Volume 11 - Good Shepherd Catholic School
Volume 11 - Good Shepherd Catholic School
Wwna Good Shepherd Catholic School Phone: 6278 9500 Email: admin@gsl.wa.edu.au Website: web.gsl.wa.edu.au 11 September 2015 Vision Statement: Good Shepherd Catholic School is an inclusive community growing together in faith by living our Catholic values and beliefs. We are guided by the Gospel teachings of Jesus Christ, in partnership with parents, caregivers, parish and the wider community. Our school is dedicated to fostering life-long learning through educational excellence encapsulating the spiritual, cognitive, emotional, social and physical development of the child. Principal’s Message Dear Parents, Staff and Students, Lord God of forgiveness, we ask that you bless each of us as we come to celebrate the new hope you offer through the Sacrament of Penance. In your mercy and love, heal us and bring us to fullness of life in you. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen Colossian 3:12-15 A reading form the letter of St Paul to the Colossians Brother and Sisters; God loves you and has chosen you as God’s own special people. So be gentle, kind, humble, meek and patient. Put up with each other, and forgive anyone who does you wrong, just as Christ has forgiven you. Love is more important than anything else. It is what ties everything together. Each one of you is part of the Body of Christ, and you were chosen to live together in peace. So let the peace that comes from Christ control your thoughts and be grateful. The Word of the Lord R/ Thanks be to God Congratulations to the following Year 3 Students who received the Sacrament of Penance as their first Reconciliation into our Lord Jesus Christ on Tuesday evening this week. It was a beautiful and reverent occasion and many thanks to Fr Al and the seven other Parish Priests who assisted in the Ceremony. Thanks also to all our Parents who have been so supportive and to our wonderful staff in particular Miss Chalk, Mrs Atkinson and Mrs Butler. 11 September 2015 Liam Atkins Sienna Blanchard Isabella D’Andrea Lochlan Dennis Seth Ioppolo Prince Labis Moses Makhlouta Mikko Nanagaas Caitlyn Nicholas Caleb Rodrigues Luke Siney Kelly Willcock Good Shepherd Catholic School Sienna Bain Jaden Borg Levi D’Costa Quinn Hamilton Clae Jarden Tre Le Cert Smits Bailley McLaughlin Christina Nguyen Abby Palmer Ntai Rodoreda David Tranter Ella Wyard Angeline Bantleman Jack Barns Jessica Callisto Malieny Chop Jude D’Souza Lucas Debono Izayah Heketa Remy Hoeden Ayanda Karumbidza Carl Konstz Jasmyn Luong Barry Matthews Caitlin McMorrow Marissa Mezzatesta Crystal Nguyen Kim Nguyen Roshini Peter Angelique Pugliese Connor Sadler Jordana Scriva Christopher Vaccaro Rhianna Villar Jack Zagar Maathavan Pirabananthan Love and God Bless Jim Di Carlo Principal Person of the Week This week’s Person of the Week winner is: Seth Hlophe 6W Congratulations! Merit Awards This week's Merit Certificate winners are: PPB: 1B: 2B: 3B: 4B: 5B: 6B: Sharon Mafungate Lennix Aliphon Christian Paul Jordana Scriva Turi Rodoreda Pene Travia Gordon Perkins PPW: Ameliya Mathew 1W: Nesangelo Valencia 2W: Mark D’ Silva 3W: Caitlin McMorrow 4W: Adriel Cranston 5W: Olivia D’Souza 6W: Grace Sinclair Faction Points Foley House: Maali House: Francis House: Noonan House: 1265 1184 1162 1086 11 September 2015 Good Shepherd Catholic School Star Class A big congratulations to Good Shepherd’s Star Class for this week which has been awarded and well earned by the entire 1B class. Congratulations to all the students for their efforts and well done to Miss Katrina Wszola. Birthday’s The following celebrated a birthday this week. We wish them a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Kobe Cox KB Kalem Rebero 2B Alex Pham 6B Tyson Comyns 1W Liam Crawford 5W Drew Rossi 2B Niki Carson 1B Luca Vecchio 1W Kelly Willcock 3B Mrs Janet Klaver Krish Kumar 1B Jordan Bailey 5B Erik Matkowski 6W Rosanne Pavey 4B Staff Update We would like to congratulate Mrs Romina Chapman on her appointment to the role as Assistant Principal for 2016 while Mrs Renae Butler is on Maternity Leave. After School Activities A reminder to parents and students regarding after school activities. If your child is participating in an after school activity (for example basketball, running club etc) and a sibling is not, they are to remain in the drop off / pick up area unless they are being supervised by a guardian. Coaches and teachers cannot take responsibility for the students other than those they are training. 11 September 2015 Good Shepherd Catholic School World Youth Day – Fundraising World Youth Day Fundraising - for the Good Shepherd Parish. A number of exstudents of Good Shepherd and siblings of current students, along with Miss Tarca will be attending the World Youth Day to be held in Poland in 2016. Fundraising has begun to help our youth travel to Poland for the experience of a Religious Pilgrimage lead by Pope Francis. The first of the fundraising begins with bags of manure for sale for our school and parish community. Manure for Sale! Spring is approaching and your gardens need to be fertilised!! Come and get some quality sheep manure from the Parish Youth Group. We are selling 40L bags for $12....That's right $12. Simply place your order at the school reception. Please note only exact cash will be accepted. You will be given a receipt to take over to Father Al to pick up your order. Thank you, Miss Tarca Take Home Readers We are running low on take-home reading books for our students. We are asking all families to please search at home to ensure all reading books are brought back to school to enable the children to consistently change and update their books. 11 September 2015 Good Shepherd Catholic School The Fathering Project The Fathering Project http://thefatheringproject.org Helping Fathers become better dads Helping Dad Around the House: Your Weekly Fathering Tip If you have chores to do around the house such as gardening, cleaning, or maintenance, invite and encourage your kids to help but don’t force them into it as this could put them off. Give them fun jobs to do, suitable to their ages and abilities. Don’t use the children as your slave labour – work alongside them. Invent games or competitions to get them involved and get the jobs done more quickly. Thoughts? Comment below to share your thoughts and ideas. We love to hear from you too! The Fathering Project Team Continue Reading Remove Distractions: Your Weekly Fathering Tip Driving the kids to school or picking them up in the afternoon can be a great time to talk together but having schoolbags, etc in the car can mean that your children are easily distracted by phones, computers and the like. So when the children get in the car, make it a rule that all schoolbags, phones and other “distractors” must go in the car’s boot for the journey’s duration. It may take a few days to enforce this habit and for the children to get used to it but persevere and they will soon start talking! Make sure you are not similarly distracted – turn the radio and your phone off (not just on silent). Thoughts? Comment below to share your thoughts and ideas. We love to hear from you too! The Fathering Project Team Continue Reading Stimulating your child's curiosity Help them think 'out of the box' to make school projects more creative and interesting Don't over-organise their lives Encourage imagination Restrict television - it limits development of imagination, but encourage reading, eg 'FART time' = 'Family Altogether Reading Time' Thoughts? Join the discussion on the website. We love to hear from you too! 11 September 2015 Good Shepherd Catholic School Social Worker National Child Protection Week is from the 6th to the 12th of September. It is one week of the year when workplaces, family and community are encouraged to promote the safety and wellbeing of children and young people. Most adults are aware that physical and sexual abuse harms children. Less attention is given in the media to emotional and psychological abuse and neglect as other forms of harm. I have worked with many parents over the years. I remember one father taking great pride in the fact that he had never lifted a finger to his children. However he used shame, humiliation, guilt and belittlement in a potent combination with anger to reduce his children’s selfesteem to shreds. The adage ‘Sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me’ simply isn’t true. The trauma associated with psychological abuse can be just as long-lasting as physical abuse. Children can be disciplined more effectively by coolly helping them to see the effect of their behaviour and imposing consequences. They learn their lesson but come out of it with their self-esteem intact. If you would like to discover ways in which you can play your part in providing a loving and supportive environment for your children please go to http://napcan.org.au/resource-hub/what-role-can-i-play/ and click on ‘Parent’. Cool Little Kids “Cool Little Kids’ is a free online program. It’s for Australian parents of shy or anxious young children aged 3 to 6 years. https://coollittlekids.org.au Running Club There will be no Running Club next Tuesday 15th September due to the Athletics Carnival. The last Running club training session will be on Tuesday 22nd September (Week 10). This will be the last session for the year as there will be no Running Club next term. Thank you all who attended I hope you enjoyed the sessions. Keep running and we will start again next year! 11 September 2015 Good Shepherd Catholic School Walk Over October Walk To School Day Wednesday 21st October 2015 Walking part or all of the way to school helps children to achieve the 60 minutes of physical activity they need every day for good health. Walking to school with family and friends are valuable opportunities for students to develop skills, knowledge, attitudes and behaviour to walk safely within their environment. The month of October celebrates WALK THERE OCTOBER and Good Shepherd will be participating in the Walk To School on Wednesday 21st October 2015. Staff and students in Pre-Primary to Year 6 will join in on a whole school walk around our local area. We will be leaving the school grounds, walking down Morley Drive, up Bottlebrush Drive, around the park and make our way back again to school. As we are leaving the school grounds, please fill in the permission slip below and return to your class teachers by Friday 16th October. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Walk Over October - Walk To School Wednesday I give permission for my child _______________________________ in class _____ to leave the school grounds and participate in the Walk To School Day walk around our local area with staff and students from Good Shepherd on Wednesday 21st October 2015. Signed: _______________________________________ Date : ____________________________________ 11 September 2015 Good Shepherd Catholic School Inter House Athletics Carnival Our annual Inter House Athletics Carnival is fast approaching. The carnival will be held on Wednesday 16 September at Good Shepherd commencing at 9.00am and finishing by approximately 2.40pm. Kindy B and PP – Year 2 will commence the day with their tabloid games and then all year levels will come down to support and watch them compete in their running events. KB to Year 2 will return to class after recess. Following this Year 3 – 6 students will compete in their running events and tabloid games. Kindy W will come down to the oval from 1.20pm. We are asking for some parent helpers to assist on the day with a number of duties including timing and place judging. Please complete the form below if you are available to help and return to Mrs Cairney vis the office. Parent helpers will be contacted if their assistance is required. Name: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Child's Name: ………………………………………………..……………..……. Class: ….……………. Phone: …………………………………………………………………………..……………………………….. Sessions: (please tick) ⃝ ⃝ ⃝ Kindy to Year 2 Year 3 to Year 6 Both Thank you To all the parents who have offered to help so far. All parents who have given in an offer to help will be required for the day. 11 September 2015 Good Shepherd Catholic School Athletics Carnival Program GOOD SHEPHERD CATHOLIC SCHOOL ATHLETICS CARNIVAL 2015 The Athletics Carnivals are a culmination of learning, wherein there is an opportunity for students to focus on striving towards personal goals in athletic achievement, as well as against a set standard of achievement. Students earn points for their House according to the standard achieved, as well as points towards individual championship. CAPTAINS NOONAN MAALI FOLEY FRANCIS Calista Aliphon Anthony David Natasha Meyers Erik Matkowski Ava Druzianich Nicholas Vaccaro Yerdanos Wuneh Lawerence Tennage VICE - CAPTAINS NOONAN MAALI FOLEY FRANCIS Paris Turnbull Lachlan Barns Brianna Tubbs Jessie Huynh Jayden Loos Saphyre Lock Tobi Swalski Gabriel Hamilton 11 September 2015 EVENT NO 1 - 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Good Shepherd Catholic School EVENT BOY/GIRL TABLOID GAMES YEAR LEVEL PP-YR 2 CIRCLE BALL 50m GIRLS 50m GIRLS 50m BOYS 50m BOYS 50m BOYS 50m GIRLS 50m GIRLS 50m GIRLS 50m GIRLS 50m BOYS 50m BOYS 50m BOYS 50m BOYS 50m BOYS 50m GIRLS 50m GIRLS 50m GIRLS 50m GIRLS 50m BOYS KINDY B KINDY B KINDY B KINDY B KINDY B KINDY B PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP YR 1 YR 1 YR 1 YR 1 YR 1 1. CIRCLE BALL 2. QUOIT & BALL/EGG & SPOON 3. TUNNEL/PASSBALL 4. FLAG RELAY 5. HOPPERBALL RELAY DIVISION RACE 1 RACE 2 RACE 3 RACE 4 RACE 5 RACE 1 RACE 2 RACE 3 RACE 4 RACE 1 RACE 2 RACE 3 RACE 4 RACE 5 A B C D A 11 September 2015 EVENT NO 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 Good Shepherd Catholic School EVENT BOY/GIRL 50m 50m 50m 50m 50m 50m 50m 50m 50m 50m BOYS BOYS GIRLS GIRLS GIRLS GIRLS BOYS BOYS BOYS BOYS BATON RELAY (50m) BATON RELAY (50m) 75m 75m 75m 75m 75m 75m 75m 75m 75m 100m 100m GIRLS GIRLS GIRLS GIRLS BOYS BOYS BOYS BOYS BOYS GIRLS GIRLS YEAR LEVEL YR 1 YR 1 YR 2 YR 2 YR 2 YR 2 YR 2 YR 2 YR 2 YR 2 DIVISION B C A B C D A B C D YR 1 YR 2 YR 3 YR 3 YR 3 YR 3 YR 3 YR 3 YR 3 YR 3 YR 3 YR 4 YR 4 A B C D A B C D E A B 11 September 2015 Good Shepherd Catholic School EVENT NO 59 EVENT BOY/GIRL YEAR DIVISION 100m GIRLS YR 4 C 60 100m GIRLS YR 4 D 61 100m BOYS YR 4 A 62 100m BOYS YR 4 B 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 100m 100m 100m 100m 100m 100m 100m 100m 100m 100m 100m 100m 100m 100m 100m 100m 100m 100m 100m BOYS BOYS BOYS GIRLS GIRLS GIRLS GIRLS BOYS BOYS BOYS BOYS GIRLS GIRLS GIRLS BOYS BOYS BOYS BOYS BOYS YR 4 YR 4 YR 4 YR 5 YR 5 YR 5 YR 5 YR 5 YR 5 YR 5 YR 5 YR 6 YR 6 YR 6 YR 6 YR 6 YR 6 YR 6 YR 6 C D E A B C D A B C D A B C A B C D E 11 September 2015 EVENT NO 82 - 101 Good Shepherd Catholic School EVENT BOY/GIRL YEAR TABLOID GAMES DIVISION YR 3-6 1. EGG & SPOON 2. LEADERBALL 3. TUNNELBALL 4. FLAG RELAY 5. 3 LEGGED RACE LUNCH 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 400m GIRLS 400m BOYS 400m GIRLS 400m BOYS 400m GIRLS 400m BOYS 400m GIRLS 400m BOYS 50m GIRLS 50m GIRLS 50m BOYS 50m BOYS CIRCLE BALL BATON RELAY (75m) BATON RELAY (100m) BATON RELAY (100m) BATON RELAY (100m) YR 3 YR 3 YR 4 YR 4 YR 5 YR 5 YR 6 YR 6 KINDY W KINDY W KINDY W KINDY W KINDY W YR 3 YR 4 YR 5 YR 6 RACE 1 RACE 2 RACE 3 RACE 4 PRESENTATIONS 11 September 2015 Good Shepherd Catholic School Term Dates Term 3, 2015 will finishes on Thursday 24 September 2015 Term 4, 2015 will commences on Tuesday 13 October 2015 Term 4, 2015 will finishes on Friday 11 December 2015 Kiara College Enrolments 2016 Enrolments now open for Year 7. In addition to courses in line with the Australian Curriculum, students have the opportunity to study courses such as: Agriculture, Dance, Engineering, Film and Media, Home Economics Mechatronics, Multimedia, Music, Robotics, Web Design, Design & Technology For further information regarding enrolling your child at the College, please contact us as soon as possible. Richard Kardol, Program Coordinator Phone: 9378 0200 or Email: richard.Kardol@education.wa.edu.au www.kiaracollege.wa.edu.au KidSport KidSport enables children to participate in community sport and recreation. Eligible youth aged 5–18 years can apply for financial assistance to contribute towards club fees. The fees will go directly to the registered KidSport clubs through their participating local government. Parents with a Health Care Card are entitled to apply for a $200 payment to help pay for sports fees and equipment. They can ask for $200 per child and apply directly to the shire, and then the shire pay the child’s fees on their behalf. For more information please head to the link below. http://www.dsr.wa.gov.au/funding/individuals/kidsport 11 September 2015 Good Shepherd Catholic School North Bassendean Little Athletics Club (Est. 1971) We are a small friendly Club with between 60-90 registered athletes each season. Our athletes learn and develop basic athletic skills with the aim to be the best they can be and build confidence through participation. We offer training in a range of age appropriate running, throwing, jumping and walking events for children aged 6-17 years. We train throughout the summer season (September-March) on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons (4.30-6.00pm) at Jubilee Reserve, Eden Hill. Our athletes compete in a variety of track and field events each Saturday morning during the summer season at the Noranda Sporting Complex, Wylde Road, Noranda. Our Club is registered with Kidsport. The 2015-16 Little Athletics season commences shortly with registration day on Saturday 5th September 2015, with the first competition on Saturday 3rd October 2015. For more information on how to join our Club please contact: Karen Hewitt - Club Manager Ph: 0408 927 126 Justine Mezzatesta – Treasurer Ph: 0414 310 630 E-mail: bjmez@iprimus.com.au Web: https://sites.google.com/site/northbassendeanlac/ Morley Eagles Baseball Club Registrations Now Open for Season 2015 – 2016 Age Groups Little League: 9 - 12yrs as at 1st May 2016 Junior League: 13 - 14yrs of age as at 1st May 2016 Colts: 15 - 18yrs of age as at 1st May 2016 Game Times Little League games are played Monday nights @ Mirrabooka Softball complex beginning around 6.00pm Junior League & Colts are played Saturday afternoon All Junior Enquiries to: Melinda Tough - 0428 277436 Denis Druzianich - 0475 953 781 11 September 2015 Good Shepherd Catholic School School Events http://web.gsl.wa.edu.au/?page_id=401 Uniform Shop Times Tuesday Friday 8:15am – 9:15am 2:15pm – 3:15pm Available from the Canteen on Monday, Wednesday, Friday: Hats, calculators, desk mats, CD Roms and Essential Facts and Tables Books http://web.gsl.wa.edu.au/?page_id=665 Canteen Roster http://web.gsl.wa.edu.au/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/Canteen-RosterTerm-3-2015.pdf Canteen Specials - $6.50 Canteen Specials and Pricelist http://web.gsl.wa.edu.au/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/Canteenen-Price-List2015.pdf Monday: Twista Bolognaise / Bottle of Water / Fruit Wednesday: Twista Bolognaise / Bottle of Water / Fruit Friday: Beef Lasagne / Bottle of Water / Fruit ………………………………………………………………… 11 September 2015 Good Shepherd Catholic School Health & PE Day On Wednesday 9th September Good Shepherd held a range of activities for Health and PE Day. We had beautiful weather and the day was a great success. KindyYear 2 students were able to rotate through activities that the Year 3-6 students had prepared. All the staff and students had a lovely morning being active and healthy. A big thank you to all the staff who came and took part and helped the students through the activities. 11 September 2015 Good Shepherd Catholic School Parent Reading Roster We would like to acknowledge and thank the below named parents/grandparents/parishners who are generously donating their precious time to listen to our students read. Melissa Rechichi Melanie Hamilton Sharon Carrington Kellie Long Amelia Rodrigues Nadia Campbell Darlene Stoker Lorraine Rodrigues Nadia Lake Rachel Andrzejczak Sandra Palmer Shannyn Nicholas Jenny Stoner Julie Thompson Veronica Vaz Cassandra Lembo Genie McGrath Jo Machin Phyllis Pereira Italia Vaccaro Holly Vecchio Kylie Debono Your kindness and support is greatly appreciated by the staff and students of our school. Therefore we would like to invite you to a “Thank you” afternoon tea on Wednesday 23 September at 2.00pm in the meeting room. Please indicate on the form below if you will be attending and return to the office by Thursday 17th. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Parent Reading Roster Afternoon Tea Wednesday 23 September Name: ___________________________________________ will be attending. Thank you once again for your continued support. Helen Lornie Literacy Co-ordinator Woolworths Earn & Learn 2015 As you know, our school has been participating in the Woolworths Earn & Learn program. The program has now finished for this year, so a big thanks to everyone who supported our school. We're now at the important stage of the program where the Sticker Sheets are collected and lodged as our Earn & Learn claim. We will then be able to get new educational equipment for our school. The more we collect, the more we can redeem. So this week, please send in your Woolworths Earn & Learn Sticker Sheets and any loose Earn & Learn stickers you may have. Remember to check your handbag, the car glove box or they may be stuck on the fridge. Every little bit helps. Thanks again for all your support! 11 September 2015 Good Shepherd Catholic School City To Surf 2015 Congratulations to all that participated! 11 September 2015 Good Shepherd Catholic School The P & F Page QUIZ NIGHT – ADULTS ONLY MC’d by our Master Extraordinaire – JIM DI CARLO Don’t miss the chance to come and show us your knowledge. Saturday 7 November 2015 Doors open at 7.00pm for a 7.30pm start So book your babysitter and enjoy a night out without the kids. Grab a group of friends and get a table together. Entry is $20 per person or $200 per table up to 10 people. If you can’t fill a table, we can allocate you one on arrival. Entry includes 5 raffle tickets for all raffles drawn on the night. More raffle tickets can be purchased at the door. Raffle tickets can be collected when you arrive on the night. This is event is fully BYO, so feel free to bring your own food and drinks (including alcohol). We will be offering free tea and coffee We will be holding a silent and an open auction on the night. Order and prepay for your table before the 24 October 2015 and receive an additional 15 raffle tickets. To order your entry tickets, please complete the form below and return to the office as soon as possible. Limited tables are available, so get in before early before they run out. All enquires and bookings, please contact Melissa Rechichi on 0417 994 301 or melissa@rechichi.com.au. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I would like to order Entry tickets for the Quiz Night on 7 November 2015 Name: ____________________________________________________________________________________ Contact Number: ________________________________________________________________________ Number of tickets ______________ @ $20.00 each enclosed Number of tables _______________ @ $200.00 each enclosed (includes extra 15 raffle tickets per table) To receive your entry tickets please complete the following Student Name: _________________________________________ Class: ______________________ 11 September 2015 Good Shepherd Catholic School FUNDRAISING RAFFLE DON’T FORGET TO BRING IN YOUR RAFFLE TICKETS! DUE 30 OCTOBER 2015 Fundraising Raffle booklets were sent home with each family last term for our 2015 Fundraising Raffle. The prizes for the raffle are listed below. Each ticket can be purchased for $5. Should you wish to enter, please complete your name & telephone number on each ticket purchased. Don’t forget to ask your family & friends over the holidays. If you would like further booklets to win these great prizes, please contact Marija Muccilli on 0438 830 203. 1st PRIZE - $1500 Travel Voucher 2nd PRIZE - $750 Red Balloon Voucher 3rd PRIZE - $250 Coles Myer Voucher Please return your tickets along with payment to the office by 30 October 2015. The raffle will be drawn at the Quiz Night, 7 November 2015(Tickets on sale now). GOOD LUCK!!! QUIZ NIGHT DONATION REQUEST We are seeking your support for donations towards the quiz night raffle, auction items, table prizes & hampers e.g. wine, chocolates or vouchers etc. If you or someone you know owns a business and would like to make a donation to support our school, please contact Marija Muccilli on 0438 830 203 or at marija.muccilli@gmail.com MEETING NOTICE We would like to invite all parents and friends to come along and join us for the next P&F meeting. This meeting takes place in the School Hall Meeting Room on Tuesday 27 October 2015, 7pm We hope to see you there. 11 September 2015 Good Shepherd Catholic School SCHOOL BANKING Pat the Dog will be at assembly on Thursday 24 September 2015 to present the Golden Pat Award. The class with the most consistent bankers for the term will win! Make sure you keep making those deposits!! 11 September 2015 Good Shepherd Catholic School Entertainment Books Book available to view at the Front Office. Good Shepherd Catholic School, Lockridge Contact: Melissa Rechichi Phone: 0417 994 301 Email: melissa@rechichi.com.au To order your Membership securely online visit: www.entbook.com.au/842w47 Alternatively, please comeplete your details below: Name: ________________________________________________ Phone: _______________________ Email:________________________________ Address: ________________________________________________________________________ State:_____________ Postcode: ______________ Child’s Name: ___________________________________________________________________________ Class Room:________________________ Perth Edition $65 including GST: # ____ Book(s) #____ Digital Membership(s) $_______ TOTAL ENCLOSED: $______ Credit Card Numner: __ __ __ __ / __ __ __ __ / __ __ __ __ / __ __ __ __ Expiry Date: __ __ / __ __ CCV*: _______________ CCV is 3 digits on the back of your credit card Card holder’s name: __________________________________________________ Signature: __________________________________________ Thanks for your support! 20% from each Book sold contributes to our School 11 September 2015 Good Shepherd Catholic School Class News ECE Parents Thank you to all our Fathers who attended our Father’s Day breakfast last Friday the 4th of September. It was wonderful to see so many Fathers and their children and we hope you all enjoyed it. Thank you also to Mr Bentley and Mr Di Carlo for cooking the sausages and staff that came to offer their assistance and support. Here are some photos of the morning. More photos will be displayed in the classrooms. 11 September 2015 Good Shepherd Catholic School Kindy This will be the last Kindy newsletter for Term 3 as I will be on leave until Term 4. The children have had a wonderful term and worked very hard, we have seen some great progress. In Week 9 they will be looking at the letter Uu and painting a picture of their favourite farm animal. They will also be counting on the ipads as well as with counters. In Religion they will review sun safety at the beach and discussing appropriate use of the turtle in PATHS. It is important that children know when it is appropriate to do the turtle. I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday and I look forward to seeing everyone bright and refreshed in Term 4. Pre Primary What a fabulous morning was had by all the fathers and the children last Friday at the Father’s Day Breakfast. A big thank you to all Mr Di Carlo and Mr Bentley for cooking the sausages. More photos can be viewed in the PP classes. The Pre-Primary children thoroughly enjoyed participating in activities delivered by the Year 3-6 classes for the Health & PE day on Wednesday. As the term nears to an end, we look at our last traditional fairy tale ‘Cinderella’. The children will be writing invitations for our Fairy Ball, completing acrostic poems and spelling sight words correctly in dictation sentences. In Maths we will complete subtraction sums, revise counting by 2s, 5s and 10s and place value. In Religion we continue with the unit ‘My Family’. We will discuss family life and different roles of the family, naming ways family members show love and care for them. Reminders: Wednesday 16th September is our school Athletics carnival all students will be participating. They will be required to wear blue shorts with their faction shirt on the day. Thursday 24th September (last day of term) we will be holding our very own ‘Fairy Tale Ball’. All pre-primary children are encouraged to come dressed as a Fairy Tale Character (not a superhero) and we will be having a shared lunch. All boys are asked to provide a sweet dish and girls a savoury dish. We would appreciate donations of old / recycled aluminium pots, pot lids, chimes, dish racks etc to add to our outdoor music wall. Have a great week. Year 1 We had a fantastic time on our excursion!! Next week in Literacy we will be completing a reading comprehension activity and a dictation activity. In Maths we will continue to learn about patterns and the students will be making their own patterns using pictures, numbers and shapes. In Science we will continue learning about sounds and we will be making a simple hearing aid. We are really excited about our sports carnival and the students can’t wait to show you all the games they have learnt to play. Have a great week!! 11 September 2015 Good Shepherd Catholic School Year 2 This week in mathematics the Year 2 students will be completing a range of different word problems as well as tackling various mathematical problems in their daily mental maths. Students will continue to revisit their addition and subtraction skills in a mixed problem worksheet, regrouping when needed. In Literacy students will use their comprehension skills to complete a cloze activity as well as different guided reading tasks and questions. A reminder that this Wednesday is our faction sports carnival and students need to wear their faction shirts. The day will commence for the Year 2 students at 8:50am, and we hope to see you there. Have a fantastic week! Year 3 This week the Year Three’s received the sacrament of Reconciliation. We would like to congratulate the students on their dedication to understanding the sacrament and their behaviour on Tuesday night. We could not have been prouder of the way they conducted themselves. As we have now finished the book Charlotte’s Web we will be watching the movie next week to allow us to make comparisons between the book and the movie. Well done to 3B on their fabulous assembly today and we look forward to 3W’s Mass next Friday. Year 4 In Year 4 this week we have been very busy finishing and typing up our narratives. In Maths, we have been learning how to place fractions on number lines and have started looking at place value and decimals. Just a reminder that we have our Field Events on Tuesday and the Athletics carnival on Wednesday. Please make sure you wear your faction tops on both these days and don't forget to bring plenty of water and your hat. Please keep up with your reading each night and don't forget to practice your times tables! Have a lovely weekend :) Year 5 We hope everybody had a wonderful Fathers Day and enjoyed our photo holders that we created specially for the day. Its been another busy week in year 5. Last Friday we had our second incursion from the Constitution Centre. On Wednesday the Year 5's participated in Health and PE day. They really enjoyed organising and playing a variety of games with the younger children in the school. Next Tuesday and Wednesday is the Athletics Carnival so please remember to wear your faction sports uniform. Also, Walk To School Wednesday is coming up so please to bring in your permission forms. Have a lovely weekend. Miss Tarca, Miss O Brien and Mrs Webb. 11 September 2015 Good Shepherd Catholic School Year 6 Week 8 was a busy week in year 6! The 6’s presented their Hero Speeches. It isn’t easy to get up in front of a large group and complete a speech – but they all did a fabulous job. We are also reading the last few chapters of Bridge to Terabithia and completing the final work relating to the story. In Maths, we are finalising our unit of work on Measurement and Geometry and preparing ourselves to learn about Statistics and Probability next term. In Technology and Enterprise the children have started designing and creating a Bridge that is approximately 20cm in length and can hold a set weight without collapsing. This task involves problem solving and creativity – it is great to watch the children in action! Have a relaxing and safe weekend. Year 6 – Movie Permission Form Dear Parents, This term during English we have been reading 'Bridge to Terabithia' by Katherine Paterson as a class and would like to extend our learning further by viewing the movie. This movie is rated PG and therefore we would like to request parental permission before viewing the children's movie. Please sign the permission slip below and return it to allow your child to watch the film. If you have any concerns please do not hesitate to see the classroom teacher. Kind Regards, Amy Naylor and Chloë Decotter ____________________________________________________________________________________________ I give permission for my child ___________________________________________ in 6B/6W to watch the movie 'Bridge to Terabithia'. Signed: ________________________________ Date: _______________________________