G I V E - Cross View Lutheran Church


G I V E - Cross View Lutheran Church
November 2015
Christine Eid, Director of Children’s Ministries
One of my favorite hymns at Thanksgiving time is NOW THANK WE ALL OUR GOD. As I was
thinking about it, and writing this article, I thought of the next line, “with hearts
and hands and voices,” and how that really fits with our fall emphasis of Generosity,
and our upcoming Christmas celebration.
We always think of giving thanks especially in the fall,
when the harvest is complete and we are getting ready for
winter. But how can we give that thanks with our hearts,
hands and voices in a new way?
Give thanks to God with your heart. In Matthew 6:12,
Jesus said, “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be
also.” He was talking about not storing up riches on earth, but
to store up treasures in heaven. We recently heard about this
in worship as we were going through our Generosity study.
Everything we have really belongs to God. He has entrusted
it in our care, to be good stewards of it. As our hearts are
focused on God in all aspects of our daily living, we can use
the numerous gifts that God has entrusted to us for His glory.
Consistently spending time in God’s Word helps us to keep
focused and to remember what it’s all about. In giving God
your heart, you give Him your life, and you live in a way that is
pleasing to Him in response to all that He has done for you.
Give thanks to God with your hands. When I hear
of giving of our hands, I think of service. We are called to
serve God by serving others. In November, we provide many
opportunities to serve those around us. Join us for the Trinity
First Thanksgiving Dinner and Coins for Thanksgiving for
VEAP, to name just two.
You can also serve in preparation for our unique December
celebration, Redeeming Christmas. Pastor Steve wrote about
this in the October Clarion. Here are the highlights.
• In response to our Generosity study, Cross View is excited
about raising funds to help the new Dental Clinic at Tenwek
Hospital in Kenya Africa. The funds will go toward purchasing
needed dental equipment.
• Cross View members are challenged to make sacrifices
and/or to engage in creative projects that will allow you to
set aside a particular gift this Christmas that will make a
• Our culmination event will be Sunday, December 13
at both services, with a celebratory social hour in between.
During the worship, there will be an opportunity to bring
forward your Christmas love offering. (This love gift is to be
over and above our regular pledges to the mission and ministry of
Cross View.)
We hope that you will be as excited about this endeavor as
leadership is. Join us in this unique opportunity to serve!
Give thanks to God with your voices. Usually when I
hear this part of the phrase of this song, I think of singing.
It is! But we can give thanks to God with our voices as we
speak too! We are called to share the Good News message
of Jesus in all aspects of our lives. It’s not always easy, but
God will give us the opportunities and words to say. Who can
you be sharing the message of Christ with this Thanksgiving
season? Who can you encourage to be thankful for the gifts
God has given them? Look around you, and be intentional
about sharing God’s love with others.
Now thank we all our God, with hearts and hands
and voices. I hope that as you sing this Thanksgiving,
you will think about this song a little differently. Let us
all be thankful for all that God has granted to us this year
and always, and use all of God’s gifts to bring Him glory.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Let’s Join Together
in Reaching Out a Helping Hand
Have you ever noticed how God finds ways to repeatedly try to
get His message through to you? I have been reading two chapters
of the Bible every day since late November. Multiple times while
I was going through Psalms this summer, I noticed “coincidences”.
During a Sunday morning Bible study class, we were referred to a
chapter in Psalms—a chapter I had just read the night before. One
evening I was having dinner with my wife’s co-workers and one of
them quoted a verse in Psalms—one that I had just read a couple
days earlier. And there were other examples as well. I just finished
Proverbs. If you have never read Proverbs, I would recommend you
reserve some time to do so. Except for the last couple chapters,
Proverbs is a compilation of wise advice shared by Solomon, who
is regarded as the wisest man to have ever lived, after God endowed
him with unparalleled wisdom. Three millennia later, his proverbial
sayings still give practical recommendations for effective living.
When I started my reading plan of two chapters a day, only
God knew that my reading of Proverbs would coincide with our
“Generosity” sermon series this fall. I thought Pastor Steve and Vicar
Toby did a fantastic job of opening our hearts and minds to understand
God’s desire for us to manage what He has entrusted to us by sharing
with those in need. Of course, it was no coincidence that the message
was reinforced by Pastor Steve in Sunday morning Bible class, and I
even heard him seamlessly weave it into a Wednesday evening study
of “Crossways”. I also don’t think it was a coincidence, but it was part
of God’s perfect timing, that my daily devotions during this same
time period would include proverbs such as:
A generous man will himself be blessed, for he shares his food with the poor. (22:9)
He who gives to the poor will lack nothing, but he who closes his eyes to
them receives many curses. (28:27)
He who is kind to the poor lends to the LORD, and he will reward him
for what he has done. (19:17)
Rather than quoting all the others that followed a similar
theme, I invite you to open your Bible to Proverbs and spend
a few minutes on these verses as well: 14:31, 17:5, 21:13, 22:2,
29:13, 30:8-9. Could God’s message to me, to us, be any more
clear over the past few weeks?
The Church Council is
excited about the significant love gift opportunity that Pastor
Steve has introduced to us—to fund the necessary life-enhancing
and even life-saving equipment for the new Tenwek Eye and
Dental Clinic in Kenya. We have a real opportunity to stretch, and
then stretch a bit more, as we reach out a helping hand to make a
tangible difference in the lives of people who often can’t afford the
necessary treatments. We hope that everyone in the congregation
will, in addition to their commitment of time, talent, and money
to support Cross View’s ministry, look for creative ways to manage
the surplus in our individual households in a way that helps people
in need and pleases God in deed.
In service to Him,
Gregg Poppe
Congregational President
Quarterly Treasurer’s Report
Cross View’s third quarter financial results through September
30 show that we remain on budget for the year! This is great news
as we move into the fourth quarter and look to finish the year on
a strong note, both for the Church and also the special love gift
offering to be given on December 13. What a great way for our
Church to demonstrate generosity in action!
At the end of the third quarter, Cross View’s Total Receipts
(comprised primarily of membership giving) were nearly right
on track with budget with a slightly favorable variance. Total
Expenses through September 30 were below budget by just over
$60,000, which reflects some conservative budgeting but mostly
careful spending by Church staff to maximize our ministry dollars.
The combination of these two favorable variances position Cross
View well. We all must recognize, however, that continued faithful
giving throughout the year is important, and this is particularly
true during the fourth quarter, which have historically been the
strongest giving months in the Church.
In addition to the solid financial report for the Church, the
Early Childhood Center is also reporting favorable variances to
budget through September 30. Thanks be to God!
If you have any questions about the Church’s finances, you
may contact Bruce Connolly in the Church office or me.
In God’s Grace,
Erik Kelly, Congregational Treasurer
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Sunday Activities, Pizza Night Fundraiser at
Davanni’s, & Confirmation Retreat
The senior high youth have been busy with their fall schedules,
but many of them are making an effort to be in Sunday school on
a regular basis. During the first five weeks of the new educational
year we were able to follow along with the adults and service themes
throughout our Generosity series. The youth looked at God’s
generosity throughout the scriptures and were able to look at how He
is generous in their everyday lives. They also took the time to find out
what helps them and what keeps them from being generous givers of
their time, talents, and abilities.
Since the end of that study, we have started the rest of our year
focusing on Worship in both everyday lives and as a congregation.
Once we have defined what worship is and some of the biblical
background for worship, we will then dig into the different parts of
a typical worship service. We will learn about why those pieces are
part of our Sunday services. Towards the end of the year we will be
taking some time to actually write and design, with Pastor Steve’s
help, a Sunday experience from our learning that will be youth led
and directed.
Sunday Nights are new this year and have been a great
opportunity to build relationships among youth and with Jonathan
Zeller, Youth Director. We have spent time playing life-sized Hungry
Hungry Hippos, studied what it means to be a follower instead of a
fan of Jesus, and how improvisation is necessary when your sound
system burns itself up and doesn’t work.
Also new this year is the expectation that all youth will
participate as Worship Assistants. They are looking forward to the
trips and activities that are coming up like the Sever’s Corn Maze
outing, going to the Mega Rally at Bethel University in early
November, and our annual Christmas Party.
The next fundraiser for the youth is a Davanni’s Pizza Night.
On November 17 from 4:00 to 8:00 P.M. at the Eden Prairie location
you can have pizza (Order in or Take home) and a portion of your
cost will go towards our youth group. All you will have to do is present
the cashier with the flyer that will be coming out in this month’s
bulletin. A night of pizza and money towards the youth attending the
National Youth Gathering is a win/win in our books!
On October 2 and 3 the Confirmation class took their annual
fall retreat to Camp Omega. They spent part of their time doing team
building activities and being outside in the fresh air playing GaGa
Ball and Frisbee. When they were not in the GaGa Ball pit, they
spent time in small and large group bible studies as well as their first
introduction to solitude time. Solitude time was an opportunity for
them to really dig into the story of the 10 lepers from Luke to see
what they could apply to their own lives, as well as how the lepers were
impacted. It was an awesome opportunity for the leaders to watch as
these youth were able to invest in their personal relationships with
each other and with Christ!
Cross View
Cards & Games
Friday, November 13 at 7:00 P.M.
Location: Cross View, Fellowship A
RSVP by Calling Hosts:
Dave & Kathy Fulkerson (952) 401-4358
or Cal Kuhlman (952) 448-4022
Connect with Cross View members and friends
(adults of all ages) for several hours of fun and
fellowship by participating in cards and games of
your choice. New participants are welcome!
Pumpkin Patch Trip &
Fire Truck Visit
October was an exciting month in the preschool. October 6 found us boarding the
big yellow school bus and heading to a pumpkin patch in Shakopee. Once there, we were
treated to a hay ride through the fields, found our way through an exciting corn maze and
had a pumpkin painted on our face. We also got to make our own beaded bracelet, had a
lesson in sink and float and we each got to pick out a mini pumpkin to take home plus a
large classroom pumpkin to carve. It was a great way to spend a beautiful fall day!
Also in October a fireman on his fire truck paid us a visit. He showed us how he has
to get dressed when called to a fire and how the special clothes help keep him safe. He told
us not to be afraid of the firemen even if they look scary. We got to see and go inside the
fire truck. We had fun learning about the fire truck and making a new fireman friend.
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New Organist Welcomed, Volunteers Needed
for Christmas Decorating & Choirs
On Reformation
Sunday, Cross View
Park as staff organist.
Jungjoo, a native of
Seoul, Korea, received
her BM in church music from Yon-sei
University in Seoul. She received both
her MM in organ and church music, and
her DM in organ from Indiana University,
Bloomington, Indiana. Besides organ, she
enjoys playing drum in a Korean traditional
percussion band known as poongmul and
singing in shape-note gatherings.
Jungjoo, her husband, Youngin, their
son, Christopher, and her in-laws live in
Plymouth, MN. Please join us in welcoming
Jungjoo to Cross View; take a moment to
introduce yourself to her!
If you are able to help one or more of these
times, please contact Rebecca Waller,
Rebecca@crossview.net. Bring a family
member to help!
Decorations for the Christmas SING HOPE, PEACE, LOVE, JOY
season are installed only with the
help of volunteers! This can be accomplished
by a crew of 8-10 people who work with
camaraderie and a cheerful spirit! We
decorate the sanctuary, as well as hallways
and gathering spaces. This work will be done
in three shifts:
• Saturday, November 28, 10:00 AM:
Hanging of the greens
• Friday, December 18, 1 PM: Arrange
poinsettia display
• Saturday, January 9, 9-11 AM: Take-down/
Cross View’s Adult Choir welcomes
you to join them to sing for the Advent/
Christmas season. Of particular “note” this
year, will be the singing of three African
pieces in conjunction with the “Redeeming
Christmas” focus on Tenwek medical
mission. Adult Choir will also sing at the 5:00
PM Christmas Eve service, accompanied by
a string quartet. ‘Tis the season…to join
Adult Choir.
Serve with Trinity First Thanksgiving Dinner,
Coins for Thanksgiving, VEAP Toy Store
Cross View will again prepare and
serve a Thanksgiving dinner at Trinity
First Lutheran School on November 24,
the Tuesday evening before Thanksgiving.
Trinity First Lutheran School serves low
income families in the Ventura Village
neighborhood of south Minneapolis.
It requires many volunteers (prep,
serve, clean-up) with servant hands and
hearts to accomplish this event. Please sign
up on a Sunday bulletin insert (November
1, 8, & 15) to participate in this night of
blessings. If you have any questions or need
further information, please contact Jana
Poppe at jana@teampoppe.com.
In the Thanksgiving season of
abundance for many, Cross View will
support the VEAP* food shelf for those
who have too little food. On Sundays,
November 1-22, and Thanksgiving Day, all
loose change collected in worship services
will be contributed to the food shelf. This
is a great time to clean out all those little
areas where coins collects…cars, couches,
drawers, dresser tops…maybe even your
change jar..and hear the jingle of an
overload of coins in the collection plate.
Thank you for your generosity!
*VEAP (Volunteers Enlisted to Assist People)
serves the Edina, Bloomington and Richfield.
Put extra joy in your holiday shopping
by adding a gift or two for a child from a
low income family in our communities.
VEAP expects to help more than 5000
children have a happier Christmas in 2015.
The goal is to provide each child a new
toy ($10 to $20 value), a book, and two
winter wear items plus a game for each
household. All items must be new and
unused, and leave them unwrapped please.
Gift cards from local retailers ($15 value)
are also needed.
Cross View’s collection for the VEAP
Christmas Toy Store will start November
15 continue through December 13. For
more information and a suggested list of
age appropriate desired gifts, see the poster
by the drop-off point in the Narthex.
participated in Cross View’s Fall Service
Day on Saturday, October 24. A long list
of exterior and interior work kept people
hustling around the facility for three hours.
Fun conversation and intergenerational
interaction, plus yummy breakfast treats,
kept spirits and energy levels high.
Thank you to EVERYONE who
served that morning!
Use of CI Materials Stretches from Cross View
Across the United States & World
Recently we have again received a number of reports from
churches teaching CI’s courses to their members. To quote but
a few: An Episcopal church in Woodlands,Texas, is teaching
CI’s major course, Crossways®, to a large group of people. A
Lutheran church in Minneapolis is in its second year of teaching
Crossways® to 150 adults. A Presbyterian colleague recently
conducted a one-day See Through the Scriptures® seminar for a large
group of senior citizens in a retirement village in Ocala, Florida.
The many evaluations that attendees sent to CI’s office are
heartwarming and encouraging. October 13-14, Vic Pabellon (CI’s
colleague in the Philippines) taught See Through the Scriptures to
30 Baptist pastors from Sibugay province. Most of the attendees
were young pastors who have not had any formal Bible college or
seminary training.
I am inspired by the fact that Cross View’s staff is teaching
Crossways to a large group of people. Some of those attending have
shared with me (with heartwarming smiles and hugs) that they
are beginning to understand the Bible’s “big story” as never before.
I thank God for the commitment of Cross View’s staff to teach
God’s Word—not merely preach it.
Harry Wendt, President
Crossways International
November Women’s Book Club &
LWML Fall Rally Report
The Daytime Women’s Book Club is reading A Prayer for
Owen Meany by John Irving. We will meet at the home of Marcy
Nordhus on Monday, November 16 at 1 P.M. for book discussion
and fellowship. We welcome all women of Cross View to join us!
On Saturday, October 10, five women from Cross View
attended the Fall Rally at Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church. We
had a wonderful breakfast before we heard a message from Mark
and Susan Moss, missionaries to West Africa. Mark was an Army
chaplain for 20 years, part of which time he was stationed in Iraq.
He based his talk and slide show on Matthew 16:16, Simon Peter
answered, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” Also,
Revelation 7:9 &10 was part of their mission...”Salvation belongs
to our God, who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb”.
Mark spoke about being moved from some areas because of
danger, yet now chaplains are being called to go back to Nigeria to
support the Lutheran Church of Nigeria in bringing the Gospel to
churches to strengthen them and also to do some “church planting”
in that area. Mark said that anytime you step out in the Gospel you
have to trust in God. He had a wonderful slide show, and he was
quick and decisive in what he presented to cover much content. He
explained his financial support from the Synod and other giving, but
said a large portion of their support comes from LWML Mite box
contribution. Cross View women are encouraged to fill a Mite box
each month, as well as to keep LWML missionaries in your prayers.
*LWML: Lutheran Women’s Missionary League
Cross View November 2015
Cross View Lutheran Church
6645 McCauley Trail West
Edina, MN 55439-1076
November 2015
Return Service Requested
Sunday Worship: 8:15 AM (Traditional) & 10:45 AM (Contemporary)
Sunday Christian Education, 9:30 AM
Office Hours: Tues.-Fri., 9:00 AM - 4:30 PM; Closed Monday
Developing fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ along life’s journey
Rev. Steve Wheeler, Pastor
ext 203, steve@crossview.net
Jan Stockman-Sater, Early Childhood Ministries
ext 222, jan@crossview.net
Christine Eid, Children’s Ministry
ext 215, christine@crossview.net
Jonathan Zellar, Youth & Young Adults MInistries
ext 207, jonathan@crossview.net
Toby Schmidt, Vicar
ext 206, toby@crossview.net
Bruce Connolly, Finance & Administration
ext 204, bruce@crossview.net
Rebecca Waller, Music & Fine Arts Ministries
ext 210, rebecca@crossview.net
Jason Paulson, Contemporary Music
Jungjoo Park, Organist
Sarah Solberg, Parish Secretary
ext 200, sarah@crossview.net
Gregg Poppe, President
Rev. Dr. Harry Wendt, Crossways International
Todd & Kim Roeske, Evangelistic Missionaries in Alaska
Mark Peske, Serving Among the Ojibwe, Bemidji, MN
Stephen & Krista, Missionaries in Asia
The Clarion is published monthly by Cross View Lutheran Church,
6645 McCauley Trail West, Edina, MN, 55349-1076.
952-941-1094 (Office), 952-941-5513 (FAX), 952-941-0009 (ECC).
Items for inclusion may be dropped off in the church office
or sent via email to rebecca@crossview.net.
Thanksgiving Service
Thursday, November 26, 9:30 A.M.
Please invite family & friends to join you!
Game Night
Please join the YAMS for Game
Night on Saturday, November 14th at
7:00 P.M. at Cross View. Games and fun
for all; dessert will be provided. Please
sign up at the connection center by
Sunday, November 8. Feel free to email
megan.rooney25@gmail.com with your
favorite game suggestions!
*YAMS (young adults, married & single) is
a service and social group for people around
the age of 25-40.
InC* Christmas
Join InC for a Christmas Celebration on Friday, December 18, from 6-10
P.M. A large and festive room has been
reserved at the Preserve Center, 11221
Anderson Lakes Parkway, Eden Prairie.
Choose to bring an Appetizer or Dessert
and your beverage of choice. Paper goods,
bottled water, and a great play list will be
provided! There is even a dance floor if you
care to work off the Christmas calories!
Sign-up at the Connection Center beginning November 15. Questions? Contact
Marta Volbrecht at martasv@aol.com.
*InC is a service and social group for people
around the age of 40-65, who are InChrist,
InConnection, InConversation.