Think of this as a technological Hide and Go Seek. The value of SEO is that clients find you easily and hastily. The needed tactics include using typical words and phrases congruent with your industry. If you sell lawn mowers, the technique would be to use the words lawn, green, fertilizer, etc. on your website so that clients can find you. The more often the word the more often it is indexed by a search engine. Free – Prospects, clients, you and me all love free stuff. Review your web site and decide how you might offer something of value in exchange for an email address that can be used for a future marketing campaign. If you sell paint, yoga, Pilates, stamps, suggest for an email address that you provide “10 Tips for Proper Relaxation”. The more you offer the more traffic you will derive. Differentiation – Seth Godin in his book “Purple Cow” suggests the use of being remarkable, nothing in marketing is further from the truth. Your website requires difference from competition and difference from the industry. Provide audio, video, downloads, product sheets, “free smells” whatever is necessary to create a buzz. 17 Copyright 2007. All rights reserved. www.NetworkAbundance.com Exemplars of differentiation and buzz are Facebook and YouTube. Believe it or not the more variety the more they speak about you. Expertise – Prospects and clients are coming to you for your expertise. Provide articles; tip sheets and industry reports when possible. A recent client provided industry reports on the up coming golf season for his industry and gain an additional million dollars in business! Clients will find you for the value that you provide. Internet marketing is not different from traditional marketing. Internet marketing is simply quicker and more malleable. Nascent ideas today might be next week’s buzz. Yet, Internet marketing requires daily nimbleness and flexibility. Marketing that is hurried, rote or without meaning is useless. Prospects need to find you and you must maintain current on the ideas that bring your business to the next level. About Drew Stevens PhD Drew Stevens PhD is known as the Sales Strategist. Dr. Drew helps clients create more revenue in less time. He is the author of seven books including Split Second Selling and Split Second Customer Service and Little Book of Hope and is frequently called on by the media for his expertise. Sign up for Dr. Drew's newsletter The Sales Strategist at (drew3-143901@autocontactor.com) Review his new book Split Second Selling at: www.gettingtothefinishline.com Also visit Dr. Drew’s Blog located at: http://drewjstevens.blogspot.com Published by Sensitive Pie Productions, a division of Tribeca Nine, Inc 18 Optimized File Version. ZiNE Master NOVEMBER 2007 TM Dr. Ivan Misner is the Founder & Chairman of BNI, the world’s largest business networking organization. BNI was founded in 1985. The organization now has thousands of chapters throughout every populated continent of the world. Each year, BNI generates millions of referrals resulting in billions of dollars worth of business for its members. Dr. Misner’s Ph.D. is from the University of Southern California. He has written nine books, including his New York Times bestsellers, Masters of Networking and Truth or Delusion? Busting Networking’s Biggest Myths. He is a monthly columnist for Entrepreneur.com and is Chairman of the Board for The Referral Institute--a referral training company with trainers around the world. He has taught business and social capital courses at several universities and sits on the board of directors for the Colorado School of Professional Psychology. Called the “Father of Modern Networking” by many organizations and the “Networking Guru” by Entrepreneur magazine, Dr. Misner is considered one of the world’s leading experts on business networking and has been a keynote speaker for major corporations and associations throughout the world. He has been featured in the L.A.Times, Wall Street Journal, and The New York Times, as well as on numerous TV and radio shows. Tre n d s i n Professional Networking Dr. Misner is on the board of directors for the Haynes Children Center. He is the founder of the BNI-Misner Charitable Foundation and was named “Humanitarian of the Year” by the Daily Bulletin. b y D r. I v a n M i s n e r Dr. Misner resides in Southern California with his wife and three children. 19 20 Copyright 2007. All rights reserved. www.NetworkAbundance.com Published by Sensitive Pie Productions, a division of Tribeca Nine, Inc Optimized File Version. ZiNE Master NOVEMBER 2007 TM In the early 1980s, John Naisbitt wrote in Megatrends about the emerging importance of the networking process in society. Later, Tom Peters wrote in Thriving on Chaos that this “process can be systematized.” When you stop to think about it, these two statements weren’t made all that long ago. Networking and relationship marketing is a fairly new kid on the block. From the mid 80s to the 90s, systems and structures began to emerge that shifted a lot of business owners from a single-minded focus of direct selling to a broader scope which included relationship marketing and networking. There are several emerging issues and trends surrounding the process of networking that are being created out of the need to find an effective way to develop business for entrepreneurs and sales people in this new century. The following are three of the most prominent trends that look to become more important in the coming years: 1. Online AND Face-to-Face Networking will BOTH Continue to Flourish I’m a proponent of online networks like Ecademy.com and others. I think they will continue to grow successfully and help many of their members; however, they are not the final answer to business marketing or to networking, but simply another great tool for people to connect with others (especially outside their local geographic area). On my Referrals For Life Blog: http://referrals.ducttapemarketing.com , I recently had someone who said: “I don’t know that it is true anymore that referrals are about relationships.” He went on to say that technology is changing the rules and that just participating in a website should be good enough. Well, in one word, I’d have to say…. WRONG! Referrals are, and will be for the foreseeable future, all about relationships. Whether they are relationships built online or in face-toface connection – they will still involve relationships. People refer people they know and trust. They will not regularly refer someone simply because they are listed on a website – that’s called advertising, not networking. 21 22 Copyright 2007. All rights reserved. www.NetworkAbundance.com Published by Sensitive Pie Productions, a division of Tribeca Nine, Inc Optimized File Version. ZiNE Master NOVEMBER 2007 TM Online networking works, but relationships must still be part of the process. Using the Internet to exchange ideas, share knowledge and increase your visibility will be imperative in the coming years. Virtual networking is a catchy trend in many circles. Some people involved in face-to-face networking feel threatened, as if online networking is going to replace their tried and true system. Those who foretell the demise of face-to-face networking fail to note one important thing… the facts. Face-to-face networking groups continue to expand. The growth rate of my own referral networking organization, Business Networking International: www.bni.com, bears proof. Since the Internet first became popular in the mid 90s, BNI has experienced a 1,186% growth rate. That is NOT a typo! The more “high tech” business owners become, the more and more they really need to foster those “high touch” opportunities that face-to-face networking affords. Virtual networking can be an effective way to increase your business and the Internet can certainly be a great tool for staying in touch with those with whom you are currently networking, but I don’t think it will replace face-to-face networking in our lifetime. Technology flattens the communication hierarchy and provides opportunities to improve your networking efforts – not replace them. I believe people who understand this will begin to effectively utilize technology without replacing relationships to take their marketing to new levels in the years to come. 2. Networking & Social Capital Education Don’t hold your breath for the colleges and universities of the world to begin teaching networking and social capital. At this point, there are only two colleges in the world that offer regular, core-curriculum college courses on networking and social capital: 1. Davis College in Ohio (taught by Debby Peters), and 2. The University of Michigan (taught by Wayne Baker). That’s it – two colleges! The college and university systems are behemoths of bureaucracy so far behind the curve of small business development that I’m beginning to despair that they will ever catch on. Most professors have never had a real job in the business world and are completely out of touch with what is happening in real life, especially in small business. I predict that the current trend in networking and social capital education will emerge in the form of private professional training organizations in much the same way that private industry has controlled the educational market on “sales techniques” (another area that colleges fail miserably). Companies like the Referral Institute: www.referralinstitute.com, offer a series of trainings specific to the techniques and systems of networking, social capital, and referral marketing are starting to pop up with a very refined and polished slate of seminars and trainings for those business owners who want to learn how to harness the power of word-of-mouth marketing. 3. Small Companies will Continue To Have the Edge Over Big Companies (Relating to Business Networking) For the most part, big companies are clueless about building sales through the networking process. They perpetually teach sales personnel traditional methodologies while relying heavily on advertising to create buzz. Mind you, there’s nothing inherently wrong with these strategies. The problem is – big companies don’t effectively add referral marketing into the process. When it comes to developing social capital and the networking process, small business is king. Big business is slow to move out of the mindset of splashy ad campaigns, big dollars spent on traditional marketing, and the same-old, same-old. If big corporations ever get it, watch out. But so far, they have been slow to act. Even programs like the USA’s “Do Not Call” registry, have not moved big companies into understanding how to train their people to network effectively… yet. If big business does ever get “it,” they are likely to run over the little guys. They will learn how to develop social capital and will teach their people how to do true relationship marketing. Most big business is just a notch or two above the universities in the “you can’t tell me anything new” department! For now, there are only a few forward thinking big companies who consistently apply these concepts (and I mean very few). For the rest, it’s a trend to watch for in the very distant, distant future. Continued on Page 40 23 24 Copyright 2007. All rights reserved. www.NetworkAbundance.com Published by Sensitive Pie Productions, a division of Tribeca Nine, Inc Optimized File Version. ZiNE Master TM NOVEMBER 2007 FROM THE FOUNDER OF GROUNDED IN POTENTIAL I n n e r W o r k to Increase Online Aw a r e n e s s and Success Yo u k n o w t h e c o n c e p t o f I n n e r Wo r k , b e c a u s e y o u ' v e l i v e d i t . It means looking inward to understand yourself on a deeper level and to know your purpose. It's what likely helped you create the life you're living right now and prompted you to read this magazine. O n t h e p r o f e s s i o n a l s i d e , I n n e r Wo r k i s about tapping into what you innately know about your business and the customers you want to target. Accessing that knowledge, and using it to your advantage, brings you into alignment with yourself and means work becomes a natural extension of you (and therefore not work at all). It also gives you valuable information to use when marketing your business to customers. So you have this great business or idea for a business and want it to take flight. Just like before it takes digging below the surface to connect to who you are, this time as a businessperson, and what you know already about your ideal customers – the ones you want, not necessarily the ones you have. Lauree Ostrofsky, CPC This article is continued on Page 43 Learn more about Lauree & walk through her exercise for creating successful and purposeful customer profiles on Pg 44 25 Copyright 2007. All rights reserved. www.NetworkAbundance.com Published by Sensitive Pie Productions, a division of Tribeca Nine, Inc 26 Optimized File Version. ZiNE Master NOVEMBER 2007 TM Raj Khera If they were looking for "museum exhibit design", put "Museum Exhibit Design" as a headline and then get into the benefits you provide. Include a picture of someone smiling looking directly at the reader – numerous eye tracking studies report that this increases response rates. on Getting the Most From Your Online Ad Dollars Department store mogul John Wanamaker once said, “I know that half my advertising works, I just don't know which half.” The Internet changed this – in a big way. For $50, you can use search engines to get hundreds of leads. Google, Yahoo, and most other search engines allow companies to bid for rankings by keyword. When someone enters a search term, the “Sponsored Listings” you see are paid placements. The best part: you pay only when someone actually clicks on your ad. Plus, you can tweak your ads constantly to measure changes in response rates. Buying well-defined keywords increases the quality of your leads. For example, if you specialize in construction for museum exhibits, do not buy terms like "construction" or "museum" by themselves. You will get a lot of unqualified leads and rack up quite a bill. Instead, use terms like "museum exhibit design" and "museum exhibit construction" to attract qualified leads. SEOBook.com has a keyword research tool to help you identify keyword variations and get traffic estimates on each term. Your next step is to write compelling ads for each keyword. Ads that contain the keywords in the headline and text get a much higher click rate than those that do not. If you serve only local customers, several search engines offer geo-targeting capabilities to display your ads only in your local area. Once someone clicks on your ad, show them a "landing page" that includes the keyword they used during their search. Your landing page should also include a clear button instructing the reader to take action to try out your service, download a whitepaper or coupon, sign up for your email newsletter, or anything you can offer to create a relationship. Keep track of your results. Tweak your ads and landing pages and you will find the magic formula that works for your business. Raj Khera is CEO of MailerMailer, a leading opt-in email list management service that enables customers to create, send and track email newsletters and marketing campaigns, and hosts a small business resource center at www.MoreBusiness.com. Visit Raj's blog at: blog.MailerMailer.com For a free trial of M a i l e r M a i l e r, g o t o : w w w. M a i l e r M a i l e r. c o m 27 28 Copyright 2007. All rights reserved. www.NetworkAbundance.com Published by Sensitive Pie Productions, a division of Tribeca Nine, Inc Optimized File Version. ZiNE Master NOVEMBER 2007 TM Web PR Success Blogging With a Purpose. Innovative Ways to Use Web Technologies from Lyn Mettler It seems you can’t turn around these days without hearing how traditional media are in a severe decline. Newspapers’ readership is declining, radio is battling iPods and satellite radio for the listener’s ear, and digital video recording has taken the wind out of TV’s sails. I personally have been disappointed to see articles I have earned for clients in major outlets like the New York Times and Chicago Tribune yield little to no response. In the past, such a “hit” would result in countless inquiries that could almost turn a company around overnight. So where do you go from here if you want to engage public relations to help expand awareness of a new product, initiative, or simply just to maintain your company’s reputation? Where else but the Web? The same client who had little feedback from those national newspaper “hits” actually experienced a huge response to an article posted on CNN.com. 29 But it’s essential that you think creatively, strategically and consider your company’s message when you begin to explore the many tools now available online to help you spread the word. Below I’ve outlined four examples of companies who creatively used a Web technology as a public relations tool and saw great results. Copyright 2007. All rights reserved. www.NetworkAbundance.com Everybody and his brother appears to be blogging these days on everything from their favorite sports team to their pet. And many companies are jumping on the bandwagon too quickly without a solid strategy in place to use their blog to reach their target audience. Breakaway Adventures, a company who books walking and cycling tours of Europe, worked with my public relations firm to create a blog that would engage their potential and existing clients and provide them with helpful information. Last year, I led a group of journalists on one of the company’s cycling tours to the small island of Gozo, part of the Malta archipelago, and I suggested that I do a daily blog detailing my experience and posting photos of our trip. This allowed potential clients curious about this little-known island to follow my trip live or read it afterward and get a firsthand account of what the trip was truly like. The blog went much further than a typical brochure blurb and presented real-life issues and a taste of the culture, while providing them with photos of exactly what they would see. The blog was a success, with several readers following it live and posting comments. To date it has resulted in more than 1200 page views. The idea is for the company to encourage future travelers to host similar blogs that will then be archived on their Web site for visitors to read. A Video for the Dogs For a client who wanted to quickly expand awareness about a new product they had developed, a tooth-brushing kit for dogs, my firm encouraged them to produce a video they could post online. Since brushing a dog’s teeth can sound daunting to some, we recommended they create an instructional video to walk pet owners through the process and convey the message that brushing a pet’s teeth can extend its life. It was important that the video be conversational, simple and pleasant to watch so it would appeal to a variety of folks online. The video could also be used for a variety of marketing purposes, such as trade shows, giveaways to clients and more. In addition to posting the video on their Web site, www.keepitcleanusa.com, we also posted it to some 20 free videosharing sites, such as YouTube, Yahoo Video and Break.com, and sent it virally by e-mail, encouraging anyone and everyone we knew to forward it along in the interest of promoting pet health. Since its posting, more than 1200 people have watched the video on YouTube alone. More on Page 31 30 Published by Sensitive Pie Productions, a division of Tribeca Nine, Inc Optimized File Version. ZiNE Master NOVEMBER 2007 TM Lyn Mettler Sending Fans to Facebook W i th M i c r o s o f t r e ce n tl y b u y i n g a s ta k e i n F a c e b o o k , v a l u i n g i t a t $ 1 5 b i l l i o n , t h e c u r r e n t b u z z i s a l l a b o u t s o c i a l n e tw o r k i n g . M i l lions of people are flocking to sites like MySpace, LinkedIn and Facebook to interact with friends and business colleagues by s h a r i n g p h o t o s, v i d e o s a n d i n f o r m a t i o n a b o u t t h e m s e l v e s , a s well as joining groups, communicating through messages and p o s t s a n d n e tw o r k i n g . G i l l e t te c a m e u p w i t h a c r e a t i v e co n t e s t to e n g a g e F a ce b o o k u s e r s , w h i c h n u m b e r a b o u t 5 0 m i l l i o n , a s p a r t o f t h e i r G i l l e t te F u s i o n P o w e r G a m e F a c e C o l l e g e T o u r . S p o r t s fa n s a r e d i r e c te d t o g o to t h e w w w . g i l l e t t e g a m e fa c e . c o m s i t e w h e r e t h e y c a n w a t ch a v i d e o o f C l e v e l a n d B r o w n s q u a r te r b a c k B r a d y Q u i n n o f fering advice on how to get your “gameface” on. Fans are then d i r e c te d t o F a c e b o o k w h e r e t h e y c a n j o i n th e G i l l e t t e G a m e fa c e g r o u p t o u p l o a d a v i d e o o r p h o to s p o r t i n g t h e i r b e s t “ g a m e f a c e . ” Once you join the Facebook group, you can get shaving tips, v i e w o th e r s ’ su b m i s si o n s , p o s t y o u r t h o u g h t s o n t h e d i sc u s s i o n b o a r d o r “ w a l l ” a n d m or e . T h e p r o m o t i o n a p p e a r s to h a v e b e e n a s u c ce s s w i t h m o r e t h a n 1 8 0 0 g r o u p m e m b e r s o n F a ce b o o k . A Little Bit of Everything O n e o f m y f a vo r i te e x a m p l e s o f s m a r t u s e s o f W e b t o o l s t o e n gage an audience is NBC’s “The Office” television show. “The O f f i c e ” h a s c r e a t e d l o t s o f d e d ic a te d f a n s w h o a r e t r u l y l o o k i n g f o r w a y s t o s t a y i n v o l v e d w i th t h e s h o w b e y o n d i ts r e g u l a r Thursday night air time. S o N B C c r e a t e d a w h o p p e r o f a W e b s i te , s p o r t i n g a l l k i n d s o f cool tools that can keep fans busy for months. One of the most creative applications is the Dunder Mifflin (the name of the comp a n y i n “ T h e O f f i c e ” ) I n f i n i ty s i t e , w h i c h i s a s o c i a l n e tw o r k where you can do all kinds of fun tasks related to the show. You c a n "a p p l y " t o b e a n e m p l o y e e o f t h e c o m p a n y a n d g e t a s s i g n e d a n o f f i c i a l p o s i t i o n . T h e n , y o u c a n p e r fo r m v a r i o u s j o b s , j u s t l i k e t h e c h a r a c t e r s d o o n t h e s h o w , s u c h a s d e ve l o p i n g a l o c a l a d c a m p a i g n , a t a s k th e y c o m p l e t e d o n a r e c e n t e p i s o d e . A c c o r d i n g t o a r e c e n t a r t i c l e o n M e d i a P o s t , th i s n e tw o r k n o w h a s 100,000 "employees." Not bad. is the President of Step Ahead Web Strategies a company that offers clients a comprehensive online strategy from a public relations and marketing perspective. The company helps businesses and organizations expand their Web presence beyond their Web site, engaging the latest and most innovative technologies, including online video, social networking, search engine optimization, blogs, Podcasting and more, to reach their target audiences with the right message. She also owns Mettler Public Relations, a Charleston, S.C.based PR firm, and is a freelance writer for a variety of publications. www.StepAheadWeb Strategies.com Continued on Page 40 32 31 Copyright 2007. All rights reserved. www.NetworkAbundance.com Published by Sensitive Pie Productions, a division of Tribeca Nine, Inc Optimized File Version. ZiNE Master TM Top 5 Internet Branding Techniques NOVEMBER 2007 Ponn M. Sabra While there are hundreds of internet marketing techniques you can utilize to harness the power of your internet brand; after three-years of creating my Name-Brand-Blog, & scoring a 10 out of 10 in the Online ID Calculator , I learned through much trial and error that the Top 5 Internet Branding Techniques guaranteed to catapult your search engine rankings in your target market (keywords are phrases) today are: 1. Article Submission - Positions you as an expert even before you have your own website/blog up and running. These techniques are surprisingly economical and simple as well. Internet branding is basically taking your company’s unique selling proposition and/or your personal brand onto the web. With the interactivity of Web 2.0, you can generate your very own user-generated community around you and your products and services. D 2. Blogging - Brings conversations to your expert voice, tone and personality. 3. Social Media/Networking/Bookmarking - Web 2.0 in- Ponn M. Sabra, bestselling au- 4. Search Engine Optimized Press Releases - Captures the attention of search engine spiders and traditional media outlets. thor of "Empowering Women to Power Network", syndicated columnist ( WomenEntpreneur.com ), writer, and a home based entrepreneur with partial paralysis, empowers women entrepreneurs to action at http://www.EmpowerWomenNow.com - the leading Internet Branding Online Resource for Women Entrepreneurs, Home Based Entrepreneurs & Small Business Owners. 5. Joint Venture Partnerships – Generates and capitalizes on word of mouth marketing and viral buzz! Logon http://empowerwomennow.com/newswomen-entrepreneurs/ for free tips, tools & resources today! teractivity allows your online presence to be scored, rated and ranked by personal testimonials, endorsements, and much more. In upcoming columns, I will teach you how to apply these Internet Branding techniques to your business - so stay tuned! Meanwhile, find out how you score on the online ID calculator at: http:// www.careerdistinction.com/onlineid and get prepared to bring your score up or maintain-it-together! Intuitive Feng Shui: American Style. A New Age Niche arrives January 2008 NoNicheTM 34 33 Copyright 2007. All rights reserved. www.NetworkAbundance.com Published by Sensitive Pie Productions, a division of Tribeca Nine, Inc Optimized File Version. ZiNE Master NOVEMBER 2007 TM Contrary to popular belief, creating spam free commercial email does not begin with your message but rather your list. Avoiding spam accusations has mostly to do with how and where you compiled your list of email address than the types of words and graphics you use in your message. Over the past few years, most Internet service providers (ISPs) have mitigated their use of content filtering in favor of reputation-based scoring systems. This means the likelihood of your commercial email making it to the inbox is determined by your previous sending patterns and the number of complaints lodged against your domain and IP address, whether your message contains profanity or objectionable content. This doesn’t mean that avoiding content filters isn’t important, it’s just not as important as it used to be. ISPs have put the power of complaining into consumers hands by easily allowing them to report your email as spam. This is accomplished when consumers use the “Report as Spam” or “Mark as Spam” button conveniently found in their email clients. Therefore, consumer perception of your email is tantamount to ensuring it is considered spam free. So what’s a legitimate marketer to do? Influencing consumer perception of your email starts with your relationship with intended recipients. Do the recipients view your organization as credible? Is your brand recognizable and compelling? Do they even know who you are? I always find the last question most amusing when I speak with a marketer who purchased a so-called opt-in list. They claim the people on the list have opted-in. “Opt-into what?”,I always ask. If you purchase a list, no matter where it’s from or how it was compiled, you run a huge risk of being labeled a spammer. There’s no easy way around building a solid list and establishing a good relationship. You have to earn it. This means creating opt-in forms on your website and convincing visitors to complete it by offering them Goto page 37/ access to compelling content via email. How to Create Spam Free Commercial Email By Elie Ashery 35 36 Copyright 2007. All rights reserved. www.NetworkAbundance.com Published by Sensitive Pie Productions, a division of Tribeca Nine, Inc Optimized File Version. ZiNE Master NOVEMBER 2007 TM Once you have permission and have built a solid opt-in list the second step is keeping permission by providing relevant content in your email messages. Relevancy is an important concept in email marketing because it is often synonymous with value. For instance, if you sell shoes online and simply send advertisements for running shoes to your entire list when half the list purchased dress shoes, your message contains some relevancy, however its value will be perceived as being low. In contrast, if you segment your list by types of shoe purchases and send advertisements with content geared to their respective purchase coupled with information about a frequent buyers program, your message’s perception of relevancy will increase along with its value. Gone are the days of the pure opt-in play for email marketing since spam is in the eyes of the beholder. Not only does the term “spam free” refer to your list gathering practices but also what you do once you receive permission. In a risk-free world email marketing is a paradox where relevancy can trump permission. Since it’s not practiced in a vacuum, finding the perfect balance of the two is the spam free challenge. Elie D. Ashery, President & CEO, is a true entrepreneur who has dedicated his career to technology and the Internet. He is responsible for the vision and strategy execution for Gold Lasso (www.goldlasso.com) and drives the innovation behind Gold Lasso's products and services. He also is the founder of Dotmemail.com (www.dotemail.com) a pioneer in creating an open source community for professional email marketers. Elie started his career as a financial analyst and investment researcher for the Internet media sector at Newby & Co., a special situations investment research and investment banking firm. In 1997 he co-founded Newsletters.com, a subscriptions reseller of industry trade publications and market research. While President of Newsletters.com, Elie helped raise equity financing from prominent angel and institutional investors in the Washington, DC area. In addition, Elie helped to implement a partnership marketing strategy that that made Newsletters.com the premier subscription reseller of industry periodicals on the Internet. Newsletters.com was sold in August of 2000 to MarketResearch.com a subsidiary of The Tribune Companies. After Newsletters.com, Elie served as the Vice President of Business Development for IncenSoft, a State of Maryland funded software company that specialized in the development of incentive compensation management programs. At IncenSoft, Elie implemented a successful email marketing strategy that netted business from Fortune 1000 companies. IncenSoft was acquired by Synygy, Inc. in September 2002. Elie holds bachelors degrees in finance and accounting from the University of Maryland. 37 38 Copyright 2007. All rights reserved. www.NetworkAbundance.com Published by Sensitive Pie Productions, a division of Tribeca Nine, Inc Optimized File Version. ZiNE Master NOVEMBER 2007 TM Dr. Ivan Misner, continued from Pg 24. On Sale Dec 10th Lyn Mettler on PR Success Stories, continued from Pg 31. When The World’s Best Known Marketing Secret came out in 1994 it was one of the few books in the bookstores that talked about networking. Now there are dozens, if not hundreds. An entire industry has been born over the last decade that is just now being codified and refined. Over the next several years, you will see more and more about the importance of networking in building your business. It is developing into a science as well as a way of life. Our desire and need for Myth Take Joy! A Christmas Classic. Holiday Healing: A Celebration These trends are not just an American phenomenon, but an international one as well. The introduction of “International Networking Week” (www.InternationalNetworkingW eek.com) is a prime example of how this approach to doing business is growing worldwide. Another Year. Another Niche. Evergreen 360º. New Year’s 2008: Will it be a “10”? Dr. Drew Stevens was on the cover of our November Edition. Who knows? Next month it could be “you”! But it can’t be if you’re not part of our special network. You need to be seen in NoNicheTM Contact us & we’ll show you the way. Small business development through the process of building social capital will continue to grow in the global market we are currently experiencing. No one has a crystal ball, but based on what I’m seeing and what I’ve seen in the past, I believe these are some of the key things to look for relating to networking and referral marketing over the next few years. Called the father of modern networking, Dr. Ivan Misner is a New York Times bestselling author and Founder of Business Networking International (www.bni.com), the world’s largest business networking organization. His latest New York Times bestselling book, Masters of Sales, can be viewed at www.MastersBooks.com. Dr. Misner is also Senior Partner for the Referral Institute, an international referral training company (www.referralinstitute.com). He resides in Southern California with his wife and three children and can be reached at misner@bni.com. Two of the quirkiest characters are Dwight Schrute and Creed, and you can read their deepest thoughts on the Schrute Space or Creed’s Thoughts blogs regularly updated on the site. The show also offers plenty in the way of video, allowing visitors to download past episodes, watch deleted scenes and Webisodes only available online, see interviews with the characters and more. They also offer a real hodge podge of other nifty activities to keep you returning, like chat rooms, silly contests, virtual office basketball and subscribing to the Scranton (the city in Pennsylvania where their fictional office is located) newsletter and more. The same MediaPost article reported that “The Office” section of the NBC Web site has had more than 800,000 unique users visit to date. I’d say it’s a hit. All of these examples provide great lessons and hopefully inspirational ideas for the wide range of possibilities you have when marketing yourself on the Web. So, don’t just blog to blog, post any old video on the Web, or create a profile on MySpace which you never go to again. Be smart, strategic and innovative, and you will be rewarded with new and better customers. www.StepAheadWebStrategies.com 39 40 Copyright 2007. All rights reserved. www.NetworkAbundance.com Published by Sensitive Pie Productions, a division of Tribeca Nine, Inc Optimized File Version. ZiNE Master NOVEMBER 2007 TM Simply creating a profile on a social networking site is not a recipe for success. There needs to be an idea behind it that warrants a social networking presence, a compelling reason why someone would "friend" whatever entity is on the social network, and an impetus for these friends to create a community together. When done right, the social network spreads the word about your brand in a very low cost way. This is not a new idea; think of the classic Faberge commercial, "You tell two friends, then they'll tell two friends - and so on, and so on and so on...." Look at a recent campaign by General Mills and Pink for the Cure: pinktogether.com. They've created a community of people affected by breast cancer. In this case, doing a MySpace page makes sense because these survivors are already there . Users can share their stories and photographs, they can exchange comments with each other. They are bound together by a shared experience, and Pink Together gives them a venue in which to connect. They can download themed elements for their computer and purchase t-shirts, caps, etc. This works. So far they have over 6,000 "friends" to prove it. Cherry Coke's MySpace profile has over 57,000 "friends.” Who knows whether or not this really adds sales for Coke, but it is successful in that they're extending the Coke brand -- via music visualizers, videos, and wallpaper -- to consumer desktops at their request . But for large brands like General Mills and Coke, there is a preexisting loyalty among consumers and a desire for them to feel a part of the marketing message. Putting up a really cool, customized profile page full of downloads powered by a huge brand will almost certainly garner attention in a social network with little additional work required. Will this same tactic work for Jim Bob's Tires? Highly unlikely. Jim Bob better have a compelling message -- a reason for me to add him to my friends list and to pass him along to my other contacts. A couple of years ago, the buzz was blogs. Suddenly, every company was convinced it needed one. For some, it worked and became a powerful way to communicate with their audience. For others, someone posted once or twice and then the blog quietly died. The difference between those that succeeded and those that failed was strategy. Those that thrived had something interesting to say, a reason to say it, and an honest voice. Those that did not add value to the user, or spoke under pretense, failed (anyone remember Captain Morgan’s blog?) Social networking initiatives that are not driven by a solid strategy, and that have nothing interesting to communicate, will most certainly die a similar death. “Social networking is not a strategy. It is a tactic. When used well, it can pay off.” - Nancy Lyons and Meghan Wilker Clockwork Active Media Systems Nancy Lyons is President and CEO of Clockwork Active Media Systems: www.clockwork.net Meghan Wilker serves as Managing Director. Clockwork designs and develops web applications that market, sell, streamline, automate and communicate. In both 2006 and 2007, Clockwork was one of the Twin Cities Business Journal's "Great Places to Work", and in 2007 were named a Psychologically Healthy Workplace by the Minnesota Psychological Association. In their nonworking hours, Nancy and Meghan formed the The Geek Girls, who later this year will launch a web site: The Geek Girls' Guide: www.geekgirlsguide.com. One of the Geek Girls' goals is to demystify technology for women and girls, and to encourage them to be a part of the web and interactive industry. Profiles for Nancy and Meghan can be found on just about any social networking site you can think of. 41 42 Copyright 2007. All rights reserved. www.NetworkAbundance.com Published by Sensitive Pie Productions, a division of Tribeca Nine, Inc Optimized File Version. ZiNE Master NOVEMBER 2007 TM A jumping off point could be a few well-chosen questions. I use these in I n n e r Wo r k , c o n t ’ d f r o m p g 2 6 Putting It Out There The Inner Work principle can also be useful in finding the words to communicate about your business. You may have the best business under the sun, but the proof comes in how well people understand what your business is and what it means to them. Most of us don't feel comfortable being sales-y. What's required is succinct language to grab their attention, that doesn't make you wince. In other words, an elevator speech or pitch. You should able to get your point across within an elevator ride, or in less than one minute. That usually translates into three or four sentences answering the age-old question, “So, what do you do?” D o i n g t h e I n n e r Wo r k I a l r e a d y m e n t i o n e d h e l p s y o u k n o w w h o y o u r t a r g e t customer is and what makes them tick. In the short amount on time you have to reach them with this elevator speech while networking, or on the homepage of your website, they need to understand a few things very clearly: coaching my clients to get them thinking and searching for the answers from within. e Who are you when you're at your professional best? e What sets you apart from others in your field? e What do you bring that no one else can? e Who is your ideal customer? e What do you know about them? e What are they most passionate about? e Where can you find them during the day or in their free time? e Why would they choose you/your business? 1 – That you are speaking to them. That means using words that they relate to and that speak to whatever they have going on in their lives. 2 – What you are offering. This goes back to your answers to what your business does, and how it uniquely serves this ideal customer in a way that no one else can. 3 – Why they want to work with you. T h e r e a r e l o t s o f p e o p l e o ff e r i n g t h e s a m e k i n d o f s e r v i c e s a n d p r o d u c t s t h a t y o u d o , b u t t h e y a r e n ' t y o u . To e x p r e s s t h i s e ff e c t i v e l y t a k e s u n d e r standing your unique attributes, and what your target customer needs that is driving them to look for you in the first place. Refer back to the words used by the people you know who fit this ideal customer profile. Going through these questions, you may be surprised just how much you know – not only about yourself, but about the kind of people you want to work with. This is only the beginning. Keep asking questions about this person and you can start to create a profile. This profile then becomes part of your marketing toolkit. As a tool, the customer profile is how you test the messaging on your website, your products and service offerings. Will he like this? Will she understand if I word it this way? Consider people you know who fit this ideal customer profile. Then you can interview them for market research, using their words and descriptions in your conversations with new customers, in your advertising, etc. 4 – H o w t h e y c a n s t a r t r i g h t n o w. Be direct about what you want them to do: for instance, set up an appointment or tell their friends about you. You want them to act in the moment while you have their attention. This can mean offering your business card if you're in person, providing a web address and contact information in your emails, or touting a specific offer that you think will interest them. Yo u r c u s t o m e r s ' d e c i s i o n - m a k i n g p r o c e s s c a n h a p p e n f a s t , t h o u g h t h e l e g w o r k r e q u i r e d t o c h o o s e t h e r i g h t w o r d s t a k e s a b i t l o n g e r. M u c h o f t h i s y o u c a n t r y o u t o n y o u r o w n , u s i n g t h e I n n e r Wo r k q u e s t i o n s t o g u i d e y o u , or by working with someone who can call this information out – whether it's a life coach, a marketing specialist, or those people you identified who fit your ideal customer profile. Best of luck! Lauree Ostrofsky, CPC, is a Communications Consultant and Certified Coach working with women and small business owners on negotiating milestones in their personal and professional lives. As a veteran of the public relations and marketing worlds, Lauree made the leap into consulting to pursue her passion for helping people realize the vast, limitless potential within them. Lauree offers an Elevator Speech Service for small businesses to communicate succinctly and effectively to attract the right customers. For more information, visit http://www.groundedinpotential.com/small_business. See next Page for an exercise in developing customer profiles 43 44 Copyright 2007. All rights reserved. www.NetworkAbundance.com Published by Sensitive Pie Productions, a division of Tribeca Nine, Inc Optimized File Version. NOVEMBER 2007 TM There are over 200 million searches per day on the major search engines according to COM Score, forcing advertisers and small businesses to jump into the Paid Search space. Many companies outsource their paid search efforts, others neglect it completely, and some just can’t afford to compete in their given area. The truth is companies of all shapes and sizes should have a paid search strategy and long term plan. You can sign up for Adwords at http://Adwords.Google.com Once you set-up your account you can start creating campaigns using some easy to follow rules of the game. Account Set-up/ Keyword Selection First, select the keywords that are relevant to your products and then start to build them out with all plurals, misspellings, and different variations, so that any kind of search term will help bring your page to the top of the results. Creating Ad Copies, Testing Results Once you have gotten through the creation of keywords, campaigns and ad groups, then it is time for writing the copy of the actual ads. Be sure to call out any promotions or competitive advantages that your product has to offer. Test multiple copies against each other to see which one performs the best and generates the most tangible results. AB split testing allows you the controls to test run multiple different paid ads against each other in current time. Both Google and Yahoo allow for A/B split testing. Tracking and Targeting Whether it’s in house reporting or an analytics package offered by the search engine you choose to buy ad words from, you MUST track everything. Tracking results provides you all the insight to accurately determine test winners, move bids up and down and add negative keywords. At the very least you should get conversion tracking (a service that is offered by Google, Yahoo and MSN. Budgeting Budgeting is right behind testing and analyzing in terms of importance when it comes to paid search campaigns. Make sure you set daily budgets to prevent a certain campaign from spending too much. These can often discourage or even outright kill a small businesses desire to stay in the space. Depending on your industry clicks can range anywhere from a few cents to as high as $10 dollars. Christopher Kenney is a Search Marketing Specialist at VistaPrint: www.vistaprint.com a leading online supplier of high-quality graphic design services and customized printed products to small businesses and consumers. Search Marketing ZiNE Master for Dummies B y C h r i s to p h e r Ke n n e y 45 46 Copyright 2007. All rights reserved. www.NetworkAbundance.com Published by Sensitive Pie Productions, a division of Tribeca Nine, Inc Optimized File Version. ZiNE Master NOVEMBER 2007 TM Strategies for the online Guru in You. In Ancient times This monthly publication is produced for online distribution. If you need to print this document to read it we suggest that you use the highest quality print mode, on your printer’s quality control panel, to obtain the best reading quality. courageous men and women crusaded for causes they believed in and went to war for the freedom to think, believe and begin learning how to live a more harmonious life together. In recent times, we’ve begun another type of crusade. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ It’s time to get wise. Warrior WISDOM Weekly TM By purchasing and promoting this publication among your friends, family & associates, you support our ability to continue to bring ideas and people together, while helping micro-businesses promote their expertise in a balanced and healthy environment. Free speech is a valuable gift, as are the talents of the people who come together to create this magazine. We value and appreciate your opinion, feedback and support of this unique publication and professional networking forum. © Copyright 2007 Designed by Sensitive Pie Productions A crusade to bring more value into our own lives & the lives of others by ending division amongst ourselves, while providing value-driven delivery and support to our customers, our coworkers & our communities, at the same level we provide to our families, our friends or to a guest in our home. Because we are concerned about our environment, we ask that this document be viewed, as much as possible, in the medium that it was designed for: your PC. 47 Copyright 2007. All rights reserved. www.NetworkAbundance.com Tribeca Nine, Inc is a young, dynamic California corporation with a mature vision. We have many strategic goals. One of which is to bring future training & employment opportunities to adults struggling with Asperger’s Syndrome. When you support our online magazines and management tools, by purchasing copies, you not only help support the brilliant men and women who contribute to our publications, you also help us take one more tiny step forward in accomplishing our most awesome goal - to help train and employ young adults & older adults, with Asperger’s, who have been blessed by God with intelligence and grace, but who often find that ’society-at-large’ isn’t quite ready for their unique vision & valuable contributions. Published by Sensitive Pie Productions, a division of Tribeca Nine Inc Editor in Chief M. Joyce McMenamin Assistant Editor Deven Edmonds Design & Production Sensitive Pie Productions and Camelot Gypsy Contact Information ZiNE Master Magazine c/o Tribeca Nine, Inc 1990 N. California Blvd Suite 830 Walnut Creek California USA 94596 Corporate 925.945.7822 Toll Free 888.945.7822 Online www.NetworkAbundance.com Advertising Email: zinemaster@tribeca9.com Submissions Inquiry Email: submissions@tribeca9.com No subscriptions. Purchased per copy only. Copies may be purchased online: www.NetworkAbundance.com This publication may not be distributed to third parties electronically, by anyone other than the publisher, nor may it be reproduced in print or through electronic methods for the purpose of selling or reselling the content in part or whole. Only contributing authors & advertisers may reproduce their own articles, in print, for promotional purposes, but they may not rebrand the document without a licensing agreement with the publisher. © Copyright 2007. All rights reserved. Looking for a little more online exposure for you or your client? Give us your raw copy & we’ll make it shine online & offline. Click Now To Contact Us & Learn More. We value your support & treasure your referral. Ô Published by Sensitive Pie Productions, a division of Tribeca Nine, Inc 48